



1.NBA与CBA服务产品比较分析研究 [J], 江桑佳
2.NBA、CBA中锋位置进攻情况比较分析郑佳 [J], 郑佳;杨中原
3.论CBA大前锋和NBA大前锋比较分析 [J], 康良;金黄斌
4.NBA与CBA差异的比较分析 [J], 呼红红
5.中美篮球制度文化比较分析--以CBA与NBA为例 [J], 蔡卫清



试解NBA与CBA主场文化异同摘要: NBA作为世界篮球文化的精品,在主场文化的构建上,为CBA提供了良好的榜样,作者从传统文化对各自篮球观念的影响开始探讨,逐步论述了二者主场文化中诸如:主场所在地的选取、球迷文化、视听系统等较有鲜明个性的文化差异。


关键词: NBA;CBA;主场文化前言职业篮球之所以能够吸引大量的参与者,这与比赛本身的激烈程度,为参与者提供视、听、触等方面的满足感是分不开的。




在此基础上,我国篮球主管部门提出将CBA联赛“打造为除NBA外全球第二大、具有国际影响的职业联赛” 的目标。

但是与世界上最成功的职业篮球联赛NBA相比我们差距巨大,NBA 不仅将篮球比赛看成是一场比赛,更重要的看成溶合文化和娱乐的一项具有公益活动。










二、赛制比较1. 赛程安排NBA的赛程安排相对更为紧凑,赛季跨度较长,期间包括常规赛、季后赛和总决赛等多个阶段。



2. 球队规模与竞争NBA的球队规模更大,具有更多的外籍球员和国际化元素,各队实力差距相对较小,竞争更为激烈。


三、市场比较1. 商业运营模式NBA的市场运营模式更为成熟和多样化,包括品牌营销、球队市值、赞助商合作等多个方面。


2. 观众文化与氛围NBA的观众文化与氛围更为浓厚,球迷文化丰富多样,为球队和比赛增添了更多看点。


四、文化比较1. 篮球理念与风格NBA的篮球理念更为开放和多元化,注重个人能力和团队配合的平衡。


2. 球员文化与形象NBA球员的文化背景和形象塑造更为丰富多样,为联赛增添了更多看点和话题。



CBA 应学习NBA的先进经验和管理模式,提高自身的运营能力和管理水平;同时也要注重本土特色和文化传承,形成独特的篮球文化和观众文化。







关键词:主场文化价值比较中图分类号:G841 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096—1839(2016)01—0149—031 NBA与CBA主场文化的普遍价值NBA成立的时间比较长,已有较为浓厚的文化积淀,职业化程度较高,因而更具影响力,更易被人们所接受,从表面看,NBA主场文化比CBA 更有价值,但实际上从NBA 与CBA 的发展历史看其价值是一致的。

