人教版五年级英语上册精品教案Unit 2 教案(第二课时)

一、教材内容分析本单元为小学英语(PEP)五年级上册第二单元My week第二课时。
Let’s learn部分学习的单词是:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。
Let’s play部分用于操练和巩固A Let’s learn板块有关一周七天名称的单词。
同时,学生已在本单元第一课时已经接触过主句型What do you have on … ? I have … 在此基础上,本课要使学生进一步掌握运用主句型谈论学校课程安排情况,并学习重点词汇:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。
三、教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写以下七个单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。
让学生运用上节课所学句型What do you have on…. ? I have … on …自由交谈,由旧知识过渡到本课重点词汇。

人教PEP版六年级英语上册第二单元教案Unit2Ways to go to school教学设计二、呈现(Presentatio n)1.main scene学习(1)呈现图片,仔细观察图片,回答问题,Where are they?What can you see?(2)学生仔细观察图片,展开合理想象并回答老师的问题。
Where are they?What can you see?(3)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。
2.学习Let’s try&Let’s talk(1)T:Today I come to school on bus.Iusually come to school on foot.Whatabout you?Do you come by bike or bybus?Do you come on foot or by car?(2)Listen to the tape(3)快速反应游戏:教师说出某个短语,让学生做相应的动作并说出句子(4)听录音,跟读Let’s talk内容,注意纠正学生的发音(5)图片解释usually/often/sometimes单词的区别。
1、free talk形式,先跟学生展开对话,让学生在学习新内容前先巩固已学过的知识。
三、操练(Practice )1.Listen to the tape.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Play a chain game教师做动作,自问自答:How doI come to school?I come to school by bike,继续重复刚才的句子并问某一位学生,继续传递下去。

教案初一英语教案人教版unit2一、引言1.1课题背景1.1.1英语作为国际通用语言的重要性1.1.2我国英语教育的发展及现状1.1.3初一英语学习的阶段特点及任务1.1.4Unit2在初一英语教学中的地位和作用1.2教学目标1.2.1培养学生英语学习的兴趣和积极性1.2.2提高学生的英语听说读写能力1.2.3培养学生的跨文化交际意识1.2.4帮助学生掌握Unit2的知识点1.3教学方法1.3.1采用任务型教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣1.3.2利用多媒体辅助教学,提高教学效果1.3.3鼓励学生参与课堂互动,培养合作精神1.3.4定期进行学习评价,及时调整教学方法二、知识点讲解2.1词汇2.1.1重点词汇:family,parent,sister,brother,grandparent 2.1.2词汇讲解:通过图片、实物等形式展示词汇,让学生更好地理解和记忆2.1.3词汇练习:设计丰富的练习,如填空、选择、匹配等,巩固学生对词汇的掌握2.1.4词汇运用:鼓励学生在实际情景中运用所学词汇,提高语言运用能力2.2语法2.2.1重点语法:一般现在时2.2.2语法讲解:通过例句、图表等形式讲解一般现在时的构成和用法2.2.3语法练习:设计针对性的练习,如填空、改错、句型转换等,让学生熟练掌握一般现在时2.2.4语法运用:鼓励学生在写作、口语表达中运用一般现在时,提高语法运用能力2.3对话2.3.1重点对话:介绍家庭成员2.3.2对话讲解:分析对话内容、功能及语言特点2.3.3对话练习:设计角色扮演、问答等练习,让学生熟悉并运用对话2.3.4对话拓展:鼓励学生结合自身实际,创作类似的对话,提高交际能力三、教学内容3.1课文3.1.1课文内容:Unit2的课文主要围绕家庭成员展开3.1.2课文讲解:分析课文结构、语言点及文化背景3.1.3课文练习:设计阅读理解、完型填空等练习,提高学生的阅读能力3.1.4课文拓展:引导学生探讨课文主题,培养学生的思辨能力和跨文化意识3.2听力3.2.1听力材料:与家庭成员相关的对话、短文等3.2.2听力讲解:教授听力技巧,如预测、捕捉关键信息等3.2.3听力练习:设计听辨、听写、听力理解等练习,提高学生的听力水平3.3语音3.3.1重点语音:元音音素/i:/和/i/3.3.2语音讲解:讲解元音音素的发音特点及区别3.3.3语音练习:设计听音辨词、模仿朗读等练习,让学生掌握元音音素的发音3.3.4语音拓展:引导学生关注日常生活中的语音现象,提高语音感知能力四、教学目标4.1知识与技能4.1.1掌握Unit2的重点词汇、语法和对话4.1.2能够运用Unit2的知识进行简单的英语交际4.1.3提高英语听说读写能力4.1.4培养跨文化交际意识4.2过程与方法4.2.1培养学生合作学习的能力4.2.2培养学生自主学习的能力4.2.3培养学生解决问题的能力4.2.4培养学生创新思维的能力4.3情感态度与价值观4.3.1培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性4.3.2培养学生尊重和包容不同文化的态度4.3.3培养学生团队合作的精神4.3.4培养学生积极向上的价值观五、教学难点与重点5.1教学难点5.1.1词汇的掌握和运用5.1.2一般现在时的语法运用5.六、教具与学具准备6.1教师准备6.1.1多媒体课件:包括词汇、语法、对话的展示和练习6.1.2图片和实物:用于展示家庭成员,增强视觉效果6.1.3录音设备:播放听力材料,进行听力练习6.1.4教学视频:用于辅助教学,提供更多的语言输入6.2学生准备6.2.1英语课本和练习册:学习Unit2的相关内容6.2.2笔记本和文具:记录重点知识和练习答案6.2.3家庭照片:用于介绍家庭成员的实践活动6.2.4英语词典:查找生词,自主学习6.3课堂环境6.3.1座位安排:适合小组活动和角色扮演6.3.2黑板和白板:用于板书和展示学生答案6.3.3墙面海报:展示英语学习标语和家庭成员词汇七、教学过程7.1导入7.1.1开场白:用英语与学生打招呼,引入新课话题7.1.2快速问答:复习上一课的内容,激活学生的相关知识7.1.3图片展示:展示家庭成员的图片,引起学生的兴趣7.1.4目标介绍:告知学生本节课的学习目标和预期成果7.2主体教学7.2.1词汇学习:通过图片和实物学习重点词汇7.2.2语法讲解:通过例句和图表讲解一般现在时7.2.3对话练习:分组练习对话,模拟真实场景7.2.4听力训练:播放听力材料,进行听力和理解练习7.3巩固与拓展7.3.1小组活动:设计家庭成员介绍的小游戏或角色扮演7.3.2课堂写作:写一段关于自己家庭成员的短文7.3.3语音练习:模仿录音,练习元音音素的发音7.3.4作业布置:布置课后作业,巩固所学知识八、板书设计8.1词汇板书8.1.1重点词汇列表:在黑板上列出Unit2的重点词汇8.1.2词汇例句:用不同颜色的粉笔标出词汇在例句中的使用8.1.3词汇配图:在词汇旁边画上简笔画,增强记忆8.1.4词汇游戏:设计一个与词汇相关的游戏,如“找不同”8.2语法板书8.2.1语法规则:用图表形式展示一般现在时的构成8.2.2语法例句:用例句展示一般现在时的用法8.2.3语法练习:在黑板上展示语法练习题,让学生参与解答8.3对话板书8.3.1对话脚本:在黑板上写出对话的脚本,供学生参考8.3.2对话角色:标明对话中不同角色的名称8.3.3对话情景:用图画或关键词表示对话发生的情景8.3.4对话提示:给出表演对话时的表情和动作提示九、作业设计9.1词汇作业9.1.1词汇填空:完成练习册上的词汇填空题9.1.2词汇匹配:将词汇与图片或定义进行匹配9.1.3词汇造句:用Unit2的词汇各造一个句子9.1.4词汇复习:复习Unit2的所有词汇,准备下次课的测试9.2语法作业9.2.1语法改错:改正练习册上的语法错误9.2.2语法填空:完成一般现在时的语法填空题9.2.3语法转换:将句子从一般现在时转换为其他时态9.2.4语法写作:用一般现在时写一段短文9.3对话作业9.3.1对话背诵:背诵Unit2的对话9.3.2对话改编:改编Unit2的对话,加入自己的家庭成员9.3.3对话表演:与同学一起表演Unit2的对话9.3.4对话创作:创作一个新的对话,介绍自己的家庭成员十、课后反思及拓展延伸10.1教学效果反思10.1.1学生参与度:重点和难点解析一、知识点讲解中的词汇部分1.1词汇的讲解与练习详细讲解每个重点词汇的用法和搭配,确保学生理解并能够正确使用。

