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sw $aO, O($fp) #calculate the first nu mber

andi $s2, $s0, 0x80000000 # s2 is the sig n

srl $s2, $s2, 31

andi $s3, $s0, 0x7f800000 # s3 is the exp onent

srl $s3, $s3, 23

andi $s4, $s0, 0x007fffff # s4 is the fractio n

addi $s4, $s4, 0x00800000 #calculate the seco nd number

andi $s5, $s1, 0x80000000 # s5 is the sig n

srl $s5, $s5, 31

andi $s6, $s1, 0x7f800000 # s6 is the exp onent

srl $s6, $s6, 23

andi $s7, $s1, 0x007fffff # s7 is the fractio n

addi $s7, $s7, 0x00800000

sub $t0, $s3, $s6

bit $t0, 0, sumL1 # add sub

bgt $t0, 0, sumL2 # sub add

beq $t0, 0, sumL3


mysub: subu $sp, $sp, 32

sw $ra, 20($sp)

sw $fp, 16($sp)

addiu $fp, $sp, 28

sw $a0, 0($fp) #calculate the first nu mber

andi $s2, $s0, 0x80000000 # s2 is the sig n

srl $s2, $s2, 31

andi $s3, $s0, 0x7f800000 # s3 is the exp onent

srl $s3, $s3, 23

andi $s4, $s0, 0x007fffff # s4 is the fractio n

addi $s4, $s4, 0x00800000 #calculate the seco nd number

xori $s5, $s1, 0x80000000 # s5 is the sig n

srl $s5, $s5, 31

andi $s6, $s1, 0x7f800000 # s6 is the exp onent

srl $s6, $s6, 23

andi $s7, $s1, 0x007fffff # s7 is the fractio n

addi $s7, $s7, 0x00800000

sub $t0, $s3, $s6

blt $t0, 0, subL1 # +,-

bgt $t0, 0, subL2 # -,+

beq $t0, 0, subL3 # +,+ or -,-


mutilStart: srl $t2, $s0, 31

srl $t3, $s1, 31

sll $t4, $s0, 1

srl $t4, $t4, 24 # exp

sll $t5, $s1, 1

srl $t5, $t5, 24 # exp # 0...1frac

sll $t6, $s0, 9

srl $t6, $t6, 9

ori $t6, $t6, 0x00800000

sll $t6, $t6, 8

addi $t4, $t4, 1 # 0...1frac

sll $t7, $s1, 9

srl $t7, $t7, 9

ori $t7, $t7, 0x00800000

sll $t7, $t7, 8

addi $t5, $t5, 1

sub $t4, $t4, 127

add $t4, $t4, $t5 # final exp

sub $t5, $t5, $t5

mutilCompareSig n:add $t2, $t2, $t3

sll $t2, $t2, 31 # final sig n

multu $t6, $t7

mfhi $t5


andi $t8, $t5,0x80000000

beq$t8, 0x80000000, muti In ext

sll $t5, $t5, 1

sub $t4, $t4, 1

mutil next: sll $t5, $t5, 1 # IEEE754

sub $t4, $t4, 1

srl $t5, $t5, 9 # final fracti on

mutilFi nal: sll $t4, $t4, 24

srl $t4, $t4, 1

addu $t2, $t2, $t4

addu $t2, $t2, $t5 # result

add $s2, $t2, $zero # save result

li $v0, 4

la $a0, msg3


li $v0, 2

mtc1 $t2, $f12


la $a0, nsg0 # new line

li $v0, 4

