An Analysis of Image in David CopperfieldChapter1Introduction"David Copperfield", the masterpiece of Dickens, was a semi-autobiographical work. In May 1849 to November 1850, the installment was published. In the preface, Dickens said: “It is my favorite child.”The novel depicted David's experiences which were filled with sufferings and laughters. Dickens portrayed the colorful picture of British society, the typical image of different social classes, especially the endless struggle of David in the face of adversity which left a deep impression on us. David was unable to endure the abuse of his stepfather, biting the fingers of his stepfather, savagely beaten. As a result, he was locked in a boarding school. After his mother died, he was sent to the factory as a child by his stepfather. From then on, he lived a hard life, without enough to eat or wear and suffered all kinds of abuse and torture. However, David did not succumb to the mercy of fate, painstakingly, and finally found his aunt Betsey. The kind-hearted aunt shelter adopted him and let him go to a better school. When he knew that Aunt Betsey was bankrupted, but instead, he studied diligently with perseverance all kinds of abuse and torture. Finally, after making efforts, he became a writer and achieved success. At the same time, other characters were clear and vivid. Peggotty was a nurse who took care of David and David’s mother carefully, she was remarkably loyal. Outwardly, aunt Betsey appeared a severe woman, but she showed that she was kind by loving David and others. In addition, Ham was noble, brave and honest. Mr.Murdstones was fierce and cruel. Steerforth was selfish and arrogant.Chapter 2Literature Review of the Novel2.1 Some Scholars’ Views on the NovelScholars believed that David Copperfield's careers, friendships, love and life, were most highly influenced by Dickens' experiences, as well as his time working as a child. David's involvement with the law profession and later his career as a writer mirror the experiences of Dickens. Many of David's friends were based on people who Dickens actually knew, and David's wives, Agnes Wickfield and Dora, were believed to be based upon Dickens' attachment to Mary Hogarth. Dickens keenly felt his lack of education during his time at that factory, and according to the Forster biography, it was from these times that he drew David's working period.British writer Somerset Maugham regarded the book as "truly a masterpiece of literary works".One of American literature connoisseurs recommended the novel as one hundreds of the 20th century, distinguishing English novel.The famous Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, said that the book was the best one among all the English novels and it could help people to build a perfect personality.“David Copperfield was filled with characters of the most astonishing variety, vividness, and originality,” noted Somerset Maugham. “They are not realistic and yet they abound with life. There never were such people as the Micawbers, Peggotty and Barkis, Traddles, Betsey Trotwood and Mr. Dick, Uriah Heep and his mother.” The story was told almost entirely from the point view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so. Dickens based the book in part on the difficult early years of his own life.2.2 Main Views of Dickens’ IdeaInfluenced by Carlyle, Dickens learned to direct his novel to a questioning of social priorities and inequalities, to a distrust of institutions, particularly defunct or malfunctioning ones, and to a pressure for action and earnestness He was prone to take up issues, and to campaign against what he saw as injustice or desuetude, using fiction in his novel. He was not alone in his own time, but his name continued to bepopularly associated with good causes and with remedies because he was quite the wittiest and he has had the most persuasive, and the most influential voice.Dickens was faithful to the teaching, and to the general framework, his thought, his action and above all, for his writing, nevertheless. A critical awareness that there was something deeply wrong with the society in which he lived disclosed the nature of a novel and gave its distinct political edge. Dickens’ novels were multifarious, digressive and humorous.In an important way, they reflected the nature of Victorian urban society with all its conflicts and disharmonies, its eccentricities and its constrictions, its energy and its fertility, both physical and intellectual. But the standard pattern in his novels was the basic conflict between money on the one hand, and loves on the other hand. What this conflict usually revealed was that the people who have greatest love for their fellow humans were also the ones who were most hurt by the world of money, simply because money was power.In his novels, the people who possessed most money and most power seemed incapable of love, whereas the people who were capable of love were remarkably often both poor and powerless. And yet, this gloomy view was emerged by Dickens’ comic way of dealing with his characters.Chapter 3The Image of main character in David Copperfield3.1 The Image of David3.1.1 Unyielding and diligence of David CopperfieldDavid Copperfield was a kind-hearted, honest, and hard working, pragmatic and progressive intellectual typically. Since Dav id’s childhood, his father died. Although his mother remarried, she died before long with his stepfather abuse. At that time, he was sent to boarding school, ravaged, and then was sent to the factory as an apprentice humiliation position. He left the factory to the home of aunt Betsey who adopted him and let him study law. Then, he tried his best to learn day after day. At the same time, his character matured in suffering, frustration, and ultimately on the right path in life. Later he became a writer, and married with his girlfriend. For him, he had acquired much knowledge in life through the wrong ideas, funny habits, sad moment and the depressing day, and remembered his aunt's words in heart, “whate ver you do and whenever you do it, you can never be humble, never be hypocritical or cruel.”He thought of this sentence, which always encouraged himself to be strong and seize the hard-on opportunity to struggle in life.Both the hardships and bitterness in his orphan’s times or always struggle in his adult time, having experienced calamities and misfortunes, David tasted the joy and warmth of the earth. By his own sincerity, forthright personality, positive spirit, as well as the purity of love to people in his heart, he persisted and finally succeeded. 3.1.2 Innocence and kindness of David Copperfield.David began to love Emily when they accompanied each other in the days in Yarmouth. As for a child, the affection was a more feelings. Neither of them worried about the future or any other troubles at that time. The best was love in that they were innocent. On the way to Salen House, the writer mentioned an interested incident. With the “simple confidence and natural reliance of a child upon superior years”, David was used by Servant William. David was bound to lack of some worldly wisdom and was only an innocent child.When David worked at Murdestone and Grinby, he met Mr.Micawber whose clothes were shabby, and had only a shirt collar. However, David did not laugh at him. On the contrary, when he learned about the tragedy and realized Micawber’s financialdifficulties, he intended to offer some money to Mr.Micawber in order to help him tide over the difficulties, though he himself was poor at that moment. Innocence was the most valuable and shinning characteristic of David Copperfield.In David’s life, although he met some wicked people like Mr. and Miss Murdestone, Mr. Creakle and Uriah Heep, he also gained a lot of friends and helpers who made him kind-hearted. That was to say, though he had known some bad qualities of the people, David remained what he used to be. In Mr. Murdestone’s house, except his mother, Peggotty was the only one who loved David, and different from his mother, she was able to protect David. When David was treated badly by Mr. and Miss Murdestone, Peggotty tried to comfort him at night secretly. And when David was sent away from home, Peggotty wrote letters so as to encourage him.As we all know, Peggotty was a servant in David’s famil y, but what she did was far more than a servant. What important was when David’s mother misunderstood her, Peggotty still took it for granted that she should protect and help David and David's poor mother. It was her loyalty and kindness that was a great help to the development of David. And David was grateful to her, so he permitted the carrier Barkis to marry her, giving happiness to Peggotty.3.2 The Image of other Characters3.2.1 Coldness and cruelty of Miss .MurdstonesThe bane of the childhood of David, stepfather and Sister Miss Murdstone's character was extremely cold and