1.1 传承主场所在地的地域文化人类文化的差异性主要表现为他的民族性和地域性,任何一个民族的文化都是在特定的地理环境中形成和发展的,并拥有自己的文化特质。








































二、赛制比较1. 赛制结构CBA赛制采用主客场制,常规赛阶段为循环赛,季后赛则采用淘汰制。



2. 球员选拔与培养NBA的球员选拔制度更为完善,包括选秀、自由市场等环节,使得各队能够选拔到优秀的球员。



三、市场比较1. 商业运营模式NBA的商业运营模式更为成熟,拥有完善的品牌建设、赞助商合作和票务销售体系。


2. 媒体传播与影响力NBA通过电视转播、网络直播等多元化媒体传播方式,使联赛的关注度和影响力不断提升。



四、文化比较1. 篮球文化内涵NBA作为全球篮球的领军者,其篮球文化内涵丰富多样,强调个人能力与团队精神的结合。


2. 篮球社交与文化交流篮球作为一种全球性的运动,为不同国家和地区的人们提供了交流的平台。



























本文通过分析CBA 和 NBA 联赛的主场文化的共同点和不同点,并从经济,人文,地域,文化等方面入手分析中美两国的文化差异对各自联赛的影响。

对比分析 NBA联赛的优势之处并发现 CBA 联赛的不足,借鉴 NBA 的成熟完善的模式,来更好的发展 CBA 联赛,扩大CBA 联赛的影响力。

从而来进一步扩大 CBA 联赛的品牌影响力和发展空间,丰富人民的精神文化生活和主场城市的人民的归属感和认同感。




CBA与NBA赛制、市场、文化的比较探究1. 前言自篮球运动诞生以来,中国篮球协会(CBA)和美国篮球协会(NBA)一直是全球最重要的两个篮球职业联赛。



2. 赛制比较2.1 CBA赛制CBA接受常规赛和季后赛淘汰制。





2.2 NBA赛制NBA的常规赛从10月开始,到次年4月结束,每支球队打82场竞赛。




2.3 比较分析从赛制上看,CBA的赛程较短,球队数量也较少,所以竞赛通常在四分之一决赛后就结束了,相对比较紧凑。



3. 市场比较3.1 CBA的市场CBA在中国篮球市场占据着操纵地位。




3.2 NBA的市场NBA是一个全球篮球市场的领导者。




3.3 比较分析CBA和NBA的市场地位存在明显的差距。





关键词: NBA;CBA;主场文化前言职业篮球之所以能够吸引大量的参与者,这与比赛本身的激烈程度,为参与者提供视、听、触等方面的满足感是分不开的。




在此基础上,我国篮球主管部门提出将CBA联赛“打造为除NBA外全球第二大、具有国际影响的职业联赛” 的目标。











摘要:本文运用文献资料发、逻辑分析法和对比分析法,分析和论证了nba对我国cba 文化发展的启示这一特殊文化现象。



nba on the development of chinas cba culture enlightenment1.nba与cba的文化特征的比较1.1主场文化的比较从20世纪末至21世纪初开始,大众文化呈现山以“眼球文化”为代表的图像、视觉文化兴起的态势。


































二、赛制比较1. 赛程安排:NBA的赛程安排相对灵活,包括常规赛、季后赛和总决赛等多个阶段,赛季跨度长达半年。


2. 比赛形式:NBA比赛采用四节制,每节12分钟,以进攻为主导,攻守转换较快。


3. 球队数量:NBA拥有30支球队,而CBA目前拥有20支球队。


三、市场比较1. 商业化程度:NBA是全球最具商业价值的体育联赛之一,通过其独特的市场开发模式和赞助体系,成功地吸引了大量国内外企业合作。


2. 门票销售:NBA球队的门票价格较高,但仍供不应求。



3. 媒体传播:NBA通过电视、网络等多种渠道进行广泛的媒体传播,使更多球迷能够观看到比赛。


四、文化比较1. 篮球文化:NBA的篮球文化更为开放和多元,鼓励球员表达个性和创造力。


2. 球迷文化:NBA的球迷文化十分丰富,各队拥有独特的球迷文化和传统。


3. 教练文化:NBA教练在比赛中拥有较大的决策权和指挥权,能够根据比赛情况灵活调整战术。



















CBA与NBA赛制、市场、文化的比较研究CBA与NBA赛制、市场、文化的比较研究1. 前言自篮球运动诞生以来,中国篮球协会(CBA)和美国篮球协会(NBA)一直是全球最重要的两个篮球职业联赛。



2. 赛制比较2.1 CBA赛制CBA采用常规赛和季后赛淘汰制。





2.2 NBA赛制NBA的常规赛从10月开始,到次年4月结束,每支球队打82场比赛。




2.3 比较分析从赛制上看,CBA的赛程较短,球队数量也较少,所以比赛通常在四分之一决赛后就结束了,相对比较紧凑。



3. 市场比较3.1 CBA的市场CBA在中国篮球市场占据着垄断地位。




3.2 NBA的市场NBA是一个全球篮球市场的领导者。




3.3 比较分析CBA和NBA的市场地位存在明显的差距。



NBA与CBA主场文化价值比较研究姚晓芳【摘要】Culture is valuable, and the functions of culture are different. Culture has the universality and particularity. Universal culture determines its universal value.Cultural particularity decides its special value. The comparison of NBA and CBA home culture value is embodied in their universal value and special value.%文化是有价值的,文化的功能也是千差万别的。




【期刊名称】《搏击·武术科学》【年(卷),期】2016(001)001【总页数】3页(P149-151)【关键词】主场;文化价值;比较【作者】姚晓芳【作者单位】潞安集团工会,山西长治 046200【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G841NBA成立的时间比较长,已有较为浓厚的文化积淀,职业化程度较高,因而更具影响力,更易被人们所接受,从表面看,NBA主场文化比CBA 更有价值,但实际上从NBA 与CBA 的发展历史看其价值是一致的。

