

Unti1 This is me!

Welcome to the unit

1. look after照顾

2. good morning/afternoon/evening/good night早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安

3. nice to meet you/ glad to meet you很高兴见到你

4.my master 我的主人


5. have short/long hair留着短/长发

6. love reading喜欢阅读love/like/enjoy doing sth

7. tall and slim个子高且苗条

8. after school放学后

9. be from=come from来自

10. be good at/do well in doing sth.擅长做…

11. 12 years old 十二岁an eight—year—old girl 一个8岁的女孩

12.L et’s meet my new classmate s. 来见见我的新同学。

13. love(doing )sports 热爱(做)运动


Grammar and task

14. glad to meet you 见到你很高兴

15. live with my family in…和我家人一起住在……

16. wear glasses戴眼镜Wearing glasses makes me look cool. 戴眼镜使我看起来酷。

17. like all the lessons喜欢所有科目

18. over there在那儿over 越过,超过,在…正上方,结束

19. in Grade 7在七年级/ in Class Six Grade Seven 在七年级六班

20. listen to music听音乐


21. our Chinese teacher 我们的语文老师teach us English教我们英语

22. I see. 我明白了。

23. go home late 回家晚

24. be all very nice(to me)都(对我)非常好

Unit 2L et’s play sports.

Welcome to the unit


1. like walking喜爱散步

2. walk to my bowl走向我的碗

3. many times a day 一天许多次once一次twice两次three times 三次

4. play tennis 打网球

5. What’s your favourite sport=What sport do you like best你最喜欢的体育运动是什么

6. What/How about you 你呢What about dancing跳舞怎么样

7. enjoy swimming 喜欢游泳

8. every week 每周


9. a member of the Reading Club 读书俱乐部的一名成员

10. look strong看起来强壮

11.play well打得好,玩得好 a good player 一名优秀的运动员

12. in one’s free time在某人的空闲时间(my/ your/ our/ her/ his/ their)

13. make him(feel) happy 让他(感到)快乐make…+(verb)adj 使某人(变得)怎么样

14. want to do sth .=would like to do sth想要做某事

15. come true实现I hope his dream comes true.我希望他的梦想成真。


16. study English 学习英语He studies English in his free time.他空闲时学英语。

17. play in the next World Cup 参加下一届世界杯

18. his dream 他的梦想His dream is to be a teacher./He wants to be a teacher.他想当老师。

19. her/many people’s favourite football player 她/许多人最喜欢的足球运动员

20. hope to do sth希望做某事hope sb / sth to do sth(×)


21. dance well舞跳得好

22. of course当然/sure

23. watch games/matches on TV在电视上观看比赛

23.at/on weekends在周末at/on the weekend

24.stay at home 呆在家中get/ arrive/ reach home 到家walk home走回家Integrated skills to task

25. many of my students我的许多学生

26. what else还有其他什么something/anything/someone/ anyone/…else 别的东西/人

27. make me feel great让我感觉很棒make/let/have sb do sth 让某人做某事

28. Reading is fun. 阅读有趣。(Walking/Swimming/Dancing/Shopping/Running/Fishing)


29. talk about/of……谈论人/事talk with/to 和……谈话

30. a lot of=lots of许多many/much/plenty of/a number of 许多

Unit3 Welcome to our school

Welcome to the unit

1.Open Day开放日on the school Open Day 在学校开放日那天

2.the parents’ meeting家长会

3.begin at two o’clock在2点开始

4.meet at the school gate在学校门口见

5.Which of the subjects do you like best =Which subject do you like best你喜欢哪门课6.What’s the date today今天几月几日

7.What time is it=What’s the time几点了

8. watch two of our lessons 观摩我们其中的两节课


9. look modern看起来很现代

10. so big如此大

11. show you around领你参观

12 in front of在…前面in the front of 在…前部

13. the classroom building教室楼= the teaching building

14. on the ground floor在一楼(英式)on the first floor 在一楼(美式)

15. clean and bright干净又明亮

16. this way这边走


17. the school hall学校礼堂in the school hall 在学校礼堂

18. that man in a white shirt穿衬衫的那个男士the woman with a baby 抱孩子的妇女

19. have meetings开会

20. Let’s go to the hall. 咱们去大厅吧。


21. look at看一看

22. let me see让我想想

23. after class课后

24. on the phone通电话on the Internet/ radio在网上/收音机on video/TV录像/TV

25. say hello to her向她问好say goodbye/sorry/thank you to…向…道别/道歉/道谢Integrated skills---Task

26. from …to…从……到--- between …and…在…和…之间(两者)