cruel. In David's memory, when he met Miss Murdstone in the first time, she was a gloomy-looking lady; dark, like her brother, whom she greatly resembled in face and voice; and with very heavy eyebrows, nearly meeting over her large nose, as if, being disabled by the wrongs of her sex from wearing whiskers, she had carried them to that account. When she paid for the coachman, she took her money out of a hard steel purse, and she kept the purse in a very jail of bag which hung upon her arm by a heavy chain, and shut up like a bite.She was almost tomboy, she hated men, but with the man's face, feminine, love and compassion, she and her brother has been tortured poor Clara and David as a thorn in the side and used various means to torture David, resulting in the suffering of David's childhood.Chapter 4ConclusionThe paper began with a brief introduction of the author and the social background, and then it tried to analyze the novel. The story was told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person, David Copperfield, and was the first Dickens’ novel to do so.Dickens’ books were based partly on the difficulties in his earlier life. Thus the author paved the way for the following analysis, including David, Dora, Aunt betsey, Mr.Micawber, and Steerforth. The Mr. Murdstones, Heep, Steer forth and David. As for many characters, the paper divided them into two different images that have great differences. For example, the kind-hearted fisherman Peggotty and David, from a poor family, they hadn’t received education, but they could hold an honest and good heart, while by contrast, Steerforth was an invalid character.At the same time, it reflected Dickens' own morality: "What goes around comes around". For example, a symbol of evil Heap and Steerforth has been duly punished; kind-hearted people have found a popular destination that they dreamed to go all the time.Through analyzing these images, we could know truths, no matter how difficult the situation we were in or how bitter life was, we should have a good heart, and fight against destiny positively.Finally, the author attempted to analyze different people’s images and sho w people’s different destinies. The paper intended to tell people that maybe fate was unfair to you, maybe you had been suffering from human disasters, you couldn’t do anything without the goodness of heart and you must fight against your own destiny, and it stressed that only love could give us courage to face the misery and suffering.On the other hand, despite the inconstancy of human relationships, life was a main background in this novel, and love was very important among people.In the end, David gained great success, and the reason was that a lot of people gave him much love which gave him courage to face the misery and sufferings.At the same time, it encouraged people to maintain confidence and enthusiasm in life.BibliographyDickens. (2010). David Copperfield [M].北京:清华大学出版社.John Peck and Martin Coyle. (2012). A Brief History of English Literature [M].北京:高等教育出版社.Chen, Jia. (2007). 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朵拉是幸福的。大卫那么爱 她,把她捧在手心里。不过朵拉 本人却令人失望, 除了善良和有 自知之明,她几乎没有可取之处。 但她也是不幸的,一朵小花过早 地枯萎了。
摩德斯通小姐极端冷酷和残忍, 她讨厌男人,却长着男人的脸孔,没 有女性的温柔,没有爱心和同情心, 她和她弟弟一直折磨可怜的克拉拉, 并把大卫看成眼中钉,用各种手段折 磨大卫,造成大卫童年的苦难。
贝西姨婆脾气古怪,特立独行, 敢说敢干,不顾世俗的眼光,略 带男性气质,偏重理性,但是博 爱、善良、仁慈、心软、重感情, 是一个很有头脑、很能干的女人。
佩葛蒂是大卫的老奶妈,她是 个善良淳朴的人,对大卫母子俩 忠心耿耿,既是仆人又是亲人。 她也非常能干,家务井井有条。
艾妮斯 朵拉
贝西姨婆 佩葛蒂
大卫·科波菲尔是《大卫·科 波菲尔》中的主人公。
作家描写了他从孤儿成长为一 个具有人道主义精神的资产阶级民 主主义作家的过程。在这个人物身 上,寄托着狄更斯的道德理想。
艾妮斯无论是从、美丽天使。无论在事业上、 生活上,艾妮斯都是大卫理想 的伴侣。
毕业论文--从《大卫·科波菲尔》中的人物形象看狄更斯的人道主义(Dickens's Humanitarianism Embodied in image of David Copperfied)毕业论文题目:从《大卫??科波菲尔》中的人物形象看狄更斯的人道主义Dickens's Humanitarianism Embodied in image of David Copperfied BYDONG JinRanProf. Li Lihui,tutorSubmitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Hebei Teachers UniversityMay.2012摘要查尔斯??狄更斯是维多利亚时期最伟大的批判现实主义作家,《大卫??科波菲尔》是查尔斯??狄更斯的一部代表作。
关键词:人物性格人道主义精神社会黑暗AbstractCharles Dickens is the greatest representative writer of English critical realism in the Victorian period. David Copperfield is Dickens’ representative work.It is written about the progress for David how to overcome the frustration and learn some lessons, and then walk the right path of life at last. In this sense, it is a typical educational novel. At the same time, there are two bright spots in this novel. The one is humanitarianism, humanity is the basic of humanitarianism, and the ethics are the main points of it. Another one is the character of roles in the novel; the roles’ characters are obviously bright and distinctive. Among them, the author focuses on the moral level of description of characters, so there are some characters with profound human meaning.First,this article gives a brief introduction of Dickens the writer and his creative career,and then dickens briefly explain the viewof his humanitarianism .Secondly, the type of character in the David Copperfield to start the analysis, from features of characters to study and reflect humanitarian.Therefore, this paper aims to conduct the exploration deeply, and to essence the meaning of humanitarianism.Key words: characteristics; humanitarianism; dark societyContentsAbstract......................................................... . (IV)Abstract in Chinese (V)Introduction (1)Chapter One General Introduction of Humanitarianism (4)Chapter Two Analysis of Three Types of Image and Its Implied Humanitarianism (7)2.1The positive character (7)2.1.1 Miss Betsey as a fairy godmother (7)2.1.2 Agnes as a good girl (8)2.2 The negative role (10)2.2.1 James Steerforth as abductor (10)2.2.2 Urian Heep as an evil (11)2.3 The neutral image (12)C hapter Three Application of Humanitarianism and Its Influence (15)Conclusion (19)Notes (21)Bibliography (22)IntroductionCharles Dickens born Feb.7, 1812, Portsmouth, Hampshire,Eng, Died June 9, 1870., gad's Hill, near Catham, Ket British novelist,was generally considered as the greatest one of the Victorian period. The defining moment of Dickens' life occurred when he was 12 years old. With his father was in debtors’ prison, he was with dr awn from school and forced to work in a factory. This deeply affected the sensitive boy. His fiction career began with short pieces reprinted as Sketches by “Boz” 1836 . He exhibited a great ability to spin a story in an entertaining manner and this quality, combined with the most popular English author of his time. The serialization of such works as Oliver twist 1838 and the Old Curiosity Shop 1841 followed. After a trip to America, he wrote A Christmas Carol 1843 in a few weeks. With Dombey and Son 1838 , his novels began to express a heightened uneasiness about the evils of Victorian industrial society, which intensified in the semiautobiographical David Copperfield 1850 , as well as in Bleak house 1853 , Little Dorrit 1857 , Great Expectations 1861 , and others. Dickens' works were characterized by an encyclopedic knowledge of London, pathos, a vein of the macabre, a pervasive spirit of benevolence andgeniality, inexhaustible powers of character creation, an acute ear for characteristic speech, and a highly individual and inventive prose style. All his life and works kept pace with the development of his times. On the whole, his novels were mainly written in a realistic way, disclosing the hypocrisy, greed, meanness and cruelty of the upper-class and capitalist society. As well he was always trying to awaken the general public to struggle against the oppression with a great sympathy and serious attitude. In addition, he praised in his works the good qualities of human beings, such as truth, kindness and beauty. Dickens was the main are presentative of realism in 1990s. Karl Marx praised him and Thackeray as a group of outstanding novelists of G.B. In a word, Charles Dickens was the greatest realistic and critic writer in the Vitoria period.David Copperfield, created in 1850, was one semi-autobiography by Dickens. It told readers an uncommon story about the boy-hero David Copperfield during his whole life. David was born when his father died. His weak and poor mother remarried Mr.Murdestone. David had become a real orphan. He luckily met a kind-hearted aunt who helped him much. At last David made a great success by his own efforts. In Dickens' own words, David Copperfield was his own favorite baby. The story was deal with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David was born in England in about 1820. David dislikes his stepfather and had similar felling for Mr. Murdstone's sister Jane. During the thrashing, David bit him and wassent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he made friends with James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles who left and then reappeared later on.Soon after David went back to Salem House, his mother and her baby died and David returned home immediately. Mr.Murdstone sent him to work in a