

英文 音乐类型简介

英文 音乐类型简介

摇滚乐,英文全称为Rock' N' Roll',兴起于 20世纪50年代中期,主要受到节奏布鲁斯、 乡村音乐和叮砰巷音乐的影响发展而来。早 期摇滚乐很多都是黑人节奏布鲁斯的翻唱版, 因而节奏布鲁斯是其主要根基。摇滚乐分支 众多,形态复杂,主要风格有:民谣摇滚、 艺术摇滚、迷幻摇滚、乡村摇滚、重金属、 朋克等,代表人物有:埃尔维斯·普莱斯利 (猫王)、鲍勃·迪伦、披头士乐队、滚石乐 队等,是20世纪美国大众音乐走向成熟的重 要标志。 中国摇滚乐兴起于80年代初,1986年崔健 以一首《一无所有》喊出了中国摇滚第一声。 90年代中期为中国摇滚的高峰期。
爵士乐(Jazz),于19世纪Байду номын сангаас20世纪初 源于美国,诞生于南部港口城市新奥尔 良,音乐根基来自布鲁斯(Blues)和拉 格泰姆(Ragtime)。爵士乐讲究即兴, 以具有摇摆特点的Shuffle节奏为基础, 是非洲黑人文化和欧洲白人文化的结合。 20世纪前十几年爵士乐主要集中在新奥 尔良发展,1917年后转向芝加哥,30年 代又转移至纽约,直至今天,爵士乐风 靡全球。爵士乐的主要风格有:新奥尔 良爵士、摇摆乐、比博普、冷爵士、自 由爵士、拉丁爵士、融合爵士等。
乡村音乐(Country Music),一种具有 美国民族特色的流行音乐,于20世纪20 年代兴起于美国南部,其根源来自英国民 谣,是美国白人民族音乐代表。乡村音乐 的特点是曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事 性,具有较浓的乡土气息。多为歌谣体、 二部曲式或三部曲式。乡村音乐为美国劳 动人民最喜爱的音乐形式之一。在美国, "蓝领"指的是下层人,故这种音乐又称" 蓝领音乐"。



流行音乐(popular music布鲁斯(蓝调Blues布鲁斯产生于19世纪90年代, 密西西比河的三角洲地带, 早期为人们劳作时的劳动号子。

Blues 最初主要是人声的叙述,后来才加上了乐器的伴奏。

“ Blues 具”有多重意义,除了音乐类型, 它也可以当作是情景上的形容词。

通常在看到这个字眼的时候, 人们常会立即联想到忧郁与悲伤, 而这正是布鲁斯音乐的基本特质。

布鲁斯起源自l9 世纪晚期(1890年起, 音乐内容混合了非洲的田野呐喊和基督教赞美诗歌声。

其产生原因, 可以说是为了抒发演唱者的个人情感,甚至也可以说是黑人早期生活的写照。


第一个阶段是19 世纪末到二战结束以前的“传统布鲁斯时期” 主, 要以乡村布鲁斯、古典布鲁斯、城市布鲁斯三种风格为代表; 第二阶段是“节奏布鲁斯时期” 主, 要是指二战后四五十年代盛行的节奏布鲁斯风格; 第三阶段是六七十年代的“摇滚布鲁斯时期”主,要是指摇滚乐和布鲁斯的融合形态;第四阶段是“现代布鲁斯时期”主,要是指80年代后的电声布鲁斯。

代表人物Lemon Jefferson 、Robert Johnson、Mamie Smith 、Bessie Smith、Billie Holiday、WilliamHandy 、Sam Lightning Hopkins、Clarence “ Gatemouth ” Brown ,, 代表作1. Get Next To Me - B.B. King2. Hand It Over - Keb Mo'3. Good Day For The Blues -Ruth Brown4. How Could You Do It? - Henry Gray5. Cakewalk Into Town -Taj Mahal6. She's Into Something - Albert Collins7. Hello, San Francisco (Part I - Sugar Pie Desanto8. Call Me Baby - Raful Neal 9. I Got The Blues - Otis Rush 10. Sunpie Barnes -Sun pie's Romp & Stomp 11. Needed Time - Eric Bibb 爵士乐(Jazz爵士乐以其极具动感的切分节奏, 个性十足的爵士和声和不失章法的即兴演奏(或演唱, 赢得了广大听众的喜爱, 同时也得到了音乐领域各界人士的认可。



