WRF-CHEM 中文介绍空气质量模拟是一个非常复杂的问题,同时受到气象因子(如风速、风向、湍流、辐射、云和降水等)和化学过程(如源的排放、干湿沉降和化学转化等)的影响。
以往的空气质量模式,如CALGRID 、MODEL3/CAMQ 等,它的气象过程和化学过程是分开的,一般先运行中尺度气象模式,得到一定时间间隔的气象场,然后提供给化学模式使用。
基于这种真实大气中气象过程和化学过程是同时发生的相互影响的思想以及考虑到以往空气质量模式中存在的不足,2000年3月6日——8日在美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR )举行了一个关于在云模式和中尺度模式中模拟化学过程的会议,随后成立了一个WRF-CHEM 的开发小组,共有15个成员。
在之后的几年内,很多化学模块被加入了WRF的框架之中,完成了一个气象模式和化学模式在线完全耦合的新一代的区域空气质量模式(WRF-CHEM )。
WRF 模式WRF(Weather Research Forecast)模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统,2004 年6 月对外发布了第二版和三维变分同化系统。
这个模式采用高度模块化、并行化和分层设计技术, 集成了迄今为止在中尺度方面的研究成果。
WRF模式WRF(Weather Research Forecast) 模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统,2004 年6 月对外发布了第二版和三维变分同化系统。
WRF 模式操作指南The Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院大气物理研究所中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所二○一七年三月二十日目录1. WRF模式简介 (1)2. WRF模式的安装 (2)2.1 安装环境 (2)2.2 模式源程序 (2)2.3 NetCDF函数库的安装 (2)2.4 标准初始化(SI)的安装 (6)2.5 WRF模式的安装 (9)3. WRF模式与T213模式嵌套 (17)3.1 嵌套方案 (17)3.2 嵌套程序设计 (17)3.3编译嵌套程序 (21)3.4 嵌套的实现 (22)4. WRF模式系统的运行 (29)4.1 理想大气方案 (29)4.2 真实大气方案 (32)5. WRF模式系统作业卡 (47)5.1 源程序 (47)5.2 真实大气方案 (48)6. 模式结果的显示处理 (61)6.1 Vis5D格式 (61)6.2 MICAPS格式 (62)6.2 GrADS格式 (65)附录1. WRF模式参数配置说明 (68)附录2. T213场库参数表 (78)WRF模式系统安装/调试技术报告1. WRF模式简介WRF(Weather Research Forecast)模式系统是由许多美国研究部门及大学的科学家共同参与进行开发研究的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统。
WRF模式系统的开发计划是在1997年由NCAR中小尺度气象处、NCEP的环境模拟中心、FSL 的预报研究处和奥克拉荷马大学的风暴分析预报中心四部门联合发起建立的,并由国家自然科学基金和NOAA共同支持。
WRFChem安装及使用说明手册WRF-Chem安装及使用说明手册V1.0编写者:王彬2015年6月目录1. 引言 (3)1.1 编写目的 (3)1.2 背景 (3)1.3 参考资料 (4)2. 安装过程 (4)2.1 设定环境变量 (4)2.2 WRFV3安装 (5)2.3 WPS与WRFDA的安装 (6)3. 使用过程 (6)3.1 WPS数据准备说明 (7)3.2 气象初始场的准备说明 (8)3.3 化学数据前处理程序的使用说明 (8)3.4 化学数据转化程序的使用说明 (9)附录1 (prep_chem_sources.inp) (14)附录2(ncl程序) (18)附录3(convert.f90) (19)1. 引言1.1 编写目的本手册为指导WRF-Chem数值模拟的用户,方便轻松掌握WRF-Chem数值模式的安装及使用而编写。
1.2 背景WRF-Chem模式是由国家大气研究中心(NCAR)等机构联合开发的新一代大气预报模式,真正实现了气象模式与化学传输模式在时空上的耦合。
WRF-Chem在原有WRF模式的基础上耦合了化学反应过程,它通过在WRF 的辐射方案中引入气溶胶光学厚度、单次散射反照率和不对称因子表现气溶胶的直接辐射效应。
此外,还增加了云滴数浓度的计算,这会改变原有WRF辐射方案中云粒子有效半径的计算方式,从而影响云的反照率,体现气溶胶的Twomey 效应。
另一方面,Liu et al.提出了以云滴数浓度为阈值的新的云水向雨水自动转换参数化方案,取代了原有的Kessler方案,体现气溶胶的Albrecht效应。
1.3 参考资料1)WRF-Chem说明手册2)/wrf/WG11/,WRF-Chem学习网站2. 安装过程这里选用bluesky服务器和intel编译器进行WRF-ChemV3.7.1的安装说明,WRF-Chem的安装和WRF的区别只在于WRFV3部分,WRFDA和WPS可以直接链接已经安装好的版本。
第二章WRF-Chem模式介绍WRF-Chem模式是由美国NOAA 预报系统实验室(FSL)开发的,气象模式(WRF)和化学模式(Chem)在线完全耦合的新一代的区域空气质量模式。
有别于这之前的大气化学模式,如SAQM 模式、CALGRID模式、MODEL3-CAMQ模式等,它们的气象过程和化学过程是分开的,一般先运行中尺度气象模式,得到一定时间间隔的气象场,然后提供给化学模式使用。
最初版本的WRF-chem在2002年推出,目前的版本为V3.1(2009年4月16日),本文所采用的是WRF-chem V3.0。
图2.1 WRF-Chem流程图(来自WRF-Chem V3 用户手册)WRF ( Weather Research Forecast , Skamarock et al., 2008)模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统。
通过分析模拟结果,我们得出以下结论:1. WRF-CHEM模式在模拟连续雾霾过程中具有较高的有效性,可较好地反映污染物浓度、气象场等关键参数的变化。
区域内向大气排放的大气污染物的量的集合。准确、更新及 时、高分辨率排放清单是识别污染来源、支撑模式模拟、分 析解释观测结果和制定减排控制方案的重要基础,无论对于 大气化学与气候相互作用、大气复合污染来源识别等科学问 题探究,还是对于污染物总量减排、空气质量达标等环境管 理问题来说,都是极为关键的核心支撑。
可以使用 WRFDomainWizard软件来帮助划区域
选择Lambert 投影的基准纬 度
选择Lambert投影 更新
选择大致的母 网格区域
更 新 后
鼠标点击domain2框, 可以调整模拟区域 位置
修改参数:子网格 与母网格格局比等 参数
气相化学(Gas-phase chemistry)
气相化学机制是区域空气污染模型中一个重要的组成部分, 气相化学转化率,以及排放、传输和沉降决定了气体的种 类。对流层中活性有机物、硫酸、氮氧化物及臭氧的排放 及酸沉降与区域空气污染的关系多由气相化学机制影响。 同时气相化学也决定了液相化学的种类,及反应速度。 WRFCHEM 提供了 4 种气相化学机制,分别是 RADM2 (Regional Acid Deposition Model version 2) 、 RACM (Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism) 、RACM NOAA/ESRL version 、CBMZ (Carbon-Bond Mechanism veF模式系统是采用Fortran 90、Fortran 77及c++编译语言进行编译 与测试的,所以,运行WRF必须先安装编译软件, 目前运用的编译 软件主要有PGI和INTEL。 另外,WRF运行时所使用的输入输出文件多为 NetCDF文件,因此还 需要安装Netcdf软件
WRF的运行是基于Linux系统的,这就要求使用者具备基本的Linux操 作知识,一下是一些常用的Linux命令:
打开终端,可以输入命令,如: cd directory 进入指定路径的工作目录 cd .. 退到上一层目录 ls 显示目录下所有子目录与文件 (包括隐藏文 件) Vi file_name 浏览和编辑文件 tar –xvf file_name.tar 解压文件 (对于.tar文件) ./configure 连接 ./compile 编译 ./install 安装
&share wrf_core = 'ARW', max_dom = 2, (最大嵌套数,2层) start_date = '2006-08-16_12:00:00','2006-08-16_12:00:00', end_date = '2006-08-16_18:00:00','2006-08-16_18:00:00', interval_seconds = 21600(前处理程序的两次分析时间之间的时间间隔,以秒为单位。也 即模式的实时输入数据的时间间隔,一般为输入边界条件的文件的时间间隔。) io_form_geogrid = 2, / &geogrid parent_id = 1, 1, (嵌套区域的母区域的标号。注意 MOAD 本身没有母区域,因此 PARENT_ID 的第一列总是设为1。第二列必须等于1。总列数必须等于NUM_DOMAINS) parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, (嵌套时,母网格相对于嵌套网格的水平网格比例。在真实大气 方案中,此比例必须为奇数;在理想大气方案中,如果将返馈选项 feedback 设置为0的话, 则此比例也可以为偶数) i_parent_start = 1, 31(嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中x方向的起 始位置 ) j_parent_start = 1, 17(嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中y方向的起 始位置) s_we = 1, 1,
该模式结合了大气动力学模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)和化学气候模式CMAQ(Community Multi-scale Air Quality model),以便更准确地模拟大气化学过程和大气颗粒物的形成和运输过程。
WRF模式WRF(Weather Research Forecast) 模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统,2004 年6 月对外发布了第二版和三维变分同化系统。
