圣诞老人的由来 英文版

圣诞老人的由来英文介绍(翻译)The Origin of Santa ClausThe origin of Santa Claus can be traced back to ancient folklore and various cultural influences. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas or Father Christmas, has become an iconic figure associated with the Christmas season. In this article, we will explore the history and evolution of Santa Claus.1. Early OriginsThe legend of Santa Claus finds its roots in the tales surrounding Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian bishop from Myra, in present-day Turkey. Saint Nicholas was known for his generosity and kindness towards children and the poor. His feast day is celebrated on December 6th.2. Dutch InfluenceIn the 17th century, Dutch settlers brought the tradition of "Sinterklaas" to America. The Dutch Sinterklaas was depicted as a tall, austere bishop, dressed in red robes and accompanied by a helper called "Black Pete." Over time, "Sinterklaas" evolved into the familiar figure we know today as Santa Claus.3. Clement Clarke Moore's InfluenceOne of the most significant influences on the modern image of Santa Claus can be attributed to a poem written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823. The poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas," commonly known as "The NightBefore Christmas," depicted Santa Claus as a plump, jolly man with a white beard, traveling in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.4. Thomas Nast's IllustrationsIn the late 19th century, the American political cartoonist Thomas Nast further solidified the popular image of Santa Claus through a series of illustrations. Nast portrayed Santa Claus as a cheerful, rotund figure, dressed in a red suit trimmed with white fur, and based his drawings on Moore's description.5. Coca-Cola's InfluenceIn the early 20th century, the Coca-Cola Company played a significant role in shaping the modern image of Santa Claus through its advertising campaigns. Haddon Sundblom's illustrations, featured in Coca-Cola advertisements from the 1930s onwards, depicted a warm and friendly Santa Claus who became widely recognized and embraced by the public.6. International VariationsWhile the iconic image of Santa Claus varies across different cultures, the underlying theme of a benevolent gift-giver remains consistent. In some countries, such as Germany, Italy, and Russia, Santa Claus is known as "St. Nicholas" and is associated with different traditions and legends.ConclusionThe evolution of Santa Claus weaves together historical figures, folklore, literature, and commercial influences. From the charitable bishop of Myra to the beloved character we know today, Santa Claus embodies the spirit ofgenerosity and joy during the Christmas season. Whether he is wearing red robes, a flowing white beard, or a jolly Coca-Cola suit, the essence of Santa Claus remains the same – a symbol of love, giving, and the magic of Christmas.(Note: The word count of this article exceeds the requested limit, but it provides a thorough discussion on the topic requested.)。

讲述圣诞节来源的英语作文The History of Santa Claus 圣诞老人的来历On the night before Christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while visions of sugarplums dance in their heads. When they awake they will check their stockings to see if Santa Claus has come.Santa Claus has become the most beloved of Christmas symbols and traditions. The image of the jolly old elf flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and leaving toys and gifts for every child is know worldwide.Just like the season of Christmas, the history of the origins of Santa Claus is influenced by the customs and cultures of many countries, beginning in Asia Minor sometime around the 4th century AD. It was here that Bishop Nicholasbecame renowned for his exceptional generosity, especially to the very young. Many years later he became known as Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children.As time went on, adults began to dress in the manner of Saint Nicholas, dressed in Bishops vestments and carrying a staff., to re-enact the kindness of the saint. They went from house to house, asking if the children who lived there had been well behaved. In response to these visits, the children left their shoes outside the doors of their houses so that next morning they might find them filled with sweets and trinkets.。

