





二、产品特性1. 高精度:雷达料位计利用射频信号进行测量,可实现毫米级的高精度测量,确保测量结果的准确性。

2. 远距离测量:雷达料位计的测量范围广,可达到几十米甚至几百米,适用于各类容器的测量需求。

3. 不受介质和压力影响:无论介质的种类和压力变化如何,雷达料位计都能稳定工作,确保测量结果可靠。

4. 高可靠性:雷达料位计采用先进的信号处理算法和自动补偿技术,不受环境干扰和温度变化的影响,具有高可靠性和稳定性。

三、产品结构与工作原理1. 产品结构:雷达料位计由天线、发射器、接收器和信号处理器组成。


2. 工作原理:雷达料位计通过发射和接收射频信号来测量物料的高度。


四、安装与使用1. 安装:在安装雷达料位计时,应选择合适的安装位置,确保天线与物料的最短距离大于其工作距离,并避免遮挡物影响信号的传输。

2. 使用:连接电源后,雷达料位计将自动进行初始化,并可通过显示屏或输出接口查看测量结果。


五、维护与保养1. 定期检查:用户应定期检查雷达料位计的各部件是否正常工作,并对连接线路进行检查和清洁,确保信号传输畅通。

2. 清洁保养:用户应定期对雷达料位计进行清洁和保养,避免尘埃和杂物进入设备,确保其正常运行和测量的准确性。

3. 故障排除:在使用过程中,如发现设备异常或测量结果不准确,应及时联系售后服务,进行故障排除。

六、注意事项1. 避免使用于易燃、易爆或腐蚀性介质的容器中,以免发生意外。

2. 请勿在雷达料位计上进行任何未经授权的维修或改装,以免损害设备或造成人身伤害。



工程代号: 编写: 审核: 批准: 日期: 页 码雷达料位计手操器调试说明 LR260 1、恢复工厂设置进入4 Service - 4.1 Device Reset - 选择Factory Defaults - 确定 2、设定参数进入2 Setup - 2.2 Input - 2.2.1 Sensor Calibration - Sensor Units -选择M (单位是米) Operation - 选择Level (物位测量) Low Calibration Pt -输入16 (满量程16米) High Calibration Pt -输入0(高位点)2.2.7 Rate - Response Rate -fast (选择反应速度) 标红处根据实际情况设定。

3、 回波选择(如以上步骤完成后仪表正常工作,不需调整此项) 2.2.4. Echo Processing - Echo Select -供选择形式12种,第三项 L ,第八项 BLF ,第十二项 TF 是常用的形式,根据实际情况调整。

如果使用延长导波管,建议使用第三项L 。

4、 阻尼时间设定2. Damping Filter ,工厂默认为0,一般可设定5-20S 。


5、自动抑制范围工程代号: 编写: 审核: 批准: 日期: 页 码2.2.5.3 Auto Suppression Range 工厂默认为1.00M ,可以根据实际情况设置范围是0-30M 。

一般设置为法兰下端面至喇叭天线的长度加20-30CM 。 Auto False Echo Suppression 虚假波抑制学习, 选择Learn ,等待变为On ,设置成功。

6、波形图3.1 Echo Profile ,观察波峰位置。



E+H 针对固体物料所改进的发射头
直接将雷达波发射到天线上 -> 充分利用天线表面 -> 信噪比提高 发射头表面选用 PEEK 代替 PTFE -> 提高高温时发射头的表面强 度
发射头顶部为“针式”设计,不 发射头顶部为“针式”设计, 易挂料
Slide 7
Endress+Hauser –固体雷达物位计培训
E+H非接触式固体雷 E+H非接触式固体雷 达的技术特点 现场应用及安装注 意要点 固体物料连续测量 方案总结
特点2 特点2:量程 2: USP 2:MEASURING RANGE 70米 FMR250的量程: 喇叭及抛物面天线均为70 FMR250的量程: 喇叭及抛物面天线均为70米,两种天线的区 的量程 别仅在于发射角不一样
Classification: INTERNAL
Endress+Hauser –固体雷达物位计培训
新型两线制固体雷达FMR250 新型两线制固体雷达FMR250 技术特点一览
E+H非接触式固体雷 E+H非接触式固体雷 达的技术特点 现场应用及安装注 意要点 固体物料连续测量 方案总结
• 典型应用工况 : • 粉尘环境恶劣的物料, 如: 水泥,电厂灰仓,原材料, 饲料, 粮 粉尘环境恶劣的物料, 水泥,电厂灰仓,原材料, 饲料, 食… • 过程温度比较高的物料,如:熟料, 过程温度比较高的物料, 熟料, • 磨损性强的固体物料, 如. 矿石, 熟料, … 磨损性强的固体物料, 矿石, 熟料,


其他参数 含义 3.4.1 最小测量值 3.4.2 最大测量值 3.4.3 3.4.4 最小传感器值 最大传感器值
定义测量范围的最小可 用值 定义测量范围的最大可 用值
3.4.5 最小过程温度 3.4.6 最大过程温度 设置一个回波必须达到的最小的回波置信度,以便可以阻止失波状态和终止LOE定时器。 回波阈值长 当回波置信度超过置信度阈值,回波会被评价。默认值10 从回波图上去掉一个虚假回波,把虚假回波的宽度以mm为单位乘 窄回波过滤器 默认0 以0.014,输入结果 改善回波 推荐10-20 近范围 自动TVT 自动虚假回波抑制 自动虚假回波 抑制距离 低值 高值 定义输入值的能使用的 低值 定义了输入值的能使用 的高值 从回波图上平滑化有锯齿的波。改善碎的回波为一个回波 在此范围内任何回波都将被忽略,也可称为死区或盲区 确认从天线参考点到物料表面的实际距离。量库得到的数据减2 米,使用这个结果出入范围值然后按右箭头确认
4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9
FS值 4mA修正 20mA修正
在失效安全定时器已经 结束时输出的用户定义 的mA值 具体方法见说明书71ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 具体方法见说明书72页
低限报警 低限警告 高限报警 高限警告 滞后用来调整 触发报警信息 的敏感度 失效安全模式 FS VALUE LAST VAL USE BAD 失效安全值 FS模式 默认值作为输出值 储存最后一个有效输出值 计算出的输出值是错误的 4.3.6



