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The fruit variety is many, not only has the luster pleasant strawberry, the pineapple, but also has the juice multi-taste beautiful watermelon, the peach and so on.Each kind of fruit has the different nutrient.Must eat the different fruit in the different season!
• 抗酸、抗硬化、抗坏血、抗神经痛、抗风湿、抗 瘙痒、抗菌、收敛、杀菌、除胃肠胀气、促进结 疤、净化、利尿、柔软、治疣、退烧、止血、利 肝、降低血糖、降低血压、杀虫、轻泻、利胃、 补身、驱蠕虫。动脉硬化,贫血,止血,增加免 疫力,头痛,偏头痛,流鼻血,喉咙痛,发烧, 咳嗽,肝排毒,便秘,关节炎,风湿痛,油性皮 肤,分解色素﹝抗斑﹞,再生除皱,抗蜂窝组织 炎,面疱,疱疹,促进结疤,净化思绪,减轻压 力,补身虫咬伤。
• kiwifruit (yangtao kiwifruit) anti-cancer, sedation, weight loss, beauty; Kiwi with a good diet rich in fiber and antioxidants, heat can play to Reduce Pathogenic Fire, Runzao the role of the purge is an effective way to the prevention and treatment of constipation And hemorrhoids.
• 草莓汁能减少日晒痛 • 草莓富含维生素C、B、钙、磷和钾,今日仍在植 物性药品占有一席之地,其叶部煮沸后可当作一 种收敛剂,并能治疗腹泻、发烧、口内溃疡及牙 龈疾病。此外,草莓汁还是一种美容盛品,昔日 少女以它来减少日晒引起的疼痛。
·mango consumption of anti-cancer and
Hami melon
Durian—“King of the fruit”
榴 莲
Procession of lanterns fruit
Asian pear--梨
Leabharlann Baidu
蓝莓--Blue raspberry
Yangtao kiwifruit—猕猴桃
• 葡萄抗氧化 Grape oxidation resistance
• 葡萄籽所具有的抗氧化效果不仅是维生素C的20倍, 更是维生素E的50倍。葡萄籽含有大量的OPC抗氧 化剂,OPC是一种强效类黄酮,主要存在干表皮与 种子里,红色葡萄籽尤其是OPC的有效来源,是增 力A人体内抗氧化活动的潜在关键,可保护免疫氧 化损伤,并延缓老化过程。
The function of fruit
textile fiber beneficial America skin 2、维生素让人美丽 the Vitamin lets the human be beautiful 3、多吃水果有益健康 eats the fruit beneficial health 4、水果能帮助塑身 the fruit can help to model the body
苹果含有多种维生素、矿物质、 糖类、脂肪等,构成大脑所必 须的营养成分。
Apple includes a variety of vitamins, minerals, sugars, fats, which form the brain necessary nutrients.
小 香 玉 西 瓜
The watermelon richly including Vitamin A, Bl, B2, C, the glucose, the sucrose, the fructose, the malic acid, the glutanic acid and the arginine and so on, has the clearing away summerheat, the advantage urination, falls the blood pressure the effect, to the high fever thirsty, the summer heat multi-perspirations, nephritis urine few, hypertension and so on has certain auxiliary curative effect.
beautify the skin, the prevention and control high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, prevention and treatment of constipation, stomach-money effect.
• 芒果营养丰富,食用芒果具抗癌、美化肌 肤、防治高血压、动脉硬化、防治便秘、 清肠胃的功效。具有抑制流感病毒的作用。
The banana anti-melancholy and helps the dormancy
• 香蕉中大量的碳水化合物、膳食纤维等可 以防癌抗
Bananas in a lot of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, such as cancer can be anti-cancer
What’s this? 请知道的同学告诉我一下, 谢谢!
Thank you !
• Lychee rich in vitamin C and protein will help to enhance immune function and enhance disease resistance; Litchi a detoxification swelling, bleeding of the role of pain; Litchi rich in vitamins, to promote micro-vascular blood Cycle, to prevent the occurrence of freckles, skin more smooth.
2、对血循环: 循环系统的绝佳补药,使血液畅通,因而 减轻静脉区张部位之压力 The best tonic of the circulatory system, blood flow and thus reduce the venous pressure on the part of the district
By removing the dead cells so that Anchen of bright color to improve the breakdown of the capillary, greasy hair has the effectiveness of purification.
Europeans to lift it because of depression and call it "Happy Fruit"; to be bananas also known as the "fruit of wisdom," because the legend of Buddha Sakyamuni was eating a banana and wisdom
Apple be able to eat to lose weight, help digestion
The apple falls the cholesterol and prevents the gallstone
Bananas— 香 蕉
欧洲人因它能解除忧郁而称它为“快乐水果”; 香蕉又被称为“智慧之果”,传说是因为佛祖 释迦牟尼吃了香蕉而获得智慧
葡萄汁---Grape juice
• 葡萄汁被称为“植物奶”,营养价值 非常之高。
• The strawberry richly including Vitamin C, B, the calcium, the phosphorus and the potassium, today still held the small space in the vegetative drugs, after its department boiled may treat as one kind of astringent, and could treat the diarrhea, have a fever, inside the mouth ulcer and gum disease.In addition, the strawberry juice is one kind improves looks abundantly, in former days the young girl reduced the ache by it which Japan exposed to the sun causes.
枇杷富含粗纤维及矿物元素;是很有 效的果品。
Loquat crude fiber and rich in mineral elements.It is a very effective weight loss of fruit.
• 枇杷是南方特有的水果,北方比较少见。 • 小帖士:枇杷叶和冰糖、雪梨合炖,其汤 汁是止咳润肺的良药。
西瓜富含维生素A、Bl、B2、C,葡萄糖、 蔗糖、果糖、苹果酸、谷氨酸和精氨 酸等,有清热解暑、利小便、降血压 的功效,对高热口渴、暑热多汗、肾 炎尿少、高血压等有一定的辅助疗效。
China waxmyrtle--杨梅
Plum liquor(梅子酒)
• 小帖士:南方每家每户基本上都有水果酿 的酒,而杨梅泡酒是最常见的。酒不烈醇 香,酸甜爽口;而梅子泡久后还可食用,能 治肚子疼,不过味道可不怎么的,不会喝 酒的人可能多吃几个就会醉哦!
• 香蕉性寒能清肠热,味甘能润肠通便,可治疗热
• Qingchang banana and cold to hot, sweet Runchang to
purge, treat fever Dengzheng polydipsia
1、对皮肤:着去除老死细胞的使黯沉的肤色明亮,改善破 裂的微血管,对油腻的发质有净化的功效。