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1. __________________(任何别处你不可能看到)so many grand bridges as in Wuhan. ( nowhere)

2. Luckily, the accident didn’t cause any death,______________________ (也没有造成)any

injuries. (nor)

3. Hardly ________________________(我刚启程出发)it began to rain. (set )

4. Never ____________________(他们彼此吵架), though they have been married for twenty

years. (quarrel)

5. By no means ______________(我们应该脱离)from the people. (separate)

6. So ___________________________(他如此沉醉于)in the novel that he di dn’t notice my

coming. (absorb)

7. _________________(尽管是个孩子),he knows a lot about the world.(as)

8.No sooner ___________________(她刚回到厨房)than she found it full of smoke.(get)

9. _______________________(尽管她很富有), she is not happy. (as)

10. Little_______________(他关心)his safety, though he was in great danger himself.(care)

11. Not only ___ __ (城市被污染)but the street were crowded. (polluted)

12. Be quick! Here ____________________(公交车来了).(come)

13.Not only __________________(他在一所重点中学教书)but also he worked as a badminton coach at a training center.

14.On top of the mountain _____________________(有一座古老的庙宇), which attracts a lot of visitors. (stand)

15. Only by changing the way we live _________________(我们才能拯救地球). (save)

16. Had _________________(如果我多懂点急救知识), I would have helped him.(know)

17. Such _____________________that I couldn’t be absorbed in the work. (noise)


18..___________________________, I can't agree to his proposal. (as)



(12高考) 76.However ,I couldn’t read his handw riting.(try)


(12高考)74。Little what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance


(11高考)71.Not until two days after the earthquake (她发现)her mother alive.(find)

(10高考)71.Only if people of all the countries are united ________(我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world.(solve)

(08高考)32. Seldom ____________________(他们玩) video games ever since they entered college. (play)

(07高考)39. Not only ___________________ (要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it. (give)