我们可以通过提供一些生动的语言材料,向学生展示be动词、have和do 的用法。

一、教学课题Unit 2: Great Inventions二、教学目的1. 培养学生阅读理解能力,提高对科技发明类文章的阅读兴趣。
2. 扩大学生词汇量,掌握与科技发明相关的常用词汇和短语。
3. 提高学生的听说能力,通过角色扮演等活动,使学生能够运用所学知识进行交流。
4. 培养学生的写作能力,通过写作练习,使学生能够运用所学语法和词汇表达自己的观点。
三、课时分配1. 阅读理解:2课时2. 听力训练:1课时3. 口语表达:1课时4. 写作练习:1课时四、教学重点1. 理解文章大意,掌握文章结构。
2. 掌握与科技发明相关的词汇和短语。
3. 学会运用所学知识进行口语和书面表达。
五、教学难点1. 理解文章中的复杂句型。
2. 准确运用所学词汇和短语进行口语和书面表达。
六、教学过程第一课时:阅读理解1. 导入新课:通过展示一些科技发明图片,激发学生的兴趣,引入本节课的主题。
2. 阅读课文:学生自主阅读课文,了解文章大意,掌握文章结构。
3. 翻译练习:学生翻译文章中的重点句子,巩固词汇和语法知识。
4. 课堂讨论:针对文章中的关键问题进行讨论,加深对文章内容的理解。
第二课时:听力训练1. 导入新课:通过播放一段与科技发明相关的英语听力材料,激发学生的兴趣。
2. 听力练习:学生听录音,回答问题,提高听力理解能力。
3. 课堂讨论:针对听力材料中的关键问题进行讨论,加深对内容的理解。
第三课时:口语表达1. 导入新课:通过展示一些科技发明图片,激发学生的兴趣,引入本节课的主题。
2. 角色扮演:学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟科技发明场景,运用所学知识进行交流。
3. 课堂讨论:针对角色扮演中的问题进行讨论,提高口语表达能力。
第四课时:写作练习1. 导入新课:通过展示一些科技发明案例,激发学生的写作兴趣。
2. 写作指导:教师讲解写作技巧,指导学生如何运用所学知识进行写作。
3. 写作练习:学生根据所学知识,撰写一篇关于科技发明的短文。
人教版八年级英语上册教材Unit2 教案