w r f手册中文(总20页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Chapter 1: OverviewIntroductionThe Advanced Research WRF (ARW) modeling system has been in development for the past few years. The current release is Version 3, available since April 2008. The ARW is designed to be a flexible, state-of-the-art atmospheric simulation system that is portable and efficient on available parallel computing platforms. The ARWis suitable for use in a broad range of applications across scales ranging from meters to thousands of kilometers, including:Idealized simulations (e.g. LES, convection, baroclinic waves)Parameterization researchData assimilation researchForecast researchReal-time NWPCoupled-model applicationsTeaching简介Advanced Research WRF (ARW)模式系统在过去的数年中得到了发展。
WRFChem Users Guide
The following institutions were instrumental in the development of the WRF-Chem model and its documentation. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) The Max Plank Institute The University of Chile Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos This document does not constitute endorsement of the information, products or services contained herein by the contributing institutions previously named or unnamed. For other than authorized activities, the contributing institutions do not exercise any editorial control over the information contained herein. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the contributing institutions. In no event shall these institutions, or any unmentioned institution associated with WRF-Chem development, be liable for any damages, whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, that arise out of or in connection with the access, use or performance of WRF-Chem, including infringement actions. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF hereafter) was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) that is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). NCAR and UCAR make no proprietary claims, either statutory or otherwise, to this version and release of WRF and consider WRF to be in the public domain for use by any person or entity for any purpose without any fee or charge. UCAR requests that any WRF user include this notice on any partial or full copies of WRF. WRF is provided on an “AS IS” basis and any warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of non-infringement, originality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. In no event shall UCAR be liable for any damages, whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, which arise out of or in connection with the access, use or performance of WRF, including infringement actions.
WRF-Chem模式介绍完整版第二章 WRF-Chem模式介绍WRF-Chem模式是由美国NOAA 预报系统实验室(FSL)开发的,气象模式(WRF)和化学模式(Chem)在线完全耦合的新一代的区域空气质量模式。
最初版本的WRF-chem在2002年推出,目前的版本为V3.1(2009年4月16日),本文所采用的是WRF-chem V3.0。
图2.1 WRF-Chem流程图(来自WRF-Chem V3 用户手册)WRF ( Weather Research Forecast , Skamarock et al., 2008)模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统。
这些方案包括:1. 方案一:采用传统的积云参数化方案和气溶胶活化方案;2. 方案二:采用改进的积云参数化方案和气溶胶活化方案;3. 方案三:采用最新的积云参数化方案和气溶胶化学机制。
四、数值模拟实验及结果分析1. 实验设计本研究在呼和浩特地区进行了为期一个月的数值模拟实验。
2. 结果分析通过对模拟结果的分析,我们发现:(1)采用不同参数化方案的WRF-Chem模式在模拟呼和浩特大气污染时,均能取得一定的效果。
三、研究方法本研究选取了呼和浩特市作为研究区域,采用了WRF-Chem 模式进行数值模拟。
具体方法包括:1. 构建合适的网格系统,以准确描述呼和浩特市的地形、气象等特征。
2. 选择合适的初始条件和边界条件,包括气象场、污染物排放等。
3. 尝试不同的参数化方案,包括大气物理过程、化学过程以及污染物传输过程的参数化方案。
4. 对模拟结果进行统计分析,评估不同参数化方案对模拟结果的影响。
四、不同参数化方案对模拟结果的影响1. 大气物理过程参数化方案的影响:不同的物理过程参数化方案会对大气的温度、湿度、风速等气象要素产生影响,进而影响污染物的传输和扩散。
2. 化学过程参数化方案的影响:化学过程参数化方案描述了污染物在大气中的化学反应过程。
3. 污染物传输过程参数化方案的影响:污染物传输过程参数化方案描述了污染物在大气中的传输和扩散过程。
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WRF-Chem 是气象研究与预报模型(WRF)的一个扩展模块,用于模拟大气化学过程。
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MixRite 3.5快速入门指南说明书
SYSTEM OVERVIEW10 cmINSTALLATIONInstallation on a Direct LineCopyright © 2022 Tefen, all rights reserved.Connecting and Mounting MixRite 3.51. Attach the main pipe to MixRite using two fittings/record fittings2. Insert top end of suction tube onto MixRite and tighten the hose nut3. Insert the other end of the suction tube into the additive tank4. Verify the height of suction tube inside the additive tank5. Attach the bracket to a wall using two screws6. Snap MixRite onto bracketSAFETYWarning:During operation, the operator must stay in front of the MixRite 3.5 pump and wear protective eyewear, clothing and gloves.Be extremely careful in the presence of hazardous substances (e.g. corrosives, toxins, solvents, acids, caustics, flammable, etc.).The user must adhere to the recommendations given by the manufacturer of the chemical product.Caution:Use proper tools. DO NOT USE METALLIC TOOLS.It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to make sure water flow and pressure do not exceed the MixRite specifications.Before applying any aggressive chemicals, please consult your distributor to confirm compatibility with the dosing pump.Notes:Change the suction tube as soon as it appears damaged by the chemical.It is advised to relieve the pressure after use.An air penetration, contamination or chemical damage to a seal can disrupt the dosing function.It is recommended to periodically check that the additive is being correctly drawn up into the MixRite.System InformationCleaning MixRite 3.5Cleaning/Replacing the Suction Check Valve5. Apply silicone grease to the O-rings and re-assemble the check valve6. Insert the check valve back into MixRite. Reattach the nut and suctionCopyright © 2022 Tefen, all rights reserved.Note: Do not use ON mode when the additive tank is empty.。
