
natural resources
renewable resources
nonrenewable resources
hazard geography
natural hazard
land system
land classification
land type
land unit
land element
land facet
facet combination
geomorphogenesis, landform genesis
landform forming process
climatic geomorphology
dynamic geomorphology
geographical sphere

地理相关英语词汇(1)一、基础词汇1. 地球(Earth):我们生活的星球,位于太阳系中的第三颗行星。
2. 大陆(Continent):地球上面积较大的陆地,如亚洲、非洲、北美洲等。
3. 海洋(Ocean):地球上广阔的盐水区域,如太平洋、大西洋、印度洋等。
4. 国家(Country):具有独立政治实体和固定领土的区域。
5. 地图(Map):展示地球表面或某一区域的图形表示。
6. 河流(River):地表自然水流,通常由源头流向海洋或湖泊。
7. 山脉(Mountain Range):一系列相连的山峰,如喜马拉雅山脉、阿尔卑斯山脉等。
8. 气候(Climate):一个地区长期的天气状况和大气现象。
9. 生态系统(Ecosystem):生物与非生物环境相互作用的一个自然系统。
10. 自然资源(Natural Resources):自然界中人类可以利用的物质和能量,如水、土地、矿产等。
二、地形地貌词汇1. 高原(Plateau):相对平坦且海拔较高的地区,如青藏高原。
2. 平原(Plain):地势低平,起伏较小的地区,如华北平原。
3. 山峰(Mountain):地形高耸,尖锐或圆形的陆地部分。
4. 峡谷(Canyon):河流长期侵蚀形成的深而狭窄的地形。
5. 沙漠(Desert):降水量极少的地区,地表覆盖沙子或石块。
6. 湖泊(Lake):位于陆地上的淡水或咸水水域,如青海湖、洞庭湖等。
7. 沼泽(Marsh):土壤水分饱和,生长有特殊植被的地区。
三、地理现象词汇1. 地震(Earthquake):地球表层快速释放能量,导致地面震动的一种自然现象。
2. 火山爆发(Volcanic Eruption):地球内部岩浆喷发到地表的现象。
4. 洪水(Flood):河流、湖泊水位急剧上涨,淹没周边地区的一种自然现象。
5. 干旱(Drought):长时间无降水或降水量明显减少,导致土壤水分不足的现象。
四、地理学术词汇1. 地理信息系统(GIS):一种用于捕捉、存储、分析和管理地理空间数据的系统。

correlated sediments
neotectonic movement
structural geomorphology, tectonic geomorphology
slope, gradient
geomorphological process
raindrop erosion
wash, erosion
normal landform
inverted landform
inversion of landform
erosional landform
planation surface
denudation suface
erosion surface
summit plane
“Danxia” landform
structural plateau
structural terrace

一、地球的构成与结构1. Earth's composition and structure- Crust: the outer solid layer of the Earth- Mantle: the layer between the Earth's crust and core- Core: the innermost part of the Earth, consisting of the outer liquid core and the inner solid core- Lithosphere: the rigid outer layer of the Earth, including the crust and uppermost mantle- Asthenosphere: the semi-fluid layer beneath the lithosphere- Tectonic plates: large pieces of the Earth's lithosphere that fit together and move on the semi-fluid asthenosphere二、地理学分支及其研究2. Branches of geography and their studies- Physical geography: the study of natural features and processes on the Earth's surface, such as landforms, climates, and ecosystems- Biogeography: the study of the distribution of plants and animals on the Earth's surface- Geomorphology: the study of landforms and the processes that shape them- Climatology: the study of climates and climate change- Human geography: the study of human activities, cultures, and societies and their impact on the Earth's surface- Economic geography: the study of the spatial distribution of economic activities and their impact on the development of regions- Urban geography: the study of cities and urban areas, including their growth, organization, and social issues- Political geography: the study of political systems and their spatial distribution三、地球表面的地貌与地质过程3. Landforms and geological processes on Earth's surface- Mountains: natural elevations of the Earth's surface with steep slopes and comparatively high peaks- Plateaus: flat, elevated areas with steep sides- Plains: broad, flat or gently rolling areas with no significant changes in elevation- Valleys: low areas between mountains or hills, often containing rivers- Erosion: the process of wearing away rocks and soils by water, wind, or ice- Weathering: the breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments by physical or chemical means四、气候与气象4. Climate and weather- Climate: the long-term average weather conditions of a region, including temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, etc.- Weather: the short-term atmospheric conditions of a specific place and time- Precipitation: any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface, including rain, snow, sleet, and hail- Temperature: the degree of hotness or coldness of the air or other substances- Humidity: the amount of water vapor in the air- Pressure: the force exerted by the atmosphere on a given area- Wind: the horizontal movement of air caused by differences in air pressure五、人类活动与环境问题5. Human activities and environmental issues- Deforestation: the clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, orurban development- Pollution: the introduction of harmful substances into the environment, such as air pollution, water pollution, or soil pollution- Global warming: the gradual increase in the Earth's temperature dueto human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels- Urbanization: the process of population concentration in urban areas, often accompanied by the expansion of cities and the transformation of rural areas- Sustainable development: the use of resources in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generationsto meet their own needs结语:通过掌握地理学的专业术语,我们能更好地理解和运用地理学理论,提升我们对地理现象的认识。

用英语介绍地理位置和地方的句型用英语介绍地理位置和地方的句型Ⅰ. 可能会用到的词汇、短语及相关知识:across, border, continent, face (v), landmark, lie, locate, mountain range, situate运用描述地方的用语:in, on, between, in the middle of, on the coast of, off the coast of, on the left, on the right, in front of, behind, near, next to, opposite, above, below, in the south of, to the east of特别是几个介词的用法, 以 east 为例, 方位表示方法如下:(一) in the east表示我们生活中和地理位置上的绝对方向,如The sun rises in theeast and sets in the west.(二) on the east 表示某事物位于另一事物所朝的方向,这里的方向指相对,如China facesthe Pacific on the east.(三 )in\to\on\at the east of1、A在B范围之内,要表示A在B的东部,用 A is in the east of B2 、A在B范围之外,要表示A在B的东方,用A lies to the east of B3、A与B相接,要表示A在B的东侧,用A is on the east of B4、如果把方位词看作一个整体,或者看成一地点,,就用A is at the east ofB ,如: there was a big battle at the north of the liaodong peninsula. 在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战5、如果表示A位于B东面100公里处,既可以说A lies 100km to the east of B,又可以说A lies 100km east of B(四)要表示方位"偏向"通常用by,如正南偏东:south by eastⅡ. 例子:(一)以中国为例ChinaThe People’s Republic of China is a socialis t country with its own characteristics. It is one of the developing countries. China lies in the east of Asia. It has a number of neighboring countries. To the north, northeast and northwest are the Mongolia, Russia and Korea. To the south are Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Philippine. To the west and southwest are India, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan. To the east is Japan, which faces China across the East China Sea. China is a country with a vast territory. It has an area of over 9,600,000 square kilometers. It consists of 34 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Covernment. Beijin g, which is situated in the North China, is its capital. The People’s Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the world. Now it has a population of more than 1.3 billion, making up a quarter of the world population.以下是汉字部分:①华人民共和国是一个有中国特色的社会主义国家。