6.3G智能雷达物位计产品说明书金湖通科仪表有限公司目录一、智能雷达物位计测量原理 (3)产品简介 (4)安装指南 (5)仪表尺寸 (9)测量条件 (11)编程调试 (11)技术参数 (13)产品选型 (14)二、导波雷达物位计测量原理 (17)产品简介 (19)安装指南 (20)调试 (23)仪表尺寸 (24)技术参数 (24)产品选型 (25)三、物位计选型参数表 (26)脉冲型雷达物位计一、测量原理发射能量很低的极短的微波脉冲通过天线系统发射并接收。









应用介质:● 6.3G智能系列雷达物位计适用于对液体、浆料及颗粒料的物位进行非接触式连续测量,适用于温度、压力变化大;有惰性气体及挥发存在的场合。








微乃电子微波水位传感器M FMR230 231、FMR240 244 245、FMR250操作手册说

微乃电子微波水位传感器M FMR230 231、FMR240 244 245、FMR250操作手册说

SD00327F/00/EN/13.1071125885Functional Safety ManualMicropilot MFMR230/231, FMR240/244/245, FMR250Level-Radarwith 4 to 20 mA Output SignalApplicationOperating minimum (e.g. dry run protection) andmaximum (e.g. overfill protection) detection of powdery to granular bulk solids and all types of liquids in systems to satisfy particular safety systems requirements as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511.The measuring device fulfils the requirements concerning•Functional safety as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511•Explosion protection (depending on the version)•Electromagnetic compatibility as per EN 61326 and NAMUR recommendation NE 21•Electrical safety as per IEC/EN 61010-1Your benefits•Used for level monitoring (MIN, MAX) up to SIL 2–Independently assessed (Functional Assessment) by as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511•Permanent self-monitoring •Continuous measurement•Non-contact measurement: measurement is virtually independent of product properties •Easy commissioningMicropilot M Table of contentsSIL Declaration of Conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Structure of the measuring system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Description of use as a protective system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Permitted device types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Supplementary device documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Description of the safety requirements andboundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Safety function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Restrictions for use in safety-related applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Functional safety indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Behavior of device during operation and in case of error . . . . . . . 11Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Proof-test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Proof-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Process for proof-testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Repairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Commissioning or proof test protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Exida Management Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182Endress+HauserMicropilot MEndress+Hauser 3SIL Declaration of ConformitySIL_08006a_deMicropilot M4Endress+HauserIntroduction!Note!General information on functional safety (SIL) is available at:/SIL (German) or /SIL (English) and in Competence Brochure CP002Z "Functional Safety in the Process Industry - Risk Reduction with Safety Instrumented Systems".Structure of the measuring systemSystem componentsThe measuring system's devices are displayed in the following diagram (example).An analog signal (4 to 20 mA) in proportion to the level is generated in the transmitter. This is sent to adownstream logic unit (e.g. PLC, limit signal transmitter, etc.) where it is monitored to determine whether it is below or above a specified limit value.For fault monitoring, the logic unit must recognize both HI-alarms (≥ 21.0 mA) and LO-alarms (≤ 3.6 mA).Micropilot MEndress+Hauser 5Description of use as a protective systemThe Micropilot M is a "downward-looking" measuring system that functions according to the ToF method (ToF = Time of Flight). The distance from the reference point (process connection of the measuring device) to the product surface is measured. Radar impulses are emitted by an antenna, reflected off the product surface and received again by the radar system.Typical measuring arrangement:!Note!Correct installation is a prerequisite for safe operation of the device.Permitted device typesThe details pertaining to functional safety in this manual relate to the device versions listed below and are valid as of the specified software and hardware version. Unless otherwise specified, all subsequent versions can also be used for safety instrumented systems.A modification process according to IEC 61508 is applied for device changes.Valid device versions for safety-related use:Micropilot M FMR230, FMR244FeatureDesignation Version 010Approval all 020Antennaall 030Antenna Seal; Temperature all 040Process Connection all 050Output; Operation A, B, K 060Housing all 070Cable Entry all 080Additional OptionallValid software version: FMR230: as of 01.04.00; FMR244: as of 01.05.00Valid hardware version (electronics): as of delivery date January 2010Micropilot MMicropilot M FMR231Feature Designation Version010Approval all020Antenna; Inactive Length all030Process Connection all040Output; Operation A, B, K050Housing all060Cable Entry all070Gas-Tight Feed Through all080Additional Option allValid software version: FMR231: as of 01.04.00Valid hardware version (electronics): as of delivery date January 2010Micropilot M FMR240, FMR250Feature Designation Version010Approval all020Antenna all030Antenna Seal; Temperature all040Antenna Extension all050Process Connection all060Output; Operation A, B, K070Housing all080Cable Entry all090Additional Option allValid software version: FMR240, FMR250: as of 01.05.00Valid hardware version (electronics): as of delivery date January 2010Micropilot M FMR245Feature Designation Version010Approval all020Antenna all030Process Connection all040Output; Operation A, B, K050Housing all060Cable Entry all070Additional Option allValid software version: FMR245: as of 01.05.00Valid hardware version (electronics): as of delivery date January 20106Endress+HauserMicropilot MEndress+Hauser 7Supplementary device documentationDocumentationContentsCommentTechnical InformationTI00345F/00 (FMR23x, FMR24x)TI00390F/00 (FMR250)–Technical data–Instructions on accessories –The documentation is available on the Internet.→ .Operating Instructions (HART)BA00218F/00 (FMR230)BA00219F/00 (FMR231)BA00220F/00 (FMR240)BA00248F/00 (FMR244)BA00251F/00 (FMR245)BA00284F/00 (FMR250)–Identification –Installation –Wiring –Operation–Commissioning –Maintenance –Accessories –Troubleshooting –Technical data –Appendix–The documentation is supplied with the device.–The documentation is also available on the Internet.→ .Operating Instructions (Device Functions)BA00221F/00 (FMR23x)BA00291F/00 (FMR24x, FMR250)–Instructions on use–Micropilot M function menu –Function groups ...–...–Envelope curve –Troubleshooting–Function menu index–The documentation is available on the Internet.