二、WRF-Chem模式介绍WRF-Chem(Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry)是集合了大气模式(WRF)与化学模型为一体的模型,主要针对全球和区域尺度的大气污染物扩散和输送进行研究。
1. 不同气溶胶微物理过程的模拟结果分析气溶胶微物理过程在影响大气的化学性质方面具有重要作用。
2. 不同边界层参数化方案的模拟结果分析边界层是大气低层的一个关键区域,对于空气质量、气象灾害等具有重要影响。
第二章WRF-Chem模式介绍WRF-Chem模式是由美国NOAA 预报系统实验室(FSL)开发的,气象模式(WRF)和化学模式(Chem)在线完全耦合的新一代的区域空气质量模式。
有别于这之前的大气化学模式,如SAQM 模式、CALGRID模式、MODEL3-CAMQ模式等,它们的气象过程和化学过程是分开的,一般先运行中尺度气象模式,得到一定时间间隔的气象场,然后提供给化学模式使用。
最初版本的WRF-chem在2002年推出,目前的版本为V3.1(2009年4月16日),本文所采用的是WRF-chem V3.0。
图2.1 WRF-Chem流程图(来自WRF-Chem V3 用户手册)WRF ( Weather Research Forecast , Skamarock et al., 2008)模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统。
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UCARDISCLAIMERSThe following institutions were instrumental in the development of the WRF/Chem model and its documentation.Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationThe Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental SciencesThe University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)The Max Plank InstituteThe University of ChileThis document does not constitute endorsement of the information,products or services con-tained herein by the contributing institutions previously named or unamed.For other than autho-rized activities,the contributing institutions do not exercise any editorial control over the infor-mation contained herein.Any opinions,findings,conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the contributing institutions.In no event shall these institutions,or any unmentioned institution associated with WRF/Chem development,be liable for any damages,whatsoever,whether direct,indirect,conse-quential or special,that arise out of or in connection with the access,use or performance of WRF/Chem,including infringement actions.The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF hereafter)was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)which is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).NCAR and UCAR make no proprietary claims,either statutory or otherwise,to this version and release of WRF and consider WRF to be in the public domain for use by any person or entity for any purpose without any fee or charge.UCAR requests that any WRF user include this notice on any partial or full copies of WRF.WRF is provided on an “AS IS”basis and any warranties,either express or implied,including but not limited to implied war-ranties of non-infringement,originality,merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose,are disclaimed.In no event shall UCAR be liable for any damages,whatsoever,whether direct,indi-rect,consequential or special,that arise out of or in connection with the access,use or perfor-mance of WRF,including infringementactions.WRF/Chem Version 3.4 User’s GuideTable of Contents1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3!1.2 WRF/Chem software .................................................................................................... 5!1.3 Possible applications of the current modeling system .................................................. 5!1.4 The WRF/Chem modeling system overview ................................................................ 5!2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 8!2.2 Building the WRF-chemistry code ............................................................................... 8!2.2.1 Getting the code ..................................................................................................... 8!2.2.2 UNIX environment settings for WRF/Chem ......................................................... 9!2.2.3 Configuring the model and compiling the code ................................................... 10!2.2.4 Building the WRF-chemistry-emissions-conversion code .................................. 10!3.1!Introduction ................................................................................................................. 12!3.2 Preparation of anthropogenic emissions for use with WRF/Chem ............................. 12!3.2.1 Using the global-emissions data set ..................................................................... 