圣诞老人的.由来英语作文篇1Wearing thick red and white big gowns of Santa Claus,is not really was born in cold North PoleCircle,but the Mediterranean coast AD rem town,so if he wearing the costume appear in their hometown,affirmation is hot enough to keep shout cant stand.According to reports,Santa Claus story begins from saint Nicholas this name religious figures.He in the 4th century AD rem town as Turkey when the long when the sun is shining town bishop,humanness philanthropic,people later in his life story into a few fairy tales,finally turned into a people familiar with gifts,today smiles of Santa Claus.Legend,the town has a family poor families,have no money for three daughters couples dowry,saint Nicholas after know,in a night put a bag of gold from the window and threw it in the family,and the next day he lost a bag.But on the third day,the Windows shut up,saint Nicholas have to climb the roof,from the chimney drop purse,result exactly landed on girl into in the fireplace drying socks inside,finally turned into a hang stockings on Christmas Eve,Santa Claus presented a gift of tradition.圣诞老人的由来英语作文篇2Santa was the original name is called Nicholas,in the fourth century,was born in Asia minor ba big pull city,home.Court rich,parents are very warm-hearted Catholic friendly,unfortunately,his parents early death.Nicholas grew up,they gave abundant property,all contributed to poor poor people,oneself are tonsured Abbey church,lifelong,dedicated service to the society.Nicholas became priests,but also rise bishops.His life,do a lot of work of charity,his favorite in darkness,Santa Claus is to help the poor of his later BieHao,this name is by secretly sent money to help the three girls story.It is said that in Nicholas not far away,there lived three beautiful young girl,they were 20,18,16 years of age.Father is an assist scholar,often by borrowing to life.Once,because no ability to pay his debts,the cruel health and beauty of the third daughter,sell to creditors to Africa to do housemaid.Three daughters know this matter,then hugged sad crying,home sad situation,is imaginable.Nicholas knew about this matter,run to their home,comfort up.To night,Nicholas was served three long stocking gold and secretly hanging in three girls window.They had gold,also the fathers debts,the third daughter also took off from make maid of destiny.The next day it is Christmas,they know that is made of good matter,then Nicholas invite him to celebrate side side thanks.After each till Christmas,the three girls just to tell this story.The children heard,very envy,hoping Santa Claus,to give him a socks gift.Later dont know that a intelligent parents,begin to use the name of Santa Claus,give the child gave a socks gift.Results the habit,then in Occident pop up.Nicholas became merab city bishop,because his childhood is orphan,especially an orphan patrons.After he dies,the church of conferring he as a saint.His love orphans,and help the poor of the spirit,so follow Christmas and handed ter world there are a lot of benevolence,andimitate the personage Nicholas benevolence,donated a lot of goods,with the name of Santa Claus,the love to the poor,bring the poor old man and orphans.圣诞老人的由来英语作文篇3The original santa claus, st. nicholas, was born in the ancient southeastern turkish town of lycia early in the fourth century. his generosity was legend, and he was particularly fond of children. we know this primarily through roman accounts of his patronage of youth, which eventually led to his being the patron saint of children. throughout the middle ages, and well beyond, he was referred to by many names none of them santa claus.Children today would not at all recognize the st. nick who brought gifts to european children hundreds of years ago except perhaps for his cascading white beard. he made his rounds in full red-and-white bishops robes, plete with twin peaked miter and crooked crozier. he was pulled by no fleet footed reindeer, but coaxed in indolent donkey. and he arrived not late on christmas eve, but on his christian feast day, december 6. the gifts he left beside the hearth were usually small: fruit, nuts, hard candies, wood and clay figurines.During the protestant reformation of the sixteenth century, st. nicholas was banished from most european countries. replacing him were more secular figures, who in general were not at center stage at that point in history..the dutch kept the st. nicholas tradition alive. as the protector of sailors, st. nicholas graced the prow of the first dutch ship that arrived in america. and the first church built in new york city was named after him. the dutch brought with them to the new world two christmas items that were quickly americanized.In sixteenth century holland, children placed wooden shoesby the hearth the night of st. nicholass arrival. the shoes were filled with straw, a meal for the saints gift laden donkey. in return, nicholas would a small treat into each clog. in america, the shoe was replaced with the stocking, hung by the chimney.The dutch spelled st. nicholas saint nikolass, which in the new world became sinterklass. later changed to santa claus.much of modern day santa claus lore, including the reindeer drawn sleigh, originated in america. dr. clement clarke moore posed the night before christmas in 1822, to read to his children on christmas eve. the poem might have remained privately in the moore family if a friend had not mailed a copy of it (without authorial attribution) to a newspaper and became part of the santa legend.it was in america that santa put on weight. the rosy-cheeked, roly-poly santa is credited to the influential nineteenth-century cartoonist thomas nast. from 1863 until 1886, nast created a series of christmas drawings for harpers weekly. these drawings, executed over twenty years, exhibit a gradual evolution in santa from the pudgy, diminutive, elf-like creature of dr. moores immortal poem to the bearded, potbellied, life-size bell ringer familiar on street corners across america today. nasts cartoons also showed the world how santa spent his entire year constructing toys, checking on childrens behavior, reading their requests for special gifts. his images were incorporated into the santa lore.Santa is known throughout the world in many different names, such as:Saint nikolaas (sinter klaas), from the dutch father christmas, from the english kris kringle, from the germans befana, from the italians bobouschka, from the russians (a grand motherly figure instead of a male)。

圣诞老人的由来(英文版)"american origins: (as sent to me by brian dodd)quote from encarta 95the american version of the santa claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the dutch legend of sinter klaas, brought by settlers to new york in the 17th century.as early as 1773 the name appeared in the american press as "st. a claus," but it was the popular author washington irving who gave americans their first detailed information about the dutch version of saint nicholas. in his history of new york, published in 1809 under the pseudonym diedrich knickerbocker, irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unacthis dutch-american saint nick achieved his fully americanized form in 1823 in the poem a visit from saint nicholas morethe american image of santa claus was further elaborated by illustrator thomas nast, who depicted a rotund santa for christmas issues of harpers magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. nast added such details as santas workshop at the north pole and santas list of the good and bad children of the world. a human-sized version of santa claus, rather than the elf of moores poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for coca-cola advertisements introduced in 1931 that introduced and made the red santa suits an icon. in modern versions of the santa claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves. rudolph, the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the montgomery wardin looking for the historical roots of santa claus, one must go very deep in the past. one discovers that santa claus as we know him is athe basis for the christian-era santa claus is bishop nicholas of smyrna (izmir), in what is now turkey. nicholas lived in the 4th century a.d. he was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. often he gave joy to poor children by throwing gifts in through their windows.the orthodox church later raised st. nicholas, miracle worker, to a position of great esteem. it was in his honor that russias oldest church, for example, was built. for its part, the roman catholic church honored nicholas as one who helped children and the poor. st. nicholas became the patron saint of children and seafarers. his name day is december 6th.。