人教版八年级英语上册教材Unit2 教案
- 通过本课的研究,学生能够掌握有关物品地点的表达方式,
- 学会使用“where”的疑问句和回答句来询问和描述物品的地点。
- 能够熟练运用所学知识与同伴进行交流,并进行情景对话。
- 学会使用“where”的疑问句和回答句来询问和描述物品的地点。
- 熟练掌握单词和短语的拼写和发音。
- 教材:人教版八年级英语上册教材Unit2
- 幻灯片或黑板
- 学生小组卡片
1. 导入:用幻灯片或黑板上展示一些物品图片,引导学生用英
2. 研究新知:通过教材Unit2的相关内容,教授目标词汇和短语,让学生理解并记忆。
3. 练活动:进行对话练,学生分组,每个小组选择一个物品进行情景对话,询问和回答物品的地点。
4. 拓展活动:让学生运用所学知识,创造自己的对话,交流物品的地点。
5. 归纳总结:让学生回顾所学知识,进行总结归纳。
6. 作业布置:布置课后作业,要求学生练复述本课内容,并使用疑问句和回答句描述物品地点。
- 通过学生的课堂表现、练活动和讨论活动来进行评价,检查学生是否能够正确运用所学语言进行物品地点的描述。
- 提供及时的反馈,鼓励学生用英语进行交流。
- 确保课堂秩序,引导学生积极参与。
- 注重学生的口语能力培养,鼓励他们进行对话练。
- 提供足够的练机会,让学生熟练掌握所学知识。
Unit 2 Traveling Around 教案

Unit 2 Traveling Around 教案一、单元主题分析本单元主题主要是人与自我,其中部分也涉及人与社会。
二、单元内容本单元内容是人教版必修一模块第二单元Travelling Around,单元的主题是旅行,涉及的话题有:计划制定、行前安排、景点介绍、旅游文明行为以及旅游业发展利弊的讨论等内容。