→ .Safety instructions depending on the selected version "Approval"–Safety, installation and operating instructions for devices, which are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres or as overfill protection (WHG, German Water Resources Act).Additional safety instructions(XA, XB, XC, ZE, ZD) are supplied with certified device versions.Please refer to the nameplate for the relevant safety instructions.Micropilot M8Endress+HauserDescription of the safety requirements and boundary conditionsSafety functionThe mandatory settings and safety function data emanate from the descriptions from →ä11.The measuring system's reaction time is ≤ 5 s.!Note!MTTR is set at 8 hours.Safety-related signal:The Micropilot M's safety-related signal is the 4 to 20 mA analog output signal. All safety measures refer to this signal exclusively.The Micropilot M additionally communicates effectively via HART and contains all HART features with additional device information.The safety-related output signal is fed to a downstream logic unit, e.g. a programmable logic controller or a limit signal transmitter where it is monitored for the following:–Overshooting and/or undershooting a specified level limit.–The occurrence of a fault, e.g. error current (≤ 3.6 mA, ≥ 21.0 mA, interruption or short-circuit of the signal line).Restrictions for use in safety-related applicationsThe measuring system must be used correctly for the specific application, taking into account the medium properties and ambient conditions. Carefully follow instructions pertaining to critical process situations and installation conditions from the Operating Instructions.The specifications from the Operating Instructions (→ä7, "Supplementary device documentation") must not be exceeded.The following restriction also applies to safety-related use:–The accuracy of the 4 to 20 mA safety-related output signal is ± 10%.Micropilot MFunctional safety indicators The following tables show specific indicators for functional safety.Characteristic as per IEC 61508FMR23x with 4 to 20 mA outputSafety functions MIN MAXSIL2HFT0Device type BMode of operation Low demand modeSFF 67 % 74 %MTTR8 hRecommended time interval for proof-testing T1 1 yearλsd *2 392 FIT 87 FITλsu *2951 FIT1125 FITλdd *2541 FIT846 FITλdu *2916 FIT710 FITλtot *32800 FIT2768 FITPFD avg for T1 = 1 year *14,01 × 10-33,11 × 10-3PFD avg for T1 = 1 year *54,75 × 10-33,69 × 10-3MTBF *335 yearsSystem reaction time *4≤ 5 s*1 PFD avg*2 According to Siemens SN29500.*3 According to Siemens SN29500, including faults outside the safety function.*4 Step response time as per DIN EN 61298-2.*5 Calculated, with MTTR = 24 h, lifetime (LT) = 10 years and proof test coverage (PTC) = 98 %,Proof-test intervalEndress+Hauser9Micropilot MCharacteristic as per IEC 61508FMR24x, FMR250 with 4...20 mA outputSafety functions MIN MAXSIL2HFT0Device type BMode of operation Low demand modeSFF 68 % 75 %MTTR8 hRecommended time interval for proof-testing T1 1 yearλsd *2 356 FIT 99 FITλsu *21031 FIT1207 FITλdd *2621 FIT878 FITλdu *2903 FIT697 FITλtot *32911 FIT2881 FITPFD avg for T1 = 1 year *13,96 × 10-33,05 × 10-3PFD avg for T1 = 1 year *54,68 × 10-33,62 × 10-3MTBF *335 yearsSystem reaction time *4≤ 5 s*1 PFD avg*2 According to Siemens SN29500.*3 According to Siemens SN29500, including faults outside the safety function.*4 Step response time as per DIN EN 61298-2.*5 Calculated, with MTTR = 24 h, lifetime (LT) = 10 years and proof test coverage (PTC) = 98 %,Proof-test interval10Endress+HauserDangerous undetected failures in this scenario:An incorrect output signal that deviates from the real measured value by more than 10%, but is still in the range of 4 to 20 mA, is considered a dangerous, undetected failure.Useful lifetime of electrical components:The established failure rates of electrical components apply within the useful lifetime as per IEC 61508:2000, section note 3.Behavior of device during operation and in case of error Behavior of device during power-upThe safe 4 to 20 mA output signal is available after 17 s after the device is switched on or when the voltage returns.Device response in the event of alarms or warningsError currentIn the event of an alarm, the output current can be configured to a value of ≤ 3.6 mA or ≥ 21.0 mA.In some cases (e.g. failure of power supply, a cable open circuit and faults in the current output itself, where the error current ≥ 21.0 mA cannot be set), output currents ≤ 3.6 mA irrespective of the configured error current can occur.For alarm monitoring, the logic unit must therefore be able to recognize both HI-alarms (≥ 21.0 mA) and LO-alarms (≤ 3.6 mA).Alarm and warning messagesAdditional information is available in the form of fault codes on the alarm and warning messages output.Installation Installation, wiring and commissioningInstallation, wiring and commissioning of the device is described in the accompanying Operating Instructions(→ä7, "Supplementary device documentation").OrientationThe permitted orientations of the device are described in the Operating Instructions.Operation Calibration of the measuring pointCalibration of the measuring point is described in the Operating Instructions.The method of device configuration!Note!Altered settings (display/FieldCare) in the "extended calibr." function group (Pos. 05) such as "offset" or"curr.turn down" (Pos. 063) in the "output" function group have an effect on the output signal.This must be taken into account when calculating the response height (see relevant Operating Instructions).We recommend that you check that the behavior of the current signal matches the expected behavior by meansof level simulation (correctness of configuration).Configuration schemata/basic calibrationThe parameters are safety-oriented with the "WHG" setting in 018 (→ information in the following table).As an alternative to activating the "WHG" setting, it is also possible to make the safety-oriented setting manually. In doing so, please observe the information in the table below.!Note!The parameters in italics are located on the service level, which can be opened with the code "300".FieldCare / Display - plain text displayDisplay VU331 Position Media type (only FMR24x, FMR250 (software version 01.05.00))001↓Tank shape *1 (FMR23x, FMR24x) or Bin type (FMR250)002↓Medium property003↓Process conditions004↓Empty calibration E005↓Full calibration F006↓Pipe diameter (for bypass / stilling well)007↓MappingSee Operating Instructions ↓Further settings: function group 05See Operating Instructions ↓Overfill protection WHG018↓On-site locking: 3 keys on the VU331 displayYes *1 For FMR 240 with wave guide antenna, stilling well must always be selected as tank shape.FieldCare /Display - plain text display Value/parameterDisplay VU331CommentSafety settings Output on ALARM Max. 110 %, 22 mA 010Parameter must be configured in this way Output echo loss ALARM 012Parameter must be configured in this way Delay time1 s014→ Note 1In safety distance SD self holding016→ Note 3!Note! 1.This parameter determines the reaction time of the device in the event of echo loss; a setting of less than 30 s is recommended.2.This parameter determines the reaction time of the device; deviating settings are possible.In case of changes in "process cond." (004) it is automatically adjusted. The corresponding reaction