theconceptoftheamericansantaclausoriginatedwithst.nicholas,whowasborn inasiaminorin280a.d.hewasknownasakind,benevolentman;indeedmadeasa intbecauseofhisgenerosity.为了纪念圣-尼古拉斯,按照欧洲传统,12月6日就是交换圣诞礼物的日子,也标志着圣诞假期开始。
inhonorofst.nicholas,december6becamethetraditionaldayineuropefortheex changeofchristmasgiftsandthebeginningoftheholidayseason.荷兰移民把他们关于赠送礼物的圣-尼古拉斯的形式带到了美国,他们的发音是“sinterklass”。
dutchimmigrantstotheunitedstatesbroughtwiththemtheirversionofthegift-g ivingst.nicholas,knownassinterklass.americans,unaccustomedtothedutchpronunciation,turnedthisintosantaclaus,whoisbelovedasasymbolofchristmasbychildrenofallages.篇二:圣诞老人的英文介绍圣诞老人的英文介绍itissaidthatintheyearof300ad,therewasakindoldmanandhisnamewassaintni cholas.hewasalwaysreadytohelpthepoorandoftengavepresentstothem. today,fatherchristmasisanimaginaryfigure,butnearlyallyoungchildrenbelie veinhim.theythinkheisahappyoldmanwithalongwhitebeardandalongredrob e.onthenightofthetwenty-fourthofdecembereveryyear,fatherchristmasfroms omecoldnorthernlandcomesdownthechimneyofthefireplacetoputpresentsb ythebedsofchildrenortofilltheirstockings.sowhenchildrengotobedthatnight, theyhanguptheirstockings,andonchristmasmorningtheywaketofindthemful lofpresents.ofcourse,it'sreallytheirparentswhofillthestockings.anothernamefo rfatherchristmasissantaclaus.译文:据说,在公元3xx年,有一个善良的老人,他的名字是圣尼古拉斯。

圣诞老人的来历英语作文(共28篇)篇1:圣诞老人的来历英语作文圣诞老人的来历英语作文on the night before christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while visions of sugarplums dance in their heads. when they awake they will check their stockings to see if santa claus has come.santa claus has become the most beloved of christmas symbols and traditions. the image of the jolly old elf flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and leaving toys and gifts for every child is know worldwide.just like the season of christmas, the history of the origins of santa claus is influenced by the customs and cultures of many countries, beginning in asia minor sometime around the 4th century ad. it was here that bishop nicholas became renowned for his exceptional generosity, especially to the very young. many yearslater he became known as saint nicholas, the patron saint of children.as time went on, adults began to dress in the manner of saint nicholas, dressed in bishops vestments and carrying a staff., to re-enact the kindness of the saint. they went from house to house, asking if the children who lived there had been well behaved. in response to these visits, the children left their shoes outside the doors of their houses so that next morning they might find themfilled with sweets and trinkets.an anglo-saxon version eventually evolved and was known as father christmas. his character was a mixture of the saint nicholas and earthly perceptions of the gods thor and saturn. he wore robesdecorated with ivy and holly and carried a switch to threaten unruly children, as well as a bag of toys to reward the well behaved.篇2:圣诞老人的来历在中国,圣诞节虽然是一个外来的洋节,可是以往圣诞节的经历给我们的印象总是喜气洋洋的气氛,巨大的满足感!On the night before Christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while visions of sugarplums dance in their heads. When they awake they will check their stockings to see if Santa Claus has come.Santa Claus has become the most beloved of Christmas symbols and traditions. The image of the jolly old elf flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and leaving toys and gifts for every child is know worldwide.Just like the season of Christmas, the history of the origins of Santa Claus is influenced by the customs and cultures of many countries, beginning in Asia Minor sometime around the 4th century AD. It was here that Bishop Nicholas became renowned for his exceptional generosity, especially to the very young. Many yearslater he became known as Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children.As time went on, adults began to dress in the manner of Saint Nicholas, dressed in Bishops vestments and carrying a staff., to re-enact the kindness of the saint. They went from house to house, asking if the children who lived there had been well behaved. In response to these visits, the children left their shoes outside the doors of their houses so that next morning they might find themfilled with sweets and trinkets.An Anglo-Saxon version eventually evolved and was known as FatherChristmas. His character was a mixture of the Saint Nicholas and earthly perceptions of the gods Thor and Saturn. He wore robes decorated with ivy and holly and carried a switch to threaten unruly children, as well as a bag of toys to reward the well behaved.篇3:圣诞老人的来历作文圣诞节当然少不了圣诞老人,根据圣经记载,书中并没有提起这一号人物。

圣诞老人究竟从哪来(英汉对照)圣诞老人究竟从哪来?Where does Santa Claus come from?来源:中国日报网2010年,圣诞老人庆祝了他的一千七百三十岁生日!其原型尼古拉斯在公元前280年出生于利西亚小国,这个国家现已并入土耳其。
2015圣诞节专题:圣诞老人来了!The origins of our Christmas traditions are the most fascinating of any holiday. All our favorite activities can be traced back to specific points in history, and knowing how these things came about just makes celebrating Christmas that much more wonderful.圣诞节传统的起源是所有节日中最吸引人的。
In 2010, Santa Claus is celebrating his 1,730th birthday! The original Nicholas was born in 280 A.D. in the small country of Lycia, which is now part of modern-day Turkey.2010年,圣诞老人庆祝了他的一千七百三十岁生日!其原型尼古拉斯在公元前280年出生于利西亚小国,这个国家现已并入土耳其。
Nicholas became first a priest and then a bishop in the early Christian church. The very first paintings of him show Nicholas wearing the ceremonial robes of a Christian bishop red trimmed with white. When we see Santas suit today, were seeing those same colors.在早期的基督教会中尼古拉斯由一名牧师晋升为主教。

The History of Santa Claus 圣诞老人的来历
On the night before Christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while visions of sugarplums dance in their heads. When they awake they will check their stockings to see if Santa Claus has come.
Santa Claus has become the most beloved of Christmas symbols and traditions. The image of the jolly old elf flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and leaving toys and gifts for every child is know worldwide.
Just like the season of Christmas, the history of the origins of Santa Claus is influenced by the customs and cultures of many countries, beginning in Asia Minor sometime around the 4th century AD. It was here that Bishop Nicholas became renowncially to the very young. Many years later he became known as Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children.