1.1 传承主场所在地的地域文化人类文化的差异性主要表现为他的民族性和地域性,任何一个民族的文化都是在特定的地理环境中形成和发展的,并拥有自己的文化特质。





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A Comparison between NBA and CBA Home CultureAbstractNBA, the finest basketball culture in the world, provides a good example for the CBA in home culture. This article begins with a discussion of the impact of traditional culture on individual basketball concepts, and gradually discusses the selection of home venues and their fans in home culture. Cultural differences such as fans, referees, and athletes have distinct personalities. This article compares the culture of basketball between CBA and the NBA through the example study method and comparative analysis method, and concludes the reasons for the differences. The thesis summarize the NBA's successful experience and draw lessons from it, find the shortcomings of the CBA, provide some theoretical basis for the future development of the CBA, and seek development strategies for the Chinese professional basketball culture. Then, there are some suggestions for promoting the improvement of the professional basketball level in our country and the continued health development of sports. Finally, sports culture is only one of the big family of culture. This article starts with the basketball culture and sees the differences between China and the United States in terms of collectivism and individualism, thus promoting the shaping and formation of our country's sports culture, realizing the change of sports concepts, and constantly improving the level of national sports.Key words: Home Culture; NBA; CBA; Home Court Advantages; Individualism VS CollectivismNBA作为世界篮球文化的精品,在主场文化的构建上,为CBA提供了良好的榜样,本文从传统文化对各自篮球观念的影响开始探讨,逐步论述了二者主场文化中诸如:主场所在地的选取、球迷文化、裁判员文化以及球员文化等较有鲜明个性的文化差异。