time is indicated in the documentation BA.3.This parameter can be selected differently, depending on the application.A measuring condition (echo) which results in an ALARM in the "Safety distance SD" area can be reset or deleted by–confirming the ALARM in Pos. 017 locally by means of the VU331 LCD display;–confirming the alarm via the communication protocol (HART) (FieldCare: "ackn. alarm" under safety settings).FieldCare /Display - plain text display Value/parameterDisplay VU331CommentFiltering/averaging/delay Envelope statistics up 20D23→ Note 2Envelope statistics down 20D24→ Note 2MAM filter length 50D11→ Note 2MAM filter border 10D12→ Note 2Output damping 0058→ Note 2Echo detection FEF edge (nur bei MIN)00D56Parameter must be configured in this way FAC mode FMC rising 0D99Parameter must be configured in this way FAC adder6 dB 0D35Parameter must be configured in this way Tank bottom detection OFF0D61Parameter must be configured in this way First echo factor unchanged, but if previously smaller than 30, than: 0D530D51→ Note 3FEF threshold 00D52→ Note 3FEF at near distance 30 dB 0D53→ Note 3FEF distance near 500 mm 0D54→ Note 3FEF distance far 3000 mm0D55Parameter must be configured in this way Max. filling speed 0 mm/s (factory setting)0D15Parameter must be configured in this way Max. drain speed 0 mm/s (factory setting)0D16Parameter must be configured in this wayOtherDetection window OFF0A7Parameter must be configured in this way Hysterese width 0 mm (factory setting)0D14Parameter must be configured in this way Communication address 0060Parameter must be configured in this way Current output mode "Standard" if previously "Fixed current" 063Parameter must be configured in this way SimulationSim. / OFF065Parameter must be configured in this wayLockingThe device must be locked once the Micropilot M has been calibrated as per the Operating Instructions.Type of locking Code/action Position/VU331 displayHardware (recommended) 3 keys together "lock"Locally via VU331 display (keys O and S and F)↓Software (mandatory)WHG (german)018UnlockingThe device is unlocked by firstly removing the hardware lock by locally pressing all the three keys together viathe VU331 LCD display and then by setting the "Overfill protection" parameter (Position 018) to "Standard" ifnecessary.Type of unlocking Code/action Position/VU331 displayHardware (if locked) 3 keys together "unlock"Locally via VU331 display (keys O and S and F)↓Software Standard018Maintenance Please refer to the relevant Operating Instructions (→ä7, "Supplementary device documentation") forinstructions on maintenance and recalibration.Alternative monitoring measures must be taken to ensure process safety during configuration, proof-testing andmaintenance work on the device.Proof-testProof-test Check the operativeness and safety of safety functions at appropriate intervals!The operator must determine the time intervals.You can refer to the diagram "Proof-test interval" →ä9, →ä10, for this purpose.Proof-testing of the device can be performed as follows:–Approaching the level (→ test sequence A).–Removing the device and measuring a medium with comparable properties (→ test sequence B).You must also check that all cover seals and cable entries are sealing correctly.Process for proof-testing Test sequence APreparation1.Connect suitable measuring device (recommended accuracy better ±0.1 mA) to the current output.2.Determine the safety setting (level limit monitoring).Procedure for level limit monitoring1.Approach the level directly below (MAX monitoring) or directly above (MIN monitoring) the level limitto be monitored.2.Read the output current, record it and assess for accuracy.3.Approach the level directly above (MAX monitoring) or directly below (MIN monitoring) the level limitto be monitored.4.Read the output current, record it and assess for accuracy.5.The test is deemed successful if the current in step 2 does not result in activation of the safety functionbut the current in step 4 does.!Note!The proof-test is deemed to have failed if the expected current value deviates for a specific level by >±10%.For troubleshooting, → Operating Instructions (→ä7, "Supplementary device documentation"), Section 9.98% of dangerous, undetected failures are detected using this test.Test sequence BPreparation1.Prepare the test tank with the medium (dielectric constant comparable to that of the medium to bemeasured).For installation instructions, → Operating Instructions (→ä7, "Supplementary devicedocumentation"), Section 3.2.Remove the device and mount it in the test tank.3.Perform interference echo mapping if the shape and size of the test tank is different.4.Connect suitable measuring device (recommended accuracy better than ±0.1 mA) to the current output.5.Determine the safety setting (level limit monitoring).Procedure for level limit monitoring→ Test sequence A!Note!The proof-test is deemed to have failed if the expected current value deviates for a specific level by > ±10%.For troubleshooting, → Operating Instructions (→ä7, "Supplementary device documentation"), Section 9.98% of dangerous, undetected failures are detected using this test."Caution!If an interference echo mapping was performed in the test tank, a valid interference echo mapping must beperformed after the device is mounted in the original tank.!Note!If one of the test criteria from the test sequences described above is not fulfilled, the device may no longer beused as part of a safety instrumented system.The purpose of proof-testing is to detect random device failures. The impact of systematic faults on the safetyfunction is not covered by this test and must be assessed separately.Systematic faults can be caused, for example, by process material properties, operating conditions, build-up orcorrosion.RepairsRepairs Repairs on the devices must always be carried out by Endress+Hauser.Safety functions cannot be guaranteed if repairs are carried out by anybody else.Exception:The following components can be replaced by the customer if the person responsible for doing so has beentrained beforehand by Endress+Hauser:–Sensor–HF module–Electronic insert–Terminal moduleThe replaced components must be sent to Endress+Hauser for the purpose of fault analysis.Once the components have been replaced, a proof-test must be carried out as per test sequence A (→ä15)or test sequence B (→ä15).In the event of failure of a SIL-labeled Endress+Hauser device, which has been operated in a protectionfunction, the "Declaration of Contamination and Cleaning" with the corresponding note "Used as SIL device inprotection system" must be enclosed when the defective device is returned.Please refer to the Section "Return" in the Operating Instructions (→ä7, "Supplementary devicedocumentation").AppendixCommissioning or proof test ArrayprotocolExida Management SummaryEndress+Hauser2122Endress+HauserEndress+Hauser23Instruments InternationalEndress+HauserInstruments International AGKaegenstrasse 24153 ReinachSwitzerlandTel.+41 61 715 81 00Fax+41 61 715 25 00***************.comSD00327F/00/EN/13.1071125885FM+SGML 6.071125885。