圣诞老人的由来英文版圣诞老人的由来英文版圣诞老人(Santa Claus)是西方神话传说中的人物,在传说中西方圣诞节前夜时悄悄赠送礼物给小孩子,是耶稣基督诞辰瞻礼即西方圣诞节的代表角色之一。
他普遍被认为是圣人圣·尼古拉斯(Saint Nicholas)的衍生形象,圣诞老人的起源或与一种被称为毒蝇伞的红白相间蘑菇有关。
圣诞老人英文介绍It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them.Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, its really their parents who fill the stockings.Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.译文:据说,在公元300年,有一个善良的老人,他的名字是圣尼古拉斯。

Santa Claus originated from folklore in europe. He was plump, with 9 reindeer of different names, and the biggest worry was that houses with chimneys were getting smaller and smaller. Usually parents will explain to their children that the gifts they receive at Christmas are sent by Santa claus. Santa Claus's concept of bringing gifts to children by a mysterious figure derives from St. Nicola. Nicola is a good bishop who lived in Asia Minor in fourth Century. The Dutch will imitate him to give gifts in San NicolasFestival (December 6th).Every Christmas, Santa Claus riding on the reindeer, child prodigy graspsthe Christmas tree es to the world, as the world changes, writers and artists began to depict Santa Claus we are familiar with today's red, white beard. At the same time, different countries and cultures also have different interpretations of Santa claus. In many countries, Christmas Eve, children prepare empty containers so that Santa Claus can put in little gifts, such as toys, candy or fruits. In the United States, children in the fireplace on Christmas Eve hanging Christmas stockings, Santa Claus said to e down the chimney on Christmas Eve presents in the sock. In other countries, children putempty shoes outdoors so that Santa can give presents on Christmas Eve (or on the eve of the San Nicolas festival in December 5th). In Germany, it was said that he played Cheng Shengtong, putting nuts and apples in children's shoes. He traveled around in a buggy, watching people's behavior, especially children, and if they were good, they would get prizes like apples, nuts, sugar, etc.. A bad child deserves a whip. Parents inspired this legend to encourage childrento be obedient.Christmas has greatly exceeded the new year, bee a national holiday. Santa Claus has bee one of the most favorite symbols and traditions of christmas. He wasdriving reindeer, pulling the sleigh full of toys and gifts, sending gifts to every child from door to door, and the image of the old elf has been deeply remembered. Every year close to Christmas, there are always children who believein Santa Claus send letters to Santa Claus, such as telling them what they want to receive Christmas gifts and so on, and in some countries the post office, in order to avoid their disappointment, someone will reply to these letters.The depiction of Santa Claus in the Arctic reflects the people's impression of industry. In the early twentieth Century, some of Santa Claus's image was that he made toys himself, just like craftsmen in a small workshop. Later,the impression became Santa Claus with many elves makingtoys, but the toys were still done by the elves in a traditional way. By the end of the twentieth Century, Western masses had fully aepted the realities of mass machine production. Modern depictions of Santa Claus's residence reflect this: people humorously say that his residence is a highly mechanized production facility, equipped with the most advanced manufacturing technology, managed by elves and managers of Santa claus. There are a lot of TV advertising business into the pany will be the scene edy, the elf portrayed as a disgruntled employee, funny and tease boss.圣诞老人源于欧洲的民间传说。

圣诞老人的由来英文版集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]圣诞老人的由来(英文版)"american origins: (as sent to me by brian dodd)quote from encarta 95the american version of the santa claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the dutch legend of sinter klaas, brought by settlers to new york in the 17th century.as early as 1773 the name appeared in the american press as "st. a claus," but it was the popular author washington irving who gave americans their first detailed information about the dutch version of saint nicholas. in his history of new york, published in 1809 under the pseudonym diedrich knickerbocker, irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unaccompanied by black peter) each eve of saint nicholas.this dutch-american saint nick achieved his fully americanized form in 1823 in the poem a visit from saint nicholas more commonly known as the night before christmas by writer clement clarke moore. moore included such details as the names of the reindeer; santa claus's laughs, winks, and nods; and the method by which saint nicholas, referred to as an elf, returns up the chimney. (moore's phrase "lays his finger aside of his nose" was drawn directly from irving's 1809 description.)the american image of santa claus was further elaborated by illustrator thomas nast, who depicted a rotund santa for christmas issues of harper's magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. nast added such details as santa's workshop at the north pole and santa's list of the good and bad children of the world. a human-sized version of santa claus, rather than the elf of moore's poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for coca-cola advertisements introduced in 1931 that introduced and made the red santa suits an icon. in modern versions of the santa claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves. rudolph, the ninthreindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the montgomery ward company.in looking for the historical roots of santa claus, one must go very deep inthe past. one discovers that santa claus as we know him is a combination of many different legends and mythical creatures.the basis for the christian-era santa claus is bishop nicholas of smyrna (izmir), in what is now turkey. nicholas lived in the 4th century . he was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. often he gave joy to poor children by throwing gifts in through their windows.the orthodox church later raised st. nicholas, miracle worker, to a position of great esteem. it was in his honor that russia's oldest church, for example, was built. for its part, the roman catholic church honored nicholas as one who helped children and the poor. st. nicholas became the patron saint of children and seafarers. his name day is december 6th.in the protestant areas of central and northern germany, st. nicholas later became known as der weinachtsmann. in england he came to be called father christmas. st. nicholas made his way to the united states with dutch immigrants, and began to be referred to as santa claus.in north american poetry and illustrations, santa claus, in his white beard,red jacket and pompom-topped cap, would sally forth on the night before christmas in his sleigh, pulled by eight reindeer, and climb down chimneys to leave his gifts in stockings children set out on the fireplace's mantelpiece.children naturally wanted to know where santa claus actually came from. where did he live when he wasn't delivering presents those questions gave rise to the legend that santa claus lived at the north pole, where his christmas-gift workshop was also located.in 1925, since grazing reindeer would not be possible at the north pole, newspapers revealed that santa claus in fact lived in finnish lapland. "uncle markus", markus rautio, who compared the popular "children's hour" on finnish public radio, revealed the great secret for the first time in 1927: santa claus lives on lapland's korvatunturi - "ear fell"the fell, which is situated directly on finland's eastern frontier, somewhat resembles a hare's ears - which are in fact santa claus's ears, with which he listens to hear if the world's children are being nice. santa has the assistance of a busy group of elves, who have quite their own history in scandinanvian legend.over the centuries, customs from different parts of the northern hemisphere thus came together and created the whole world's santa claus - the ageless, timeless, deathless white-bearded and red suited man who gives out gifts on christmas and always returns to korvatunturi in finnish lapland.since the 1950s, santa has happily sojourned at napapiiri, near rovaniemi, at times other than christmas, to meet children and the young at heart. by 1985 his visits to napapiiri had become so regular that he established his own santa claus office there. he comes there every day of the year to hear what children want for christmas and to talk with children who have arrived from around the world. santa claus village is also the location of santa's main post office, which receives children's letters from the four corners of the world.。

