
计算机系统结构试题及答案题目一:计算机体系结构的定义和作用1.1 什么是计算机体系结构?计算机体系结构是指计算机硬件和软件之间的关系,即计算机中各个组件之间的连接方式和组织结构。
1.2 计算机体系结构的作用是什么?- 确定计算机系统的性能指标,如处理速度、存储容量、输入输出能力等。
- 建立了计算机硬件和软件之间的接口标准,使得不同厂商的计算机组件可以兼容互联。
- 提供了编程和开发的基础,使得软件开发人员可以根据体系结构设计程序。
- 为计算机系统的优化提供了依据,可以针对不同应用场景进行性能调优和资源分配。
题目二:计算机指令集的分类和特点2.1 计算机指令集的分类- 精简指令集(Reduced Instruction Set Computer,RISC):指令集的指令数量少、长度相同且操作简单,便于流水线执行。
- 复杂指令集(Complex Instruction Set Computer,CISC):指令集的指令数量多、长度不一且操作复杂,提供了更高层次的指令和功能。
2.2 计算机指令集的特点- 性能折中:RISC指令集追求指令简单高效,减少指令周期;CISC指令集追求完成更复杂的功能,减少指令数量。
- 硬件与软件的关系:RISC指令集更注重硬件设计,减少指令执行的硬件复杂度;CISC指令集更注重编译器的优化,减少指令编写的软件复杂度。
- 执行流水线:RISC指令集易于流水线操作,指令之间无数据依赖,提高指令执行速度;CISC指令集指令复杂度高,难以流水线操作,容易产生数据依赖和冲突。
题目三:冯·诺伊曼体系结构和哈佛体系结构3.1 冯·诺伊曼体系结构(Von Neumann Architecture)冯·诺伊曼体系结构由冯·诺伊曼于1945年提出,是现代计算机体系结构的基础。
其特点如下:- 存储程序:指令和数据都存储在同一存储器中,通过地址寻址来访问。
计算机系统结构复习题(附答案) (1)

计算机系统结构复习题和重点(附答案)一、单项选择题1.实现汇编语言源程序变换成机器语言目标程序是由()A.编译程序解释B.编译程序翻译C.汇编程序解释D.汇编程序翻译2.系列机软件必须保证()A.向前兼容,并向上兼容B.向前兼容,并向下兼容C.向后兼容,力争向上兼容D.向后兼容,力争向下兼容3.浮点数尾数基值r m=8,尾数数值部分长6位,可表示规格化正尾数的个数是()A.56个B.63个C.64个D.84个4.在IBM370系统中,支持操作系统实现多进程共用公用区管理最有效的指令是()A.“执行”指令B.“程序调用”指令C.“比较与交换”指令D.“测试与置定”指令5.关于非专用总线三种控制方式中,下列叙述错误..的是()A.集中式定时查询,所有部件共用同一条“总线忙”线B.集中式定时查询,所有部件都用同一条“总线请求”线C.集中式独立请求,所有部件都用同一条“总线请求”线D.集中式串行链接,所有部件都用同一条“总线请求”线6.磁盘外部设备适合于连接到()A.字节多路通道B.数组多路通道或选择通道C.选择通道或字节多路通道D.数组多路通道或字节多路通道7.在Cache存储器中常用的地址映象方式是()A.全相联映象B.页表法映象C.组相联映象D.段页表映象8.在指令级高度并行的超级处理机中,下列叙述正确的是()A.超标量处理机利用资源重复,要求高速时钟机制B.超流水线处理机利用资源重复,要求高速时钟机制C.超标量处理着重开发时间并行性,要求高速时钟机制D.超流水线处理机着重开发时间并行性,要求高速时钟机制9.间接二进制n方体网络是一种()A.多级立方体网络B.多级全排列网络C.单级立方体网络D.多级混洗交换网络10.多端口存储器适合于连接A.紧耦合多处理机B.松耦合多处理机C.机数很多的处理机D.机数可变的多处理机二、填空题11.多处理机实现的是___________、___________间的并行。

2. T(C)=<K*K',D*D',W*W'>所描述的三个层次(8页)答:3个层次为控制器、算术逻辑部件、基本逻辑部件3. 计算机系统结构的分类(5页)4. 计算机系统中的数据表示(38页)5. 指令系统设计的原则答:指令系统的设计原则是,应特别注意如何支持编译系统能高效、简易地将源程序翻译成目标代码。
6. 流水操作中的相关答:流水操作过程中会出现一下的3个相关:资源或结构相关、数据相关、和控制相关。
7. 向量机中对向量的各种运算可以采用的加工方式(149页)答:向量机中对向量的各种运算可以采用不同的加工方式,但比较有效的加工方式应是尽量避免出现数据相关和尽量减少对向量功能的转换。

《计算机系统结构》期末考试复习题一、选择题:1、我们称由(B )实现的机器为虚拟机器。
A、硬件B、软件C、微程序D、固件2、计算机系统结构设计者所关心的是(C )所看到的的计算机结构。
A、硬件设计人员B、逻辑设计人员C、机器语言或汇编语言程序员D、高级语言程序员3、计算机组成是计算机系统结构的(B )。
A、硬件实现B、逻辑实现C、软件实现D、以上三种4、在计算机系统设计时,为了提高系统性能,应当注意(A )。
A、加快经常性使用指令的执行速度B、要特别精心设计少量功能强大的指令B、要减少在数量上占很小比例的指令的条数D、要加快少量指令的速度5、SIMD计算机可以处理(D )。
A、多指令流、单数据流B、单指令流单数据流C、多指令流多数据流D、单指令流多数据流6、在提高CPU性能的问题上,从系统结构角度,可以(C )。
A、提高时钟频率B、减少程序指令条数C、减少每条指令的时钟周期数D、减少程序指令条数和减少每条指令的时钟周期数7、冯.诺依曼计算机是(B )。
A、以存储器为中心B、以CPU为中心C、以处理输入/输出危重点D、以存储器与计算器为中心8、解决软件移植最好的办法就是(C )。
A、采用模拟方法B、采用仿真的方法C、采用统一高级语言D、采用统一标准设计计算机结构9、对计算机系统结构,下列透明的是(A )。
A、数据总线宽度B、浮点数表示C、CPU寄存器个数D、存储器的编址方法10、以下对系统程序员不透明的是(B )。
A、系列机各档不同的数据通路宽度B、虚拟存储器C、指令缓冲寄存器D、存储器读写缓冲寄存器11、在浮点数表示中,尾数的位数多少主要影响( B )。
A、表数范围B、表数精度C、表数效率D、运算实现容易程度12、当浮点数的尾数基值为(A )时,其表数效率最高(假如不考虑隐藏位)。
A、16B、8C、4D、213、当浮点数的尾数基值为( D )时,其表数精度最高,表数范围最大。
A、2B、8C、16D、2或414、当浮点数的尾数用原码表示,基值为2,阶码用移码表示,基值为2时,若尾数部分占23位(不含符号位),阶码占8位(含符号位),则表示的最大负数和最大正数分别为( C )。


课程测试试题( A 卷)----------------------以下为教师填写--------------------I、命题院(部):信息科学与工程学院II、课程名称:计算机体系结构III、测试学期:2014-2015学年度第2学期IV、测试对象:信息学院计算机、网络专业 2012 级班V、问卷页数(A4): 3 页VI、答卷页数(A4): 4 页VII、考试方式:闭卷(开卷、闭卷或课程小论文,请填写清楚)VIII、问卷内容:一、填空题(共30分,20空,每空分)1、现代计算机系统是由()和()组成的十分复杂的系统。
4、MIPS指令DADDIU R14,R5,#6属于()类型的指令格式;MIPS指令SD R4,300(R5)属于()类型的指令格式。

从执行程序的角度看,并行性等级从低到高可分为:(1) 指令内部并行:指令内部的微操作之间的并行。
(2) 指令级并行:并行执行两条或多条指令。
(3) 任务级或过程级并行:并行执行两个或多个过程或任务(程序段)。
(4) 作业或程序级并行:在多个作业或程序间的并行。
从处理数据的角度,并行性等级从低到高可以分为:(1) 字串位串:同时只对一个字的一位进行处理。
(2) 字串位并:同时对一个字的全部位进行处理。
(3) 字并位串:同时对许多字的同一位(称位片)进行处理。
(4) 全并行:同时对许多字的全部或部分位进行处理。

《计算机体系结构》复习题一、填空题1. 推动计算机系统结构发展的主要动力是( 计算机应用 )。
2. ( 器件 )的发展是促使计算机系统结构不断发展的最活跃因素。
3. 衡量计算机系统性能可采用各种尺度,但最为可靠的衡量尺度是( 时间 )。
4. CPI表示执行每条指令所需的( 平均时钟周期数 )。
5. 计算机系统中的数据表示是指可由硬件直接辨认的( 数据类型 )。
6. 在向量处理中经常会遇到稀疏向量,为了节省存储空间和处理时间( 压缩向量 )的表示方法。