abandoned land 弃耕地abiltic factor 非生物因素;非生命因素abiotic environment 非生物环境;非生命环境ablation 消融〔作用〕abney level 手水准仪aborigine 土著abrasion (corrasion) 磨蚀〔作用〕刻蚀〔作用〕abrasion (wave-cut) platform 海蚀平台absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute instability 绝对不稳定〔状态〕absolute stability 绝对稳定〔状态〕absolute temperature 绝对温度absorption 吸收〔作用〕abyssal region 深海区acacia 合欢树acacia confusa 中国台湾相思accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀accessibility 可达度;能达度acclimatization 气候适应accordant drainage 协调水系;调和水系accretion 加积〔作用〕accumulated temperature 积温acid lava 酸性熔岩acid rain 酸雨acid soil 酸性土壤acidic rock 酸性岩acidity (1) 酸度,(2) 酸性activated sludge 活性污泥active layer 活动层;活土层active recreation 主动性康乐active volcano 活火山activity space 活动空间actual evapotranspiration 实际蒸散〔量〕adiabatic cooling 绝对冷却;绝热降温adiabatic heating 绝对增温adiabatic lapse rate 绝热递减率;绝热直减率adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic temperature change 绝热温度变化adit mining 棋坑开采法advection 平流advection fog 平流雾aeolian deposit (sediment) 风积物aeration (1)通气[性],(2)曝气aeration tank 曝气池aerial photograph 航空照片;空中照片aerobic 需氧aerobic treatment 需氧处理aerosol 气溶胶;雾体;大气微粒aesthetic pollution 美感污染aesthetic quality 美感质素afforestation 造林;植林aftershock 余震age composition 年龄构成age group 年龄组别age structure 年龄结构aged-dependency ratio 老年人抚养〔比〕率agents of erosion 侵蚀作用力;侵蚀营力age-sex pyramid 年龄性别金字塔age-specific fertility rate 年龄别生育率age-specific marriage rate 年龄别结婚率age-specific mortality rate 年龄别死亡率agglomerate 集块岩agglomerated settlement 集居聚落agglomeration (1)结集;聚结,(2)聚居点agglomeration economies 集聚经济效益aggradated plain (aggradation plain) 加积平原;填积平原aggradation 右积作用;填积作用aggradation plain (aggradated plain) 加积平原;填积平原aggregate 团聚体;集合体aging of population 人口老化agrarian reform 土地改革agricultural location theory 农业区位理论agricultural waste 农业废料agriculture 农业agro-ecosystem 农业生态系统agrosystem 农业系统a-horizon a层;淋溶层air circulation 空气环流;空气循环air composition 空气成分;空气组成air control zone 空气管制区air mass 气团air mass modification 气团变性air parcel 气块air pollutant 空气污染物air pollution 空气污染;大气污染air pollution source 空气污染〔来〕源air pressure 气压air quality monitoring network 空气质素监察网albedo 反射率alfalfa 苜蓿alfisol 淋溶土algae 藻类algal bloom 藻类过量繁殖alkaline soil 碱性土alkalinity (1)碱度,(2)碱性alkalization 碱化〔作用〕allogenic river 外源河alluvial cone 冲积锥alluvial deposit 冲积物alluvial fan 冲积扇alluvial plain 冲积平原alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial terrace 冲积阶地alluviation 冲积作用alluvium 冲积物;冲积层alpine 高山alpine meadow soil 高山草甸土alpine mountain-building movement 阿尔卑斯造山运动alpine vegetation 高山植物alpine-himalayan belt 阿尔卑斯--喜马拉雅山带altimeter 高度计altiplano 高原(玻利维亚)altitude 高度altocumulus 高积云altostratus 高层云aluminium sesquioxide 三氧化二铝amenities 市容ammonia 氨ammophilous 喜砂amorphous 无定形amplitude (1)幅度,(2)振幅anabatic wind 上坡风anaerobic 厌氧anaerobic treatment 厌氧处理;缺氧处理ancillary service 辅助性服务〔行业〕anemometer 风速计aneroid barometer 空盒气压计angle of depression 俯角angle of elevation 仰角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of repose 休止角angular (compass, whole circle) bearing 方位角angulate drainage 角状水系animal husbandry 畜牧〔业〕anion 阴离子;负离子annotated map 注释图annual flood 年最大流量;年最大洪水annual mean temperature 年平均温annual rainfall 年雨量annual range of temperature 年温差annual runoff 年径流;年径流量annular drainage 环状水系antarctic circle 南极圈antecedent drainage 先成水系anthracite 无烟煤anthropogenic factor 人为因素anticline 背斜anticyclone 反气旋anticyclonic circulation 反气旋式环流anvil cloud 砧状云apartment building 住宅大厦apex (1)冲积扇顶,(2)顶点aquaculture 水产养殖aquatic plant 水生植物aqueduct 引水槽aquifer 畜水层arable farming 耕作农业arable land 〔可〕耕地arch (1)背斜,(2)拱顶,(3)穹窿archimedes' screw 〔阿基米得式〕螺旋水斗archipelago 群岛arctic air mass 北极气团arctic circle 北极圈arctic climate 北极气候arctic front 北极锋arcuate delta 弓形三角洲;扇形三角洲area sampling 区域抽样;地区抽样areal association 地区联系;地域联系areal differentiation 地域分异areal distribution 地区分布;地域分布areal specialization 地区专门化;地域专门化areal variation 地区差异;地域差异arete 刃脊;冰脊arid 干旱arid {dry} climate 干旱气候arid land 旱地aridisol 旱成土aridity 干燥〔度〕干旱〔度〕arithmetic mean 算术平均;等差中项;算术中项arithmetic progression 等差级数;算术级数arterial highway 干线公路artesian basin 自流水盆地artesian water 自流水artesian well 自流井artificial climate 人造气候asbestosis 石棉沉着病ash and cinder cone 凝灰火山渣锥ash cone 凝灰火山锥ash lagoon 煤灰湖asker 蛇〔形〕丘aspect 坡向assembly industry 装配工业assembly line 装配线assimilation 同化〔作用〕association 联系assumed mean 假定平均数asthenosphere 软流圈;岩流圈asymmetrical fold 不对称折曲atlas 地图集atmosphere 大气;大气圈atmospheric absorption 大气吸收atmospheric circulation 大气环流atmospheric disturbance 大气扰动atmospheric heat balance 大气热平衡atmospheric heat source 大气热源atmospheric motion 大气流动atmospheric pollutant 大气污染物atmospheric pollution 大气污染atmospheric pressure 大气压力;气压atmospheric radiation 大气辐射atmospheric refraction 大气折射atoll 环礁attrition 磨耗〔作用〕自磨〔作用〕aureole 〔接触〕变质带autotroph 自养生物autotrophic nutrition 自养营养autumnal equinox 秋分available relief (relative relief) 有效地势;相对地势avalanche 雪崩;山崩average cost 平均成本axial growth 轴向增长axial plane 轴面axial stream 山谷主要河流azimuth 方位角azonal soil 泛域土baby boom 生育高峰back bearing 倒后方位backshore 后滩;滨后〔滩〕backwall 后壁;后坡backwash 回流badland 劣地bajada (bahada) 山麓冲积扇带balanced community 均衡社区balanced ecosystem 平衡生态系统baltic-danish farming 波罗的--丹麦农业bank deposit 河岸沉积〔物〕bank erosion 河岸侵蚀bank failure 塌岸bank full stage 满岸水位bank protection 护岸bankfull discharge 满岸流量bar 沙洲;沙坝bar chart (graph) 条形图;棒形图barbed drainage 倒状水系barchan 新月形沙丘barogram 自记气压曲线图barograph 自记气压计barometer 气压计barometric gradient 气压梯度barren land 荒地;瘠地barrier reef 堡礁;堤礁barrier to migration 迁徙障碍barysphere 重圈basal sapping 基部掏蚀basalt 玄武岩base flow 基本径流;底流base level 基准面base map 底图;基本图basic industry 基础工业basic lava 基性熔岩basic rock 基性岩basic sector 基础部门basin 盆地basin irrigation 淹灌basin perimeter 流域周长;流域周界basin planning 流域规划basin-and-range terrain 盆山相间地形batholith 岩基bauxite 铝土矿bayhead beach 湾头滩bazaar-type economy 摊贩经济beach 海滩beaded stream 串珠〔状〕河流beaufort scale 蒲福风级bed load 推移质;底沙bed scour 河床冲刷bedding 层理bedding plane 层面bed-load discharge 推移质输送量;底沙输送量bed-load transport 推移质输送;推移质搬运bedrock 基岩;底岩beef cattle 肉用牛behavioral adjustment 行为适应beheaded river (stream) 断头河bell-shaped curve 钟形曲线belt transect 样带bench 阶地bench mark (bm) 水准点beneficiation 矿物增效处理;富集bergschrund 冰后隙;冰斗隙best fit line 最优拟合线b-horizon b层;淀积层bias 偏误;偏差bidder 投标人;出价人bid-rent 出价地租bid-rent curve 出价地租曲线bifurcation ratio 分叉比;分叉率bimodal 集峰binomial curve 二项曲线biochemical oxygen demand(bod) 生化需氧量biocycle 生物循环biodegradation 生物降解biogeochemical cycle 生物地球化学循环biogeography 生物地理学biological concentration 生物密集biological control 生物防治biological indicator 指示生物biological monitor 生物调节者biological productivity 生物生产力biological purification 生物净化biological weathering 生物风化biomass 生物量biome 生物群落biosphere 生物圈biota (biotic community) 生物群biotic balance (equilibrium) 生物平衡biotic barrier 生物阻限biotic climax 生物顶极〔群落〕biotic community (biota) 生物群biotic component 生物组元biotic condition 生物条件biotic environment 生物环境;生命环境biotic equilibrium (balance) 生物平衡biotic factor 生物因素;生命因素biotite 黑云母biotype 生物〔类〕型bird's foot delta 鸟足状三角洲birth control 节育;计划生育birth rate 出生率birth-death ratio 生死比率bituminous coal 烟煤black alkali soil 黑碱土black earth 黑土blast furnace 鼓风炉bleached horizon 漂白层blighted area (1)萎缩地区,(2)枯萎区blizzard 暴风雪;雪暴block diagram 立体图block disintegration 块状崩解;块状分裂block mountain 断块山blood rain 血雨blood worm 红虫;颤虫blow-hole 吹穴blowout (deflation hollow) 吹蚀穴;风蚀洼地bluff 陡坡;陡崖body wave 体波bog 藓沼;沼泽bog peat 沼泽泥炭bora 布拉风(地中海北岸)boreal climate 北部〔森林〕气候boreal forest 北部针叶林borehole 钻孔;探孔boulder 巨砾;石砾boulder clay 泥砾boulder fan 巨砾扇boulder-controlled slope 砾块控制坡boundary (1)界限,(2)边界boundary layer 边界层brackish water 微咸水brackish water habitat 微咸水生境braided stream 分汊河道branching channel 辫状河breaching of dyke 决堤break8ing point 市场分界点breaker zone 碎波区;破波区break-of-bulk-point 转运点breakwater 防波堤breccia 角砾岩breeder reactor 增殖反应堆breeze 微风bridging point 架桥点broad-leaved forest 阔叶林bromine 溴bronchial ailment 支气管失调brown desert steppe soil 棕色荒漠草原土;棕钙土brown earth 棕壤brown forest soil 棕色森林土brown podzolic soil 灰化棕色土;灰化棕壤browsing stock 放牧牲畜buckling (1)弯曲,(2)地壳弯曲buffer 缓冲built-up area 已建区bulk carrier 散装货轮bund 堤burgess's concentric model 伯吉斯同心区模式burrowing animal 穴居动物;钻洞动bush fallowing 灌丛休耕法bush veld 灌丛草原(南非)bushfire 林火business turnover 营业额butte 小方丘;孤丘buttress root 板根by-census 中期人口普查;中期户口统计cactus 仙人掌cadmium 镉cainozoic (cenozoic) era 新生calcareous crust 代钙质地表层;石灰结皮;石灰结壳calcareous rock 钙质岩calcareous soil 钙质土;石灰性土壤calcic horizon 钙质层calcification 钙化作用calcimorphic soil 钙成土calciphilous plant 适钙植物;喜钙植物calcite 方解石calcium carbonate 碳酸钙caldera 破火山口caledonian mountain-building movement 加里东造山运动caliche 钙质层calm (1)无风,(2)静calorie 卡路里;卡cambrian period 寒武纪camouflage 保护色作用canopy 冠层canyon 峡谷cape 岬〔角〕capillary action 毛〔细〕管作用capital (1)资金;资本,(2)首都capital accumulation 资本累积capital city 首都capital goods 资本货物capital investment 资本投资capital-intensive industry 资本密集工业cap-rock 冠岩;覆盖石caravan 商队(北非)carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbon cycle 碳循环carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbonaceous rock 炭质岩carbonation 碳化作用carbonic acid 碳酸carboniferous period 石炭纪carcinogen 致癌物cardinal points 方位基点caribou 驯鹿carnivore 食肉动物;食肉生物carrying capacity 负载能力cartographic technique 绘图技巧cartography 绘图学cascade 小瀑布case study 个案研究;学习事例cash crop 经济作物;现金作物cash tenancy 现金租用耕地制cassava 木薯cast iron 铸铁cataract 急流catastrophic effect 灾难性后果catch crop 填闲作物catchment area (1)集水区,(2)从属区catchwater 引水道category 类型;类别catena (soil catena) 土链cation 阳离子;正离子cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换能力;正离子交换能力cattle rearing 牧牛业cavern 岩洞cavitation 空化〔作用〕cellular circulation 环型环流celsius scale 摄氏温度表cementation 胶结〔作用〕cenozoic (cainozoic) era 新生代census 代人口普查;户口统计central business district (cbd) 商业中心区central city 中心城central place 中地;中心地central tendency 集中趋势centrality 中心性centralization 集中centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济centre of gravity 重心centrifugal drainage 离心水系centrifugal force 离心力centripetal drainage 向心水系centripetal force 向心力cereal 谷类cesspool 污水池;粪池chain island 列岛chain shop 连锁店chalk 白垩chance factor 机遇因素channel (1)海峡,(2)水道,(3)河槽;河床channel capacity 河道容量channel cutting 河道割切channel density 河网密度channel equilibrium 河道平衡channel erosion 河道侵蚀channel filling 河道淤塞channel flow 河道径流;河槽径流channel frequency 河道频数channel gradient (slope) 河道坡度;河床坡度channel improvement 河道整治channel length 河道长度channel realignment 河道改道channel roughness 河床糙度channel slope (gradient) 河道坡度;河床坡度channel width 河道宽度channelled runoff 河道径流channelling 开渠;开新槽chaparral 浓密常绿阔叶灌丛(美国加利福尼亚和墨西哥) chart 图;图表chemical industry 化学工业chemical oxygen demand (cod) 化学需氧量chemical waste 化学废物chemical weathering 化学风化chemically formed sedimentary rock 化学作用形成的沉积岩chemosynthesis 化合作用;化学合成chernozem 黑钙土chestnut brown soil 栗钙褐土chestnut soil 栗钙土child-bearing age group 生育年龄组chili 奇利风(突尼斯的干热风)chinook 钦诺克风(北美)chi-square 卡方chloroflurocarbons (cfcs) 氯氟碳chlorophyll 叶绿素c-horizon c层;母质层choropleth map 等值域图christaller's central place theory 克里斯泰勒中地学说chute (1)奔流;瀑流,(2)流槽cinder cone 火山渣锥circular causation 循环因果circum-pacific belt 环太平洋带circumpolar westerlies 环极西风cirque (corrie, cwm) 冰斗cirrocumulus 卷积云cirrostratus 卷层云cirrus 卷云city 城市city (urban) planner 城市规划师city (urban) planning 城市规划city centre 市中心city plan 城市平面图city proper 城市市区部分class 区;组;类class boundary 组界class interval 组区间;组距class limit 组限;区限class mark (class mid-point) 组中点;组中点class mid-point (class mark) 组中点;区中点clastic deposit 碎屑沉积clay 黏土clay loam 黏质壤土clay pan 黏盘clay particle 黏土颗粒clayey 黏质clay-humus complex 黏粒腐殖质复合体cliff 悬崖;峭壁climate 气候climate modification 〔人工〕改变气候climatic amelioration 气候改良climatic anomaly 气候异常climatic barrier 气候障壁climatic change 气候变化;气候变迁climatic classification 气候分类climatic climax 气候顶极〔群落〕climatic deterioration 气候恶化climatic element 气候要素climatic factor 气候因子climatic graph 气候图〔表〕climatic map 气候图climatic oscillation 气候变化;气候变动climatic prediction 气候预报climatic region 气候区climatic regulation 气候调节〔作用〕climatology 气候学climax 顶极〔群落〕climax community 顶极群落climax vegetation 顶极植物climber 攀绿植物climbing plant 攀绿植物climograph 气候图clinometer 倾角仪;测斜仪clint 石灰岩岩脊;石芽closed system 密闭系统clothing industry 制衣业cloud 云cloud cover (cloudiness) 云量cloud reflection 云盖反射cloud seeding 播云;云的催化cloud type 云型cloudiness (cloud cover) 云量cluster sampling 类集抽样coagulation 混凝coal seam 煤层coalfield 煤田coarse texture soil 粗质地土壤coarse tuff 粗粒凝灰岩coarse-grained rock 粗粒岩石coastal landform 海岸地貌;海岸地形coastal plain 海岸平原coastline 海岸线cobble 中砾coding 编码cohesion 内聚力;凝聚力cohort 同期组群coking coal 〔炼〕焦煤col 山口;山坳cold current 寒流cold desert 寒〔带荒〕漠cold front 冷锋cold resistance 耐寒性cold temperate climate 寒温带气候cold wave 寒潮collective farming 集体农业collectivization 集体化colloid 胶体colluvium 崩积物;崩积层;坡积物colonization (1)殖民;拓殖,(2)集群;定殖;占据colony 集群;群体columnar jointing 柱状节理columnar structure 柱状结构combine harvester 联合收割机;多用途收割机commercial centre 商业中心commercial farming 商业性农业commercial zone 商业区commercialization 商业化commune 公社communication (1)交通,(2)通讯community (1)社区,(2)群落community facility 社区设施community organization 社区组织community shopping centre 社区购物中心commuter 通勤者;往返市区工作地点及郊区住所的人commuter zone 通勤带compact texture 致密结构comparative advantage 相对优势comparison goods 需比较商品compass 罗盘;指南针compass (angular, whole circle) bearing 方位角compass points 罗盘指标;罗盘方位competence of stream 河流搬运最大颗粒能力competition for location 区位竞争competition for space 空间竞争component 组元composite cone 复合火山锥composting 堆肥comprehensive redevelopment area 综合性重建区compressional force 挤压力computation 计算concave bank 凹岸concave slope 凹坡concentration 集结concentric zone theory 同心圆地带论concordant (longitudinal) coast 顺向海岸;纵式海岸concretion 结核〔作用〕condensation 凝结condensation level 凝结高度condensation nuclei 凝结核心conduction of heat 热传导conelet 小型火山锥confluence 汇流点congelifraction 融冻〔崩解〕作用conglomerate 砾岩conical hill 锥形山conifer 针叶树coniferous forest 针叶林connectivity 连接程度consequent drainage 顺向水系conservation 养护;保养;保护;保存;节约conservation of resources 资源保养constant slope 直坡constructive plate boundary 建设性皮块边界constructive wave 建设性波浪;堆积浪consumer 消费者consumer behaviour 消费行为;消费者行为container 集装箱;货柜container terminal 集装箱码头;货柜码头containerization 集装箱化;货柜化continent 洲;大陆continental air mass 大陆气团continental apron (rise) 大陆隆continental climate 大陆〔性〕气候continental collision 大陆碰撞continental crust 大陆地壳;陆壳continental drift 大陆漂移continental edge (fringe, margin) 大陆边缘continental fringe (edge, margin) 大陆边缘continental glacier 大陆冰川continental island 大陆岛continental margin (edge, fringe) 大陆边缘continental nucleus 陆核continental plate 大陆板块continental plate boundary 大陆板块边界continental rise (apron) 大陆隆continental rupture 大陆破裂continental shelf 大陆〔棚〕架continental shield 地盾continental slope 〔大〕陆〔斜〕坡continental suturing 大陆缝合作用continentality 大陆性;大陆度contour farming (ploughing) 等高耕作〔法〕contour line 等高线contour map 等高线图contour mapping 等高线绘图contour method 等高线法contour ploughing (farming) 等高耕作〔法〕contraception 避孕contract farming 合约式农业controlled flooding 控制漫灌〔法〕controlled tip 废物堆填区controlled tipping 废物堆填法conurbation 联都;集合城市〔区〕convection (convectional) rain 对流雨convection (convective) current (1)对流,(2)对流气流convection of heat 热对流convective (convection) current (1)对流,(2)对流气流convenience goods 日用品;常用商品conventional sign 图例;沿用图例;惯用符号convergence (1)辐合,(2)聚合convex bank 凸岸convex slope 凸坡cool temperate climate 凉温带气候co-operative farming 合作社式农业coordinate 坐标coral reef 珊瑚礁cordillera 雁列山(美洲 )core (1) 地核;地心,(2)核心core area 核心区corestone 核心石;岩心coriolis effect 科里奥效应coriolis force 科里奥利力;地球自转偏向力corn belt 玉米带(美)corrasion (abrasion) 磨蚀〔作用〕刻蚀〔作用〕corrective measure 改善措施correlation 相关corrie (cirque, cwm) 冰斗corrosion 溶蚀〔作用〕cosmic ray 宇宙射线cost minimization 生产成本最低化;成本的极少化cost of living 生活费cost-benefit analysis 损益分析;成本收益分析cottage industry 家庭式工业counter radiation 逆辐射counter-urbanization 逆城市化country park 郊野公园country rock 围岩crag and tail 鼻尾丘crater 火山口crest 山脊cretaceous period 白垩纪crevasse 冰隙;裂隙critical discharge 临界流量critical isodapane 临界等总运费线crop and livestock farming 耕牧混合农业crop breeding 作物育种crop failure 作物失收;作物减产crop rotation 轮植;轮作;轮耕cropping pattern 作物生产型式cropping region 作物区cropping system 耕作制度;农作制度cross breeding 杂交育种;杂交繁育cross section 横剖面;横切面cross-bedding 交错层crown 树冠crude birth rate 粗出生率;毛出生率crude death rate 粗死亡率;毛死亡率crumb structure 屑粒结构crust (earth's crust) 地壳crystal 晶体crystalline rock 结晶岩crystallization 结晶〔作用〕cuesta 单斜脊;单面山cuesta scarp 单斜脊崖(前坡);鬣崖cultural landscape 文化景观cumulative causation 累积因果cumulative frequency 累积频数;累积频率cumulative frequency curve 累积频数曲线;穹形线cumulonimbus 积雨云cumulus 积云cup anemometer 转杯风速计curde oil 原油current meter 流速计current speed 流速cuspate delta 尖头三角洲cut off slope 削蚀坡cut-and-fill (1)边冲边淤(曲流) (2)先冲后淤(河床) cuticle 角质层cut-off (1)截流;断流,(2)裁湾〔作用〕cut-off lake (oxbow lake) 牛轭湖cutting 〔削〕切面cwm (cirque, corrie) 冰斗cycle of erosion 侵蚀循环cycle of poverty 贫穷循环cyclone 气旋cyclone track 气旋路线cyclonic circulation 气旋环流cyclonic flow 气旋流动cyclonic rain 气旋雨daily (diurnal) range of temperature 日温差dairy cattle 乳牛;乳用牛dairy farming 乳牛畜牧业dalmatian coast 达尔马提亚型海岸;顺向海岸dam 水坝dam-failure 溃坝;垮坝data analysis 数据分析;资料分析data collection 数据搜集;资料搜集data interpretation 数据阐释;资料阐释data processing 数据处理;数据处理data representation 数据表达;资料表达de facto population 现住人口de jure population 常住人口death rate 死亡率debris avalanche 岩屑崩落debris flow 泥石流debris slope 岩屑坡decalcification 脱钙作用decay 腐烂;分解decentralization 分散;离心decibel (db) 分贝deciduous forest 落叶林decision maker 决策者declining region 衰落区decomposer 分解者decomposing organism 分解生物decomposition 分解〔作用〕deep-focus earthquake 深源地震deferred junction 延长汇点deferred stream 延长河deflation 吹蚀〔作用〕deflation hollow (blowout) 吹蚀穴;风蚀洼地deflation varnish 吹蚀漆皮deflection 偏向deflection (deflective, deviating) force 偏向力;偏转力deflective (deflecting, deviating) force 偏向力;偏转力defoliation 去叶;落叶;脱叶deforestation 伐林deformation 变形;变态deglomeration 反聚集力degradable plastics 可降解塑料degradation 陵削〔作用〕减坡degrading stream 夷低河;削蚀河;下切河流dehydration 脱水〔作用〕deionized water 去离子水delta 三角洲demand potential 需求潜在力demographic data 人口数据;人口资料demographic structure 人口结构demographic transition 人口过渡;人口转变demographic transition theory 人口过渡论demography 人口统计学;人口学dendritic drainage 〔树〕枝状水系denitrification 反硝化作用densely populated 人口稠密density 密度density map 密度图denudation 剥蚀〔作用〕denudation chronology 剥蚀年代dependency population 依赖人口;受抚养人口dependency ratio 依赖比率;抚养比率dependent variable 应变量;应变数depopulation 人口减少;人口下降deposit 沉积物deposition 沉积〔作用〕depreciation (1)折旧,(2)贬值;货币贬值depressed region 葨落区域depression (1)低气压,(2)洼地deranged drainage 冰碛平原水系;扰乱水系desalinization 脱盐作用descriptive statistics 描述统计学desert 荒漠;沙漠desert climate 荒漠气候;沙漠气候desert encroachment 荒漠扩展;沙漠扩侵desert pavement 荒漠〔卵石〕覆盖层;沙漠〔卵石〕覆盖层desert plateau 荒漠高原;沙漠高原desert varnish 荒漠漆皮desertification 荒漠化;沙漠化desiccation 干燥作用;变旱desilication 脱硅作用destructive plate boundary 破坏性板块边界destructive wave 破坏性〔波〕浪detached building 独立式楼宇detritus (1)碎屑;岩屑,(2)腐屑developed country 已发展国家developing country 发展中国家development level 发展水平deviating (deflecting, deflective) force 偏向力;偏转力deviation 偏差devonian period 泥盆纪dew 露dew point 露点d-horizon d层;基岩层diagenesis 成岩作用diagonal linkage 对角联系diastrophism 地壳运动differential erosion 差别侵蚀differential weathering 差别风化diffuse radiation 扩散辐射diffusion 漫射;扩散dike (dyke) (1)岩墙;岩脉,(2)堤dilution 稀释diminishing return 收益递减dip 倾斜dip angle 倾角dip direction 倾向dip slope 倾向坡direct proportion 正比例disaster relief 救灾discharge 流量disclimax 亚演替顶极discordant coast 横或海岸discordant drainage 不协调水系discrete data 不连续数据disease control 疾病控制diseconomies of scale 规模不经济disintegration 崩解;分解dismembered drainage 解体水系dispersed settlement 分散聚落dispersion (1)离〔中〕趋势;离〔中〕差,(2)离散displacement 位移disposal 处置;处理dissected plateau 切割高原dissection 切割〔作用〕分割〔作用〕dissipation 消散〔作用〕dissolved load 溶解〔搬运〕质dissolved oxygen (do) 溶解氧distance decay 随距递减;随距衰减distributary 分流distribution 分布distributional pattern 分布形态diurnal (daily) range of temperature 日温差divergence (1)辐散,(2)分向diversification 多元化divided circle (pie graph) 圆瓣图division of labour 分工doldrums 赤道无风带dolerite 粗玄岩doline 溶斗;〔漏斗形〕灰岩坑domain 领域dome 穹丘,圆丘domesti refuse 家庭废物domestic sewage 生活污水;家庭污水domesticated animal 驯养家畜domestication 驯化;驯养dominant animal 优势动物dominant plant 优势植物dominant species 优势种dormancy 休眠dormant volcano 睡火山dormitory suburb 郊外居住区;郊外住宅区dormitory town 居住城镇dot map 点示图double cropping 雨造耕作;双作downcutting 下蚀〔作用〕下切侵蚀downdraft (downdraught) 下沉气流downfold 向斜downstream 下游downthrow 下盘downtown 市中心;城市商业区(美)downward filtering process 下滤过程downwelling 沉降流downwind effect 下沉风效应drag velocity 摩阻流速drainage (1)水系,(2)排水drainage area (1)流域,(2)排水区drainage basin 河盆;河域drainage density 河网密度;排水密度drainage network (1)河网,(2)排水网drainage pattern 水系型〔式〕drainage system 水系draught animal 役畜dredging 清淤;疏浚dreikanter 三棱石;风棱石drift (adlt) mining 横坑开采法drift material 飘流物;漂流物drill rig 钻油台;钻塔drip-tip 滴水叶尖drizzle 微雨;毛毛雨drought 干旱drought-resistant plant 抗旱性植物drowned river valley (rai) 溺谷;溺河drumlin 脊背丘;鼓丘dry (arid) climate 干旱气候dry (wind) gap 旱峡;风口dry adiabatic lapse rate 干绝热〔温度〕递减率;干绝热〔温度〕直减率dry crop 旱田作物dry farming 旱耕〔法〕dry rice 旱稻dry valley 干谷;涸谷dry-bulb thermometer 干球温度计drying agent 干燥剂duckweed 浮萍;青萍dumping area 倾卸区dune 沙丘dune encroachment 沙丘扩侵duplex house 复式房屋durable goods 耐用品duricrust 铝铁硅钙壳duripan 硬盘dust bowl 尘暴区(美)dust storm 尘暴dwelling unit 居住单位dyke rock 脉岩dyke(dike) (1)岩墙;岩脉,(2)堤dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡earth movement 地壳运动earth pillar 土柱earth revolution 地球公转earth rotation 地球自转earth-flow 泥流earthquake 地震earthquake focus 震源earthquake intensity 地震强度earthquake origin 震源earthquake period 地震期earthquake prediction 地震预报earthquake scale 地震震级earthquake wave 地震波earthquake zone 地震带earthquake-prooff design 抗震设计earth's axis 地轴earth's crust (crust) 地壳earthy 土状easterlies (1)东风,(2)东风带easting 东行线ecocline 生态变异;生态差型ecological balance 生态平衡ecological community 生态群落ecological crisis 生态危机ecological damage 生态破坏ecological efficiency 生态效率ecological niche 生态位;小生境ecological pyramid 生态塔ecological succession 生态演替ecology 生态学economic base 经济基础economic bloc 经济集团economic depression 经济萧条economic development 经济发展economic growth 经济增长economic man 经济人economic recession 经济衰退economic recovery 经济复苏economic region 经济区economic rent 经济租值economic take-off 经济起飞economic utility 经济效用economically active population 经济活动人口economically inactive population 非经济活动人口economies of scale 规模经济效益ecosphere 生态圈ecosystem 生态系统ecotone 群落过渡带;群落交错区ecotype 生态型edaphic climax 土壤演替顶极〔群落〕edaphic factor 土壤因素eddy 旋涡effciency of energy transfer 能量变换效率;能量转换效率effective precipitation 有效降水〔量〕effluent (1)污水;废水,(2)湖源河eight point compass 八方位罗盘elasticity of demand 需求弹性elasticity of supply 供给弹性elbow of capture 袭夺〔河〕弯electrical conductivity 导电性;导电率electromagnetic wave 电磁波electronics industry 电子业elevated peneplain 上升准平原elevation (1)海拔;高度,(2)仰角eluvial deposit (1)残积物,(2)淋溶沉积物eluvial horizon 淋溶层eluviation 淋溶〔作用〕淋失〔作用〕embankment 堤基emergence 上升emergent (1)露生植物,(2)挺水植物emergent coast 上升海岸emigrant 移民emigration 移居国外empirical data 实验数据employment structure 就业结构end (terminal) moraine 终〔冰〕endangered species 濒临灭绝的生物品种;濒危物种endogenic process 内力作用;内成作用energy balance 能量平衡energy budget 能量收支energy conservation 能源节约energy crisis 能源危机energy deficit 能量亏损energy efficiency 能量效率;能源效率energy flow 能〔量〕流energy level 能量级energy ratio 能量比率energy reserve 能源蕴藏energy resources 能源〔资源〕energy source 能源energy subsidy 能源补助energy surplus 能量过剩energy transfer 能量转移engineering industry 机械工业englacial moraine 内〔冰〕碛。