factory in London where he was a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoed Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory. His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, was sent to a debtor's prison the King's Bench Prison after going bankrupt, and was there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David had nobody left to care for him in London, and decided to run away. He walked all the way from London to Dover, found his only known relative, his eccentric Aunt Betsey Trotwood, who agreed to bring him up. The story followed David as he grew to adulthood, and was enlivened by the many well-known characters that entered, left and re-entered his life. These included his faithful housekeeper Peggotty, and their orphaned niece Little Emily, and his landlord's daughter and ideal "angel in the house[1]," Agnes Wickfield, who became his confidante, and the evil Uriah Heep who was punished at last. This paper aims to reflect the this novel through three different types of image of the roles' character.Chapter One General Introduction of HumanitarianismHumanitarianism is an ethic of active compassion which begins toexpress in philanthropy and social welfare. From an exclusive concern with charity, humanitarian action is led increasingly to vindication of the respect owed to the individual human beings. This idea, originating in stoic natural law, influences in its Christian and secular manifestations, and in European thought. Not immediately, denial of the spiritual equality inhering in every human is the touchstone of wrongness in humanitarian action. Humanitarianism is originated a kind of Renaissance ideology, it promotes to care, love and respect people. It is also a people-centered world view. The French Revolution put humanitarianism into specific slogans of freedom, equality and love. Humanitarianism plays an active an active role in the feudal system during the bourgeois revolution.As a thought or ideology, the bourgeoises uses the humanitarian to express the view which focus on individual basis, they think each one is a separate entity, respect the equality and the rights of freedom. It recognizes the value and dignity. Also, it regards people as human being, not tool.Humanitarianism is originated from humanism which makes a great progress during the anti-feudal. The preface Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship in the first constitution of France is the manifesto of bourgeois humanism. The theoretical basis of bourgeois humanism is a super class and the abstract theory of human nature. They purpose the social system which bases on private ownership, and the coreod individualism. With the loss of the bourgeois and the upsurge of of the proletarian revolutionary movement, the bourgeois humanism begins to lose the historical function gradually. Marxist emphasizes on people's status and value, he regards the human emancipation and freedom as a goal, so it is the revolutionary humanitarianism. It is a philosophy of development and change category.Humanitarianism is germinated during the period of civilization, but as an era of humanitarian thought and theory, it is gradually formed in the 15th century and manifested initially in literature and penetrated gradually into other areas.Humanitarian is extended from Lantin humanistas, and in Roman tiomes the ideas is a way to encourage individuals o get the imum development, it also has a humane education system. Emerging bourgeois thinkers in the 15th century, humanitarian is the spirit of the Renaissance, which calls for the full development through the study and carries forward the culture of ancient Greece and Rome. In the course of the bourgeois revolution, humanitarian against the feudal Church and requires the full development of the human personality. Until the 19th century, humanitarian is an important ideological weapon of establishing and consolidating the capitalist system. In modern, although Western thinkers haven't given up the humanitarian, their humanitarian theories, more or less include with nihilism or pessimism colors.Bourgeois humanitarianism carries on and develops the essence of ancient Greece, breaks the ideological restraints which claims that people are a natural part and dominate nature. According this theory, bourgeois criticize relentlessness the feudal Church which is the sensual and secular life for the sin of a asceticism, and they confirm that the people have the right to enjoy the world, so that to seek happiness in the lifetime, and create freely, fight for personal liberation and the establishment and such these progressive thinking has been disseminated widely.A large number of integrity person in the world, included some well-known scholars, scientists, artists and writers still believe the traditional bourgeois humanism, and precede all the criticism of the capitalist world of crime against humanity during this principle. They go against the aggression, and save the world peacefully.In paper, there is some analysis of the three types of images of different characters. Different characters reflect different humanitarianism.Chapter Two Analysis of Three Types of Image and Its Implied Humanitarianism2.1The positive character2.1.1 Miss Betsey as a fairy godmotherAunt Betsey was one of the most interesting characters in the novel.On the one hand, she was very eccentric and even arrogant. The writer described Betsey's eccentricity of hanting donkeys. As soon as she found a donkey getting into the grass in front of her house, she rushed out of the house, not caring about her behavior and seized the bridle of the animal to lead it out of her "sacred precincts [2]" The first impression she left to readers was negative. At the beginning of the novel, she visited David's mother, with hope that the newly-born baby would be a girl, and promised to afford the "girl" all the expenses as a prevention of the same mistake made by herself. Her story was heart reading.Aunt Betsey's marriage was really a failure. She had married a villain in her younger days. Afterwards, their marriage ended with separation, but she still had been blackmailed by that evil till he died. In her mind, she had regretted having made that mistake. Consequently, she hoped the baby would be a girl, but David's mother gave birth to a boy, who was David. Betsey left at once, disappointedly and angrily. She didn't go to see them again for ten years. On the other hand, she was a kindhearted woman. In Chapter Fifteen ,David reached Betsey's houses after a seven day's walk with a worn- out look and in slovenly clothes. After hearing David's experiences, she immediately decided to accept this poor little boy. Later she adopted David and offered him good education and also gave him motherly affection. From her words to David "never be mean to anything; never be false; never be cruel [3]" We could see that Aunt Betsey was an upright woman. Not onlydid she adopt David, but also she looked after Mr.Dick, who was mentally ill, yet not her relative friend. As David grew up, we could understand her more deeply. She was not a perfect character, but she left readersa deep impression besides the main characters in the novel.2.1.2 Agnes as a good girlAgnes,David's second wife, was not only beautiful and gentle, but also intelligent and kindhearted. Her excellence was embodied in the description of her relations with three men in the novel. The first was her father, Mr.Wickfield. He brought up Agnes himself after Agnes' mother died. Agnes was filial towards her father. For instance, her father didn't want her to go to school, and though she desires to do so, she stayed at home and managed the house since she was a teenager. These characteristics showed that Agnes behaved in a mature way, which was quite a contrast to Dora. The second was Uria Heep, who had been her father's assistant, and later became her father's partner. This character was the most detestable in David Copperfield. He wanted to marry Agnes only for the purpose of becoming a man with high social status and defrauding Mr.Wickfield's property. Agnes knew what Heep was planning to do, but had no idea to fight against his plans. On this point, Agnes' weakness was revealed. If David, Traddles and Mr.Micaber hadn't exposed Heep by showing the evidence of Heep's crime, Agnes might have been forced to marry Heep. The third was David, who had been Agnes good friend since childhood. Agnes treated himlike her younger brother. When David was told that his great-aunt Betsey had suffered a sudden bankruptcy, he was so worried about their future life. At that time, Agnes came to London and encouraged David to look for a part-time job, to earn some money for the daily expenses of the whole family. With Agnes' help, David was employed by Dr. Strong as his private secretary. Agnes, in this sense, was playing the role of "a counselor [4] " She