7. 在当今的RISC机的指令系统中,全都是( 定字长 )指令格式。
8. 增强向量流水处理性能的方法主要有:多功能部件并行操作和采用( 链接 )技术。
9. 数组多路通道与设备之间的数据传送的基本单位是( 数据块 )。
10. 数据流系统结构是基于数据驱动和( 消息传送 )的计算模型。
11. 现代计算机系统是由(硬件/固件)和(软件)组成的十分复杂的系统。
12. 计算机系统应能支持软件可移植,实现可移植性的常用方法有3种,即(采用系列机),(仿真和模拟),统一高级语言。
13. 可以将当前大多数通用寄存器型指令集结构进一步细分为3种类型,即( RM结构)、( RR结构)和存储器-存储器型指令集结构。
14.MIPS指令DADDIU R14,R5,#6属于( I )类型的指令格式;MIPS指令SD R4,300(R5)属于( I )类型的指令格式。
16.在MIPS指令实现的简单数据通路中,在WB周期中,有两大类指令执行操作:( Load )和( ALU )指令。

11.执行指令x1=x2+x3;x4=x1-x5会引起(RA W)类型的数据相关,执行指令x5=x4*x3;x4=x0+x6会引起(WAR)类型的数据相关,执行指令x6=x1+x2;x6=x4*x5会引起(WAW)类型的数据相关。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版《计算机系统结构》练习题一一、单项选择题1.页式虚拟存储器的地址变换对于 D 是透明的.A. 操作系统设计者B. 任何程序员C. 系统结构设计者D. 应用程序员2.以下各类中断中,属于自愿中断的是 C .A. 外部中断B. I/O中断C. 执行“访管”指令D. 机器校验中断3. 高速外部设备磁盘机适合连接于 C .4. 页式虚拟存储器页表的作用是 A .A. 反映虚页在主存的存储情况B. 仅反映虚页是否调入主存C. 反映主存实页与Cache的对应关系D. 反映虚页在辅存的存储情况5.软件和硬件的功能在逻辑上是 C 的.D.软件优于固件6. 计算机中最优化的操作码编码方法是 D .码码C.扩展操作码 D.哈夫曼编码7. 从计算机系统执行程序的角度看,并行性等级由低到高分为四级 A .A.指令内部——指令之间——进程之间——程序之间B.指令之间——指令内部——进程之间——程序之间C.进程之间——指令之间——指令内部——程序之间D.程序之间——进程之间——指令之间——指令内部8. 计算机系统多级层次结构中,操作系统机器级的直接上层是 D .A.传统机器级B.高级语言机器C.应用语言机器级D.汇编语言机器级9.全相联地址映像是指 A .A.任何虚页都可装入主存中任何实页的位置B.一个虚页只装进固定的主存实页位置C.组之间是固定的,而组内任何虚页可以装入任何实页位置D.组间可任意装入,组内是固定装入10.对于同一系列机,必须保证软件能够 C .A.向前兼容,并向上兼容B.向前兼容,并向下兼容C.向后兼容,力争向上兼容D.向后兼容,力争向下兼容11.设有16个处理单元的并行处理机系统, 采用共享主存的方式. 若同时存取16个数据, 为避免存储器访问冲突, 共享主存的多体数量应该为 C 才合理.A. 15B. 16C. 17D. 1912. 软件兼容的根本特征是 C .A. 向前兼容B. 向后兼容C. 向上兼容D. 向下兼容13.在下列机器中,能够实现软件兼容的机器是 B .A. 完全不同种类的机型B. 系统结构相同的机器C. 宿主机和目标机D. 虚拟机14.输入输出系统硬件的功能对 C 是透明的。

(2)指令级并行(Instruction Level Parallelism,ILP):并行执行两条或两条以上的指令。
(3)线程级并行(Thread Level Parallelism,TLP):并行执行两个或两个以上的线程,通常是以一个进程内派生的多个线程为调度单位。

第一题选择题1. SIMD是指(B)A、单指令流单数据流B、单指令流多数据流C、多指令流单数据流D、多指令流多数据流2.下列那种存储设备不需要编址?DA. 通用寄存器B. 主存储器C. 输入输出设备D. 堆栈3.按照计算机系统层次结构,算术运算、逻辑运算和移位等指令应属于(A)级机器语言。
A、传统机器语言机器B、操作系统机器C、汇编语言机器 D、高级语言机器4.早期的计算机系统只有定点数据表示,因此硬件结构可以很简单。
但是这样的系统有明显的缺点,下面哪一个不是它的缺点:BA.数据表示范围小B.单个需要的计算时钟周期多C.编程困难D.存储单元的利用率很低7.下面哪个页面替换算法实际上是不能够实现的?DA)随机页面替换算法B)先进先出替换算法C)最久没有使用算法D)最优替换算法9.指令优化编码方法,就编码的效率来讲,那种方法最好?CA. 固定长度编码B. 扩展编码法C. huffman编码法D. 以上编码都不是10.在早期冯·诺依曼计算机特征中,机器以(C)为中心。
A、存储器B、输入输出设备C、运算器D、控制器1.RISC 计算机的指令系统集类型是 ( C ) 。
A. 堆栈型B. 累加器型C. 寄存器—寄存器型D. 寄存器 - 存储器型2、相联存储器的访问方式是( D )。
A.先进先出顺序访问B.按地址访问C.无地址访问D.按内容访问3、假设—条指令的执行过程可以分为“取指令”、“分析”和“执行”三段,每—段分别只有—个部件可供使用,并且执行时间分别为Δt、2Δt和3Δt,连续执行n条指令所需要花费的最短时间约为( C )。
(假设“取指令”、“分析”和“执行”可重叠,并假设n足够大)A.6 nΔt B.2 nΔt C.3 nΔt D.nΔt6、下列计算机不属于RISC计算机的是( C )。
A.SUN:Ultra SPARCB.IBM:Power PC620C.IBM:PC/XTD.DEC:ALPHA211647、哪一点不是RISC的特点?( D )A. 减少指令的平均执行周期数B. 重视编译优化技术C. 减少指令和寻址方式的种类D. 增加指令的功能8、哪种兼容方式对系列机来说是必须要求做到的?( B )A. 向前兼容B. 向后兼容C. 向上兼容D. 向下兼容9、在计算机系统中,表征系统运行状态的部件是( D )。

2、 T(C)=<K*K',D*D',W*W'>所描述得三个层次(8页)答:3个层次为控制器、算术逻辑部件、基本逻辑部件3、计算机系统结构得分类(5页)4、计算机系统中得数据表示(38页)5、指令系统设计得原则答:指令系统得设计原则就是,应特别注意如何支持编译系统能高效、简易地将源程序翻译成目标代码。

计算机体系结构试题及答案(Computer architecture questions and answers)

计算机体系结构试题及答案(Computer architecture questions andanswers)Questions and answers of computer architecture1, benefiting from the development of high performance computer: (1) the development of circuit technology; (2) the development of computer architecture technology.2, structure: computer systems can be classified by function of language as a multilevel structure, each layer in different language features. Sixth: the application of virtual machine language - > fifth: high-level language virtual machine assembly language - > Fourth: - > Third: virtual machine operating system virtual machine - level second: machine language (traditional machine level) - > Level 1: micro machine level program.3, computer architecture: see computer programmer attribute, namely the general structure and functional properties.4, transparency: in computer technology, the