地理专业名词中英文对照1、大气ATMOSPHERE大气组成Atmospheric composition空气质量Air quality大气化学Atmospheric chemistry大气成分Atmospheric components大气颗粒物Atmospheric particulates二氧化碳Carbon dioxide温室气体Greenhouse gases氧气Oxygen臭氧层Ozone layer大气过程Atmospheric processes空气,水相互作用Air-water interaction大气环流Atmospheric circulation大气降水Atmospheric precipitation碳循环Carbon cycle蒸发作用Evaporation降水增加Precipitation enhancement降雨Rainfall太阳辐射Solar radiation蒸腾作用Transpiration风Winds空气污染Air pollution酸雨Acid rain空气污染物Air pollutants氯氟碳Chlorofluorocarbons沉降的颗粒物Deposited particulate matter飞灰Fly ash雾Fog薄烟Haze空内空气污染Indoor air pollution 烟雾Smog气候问题Climatic issues农业气象学Agrometeorology气候Climate气候变化Climatic change气候带Climatic zones干旱Drought全球变暖Global warming温室效应Greenhouse effect湿度Humidity微气候影响Microclimate effects海平面上升Sea level rise人工影响天气Weather modification2、岩石圈LITHOSPHERE固态地球Solid Earth洞穴Caves地震活动Seismic activity地震监测Seismic monitoring火山Volcanoes风蚀Wind erosion3、陆地生态系统TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS土壤Soils农用土地Agricultural land碱地Alkali lands污染的土地Contaminated land污染的土壤Contaminated soil沙坑Gravel pits荒地Heath lands土地承载能力Land carrying capacity土地污染Land pollution土地开垦Land reclamation土地恢复Land restoration土地使用分类Land use classification边缘土地Marginal lands沙石开采Sand extraction沉积Sedimentation土壤潜力Soil capabilities土壤保持Soil conservation土壤污染Soil contamination土壤退化Soil degradation土壤侵蚀Soil erosion土壤改良Soil improvement土壤盐碱化Soil salination水蚀Water erosion干旱地区生态系统Arid land ecosystems干旱土地Arid lands沙漠化Desertification抗旱Drought control旱作Dry farming沙丘固定Sand dune fixation沙丘Sand dunes半干旱地区生态系统Semi-arid land ecosystems 森林生态系统Forest ecosystems植树造林Afforestation针叶林Coniferous forests森林砍伐Deforestation森林保护Forest conservation森林火灾Forest fires草地火灾Grass fires绿化带Greenbelts本地森林Indigenous forests再造林Reforestation植被恢复Revegetation亚热带生态系统Sub-tropical ecosystems温带森林Temperate forests温带林地Temperate woodlands树木Trees热带生态系统Tropical ecosystems热带森林Tropical forests热带森林生态系统Tropical forest ecosystems林地生态系统Woodland ecosystems温带生态系统和寒带生态系统Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems 南极生态系统Antarctic ecosystems南极地区Antarctic region北极生态系统Arctic ecosystems北极地区Arctic region寒带生态系统Cold zone ecosystems草地生态系统Grassland ecosystems永久冻土生态系统Permafrost ecosystems极地生态系统Polar ecosystems温带生态系统Temperate ecosystems山地生态系统Mountain ecosystems高原生态系统Highland ecosystems登山运动Mountaineering湿地生态系统Wetlands ecosystems红树沼泽Mangrove swamps水禽Waterfowl水涝地Waterlogged lands流域管理Watershed management水边开发Waterside development生物多样性和保护区Biological diversity and protected areas适应性强的物种Adaptable species藻类Algae两栖动物Amphibians动物习性Animal behaviour动物资源Animal resources节肢动物Arthropods生物多样性Biological diversity生物资源Biological resources生物圈保护区Biosphere reserves群落生境Biotopes鸟类Birds植物园Botanical gardens基因资源保护Conservation of genetic resources 生态平衡Ecological balance濒危动物物种Endangered animal species濒危植物物种Endangered plant species河口保护区Estuarine conservation areas动物区系Fauna植物区系Flora食物链Food chain捕猎Hunting无脊椎动物Invertebrates陆地哺乳动物Land mammals哺乳动物Mammals海洋保护区Marine conservation areas微生物Microorganisms移栖种Migratory species国家公园National parks国家保护区National reserves寄生生物Parasites偷猎Poaching灵长目Primates保护区Protected areas受保护的物种Protected species爬行动物Reptiles陆地生物资源Terrestrial biological resources植被Vegetation杂草Weeds野生生物Wildlife野生生物保护Wildlife conservation野生生物生境Wildlife habitats动物园Zoological gardens细菌Bacteria酶Enzymes真菌Fungi基因库Gene banks种质Germ plasm微生物资源Microbial resources原生生物Protozoa病毒Viruses酵母Yeasts生物技术问题Biotechnological issues农业生物技术Agricultural biotechnologies生物伦理学Bioethics生物安全Biosafety生物技术Biotechnologies无性繁殖Cloning与健康有关的生物技术Health-related biotechnologies诱变剂Mutagens突变微生物释放Mutated microorganisms release突变体Mutants繁殖控制Reproductive manipulationDNA重组技术Recombinant DNA technology动物的选择性繁殖Selective breeding of animals植物的选择性繁殖Selective breeding of plants生物技术的社会,经济影响Socio-economic impact of biotechnologies 致畸剂Teratogens4、淡水FRESHWATER淡水资源Freshwater resources淡水保护Conservation of freshwater水坝Dams冰Ice湖泊Lakes自然排水系统Natural drainage systems河流流域开发River basin development河流Rivers雪Snow地下水Subterranean water地表水Surface waters水资源保护Water resources conservation水资源开发Water resources development淡水生态系统Freshwater ecosystems集水区Catchment areas国际河流流域International river basins湖泊流域Lake basins池塘尾渣Ponds tailings河流流域River basins淡水恶化Freshwater degradation河流污染River pollution径流Run-off沉积物移动Sediment mobilization沉积物运移Sediment transport沉积盆地Sedimentary basins渗漏Seepage凤眼蓝Water hyacinth水葫芦;凤眼兰;凤眼莲;凤眼蓝;风信花水污染Water pollution水的盐化Water salination饮用水供应Drinking water supply脱盐Desalination饮用水Drinking water饮用水处理Drinking water treatment城市配水系统Municipal water distribution systems 农村供水Rural water supply污水处理厂Sewage treatment plants水泵Water pumps水处理Water treatment水井Water wells5、海洋环境MARINE ENVIRONMENTS海洋生态系统Marine ecosystems藻花Algal bloom海底生态系统Benthic ecosystems海洋污染Marine pollution污染沉积物Marine sediments海洋环境Ocean circulation洋流Ocean currents海洋Oceans海洋温度Ocean temperature赤潮Red tide海平面Sea level潮,潮汐Tides沿海生态系统Coastal ecosystems群岛Archipelagoes沿海地区Coastal areas沿海开发Coastal development沿海环境Coastal environments海岸侵蚀Coastal erosion疏浚Dredging河口生态系统Estuarine ecosystems岛屿生态系统Island ecosystems小岛屿Small islands海洋生物资源Living marine resources水生哺乳动物Aquatic mammals水生微生物Aquatic microorganisms水生植物Aquatic plants珊瑚礁Coral reefs甲壳纲动物Crustaceans鱼类Fish海洋资源保护Marine resources conservation软体动物Molluscs水生贝壳类动物Shellfish6、环境管理ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT资源管理Resources management深海矿藏Deep sea deposits森林管理Forest management森林政策Forest policy资源的地埋分布Geographic distribution of resources土地价值Land values矿产资源Mineral resources国家保护计划National conservation programs自然资源Natural resources自然保护Nature conservation不可再生资源Non-renewable resources资源净损耗Net resource depletion矿床Ore deposits石油资源保护Petroleum resources conservation可再生资源Renewable resources资源估价Resource appraisal资源保护Resource conservation海底开发Sea bed exploitation海底采矿Sea bed mining本地资源的利用Utilization of local resources环境规划Environmental planning发展合作Development cooperation发展计划Development planning生态发展Ecodevelopment经济发展Economic development经济计划Economic planning环境核算Environmental accounting环境审计Environmental auditing环境健康影响评价Environmental health impact assessment 环境影响Environmental impact环境影响评价Environmental impact assessment环境影响状报告书Environmental impact statement环境指标Environmental indicators环境政策Environmental policy环境风险评估Environmental risk assessment财政资助Financial assistance土地利用规划Land use planning环境管理指标Environmental management indicators环境质量指标Environmental quality indicators试验项目Pilot projects政策规划Policy planning施压集团Pressure groups区域规划Regional planning自助计划Self-help programmes工农业选址Siting of industry社会调查Social surveys发展状况Status of development可持续发展Sustainable development可持续发展指标Sustainable development indicators技术评价Technology assessment运输计划Transport planning环境经济问题Environmental economic issues环境定价Environmental valuation环境成本Environmental costs外部Externalities重置成本Replacement costs贸易对环境的影响Trade impact on environment已定价值的生态系统组成部分valued ecosystem components 经济管理手段Economic management instruments成本-效益分析Cost-benefit analysis发展中国家债务Developing countries debt环境股票交易Environmental stock exchange政府环境开支Government environmental expenditures绿色财政手段Green fiscal instruments环境成本内在化Internalisation of environmental costs以绿色标志促销Marketing with green labelling资源的定价政策Pricing policies of resources结构调整计划Structural adjustment programs税收差别Tax differentiation可交易的许可证Tradeable permits7、人类住区HUMAN SETTLEMENTS人类住区管理Human settlements management建成区Built-up areas经济规划Economic zoning用火安全要求Fire safety requirements历史遗址Historical sites住房改善Housing improvements住房需求Housing needs住房规划Housing programmes住房质量标准Housing quality standards工业区Industrial areas非高峰时间工作Off-peak working办公室Offices城区发展模式Patterns of urban growth规划的城区发展Planned urban development 再建房屋Rehousing租赁房屋Rental housing居民区Residential areas建筑安全标准Safety standards for buildings 商店Shops建筑业标准Standards for building industry 城区设计Urban design建成结构Built structures桥梁Bridges建筑材料Building materials建筑物Buildings建筑技术Building technology施工技术Construction technology建筑工程Construction works农业建筑Farm buildings政府建筑Government buildings高层建筑High-rise buildings工业建筑Industrial buildings本地建筑材料Local materials for building拖车住房Mobile homes核研究中心Nuclear research centres装配式房屋Prefabricated buildings结构Structures隔热Thermal insulation基础设施Infrastructure通道Access roads水上娱乐活动Aquatic recreational amenities 汽车停放Automobile parking建成的排水系统Built drainage systems电力分配Electric power distribution公共花园Public gardens公路Highways空地Open spaces管道Pipelines运动场Playgrounds公园Public parks公用事业Public utilities道路建设Road construction道路养护Road maintenance体育设施Sports facilities电信Telecommunications运输系统Transport systems隧道Tunnels城市供水Urban water supply公共服务Public services人类住区的社会,经济方面Socio-economic aspects of human settlements 生育控制Birth control社区服务Community services社区参与Community participation通勤Commuting消费方式Consumption patterns文化指标Cultural indicators发展模式Development patterns残疾人Disabled persons毒品滥用Drug abuse生态旅游Ecotourism计划生育Family planning性别问题Gender issues无家可归Homelessness住房集资Housing finance人类迁居Human migration人口Human population人权Human rights土地分配Land allotment生活方式Lifestyles低价住房Low-cost housing流动工人Migrant workers少数民族Minorities社区改善计划Neighbourhood improvement schemes新社区New communities流浪者Nomads非高峰时间通勤Off-peak commuting公共卫生Public health种族关系Race relations娱乐Recreation农村地区Rural areas环境卫生Sanitation社会指数Social indicators社会-经济因素Socio-economic factors旅游Tourism旅行Travel贫困阶层Under-privileged people 城市地区Urban areas城区改造Urban renewal城区压力Urban stress妇女地位Women status8、人类住区的环境方面Environmental aspects of human settlements空调Air conditioning尸体处置Disposal of the dead区城供热District heating住房密度Housing density过度拥挤Overcrowding难民Refugees旅游设施Tourist facilities城市衰败Urban decay9、农业AGRICULTURE农业方式Agricultural practices农业设备Agricultural equipment农业管理Agricultural management农业方法Agricultural methods农业害虫Agricultural pests农业生产Agricultural production农业储藏Agricultural storage动物疾病Animal diseases动物营养Animal nutrition养蜂业Apiculture水产养殖Aquaculture害虫的生物控制Biological control of pests 生物固氮Biological nitrogen fixation堆肥Composts等高耕作Contour farming受控燃烧Controlled burning作物保护Crop protection挽畜Draught animals鱼类养殖Fish culture渔业管理Fisheries management谷物Grains作物虫害传染Infestation of crops粮食虫害传染Infestation of food灌溉Irrigation灌溉渠Irrigation canals灌溉农业Irrigation farming天然肥料Natural fertilizers有机农业Organic farming病虫害控制Pest management杀虫剂标准控制Pesticide control standards 植物病害Plant diseases家禽饲养Poultry farming林农轮作Shifting cultivation树木苗圃Tree nurseries滴灌Trickle irrigation农工业Agro-industry畜产品Animal products饮料工业Beverage industry酿造业Brewing industry蒸馏业Distilling industry食品辐照Food irradiation食品保存Food preservation食品贮藏Food storage食品运输Food transport林产品Forest products烟草Tobacco农用化学品Agrochemicals化学肥料Chemical fertilizers杀真菌剂Fungicides除草剂Herbicides杀虫剂的代谢Metabolism of pesticides硝酸盐Nitrates亚硝酸盐Nitrites亚硝胺Nitrosamines营养物Nutrients有机磷化物Organophosphorus compounds 杀虫剂的持久性Persistence of pesticides杀虫剂路径Pesticide pathways杀虫剂Pesticides磷酸盐Phosphates杀虫剂的毒性Toxicity of pesticides杀虫剂的使用Utilization of pesticides10、工业INDUSTRY工业生产过程Industrial processes制铝工业Aluminium industry适用技术Appropriate technology高炉Blast furnaces纤维素Cellulose化学工业Chemical industry清洁技术Clean technologies服装工业Clothing industry乳品业Dairy industry脱盐工厂Desalination plants干洗Dry cleaning炼铁工业Iron industry纤维素Cellulose化学工业Chemical industry清洁技术Clean technologies服装工业Clothing industry乳品业Dairy industry脱盐工厂Desalination plants干洗Dry cleaning炼铁工业Iron industry洗烫衣服Laundering皮革工业Leather industry金属加工Metal finishing金属电镀Metal plating金属冶炼Metal smelting矿产业Mineral industry采矿Mining天然气开采Natural gas extraction原油开采Oil extraction石油提炼Petroleum refining印刷工业Printing industry纸浆工业Pulp industry采石Quarrying橡胶加工Rubber processing炼钢工业Steel industry露天剥采Strip mining焦油生产Tar production焦油使用Tar use木材保存Wood preservation工业产品Industrial products消费品Consumer goods危险品Dangerous goods工业材料Industrial materials天然纤维Natural fibres包装Packaging涂料Paints产品标签Product labelling可再用容器Reusable containers合成洗涤剂Synthetic detergents合成纺织纤维Synthetic textile fibres漆Varnishes木产品Wood products11、运输TRANSPORTATION空运Air transportation空中交通规则Air traffic regulations飞机Aircraft飞机发动机排放物Aircraft engine emissions飞机噪音Aircraft noise机场Airports航天运输Space transportation陆上运输Land transportation自行车Bicycles内燃机Combustion engines铁路运输Railway transport道路安全Road safety道路交通工程Road traffic engineering 道路运输Road transport道路Roads城市交通Urban traffic车辆检验Vehicle inspection水上运输Water transportation渔轮Fishing vessels内河运输Inland water transport内陆水道Inland waterways国际水道International watercourses 海运Maritime transport航运的危害Navigational hazards油轮Oil tankers港口Ports潜水艇Submarines12、能ENERGY能源Energy sources动物粪便作燃料Animal dung as fuel 沼气Biogas生物量Biomass生物质能Biomass energy木炭Charcoal煤Coal原油Crude oil能源资源Energy resources浓缩铀Enriched uranium矿物燃料Fossil fuels燃料酒精Fuel alcohol薪柴Fuel wood地热能Geothermal energy碳氢化合物Hydrocarbon compounds 烃Hydrocarbons水电Hydroelectric power液化气Liquefied gas甲烷Methane天然气Natural gas可再生能源Renewable energy sources不可再生能源Non-renewable energy resources 无污染能源Non-polluting energy sources核能Nuclear energy核燃料Nuclear fuels油类Oils油页岩Oil shales泥炭、泥煤Peat汽油Petrols从废料中提取的燃料Refuse derived fuels太阳能Solar energy焦油砂Tar sands海洋热能Thermal sea power潮汐能Tidal energy铀Uranium波浪能Wave energy风能Wind energy能源过程Energy processes煤气化Coal gasification煤液化Coal liquefaction电力Electric power发电厂Electric power plants蓄电装置Electrical storage devices能源保护Energy conservation能源转换Energy conversion能源效率Energy efficiency能源政策Energy policy能源生产Energy production能源利用Energy use能源利用方式Energy utilization patterns气体液化Gas liquefaction照明Lighting天然气勘探Natural gas exploration核能利用Nuclear energy uses核电站Nuclear power plants近海石油钻探Offshore oil drilling石油勘探Oil exploration日照加热Solar heating13、环境化学ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 无机物质Inorganic substances酸Acids氧化铝Alumina氯Chlorine盐酸Hydrochloric acid硫化氢Hydrogen sulphide硫酸盐Sulphates硫酸Sulphuric acid光化学试剂Photochemical agents光化学效应Photochemical effects有机物质Organic substances有机硅化合物Organosilicon compounds酚Phenols外激素,信息素Pheromones植物油Vegetable oils生物化学过程Biochemical processes 酸化Acidification 需氧过程Aerobic processes厌氧过程Anaerobic processes生物降解Biodegradation脱氮作用Denitrification富营氧化Eutrophication杀虫剂的相互作用Interaction of pesticides电离辐射Ionizing radiation代谢(作用),新陈代谢(作用) Metabolism固氮Nitrogen fixation非电离辐射Non-ionizing radiation光合作用Photosynthesis物理,化学过程Physico-chemical processes放射性Radioactivity毒性Toxicity污染POLLUTION污染物Pollutants气溶胶,气雾剂Aerosols农业废物Agricultural wastes石棉Asbestos商业噪音Commercial noise混合污染Composite pollution作物废物Crop waste二恶英Dioxins农家场院废物Farmyard waste火、火灾Fire危险物质Hazardous substances危险废物Hazardous wastes重金属Heavy metals医院废物Hospital wastes工业废水Industrial effluents工业排放物Industrial emissions工业烟尘Industrial fumes工业噪声Industrial noise无机污染物Inorganic pollutants铅污染Lead contamination液体废物Liquid wastes丢弃物,废气物Litter汞污染Mercury contamination微污染物Micropollutants采矿废物Mining wastes机动车辆排放物Motor vehicle emissions城市废物Municipal waste氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides噪声污染Noise pollution恶臭公害Odour nuisance有机物污染Organic pollutants难降解有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 有机溶剂Organic solvents有机卤化物Organohalogen compounds医药废物Pharmaceutical wastes塑料废物Plastic wastes多氯联苯Polychlorinated biphenyls聚合物废物Polymer wastes放射性物质Radioactive substances氡Radon橡胶废物Rubber waste锯屑Sawdust污水Sewage屠宰场废物Slaughterhouse waste固体废物Solid wastes热污染Thermal pollution有毒物质Toxic substances有毒废物Toxic waste毒素Toxins痕量元素Trace elements痕量物质Trace materials交通噪音Traffic noise废物,垃圾Trash废热Waste heat木材废料Wood waste对流层臭氧Tropospheric ozone污染源Pollution sources生物武器Biological weapons水泥工业Cement industry化学武器Chemical weapons烟囱Chimneys冷却水Cooling waters机动车辆Motor vehicles摩托车Motorcycles核武器Nuclear weapons海洋倾倒Ocean dumping石油泄漏Oil spills废金属Scrap metals挖掘堆积Excavation heaps污染治理Pollution abatement隔音Acoustic insulation化学污染清除Chemical decontamination燃料脱硫Desulphurization of fuels过滤器Filters噪音治理Noise abatement污染治理设备Pollution abatement equipment 污染控制技术Pollution control technology辐射防护Radiation protection洗涤器Scrubbers分离器Separators防烟Smoke prevention废物最少化Waste minimization废物Wastes电池处理Battery disposal废物的化学处理Chemical treatment of waste处置场所Disposal sites废物焚烧Incineration of waste矿山回填Mine filling残油回收Oil residue recuperation放射性废物管理Radioactive waste management 回收的材料Recycled materials回收Recycling材料再利用Reuse of materials卫生填埋Sanitary landfills海洋排泄口Sea outfall化粪池Septic tanks污水处置Sewage disposal污水处理系统Sewage treatment systems固体废物处置Solid waste disposal废物同化处置Waste assimilation capacities废物转化技术Waste conversion techniques废物处置Waste disposal废物土地处置Waste disposal in the ground废物处置税Waste disposal taxes废物回收Waste recovery废物利用Waste use水的再利用Water reuse14、人体健康HUMAN HEALTH污染物的危害Hazards of pollutants在人体组织中的积累Accumulation in body tissues镉污染Cadmium contamination环境健康危害Environmental health hazards人体接触污染物Human exposure to pollutants污染物的长期效应Long-term effects of pollutants核安全Nuclear safety污染物的影响Pollutant effects污染风险Pollution risk辐射效应Radiation effects药物的副作用Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs有毒物质的协同效应Synergistic effects of toxic substances 与环境有关的疾病Environmentally related diseases致癌物Carcinogens南美锥虫病Chagas'' disease人类的疾病Human diseases免疫疾病Immunological diseases婴儿死亡率Infant mortality疟疾Malaria盘尾丝虫病Onchocerciasis病原生物体Pathogenic organisms辐射病Radiation sickness血吸虫病Schistosomiasis人类疾病传染媒介Vectors of human diseases工作环境Working environment人机工程学Ergonomics职业健康Occupational health职业安全Occupational safety振动Vibration营养与保健Nutrition and health care过敏素Allergens基本食物要求Basic food requirements食品Food食品添加剂Food additives食用色素Food colourants食品污染Food contamination保健Health care卫生设施Health facilities高蛋白食品High protein foods医院Hospitals营养不良Malnutrition医疗Medical treatment药用植物Medicinal plants营养Nutrition食品的营养价值Nutritive value of food毒物Poisons吸烟Smoking主食Staple foods传统保健Traditional health care15、灾难DISASTERS灾难现象Catastrophic phenomena生物体的意外释放Accidental release of organisms 雪崩Avalanches旋风Cyclones沙漠蝗虫Desert locusts地震Earthquakes环境事故Environmental accidents流行病Epidemics洪水Floods飓风Hurricanes山崩Landslides人为灾难Human-made disasters核事故Nuclear accidents放射性污染Radioactive contamination释放Release地震海浪Seismic sea waves泄漏Spillage暴风雨Storms台风Typhoons应急减灾措施Emergency relief measures灾难清理作业Disaster clean-up operations防灾准备Disaster preparedness防灾Disaster prevention灾难救援Disaster relief流离失所人员Displaced persons紧急救援Emergency relief应急避难所Emergency shelter环境应急计划Environmental contingency planning 防洪Flood control放射性污染清除Radioactive decontamination临时住房Temporary housing临时避难所Temporary shelter生境破坏Habitat destruction陆地活动Land-based activities自然改变Physical alterations16、监测MONITORING环境监测Environmental monitoring生物指标Biological indicators生态标志Ecolabelling污染物鉴别Identification of pollutants噪声监制Noise monitoring污染物分析Pollutant analysis污染物分布Pollutant distribution污染物浓度Pollutant levels污染物监测Pollutant monitoring污染物路径Pollutant pathways污染物来源鉴别Pollutant source identification 污染监测Pollution monitoring辐射监测Radiation monitoring交通监测Traffic monitoring监测数据Monitoring data空气质量管理Air quality management大气监测Atmospheric monitoring本底监测Baseline monitoring环境标准Environmental criteria环境评价Environmental assessment部门评价Sectoral assessment环境统计Environmental statistics森林资源评估Forest resource assessment洪水监测Freshwater monitoring工业生产统计Industrial production statistics长期预报Long-term forecasting长期趋势Long-term trends海洋监测Marine monitoring监测基准Monitoring criteria污染基准Pollution criteria污染标准Pollution norms质量控制Quality control水盾Water quality天气监测Weather monitoring天气预报Weather prediction野生生物种群统计Wildlife population statistics 监测技术Monitoring techniques分析设备Analytical equipment大气模型Atmospheric models自动检测Automatic detection测量仪器的标定Calibration of measuring equipment 色谱分析Chromatographic analysis气象色谱法Gas chromatography模型制作,模型设计Modelling监测仪器Monitoring equipment放射性示踪技术Radioactive tracer techniques采样技术Sampling techniques模拟Simulation河道观测Stream measurement毒理测定Toxicological testing报警系统Warning systems监测系统Monitoring systems17、环境法ENVIRONMENTAL LAW国内立法National legislation农业立法Agricultural legislation污染防治激励措施Antipollution incentives环境犯罪Environmental crimes环境激励措施Environmental incentives环境责任Environmental liability环境过失Environmental misconduct环境质量标准Environmental quality standards环境补贴Environmental subsidies林业立法Forestry legislation健康立法Health legislation住房立法Housing legislation工业立法Industrial legislation对破坏环境的惩罚Penalties for environmental damage 污染者付费原则Polluter-pays principle污染控制法规Pollution control regulations污染责任Pollution liabilities公众对土地的获取Public access to land法规控制Regulatory control国际环境关系International environmental relations入海通道Access to the sea双边协定Bilateral conventions环境安全Environmental security环境破坏行为Environmental vandalism环境冲突Environmental warfare危险废物的出口Export of hazardous wastes全球性公约Global conventions国际标准化International standardization国际贸易International trade国际性重要的失态系统Internationally important ecosystems海洋事故的责任Liability for marine accidents核破坏的责任Liability for nuclear damages军事活动Military activity事先知情同意Prior informed consent危险废物运输的事先通告Prior notification for hazardous waste transport 区域性公约Regional conventions技术转让Technology transfer贸易避垒Trade barriers越境污染Trans-frontier pollution危险物质的运输Transport of hazardous materials18、环境信息ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION信息基础设施Information infrastructure图书馆Library信息中心Information centre数据中心Data centre培训中心Training centre因特网服务提供商Internet service provider信息网络Information networks环境术语Environmental terminology电子信息网络Electronic information network广域网Wide area network因特网Internet万维网World Wide Web主页Homepage超文本Hypertext公告牌系统Bulletin board system新闻组Newsgroup邮寄清单Mailing list电子函件Electronic mail信息技术Information technology多媒体技术Multimedia technology遥感中心Remote sensing centre地理信息系统实验室GIS laboratory环境意识Environmental awareness公共信息Public information新闻发布Press release视听演示Audio-visual presentation信息工具包Information kit录象Video展示Exhibit照片Photograph新闻通讯Newsletter广播节目Radio programme电视节目Television programme环境教育Environmental education环境培训Environmental training公共关系Public relations联络渠道Communication channels信息系统Information systems文献目录信息系统Bibliographic information system文献目录信息Bibliographic information技术信息Technical information本地知识Indigenous knowledge信息查询系统Referral information system供查询的信息Referral information统计信息系统Statistical information system统计信息Statistical information术语Terminology同义词Thesaurus分类Classification图书馆服务Library services查阅服务Reference service文件编索引Indexing of document文件出错document lending图书馆之间的借贷Inter-library loan信息的选择性传播Selective dissemination of information 光盘只读存储查询服务CD-ROM search service因特网查询服务Internet search service信息服务Information services在线服务On-line services信息交流中心Information clearing-house数据处理Data processing数据收集Data collection数据记录技术Data recording techniques信息处理Information processing专家系统Expert system决策支持系统Decision-support system软件开发Software development数据库Database相关数据库Relational database信息交换Information exchange与地学有关的信息Geo-referenced information遥感Remote sensing多谱线扫描器Multispectral scanner分辨率Resolution像素Pixel谱带Spectral bands红外线Infrared紫外线Ultraviolet雷达Radar轨迹Path景物确认Scene identification图象处理数字系统Image processing digital systems数字图象处理技术Digital image processing techniques 图象识别Pattern recognition镶嵌图案Mosaics图象滤光Image filtering图象增强Image enhancement几何修正Geometric corrections影像配准Image registration图象分类Image classification受监视的图象分类Supervised image classification未被监视的图象分类Unsupervised image classification 彩色组成Colour composition大气修正Atmospheric corrections地理信息系统Geographic information systems地理信息系统的数字系统GIS digital systems地理信息系统的数字格式GIS digital formats矢量Vector点Point线Lines多边形Polygons光栅Raster属性Attributes地理信息系统的数字技术GIS digital techniques内插Interpolation布网格Gridding光栅到矢量Raster to vector矢量到光栅Vector to raster边界Boundaries国家边界National boundaries次国家边界Sub-national boundaries行政边界Administrative boundaries与地理相关的数据Geo-referenced data地理投影Geographical projections坐标系统Coordinate system纬度Latitude经度Longitude19、联合国United Nations政府间的Intergovernmental政府的Governmental工业的或商业的Industrial or commercial非政府组织Non-governmental organization专业团体Professional society学术的Academic进入术语Terms of access协商费用Charges negotiable按回收成本为基础Cost recovery basis固定的收费时间表Fixed schedule of charges一般情况下免费Normally without charge在交换的基础上On exchange basis20、学科SUBJECT DISCIPLINES科目Subjects 声学Acoustics农业生态学Agricultural ecology 农业经济学Agricultural economics农业工程Agricultural engineering 农业林学Agroforestry分析化学Analytical chemistry 动物生态学Animal ecology动物遗传学Animal genetics 畜牧学Animal husbandry动物生理学Animal physiology 建筑学Architecture大气物理学Atmospheric physics 细菌学Bacteriology生物化学Biochemistry 生物气候学Bioclimatology生物地球化学Biogeochemistry 生物学Biology植物学Botany 心脏病学Cardiology制图学Cartography 化学工程Chemical engineering化学海洋学Chemical oceanography 土木工程Civil engineering气候学Climatology 细胞学Cytology电气工程Electrical engineering 内分泌学Endocrinology流行病学Epidemiology 河口生物学Estuarine biology河口海洋学Estuarine oceanography 食品科学Food science林学Forestry 淡水生物学Freshwater biology遗传工程学Genetic engineering 遗传学Genetics地质学Geology 地貌学Geomorphology地球物理学Geophysics 工艺地质学Geotechnology冰川学Glaciology 血液学Haematology园艺学Horticulture 人体生物学Human biology人体生理学Human physiology 水文地理学Hydrography水文学Hydrology 溶液培养学Hydroponics免疫学Immunology 无机化学Inorganic chemistry湖沼学,淡水生物学Limnology 海洋生物学Marine biology船舶工程Marine engineering 海洋地质学Marine geology材料科学Materials science 机械工程学Mechanical engineering 气象学Meteorology 微生物学Microbiology微气候学Microclimatology 采矿工程Mining engineering。