蓝调⾳乐1 基本简介 蓝调⼀词是与“蓝⾊魔⿁”(Blue devils)⼀致的意思,意思是情绪低调、忧伤、忧郁。





2 历史起源 蓝调⾳乐始于本世纪初美国的南部。


蓝调⾳乐 蓝调⾳乐是⿊⼈的思乡之曲。





这种⾳乐有⼀种很明显的特式,便是使⽤类似中国民俗唱⼭歌的“⼀呼⼀应”的形式进⾏,英⽂叫作“Call and Reponse”。


就好像受苦的⼈向上帝哭诉,⽽其后得到上帝的安慰与响应! 所以蓝调⾳乐很着重⾃我情感的宣泄和原创性或即兴性。

这种即兴式的演奏⽅法,后来慢慢地演变为各种不同类形的⾳乐,如Rock and Roll、Swing、Jazz......所以蓝调亦是现代流⾏⾳乐的根源。

⾄于⼝琴被⼴泛⽤于蓝调⾳乐中是起始于约⼆⼗年代中,那时候在美国当地有很多街头艺⼈表演⾳乐,他们常⽤乐器是五弦琴、⿎、和⼀种叫“pan quill pipes”的吹奏乐器。



05. Jag Vet En Dejlig Rosa [0:02:43.17]
06. Entonigt Klingar Den Lilla Klockan[0:03:38.33]
07. Heaven [0:03:15.57]
08. come Sunday [0:04:39.38]
09. Den Signade Dag [0:03:53.02]
【专辑】《ANTIPHONEBLUES》蓝调萨克斯风[镜像]Hale Waihona Puke ANTIPHONE BLUES
艺术家: 阿尼·多内拉斯
编号:FIM sacd050
演奏:阿尼·多内拉斯(ARNE DOMNERUS,萨克管)
戈斯塔夫·斯约克维斯特(GUSTAF SJOKVIST,管风琴)
01. Traumerei [0:04:40.62]
02. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child [0:02:29.15]
03. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen [0:03:12.35]
04. Antiphone Blues [0:03:24.58]
鲁内·戈斯塔夫森(RUNE GUSTAFSSON,吉他)
很多“发烧友”都拥有本碟的普通CD版,或者,更确切地说,是拥有两张普通版CD源碟,因为本碟中的15首乐曲就是从两张瑞典PROPRIUS即“宝碟”公司的普通版CD源碟之录音中精选得来的。这两张源碟都是在瑞典的大教堂里录音,把萨克管一波三漾、余音不绝的韵致和管风琴雄浑大气、排山倒海般的恢弘音响都很好地再现了出来!15首乐曲来源各异,既有前辈爵士乐大师“公爵”艾灵顿、比利·斯特雷霍恩(BILLY STRAYHORN)、奥斯卡·彼得森的名作《天堂》(“HEAVEN”)、《周日再来》(“COME SUNDAY”)、《全能的上帝》(“ALMIGHTY GOD”)、《牧羊人》(“THE SHEPHERD”)、《今夜我会安眠》(“TONIGHT I SHALL SLEEP”)和《赞美自由》(“HYMN TO FREEDOM”),也有维瓦尔第的一段广板和舒曼的作品,还有美国黑人灵歌《有时候我觉得自己像一个无母的孤儿》(“SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A MOTHERLESS CHILD”)、《没人知道我的烦恼》(“NOBODY KNOWS THE TROUBLE I’VE SEEN”)以及瑞典传统赞美诗······两张源碟的制作人都是“宝碟”的当家名师雅各布·博休斯(JACOB BOETHIUS),而作为SACD的本碟则由美国FIM(即“一听钟情”)唱片公司掌门人、被誉为“音响诗人”的马濬先生亲自监制,由保罗·斯图伯宾(PAUL STUBBLEBINE)担任DSD母带重制(使用SONY的DSD母带系统),在德国压碟。本碟音乐演绎颇见水准,而SACD格式无与伦比的解析力也可说是展露无遗,萨克管的结像力、形体感都妙到毫巅,质感凸显,空气感更是好得无以复加,而大教堂专用管风琴营造出其它乐器所无法比拟的多声部效果、丰富的音色以及无坚不摧的超低频音响,也不由人不肃立静听!大气雍容的圣乐风韵与用心良苦的人性流露融合得天衣无缝,而超一流的音响质素亦使听者真心愉悦——如此美乐天碟,绝对是音乐发烧友不可错过的好碟!

























