
Charles Dickens
David lost his father before his birth. His stepfather hates him, so David was raised by a kind and hard-working fisherman, called Pegti. He lived with Emily and Heim and they made a poor but happy living full of freshness
David met a childhood classmate Steelefuchs after his graduation. The two came to Yarmouth together. But Emily couldn't endure Steelefuchs’s attractant, and unexpectedly she elope with him abroad. Pegti was determined to try his best to find Emily.
David finally became a writer, but Dora was suffering from a serious illness, which took her life later. David traveled abroad with grief, In the meantime, Ennis always kept in touch with him. When he returned to the UK after three years, David found that Ennis had been in love with him. Two people finally came together.

大卫科波菲尔第一章批注摘要:一、大卫科波菲尔的生平简介二、大卫科波菲尔的成就与贡献三、大卫科波菲尔的文学作品四、大卫科波菲尔的影响与评价正文:大卫科波菲尔(David Copperfield,原名David Seth Kotkin,1956 年9 月16 日)是一名美国魔术师,亦是世界知名的魔术师。
他10 岁时就开始学习魔术,12 岁便在当地的魔术比赛中获得了第一名。
David Copperfield [大卫·科波菲尔]-中文翻译版_rina大卫科波菲尔!英狄更斯著" #张俊萍译前言狄更斯是英国十九世纪的著名作家狄更斯!"#"$[%]"#&’()出生于贫苦的小资产阶级家庭童年生活十分艰苦这给他造成* *了一生的辛酸回忆十五岁时成为一家律师事务所的小职员出) *入监狱与法庭为以后的创作积累了大量的素材一八三一年* ) *狄更斯进入报界不久成为出色的记录员和记者职务使他常常* )往来于城乡之间对英国社会各阶层的生活状况有了深入了解**这也为他日后的创作做了充分准备)大卫科波菲尔是狄更斯后期创作的一部长篇小说这+ ,- )部小说以自传体的形式叙述了科波菲尔苦难的一生借助大卫)的辛酸经历狄更斯向我们展示了英国社会生活的广阔画卷孤* .儿的悲惨命运寄宿学校虐待儿童的制度童工的境遇负债人/ //监狱以及社会上的骗子等等小说集中塑造了两类人的形象/ ) .一种是以麦德逊为代表的资产阶级制度的捍卫者一种是以密/考伯先生和博各提一家为代表的乐于助人的下层人民这些全)都包含着狄更斯对不完善的社会制度的抨击与批判)现在我们将这部书译成中文奉献给广大读者相信读者* * *定能从中领略到狄更斯文学的深广内涵及艺术风采)一九九八年十月一八六七年再版序狄更斯"!正如我在本书初版的序言中写的那样我不认为我已完成#了这部书的创作因此也难以平静地为它写序言我对这本书$ $ $总怀着一种老而弥坚的感情在感到兴奋的同时又感到一丝遗$ $憾兴奋的是我终于如愿以偿地将这本书完成遗憾的是因此[%] $ & $我又要和这些老伙伴们告别尽管我也担心读者并不相信这一$点甚至更难体会到我的感受和心情$ [%]此外任何关于这个故事的事我都会在这个故事中言无不$ $尽地向大家叙述[%]或许读者对于我用了两年时间绞尽脑汁地创作本书并没有多深的感触也同样会对我在完成本书时又将自己部分地交给$了那个处于阴影中的世界也不关心可我也只能说这些再加上[%] $自己部分坦率的承认我想没有谁会像我那样写作时相信这一#切都是真实的[%]我再次请读者相信当年我对这本书的看法至今仍然未变$ [%]我所写的全部小说中最喜欢的就是这一部我对自己思维中创$ [%]造出来的孩子而言是个宠爱他们的父亲不会有谁像我这样深$ $爱着他们然而就像大部分宠爱孩子的父母一样心底里总有一[%] $个孩子被我更为宠爱他就是大卫科波菲尔$ ’ [%]第一章我出生的情况我必须做到这一点得让人们明白这本书的主人公是我而!不是其他任何人我的这篇评传便从我降临到这个世上的时候"开始写起我记得别人是这样告诉我的而我也相信是这样" # $的我出生的时候是一个周五的夜里十二点他们说钟声才刚刚[%] "敲响我便哇哇地落地了真是分秒不错$ $ "我正好出生在那一天也碰巧出生在那个时刻所以我的保$ "姆和一些有思想的女邻居们便对此产生了自己的看法而且在$我出生的几个月前她们便对我报以较大的注意了在她们看$ "来首先我的命不好一生肯定多灾多难再者我有看见鬼魂$ $ $ & $的异禀她们坚信只要是出生在周五夜半后的几个小时之内"$ $这个孩子都会很不走运而且都有看见鬼神的本领这是天赋$ $的男女都不例外$ "有关第一点我不用多说什么因为我自身的经历足以证明 $它灵验的程度而第二点我只能说当我还在襁褓之中时这个本" $。
David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔

不要让小小的误会使春天的花儿枯萎。春天的花儿,发了芽,又枯萎 ,就不能再开了。在太阳中闪光的喷泉,不应当仅仅为了三心二意加 以阻塞;撒哈拉沙漠中的沃壤,不应当加以懒懒地耕耘。
哦,爱妮丝,哦,我的灵魂。当我一生真的走完时,但愿你的脸也像 这样伴在我身边;当现实的一切都像我此时抛开的影子那样在我眼前 融化散去时,但愿我仍能看到在我身边向上指着的你!(小说最后一 句)
摩德斯通小姐 大卫童年的灾星、继父的姐姐摩德斯通小姐的性格特点是 极端冷酷和残忍。从一出场就奠定了她这种性格:面色阴 郁,皮肤黝黑,声音男性化,两道浓眉连在一起,她的钢 制钱包合上的时候,咔哒一声,像是狠狠地咬谁一口,在 狄更斯笔下,没有生命的东西也成了活的,她打扮时用钢 制手铐和铆钉,这都是这位冷血的钢铁女人的性格写照。 摩德斯通小姐是一个十足的男人婆,她讨厌男人,却长着 男人的脸孔,没有女性的温柔,没有爱心和同情心,她和 她弟弟一直折磨可怜的克拉拉,并把大卫看成眼中钉,用 各种手段折磨大卫,造成大卫童年的苦难。以后,在朵拉 的家中又出现了她阴郁的影子。
《大卫•科波菲尔》有一种独特的艺术魅力。它不以曲折 生动的故事结构取胜,只是如实的,融合着浓厚的抒情气 息去续写生活。读这部作品,仿佛大卫•科波菲尔和我们 促膝相对,娓娓而谈。就在一些日常平凡事件的絮谈中, 逐渐了解作品中的人物,他们的命运牵肠挂肚的揪着我们 的心。小说中具体生动的世态风情,有血有肉的人物形象 ,显示了狄更斯描绘生活的天才。
在这部具有强烈自传色彩的小说里,狄更斯借用“小大卫 自身的历史和经验”,草丛不少方面回顾和总结了自己的 生活道路,反映了他的人生哲学和道德理想。 通过对主人公大卫•科波菲尔一生的悲欢离合,多层次的 揭示了当时社会的真实面貌,突出的表现了金钱对婚姻, 家庭和社会的腐蚀作用。
大卫·科波菲尔 David Copperfield