地理专业英语地理专业英语geography 地理geographer 地理学家hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线,经线parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitude 精度elevation 海拔altitude 高度temperate latitudes 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险time zone 时区topography 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean ( underground) 地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地热terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的formation 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldstone 卵石physical geography 自然地理economic geography 经济地理geopolitics 地理政治论ethnography 民族志cosmography 宇宙志cosmology 宇宙论geology 地理学toponymy 地名学oceanography 海洋学meteorology 气象学orography 山志学hydroaraphy 水文学vegetation 植被relief 地形,地貌climate 气候Earth 地球,大地Universe, cosmos 宇宙world 世界globe 地球仪earth, globe 地壳continent 大陆terra firma 陆地coast 海岸archipelago 群岛peninsula 半岛island 岛plain 平原valley 谷地meadow (小)草原prairie (大)草原lake 湖泊pond 池塘marsh, bog, swamp 沼泽small lake 小湖lagoon 泻湖moor, moorland 荒原desert 沙漠dune 沙丘oasis 绿洲savanna, savannah (南美)大草原virgin forest 原始森林steppe 大草原tundra 冻原a horizon 腐殖堆积层aa lava 块熔岩abandoned field 撩荒地abandoned lands 撩荒地abandoned mine 废弃矿山abandoned shoreline 旧岸线aberration 像差abiogenesis 自然发生abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 水蚀ablation moraine 消融冰碛abnormality 反常aboriginal 土着的abrasion 海蚀abrasion platform 浪蚀台地abrasion shore 浪蚀海岸abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 海蚀阶地abrasive 研磨剂abrupt slope 陡坡abrupt textural change 质地突变abscissa 横坐标absolute age 绝对年龄absolute age determination 绝对年代测定absolute age of groundwater 地下水绝对年龄absolute altitude 绝对高度absolute amplitude 绝对振幅absolute chronology 绝对年代absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute error 绝对误差absolute extremes 绝对极值absolute geochronology 绝对地质年代学Word and phrase1. core; mantle; crust 地核;地幔;地壳4. continental crust 大陆地壳5. granite; basalt 花岗岩;玄武岩6. sial; sima 硅铝层;硅镁层7. surface waves; body .. 面波;体波8. epicentre; focus 震中;震源9. lithosphere 岩石圈10. tectonic plate 构造板块11. continetal drift 大陆漂移12. asthenosphere 软流层13. ocean ridge 洋脊14. ocean trench 海沟15. subduction 俯冲作用16. volcanism 火山作用17. fold mountain 褶皱山脉18. fold; fault 褶皱;断层19. sedimentary rocks 沉积岩20. vent 火山口21. lava 熔岩22.volcanic cones 火山锥23. parasitic cone 寄生火山锥24. plug 岩颈25. volcanic ash 火山灰26. mechanical weathering 机械风化27. chemical weathering 化学风化28. freeze-thaw 冻融29. pressure release 卸荷释重30.limestone 石灰岩31. hydrolysis 水解作用32. quartz 石英33. hydration 水合作用34. oxidation 氧化作用35. alluvium 冲击层36. gravel 砂砾37. denudation 剥蚀作用38. precipitation 降水39. climatic zone 气候带40. mid-latitude 中纬度41. semi-arid 半干旱42. tropical wet-dry 热带干湿季气候43. watershed 分水岭44. drainage basin 流域45. regolith 风化层46. soil creep 土壤蠕动47. mass movement 块体运动48. strata 地层49. overland runoff 地表径流50. sheet wash 片状冲刷51. pediment 山前侵蚀平原(山足面)52. rockfall 山崩53. landslide 滑坡54. interception 截流55. evapotranspiration 蒸发和蒸腾总量56. capillary rise 毛管上升57. aeration zone 包气带58. overland flow ; interflow ; base flow 地表径流;壤中流;地下径流59. water table 潜水面(水位)60. basin length; area 流域长度;流域面积61. tributary 支流;62. trunk stream 干流63. drainage density 河网密度64. flood plain 泛滥平原65. coniferous tree 松树67. inselberg 岛状山68. equator 赤道69. monsoon 季风70. storm hydrograph 暴雨水文曲线71. discharge 流量72. peak flow 洪峰流量73. rainfall peak 降水峰值74. precipitation intensity 降水强度75. land use 土地利用76. water-born waste 水成废弃物77. heavy metal 重金属78. climatology 气候学79. urban heat island 城市热岛80. deciduous trees 落叶树81. upper ;middle ; lower reach 上中下游82. vertical erosion 下切侵蚀83. headward erosion 溯源侵蚀84. lateral erosion 侧蚀85. pot-hole 壶穴86. meander 曲流87. ox-bow lake 牛轭湖88. delta 三角洲89. lake basin 湖盆90. levee 天然提91. rill and gully erosion 细沟、冲沟侵蚀92.clay;silt;sand;粘土;粉砂;砂93. suspended sediment 悬浮沉积物94. atmospherical fallout 大气沉降95. laminar flow 层流96. turbulent flow 紊流97. riffle; pool 浅滩;深槽98. channel roughness 河道粗糙度99. sandbar 沙坝100. thalweg 中泓线101. estuary 河口102. lagoon 泻湖103. salinity 盐度104. coastline 海岸线105. dune 沙丘106. suspension; saltation; creep 悬移;跃移;蠕移107. dust storm 尘暴108. windward; leeward 迎风;背风109. prevailing wind 盛行风110. deflation hollow 风蚀凹地111. aridity 干燥度112. tropic of cancer 北回归线113. tropic of capricorn 南回归线114. gobi 戈壁115. continentality 大陆度116. cold ocean current 寒流117. plateau 高原118. alluvial fan 冲积扇119. pediplanation 山麓夷平作用120. deflation 风蚀121. moraine 冰碛122. glacial;interglacial 冰期;间冰期123. Recent 全新世124. Quaternary Era 第四纪125. periglacial period 冰缘期126. nivation 冰蚀127. earth’ orbit 地球轨道128. plucking 挖蚀129. abrasion 磨蚀130. pyramidal peak 角峰131. arete 刃脊132. cirque 冰斗133. horn 角峰134. U-shaped valley (trough) U型谷135. fluvioglacial deposit 冰水沉积136. drumlin 鼓丘137. terminal moraine 终碛138. outwash plain 冰水沉积平原139. kettle hole 锅穴140. wavelength 波长141. crest;trough 波峰;波谷142. wave period 周期143. wave frequency 波频144. wave height 波高145. wave refraction 波浪折射146. tidal range 潮差147. stack 海蚀柱148. arch 海蚀拱桥149. headland 海岬150. troposphere (pause); strato-; meso-; thermo- 对流层(顶)、平流、中间、热成151. pressure-gradient force 气压梯度力152. isobar 等压线153. sub-tropical anticyclone 副热带高压154. cirrus 卷云155. cumulus 积云156. stratus 层云157. cumulonimbus 积雨云158. convection rain 对流雨159. thunderstorm 雷雨160. depression 低气压161. frontal rain 锋面雨162. orographic rain 地形雨163. equatorial trough 赤道低压槽164. front 锋165. temperature inversion 逆温166. soil texture 土壤质地167. loam 壤土168. soil structure 土壤结构169. soil moisture 土壤水分170. field capacity 田间持水量171. cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换量172. podzol 灰化土173. brown earth 褐土174. sandstone 砂岩175. gley 潜育土176. azonal soil 非地带性土壤177. soil horizon 土层178. humification 腐殖化作用179. mineralisation 矿化作用180. eluviation 淋溶作用181. calcification 钙化作用182. salinisation 盐化作用183. gleying 潜育化作用184. illuviation 淀积作用185. savanna 热带稀树草原(萨王纳)186. saline soil 盐土187. biogeography 生物地理学188. biotic ; abiotic element 生物;非生物成分189. autotroph; heterotroph 自养生物;异养生物190. producer; consumer 生产者;消费者191. photosynthesis 光合作用192. herbivore 食草动物193. carnivore 食肉动物194. decomposer 分解者195. trophic pyramid 营养金字塔196. food web 食物网197. primary productivity 初级生产力198. gross productivity 总生产力199. net productivity 净生产力200. continental shelf 大陆架201. succession(prisere)演替202. climax community 顶级群落203. primary (secondary) succession 初级和次级演替English for Geography地理专业英语Lesson 1. Longitude and latitude ...........................经度和纬度P1 (1)Lesson 2. Rotation and revolution of the earth...地球的自转和公转P6 (2)Lesson 4. The major classes of landforms...............主要地形类型P13 (6)Lesson 5 Delta plains ..........................................三角洲平原P16 (8)Lesson 6 Limestone caverns and karst landscapes石灰岩洞和喀斯特景观P21 (8)Lesson 7 Layers of the Earth .................................地球圈层P31 (8)Lesson 8 The rock cycle ..........................................岩石循环P43 (9)Lesson 9 Soil pedogenesis .......................................成土作用p48 (10)Lesson 10 Global scale circulation of the atmosphere全球大气环流 P62 (11)Lesson 11 The Hydrologic Cycle ..............................水循环P74 (11)Lesson 12 Three Model of Urban Land Use..................三种城市土地利用模式P97 (11)Lesson 13 Air pollution cause and effects...............空气污染原因和影响P168 (12)Lesson 14 Hurricane ...................................................飓风P182 (12)Lesson 1. LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE经度和纬度1、The location of points on the earth’s surface follows a system in which lengthsof arc are measured along meridians and parallels;测定地球表面上点的位置是按照沿着子午线(经线)和纬线测量弧长的方法进行的2、that desired point 欲量算的点3、the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel betweenthat place and the prime meridian 经度的定义4、the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 某地的经度系该地与本初子午线之间的纬线的弧的度数5、almost universally 几乎一致6、The prime meridian is almost universally accepted as the meridian that passesthrough the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich人们几乎一致承认以通过格林尼治皇家天文台原址的子午线作为本初子午线7、be referred to as 被称为8、Long. 115。

地理单词自然景点Asia 亚洲The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山Great Wall,China 中国长城Forbidden City,Beijing,China 北京故宫Mount Fuji,Japan 日本富士山Taj Mahal,India 印度泰姬陵Angkor Wat,Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟Bali,Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛Borobudur,Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa,Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙Crocodile Farm,Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖Pattaya Beach,Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩Babylon,Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹Mosque of St,Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople),Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Mount Fuji,Japan 日本富士山Taj Mahal,India 印度泰姬陵Angkor Wat,Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟Bali,Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛Borobudur,Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa,Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙Babylon,Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹Africa 非洲Suez Canal,Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河Aswan High Dam,Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝Pyramids,Egypt 埃及金字塔The Nile,Egypt 埃及尼罗河Nairobi National Park,Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园Cape of Good Hope,South Africa 南非好望角Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠Oceania 大洋洲Great Barrier Reef,Australia 澳大利亚大堡礁Sydney Opera House,Australia 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院Ayers Rock,Australia 澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石Mount Cook,New Zealand 新西兰库克山Europe 欧洲Notre Dame de Paris,France 法国巴黎圣母院Effiel Tower,France 法国艾菲尔铁塔Arch of Triumph,France 法国凯旋门Elysee Palace,France 法国爱丽舍宫Louvre,France 法国卢浮宫Kolner Dom,Koln,Germany 德国科隆大教堂Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy 意大利比萨斜塔Colosseum in Rome,Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场Venice,Italy 意大利威尼斯Parthenon,Greece 希腊巴台农神庙Red Square in Moscow,Russia 莫斯科红场Big Ben in London,England 英国伦敦大笨钟Buckingham Palace,England 白金汉宫Hyde Park,England 英国海德公园London Tower Bridge,England 伦敦塔桥Westminster Abbey,England 威斯敏斯特大教堂Monte Carlo,Monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗The Mediterranean 地中海Mosque of St,Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople)Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Notre Dame de Paris,France 法国巴黎圣母院Effiel Tower,France 法国艾菲尔铁塔Arch of Triumph,France 法国凯旋门Elysee Palace,France 法国爱丽舍宫Louvre,France 法国卢浮宫Kolner Dom,Koln,Germany 德国科隆大教堂Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy 意大利比萨斜塔Colosseum in Rome,Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场Parthenon,Greece 希腊巴台农神庙Red Square in Moscow,Russia 俄罗斯莫斯科红场Big Ben in London,England 英国伦敦大本钟Buckingham Palace,England 英国白金汉宫Hyde Park,England 英国海德公园London Tower Bridge,England 英国伦敦塔桥Westminster Abbey,England 英国威斯敏斯特大教堂The Mediterranean 地中海America 美洲Niagara Falls,USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布Honolulu,Hawaii,USA 美国夏威夷檀香山Panama Canal 巴拿马运河Yellowstone National Park,USA 美国黄石国家公园Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York City,USA 美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆Statue of Liberty,New York City,USA 美国纽约自由女神像Times Square,New York City,USA 美国纽约时代广场The White House,Washington DC.,USA 美国华盛顿白宫World Trade Center,New York City,USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心Central Park,New York City,USA 美国纽约中央公园Hollywood,California,USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞Disneyland,California,USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园Las Vegas,Nevada,USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯Niagara Falls,New York State,USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布Bermuda 百慕大Honolulu,Hawaii,USA 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河Yellowstone National Park,USA 美国黄石国家公园Statue of Liberty,New York City,USA 美国纽约自由女神像Times Square,New York City,USA 美国纽约时代广场The White House,Washington DC.,USA 美国华盛顿白宫World Trade Center,New York City,USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心Central Park,New York City,USA 美国纽约中央公园Yosemite National Park,USA 美国尤塞米提国家公园Grand Canyon,Arizona,USA 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷Hollywood,California,USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞Disneyland,California,USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园Las Vegas,Nevada,USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯Miami,Florida,USA 美国佛罗里达迈阿密Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York City,USA 纽约大都会艺术博物馆Acapulco,Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科Cuzco,Mexico 墨西哥库斯科火山rift zone 断裂区solidification 凝固 solidify (使)凝固,巩固dormant volcano 休眠火山 active volcano 活火山 extinct volcano 死火山composite volcano 复式火山 shield volcano 盾状火山Volcanic Explosivity Index 火山爆发指数(VEI)bomb 火山弹ash 火山灰block 火山块the eruption of volcano 火山爆发accumulation 积聚,堆积物Archean [地质]太古代的ascending 上升的,向上的ash particle 灰烬微粒basaltic lava 玄武岩火山石basin-shaped 盆状的blast 一股(气流),爆炸,冲击波bowl-shaped crater 碗型的火山口caldera 喷火山口,凹陷处cinder cone 火山渣形成的圆锥体congeal (使)冻结,(使)凝结conical hill 圆锥型的小山coulee 深谷,熔岩流devastate 毁坏dike 堤防dissolved gases 稀释的气体Earth's crust 地壳geothermic 地热的ejected material 喷射出来的物质emission (光、热等的)散发,发射,喷射erosion 腐蚀,侵蚀formation of cone 火山口的形成exhume 掘出,发射fannning 铺开,展开lapilli 火山砾lahar 火山泥流tephra 火山喷发碎屑pyroclastic flow 火山碎屑流scoria 火山渣fissure 裂缝,裂沟flank 侧面。