unit2教案Unit Two Love and Friendship(Part I)I. Lead-in Class Class Hours: 2hoursII. Teaching Aims and Requirements:1. Get Ss t o understand the true meaning of “love and friendship” and talk about it freely;2. Get Ss to learn words and expressions concerning love and friendship3. Get Ss to know some background information4. Get Ss to learn the new words of T ext A5. Get students to grasp scanning skillsIII. Presenting Procedures1. Oral practice: love and friendship(20 minutes)a) Introductory remarks: Love and friendship are two of the most precious things people can have. For all the care and trust we are blessed with, we have someone to be grateful to — our parents, family, and friends. They support us for who we are and see the good that is in us. But how often do we take all that for granted? Just think of all the times we acted selfishly, leaving our beloved ones behind. Love is not a one-way street, and friendship also needs nurturing.b) PresentationNow let’s launch a free presentation on love and friendship concerning those questions below: (Ask students to talk in groups)Do you still remember your first day of college?How did you feel when you left your parents for college?What were their responses to your leaving?Share your experience with your partner.Tips:The answer varies. Personally, I felt excited and ready when it was time for me to go away for college, since I can be finally be independent from my parents. I think it is bittersweet and a transitional time for my parents. On the one hand, they were happy and very proud of me that I had this opportunity to go to college. On the other hand, they felt anxious and worried about me since it was the first time for me to be far away from home.2. Listening practice(15 minutes)Now let’s listen to a passage to get more information about college life, while listening, fill in the blanks with what you have just heard.Listening MaterialLove and FriendshipLove and friendship are the brightest moments of our life. They are the 1) ______of joy and energy to motivate us.Parents are the unsung 2) _______of every person that has ever done anything great. They sow the seeds of greatness in our life. Friendship is the 3) ______of life. It is essential to our well-being. We could not survive without it. Falling in love may be one of the 4) ________ feelings ever.Colors seem brighter, sounds more resonant and smells more powerful when you are in love. They reflect different aspects of our life. They represent 5) ___________, which require time, effort and many other characteristics. They assume emotional involvement, care, respect and6) _______ . They make people happier. They bring 7)_______ and feelings even in the periods of conflicts and8) _________, which are inevitable parts of our life.Keys:source, heroes, bread, greatest, relationships, devotion,positive, misunderstandings3.Back ground information(15 minutes)1) Family structure in the United StatesThe traditional family structure in the United States is considered a family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring. However, this two-parent, nuclear family has become less prevalent, and alternative family forms have become more common. The family is created at birth and establishes ties across generations.2)Family relationships in the United StatesMost American families consist of a mother and father with an average of 2.5 children. It is very common in most families that both the mother and the father are employed full time and are at work while their children are at school or a day care facility.3) Population ageing in the United StatesLike the rest of the world, the US is an ageing society. Between 2000 and 2050, the number of old people is projected to increase by 135%. Moreover, the population aged 85 and over, which is the group most likely to need health and long-term care services, is projected to increase by 350.4. New words and expressions(30minutes)Wordsslip away: 逃走;悄悄溜走slip in: 悄悄溜入;偷偷溜进去slip into: 溜进;使滑入;匆忙穿上;[俚]大吃let slip: 错过;无意中吐露;放走in particular (Para 4): specifically or especially distinguished from otherse.g. Was there anything in particular that convinced you thiswas something that you wanted to revisit?The crowd was excited; the youth in particular were clapping and cheering.in every particular在特殊情况下:in a particular casetoss (Para. 4): v. to throw sth. lightly or carelesslye.g. She tossed out junk food from her refrigerator and set a goal to lose five pounds in one month.stuffed (Para. 4): adj.1) filled with sth.e.g. Stuffed bears, dolls, trucks, building blocks and other traditional favourites have had a particularly tough time.2) having eaten so much that you cannot eat anything elsee.g. Having been stuffed, the milk cows were crouching down on the ground.stuff:v. to fill a space or container tightly with sth.e.g. He stuffed up his ears with earplugs before diving.residence (Para. 6): a house, especially a large or impressive onee.g. 10 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister's official residence.take up residence: to live in a particular place; settle downe.g. The newly-wed couple began their married life with a honeymoon at a secret location and then took up residence in their new home.leave behind (Para. 7):1) to go away from a place without taking sth. / sb. with youe.g. The picnickers left behind litter and leftover food.What legacy do we leave behind for future generations?2) to cause or allow to remain as a consequence or signe.g. He left behind nothing but happy memories.last but not least (Para. 11): in addition to all the foregoinge.g. Last but not least, thanks so much to the fans and readers for making me feel my work was valued.Last but not least, you can also have your family or friends visit you for a few days and share this remarkable experience with them.scrub (Para. 13): v. the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing it with a brush and soap and watere.g. She got down on her knees and started to scrub the already shining floor.I quickly scrubbed my dishes clean in the sink, and placed them upside down on a dish towel to dry.remind (Para. 14): v. cause someone to remembere.g. These photos remind me of the days when we skied in Canada.He reminds her how much she used to love him, how much she has disappointed him over the years.The agency reminds travelers to check their bags and other belongings for prohibited items before going to the airport.even if / though (Para. 15): despite the fact or belief that; no matter whethere.g. Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be conceited.But even if he wins the first round, the situation is far from over.look back on (Para. 15): to think about sth. in your paste.g. They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the army.Now that I look back on it, I really appreciate the relationship.Practice in New Words (10 minutes)Have students do Exercise 4(page 39,40)and practice core words related to the text.5. Reading Skill (30 minutes)1)Scanning for specific informationScanning is a reading strategy involving rapid but focused reading of a passage in order to locate specific information. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information. Readers may scan for specific information by:Tips:●deciding the specific information you are looking for●anticipating the clues you might use to locate the information (names, places,time, numbers, letters, italicized or boldfaced words, etc.)reading selectively and skipping unrelated information2) Practice in Scanning SkillHave students practice the skill with example of Text A(Page 38)Location Specific items left behind or messed upOn the floor 1On my mirror 2In my box of toys 3In a ziplock bag 4In the freezer 5besides 6Keys: 1. pillows and a few stuffed animals2. little fingerprints3. a flying dinosaur, a skeleton and a Frankenstein doll4. a teething ring5. Tegan’s tooth6. Tessa’s bottle brush and a baby outfit6. Home workReview the words and phrases of Text A(with the help of word list 1)Pre-reading text A and do the exercise on page 38, 39, 40: Reading Comprehension&Reading and Discussing&language in use.IVTeaching MethodsCommunicative ApproachLearner-centered T eachingMultimedia ApproachV Black Board Designing(5 minutes)Unit one College Life1.Oral practice--share stories betweenyou and your parents2.Listening practice(page 32)3.Background information4.New words and phrases5.Reading skills--scanning6.Home workⅥ Conclusion(3 minutes)This time we together explore the topic concerning “love and friendship”. We learned some expressions on how to express love and other affection to our parents and friends, after which we learned some related information about love and friendship as well as the new words and phrases of Text A. What’s more, we learned the scanning skill and practiced it. Hope you can review all those learned above after class.Ⅶ Homework(2 minutes)Review the words and phrases of Text A(with the help of word list 1)Pre-reading text A and do the exercise on page 38, 39, 40: Reading Comprehension&Reading and Discussing&language in use.Ⅷ After-class ReflectionUnit Two Love and Friendship(Part II)I. Global Reading and Detailed reading of Text A Class Hours: 2hoursII. Teaching Aims and Requirements1.Enhance Ss’ ability of scanning by globally reading Text A2.Help Ss’ explore the language points of Text A3.Lead Students to an avenue to build harmonious relationship with parents and friends. III. Presenting Procedures1.Reading Comprehension(45)Part DivisionPart Paragraphs Main ideaPart one 1-13 There are things left behind by the childrenPart two 14-16 Things left behind turned out to be memories leftbehind.Part three 17-18 It turned out to be love left behind.Global understandinga) ask students to identify the specific information with the help ofexercise 1(A). Then ask the students to do exercise 1(B) and 1(C).b) finish Exercise 1(B) and 1(C)1)The inside of a turkey fryer reminded the author of____________thatthe family all enjoyed.2) The empty pie pan let the author think of __________________.3) The memory of the white elephant gift exchange game came back to theauthor when she saw____________________.4) ______________________________________reoccurred to the authoras she found the baby outfit.5) The author recalled _____________________ at the sound of Rowan’scry and Rowan’s injury.Keys:1. the delicious Thanksgiving meal2. Katie’s delicious pies3. The angel figurine4. The trip to the emergency room with Rowan5. How frightened she wasDetailed understandinga) Ask students to learn about the cultural background related to the text.b) Ask students to apply the reading skill and do Exercise 2 to understand the details of the text.c) Explain language points. For this step, the teacher can guide studentsto analyze some difficult sentences syntactically and rhetorically so as tohelp them better understand the text.Language Points1. “When did they grow up and become parents of smallchildren? Shouldn’t that be me?” (Para. 3)[Paraphrase]“I didn’t recognize the exact time when they became adults and parents. I was unaware of this change. And deep in my heart, I still think they are my little children, and I am their parent.”[Translati on]“他们什么时候长大且为人父母的? 我不是才长大,才为人父母吗? ”2. There were pillows on the floor where they had been tossed from the couchand a few stuffed animals lying around where the children had been playing. (Para. 4)Paraphrase: The pillows on the floor had been thrown by my little kids from the couch and some stuffed animals toys were also scattered around the house.3.I decided to sort through the toy box and I found a flying dinosaur, a skeleton, and a Frankenstein that had mysteriously taken up residence in my box of toys. (Para.6)Paraphrase: I decided to tidy up my former toy box. There I saw some toys, like the flying dinosaur, the skeleton, and Frankenstein doll, but how they came into the box remains unknown.[Translation]我决定整理一下玩具箱里的玩具,结果发现了一只会飞的恐龙、一副骨架和一个弗兰肯斯坦怪物,也不知这怪物是如何在我的玩具箱里安家的。
【人教版】小学三年级上英语《Unit 2》优质课教案