sitransPage EN-2SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR2501.This symbol is used when there is no corresponding caution symbol on the product.••简体中文安全指导方针FCC一致性警告标示一定要注意,以保证人身安全和保护本仪表和整个装置。


只针对美国安装:美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)规则警告: SITRANS LR250只能按照本手册描述的方法使用,否则设备保护可能被削弱。

SITRANS LR250是一种2线制脉冲雷达物位变送器,用于储罐,包括高温和高压工况液体和浆液的连续监测。





警告: 没有经过Siemens Milltronics认可的改动会使用户对本设备的操作权作废。

注意:本设备已经经过测试可以用于Class A数字设备限制兼容,依照FCC准则Part 15。




7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL Page EN-3• •• CSA US/C , FM, CE• Europe ETSI EN302-372, FCC, Industry Canada • ATEX II 1G, EEx ia IIC T4ATEX II 1D, EEx tD A20 IP67 T90 °CIECEx SIR 05.0031X, Ex ia IIC T4, EX tD A20 IP67 T90 °CFM/CSA: 1 Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F , G Class III T4.1.See Appendix A for FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe connection drawing (23650653) (North America only) onpage A-1.–40 o C to +150 o C (–40 o–40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F)设备铭牌过程设备标签过程温度(过程连接点,使用FKM O圈)环境温度(外壳周围)环境/操作温度注意:* 过程温度和压力容量依照过程设备标签。
























以下是雷达料位计的详细说明书:1. 产品概述:雷达料位计是一种非接触式的料位测量仪器,适用于各种液体和固体物料的测量。


2. 技术原理:雷达料位计采用微波雷达技术,通过发射微波信号并接收反射回来的信号来测量物料与仪器之间的距离。


3. 产品特点:- 高精度:雷达料位计具有高精度的测量能力,可达到毫米级别的测量精度。

- 稳定性好:它具有稳定的性能,不受温度、压力等因素的影响。

- 非接触式测量:雷达料位计无需与物料接触,避免了污染和磨损的问题。

- 适应性广:它适用于各种液体和固体物料的测量,包括高温、高压、腐蚀性物料等。

4. 产品组成:雷达料位计主要由以下组件组成:- 发射器:用于发射微波信号。

- 接收器:用于接收反射回来的信号。

- 处理单元:用于计算距离并转换为料位值。

- 显示器:用于显示料位值。

5. 安装和使用:- 安装:将雷达料位计安装在容器的侧壁上,并确保与物料之间没有遮挡物。

- 设置:根据实际情况设置测量范围、单位等参数。

- 使用:开启雷达料位计,并观察显示器上的料位值。

6. 注意事项:- 避免与其他电磁设备干扰,以免影响测量结果。

- 定期检查雷达料位计的工作状态,确保其正常运行。

- 遵循操作手册中的安全操作规程,以免发生意外事故。





6.3G智能雷达物位计产品说明书金湖通科仪表有限公司目录一、智能雷达物位计测量原理 (3)产品简介 (4)安装指南 (5)仪表尺寸 (9)测量条件 (11)编程调试 (11)技术参数 (13)产品选型 (14)二、导波雷达物位计测量原理 (17)产品简介 (19)安装指南 (20)调试 (23)仪表尺寸 (24)技术参数 (24)产品选型 (25)三、物位计选型参数表 (26)脉冲型雷达物位计一、测量原理发射能量很低的极短的微波脉冲通过天线系统发射并接收。









应用介质:● 6.3G智能系列雷达物位计适用于对液体、浆料及颗粒料的物位进行非接触式连续测量,适用于温度、压力变化大;有惰性气体及挥发存在的场合。










back to home(093)返回
Display(09)显示 format display(094)显示模式
no.of decimals(095)小数位数
Sep.character(096)分隔符 Display test(097)显示测试 Plot setting(0E1)作图设置
delay time(014)延迟时间
safety distance(015)安全距离
in safety dist.(016)进入安全距离
ackn.alarm(017)确认报警 overspill prot(018)溢出保护 level/ullage(040)物位/空罐
___%min s in case of echo loss max.4000 sec(当失波时最大4000秒 m from antenna tip/lower edge of horm(从天线尖端/喇叭下沿开始) warning 警告 self holding 自锁 alarm 报警 no yes standard 标准 german WHG德国 level cu (进入(041)再选择自动 level du 或半自动进入(043) ullage cu ullage du(默认空高距离单位) linear线性 horizontal水平卧罐
add.agitator搅拌器 fast change快速变化 test:no filter测试无滤波 --- m distance process min.level 过程连接至最低液位的距离 ---m span
——m dist m距离值
Out put on alarm(010)报警输出
medium property(003)介质条件



TI 390F/28/zh/v1.0
此M i cr o pi lo t M型 雷 达特 别 适 用 于 对 粉状 和粒状的固 体进 行连 续、非接触 的物 位测量。另 外它 也可 用于液体测 量。 测量不受粉 尘、 进料 噪声、温度 分层 和气 体分层的影 响。 典型 的应 用场合有: ·在 粉尘 严重的高的 固体 料仓(如水
· 对 于 低介 电常 数 的 介 质 ( 组A和 组B),在 低 料位 时 , 罐底 可 见 。 此时 为 保 证测 量
精 度 ,建 议将 零点 定于 距 罐 底 高度 为C=50 ... 1 50m m的位 置(见图)。 ·理论上测 量达到天线 尖端 的位置是可 能的,但是,考 虑到 磨损及粘附的影 响,测
波 等)专 用 的 图 形 化 操 作 软 件 。 其 功 能 包 括 组 态、 加 密 数 据 、 信号 分 析 及 测量点
的文 件编制。
远程 操 作
· 利 用HA RT手操 器D X R 37 5
· 利 用个 人 计算 机、C om m ub o x F X A l 91及 操 作 软 件 “T oF To o l- F i el d To o l
F1 2外壳
T 12外 壳
F 2 3外壳
密封 端子 接线腔
H A R T负 载 电源电压
2线 制,4 . ..20 m A带HA RT
二芯电 缆连 接到 端子 接线腔 内的 螺纹 端 子 ( 线径0.5 . ..2 .5m m),若使 用模 拟信号,用 标准 安装电缆即 可, 如若 叠 加 了HAR T信号 ,使 用 屏 蔽 线。 内建对 极性 反接 、射 频干扰 、及 尖峰 过 压 的 保 护 电 路 ( 参 考 TI 241F 《E M C测 试基 础》 )



