瓦 轴B:2009年年度审计报告(英文版) 2010-04-27

Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the 2009 National Economic and Social DevelopmentNational Bureau of Statistics of ChinaFebruary 25, 2010In 2009, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the people of all nationalities of China, taking as the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents”, implemented earnestly the scientific approach to the economic and social development, carefully put into effect the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, carried out the package of plans and policies aiming at dealing with the international financial crisis in an all round way, national economic performance recovered and posed to the good direction and all social undertakings achieved new progress.I. General OutlookIn 2009, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the year was 33,535.3 billion yuan, up by 8.7 percent over the previous year. Analyzed by different industries, the value added of the primary industry was 3,547.7 billion yuan, up by 4.2 percent, that of the secondary industry was 15,695.8 billion yuan, up by 9.5 percent and the tertiary industry was 14,291.8 billion yuan, up by 8.9 percent. The value added of the primary industry accounted for 10.6 percent of the GDP, dropped by 0.1 percentage point over that in the pervious year, that of the secondary industry accounted for 46.8 percent, down by 0.7 percentage point, and that of the tertiary industry accounted for 42.6 percent, up by 0.8 percentage point.The general level of consumer prices in China was down by 0.7 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the prices for food went up by 0.7 percent. The prices for investment in fixed assets were down by 2.4 percent. The producer prices for manufactured goods dropped by 5.4 percent, of which, the prices for means of production down by 6.7 percent, and for means of subsistence decreased by 1.2 percent. The purchasing prices for raw materials, fuels and power went down by 7.9 percent. The producer prices for farm products were down by 2.4 percent. The prices for means of agricultural production were down by 2.5 percent. The sales prices for housing in 70 large andmedium-sized cities were up by 1.5 percent, of which, that for new residential buildings went up by 1.3 percent, for second hand housing grew by 2.4 percent, and the prices for rental and leasing were down by 0.6 percent.Table 1: General Level of Consumer Prices in 2009Unit: % Item NationalAverage Urban Rural General level of consumer prices -0.7 -0.9 -0.3 Food 0.7 1.0 0.1 Of Which: Grain 5.6 5.7 5.5 Meat, poultry and related products -8.7 -8.5 -9.2Oil -18.3 -17.9 -18.8Fresh eggs 1.5 1.3 2.0Fresh vegetables 15.4 15.0 16.7Fresh fruits 9.1 9.0 9.5 Tobaccos and alcohols 1.5 1.7 1.3 Clothing -2.0 -2.2 -1.6 Household appliances and services 0.2 0.3 0.0 Medical, health and personal articles 1.2 1.1 1.5 Transportation and telecommunications -2.4 -2.7 -1.8-0.7 -1.2 0.6 Recreational, educational, cultural articles andservicesHousing -3.6 -4.6 -1.5At the end of 2009, the total of employed people in China numbered 779.95 million, 5.15 million more than that of 2008. Of this total, 311.20 million were employed in urban areas, a net increase of 9.10 million, a newly increase of 11.02 million. The urban unemployment rate through unemployment registration was 4.3 percent at the end of 2009, an increase of 0.1 percentage point over that of 2008.At the end of 2009, China’s foreign exchange reserves reached 2,399.2 billion US dollars, an increase of 453.1 billion US dollars as compared with that at the end of the pervious year. At the end of the year, the exchange rate was 6.8282 RMB to 1 USD, an appreciation by 0.1 percent over that at the end of 2008.In 2009, the total fiscal revenue reached 6,847.7 billion yuan, up by 11.7 percent or an increase of 714.7 billion yuan over that in the previous year. Of this total, the taxes collected in the whole year reached 5,951.5 billion yuan, up by 9.8 percent or an increase of 529.1 billion yuan over 2008.II. AgricultureIn 2009, the sown area of grain was 108.97 million hectares, an increase of 2.17 million hectares as compared with that in the previous year; the sown area of cotton was 4.95 million hectares, a decline of 800 thousand hectares; the sown area of oil-bearing crops was 13.60 million hectares, an increase of 760 thousand hectares; the sown area of sugar crops was 1.88 million hectares, a drop of 110 thousand hectares.The total output of grain in 2009 was 530.82 million tons, an increase of 2.11 million tons or up by 0.4 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the output of summer crops was 123.35 million tons, up by 2.2 percent, and that of theearly rice was 33.27 million tons, up by 5.3 percent over the previous year. The output of autumn grain was 374.20 million tons, a drop of 0.6 percent.In 2009, the output of cotton was 6.40 million tons, a decrease of 14.6 percent over the previous year, that of oil-bearing crops was 31.00 million tons, up by 5.0 percent and that of sugar crops was 122.00 million tons, a drop of 9.1 percent, that of tobacco was 2.80 million tons, up by 6.7 percent, and that of tea was 1.35 million tons, up by 7.1 percent.The total output of meat for the year reached 76.42 million tons, up by 5.0 percent. Of this total, the output of pork was 48.89 million tons, up by 5.8 percent, and that of beef and mutton was 6.36 and 3.89 million tons, up by 3.6 percent and 2.4 percent respectively. At the end of the year, 469.85 million pigs are registered in the total stocks, up by 1.5 percent, and 645.07 million pigs are slaughtered, up by 5.7 percent. The production of milk was 35.18 million tons, down by 1.1 percent; the total output of eggs was 27.41 million tons, up by 1.4 percent.The total output of aquatic products was 51.20 million tons, up by 4.6 percent. Of this total, the output of cultured aquatic products was 36.35 million tons, up by 6.5 percent; and that of fished aquatic products was 14.85 million tons, up by 0.1 percent over the previous year.The total production of timber for the year 2009 reached 69.38 million cubic meters, a drop of 14.4 percent.Over 1.471 million hectares of farmland was increased with effective irrigation systems and another additional 1.826 million hectares of farmland was guaranteed by water-saving irrigation systems.III. Industry and ConstructionIn 2009, the total value added of the industrial sector was 13,462.5 billion yuan, up by 8.3 percent over the previous year. The value added of industrial enterprises above the designated size was up by 11.0 percent. Of this total, thatof the state-owned and state-holding enterprises grew by 6.9 percent, that of the collective enterprises went up by 10.2 percent, that of the share-holding enterprises increased by 13.3 percent, that of the enterprises by foreign investors and investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan soared by 6.2 percent and 18.7 percent growth for private enterprises. Analyzed by light and heavy industries, the growth of the light industry was 9.7 percent and that of the heavy industry was 11.5 percent.In 2009, of the industrial enterprises above designated size, the growth of value added for the mining and washing of coal industry was 8.3 percent over the previous year; for the extraction of petroleum and natural gas was 4.8 percent; for processing of food from agricultural product 15.9 percent; for textile industry 8.5 percent; for manufacture of general machinery 11.0 percent; for manufacture of special purpose machinery 13.0 percent; for manufacture of transport equipment 18.4 percent, of which, 20.3 percent for automobile manufacturing, and 20.7 percent for ship manufacturing; for manufacture of communication equipment, computers and other electronic equipment 5.3 percent and for manufacture of electrical machinery and equipment 12.0 percent. The growth of the value added for the major six high energy consuming industries were 10.6 percent, of which, that of the manufacture of non-metallic mineral products was 14.7 percent, manufacture of raw chemical materials and chemical products 14.6 percent, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals 12.8 percent, smelting and pressing of non-ferrous metals 9.9 percent, production and supply of electric power and heat power 6.0 percent and 5.2 percent for processing of petroleum, coking, processing of nuclear fuel. The value added growth for the high-tech industry was 7.7 percent over the previous year.Table 2: Output of Major Industrial Products and the Growth Rates in 2009Product Unit Output Increaseover2008 (%) Yarn10000 tons2393.5 12.7Cloth100 million meters740.0 4.2 Chemical fibers10000 tons2730.0 13.0Sugar (final product)10000 tons1321.2 -8.9 Cigarettes100 million22901.5 3.2Color TV sets100009898.8 9.6 Of which: LCD TV sets100006765.3 85.2 Household refrigerators 10000 5930.5 24.7 Room air conditioners 100008078.2 -1.9Total primary energy production100 million tons of28.0 5.8standard coal equivalentCoal100 million tons30.50 8.8Crude oil100 million tons 1.89 -3.1Natural gas100 million cubic851.7 6.1metersElectricity100 million 37146.5 6.3The profits made by the industrial enterprises above the designated size in the first 11 months of 2009 were 2,589.1 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8 percent over the same period of last year.Table 3: Profits and Growth of Industrial Enterprises above the DesignatedSize in the First Eleven Months of 2009Unit: 100million yuansame periodlast year (%) Industrial enterprises above designated size 25891 7.8Of which: State-owned and state-holding7514 -4.5enterprisesOf which: Collective enterprises 545 10.3 Share-holding enterprises 13890 4.2 Enterprises by foreign investors or7511 16.9 investors from Hong Kong, Macaoand TaiwanOf which: Private enterprises 6849 17.4In 2009, the value added of construction enterprises in China was 2,233.3 billion yuan, up by 18.2 percent over the previous year. The profits made by construction enterprises qualified for general contracts and specialized contracts reached 266.3 billion yuan, up by 21.0 percent, of which the profits made by the state-owned and state-holding enterprises were 69.7 billion yuan, up by 23.9 percent.IV. Investment in Fixed AssetsThe completed investment in fixed assets of the country in 2009 was 22,484.6 billion yuan, up by 30.1 percent over the previous year. Of the total investment, that in urban areas was 19,413.9 billon yuan, up by 30.5 percent; and that in rural areas reached 3,070.7 billion yuan, up by 27.5 percent. An analysis by regions showed that the investment in eastern areas was 9,565.3 billion yuan, up by 23.0 percent over the previous year, in central areas was 4,984.6 billion yuan, a growth of 35.8 percent, in western areas 4,966.2 billion yuan, a growth of 38.1 percent, and in northeastern areas 2,373.3 billion yuan, up by 26.8 percent.In the urban areas, the investment in the primary industry was 337.3 billion yuan, up by 49.9 percent; that in the secondary industry was 8,227.7 billion yuan, up by 26.8 percent; and that in the tertiary industry was 10,848.9 billion yuan, up by 33.0 percent.Table 4: Fixed Assets Investment in Urban Areas and Its Growth by Sector in 2009Unit: 100 million yuanTable 5: Newly Increased Production Capacity through Fixed Assets Investment in2009In 2009, the investment in real estate development was 3,623.2 billion yuan, up by 16.1 percent. Of this total, the investment in commercial residential buildings reached 2,561.9 billion yuan, an increase of 14.2 percent, that in office buildings was 137.8 billion yuan, up by 18.1 percent, and that in buildings for commercial business was 417.2 billion yuan, up by 24.4 percent.Table 6: Main Indicators for Real Estate Development and Sales in 2009V. Domestic TradeIn 2009, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 12,534.3 billion yuan, up by 15.5 percent over the previous year. An analysis on different areas showed that the retail sales of consumer goods in cities reached 8,513.3 billion yuan, up by 15.5 percent and the retail sales of consumer goods at and below county level was 4,021.0 billion yuan, up by 15.7 percent. Analyzed by different sectors, the sales of the wholesales and retail trade reached 10,541.3 billion yuan, up 15.6 percent; the sales of the lodging and catering industry was 1,799.8 billion yuan, up 16.8 percent, and the sales of the other industries was 193.2 billion yuan, up 2.5 percent.Of the total retail sales by wholesale and retail enterprises above designated size, the year-on-year growth of sales for motor vehicles was 32.3 percent, that for grain and oil was 13.0 percent, for meat and eggs 8.3 percent, for clothing 20.8 percent, for daily necessities 15.6 percent, for cultural and office goods 6.7 percent. The sales of telecommunication equipment dropped by 1.3 percent. Theyear-on-year growth of sales for cosmetics 16.9 percent, for gold, silver and jewelry 15.9 percent, for traditional Chinese drugs and western drugs 21.7 percent, for electric and electronic appliances for household use and audio-video equipment 12.3 percent, for furniture 35.5 percent and building and decoration materials 26.6 percent.VI. Foreign Economic RelationsThe total value of imports and exports in 2009 reached 2,207.2 billion US dollars, down by 13.9 percent over the previous year. Of this total, the value of goods export was 1,201.7 billion US dollars, down by 16.0 percent, and the value of goods import was 1,005.6 billion US dollars, down by 11.2 percent. The balance of imports and exports was (exports minus imports) 196.1 billion US dollars, a decrease of 102.0 billion US dollars over the previous year.Table 7: Total Value of Imports and Exports and the Growth Rates in 2009Unit: 100 million USDTable 8: Main Export Commodities in Volume and Value and the Growth Rates in2009Table 9: Main Import Commodities in Volume and Value and the Growth Rates in2009Table 10: Imports and Exports by Major Countries and Regions and the GrowthRates in 2009Unit: 100 million USDThe year 2009 witnessed the establishment of 23,435 enterprises with foreign direct investment in non-financial sectors, down by 14.8 percent; and the foreign capital actually utilized was 90.0 billion US dollars, down by 2.6 percent. Of the total foreign direct investment actually utilized, the share of investment in manufacturing was 52.0 percent over the pervious year, the real estate 18.7 percent, leasing and business service 6.8 percent, wholesales and retail trade 6.0 percent and transportation, storage and post service 2.8 percent.Table 11: Total Value of Foreign Direct Investment and the Growth Rates in 2009In 2009, the overseas direct investment (non-financial sectors) by Chinese investors was 43.3 billion US dollars, up by 6.5 percent over the previous year. In 2009, the accomplished business revenue through contracted overseas engineering projects was 77.7 billion US dollars, up by 37.3 percent, and the business revenue through overseas labor contracts was 8.9 billion US dollars, up by 10.6 percent over the previous year.VII. Transportation, Post, Telecommunications and TourismThe value added of the transportation, storage, post and telecommunication sectors reached 1,705.8 billion yuan in 2009, up 3.7 percent over the previous year.Table 12: Freight Traffic by All Means of Transportation and the Growth Ratesin 2009Table 13: Passenger Traffic by All Means of Transportation and the GrowthRates in 2009Waterways 100 million persons 2.2 2.9 Civil aviation 100 million persons 2.3 19.7Passenger flows 100 million24773.6 6.8person-kilometersRailways 100 million7878.9 1.3person-kilometersHighways 100 million13450.7 7.8person-kilometersWaterways 100 million69.1 5.8person-kilometersCivil aviation 100 million3374.9 17.1person-kilometersThe volume of freight handled by ports above the designated size throughout the year totaled 6.91 billion tons, up 8.2 percent over the previous year, of which freight for foreign trade was 2.14 billion tons, up 8.6 percent. Container shipping handled 120.82 million standard containers, down by 5.8 percent. The total number of motor vehicles for civilian use reached 76.19 million (including 13.31 million tri-wheel motor vehicles and low-speed trucks) by the end of 2009, up 17.8 percent, of which private-owned vehicles numbered 52.18 million, up 25.0 percent. The total number of cars for civilian use stood at 31.36 million, up by 28.6 percent, of which private-owned cars numbered 26.05 million, up by 33.8 percent.The turnover of post and telecommunication services totaled 2,731.3 billion yuan, up 14.6 percent over the previous year. Of this total, post services accounted for 163.2 billion yuan, up 16.4 percent, and telecommunication services 2,568.1 billion yuan, up 14.4 percent. By the end of 2009, with a decrease of 16.44 million lines of office switchboards, the total capacity stood at 492.19 million lines. The newly increased capacity of mobile phone switchboard was 275.80 million lines with the total capacity reaching 1,421.11 million lines. The year also saw 313.69 million fixed telephone subscribers. This included 211.78 million urban subscribers and 101.91 million rural subscribers. Mobile phone users numbered 747.38 million by the end of 2009, with 106.14 million new subscribers in the year. In total, the number of fixed and mobile phone users reached 1,061.07 million, an increase of 79.47 million as compared with that at the end of 2008. Phone coverage is 79.9 sets per 100 persons. The number of Internet users was 380 million, of which wide-band users were 350 million, and the coverage rate of Internet was 28.9 percent.The year 2009 saw 1.90 billion domestic tourists, up 11.1 percent over the previous year. The revenue from domestic tourism totaled 1,018.4 billion yuan, up 16.4 percent. The number of inbound visitors to China totaled 126.48 million, a year-on-year decline of 2.7 percent. Of this total, 21.94 million were foreigners, down 9.8 percent; and 104.54 million were Chinese compatriotsfrom Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, down 1.1 percent. Of all the inbound tourists, overnight visitors counted 50.88 million, down 4.1 percent. Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism topped 39.7 billion US dollars, down 2.9 percent. The number of China’s outbound visitors totaled 47.66 million, up 4.0 percent. Of this total, 42.21 million were on private visits, a year-on-year rise of 5.2 percent, or 88.6 percent of all outgoing visitors.VIII. Financial IntermediationBy the end of 2009, money supply of broad sense (M2) was 60.6 trillion yuan, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 27.7 percent. Money supply of narrow sense (M1) was 22.0 trillion yuan, up 32.4 percent. Cash in circulation (M0) was 3.8 trillion yuan, up 11.8 percent.Savings deposit in Renminbi and foreign currencies in all items of financial institutions totaled 61.2 trillion yuan at the end of 2009, an increase of 13.2 tirllion yuan. Of this total, the savings deposit in Renminbi stood at 59.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.1 trillionyuan. Loans in Renminbi and foreign currencies in all items of financial institutions reached 42.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.5 trillion yuan. Of this total, that in Renminbi was 40.0 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.6 trillion yuan.Table 14: Savings Deposit and Loans in RMB and Foreign Currencies in All Financial Institutions and the Growth Rates in 2009Unit: 100 million yuanItem Year-end figure Increase over 2008 (%)Savings deposit 612006 27.7Of which: By enterprises 224357 36.5 By urban and rural households 264761 19.5Of which: Deposits in RMB 260772 19.7 Loans 425597 33.0Of which: Short-term 151353 17.7 Medium and long-term 235579 43.5Loans in Renminbi from rural financial cooperation institutions (i.e. rural credit cooperatives, rural cooperation banks, and rural commercial banks) totaled 4.7 trillion yuan by the end of 2009, an increase of 972.7 billion yuan as compared with the beginning of 2009. The loans in Renminbi for consumption use from all financial institutions totaled 5.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 1,797.6 billion yuan. Of all consumption loans, short-term loans for individuals totaled 0.6 trillion yuan,an increase of 246.5 billion yuan, and medium- and long-term loans for individuals reached 4.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 1,551.1 billion yuan.Funds raised in 2009 by enterprises through issuing stocks and share rights on stock market amounted to 365.3 billion yuan, an increase of 125.5 billion yuan over the previous year. Of this total, 99 A-shares were issued, receiving 206.2 billion yuan worth of capital altogether, an increase of 99.5 billion yuan. The refinancing of A-shares (including rationing shares, public newly issued, nonpublic newly issued and warrants) received 159.1 billion yuan worth of capital altogether, an increase of 25.9 billion yuan over 2008. The listed companies financed 81.3 billion yuan through convertible bonds, bonds with attached warrants and corporate bonds, a decrease of 18.5 billion yuan. A total of 36 growth enterprise board stocks were issued for the first time, receiving 20.4 billion yuan.In 2009, corporate funds raised by the non-listed companies reached 425.2 billion yuan, an increase of 188.5 billion yuan over that in the previous year. The short-term financing funds of enterprises were 461.2 billion yuan, an increase of 28.1 billion yuan; and the medium-term notes were 698.7 billion yuan, an increase of 525.0 billion yuan. Funds raised by medium- and small-sized enterprises through collection notes reached 1.27 billion yuan.The premium received by the insurance companies totaled 1,113.7 billion yuan in 2009, up 13.8 percent over the previous year. Of this total, life insurance premium amounted to 745.7 billion yuan, health and casualty insurance premium 80.4 billion yuan, and property insurance premium 287.6 billion yuan. Insurance companies paid an indemnity worth of 312.5 billion yuan, of which, life insurance indemnity was 126.9 billion yuan, health and casualty insurance indemnity 28.1 billion yuan, and property insurance indemnity 157.6 billion yuan.IX. Education, Science and TechnologyIn 2009, the post-graduate education enrollment was 1.405 million students with 511 thousand new students and 371 thousand graduates. The general tertiary education enrollment was 21.447 million students with 6.395 million new students and 5.311 million graduates. Vocational secondary schools of various types had 21.787 million enrolled students, including 8.736 million new entrants, and 6.192 million graduates. Senior secondary schools had 24.343 million enrolled students, including 8.303 million new entrants, and 8.237 million graduates. Students enrolled in junior secondary schools totaled 54.409 million, including 17.885 million new entrants, and 17.977 million graduates. The country had a primary education enrollment of 100.715 million students, including 16.378 million new entrants, and 18.052 million graduates. There were 428 thousand students enrolled in special education schools, with 64 thousand new entrants. Kindergartens accommodated 26.578 million children.The amount of expenditures on research and development activities (R&D) was worth 543.3 billion yuan in 2009, up 17.7 percent over 2008, accounting for 1.62 percent of GDP. Of this total, 27.2 billion yuan was appropriated for fundamental research programs. A total number of 639 projects under the National Key Technology Research and Development Program and 1,328 projects under the Hi-tech Research and Development Program (the 863 Program) were implemented. The year 2009 saw a total of 127 national engineering research centers and 85 national engineering laboratories. The number of state validated enterprise technical centers reached 636 by the end of the year. The technical centers at the provincial level numbered 5,011. Venture capital investment plan had been initiated and implemented to boostnew emerging industries, and 20 venture investment funds were established. Some 977 thousand patent applications were accepted from home and abroad, of which 878 thousand were domestic applications, accounting for 89.9 percent of the total. A total number of 315 thousand patent applications for new inventions were accepted, of which 229 thousand were from domestic applicants or 72.8 percent of the total. A total of 582 thousand patents were authorized in 2009, of which 502 thousand were domestic patents, accounting for 86.2 percent of the total. A total of 128 thousand patents for new inventions were authorized, of which 65 thousand were domestic ones, accounting for 50.9 percent. Till the end of year 2009, the number of patents in force was1.520 million, of which 1.193 million patents were domestic ones, accounting for 78.5 percent; the number of patents in force for inventions was 438 thousand, of which 180 thousand was domestic ones, accounting for 41.1 percent. A total of 214 thousand technology transfer contracts were signed, representing 303.9 billion yuan in value, up 14.0 percent over the previous year. The year 2009 saw 6 times of successful launch of satellites. The first petaflop super computer Galaxy 1 was developed successfully, and ChangEr 1 satellite hit moon successfully.By the end of 2009, there were altogether 25,000 laboratories for product inspection, including 414 national inspection centers. There were 168 organizations for product certification and management system certification, which accumulatively certified products in 41 thousand enterprises. A total of 3,760 authorized measurement institutions enforced compulsory inspection on 45.60 million measurement instruments in the year. A total of 3,158 national standards were developed or revised in the year, including 2,102 new standards. There were 2,737 weather warning signals sent by national and provincial meteorological stations, and 3,950 weather alerts. There were1,457 seismological monitor stations and 32 seismological remote monitor network stations. The numbers of oceanic observation stations were 66. Mapping departments published 2,060 maps and 307 mapping books.X. Culture, Public Health and SportsAt the end of 2009, there were 2,478 art-performing groups, 3,214 culture centers, 2,833 public libraries, 1,996 museums, 251 radio broadcasting stations, 272 television stations, 2,087 radio broadcasting and television stations and 44 educational television stations throughout China. Subscribers to cable television programs numbered 173.98 million. Subscribers to digital cable television programs were 62.00 million. Radio broadcasting and television broadcasting coverage rates were 96.3 percent and 97.2 percent respectively. The country produced 456 feature movies and 102 science, educational, documentary, cartoon and special movies. A total of 43.7 billion copies of newspapers and 3.1 billion copies of magazines were issued, and 7.0 billion copies of books published. By the end of the year, there were 4,035 archives in China and 79.91 million documents were made accessible to the public.By the end of 2009, there were 289 thousand health institutions in China, including 60 thousand general hospitals and health centers, 26 thousand community health service centers, 3,013 maternal and child health-care institutions, 1,315 specialized health institutions, 3,543 epidemic disease prevention centers (stations) and 2,706 health monitoring institutions and 193 thousand clinics. There were 5.22 million health workers in China, including 2.16 million practicing doctors and assistant practicing doctors and 1.74 million registered nurses. General hospitals and health centers in China possessed 3.96 million beds. The number of rural health care centers was 39 thousand, possessing 910 thousand beds and employing 898 thousand health care。
ST亚太:2009年年度审计报告 2010-04-28