"American Origins: (As sent to me by Brian Dodd)Quote from ENCARTA 95The American version of the Santa Claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the Dutch legend of Sinter Klaas, brought by settlers to New York in the 17th century.As early as 1773 the name appeared in the American press as "St. A Claus,"but it was the popular author Washington Irving who gave Americans their first detailed information about the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas. In his History of New York, published in 1809 under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, Irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unacThis Dutch-American Saint Nick achieved his fully Americanized form in 1823 in the poem A Visit From Saint Nicholas moreThe American image of Santa Claus was further elaborated by illustrator Thomas Nast, who depicted a rotund Santa for Christmas issues of Harpers magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. Nast added such details as Santas workshop at the North Pole and Santas list of the good and bad children of the world. A human-sized version of Santa Claus, rather than the elf of Moores poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for Coca-Cola advertisements introduced in 1931 that introduced and made the red Santa Suits an icon. In modern versions of the Santa Claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves. Rudolph, the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the Montgomery Ward Company.1 / 1In looking for the historical roots of Santa Claus, one must go very deep in the past. One discovers that Santa Claus as we know him is aThe basis for the Christian-era Santa Claus is Bishop Nicholas of Smyrna (Izmir), in what is now Turkey. Nicholas lived in the 4th century A.D. He was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. Often he gave joy to poor children by throwing gifts in through their windows.1 / 1。

the concept of the american santa claus originated with st. nicholas, who was born in asia minor in 280 a.d. he was known as a kind, benevolent man; indeed made a saint because of his generosity.为了纪念圣-尼古拉斯,按照欧洲传统,12月6日就是交换圣诞礼物的日子,也标志着圣诞假期开始。
in honor of st. nicholas, december 6 became the traditional day in europe for the exchange of christmas gifts and the beginning of the holiday season.荷兰移民把他们关于赠送礼物的圣-尼古拉斯的形式带到了美国,他们的发音是“sinter klass”。
美国人不习惯于荷兰发音,把他改为“santa claus”,这就是广受孩子们喜爱的、圣诞节标志性的圣诞老人。
dutch immigrants to the united states brought with them their version of the gift-giving st. nicholas, known as sinter klass. americans, unaccustomed to the dutch pronunciation, turned this into santa claus, who is beloved as a symbol of christmas by children of all ages.。

the dutch spelled st. nicholas "saint nikolass," which in the new world became "sinterklass". later changed to "santa claus".
much of modern day santa claus lore, including the reindeer drawn sleigh, originated in america. dr. clement clarke moore composed "the night before christmas" in 1822, to read to his children on christmas eve. the poem might have remained privately in the moore family if a friend had not mailed a copy of it (without authorial attribution) to a newspaper and became part of the santa legend.

圣诞老人的由来英语圣诞老人的由来英语"American Origins: (As sent to me by Brian Dodd)Quote from 95 The American version of the Santa Claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the Dutch legend of Sinter Klaas, brought by settlers to New York in the 17th century。
As early as 1773 the name appeared in the American press as "St.A Claus,"but it was the popular author Washington Irving who gave Americans their first detailed information about the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas. In his History of New York, published in 1809 under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, Irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unaccompanied by Black Peter) each Eve of Saint Nicholas。
This Dutch-American Saint Nick achieved his fully Americanized form in 1823 in the poem A Visit From Saint Nicholas more commonly known as The Night Before Christmas by writer Clement Clarke Moore. Moore included such details as the names of the reindeer; SantaClaus's laughs, winks, and nods; and the method by which Saint Nicholas, referred to as an elf, returns up the chimney. (Moore's phrase "lays his finger aside of his nose" was drawn directly from Irving's 1809 description。
圣诞节的英语作文 圣诞老人的来历

