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(8)外来的成语 外来的成语 成语中也有来自外国的。如佛经里边的语 句和典故以及西方的典故、格言以及西洋著 作的汉文译本中的精炼语句等。 A.一尘不染 free of dust B.现身说法 advise sb. or explain Байду номын сангаасth. by using one’s own experience / take oneself as an example C.心花怒放 be wild with joy/be elated (free)
(5)截用或改易古人语句 截用或改易古人语句
有些成语是截用或者把古人的语句略加改变,然后使用的。 截用或改变的原因,主要是为了使其符合成语的结构形式。
A.舍生取义 舍生取义 (《孟子·告子》上篇里有两句话是:"生,亦我所欲 也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义 者也。"后人从这两句话里,取出"舍生取义"这四个 字作为成语,表示为了维护正义不惜牺牲生命的崇 高品质。) lay down one’s life for a just cause die for principle/prefer honor to life (free) B. 一丘之貉 birds of a feather/tigers from the same den
(3)寓言传说 寓言传说
古书里边也有些含义深刻的寓言,也是成语的来 源。这类成语,往往有教训或讽喻的意味。 A.杞人忧天
like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall—entertain imaginary or groudless fears (literal+annotation) B.邯郸学步 imitate others and thus lose one’s own individuality/ imitate others without success and thus lose what used to be one’s own ability 守株待兔, 刻舟求剑, 画蛇添足
Translation of Chinese Idioms 汉语成语英译
1. Defintion (定义) 2. Features (特征) 3. Sources(来源) 4. Methods (翻译方法) 5. Noteworthy Points(注意要点)
1. Definition 1). 成语—人们长期以来习用的、形式简洁而意 思精辟的、定型的词组或短语。(《现代汉 语词典》) 2). An idiom is an expression which functions as a single unit and whose meaning cannot be worked out from its separate parts. (Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, 1985) 成语(习语)作为一种表达式,在功能上 相当于一个单位,其意义不能从各个组成部 分得出。
2) Literal translation with annotations直译加注有些习 直译加注
语含有比喻意义、象征意义或是历史典故等) 语含有比喻意义、象征意义或是历史典故等
a.木已成舟:The wood is already made into a boat—what’s done is done. b. 杞人忧天: Like the man of Chi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall—unnecessary anxiety. c . 朝秦暮楚: Serve the State of Qin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening—playing fast and loose (quick to switch sides)
画饼充饥 draw a cake and call it a dinner (literal) feed on illusions/eat the air (free) 抛砖引玉 cast a brick to attract jade/cast a brick to get a gem(literal) make a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions (free) 扬扬得意 be immensely proud with success/look triumphant (free)
A.胸有成竹 have a well-thought-out plan before /have a card (or an ace) up one’s sleeve (free) B. 满城风雨 (news) spread all over the city / become the talk of the town (free) C.门可罗雀 You can catch sparrows on the doorstep—where visitors are few and far between. (literal+annotation) 威武不屈, 尾大不掉, 抱薪救火
3). 琅琅上口 ,易学易记 易学易记(sound) 汉语成语结构对仗工整,具有音韵美,读起来琅琅 上口,较易记住。 曲曲环环 twisting (free) 叮叮咚咚 murmuring (free) (1). 九溪十八涧则以“曲曲环环路,叮叮咚咚泉”著称。 The place called Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies is wellknown for its twisting paths and murmuring streams.
5. Methods to Translate Chinese Idioms (方法) 方法) 方法 1). Literal translation 直译(在语言形式和比喻形象
上有相似之处,虽所用比喻不同,但含义却较相似。 尽量在译文中保留原文成语的形象、修辞手段和民 族特色)
a. 打草惊蛇:to stir up the grass and alert the snake (wake a sleeping dog) b. 对牛弹琴:to play the lute to a cow (cast the pearl before the swine) c. 雪中送炭:to send charcoal in snowy weather
(7).谚语俗语 谚语俗语 有些成语是群众口头中使用的谚语或俗语。 A. 亡羊补牢 Mend the fold after the sheep is stolen. B. 敝帚千金 cherish an old broom as if it were a thousand pieces of gold—cherish a possession of little value.
d. 挥金如土: Spend money like dirt/water e. 易如反掌: As easy as turning over one’s hand/palm f. 攻其不备: Strike sb when he is unprepared g. 声东击西: Shout in the east and strike in the west h、顺水推舟: Push the boat with the current i、朴实无华: Simple and unadorned
成语是一种人们长期以来相沿习用的、 成语 具有固定的结构形式和完整的意义内容、 带有书面语色彩的固定短语。
2. Features (特征) 1).结构严整,对仗工整 (form) 2). 言简意赅,形象生动(sense) 3). 琅琅上口 ,易学易记(sound)
1).结构严整,对仗工整 (form) 结构严整, 结构严整 汉语成语结构紧密,一般不能任意变动词序, 抽换或增减其中的成分,具有结构的凝固性, 其形式以四字格居多。 三三两两 by twos and threes 才高八斗 of great erudition/have profound learning 2).言简意赅,形象生动(sense) 言简意赅,形象生动( 言简意赅 成语言词简练,可用来表达丰富的思想内涵 。 不可救药 beyond cure/hopeless
4. Sources of Chinese Idioms (来源) (1)历史事实 历史事实 有些成语是从历史事实来的。其中有的是把 某一历史事件,概括为成语的;有的是截取 或改易历史里的著名文句为成语的。 A. 完璧归赵 return the jade intact to the State of Zhao—return sth. to its owner in good condition. (literal) retrun a thing whole to its owner. (free)
(9)新生成语 ) 随着社会的发展演进,根据社会生活的实 际需要,表达新思想意识的成语,就自然会 不断地陆续地产生。 A. 推陈出新 weed through the old to bring forth the new B. 分秒必争 seize every minute and second race against time (free) C. 百花齐放 let a hundred flowers blossom (literal)
(4)古人原句 古人原句
成语里面有一些是全用古人语句而不作改动的。 A. 水落石出 (宋朝文学家苏轼的《赤壁赋》:“山高月小,水落 石出”“水落石出”本来是纯粹写景的文句,后代 用为成语,比喻真实的情况终于显露出来。) When the water subsides the rocks emerge—the whole thing comes to light. (literal+annotation) The truth is (or comes)out /the murder is out. (free) B. 一鸣惊人 (an obscure person) amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (literal) make one’s mark at the first shot/win popularity with the first work. (free)
B.门庭若市 The courtyard is as crowded as a marketplace—a much visited house (literal+annotation) C. 一鼓作气 at the first drum courage is aroused (literal) at one fling/at a dash (free) (2)前人故事 前人故事 有些成语是由前人的故事来的,这类故事也是确 有其人其事,只是其人其事在历史上不是很重要的。 这类成语有的比较有风趣,有的有比较好的修辞效 果,所以也被人们广泛地使用 。
(6)人民群众用过的精炼词组 人民群众用过的精炼词组
成语中绝大部分是人民群众创造的,其中有一些 具有浓厚的口语色彩和生活气息。
A. 大海捞针 look for a needle in a bunch of haystack B. 指桑骂槐 point at the mulberry and abuse the locust—point at one but abuse another (literal +annotation) make oblique accusations (free)