helped David to solve problems, and always brought hope to him. "She was liked Hope embodied, to me. Hoe different I left in one short minute, having Agnes at my side!" It was proper to call her a "good Anger [5] ". Agnes was a beautiful girl "with goodness, resolution and all noble qualities [6] ". David chose Agnes to be his wife, which might have been the best choice and result for him. She had loved David secretly for years; she supported David; she shared with him both joy and difficulties. So both David and readers were satisfied with this perfect woman and a happy ending.These two positive characters reflect the Dickens' method os suffering education and warmth probation, transform assets and society. Betsey doesn't like David at first, but when poor David finds her through a long journey, she begins to like him, and supports David to go to university and have a good job. This reflects the kindhearted during the blood relationship. The other hand is Agnes, she is a good girl and she always gives the hand to David, and loves him forever. She contributesherself and she never wants to something in return from David. This tells us that we should have charity and forgive and make our haven dream come true.2.2 The negative role2.2.1 James Steerforth as abductorSteeforth was a slick, egotistical, wealthy young man whose sense of self-importance overwhelmed all his opinions. Steerforth underscored the differences between what we understood as readers and what David saw―in his youthful naivete. David took Steerforth's kindness for granted without analyzing his motives or detecting his duplicity. When Steerforth befriended David at Salem House, David didn't suspect that. Steerforth was simply trying to use David to make friends and gained status. Though Steerforth belittled David from the moment they met, David was incapable of conceiving that his new friend might be taking advantage of him.Because Steerforth's duplicity was so clear to us, David's lack of insight into Steerforth's true intentions emphasied his youthful innocence. Steerforth liked David only because David worshiped him, and his final betrayal came as a surprise to David but not to us.2.2.2 Urian Heep as an evilUriah served a foil to David and contrasted David's qualities of innocence and make compassion with his own corruption. Though Uriah was raised in a cruel environment similar to David's, Uriah's upbringingcaused him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens' physical description of Uriah marked Uriah as a demonic character. He referred to Uriah's movements as snakelike and gave Uriah red hair and red eyes. Uriah and David not only had opposing characteristics but also operated at cross-purposes. For example,whereas Uriah wished to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David's marriages were motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Uriah's and David's sentiments emphasized David's kindness and moral integrity.While David's character development was a process of increased self-understanding. Uriah grew in his desire to control over himself and other characters. As Uriah gained more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grew and he became more and more power-hungry. The final scenes of the novel,in which Uriah praised his jail cell because it helped him know what he should do, showed Uriah's need to exert control even when he was a helpless prisoner. But imprisonment did not redeem his evil―if anything, it compounded his flaws. To the end, Uriah plotted strategies to increase his control. Because he deployed his strategies to selfish purposes that brought harm to others, he stood out as the novel's greatest villain.These two negative roles reflect Dickens method of teaching the people good and evil and the thought of what goes around comes around. He wants to express his yearning of humanitarian ideal kingdom. Heep is an evil;he makes use of everyone to reach his target. He wants to married Agnes and makes himself successful by the improper way. But at last, through everyone's fighting and exposing him, he is punished at last. And others have a happy life. Dickens' work expose the corrupt judicial system and the British education system, condemns the selfish and hypocritical scumbag, and sympathizes to the lower working people.2.3 The neutral imageMicawber was the landlord when David was a child labor, and later became David's best friend. He was insolvent, and imprisoned several times. He was a man who was vain, liked overspending, unrealistic. He would not settle down to do some things. So he was often heavily in debt. He was locked up in Sai Deke's throne court prison for debt. He had told David : "if one's income is twenty pounds a year, but spent nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and six pence, he would be very happy, on the contrary, if he spent twenty pounds and one shilling, he'll be in trouble [7] " After he had just been in such a painful confession, he asked David to buy a beer, and then became happy. He was such an out-optimist. In addition, there were good and honest sides of him. He made secretary to Heep, after a fierce ideological struggle, he came forward to expose the conspiracy of Heep, and helped Miss Betsey. In order to thank him, Miss Betsey subsidized him to Australia, where he made a career of success, and with a good ending. Micawber was a very vivid image of the character, especiallyits "you don't worry about the debts, just have a optimistic attitude to life [8] " character. It made him a literary classic. The word"Micawber" even as a word was written in ordinary English dictionary, this showed that the success of characterization and the impact of the large of this person.Mr. Micawber was entangled in the designs of Uriah Heep and became estranged from his family . Finally, with the help of Traddles, he exposed Heep as a cheat and a fraud, responsible for Betsey Trotwood's loss of fortune. Micawber became a Magistrate in Port Micawber i n Australia.The natural image of Micawber reflects Dickens' method of charity.Micawber is a humorous man and his life is not very rich, and he is always forced in punishment and in prison. But under David's help and his fortunate he will be free in the end. When Heep makes use of him, he doesn't help David to expose Heep at first. Because he was responsibilities to support his family, and he needs that job. At that time, he begins to speak less, and isn't happy than before. But at the end of the novel, he stands up and helps David to punish the evil Heep,though he looses the job, but the Betsey supports him to Australia, and he becomes a famous speaker. He has the charity heard and has the same good result in return.Chapter Three Application of Humanitarianism and Its Influence Spirit of democracy, humanitarian ideas and artistic treasuresof great national language use, they are the reasons why Dickens is loved by the British. Dickens’ humanitarian makes him as the famous realistic writer in the Britain. He has strong democratic tendencies, Fights against social injustice and advocates defending human dignity, which everyone has engaged in labor, the right to enjoy peace and happiness, so his works has the realism of people. Dickens’ humanitarian is the reflection of his own. He comes from a poor petty-bourgeois family; the July Revolution is the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty. However, the forces of the feudal nobility still exist; the industrial proletariat begins to go up the stage of history. The demands of the working class are not met, which make the relationship between social classes in France complex.He dissatisfies the political monopoly and economic exploitation of the big bourgeoisie, and he has deep fear of the proletarian revolutionary storm. His thinking weapons are humanitarian that bases on the human nature and his mainly social claims are reformist. Charity and love are main themes of Dickens novel.Dickens' words are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice and hypocrisy. Although he is criticized for being sentimental and unable to portray women properly, he captures the popular mind of his time through his good humor, his deep empathy for common man and his vigorous criticism of poverty and social stratification. He has remained to be so influenced till this day that the Victorian Society is oftendescribes as Dickensian [9] . Dickens is a genius in literature. He makes the injustices he hates concrete and specific. His readers feel the abuses of 19th century society in England as real through the life of his characters. His characters no matter whether they are good of bad, comic or tragic, are created with psychological realism and depth.Charles Dickens' novels is built on the humanitarian basis of human nature; his understanding of human nature is the common property of mankind, which is his starting point. He