rock'n'roll 英文介绍

rock'n'roll 英文介绍






二、Rock'n'Roll的特点Rock'n'Roll音乐的特点主要包括以下几个方面:1. 强烈的节奏感:Rock'n'Roll音乐以强烈的节奏感为特点,这种节奏感来自于非洲裔美国黑人的鼓乐传统,它使得音乐听起来更加有力、有劲。

2. 简单的旋律:Rock'n'Roll音乐的旋律通常很简单,容易记忆,这使得它更容易被大众所接受和喜爱。

3. 青年文化:Rock'n'Roll音乐代表了青年文化,它强调年轻人的力量、活力和自由。


4. 融合多种音乐元素:Rock'n'Roll融合了多种音乐元素,如节奏、蓝调、摇滚、乡村音乐等,这使得它具有了更加丰富的音乐表现力和风格多样性。

三、Rock'n'Roll的发展历程Rock'n'Roll的发展历程可以分为以下几个阶段:1. 起源阶段:20世纪50年代初期,Rock'n'Roll开始在南部美国的黑人社区崭露头角。

英文作文 介绍蓝调

英文作文 介绍蓝调

英文作文介绍蓝调Title: Exploring the Soul of Blues Music。

Blues music is a genre deeply rooted in the African American experience, characterized by its melancholic melodies, soulful vocals, and emotive lyrics. Originatingin the Deep South of the United States during the late 19th century, blues music has since evolved into a powerful cultural phenomenon that has captivated audiences worldwide. In this essay, we will delve into the essence of blues music, exploring its history, themes, and enduring impacton contemporary music.Historically, blues music emerged from the hardshipsand struggles faced by African Americans, particularlythose living in the rural South. It served as a means of expressing the pain, sorrow, and resilience of a marginalized community, providing a voice to those who were often silenced by oppression and discrimination. The rootsof blues can be traced back to African musical traditions,as well as the work songs, spirituals, and field hollers sung by enslaved Africans in America.One of the defining characteristics of blues music isits distinctive musical structure, often referred to as the 12-bar blues. This structure typically consists of three chords played in a specific pattern, accompanied by lyrics that follow an AAB rhyme scheme. The simplicity of this structure allows for improvisation and personal expression, giving each performance a unique and spontaneous quality.Thematically, blues music explores a wide range of emotions, from heartbreak and despair to joy and resilience. Common themes include love and loss, hardship and adversity, as well as the quest for freedom and redemption. Throughits raw and unfiltered lyrics, blues music offers a window into the human condition, inviting listeners to empathize with the struggles of others while finding solace in shared experiences.Over the years, blues music has exerted a profound influence on a variety of other musical genres, includingjazz, rock and roll, and hip-hop. Artists such as B.B. King, Muddy Waters, and Robert Johnson have left an indeliblemark on the music world, inspiring generations of musicians to embrace the blues tradition while putting their own unique spin on it.In conclusion, blues music is more than just a genre;it is a cultural phenomenon that continues to resonate with audiences around the world. Its rich history, emotive themes, and enduring influence make it a timeless art form that speaks to the soul of humanity. Whether you'relistening to the haunting melodies of a Delta bluesguitarist or the electrifying riffs of a Chicago blues band, the power and passion of blues music are undeniable. So the next time you find yourself in need of a musical escape,why not turn to the blues?。



Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Questions and Answers
1. What is a fair weather friend? One who is happy to stay with you when things are going well but leaves as soon as trouble arrives.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Questions and Answers
2. Do you know anything about the singers? Dionne Warwick,Elton John, Gladys Knight . Stevie Wonder and
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
, that‟s what friends are for In I‟ll be forevermore That‟s what friends are for , Knowing you can always me , that‟s what friends are for For I‟ll be forevermore That‟s what friends are for ,
Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear.