关键词:主场文化;NBA; CBA;主场优势;个体主义与集体主义Chapter I Introduction1.1 Background of the studyWith the development of economic globalization, China has integrated into the world soundly in every aspect in these decades and has played an increasingly important role in the world. During the process, more and more people are concerning about the differences of social values and customs. Culture exchanges is an unavoidable aspect for a country to open itself up, so we need to make sure that we can deal with it effectively and correctly during the process.As an old Chinese idiomatic expression: right time, right place and favorable human conditions. Those three words contribute success to a large extend. When they won in a battle, ancient Chinese people would attribute this to those reasons. It also applies to sports fields, such as the football, basketball and so on. In my view, the three factors are best illustrated in basketball matches. As a necessary component of basketball games, an arena and a group of audiences are acquired, which, do a lot to help teams to win. Many scholars have studied the home advantages in sports, they outlined some reasons why host teams have more chances to win over visitingteams. Yet to explore its root, this is a cultural phenomenon, which leads to a strong mental incentive for the home players to compete. However, owing to different cultures consciousness, players will act differently from each other. There is a good example to explain this phenomenon, that is, the comparison of NBA and CBA, which, under the influence of different cultures but the same sport. Then I want to know what’s the differences of home culture and why. I will learn from previous studies and conduct research in this direction to explore home culture in basketball arena. 1.2 Significance of the studyAs we all know, cultural phenomena are everywhere, and sports culture is a part of them. Through the analysis and research of this article, we can clearly recognize the differences of home culture and recognize the impact of the differences on sports. By contrast, under the proof of specific examples and data, we can clearly see the gap between China’s CBA and the United States’ NBA and the development direction of our country’s sports. This article starts with the basketball home culture, and analyzes the home culture of the two basketball institutions under the guidance of research theories, so as to show the readers the differences and provide audiences and athletes with some feasible suggestions so that they can understand games and sports better. Different home cultures enhance the athletes' competitive ability and improve the country's overall sports competition level. To understand sports cultural differences in the case of basketball, we can gain more insights and have a deeper understanding of different culture.1.3 Outline of the thesisThis thesis is composed of five chapters.Chapter 1 makes a general introduction to the background and aims of the study as well as the outline of the study. Chapter 2 provides a brief review of the previouswork in relevant field, including a brief introduction of contributions made by numerous researchers to interpreting study, the study of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory and the study of the differences of home culture. Chapter 3 introduces the research design of the study, including theoretical framework——Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, data collection, research method and research steps. Chapter 4 devotes to elaborate the aspects and reason of the differences of home culture from Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. Chapter 5 concludes the study with a discussion on major findings, limitations of this thesis and some suggestions for the further study.Chapter II Literature Review2.1 The studies of the concept of HomeAs we all known, each sport is played at a certain arena or stadium where audiences get together and cheer up for their preferred teams. In sports, such a place is called home. Home is the place and venue identified with a team sport. Most professional teams are named for, and marketed to, particular metropolitan areas. When they play in that venue, they are said to be the "home team"; when the team plays elsewhere, they are the away, visiting. Home consists of many components, such as the audiences, the players, the advertisements, the DJs, the facilities and so on. The home plays a very important role in game-competition, which to some extent, can decide the win or lose of the games. Therefore, home in sports become an increasingly theme for scholars to explore why it has such a magic power. Both Chinese and foreign researchers in sports field are eager to make it clear that how the home helps the home team to win the games. According to Zhou X, You X and Lan K(2006), subjective factors such as host-guest match system, athlete's psychological status, technical and tactical level, as well as objective factors such as the environment, the audience and the referee, all those will all have an importantinfluence on the outcome of the competition. They illustrate the phenomenon by using an example, that is, during the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese National Basketball team had overcame difficulties and won the 8th place in the finals. We could not deny that the basketball players like Yao Ming, Sun Yue, they played their best to win the games, but another important factor is that they played games in Beijing, the crazy audiences, the strong pressure, and the players’ eagerness to let the Chinese people know that they could be proud of them pushed the team to fight, to defense, and to win. As CBA develops, those teams of CBA learn to mix up more and more elements into their home arenas. Liu. Z, Zhao. F and Yang. H(2007) said that one of the most important factors is the location of the home. “Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other rich cities tend to be the home of basketball teams in that they have more money and more audiences”, they said, “these two are the main reasons in deciding where to establish a team in China, because they need to make a profit by seizing more market shares.” what’s more, the Sponsors and advertisers are also a vital factor in the process. When talking about home, we will extend to the home advantage. Home advantage describes the benefit thatthe home team is said to gain over the visiting team. Liu. K, Li. Z and Wang. X(2002) describe home advantage is definitely exist, which, in the host-guest match system, the host team has more than 50% chances to win the game. This benefit has been attributed to psychological effects supporting