things or properties already exists, the concept from a point of view and have called transparency.5, the proposed architecture Amdahl attribute refers to the computer machine language level programmers see.The essence of 3 6, a classic computer architecture concept is to determine the computer system hardware and software interface, which is the instruction set design, above theinterface by software function realization, interface by hardware and firmware functions to achieve.7, computer organization is the logic of the computer system; computer is a physical computer system to achieve.The difference and connection between the 8, computer architecture, computer organization, computer?Answer: a system structure can have a variety of components, a component can have a variety of physical implementation, including system structure research on organization and implementation.9, a series of machine: refers to a system of the same structure but with different organization and implementation of a series of different types of machines.10, software compatibility: the same software can be run without change on the machine system of the same structure, and the results they get the same, the only difference is the different running time.11, compatible machine: different manufacturers, has the same computer architectures.12, backward compatibility is the basic characteristics of software compatibility, is the fundamental characteristics of series machine.13, in the field of computer market can be divided into threemajor areas: servers, desktop systems, embedded computing.14, Moore: integrated circuit density approximately doubled every two years.Technology based analysis of 15 quantitative performance evaluation: (1) (a) response time: from the beginning to the end of the time between events; all the time spent on the computer to complete a task. (b): the complete flow in unit time and workload. (c) x, y assumed two computers; X faster than y means: for a given task, the response time of X is less than y. The performance of X is several times the Y refers to the response time of X / y = n response time, response time and performance is inversely proportional to.16, the probability of event priority principle: (basic idea) for the probability of events (the most common event), giving priority to use it right and resource rights, to obtain the global optimal results.17, Amdahl Law: accelerate the execution speed of a component system performance obtained speedup, the importance is limited by the components in the system of. System acceleration ratio = total execution time (improved) / total execution time (improved) =......18, Amdahl law corollary: if only for a part of the computer in the performance improvement is more improved, the effect of the system. If only a part of the whole task is optimized, so much the acceleration ratio is not greater than 1 / (1- improvement ratio).19, the performance of CPU: Cpu time = total number of clock cycles / clock frequency Cpi = total number of clock cycles (IC / CPI: the number of clock cycles per instruction; the average IC implementation process: the number of instructions.)The performance of Cpu formula: total CPU time = CPI * IC / CPI clock frequency which reflects the computer architecture and computer technology, computer instruction set; Ic reflects the structure and technology of computer programming instruction set; clock frequency: reflect the implementation of computer technology, production technology and computer organization.20, parallelism refers to at the same time or two or more than two kinds of properties of the same or different work in the same time interval.The second chapter1, according