关于海南亚太实业发展股份有限公司2009年度审计报告目 录一、审计报告…………………………………………………………1-3二、资产负债表…………………………………………………………4-5三、利润表………………………………………………………………6-7四、现金流量表……………………………………………………8-9五、股东权益变动表…………………………………………………10-13六、财务报表附注…………………………………………………14-69财务表审 计 报 告浩华审字[2010]第985号海南亚太实业发展股份有限公司全体股东:我们审计了后附的海南亚太实业发展股份有限公司(以下简称亚太实业公司)财务报表,包括2009年12月31日的资产负债表和合并资产负债表,2009年度的利润表和合并利润表、股东权益变动表和合并股东权益变动表、现金流量表和合并现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
由于天津绿源逾期债务较多,存在大额诉讼,主要资产已经被查封和冻结, 2008年12月31日、2009年12月31日净资产均为负数,已经严重影响到天津绿源的持续经营能力。
2、如附注九所述,亚太实业公司为天津绿源向中国农业银行天津分行金信支行及交通银行天津分行贷款提供连带责任担保,由于逾期未归还上述贷款,农行金信支行于2008年6月5日向天津市第一中级人民法院提出诉讼,要求天津绿源、亚太实业公司、天津燕宇置业有限公司、天津中敖畜牧集团有限公司偿还本金27,589,495.37元及利息935,019.30元(截止2008年3月20日);交行天津分行于2008年10月21日向天津市第二中级人民法院提出诉讼,要求天津绿源、亚太实业公司、天津燕宇置业有限公司偿还本金7,700,000.00元,利息3,594,162.60元(截止到2008 年6月21日),亚太实业公司对上述担保计提预计负债20,000,000.00元。
凯恩股份:2009年年度审计报告 2010-04-27

16,798,084.25 -1,542,014.23 1,042,885.11
10,910,103.86 -307,845.83 800,390.08
代理承销证券款 一年内到期的非流动负债 其他流动负债 流动负债合计 非流动负债: 长期借款 应付债券 长期应付款 专项应付款 预计负债 递延所得税负债 其他非流动负债 非流动负债合计 负债合计 所有者权益(或股东权益): 实收资本(或股本) 资本公积 减:库存股 专项储备 盈余公积 一般风险准备 未分配利润 外币报表折算差额 归属于母公司所有者权益合计 少数股东权益 所有者权益合计 负债和所有者权益总计
87,725,000.00 47,983,995.97 3,669,795.21
10,000,000.00 13,157,969.34
19,422,886.39 2,409,212.98 1,232,225.16
13,274,152.25 4,058,695.57 1,024,188.97
退保金 赔付支出净额
提取保险合同准备金净 额
营业税金及附加 销售费用 管理费用 财务费用 资产减值损失 加:公允价值变动收益(损失 以“-”号填列) 投资收益(损失以“-”号 填列)
3,358,628.46 28,604,024.43 61,811,262.75 21,308,077.12
398,808,510.89 71,291,184.50
钢研高纳:2009年年度审计报告 2010-02-10