13!3.2.2 The standard 4-km resolution data set (2005 NEI emissions data for USA only)13! Anthropogenic-emissions construction methodology for WRF/Chem ......... 14! Construction of an anthropogenic-emissions-inventory conversion table .... 14! Additional details for running emiss_v03.F with the NEI-05 anthopogenic-emissions data set ...................................................................................................... 18!3.2.3 Wildfire emissions ............................................................................................... 20!3.2.4 Volcanic emissions .............................................................................................. 20! Volcanic ash emissions ................................................................................. 21! Volcanic SO2 degassing emissions ............................................................... 21!3.3 Generating the netcdf-emissions data sets .................................................................. 22!3.4 Construction and preparation of tracer emissions ....................................................... 24!3.4.1 CO2 tracer ............................................................................................................. 24!3.4.2 Green House Gas tracer ....................................................................................... 24!3.5 Preparation of biogenic emissions .............................................................................. 25!3.5.1 No biogenic emissions ......................................................................................... 25!3.5.2 Guenther biogenic emissions ............................................................................... 25!3.5.3 BEIS 3.14 biogenic emissions ............................................................................. 25!3.5.4 MEGAN biogenic emissions ............................................................................... 27!3.6 Conversion of biogenic-emission data files ................................................................ 27!3.7 Placement of chemical-emission input data files ........................................................ 27!4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 28!4.2 WRF/Chem name list options: the choice of CHEM_OPT ........................................ 28!4.3 Other chemistry name list options .............................................................................. 32!4.3.1 Running with only dust aerosols .......................................................................... 37!4.3.2 Tracers running with chemistry ........................................................................... 38!4.4 Typical choices for name list options ......................................................................... 39!4.5 Input fields for chemical constituents ......................................................................... 41!4.6 Using chemical boundary conditions from other modeling systems .......................... 42!4.6.1 The wrfchembc utility .......................................................................................... 42!4.6.2 The mozbc utility ................................................................................................. 43!4.7 VPRM and Green House Gas tracer namelist options ................................................ 43!4.8 Making a nested domain WRF/Chem simulation ....................................................... 44!5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 46!5.2 The ncdump application .............................................................................................. 46!5.3 Using NCL scripts....................................................................................................... 47!5.4 The ncview application ............................................................................................... 49!5.5 The RIP application .................................................................................................... 50!5.5.1 Downloading and installing the RIP program ..................................................... 50!5.5.2 Pre-processing data from WRF/Chem ................................................................. 51!5.5.3 Generating NCAR GKS plots using RIP ............................................................. 52!6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 55!6.2 KPP requirements ....................................................................................................... 56!6.3 Compiling the WKC ................................................................................................... 56!6.4 Implementing chemical mechanisms with WKC ....................................................... 