Jasmine Flower——Kenny G
Etta 伊塔詹姆丝 被誉为灵魂乐黄金时代最重要的女歌手,很多人把她视 为R&B歌手的先驱,事实上,她擅长的却不仅仅是蓝调,举凡福音诗歌、草根蓝 调、节奏蓝调、灵魂乐、爵士乐,在她来说都是轻松愉快的。她歌唱时而嘶吼、 时而低泣、时而欢愉、时而狂笑。这名女歌手又黑又蓝的嗓音可以绕梁三日不绝。
为纪念披头士乐队登陆美国50周年, Maroon 5、Katy Perry领衔的格莱美 群星一同登台,向西方近代流行音乐 奠基者翻唱致敬!台上台下星光闪耀 ~最后两位老披头士重唱《Hey Jude》,深情再歌不朽传奇! 1.Hey Jude
“披头士”的阵容为主音吉他、节奏吉他、贝斯和 鼓。但是,他们在制作唱片时,经常加入其他的乐 器以加强作品的织体结构 “披头士”在音乐手法 上的创新,对当时和后来的摇滚乐都产生了巨大的 影响。因此,“披头士”在摇滚乐历史上被誉为 “最伟大的乐队”。

肯尼·基(Kenny G)1956年6月5日出生于美国西雅图, 是全球最著名的高音萨克斯 风名家,出道以来,肯尼·基(Kenny G)总计创造了九张称霸全美当代爵士榜冠军并 打进流行专辑榜 TOP10 的专辑,拥有24首抒情榜 TOP40 单曲,历年的专辑、单曲、 音乐录影带的累积销售也已冲破7500万张,他是流行音乐史上最畅销的演奏曲艺人, 同时也是当代最畅销的爵士乐乐手。肯尼·基(Kenny G)的非凡才华为他赢得了葛莱 美奖、全美音乐奖、灵魂列车奖与世界音乐奖。 萨克斯蓝调
bbking--The Thrill Is Gone

B.B.King,美国歌手,吉他演奏家,作曲家,BLUES王国的主宰。他可以在 任何地方录音,作品既有纯布鲁斯的,也有乡村音乐风格的,还有流行和摇 滚的,但每一种形式中都夹杂着布鲁斯的成分。他当过电台节目主持人。










但是传统的Blues音乐还是有着强大的实力,这个领域的音乐家有B.B.King、John Lee Hooker、Etta Baker、Jimi Hendrix 、Junior Wells和Buddy Guy等等。




劳伦斯·勒文(Lawrence Levine)认为“在国家强调个人的意识、布克·华盛顿的主张的普及性和蓝调的形成之间有直接的联系。



就好像受苦的人向上帝哭诉,而其后得到上帝的安慰与响应!所以蓝调音乐很着重自我情感的宣泄和原创性或即兴性,这种即兴式的演奏方法,后来慢慢地演变为各种不同类形的音乐,如Rock and Roll、Swing、Jazz......所以蓝调亦是现代流行音乐的根源。



蓝调音乐英文作文Blue music is something that speaks to the soul. It's raw, emotional, and it just hits you in a way that other genres can't. The lyrics are often filled with heartache, pain, and longing, and the music itself is filled with soulful melodies and haunting rhythms. It's the kind of music that you can feel in your bones, and it's a genrethat has a way of connecting with people on a deeper level.When you listen to blue music, you can't help but feel the emotion behind it. It's like the artists are pouring their hearts out on the stage or in the recording studio, and you can't help but be moved by it. The lyrics are often filled with stories of heartbreak, loss, and struggle, and the music itself is filled with a sense of longing and yearning. It's the kind of music that makes you want to close your eyes and just let yourself be swept away by the emotion of it all.There's something about the blues that just gets underyour skin and stays with you. It's the kind of music that you find yourself humming along to, even when you're not consciously thinking about it. It's the kind of music that you can't help but tap your foot to, and before you know it, you're up and dancing to the rhythm. It's the kind of music that becomes a part of you, and it's something that youcan't help but come back to time and time again.The beauty of blue music is that it's so diverse. There are so many different styles and subgenres within the blues, from Delta blues to Chicago blues to Texas blues, and each one has its own unique sound and feel. Whether you're inthe mood for something slow and soulful or something more upbeat and lively, there's a style of blue music out there for you. It's a genre that has something for everyone, andit's a genre that continues to evolve and grow with each passing year.In conclusion, blue music is a genre that speaks to the soul and connects with people on a deeper level. It's raw, emotional, and diverse, and it has a way of getting under your skin and staying with you. Whether you're in the moodfor something slow and soulful or something more upbeat and lively, there's a style of blue music out there for you.It's a genre that has something for everyone, and it's a genre that continues to evolve and grow with each passing year.。