David Copperfield
简介 个人履历
代表作及演出 时间 个人荣誉
个人履历 :
1968年,12岁的大卫· 科波菲尔 在魔术界崭露头角,成为美国 魔术师协会有史以来最年轻的 会员。 1972年,年仅16岁的大卫在纽 约大学教授《魔术艺术》课程。 1982年,大卫开创了以魔术治 疗疾病、提高身体灵敏度的 “魔术计划”。 1992年,大卫创造经典魔术 “飞翔” 。 2001年,他又神通广大地准确 预测了德国国家彩票的中奖号 码……
2014-9ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ7
Across the Great Wall—穿
越长城 The truck disappear—卡车消失 Saw people—锯人 The magician can fly—魔术师会 飞 Who have a glass of water—神 出鬼没的一杯水 Trapeze—空中飞人 The human body three busy—人 体三分身 The statue of liberty disappear— 自由女神的消失 Frozen undead magician—冻不 死的魔术师 Card tricks纸牌魔术
1981年,大卫在众目睽睽之下让一架7吨重的喷气式飞机 消失。 1983年,当着众多现场观众及5000万电视观众,纽约的自 由女神像在大卫的魔杖下突然无影无踪。 1986年,大卫穿越“万夫莫开”的万里长城,大卫和组员 是第一个在中华人民共和国制作美国电视特别节目的美国 制作群。 1991年,大卫使一辆长85英尺、70吨的东方快车瞬间消失。 1992年,大卫创造经典魔术“飞翔”,成为第一个不借助 绳索和摄像技巧而飞翔的魔术师,同时,该节目还被评论 界誉为有史以来最伟大的一项魔术表演。 1993年,在电视特别节目《激情之火》中,大卫脱出捆绑 在身上正在燃烧的绳索,从几十米的高处逃离。 2001年,大卫携大型舞台节目《入口》首次到中国演出, 在香港和广州掀起前所未有的魔术热潮,5万张门票被一抢 而光......

大卫·科波菲尔:成长与自我发现的旅程1. 简介大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)于19世纪创作的一部长篇小说。
2. 童年时期的挣扎与成长大卫·科波菲尔在小说开篇就遭受了母亲再婚后继父墨勒斯通(Mr. Murdstone)残酷虐待。
3. 勇敢面对逆境大卫在整个成长过程中面临着各种逆境和挑战。
尤其是在与墨勒斯通及其姐姐简(Jane Murdstone)对抗时,大卫展现了坚定的勇气和无畏的精神。
4. 自我发现和个性成长随着年龄的增长,大卫开始意识到自己的独特才华和对文学的兴趣。
他通过写作表达内心情感,并通过与朋友斯捷尔福琼斯(Steerforth)及恩典伍德小姐(Miss Rosa Dartle)等人的交往,逐渐发现并塑造了自己真实的个性。
5. 爱与关系在寻找真爱过程中,大卫经历了许多感情波折。
从童年时暗恋彭格尔芮夫人(Dora Spenlow),到后来与阿涅丽巴·怀特菲尔德(Agnes Wickfield)建立深厚而稳定的情感纽带。
6. 和解与自我完善最终,大卫在逐渐摆脱墨勒斯通家族阴影后找到了内心平静并实现了真正的幸福。
7. 总结大卫·科波菲尔的成长故事是关于勇气与奋斗,自我发现和追求幸福的旅程。

大卫科波菲尔简介大卫科波菲尔(David Copperfield),是世界上最知名的魔术师之一。
1、早年生活大卫·塞思·科波菲尔(David Seth Kotkin)于1956年9月16日出生在美国新泽西州,从小对魔术充满了浓厚的兴趣。
2、职业生涯起步科波菲尔在16岁时首次登上了著名的电视节目《The Tonight Show》,这成为了他事业的重要转折点。

• In the office, he met Dora and was invited to attend her birthday picnic
• 在办公室里,他遇见 了朵拉并受邀参加她 的生日野餐
At the picnic, David and Dora said nothing, but they still reached a certain consensus.
• 此时的大卫爱上了斯本罗律师的女儿朵拉 , 于是向朵拉表白,两人秘密订婚。
• But Dora's father didn’t support their marriage, David was very depressed
• before he went to visit Pegati in Yarmouth, Dora's father died of a heart attack • 在他前往雅茅斯看望佩加蒂之前,多拉的 父亲死于了心脏病
• He experienced the hardships.Finally he found his aunt Mrs. Bessie
Mrs Bessie took David and sent him to school.
• David and Vic Phil’s daughter Ennis established a profound friendship.
Modesi and his sister had been torturing poor Clara and regarded David as a deep hatred, torturing by various means of David
• After his mother died, David was sent to wash the bottle when he was less than 10 years old. • 母亲去世后,不足10岁的大卫送去当洗刷酒 瓶的童工
大卫 科波菲尔 简介