北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司审计报告天职京审字[2010]215号目 录审计报告 1 2009年度财务报表 3 2009年度财务报表附注 9审计报告天职京审字[2010]215号 北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司全体股东:我们审计了后附的北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司(以下简称高纳公司)财务报表,包括2009年12月31日的资产负债表,2009年度的利润表、所有者权益变动表、现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
中国注册会计师: 王清峰 中国·北京二○一○年二月八日中国注册会计师: 崔西福3资产负债表编制单位:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司 2009年12月31日金额单位:元项 目 期末余额 期初余额 附注编号 流动资产货币资金 650,265,561.97 43,227,786.24 七、1交易性金融资产 -应收票据 47,115,759.74 62,515,477.95 七、2应收账款 48,844,871.01 26,273,280.47 七、3,11预付款项 7,781,034.45 2,093,197.64 七、5应收利息 - -应收股利 - -其他应收款 54,967.50 1,202,815.01 七、4存货 29,014,072.08 32,340,697.80 七、6一年内到期的非流动资产 -其他流动资产 - -流动资产合计 783,076,266.75 167,653,255.11非流动资产可供出售金融资产 -持有至到期投资 - -长期应收款 - -长期股权投资 - -投资性房地产 - -固定资产 55,803,826.40 42,587,707.97 七、7在建工程 12,983,043.60 26,963,451.73 七、8工程物资 - -固定资产清理 - -生产性生物资产油气资产无形资产 10,852,314.78 7,525,072.03 七、9开发支出 - -商誉 - -长期待摊费用 - -递延所得税资产 - 262,097.22 七、10其他非流动资产 - -非流动资产合计 79,639,184.78 77,338,328.95资 产 总 计 862,715,451.53 244,991,584.06法定代表人: 主管会计工作负责人: 会计机构负责人:资产负债表(续)编制单位:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司 2009年12月31日 金额单位:元项目 期末余额 期初余额 附注编号 流动负债短期借款 -20,000,000.00 七、12交易性金融负债 --应付票据 --应付账款 6,975,782.7110,720,180.29 七、13预收款项 32,969,826.7523,331,939.84 七、14应付职工薪酬 12,952.87- 七、15应交税费 -64,028.43-461,063.58 七、16应付利息 --应付股利 --其他应付款 3,925,923.991,668,380.06 七、17一年内到期的非流动负债 --其他流动负债 --流动负债合计 43,820,457.8955,259,436.61非流动负债长期借款 --应付债券 --长期应付款 --专项应付款 12,265,000.0011,160,000.00 七、18预计负债 --递延所得税负债 --其他非流动负债 --非流动负债合计 12,265,000.0011,160,000.00负债合计 56,085,457.8966,419,436.61所有者权益(或股东权益)股本 117,771,197.0074,085,266.00 七、19资本公积 558,844,554.805,798,000.00 七、20减:库存股 --盈余公积 18,643,388.6814,836,683.07 七、21一般风险准备 --未分配利润 111,370,853.1683,852,198.38 七、22 所有者权益(或股东权益)合计 806,629,993.64178,572,147.45负债及所有者权益合计 862,715,451.53244,991,584.06法定代表人: 主管会计工作负责人: 会计机构负责人:利润表编制单位:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:元项 目 本期金额 上期金额 附注编号一、营业总收入 291,200,470.78 281,907,795.49 七、23 其中:营业成本 222,212,428.17 225,241,043.04 七、23 营业税金及附加 1,941,980.47 1,499,028.39 七、24 销售费用 581,057.54 520,354.77管理费用 22,175,978.88 21,029,092.84财务费用 530,759.36 895,445.52 七、25 资产减值损失 1,304,592.13 310,303.48 七、26 加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”- -号填列)投资收益 - -- -其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益二、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) 42,453,674.23 32,412,527.45加: 营业外收入 2,051,929.30 1,160,313.92 七、27 减:营业外支出 - 104,000.00 七、28 其中:非流动资产处置损失 - -三、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) 44,505,603.53 33,468,841.37减:所得税费用 6,438,547.37 2,184,499.13 七、29四、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) 38,067,056.16 31,284,342.24五、每股收益(一) 基本每股收益 0.45 0.42(二) 稀释每股收益 0.45 0.42六、其他综合收益 3,291,200.00 2,186,800.00七、30七、综合收益总额 41,358,256.16 33,471,142.24法定代表人: 主管会计工作负责人: 会计机构负责人:现金流量表编制单位:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:元项目 本期金额 上期金额 附注编号 一、经营活动产生的现金流量:销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 340,663,376.31294,381,168.79收到的税费返还 2,012,854.94收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 1,612,163.881,819,438.30 七、31 经营活动现金流入小计 344,288,395.13296,200,607.09购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 252,003,148.79255,480,995.04支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 22,826,615.2620,426,751.64支付的各项税费 25,563,137.9017,710,642.85支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 2,026,180.501,913,074.48 七、31 经营活动现金流出小计 302,419,082.45295,531,464.01经营活动产生的现金流量净额 41,869,312.68669,143.08二、投资活动产生的现金流量:收回投资收到的现金 -取得投资收益收到的现金173,500.00714,190.00处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额收到其他与投资活动有关的现金投资活动现金流入小计 173,500.00714,190.00购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金 7,452,402.4310,329,549.00投资支付的现金取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额支付其他与投资活动有关的现金投资活动现金流出小计 7,452,402.4310,329,549.00投资活动产生的现金流量净额 -7,278,902.43-9,615,359.00三、筹资活动产生的现金流量:吸收投资收到的现金 603,184,057.00取得借款收到的现金 20,000,000.0020,000,000.00收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金 3,291,200.002,186,800.00 七、32 筹资活动现金流入小计 626,475,257.0022,186,800.00偿还债务支付的现金 40,000,000.00分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 7,592,041.766,970,721.28支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金 6,435,849.76七、32 筹资活动现金流出小计 54,027,891.526,970,721.28筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 572,447,365.4815,216,078.72四、汇率变动对现金的影响 -五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 607,037,775.736,269,862.80加:期初现金及现金等价物的余额 43,227,786.2436,957,923.44六、期末现金及现金等价物余额 650,265,561.9743,227,786.24法定代表人:主管会计工作负责人:会计机构负责人:8所有者权益变动表编制单位:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:元 项目 本期金额 项目股本 资本公积 减:库存股专项储备盈余公积 一般风险准备未分配利润 股东权益合计 一、上年年末余额 74,085,266.005,798,000.00-14,836,683.07-83,852,198.38178,572,147.45 加:会计政策变更 - 前期差错更正 -二、本期年初余额 74,085,266.005,798,000.00-14,836,683.07-83,852,198.38178,572,147.45三、本年增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) 43,685,931.00553,046,554.80-3,806,705.61-27,518,654.78628,057,846.19 (一)净利润 38,067,056.1638,067,056.16 (二)其他综合收益 -3,291,200.00----3,291,200.00 上述(一)和(二)小计 -3,291,200.00---38,067,056.1641,358,256.16 (三)股东投入和减少资本 43,685,931.00549,755,354.80----593,441,285.80 1.股东投入资本 43,685,931.00549,755,354.80593,441,285.80 2.股份支付计入股东权益的金额 - 3.其他 - (四)利润分配 ---3,806,705.61--10,548,401.38-6,741,695.77 1.提取盈余公积 3,806,705.61-3,806,705.61- 2.对股东(或股东)的分配 -6,741,695.77-6,741,695.77 3.其他 - (五)股东权益内部结转 ------- 1.资本公积转增资本(或股本) - 2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本) - 3.盈余公积弥补亏损 - 4.其他 -(六)专项储备提取和使用 -1.本期提取 -2.本期使用 -四、本年年末余额 117,771,197.00558,844,554.80-18,643,388.68-111,370,853.16806,629,993.64 法定代表人: 主管会计工作负责人: 会计机构负责人:所有者权益变动表(续)编制单位:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司 2008年度 2008年度金额单位:元 上年同期金额 上年同期金额股本 资本公积 减:库存股专项储备盈余公积 一般风险准备未分配利润 股东权益合计 一、上年年末余额 74,085,266.003,611,200.00-11,708,248.85-61,623,111.64151,027,826.49 加:会计政策变更前期差错更正二、本年年初余额 74,085,266.003,611,200.00-11,708,248.85-61,623,111.64151,027,826.49三、本年增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列)-2,186,800.00-3,128,434.22-22,229,086.7427,544,320.96 (一)净利润 31,284,342.2431,284,342.24 (二)直接计入股东权益的利得和损失 -2,186,800.00----2,186,800.00 上述(一)和(二)小计 -2,186,800.00---31,284,342.2433,471,142.24 (三)股东投入和减少资本 ------- 1.股东投入资本 - 2.股份支付计入股东权益的金额 - 3.其他 - (四)利润分配 ---3,128,434.22--9,055,255.50-5,926,821.28 1.提取盈余公积 3,128,434.22-3,128,434.22- 3.对股东(或股东)的分配 -5,926,821.28-5,926,821.28 4.其他(五)股东权益内部结转 ------- 1.资本公积转增资本(或股本)2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本)3.盈余公积弥补亏损4.其他(六)专项储备提取和使用 -1.本期提取 -2.本期使用 -四、本年年末余额 74,085,266.005,798,000.00-14,836,683.07-83,852,198.38178,572,147.45 法定代表人: 主管会计工作负责人: 会计机构负责人:北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司2009年12月31日财务报表附注(除另有注明外,所有金额均以人民币元为货币单位)一、公司的基本情况北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司前身为北京钢研高纳科技有限责任公司,由中国钢研科技集团有限公司(以下简称中国钢研)出资5,400万元、新冶高科技集团有限公司出资600万元,于2002年11月8日成立,注册资本6,000万元。
建 摩B:关于对2009年度会计师事务所从事公司审计工作的总结报告 2010-03-30

证券代码:200054 证券简称:建摩B 公告编号:2009-024重庆建设摩托车股份有限公司关于对2009年度会计师事务所从事公司审计工作的总结报告大信会计师事务所对公司2009年度的审计工作,内容主要是对公司年度经营情况报告(资产负债表、利润表、股东权益变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注)进行审计评价。
2、专业胜任能力评价审计小组共由8人组成,其中具有执业资格职称人员3 名,组成人员具有承办本次审计业务所必需的专业知识和相关的职业证书,能够胜任本次审计工作,同时也能保持应有的关注和职业谨慎性。
2009年度外商投资企业财务会计决算报表编制说明.doc (2010-4-8)