stresses that "human love [10] ", which is one of his humanitarian cores of the idea. He strongly opposes the revolution. He considers the revolutionary way is very cruel, and the revolution is a personal act of revenge. He imagines using the power of moral influence to transform society, and makes the wicked conscience, and turns over a new leaf automatically. Everyone should be based on charity and benevolence, make only the humanitarian community to achieve the perfect state of harmony. Dickens has the standpoint of bourgeois humanism against all forms of oppression. He not only fights nobility of the revolutionary dictatorship of the people after the victory of the revolution. Dickens sees the suffering and the excellent quality of the people, and then demonstrates their sympathy for the suffering of the working people and the wishes of changing the poverty situation. He has a humanitarian thought because of the real life. He observes his doctrine of life and society and showing the social life through the broad focus.We feel very productive when we go deep into Dickens' spiritual world. Dickens uses the beautiful language, a gripping plot, a symbol of subtle imagery, and so full of personality description writing skills He applies the power of love to criticize the dark side of human nature, and eulogizes the bright side. Good and evil through the end of those who are compared, and promoted a liberal point of view again. Dickens' success is the victory of love in human nature, but also the victory of humanitarianism.Humanitarian originally proposes for the feudal hierarchy, that is, recognition of any specific person who is in the personality without distinction or distinction, the dignity of all people is equal. Therefore,we should respect, respect for basic human rights enjoyed by people as equals. Later, the Enlightenment view of home proves that the bourgeois democratic revolution, and thus uses to illustrate this point of view the history of human society, so humanitarian becomes the history. Utopian socialists' view of history included Marx's labor alienation, belongs to the scope of the humanitarian history. A breakthrough of historical materialism a humanitarian views of history does not mean denying the principles of humanitarian ethics. Marx and Engels publish " Communist Manifesto" after the emphasis on class struggle and the proletariat, the proletarian revolution and dictatorship. They expose and criticize the bourgeoisie to promote freedom, equality, human rights and humanitarian hypocrisy and limitations, but they never abandon principlesof humanity, and that is to say they are anti-humanist. However, they do not distinguish theoretically clearly, and these two aspects of the humanitarian, which are later in the relationship between Marxism and humanism different views on the issue of controversial root seedings planted.In short, Dickens' humanitarianism influences the later generation deeply and it is also the basis o many important views.ConclusionCharles Dickens reveals the true face of society in mediaeval age, and highlights the performance of money on marriage, family and social corrosion through the hero’s joys and sorrows in David Copperfield. In shaping the character, Agnes is the ideal female of the beautification efforts. She has not only external beauty, but also the virtues of the heart, and protects her bullying father who is perseverance by the Heep, and also supports the pain of frustrated David. She concludes the combination with David, is “the same thought and purpose”, and such the end of the perfect marriage fills with happiness and hopeful atmosphere of the fiction. They are the embodiment of Dickens’ personal experience, and he always believes that ordinary people whose moral character is far better than those rules and oppressors. Through this belief, many ordinary people in the fiction, despite they have a poor family, no education, they still have an honest and good heart. They are in sharp contrast with the。
大卫·科波菲尔,英文名David Copperfield,原名大卫·科特金,1956年9月16日出生于美国新泽西州一个俄罗斯移民的家庭,他从小就对魔术有着浓厚的兴趣。
英语论文 英国文学大卫科波菲尔
![英语论文 英国文学大卫科波菲尔](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d4299e86d4d8d15abe234e34.png)
Shandong University Bachelor’s Thesis 论文题目:The Analysis of David Copperfield’s Characters作者姓名:黄立煜学号: 20040701025专业:英语专业指导教师姓名:纪云霞专业技术职务: 教授2008年 6 月 5 日ContentsAbstract (i)摘要............................................................................................................. i i Introduction.. (1)I. Brief Introduction to Charles Dickens (2)1.1 Charles Dickens’ Miserable Childhood (2)1.2 Charles Dickens’ Adulthood (3)II.General Characteristics of David Copperfield (3)2.1 Weakness and Immaturity of Child David Copperfield (4)2.1.1 Weakness of David Copperfield (4)2.1.2 Immaturity of David Copperfield (5)2.2 Kindness of David Copperfield (5)2.3 Stability and Maturity of Adult David Copperfield (6)III. Several Main Characters’ impact on David Copperfield (7)3.1 Murdstone and Steerforth (8)3.2 Miss Betsey Trotwood and Peggotty (9)3.3 Dora and Agnes (10)Conclusion (12)Bibliography (13)Acknowledgements (14)AbstractDavid Copperfield, an autobiographical novel, is well known as the representative work of Charles Dickens, the greatest novelist in the Victorian period. Written in the first person, the novel depicts a broad picture of the society of Dickens’times with his uncommon life experience. David Copperfield is also Dickens’own favorite work. In writing, Dickens throws into this novel his thought, deep feelings and much of his own experience in his childhood. Meanwhile, Dickens in some way retrospects and draws a conclusion to his life and expresses his life attitude and moral ideal. Furthermore, his novel also discloses the faulty mask of capitalist society and its strong desire and greed for money. It is safe to say that David Copperfield is one of the most excellent characters created by Dickens. The paper first briefly introduces the author Dickens, and then undertakes a detailed study of the characteristics of David Copperfield through the analysis of the influence of the people on him. The paper intends to make a preliminary explanation of it. The paper bases its outline on the development of David Copperfield, i.e. from his childhood to his adulthood. The analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield will provide us a chance to see the features of the capitalist society and give us some inspiration about life.Key words:David Copperfield;characteristics; life experience摘要《大卫•科波菲尔》是英国维多利亚时期最杰出的批判现实主义作家查尔斯•狄更斯的自传体小说。
大卫科波菲尔人物赏析带原文大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的一部小说,被誉为是狄更斯作品中的代表之一。
1. 大卫是一个从迷茫走向成熟的过程大卫这一角色从小就经历了家庭的变故,被迫离开亲人去外面打拼。
2. 大卫是伟大作家狄更斯的自传之作狄更斯写大卫这一角色,不仅是为了塑造一个深受读者喜爱的主人公,更是为了借助大卫的经历来反映当时社会的种种问题。
3. 大卫是对理想和现实的探索在小说中,大卫经历了许多挫折和重大决定,他曾迷失方向,也曾为自己的理想奋斗不止。
4. 大卫是对家庭和友情的珍视大卫在这个世界上遇到了很多人,有好心的朋友,也有令人发指的敌人。
5. 我的观点和理解对于我而言,大卫这一角色是一个真实而坚韧的人。
大卫科波菲尔中的童真与成长大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)创作的一部长篇小说,该小说以主人公大卫·科波菲尔的成长历程为主线,展现了童年的童真和成长的过程。
An Analysis of Image in David CopperfieldChapter 1Introduction"David Copperfield", the masterpiece of Dickens, was a semi-autobiographical work. In May 1849 to November 1850, the installment was published. In the preface, Dickens said: “It is my favorite child.”The novel depicted David's experiences which were filled with sufferings and laughters. Dickens portrayed the colorful picture of British society, the typical image of different social classes, especially the endless struggle of David in the face of adversity which left a deep impression on us. David was unable to endure the abuse of his stepfather, biting the fingers of his stepfather, savagely beaten. As a result, he was locked in a boarding school. After his mother died, he was sent to the factory as a child by his stepfather. From then on, he lived a hard life, without enough to eat or wear and suffered all kinds of abuse and torture. However, David did not succumb to the mercy of fate, painstakingly, and finally found his aunt Betsey. The kind-hearted aunt shelter adopted him and let him go to a better school. When he knew that Aunt Betsey was bankrupted, but instead, he studied diligently with perseverance all kinds of abuse and torture. Finally, after making efforts, he became a writer and achieved success. At the same time, other characters were clear and vivid. Peggotty was a nurse who took care of David and David’s mother carefully, she was remarkably loyal. Outwardly, aunt Betsey appeared a severe woman, but she showed that she was kind by loving David and others. In addition, Ham was noble, brave and honest. Mr.Murdstones was fierce and cruel. Steerforth was selfish and arrogant.1.1 Introduction to the AuthorDickens was the main representative of realism literature in the 19th century. The art of witty words, nuanced psychological analysis and realism were