56!6.5 Layout of WKC ........................................................................................................... 57!6.6 Code produced by WKC, user Modifications ............................................................. 58!6.7 Available integrators ................................................................................................... 59!6.8 Adding mechanisms with WKC ................................................................................. 59!6.9 Adapting KPP equation files ....................................................................................... 60!6.10 Adapting additional KPP integrators for WKC ........................................................ 61!7.1 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 62!7.2 WRF/Chem publications ............................................................................................. 62! Appendix A : WRF/Chem Quick Start Guide .................................................................. 72! Appendix B: Using prep_chem_sources V1.2 .................................................................. 79! Appendix C: Using MEGAN with WRF/Chem ............................................................... 82! Appendix D: Using MOZART with WRF/Chem ............................................................. 85! Appendix E: Using the Lightning-NOx Parameterization ................................................ 87!WRF/Chem Version 3.4 User’s GuideWRF/Chem OverviewTable of Contents1.1 Introduction (3)1.2 WRF/Chem software (5)1.3 Possible applications of the current modeling system (5)1.4 The WRF/Chem modeling system overview (5)1.1 IntroductionThe WRF/Chem User’s Guide is designed to provide the reader with information specific to the chemistry part of the WRF model and its potential applications. It will provide the user a description of the WRF/Chem model and discuss specific issues related to generating a forecast that includes chemical constituents beyond what is typically used by today’s meteorological forecast models. For additional information regarding the WRF model, the reader is referred to the WRF model User’s Guide (/wrf/users/docs/user_guide_V33/contents.html).Presently, the WRF/Chem model is now released as part of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling package. And due to this dependence upon WRF, it is assumed that anyone choosing to use WRF/Chem is very familiar with the set-up and use of the basic WRF model. It would be best for new WRF users to first gain training and experience in editing, compiling, configuring, and using WRF before venturing into the more advanced realm of setting up and running the WRF/Chem model.The WRF/Chem model package consists of the following components (in addition to resolved and non-resolved transport):!Dry deposition, coupled with the soil/vegetation scheme!Four choices for biogenic emissions:"No biogenic emissions included"Online calculation of biogenic emissions as in Simpson et al. (1995) and Guenther et al. (1994) includes emissions of isoprene, monoterpenes, and nitrogen emissions by soil"Online modification of user-specified biogenic emissions - such as the EPA Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) version 3.14. The user must provide the emissions data for their own domain in the proper WRF data file format"Online calculation of biogenic emissions from MEGAN!Three choices for anthropogenic emissions:"No anthropogenic emissions"Global emissions data from the one-half degree RETRO and ten-degree EDGAR data sets"User-specified anthropogenic emissions such as those available from the U.S.EPA NEI-05 data inventory. The user must provide the emissions data for their own domain in the proper WRF data file format!Several choices for gas-phase chemical mechanisms including:"RADM2, RACM, CB-4 and CBM-Z chemical mechanisms"The use of the Kinetic Pre-Processor, (KPP) to generate the chemical mechanisms. The equation files (using Rosenbrock type solvers) are currently available for RADM2, RACM, RACM-MIM, SAPRC-99, MOZART chemical mechanisms as well as others!Three choices for photolysis schemes:"Madronich scheme coupled with hydrometeors, aerosols, and convective parameterizations. This is a computationally intensive choice, tested with many setups"Fast-J photolysis scheme coupled with hydrometeors, aerosols, and convective parameterizations"F-TUV photolysis scheme. This scheme, also from Sasha Madronich is faster, but does not work with all aerosol options!Four choices for aerosol schemes:"The Modal Aerosol Dynamics Model for Europe - MADE/SORGAM"The Modal Aerosol Dynamics Model for Europe with the Volitity Basis Set aerosols – MADE/VBS"The Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry (MOSAIC - 4 or 8 bins) sectional model aerosol parameterization" A