天山股份:2009年年度审计报告 2010-04-23

一、 管理层对财务报表的责任按照企业会计准则的规定编制财务报表是天山股份管理层的责任。
二、 注册会计师的责任我们的责任是在实施审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。
三、 审计意见我们认为,天山股份财务报表已经按照企业会计准则的规定编制,在所有重大方面公允反映了天山股份2009年12月31日的财务状况以及2009年度的经营成果和现金流量。
信永中和会计师事务所中国注册会计师:詹军中国注册会计师:李连国中国 北京 二○一○年四月二十一日资产负债表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年12月31日 金额单位:人民币元项目 期末余额 年初余额合并 母公司 合并 母公司流动资产:货币资金877,465,340.48 85,869,123.41 666,549,489.28 170,685,414.83 结算备付金拆出资金交易性金融资产2,786,555.06应收票据123,808,073.63 16,401,673.58 94,421,878.91 550,000.00 应收账款140,278,808.83 10,684,666.85 178,161,320.15 4,430,596.22 预付款项345,136,394.85 47,510,908.61 153,903,074.94 28,419,357.12 应收保费应收分保账款应收分保合同准备金应收利息应收股利3,892,520.52 7,847,749.10 8,892,520.52 其他应收款18,874,557.20 838,862,089.93 18,484,516.80 701,928,380.10 买入返售金融资产存货497,016,866.70 152,902,623.21 431,687,738.36 103,549,538.11 一年内到期的非流动资产其他流动资产流动资产合计 2,002,580,041.69 1,156,123,606.11 1,553,842,322.60 1,018,455,806.90 非流动资产:发放贷款及垫款可供出售金融资产282,247,515.00 282,247,515.00持有至到期投资长期应收款长期股权投资212,612,547.88 1,273,808,153.39 214,990,008.57 1,076,468,351.09 投资性房地产20,506,943.81 18,280,681.33 18,691,393.60 16,263,400.32 固定资产3,758,619,216.97 882,587,584.39 3,368,777,449.04 621,955,243.62 在建工程1,280,801,603.58 117,657,052.38 601,825,106.37 186,934,411.95 工程物资1,327,061.23 864,308.07 36,793,924.51 33,058,480.06 固定资产清理生产性生物资产油气资产无形资产257,830,006.40 24,929,848.24 169,067,086.28 25,005,023.10 开发支出商誉22,718,605.65 22,718,605.65长期待摊费用5,432,555.67 159,699.14 1,812,288.55 180,419.82 递延所得税资产26,596,649.60 20,139,516.59 17,713,410.66 13,906,833.73 其他非流动资产非流动资产合计 5,868,692,705.79 2,620,674,358.53 4,452,389,273.23 1,973,772,163.69 资产总计 7,871,272,747.48 3,776,797,964.64 6,006,231,595.83 2,992,227,970.59 流动负债:短期借款1,588,631,419.00 404,640,000.00 991,001,419.00 246,430,000.00 向中央银行借款吸收存款及同业存放拆入资金交易性金融负债4,585,852.92 4,585,852.92 36,590,439.03 36,590,439.03 应付票据259,514,163.06 14,114,163.06 206,170,261.91 3,170,261.91 应付账款933,226,461.54 312,519,823.87 633,560,892.06 177,537,181.24 预收款项142,576,788.80 28,506,122.54 74,266,472.74 18,586,755.56 卖出回购金融资产款应付手续费及佣金应付职工薪酬103,534,755.36 23,991,953.62 85,020,328.32 16,561,119.80 应交税费13,404,219.44 13,048,381.03 66,786,254.93 3,600,632.65 应付利息10,785,047.82 10,785,047.82 3,103,856.82 3,103,856.82 应付股利9,250,072.08 1,135,200.00 35,383,074.12 584,400.00 其他应付款556,688,782.18 493,793,571.34 777,192,614.77 683,527,252.95 应付分保账款保险合同准备金代理买卖证券款代理承销证券款一年内到期的非流动负债61,727,305.25 13,300,000.00 50,372,480.31 30,000,000.00 其他流动负债流动负债合计 3,683,924,867.45 1,320,420,116.20 2,959,448,094.01 1,219,691,899.96 非流动负债:长期借款2,150,986,721.32 1,284,499,397.00 1,680,258,167.81 1,077,061,774.00 应付债券长期应付款66,147,783.33 3,927,272.00 31,538,343.68 4,800,000.00 专项应付款24,462,855.01 12,504,690.79预计负债236,997.06 35,846,840.63递延所得税负债41,137,127.25 41,137,127.25其他非流动负债2,600,000.00非流动负债合计 2,285,571,483.97 1,329,563,796.25 1,760,148,042.91 1,081,861,774.00 负债合计 5,969,496,351.42 2,649,983,912.45 4,719,596,136.92 2,301,553,673.96所有者权益(或股东权益):实收资本(或股本)312,033,600.00 312,033,600.00 312,033,600.00 312,033,600.00 资本公积443,366,443.73 456,207,699.10 208,984,562.50 223,097,311.35 减:库存股专项储备10,556,710.26 2,714,659.26 5,933,722.38 1,582,322.84 盈余公积70,518,693.00 70,518,693.00 45,024,418.66 45,024,418.66 一般风险准备未分配利润550,508,608.39 285,339,400.83 278,013,733.00 108,936,643.78外币报表折算差额归属于母公司所有者权益合计 1,386,984,055.38 1,126,814,052.19 849,990,036.54 690,674,296.63 少数股东权益 514,792,340.68 436,645,422.37所有者权益合计 1,901,776,396.06 1,126,814,052.19 1,286,635,458.91 690,674,296.63负债和所有者权益总计 7,871,272,747.48 3,776,797,964.64 6,006,231,595.83 2,992,227,970.59 法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉利润表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元项目 期末余额年初余额合并母公司合并母公司一、营业总收入 4,115,119,332.80 1,095,370,529.88 3,493,968,036.77837,246,865.59 其中:营业收入 4,115,119,332.80 1,095,370,529.88 3,493,968,036.77837,246,865.59 利息收入已赚保费手续费及佣金收入二、营业总成本 3,835,772,226.13 1,027,125,637.59 3,309,323,109.88 822,073,397.20其中:营业成本 3,028,664,538.04 771,835,567.45 2,571,592,061.73581,996,189.65 利息支出手续费及佣金支出退保金赔付支出净额提取保险合同准备金净额保单红利支出分保费用营业税金及附加26,502,776.74 7,248,666.82 27,699,258.05 7,021,145.41销售费用304,168,032.61 94,733,376.76 257,972,250.35 73,071,576.66管理费用322,964,959.67 85,619,874.18 252,997,880.59 54,907,096.69财务费用151,485,002.07 68,462,815.35 178,480,925.34 71,975,217.47资产减值损失1,986,917.00 -774,662.97 20,580,733.82 33,102,171.32加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”号填列)29,218,031.05 32,004,586.11 -33,803,883.97 -36,590,439.03 投资收益(损失以“-”号填列)10,538,257.15 107,829,360.42 17,328,361.01 161,840,376.01 其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益14,958,384.33 8,640,541.57 18,154,556.51 7,609,342.14 汇兑收益(损失以“-”号填列)三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) 319,103,394.87 208,078,838.82 168,169,403.93 140,423,405.37加:营业外收入175,102,112.88 55,398,698.73 192,760,882.77 51,967,644.66减:营业外支出9,761,633.07 2,963,383.22 31,141,263.29 8,394,532.65其中:非流动资产处置损失3,990,561.20 1,237,330.12 11,517,365.30 4,002,259.40四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) 484,443,874.68 260,514,154.33 329,789,023.41183,996,517.38 减:所得税费用47,680,312.60 5,571,410.94 30,554,209.68 -5,454,250.18五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) 436,763,562.08 254,942,743.39 299,234,813.73 189,450,767.56归属于母公司所有者的净利润351,034,861.73 254,942,743.39 186,068,988.82189,450,767.56少数股东损益85,728,700.35 -113,165,824.91 -六、每股收益:(一)基本每股收益 1.12 0.60(二)稀释每股收益 1.12 0.60七、其他综合收益 234,864,672.29 233,110,387.75 -14,505,162.78 -1,850,000.00八、综合收益总额 671,628,234.37 488,053,131.14 284,729,650.95187,600,767.56 归属于母公司所有者的综合收益总额585,416,742.96 488,053,131.14 178,655,674.02187,600,767.56 归属于少数股东的综合收益总额86,211,491.41 106,073,976.93法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉现金流量表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元项目 本期金额 上期金额合并 母公司 合并 母公司 一、经营活动产生的现金流量:销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金3,702,046,730.68 852,850,138.15 3,273,297,131.94 813,507,685.08客户存款和同业存放款项净增加额向中央银行借款净增加额向其他金融机构拆入资金净增加额收到原保险合同保费取得的现金收到再保险业务现金净额保户储金及投资款净增加额处置交易性金融资产净增加额收取利息、手续费及佣金的现金拆入资金净增加额回购业务资金净增加额收到的税费返还147,401,548.14 48,467,389.20 163,740,128.58 44,270,782.64收到其他与经营活动有关的现金147,712,873.61 328,035,033.35 123,253,186.52 67,162,484.86经营活动现金流入小计3,997,161,152.43 1,229,352,560.70 3,560,290,447.04 924,940,952.58 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金2,410,278,703.75 484,103,564.99 2,053,958,658.65 380,558,948.07客户贷款及垫款净增加额存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额支付原保险合同赔付款项的现金支付利息、手续费及佣金的现金支付保单红利的现金支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金321,433,758.88 88,815,274.90 295,334,078.11 76,713,031.77支付的各项税费420,336,666.90 96,159,022.50 408,825,512.36 101,753,397.30支付其他与经营活动有关的现金212,885,761.78 241,697,001.56 175,790,054.80 117,362,169.54经营活动现金流出小计3,364,934,891.31 910,774,863.95 2,933,908,303.92 676,387,546.68 经营活动产生的现金流量净额632,226,261.12 318,577,696.75 626,382,143.12 248,553,405.90 二、投资活动产生的现金流量:收回投资收到的现金取得投资收益收到的现金8,458,962.76 93,438,580.00 3,622,004.50 93,080,330.01处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额4,856,535.74 3,120,393.88 3,294,051.93 处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额收到其他与投资活动有关的现金4,415,698.74 1,590,698.74 22,222,890.48 7,274,861.43投资活动现金流入小计17,731,197.24 98,149,672.62 29,138,946.91 100,355,191.44购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金939,346,111.54 148,754,515.81 610,281,752.64 358,448,991.12投资支付的现金25,611,905.72 229,605,177.83质押贷款净增加额取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额358,515,627.78 367,340,400.00支付其他与投资活动有关的现金34,579,099.30 21,000,000.00 65,073,765.30投资活动现金流出小计999,537,116.56 378,359,693.64 989,797,380.42 790,863,156.42 投资活动产生的现金流量净额-981,805,919.32 -280,210,021.02 -960,658,433.51 -690,507,964.98 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量:吸收投资收到的现金15,446,727.89其中:子公司吸收少数股东投资收到的现金取得借款收到的现金2,836,601,419.00 899,290,000.00 1,160,654,400.00 404,430,000.00发行债券收到的现金收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金-230,358,073.10 600,000,000.00 251,000,000.00筹资活动现金流入小计2,852,048,146.89 1,129,648,073.10 1,760,654,400.00 655,430,000.00偿还债务支付的现金1,970,144,921.75 759,308,850.00 1,068,729,843.20 229,308,226.00分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金283,152,446.78 161,693,219.39 270,973,823.92 92,754,568.39其中:子公司支付给少数股东的股利、利润1,578,091.56支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金28,952,829.09 334,464,187.69 243,640,345.16 筹资活动现金流出小计2,282,250,197.62 1,255,466,257.08 1,583,344,012.28 322,062,794.39筹资活动产生的现金流量净额569,797,949.27 -125,818,183.98 177,310,387.72 333,367,205.61 四、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 220,218,291.07 -87,450,508.25 -156,965,902.67 -108,587,353.47加:期初现金及现金等价物余额455,926,644.12 161,611,649.53 612,892,546.79 270,199,003.00六、期末现金及现金等价物余额 676,144,935.19 74,161,141.28 455,926,644.12 161,611,649.53法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉母公司所有者权益变动表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元项目 本期金额实收资本(或股本) 资本公积 减:库存股 专项储备 盈余公积一般风险准备 未分配利润所有者权益合计一、上年年末余额 312,033,600.00 223,097,311.35 46,764,973.78 108,778,411.50 690,674,296.63加:会计政策变更1,582,322.84 -1,740,555.12 158,232.28 -前期差错更正-其他-二、本年年初余额 312,033,600.00 223,097,311.35 - 1,582,322.84 45,024,418.66 - 108,936,643.78 690,674,296.63三、本年增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) - 233,110,387.75 - 1,132,336.42 25,494,274.34 - 176,402,757.05 436,139,755.56(一)净利润 254,942,743.39 254,942,743.39 (二)其他综合收益233,110,387.75 233,110,387.75 上述(一)和(二)小计- 233,110,387.75 - -- - 254,942,743.39 488,053,131.14 (三)所有者投入和减少资本- - - ---- -1.所有者投入资本-2.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额-3.其他-(四)利润分配- - - -25,494,274.34 - -78,539,986.34 -53,045,712.00 1.提取盈余公积25,494,274.34 -25,494,274.34 -2.提取一般风险准备-3.对所有者(或股东)的分配 -53,045,712.00 -53,045,712.004.其他-(五)所有者权益内部结转- - - ---- -1.资本公积转增资本(或股本)-2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本)-3.盈余公积弥补亏损-4.其他-(六)专项储备- - - 1,132,336.42 --- 1,132,336.42 1.本期提取1,132,336.42 1,132,336.42 2.本期使用-四、本期期末余额312,033,600.00 456,207,699.10 - 2,714,659.26 70,518,693.00 - 285,339,400.83 1,126,814,052.19 法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉母公司所有者权益变动表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元项目 上年金额实收资本(或股本) 资本公积 减:库存股专项储备 盈余公积一般风险准备未分配利润所有者权益合计一、上年年末余额 208,022,400.00 328,958,511.35 32,920,347.13 -68,410,052.25 501,491,206.23 加:会计政策变更-前期差错更正-其他-二、本年年初余额 208,022,400.00 328,958,511.35 --32,920,347.13 - -68,410,052.25 501,491,206.23 三、本年增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) 104,011,200.00 -105,861,200.00 -1,582,322.84 12,104,071.53 - 177,346,696.03 189,183,090.40(一)净利润189,450,767.56 189,450,767.56 (二)其他综合收益-1,850,000.00 -1,850,000.00 上述(一)和(二)小计--1,850,000.00 ---- 189,450,767.56 187,600,767.56 (三)所有者投入和减少资本------ --1.所有者投入资本-2.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额-3.其他-(四)利润分配----12,104,071.53 - -12,104,071.53 -1.提取盈余公积12,104,071.53 -12,104,071.53 -2.提取一般风险准备-3.对所有者(或股东)的分配-4.其他-(五)所有者权益内部结转104,011,200.00 -104,011,200.00 ---- --1.资本公积转增资本(或股本)104,011,200.00 -104,011,200.00 -2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本)-3.盈余公积弥补亏损-4.其他-(六)专项储备---1,582,322.84 -- -1,582,322.84 1.本期提取1,582,322.84 1,582,322.84 2.本期使用-四、本期期末余额 312,033,600.00 223,097,311.35 -1,582,322.84 45,024,418.66 - 108,936,643.78 690,674,296.63 法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉合并所有者权益变动表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元项目 本期金额归属于母公司所有者权益 少数股东权益所有者权益合计实收资本(或股本) 资本公积 减:库存股 专项储备 盈余公积一般风险准备未分配利润其他一、上年年末余额 312,033,600.00 208,984,562.50 46,764,973.78 282,206,900.26 436,645,422.37 1,286,635,458.91 加:会计政策变更5,933,722.38 -1,740,555.12 -4,193,167.26 -前期差错更正-其他-二、本年年初余额 312,033,600.00 208,984,562.50 - 5,933,722.38 45,024,418.66 -278,013,733.00 - 436,645,422.37 1,286,635,458.91 三、本年增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) - 234,381,881.23 - 4,622,987.88 25,494,274.34 -272,494,875.39 - 78,146,918.31 615,140,937.15 (一)净利润351,034,861.73 85,728,700.35 436,763,562.08 (二)其他综合收益234,381,881.23 482,791.06 234,864,672.29 上述(一)和(二)小计- 234,381,881.23 - ---351,034,861.73 - 86,211,491.41 671,628,234.37 (三)所有者投入和减少资本- - - ---- - 25,829,328.14 25,829,328.14 1.所有者投入资本26,902,586.81 26,902,586.81 2.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额-3.其他-1,073,258.67 -1,073,258.67 (四)利润分配- - - -25,494,274.34 --78,539,986.34 - -34,988,106.21 -88,033,818.21 1.提取盈余公积25,494,274.34 -25,494,274.34 -2.提取一般风险准备-3.对所有者(或股东)的分配-53,045,712.00 -34,988,106.21 -88,033,818.214.其他-(五)所有者权益内部结转- - - -------1.资本公积转增资本(或股本)-2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本)-3.盈余公积弥补亏损-4.其他--(六)专项储备- - - 4,622,987.88 --- - 1,094,204.97 5,717,192.85 1.本期提取4,622,987.88 1,094,204.97 5,717,192.85 2.本期使用-四、本期期末余额 312,033,600.00 443,366,443.73 - 10,556,710.26 70,518,693.00 -550,508,608.39 - 514,792,340.68 1,901,776,396.06法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉合并所有者权益变动表编制单位:新疆天山水泥股份有限公司 2009年度 金额单位:人民币元项目 上年金额归属于母公司所有者权益 少数股东权益所有者权益合计实收资本(或股本) 资本公积 减:库存股 专项储备 盈余公积一般风险准备 未分配利润其他一、上年年末余额 208,022,400.00 320,409,077.30 32,920,347.13 104,048,815.71 507,704,797.07 1,173,105,437.21 加:会计政策变更-前期差错更正-其他-二、本年年初余额 208,022,400.00 320,409,077.30 - -32,920,347.13 -104,048,815.71 - 507,704,797.07 1,173,105,437.21 三、本年增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) 104,011,200.00 -111,424,514.80 - 5,933,722.38 12,104,071.53 -173,964,917.29 - -71,059,374.70 113,530,021.70 (一)净利润186,068,988.82 113,165,824.91 299,234,813.73 (二)其他综合收益-7,413,314.80 -7,091,847.98 -14,505,162.78 上述(一)和(二)小计- -7,413,314.80 - ---186,068,988.82 - 106,073,976.93 284,729,650.95 (三)所有者投入和减少资本- - - ----- -90,876,365.30 -90,876,365.30 1.所有者投入资本-90,876,365.30 -90,876,365.30 2.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额-3.其他-(四)利润分配- - - -12,104,071.53 --12,104,071.53 - -87,344,164.73 -87,344,164.73 1.提取盈余公积12,104,071.53 -12,104,071.53 -2.提取一般风险准备-3.对所有者(或股东)的分配-87,344,164.73 -87,344,164.73 4.其他-(五)所有者权益内部结转104,011,200.00 -104,011,200.00 - ----- --1.资本公积转增资本(或股本)104,011,200.00 -104,011,200.00 -2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本)-3.盈余公积弥补亏损-4.其他-(六)专项储备- - - 5,933,722.38 ---- 1,087,178.40 7,020,900.78 1.本期提取5,933,722.38 1,087,178.40 7,020,900.78 2.本期使用-四、本期期末余额 312,033,600.00 208,984,562.50 - 5,933,722.38 45,024,418.66 -278,013,733.00 - 436,645,422.37 1,286,635,458.91 法定代表人: 李建伦 主管会计工作负责人:刘成 会计机构负责人:李辉新疆天山水泥股份有限公司合并财务报表附注一、 公司的基本情况新疆天山水泥股份有限公司(以下简称“天山股份”)是新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府(新政函[1998]70 号)批准成立,并经自治区人民政府(新政函[1998]95 号)同意调整发起人及股本,以新疆水泥厂 45 万吨分厂为主体进行改组,联合新疆石油管理局、新疆对外经济贸易(集团)有限责任公司、新疆金融租赁有限责任公司、中国建筑材料西北公司、新疆建化工业总厂等五家单位共同发起,以募集方式设立的股份有限公司。