Micropilot M型物位雷达特别适用于对粉末及颗粒状固体 物料进行连续、非接触式物位测量,它也适用于对液体 进行物位测量。测量不受粉层、进料噪声、温度分层及 气体分层的影响。
典型应用场合有: ·粉尘严重的高固体料仓(如水泥,生料或动物饲
料)中的物位测量。 ·可应用于温度高达200℃(392°F)的场合,如水泥熟
TI 390F/28/zh/11.05/(11.07)
Micropilot M FMR250
Microp ilot是一种基于 时间行程 原理 的“ 俯视 式” 测量 系统 。用 于测 量参 考点 (过 程连 接) 与物 料 表面 间的 距离 。天 线发射微波脉冲 信号 ,在 被测 物料 表面 产生 反射 ,且 反射 回波 信号 又被 雷达 系 统所接收。
Micropi lot M FMR250
输出 对Micropilo t进行设置 需要输入以下信息 :空 罐高 度E(测量 零点 )、 满罐高度 F( 满量 程值 )和 相 关应用参数。应用参数使仪表能自动适应测量过程条件。对于电流输出型仪表, E点和F点分别对 应于4m A和20mA的电 流输 出; 而对 于数 字输 出型 仪表 及显 示单 元, E点和 F点 则分 别对 应于 物位 的 0%和100%。 线性 化是 通过 手动 输入或半自 动输 入线 性化 表( 最多 包括 32个 点) 来实 现的 ,用 户可 现场 或远 程 激活 该功 能。 对球 罐、柱罐及采用圆锥 形排 泄口 的罐 体中 的物 料进 行物 位测 量时 ,该 功能 可提 供 工程单位的测量值和线性输出信号。
可通过以下接口进行故障诊断: ·现场显示:
-出错标志 -纯文本显示 ·电流输出 ·数字接口















即:h= H–vt/2式中 h为料位;H为槽高; v为雷达波速度;t为雷达波发射到接收的间隔时间。







高频雷达物位计使用说明书目录测量原理 (1)仪表概况 (2)结构尺寸 (3)安装要求 (5)电气连接 (8)仪表调试 (10)●测量原理雷达物位计天线发射极窄的微波脉冲,这个脉冲以光速在空间传播,遇到被测介质表面,其部分能量被反射回来,被同一天线接收。



具有以下特点:➢频率高、波束角小,能量集中,具有更强抗干扰能力,大大提高了测量精度和可靠性;➢天线尺寸小,便于安装和加装防尘罩等天线防护装置;➢测量盲区小,对于小罐测量也会取得良好的效果;➢波长更短,对小颗粒物质的料位测量更适合;➢各种特殊复杂工况的测量,如高温、高压及小介电常数介质的测量等;➢非接触式、高可靠性,免维护的仪表34● 高频雷达物位计产品概况:外 形KFL625系列KFL626系列KFL627系列KFL628系列应用场合 各种酸、碱储罐等腐蚀性液体液位测量食品、医药等强腐蚀性或卫生级环境液体测量复杂工况的固体液体测量 高温高压、多粉尘、介电常数小、大量程等最大量程 10m 30m 20m 70m测量精度 ±5mm ±5mm±5mm ±15mm过程连接螺纹 PTFE/PP 法兰 螺纹PP/PTFE/不锈钢316L 法兰PTFE 法兰 不锈钢(PTFE 罩) 螺纹PTFE/PP/不锈钢法兰 万向节不锈钢(PTFE 罩)过程温度 -40…100°C-50…150°C -50~200°C -50~400°C -40~+150℃ 散热片 -40~120°C -50~200°C -50~400°C 过程压力 (-0.1~0.3)MPa(-0.1~4)Mpa (-0.1~40)MPa(-0.1~0.5)MPa(-0.1~4)Mpa (-0.1~40)Mpa频率范围 32GHz32GHz 32GHz32GHz 信号输出 两线制/四线制 4-20mA/HART 两线制/四线制 4-20mA/HART 两线制/四线制 4-20mA/HART 两线制/四线制 4-20mA/HART 电 源 两线制DC24V四线制DC24V /AC220V两线制DC24V 四线制DC24V /AC220V两线制DC24V 四线制DC24V /AC220V 两线制DC24V 四线制DC24V /AC220V 天线结构 喇叭喇叭 喇叭/喇叭带万向节 喇叭/喇叭带万向节抛物面 天线材质PTFE 316L 不锈钢/PTFE 罩 PTFE/316L 不锈钢/PTFE 罩316L 不锈钢 316L 不锈钢PTFE 罩 天线尺寸Φ44mm *长137 mm Φ44mm *长237 mmΦ75mm *长190 mmΦ48mm *长140 mm Φ78mm *长227 mm Φ98mm *长288 mm Φ98mm *长474 mm Φ123mm *长620 mmΦ98mm *长300 mm Φ98mm *长480 mm Φ123mm *长625 mm 法兰DN50/80/100Φ48mm *长140 mm Φ78mm *长227 mm Φ98mm *长288 mm Φ98mm *长474 mm Φ123mm *长620 mm Φ98mm *长300 mm 万向 Φ98mm *长480 mm 万向 Φ123mm *长625 mm 万向抛物面Φ98mm 天线特点全密封四氟天线 耐腐蚀,防凝结物 耐温、耐压 抗凝结、抗挂料 四氟锥面天线 耐腐蚀、耐压、防凝结耐温、耐压 防结露、结晶、挂料5● 结构尺寸(单位:mm )A/B/C/G型外壳/材质:AL/PBT/防静电PP/316LD/H 型外壳/材质:AL/316LKFL625KFL6266KFL627KFL6287● 安装要求基本要求天线发射微波脉冲时,都有一定的发射角,从天线下缘到被测介质表面之间,由发射的微波波束所辐射的区域内,不得有障碍物,因此安装时应尽可能避开罐内设施,如:人梯、限位开关、加热设备、支架等。