地理专业英语词汇地理专业英语词汇大全地理用英语说篇一:地理专业英语geography地理geographer地理学家hemisphere半球meridian子午线,经线parallel平行圈,纬线latitude经度longitude精度elevation海拔altitude高度temperatelatitudes温带地区horizon地平线equator赤道tropics热带地区Arctic北极Antarctic(Antarctica)南极expedition探险timezone时区topography地形,地形学plain平原plateau(highland)高地lowland低地basin盆地cavern(cave)洞穴terrain地域subterranean(underground)地底下coastland沿海地区island岛屿continentalisland大陆岛volcanicisland火山岛coralisland珊瑚岛islet小岛peninsular半岛continent大陆continentalshelf大陆架ranges山脉valley峡谷canyon峡谷channel(strait)海峡remote-sensing遥感的terrestrial地球的,陆地的terrestrialheat(geothermal)地热terrestrialmagnetism(geomagnetism)地磁continentaldrift大陆漂移学说sea-floorspreading海床扩展evaporation蒸发salinity含盐度oceanbottom海床sediment沉淀物,沉积物tropical热带的temperate温带的frigid寒带的formation形成frostheaving冻胀现象fieldstone卵石physicalgeography自然地理economicgeography经济地理geopolitics地理政治论ethnography民族志cosmography宇宙志cosmology宇宙论geology地理学toponymy地名学oceanography海洋学meteorology气象学orography山志学hydroaraphy水文学vegetation植被relief地形,地貌climate气候Earth地球,大地Universe,cosmos宇宙world世界globe地球仪earth,globe地壳continent大陆terrafirma陆地coast海岸archipelago群岛peninsula半岛island岛plain平原valley谷地meadow(小)草原prairie(大)草原lake湖泊pond池塘marsh,bog,swamp沼泽smalllake小湖lagoon泻湖moor,moorland荒原desert沙漠dune沙丘oasis绿洲savanna,savannah(南美)大草原virginforest原始森林steppe大草原tundra冻原ahorizon腐殖堆积层aalava块熔岩abandonedfield撩荒地abandonedlands撩荒地abandonedmine废弃矿山abandonedshoreline旧岸线aberration像差abiogenesis自然发生abioticfactor非生物因素ablation水蚀ablationmoraine消融冰碛abnormality反常aboriginal土着的abrasion海蚀abrasionplatform浪蚀台地abrasionshore浪蚀海岸abrasionsurface浪蚀面abrasionterrace海蚀阶地abrasive研磨剂abruptslope陡坡abrupttexturalchange质地突变abscissa横坐标absoluteage绝对年龄absoluteagedetermination绝对年代测定absoluteageofgroundwater地下水绝对年龄absolutealtitude绝对高度absoluteamplitude绝对振幅absolutechronology绝对年代absoluteconvergence绝对收敛absolutedating绝对年代测定absoluteerror绝对误差absoluteextremes绝对极值absolutegeochronology绝对地质年代学地理用英语说篇二:地理专业词汇英语翻译ahorizon腐殖堆积层aalava块熔岩abandonedfield撩荒地abandonedlands撩荒地abandonedmine废弃矿山abandonedshoreline旧岸线aberration像差abiogenesis自然发生abioticfactor非生物因素ablation水蚀ablationmoraine消融冰碛abnormality反常aboriginal土着的abrasion海蚀abrasionplatform浪蚀台地abrasionshore浪蚀海岸abrasionsurface浪蚀面abrasionterrace海蚀阶地abrasive研磨剂abruptslope陡坡abrupttexturalchange质地突变abscissa横坐标absoluteage绝对年龄absoluteagedetermination绝对年代测定absoluteageofgroundwater地下水绝对年龄absolutealtitude绝对高度absoluteamplitude绝对振幅absolutechronology绝对年代absoluteconvergence绝对收敛absolutedating绝对年代测定absoluteerror绝对误差absoluteextremes绝对极值absolutegeochronology绝对地质年代学absolutegeopotential绝对重力势absolutegravity绝对重力absolutehumidity绝对湿度absoluteinstability绝对不稳定性absolutemaximum绝对极大absolutemeasure绝对尺度absoluteminimum绝对极小absoluteorientation绝对定向(A-B)absoluteparallax绝对视差absoluteprecision绝对精度absoluterepresentation绝对值表示法absolutetemperature绝对温度absolutevalue绝对值absolutezero绝对零度absorbedradiantflux吸收辐射absorbedradiation吸收辐射absorbent吸收剂absorbingcapacity吸收能力absorbingcomplex吸收性复合体absorptance吸收系数absorption吸收absorptionband吸收带absorptioncoefficient吸收系数absorptioncurve吸收曲线absorptionfactor吸收因素absorptionfilter吸收滤光片absorptionofenergy 能量吸收absorptionoflight光吸收absorptionspectrum吸收光谱absorptionsurface吸收面absorptivecapacity吸收本领absorptivity吸收能力absorptivityemissivityratio吸收发射比abstractsymbol抽象符号abundanceofisotopes同位素的丰度abundanceoftheelements元素丰度abundanceratioofisotopes同位素的相对丰度abundantrainfall过量降雨abyss深渊abyssal深海的abyssalbasins深海盆地abyssalbenthos深海底栖生物abyssaldeposits深海沉积物abyssalfacies 深海相abyssalhill深海丘陵abyssalplain深海平原abyssalregion深海区abyssalsediment深海沉积物abyssalzone深海带acariasis螨病acarinosis 螨病acaustobiolite非可燃性生物岩acceleratederosion加速侵蚀acceleratedweathering加速风化acceleration加速度acceptance接收acceptor 收体acceptoratom受体原子acceptorbond接体合accessoryelement伴随元素accessorymineral副次要accessoryspecies次要种accidentalejecta外源喷出物accidentalerror偶然误差accidentalspecies偶见种acclimatization气候驯化acclivity上行坡accompanimentelement伴生元素accordanceofsummitlevels峰顶面等高性accordantjunction协和汇流平齐汇流交合汇流accordantjunctionofstreams协合流accretiongley淤积潜育层accumulatedtemperature积温accumulation堆积accumulationcurve累积曲线accumulationhorizon聚积层accumulationmountains堆积山地accumulationofassimilationproducts同化物累积accumulationofhumus腐殖质蓄积accumulationoforganicmatter有机质堆积accumulativecoast堆积海岸accumulativerelief堆积地形accuracy准确度accuracyofmeasurement测定准确度aceticacid醋酸aceticacidbacteria醋酸菌aceticfermentation醋酸发酵achromaticobjective消色差物镜achromatopsia色盲acidalkalinebarriers酸碱障acidbasebalance酸碱平衡acidbaseequilibrium酸碱平衡acidbrownforestsoils酸性棕色森林土acidearth酸性白土acidfastbacteria抗酸菌acidfastness抗酸性acidfermentation酸性发酵acidgeochemicalbarrier酸性地球化学障acidgroup酸根acidhumus酸性腐殖质acidigneousrock酸性火成岩acidmedium酸性介质acidpeatsoil酸性泥炭土acidrain酸雨acidresidue酸性残余物acidrock酸性岩acidrocks酸性岩acidsoil酸性土acidsolution酸性溶液acidspring酸性泉acidtolerantspecies耐酸品种acidvalue酸值acidiclava酸性熔岩acidification酸化acidite酸性岩acidity酸度acidityofsoil土壤酸度acidoid酸性胶体acidophileorganisms嗜酸有机体acidophilousplant喜酸植物acidophyte 喜酸植物acidosis酸中毒acidotrophiclake酸性营养湖acidulation酸化acotyledon无子叶植物acquiredcharacter获得特性acricferralsols强淋溶铁铝土acrisols强淋溶土acrorthox强酸性正常氧化土acrospore顶生孢子acrox高风化氧化土acstivation夏眠actinium锕actinoliteschist阳起片岩actinometer日光辐射计actinometry日射测定法actinomorphic辐射对称的.actinomycetes放线菌actinomycosis放线菌病actioncenteroftheatmosphere大气活动中心actionpotential动诅位activatedadsorption活化吸附activatedcomplex活化络合物activatedsludge活性污泥activatedwater活化水activationanalysis活化分析activationenergy活化能activator活化剂activeacidity活性酸度activecave发展中洞穴activecirque活动冰斗activefault活断层activefront活跃锋activeglacier活冰川activegroup活性基activehumus活性腐殖质activehydrogen活性氢activelayer活动层activemud活性淤泥activeplate移动板块activesensor织式遥感器activesoilformers活性成土因素activesubstance活性物质activevolcano 活火山activity活度activitycoefficient活度系数actualacidity实际酸度actualsize实际尺寸acuity敏锐acycliccompound无环化合物adaptability适应性adaptation适应adaptivecontrol自适应控制adaptivehistogramadjustment适应性直方图蝶2adaptiveradiation适应辐射additionsubtractiondiagram加减图表additionalsurvey补充测量additivecolormixture加色混合additivecolorviewer彩色合成仪additiveconstant附加常数additiveprimaries 加色法原色additiveprocess加色处理address地址adenosinetriphosphoricacid腺苷三磷酸adhesion粘附adhesivecapacity粘附量adhesiveforce粘附力adhesivewater粘附水adhesiveness粘合性adiabat绝热曲线adiabaticcompression绝热压缩adiabaticcooling绝热冷却adiabaticcurve 绝热曲线adiabaticequilibrium绝热平衡adiabaticexpansion绝热膨胀adiabaticheating绝热增温adiabaticprocess绝热过程adiabaticstate绝热状态adiabatictemperaturegradient绝热温度梯度adion吸附离子adjacentrock 围岩adjacentsea边缘海adjoiningrock围岩adjoiningsheet相邻图幅adjustablecropcalendar可碉历adjustment蝶adjustmentcomputations蝶计算adjustmentingroups分组蝶adjustmentinonecast整体蝶adjustmentoftheprintingplate上版administrativediagram行政区划略图admixture混合adobe灰质粘土adobesoil龟裂粘性土壤adretslope向阳面山坡adsorbingcapacity吸附量adsorption吸附adsorptionbarriers吸附壁垒adsorptionindicator吸附指示剂adsorptivecapacity吸附能力advanceofglacier冰川前进advancedissue临时版advancedmicrowavemoisturesensor高级微波水汽遥感器advancedsurveying 高等测量学advection平流advectionfog平另adventivecrater侧裂火山口advertisingmap宣传图aeoliandeposit风成沉积层aeolianlandform风成地形aeolianprocesses风成过程aeoliansoil风成土aeratingroot呼吸根aeration通风aerationporosity通气孔隙度aerationtissue通气组织aerenchyma通气组织aerialarch空鞍aerialarchaeologicaldiscovery空中考古发现aerialarchaeology航空考古学aerialfilm航摄软片aerialforestsurvey森林航空甸aerialmapping航空测图aerialmappingmethods航空摄影法aerialoverlap航空摄重叠aerialphotodetailtransfer航空象片细部转绘法aerialphotointerpretation航空象片判读aerialphotogrammetry航空摄影量aerialphotograph航空像片aerialphotographscale航摄照片缩尺aerialphotographiccamera航摄仪aerialphotographicnavigation航摄领航aerialphotographicreconnaissance航空摄影勘察aerialphotographicsurvey航空摄影aerialphotography航空测量aerialphotographycraft航摄飞机aerialroot气生根aerialropeway架空死aerialsurvey航空摄影测量aerialtriangulation航空三角测量aerobicbacteria好气细菌aerobicdecomposition好气分解aerobicfermentation需气发酵aerobicmetabolism需氧代谢酌aerobiology空气生物学aerobiosis好氧生活aerocartograph航空测图仪aerocartography航空地图绘制学aeroclimate高空气候aeroclimatology高空气候学aerodrome机场aerogeochemicalprospecting航空地球化学勘探aerogeography航空地理学aerolite石陨石aerolith石陨石aerologicaldiagram高空图解aerology高空气象学aerometeorograph航空气象仪aerometeorology航空气象学aeronauticalmeteorology航空气象学aeronomy高层大气物理学aerophotogeologicalmap航空摄影地质图aerophotograhicplan航测平面图aerophotogrammetricsurvey航空摄影甸aerophotogrammetry航空摄影测量学aerophotograph航空像片aerophotographicmap航摄地图aerophotographicsketch航空像片略图aerophotography航空摄影aerophototopography航空摄影地形测量学aerophytes气生植物aeroplanemapping航空制图aeroplanephotography航空摄影aerosolspectrum气溶胶光谱aerospacesurvey宇航探索aerosurvey航空测量aerotaxis区性aerotopography航空地形测量aerotriangulation空中三角测量aerotropism 向氧性aeschynite易解石aestheticappreciationofmap美学aetiology病原学affinity亲和力afforestation造林africanarmyworm莎草粘虫aftereffect后酌afterripening后熟afterglow 余光军afterimage残像aftermath再生草aftershock余震agatemortar玛瑙研钵ageclass龄级agedetermination年代测定ageoflake湖龄ageoflandscape景观年齿令ageofloweredsealevel低海面时期ageofrelief地形年龄ageoftheearth地球年龄ageoftide潮龄agent因子ageostropicwind非地转风agglomerate集块岩agglomeratelava集块熔岩agglomeration集块agglutination胶着aggradatedplain加积平原aggradation填积aggradationisland加积岛aggradationplain加积平原aggradationalsoils 加积土壤aggradationalterrace加积阶地aggradedvalley冲积河谷aggradingriver淤积河aggregate集合体aggregateanalysis团聚体分析aggregatestructure团聚结构aggregationmoisture团聚化含水量aggressivewater侵蚀性水agitation搅拌agitator搅拌机agnotozoicera元古代agpaite钠质火成岩类agrichorizon耕足agricultralclimaticregionalization农业气候区划agricultualresourceinformationsystem农业资源信息系统agriculturalclimatology农业气候学agriculturalenvironment农业环境agriculturalevaluationongroundwater 地下水农业评价agriculturalgeochemistry农业地球化学agriculturalgeology农业地质学agriculturalgeomorphology农业地貌学agriculturalhydrology农业水文学agriculturalmap农业地图agriculturalmelioration农业土壤改良agriculturalmeteorology农业气象学agriculturalnaturalresource农业自然资源agriculturalpollutant农业污染物agriculturalproducts农产品agriculturalregion农业区agriculturalregionalization农业区划agriculturalrelief农业地貌agriculturalremotesensing农业遥感agriculturalresource农业资源agriculturalresourceevaluation农业资源评价agriculturalresourcemonitor农业资源监测agriculturalvegetationindex农业植被指数agriculture农学agroenvironmentalinformationsystem农业环境信息系统agroclimate农业气候agroclimaticmaps农业气候图agroclimatology农业气候学agroforestrialgeology农林地质学agrogeography农业地理学agrogeology 农业地质学agrology农业土壤学agromelioration农业土壤改良agrometeorologicalforecast农业气象预报agrometeorologicalindex农业气象指标agrometeorologicalobservation农业气象观测agrometeorology农业气象学agronomicalyieldestimation农学估产agrostology草本学agrudalf耕层湿淋溶土airavalanche空气雪崩aircontent含气量aircurrent气流airdry风干的airdrysample风干样品airdryweight风干重airdrying风干airforcebase空军基地airhumidity大气湿度airmappingaeroplane航测飞机airmass气团airmassanalysis气团分析airmassclassification气团分类airmassclimatology气团气候学airmassinflux气团岭airmassmodification气团变性airmasstrajectory气团轨迹airpermeability透气性airphotographicalsurvey航空摄影甸airphotography空中摄影airpollution空气污染airpollutionmonitoring大气污染观测airport航空港airroute航线airsaddle空鞍airseainteraction海气相互酌airshrinkage空气收缩airtemperature气温airtriangulation空中三角测量airturbulence大气湍流大气紊流airbornegeochemicalprospecting航空地球化学勘探airbornemicroorganisms大气微生物airborneradar空中雷达airborneremotesensing航空遥感airbornesonar空中声呐airfield机场airlineroutemap航空线图alaskite白岗岩albaqualf漂白潮淋溶土albedo反射率albedooftheearth地球反射率albedometer反射仪albicarenosols漂白红砂土albichorizon漂白层albicluvisols漂白淋溶土albinism白化albite钠长石albitization钠长石化alboll漂白软土albumin白蛋白alcoholthermometer酒精温度计alcoholicfermentation乙醇发酵aldehyde 醛alder赤杨aldergrove赤杨林alderswampforest赤杨沼泽林aleurite粉沙aleuriticclay粉砂粘土aleurolite粉砂岩alfisol淋溶土algae藻类algallimestone藻灰岩algorithmiclanguage算法语言alicycliccompound脂环化合物alicyclicseries脂环系alidade照准部alienspecies外源种aliphaticcompound脂族化合物alkalialuminametasomatism碱铝交替alkalibasalt碱性玄武岩alkaligranite碱性花岗岩alkalilimeindex碱石灰质指数alkalimetal碱金属alkaliolivinebasaltmagma碱性橄榄玄武岩岩浆alkalirockseries碱性岩系alkalicrock碱性岩alkalicultrabasicrock碱性超基性岩alkalimeter碱量计alkalimetry碱量滴定法alkalineearthmetal碱土金属alkalinegeochemicalbarrier碱性地球化学障alkalinemarsh碱沼alkalinemedium碱性介质alkalineplant适碱植物alkalinerock碱性岩alkalinesoil碱性土alkalinesolution碱性溶液alkalinespring碱性矿泉alkalinewater碱性水alkalinity碱度alkalitrophiclake碱性营养湖alkalization碱化alkalizedsoil碱化土alkaloid生物碱alkalosis碱中毒alkylgroup烷基allelopathy相互影响allergen变应原allergy变应性alliticsoil富铝土allobar变压区allochromaticcolor假色allochthon外来体allochthonicgroundwater外源地下水allochthonousdeposit移积allochthonousfold异地生成褶皱allochthonouspeat外来泥炭allochthonousriver外源河allogenicelement他生元素allogenicsuccession异发演替allopatric在给发生的allopatry异域性allophane水铝英石allotriomorphic他形的allotrope 同素异形体allotrophiclake他养湖allotropicmodification同素异形体allotropism同素异形allotropy同素异形allowableerror容许误差alluvial冲积的alluvialbrownsoil棕色冲积土alluvialcone冲积扇alluvialdeposit冲积层alluvialfan冲积扇alluvialfandeposit冲积扇层alluvialgold砂金alluvialmeadowsoil冲积性草甸土alluvialoredeposit冲积矿床alluvialplains冲积平原alluvialsoil冲积土alluvialterrace冲积阶地alluvialvalley冲积河谷alluviation冲积alluvium冲积层almandine铁铝榴石almandite铁铝榴石alpharayspectrometer射线能谱仪alphitite岩粉土alpineanimal高山动物alpinebelt高山带alpinecarbonaterawsoil高山碳酸盐粗腐殖土alpinedesert高山荒漠alpinefolding阿尔卑斯褶皱alpineglacier阿尔卑斯型高山冰川alpineglow高山辉alpinehumussoil高山腐殖质土alpinemeadow高山草甸alpineplant高山植物alpinesilicatedrawsoil高山硅酸盐粗骨土alpinesoil高山土壤alpinetypeofrelief高山地形alpinevegetation高山植被alpinezone高山带altazimuth经纬仪alteratedrocks蚀变岩alteration蚀变酌alterationhalo蚀变晕alterationmineral蚀变矿物alterationofangles角度畸变alterationzone 蚀变带alternationofbeds互层alternationofgenerations世代交替alternationofstrata互层altimeter测高计altimetricsurvey高程测量altiplanationterraces高山剥夷阶地altitude高度altitudeangle高度角altitudedatum高程基准面altitudedifference高差altitudeofthesun太阳高度altitudetraverse高程线altitudinalbelt高度带altitudinalzonality垂直分布带altitudinalzonalityofvegetation高程植被带altocumulus高积云altostratus高层云alumina矾土aluminite矾石aluminium铝aluminiumdeposit铝矿床aluminiumsilicate铝硅酸盐aluminosilicate铝硅酸盐aluminum铝alunite茂石alunitization茂石化alvar矮灌木草地amazonite天河石amazonstone天河石amber琥珀ambientnoise环境噪声amelioration改进ameliorationoflowproductive地理用英语说篇三:1.core;mantle;crust地核;地幔;地壳4.continentalcrust大陆地壳5.granite;basalt花岗岩;玄武岩6.sial;sima硅铝层;硅镁层7.surfacewaves;body..面波;体波8.epicentre;focus震中;震源9.lithosphere岩石圈10.tectonicplate构造板块11.continetaldrift大陆漂移12.asthenosphere软流层13.oceanridge洋脊14.oceantrench海沟15.subduction俯冲作用16.volcanism火山作用17.foldmountain褶皱山脉18.fold;fault褶皱;断层19.sedimentaryrocks沉积岩20.vent火山口va熔岩22.volcaniccones火山锥23.parasiticcone寄生火山锥24.plug岩颈25.volcanicash火山灰26.mechanicalweathering机械风化27.chemicalweathering化学风化28.freeze-thaw冻融29.pressurerelease卸荷释重30.limestone石灰岩31.hydrolysis水解作用32.quartz石英33.hydration水合作用34.oxidation氧化作用35.alluvium冲击层36.gravel砂砾37.denudation剥蚀作用38.precipitation降水39.climaticzone气候带40.mid-latitude中纬度41.semi-arid半干旱42.tropicalwet-dry热带干湿季气候43.watershed分水岭44.drainagebasin流域45.regolith风化层46.soilcreep土壤蠕动47.massmovement块体运动48.strata地层49.overlandrunoff地表径流50.sheetwash片状冲刷51.pediment山前侵蚀平原(山足面)52.rockfall山崩ndslide滑坡54.interception截流55.evapotranspiration蒸发和蒸腾总量56.capillaryrise毛管上升57.aerationzone包气带58.overlandflow;interflow;baseflow地表径流;壤中流;地下径流59.watertable潜水面(水位)60.basinlength;area流域长度;流域面积61.tributary支流;62.trunkstream干流63.drainagedensity河网密度64.floodplain泛滥平原。