代表作品: 大卫·科波菲尔在空中飞翔,自由女神像消失
大卫·科波菲尔,英文名David Copperfield,原名大卫·科特金,1956年9月16日出生于美国新泽西州一个俄罗斯移民的家庭,他从小就对魔术有着浓厚的兴趣。这个性格内向,容易腼腆的人发现自己的智慧赢得同伴们的赞赏,他信心倍增。12岁时,大卫已经能够熟练地进行魔术表演,可以与职业魔术师媲美。不久他参加了全美魔术家协会,成为这个世界著名魔术组织中最年轻的成员。1972年,年仅16岁的大卫便开始在纽约大学为艺术系的大学生讲授魔术课程。
写真(18张) 他的灵感来自哪里?用大卫·科波菲尔自己的话说,灵感“不仅来自于其他的魔术师前辈”,而且还受到一些娱乐界人士的影响,譬如摇滚乐队或视觉艺术家。大卫说:“我曾经想成为一名歌曲作者,而且我崇拜那些歌曲创作者,因为他们可以把自己对生命的体验创作成歌曲,在用歌曲打动听众的同时,他们也可以宣泄自我。我一直都想创作一首能够流芳百世的摇滚歌曲,但是现在,我创作的是魔术“故事”,我希望靠它们来打动观众。我能够通过自己现在创作的东西来表白自己。” 大卫·科波菲尔堪称古往今来最伟大的魔术大师,30多年来,他一次次超越人们的想象力,将一件件看似“不可能完成的任务”变为现实。凭着卓越的成就,大卫19次获得美国电视艺术艾美奖,其演出票房和收入连《狮子王》、《猫》和《歌剧院的幽灵》等经典节目也望尘莫及,他的大型表演《梦想与梦魇》至今还保持着百老汇的票房纪录。 1968年,12岁的大卫·科波菲尔在魔术界崭露头角,成为美国魔术师协会有史以来最年轻的会员。 1972年,年仅16岁的大卫在纽约大学教授《魔术艺术》课程。 1974年,大卫在音乐剧《魔术人》中出演主角,并开始创造自己的魔术。 1977年,大卫展开电视节目生涯,并使“大卫·科波菲尔”这个名字逐渐家喻户晓。 1979年,大卫在电影《恐怖列车》中扮演角色,展露了他的表演才能。 1980年,大卫成为有史以来被美国魔术艺术学会授予“年度魔术师”称号的最年轻艺术家。 1981年,大卫在众目睽睽之下让一架7吨重的喷气式飞机消失。同年,美国艺术家联合协会向他颁发了“年度娱乐明星”大奖。 1982年,大卫开创了以魔术治疗疾病、提高身体灵敏度的“魔术计划”。 1983年,当着众多现场观众及5000万电视观众,纽约的自由女神像在大卫的魔杖下突然无影无踪。 1984年,大卫成为首位与举世闻名的拉斯维加斯CEASAR宫签定长期演艺合约的魔术家。 1985年,大卫当选为“全美十大杰出人物”。 1986年,大卫穿越“万夫莫开”的万里长城,大卫和组员是第一个在中华人民共和国制作美国电视特别节目的美国制作群。 1987年,大卫从防范森严的美国阿尔卡特拉联邦监狱逃脱,成为历史上第一个逃出此监狱的人。 1988年,大卫代表美国在汉城奥运会上致辞。 1989年,大卫从一座正在爆破的大楼里顺利脱身。 1991年,大卫使一辆长85英尺、70吨的东方快车瞬间消失。 1992年,大卫创造经典魔术“飞翔”,成为第一个不借助绳索和摄像技巧而飞翔的魔术师,同时,该节目还被评论界誉为有史以来最伟大的一项魔术表演。 1993年,在电视特别节目《激情之火》中,大卫脱出捆绑在身上正在燃烧的绳索,从几十米的高处逃离。然后,他当着一位 大卫·科波菲尔