Micropilot M FMR250 电子点级传感器说明书

Micropilot M FMR250 电子点级传感器说明书

XA00448F-C/00/B2/13.1371220286Safety InstructionsMicropilot M FMR2504-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIC T1...T6 Ga/Gb NEPSI GYJ13.1095Xen -Document: XA00448F-CSafety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas →ä3zh -文档:XA00448F-C爆炸环境中电气仪表的安全指南→ä7NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-C Micropilot M 2Endress+HauserMicropilot M NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-CEndress+Hauser3Micropilot M FMR2504-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION FieldbusAssociated DocumentationThis document is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions:HART: BA00284F/00PROFIBUS PA: BA00331F/00FOUNDATION Fieldbus: BA00336F/00The Operating Instructions which are supplied and correspond to the device type apply.Supplementary Documentation Explosion-protection brochure:CP00021Z/11DesignationExplanation of the labelling and type of protection can be found in the explosion protection brochure.Applied standardsDesignation of explosion protection/level of protectionEx d ia [ia Ga]IIC T1...T6Ga/GbGB 3836.1-2010GB 3836.2-2010GB 3836.4-2010GB 3836.20-2010NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-C Micropilot M4Endress+HauserSafety instructions:Special conditions Permitted ambient temperature range at the electronics housing: –40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +70 °C.Observe the information in the temperature tables.Safety instructions: Installationå 1A Zone 11Tank; hazardous area Zone 02Horn or parabolic antenna 3Electronic insert;Electronics compartment Ex ia 4Housing:–T12 (Aluminium)optionally with or without VU331 display and operating module 5Connection compartment (Ex d);Do not open under voltage in explosive atmospheres 6Power supply7Tank; hazardous area Zone 18Local potential equalization•Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions and any other valid standards and regulations.•The electrical apparatus must be integrated into the local potential equalization line. The input circuit is galvanically connected to the housing.•The external earth connection facility should be connected reliably.•The relationship between the permitted ambient temperature for the electronics housing, dependent on the range of application and the temperature classes is shown in the tables (→ä5, "Temperature tables").•After aligning (rotating) the housing, retighten the fixing screw (Allen screw on the threaded neck).•Connection compartment cover: "Do not open under voltage in explosive atmospheres".•For operating the transmitter housing at an ambient temperature under -20 °C, appropriate cables and cable entries permitted for this application must be used.•Continuous duty temperature of the cable ≥ Ta +5 K.•Connect the device using suitable cable and wire entries or using piping systems of protection type "Pressure-tight Enclosure d".(Complying with the stipulations of the Ex d IIC class of the standards GB3836.1/2-2010.)•When connecting the transmitter housing via piping entries permitted for this purpose, the associated seal mechanisms must be arranged directly at the housing.•Close unused entry glands with approved (Ex d) sealing plugs.Air purge connection FMR250:•In closed state the installation must have ingress protection ≥ IP67.•Purging pressure > internal pressure of the vessel.•In the not purging state a respective stop cock or valve must be closed.With open valve or stop cock and without purging fluid explosible atmospheres may be released or flames may enter from the outside.Micropilot M NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-CEndress+Hauser 5Safety instructions:Zone 0•Only operate devices in potentially explosive vapour/air mixtures under atmospheric conditions (→ä5, "Zone 0 - Application"):–20 °C ≤ T ≤ +60 °C 0.8 bar ≤ p ≤ 1.1 bar•If no potentially explosive mixtures are present, the transmitters may be operated under other atmospheric conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.•Only install the devices in media for which the wetted materials have sufficient durability.•For installation, use and maintenance of the device, users must also observe the requirements stated in the Operating Instructions and the standards:–GB50257-1996: "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".–GB3836.13-1997: "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 13: Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive gas atmospheres".–GB3836.15-2000: "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 15: Electrical installations in hazardous area (other than mines)".–GB3836.16-2006: "Electrical apparatus for for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 16: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".Temperature tablesNote: Observe the permitted antenna temperature range.*1 =Functionallimited by maximum permitted antenna temperatureZone 0 - ApplicationConnection dataTemperature class Max. permitted medium temperature at the antenna(process connection) Tmed Max. permitted ambient temperature at the electronics housing (Ta)4-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA FOUNDATION FieldbusT6+80 °C +60 °C +55 °C +60 °C +50 °C +55 °C T5+95 °C +70 °C +65 °C +70 °C +60 °C +70 °C T4+130 °C +70 °C +60 °C +70 °C +60 °C +70 °C T3+195 °C +70 °C +55 °C +70 °C +55 °C +70 °C T2, T1(functional) *1+200 °C +70 °C+55 °C +70 °C+55 °C +70 °CTemperature class Max. permitted medium temperature(Antenna in Zone 0)Max. permitted ambient temperature at the electronics housing (in Zone 1) dependent on the medium temperature 4-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA FOUNDATION FieldbusT6+60 °C +60 °C +55 °C T5 - T1+60 °C+70 °C+70 °CPower supply:U = 32 VUm = 250 V ACNEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-C Micropilot M 6Endress+HauserMicropilot M NEPSI GYJ13.1095X / XA00448F-CEndress+Hauser 7Micropilot M FMR2504-20 mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus (基金会现场总线)相关资料本文档是下列操作手册的组成部分:HART :BA00284F/00PROFIBUS PA :BA00331F/00FOUNDATION Fieldbus (基金会现场总线):BA00336F/00根据用户订购仪表的具体型号所提供的相应操作手册。






L:level(料位高度),显示在OA6中E:empty calibr.(空罐标定,=zero,零点),在菜单005中设置F:full calibr.(满罐标定,=span,量程),在006设定D:distance(空仓高度),显示在0A5中A:在057菜单中设置二、显示2.1 显示符号的意义下表列出了LCD上所出现的符号:三、各菜单功能说明在一般的料位测量的使用中,主要设置以下参数:介质类型(media type 001),罐体形状(Vessel/silo 00A)空罐标定(Empty Calibr. 005),满罐标定(Full Calibr. 006),线性化(linearisation 041),客户单位(Customer unit 042),最大量程(max scale 046 此处的数值需与满罐高度一致)零点调整(offset 057 这一数值将会加到测量值上)在调试过程中需要用到的其他菜单:电流输出模式(Curr. Output mode 063 一般选择“标准”-“Standard”)查看波络线(在菜单envelope curve OE)查看信号距离。