【人教版】小学三年级上英语《Unit 2》优质课教案一. 教材分析本课是人教版小学三年级上册英语《Unit 2》的第一课时,主要讲述了日常生活中常见的动物名称和颜色。
二. 学情分析三年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,掌握了基本的英语字母和单词。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和句子,掌握动物名称和颜色词汇。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够正确说出动物名称和颜色词汇。
五. 教学方法采用情景教学法、游戏教学法和分组合作教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的参与度。
六. 教学准备1.教师准备:准备好教材、课件、卡片、动物玩具等教学用品。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过播放英文歌曲《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》引导学生进入学习状态,激发学生对动物的兴趣。
3.操练(10分钟)教师学生进行小组活动,让学生互相提问动物和颜色,如:“What’s this? It’sa/an… What color is it?”学生用所学词汇进行回答。
三年级下英语Unit 2教案

三年级下英语Unit 2Unit 2 My familyPart C Story time一、内容分析:本部分通过Zip 到Zoom家做客的故事,重现了本单元部分重点词汇和核心句型,并加入了两个生词actress和beautiful,目的是通过一个有趣味又有意义的故事,增加学生语言的输入,并且使学生逐步适应文本阅读。
二、教学目标:1. 能听懂并能够表演Story time 的故事。
2. 能熟练运用This is …. He/She is …. Who’s that/this…? My…is a/an…. 来介绍或询问照片中的人物。
3. 培养孩子热爱家庭、热爱家人,热爱集体的情感。
教学难点:actress, beautiful的理解和发音。
五、教学过程:Step 1. Warming-upGreetings: How are you? Who’s this girl/boy? Nice to meet you. You’re beautiful/cool.Step 2. PreviewT: Wow, your classroom is beautiful.(闻花) How beautiful!Sing the song“ I love my family”.切换PPT时导入:Wait a minute. Step 3. Presentation1. T: I love my family, and Zoom likes his family,too. Now Zoom istalking about his family with Zip. 切换PPT时重复:Wait a minute.带读。
2. T: Look at me! Look at the man. He’s….引导生说:He’s tall. T:Really? Yes, the man is tall. Look here,(指蝴蝶结) He’s cool.3. T: The man is cool. Here’s a woman. 教读“woman”.让生观看视频,回答:Who’s that woman?再次观看视频,选择:She’s tall/ cool/ beautiful.4. 指名学生读句子,T: You’re beautiful. 引导学生说:Thank you. 导入:The classroom is beautiful. The flowers are beautiful. PPT出示栀子花图,引导学生说:How beautiful!5. T: I’m a teacher. Is Zoom’s mother a teacher? 导入:She ’s an actress.出示明星图片,说明:They are actresses.6. T: Zoom’s mother is an actress. She has many beautiful clothes, maybe Zoom wants to wear the clothes, then what happened? T:Zoom likes his father and mother.They all like him. Zoom has a happy family. Step 4. Consolidation and extension1. 生自读故事;听录音跟读;分角色读;指名扮演。