to the CPU internal storage unit type of instruction set architecture for classification, can be divided into the stack based instruction set architecture, instruction set architecture and accumulator type general register type instruction set architecture.2, general register type instruction set machine is further subdivided into 3 types:Register to register type (R-R), register memory type (R-M), a memory register.3, addressing: (1) register addressing: example: ADD R4 R3, meaning Regs[R4]<-Regs[R4]+Regs[R3](2) immediate values: example: ADD R4, addressing 3 meanings: Regs[R4]<-Regs[R4]+3(3): offset cases: ADD R4, 100 (R1) meaning:Regs[R4]+Mem[100+Regs[R1]](4) register indirect addressing: example: ADD R4 (R1) meaning: Regs[R4]<-Regs[R4]+Mem[Regs[R1]](5) index addressing: example: ADD R3 (R1+R2) meaning:Regs[R3]<-Regs[R3]+Mem[Regs[R1]+Regs[R2]](6) direct addressing or absolute addressing: for example: ADD R1, (1001): Regs[R1]<-Regs[R1]+Mem[1001] meaning(7) memory indirect addressing: example: ADD R1, a (R3) meaning: Regs[R1]<-Regs[R1]+Mem[Mem[Regs[R3]]](8) the increment addressing: example: ADD R1 (R2) + meaning: Regs[R1]<-Regs[R1]+Mem[Regs(9) decrement addressing(10) zoom addressingThe function of structure design of the instruction set, 4:The instruction set classification structure in operationThe type of operation example(1) arithmetic and logical operations on integer arithmetic and logic operations: addition, subtraction, and, or etc.(2) data transmission LOAD/STORE(3) control branch, jump, procedure call and return, trap(4) operating system calls, virtual memory management.(5) floating point addition and subtraction operation(6) is converted to decimal decimal decimal decimal add, multiply, to characters(7) string string comparison, mobile(8) the pixel operation, compression operation5, complex instruction machine (CISC): refers to strengthen the instruction function, realize the function of software to hardware design, computer system to realize the instruction set architecture based on.The shortcomings of the CISC instruction set:(1) in the command system, the frequency of use of all kinds of orders is different.(2) the CISC instruction set architecture complexity brings complexity of computer architecture, which not only increases the development time and cost, but also easy to cause the design error.(3) the CISC instruction set architecture complexity brings great burden to the VLSI design, is not conducive to the monolithic integration.(4) in the CISC instruction set architecture, many complex instructions require very complex operation, so slow.(5) in the CISC instruction set architecture, because of the directive function is not balanced, not conducive to the use of computer architecture technology (such as advanced water technology) to improve the performance of the system.In 1980s 6, reduced instruction set computer developed: its purpose is to reduce the instruction set of the complexity of the structure as far as possible, in order to simplify the realization of the goal of improving performance, but also in today's instruction set is a main trend of the structure and function of design.Follow the design principles:(1) choose to use the highest frequency of instruction, and added some of the most useful instructions.(2) the function of each instruction is as simple as possible, and completed in one machine cycle.(3) all have the same length as the instruction.(4) only the LOAD and STORE operating instructions to access memory and other instruction operation is performed in the register between.