正文:Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and students, today I am honored to present to you a comprehensive lesson plan on high school geography, a subject that is not only fascinating but also fundamentally important in understanding the world we live in. The lesson I am about to outline will cover the essential elements of geography, including its definition, key concepts, and the significance of geographical knowledge in our daily lives and future careers.Introduction to GeographyGeography is the study of the earth and its features, including the study of people, places, physical environment, and human activities as they relate to each other. It is a multidisciplinary subject that integrates aspects of history, economics, sociology, and environmental science. The primary goal of teaching geography at the high school level is to foster a sense of global awareness and responsibility among students.Teaching ObjectivesThe objectives of this lesson are to:1. Define geography and its subfields.2. Understand the importance of geography in personal and societal contexts.3. Develop skills in map reading, data analysis, and critical thinking.4. Explore the interconnections between human activities and the environment.Teaching MethodsTo achieve these objectives, I will employ a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, group discussions, multimedia presentations, and field trips. Interactive activities will be used to engage students and encourage active learning. For example, students will participate in a mock United Nations debate on climate change, which will require them to research and analyze geographical data to support their positions.Curriculum ContentThe lesson will be divided into several modules:1. *Fundamentals of Geography*: This module will introduce the basic concepts of geography, such as latitude and longitude, the Earth's systems, and the classification oflandforms. Students will learn how to use maps and globes to understand geographical locations and patterns.2. *Human Geography*: In this section, we will delve into the study of human populations, cultures, and their impact on the environment. Topics will include population distribution, urbanization, and economic development. We will discuss case studies of different regions to understand how geographical factors influence human activities.3. *Physical Geography*: This module will focus on theEarth's natural processes and features, such as plate tectonics, weather and climate, and ecosystems. Students will learn how to interpret topographic maps and understand the effects of climate change on the environment.4. *Geography and Global Issues*: Here, we will explore how geography plays a critical role in addressing global challenges such as resource management, environmental conservation, and geopolitical conflicts. Students will be encouraged to think critically about the role they can playin creating sustainable solutions.AssessmentAssessment will be continuous and will include a mix of formative and summative evaluations. Formative assessments will consist of in-class activities, quizzes, and short essays that allow students to apply their knowledge. Summative assessments will include a midterm and final exam, as well as a group project where students will create a modelof a sustainable city, incorporating geographical principles.ConclusionIn conclusion, the study of geography is vital in preparing students to become informed and responsible global citizens. Through this lesson plan, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of geography, its relevance to their lives, and the skills necessary to analyze and address geographical issues. By the end of this course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and critical thinking skills to make a positive impact on our world.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to engaging with you in this exciting journey of geographical discovery and understanding.。

许昌学院城市与环境学院教案课程名称:地理专业英语课程类型:□理论课■理论、实践课□实践课学时:32 学分: 2授课教师:李中轩授课班级:08级地理科学授课学期:2010 至2011 学年第2学期教材名称:地理专业英语参考资料:1.地质学基础2.自然地理学3.地理学专业英语2011年 2 月 20 日《地理专业英语》教材分析本课程以培养学生地理科学专业英语文献阅读和翻译能力为主要目的,以岩石圈、大气圈、水圈、生物圈、土壤圈、人类社会圈系统和地理信息系统理论为主要内容,分为三大部共16个单元,其中技术地理部分涉及较多的3S技术方面内容,因而将其作为自学内容。

地理学英语词汇大全地理学专业英语词汇Geography is a fascinating field that involves the study of the Earth's physical features, climate patterns, and the interaction between humans and the environment. As with any subject, learning the vocabulary specific to geography is essential for effective communication and understanding. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of English vocabulary words commonly used in geography studies. This compilation aims to assist geography students, researchers, and enthusiasts in expanding their knowledge and fluency in the subject.1. Physical Geography Terms:1.1 Landforms: mountains, plains, plateaus, hills, valleys, canyons, ridges, etc.1.2 Water Bodies: oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, waterfalls, etc.1.3 Climate: tropical, arid, temperate, polar, humid, continental, monsoon, etc.1.4 Weather: precipitation, humidity, temperature, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, etc.1.5 Ecosystems: forests, deserts, grasslands, wetlands, tundra, coral reefs, etc.1.6 Natural Disasters: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc.2. Human Geography Terms:2.1 Population: demographics, birth rate, death rate, population density, population growth, migration, etc.2.2 Urbanization: cities, urban areas, urban planning, urban expansion, slums, skyscrapers, etc.2.3 Transportation: roads, highways, railways, airports, ports, bridges, tunnels, public transportation, etc.2.4 Agriculture: farming, crop cultivation, livestock rearing, irrigation, agribusiness, sustainable agriculture, etc.2.5 Economic Systems: capitalism, socialism, market economy, planned economy, globalization, trade, etc.2.6 Cultural Geography: language, religion, traditions, customs, folklore, national identity, ethnicity, etc.3. Geographical Tools and Techniques:3.1 Maps: topographic maps, thematic maps, political maps, physical maps, cartography, map scale, symbols, etc.3.2 Remote Sensing: satellite imagery, aerial photography, GIS (Geographic Information System), GPS (Global Positioning System), etc.3.3 Fieldwork: surveys, observations, sampling, data collection, experiments, analysis, etc.3.4 Geographic Information: coordinates, latitude, longitude, elevation, GIS data layers, geospatial analysis, etc.3.5 Land Surveying: land measurement, boundary determination, survey instruments, geodetic surveying, etc.3.6 Computer Applications: geospatial software, data visualization, modeling, remote sensing software, etc.4. Environmental Geography Terms:4.1 Pollution: air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, noise pollution, waste management, recycling, etc.4.2 Climate Change: greenhouse effect, global warming, carbon footprint, renewable energy, climate adaptation, mitigation, etc.4.3 Conservation: biodiversity, endangered species, habitat preservation, national parks, sustainable development, etc.4.4 Natural Resources: minerals, fossil fuels, renewable resources, water resources, forestry, sustainable use, etc.4.5 Environmental Impact: deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, land degradation, pollution control, conservation strategies, etc.4.6 Sustainability: environmental stewardship, eco-friendly practices, sustainable lifestyles, green technologies, circular economy, etc.5. Geopolitical and International Relations Terms:5.1 Borders: international borders, geopolitical boundaries, border disputes, border control, immigration, etc.5.2 Global Organizations: United Nations (UN), World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), etc.5.3 Geopolitical Concepts: geopolitics, superpowers, regional integration, imperialism, colonialism, nation-state, etc.5.4 Global Issues: globalization, inequality, poverty, human rights, peacekeeping, conflict, diplomacy, international cooperation, etc.5.5 Development: developed countries, developing countries, sustainable development goals (SDGs), economic indicators, etc.5.6 Migration: immigration, emigration, refugees, asylum seekers, push factors, pull factors, brain drain, etc.Please note that this list of geography vocabulary words is not exhaustive but provides a broad overview of the most commonly used terms in the field. Remember to continuously expand your understanding of geographical concepts and their associated vocabulary through readings, research, and practical applications.。

地理学英语词汇大全了解地理学研究的地理现象和地貌特征的英文表达Introduction:In the world of geography, studying geographical phenomena and landforms is crucial. To assist in this endeavor, a comprehensive knowledge of English vocabulary related to geography is essential. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of English terms commonly used in geography to understand and communicate various geographical phenomena and landform features.1. Physical Geography:Physical geography involves the study of natural features and processes on the Earth's surface. Here are some English terms related to physical geography:1.1 Atmosphere:- Air pressure: the force exerted by the weight of the air- Climate: the long-term atmospheric conditions of a specific region- Precipitation: any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface (e.g., rain, snow)1.2 Hydrosphere:- Ocean: a large body of saltwater covering a significant portion of the Earth's surface- Lake: a large body of freshwater surrounded by land- River: a natural flowing watercourse that drains into a larger body of water1.3 Lithosphere:- Mountain: a large natural elevation of the Earth's surface, typically with steep sides and a defined peak- Plateau: a flat elevated area characterized by a relatively level surface- Desert: a barren area with little to no vegetation due to low precipitation2. Human Geography:Human geography focuses on the study of human activities and their impact on the Earth's surface. Some English terms related to human geography are as follows:2.1 Population:- Demographics: statistical data relating to the population- Urbanization: the process of population shift from rural to urban areas- Migration: the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of permanent settlement2.2 Settlements:- City: a large and highly populated urban area- Town: an urban area larger than a village but smaller than a city- Village: a small community in a rural area2.3 Cultural Geography:- Language: a system of communication used by a particular community or country- Religion: a set of beliefs and practices followed by a group of people- Customs: traditional practices or habits of a particular cultural or social group3. Geographical Phenomena:Understanding and describing geographical phenomena is essential in geography. Here are some English terms related to common geographical phenomena:3.1 Erosion:- Weathering: the breaking down of rocks and minerals on the Earth's surface- Deposition: the process of sediment settling on the Earth's surface or other solid objects- Erosion: the removal and transport of weathered materials by wind, water, or ice3.2 Volcanoes:- Volcano: a mountain or hill with a vent or crater through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are or have been erupted- Magma: molten rock beneath the Earth's surface- Lava: molten rock on the Earth's surface3.3 Earthquakes:- Earthquake: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates- Seismic waves: waves of energy that travel through the Earth during an earthquake- Epicenter: the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquakeConclusion:Having a solid understanding of the English vocabulary used in geography is crucial for effectively studying geographical phenomena and communication within the field. This comprehensive list of terms related to physical geography, human geography, and geographical phenomena serves as a valuable resource for those wishing to expand their knowledge in this area. Whether it is discussing atmospheric conditions or describing landforms, the use of precise English vocabulary aids in clear communication within the field of geography.。

geomorphogenesis, landform genesis
landform forming process
climatic geomorphology
dynamic geomorphology
applied geography
geographical system
geographical environment
regional analysis
regional differentiation
living space
life-carrying capacity
environmental determinism
catastrophe theory
earth surface
ubac, shady slope
integrated physicogeographical
nival belt
subnival belt

自然地理学专业英语Lecture 1INTRODUCTION TO EARTHMajor Concept (I)The planets in our solar system, including Earth, began to form out of a rotating disk of gas and dust about 4.6 billion years ago.Related or supporting concepts:The present view of the beginning of the solar system suggests that a cloud of gas and dust was flattened into a disk by rotation. The density of the matter in the disk was greatest at its center and decreased toward the edges.The sun formed at the center of the disk where the temperature was highest and the planets formed at greater distances away from the center.The compositions of the planets differ because of a natural sorting of elements in the cloud with distance from the center.The temperature of the early Earth was probably quite high due to:a. the gravitational capture of particles that released heat on impact,b. the increased pressure on the interior of the planet as it continued to grow, andc. the capture of radioactive elements that gave off heat when they decayed. During the first few hundred million years, the internal temperature rose high enough to melt iron and nickel. These heavy metals sank to form the core of the planet and displaced lighter material that rose to form chemically differentiated shells.Major Concept (II)Earth’s oceans originated early in the planet’s history. There are two proposed sources of the water in the oceans.Related or supporting concepts:The oldest sedimentary rocks found that required water for their formation are 3.9 billion years old. This suggests that there are been oceans on Earth for roughly 4 billion years.Traditionally scientists have believed that the water in the oceans and atmosphere originated in Earth’s mantle and was broug ht to the surface by volcanism.Most magmas contain from 1% to 5% dissolved gas by weight, most of which is water vapor.If we assume that the current rate of release of water vapor in volcanic eruptions has remained essentially constant for the past 4 billion years, then the volume of water expelled(put out) during that time would be roughly 100 times the volume of today’s oceans.A relatively new proposal is that a significant amount of water is added to Earth from space when small icy comets(彗星) enter Ea rth’s atmosphere.The early atmosphere did not have any oxygen. The oxygen released from the interior of the planet would have combined with metals at the surface to produce oxides.It wasn't until large amounts of oxygen were produced after plants formed that it began to accumulate in the atmosphere.Major Concept (III)There is compelling evidence that there may be other oceans in the solar system. Related or supporting concepts:Two of Jupiter’s moons, Europa and Callisto, may have oceans beneath the ir icy surfaces.Liquid oceans on Europa may be possible despite extremely low temperatures because of heat generated by friction as it is deformed by Jupiter’s tide-producing gravitational force.Both moons have induced magnetic fields indicating they consist partly of strongly conducting material. This may be liquid water with electrolytic salts.There is also some indication that Mars once had an ocean covering portions of its northern hemisphere.Major Concept (IV)There are a variety of lines of in direct evidence that allow us to estimate Earth’s age as being about 4.5 to 4.6 billion years.Related or supporting concepts:Earth’s original crust, that would have formed early in its history, has been destroyed or covered by active volcanism and tectonic processes. This is a reflection of the geologically active nature of the planet. Consequently, the oldest surface rocks we have found, roughly 4 billion years old, give us a minimum age for Earth rather than an actual age.Indirect evidence of Earth’s age includes:a. the dating of moon rocks at 4.2 billion years,b. the dating of meteorites at 4.5 to 4.6 billion years, andc. theoretical calculations of the age of the sun as being roughly the same as the meteorites.We can determine the age of rocks that contain radioactive isotopes of elements that decay at constant, known rates. This is called radiometric dating.If a rock contains atoms of a specific radioactive isotope, half of them will decay into another element, called the daughter product, in a period of time called the half-life of the isotope.An example of this type of process would be Uranium235 and its daughter product Lead207 with a half-life of 704 million years. A rock that initially contained 100 atoms of U235 and no Pb207 would have the following numbers of the two elements after the indicated elapsed times:There are several different "parent-daughter" radioactive pairs that occur in rocks. Each of the pairs has its own specific half-life, some quite long and others very short. Pairs with long half-lives are best for dating very old rocks while those with short half-lives are best for younger rocks. Ideally, an assigned date for a rock will be based on the use of more than one radioactive pair so that a check can be made on accuracy.Major Concept (V)Geologic time is often difficult to grasp because of how long it is compared to all of human history (to say nothing of the incredibly brief time span of a single human life).Related or supporting conceptsJust as we divide time into segments like years, months, and days to identify both duration and some sense of position, we divide geologic time as well. The longest division is called an eon. Eons are divided into eras, eras are divided into periods, and periods into epochs.The geologic time scale and the history of evolution of life-forms is given in table 2.1. The eras, in order of most distant past to most recent time, are:a. Precambrian,b. Paleozoic (ancient life),c. Mesozoic (intermediate life), andd. Cenozoic (recent life).The divisions of geologic time were originally decided upon on the basis of the appearance and disappearance of specific fossils.The development of radiometric dating techniques allowed geologists to assign absolute dates to the different time divisions.Because of the difficulty we typically have in comprehending time spans as great as billions of years, it is often easier to imagine that the earth is much younger, say tens of years old, and then consider what major events occurred in that period of time. Suppose, for example, that rather than the earth being 4.6 billion years old, it is only46 years old. Then we can recognize the following important events:a. 0 years of age: the earth formedb. the first several years of the planet's history have not been preserved in the recordc. 6 years of age: the oldest discovered rocks were formedd. 12 years of age: the first living cells appearede. 22–23 years of age: photosynthesis began producing oxygenf. 31 years of age: there was sufficient oxygen in the atmosphere to allow the growth of complex cells that require oxygeng. 40 years of age: the first hard-shelled organisms appeared, to be preserved later as fossilsh. 41 years of age: the first animals with backbones, called vertebrates, appearedi. 41 years and 8½ months: land plants appeared and were shortly followed by a period of time when fish were the dominant animal formj. 43 years of age: the appearance of reptilesk. 44 years of age: dinosaurs were abundantl. 45 years of age: the dinosaurs disappearedm. about a year ago: flowers appearedn. 4 months ago: mammals, birds, and insects were the dominant life formso. 25 days ago: human ancestors appearedp. 11 days ago: the first member of the genus Homo appearedq. 30 minutes ago: modern civilization beganr. 1 minute ago: the industrial revolution beganMajor concept (VI)Earth has a roughly spherical shape, bulging slightly at the equator, with a surface that is remarkably smooth.Related or supporting conceptsThe earth is not a perfectly rigid body. As a result, its rotation causes it to bulge outward at the equator and be slightly flattened at the poles .Approximate values for the following figures are:a. average radius = 6371 km or 3956 mib. equatorial radius = 6378.4 km or 3961 mic. polar radius = 6356.9 km or 3947 mid. (equatorial-polar) radius = 21.5 km or 15 miThe unequal distribution of continents and ocean basins results in a further deformation of the planet from a perfect sphere to a shape that is similar to a pear. Although it seems as if the difference in elevation from the highest point on land to the deepest place on the sea floor is very large, it is really quite small compared to Earth’s size. The di fference in surface elevation is less than 20 km compared to Earth's radius of over 6000 km.If Earth was reduced to the size of a basketball or a grapefruit, its surface would be about as smooth as they are.Major Concept (VII)Exact position on Earth is determined by latitude and longitude.Related or supporting concepts:A grid of lines can be placed over Earth’s surface to serve as a reference system to determine location. There are two sets of lines that intersect one another to define latitude and longitude.Lines of latitude are drawn as circles parallel to the equator. These circles have steadily decreasing diameters as they get closer to the poles. Lines of latitude are also called parallels because all of the circles are in planes that are parallel to one another. Latitude is 0° at the equator and increases to 90° at the poles. From this it should be clear that latitude is measured as an internal angle from the center of the Earth away from the equator.By convention, latitudes south of the equator are negative and north of the equator are positive.One degree of latitude is equal to 60 nautical miles.Lines of longitude are sometimes called "great circles" because they are drawn by constructing circles perpendicular to the equator, that pass through both poles . In this way, each circle has a diameter that is the same as Earth’s diameter.Lines of longitude segment the planet in a way that is similar to the sections of an orange.Lines of longitude are also called meridians. The distance between meridians corresponds to an angle from the center of the earth between an arbitrarily chosen "prime meridian," which is at 0° by definition, and a second meridian measured along the equator.The prime meridian passes through both poles and Greenwich, England .Longitude can be measured from 0°–360° moving eastward from the prime meridian, or from 0° to +180°E and 0° to -180°W.The actual distance between meridians decreases away from the equator and becomes zero at the poles, where all meridians converge.Each degree of latitude or longitude can be divided into 60 minutes (60′) and each minute into 60 seconds (60″).Major Concept (VIII)Differences in longitude can be related to differences in time between two locations because of Earth’s rotation.The rotation and revolution of the Earth around the SunRelated or supporting concepts:Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. It follows therefore that it rotates through 360° of longitude each 24 hours. This is equivalent to (15° of longitude/1 hour) or (15′ of longitude/1 minute of time).The time at 0° longitude, or at Greenwich, England is called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It is also known as Universal Time (UT) or ZULU (Z) time.The international date line is on the opposite side of the earth from Greenwich, England or the prime meridian. It corresponds to the 180° meridian.Because we know the rate of Earth’s rotation, we can determine our longitude simply by knowing the difference in time between our location and Greenwich, England. For example:Major Concept (IX)Characteristics of Earth's surface are often shown on maps and charts.中国地形图1:32000000Related or supporting concepts:Maps and charts illustrate three-dimensional shapes on two-dimensional surfaces. Surface features on land are often illustrated with maps.Seafloor features are often illustrated with charts. Charts are also used to illustrate features in the sky.Three-dimensional features can never be perfectly illustrated on two-dimensional maps and charts. As a result, there is always some distortion of real features. Different map projections will produce different types and degrees of distortion. When choosing a specific projection you need to carefully consider which one will produce the least distortion of the features you are interested in.There are three basic types of projections :a. cylindrical,b. conic, andc. tangent plane.The sea floor is often illustrated using a bathymetric chart . Contour lines on a bathymetric chart connect points of equal depth.A chart that shows regions of varying depth by variations in color, shading, or perspective drawing is called a physiographic map.Three-dimensional, color images are generated by computer from detailed sonar data Major Concept (X)Physical, biological, and chemical processes on the planet are all influenced by temporal changes or cycles that occur with different periods and are due to Earth's rotation on its axis and its movement around the sun.Related or supporting concepts:There are two natural periods that influence processes on Earth. These are caused by the daily rotation of the planet on its axis which gives us night and day, and the yearly rotation of the earth around the sun which gives us the changing seasons.We experience seasonal variations in climate because Earth’s rotational axis is tilted away from a line drawn perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the sun by 23½°.Earth’s tilt results in an annual migration of the apparent position of the su n in the sky from being directly overhead at noon somewhere between 23½°S and 23½°N throughout the year. Outside of this band of latitude centered on the equator, the sun will never appear to be directly overhead even when it has risen in the sky to its highest point at noon.The Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun during Northern Hemisphere summers and is warmer because the intensity of solar radiation is greater at the surface when the sun's rays are more nearly perpendicular to the surface. At this time the Southern Hemisphere experiences its winter as it is tilted away from the sun.There are four parallels of latitude that have special names; these are:Latitude Name66½°N Arctic Circle23½°N Tropic of Cancer23½°S Tropic of Capricorn66½°S Antarctic CircleOn the summer solstice, which usually occurs around June 22, the sun will be directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer and there will be 24 hours of daylight above the Arctic Circle. This is the day with the longest period of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest in the Southern Hemisphere. The sun will not rise at all at latitudes farther south than the Antarctic Circle.On the autumnal equinox, on about September 23, the sun will be directly overhead the equator and the amount of daylight will be the same everywhere.On the winter solstice, around December 21, the sun will be directly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn and there will be 24 hours of daylight above the Antarctic Circle and perpetual darkness above the Arctic Circle. This will be the day with the longest period of sunlight in the Southern Hemisphere and the shortest in the Northern Hemisphere.On the vernal equinox, roughly March 21, the sun will have moved northward againto stand directly over the equator.The greatest annual change in climate occurs at mid-latitudes in what are called thetemperate zones. At low latitudes it is relatively warm throughout the year and athigh latitudes it remains fairly cold.The orbit the earth takes around the sun is elliptical, so the distance between the earthand the sun changes through the year. The distance is greatest during the NorthernHemisphere summer and least during the Northern Hemisphere winter. It is importantto remember that the seasons are not due to the variable distance from the sun(otherwise we should expect summer in the Northern Hemisphere when we are closestto the sun in the end of December), but rather they are controlled by what hemisphereis tilted toward the sun's rays.Major Concept (XI)Earth is essentially a closed system. As such, all of the water available to theplanet moves through different reservoirs where it is stored for varying periods oftime before moving on.Related or supporting concepts:Water can be found in all three states of matter in the earth system: solid (ice), liquid,and gas (water vapor).At any given time a water molecule will be located in a specific reservoir. Examplesof reservoirs include the atmosphere, rivers, lakes, the oceans, glaciers, andgroundwater, to name a few.Water will not remain indefinitely in a single reservoir; rather, it will be cycled fromone reservoir to another by such processes as evaporation, precipitation, transpiration,sublimation, and runoff.Transpiration is the release of water by plants. Sublimation is a phase change ofwater from solid to gas, or from ice to water vapor.The cycling of water from one reservoir to another is called the hydrologic cycle. Thehydrologic cycle can be seen diagrammatically in figure 2.17 in your text.In the simplest possible description, the movement of water from one reservoir toanother can be described in part by the following table:Reservoir Water lost via Water gained viacontinents evaporation precipitationrunofftranspirationsublimationoceans evaporation precipitationrunoffsublimationatmosphere precipitation evaporation transpirationsublimationThe amount of water stored in different reservoirs can vary greatly. The largestvolume of water is stored in the oceans (about 98 percent) and the least amount isstored in the atmosphere (about .001 percent).Major Concept (XII)The largest water reservoir in the earth system in terms of the volume of water stored is the oceans.Related or supporting concepts:Roughly 71 percent of the surface of the planet is covered by the oceans. This leaves only 29 percent covered by the continents.The surface area of the oceans is approximately 140 million square miles or 362 million square kilometers.The volume of water held in the oceans is an incredible 1.35 billion cubic kilometers. This amount of water is so great that it is difficult to grasp.If Earth was a smooth ball without any continents to interrupt the oceans and a flat sea floor, the water held in the oceans would cover the globe to a uniform depth of about 1.7 miles (2645 meters or 8680 feet).Adding all of the rest of the water trapped in other reservoirs would raise the level of this global sea by 75 meters to about 2720 meters or 8924 feet.Major Concept (XIII)The continents are not uniformly distributed on Earth. In addition, the percentage of the planet's surface at any given elevation is not constant.The only latitude band where there is more land than water, with the exception of Antarctica, is between 45°–70°N.The Southern Hemisphere is dominated by oceans while most land is in the Northern Hemisphere .Related or supporting concepts:As mentioned previously, continents cover about 29 percent of Earth's surface. Roughly 70 percent of all land is found in the Northern Hemisphere, and most of it at mid-latitudes.Take a look at figure 2.19 to see the distribution of land and water with latitude.The percent of land and sea floor, as well as the percent of the total surface area of the planet, that is at any specific elevation above or depth below sea level is shown in figure 2.20. This plot is called the hypsographic curve.Among the things we can learn from the hypsographic curve are:a. mean elevation of land = 840 mb. mean depth of the oceans = 3729 mc. about 20 percent of land is higher than 2 km above sea leveld. about 85 percent of sea floor is deeper than 2 km below sea levelThe highest elevation on land, Mt. Everest at 8850 m, is closer to sea level than the deepest spot in the oceans, the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench at 11,030 m. The great difference in height between the continents and the sea floor is due to the large difference in the types of rocks that make up continents and sea floor. Continental rocks have a lower density than seafloor rocks.Major Concept (XIV)The world's seawater can be divided into four distinct oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Arctic.Related or supporting concepts:The three largest oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian) all join in the Southern Hemisphere around Antarctica.The Pacific Ocean is the largest with a surface area that is slightly larger than the sum of the other three. The Pacific also holds the greatest volume of water and has the greatest average depth.The Atlantic Ocean is unique in that it extends the greatest distance north and south.It is a relatively narrow ocean and is the third deepest.The Indian Ocean is different because it is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. It is second deepest.The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the four.Each ocean is bounded roughly by continents, has its own distinct water masses, and well-defined surface currents.A large body of seawater that is bounded by land and smaller than an ocean is called a mediterranean or a sea. Examples include the Arctic Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean Sea, and the South China Sea.Major Concept (XV)Location at sea is determined by a number of different methods depending on distance from land and position on the globe. Most methods rely on some sort of electronic navigational equipment as opposed to the astronomical methods used in the past.Related or supporting concepts:There are three principal systems used in modern navigation:a. radar : "ra dio d etecting a nd r anging"b. loran : "lo ng-ra nge n avigation"c. satellite navigationRadar systems emit bursts of energy that travel outward and then return after reflecting off distant objects. By carefully measuring the travel time of the reflected energy, you can determine distance quite accurately. Radar is only useful when you are close enough to land for signals to be reflected back to the vessel.Loran systems utilize fixed stations that transmit radio waves at specific frequencies.A loran receiver on board a ship can detect these transmissions. The difference in arrival time of the signals from pairs of stations is a measure of distance from the stations. Unlike radar, loran can be used far from land as long as the vessel is within receiving distance of loran stations. In addition, loran units can be interfaced with computers to automatically calculate latitude and longitude and to determine the ship's course to some pre-determined location.The most accurate technique is satellite navigation. By monitoring signals from orbiting satellites, it is possible to obtain a location with an accuracy as great as 30 meters (or about 100 feet).Modern electronic navigation methods permit the determination of location in any kind of weather and at any time of day. Small Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are now routinely used by hikers, hunters, boaters, and others who need to know their location in the outdoors.GPS SatelliteGPS Receiver二、IntroductionWordsSome useful vocabularyGeographyPhysical geographyHuman geographyPhysical Geography Human GeographyRocks and Minerals PopulationLandforms SettlementsSoils Economic ActivitiesAnimals TransportationPlants Recreational Activities Water ReligionAtmosphere Political SystemsRivers and Other WaterSocial Traditions BodiesEnvironment Human MigrationClimate and Weather Agricultural SystemsOceans Urban Systems•Physical geographyClimate climatology meteorologyGeomorphology landform topographyWater Hydrology hydrosphereVegetation plant BiosphereSoil PedosphereAir AtmosphereRock Lithosphere Geology•physical geography studies the spatial patterns of weather and climate, soils, vegetation, animals, water in all its forms, and landforms. Physicalgeography also examines the interrelationships of these phenomena to humanactivities. This sub-field of geography is academically known as the Human-Land Tradition. This area of geography has seen very keen interest andgrowth in the last few decades because of the acceleration of human inducedenvironmental degradation. Thus, physical geography's scope is much broaderthan the simple spatial study of nature. It also involves the investigation ofhow humans are influencing nature.•Geomorphology - studies the various landforms on the Earth's surface.•Pedology - is concerned with the study of soils.•Biogeography - is the science that investigates the spatial relationships of plants and animals.•Hydrology - is interested in the study of water in all its forms.•Meteorology - studies the circulation of the atmosphere over short time spans.•Climatology - studies the effects of weather on life and examines the circulation of the atmosphere over longer time spans.•Geology - studies the form of the Earth's surface and subsurface, and the processes that create and modify it.•Ecology - the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.•Oceanography - the science that examines the biology, chemistry, physics, and geology of oceans.•Cartography - the technique of making maps.•Astronomy - the science that examines celestial bodies and the cosmos.•The development of GeographyAfter 1950, the following two forces largely determined the nature of physical geography:•(1). The Quantitative Revolution - measurement became the central focus of research in Physical Geography. It was used primarily for hypothesis testing.With measurement came mapping, models, statistics, mathematics, andhypothesis testing. The quantitative revolution was also associated with achange in the way in which physical geographers studied the Earth and itsphenomena. Researchers now began investigating process rather than meredescription of the environment.•(2). The study of Human/Land Relationships - the influence of human activity on the environment was becoming very apparent after 1950. As aresult, many researchers in physical geography began studying the influenceof humans on the environment. Some of the dominant themes in these studiesincluded: environmental degradation and resource use; natural hazards andimpact assessment; and the effect of urbanization and land-use change onnatural environments.•The following list describes some of the important future trends in physical geography research:(1). Continued development of applied physical geography for the analysis and correction of human-induced environmental problems. A student of applied physical geography uses theoretical information from the field of physical geography to manage and solve problems related to natural phenomena found in the real world.•(2).Remote Sensing - Advances in technology have caused the development of many new instruments for the monitoring of the Earth's resources andenvironment from airborne and space platforms. Also see section2e. Themost familiar use of remote sensing technology is to monitor the Earth'sweather for forecasting•(3).Geographic Information Systems - A geographic information system (GIS) merges information in a computer database with spatial coordinates on a digital map. Geographic information dystems are becoming increasingly more important for the management of resources.•Geologic Time ScaleLecture 2•Geologic Time Scale•NewwordsCenozoic EraQuaternary Period Tertiary PeriodMesozoic EraCretaceous Period Jurassic Period Triassic PeriodPaleozoic EraPermian Period Carboniferous Period Devonian Period Silurian Period Ordovician Period Cambrian Period•一、THE CENOZOIC ERA•The Cenozoic Era is the most recent of the three major subdivisions of geologic time.•The Cenozoic Era spans only about 65 million years, from the end of the Cretaceous Period (Mesozoic Era), and the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs, to the present. The Cenozoic is sometimes called the Age of Mammals,。

