

商务英语写作作业 2-答案

商务英语写作作业 2-答案

Key商务英语写作作业 2I.Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer to complete each of thefollowing sentence.1-5 BCACA 6-10 BDBCA 11-15 CABAB16-20 CCACC 21-25 ACCBD 26-30 CCBDCII.Put the following into Chinese.1. 促销,推销2. 一套产品说明书3. 工艺精湛4. 质量上乘,价格合理5. 特惠条款6. 享有盛誉7. 珍惜与贵方的业务8. 新高科产品展览会9. 免费试用10. 迎合市场需求11.凭样订购12.第一次订购13.决定成交14.履行交货15.将定货增加一倍16.恭候你方来函订货,我们将予以迅速办理。





21. 现金支付22. 即期汇票23. 电汇24. 交货付现25. 占压资金26. 几乎没有影响/作用27. 坚持惯常做法28. 优先考虑我们的要求29. 向你方开具远期汇票30. 按60天付款交单方式支付Ⅲ. Blank filling. Supply the missing words in the blanks to make the letter complete.Passage Onepleasure for superior trial quotedmarket grant beyond advantage immediatePassage Twoacknowledge, dated, have, signature, dispatched/forwarded/ shippedPassage Threefor inform/ say request it acceptableeach/ a in required exception lightⅣ. Translate the following sentences into English.1.We are a large-sized company specializing in manufacturing mechanicalequipment and export 75% of our product all over the world.2.We can assure you of the advanced workmanship, stable performance, andreasonable price of our products.3.Enclosed are a set of sales literature and a price list of our products. We shallappreciate your efforts to promote the sales of our products in your country.4.We advise you to take the opportunity and place an order promptly.5.We like to recommend you our new Fax Machine Mode 355E, which is ofsuperb quality. Its price is much lower than the other products on the market.6. We shall be pleased to receive your kind orders.7. Your order of any time shall have our best and immediate attention.8.If you should place us your order, we shall do our best to execute them to yoursatisfaction.9.Please forward us 600 bed sheets in accordance with your sample.10.I take much pleasure in placing an order with you as follows:11. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to acceptpayment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.12.We have to make a request for an easier payment terms, for our funds arebeing tied up in numerous commitments.13.All items included in your order can be supplied from stock and will bepacked and shipped immediately upon receipt of your remittance.14.We have drawn on you for this amount of $1000 at sight through the Bank ofChina.15.The importer from Holland requests us to ship them a trial order on D/A terms. Ⅴ. Write a letter with the following given particulars.Letter OneDear Sirs,Thank you for you enquiry of May 10 for our carpets.We have the pleasure to inform you that we are the largest company in China, specializing in manufacturing hand-woven carpets for over 40 years. Our annual production exceeds 200,000 pieces.Our carpets have been exported to many countries like Germany, Australia, Japan, and enjoy a high fame. They are made of quality wool and silk, and well acknowledged for its exquisite workmanship, beautiful design, and natural comfort and warmth.Enclosed is our illustrated catalogue and pricelist for your reference.Your are warmly welcome to attend our exhibition held in Beijing on May 30.Your order will be given our immediate attention.Faithfully,Letter TwoDear Sirs,Subject: women’s cardigansFrom the samples you sent to us on May 10th, we have made selections. We take pleasure of placing you the following order, which we commend to your immediate and best attention:100 women’s c ardigans large-sized100 women’s cardigans middle-sized100 women’s cardigan small-sizedKindly forward these as early as possible. Enclosed please find a draft as the prices you offered us.Yours trulyLetter ThreeDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 20 June. We are pleased to acknowledge your order No.426 for colored candles.The modified terms of payment you propose are quite acceptable. A fax has been sent to you to this effect this morning.All the items in your order can be supplied from stock and will be packed and shipped immediately when your remittance by telegraphic transfer (T/T) is received.The relevant documents will be airmailed to you right after shipment is made. We will, of course, notify you by fax as soon as your order is shipped.You can rely on us to give prompt attention to this and any future orders you may place with us.Yours sincerely,。



BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.How to approach Writing Test Part One? This part tests your ability to write a short report expressing information which you are given in graphic form, such as bar charts, pie charts and graphs.? Read the instructions carefully so that you know what you are required to do: this is usually to describe or’ compare the information in the graphic input. Underline the keywords in the instructions.? Make an outline plan of the report.? Start with a brief description of what the report is about.? You can use suitable headings if you wish.? Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.? You should not invent any information for this part.? Check that you have written your answer in 120-140 words (multiply the number of lines by the average number of words per line: don’t waste time counting every word).? After writing, read what you have written, correct mistakes and make improvements. If you want to add anything, use a sign, e.g. *. Put a line through anything you want to omit. You should not rewrite your answer.? Make sure the examiner will be able to read your answer. Use a pen and your normal handwriting (do not write in capital letters).? You should spend about 20-25 minutes on this part. Question 1? The charts on the opposite page show three aspects of a region’s economy: the structure of employment, the main destinations for exports, and the main origins of imports.? Using the information from the graphs, write a short report describing the three aspects of the region’s economy.? Write 120 - 140 words.正确答案:These charts summarise three elements of the economy of a certain region: its employment structure, largest export markets and major sources of imports. Structure of employmentServices form by far the largest sector, accounting for fractionally over half the workforce (51%).The remainder is divided almost equally between agriculture (26%) and the smallest sector, industry (23%).Export markets The main destination of the region’s exports is North America, which purchases almost a third. The next largest market is South America, with 21.2%, with Europe in third place with 15.4%.Sources of imports When it comes to the origins of the region’s imports, however, the picture is somewhat different. While North America still leads, with 34.1%, the second, largest source is South East Asia, which provides 21.8% of imports. South America accounts for 19.6%.PART TWO2.How to approach Writing Test Part Two? In this part you have a choice of three tasks: a report, proposal and piece of business correspondence.? Look throughthe three tasks and choose the one which you think you could do most easily.? Read the task again, underlining the key words. You should note exactly what you are required to do, and who you are writing to.? The second paragraph of the instructions summarises what you should write, who you are writing it for, and the three or four points that must be included,? Make an outline plan, with notes for each point. It is best to follow the order of the 3 or 4 points that are stated, as you will lose marks if you leave any out.? Write your text.? Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.? You will need to invent some information for this part.? If you write the report or proposal, you should use suitable headings.? If you write the business correspondence, you should include suitable openings and closings (e.g. Dear Mrs Smith and Yours sincerely with your signature), but no addresses.? Make sure the level of formality is appropriate given who you are writing to.? Check that you have written your answer in 200-250 words.? After writing, read what you have written, correct mistakes and make improvements. If you want to add anything, use a sign, e.g. *. Put a line through anything you want to omit, You should not rewrite your answer? Make sure the examiner will be able to read your answer Use a pen and your normal handwriting (do not write in capital letters).? You should spend about 40-50 minutes on this part.1. Question 2? Your company recently sponsored an event and the head of marketing has asked you to write a report about it.? Write your report for the head of marketing, ? outlining the reasons for choosing to sponsor the event ? describing the positive outcomes of sponsoring the event ? explaining the disadvantages that resulted from sponsoring the event ? making recommendations concerning future sponsorship activity.? Write 200 - 250 words. Question 3? The managing director of the company you work for has invited suggestions for new regional markets the company could consider entering. You have decided to put forward a proposal concerning this.? Write your proposal for the managing director, ? identifying the market you propose ? explaining the potential advantages of this market ? suggesting how the company should approach entering this market ? mentioning risks that might be associated with this market.? Write 200 - 250 words.Question 4? The organisation you work for has identified a number of training needs and has decided to commission external trainers to provide the necessary training. The head of Human Resources has asked you to contact a local training company about this.? Write a letter to the head of the training company, including the following information: ? an introduction to your organisation ? a description of your company’s training needs ? an outline of the form you think the training should take ? details of practical considerations relating to the training arrangements.? Write 200 - 250 words.正确答案:Question 2/ReportTo: Director of MarketingFrom: Sharon WarbyDate: 2 NovemberSubject: Amateur football tournamentBackgroundThe company sponsored last month’s finals of the above tournament, as it would be shown on TM. It was hoped that this exposure would increase public awareness of the company name in the area covered by the local TVchannel (which broadcast the match), and strengthen the sporting image of our soft drinks.BenefitsWe commissioned a market research organisation to carry out a street survey in the week following the broadcast, and this showed a rise of five percentage points in public recognition of our name, compared with a month ago. This is the biggest rise we have ever achieved.In addition, sales jumped by nearly ten per cent immediately after the match, and although they have since dipped, they remain higher than at this time last year,DisadvantagesThe cost of sponsorship was greater than expected, and has taken up over half the total marketing budget for the current financial year. Unless the budget is increased, marketing will have to be reduced substantially.The research found that many consumers now associate our products with sport, and although this was attractive to many of them, a small number claimed that it would put them off purchasing our products. This is potentially harmful to sales.Future sponsorshipWhile sponsorship is a valuable marketing tool, I recommend:? that care is taken to ensure that sponsorship is not chosen at the expense of other marketing? that the nature of the sponsorship should be varied, so that our products do not become linked only to sports.。