total mass aerosol module from GOCART!Aerosol direct effect through interaction with atmospheric radiation, photolysis, and microphysics routines. In version 3.4 this is available for GOCART, MOSAIC or MADE/SORGAM options!Aerosol indirect effect through interaction with atmospheric radiation, photolysis, and microphysics routines. In V3.4 this option is available for MOSAIC or MADE/SORGAM!An option for the passive tracer transport of greenhouse gases.!Two options for a10-bin volcanic ash aerosol scheme based upon emissions from a single active volcano. One scheme includes SO2degassing from the volcano while the other ignores it.! A tracer transport option in which the chemical mechanism, deposition, etc. has been turned off. The user must provide the emissions data for their own domain in the proper WRF data file format for this option. May be run parallel with chemistry! A plume rise model to treat the emissions of wildfires1.2 WRF/Chem softwareThe chemistry model has been built to be consistent with the WRF model I/O Applications Program Interface (I/O API). That is, the chemistry model section has been built following the construction methodology used in the remainder of the WRF model. Therefore, the reader is referred to the WRF software description in the WRF User’s Guide (Chapter 7) for additional information regarding software features like the build mechanism and adding arrays to the WRF registry. And while the chemistry model has been built with the intent to work within the WRF framework, not all run time options (e.g., physical parameterizations) that are available for WRF will function properly with chemistry turned on. Therefore, care must be taken in selecting the parameterizations used with the chemistry schemes.1.3 Possible applications of the current modeling system!Prediction and simulation of weather, or regional and local climate!Coupled weather prediction/dispersion model to simulate release and transport of constituents!Coupled weather/dispersion/air quality model with full interaction of chemical species with prediction of O3 and UV radiation as well as particulate matter (PM) !Study of processes that are important for global climate change issues. These include, but are not restricted to the aerosol direct and indirect forcing1.4 The WRF/Chem modeling system overviewThe following figure shows the flowchart for the WRF/Chem modeling system version 3.4.As shown in the diagram, the WRF/Chem modeling system follows the same structure as the WRF model by consisting of these major programs:!The WRF Pre-Processing System (WPS)!WRF-Var data assimilation system!WRF solver (ARW, o r NMM core) including chemistry!Post-processing and visualization toolsThe difference with regular WRF comes from the chemistry part of the model needing to be provided additional gridded input data related to emissions. This additional input data is provided either by the WPS (dust erosion fields), or read in during the real.exe initialization (e.g., biomass burning, biogenic emissions, GOCART background fields, etc.), or read in during the execution of the WRF solver (e.g., anthropogenic emissions, boundary conditions, volcanic emissions, etc.). And while some programs are provided in an attempt to aid the user in generation of these external input data files, as stated earlier, not all emissions choices are set-up to function for all possible namelist options related to the WRF/Chem model. In other words, the generation of emissions input data for simulating the state of the atmosphere’s chemistry can be incredibly complex and some times the user will need to modify code, or the model configuration to get it to function properly for their project.Chapter 2: WRF/Chem Software InstallationTable of Contents2.1 Introduction (8)2.2 Building the WRF-chemistry code (8)2.2.1 Getting the code (8)2.2.2 UNIX environment settings for WRF/Chem (9)2.2.3 Configuring the model and compiling the code (10)2.2.4 Building the WRF-chemistry emissions conversion code (10)2.1 IntroductionThe WRF modeling system software (including chemistry)installation is straightforward on the ported platforms. The package is mostly self-contained, meaning that WRF requires no external libraries that are not already supplied with the code. One exception is the netCDF library, which is one of the supported I/O API packages. The netCDF libraries or source code are available from the Unidata homepage at (select the pull-down tab Downloads, registration required, to find the netCDF link).The WRF/Chem model has been successfully ported to a number of Unix-based machines. We do not have access to all tested systems and must rely on outside users and vendors to supply required configuration information for compiler and loader options of computing architectures that are not available to