(基本设置00)--(介质类型001:solid 固体;liquid 液体)----(罐体形状00A:unknow 未知;metal silo 金属仓;…..)---(介质特性00B:unknow 未知;DC1.6..1.9…..)---(过程条件00C:standard 标准;fast change 快速变化;…..)---(空罐标定005:输入数值)---(满罐标定006:输入满量程值)---(距离/测量值008:显示D和L)--(检查距离051 :distance=OK 距离OK;dist. toosmall 距离太小;manual 手动;...)---(抑制图范围052:手动输入,在此范围内的信号均被切除,用于干扰信号的切除)---(开始做抑制图053:off 关闭;on 打开;稍等一下,做完抑制图后自动转回off)---(距离/测量值008)---功能组选择(线性化04)--(物位/空罐040:level CU …..)--(线性化041:manual 手动;linear 线性;clear table 清空)---(客户单位042:m 米;…)---(最大量程046:输入满罐高度数值)---功能组选择(扩展标定05)--(选择050:mapping 抑制;common 普通;extended map 扩展抑制)--(回波质量056:显示回波的强弱)--(零点调整057:输入数值将会被加到测量值上)--058---058—059---功能组选择(扩展标定05)--(选择050:mapping 抑制;common 普通;extended map 扩展抑制)--(检查距离051 :distance=OK 距离OK;dist. too small 距离太小;manual 手动;...)---(抑制图范围052:手动输入,在此范围内的信号均被切除,用于干扰信号的切除)---(开始做抑制图053:off 关闭;on 打开;稍等一下,做完抑制图后自动转回off)---(距离/测量值008)---功能组选择四、故障处理1、现场表头显示0.04m,主控电脑上显示1.8m即现场显示与电脑显示对应不上,相差太远。



倡导节能环保还祖国以蓝天CLTL A型智能料位计使用说明书河南倡蓝工业炉科技有限公司目录一、产品概述 (2)二、设备结构 (2)三、技术规格 (4)四、工作原理 (4)五、功能与使用 (5)六、安装与接线 (7)七、调试步骤 (9)八、注意事项 (10)一、产品概述智能探测料位计采用了德国西门子可编程控制器、触摸屏界面及欧姆龙旋转编码器,具有运行可靠、响应速度快、测量精确、调试方便简捷、可远程控制、可用于恶劣的工业环境等优点。











控制箱可安装在现场的墙壁上或支架上(也可以安装在控制室内),通过连接电缆与驱动机箱相连接共同组成料位计探测系统 (见图1) 。

图1 系统结构图控制箱由西门子SMARAT-200可编程控制器、模拟量输入模块(EM AQ02)、操作员HMI触摸屏、断路器、接触器等组成。


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天线接收物料表面反射回的微波脉冲信号, 并将其传输给电子部件。

微处理器对 信号进行处理,识别微波脉冲在物料表面所产生的回波信号。

参考点至物料表面间的距离与脉冲信号的运行时间成正比: D=c • t/2 其中为光速
空罐高度E 已知,则物位为L :

L : level (料位高度),显示在 OA6中
E : empty calibr. (空罐标定,=zero ,零点),在菜单 005中设置
F : full calibr.( 满罐标定,=span ,量程),在006设定 D : distanee (空仓高度),显示在 0A5中 A :在057菜单中设置
|| 1
当仪表处于报警状态时,改符号出现,若此符号闪烁,则表示 报警

或 J TbimT :
20mA 100%
4 mA
I '■ I
介质类型(media type 001),罐体形状(Vessel/silo 00A)空罐标定(Empty Calibr. 005),满罐标定(Full Calibr. 006),线性化(linearisation 041),客户单位(Customer unit 042),最大量程(max scale 046此处的数值需与满罐高度一致)零点调整(offset 057这一数值将会加到测量值上)
电流输出模式(Curr. Output mode 063 一般选择“标准” -“Standarc”)查看波络线(在菜单envelope curve 0日查看信号距离。

(基本设置00)--(介质类型001: solid固体;liquid液体)----(罐体形状
00A: unknow 未知;metal silo 金属仓;…..)---(介质特性00B: unknow 未知;DC1.6..1.9…..)---(过程条件00C: standard 标准;f ast change快速变化;…..)---(空罐标定005:输入数值)---(满罐标定006:输入满量程值)---(距离/ 测量值008:显示D和L)--(检查距离051 : distance= OK距离OK ;dist. too
small 距离太小;manual 手动;...)---(抑制图范围052:手动输入,在此范围内
的信号均被切除,用于干扰信号的切除)---(开始做抑制图053:off 关闭;on 打开;稍等一下,做完抑制图后自动转回off)---(距离/测量值008)---功
(线性化04)--(物位/空罐040: level CU…..)--(线性化041: manual手动;linear线性;clear table清空)---(客户单位042:m 米;…)---(最大量程046:输入满罐高度数值)---功能组选择
(扩展标定05)--(选择050:mapping 抑制;common 普通;extended map 扩展抑制)--(回波质量056:显示回波的强弱)-- (零点调整057:输入数值将会被加到测量值上)--058---058—059---功能组选择
(扩展标定05)--(选择050:mapping 抑制;common 普通;extended map 扩展抑制)--(检查距离051 : distance= OK距离OK ;dist. too small距离太小;manual 手动;...)---(抑制图范围052:手动输入,在此范围内的信号均被切除,用于干扰信号的切除)---(开始做抑制图053:off 关闭;on 打开;稍等一下,做完抑制图后自动转回off )---(距离/测量值008)---功能组选择
1 、现场表头显示0.04m ,主控电脑上显示1.8m 即现场显示与电脑显示对应不上,相差太远。

则说明最大量程(max scale 046)与满罐标定(Full Calibr. 006 )布一致,修改此参数,使之一致。

通过改变菜单offset 057 中的数值,若显示偏高,则把此数值调小点,若显示偏低,则把此数值调大点。






2 #炉高位料仓参数设定参考:
Empty calibr. 005 空罐标定:8.5m
Full calibr. 006 满罐标定 4.1m
Customer unit 042 客户单位
Max scale 046 最大量程:4.1
Offset 057 偏移量:-2.5m