natural resources
renewable resources
nonrenewable resources
hazard geography
natural hazard
orthoeluvial weathered crust
clastic weathered crust
siallite-clay weathered crust
siallite-carbonate weathered crust
siallite-chloride-sulphate wea-thered crust
ubac, shady slope
integrated physicogeographical
nival belt
subnival belt
geographical sphere

初中地理说课稿模板(全英文说课模板版)Teaching ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, students should be able to:- Understand the term "natural resources"- Identify various natural resources- Explain the importance of natural resources- Analyze and discuss the impact of human activities on natural resourcesTeaching Contents1. Definition of natural resources2. Types of natural resources (renewable vs. nonrenewable)3. Importance of natural resources4. Human impact on natural resources5. Case studies/examples of human impact on natural resourcesTeaching Procedures/Methods1. Introduction: Greet students and introduce the topic of natural resources2. Warm-up: Show pictures of different natural resources and ask students to identify them (5 mins)3. Presentation: Give a brief presentation on natural resources (definitions, types, importance) while using examples and visual aids (15 mins)4. Group activity: Divide students into groups and provide them with different case studies/examples of human impact on natural resources. Have them analyze and discuss the impact (20 mins)6. Conclusion: Summarize the lesson and emphasize the importance of preserving natural resources (5 mins)Teaching Materials- Pictures of natural resources- PowerPoint presentation- Case studies/examples of human impact on natural resources- Whiteboard and markersAssessment/Evaluation- Performance during group activity and class discussion- Understanding demonstrated through participation and questions asked- Short written reflection on why natural resources are important and how we can protect them.HomeworkWrite a short essay (200-300 words) on one of the following topics: - The importance of preserving natural resources- The negative impact of human activities on natural resources and the environment- How individuals can make a difference in protecting natural resources。
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地理专业英语词汇Aa horizon 腐殖堆积层aa lava 块熔岩abandoned field 撩荒地abandoned lands 撩荒地abandoned mine 废弃矿山abandoned shoreline 旧岸线aberration 像差abiogenesis 自然发生abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 水蚀ablation moraine 消融冰碛abnormality 反常aboriginal 土着的abrasion 海蚀abrasion platform 浪蚀台地abrasion shore 浪蚀海岸abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 海蚀阶地abrasive 研磨剂abrupt slope 陡坡abrupt textural change 质地突变abscissa 横坐标absolute age 绝对年龄absolute age determination 绝对年代测定absolute age of groundwater 地下水绝对年龄absolute altitude 绝对高度absolute amplitude 绝对振幅absolute chronology 绝对年代absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute error 绝对误差absolute extremes 绝对极值absolute geochronology 绝对地质年代学absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute gravity 绝对重力absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum 绝对极大absolute measure 绝对尺度absolute minimum 绝对极小absolute orientation 绝对定向absolute parallax 绝对视差absolute precision 绝对精度absolute representation 绝对值表示法absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute value 绝对值absolute zero 绝对零度absorbed radiant flux 吸收辐射absorbed radiation 吸收辐射absorbent 吸收剂absorbing capacity 吸收能力absorbing complex 吸收性复合体absorptance 吸收系数absorption 吸收absorption band 吸收带absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption factor 吸收因素absorption filter 吸收滤光片absorption of energy 能量吸收absorption of light 光吸收absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorption surface 吸收面absorptive capacity 吸收本领absorptivity 吸收能力absorptivity emissivity ratio 吸收发射比abstract symbol 抽象符号abundance of isotopes 同位素的丰度abundance of the elements 元素丰度abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素的相对丰度abundant rainfall 过量降雨abyss 深渊abyssal 深海的abyssal basins 深海盆地abyssal benthos 深海底栖生物abyssal deposits 深海沉积物abyssal facies 深海相abyssal hill 深海丘陵abyssal plain 深海平原abyssal region 深海区abyssal sediment 深海沉积物abyssal zone 深海带acariasis 螨病acarinosis 螨病acaustobiolite 非可燃性生物岩accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀accelerated weathering 加速风化acceleration 加速度acceptance 接收acceptor 收体acceptor atom 受体原子acceptor bond 接体合accessory element 伴随元素accessory mineral 副次要accessory species 次要种accidental ejecta 外源喷出物accidental error 偶然误差accidental species 偶见种acclimatization 气候驯化acclivity 上行坡accompaniment element 伴生元素accordance of summit levels 峰顶面等高性accordant junction 协和汇流平齐汇流交合汇流accordant junction of streams 协合流accretion gley 淤积潜育层accumulated temperature 积温accumulation 堆积accumulation curve 累积曲线accumulation horizon 聚积层accumulation mountains 堆积山地accumulation of assimilation products 同化物累积accumulation of humus 腐殖质蓄积accumulation of organic matter 有机质堆积accumulative coast 堆积海岸accumulative relief 堆积地形accuracy 准确度accuracy of measurement 测定准确度acetic acid 醋酸acetic acid bacteria 醋酸菌acetic fermentation 醋酸发酵achromatic objective 消色差物镜achromatopsia 色盲acid alkaline barriers 酸碱障acid base balance 酸碱平衡acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡acid brown forest soils 酸性棕色森林土acid earth 酸性白土acid fast bacteria 抗酸菌acid fastness 抗酸性acid fermentation 酸性发酵acid geochemical barrier 酸性地球化学障acid group 酸根acid humus 酸性腐殖质acid igneous rock 酸性火成岩acid medium 酸性介质acid peat soil 酸性泥炭土acid rain 酸雨acid residue 酸性残余物acid rock 酸性岩acid rocks 酸性岩acid soil 酸性土acid solution 酸性溶液acid spring 酸性泉acid tolerant species 耐酸品种acid value 酸值acidic lava 酸性熔岩acidification 酸化acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidity of soil 土壤酸度acidoid 酸性胶体acidophile organisms 嗜酸有机体acidophilous plant 喜酸植物acidophyte 喜酸植物acidosis 酸中毒acidotrophic lake 酸性营养湖acidulation 酸化acotyledon 无子叶植物acquired character 获得特性acric ferralsols 强淋溶铁铝土acrisols 强淋溶土acrorthox 强酸性正常氧化土acrospore 顶生孢子acrox 高风化氧化土acstivation 夏眠actinium 锕actinolite schist 阳起片岩actinometer 日光辐射计actinometry 日射测定法actinomorphic 辐射对称的actinomycetes 放线菌actinomycosis 放线菌病analog information 模拟信息analogue 类似analogy 相似analysis 分析analysis by sedimentation 沉降分析analysis by titration 滴定分析analysis model 分析模型analysis of covariance 协方差分析analysis of variance 方差分析analysis of weather map 天气图分析analytic character 分析特性analytic map 解析地图analytic photogrammetry 解析摄影测量analytical aerial triangulation 解析空中三角测量analytical balance 分析天平analytical geochemistry 分析地球化学analytical method 分析方法analytical model 分析模型analytical plotter 解析测图仪analytical thematic map 解析肘地图anamesite 中粒玄武岩anatexis 深溶酌anchor ice 底冰ancient glaciation 古代冰川酌ancient lake mire 湖泊排水的沼泽ancient platform 古地台ancient sediments 古代沉积物andept 火山灰始成土andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andesite line 安山岩线andic cambisols 暗色始成土andosols 暗色土anemia 贫血anemochores 风播植物anemochorous plants 风播植物anemochory 风播anemogram 风力自记曲线anemograph 风速计anemology 测风学anemometer 风速表anemometry 风速测定法anemophilous flower 风媒花anemophilous plant 风媒植物anemophily 风媒anemorumbograph 风向风速计anemorumbometer 凤向风速计anemothermometer 风速风温计aneroid barograph 空盒气压计aneroid barometer 空盒气压表aneroidograph 无液气压记录器angiosperms 被子植物angle equation 角方程angle of attachment 闭合角angle of bank 曲折角angle of direction 方位角angle of divergence 发散角angle of emergence 出射角angle of field 视场角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of obliquity 倾斜角angle of pitch 府仰角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of rotation 旋转角angle resolution 角分辨率anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular blocky structure 角块状结构angular deviation 角度偏差angular difference 角度不符值angular distance 角距angular distortion 角度畸变angular error 角度误差angular fold 尖褶皱angular measurement 角度观测angular unconformity 斜交不整合angular variation 角变化angulate drainage pattern 角状水系anhydrite 硬石膏anhydrous ammonia 无水氨animal debris 动物残屑animal husbandry 畜牧业animal remains 动物残屑animal resting place vegetation 牲畜休息地植被animal sociology 动物社会学animated mapping 动画地图制作animation 动画anion exchange 阴离子交换anionogenic element 阴离子基因元素anisotropism 蛤异性anisotropy 蛤异性ankaramite 富辉橄玄岩ankaratrite 黄橄霞玄岩ankerite 铁白云石annual 一年生植物annual aberration 周年光行差annual amount of precipitation 年雨量annual change 年变化annual flow 年径流annual march 年变程annual mean 年平均annual parallax 周年视差annual plant 一年生植物annual range 年较差annual ring 年轮annual runoff 年径流annual storage 年蓄水量annual variation 年变化annual zone 生长轮annular pattern 环状水系anomalous field 异常场anomalous geochemical gradient 异常地球化学梯度anomaly 异常anomaly in alluvium 冲积物异常anomaly in colluvium 塌积物异常anomaly in residual 残积异常anomaly ratio 异常比anorthite 钙长石anorthitite 钙长岩anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长岩anosmia 嗅觉缺失antagonism 拮抗antagonist 对抗剂antarctic 南极antarctic air 南极气团antarctic anticyclone 南极反气旋antarctic belt 南极带antarctic circle 南极圈antarctic climate 南极气候antarctic continent 南极大陆antarctic faunistic region 南极动物区antarctic front 南极锋antarctic high 南极反气旋antarctic regions 南极区antarctic zone 南极带antarctica 南极大陆antecedent drainage 先成水系antecedent precipitation index 前期降水量指数antecedent river 先成河antecedent river network 先成水系antecedent stream 早期河流antecedent valley 先成谷anteklise 台背斜anthophyte 有花植物anthracite 无烟煤anthraconite 沥青灰岩anthrax bacillus 炭疽杆菌anthraxolite 碳沥青anthraxylon 纯木煤anthropic epipedon 耕醉层anthropic soil 人为土壤anthropochores 人播草anthropochorous plants 人播草anthropochory 人为传播anthropoclimatology 人类气候学anthropogene 人类纪anthropogenesis 人类发生anthropogenic factor 人为因素anthropogenic influence 人类影响anthropogenic landscape 人为景观anthropogenic load 人为负载anthropogenic pollution 人为污染anthropogenic soil 人为土壤anthropogenic succession 人为演替anthropogeography 人类地理学anthropological remote sensing 人类学遥感anthropology 人类学anthropophyte 人为植物anthroposphere 人类圈antiaircraft weapon position 防空兵企地antibacterial spectrum 抗细菌性光谱antiballistic missile system 反弹道导弹系统antibiosis 抗生antibodies 抗体anticlinal axis 背斜轴anticlinal fault 背斜断层anticlinal fold 背斜褶皱anticlinal limb 背斜翼anticlinal mountain 背斜脊anticlinal ridge 背斜脊anticlinal trap 背斜圈闭anticlinal valley 背斜谷anticlinorium 复背斜anticoagulant 抗凝剂anticyclogenesis 反气旋发生anticyclolysis 反气旋消散anticyclone 反气旋anticyclonic eddy 反气旋涡旋anticyclonic inversion 反气旋逆温anticylonic vortex 反气旋涡旋antierosion measures 防侵蚀措施antiform 背斜形态antimeridian 反面子午线antimonite 辉锑矿antimonsoon 反季风antimony deposit 锑矿床antinodes 波腹antiseptic 防腐剂antithyroid substance 抗甲状腺物质antitoxin 抗毒素antitrade wind 反信风antitrades 反信风antitriptic current 减速流antitriptic wind 摩擦风antitwilight 反曙暮光anvil cloud 砧状云apatite 磷灰石apex of anticline 背斜顶aphanitic texture 隐晶结构aphelion 远日点aphotic zone 无光带aphylactic projection 任意投影aphylly 无叶性apiculture 养蜂aplite 细晶岩aplogranite 淡云花岗岩apochromatic lens 复消色差镜头apogamy 无配生殖apogee 远地点apogee altitude 远地点高度apolar adsorption 非极性吸附apophyte 固有栽培植物apophytic plants 固有栽培植物apparatus 仪器频apparent density 表观密度apparent dip 视倾斜apparent heave 视平错apparent horizon 视地平apparent resistivity 视在电阻率apparent wind 视风appearance of maps 地图整饰apple coal 软煤applied climatology 应用气候学applied geochemistry 应用地球化学applied geomorphology 应用地形学applied hydrology 应用水文学applied meteorology 应用气象学appreciation 评价approximate analysis 近似分析approximate calculation 概算approximate coordinate 近似坐标approximate value 近似值aqualf 潮淋溶土aquatic animals 水栖动物aquatic life 水生生物aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic plants 水生植物aquatic products industry 水产业aquatic vegetation 水生植被aquent 潮新成土aqueoglacial deposits 冰水沉积物aqueous deposit 水成沉积aqueous rock 水成岩aqueous soil 水成土aqueous solution 水溶液aquept 潮始成土aquiclude 弱透水层aquifer 蓄水层aquiferous 含水的aquifuge 不透水层aquitard 半透水层aquod 潮灰土aquoll 潮软土aquox 潮氧化土aquult 潮老成土arable 可耕的arable land 耕地arable layer 耕层arable soil 可耕土壤arachnida 蛛形纲aragonite 霰石arber 乔木arbitrary projection 任意投影arbovirus 虫媒病毒arc of compression 压缩弧arc of folding 压缩弧arch dam 拱坝arch gravity dam 重力拱坝archaeocyte 原始细胞archaeohydrology 考古水文学archaeological culture 考古学文化archaeological remote sensing 考古遥感archaeological remote sensor 考古遥感器archaeological site 考古遗址archaeopteryx 始祖鸟archean 太古代的arched mountains 穹形山archeozoic 太古代的archeozoic era 太古代archipelago 群岛arctic 北极地区arctic air 北极气团arctic air mass 北极气团arctic circle 北极圈arctic climate 北极气候arctic desert 北极荒漠arctic desert zone 北极荒漠带arctic front 北极锋arctic high 北极高压arctic mire 极地沼泽arctic plants 极地植物arctic polygon desert 北极多边形荒漠arctic soil 极地土壤arctic subregion 北极亚区arctic tundra 北极冻原arctic zone 北极带arctoalpine 北极高山的arcuate delta 弧形三角洲arcuate structure 弧形构造arcuate tectonic belt 弧形构造带area 地区area aerial photography 区域航空摄影area color 背景色area computation 面积计算area distortion 面积变形area eruption 区城喷溢area measuring equipment 面积测量设备area method 区域法area of artesian flow 自霖区area of influence 影响面积area pattern 面状要素area survey 面积测量area target 地区目标area under crops 播种面积area weighted average resolution 面积加权平均分辨率areal rainfall depth 地域平均雨量areal survey 分段测量arenaceous quartz 石英砂arenaceous shale 砂质页岩arenopelitic 砂泥质的arenosols 红砂土arent 耕种混合新成土argialboll 粘化漂白软土argiaquoll 粘化潮软土argiboroll 粘化极地软土argil 白土argillaceous rock 泥质岩argillic horizon 粘化层argillite 泥板岩argillization 泥化argit 粘化旱成土argiudoll 粘化湿软土argiustoll 粘化干软土argon 氩arid climate 干燥气候arid cycle 干燥周期arid cycle of erosion 干燥侵蚀循环arid geomorphic cycle 干燥地貌旋回arid landforms 干燥地形arid region 干燥区arid soil 旱境土壤aridisol 旱成土aridity 干燥度aridity index 干燥指数arithmetic mean 算术平均arithmetical unit 运算器运算部件arkose 长石砂岩aromatic base crude oil 芳香基原油aromatic plant 芳香植物arrangement 配置array processor 阵列处理机arrow 箭头arsenic 砷arsenic pollution 砷污染arsenopyrite 毒砂arterial drainage 排水干渠系统artesian aquifer 自连水层artesian basin 自联盆地artesian ground water 自霖下水artesian head 承压水头artesian pressure 自凉力artesian water 自廉水artesian well 自廉arthritis 关节炎arthropoda 