1 / 4期末考试试卷 出卷老师***** 商务英语写作I. Complete the letters with the words give n. Change the word forms where n ecessary. (10poi nts)popular inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend,cooperation,responsible, branch(1) Dear SirOwi ng to the large in crease in the __ 1 __ o f our trade with this coun try, we have decided to ope n a(n) ___ 2 ___ here,with Mr. Jackie Black as man ager. The new branch will ope n on1 July and from that date all orders and ___ 3 ___ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, __ 4 __ to our London office.We take this opport un ity to express our tha nks for your __ 5 ___ i n the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.Yours faithfully(2)Dear SirThis letter is to ___ 6 _ Tim Steve n as an outsta nding salespers on.I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7 ___and creative in dividual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willi ngly un dertook any task _ 8 ___ t o him, whether it invo Ived direct sales or not, and his en thusiastic manner made him __ 9 __ with all our customers.I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside oulr citybelieve anyone who __ 10 ___ h im will be truly fortun ate.Yours sin cerelyII. Choose the best an swer for each questi on. (10 poin ts)11. After check ing thegoodsaga in styour inv oice, we discovereda con siderabl^hortage number.A. ofB. inC. for12. As soon as we receivethe signedform, we will add your name to the list of people s nowshoveli ng.A. requiri ngB. requireC. required13. The report is to be _______ t o the Directors as soon as possible.A. preparedB. promotedC. prese nted14. I am glad that I feel quite ______ for the positi on you advertised.A. qualify ingB. qualifiedC. qualificati on试卷********* 学院2015学年度第1学期15. We recommended _______ a small quantity for trial.A. to buyB. you boughtC. buying16. ___ the qual,it y ou must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2004.A. In regard toB. Due toC. In view of17. ______ we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market, we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated.A. DespiteB. SinceC. While18. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus ______ ourbuyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season.A. enableB. enablingC. enables19. I am writing _____ your advertisement for the position of Conference Manager..A. in view of B. in reply of C. in response to20. I will phone you next week after you _____ a chance to go over the material.A. have hadB. hadC. had had川Match (10 points)(一) In the following, 21-25 describe the problems, and a-e give the solutions. Please match them.21. The printed shirting clearly does not match the samples you left with us.22. The bottom corner of the suitcase is broken.23. We regret to inform you that the above invoice contains a mistake.24. The color of the goods shipped by you is different form what we need.25. We only received 80 cartons instead of 95 cartons.a) We think a little difference in color between them is unavoidable.b) It seems that some of the materials escaped the examination we normally give to all materials.c) We doubt the shortage happened due to losses or pilferage.d) No commercially made suitcase can withstand an impact of this kind.e) We have checkedwith our accountingdepartmentand found that the figure was wrong.(二) Choose from f-j to match 26-30.26. Herewith pleasefind encloseda check for US$5,000 inpayment of your invoiceNo.2771.27. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.28. To step up trade between us, we trust you would allow us a higher rate of discount with your firm.29. Are your valuables protected from burglary?30. Since this is our first order, we hope you will do everything possibleto ensure punctual shipment.f) Our lines are mainly textiles and handicrafts.g) We are now pleased to send you our official receipt.h) Let us here at Home Safe, Inf. help you make sure your family and home are fully protected.i) We assure you that we shall effect shipment on the specified date in your order.J) Since this is our first transaction with you, we decide, as an exception, to cut the price by 2%.V. Tran slate the followi ng into Chin ese (10 poi nts)33.Dear Sir or MadamThrough the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor of your Embassy in London, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.We enclosea brochureand a pricelist to acquaint you with our commoditiesnow available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.Your favorable reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfullyW. Choice what figures of sppech are used in the follow ing senten ce. (10po in ts)Metonymy (转喻)personification (拟人)metaphor (暗喻)simile (明喻)alliteration (头韵)1 we all know he is a fox.2the trees cried in the cold strong wind3she is loving and loveable lady4Her kiss is as sweet as honey5 She was so thirsty that she drank several cupsVII Writing. (20 points)34.Write a letter for the following situation.Your friend has invited you to her birthday party in the evening. Bu'tvyeoucaught a ver bad cold. Write a note to say you are sorry and wish them a good time商务英语写作答案1 volume2 branch3 inquire4 instead of5Cooperation6recommend7 responsible8 arrange9 popular10 hire 选择1-5 A A C B A 6-10 B C BC A3 / 4(靳翳)A LU A UO^IAI 9(傅论)uoqai印川%(YW)uoiieoijiuosjad 乙(靳翱)」oiidegiiu捏刼roe M-6S [-82 kZS 0-92□-9S E 陀e-es p-ss q-LS。



1 / 4期末考试试卷 出卷老师***** 商务英语写作I. Complete the letters with the words give n. Change the word forms where n ecessary. (10poi nts)popular inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend,cooperation,responsible, branch(1) Dear SirOwi ng to the large in crease in the __ 1 __ o f our trade with this coun try, we have decided to ope n a(n) ___ 2 ___ here,with Mr. Jackie Black as man ager. The new branch will ope n on1 July and from that date all orders and ___ 3 ___ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, __ 4 __ to our London office.We take this opport un ity to express our tha nks for your __ 5 ___ i n the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.Yours faithfully(2)Dear SirThis letter is to ___ 6 _ Tim Steve n as an outsta nding salespers on.I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7 ___and creative in dividual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willi ngly un dertook any task _ 8 ___ t o him, whether it invo Ived direct sales or not, and his en thusiastic manner made him __ 9 __ with all our customers.I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside oulr citybelieve anyone who __ 10 ___ h im will be truly fortun ate.Yours sin cerelyII. Choose the best an swer for each questi on. (10 poin ts)11. After check ing thegoodsaga in styour inv oice, we discovereda con siderabl^hortage number.A. ofB. inC. for12. As soon as we receivethe signedform, we will add your name to the list of people s nowshoveli ng.A. requiri ngB. requireC. required13. The report is to be _______ t o the Directors as soon as possible.A. preparedB. promotedC. prese nted14. I am glad that I feel quite ______ for the positi on you advertised.A. qualify ingB. qualifiedC. qualificati on试卷********* 学院2015学年度第1学期15. We recommended _______ a small quantity for trial.A. to buyB. you boughtC. buying16. ___ the qual,it y ou must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2004.A. In regard toB. Due toC. In view of17. ______ we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market, we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated.A. DespiteB. SinceC. While18. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus ______ ourbuyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season.A. enableB. enablingC. enables19. I am writing _____ your advertisement for the position of Conference Manager..A. in view of B. in reply of C. in response to20. I will phone you next week after you _____ a chance to go over the material.A. have hadB. hadC. had had川Match (10 points)(一) In the following, 21-25 describe the problems, and a-e give the solutions. Please match them.21. The printed shirting clearly does not match the samples you left with us.22. The bottom corner of the suitcase is broken.23. We regret to inform you that the above invoice contains a mistake.24. The color of the goods shipped by you is different form what we need.25. We only received 80 cartons instead of 95 cartons.a) We think a little difference in color between them is unavoidable.b) It seems that some of the materials escaped the examination we normally give to all materials.c) We doubt the shortage happened due to losses or pilferage.d) No commercially made suitcase can withstand an impact of this kind.e) We have checkedwith our accountingdepartmentand found that the figure was wrong.(二) Choose from f-j to match 26-30.26. Herewith pleasefind encloseda check for US$5,000 inpayment of your invoiceNo.2771.27. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.28. To step up trade between us, we trust you would allow us a higher rate of discount with your firm.29. Are your valuables protected from burglary?30. Since this is our first order, we hope you will do everything possibleto ensure punctual shipment.f) Our lines are mainly textiles and handicrafts.g) We are now pleased to send you our official receipt.h) Let us here at Home Safe, Inf. help you make sure your family and home are fully protected.i) We assure you that we shall effect shipment on the specified date in your order.J) Since this is our first transaction with you, we decide, as an exception, to cut the price by 2%.V. Tran slate the followi ng into Chin ese (10 poi nts)33.Dear Sir or MadamThrough the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor of your Embassy in London, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.We enclosea brochureand a pricelist to acquaint you with our commoditiesnow available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.Your favorable reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfullyW. Choice what figures of sppech are used in the follow ing senten ce. (10po in ts)Metonymy (转喻)personification (拟人)metaphor (暗喻)simile (明喻)alliteration (头韵)1 we all know he is a fox.2the trees cried in the cold strong wind3she is loving and loveable lady4Her kiss is as sweet as honey5 She was so thirsty that she drank several cupsVII Writing. (20 points)34.Write a letter for the following situation.Your friend has invited you to her birthday party in the evening. Bu'tvyeoucaught a ver bad cold. Write a note to say you are sorry and wish them a good time商务英语写作答案1 volume2 branch3 inquire4 instead of5Cooperation6recommend7 responsible8 arrange9 popular10 hire 选择1-5 A A C B A 6-10 B C BC A3 / 4(靳翳)A LU A UO^IAI 9(傅论)uoqai印川%(YW)uoiieoijiuosjad 乙(靳翱)」oiidegiiu捏刼roe M-6S [-82 kZS 0-92□-9S E 陀e-es p-ss q-LS。