combined together closely in his works. He was particularly famous for his vivid comic characterizations and social criticism. He was the first author who had written of the poor with fidelity and sympathy. His works were famous during novels of the Victorian age and among the great classics in all fiction.Dickens was born in February, 1812, at Landport, Portsmouth. He was the second of eight children. His father was a clerk, hardworking but imprudent, later caricatured as Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield.In 1822, the family moved to London, where Charles had to leave school to support his impoverished family. In 1824, his father was put into prison for debt. At the age of 12, Dickens was sent to going to work at a factory. He wrapped and labeled for 6 shillings a week. After work, he wandered through the streets of London, enthralled by the sight of the dockyards, the files of convicts, and vast sections of the city inhabited by the poor. These bitter days remained in his memory and later found expression in his works.Dickens was able to return to school because a small legacy helped release his father from prison. He was an avid reader and spent much time in the reading room of the British Museum. Although he later returned to school for a time, these experiences left a permanent imprint on the soul of Charles Dickens. Even many years later, he had become a successful author, he could not bear t o talk about it, or be reminded of his family’s ignominy.At the age of fifteen, Dickens began working as an office boy for a law firm. He taught himself and he became a reporter for courts of Doctors’ Common in 1828. The dull routine of the legal profession never interested him, so he became a newspaper reporter for the Mirror ofparliament, the True Sun, and finally for the Morning Chronicle. (John Forster, were later his closest friend and biographer, was also employed at the True Sun.) By the age of twenty, Dickens was one of the best parliamentary reporters all the England.By this time, Dickens was enjoying the luxurious life he had dreamed of as a child. In 1850, he published the last installments of David Copperfield, a partly autobiographical novel that was his favorite.1.2 The Introduction to the Background1.2.1 Social background“Like so many parents I hav e a favorite child in my heart,” wrote Charles Dickens. "And his name is David Copperfield." Here, Dickens made good use of his own life experience to expose the social evils that were prevalent in Victorian England and were the miseries of child-labor, the tyranny in schools, the debtors’ prison, as well as the cruelty and immortality and the treachery. Thus the novel was not merely a personal record, but a broad picture of the society of the author’s day.David Copperfield was a novel written in first-person point of view. It was sometimes referred to as an apprenticeship novel because it centered on the period in which a young person grew up. The type of novels was pioneered by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) in his novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship). Dickens based the book in part on the difficult early years of his own life. The narration changed n ames, locales, and other details of Dickens’s life. For example, when Dickens was only a child, he had to leave school to work in a factory. In the novel, David Copperfield had to leave school to work in a warehouse washing and labeling bottles used in the wine trade. David’s initials (D.C.) were, of course, the reverse of Dickens’s (C.D.).Dickens was a master at drawing memorable characters. Some were simple and uncomplicated, like Barkis, Creakle, Murdstone, and Clara Peggotty. Others were complex, like David Copperfield. Throughout the novel, he befriended the wealthy and charming James Steerforth, ignoring his devious and malevolent side. At the same time, he befriended the good-hearted Tommy Traddles and the humble Peggottys. These two worlds, the world of Steerforth and the world of Steerforth and his family, both attracted David, and his immaturity decided what should constitute his own world. To bring his characters to life, Dickens invested them with clearly defining virtues or vices and described the characters in a way that enabled the readers to picture them at the scenes in which they appeared.1.2.2 Novel’s backgroundOf all the Dickens’ novels, David Copperfield reflected the events of Dickens own life the most. As for David, suffering in the past was adequately made up for a rich, happy marriage and a successful literary career, just like Dickens himself, and the world was still full of hope and sunshine. The plot construction was rather loose, but it also excelled in its vivid image. The narration of novel in detail was also worth mentioning, which gave the work truthfulness to the real life.What we could add to was the way in which Dickens time and time again dealt with the progress of a male hero who, as with David in David Copperfield (1849-50) and Pip in Great Expectations (1860-1), came to terms with world as the middle-class values. At the same time, however, Dickens’ heroes often have uncomfortable doubles: David Copperfield was shadowed by Heep and Steerforth, both of whom revealed the kind of dark sexual urge that David attempted to conceal or deny in his own life. It was as if, in a new middle-class code, Dickens was equally aware of the precariousness or vulnerability of the new respectable social conceptionof the self, of the buried life that was hidden beneath the veneer of polite manners.Due to the early success, the public not only gave Dickens an assurance that made sure increasing powers of poetic expression and narrative technique, but also the confidence to demonstrate his priorities to a point where they contradicted the social assumptions of many of his readers. All his later novels, except A Tale of Two Citie s, presented a criticism of the most fundamental institutions of the Victorian England.Although David was ignorant of Steerforth’s treachery, we were aware from the moment we met Steerforth that he didn’t deserve of praise which David felt toward him. David didn’t know why he hated Heep or why he trusted a boy with a donkey cart who stole his money and left him in the road, but it was possible for him to realize Heep’s inherent evil and the boy’s real intention. In David’s first-person narration, Dickens conveyed the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child.Chapter 2Literature Review of the Novel2.1 Some Scholars’ Views on the NovelScholars believed that David Copperfield's careers, friendships, love and life, were most highly influenced by Dickens' experiences, as well as his time working as a child. David's involvement with the law profession and later his career as a writer mirror the experiences of Dickens. Many of David's friends were based on people who Dickens actually knew, and David's wives, Agnes Wickfield and Dora, were believed to be based upon Dickens' attachment to Mary Hogarth. Dickens keenly felt his lack of education during his time at that factory, and according to the Forster biography, it was from these times that he drew David's working period.British writer Somerset Maugham regarded the book as "truly a masterpiece of literary works".One of American literature connoisseurs recommended the novel as one hundreds of the 20th century, distinguishing English novel.The famous Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, said that the book was the best one among all the English novels and it could help people to build a perfect personality.