从审计意见类型看,297家上市公司被出具了无保留意见的审计报告,6家上市公司(ST 天宏、ST筑信、自仪股份、ST洛玻、中电广通和*ST中钨)被出具了带强调事项段的无保留意见审计报告,2家上市公司(ST源发和赛格三星)被出具了无法表示意见的审计报告。
在被出具带强调事项段无保留意见审计报告的6家上市公司中,4家是因为持续经营能力存在重大不确定性,1家是因为未决诉讼事项存在重大不确定性,1家是因为与重要关联方在人员和机构等方面未完全分开且持续经营能力存在重大不确定性:(1)ST天宏主业持续亏损,2009 年度经营亏损4,692.14 万元,净利润-2,573.41 万元。
其中:归属于母公司所有者的净利润-2,632.79 万元,扣除非经常性损益后归属于母公司所有者的净利润-4,500.64 万元。
ST天宏持续经营能力存在不确定性;(2)截至2009年12月31日,ST 筑信账面未分配利润为巨额负值,大部分主要经营性资产(包括房产、土地等)已被抵押、查封。
ST筑信持续经营能力具有不确定性;(3)截至2009年12月31日,自仪股份累计亏损约4.87 亿元,尚未偿还的银行借款及利息约5.59亿元,自仪股份持续经营能力存在重大不确定性;(4)截至2009年12月31日,ST洛玻及其子公司累计未弥补亏损1,414,213,763.32元,流动负债超过流动资产881,188,055.56元,ST洛玻持续经营能力存在重大不确定性;(5)2003年12月,中电广通与中国有线电视网络有限公司签订价值30,964.05万元的设备供货合同。
西部建设:2009年年度审计报告 2010-04-12

27,366,793.78 356,297,616.45
105,000,000.00 20,206,981.89
358,552,646.23 24,048,068.89 382,600,715.12 738,898,331.57
1,935,949.81 640,000.00
82,575,949.81 452,723,036.40
140,000,000.00 470,573,491.17
199,504,976.29 873,367,179.69 1,326,090,216.09
资产 流动资产:
货币资金 结算备付金 拆出资金 交易性金融资产 应收票据 应收账款 预付款项 应收保费 应收分保账款 应收分保合同准备金 应收利息 应收股利 其他应收款 买入返售金融资产 存货 一年内到期的非流动资产 其他流动资产 流动资产合计 非流动资产: 发放贷款及垫款 可供出售金融资产 持有至到期投资 长期应收款 长期股权投资 投资性房地产 固定资产 在建工程 工程物资 固定资产清理 生产性生物资产 油气资产 无形资产 开发支出 商誉 长期待摊费用 递延所得税资产 其他非流动资产 非流动资产合计 资产总计
新疆西部建设股份有限公司 审计报告及合并财务报表 2009 年度
(2009 年 1 月 1 日至 2009 年 12 月 31 日止)
一、 二、
目录 审计报告 财务报表 资产负债表和合并资产负债表 利润表和合并利润表 现金流量表和合并现金流量表 所有者权益变动表和合并所有者权益变动表 财务报表附注

2009年政府工作报告中英文对照REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT政府工作报告Delivered at the Second Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress on March 5, 2009——2009年3月5日在第十一届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上Wen Jiabao温家宝Premier of the State Council国务院总理Fellow Deputies,各位代表:On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also solicit comments and suggestions on the report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).现在,我代表国务院,向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。
I. Review of the Work in 2008一、2008年工作回顾The year 2008 was truly eventful. Our country's economic and social development withstood severe challenges and tests that were rarely seen before. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the people of all our ethnic groups faced difficulties squarely, worked with courage and determination, surmounted all difficulties and obstacles, and made new achievements in reform, opening up and socialistmodernization.2008年是极不平凡的一年。

赵振业院士访谈 ……………………………………………………………………………………………( 封二 、) 3 一 1
I triw o a e ca HAO Z e - e… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( -1 n e e fAc d miin Z v h n y 3 )
崔尔 杰 院士访 谈 … ……… …… … …… …… ……… …… …… …… … …… ……… … …… …… …… …(一封 2 1 6 、) Itri f c d m ci u r j … …… …… …… …… …… ……… …… …… …… … … …… …… …… … (— ) neve o a e ia C iE _i w A n e 61 锯齿 冠 的结 构 特性 与设 计 … ……… … ……… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……李 文 明(— 8 11 )
pia o so T cncl u p r R dai , e da dP o t…… …… …… … l t n f eh i p ot a it n L a n rmoe ci aS , o
F r m ou
健 (— ) 15
Z A G J n 1 5 H N i (— ) a
曹春晓院士访谈 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (- ) 17
An Efe tv a u e o l r e n rt r f ci e Me s r fEn a g me tAisa tEnv lpe frTu b f n En i e e o o r o a g n
— —
S mm r o s tdA rt to eon ieSatr … … … … … … … … Z A G S a-i I G La — i 2 1 u ay f i e i a rA re gn tr … As s s rf e H N h oj B N i x ( 一 ) 。 n
ST阿继:2009年年度审计报告 2010-04-15

长期借款 应付债券 长期应付款 专项应付款 预计负债 递延所得税负债 其他非流动负债 非流动负债合计 负债合计 所有者权益(或股东权益): 实收资本(或股本) 资本公积 减:库存股 专项储备 盈余公积 一般风险准备 未分配利润 外币报表折算差额 归属于母公司所有者权益合计 少数股东权益 所有者权益合计 负债和所有者权益总计
199,586,810.38 123,228,995.97
162,568,068.73 13,794,771.48 41,589,457.51 6,703,908.49 13,268,608.20
3,838,700.00 65,261,771.11 25,517,391.95
1,339,696.70 66,299,228.81 42,819,337.25
1,199,696.70 53,461,398.97 43,146,205.59
17,177,845.55 46,499,839.04
(一)基本每股收益 (二)稀释每股收益 七、其他综合收益 八、综合收益总额 归属于母公司所有者的综 合收益总额 归属于少数股东的综合收 益总额
编制单位:阿城继电器股份有限公司 元
一、经营活动产生的现金流量: 销售商品、提供劳务收到的
现金 客户存款和同业存放款项
净增加额 向中央银行借款净增加额
97,734,077.82 97,734,077.82 357,591,589.65
一、营业总收入 其中:营业收入
ford 2009 annual report

• Business Overview of Financial Results and Highlights
• Details of Financial Results
• Our Plan --
and 2010 Outlook
Alan Mulally President and Chief Executive Officer
* Unless otherwise indicated throughout this presentation, financial results do not reflect the new accounting standard effective January 1, 2010 related to the consolidation of variable interest entities ** 2008 results adjusted for the effect of a new accounting standard related to convertible debt and for the reclassification of certain Financial Services sector revenue items *** Excludes special items, see Slide 10 and Appendix for reconciliation to GAAP **** Formerly labeled “Net Income / (Loss)”, reflects new presentation as required under new accounting standards ***** See Appendix for reconciliation to GAAP
2009-annual revision of the us international accounts