英语必修二unit2教案教案标题:Exploring Culture教学目标:1. 通过本单元的学习,学生将能够了解不同文化之间的差异以及文化对人的影响。
2. 培养学生的跨文化交流能力和批判性思维能力。
3. 提高学生的英语听、说、读、写的综合能力。
教学重点:1. 学习并掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语。
2. 理解并能够运用本单元的重点语法结构。
3. 阅读和理解与文化相关的文章。
4. 培养学生的口语表达和写作能力。
教学准备:1. 多媒体设备和相关教学素材。
2. 学生课本和练习册。
3. 教师准备的课堂活动和练习题。
教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)1. 导入本单元主题,引起学生的兴趣。
2. 引导学生思考不同文化之间的差异,并鼓励他们分享自己的观点和经历。
Step 2: Vocabulary and Reading (20 minutes)1. 教师通过多媒体展示本单元的重点词汇和短语,并进行解释和示范。
2. 学生跟读和模仿,并进行词汇练习。
3. 学生阅读课文,并回答相关问题,以检查他们的阅读理解能力。
4. 分组讨论课文中的文化差异和文化冲突,并汇报给全班。
Step 3: Listening and Speaking (15 minutes)1. 学生听一段关于跨文化交流的对话,并回答相关问题,以提高他们的听力理解能力。
2. 学生进行小组讨论,以分享自己的文化经验和观点。
3. 随机选择几个小组进行展示和讨论。
Step 4: Grammar and Writing (20 minutes)1. 教师讲解本单元的重点语法结构,并进行相关练习。
2. 学生进行写作练习,以描述自己所熟悉的文化活动或节日。
3. 学生互相交换作文,并进行修改和改进。
Step 5: Consolidation and Extension (10 minutes)1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,并进行复习。

高一英语必修一unit2教案【5篇】高一英语必修一unit2教案【5篇】高一是同学适应高中英语学习的关键时期,作为一名高一英语老师,你知道如何写一篇英语教案?下面是我为你预备的高一英语必修一unit2教案,快来借鉴一下并自己写一篇与我们共享吧!高一英语必修一unit2教案精选篇5教学目标1. To practise listening comprehension.2.To practise making decisions and reasoning教学重难点1. To practise listening comprehension.2.To practise making decisions and reasoning教学工具课件教学过程Step1. revision1. check the homework exercises.1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education.It has been reported that free education will be offered to children.2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book.It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us.3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week.I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week.2. Question: What can computers be used as?Step2. Lead-inAs we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT?(TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……)Step3. Listening (SB)1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ?What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ?2. While-listening:Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.)Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Let’s check the answers together.Type of IT Advantages DisadvantagesTV You can both listen and watch. You cannot write to friends.Web You can find information. It is very expensive.Radio You can listen to English. You cannot watch a film.Book You can get information. Sometimes it is out of date.3. Post-listening:1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expressions.I think that….In my opinion, ….I believe that….I agr ee because….I disagree because….I’ve decided that….2) (group work): Discussion :Computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.)Step4. Speaking1. Pre-speakingSay: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you.2. While-speaking1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer laptop computer …)Language input: Useful expressions (Repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.)Supporting an opinion Challenging an opinionI think that … , because … Perhaps, but what if / about …First, … Have you thought about …One reason is that … What makes you think thatI think it is better because… I don’t like it because….(Pair work )Use the expressions to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions.2) Oral report: (individual work )Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that…3. Post-speakingConclusion—What useful expression do we use to make a decision and reason?(In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.)Step6 Pre-writingSay: Imagine what problems and delights this android might have to deal with while it is serving you. Try yourself in someone else’s shoes is an important way of understanding how other people feel.Then discuss: You are an android. You work for a family with one child who is very spoiled. The parents want you to do everything for them. The parents are nice, but they often ask you to watch over their child. How do you feel? What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her? Would you ever tell the child “no”?Step7 WritingSay: Write a passage about the result of your discussion! It should contain:What do you have to do?What is the child like?What is the parents’ requirement of the child?What do the parents want you to do?What does the child want you to do?Then what will you do? How do you feel?Sample writing:Hello everybody, my name is Liu Yan.I am a 321 model android.I work for the Li family. Mr and Mrs Li work very hard too.Mr Li is an architect and designs great tall apartment blocks.Mrs Li is a doctor and has to look after many patients.I remember all the plans for Mr Lis projects and can tell Mrs Li which drugs are the best to give any particular patient. And I also look after their library. I store all the books that they borrow from their school or friends in my brain.Of course my brain is as large as a mountain, so work like that is no trouble to me.I really eat books just like people eat food.The Lis have a child who is very spoiled. He needs me to remember all his school textbooks so that I can do his homework for him.He just gives me the information on the subject, what has to be done and the page numbers and I get on with it while he enjoys himself with his friends.Sometimes I dont think it is right to do his homework for him — its somewhat cheating. However, his parents are very concerned at the pressure of work in school these days.The child has too much homework to do. They like him to go to the key school but they also want him to be able to have hobbies, learn to swim and keep fit! Poor child!So they consider me the most important person in the family after themselves.I am always introduced to their friends and play with visiting children.I am the perfect family academic aid and, although I was not cheap to buy, Mr Li says I was worth every yuan!Step8 AssessmentGet the students to assess their writing ability according to the following the questions:1. Is your composition well developed?2. Are your ideas well organized to the point?3. Do you have a good choice of words and idioms in your writing?4. Do you get a good mastery of complex structures of language?5. What kind of mistakes have you made in your writing?Step9: HomeworkWrite about your discussion. You may begin like this:Hello, everyone. My name is __X. I’m 321 model android.I work for the Li family….课后小结学了这节课,你有什么收获?课后习题完成课后习题一、二。