“David Copperfield was filled with characters of the most astonishing variety, vividness, and originality,” noted SomersetMaugham. “They are not realistic and yet they abound with li fe. There never were such people as the Micawbers, Peggotty and Barkis, Traddles, Betsey Trotwood and Mr. Dick, Uriah Heep and his mother.” The story was told almost entirely from the point view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so. Dickens based the book in part on the difficult early years of his own life.2.2 Main Views of Dickens’ IdeaInfluenced by Carlyle, Dickens learned to direct his novel to a questioning of social priorities and inequalities, to a distrust of institutions, particularly defunct or malfunctioning ones, and to a pressure for action and earnestness He was prone to take up issues, and to campaign against what he saw as injustice or desuetude, using fiction in his novel. He was not alone in his own time, but his name continued to be popularly associated with good causes and with remedies because he was quite the wittiest and he has had the most persuasive, and the most influential voice.Dickens was faithful to the teaching, and to the general framework, his thought, his action and above all, for his writing, nevertheless. A critical awareness that there was something deeply wrong with the society in which he lived disclosed the nature of a novel and gave its distinct political edge. Dickens’ novels were multifarious, digressive and humorous.In an important way, they reflected the nature of Victorian urban society with all its conflicts and disharmonies, its eccentricities and its constrictions, its energy and its fertility, both physical and intellectual. But the standard pattern in his novels was the basic conflict between money on the one hand, and loves on the other hand. What this conflict usually revealed was that the people who have greatest lovefor their fellow humans were also the ones who were most hurt by the world of money, simply because money was power.In his novels, the people who possessed most money and most power seemed incapable of love, whereas the people who were capable of love were remarkably often both poor and powerless. And yet, this gloomy view was emerged by Dickens’ comic way of dealing with his characters.Chapter 3The Image of main character in David Copperfield3.1 The Image of David3.1.1 Unyielding and diligence of David CopperfieldDavid Copperfield was a kind-hearted, honest, and hard working, pragmatic and progressive intellectual typically. Since Dav id’s childhood, his father died. Although his mother remarried, she died before long with his stepfather abuse. At that time, he was sent to boarding school, ravaged, and then was sent to the factory as an apprentice humiliation position. He left the factory to the home of aunt Betsey who adopted him and let him study law. Then, he tried his best to learn day after day. At the same time, his character matured in suffering, frustration, and ultimately on the right path in life. Later he became a writer, and married with his girlfriend. For him, he had acquired much knowledge in life through the wrong ideas, funny habits, sad moment and the depressing day, and remembered his aunt's words in heart, “whatever you do and whenever you do it, you can never be humble, never be hypocritical or cruel.”He thought of this sentence, which always encouraged himself to be strong and seize the hard-on opportunity to struggle in life.Both the hardships and bitterness in his orphan’s times or always struggle in his adult time, having experienced calamities and misfortunes, David tasted the joy and warmth of the earth. By his own sincerity, forthright personality, positive spirit, as well as the purity of love to people in his heart, he persisted and finally succeeded.3.1.2 Innocence and kindness of David Copperfield.David began to love Emily when they accompanied each other in the days in Yarmouth. As for a child, the affection was a more feelings. Neither of them worried about the future or any other troubles at that time. The best was love in that they were innocent. On the way to Salen House, the writer mentioned an interested incident. With the “simple confidence and natural reliance of a child upon superior years”, David was used byServant William. David was bound to lack of some worldly wisdom and was only an innocent child.When David worked at Murdestone and Grinby, he met Mr.Micawber whose clothes were shabby, and had only a shirt collar. However, David did not laugh at him. On the contrary, when he learned about the tragedy and realized Micawber’s financial difficulties, he intended to offer some money to Mr.Micawber in order to help him tide over the difficulties, though he himself was poor at that moment. Innocence was the most valuable and shinning characteristic of David Copperfield.In David’s life, although he met some wicked people like Mr. and Miss Murdestone, Mr. Creakle and Uriah Heep, he also gained a lot of friends and helpers who made him kind-hearted. That was to say, though he had known some bad qualities of the people, David remained what he used to be. In Mr. Murdestone’s house, except his mother, Peggotty w as the only one who loved David, and different from his mother, she was able to protect David. When David was treated badly by Mr. and Miss Murdestone, Peggotty tried to comfort him at night secretly. And when David was sent away from home, Peggotty wrote letters so as to encourage him.As we all know, Peggotty was a servant in David’s family, but what she did was far more than a servant. What important was when David’s mother misunderstood her, Peggotty still took it for granted that she should protect and help David and David's poor mother. It was her loyalty and kindness that was a great help to the development of David. And David was grateful to her, so he permitted the carrier Barkis to marry her, giving happiness to Peggotty.3.1.3 Cruelty and tenderness of David CopperfieldDavid’s compl icated image accounted for the contradiction of the plot of the novel and which existed over the development of it. For David, when he realized his love for Agnes for the first time, he also showed greattenderness at the moment. David, especially as a young man in love, could be foolish and romantic. As he grew up, however, he developed a more mature point of view and searched for a lover who would change and help him grow. David fully matured as an adult when he expressed the sentiment that he valued Agnes’s gentleness and quietness over all else in his life. 3.1.4 Stability and maturity of David CopperfieldAfter experiencing many difficulties and sufferings, David had become Stability in his adulthood. As for his profession, David went on along a right road. He engaged in literature and was interested in what he did. David felt more and more confident in the success of his career. David knew that his dream came true by his years of hard work.And when his wife died, David decided to give his most sincere love to Agnes who was his good angel. However, he was hesitant before Agnes. He dared not to tell her "I love you". Because he knew what the three words meant, he did not want to hurt Agnes. As for David, there was no doubt that Agnes was his best choice. For all the efforts David took, he deserved the love of Agnes. With Agnes' love and guidance, David would make his life more comfortable and he himself became mature and steady.David also found true friendship in his life. His old classmate, Tradle, who at school was the merriest friend of all his classmates, appeared at the end of the novel as a helper of David Copperfield. He was what we called a true friend David needed.3.2 The Image of other Characters3.2.1 Coldness and cruelty of Miss .MurdstonesThe bane of the childhood of David, stepfather and Sister Miss Murdstone's character was extremely cold and cruel. In David's memory, when he met Miss Murdstone in the first time, she was a gloomy-looking lady; dark, like her brother, whom she greatly resembled in face and voice; and with very heavy eyebrows, nearly meeting over her large nose, as if,being disabled by the wrongs of her sex from wearing whiskers, she had carried them to that account. When she paid for the coachman, she took her money out of a hard steel purse, and she kept the purse in a very jail of bag which hung upon her arm by a heavy chain, and shut up like a bite. As for David, he had never, at that time, seen such a lady altogether as Miss Murdstone was.She was almost tomboy, she hated men, but with the man's face, feminine, love and compassion, she and her brother has been tortured poor Clara and David as a thorn in the side and used various means to torture David, resulting in the suffering of David's childhood.3.2.2 Humanity and charity of aunt BetseyAlthough there were similarities in some respects between Aunt Betsey Trotwood and Murdstone, they were quite different in essence. Aunt Betsey was quite independent, bold, manly, and rational. She did not care about the secular vision, and she was kind, merciful and fraternal. She was full of emotion. Although she hated boy, David went to her for shelter, she not only adopted him, but also taught David: we should never be mean, hypocritical and cruel person. What she taught was a foundation of the motto to David’s act, David healthy growth, and became a famous writer. Aunt Betsey had mercy on Dick, received him, and appreciated him, to give him a comfortable and easy life. She was the guardian of Jenny, still monitoring some of the other people, education, and let them learn to protect themselves. Dora then pampered and petted, she didn’t do anything against aunt Betsey, and she got the lovely name: flowers.Her husband, aunt Betsey still did not forget, even if he abandoned her, and found a new lover, became a nothing scandalous. It was also said that aunt Betsey was a symbol of friendship and loyalty. Aunt Betsey was an intensely capable woman with a great mind in business, and grasped many commercial activities, concealed the 2000 pounds of property inbankruptcy. She did it in order to exercise David, let him learn to adapt to the plight of getting of the difficulties so that he would be