The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David is born in England in about 1820. David's father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr. Edward Murdstone.David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr. Murdstone's sister, Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Mr. Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies. Following one of these thrashings, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles, both of whom he meets again later on.David returns home for the holidays to find that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after, David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die, and David has to return home immediately. Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London, of which Murdstone is a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory.His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison (the King's Bench Prison) after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.The story follows David as he grows to adulthood and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave, and re-enter his life.《大卫·科波菲尔》内容概括大卫·科波菲尔尚未出世时,父亲就去世了,他在母亲及女仆的照管下长大。

大卫科波菲尔中英文双语简介Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David is born in England in about 1820. David's father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr. Edward Murdstone.David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr. Murdstone's sister, Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Mr. Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies. Following one of these thrashings, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles, both of whom he meets again later on.David returns home for the holidays to find that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after, David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die, and David has to return home immediately. Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London, of which Murdstone is a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory.His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison (the King's Bench Prison) after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.The story follows David as he grows to adulthood and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave, and re-enter his life.《大卫·科波菲尔》内容概括大卫·科波菲尔尚未出世时,父亲就去世了,他在母亲及女仆的照管下长大。

ContentsAbstract (i)摘要 (ii)Introduction (1)I. Brief Introduction to Charles Dickens (2)1.1 Charles Dickens’ Miserable Childhood (2)1.2 Charles Dickens’ Adult hood (3)II.General Characteristics of David Copperfield (3)2.1 Weakness and Immaturity of Child David Copperfield (4)2.1.1 Weakness of David Copperfield (4)2.1.2 Immaturity of David Copperfield (5)2.2 Kindness of David Copperfield (5)2.3 Stability and Maturity of Adult David Copperfield (6)III. Several Main Characters’ impact on David Copperfield (7)3.1 Murdstone and Steerforth (8)3.2 Miss Betsey Trotwood and Peggotty (9)3.3 Dora and Agnes (10)Conclusion (11)Bibliography......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Acknowledgements................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
AbstractDavid Copperfield, an autobiographical novel, is well known as the representative work of Charles Dickens, the greatest novelist in the Victorian period. Written in the first person, the novel depicts a broad picture of the soci ety of Dickens’ times with his uncommon life experience. David Copperfield i s also Dickens’ own favorite work. In writing, Dickens throws into this novel his thought, deep feelings and much of his own experience in his childhood. Meanwhile, Dickens in some way retrospects and draws a conclusion to his life and expresses his life attitude and moral ideal. Furthermore, his novel also discloses the faulty mask of capitalist society and its strong desire and greed for money. It is safe to say that David Copperfield is one of the most excellent characters created by Dickens. The paper first briefly introduces the author Dickens, and then undertakes a detailed study of the characteristics of David Copperfield through the analysis of the influence of the people on him. The paper intends to make a preliminary explanation of it. The paper bases its outline on the development of David Copperfield, i.e. from his childhood to his adulthood. The analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield will provide us a chance to see the features of the capitalist society and give us some inspiration about life.Key words:David Copperfield;characteristics; life experience摘要《大卫•科波菲尔》是英国维多利亚时期最杰出的批判现实主义作家查尔斯•狄更斯的自传体小说。
大卫 科波菲尔

大卫科波菲尔简介大卫科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯创作的一部长篇小说。
主要人物大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)大卫·科波菲尔是本书的主人公,也是一个孤儿。