fans have on the competitors or referees; to psychological or physiological advantages of playing near home in familiar situations; to the disadvantages away teams suffer from changing time zones or climates, or from the rigors of travel; and, in some sports, to specific rules that favor the home team directly or indirectly. In most team sports, the home or hosting team is considered to have a significant advantage over the visitors. Due tothis, many important games (such as playoff or knockout matches) in many sports have special rules for determining where to play the match. The term is also widely used in "best-of" playoff formats (e.g., best-of-seven of the NBA playoffs) as being given to the team that is scheduled to play one more game at home than their opponent if all necessary games are played, which contributes a lot for the home team to win the series. Home in sports is a venue where the host team has more opportunity to win the game in that there are many beneficial factors to host team. Therefore, home advantage is a common term in sports and yields many great outcomes.2.2 The studies of Home CultureCulture is a very broad concept, even narrows the scope down to the home cultureof sports, it still contains many factors and phenomena. Generally speaking, the home culture is determined by the location of the home arena, in assisting with players, fans, game activities, and a series of promotional efforts. To a great extent, the home culture is the city’s culture. Yao. X(2016) illustrates it with an Wonderful case. Detroit is the United States automobile city, known as an industrial city, so blue-collar workers naturally become an important part of Detroit. As we see the players of the Detroit Pistons are work hard just like the workers. This team is famous for its struggling spirits and passion, fierce physical confrontation and defense, and it made great achievements. However, the U.S. auto industry has been declining In recent years, the city of Detroit declared bankruptcy and about 20% of workers lost their jobs. While the home of Detroit Pistons has become a gathering place for workers to vent their emotions, where full of abusive and insulting gestures. Worsen then, the infamous Auburn Hills Palace event happened there. As many famous companies sponsor sports teams, so we can see many company names in their home court. The advertisement is an important factor to the building of thehome culture. According to Liu. Z, Zhao. F and Yang. H(2007), the names of CBA teams are largely depended on their sponsors, for example, Beijing Ducks Basketball Club, which is sponsored by ShouGang Group, is controlled by the Group. While for NBA teams, they belong to individual owners or entrepreneurs, so the owners have right to allow any sponsors to support them and make profits in this process. Also, it is the first year that Nike has taken over the right to provide the jerseys and training clothes for players, and the first year for NBA teams to add one trademark on their new Nike jerseys, so we can see that both NBA and CBA are a commercialization organization. Advertisements and sponsorship are necessary for the teams and the owners. When refers to home culture, there is one point that we cannot overlook, which is the audiences or the fans. Sun Fei(2009) made a research and he pointed out that the audience factor is vital in home culture, which, the presence of spectators in any sports events has a huge impact on athletes. If the team is fall behind, the home spectators would cheer on the players, using body language and gestures to motivate the players, whereas if the team leads a big score, the fans will feel as ease and will not put any pressure on the players. If the two teams are equally matched at the last minutes, then the audiences would make some bad noise on the visiting team, especially when the counterpart players have got the chance to foul shot. So the audiences achieve the goal of influencing the visiting team and helping the home team to win the games. All in all, home culture is a wide concept that consist of many elements and cultural facts, which can be mixed up to contribute to the winning of games.2.3 Studies of comparison of the Culture between NBA and CBAAt the very beginning, we have to recognize that NBA has set up a good example for CBA to follow in almost every aspects. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a men's professional basketball league in North America,which was founded in NewYork City on June 6,1946; It is widely considered to be the premier men's professional basketball league in the world. On the other hand, The Chinese Basketball Association, often abbreviated as CBA, it is the first-tier professional men’s basketball league in China. It is widely regarded as the pre-eminent professional men’s basketball league in Asia. Jing Y. F and Yang H. C(2007) pointed out that the basic difference between NBA and CBA home culture lies in the different traditional cultures. China is a civilization with more than 5000 years’ history and boosts many philosophies of harmony, which is totally different from the American culture featuring individualism, creative and eagerness to express themselves. For example, Yao Ming is the most successful Chinese player playing in NBA, while when the Chinese Basketball Team needs him, if there is no any other reasons, Yao will come back to the Team. That’s is the appealing power of collectivism and Chinese people even Asia nations under the influence of Confucius thoughts will admit the absolute principle. The second one, is about the difference in the management systems, which is institutional origin of the comparison. Cai Wei(2014) described the different arrangement. As we talked above, we know that NBA teams are owned by individuals, on the contrary, CBA teams is controlled by the government, and thenthe sponsors. Therefore, CBA should serve the government and then the enjoymentof people, but for NBA, it is a place that everyone can achieve his basketball dream if you work hard and think big. That is to say, NBA has a free culture for players to express their ideas as well as the promotion of culture. At the same time, the training mechanisms of NBA and CBA are also different, which, NBA has a perfected system of selecting players from middle school to high school on the basis of competence, and the players are endowed both knowledge and basketball skills. Those people in sports field in China tend to neglect their knowledge and focus ontraining, which lead to the imbalanced situation of knowledge ability and competitive level. That’s an important reason for CBA’s inability for forming a strong culture, let alone home