35 July 2009Annual Revision of the U.S. International AccountsBy Anne Flatness, Erin M. Whitaker, and Robert E. YuskavageI N JUNE, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released annual revisions of the U.S international transactions accounts (ITAs) and the U.S. international investment position. Through annual revisions, BEA introduces new and improved definitions and classifications, newly available and more complete source data, improved estimation procedures, and new and updated presentations that improve the reliability and consistency of the statistics and address important new developments in the U.S. and international economies.For this annual revision, the most important change is a new treatment of certain disaster-related losses recovered from international insurers. Under this new treatment, BEA will record certain disaster-related insurance losses recovered in the capital account rather than as a component of unilateral transfers in the current account. This treatment is consistent with new international standards and with the new treatment of disaster-related losses that will be introduced in the forthcoming comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts. The new treatment affects statistics for 1992, 2001, 2004, 2005, and 2008.Other significant changes introduced in this annual revision include the following:●Exports and imports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis were revised for 2001–2008. Revisions to exports reflect revised Census Bureau source data for civilian aircraft and improved procedures for excluding goods that are included in transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts. Revisions to imports incorporate new source data that improve the coverage of locomotives and railcars.●Services receipts and payments were revised for2006–2008 to incorporate updated and revised data from BEA’s quarterly and benchmark surveys of international services transactions. In addition, transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts were revised to more completely account for training services and equipment provided to local security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. ●Direct investment financial flows and related income receipts and payments were revised for 2006–2008 to incorporate new quarterly and annual data from BEA’s surveys of U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States.●Foreign securities financial flows as well as interest receipts for foreign bonds and dividend receipts for foreign stocks were revised for 2006–2008 to incorporate the results of the U.S. Treasury Department’s annual survey of U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities for December 2007 and revised source data.●U.S. securities financial flows as well as interest payments for U.S. bonds and dividend payments for U.S. stocks were revised for 2006–2008 to incorporate the results of the U.S. Treasury Department’s annual survey of Foreign-Residents’ Holdings of U.S. Securities for June 2008 and revised source data.AcknowledgmentsThe revised statistics for the U.S. international accounts were prepared under the general direction of Paul W. Farello and Christopher A. Gohrband.Mai-Chi Hoang, Marc A. Bouchard, Benjamin Kavanaugh, and R. Christian Thieme prepared revised balance-of-payments adjustments for merchandise trade under the direction of John Rutter. Mai-Chi Hoang prepared the updated presentation of Table 2 for U.S. Trade in Goods.Patricia Mosley prepared revised statistics for transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts and for U.S. government grants, and Anne Flatness prepared statistics for the new treatment of disaster-related insurance transactions, both under the direction of Paul W. Farello.Elena L. Nguyen, Erin M. Whitaker, and Cavan Wilk prepared revised financial account statistics related to holdings of U.S. and foreign securities under the direction of Christopher A. Gohrband.36 U.S. International Accounts July 2009●The presentation of the adjustment of “Censusbasis” merchandise trade data to a balance-of-payments basis was revised. These adjustments are shown in table 2 in the quarterly ITA article in this issue (see page 72).Statistics for U.S. international transactions were revised for 1992 and for 2001–2008. The revisions for 1992 were entirely due to the new treatment of certain disaster-related insurance settlements. Revised statistics for the detailed components of the U.S. international transactions accounts for 1992 and 2001–2008 are shown in table 1 in the quarterly ITA article (see page 66). Summary information on revisions for 2001–2008 is shown in table E in this article.Despite several relatively large changes, this annual revision has not significantly altered the overall picture of U.S. international transactions or the U.S. international investment position for the past several years. The revised statistics for the current account show nearly the same widening of the current-account deficit through 2006, a larger decline in the deficit for 2007, and a smaller decline for 2008 (chart 1). The revised statistics for the financial account continue to show large reductions in net financial inflows during the financial crisis even with significant downward revisions for 2007 and 2008 (chart 2). The upward revision to the statistical discrepancy for 2008—resulting from opposing revisions to the current account and financial account—highlights the importance of BEA’s continuing efforts to improve its coverage of international transactions. For more information, see the box “The Statistical Discrepancy in Periods of Economic Turbulence.” The U.S. net international investment position was revised slightly for both 2006 and 2007, but the revisions did not significantly affect the net asset position of the United States relative to the rest of the world.This article is divided into two major sections. The first section summarizes the impact of the revisions on the statistics from the current, capital, and financial accounts, including the statistical discrepancy, and the international investment position. The second section discusses the major changes in definitions, methodologies, source data, and presentation introduced in this annual revision.RevisionsThe revisions to the statistics resulted from updated source data and the incorporation of new source data, a new definition, and improved methodologies. The majority of the revisions resulted from updated source data. These changes affect all categories of the international transactions accounts. Revisions to the financial account were larger than those to the current and capital accounts. The annual revision is also the first time that complete statistics on financial derivatives for the preceding year are available, providing the first complete picture of 2008 transactions.Annual highlights, current accountCurrent-account and capital-account statistics were revised for 1992 and 2001–2008. The current-account37July 2009 S URVEY OF C URRENT B USINESS deficit was revised up for 1992, 2001, 2004–2006, and2008, and it was revised down for 2002, 2003, and 2007. The revised statistics show the same trend in thecurrent-account deficit as the previously published statistics. The deficit declined slightly in 2001, rose continuously through 2006, and then declined again in 2007 and 2008 (table A). In the revised statistics, however, the increase in the deficit for 2005 and the decrease for 2007 are steeper, and the deficit for 2007 islower than the deficit for 2005. The steeper increase in 2005 is primarily due to an increase in net outflows of net unilateral current transfers resulting from the new treatment of disaster-related losses recovered. Thesteeper decrease in 2007 is primarily due to a larger increase in the surplus on income.The decrease in the current-account deficit for 2008 is now noticeably smaller, primarily due to a smaller increase in the surplus on income. The surplus on income increased $27.4 billion in the revised statistics,compared with $45.8 billion in the previously published statistics. A larger increase in the deficit ongoods and a smaller increase in the surplus on servicesalso contributed.Goods and services. The deficit on goods and services was revised up for 2001 and 2004–2008 and revised down for 2002 and 2003. The largest revision was for 2008. For that year, the combined deficit on goods and services was revised up $14.8 billion. This reflects the combined effects of an upward revision to the deficit on goods of $19.4 billion and an upward revision to the surplus on services of $4.6 billion. Exports of goods and services were revised down $9.2 billion; a downward revision of $14.4 billion to goods was partly offset by an upward revision of $5.2 billion to services.Imports of goods and services were revised up $5.6 billion; $5.0 billion was due to goods, and $0.6 billion wasdue to services.Goods were revised for 2001–2008; the largest revisions were for 2006–2008 (table B). The deficit ongoods was revised up for 2001 and for 2004–2008, withamounts ranging from $0.4 billion in 2001 to $19.4billion in 2008. These revisions largely resulted from significant downward revisions to goods exports related to revised source data for civilian aircraft. Thedeficit on goods was revised down slightly for both2002 and 2003, largely the result of upward revisions to goods exports for those years related to the new methodology for identifying and excluding goods that are recorded as transfers under U.S. military sales contracts (a component of trade in services). Small upward revisions to goods imports for 2001–2007 were mostly related to the new source data for locomotives and railcars. The revisions for 2001–2007 did not significantly change the trends of exports, imports, and the deficit on goods. For 2008, the increase in the deficit on goods is now more pronounced, rising $9.3 billion, compared with $1.5 billion in the previously published statistics. It contributed to the smaller decline in the current-account deficit noted above.Services were revised for 2006–2008. The servicesTable A. Revisions to Current-Account Balances and to Net Financial Flows, 2001–2008[Billions of dollars](Credits +; debits –) 12001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Balance on current account (line 77): Revised ...................................................................................................................... –398.3 –459.2 –521.5 –631.1 –748.7 –803.5 –726.6 –706.1 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. –13.6 2.1 1.9 –6.1 –19.7 –15.4 4.6 –32.8 Previously published .................................................................................................. Balance on goods (line 72): –384.7 –461.3 –523.4 –625.0 –729 –788.1 –731.2 –673.3 Revised ...................................................................................................................... –429.9 –482.8 –549.0 –671.8 –790.9 –847.3 –831.0 –840.3 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. –0.4 2.1 1.9 –2.3 –3.7 –9.0 –11.6 –19.4 Previously published ..................................................................................................Balance on services (line 73):–429.5–485.0–550.9–669.6–787.1–838.3 –819.4 –820.8 Revised ...................................................................................................................... 64.4 61.2 54.0 61.8 75.6 86.9 129.6 144.3 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... 1.9 10.5 4.6 Previously published .................................................................................................. Balance on goods and services (line 74): 64.4 61.2 54.0 61.8 75.6 85.0 119.1 139.7 Revised ...................................................................................................................... –365.5 –421.6 –495.0 –610.0 –715.3 –760.4 –701.4 –695.9 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. –0.4 2.1 1.9 –2.3 –3.7 –7.1 –1.2 –14.8 Previously published ..................................................................................................Balance on income (line 75):–365.1–423.7–496.9–607.7–711.6–753.3 –700.3 –681.1 Revised ...................................................................................................................... 31.7 27.4 45.3 67.2 72.448.1 90.8 118.2 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .....................–9.1 9.1 –9.3 Previously published .................................................................................................. Unilateral current transfers, net (line 76):31.7 27.4 45.3 67.2 72.4 57.2 81.7 127.6Revised ......................................................................................................................–64.5 –64.9 –71.8 –88.4–105.8 –91.3 –116.0 –128.4 Amount of revision .................................................................................................–13.2 ..................... ...................... –3.9 –16.0 0.8 –3.3 –8.7 Previously published ..................................................................................................Net financial flows (lines 40, 55, and 70):–51.3 –64.9 –71.8–84.5–89.8–92.0 –112.7 –119.7 Revised ...................................................................................................................... 400.3 500.5 532.9 532.3 700.7809.2 663.6 505.1 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .....................–29.9 –110.8 –41.5 Previously published .................................................................................................. 400.3 500.5 532.9 532.3 700.7 839.1774.3546.61. Credits +; An increase in U.S. receipts and U.S. liabilities, or a decrease in U.S. payments and U.S. claims. Debits –; An increase in U.S. payments and U.S. claims, or a decrease in U.S. receipts and U.S. liabilities. N OTE . Line numbers refer to table 1 in “U.S. International T ransactions: First Quarter of 2009” in the July 2009 S URVEY OF C URRENT B USINESS .38 U.S. International Accounts July 2009surplus was revised up $1.9 billion for 2006, $10.5 billion for 2007, and $4.6 billion for 2008, largely resulting from upward revisions to exports. Within exports, transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts were revised up significantly in all years to more completely account for training and equipment provided to local security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.1 Exports recorded under royalties and license fees were also revised up for 2007 and 2008. A downward revision to “other private services”—largely resulting from downward revisions to business, professional, and technical services—was partly offsetting. The revisions to royalties and license fees and “other private services” resulted from updated source data from BEA surveys. Revisions to imports of services were generally small. The exception is 2007, for which there were significant downward revisions to “other private services,” particularly business, professional, and technical services. Income. The surplus on income was revised down $9.1 billion for 2006, was revised up $9.1 billion for 1. This revision is separate from the revision to goods covered under U.S. military sales contracts described in the previous paragraph. 2007, and was revised down $9.3 billion for 2008. Significant revisions to direct investment payments, resulting from updated source data from BEA surveys,were the largest source of revision. Upward revisions to other private income receipts for 2007 and 2008 mostlyresulted from higher estimates of income earned onforeign securities.Transfers. Net outflows of unilateral current transfers were revised up for 1992, 2001, 2004–2005, and 2007–2008. Net outflows of transfers for 2006 were revised down slightly. The largest revisions were for yearsaffected by the new treatment of disaster-related insurance settlements (1992, 2001, 2004, 2005, and 2008). These revisions affected private remittances and othertransfers. Downward revisions to U.S. governmentgrants also contributed. Annual highlights, capital account Upward revisions to the capital account for 1992, 2001,2004, and 2005 were entirely due to the new treatmentof disaster-related insurance settlements. These revisions offset the revisions to private remittances andother transfers. The large upward revision for 2008 was also partly due to this new treatment. Downward,Table B. Revisions to Selected Current-Account and Capital-Account Transactions, 2001–2008[Billions of dollars] (Credits +; debits –) 1200120022003200420052006 2007 2008 Exports of goods and services and income receipts (line 1): Revised ...................................................................................................................... 1,295.7 1,258.4 1,340.6 1,573.0 1,816.7 2,133.92,462.1 2,591.2Amount of revision ................................................................................................. * 2.7 2.4 –1.4 –2.3 –8.3 –1.4 * Previously published .................................................................................................. Goods, balance of payments basis (line 3): 1,295.7 1,255.7 1,338.2 1,574.3 1,819.0 2,142.2 2,463.5 2,591.3 Revised .................................................................................................................. 718.7 685.2 715.8 806.2 892.3 1,015.8 1,138.4 1,277.0 Amount of revision * 2.7 2.4 –1.4 –2.3 –7.3 –10.1 –14.4 Previously published .............................................................................................. Services (line 4):718.7 682.4 713.4 807.5 894.6 1,023.1 1,148.5 1,291.4 Revised .................................................................................................................. 286.2 292.3 304.3 353.1 389.1 435.9 504.8 549.6 Amount of revision ............................................................................................. ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... 2.0 7.5 5.2 Previously published .............................................................................................. Income receipts (line 12):286.2 292.3 304.3 353.1 389.1 433.9 497.2 544.4 Revised .................................................................................................................. 290.8 280.9 320.5 413.7 535.3 682.2 818.9 764.6 Amount of revision ............................................................................................. ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... –2.9 1.2 9.2 Previously published .............................................................................................. Imports of goods and services and income payments (line 18): 290.8 280.9 320.5 413.7 535.3 685.2 817.8 755.5 Revised ...................................................................................................................... –1,629.5 –1,652.6 –1,790.4 –2,115.7 –2,459.6–2,846.2–3,072.7–3,168.9 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. –0.4 –0.6 –0.6 –0.9 –1.4–7.9 9.3 –24.1 Previously published .................................................................................................. Goods, balance of payments basis (line 20):–1,629.1 –1,652.0 –1,789.8 –2,114.8 –2,458.2–2,838.3 –3,082.0 –3,144.8 Revised .................................................................................................................. –1,148.6 –1,168.0 –1,264.9 –1,478.0 –1,683.2–1,863.1–1,969.4–2,117.2Amount of revision ............................................................................................. –0.4 –0.6 –0.6 –0.9 –1.4–1.7 –1.5 –5.0 Previously published .............................................................................................. Services (line 21):–1,148.2 –1,167.4 –1,264.3 –1,477.1 –1,681.8 –1,861.4 –1,967.9 –2,112.2 Revised .................................................................................................................. –221.8 –231.1 –250.4 –291.2 –313.5 –349.0 –375.2 –405.3 Amount of revision ............................................................................................. ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... –0.1 2.9 –0.6 Previously published .............................................................................................. Income payments (line 29):–221.8 –231.1 –250.4 –291.2 –313.5 –348.9 –378.1 –404.7 Revised .................................................................................................................. –259.1 –253.5 –275.1 –346.5 –462.9 –634.1 –728.1 –646.4 Amount of revision ............................................................................................. ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... –6.2 7.9 –18.5 Previously published .............................................................................................. Unilateral current transfers, net (line 35):–259.1 –253.5 –275.1 –346.5 –462.9 –628.0 –736.0 –627.9 Revised ...................................................................................................................... –64.5 –64.9 –71.8 –88.4–105.8 –91.3 –116.0 –128.4 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. –13.2 ...................... ..................... –3.9 –16.0 0.8 –3.3 –8.7 Previously published .................................................................................................. Capital account transactions, net (line 39):–51.3 –64.9 –71.8 –84.5 –89.8 –92.0 –112.7 –119.7 Revised ...................................................................................................................... 11.9 –1.5 –3.5 1.3 11.3 –3.9 –1.9 1.0 Amount of revision ................................................................................................. 13.2 ...................... ..................... 3.7 15.4 * –0.1 3.6 Previously published ..................................................................................................–1.3 –1.5 –3.5–2.4–4.0–3.9–1.8–2.6* Less than 500,000 (+/–)N OTE . Line numbers refer to table 1 in “U.S. International T ransactions: First Quarter of 2009” in the July 20091. Credits +; An increase in U.S. receipts and U.S. liabilities, or a decrease in U.S. payments and U.S. claims. S URVEY OF C URRENT B USINESS .Debits –; An increase in U.S. payments and U.S. claims, or a decrease in U.S. receipts and U.S. liabilities.39 July 2009 S URVEY OF C URRENT B USINESSrevisions to the capital account for 2006 and 2007 were primarily due to updated source data on the number and wealth of migrants, which are used in the estimation of migrants’ transfers.Annual highlights, financial account Revisions to the financial account were made for 2006– 2008. Despite significant downward revisions to net financial inflows for each year, the revisions did not alter the picture of large declines in net financial inflows for 2007 and 2008 after a peak in 2006 (table A). Net financial inflows, including financial derivatives, were revised down $29.9 billion for 2006, $110.8 billion for 2007, and $41.5 billion for 2008. For 2006 and 2007, excluding financial derivatives, both U.S.-owned assets abroad and foreign-owned assets in the United States were revised up in absolute value. For 2008, both major categories of transactions were revised down. Net financial derivatives were unrevised for 2006 and were revised down only slightly for 2007.2 For the most part, these revisions reflect the incorporation of new source data from the Treasury International Capital reporting system.U.S.-owned assets abroad. U.S.-owned assets abroad excluding financial derivatives represent the net acquisition of foreign assets by U.S. residents. These transactions, in which net acquisitions are recorded as outflows with a minus sign, were revised up (became more negative) $34.0 billion for 2006 and $182.3 billion for 2007 (table C). As a result, U.S. net acquisitions increased modestly in 2007 to a historically high level. In the previously published statistics, U.S. net acquisitions showed a slight increase. U.S.-owned assets abroad were revised down $52.4 billion for 2008. The combination of these revisions resulted in an even more precipitous decline for 2008 than had been shown in the previously published statistics; U.S. net acquisitions for 2008 were revised to less than $1 billion, a historically low level.Components affected by the revisions include the following:●U.S. direct investment abroad. Strong upward revisions for 2007 reflected updated annual and quarterly data from BEA’s direct investment surveys.●Foreign secu rities. For 2007, upward revisions toforeign securities of $77.8 billion were the largest contributor to the overall revision to U.S.-owned assets abroad. Revisions for 2007 largely reflected the incorporation of the U.S. Treasury Department’s annual survey of U.S. Ownership of Foreign2. Net financial derivatives were –$28.9 billion in 2008. Previously, published statistics are not available, because data were not available for the fourth quarter of 2008.Securities for December 2007. For 2008, net sales offoreign securities were revised down $30.2 billion. ●Nonbank claims. For 2006, upward revisions reflected updated annual and quarterly data fromBEA’s direct investment surveys. For 2007 and 2008, updated reporting related to the settlement of distressed debt strongly contributed to the overall revision for nonbank claims. For 2007, overall upward revisions to claims by nonbanks were $39.8 billion, and for 2008, overall downward revisions to claims by nonbanks were $88.5 billion.Table C. Revisions to Selected Financial-Account Transactions, 2006–2008[Billions of dollars](Credits +; debits –) 1 2006 2007 2008U.S. owned assets abroad, excluding financial derivatives(line 40):Revised...................................................................................... –1,285.7 –1,472.1 –0.1 Amount of revision ................................................................. –34.0 –182.3 52.4 Previously published ..................................................................U.S. private assets abroadDirect investment (line 51):–1,251.7 –1,289.9 –52.5Revised.................................................................................. –244.9 –398.6 –332.0Amount of revision ............................................................. –3.7 –65.3 –14.2 Previously published ..............................................................Foreign securities (line 52):–241.2 –333.3 –317.8Revised.................................................................................. –365.1 –366.5 60.8Amount of revision ............................................................. 0.1 –77.8 –30.2 Previously published ..............................................................U.S. claims on unaffiliated foreigners reportedby U.S. nonbanking concerns (line 53):–365.2 –288.7 91.0Revised.................................................................................. –181.3 –40.5 372.2Amount of revision ............................................................. –16.7 –39.8 88.5 Previously published ..............................................................U.S. claims reported by U.S. banks (line 54):–164.6 –0.7 283.8Revised.................................................................................. –502.1 –644.1 433.4Amount of revision ............................................................. –13.7 0.7 8.4 Previously published ..............................................................Foreign-owned assets in the United States, excludingfinancial derivatives (line 55):–488.4 –644.8 425.0Revised...................................................................................... 2,065.2 2,129.5 534.1 Amount of revision ................................................................. 4.1 71.8 –65.0 Previously published ..................................................................Foreign official assets in the United StatesU.S. Treasury securities (line 58):2,061.1 2,057.7 599.0Revised.................................................................................. 208.6 98.4 477.7Amount of revision ............................................................. ................ 39.6 35.4 Previously published..............................................................Other foreign official assets (line 62):208.6 58.9 442.2Revised.................................................................................. 34.4 96.7 88.3Amount of revision ............................................................. ................ 30.0 30.0 Previously published ..............................................................Other foreign assets in the United StatesDirect investment (line 64):34.4 66.7 58.3Revised.................................................................................. 243.2 275.8 319.7Amount of revision ............................................................. 1.2 38.2 –5.5 Previously published ..............................................................U.S. Treasury securities (line 65):242.0 237.5 325.3Revised.................................................................................. –58.2 66.8 196.6Amount of revision ............................................................. * –90.0 –111.0 Previously published ..............................................................U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities (line 66):–58.2 156.8 307.6Revised.................................................................................. 683.2 605.7 –126.7Amount of revision ............................................................. –0.1 31.8 –3.2 Previously published ..............................................................U.S. liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners reported by U.S.nonbanking concerns (line 68):683.4 573.9 –123.6Revised.................................................................................. 244.8 201.7 –45.2Amount of revision ............................................................. 2.1 45.4 –15.8 Previously published ..............................................................U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks, not includedelsewhere (line 69):242.7 156.3 –29.3Revised.................................................................................. 462.0 509.3 –326.6Amount of revision ............................................................. 0.9 –23.5 10.8 Previously published .............................................................. 461.1 532.8 –337.3* Less than 500,000 (+/–)1. Credits +; An increase in U.S. receipts and U.S. liabilities, or a decrease in U.S. payments and U.S. claims. Debits –; An increase in U.S. payments and U.S. claims, or a decrease in U.S. receipts and U.S. liabilities.N OTE. Line numbers refer to table 1 in “U.S. International Transactions: First Quarter of 2009” in the July 2009 S URVEY OF C URRENT B USINESS.。