英国蓝调音乐英语作文英文:When it comes to British blues music, I can't help but think of the legendary band The Rolling Stones. Theirblues-influenced rock music has been a huge inspiration for me and many other musicians. The British blues scene in the 1960s was a time of great creativity and innovation, andit's had a lasting impact on the music world.One of the things I love about British blues music is the raw emotion and passion that comes through in the music. Whether it's the soulful vocals or the expressive guitar solos, there's a depth of feeling that's hard to find in other genres. The lyrics also often tell powerful storiesof love, loss, and the struggles of everyday life.I remember the first time I heard the song "I Can'tQuit You Baby" by Led Zeppelin, and I was blown away by the intensity of the music. The way the guitar wailed and thevocals soared, it was like nothing I'd ever heard before. That's the kind of impact British blues music can have on a person.Another thing that sets British blues music apart isthe sense of camaraderie and community among the musicians. They often collaborate and jam together, sharing their love for the music and pushing each other to new heights. It's this sense of connection and shared passion that really draws me to the British blues scene.中文:说到英国蓝调音乐,我就忍不住想起传奇乐队滚石乐队。



如同爵士乐、摇滚乐和嬉蹦文化这类文化一样, 蓝调亦曾被人视为“魔鬼的音乐”,更有人说它 导致暴力和其它罪恶行为。在20世纪初,特别是 从1920年代开始白人听众开始听蓝调时,蓝调曾 被看作是次等的、低级的音乐。,汉迪是第一位使 非黑人听众认识到蓝调的音乐家。时至今天,蓝 调已是美国黑人文化的重要一环,甚至是美国文 化遗产的一个重要组成部分。这些不仅出现在学 者的论文之中,而且也出现在许多主流电影里, 《福禄双霸天》就是一个好例子。这部电影里使 用了几乎所有与蓝调有关的音乐形式,这给蓝调 音乐的形象带来了一个重要的改变。它使得《 SweetHomeChicago》这首歌成为了芝加哥非 正式的市歌。
许多蓝调的元素,比如启应的形式和使用的蓝调 之音都可以追踪到非洲音乐。西尔维安•迪欧弗( Sylviane Diouf)指出一定的特征——比如使用 花音(melisma)和轻的、鼻音声调——似乎说 明蓝调与中非和西非音乐的联系。民族音乐学家 格哈特•库比克(Gerhard Kubik)可能是第一 个指出蓝调的一定元素来自非洲的人。 后来蓝调又吸收了黑人音乐中走唱秀(minstrel show)和黑人圣歌(Spiritual),包括其乐器 和和弦伴奏。蓝调与拉格泰姆的关系也很密切, 不过蓝调更好地保存了“原始非洲音乐的旋律结 构”。孟菲斯的比尔大街是早期蓝调形成的地方 之一
Blues的发展历程 的发展历程
上个世纪的20年代,Blues以它个性的歌词、和谐的节奏以及忧郁的旋律逐渐兴起 乡村 Blues 古典 Blues 电声 Blues
Blues音乐发展到今天,已经逐渐被纳入主流音乐的行列, 他的许多元素被更多的运用到摇滚乐及流行音乐中
由于蓝调成形于其个人表演,因此要指 出所有蓝调的共同特征很难。但在现代 蓝调出现以前所有的美国黑人音乐有一 定的共同点。最早的蓝调式的音乐是一 个“功能式的表达,其启应的歌唱没有 任何伴奏、和弦,不拘束于任何形式, 没有任何特别的音乐结构。”这些从奴 隶田野工作时的叫喊和呼唤来源的蓝调 以前的音乐逐渐扩展为“简单的、带有 感情内容的单声歌”。今天的蓝调可以 看作是基于欧洲的和弦结构和从非洲的 启应传统上发展为歌唱与吉他的交替演 奏的音乐。