culture. Matthew Walker(2013) said that people those who enjoy NBA games love the atmosphere when they on the court, they love the colorful activities and halftime shows when the games pause. Yet those nothing is not so common in CBA. “It is not only about the results of the games, but the enjoyment of culture when you watch NBA games”, Walker said in his book. The differences in culture between NBA and CBA are easy to say but hard to change because the different culture backgrounds. And both of them have a way to go for improvement, especially our CBA.2.4 Space for this studyDespite all these studies, most previous studies did not cover differences of home culture between NBA and CBA, only focusing on several major issues of home culture under the influence of different cultures. This thesis quotas examples of 2016-2017 season as the object of study, aims at finding out the differences of home culture between NBA and CBA guided by Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. The four perspectives of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory will all be covered in this thesis, and each perspective will be elaborated through more details. It first shows that the differences of home culture between NBA and CBA, and then continues to discuss why those differences of the examples come about. With the focus on the reasons of the different home culture, the thesis will offer some suggestions for us to learn about and adapt to different cultures.Chapter 3 Research Design3.1 Guiding TheoryIt is well known that culture phenomena are everywhere, and each of us can feel thecharming of culture even though we may not know it. As an extensive communication tool, culture plays a very crucial role in people-to-people communication. If you fail to understand one’s culture, then you would not get an overall knowledge of the people or nation. There are so many cultural researchers study in the field of culture, but most of them claim that it is a never ending process when you decide to study culture. As the society develops, Culture will continue to develop and evolve into new meanings. Thus, This virtually added extra work to cultural researchers. However, in the field of culture, there is a theory that never be Obsolete, that is, Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. I will introduce the theory briefly in the following context.Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross-cultural communication, developed by Geert Hofstede. It describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. Hofstede developed his original model as a result of using factor analysis to examine the results of a worldwide survey of employee values by IBM between 1967 and 1973. It has been refined since. The original theory proposed four dimensions along which cultural values could be analyzed: individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance and masculinity-femininity. Independent research in Hong Kong led Hofstede to add a fifth dimension, long-term orientation, to cover aspects of values not discussed in the original paradigm. In 2010, Hofstede added a sixth dimension, indulgence versus self-restraint.Hofstede's work established a major research tradition in cross-cultural psychology and has also been drawn upon by researchers and consultants in many fields relating to international business and communication. The theory has been widely used in several fields as a paradigm for research, particularly in cross-cultural psychology,international management, and cross-cultural communication. It continues to be a major resource in cross-cultural fields. It has inspired a number of other major cross-cultural studies of values, as well as research on other aspects of culture, such as social beliefs.In his research theories, the most prominent point of the culturaldiffe rences between the East andthe West is individualism and collectivism. This is re fle cted in all aspects of cultural life, particularly sports culture. This index exploresthe “degree to which people in a society are integrated into groups.”Individualistic societies have loose ties that often only relates an individual to his/her immediate family. They emphasize the “I” versus the “we.” Its counterpart, collectivism, describes a society in which tightly-integrated relationships tie extended families and others into in-groups. These in-groups are laced with undoubted loyalty and support each other when a conflict arises with another in-group.3.2 Research QuestionsHopefully, it will provide answers to the following questions:In what aspects do the differences of home culture occur?Why the differences of home culture occur?What are the suggestions and measures to cope with the differences of home culture?3.3 MethodIn this thesis, I will adopt contrastive analysis method and example study method to make it clear that differences of home culture between NBA and CBA. First of all, I will select a range of examples that concern different elements of home culture, including the home arenas, fans, referees and players. NBA holds 82 regular-season games and eight teams from Eastern and Western conferences compete for championship in playoffs. CBA holds thirty-eight rounds regular-season games eachyear. Ten teams will enter the playoffs to compete for the championship. Similarly, each of these games is based on the home and away games system. So it is very easy for me to collect a series of examples. When explaining the differences in each aspect, I will list 4 to 6 stadium examples from CBA and NBA respectively. Most of the examples that I collect come from this season, but there are some classic examples that didn’t happen this season. All examples will be classified accordingto different aspects of the differences. Firstly, All the examples from the two associations are correlated to each element. Secondly, under the guidance of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, I will adopt the contrastive analysis method to illustrate the different aspects of home culture and explore the reasons why those differences happen. For example, with regard to the audiences, what is the differences between NBA and CBA? what do they contribute to home culture? Using detailed examples, I will show you a full picture of basketball home culture and the differences between the two associations.Chapter 4 Data presentation and discussion4.1 Differences of home culture4.1.1 Cultural differences of home arenasThe culture of arena is not all about collectivism or individualism, but it has an inseparable relationship with local culture and urban culture.Yao Ming, the most successful Chinese basketball player in NBA, once was asked by reporters. “what is the differences of playing games between NBA and CBA”? Yao Ming pointed out that it is under totally different culture. In other words, the traditional culture has an immeasurable impact on their respective basketball cultures. So different basketball cultures contribute to different home culture.Sports in the United States are an important part of the country's culture. Themarket for professional sports in the United States is roughly 69 billion, roughly 50% larger than that of all of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa combined. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a men's professional basketball league in North America; composed of 30 teams (29 in the United States and 1 in Canada). It is widely considered to be the premier men's professional basketball league in the world. The NBA is oneof the four major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. NBA p layersare the world's best p aid athletes by average annual salary per player.The Chinese Basketball Association, often abbreviated as CBA, is the first-tier professional men's basketball league in China. It is widely regarded as the pre-eminent professional men's basketball league in Asia. Under the influence of traditional Chinese culture, socialism ideology and the policy of opening up, the CBA began play in the 1995–96 season. After more than ten seasons of league operations, the level of competition has been significantly improved. Some young players trained in CBA league have reached or approached the level of international leagues, and Social attention continues to increase compared to a few years ago. However, we have to recognize that the government play a very important role in the operation of CBA teams, and all teams are subject to the jurisdiction of the government. The native players in CBA follow traditional culture and collectivism which make the external performance of sports more quiet and serious. The CBA athletes trained under such a cultural background emphasize more on the overall cooperation and pursue the improvement of the team strength. Such a concept is understandable for us who living in a collectivism society. However, the importance of CBA basketball to team strength and even ignoring the star-building movement of NBA basketball has seriously affected the development of player creativity. To some degree, Native players in CBA have no passion on the court, and lack of enthusiasm personality.There is no doubt that local cultural is a crucial factor in deciding an urban culture. It is true that an urban culture will promote its sports culture. Here I will not explain much about the differences of urban culture, but to use several examples to illustrate in which aspect does urban culture shape its basketball culture and home culture.In NBA, there are two teams that people has been talking about, they are Los Angeles Lakers and New York Knicks. They are located at west coast and east coast respectively and embody the same urban culture---luxurious urban life, high demand for leisure activities and abounds with celebrities. People in those two cities have more extra time for relaxing, so every industry enjoys a promising prospect. As for sports, four major profession sports have established their teams here and enjoys famous reputation, especially Los Angeles Lakers. For many years, Lakers have been an indispensable part of NBA playoffs, and many celebrities would have visited the Staples Center. While Lakers miss 4 years of playoffs and do not have one basketball superstar, the arena never fail to meet it needs and attract Lakers fans to join in the organization. That is the charming of metropolitans and they never lack of audiences. The Bass family will never lose money only if they hold this team tightly.In CBA, there are also many examples to explain urban culture. With the development of society, more and more Chinese people become rich and have more interest for relaxing and enjoying life. Therefore, in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, as the cultural center and economy center of our country, many kinds of entertainment appear, as well as CBA teams. Beijing Shougang Ducks, as its name shows that it is sponsored by ShouGang Group, is a competitive club several years ago, especially when Stephen Marbury was on the team. The club is located at the capital city, so it attracts many fans to watch them play in the arena and most of fans are from Beijing. Also, this team merged with Beijing culture to form a special team culture. This not only satisfied the entertainment requirements of Beijingpeople, but also promoted the government's income and improved its performance. All in all, Every team in CBA is closely related to the local government and some powerful companies and the team serves them.There is another kind of team in NBA, that is, a team with a tough spirit. Again, urban culture determines its team culture. Boston Celtics, founded in 1946 as one of the original eight NBA teams to survive the league's first decade, is owned by Boston Basketball Partners LLC. The Celtics play their home games at the TD Garden. The franchise is the most successful in NBA history, with 17 championships, which accounts for 23.9 percent of all NBA championships since the league's founding. Following the win in 2008, general manager Danny Ainge began a rebuilding process with the help of head coach Brad Stevens, who led the Celtics to a return to the playoffs from 2015. This season, This season, they get Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward through trade, and get Jayson Tatum through draft. They are preparing for this season, but in the first game, team forward Gordon Hayward was injured and out for the season. During the season, Kyrie Irving, the team's point guard, would miss all left games for knee injuries. However, the tough Celtics, led by coach Brad Stevens, beat injuries and eventually entered the playoffs.On the other hand, The Liaoning Flying Leopards are a Chinese professional basketball team based in Mingshan District, Benxi, Liaoning, which plays in the Northern Division of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). The Flying Leopards have since become regular contenders for the CBA title again, powered by such players as Guo, big man Han Dejun, and multi-time CBA International MVP Lester Hudson. Liaoning lost to the Beijing Ducks in six games in the 2015 CBA Finals, and to Sichuan Blue Whales in five games in the 2016 CBA Finals. Though they lose many times, they inherit the spirit of the northeasters who dared to fight and struggle, and they never give up pursuit the championship. This year, Liaoning beats。
