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• The poem reminds us that life is not a dream, but very real,and urges us to live it to the full and not sit around waiting for death. • It says that the purposes of life is not to have fun or indeed to suffer but to do something. • It also reminds us that although mankind has lived a long time our own individual time on earth is limited and will pass very quickly,with each heartbeat a further step towards the grave. So try , like great men of the past, to make something of yourself in your short time on earth and leave behind something by which to be remembered.
• Voices of the Night (1839) <夜籁集> -- first collection • Evangeline (1847) <伊凡吉林> -- his narrativeFra Baidu bibliotekpoem • The Song of Hiawatha (1855) <海华莎之歌> • Michael Angelo 〈迈克尔.安吉洛〉-- most conspicuous dramatic work • “A Psalm of Life” 人生礼赞 / 人生颂(P214) • “Excelsior” 向更高处攀登 • “The Village Blacksmith” 乡村铁匠 • “My Lost Youth” 我逝去的青春
• He was the first American poet to gain a favorable international reputation. • He was given a private audience by Queen Victoria. • In the late 19th century, Longfellow was definitely the most popular American poet.
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Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers And things are not what they seem. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal Dust thou art , to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.
A Psalm of Life
• It was first published in Voices of the Night. • It is the first English poem translated into Chinese. • The poem was written in 1838 when Longfellow was struck with great dismay: his first wife died in 1835, and his courtship of a young woman was unrequited. However, despite all the frustrations, Longfellow tried to encourage himself by writing a piece of optimistic word.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(1807—1882) 亨利.华兹沃斯.朗费罗
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Life Hornors Works
A Psalm of Life
• Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807 in Maine. • Longfellow was enrolled in a dame school(由老妇人主 办的家庭小学) at the age of three and by the age of six he was enrolled at the private Portland Academy. • In the fall of 1822, the 15-year-old Longfellow was enrolled at Bowdoin College(鲍登学院) where he was a classmate of Nathaniel Hawthorne (纳撒尼尔· 霍桑). • After graduation in 1825, Longfellow went to Europe to study. • In 1829 he returned to the United States to be a professor to teach European languages at Bowdoin first and then in Harvard in 1836. • In 1882,at the age of 75, he died at Cambridge ,America .
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