(5) in a simple and effective way to support advanced language.7 operand types: integer, decimal, floating point (point), characters, strings, vectors, stack etc..There are two ways to express 8, operand types: (1) specified by the operation code encoding. (2) data can be a mark by the hardware to explain the type of the operand specified by these tags, so as to choose the appropriate operation.9, the operand type size: byte (8), the word (16b), the word (32b), double word (64b)The third chapter1, pipeline technology: refers to a repeat of the timing process is decomposed into several sub processes, and each process can be effective in its special function with other processes executing at the same time.2, pipeline classification: (1) according to the function of the number of points: single function pipeline, multifunctional pipeline;(2) according to the connection between the same time segments to static and dynamic pipeline pipeline(3) according to the line level: component level pipeline (operation line), pipelined processor (instruction pipelining), inter processor pipeline (macropipeline)(4) according to whether there is water between each section of a feedback loop: linear and nonlinear pipeline pipeline(5) according to the data representation: scalar processor, vector processor3, the first processor controller structure comprises three independent controllers and four buffer stack. The three controller: memory controller, controller, controller operation instruction. Four: the first instruction buffer buffer stack stack, linear buffer stack, stack current readings, then write the number of stack.4, the throughput is the number: the number of tasks or output per unit time of the pipeline. TP = n / TkThe actual throughput rate is less than the maximum throughput of Tk = (k+n-1) t5, speedup: refers to the speed of the line and the function of non line speed ratio (s);Efficiency: refers to the utilization rate of pipeline equipment (E).6, if the line segment is equal to the time: throughput rate: TP=n/ (k+n-1) t TPmax=1/ tIf each execution time is not equal, complete several tasks: TP=n (sigma / Ti + (n-1) max (delta T1, Delta t2... Delta TK)7, the speedup and efficiency of the relationship: E = s/m or S = mE8, efficiency and throughput of the relationship: E = TP t0 TP = E/ or T11, efficiency: K E = n a task flow segment occupied area of the total space / time zones = T0 / K Tk?E = n/ (k+n-1) S = k? N / TP / (k+n-1) = n (k+n-1) t12, single function pipeline stack: refers to only perform one fixed function pipeline stack.13, multi functional water: water each stack stack to achieve different functions through different connections.14, nonlinear pipeline scheduling task: to find a minimum cycle, according to a new task to the input line cycle, each function section line are not in conflict, and the pipeline throughput and maximum efficiency.15, nonlinear pipeline: between some water section of feedback loop or feed-forward loop.16, start distance: continuous input even intervals between tasks.17, pipeline conflict: several tasks competing for the same water section.18, forbidden vector: distance between sets of appointments each row in the table of any of the two "x".19, conflict vector: C = (Cm? Cm-1?... C1? C2? M) which allowed maximum value in the vector20, the relevant data: in the process of execution of the instructions, if the instructions used, the number of variables, such as the operation is in front of the results of the implementation of the relevant instructions, called data.21, control: caused by conditional branch instructions, rotor program instructions, the relevant interrupt.22, three kinds of data: limit write, read after write, write.The fourth chapter1, ILP: when there are correlation between instructions in the pipeline, they