人教版七年级英语下册unit2教案人教版七年级英语下册unit 2教案(一)Unit 2 Section B (1a-2c)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:half, past, quarter, homework, run, walk, clean, quickly, either, either…or…2) 能掌握以下句型:① —When does T om usually get up?—He usually gets up at half past five.② I either watch TV or play computer games.③ It tastes good.2. 情感态度价值观目标:本部分的学习内容仍是对―日常作息时间‖人教版七年级英语下册unit 2教案(二)教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 让学生们掌握另外两种表达时间的方式。
2) 3)2. 教学难点1) 能听懂学习到的日常活动的时间按排。
2)人教版七年级英语下册unit 2教案(三)教学过程Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual.2. Check the homework.Ⅱ. PresentationWhat timeis it?”。
…和to来回答时间:(1) ―时‖,再说―分‖。
如:six thirty 六点半;seven fifteen七点十九点五十五分。
(2) 先说―分‖,再说―时‖,中间加介词past(半点或半点以内,表示―超过‖)、to(半点以上,表示―差‖)。
quarter past seven 七点一刻;half past nine 九点半;a quarter to twelve十二点差一刻,即十一点四十五分。
Ⅲ. Matching1. Work on 1a: 引导学生将用英语表达的时间与钟表上用数字表达的时间一一配对。
新人教版七年级英语上册精美教案Unit 2教案(共计18页)

Unit 2 This is my sister.一、单元教材分析本单元围绕―家庭成员‖这一主题展开听、说、读、写等多种教学活动。
如:This is my sister。
Is that your brother? These are my parents。
Are those your brothers? 以及Who开头的特殊疑问句,一般疑问及其简单回答;运用名词的复数形式。
以前学的your, his, her, my等形容词性物主代词,在本单元中扔是重点学习的任务;但在本单元要接触名词的复数形式,以及be动词的复数形式,且本单元生词较多,因此本单元的学习任务比较艰巨。
四、单元课时分配本单元可用4课时完成教学任务:Section A1 (1a-2d) 用1课时Section A2 (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时Section B1 (1a-2c) 用1课时Section B2 (3a-Self Check) 用1课时Section A1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握对家庭成员的称呼的词汇及指示代词:sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, parent (s), grandparent (s), who, they, this, that, these, those 2)能掌握以下句型:①—This/That is his sister.②—These/Those are his parents.③—Who's she? —She's my s ister.④—Is this/that your sister? —Yes, she is./No, she isn't.⑤—Are these/those your parents? —Yes, they are./No, they aren't.3) 掌握指示代词this, that, these, those及它们所构成的介绍他人的句型。
(完整版)unit 2 what time do you go to school 全单元教案

Unit 2 Period 1 (1a-2c)Teaching aims:1. Can use the words:up, get up, dress, get dressed, brush, tooth (pl。
teeth) brush teeth,shower, take a shower, usually, forty, fifty, wow, never, early.2. Ask about and say times.—What time do you usually get up? —I usually get up at six thirty。
Teaching key points and difficulty:1。
Ask about and say times.2。
Talk about daily routinesAbility aims:1. Improve students’ listening and speaking skills.2. Improve students’ communication competence。
Moral aims“Time is money and time is life。
” Everyone should make full use of time。
教材分析:复习巩固 Numbers 1–301a 呈现动词短语,图片直接呈现,1b 练习时刻的表达,ask and answer,句型比较简单。
1c 巩固练习。
Step 1 .Warm—up and revision。
1. Daily greetings to the Ss。
Revision:the numbers(1—60)Step 2 Ask about the times。
Show the clocks and ask them: -What’s this in English?-What time is it?2. talk about and say timesTeach the students to say times。
Unit2 Travelling around Listening and Speaking 教案

人教高中英语必修一Unit2Listening and Speaking教学设计1.教学内容What:本课材料主题为“准备好去旅行”(Get ready to travel)。
第二段对话中Paul向Meilin 介绍自己与父母去云南丽江旅行的计划,谈到了去丽江的原因、当地天气、计划参观的景点,以及准备的衣物等。
Why: 学生通过听两段对话了解旅行前要做哪些准备,最终能与同伴分享自己的旅行计划。
How: 活动1是听前活动,激活学生关于旅行的相关背景知识,列出的八个短语是精选出的有关行前准备的常用搭配,学生在语境中学习并体会这些短语,以备口语输出之用。

人教版八年级英语上册-Unit2-教案教学目标1. 研究并掌握本课的重点单词和短语;2. 能够在实际情境中运用所学词汇;3. 能够理解并朗读本课的对话及篇章,并能用英语进行简单的交流。
教学重点1. 研究并掌握本课的重点单词和短语;2. 理解并朗读本课中的对话及篇章。
教学难点1. 能够在实际情境中运用所学词汇进行简单的交流;2. 掌握现在进行时的用法。
教学过程一、课前导入(5分钟)1. Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling today.2. Show some pictures on the screen and try to ask them what the pictures are about.二、自主研究(35分钟)1. 学生们自主研究课文,并做好笔记,记录不熟悉的内容和需要了解的疑点。
2. 学生们可以在自主研究的过程中互相讨论并互相帮助。
三、交流展示(15分钟)1. 当做完自主研究后,老师开始组织学生展示他们的研究成果,展示方式并不限定,有朗读、问答等,总之要把研究到的知识用出来,让知识得到巩固。
2. 学生们可以相互交换信息或者反馈,梳理研究内容,发现问题。
四、课堂总结(5分钟)1. 了解本节课的教学内容,培养学生研究语言的兴趣。
2. 学生们要及时复和总结,才能让这些知识真正掌握。
教学板书设计1. 本课的重点单词和短语。
2. Was he doing exercise? Yes, he was.课后作业1. 完成本课课后的题。
2. 总结课上学到的内容。
Unit 2 It's a circle 教案