He walks all the way from London to Dover, to find his only known relative . His aunt Betsey Trotwood , who agrees to bring him up. David's aunt renames him 'Trotwood Copperfield, then called him "Trot". The story follows David as he grows to an adult. He becomes a famouse
David returns home for the holidays find that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after David goes back to school, his mother and baby die and David has to return home immediately. Mr. Edward sends him to work in a factory in London . His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison . David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.
1 2 3 4
Dickens’ father was an office worker in the navy he often ended up in financial troubles though. In 1814 Dickens moved to London where he received some education At the age of 12, his father was put in prison and young Dickens was sent to work in a factory

大卫科波菲尔英文梗概200案例一:The protagonist Copperfield is a posthumous son. His stepfather abused him and his mother. When his mother died soon, Copperfield became an orphan. He found his aunt and began a new life under her supervision. With the changes of the world, family affection and friendship are joyful, turmoil and pain are tempered, Copperfield finally becomes a successful writer and happily combines with his beloved.主人公科波菲尔是个遗腹子,继父对他和母亲横加虐待。
案例二:David Copperfield is a story about petty bourgeois intellectuals seeking a way out in capitalist society. Orphan Copperfield has endured many hardships and suffered a lot from life. With the helpof many kind-hearted people and through unremitting efforts, he has finally achieved career achievements and family happiness.《大卫·科波菲尔》写一个小资产阶级知识分子在资本主义社会寻求出路的故事。