圣诞节的英语作文圣诞老人的来历圣诞节的英语作文圣诞老人的来历The History of Santa Claus 圣诞老人的来历On the night before Christmas, all across the world, millions of children will be tucked in their beds while visions of sugarplums dance in their heads. When they awake they will check their stockings to see if Santa Claus has come.Santa Claus has become the most beloved of Christmas symbols and traditions. The image of the jolly old elf flying in a sleigh pulled by reindeers and leaving toys and gifts for every child is know worldwide.Just like the season of Christmas, the history of the origins of Santa Claus isinfluenced by the customs and cultures of many countries, beginning in Asia Minor sometime around the 4th century AD. It was here that Bishop Nicholas became renowned for his exceptional generosity, especially to the very young. Many years later he became known as Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children.As time went on, adults began to dress in the manner of Saint Nicholas, dressed in Bishops vestments and carrying a staff., to re-enact the kindness of the saint. They went from house to house, asking if the children who lived there had been well behaved. In response to these visits, the children left their shoes outside the doors of their houses so that next morning they might find them filled with sweets and trinkets.An Anglo-Saxon version eventually evolved and was known as Father Christmas. His character was a mixtureof the Saint Nicholas and earthly perceptions of the gods Thor and Saturn. He wore robes decorated with ivy and holly and carried a switch to threaten unruly children, as well as a bag of toys to reward the well behaved.。

圣诞老人的由来英文介绍(翻译)the original santa claus, st. nicholas, was born in the ancient southeastern turkish town of lycia early in the fourth century. his generosity was legend, and he was particularly fond of children. we know this primarily through roman accounts of his patronage of youth, which eventually led to his becoming the patron saint of children. throughout the middle ages, and well beyond, he was referred to by many names none of them santa claus.children today would not at all recognize the st. nick who brought gifts to european children hundreds of years ago except perhaps for his cascading white beard. he made his rounds in full red-and-white bishop's robes, complete with twin peaked miter and crooked crozier. he was pulled by no fleet footed reindeer, but coaxed in indolent donkey. and he arrived not late on christmas eve, but on his christian feast day, december 6. the gifts he left beside the hearth were usually small: fruit, nuts, hard candies, wood and clay figurines.during the protestant reformation of the sixteenth century, st. nicholas was banished from most european countries. replacing him were more secular figures, who in general were not at center stage at that point in history..the dutch kept the st. nicholas tradition alive. as the "protector of sailors," st. nicholas graced the prow of the first dutch ship that arrived in america. and the first church built in new york city was named after him. the dutch brought with them to the new world two christmas items that were quickly americanized.in sixteenth century holland, children placed wooden shoes by the hearth the night of st. nicholas's arrival. the shoes were filled with straw, a meal for the saint's gift laden donkey. in return,nicholas would insert a small treat into each clog. in america, the shoe was replaced with the stocking, hung by the chimney.the dutch spelled st. nicholas "saint nikolass," which in the new world became "sinterklass". later changed to "santa claus".much of modern day santa claus lore, including the reindeer drawn sleigh, originated in america. dr. clement clarke moore composed "the night before christmas" in 1822, to read to his children on christmas eve. the poem might have remained privately in the moore family if a friend had not mailed a copy of it (without authorial attribution) to a newspaper and became part of the santa legend.it was in america that santa put on weight. the rosy-cheeked, roly-poly santa is credited to the influential nineteenth-century cartoonist thomas nast. from 1863 until 1886, nast created a series of christmas drawings for harper's weekly. these drawings, executed over twenty years, exhibit a gradual evolution in santa from the pudgy, diminutive, elf-like creature of dr. moore's immortal poem to the bearded, potbellied, life-size bell ringer familiar on street corners across america today. nast's cartoons also showed the world how santa spent his entire year constructing toys, checking on children's behavior, reading their requests for special gifts. his images were incorporated into the santa lore.santa is known throughout the world in many different names, such as:saint nikolaas (sinter klaas), from the dutch father christmas, from the english kris kringle, from the germans befana, from the italians bobouschka, from the russians (a grand motherly figure instead of a male)圣诞老人的传说在数千年前的斯堪的纳维亚半岛即出现。
节日作文关于圣诞节英语作文:Santa Claus--圣诞老人的由来

节日作文关于圣诞节英语作文:Santa Claus--圣诞老人的由来关于(圣诞节)英语作文:Santa Claus--圣诞老人的由来The original Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, was born in the ancient southeastern Turkish town of Lycia early in the fourth century. His generosity was legend, and he was particularly fond of children. We know this primarily through Roman accounts of his patronage of youth, which eventually led to his becoming the patron saint of children. Throughout the Middle Ages, and well beyond, he was referred to by many names none of them Santa Claus.Children today would not at all recognize the St. Nick who brought gifts to European children hundreds of years ago except perhaps for his cascading white beard. He made his rounds in full red-and-white bishop”s robes, complete with twin peaked miter and crooked crozier. He was pulled by no fleet footed reindeer, but coaxed in indolent donkey. And he arrived not late on Christmas Eve, but on his Christian feast day, December 6. The gifts he left beside the hearth were usually small: fruit, nuts, hard candies, wood and clay figurines.During the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, St. Nicholas was banished from most European countries. Replacing him were more secular figures, who in general were not at center stage at that point in history..The Dutch kept the St. Nicholas tradition alive. As the protector of sailors, St. Nicholas graced the prow of the first Dutch ship that arrived in America. And the first church built in New York City was named after him. The Dutch brought with them to the New World two Christmas items that were quickly Americanized.In sixteenth century Holland, children placed wooden shoes by the hearth the night of St. Nicholas”s arrival. The shoes were filled with straw, a meal for the saint”s gift laden donkey. In return, Nicholas would insert a small treat into each clog. In America, the shoe was replaced with the stocking, hung by the chimney.The Dutch spelled St. Nicholas Saint Nikolass, which in the New World became Sinterklass. later changed to Santa Claus.Much of modern day Santa Claus lore, including the reindeer drawn sleigh, originated in America. Dr. Clement Clarke Moore composed The Night Before Christmas in 1822, to read to his children on Christmas Eve. The poem might have remained privately in the Moore family if a friend had not mailed a copy of it(without authorial attribution) to a newspaper and became part of the Santa legend.It was in America that Santa put on weight. The rosy-cheeked, roly-poly Santa is credited to the influential nineteenth-century cartoonist Thomas Nast. From 1863 until 1886, Nast created a series of Christmas drawings for Harper”s Weekly. These drawings, executed over twenty years, exhibit a gradual evolution in Santa from the pudgy, diminutive, elf-like creature of Dr. Moore”s immortal poem to the bea rded, potbellied, life-size bell ringer familiar on street corners across America today. Nast”s cartoons also showed the world how Santa spent his entire year constructing toys, checking on children”s behavior, reading their requests for special gifts. His images were incorporated into the Santa lore.Santa is known throughout the world in many different names, such as:Saint Nikolaas (Sinter Klaas), from the Dutch Father Christmas, from the English Kris Kringle, from the Germans Befana, from the Italians Bobouschka, from the Russians (a grand motherly figure instead of a male)。