can overlap parallel execution, the potential parallelism is called instruction level parallelism exists in this sequence of instructions.2, in a variety of technical development loop level parallelismin the most basic techniques are: instruction scheduling, loop unrolling technique and technical change.The fifth chapter (storage system)1, the definition method of memory storage system: two or more than two speed, capacity and price vary with hardware, software or hardware and software combination connected into a storage system. And the memory system is transparent to application programmers, and to the application programmer, it is a memory, the memory of the memory close to the speed of the fastest, the storage capacity and the storage capacity of the largest equal unit capacity price close to the lowest memory.2, the storage system is divided into two categories: (1): Cache storage system composed of Cache and main memory, the purpose is to improve the speed of memory. (2) virtual storage system consists of a main memory and hard disk, to expand memory capacity.3, the price of storage system: C = (C1S1+C2S2) / (S1+S2)4, the storage system speed: Representation: access cycle, access cycle, storage period, access time, etc..5, the hit rate of definition: probability in M1 memory access toU = N1 / (N1+N2) N1 of M1 memory access times, N2 is on the M2 memory access times.6, the efficiency of access:T1 1E = T1/T = = = f (U, T2/T1)U? T1+ (1-u) T2 u+ (1-u) T2/T1?7, using prefetching to improve the hit rate (method).Do not hit, a block of data in a plurality of adjacent M2 memory units taken out into the M1 memory.U (u+n-1 / N) = 'U' is the pre shooting technique after u is the original hit rate;The product of n as the data block size and the number of data reuse.8, accelerate the internal address transformation method: (1) the table of contents: with a small capacity high speed memory storing the page table; (2): fast and slow speed of table table table to form a two level storage system; (3): the hash function associative access into the access address access.9, the page replacement algorithm: (1) random algorithm (RAND);(2) FIFO algorithm (FIFO); (3) least recently used (LFV); (4) LRU (LRV); (5) the optimal replacement algorithm (OPT).10, "bump" phenomenon: a page is just out of the main memory, but also to be transferred.11, the stack type replacement algorithm: for an arbitrary program page address stream for the two main memory page number distribution, a memory allocated m page and n a memory page, and M = n. If at any time t, main memory page number set Bt satisfy the relation: Bt (m) = Bt (n) is a type of this kind of algorithm stack replacement algorithm.12, Cache address mapping method: (1) fully associative mapping;(2) direct mapping; (3) set associative mapping;(4) choose a set associative mapping mapping section (5).13, Cache memory replacement algorithm: (1) rotation method (2) LRV algorithm (3) comparing (4) stack method.The consistency of Cache 14, single processor:Direct method: [including write write through method, CPU writes data to Cache, while the page is written to main memory.And write back: "conflict modify method, CPU data into Cache, do not write memory, only when the replacement when the modified Cache block write back to main memory.Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two:(1) reliability: write direct method is better than the write back.(2) the amount of memory and communication, write back and writeless than direct method.(3) the complexity of control, direct write back write is simple.