下面是店铺给大家整理的大卫科波菲尔英文简介,供大家参阅!大卫科波菲尔简介David Copperfield (David Copperfield, September 16, 1956), formerly known as David Seth Kotkin, American magician.大卫科波菲尔人物经历1968, 12-year-old David Copperfield in the magic world cut a striking figure, the United States Magic Association has become the youngest member ever.In 1972, only 16 years old David taught "Magic Art" courses at New York University.In 1974, David starred in the musical "The Magic" and began to create his own magic.In 1977, David launched his television career and made the name "David Copperfield" a success.In 1979, David played a role in the film "Horror Train", revealing his performance talent.In 1980, David became the youngest artist ever to be awarded the title of "Magic of the Year" by the American Society of Magic Arts.In 1981, David in a full view of a 7-ton jet jet disappeared. In the same year, the American Artists Association awarded him the "Entertainment of the Year" award.In 1982, David created a "magic plan" to treat the disease with magic and improve the body's sensitivity.In 1983, in front of many of the audience and 50 million television viewers, New York's Statue of Liberty in David's wandsuddenly without a trace.In 1984, David became the first magician to sign a long-term performance contract with the world-famous Las Vegas CEASAR Palace.In 1985, David was elected as "the nation's top ten outstanding figures."In 1986, David crossed the Great Wall, "David and the team is the first in the People's Republic of China to produce American television special program of the US production group."In 1987, David escaped from the guardian of the United States Alcatel-Lucent federal prison, becoming the first person to escape from the prison in history.In 1988, David spoke on behalf of the United States at the Seoul Olympic Games.In 1989, David got out of a blasting building.In 1991, David made a long 85 feet, 70 tons of Oriental Express instantly disappeared.In 1992, David created the classic magic "flying", became the first without the use of rope and camera skills to fly the magician, at the same time, the program was criticized as the greatest ever a magic show.In 1993, in the TV special program "Passion of Fire", David out of the rope tied up in the body is burning, from the height of tens of meters away. He then torn and restored a $ 1 million collection card in front of a famous hockey star.In 1995, David became the only contemporary magician to get a shining star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.In 1996, David named "dream and nightmare" large-scale performance to break the Broadway box office record.In 2000, David was named the century FISM magician, andby the US Library of Congress as "century legend."In 2001, he and his supernatural powers to accurately predict the German national lottery winning number ... ...In 2001, David's large-scale stage program "entrance" for the first time to China, in Hong Kong and Guangzhou set off an unprecedented wave of magic, 50,000 tickets were robbed and light.In 2002, David came to China in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing three performances, in the country set off an unprecedented wave of magic.In 2007, according to the China News Network on October 20 reported that a Seattle woman accused the famous American magician David Copperfield in the Bahamas raped her.In 2007, according to the Associated Press and the "National Inquiry" reported on October 25, a few days ago, the famous American magician David Copperfield was suddenly exposed to suspected rape scandal was FBI investigation, Was intended to use that $ 2 million in cash to close the girl's mouth, so as to avoid this rape scandal like his "magic secret" general leak! Shocked the world.After two years of investigation of the famous magician David Copperfield rape case, the federal prosecutor that the magician is innocent, decided to cancel his allegations.Claiming to be raped by David Copperfield is a former Miss William campaigner. She said she had watched the magic show in 2007, and David Copperfield saw her in the auditorium, and then invited her to her own private island and raped her there. And Coppfield's lawyer said the woman's complaint is very simple, that is, to extort money.21-year-old Miss Washington said he was raped on theprivate island of Kobofer Bahamas, and now the prosecutor decided to revoke the case, so that Copperfield's troubled lawsuit finally vanished. The prosecutor did not explain why the case was to be withdrawn and did not reveal what was found in the investigation, and that the Kopofel himself did not even receive any formal charges. His spokesman said the plaintiff was not telling the fact that Copperfield did not force a relationship with her.Emily Langlie, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office, said: "Today I issued a circular announcing the end of the case's grand jury investigation.大卫科波菲尔人物故事David Copperfield, the English name David Copperfield, formerly known as David Cotkin, September 16, 1956 was born in New Jersey, a Russian immigrant family, he grew up on the magic has a strong interest. This introverted, easy shy man found his wisdom to win the appreciation of his companions, his confidence doubled. At the age of 12, David has been able to skillfully perform magic shows, comparable with professional magician. Soon he participated in the National Magic Association, becoming the world's leading magic organization of the youngest members. In 1972, only 16 years old David began in New York University for the Department of Art students taught magic courses.In 1974, David graduated from the University of New Jersey after the high school, entered the University of Ford Hamm University, when the Chicago "Magic" light opera group invited him to lead the new song and dance drama. David spent three weeks in college life, devoted himself to the creation of "magician". He not only designed to create the play all the magicneeded, but also created a singing and dancing performance magic style, so that this musical comedy unique, as Chicago history, the longest continuous music comedy. After the end of the "Magic" show, David returned to New York, he further summed up the experience on the basis of improvement and development of their own magic style, from his peers stand out as a magic star. At the age of 20, at the invitation of Fritz Silverman, president of CBS, he served as the host of a new radio TV program from ABC Radio and Television, which was named "ABC's Magic ", by David and from the ABC television network of the other fourteen star joint performances, this novel has been welcomed by all, to become the company's high rate of programs. From the David Copperfield extraordinary magic show introduced to the audience throughout the United States. After that, David collaborated with the Colombian radio and television company to shoot the "Magic World of David Copperfield" series of special programs, his superb magic skills to tens of thousands of television viewers stunned.Where is his inspiration come from? David Copperfield's own words, inspired "not only from the other magician predecessors", but also by some entertainment people, such as rock band or visual artist. David said, "I used to be a songwriter, and I worship those songwriters, because they can create their own experiences into songs, and they can also vent themselves with songs. Always want to create a rock song that can be immortalized, but now, I created the magic "story", I hope to rely on them to impress the audience.I can through their own creation of things to express themselves.David Copperfield is the greatest magician of the past, and for more than 30 years he has gone beyond people's imaginationand turned a piece of "impossible task" into reality. With outstanding achievements, David won the American TV Art Emmy Award, the performance of the box office and income even "lion king", "cat" and "opera ghost" and other classic programs also catch up, his large-scale performance " Dream and nightmare "still maintained a Broadway box office record.David has won numerous prizes, won 21 Emmy Awards, but only twice the Hollywood Magic Art Academy "Magic of the Year" award. But this is a magician is already the supreme glory. The vast majority of winners have only once. More famous magic master life missed.。