• 看不见你的笑我怎么睡得 着? 你的身影这么近我却抱不 到。 没有地球,太阳还会绕 。 没有理由,我也能自己走。 你要离开, 我知道很简单。 你说依赖, 是我们的阻碍。 就算放开,能不能别没收 我的爱? 当作我最后才明白。
• How can I fall asleep without watching your smile? I can't hold u although u stand so close. Even though the Earth does not exist, the Sun still move. Without the reason, I can also walk. Say too much "forgotten" so that u can't be. Perhaps the time is antidote, is also the poison I'm • 看不见你的笑我怎么睡得 着? 你的身影这么近我却抱不 到。 没有地球太阳开始环绕环 绕 没有理由我也能自己走。 释怀说了太多就成真不了。 也许时间是一种解药,也 是我现在正服下的毒药
• How can I fall asleep without watching your smile? I can't hold u although u stand so close. Even though the Earth does not exist, the Sun still move. Without the reason, I can also walk. You must leave, I knew that is very simple. You said the dependence is our barrier. Even if u want to leave, please don't confiscate my love? Treat as me just understand finally.





本文将介绍蓝调音乐的基本特点、代表人物以及欣赏指南,帮助读者更好地理解和欣赏这一充满灵魂的音乐.1. 蓝调音乐的基本特点蓝调音乐以其独特的音色、节奏和和声吸引着人们的注意。



2. 蓝调音乐的代表人物蓝调音乐有许多杰出的代表人物,他们通过自己的创作和演奏对蓝调音乐的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

其中,罗伯特·弗朗西斯·约翰逊(Robert Francis Johnson)被公认为是蓝调音乐的创始人之一。


另外还有布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)、埃瑞克·克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)等众多艺术家都对蓝调音乐的发展做出了重要贡献。