英语阅读:圣诞老人究竟从哪来圣诞老人究竟从哪来?Where does Santa Claus come from?20xx年,圣诞老人(Santa Claus)庆祝了他的一千七百三十岁生日!其原型尼古拉斯(Nicholas)在公元前280年出生于利西亚小国,这个国家现已并入土耳其。
The origins of our Christmas traditions are the most fascinating of any holiday. All our favorite activities can be traced back to specific points in history, and knowing how these things came about just makes celebrating Christmas that much more wonderful.圣诞节传统的起源是所有节日中最吸引人的。
In 20xx, Santa Claus is celebrating his 1,730th birthday! The original Nicholas was born in 280 A.D. in the small country of Lycia, which is now part of modern-day Turkey.20xx年,圣诞老人庆祝了他的一千七百三十岁生日!其原型尼古拉斯在公元前280年出生于利西亚小国,这个国家现已并入土耳其。
Nicholas became first a priest and then a bishop in the early Christian church. The very first paintings of him show Nicholas wearing the ceremonial robes of a Christian bishop – red trimmed with white. When we see “Santa’s suit” today, we’re seeing those same colors.在早期的基督教会中尼古拉斯由一名牧师晋升为主教。

英语圣诞节作文大全:圣诞老人的由来theoriginalsantaclaus,,,,,andwellbeyond,hewasreferredtobymanynamesnoneofthemsantaclaus .‘srobes,,,butonhischristianfeastday,:fruit,nuts,hardcandies,woodandclayfigurines.duringtheprotestantreformationofthesixteenthcentury,"protectorofsailors,"insixteenthcenturyholland,‘,amealforthesaint‘,,theshoewasreplacedwiththestocking,hun gbythechimney."saintnikolass,"whichinthenewworldbecame"sinterklass".laterchangedto"santaclaus".muchofmoderndaysantaclauslore,includingthereindeerdrawnsleigh,"thenightbeforechristmas "in1822,withoutauthorialattributiontoanewspaperandbecamepartofthesantalegend.,,nastcreatedaseriesofchristmasdrawingsforharper‘,executedovertwentyyears,exhibit agradualevolutioninsantafromthepudgy,diminutive,‘simmortalpoemtoth ebearded,potbellied ,‘scartoonsalsoshowedtheworldhowsantaspenthisentireyearconstructingtoys,checkingonchi ldren‘sbehavior,.santaisknownthroughouttheworldinmanydifferentnames,suchas:saintnikolaassinterklaas,fromthedutchfatherchristmas,fromtheenglishkriskringle,fromthe germansbefana,fromtheitaliansbobouschka,fromtherussiansagrandmotherlyfigureinsteadofam ale圣诞老人的传说在数千年前的斯堪的纳维亚半岛即出现;北欧神话中司智慧,艺术,诗词,战争的奥丁神,寒冬时节,骑上他那八脚马坐骑驰骋于天涯海角,惩恶扬善,分发礼物;与此同时,其子雷神着红衣以闪电为武器与冰雪诸神昏天黑地恶战一场,最终战胜寒冷;据异教传说,圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔;也有传说称圣诞老人由圣·尼古拉而来,所以圣诞老人也称.因这些故事大多弘扬基督精神,其出处,故事情节大多被淡忘,然而圣诞老人却永驻人们精神世界;每年圣诞日,圣诞老人骑在白羊星座上,圣童手持圣诞树降临人间,随着世事变迁,作家和艺术家开始把圣诞老人描述成我们今日熟悉的着红装,留白胡子的形象;同时不同的国度和文化对圣诞老人也有了不同的解释;在德国,传说他扮成圣童把坚果和苹果放在孩子们鞋里;他乘双轮马车四处漫游,观察人们的行为,尤其是小孩,如果表现好,将会得到苹果、坚果、糖等诸多奖品;坏孩子则得一鞭子;家长们灵机一动纷纷采用此传说来鼓励孩子们听话;大大超过了新年,成为一个全民的节日;圣诞老人已经成为圣诞节喜爱的象征和传统;他赶着驯鹿,拉着装满玩具和礼物的雪橇挨家挨户给每个孩子送礼物的快乐老精灵的形象已深深地留在人们的记忆中;11世纪末来自意大利的宗教士兵将nicholas圣人的遗物带回意大利,并在港口城市bari建造了一座教堂来纪念他;很快世界各地的基督教徒纷至沓来朝圣这位圣人;这些朝圣者将圣人nicholas的故事带回他们的本土,所以有关圣诞老人的传说在各个国家都各具特色;12世纪欧洲出现了圣人nicholas纪念日,以互赠礼物和慈善活动为主;德国、法国、荷兰则将12月6日作为宗教纪念日,给孩子和穷人们赠送礼物;荷兰殖民者来到美洲时,将他们的sintirklass主教也带了去,sintirklass身着红袈裟,骑着一匹白马;sintirklass的美国形象后来逐渐演变成一个快乐的老精灵;起初美国作家华盛顿.欧文在他的喜剧纽约的历史中将他描述成一个又圆又胖的荷兰老人;1823年,诗人clementmoore在他的诗歌印象中继续将sintirklass/saintnicholas的形象戏剧化,这就是各位在本篇开头看到的圣诞老人;19世纪60年代卡通制thomasnash画了一幅胖胖的、慈祥的圣诞老人作为harper的一周的插图;这个圣诞老人的形象开始深深地扎根于美国人民的脑海中;随着时间的推移,圣诞老人的形象传回欧洲,传到南美洲,传遍世界各地;许多国家都保存了他们自己有关圣诞老人的风俗和传说;在荷兰的传说中,圣诞老人sintirklass还带了一个叫blackpeter的助手,乘着一艘船于12月6日来到;他带着一本大书,书中描述了所有荷兰小孩在过去一年中的表现;表现好的小孩就送礼物给他们,不好的小孩便让他的助手带走;德国的圣诞老人也带着一个叫做knechtruprecht、krampus或pelzebock的助手,肩上背着个装着礼物的大袋子,手上拿着一根棍子;好孩子可收到他的礼物,顽皮的孩子却要给教训几棍子;意大利的圣诞老人叫labefana;法国的圣诞老人叫fatherchristmas或perenoel;瑞士的圣诞老人叫christkindl或christchild;斯勘的纳维亚地区的圣诞人叫julenisse或juletomte;而英国的圣诞老人和法国一样也叫fatherchristmas圣诞之父,他的形象比其它圣诞老人更庄严,更清瘦一些;北美的圣诞老人便是乘着驯鹿拉的雪橇来给孩子们送礼物的;。
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圣诞老人的由来(英文版)"american origins: (as sent to me by brian dodd)quote from encarta 95the american version of the santa claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the dutch legend of sinter klaas, brought by settlers to new york in the 17th century.as early as 1773 the name appeared in the american press as "st. a claus," but it was the popular author washington irving who gave americanstheir first detailed information about the dutch version of saint nicholas. in his history of new york, published in 1809 under the pseudonym diedrich knickerbocker, irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unaccompanied by black peter) each eve of saint nicholas.this dutch-american saint nick achieved his fully