us. See also chapter 2 of the User’s Guide for the Advanced Research WRF for a list of the supported combinations of hardware and software, required compilers, and scripting languages as well as post-processing software. It cannot be guaranteed that chemistry will build successfully on all architectures that have been tested for the meteorological version of WRF.Note that this document assumes a priori that the reader is very familiar with the installation and implementation of the WRF model and its initialization package (e.g., the WRF Standard Initialization program, or WPS). Documentation for the WRF Model and its initialization package can be found at (/wrf/users/pub-doc.html). With this assumption in place, the remainder of this chapter provides a quick overview of the methodology for downloading the WRF/Chem code, setting the required environmental variables, and compiling the WRF/Chem model. Subsequent chapters assume that the user has access to the WRF/Chem model- and emission-data sets for their region of interest and has them readily available so that a full weather and chemical transport simulation can be conducted.2.2 Building the WRF-chemistry code2.2.1 Getting the codeTo obtain the WRF/Chem model one should follow these steps!Download, or copy to your working space, the WRF zipped tar file.•The WRF model and the chemistry code directory are available from the WRF model download web site (/wrf/users) •The chemistry code is a separate download from the WRF modeldownload web page and can be found under the WRF-Chemistry code title •Always get the latest version if you are not trying to continue a long project•Check for known bug fixes for both, WRF and WRF-Chem!Unzip and untar the file•> gzip –cd WRFV3-Chem-3.4.TAR | tar –xf –•Again, if there is a newer version of the code use it, 3.4 is used only as an example•> cd WRFV3Remember that bug fixes become available on a regular basis and can be downloaded from the WRF/Chem web site (/WG11). You should check this web page frequently for updates on bug fixes. This includes also updates and bug fixes for the meteorological WRF code (/wrf/users).2.2.2 UNIX environment settings for WRF/ChemBefore building the WRF/Chem code, several environmental settings are used to specify whether certain portions of the code need to be included in the model build. In c-shell syntax, the important environmental settings are:setenv WRF_EM_CORE 1setenv WRF_NMM_CORE 0and they explicitly define which model core to build. These are the default values that are generally not required. The environmental setting!setenv WRF_CHEM 1explicitly defines that the chemistry code is to be included in the WRF model build, and is required for WRF/Chem. This variable is required at configure time as well as compile time.Optionally,setenv WRF_KPP 1setenv YACC ‘/usr/bin/yacc –d’setenv FLEX_LIB_DIR /usr/local/libexplicitly defines that the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP) (Damian et al. 2002; Sandu et al. 2003; Sandu and Sander 2006) is to be included in the WRF/Chem model build using the flex library (libfl.a). In our case, the flex library is located in /usr/local/lib and compiles the KPP code using the yacc (yet another compiler compiler) location in /usr/bin. This is optional as not all chemical mechanisms need the KPP libraries built during compilation. The user may first determine whether the KPP libraries will be needed (see chapter 6 for a description of available options). One should set the KPP environmental variable to zero (setenv WRF_KPP 0) if the KPP libraries are not needed.2.2.3 Configuring the model and compiling the codeThe WRF code has a fairly complicated build mechanism. It tries to determine the architecture that you are on, and then present you with options to allow you to select the preferred build method. For example, if you are on a Linux machine, the code mechanism determines whether this is a 32-or 64-bit machine, and then prompts you for the desired usage of processors (such as serial, shared memory, or distributed memory) and compilers. Start by selecting the build method:!> ./configure!Choose one of the options•Usually, option "1" is for a serial build. For WRF/Chem. Do not use the shared memory OPENMP option (smpar, or dm + sm), these are notsupported. The serial build is a preferred choice if you are debugging theprogram and are working with very small data sets (e.g. if you aredeveloping the code). Since WRF/Chem uses a lot of memory (manyadditional variables), the distributed memory options are preferred for allother cases!You can now compile the code using•> ./compile em_real >& compile.log!If your compilation was successful, you should find the executables in the “main” subdirectory. You should see ndown.exe, real.exe, and wrf.exe listed•> ls -ls main/*.exe2.2.4 Building the WRF-chemistry-emissions-conversion codeAfter building the WRF-Chemistry model, you can then compile the optional conversion programs that will allow you to run the anthropogenic- and biogenic-emissions programs. These programs are used to convert “raw” anthropogenic- and biogenic-data files into WRF netCDF input data files. In the WRFV3 directory, type the following commands:!