3. 蓝调音乐的欣赏指南要欣赏蓝调音乐,首先我们需要关注其中的情感表达和音乐特点。










Topic Music(现在完成时,will在将来时态中的应用(提供信息),because-clause(说明理由),好恶偏爱的表达方式I‘d rather I prefer to,数量的表达,I’ve been to)Soft/light music 轻音乐pop music 流行音乐dance music 舞曲classical music 古典音乐rock music 摇滚音乐folk music 民间音乐school music 校园音乐children music 少儿英语fans粉丝lyric歌词tune曲调范文1:Most of the time, I prefer watching television rather than listening to the radio. Television is much better than video because it has pictures. I always think that pictures can offer more information than mere sounds. I like watching movies, and situational comedies on television. Sometimes I watch the programs that introduce famous scenery around the world, or the knowledge about animals and plants. Watching television is the best way to entertain because right now there are many entertaining programs on various channels, and I can totally relax myself when watching these programs.I would rather listen to the radio instead of watching television. First of all, the programs on television right now are very boring. Sometimes I change all the channels and can not find any program I like. I like listening to music, and whenever you turn on the radio, you can find a channel that is playing music. What is more, television is quite bad for the eyes, and people will waste lots of time when they watch a situational comedy(情景喜剧) they like. I like listening to the radio before I fall asleep, so I can rest my eyes while enjoying the beautiful melodies.Question:Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching television?范文2:A: Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful (优美的,优雅的); rock music is fast, classical music is great, light music is relaxing. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception.My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical(音乐的)family. Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really great! I like it very much.B: Music is very good to relax. When I feel very boring, I usually like listening to the music. My favorite kind of music is pop music. It’s good and many young people love it.C: I like pop music, because it’s very suit me to happy. Sometimes I like R&B(Rhythm and Blues,蓝调音乐)and classical music. R&B is very popular and makes me excited. Classical music can make me relax. My favorite musicians(音乐家) are Starauss, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and Jay. Their music and song are great, I think I can play the piano! But I can’t play it very well. I like to play it a little. I intend to study to play guitar when I’m nineteen.D: What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs(民间音乐), blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to learn how to play a specific(特定的)instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical instruments themselves. Sometimes we listened to tapes at the language laboratory, or concerts. Music is sometimes called a universal language. A composer who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, exaltation (兴奋, 得意) and despair(绝望, 失望, 悲观), peace and mystery through his music.Question: What can music bring to us?1.I like listening to music, When I am happy, loud rock music make me excited and active, But when I am unhappy, loud music makes me feel bored and angry, So when I am unhappy, I also listen to soft music, it makes me feel relax and calm down, popular music is my favorite, it’s a kind of strong music, Popular music always makes me want to dance.2.My favorite music is pop music. There are many kinds of music, such as country music, rock music and so on. But I like movie music best. Because it is easy to learn, and this kind of music is often about our life, they are very popular among people. And these movies are also watched again and again for many years. It is also a good way to learn English. So you know my favorite music is movie music. Questions:What kinds of music do you know in the world? What kind of music do you like best?Light music/ rock music/ folk music / popular songs / classical music / dance music (music that is suitable for dancing)1.Do you like to listen to music? Which is your favorite kind?2.Do you have your favorite singer? Why?3.Do you think it is good to listen to some music after school? Why?4.Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music? Why?5.Have you ever been to a pop concert?6.Which do you prefer, watching a pop concert on TV or go to it? Why?7.Can music make people happy? Can music influence our mood or behavior?8.Do you play any musical instrument?9.What can music bring to us?10. Do you know something about Peking Opera?Peking opera of China is a national treasure with a history of 200 years. Peking opera is a synthesis(综合) of music, dance, art and acrobatics(杂技; 特技). It tells us a story or depicts(描绘;描写) different characters and their feelings of anger, sorrow (悲痛; 忧伤), happiness, surprise and fear. Peking Opera is an important part of Chinese culture and become more and more popular in china.1. Do you like to listen to music? Which is your favorite kind?Well, I preferred to like pop music best, and pop music is my favorite music. When I feel very bored, I usually listen to soft music, it makes me relax and calm down.3. Do you have your favorite singer? Why? Do you have an ideal singer?Well, I am not interesting in any singers. What I like best is just songs they sing, such as the tune and the lyrics. Sometimes, I will learn to sing the songs I like.4. Do you think it is good to listen to some music after school? Why?Well, I’ve never listened to music after school. Because, there are a lot of homework after school everyday, and I have to save time to finish my homework. I won’t have enough time to enjoy the music. Therefore, I only listen to music on weekends.5. What kinds of music do you know? Which do you prefer, classical music or pop music? Why? Well, I am familiar with blue music, rock music, folk music and so on. But, I love pop music best. As for me, it’s very nice to listen, and it’s easy to learn. When I am busy, it makes me happy, and pop music is very good to relax.6. Have you ever been to a pop concert?Well, I have never been to any pop concerts. I’ve spent most time in having classes, so I don’t have enough time to see a pop concert.7. Which do you prefer, watching a pop concert on TV or go to it? Why?Well, I often watch a pop concert on TV at home instead of going to see it. Because it is very cheap and convenient for me, I needn’t to buy the expensive ticket and save time.8. Can music make people happy?Well, music can make people happy, because when I’m tired, I can listen to music to make my mood happy. Music has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music is fast, classical music is great, light music is relaxing.9. Can music influence our mood or behavior?Well, music can influence our mood or behavior, because music has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music is fast, classical music is great, light music is relaxing.10. Can you play any musical instrument?Well, I can play piano. Because it can improve my hobby and make me know something about music, notes and so on. Actually, it is hard to learn, but I am still studying to play the piano. I believe I can play it well.11. What can music bring to us?Well, different kinds of music can bring us different sorts of feelings. For example, pop music and rock music can make me relax and excited, soft music is graceful and make me peaceful.。



探索心灵的旋律:我所钟爱的音乐类型In the vast and diverse world of music, I find myself captivated by the soulful melodies of blues music. This genre, rich in history and emotion, resonates deeply with my inner world, offering a unique blend of harmony and raw emotion. Blues music, with its roots in African-American culture, tells tales of heartache, joy, struggle, and hope, often through the use of improvisation and personal expression.The blues are known for their simple yet profound melodies, often played on acoustic guitars or pianos, and their unique rhythmic structure, which features a repeating pattern known as the "blues form." This form, combined with the use of "blue notes" — notes that are slightly off-pitch, creating a unique and emotional sound — gives the blues its characteristic sound and feel.What draws me to the blues is its honesty and authenticity. Blues musicians often share their personal experiences and feelings through their music, creating a deep emotional connection with their listeners. This connection is further enhanced by the improvisationalnature of the blues, which allows musicians to express themselves freely and create new melodies and harmonies on the spot.In addition to its emotional depth, the blues also has a unique historical significance. It was born out of the hardships and struggles of African-Americans during the early 20th century, and its music reflects this history. Listening to the blues is not just an auditory experience; it's a journey through time, allowing us to connect with the past and understand the challenges faced by earlier generations.Overall, the blues are a powerful and transformative genre of music. They have the ability to evoke deep emotions and启发思考,making them an essential part of any music lover's collection. For me, the blues are not just a music genre; they are a way of life, a constant reminder of the beauty and complexity of human emotion.**探索心灵的旋律:我所钟爱的音乐类型**在丰富多样的音乐世界中,我发现自己被蓝调音乐那充满灵魂的旋律所吸引。