2009全国国际商务英语阅读与写作(一级)答案新第一章第一节:DACCB第二节:BCBDD第三节:C B C B D第四节:第二章第一节:CDCAC第二节:DABAB第三节:BDCAA第三章第一节:CCADC第二节:CBDDB第三节:DCCBD第四章第一节:CACBD第二节:BDBAD第五章企业宣传Corporate Profiling1.从下列方框中选取合适的词汇填空,如有需要,请改变词汇的形式。

Fill in the gaps with words chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. Section 1(1).reply (2).follows (3).increase (4).competitive (5).service (6).installation (7).popularize (8).discount (9).quality (10).s erveSection 2(1).electronic (2).domain (3).include (4).tradition (5).contributions (6).manufacturer (7).worldwide (8).assures (9).responsibility (10).g rowth2.将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。

Put the following Chinese sentences into English.(1).We are a major exporter of textiles in Qingdao with ten-year experience in dealing in this lineand are now desirous of expanding our business to our neighboring countries.(2).We learnt that you are a potential customer of Chinese electronic products, and these itemsfall within our business scope.(3).It is hoped that by our joint efforts we can promote business as well as friendship.(4).Since the article you require is not available for supply at present, we should like torecommend some similar ones as follows.(5).If you then still feel you cannot accept our offer we hope it will not prevent you fromapproaching us in the future.3.将下列英语句子翻译成汉语。



Directions: Read the following technical terms and choose the Chinese equivalent for each.每一行可能会打乱,根据单词选中文Directions: Rearrange the following sentences to compose a good letter.A. We look forward to hearing from you soon.B. Since we might be interested in doing business with your company, we would like to have some information of your company and your products.C. We are a company that imports shoes for sale to France clients and wehave enclosed our company’s brochure for your reference.D. We would therefore appreciate if you could give us a catalogue and price list regarding your products.E. Your company’s name comes to our attention through an article in the May issue of Business Magazine and we understand that you manufacture shoesof various <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->sizes.Your answer for sentence 1:答案:反馈正确答案是:C题目2正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Your answer for sentence 2:答案:反馈正确答案是:E题目3正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Your answer for sentence 3:答案:反馈正确答案是:B题目4正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Your answer for sentence 4:答案:反馈正确答案是:D正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Your answer for sentence 5:答案:反馈正确答案是:A不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A.You won’t be disappointed with the electronic services we now offer.B.It can be moved forward with community support.C.If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify..D.Construction cannot begin until the building plans are approved.反馈正确答案是:It can be moved forward with community support.题目2不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.B.You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.C.We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers.D.I have your custom-printed business cards ready.反馈正确答案是:You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.题目3不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is courteous?选择一项:A.Am I the only one who can read the operating manual?B.Will you please sign and return this form as soon as possible?C.If you had listened to our agent more carefully, you would know that your policy does not cover accidents outside the UK.D.As director of your department, you will have to get your employees to use the correct forms.反馈正确答案是:Will you please sign and return this form as soon as possible?题目4正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is bias-free?选择一项:A.Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.B.The woman professor is afflicted by heart disease.C.Some restaurants have a special menu for old people.D.Every employee is entitled to see his personnel file.反馈正确答案是:Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.题目5不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.B.Anyone who can demonstrate proficiency in using the power equipment can rent it.C.I have your custom-printed business cards ready.D.We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers.反馈正确答案是:Anyone who can demonstrate proficiency in using the power equipment can rent it.题目6不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A.In response to your e-mail complaint, we are investigating our agent’s poor behavior..B.You won’t be disappointed with the electronic services we now offer.C.Construction cannot begin until the building plans are approved.D.It can be moved forward with community support.反馈正确答案是:It can be moved forward with community support.题目7正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for you.B.We take pride in announcing a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.C.I have your custom-printed business cards ready.D.We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.反馈正确答案是:You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for you.题目8不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.I have your custom-printed business cards ready.B.We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.C.You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for you.D.Our safety policy forbids us from renting power equipment to anyone who cannot demonstrate proficiency in its use.反馈正确答案是:You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for you.题目9不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.We have shipped your order by UPS, and we are sure it will arrive in time for the sales promotion on May 1st.B.Our warranty becomes effective only when we receive an owner’s registration.C.You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.D.We have a very good selection of winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.反馈正确答案是:You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.题目10正确获得2分中的2分题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A.Construction can begin as soon as the building plans are approved.B.It is impossible to move forward without community support.C.If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify.D.In response to your e-mail complaint, we are investigating our agent’s poor behavior.反馈正确答案是:Construction can begin as soon as the building plans are approved.题目11不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.B.Your new custom-printed business cards are ready.C.We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers.D.Our safety policy forbids us from renting power equipment to anyone who cannot demonstrate proficiency in its use.反馈正确答案是:Your new custom-printed business cards are ready.题目12正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is courteous?选择一项:A.Let’s review the operating manual together so that you can get your documents to print correctly next time.B.This is the second time I’ve written. Can’t you get anything right?C.As director of your department, you will have to get your employees to use the correct forms.D.If you had listened to our agent more carefully, you would know that your policy does not cover accidents outside the UK.反馈正确答案是:Let’s review the operating manual together so that you can get your documents to print correctly next time.题目13不正确获得2分中的0分题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A.If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify.B.It is impossible to move forward without community support.C.In response to your e-mail complaint, we are investigating our agent’s poor behavior.D.You’ll be pleased with the electronic services we now offer.反馈正确答案是:You’ll be pleased with the electronic services we now offer.题目14正确获得2分中的2分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is bias-free?选择一项:A.The attorney was an expert trial lawyer.B.Every employee is entitled to see his personnel file.C.An employee requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to her requested leave.D.The woman professor is afflicted by heart disease.反馈正确答案是:The attorney was an expert trial lawyer.题目15不正确获得2分中的0分标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A.We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers.B.Your stay at Dalton’s B& B should be pleasant one. If you are unsatisfied, you’ll receive a coupon for a free dinner.C.I have your custom-printed business cards ready.D.Our safety policy forbids us from renting power equipment to anyone who cannot demonstrate proficiency in its use.反馈正确答案是:Your stay at Dalton’s B& B should be pleasant one. If you are unsatisfied, you’ll receive a coupon for a free dinner.题目1不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. We take pride in announcing a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.B. We have shipped your order by UPS, and we are sure it will arrive in time for the sales promotion on May 1st.C. We have a very good selection of winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.D. Your warranty starts working for you as soon as you return your owner’s registration.反馈正确答案是:Your warranty starts working for you as soon as you return your owner’s registration.题目2不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. We take pride in announcing a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.B. We have a very good selection of winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.C. Our warranty becomes effective only when we receive an owner’s registration.D. Your order will be delivered by UPS in time for your sales promotion on May 1st.反馈正确答案是:Your order will be delivered by UPS in time for your sales promotion on May 1st. 题目3正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. Welcome you to choose winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.B. Our warranty becomes effective only when we receive an owner’s registration.C. We take pride in announcing a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.D. We have shipped your order by UPS, and we are sure it will arrive in time for the sales promotion on May 1st.反馈正确答案是:Welcome you to choose winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.题目4不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A. You won’t be disappointed with the electronic services we now offer.B. It is impossible to move forward without community support.C. You will qualify as soon as you pass the examination.D. Construction cannot begin until the building plans are approved.反馈正确答案是:You will qualify as soon as you pass the examination.题目5不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is bias-free?选择一项:A. Some restaurants have a special menu for old people.B. The woman professor is afflicted by heart disease.C. Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.D. The old Spanish attorney was an expert trial lawyer.反馈正确答案是:Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.题目6不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is courteous?选择一项:A. If you had listened to our agent more carefully, you would know that your policy does not cover accidents outside the UK.B. This is the second time I’ve written. Can’t you get anything right?C. As director of your department, you will have to get your employees to use the correct forms.D. Let’s review the operating manual together so that you can get your documents to print correctly next time.反馈正确答案是:Let’s review the operating manual together so that you can get your documents to print correctly next time.题目7获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.B. Our warranty becomes effective only when we receive an owner’s registration.C. We have a very good selection of winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.D. We have shipped your order by UPS, and we are sure it will arrive in time for the sales promotion on May 1st.反馈正确答案是:You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.题目8正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. We take pride in announcing a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.B. We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.C. I have your custom-printed business cards ready.D. You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for you. 反馈正确答案是:You can have a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for you.题目9不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A. If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify.B. In response to your e-mail complaint, we are investigating our agent’s poor behavior.C. It is impossible to move forward without community support.D. You’ll be pleased with the electronic services we now offer.反馈正确答案是:You’ll be pleased with the electronic services we now offer.题目10获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A. You won’t be disappointed with the electronic services we now offer.B. In response to your e-mail complaint, we are investigating our agent’s poor behavior..C. It can be moved forward with community support.D. Construction cannot begin until the building plans are approved.反馈正确答案是:It can be moved forward with community support.题目11正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.B. I have your custom-printed business cards ready.C. We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.D. We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers. 反馈正确答案是:You will be pleased to learn a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.题目12正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A. In response to your e-mail complaint, we are investigating our agent’s poor behavior.B. If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify.C. Construction can begin as soon as the building plans are approved.D. It is impossible to move forward without community support.反馈正确答案是:Construction can begin as soon as the building plans are approved.题目13正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.B. I have your custom-printed business cards ready.C. We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers.D. Anyone who can demonstrate proficiency in using the power equipment can rent it.反馈正确答案是:Anyone who can demonstrate proficiency in using the power equipment can rent it. 题目14正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is bias-free?选择一项:A. Some restaurants have a special menu for old people.B. Every employee is entitled to see his personnel file.C. Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.D. The woman professor is afflicted by heart disease.反馈正确答案是:Employees requesting sick leave must file the required paper-work at least two weeks prior to their requested leave.题目15不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences is positive?选择一项:A. It can be moved forward with community support.B. If you fail to pass the examination, you will not qualify..C. You won’t be disappointed with the electronic services we now offer.D. Construction cannot begin until the building plans are approved.反馈正确答案是:It can be moved forward with community support.题目9不正确获得2分中的0分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. We have shipped your order by UPS, and we are sure it will arrive in time for the sales promotion on May 1st.B. Our warranty becomes effective only when we receive an owner’s registration.C. Welcome you to choose winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.D. We take pride in announcing a new schedule of low-cost flights to Paris.反馈正确答案是:Welcome you to choose winter clothes in the spring at the Miss Style Clothing Store.题目10正确获得2分中的2分未标记标记题目题干Which of the following sentences emphasizes the receiver-oriented attitude and the “you-view”?选择一项:A. Your new custom-printed business cards are ready.B. We offer a free catalogue of office furniture that saves money and shopping time for readers.C. Our safety policy forbids us from renting power equipment to anyone who cannot demonstrate proficiency in its use.D. We want to ensure that your stay at Dalton’s B& B is pleasant; so if it isn’t, we’ll give you a coupon for a free dinner.反馈正确答案是:Your new custom-printed business cards are ready.做题说明:以下是选自商务信函的15个句子,每个句子包含4处划线部分,请将存在语法和/或结构错误的部分找出来。



BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷99(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.You are going to organize a sales meeting in the Department. Write a note to your secretary, Miss Cook:asking for a flip chart and a projector.saying why and where to have the meeting. Write 30-40 words.正确答案:To: Miss CookI’m going to organize a sales meeting for our department at 3: 00 p. m. tomorrow afternoon in the Meeting Room. I need a flip chart and a projector. Please get them to the Meeting Room before the meeting.Ding 解析:本文是对商务便条的考查,是经理写给秘书的便条,内容要求是因要组织一个销售会议,让秘书准备挂图和投影仪,告知会议举行的时间和原因。


PART TWO2.Read this letter which you have had from the Chairman of Mercy Automotive.Mercy AutomotiveDear Mr. Ding,I am pleased to tell you that we would like to offer you the post of Branch Manager of our company in Saint Paolo. The position is as important as your present job, but, because the Saint Paolo branch is larger, we will give you a 12% increase in salary, and other benefits.Your new job will start at the beginning of October.Please let me know if you have any questions.Mercy Tim, ChairmanYou want the job, but there are some problems. Write a reply:thanking him for the offer.giving a reason why you cannot start until November.asking for a bigger increase in salary.requesting details about the other benefits. Write 60-80 words.正确答案:Dear Mr. Tim,Thank you for your offer of making me the Manager of the branch in Saint Paolo. I would be delighted to accept the job. Unfortunately I have a business trip in October and I cannot start the job until November. I think I ought to get a 15% increase in salary, because the new branch is much farther. I would be grateful if you could also let me know about the other benefits. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, Yu Ding解析:本文是对商务信件的考查,内容要求是根据Mercy Automotive主席关于提供工作机会的来信进行回复。



外贸英语写作练习册Unit One Layout of Business Letters (1)Unit Two Establishing Business Relations (3)Unit Three Enquiry and Replies (4)Unit Four Offers and Counter-offers (5)Unit Five Sales Promotion (8)Unit Six Orders and Acknowledgements (9)Unit Seven Packing (11)Unit Eight Transportation (12)Unit Nine Terms of Payment (13)Unit Ten Insurance (14)Unit Eleven Agencies (15)Unit Twelve Complaints and Adjustments (16)Unit Thirteen Electronic Correspondence (18)Unit Fourteen Forms of Trade (18)参考答案 (19)Unit One Layout of Business LettersI.Can you draw a picture like the one above but showing a letter in blockedform?In the following picture, each numbered section represents a part of an English letter in indented form. Can you write beside the number what this part is?II.The following are different parts that form an English business letter. Please lay them out into a letter in modified indented form:写信人:五龙国际玩具公司(Five Dragons International Toys Company)地址:江苏省扬州市扬子江北路8号邮编:225008收信人:A & A4Kidz Inc地址:Beursplein 37, 3001 DD Rotterdam, Netherlands事由:Children Toys日期:20--年8月5日写信人姓名:王新职务:出口部经理(Export Manager)信的内容:We learn your name and address from International Business Daily, and know that you would like to import Chinese toys.We are a toy company with customers from both China and abroad. We not only supply to a number of big chain stores across China, but also receive substantial orders from many major global retailers such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Sears.Enclosed is an illustrated catalogue of our products. We are confident that they will be appealing to you.If you are interested in any of them, we would be glad to send you some samples for your consideration.Y our early reply will be appreciated.另外,该信件要交由收信人公司的进口部(Import Department)处理。



BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷121(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.- A survey has recently been conducted by the Product Department, and the bar charts below compare the output of two workshops of an European company in 2009 and 2010.- Using the information from the bar charts, write a short report describing the changes in 2009 and 2010.- Write 120-140 words.正确答案:Report: Output of two workshops in an European country’s company in 2009 and 2010 The purpose of this report is to compare the output of two workshops of an European company between 2009 and 2010.Workshop A had an output of 20 million pieces in the first quarter of 2009, with a rise in the second, but the output decreased in both the third and fourth quarter. The situation in 2010 was similar to that of 2009, with a stable output of a little under 25 million pieces quarterly throughout the year.Workshop B had a better beginning of 30 million pieces in the first quarter of 2009, but dropped in the second. However, it showed a positive sign again in the last two quarters. It continued its increase in 2010, with a sharp rise in the fourth quarter to about 40 million pieces. From the bar charts, we may conclude that workshop A was more stable in its output while workshop B was rising recently.解析:题目要求写一则关于欧洲某公司两车间在2009年和2010年两年间的产量情况。



BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.—You are the Manager of a Motor Insurance office. You are concerned about the size of recent telephone bills. You suspect that staff talk too much on the phone, and that some are using the phones for personal use.—Write a memo to staff, including: —costs —the length of phone calls —personal use of office phones—Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.正确答案:To: All staffFrom: ManagerDate: 3rd April 2005Re: Use of telephonesCosts Recent telephone bills have been very high.Length of calls I must ask all of you not to make long phone calls/to keep your calls as short as possible.Personal use of phones Please note that office telephones are not to be used to make personal calls.Conclusion(optional) Thank you for your cooperation very much.PART TWO2.—Miss Peters has placed an order with Mr. Frederic. This is the first order his company has ever got from her company. Mr. Frederic decides to keep this new customer and is thinking of increasing his company’s sales to her.—Suppose you are a secretary of Mr. Frederic, he asks you to write this letter.—Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.正确答案:Dear Miss Peters: For your first-time order, I want to thank you on behalf of the company. This is your initial order and I know of no greater kick a sales manager can get than the beginning of business with a new customer. The signing of an order is an expression of confidence, and I want you to know that we are fully aware of the responsibility we have for maintaining that confidence. The most important thing to the buyer of any product is the character of the supplying organization, its resources, its facilities, its reputation, and its standards of service. You have at your disposal every facility of our company. We would like to be useful to you beyond the mere necessities of business transaction. We appreciate your business. We want to continue to deserve it. Sincerely, Ali Frederic President。



BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷123(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.The graph below shows the number of permanent full-time, permanent part-time and temporary contract employees in a software design company called Radnor Design over a four-year ing the information from the graph, write a short report comparing the number of full-time employees with the number of part-time and contract employees. Write 120-140 words.正确答案:IntroductionThe aim of this report is to compare the number of the permanent full-time, the part time and the temporary contract employees of Radnor Design from 2004 to 2007.BackgroundThe graph shows the changes of the number of these three types of employees over a four-year period.FindingsFirst of all, permanent part-time employees of Radnor Design have gradually decreased from 380 to 250 in this period. On the other hand, the permanent full-time employees have been increased. They were 200 at the begining of 2004, and slowly incleased its number until the end of 2006, then rapidly increased in 2007 to over 400. As for the temporary contract employees, their number doesn’t seem to be stable. The number increased from 120 to 220 then dropped to 130 over a 2 year - year period in 2004 to 2005. Later on, the number moved simillerly in 2006-2007.ConclusionThe company seems to have more permanent full-time employees than permanent part-time ones. Also, they use temporary contract employees depending on the situation.PART TWO2.One of your company’s competitors is about to open a new store close to your most successful retail outlet. Your line manager has asked you to write a report outlining how this will affect your business. Write your report for your line manager: explaining which types of customers the competitor is targeting describing the possible effects on your company of the competitor’s new store suggesting how to deal with the problems arising from this competition.正确答案:Report on the possible effects of a competitor on our retail outletIntroductionIn response to a request from our line manager I would like to submit the following report which alms to analyze the possible effects of a newly opened store nearby on our own retail outlet which has been running successfully.The Target Customer of the CompetitorSimilar to our own store, the competitors new store positions its prospective consumer among the middle-class people, that is to say, those people whose income is the medium lever, especially those middle-aged people who hold a post in companies. Undoubtedly, their target consumers do not differ muchfrom our company, hwihc has been enjoying its prestige in the cell-phone sales industry.Possible Effects brought on our storeThrough the long-term observation and research by our staff, we have found that a substantial number of our old customers have turned to the new store away from ours. This can be attributed to the fact that the new store has been implementing the ‘price penetration’ strategy since it opened esp. as well as that the cell-phones they provide are of high quality and unique style, according to the survey conducted among customers who have shifted their attention away from our store. Tehrefore, it can be easily predicted that if no Immediate measures are taken, the side-effect on tour outlet will deteriorate. Moreover, the existing customers will be less interested in our product, and iit will be more difficult for us to expand our customer base.Measures that can be TakenFaced such situation, the best way to regain customers’ trust and interst on our cellphone products is to pay more attention to the innovation and development of our product so as to further enhance the quality of our products. In this way, can we attract a larger number of customers.Furthermore, the after-sale service of our store could be further improved. For instance, we can give better warranty of the cell-phone we provides and better maintainence and tuition service of the products. In a word, to best serve customers’needs and offer impeccable service is the key to our business success.3.You work for an established company which would like to expand into new markets. The company has decided to employ a market research organisation to help with this. Your boss has asked you to write to various market research organisations. Write a letter to be sent to these market research organisations: introducing your company describing what you would like the market research organisation to do explaining how your company intends to use the results of the market research saying how the market research organisation should respond if interested.正确答案:Dear Sir/Madam,We are writing to express our interest in a market research report for Latin America where we would like to expand to.Our bank, XYZ AG, is not only well established in our home country in Switzerland but also in Asia where we expanded our business to ten years ago. Our core business is the wealth management for private clients who are living st month we have decided that would like to expand into Latin America where we see a huge potential. Therefore we would need a market research report. This report should consist of the following points: Where do the most wealthy Latin American people live? Would these people consider opening an account with a foreign bank like XYZ and what service would they require? Would they prefer to be advised from our staff in Swtizerland or would they like to have an advisory office in their home country?Having this market research report containing the information mentioned-above we would decide if we are going to open an advisory office in Latin America and where. Additionally, we would be able to prepare our advisors for their new duties.If you are interested in providing us with this report please send an email or letter within the next ten days to the address mentioned-below with a proposal of how the report would look like andthe conditions of your company.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,AAA BBBB Peter MillerProject Manager Deskhead Project Management Lat AmXYZ AGP.O. BOX 50005055 Basel, Switzerlandaaaa.bbbb@xyz .com4.The offices of the company where you work are overcrowded. Your head of department has asked you to propose ways of using the office space more effectively. Write a proposal for your head of department, including the following information: an outline of how the current problem came about some suggestions for how to use the office space more effectively possible difficulties of implementing your suggestions and how these could be overcome.正确答案:To the head of researching departmentReport on the complains among staff about working environment.Dear Sir,There are a significant number of complains among our employees in our department about our overcrowded office. Therefore I am writing this report to conquer this problem as effective as I can do.Findings1 As we have just employed 5 new staff in our department. Our office start to feeling insufficient in space that it used to be.2 Since the researching group need a quite working environment which our overcrowded office aparenty can not offer anymore, group members are unsatisfied about the situation right now.3 Due to the fact that there are more people than our working place can be, the ventilation system seems to need to be upgraded.Suggestions1 When the new employees come, their tables is added to our office randomly, so if we can take a afternoon to put all the tables in our office in order, it will definitely change the overcrowded situation.2 A meeting room is needed to add wore than ever now. In this case, those who have to hold a seminar between group members could use a private space instead of the public area in our office. So that other staff will not be bothered by the noisies.3 We can install some new ventilation equipment on the wall. It will cost less than you think, and the problem is solved easily by making a phonecall. Signed, sealed, delivered.ConclusionAll the problems above are actually much easier to solve than they seem to be. But getting the new staff and the gurus united is another story. So I assum a trip together could be recommended before we taking those further actions I listed.Yours faithfully。






第一篇是describe & campare the number of customers making reservation in response to three different advertising methods. 大作文选了第一篇,参加一个3天的IT training course 但是作者发现这个course有问题,写detail content of the course , the dissatisfactory unsatisfatory of the course , the way you investigate in it and solution to avoid such problem in the future.沪友橙子cici:小作文是就是描述,比较图表,内容是mailshots,online advertisements,local newspaper 对一个酒店的预约人数的影响。

大作文我写的是proposal,讲的是outsourcing. 问题大概是这样的:Identify the activities that could be outsourced; explain the potential benefit it can bring to the company; How the outsoucing can be organised; How to make sure the quality of the activities outsourced.听力部分:沪友澈底:part1讲的是一家公司的`人在公司多少周年上的讲话,对公司各个section和division做了个回顾和总结。



Ⅰ. Term-matching(20 points,1 point for each)Ⅱ. Multiple-choice (20 points,2 points for each)There are 10 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentences. Give your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. Some people ______ in a department store,where a customer can find them.A. prefer to workingB. prefer to worksC. prefer workingD. prefer work22. It ______ a highly profitable business to those who possess the ability to participate.A. addsB. adds toC. adds upD. added up to23. Inflation is a process of steady rising prices,a decrease of the purchasing power of a given normal sum of money.A. resulting inB. resulted inC. resulting fromD. resulted for24. If you were designing a new luxury car,how would you make it stand from the crowd?A. apartB. outC. byD. for25. _______ you offer a 5% discount,we would be able to place an order of 2,000 AABB-020 electric thermoses.A. WouldB. WillC. CouldD. Should26. At your request,we are ______ the delivery of 60 boxes of the product,which is supposed to arrive at your city in three weeks.A. askingB. consideringC. collectingD. arranging27. Thank you very much for your invaluable plan which has navigated me ______ the most difficult time in the history of Tencent Company.A. untilB. throughC. toD. in28. We have supplied the ______ goods to other markets in Europe and have received no complaint.A. sameB. similarC. LikeD. relevant29. I think it will be worth that amount if we can get a deeper insight into the applications of electronics ______ our training program.A. ofB. forC. toD. at30. The purpose of the report is ______ feedback from a recent pilot study on the feasibility of company-wide implementation of a flexible working hours scheme.A. presentingB. to presentC. presentD. presentation ofⅢ. E-C Translation (15 points,3 points for each)Translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.31. They not only reduced the tariff duty,but also gave us the most-favored status condition.32. Sincerity inspires confidence in the clients; on the other hand,insincerity repels them,creating distrust.33. We have approached our bank here for a letter of credit to be advised through and confirmed by the Bank of China.34. The Appellant is a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware,the United States.35. At the request of Party B,Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment.Ⅳ. C-E Translation (15 points,3 points for each)Translate the following Chinese sentences into English. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.36.敬悉贵公司5月8日来函。



BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷104(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.The table below shows the sales of PC and laptop in an electronics chain store, which specialises in the business of PC and laptop, in each quarter during the ing the information from the table, write a short proposal on the sales of the two items.Write 120-140 words.正确答案:From the above table, we can see that it s been a fairly encouraging year for this electronics chain store overall. However, the sales of PC are obviously not as good as that of laptop during the whole year. As for PC, the fourth quarter scores the highest sales, followed by the second quarter, and the third quarter ranks prior to the first quarter. As for laptop, the sales are similar from a quarterly-based study. The fourth quarter is exceptionally good with 1620 as much higher sales than the first three quarters. Laptop doesn’t sell very well in the first quarter than in the other three quarters. The third quarter was slightly less successful than the second quarter in the sales of laptop. In the main, the sales of the two listed products throughout the year increased in the second three months, then dropped slightly during the summer months from July through September, and came to its peak season in the last three winter months before New Year time.PART TWO2.Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words. Your Chief Executive has asked you to talk about your understanding of your company’s culture. You have been asked to submit a report about it. Write a report to your chief Executive summarising the main features of your company culture exemplifying the influence of your company’s culture on you Putting forward some suggestions for your company culture to be better.正确答案:Report: Understanding of our company’s culture I think there are four main aspects to our company’s culture: first our corporate culture is respectful of individuals and geared to creating the conditions in which our employees’ talents can flourish. As far as I am concerned, I benefit a lot from this. Many of my business proposals are put into practice and that accordingly give me more room to Display my abilities. Secondly, our company has a collaborative culture, in which every staff communicates with each other well. Thanks to our sound internal communication system, there is a smooth flow of information among our employees and between employees and supervisors. Thirdly, our company puts emphasis onwork-life balance, which ensures that colleagues distribute their time evenly between work, family, leisure and rest. This kind of culture ensures that staff’s minds and bodies are always in their optimal state of performance. Fourthly, our company endorses innovation and creativity. Our company implements various programmes to support employees’suggestions so that ideas can bear fruit. However, in my opinion, our corporate culture is not mature enough. For example, our working hours are too fixed, from nine in the morning to six in the afternoon. If we are late, there will be fine. I think we should shift from a time managerment-based corporate culture to a creativity-oriented culture, in which employees are able to flexibly manage their office hours as long as they work a total of eight hours each day.3. A customer has failed to pay your company for the merchandise delivered after repeated attempts to collect payment, and your line manager has asked you to write a final demand letter to the customer demanding the payment be made. Write a letter to the customer briefly introducing the situation that both you and your customer are involved in stating the amount of money that the customer owes you displaying the benefits of payment on time for both sides indicating what your company is going to do if the customer still doesn’t pay you on time.正确答案:Dear Sir, This is the fourth time I’ ve written to you. I am writing to remind you that according to the contract we have signed, your first payment was due on March 20th, 2009 and second on December 12th, 2009. Both payments are now over half a year past due. According to the letters you sent to me a month ago, you explained to me that you company was itself suffering from cashflow problems and waiting for the payments from some of your buyers. You promised me that you would pay our company in a month. However, that deadline has now passed, and your failure to pay is beginning to cause our company serious problems. Here I demand prompt pay within a week and if you break promises again, we have no choice but to put this matter in the hands of our lawyer, which we would reget having to do this. I deeply regret having to write you in this way. You have been a valued customer of us for more than five years. We have been enjoying a mutually profitable working relationship. I sincerely hope that this temporary unpleasantness can be resolved as soon as possible. I also regret to notify you that we are unable to supply you with any further goods from now on. Yours sincerely, Jason Chan4.Your company is going to organise some creative events to strengthen the relationship between employees and celebrate the 50th anniversary of your company. Write a proposal to your line manager offering some bright corporate event ideas describing briefly your ideas stating the reasons for you to choose these ideas explaining how to put the ideas into practice manifesting the influence of these events on the company.正确答案:The aim of this proposal is to put forward some creative ideas of corporate activities. The line manager asked me to do this. Here I will putforward three pieces of suggestions that concentrate on relaxing the staff, the development of critical skills of employees and enhancing the communication among employees. Firstly, I suggest a party be held. We feel a lot of pressure during our daily routine work and I think it’s completely necessary for the company to organise parties for us to relax. A party will take people out of their everyday routines and let us know it’s time to relax. After all, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Secondly, I would suggest some business simulation games, in which the employees develop their critical skills. For example one activity might concentrate on communication, feedback, leadership and team skills whilst another will cover problem solving, decision making, managing resources and budgets. Participants learn more by practical experience than theory, and they can learn about themselves and others. Team roles and skills are key components in a business management game therefore team building development is enhanced and the practical value of group dynamics is demonstrated. Finally, I would like to suggest some activities that change the way the team thinks. For example, try the Failure Strategies team improvement activity. The Failure Strategies activity finds new solutions to old problems with creative brainstorming, and looks at problems from a new perspective. Use this activity when we want to inspire more creative thinking or when the group has an important goal to accomplish.。



BEC初级写作样题及范⽂第⼀篇PART ONEYou are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you receiveda letter from an important customer, Mr. Elton Deland, who will arrive on25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July. ?Write a short message to Ms. Anne Folster, your secretary:explain why you postpone your tripmention the date when Mr. Elton Deland will arriveask her to arrange your meeting.Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.PART TWORead the letter blow.Dear Mrs. DeanWe would be grateful if you could give us information about two of your cleaning products, Super Floor Cleaner and General Cleaner.We would like to know the discount you can offer if we buy 30 liters of each product.We would also like to know when you could deliver these quantities; this would ideally before 18th October.Yours sincerely,H. WongWrite a letter to Ms Wong:thanking her for her inquirytelling her about your discountconfirming that you will deliver by the required dateasking her to phone if she would like further details.Write 60-80 words.第⼆篇PART ONEYou have to organize an urgent meeting at 9 a. m. tomorrow with all the staff from your department.Write an email to the staff:saying when the meeting will be heldtelling them where the meeting will be heldexplaining what the meeting will be about.Write about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.PART TWORead this note you have received from your boss.Write an email to Ms Brown:thanking her for the invitation to Head Officetelling her how many people are planning to gosaying which departments people would like to seeasking about the time of the visit.Write 60-80 words. Do not include any postal addresses.第三篇PART ONEYou work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible. Therefore you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible.Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington, the Public Relation's manager: asking for an advertisement for two translators explain the reasonmention your urgency.Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.PART TWORead this program for a visit you went on last week.Write a short letter to Mr. Henry:thanking him for the toursaying why it was interestingasking for another copy of his catalogueinviting him to visit your company on 8th June.Write 60-80 words.9 a. m.ProgramMeeting with Mr. Henry, Production Manager Tour of main factory 10 a. m.----------Production ----------Quality ----------Delivery system 12:30 p.m. Lunch第四篇PART ONEThe staff in your office decided to spend holidays together this year. While reading the news you are attracted by the advertisement of the GrandPalazzo Hotel in Italy. As no one in your office has ever been to Italy, you want your secretary to contact the hotel through telephone.Write a short message to Ms. Emily Malan, your secretary:suggest the visit to Italygive the hotel telephone number to herask her to contact with that hotel.Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.PART TWOReading this message from your secretary.Telephone messageMr. Johnson called—our quotation received, but the price is too high. Asked us to reduce by 5%. I contacted our Sales Dept and was informed cost of raw materials is rising. Ours is lowest price. Also, our quality is better and orders are coming. Impossible to reduce.Write a letter to Mr. Johnson:telling him you cannot reduce your pricesaying why you cannot reduce your pricepersuading him to reconsider your priceasking for an early reply.Write 60-80 words.第五篇PART ONEYou have received a fax from a customer who in the fax complained that he had received 100 green color bicycles instead of 50 green and 50 blue colorbicycles. In order to solve the problem and find out the facts, you write ashort note to the warehouse.Write a short note to Mr. Randy Simon, who is in charge of delivering goods from warehouse:tell him about the claimmention the date of deliveryask for the duplicate invoice.Write 30-40 words.PART TWORead the following letter.Dear Mr. DingMr. John Green,our General Manager,will be in Changchun from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and seeyou,say,on June 3 at 2.00 p.m. about the opening of a sample room there. Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not,what time you would suggest. Yours faithfully,Tim ForestYou are the secretary for Mr. Ding. Write a reply to Mr. Tim Forest: thanking for informing you the visittelling him Mr. Ding cannot be accept the visit saying Mr. Ding cannot be accept the visit telling him when will be available.Write 60-80 words.。



BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷124(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.You are the assistant of the president and have just received a complaint letter about the unsatisfactory product.Write a note to the Customer Service Manager,John: - telling him about the complaint letter- explaining why the customer complained- recommending what necessary measures should be taken. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.正确答案: 5 April Dear John,I’ve just received a complaint letter from our customer, who wasn’t satisfied with our camera. The reason is that it’s never worked properly since he bought it. I suggest you contact him ASAP and offer solutions to the problem. David Bush解析:首先,要确定背景材料中自己的假定身份(总经理助理)和假定的写作对象(客服部经理),并明确考题的意图,即要求考生写一张便条,主要内容是告知你刚刚收到一封顾客投诉信,需要说明顾客投诉的原因,并向其建议采取哪些必要措施。

PART TWO2.Read this advertisement from China Daily. Autumn Cooperation Projects Talks InvitationContents: More than 1000 Chinese Projects for joints ventures, equipment, products, etc. Schedule: 09:00, July 26, Opening Ceremony July 36 -27, Cooperation Projects Talks Venue: Big Hotel, Changchun Participants: Manufactures and foreign enterprises. Contact Tel: 0431 ********Sponsor: WAIDIAN Consultants GroupJiefang Road, Changchun, China Send a letter to the Manger Director of your Shanghai office telling him about the Autumn Cooperation Projects talks in Changchun.Give him details of:who is organizing the event.when and where it takes place.who will be there.Why you think he should attend.Write about 60-80 words.正确答案:Dear Sir,I have just received an invitation from China Daily regarding the Autumn Cooperation Projects Talks. WAIDIAN Consultants Group is organizing this event from July 26th-27th at Big Hotel. Many enterprises will be there, including manufacturers and representatives of foreign enterprises.I think you should attend the event because there will be many opportunities for our company to form partnerships with other companies.Yours sincerely, Liu Xiang解析:本文是对商务信件的考查,内容要求是根据中国日报关于秋季贸易洽谈会广告的内容,给经理写一封信,以说服其参加。



BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷124(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.The bar chart below shows the predicted numbers of participants on three courses at the Wakeley Business College during the coming year. Each course is offered four times a ing the information from the chart, write a short report comparing the predicted enrolments for the three courses for the coming year.Write 120-140 words.正确答案:Report: Enrolments Prediction For The 3 Courses In Next YearLocation: Wakeley Business CollegeEffective Management: Generally speaking the predicted number of participants fluctates in the next year. In spring session, the number is the lowest, which is only 50. Then it reaches the peak of 80 in both summer and autumn session. At last it drops to 80 in winter.Customer Communications: The number change chart is different with that of effective management. In spring it is 60 and drops to 50 in summer, which is same with in autumn. Then, it reaches the peak of 90 in winter.Marketing in Practice: As the change of the course of customer communication, the numbers in spring and winter are larger than in summer and autumn. It reaches the peak of 120 in spring, then drops sharply to only 70 in summer. But in autumn and winter, it increases steadily, which is 80 and 100 respectively.Conclusion: marketing in practice may be the most popular course of the largest number of predicted patlclpants, especially in Spring and Winter. Fewest students are thought to participate in the course of customer communications especially in summer and autumn.PART TWO2.For an experimental period, your company has operated a scheme allowing certain employees in your department to work from home for part of the week. The Managing Director has asked you to write a report on the scheme. Write the report for the Managing Director: explaining why it was decided to allow some staff to work from home giving details of how the scheme operated saying what the positive and/or negative aspects of the scheme have been making a recommendation concerning the future of the scheme.正确答案:We decided to allow certain of our employees to work at home and so we will follow a model which is already in place in some other countries where our company is located.The reason behind is that not enough desks are available in our data quality department. I have already spoken to the concerned employees and they will not have a problem to do 90% of their work at home.It makes sense that everyoneof them is coming into the office one day per week, but on different one. For example: employee one on Monday and employee two on Tuesday, etc. The reason for that is to give feedback to Mr. X (the boss) and to have the possibility to ask open questions.What is now required from us? We have to make sure that the employees receive laptops and get Internet connection at home. When that is given we have only to think about a workplan. One positive aspect is that they don’t have to drive the long distance to our office.All employees of the data quality department are living on the countryside and our office is downtown. Therefore they can save a lot of time which they can use to work accordingly.3.You have recently had a number of problems with a local company which supplies you with goods for your workplace. You have been asked to write a letter of complaint to the supplier about the situation. Write your letter to the supplier: referring to the goods your company regularly buys from them describing the various problems you have had explaining how the situation might be dealt with stating what will happen if the situation does not improve.正确答案:Dear Sirs,I am writing with reference to Order 50/52/01 which I received from you yesterday. Unfortunately, I must complain about the quality of the goods and delay in delivery.My company has been purchasing the stationery you offer for few years now. So far, we have not encountered any serious problems. But this time I have no choice, but to inform you about the situation.The pencils you delivered were broken and pens were of different kind than we ordered. Moreover, the boxes were marked incorrectly. The consignment arrived two days after agreed date, which caused us inconvenience, because we had promissed our customers early st month we ignored the fact that the exercise books you had delivered were of different colours that expected. But this time we are going to send you all the goods back. They should be replaced and delivered to us as soon as possible. What is more, we must ask you for a 15% discount.Unless the problem is solved quickly, we will have to undertake legal steps, as this kind of situation is unacceptable.Please treat the matter as urgent.We are looking -forward to your prompt reply.Yours faithfully,Purchasing Director.4.The Training Director of the company you work for is considering hiring a business training consultancy to provide the following courses: Appraising Staff, Software Applications and Giving Effective Presentations. You have been asked to write a proposal for the Training Director giving your views on these courses. Write a proposal for the Training Director: saying which course you would like to attend and why explaining how another of the courses would benefit one of your colleagues advising against running one of the courses.正确答案:To: Training DirectorFrom:Date: 26.11.2005Subject: Business trainingReasonsWe have 3 different courses which we could offer our employees. Appraising staff, software Applications and EffectivePresentations.RecommendationsFirst of all, every course causes the equal amount of costs. In that reason, I compare which course would be the most effective. Secondly, we need a large number of staff who want to take part in the recommended course. I suggest, we offer the software Applications course, because this is the fast increasing area in our business and everybody should be interested in the new technology. In the daily business I realise how fast the technology is changing.In addition to that course, our board of directors may visit the course for presentations skills. They would have benefits because they are often in public and have to know how to communicate to the clients. Furthermore, the course for Appraising Staff will not be offered. Our surveys have shown that the relationship between employees has been perfect.Possible drawbacksIt may have a number of staff who prefers to work instead of visite a course. In that reason, I would offer the courses by e-mail and the members may register or not, what means that the candidates who are coming, are motivated to reach their personaly goals.。



(完整版)商务英语信函写作练习题《商务英语信函写作》练习题I.Choose the best answer:1.Please let us know _____the tendency of your market.a. forb. inc. ofd. with2. We _____ like to know more about the products you advertised in South Asian Trade.a. couldb. wouldc. shouldd. had3. We are now _____ your inquiry of October 12th.a. on receipt ofb. upon receipt ofc. in receipt ofd. in reception of4. We have received your enquiry of 15 July____you advise us of your interest in Cashmere.a. in whichb. from whichc. at whichd. which5. We have received your letter of September 12, _____ we are glad to know that you are interest in our electric heaters.a. whichb. at whichc. in whichd. from which6. We shall be pleased to send you the necessary information _____ our machine tools.a. onb. aboutc. ofd. in7. Our catalog ____ shows various types of bathroom fittings and their available sizes.a. enclosedb. that enclosedc. is enclosedd. which enclosed8. I want to acquaint myself _____ the supply position of steel products.a. ofb. withc. ford. about9. We must insist _____ hearing from you within the next 10 days.a. inb. overc. ond. to10. All prices must be quoted _____ US dollars.a. inb. onc. ford. as11. As requested, we are _____ our quotation and shall appreciated your placing orders with us as early as possible.a. acceptingb. takingc. submittingd. thinking12. Your import manager wrote us last week that our price was _____ and asked us to secure supplies.a. acceptableb. managerialc. impossibled. unfortunate13. Our quotation _____ 30,000 tons of corn is valid for 10 days.a. tob. afterc. ifd. for14. Please _____ us for the supply of the items listed in the enclosed inquiry form.a. giveb. offerc. quoted. send15. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market _____ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate.a. so thatb. such thatc. as long asd. so long as16. Please let us have your lowest quotation on CIF Lagos basis _____ 500 pieces of 24”electric fans.a. inb. atc. ford. on17. Please reply _____ fax if you find our quotation acceptable.a. inb. with ac. byd. with18. We agree to the amendments to the contract _____ requested in your letter of May 5.a. to beb. likec. whend. as19. We can not make any offers as the goods are _____.a. without stockb. out of stockc. no stockd. not in stock20. We _____ you for the special offer you send us.a. thankb. appreciatec. are gratefuld. are indebted21. We are offering you goods _____ the very high quality.a. ofb. atc. ford. with22. We are pleased to _____ your offer and place a trial order with you.a. make advantage ofb. make use ofc. take advantage ofd. take use of23. We would make you the following offer, subject to your reply __us not later than May 8.a. reachb. reachingc. reachesd. being reached24. Please make us your best possible firm offer on CIF New York basis _____ terms of payment and the earliest date of shipment.a. which was statingb. statingc. statesd. stated25. A growing demand can _____ increased price.a. resultb. result toc. result ind. result from26. CIF is a price term, meaning the price includes the cost of goods, the insurance and _____ for carrying the goods up to thedestination.a. paymentb. freightc. premiumd. forwarding27. As you are our regular customer, we think we may concede _____ price provided you give us an order for a minimum of 100 units.a. withb. atc. ind. to28. We need an agent in that country to help us to _____ our products.a. marketb. displayc. disposed. buy29. Because of the____nature of the agreement, I was reluctant to discuss with him in office.a. confidentialb. reheatedc. secretd.sophisticated30. Our service representative will phone you to make an appointment __your convenience.a. inb. forc. atd. of31. The bank will, as _____ by the national policies, give joint venture active support.a. called atb. called forc. called forthd. called off32. _____ we would like to co-operate with you, we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.a. Evenb. Asc. Muchd. Much as33. _____ you can make a reduction of 5% no business is possible.a. In caseb. Providedc. Ifd. Unless34 _____ you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.a. Beforeb. Afterc. Seeing thatd. Unless35. The contents of the bidding documents mentioned above shall be _____.a. as followingb. as followedc. as followd. as follows36. All their orders have been _____.a. doneb. executedc. effectedd. made37. As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice _____ our order with you.a. but to cancelb. but cancelc. but cancelingd. but cancelled38. I have looked _____ your order, and I can assure you that everything is on schedule.a. atb. onc. withind. into39. We confirm _____ from you the following commodities.a. to purchaseb. purchasec. having purchasedd. to have purchased40. On October 15, my company entered _____ an agreement with your firm to purchase a total of 18,000 gallons of house paint.a. tob. onc. intod. at41. Please advise at what price your clients will place orders _____ us.a. ofb. forc. byd. with42. Please indicate on the enclosed your order form____you will place a cash order now.a. whenb. whetherc. untild. unless42. But for their assistance our company would not have made such a great progress _____.a. soon than what had expectb. soon than what was expectedc. sooner than what wasd. sooner than what had been expected43. We expect _____ a trial order with you in the near future.a. to have placedb. to placec. to placingd. placing44. We look forward to _____ a trial order.a. receivingb. receive from youc. receiptd. receipt you45. We trust that the high quality of our products will _____ you to place a repeat order.a. appealb. inducec. attractd. seduce46. As our factory is now fully occupied with orders, we regret having to _____yours.a. refuseb. declinec. rejectd. return47. Some customers requested us to _____ our price because they consider it too high.a. bring downb. get downc. put downd. take down48. The car I bought last week _____ me $3,000.00.a. costb. spendc. costedd. spent49. The price of all laptop computers will _____ by 10 percent on May 1.a. depressb. descendc. declined. devalue50. We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our _____ prices.a. newb. cheapc. rock bottomd. easiest51. We prefer your quotation _____ CIF San Francisco basis.a. forb. withc. ond. at52. We are pleased to enclose a _____ quotation for bathroom showers.a. detailb. detailedc. detailingd. details53. We find your quotation for _____ much too high.a. women blousesb. woman’s blousesc. women’s blousesd. blouses54. We have been souring from local firms who _____ send us quotations regularly.a. are used tob. use toc. used tod. is used to55. I am sure we can work out a _____ arrangement to handle the repairs.a. satisfiedb. satisfactoryc. satisfyingd. satisfy56. I would appreciate _____ me an up-to-date price list foryour supplies.a. if you would sendb. you sendc. that you would sendd. your sending57. Could you allow me _____ 30 days to clear my account?a. anotherb. a furtherc. additionald. an extra58. At this restaurant, you can pay _____ credit card.a. inb. withc. byd. fromII. Put the following sentences into English:1.为使我们熟悉贵公司的产品,我们需要一些技术方面的细节。



BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷49(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.? You have just received a telephone call for your colleague,Sue Benton,who is away from her desk.A sales representative,John Smith,frOm Barton’s &amp; Co has been delayed.He cannot get to a meeting with Sue,but thinks he can get there later.He has given you his mobile number and would Iike Sue to call him back.? Write a message for your colleague saying:? who has called ? why he wilI be Iate ? when he can get there ? what he wants Sue to do ? Write 30-40.words.? Write on your Answer Sheet.正确答案:Hi,Sue,John Smith from Barton’s &amp; Co called just now,leaving a message that he was caught in a traffic jam.He thinks he might be about one hour lale for his meeting with you scheduled for 2 pm. So he would like you to call him on his mobile phone(96522480)to confirrn for a meeting with you at 3 pm.AlanPART TWO2.? Read this part of a letter from Judy Matthews applying for a job.With reference to your advertisement in The Financial Times,I am writing to apply for the post of chief accountant.I am moving to your country next month with my husband.As you will see frOm the enclosed CV,I have had a lot of experience in management accounting and I feel that I can be an asset to your company.If I am selected for interview,please could you give me information about how to reach your offices by public transport? ? Write a letter to Mrs.Matthews:? acknowledging her letter.? offering her a date and time for an interview,? requesting the names and addresses of two referees.?telling her the best way to reach you by public transport.? Write 60-80 Words.? Write on your Answer Sheet.Do not include any postal addresses.正确答案:Dear Mrs.Matthews,Thank you for writing to apply for the advertised job,and welcome to our country.After reviewing your resume,we have decided to invite you for an interview.The appointed date is 22 May,and we would like you to arrive before 3 pm.Our company is located on the 25”floor of the World Trade Center.You can take the No.4 bus to come to our office.But we suggest you take the subway,if you would not like to be trapped in thetraffic jam.By the way,two referees’names and addresses are requested.You can bring them with you when coming for the interview.We look forward to meeting yousoon.Yours sincerely,Jane Spencer Assistant to HR Manager。



BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷26(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWOPART ONE1.? You are working for WFX Co. Ltd. You have been asked to write a short report about the sales situation in the Year 2004.? Study the following graph which shows the sales in the Year 2004.? Write a short report about the sales situation.? Write 120-140 words on the separate answer paper provided.正确答案:The sales started at 17 million US dollars, but we had a slight downward trend afterwards. The sales of the following month were a little above 15m US dollars. March witnessed a sharp drop. In the middle of April, we had the trough of the year. At the beginning of May, the sales climbed to about US$ 7m. In June the sales leveled off, but in the last ten days of July the sales dropped again. In the following two months the sales increased dramatically. In the middle of September the sales reached a peak. In the later part of September the sales kept declining till the middle of October. At the beginning of November our sales rose slightly. The sales started to drop again from the middle of November and then were followed by a sudden rise to about US$28m. In December the sales tended to rise.PART TWO2.? You have received a letter from Joanson Company, inquiring about your latest model of DVDs. You have decided to answer the letter immediately.? Writer your letter to tell the customer that you have sufficient goods to supply, including the following information: ? you have sufficient stock to meet the customer’s needs; ? you have a wide range of goods to meet the customer’s specifications and recommend some similar new products; ? you agree to use confirmed irrevocable letter of credit; ? you promise to send some samples by express.? Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet. 2. Question 3? The company you are working for meets some financial problems. The CEO has asked you to suggest ways of dealing with the problems.? Write a proposal for the CEO, including the following information: ? what caused the problems; ? ways to solve the problems; ? the possible consequences of this bad situation; ? the ways to prevent the likely consequences.? Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet. 3. Question 4? Your company is considering launching an advertising campaign. You have been asked to write a report about the project.? Write the report, outlining some of your problems concerning the marketing of your products. You should refer to at least two of the following areas: ? the present marketing situation of the products; ? the feasibility of the advertising campaign; ? the advantages of the advertising campaign; ? the budget for the advertising campaign.? Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet. Listening正确答案:Nov. 25, 2004Dear Mr. North, Your inquiry about our DVDs Thank you very much for your letter dated Nov. 3rd, 2004 inquiring about our DVDs which were just launched into the market three months ago. I am very pleased to inform you that we have sufficient goods to meet your needs. They are available from stock. Besides, we have all kinds of specification for you to choose from. Enclosed please find our latest price list and product catalogue, in which you will find full range of the specifications of the products and the details of the CIF prices, which are very competitive. Shipment is within 30 days after receipt of L/C. Besides, we agree that payment is to be made in your currency by confirmed irrevocable L/C. We have sent you some samples together with our report of the test of the products, which, we think, will reach you within 3 days. I can assure you that the samples will satisfy you. What’s more, the products to be delivered after we have signed the contract will be exactly in agreement with the samples. In addition, I’d like to tell you that besides the new DVDS, we have some other recently-developed household electric appliances. We also enclose herewith the price list and the product catalogue. If you find our goods are marketable, we may consider signing an agreement of exclusive agency with you. Then you will be the sole agent in your country. If you want any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Jacques Roget。

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并于五月一日前发至课程教师何小宝的邮箱hxb@ ,注明姓名学号与班级,保留手抄稿件。



T h e f o l l o w i n g i s a h i n t i n C h i n e s e a b o u t w h a t y o u s h o u l d w r i t e i n y o u r l e t t e r o f e n q u i r y.Y o u c a n r e f e r t o C h a p t e r1.

我拜读了十一月份“C o r p o r a t e O f f i c e”上您的研究文



♦Chapter 2
T h e f o l l o w i n g i s a h i n t i n C h i n e s e a b o u t w h a t y o u s h o u l d w r i t e i n y o u r r e p l y t o a n e n q u i r y.Y o u c a n r e f e r t o C h a p t e r2.
♦寄上之小册子“Home Insulation: Costs and Benefits”,对阁下所提问题均有答案。


您可能还不知道,采用Jiffy Foam 作绝缘间隔材料,您和您的家人会感到多么的舒适。

(March 5, 2005)



Chapter 3
T h e f o l l o w i n g i s a h i n t i n C h i n e s e a b o u t w h a t y o u s h o u l d w r i t e i n y o u r l e t t e r o f s a l e s.Y o u c a n r e f e r t o C h a p t e r3.




A B C F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s的保险计划便


Chapter 4
Write a letter of order No. 42051 to the company, telling them that you want to order the following goods.
1000 dozens of linen handkerchiefs at $0.20 each
4000 pairs of tan pigskin gloves at $ 3.00, size 6½
2000 dozens of assorted Orlon sports-shirts at $3.00
5000 pairs of assorted cotton socks。