轴承Global and China Bearing Industry Report, 2009-2010

In 2009, affected by the global financial crisis, the global sales of bearings fell by 12.5% year on year to USD34 billion; due to the continuous downturn of the automotive industry, the contribution of automotive bearing to the total sales of bearings dropped to less than 30%, while the machinery bearing’s grew to over 40%. At the same time, the world’s eight major bearing companies all saw sales decline, as shown below:
Sales and YoY Growth Rate of Eight Major Bearing Manufacturers in the World, (FY) 2009
Source: ResearchInChina By contrast, China has maintained rapid growth driven by the strong market demand. In 2009, China's roller bearing output reached 12.51 billion sets, up 15.1% year on year; the apparent consumption reached 11.13 billion sets, up 21.8% year on year; the import value increased by 5%. This report analyzes the status quo of bearing markets at home and abroad, and focuses on the demand and enterprise competition in market segments including automotive bearing, railway bearing, wind power bearing and so on.
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Wang Fang Dian Bearing Company LimitedFor the year ended December 31, 2009Independent Auditor’s ReportReference Page Independent auditor’s reportFinancial statements— Balance sheet 2— Income statement 3— Cash flow statement4— Statements of changes in equity9— Notes to financial statement13-74Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdBalance SheetFrom 2009.01.01 to 2009.12.31Unit:RMByuan2009.12.31 2009.01.01ItemConsolidated Parent Consolidated Parent Current assets :Monetary fund 77,261,663.9176,715,002.71129,512,540.80 128,066,634.31 Financial assets held-for-tradingBills receivable 117,701,535.41117,431,535.4161,344,054.83 61,344,054.83 Account receivable 771,097,770.88759,943,634.29701,641,881.64 683,979,031.00 Account paid in advance 9,127,147.957,866,246.825,355,110.87 4,302,394.09 Interest receivableOther receivables 12,723,050.7610,124,344.5510,688,266.07 7,481,880.49 Inventory 1,027,440,008.01983,273,301.101,072,250,663.70 1,006,291,300.51 Non-current assets due within 1 yearOther current assets 221,222.75221,222.75309,149.38 309,149.38 Total current assets 2,015,572,399.671,955,575,287.631,981,101,667.29 1,891,774,444.61 Non-current assetsFinancial assets available-for-saleInvestments held-to-maturityLong-term receivableLong-term equity investment 80,559,428.39118,687,019.5878,810,523.20 125,256,859.80 Investment propertyFixed assets 639,604,148.49626,552,835.18573,368,279.75 562,834,590.51 Construction in progress 39,734,642.6139,691,247.9671,494,307.74 70,884,787.01 Construction materialsFixed assets disposalBiological assetsGas and petrol assetsIntangible assets 140,433,015.99140,433,015.99144,793,523.11 144,793,523.11 Development expenditureGoodwillLong-term prepaid expense 1,473,551.611,473,551.612,276,409.35 2,276,409.35 Deferred tax assets 15,813,373.2714,765,098.6417,927,307.42 16,955,726.02 Other non-current assetsTotal non-current assets 917,618,160.36941,602,768.96888,670,350.57 923,001,895.80 Total assets 2,933,190,560.032,897,178,056.592,869,772,017.86 2,814,776,340.41Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdBalance Sheet (continue)From 2009.01.01 to 2009.12.31Unit:RMByuanCurrent liabilitiesShort-term loan 550,160,235.14529,000,000.00325,393,777.75 304,233,542.61 Note payable 96,650,000.0096,650,000.00115,330,000.00 115,330,000.00 Accounts payable 614,127,370.45587,102,072.55632,582,740.43 591,553,783.91 Accounts received in advance 49,516,448.2946,031,381.4529,344,299.86 23,259,217.24 Commission charge payableAccrued payroll 28,419,726.4818,424,966.2329,872,800.60 20,072,752.22 Tax payable 20,739,046.6714,665,350.31-402,118.38 -6,521,357.08 Interest payableDividends payableOther payables 94,836,512.2490,832,531.1987,802,183.41 82,874,804.88 Non-current liabilities due within I year 20,000,000.0020,000,000.00190,000,000.00 190,000,000.00 Other current liabilities 27,463.10 27,463.10 Total current liabilities 1,474,449,339.271,402,706,301.731,409,951,146.77 1,320,830,206.88 Non-current liabilitiesLong-term loan 98,000,000.0098,000,000.00149,500,000.00 148,000,000.00 Debenture payableLong-term payables 100,000.00100,000.00Special payables 201,698.98201,698.98201,698.98 201,698.98 Contingent liabilitiesDeferred tax liabilitiesOther non-current liabilities 5,896,000.005,896,000.006,633,000.00 6,633,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 104,197,698.98104,097,698.98156,434,698.98 154,834,698.98 Total liabilities 1,578,647,038.251,506,804,000.711,566,385,845.75 1,475,664,905.86 Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)Capital stock 402,600,000.00402,600,000.00402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00 Capital public reserves 485,431,518.07482,563,945.37485,431,518.07 482,563,945.37 Less: treasury shareSurplus reserve 108,140,566.51108,140,566.51101,403,904.38 101,403,904.38 Undistributed profit 356,113,130.88397,069,544.00311,344,774.64 352,543,584.80 Difference of foreign currency translationEquity attributable to parent company 1,352,285,215.461,390,374,055.881,300,780,197.09 1,339,111,434.55 Minority interest 2,258,306.322,605,975.02Total owner’s equity 1,354,543,521.781,390,374,055.881,303,386,172.11 1,339,111,434.55 Total owner’s equity and liabilities 2,933,190,560.032,897,178,056.592,869,772,017.86 2,814,776,340.41Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdIncome statementFrom 2009.01.01 to 2009.12.31Unit:RMByuan2009.12.31 2009.01.01ItemConsolidated Parent Consolidated 1.Total operating income 2,309,906,963.192,283,160,114.842,978,120,632.05 2,927,127,375.11 Including: Operating revenue 2,309,906,963.192,283,160,114.842,978,120,632.05 2,927,127,375.11 Interest incomeHandling charge and commission income2.Total operating cost 2,269,242,687.932,235,310,656.692,860,185,983.21 2,807,008,330.93 Including: Operating cost 2,008,075,631.821,988,006,014.412,532,813,927.93 2,499,787,579.06 Interest expensesHandling charge and commission incomeTax & surcharges for main operations 10,915,707.7810,329,065.2810,696,122.23 10,300,074.47 Selling expenses 136,240,314.99134,764,567.82142,615,399.27 140,846,092.26 Administrative expense 82,598,284.3972,805,673.1688,652,341.44 73,972,795.86 Financial expense 19,829,096.1118,812,568.1534,946,715.34 33,345,386.44 Loss of impairment of assets 11,583,652.8410,592,767.8750,461,477.00 48,756,402.84 Add: Gains of change of fair value ofassets(loss with"-")Investment income(loss with "-") 6,738,963.435,400,239.368,799,387.31 8,799,387.31 Including: Income form investment on6,738,963.435,400,239.368,799,387.31 8,799,387.31 associated enterprise and jointlyenterprise3.Operating profit (loss with"-") 47,403,238.6953,249,697.51126,734,036.15 128,918,431.49 Add: Non-operating revenue 45,441,264.7538,627,115.9412,692,548.02 7,450,556.18 Less: Non-operating cost 4,591,309.753,441,654.8712,781,736.12 11,424,904.21Including: loss on disposal of non-current218,554.376,152.243,747,871.22 3,747,871.22 assets4.Profit before tax(loss with"-") 88,253,193.6988,435,158.58126,644,848.05 124,944,083.46 Less: Income tax expenses 20,991,844.0221,068,537.2523,721,408.49 23,411,648.375. Net profit(Loss with"-") 67,261,349.6767,366,621.33102,923,439.56 101,532,435.09Net profit attributable to shareholders of67,609,018.3767,366,621.33102,953,094.55 101,532,435.09 parent companyMinority interests -347,668.70-29,654.996.Earnings per share(1) Basic earnings per share 0.170.26(2) Diluted earnings per share 0.170.267. Other comprehensive returns8. Total comprehensive returns 67,261,349.6767,366,621.33102,923,439.56 101,532,435.09Total comprehensive returns available for67,609,018.3767,366,621.33102,953,094.55 101,532,435.09 parent companyTotal comprehensive returns available for-347,668.70-29,654.99minority shareholdersThe financial statements attached in the Notes are a component of this statement.Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdCash Flow StatementFrom 2009.01.01 to 2009.12.31Unit:RMByuan2009.12.31 2009.01.01ItemConsolidated Parent Consolidated Parent1.Cash from operating activitiesCash received from sale of goods or1,110,389,237.771,064,528,447.971,539,179,133.65 1,464,738,454.98 rendering of servicesRefund of taxes and fares 41,089.9841,089.9811,561,241.71 11,561,241.71Other cash received relating to operating23,882,347.7623,833,590.993,022,309.90 2,815,815.85 activitiesSub-total of cash inflows 1,134,312,675.511,088,403,128.941,553,762,685.26 1,479,115,512.54Cash paid for goods and services 670,630,874.79650,990,946.08937,885,897.51 893,116,415.78Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees 226,230,458.00212,996,276.77222,105,818.90 206,208,398.01Tax payments 108,119,065.82102,055,344.36130,649,107.52 126,138,716.53Other cash paid relating to operating112,775,085.35107,368,151.6094,838,189.24 87,474,326.98 activitiesSub-total of cash outflows 1,117,755,483.961,073,410,718.811,385,479,013.17 1,312,937,857.30Net cash flows from operating activities 16,557,191.5514,992,410.13168,283,672.09 166,177,655.242.Cash flows from investing activitiesCash received from return of investmentCash received from investment incomes 360,000.00360,000.00Net cash received from disposal of fixed226,514.32121,514.32796,217.01 773,217.01 assets, intangible assets and otherlong-term assetsProceeds from sale of subsidiaries andother operating unitsOther cash received relating to investingactivitiesSub-total of cash inflows 586,514.32481,514.32796,217.01 773,217.01Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,37,194,727.6335,428,022.6344,139,364.86 43,289,533.86 intangible assets and other long-termassetsCash paid to acquire investmentNet cash used in acquiring subsidiariesand other operating unitsOther cash paid relating to investing12,300.00 12,300.00activitiesSub-total of cash outflows 37,194,727.6335,428,022.6344,151,664.86 43,301,833.86Net cash flows from investment-36,608,213.31-34,946,508.31-43,355,447.85 -42,528,616.85activities3.Cash flows from financing activitiesCash received from absorbing investmentIncluding: Cash received from increase inminority interestProceeds from borrowings 655,000,000.00655,000,000.00472,037,422.72 472,037,422.72Other proceeds relating to financing3,550,000.003,550,000.0010,709,364.49 10,709,364.49activitiesSub-total of cash inflows 658,550,000.00658,550,000.00482,746,787.21 482,746,787.21Repayment of borrowings 650,233,542.61650,233,542.61500,529,467.81 500,219,467.81Distribution of dividends or profits &37,818,962.2237,016,640.5136,757,649.17 35,823,915.11interest expensesIncluding: dividends or profit paid tominority interestCash paid for other financing activities 15,030,000.0015,030,000.007,525,387.96 7,525,387.96Sub-total of cash outflows 703,082,504.83702,280,183.12544,812,504.94 543,568,770.88Net cash flows from financing activities -44,532,504.83-43,730,183.12-62,065,717.73 -60,821,983.674. Effects of foreign exchange rate629,392.50629,392.50-2,433,250.92 -2,433,250.92changes on cash increases in cash and cash-63,954,134.09-63,054,888.8060,429,255.59 60,393,803.80equivalentsAdd:cash and cash equivalent, at the125,662,540.80124,216,634.3165,233,285.21 63,822,830.51beginning of year6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end61,708,406.7161,161,745.51125,662,540.80 124,216,634.31of the yearThe financial statements attached in the Notes are a component of this statement.The above balance sheet (consolidated and parent), income statement (consolidated and parent), and cashflow statement (consolidated and parent) have been passed at the board meeting held on Apr.22, 2009.Charger: Sun Najuan Charger: Su ShaoliWa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdThe Supplement of Cash Flow StatementFrom 2009.01.01 to 2009.12.31Unit :RMByuan2008 Items 2009Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating activitiesNet profit 67,261,349.67 102,923,439.56 Add: Provision for impairment of assets 11,583,652.84 50,461,477.00 Depreciation of fixed assets 76,153,550.29 82,746,845.17 Amortization of intangible assets 4,380,507.12 4,363,099.68 Amortization of long-term deferred expenses 802,857.74 740,509.68 Loss of disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and long-term assets-972,075.06 2,976,798.78 (income listed with”-”)Loss of rejection of fixed assets (income listed with”-”) 0.00 0.00 Profit and loss in fair value (income listed with”-”) 0.00 0.00 Financial expense (income listed with”-”) 21,983,540.96 32,350,420.13 Investment loss(income listed with”-”) -6,738,963.43 -8,799,387.31 Decrease of deferred tax assets(increase listed with”-”) 2,113,934.15 -9,059,935.53 Decrease of inventories(increase listed with”-”) 55,136,474.91 -190,791,260.79 Decrease of operating receivable (increase listed with”-”) -178,161,750.35 11,835,955.23 Increase of operating payable (decrease listed with”-”) -36,985,887.29 88,535,710.49 Others 0.00 0.00 Net cash flows arising from operating activities16,557,191.55 168,283,672.09 2.Significant investment and financing activities unrelating to cashincome and expensesLiabilities transferred to capital 0.00 0.00 Convertible bonds within 1 year 0.00 0.00 Financing lease fixed assets 0.00 0.00 3. Net increase( decrease) of cash and cash equivalentEnding balance of cash 61,708,406.71 125,662,540.80 Less: Beginning balance of cash 125,662,540.80 65,233,285.21 Add: Ending balance of cash equivalent 0.00 0.00 Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalent 0.00 0.00 Net increase of cash and cash equivalent -63,954,134.09 60,429,255.59 The financial statements attached in the Notes are a component of this statement.Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdThe breakdown of the impairment of assetsUnit:RMByuanDecrease2009.12.31 Items 2008.12.31 IncreaseReverse Others transferredout1.Provision for bad debts 45,266,219.5711,583,652.840.0010,491,656.26 46,358,216.152.Provision for impairment ofinventories71,481,454.920.000.0010,325,819.22 61,155,635.70 3.Provision for impairment offinancial assets held for sale4.Provision for impairment ofinvestment held for maturity5.Provision for impairment oflong term equity investment6.Provision for impairment ofinvestment property7.Provision for impairment offixed assets4,341,838.310.000.00169,622.97 4,172,215.34 8.Provision for impairment ofproject materials9.Provision for impairment ofconstruction in progress1,403,093.550.000.000.00 1,403,093.55 10.Provision for impairment ofbiological assets11.Provision for impairment ofoil & gas assets12.Provision for impairment ofintangible assets13.Provision for impairment ofreputation14.OthersTotal122,492,606.3511,583,652.840.0020,987,098.45113,089,160.74Wa Fangdian Bearing Co.,LtdLoss of impairment of assetsUnit:RMByuan Items 2009 2008Provision for bad debts 11,583,652.847,478,538.73 Provision for impairment of inventories 0.0039,984,362.20 Provision for impairment of financial assets held for saleProvision for impairment of investment held for maturityProvision for impairment of long term equity investmentProvision for impairment of investment propertyProvision for impairment of fixed assets 0.002,998,576.07 Provision for impairment of project materialsProvision for impairment of construction in progressProvision for impairment of biological assetsProvision for impairment of oil & gas assetsProvision for impairment of intangible assetsProvision for impairment of reputationOthersTotal 11,583,652.8450,461,477.00Wa Fanghdian Bearing Co.,LtdThe changes in shareholder’s equity (consolidated)2009.1.1-2009.12.31 unit:RMB yuan Amount in current period Amount in previous period Owner’s equity attributable to parent company Owner’s equity attributable to parent companyItemCapitalstock Capitalpublicreservesless:treasure stockSurpluspublicreservesGeneralprovision forriskUndistributed profitsOthersMinorityshareholders’equityOwner’s equity CapitalstockCapitalpublicreservesless:treasurestockSurpluspublicreservesGeneralprovision forriskUndistributedprofitsOthersMinorityshareholders’equityOwner’s equity1.Balance at the end of last year 402,600,000.0485,431,518.07101,403,904.38311,344,774.642,605,975.021,303,386,172.11402,600,000.0485,431,518.0768,449,533.31243,660,433.162,635,630.011,202,777,114.55Add: changes in accounting policiesChanges in previous errors 2,068,442.7011,721,175.3013,789,618.00Others2.Balance at the beginning of this year 402,600,000.0485,431,518.07101,403,904.38311,344,774.642,605,975.021,303,386,172.11402,600,000.0485,431,518.0770,517,976.01255,381,608.462,635,630.011,216,566,732.553. The changes in this year (decrease with“-”)6,736,662.1344,768,356.24-347,668.7051,157,349.6730,885,928.3755,963,166.18-29,654.9986,819,439.56(1) Net profits 67,609,018.37-347,668.7067,261,349.67102,953,094.55-29,654.99102,923,439.56(2) Other comprehensive returnsTotal (1) and (2) 67,609,018.37-347,668.7067,261,349.67102,953,094.55-29,654.99102,923,439.56(3) The assets invested orreturned by the owners91) capital invested by owners2)The amount of share payment recorded owner’s equity3) others(4)Profits distribution 6,736,662.13-22,840,662.13-16,104,000.030,885,928.37-46,989,928.37-16,104,000.01)Provision for surplus public reserves 6,736,662.13-6,736,662.1330,885,928.37-30,885,928.372)provision for general risks3)distribution for owner(shareholders) -16,104,000.00-16,104,000.00-16,104,000.00-16,104,000.04)others(5)interior transference of owner’s equity1)capital (capital stock)transferred by the capital public reserves2)capital (capital stock)transferred by the surplus public reserves3)loss offset by the surplus public reserves4)others4. Balance at the end of the current period 402,600,000.0485,431,518.07108,140,566.51356,113,130.882,258,306.321,354,543,521.78402,600,000.00485,431,518.07101,403,904.38311,344,774.642,605,975.0210Wa Fanghdian Bearing Co.,LtdThe changes in shareholder’s equity (Parent company)2009.1.1-2009.12.31 unit:RMB yuan Amount in current period Amount in previous periodItem CapitalstockCapitalpublicreservesless:treasurestockSpecialprojectreserve sSurpluspublicreservesGeneralprovisionfor riskUndistributedprofitsOwner’sequityCapitalstockCapitalpublicreservesless:treasurestockSpecialprojectreserve sSurpluspublicreservesGeneralprovisionfor riskUndistributedprofitsOwner’sequity1.Balance at the end of last year 402,600,000.00482,563,945.37101,403,904.38352,543,584.801,339,111,434.55402,600,000.00482,563,945.3768,449,533.31286,279,902.781,239,893,381.46Add: changes in accounting policiesChanges in previous errors 2,068,442.7011,721,175.3013,789,618.00Others2.Balance at the beginning of this year 402,600,000.00482,563,945.37101,403,904.38352,543,584.801,339,111,434.55402,600,000.00482,563,945.3770,517,976.01298,001,078.081,253,682,999.463. The changes in this year (decrease with“-”)6,736,662.1344,525,959.2051,262,621.3330,885,928.3754,542,506.7285,428,435.09(1) Net profits 67,366,621.3367,366,621.33101,532,435.09101,532,435.09(2) Other comprehensive returnsTotal (1) and (2) 67,366,621.3367,366,621.33101,532,435.09101,532,435.09(3) The assets invested or returned by the owners 1) capital invested by owners2)The amount of share payment recorded owner’s equity3) others(4)Profits distribution 6,736,662.13-22,840,662.13-16,104,000.0030,885,928.37-46,989,928.37-16,104,000.001)Provision for surplus public reserves 6,736,662.13-6,736,662.1330,885,928.37-30,885,928.372)provision for general risks3)distribution for owner(shareholders) -16,104,000.00-16,104,000.00-16,104,000.00-16,104,000.004)others(5)interior transference of owner’s equity1)capital (capital stock)transferred by the capital public reserves2)capital (capital stock)transferred by the surplus public reserves 3)loss offset by the surplus public reserves4)others4. Balance at the end of the current period 402,600,000.00482,563,945.37108,140,566.51397,069,544.001,390,374,055.88402,600,000.00482,563,945.37101,403,904.38352,543,584.801,339,111,434.55Wafangdian Bearing Co., LtdNotes to financial statements for the year ended December 31 2009(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)(English translation for reference only)1. General informationWafangdian Bearing Company Limited (the “Company”) is a joint stock limited company established in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on 20 March 1997. In the opinion of the directors, its parent and ultimate holding company is Wafangdian Bearing Group Company Limited (“Wazhou Group”).The Company’s B shares have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 25 March 1997. The addresses of the registered office and principal place of business of the Company are No.1, Phrase 1, Gongji Street, Wafangdian North, Liaoning Province, and the PRC.The Group is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of bearing products, engineering equipment, automobile spare parts and relating products.The Company together with its subsidiaries is collectively referred to as the “Group”.2. Basis for the preparation of financial statementsThe Group prepares the financial statements on the basis of going concern and actual transactions and events, and in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, and based on the accounting policies and estimates in the note 4 ‘Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial statements’.3. Complying with Accounting Standard for Business EnterpriseThe financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group truly and fully.4. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and method for preparation of consolidated financial statements4.1 Accounting periodThe Group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period, i.e. from Jan 1 to Dec 31.4.2 Funcitonal currencyThe Group adopts RMB as functional currency.4.3 Recording basis and pricing principleThe accrual basis shall be adopted for accounting treatment to follow the historical cost method, except that the financial assets held for trading and sale are measured at fair value.4.4 Cash and cash equivalentThe cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Group refers to cash on hand and bank deposit. The cash equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three months or less) and liquid investments which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.4.5 Translation of foreign currency(1) Foreign currency transactionForeign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) when the transaction incurs. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into RMB at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet day. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are charged as in profit or loss for the period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the relevant fixed asset being acquired or constructed is ready for its intended uses. The foreign currency non-monetary items recorded at fair value are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date of fair value recognized. Exchange differences are charged as profit and loss of change of fair value. The foreign currency non-monetary items recorded at historical cost are translated at the exchange rate issued on the date when the transaction incurs, and don’t change the RMB amount.(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statementsThe asset and liability items in the foreign currency balance sheet should be translated at a spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Among the ower’s equity items except “undistributed profit”, others should be translated at the spot exchange rate when they are incurred. The income and expense should be translated at spot exchange rate when the transaction incurs. Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements should be presented separately under the ower’s equity item. For the foreign currency monetary items that form substantially the oversea business net investment, their exchange difference of movement of exchange rate should be presented separately as translation difference of foreign currency financial statement under the ower’s equity item when prepare the consolidated financial statements. When disposing an overseas business, the Group should shift the translation difference of foreign currency financial statement related to the overseas business into the disposal profits and losses of current period. Foreign currency cash flows are translated at the spot exchange rate on the day when the cash flows incur. The amounts resulted from change of exchange rate are presented separately in the cash flow statement.4.6 Financial assets and financial liabilities(1) Financial assetsThe financial assets are classified into the following four categories according to investment purpose and economic substance.1) Financial asset measured at fair value and the amount of the change in fair value of a financial asset is recognized in profit or loss in current period: mainly represents the objective of being held for sale in short term and presented at financial asset held for transaction in balance sheet.2) Investment held to maturity: non-derivative financial assets of fixed maturity, fixed or confirmable recoverable amount, which management have definite purpose and capacity to hold to maturity.3) Accounts receivable: represents non-derivative financial assets of no quote, fixed or confirmable recoverable amount, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividends receivable and others receivable etc.4) Financial assets available for sale: financial assets available for sale include non-derivative financial assets available for sale when initially recognized and others financial assets which are classified.Financial assets should be initially recognized at fair value. Financial assets which are measured at fair value and the variation of fair value is charged as the profit or loss for the current period, related transaction expenses incurred when acquiring financial assets shall be directly charged as profit or loss for the current period. The transaction expenses of others financial assets shall be charged as initial amount. When the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are terminated, or when the risk and reward accompanied with the ownership of the said financial assets have been transferred to the receiving party, the recognition of financial assets shall be terminated.For the financial assets measured at their fair values and of which the variation is charged as the profit or loss for the current period and financial assets held for sale shall be measured subsequently at fair value. Accounts receivable and investment held to maturity shall be measured on the basis of the amortization costs by adopting actual interest rate method.For the financial assets measured at fair values and of which the variation is charged as profit or loss for the current period, changes of their fair values shall be recorded into changes of fair value of financial assets. The interest and cash dividends from financial assets when held shall be recognized investment income. When the financial assets are disposed, the difference between its fair value and initial recognition amount shall be recognized into investment profit or loss, and meanwhile, adjust the change of fair value of financial assets.The change of fair value of financial assets held for sale shall be recorded as owner’s equity. The interests of the financial assets held for sale calculated according to the actual interest rate method shall be recorded into the investment income of the current period. The cash dividends of the equity instrument investments available-for-sale shall be recorded into the investment income of the current period when the investee announces the distribution of dividends. When the financial assets are disposed, the difference between the prices with carrying amount deducted accumulated change amounts of fair values which recorded into owner’s equity shall be recorded into investment profit and loss.The Group carries out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets other than those measured at their fair values. Where there is any objective evidence indicating that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made. Where a financial asset available-for-sale is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial asset has not been terminated, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and charged as the profit or loss for the current period. As for the debt instruments available-for-sale whose impairment-related losses have been recognized, if, within the accounting period thereafter, the fair value has risen and are objectively related to the subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment losses were recognized, the originally recognized impairment losses shall be reversed and be charged as the profit and loss for the current period. As for the debt instruments available-for-sale whose。