节奏蓝调英文作文I was walking down the street, feeling the rhythm ofthe blues in my bones. The music was like a balm to my soul, soothing and comforting in its melancholy. It spoke to mein a way that words never could, reaching deep into thecore of my being.The sound of the guitar wailed in the night, echoing through the empty streets. It was a raw, visceral soundthat seemed to encapsulate all the pain and longing in the world. I couldn't help but be drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.The singer's voice was like whiskey and smoke, roughand husky with emotion. It was as if every word was torn from the depths of his being, carrying with it the weightof a thousand heartaches. I found myself hanging on toevery note, feeling the ache in my own heart resonate with his.The drums pounded in my chest, setting my pulse racingin time with the music. They were the heartbeat of the blues, driving the song forward with an irresistible energy.I felt alive and invigorated, as if I could take on the world with nothing but the music in my veins.The harmonica cried out, a mournful wail that seemed to speak directly to my soul. It was a sound of loss and longing, of all the things that could have been but never were. I closed my eyes and let it wash over me, feeling the tears welling up in response to its haunting melody.The bass rumbled beneath it all, a steady undercurrent that grounded the music in its deep, soulful groove. It was the foundation upon which everything else was built,holding it all together with a quiet strength. I felt it reverberate through my bones, anchoring me to the earth as the music lifted me up to the heavens.。

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2005-12-28 10:05 ues was and still is a term used for a number of post-war American popular music forms. The term is credited to Jerry Wexler when he was editing the charts in Billboard magazine (1947). The term was used in the chart listings from 1949 onwards and the charts in question encompassed a number of contemporary forms that emerged around that time.R&B clearly has its origins in the secular folk music of the American black musician - the Blues. For me, the Blues is essentially about emotional expression and is predominantly a vocal medium - although there are many examples of blues instrumentals to refute this assertion, it is the singer who expresses the feelings of the blues; and there are a number of vocal techniques which are used to create the desired effects. There are of course a range of blues intrumentations which accompany the central vocal performance (the bending of guitar strings, the classic bottleneck of so many of the great blues guitarists, the harmonica imitating the idioms of the human voice etc. etc.) and which clearly help to create the unique blues performance.Although much has been written on the blues, the origins of the music are not particularly well documented. It is clearly influenced by the work songs of the deep South, ragtime, church music, minstrel shows and folk, even some forms of white popular music. The earliest and most frequently cited references to the form are to be found in the early 1900s and one of the early musical reference points is the W.C. Handy composition 'Memphis Blues'.Rural blues developed mainly in the three key regions of Georgia, Texas and Mississippi. Excellent examples of the Georgia style include Blind Willie McTell and Blind Boy Fuller, highly melodic and less intense than the Mississippi stylists such as Charley Patton, Robert Johnson and Johnny Shines.Interestingly however, perhaps the first real blues recordings were made in the 1920s by the women of the blues, artists such as Ma Rainey, Ida Cox and the wonderful Bessie Smith. At this stage the performances were still largely based on their stage backgrounds, backed by the leading jazz players of the day.Muddy WatersOne of the critical external factors which moved the blues form forward was the economic migration from the American South to the cities of the North by millions of black southern workers. The blues went with them, adapting to a more sophisticated urban environment. The themes of blues songs understandably became more urban, the solo bluesman was joined by a number of other musicians and the blues combo was born. The piano, harmonica, bass and drums and, most importantly of all, the electric guitar became the cornerstone of a sound of increasing rhythmic intensity.Some of the major urban conurbations included Atlanta, Memphis and St. Louis but there are critical milestones to be found in any number of places. John Lee Hooker found a home in Detroit, the great T-Bone Walker established a following on the West Coast and Chicago exerted an influence of real significance - Sonny Boy Williamson, Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Elmore James and Otis Spann were all based there.The Blues has influenced just about everything musically which subsequently developed. Not least of which was the emergence of what came to be known as Rhythm and Blues