> ./compile emi_conv!> ls -ls WRFV3/chem/*.exe•You should see the file convert_emiss.exe listed in the chemistry directory. This file should already be linked to the WRFV3/test/em_realdirectory.!> ls -ls WRFV3/test/em_real/*.exe•You should see the files ndown.exe, real.exe, wrf.exe, convert_emiss.exe, listed in the em_real directory.At this point all of the WRF-Chemistry model have been built. The model can be run and the run time messages should indicate that chemistry is included. But before one can use the WRF chemistry model to its full potential, the emissions input data needs to be generated. The manufacturing of the emissions input data is the subject of the next chapter.Chapter 3: Generation of WRF/Chem-Emissions Data Table of Contents3.1!Introduction ................................................................................................................. 12!3.2 Preparation of anthropogenic emissions for use with WRF/Chem ............................. 12!3.2.1 Using the global-emissions data set ..................................................................... 13!3.2.2 The standard 4-km resolution data set (2005 NEI emissions data for USA only)13! Anthropogenic-emissions construction methodology for WRF/Chem ......... 14! Construction of an anthropogenic-emissions-inventory conversion table .... 14! Additional details for running emiss_v03.F with the NEI-05 anthopogenic-emissions data set ...................................................................................................... 18!3.2.3 Wildfire emissions ............................................................................................... 20!3.2.4 Volcanic emissions .............................................................................................. 20! Volcanic ash emissions ................................................................................. 21! Volcanic SO2 degassing emissions ............................................................... 21!3.3 Generating the netcdf-emissions data sets .................................................................. 22!3.4 Construction and preparation of tracer emissions ....................................................... 24!3.4.1 The CO2 tracer option .......................................................................................... 24!3.4.2 The Green House Gas tracer option ..................................................................... 24!3.5 Preparation of biogenic emissions .............................................................................. 25!3.5.1 No biogenic emissions ......................................................................................... 25!3.5.2 Guenther biogenic emissions ............................................................................... 25!3.5.3 BEIS 3.14 biogenic emissions ............................................................................. 25!3.5.4 MEGAN biogenic emissions ............................................................................... 27!3.6 Conversion of biogenic-emission data files ................................................................ 27!3.7 Placement of chemical-emission input data files ........................................................ 27!3.1IntroductionOne of the main differences between running with and without chemistry is the inclusion of additional data sets describing the sources of chemical species. At this time, these files need to be prepared externally from the WRF/Chem simulation due to the wide variety of data sources. This places the WRF/Chem user in a position of needing to understand the complexity of their emissions data as well as having the control over how the chemicals are speciated and mapped to their simulation domain. While this can be a daunting task to the uninitiated, the following section will illustrate the methodology through which emissions data is generated for a forecast domain.3.2 Preparation of anthropogenic emissions for use with WRF/ChemAt this time there is no single tool that will construct an anthropogenic- emissions data set for any domain and any chemical mechanism that you select. This places the requirement upon you to construct the anthropogenic-emissions data set for your particular domain and desired chemistry. However, several programs and data sets are provided that you may use to create an emissions data set, if your domain and your。