(4) the hardware implementation cost is written back to the write through law.The consistency of 15, multiprocessor: (1) the directory protocol (2) and listen to the agreementThe sixth chapter (input / output system)1, measure the performance index of I/O system mainly has the response time and reliability.Data transmission, 2 disk external transfer rate and internal transfer rate.3, the external transmission rate (burst data transmission rate): computer read from the cache data into the hard disk by disk interface, to the corresponding speed controller.4, internal transfer rate (sustained transfer rate): hard disk data from disk read, to buffer memory on the hard disk speed.5, reliable performance parameters reflecting storage peripherals are reliability, availability and credibility.6, reliability measure: mtbf.7, availability metrics: mean time between failure.8, bus: bus communication link between each subsystem shared, the two has the advantages of low cost and diversity.The main disadvantage of the 9 bus: it has exclusive use, causing the bottleneck equipment information exchange, thus limiting the total throughput of I/O system.10, split transaction bus: there is a plurality of devices, available through the packaging technology to improve the bus bandwidth, so that each I/O operation will not have to occupy the bus in the transmission process, the basic idea of the bus transaction is divided into two parts of requests and responses, such as the bus idle time interval to request and response in the a bus transaction between other bus transaction is used. (also known as water bus, bus, bus suspension packet switching)11, the control of external equipment input / output mode is divided into: direct transfer procedures, query, interrupt, DMA, channel mode.Addressing mode 12, I/O equipment: (1) memory mapped I/O or unified addressing (2) I/O addressing individual equipment13, channel: to perform limited I/O instruction, and can be a plurality of peripheral devices share a small dedicated DMA processor.14, channel function: (1) received from the CPU I/O command, and according to the peripheral equipment and the channelinstruction requires the selection of the specified connection.(2) CPU channel organization channel program, remove channel instructions from the main memory, decode the channel command, and issued a command to the device controller is selected according to the needs of. (3) as the main memory and peripheral assembly and disassembly information, data transmission and memory I/O control equipment and provide a transmission path, indicating the data memory address and send byte number. (4) specify the transfer at the end of the operation to be carried out. (5) check the peripheral equipment working state, normal or fault.(6) complete the format conversion required in data transmission process.15, types of channels: (1) channel multiplexer (2) selects the channel (3) multi channel array.The working process, 16 channels: (1) using SVCI into management program in the user program by CPU, through the management procedures to organize a channel program, and start the channel. (2) channel processor implementation of CPU for which the organization's channel program, complete the assigned work data I/O. Channel processor execute channel program was performed with the CPU user program in parallel.