Unit 2 It’s a circle教案一、教学重点词汇:circle, square, line, dot.二、教学栏目Look and learn, Draw and say三、教学目标1.帮助学生学习表示形状的单词。
2.通过Draw and say画画说说不同形状的事物,帮助学生巩固所学生词。
四、教学步骤Pre-task preparations为渲染学习气氛。
T: (point at the paper) Look at the paper. It’s a square.(fold the paper and point at the shape)Look, is it a square now?S2: No, it isn’t.T: It’s a triangle. (fold the paper in another way and point at the shape) Is it a triangle?S1: No, it isn’t.While-task procedures1.出示Look and learn栏目中的单词图片,学生在理解意思的基础上仔细听其发音后进行模仿,并进行拼读。
T: (show the flashcard for square) Look, it’s a square. Square. S-Q-U-A-R-E, square.Ss: Square. S-Q-U-A-R-E, square.2.What’s missing? 游戏。
T: What’s missing?S1: A circle.Ss: Circle. C-I-R-C-L-E, circle.3.让学生做Draw and say,在一张白纸上画一画生活中常见的与这些形状匹配的东西,每个形状画一样。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Step One
Warm-up New words and expressions 1. Play the the tape for the Ss to listen. 2. Get the Ss to read the new word and Reading expressions after the tape. 3. Check-up. Ask some individuals to read, Look at the pictures of different occupations. Match them with the duties on the right. 1. Have students try to describe the occupation of the picture. 2. then let them match the sentences with the pictures. 3. find out the key words: serve, prepare, receive, greet, direct. Answers: cashier-----He receives cash from Discussing customers Receptionist--------He greets visitors and directs them to appropriate persons Waiter-------He serves food and drinks to customers. Cook------He prepares food, using various cooking methods. 4. Discuss with partner and tell what else is included in the duties of each position mentioned above.
课时编号 课题名称
Unit2 Listening and Speaking A
To get the main idea of the listening materials To use the patterns to greet in proper situation. 1. To improve Ss’ ability of getting information through reading & listening.
2. To know how to express the duties of the work and ask for clarification.
教法设计 教学 方法 学法设计
Listening, speaking and explaining Listening, speaking and discussing Textbook and teacher’ book Computer Multi-media equipment
பைடு நூலகம்
Step Two
Step Three
Listening and speaking
1. Before listening, have students read the questions and guess the answer. Listen to the tape and tick the answer. 2. Listen again and find out the sentences expressing lack of understanding. Then, ask students read after the recorder. 3. list the expressions expressing lack of
understanding, and explain them to the students. then classify the expressions according to certain context. Answers: Polite/formal: I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand. Could you say that again, please? Neutral: Please say again. Are you able to give an example of that point? Least polite/ informal: what did you say? What? 4. What would you say in the following situation? Use the expressions above to help you. a. Help students understand the situations and then let them choose the proper expression. b. Check the answers: ①I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand. Could you say that again, please? ②please say again. What did you say? What?
教学重点 教学难点 教材处理
To get the main idea of the text. To translate the text.
教法设计 教学 方法 学法设计
Listening, speaking and explaining
Step One
Listening and Speaking B Review some useful expressions about asking for clarification. Activity1 1. Show pictures to present the new words and help understand the main ideas of the passage. 2. Have students predict what they will listen. 3. Present some new words to help the listening. Listening
Step Three
Discuss in groups and list the things you’d Speaking
like to know about your internship. Activity3 Listen again. And what should people in the pictures do according to the health and safety rules? Answers: ① her hair back ②his hands after handling the raw chicken ③ the floor Step Four Activity4: discussion Role-play Suppose you are manager of the Training Department of a newly opened restaurant. You are giving a speech to the waiters and waitress. What instructions would you give them? Give students some sentences and ask students to organized the sentences into a dialogue and ask the students to read out the dialogue. Answers: ① always welcome the customer with a Discussing
smile. ②Make sure you clean up as you work. ③Be sure to have your pen ready, book open, and pad ready. ④ Ask the customer if they have any questions. ⑤Gather all information from each guest when taking the order. ⑥Identify customers according to position numbers. ⑦Always get the cooking temperature for meats
Listening ,speaking and discussing Textbook and teacher’ book Computer Multi-media equipment
教学资料 教学 资源 准备 仪器设备 耗 作业布置 材 信息资源
Learn the new words by heart.
授课地 点
Unit2 Listening and Speaking B 数
To get the main idea of the listening materials To use the patterns to greet in proper situation. 1. To improve Ss’ ability of getting information through reading & listening.
2. To know how to express the duties of the work and ask for clarification.