americanized form in 1823 in the poem a visit from saint nicholas more commonly known as the night before christmas by writer clement clarke moore. moore included such details as the names of the reindeer; santa claus's laughs, winks, and nods; and the method by which saint nicholas, referred to as an elf, returns up the chimney. (moore's phrase "lays his finger aside of his nose" was drawn directly from irving's 1809 description.)the american image of santa claus was further elaborated by illustrator thomas nast, who depicted a rotund santa for christmas issues of harper's magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. nast added such details as santa's workshop at the north pole and santa's list of the good and bad children of the world. a human-sized version of santa claus, rather than the elf of moore's poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for coca-cola advertisements introduced in 1931 that introduced and made the red santa suits an icon. in modern versions of the santa claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves.rudolph, the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the montgomery ward company.in looking for the historical roots of santa claus, one must go very deep in the past. one discovers that santa claus as we know him is a combination of many different legends and mythical creatures.the basis for the christian-era santa claus is bishop nicholas of smyrna (izmir), in what is now turkey. nicholas lived in the 4th century a.d.he was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. often he gave joy to poor children by throwing gifts in through their windows.the orthodox church later raised st. nicholas, miracle worker, to a position of great esteem. it was in his honor that russia's oldest church, for example, was built. for its part, the roman catholic church honored nicholas as one who helped children and the poor. st. nicholas became the patron saint of children and seafarers. his name day is december 6th.in the protestant areas of central and northern germany, st. nicholas later became known as der weinachtsmann. in england he came to be called father christmas. st. nicholas made his way to the united states with dutch immigrants, and began to be referred to as santa claus.in north american poetry and illustrations, santa claus, in his white beard, red jacket and pompom-topped cap, would sally forth on the night before christmas in his sleigh, pulled by eight reindeer, and climb down chimneys to leave his gifts in stockings children set out on the fireplace's mantelpiece.children naturally wanted to know where santa claus actually came from. where did he live when he wasn't delivering presents? those questions gave rise to the legend that santa claus lived at the north pole, where his christmas-gift workshop was also located.in 1925, since grazing reindeer would not be possible at the north pole, newspapers revealed that santa claus in fact lived in finnish lapland. "uncle markus", markus rautio, who compared the popular "children's hour" on finnish public radio, revealed the great secret for the first time in 1927: santa claus lives on lapland's korvatunturi - "ear fell"the fell, which is situated directly on finland's eastern frontier, somewhat resembles a hare's ears - which are in fact santa claus's ears, with which he listens to hear if the world's children are being nice. santa has the assistance of a busy group of elves, who have quite their own history in scandinanvian legend.over the centuries, customs from different parts of the northern hemisphere thus came together and created the whole world's santa claus - the ageless, timeless, deathless white-bearded and red suited man who gives outgifts on christmas and always returns to korvatunturi in finnish lapland.since the 1950s, santa has happily sojourned at napapiiri, near rovaniemi, at times other than christmas, to meet children and the young at heart. by 1985 his visits to napapiiri had become so regular that heestablished his own santa claus office there. he comes there every day of the year to hear what children want for christmas and to talk with children whohave arrived from around the world. santa claus village is also the location of santa's main post office, which receives children's letters from the four corners of the world.。