大卫科波菲尔英语读后感100词英文回答:David Copperfield is a semi-autobiographical novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1850. The novel tells the story of David Copperfield, a young orphan who goes through a series of adventures and misadventures before eventually finding happiness and success.The novel is considered one of Dickens's greatest works, and it has been adapted into numerous films, television shows, and stage productions. David Copperfield is abeloved classic of English literature, and it continues to be read and enjoyed by readers of all ages.The novel is a bildungsroman, or coming-of-age story, and it follows David Copperfield from his childhood to his adulthood. The novel is divided into three parts, each of which covers a different period of David's life.In the first part, David is a young orphan who is sent to live with his aunt, Betsey Trotwood. Betsey is a kind-hearted but eccentric woman, and she takes good care of David. However, David is lonely and unhappy, and he longs for a family of his own.In the second part, David is sent to school. He makes friends and learns about the world, but he also experiences hardship and loss. David's mother dies, and he is forced to work to support himself.In the third part, David becomes a successful writer. He marries the love of his life, Dora Spenlow, and they have a child together. David is finally happy and content, and he has found the family he always longed for.David Copperfield is a complex and multi-layered novel. It is a story about love, loss, and redemption. It is also a story about the importance of family and the power of hope.中文回答:大卫·科波菲尔是查尔斯·狄更斯于1850年首次出版的一部半自传体小说。

1 David Copperfield's childhood 1 大卫·科波菲尔的童年I was born at Blunderstone,in Suffolk, inthe east of England,and was given my poor father's name,David Copperfield. Sadly, he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married,and died six months before I was born. My father's death made my beautiful young mother very unhappy,and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was my father's aunt,Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once, to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded money from her, and sometimes beat her,she decided they should separate He went abroad,and soon news came of his death. 我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的父亲之名——大卫·科波菲尔。

大卫·科波菲尔,英文名David Copperfield,原名大卫·科特金,1956年9月16日出生于美国新泽西州一个俄罗斯移民的家庭,他从小就对魔术有着浓厚的兴趣。
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• He walks to Dover to find his only Aunt Betsey Trotwood. • She renames him ‘Trotwood Copperfield’. And he is sent to school, living in Agnes’ home.
• Betsey Trotwood is bankrupt later because of Uriah Heep.
• Wilkins Micawber exposes Uriah’s plot that he wants to take control of Agnes’ families and marry her.
• Dora died, so David travels three years. • Later, David lives a life with Agnes happily.
• The master David Copperfield’s growth road is bumpy indignant, full of twists and turns ups and downs.
• The defining moment of Dickens's life Charles John Huffam Dickens occurred when he was 12 years old.
• With his father in debtors' prison, he was withdrawn from school and forced to work in a factory. This deeply affected the sensitive boy.
• Though he returned to school at 13, his formal education ended at 15.
• As a young man, he worked as a reporter.
• • • • • •
1836 1837 1838 1841 1843 1848
Sketches by Boz The Pickwick Papers Oliver Twist The Old Curiocity Shop A Christmas Carol Dombey and Son
• • • • •
1850 David Copperfield 1853 Bleak House 1854 Hard Times 1859 A Tale of Two Cities 1870 The Mystery of Edwin Drood (unfinished).
• David is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. And he meet James Steerforth.
• Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory after his mother and her second baby die. • His landlord, Wilkins Micawber moves to Plymouth, so David decides to run away.
• Steerforth take Emily who will marry away, so Dan Peggotty decides to find her. • David loves Dora Spenlow, and marry her after her father died and bankrupt.
• But no matter how much tribulation and sadness he suffers, he never lose confidence to life. So, our futures will be very bright if we fight from now on.
Born: February 7, 1812, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. Died: June 9, 1870, Gad's Hill, near Chatham, Kent.
• He is a British novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. • He is the main represent of British realism literature in the 19 cenDickens’s semiautobiographical first novel.
• The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity.
• David's father had died before he was born, later, his mother Clara Copperfiled marries Edward Murdstone who with his sister Jane controls the family later, and he is bad to David even thrashes David for falling behind studies.