(3) channel program after the end to the CPU interrupt request, CPU responding to an interrupt request after second times to enter the operating system, call management program of the I/O interrupt request processing.The seventh chapter (multiprocessor)1, Cache coherence protocol: (1) the directory protocol and listen to the agreement; (2) laterally divided into: write Invalid Protocol and write update protocol; (3) longitudinally divided into single treatment protocol and single data stream protocol.2, the classification of parallel computer architecture: single instruction single data stream (SISD), single instruction multiple data stream (SIMD) and multiple instruction single data stream (MISD) and multiple instruction multiple data stream (MIMD).3, the directory protocol is divided into three categories: full map directory, the directory, the directory chain co..4, the chain Directory: by maintaining a directory pointer chain to track shared data copy.Thought: when P1 read x memory, X sent to cachel, a chain and write cachel end pointer CT also holds a pointer to a cachel in memory, P2 to read x, memory holds a pointer to a cachel2, a processor need to write x, he must be along the whole a directory even send a data information in the received signal to answer the invincible, all processors, memory to allow the processor to write rightThe cachel data block in need of replacement, to delete the cache directory from the chain, there are solutions;(1) the cachei+1 pointer to cachei+1, store the new data blockin cachel (2) cachel and cachel in the chain seat all subsequent units in X is invalid (3) using two-way chain, when replacing the no longer need to traverse the entire chain, but the pointer has doubled, agreement more perfectAdvantages: B does not limit the sharing of copy number data blocks while maintaining scalability, pointer length has the number of processors on the relation between growth, the number of processors and the number of pointers for each block of data is independent of the cacheDisadvantages: complex chain directory in Chengdu more than two directory5 definition: Internet; is symmetric systems or distributed system nodes may like processor, memory module or other devices, they exchange information through the Internet, in the topology, the Internet provides a set of interconnected or image as input and output between two groups of nodes6 (1) the number of nodes is called the network scale(2) the number of edges and nodes interconnected to the maximum value of the node is called the network diameter(3) any network nodes even the maximum length of the shortest path is called the network diameter(4) equal width (b) in the network into a two phase digestion method, the minimum number of edges cut along the road is called channel bisection width(5): refers to the designation of the routing path selection in network communication7 function: if the Internet Interconnection Network N a end and N end respectively with the integer 0, 1,...... .N algebra, is said to work with the interconnection function number and number of symmetric relations such asSaid method 8 interconnection network(1) the interconnection function representation (2) graphical representation (3) input and output the corresponding representation9 common data routing (or interconnection function) function:(1) the replacement cycle (2) (3) (4) uniform shuffle hypercube routing function (5) broadcasting and communication。
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《计算机体系结构》期末复习题答案系别 _________ 班级 _________ 姓名__________ 学号__________一、填空题(每空1分)1.按照弗林(Flynn)分类法,计算机系统可以分为4类:SISD计算机、(SIMD计算机)、(MISD计算机)和(MIMD计算机)。
2. 改进之后的冯?诺依曼计算机的只要特点是存储器为中心,总线结构,分散控制。
3. 当前计算机系统中的存储系统是一个层次结构,其各层分别为:(通用寄存器,高速缓存,主存,辅存,脱机大容量存储器)。
4.引起Cache与主存内容不一致的原因是什么?为了保持Cache的一致性,在单计算机系统中一般采取哪些措施?答:不一致的原因:(1) 由于CPU写Cache,没有立即写主存(2) 由于I/O处理机或I/O设备写主存采取措施:(1)全写法,亦称写直达法(WT法—Write through)方法:在对Cache进行写操作的同时,也对主存该内容进行写入。
(2)写回法(WB法—Write back)方法:在CPU执行写操作时,只写入Cache,不写入主存。
12.假设将某系统的某一部件的处理速度加快到10倍,但该部件的原处理时间仅为整个运行时间的40%,则采用加快措施后能使整个系统的性能提高多少?解:由题意可知 fe=0.4, re=10, 根据Amdahl定律13.若某机要求有:三地址指令4条,单地址指令192条,零地址指令16条。