able to assume the responsibilities of life. That time gave David a good exercise, and by his efforts he confirmed his ability to live. That was aunt Betsey's thought. Even though aunt Betsey was eccentric, and she had strange temperament, her character was respected and trusted.3.2.3 Senses and intelligence of AgnesAgnes, a virtuous and agreeable girl, became a dear and loyal friend of David. In terms of appearance, moral character, knowledge, thoughts, she was almost impeccable. She was beautiful and dignified, generous and gentle, quiet and stable, thoughtful. She has a keen insight, she was of strong will, with a heart of love, and she was the spiritual support of David. Anyone would be proud of an intimate friend of her. In Agnes’ childhood, she was his father's butler and spiritual comfort. Her father's love was critically good for her to become prematurely mature, and to assume responsibility. Caring for his father, to his father, she had to please Heep, but she never would succumb to the Heep, not let Heep sinister purpose to succeed. Her love for David was deep and long, and she has been quietly in love with David. After Dora was died, experiencing many difficulties at overseas several years, David finally realized that he loved Agnes, and then they got married. In terms of career and life, Agnes was David’s ide al partner.3.2.4 Vanity and unreality of Mr.MicawberMr.Micawber was the landlord of David when David was a child-labor. Later he became David’s best friends. He was unable to repay the debt, so he was in jail several times. He was a person who often dealt with things out of vanity, and refused to put his feet on the ground. He was often heavily in debt. After he was put into prison for debt, he warned David: “If a person had an annual income of twenty pounds, and spent nineteenpounds nineteen shillings, the person would be exceedingly happy”. Nevertheless, if the person spent twenty pounds one shilling, the person was right in the shittier.No sooner had he been a painful confession than he took a shilling from David for beer right away, and then be happy. He was such a real optimist.In addition, he was integrating. When he was secretary to Heep, through a fierce struggle in his mind, he exposed a conspiracy that Mr.Heep framed Wickfield and Heep wanted to lead to the bankruptcy of Miss. Betsey. Miss. Betsey thanked him, and funded him to Australia where he achieved career success. Finally, he has a good outcome. Micawber characters were extremely vivid, so he became a classic image in literature and was regarded as a representative.3.2.5 Duplicity and selfishness of SteerforthSteerforth was a young millionaire. He was arrogant, callous, selfish, and completely self-centered; he didn’t consider the feelings of other.In school, he used to drive a teacher who was from humble origins. Later, he got to know the kind-hearted and innocent girl Emily, and lured Emily to elope with him successfully through small talk tease. In the end, he abandoned Emily. When he made friends with David, David depended on Steerforth’s kindness for granted, without analyzing his motives or detecting his duplicity. When Steerforth befriended David at Salem House, David didn’t suspect that Steerforth was simply trying to use David to make friends and gain the status. Finally, Steerforth betrayed David.3.2.6 The Abjection and impudicity of Uriah HeepHeep was once a copyist. He used to pretend to be humble, and afterwards, he succeeded in manipulating the firm by cunning way. Mr. Wickfield was forced to almost no retreat, which led to Miss. Betsey bankruptcy. Later, due to Mr. Micawber stood up in time and revealed hisconspiracy that framed Mr. Wickfield and led to the bankruptcy of Miss. Betsey. Though Heep was raised in a cruel environment which was similar to David’s, his upbringing caused him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens’ described Heep as a demonic character. He referred to Heep’s movements as snakelike and gave Heep red hair and red eyes. Heep and David not only had opposite characteristics but also manipulated at cross-purposes. For example, Heep wished to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David. Nevertheless, for David, he was both motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Heep’s and David’s sentiments showed Heep’s mean.While David’s character develo pment was a process of increased self-understanding, Heep grew in his desire to exercise control over himself and other characters. As Heep gained more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grew and he became more and more power-hungry. But imprisonment didn’t make a dif ference to atone for his crime. Because he deployed his strategies to selfish purposes that gave others a hand in time, he stood out as the novel’s greatest villain.3.3 The Similarity between Charles Dickens and David Copperfield“Novel” was defined as th e description of the typical character in the typical environment (especially the social environment). According to the above words, the influence of Charles Dickens on this novel should be taken into consideration in the analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield. For David Copperfield was one semi-autobiography, and it would be a wise way to analyze the characteristics of the boy hero through the study of the writer himself, including his background, his experiences, his individuality and his attitude. As a result, David Copperfield was Dickens' David Copperfield and there was a degree of resemblance between Dickens and David.Firstly, both of them had suffered a difficult time when they were only a child and the experiences as a child-labor had a great impact on their life. Secondly, both of them ended up with good results. Especially Dora, who won the heart of David Copperfield in this novel, and had the same name with one of Dickens' children who died, Agnes Wickfield, the lover of David Copperfield was much like one of Dickens' love, Georgina, a friend and helper to Dickens. Thirdly, both of them engaged in literature and made a great success in their career.Actually, in writing this novel, Dickens made good use of his own experiences. Thus the readers may have a further understanding about the great writer by reading this work. At the same time, when we are analyzing the characteristics of David Copperfield, it would be useful to refer to the study of the writer himself.Chapter 4ConclusionThe paper began with a brief introduction of the author and the social background, and then it tried to analyze the novel. The story was told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person, David Copperfield, and was the first Dickens’ novel to do so.Dickens’ books were based partly on the difficulties in his earlier life. Thus the authorpaved the way for the following analysis, including David, Dora, Aunt betsey, Mr.Micawber, and Steerforth. The Mr. Murdstones, Heep, Steer forth and David. As for many characters, the paper divided them into two different images that have great differences. For example, the kind-hearted fisherman Peggotty and David, from a poor family, they hadn’t receiv ed education, but they could hold an honest and good heart, while by contrast, Steerforth was an invalid character.At the same time, it reflected Dickens' own morality: "What goes around comes around". For example, a symbol of evil Heap and Steerforth has been duly punished; kind-hearted people have found a popular destination that they dreamed to go all the time.Through analyzing these images, we could know truths, no matter how difficult the situation we were in or how bitter life was, we should have a good heart, and fight against destiny positively.Finally, the author attempted to analyze different people’s images and show people’s different destinies. The paper intended to tell people that maybe fate was unfair to you, maybe you had been suffering from human disasters, you couldn’t do anything without the goodness of heart and you must fight against your own destiny,and it stressed that only love could give us courage to face the misery and suffering.On the other hand, despite the inconstancy of human relationships, life was a main background in this novel, and love was very important among people. In the end, David gained great success, and the reason was that a lot of people gave him much love which gave him courage to face the misery and sufferings.At the same time, it encouraged people to maintain confidence and enthusiasm in life.。
课题研究论文:电视电影论文 电影《大卫·科波菲尔》的人物形象分析
![课题研究论文:电视电影论文 电影《大卫·科波菲尔》的人物形象分析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/51ddde260c22590103029dc6.png)
(二)艾格尼理性的,无私的,成熟的爱作为大卫儿时的朋友, 艾格尼是大卫生命中不可或缺的女人,她扮演者这样的角色,一个亲密姐姐,一个忠实的朋友,一个人生导师和终身伴侣。
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[10] 朵拉是大卫的第一位妻子,朵拉天生有着快活的性子,她不为任何事情而烦恼,也不会去思考生命和世界。
”[14] 小结
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