节肢动物artiad 偶价元素articular rheumatism 关节风湿病artificial climate 人工气候artificial culture media 人工培养基artificial drainage system 人工排水系统artificial earth satellite 人造卫星artificial earthquake 人为地震artificial forest regeneration 森林人工更新artificial ground target 航测地面标志artificial ground water 人工地下水artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial manure 堆肥artificial mineral 人造矿物artificial pollination 人工授粉artificial precipitation 人工降水量artificial radioactive element 人工放射元素artificial radioactive nuclide 人工放射性核素artificial radioactivity 人工放射性artificial rain 人造降雨artificial recharge 人工补给artificial satellite 人造卫星artificial sea water 人造海水artificial selection 人工选择artificial soil 人工土壤artificial sub irrigation 人工地下灌溉artificial water application 人工供水asbestos 石棉asbestos deposit 石棉矿床asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿ascend curve 上升曲线ascending air current 上升气流ascending development 上升发展ascending node 升交点ascending water 上升水ascharite 硼镁石asexual generation 无性世代asexual reproduction 无性生殖ash cloud 尘云ash cone 凝灰火山锥ash content 灰分含量ash fall 火山灰下降ash forest 秦手ash shower 火山灰下降ashless filter 无灰滤纸asiatic schistosomiasis 日本血吸虫病aspect 季相aspect ratio 纵横比aspen 白杨aspen forest 白杨林asphalt 地沥青asphaltic pyrobitumen 焦性沥青asphaltite 沥青岩aspiration psychrometer 吸气式湿度计assemblage 集合assemble 集合assembly area 集结地域assessment of yield capacity of soil 土地评价assimilability 可同化性assimilate 同化物assimilation 同化酌assistentrenched meander 嵌入曲流深切曲流assisttrade wind desert 信风沙漠associated species 伴生种association 群丛association complex 群丛复合体association table 群丛表astatic magnetometer 无定向磁力计astatine 砹astenosphere 软力astro geodetic net adjustment 天文大地网平差astro geodetic network 天文大地网astrograph 天体摄影仪astrolabe 等高仪astrometry 天体测量学astronautics 宇宙航行学astronomic point 天文点astronomic theodolite 天文经纬仪astronomical azimuth 天文方位角astronomical coordinate system 天文坐标系astronomical coordinates 天文坐标astronomical geodesy 天文大地测量学astronomical levelling 天文水准测量astronomical longitude 天文经度astronomical meridian 天文子午线astronomical objective 天文对物镜astronomical unit 天文单位astronomy 天文学astrophotography 天体摄影学asymmetric carbon atom 不对称碳原子asymmetric fold 不对称褶皱asymmetrical anticline 不对称背斜asymmetrical ridge 不对称山脊asymmetrical valley 不对称谷asymmetry of relief 地形的不对称性asymptote 渐近线asynapsis 不联会asyndesis 不联会atavism 返祖atlantic time 大误期atlas 地图集atlas cartography 地图集制图学atlas dummy 图集装帧样本atlas grid 图集位置指示格网atlas leaf 地图集图页atlas of morbidity 发病率地图册atlas type 地图集类型atmometer 蒸发表atmophile elements 亲气元素atmosphere 大气圈atmospheric absorption 大气吸收atmospheric air 大气atmospheric attenuation 大气衰减atmospheric attenuation correction 大气衰减订正atmospheric circulation 大气循环atmospheric condensation 大气凝结atmospheric disturbance 大气扰动atmospheric dust 大气尘埃atmospheric electricity 大气电atmospheric factor 大气因素atmospheric front 大气锋atmospheric humidity 大气湿度atmospheric ion 大气离子atmospheric perturbations 大气扰动atmospheric phenomenon 大气现象atmospheric pollution 大气污染atmospheric pressure 气压atmospheric radiation 大气辐射atmospheric refraction 大气折射atmospheric remote sensing 大气遥感atmospheric rock 气成岩atmospheric sounding 大气探测atmospheric stability 大气稳定性atmospheric swamp 天然沼泽atmospheric transmittance 大气透过率atmospheric turbulence 湍馏气atmospheric wave 大气波atoll 环礁atoll lake 环礁湖atomic adsorption spectrometry 原子吸收分光光度法atomic arrangement 原子排列atomic bond 原子键atomic disintegration 原子蜕变atomic energy level 原子能级atomic group 原子团atomic mass unit 原子质量单位atomic number 原子序数atomic orbital function 原子轨函数atomic radius 原子半径atomic ratio 原子比atomic size 原子大小atomic spectrum 原子光谱atomic structure 原子结构atomic unit 原子单位atomic volume 原子体积atomic weight 原子量atomism 原子论atomistics 原子论atomizer 喷雾器atrio 火口原atrio lake 火口原湖attached ground water 附着地下水attached island 陆系岛attenuation coefficient 衰减系数attenuator 衰减器attraction 引力attractive wave 引力波attribute 属性attrition 磨损aubrite 顽火无球粒陨石aufeis 积冰augen gneiss 眼状片麻岩augen structure 眼状构造auger 土钻augite 辉石augitite 辉石岩augmented matrix 增广矩阵aureole 接触变质带auripigment 雌黄aurora 极光auroral zone 极光带autecology 个体生态学authigenesis 自生酌authigenic element 自生元素authigenic mineral 自生矿物authigenous mineral 自生矿物autocartograph 自动测图仪autochorous 自布的autochthonous deposit 原地沉积autochthonous stream 原地河autoclastic rock 自碎岩autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数autocovariance 自协方差autogenic succession 自发演替autograph 立体测图仪autographometer 自动地形仪automated cartographic generalization 自动制图综合automated cartographic system 自动制图系统automated draughting 自动绘图automated plotting of points 自动展点automatic air camera 自动航摄仪automatic control 自动控制automatic data processing system 自动数据处理系绕automatic focussing 自动倒automatic lettering on map 地图自动注记automatic level 补偿飘准仪automatic meteorological station 自动气象站automatic microdensitometer 自动测微密度计automatic monitoring 自动监测automatic programming 自动程序编制automatic tracking 自动跟踪autometamorphism 自变质酌automorphous process 自型过程autonomous guidance 自制导autoparasitism 自寄生autopneumatolysis 自气化酌autoreduction alidade 曲线归算望远镜照准仪autoreduction tacheometer 自动归算视距仪autotrophic lake 自养型湖autotrophic organisms 自养生物autotrophism 自养autotrophs 自养生物autumn equinoctial point 秋分点autumnal equinox 秋分autunite 钙铀云母auxiliary contour 辅助等高线auxiliary data 辅助数据auxiliary fault 副断层auxiliary point 辅助点availability 有效度available accuracy 可达精度available fertilizer 有效肥料available field capacity 有效田间持水量available ground water 有效地下水available relief 有效地势available storage of water 有效容量available water 有效水分available water capacity 有效水容量available water holding capacity 有效水保持能力avalanche 雪崩avalanche lake 堰塞湖aventurine 砂金石average 平均average amount of effective information 平均有效信息量average background 背景平均值average deviation 平均偏差average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average sample 平均样品average slope 平均坡度average temperature 平均温度average year 平均年averaging of multiple image 多图像平均法aviation weather service 航空气象服务avitaminosis 维生素缺乏症axial surface of fold 褶皱轴面axillary bud 腋芽axis of abscissas 横坐标轴axis of coordinates 坐标轴axis of level 水准漆axis of ordinates 纵坐标轴axis of rotation 旋转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴azilian age 阿齐尔时代azimuth 方位角azimuth circle 方位圈azimuth direction 方位方向azimuth measurement 方位角测定azimuth observation 水平角观测azimuth resolution 方位分辨率azimuthal autogonal projection 方位等角投影azimuthal equal area projection 等积方位投影azimuthal equidistant projection 等距方位投影azimuthal error 方位误差azimuthal movement 方位移动azimuthal orthomorphic projection 方位正形投影azimuthal projection 方位投影azimuthal quantum number 方位角量子数azimuthal unconformity 向位不整合azonal soil 泛域土azonality 非地带性azure stone 蓝铜矿azurite 蓝铜矿Bb horizon 淀积层back action 反酌back azimuth 反方位角back flow 逆流back marsh 漫滩沼泽back radiation 反向辐射back sight 后视back slope 反向斜面back swamp 漫滩沼泽back titration 回滴定back traverse 逆行back up 背面印刷back up water level 回升水位backed blade 刀形石器backflow 逆流回流background noise 背景噪声background pollution 背景污染background value 背景值backing of the wind 风向反转backscattering spectrometry 后散射能谱测定法backshore 滨后backstromite 氢氧锰矿backwash 洄流backwater 壅水backwater curve 回水曲线bacterial equilibrium 细菌平衡bacterial fertilizer 细菌肥料bacterial manure 细菌肥料bacterial prospecting 细菌勘探bacteriolysis 溶菌bacteriophage 噬菌体bacteriostatic agent 抑菌剂bad land 崎岖地baddeleyite 斜锆石baectuite 白头岩baer's law 贝尔定律bajirs 沙丘长湖baking coal 粘结煤balance 平衡balanced solution 平衡溶液balka 平谷balka relief 平谷地貌ball lightning 球状闪电ball structure 球状结构balloon 气球balloon remote sensing 气球遥感balloon satellite 气球卫星balneology 浴疗学band 夹层band model method 带模式法band pass filter 带通滤光器band reject filter 带阻滤波器band spectrum 带谱banded cloud 带状云系banded gneiss 带状片麻岩banded structure 带状结构banding 条状bandspread 频带扩展bandy clay 带状粘土bank 砂洲bank erosion 堤岸侵蚀bankful stage 漫滩水位banking angle 倾斜角banner cloud 旗状云bar 沙洲barchan chains 新月形沙丘链barchane 新月形砂丘bare karst 裸喀斯特baric low 低气压baric topography 气压形势barite 重晶石barium 钡bark beetles 小蠹虫barkhan 新月形砂丘barkhan ridges 新月形沙丘链barkhan sand 新月形砂丘砂barocline 斜压baroclinic atmosphere 斜压大气barogradient current 气压梯度流barogram 气压自记曲线barograph 气压记录仪;气压仪;气压计barogyroscope 气压陀螺仪barometer 气压表barometer correction 气压计改正barometric altimeter 气压测高计barometric depression 低气压barometric distribution 气压分布barometric gradient 气压梯度barometric height 气压计高程barometric tendency 气压倾向barometric tube 气压计管barometrical levelling 气压计高程测量barophilic bacterium 适压细菌barothermograph 气压温度计barotropic atmosphere 正压大气barotropic fluid 正压铃barrage 拦河坝barranco 峡谷barren 无矿的barren lands 瘠地barren limestone plateau 不毛石灰岩高原barren sand 不毛沙地barrens 瘠地barrier 障碍barrier lake 堰塞湖barrier reef 堤礁barrow 矸石埸barthite 砷锌铜矿barysphere 重圈baryta paper 钡白纸baryte 重晶石basal area 底面积basal conglomerate 底砾岩basal dressing 施基肥basal granule 基粒basal metabolism 基础代谢basal sandstone 基底砂岩basal zone of mountains 山基面带basalt 玄武岩basaltic augite 玄武辉石basaltic layer of the earth's crust 地壳玄武岩层basaltic wacke 玄土basanite 碧玄岩base 基线base apparatus 基线测量器base carriage 基线架base desaturation 盐基脱饱和base direction 基线方向base exchange 盐基交换base exchange capacity 盐基交换量base exchange complex 盐基交换复合体base height ratio 基线航高比base level of corrosion 溶蚀基准面base level of denudation 剥蚀基准面base level of erosion 侵蚀基面base line 基线base line equation 基线方程base map 基本地图base measurement 基线测量base network 基线网base of bed 层底base saturation 盐基饱和baseband signal 基带信号baselevel of erosion 侵蚀基面basement 基底basement fold 基底褶皱basement of platform 地台基底basement rock 基岩basic geochemical law 地球化学基本定律basic geochemical maps 基本地球化学图basic igneous rock 基性火成岩basic lava 基性熔岩basic map 基本地图basic rock 基性岩basicity 碱度basin 盆地basin irrigation 漫灌basin karst 盆地喀斯特basin landscape 盆地景观basin mire 盆地沼泽basin of volcanic origin 火山盆地basin perimeter 硫周长basin shape 盆地形状basin soil 盆地土壤basin without outflow 无排水盆地basiphile plants 好碱土植物basiphilous plants 好碱土植物basis 基线basite 基性岩basoid 碱性胶体basophilia 嗜碱性basophilic plant 喜碱植物basophilous vegetation 喜碱植被bastard measles 风疹batholite 岩基batholith 岩基bathyal deposits 半深海沉积物bathygraph 海水探测仪bathylith 岩基bathymetric chart 水深图bathymetric curve 等深线bathymetry 测深法bathymetry using remote sensing 遥感海洋测深bathythermograph 深水温度表batukite 暗色白玄岩bauxite 铝土矿bay 湾bayleyite 菱镁铀矿bayou lake 旧河道湖beach 海岸beach cusps 海滩嘴beach drifting 沿滩漂移beach erosion 海岸侵蚀beach gravel 海滨砾石beach material 海滩泥沙beach placer 海滨砂矿beach plain 海滩平原beach ridge 滩脊beach slope 海滨坡度beach terrace 滨岸阶地beacon 航标beaded valley 串珠状谷beam compasses 杠规beam spliter 分光镜bean shaped structure 豆形结构bearing 方位bearing point 方位点beat 露头bed 层bed development 河床演变bed load 推移质bed pattern 河床型式bed succession 层序bed toxin 蜂毒bed vein 层状脉bedded alluvium 层状冲积层bedded clay 层状粘土bedded deposit 层状矿床bedded rock 层状岩bedded structure 层状结构bedding 层理bedding fault 层面断层bedding joint 层面节理bedding plane 层理面bedrock 基岩behavior 行为behavior of elements 元素的行为beheaded river 夺劣beheaded valley 断头谷beidellite 贝得石belt area 带状分布区belt of equatorial calm 赤道无风带belt of soil water 土壤水分带belt of transition 过渡带belt of weathering 风化带belt transect 样带belt transect method 样带法belted coastal plain 带状沿岸平原bench 阶地bench border irrigation method 条田灌溉法bench gravel 阶地砾石bench mark 水准点bench terraces 一阶式梯bending 弯曲bending test 弯曲试验benioff zone 贝尼奥夫带bent test 弯曲试验bentgrass meadow 翦股颖草甸benthos 底栖生物bentonite 膨润土beringite 棕闪粗面岩berkelium 锫berm 后滨阶地bernoulli's polynomial 伯努利多项式beryl 绿柱石beryllium 铍beryllium pollution 铍污染beta ray detector 计数器计数管betterment of land 土地改良between class distance 类间距离bicarbonate 重碳酸盐bidentate ligand 二合配位体bidirectional reflectance distribution function 双向反射比分布函数biennial fruit 隔年果biennial plant 二年生植物bifurcation 分枝bight 大湾bilateral geochemical barrier 两侧地球化学障碍bilateral symmetry 左右对称bilberry heath 越桔灌木丛bilberry pine forest 越桔松林bilberry spruce forest 越桔云杉林bilinear interpolation method 双线性内插法billow cloud 浪云bimetal plate 双层金属版bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度表binary search 折半查找法binding 装订binding coal 粘结煤binding force 结合力binocular 双筒望远镜binocular telescope 双筒望远镜binocular vision 双目观察binomial nomenclature 二名法bioaccumulation of elements 元素的生物累积biocatalyst 生物催化剂biochemical evolution 生化进化biochemical oxygen demand 生化需氧量biochemistry 生物化学biochore 生物区域界线bioclast 生物碎屑岩bioclastic rock 生物碎屑岩bioclimate 生物气候bioclimatics 生物气候学bioclimatogram 气物气候图bioclimatological 生物气候学的bioclimatology 生物气候学biocoenology 生物群落学biocoenose 生物群落biocoenosis 生物群落biocolliod 生物胶体bioelectric potential 生物电位biofacies 生物相biogenesis 生源说biogenetic law 生物发生律biogenic anomaly 生物成因异常biogenic deposits 生物沉积物biogenic element 生物起源元素biogenic landforms 生物成地形biogenic rock 生物岩biogeochemical anomaly 生物地球化学异常biogeochemical barrier 生物地球化学障biogeochemical cycle of pollutants 污染物生物地球化学循环biogeochemical disease 生物地球化学性疾病biogeochemical prospecting 生物地球化学勘探biogeochemistry 生物地球化学biogeocoenology 生物地理群落学biogeocoenosis 生物地理群落biogeography 生物地理学biohydrological 生物水文的biohydrology 生物水文学biolith 生物岩biological activity of soil 土壤生物活性biological cycle 生物循环biological decomposition 生物分解biological mineralization 生物矿化biological monitoring 生物监测biological pest control 生物虫防治bioluminescence 生物荧光biomass 生物量biomass pyramid 生物量金字塔biome 生物群落biometrics 生物统计学biometry 生物统计学biomineralogy 生矿物学bionidicator 生物指示物bionomics 生态学biophile elements 亲生元素biophysicgraphy 生物自然地理学biospeleology 洞穴生物学biosphere 生物圈biostatistics 生物统计字biostratigraphy 生物地层学biota 生物相biotic environment 生物环境biotic succession 生物性演替biotite 黑云母biotope 生活小区biotype 生物型biozone 生物带bipolar distribution 两极分布birch 桦木birch forest 桦手bird foot delta 鸟足状三角洲birds of passage 候鸟bireflection 反射多色性birefringence 双折射birth rate 出生率bischofite 水氯镁石bisectrix 二等分线bismalith 岩柱bismuth 铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿bismuthinite 辉铋矿bit error rate 比特误码率bitumen 沥青bituminization 沥青化bituminous coal 烟煤black acid prairie soils 黑色酸性湿草原土black alkali soil 黑碱土black and white aerial photograph 黑白航摄照片black and white film 黑白胶片black and white infrared image 黑白红外影像black and white map 单色图。