27. get up起床get on/off 上/下车get into/ out of进入/走出…get to 到达get away 逃跑

28. go to school去上学

29. get to school到达学校

30. all kinds of books各种各样的书be kind to…对…友好

31. borrow books from the library从图书馆借书lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人

32. a few一些,少量few很少(修饰可数名词复数)a little一些little很少(修饰不可数名词)

33. far away from远离

34. on foot步行go to …on foot = walk to …步行去……

35. all the best一切顺利,万事如意

36. It takes me about an hour to get to school.到学校大约花我1个小时

Unit 4 My day

Welcome to the unit


1. wake up/wake sb. up醒来/叫散步.起床wake me up 叫醒我(him/her/us/you/them)

2. It’s time to have lunch.==It’s time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。

3. seldom go out 很少出去(never/sometimes/often/usually/always)表做事的频率,不影响动词的时态

4. need a good rest. 需要好好休息need(sb)to do sth 需要(某人)做某事

5. Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun. 有些狗就是不知道怎样玩乐。

6. go walking/take a walk去散步walk his dog 遛他的狗

7. have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper吃早饭/中饭/晚饭

8. need a good rest需要好好休息= need to have a good rest


9. get up起床

10. do morning exercises做早操

11.have lessons上课= have classes(美式)上课

12. do after-school activities做课后活动

13. do homework做家庭作业

14. be late for school上学迟到/ be never late for school.=never come to school late 上学从不迟到

15. enjoy school 喜欢学校/ 喜欢上学

16. go home 回家

17. at a quarter past eight 在八点一刻

18. start lessons 开始上课


19. be nice/friendly/kind to sb.对某人友善

20. chat with each other 和彼此聊天

21. in the playground 在操场里

22. on Tuesday and Thursday在周二和周四

23. from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五

24. practice doing sth练习做某事

25. best wishes 祝好

Integrated skills to task

26. on Wednesday afternoon 在周三下午

27. have a good/great time have fun/enjoy oneself玩得开心+doing sth

28. would like to do想要做某事

29. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事

30. have much time to do sth有许多时间做某事


31. go to one’s dancing lessons去上舞蹈课

32. go roller skating去溜旱冰

33. wish our team good luck!祝我们队好运!

34. visit the museum参观博物馆

35. twice/once a month一月两次/一次

36. go on a picnic去野餐= have a picnic

37. be good for对…有好处be bad for对……有坏处

38. get ready for为…做准备(动作)be ready for……为…准备好了(状态)


39. learn a lot about the world学习许多有关世界的知识

40. have too much homework有太多家庭作业

41. come and watch the game 来看比赛

42. how often 多久一次(对频率提问)

43. That’s great. 太棒了。= That sounds great.那听起来很棒。

Unit 5 Let’s celebrate

1.go out 出来;熄灭(主语是灯/火)put out 扑灭(主语是人)

2.go to bed去睡觉go to sleep 睡着fall asleep 睡着


4.have a guess猜一猜

5.the Spring Festival春节

6.the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

7.at Christmas在圣诞节

8.on that day在那天

9.have a big dinner吃一顿大餐

10.get together 聚在一起

11.Let’s celebrate. 咱们庆祝吧。


13.enjoy the full moon欣赏满月

14.play a game with和某人玩游戏

15.knock on the door敲门

16.dress up as 装扮成

17.Monkey King 美猴王

18.give sb. sth. as a treat 招待某人某物

19.find out 找出;查明

20.be on holiday 在度假


22.take photos照相

23.let off使……爆炸

24.red pocket 红包

25.really a special day确实特殊的一天

26.play a trick on sb.和某人开玩笑

27.Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见心不烦

28.There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。

29.Wish you good luck. 祝你好运。


31.on the radio通过收音机

Unit 6

1. have a hamburger吃一个汉堡

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away一日一苹果,医生远离我

3. many potatoes and tomatoes许多土豆和西红柿


4. many sweets许多糖果

5. be good for our health 对我们的身体有益

6. dance for half an hour a day每天跳舞半小时

7. eat healthy food 吃健康的食物

8. eat healthily吃得健康

9. be important for sb. 对某人是重要的

10. need to keep fit/healthy需要保健

11. have milk and bread for breakfast早餐喝牛奶吃面包

12. have fish and vegetables for dinner晚饭吃鱼和蔬菜

13. feel hungry感到饿

14. eat an apple or a pear between meals饭间吃一个苹果或一个梨

15. seldom eat cakes or sweets很少吃蛋糕和糖果

16. have too much sugar有太多的糖份

17. keep fit保持健康

milk and bread for breakfast for breakfast早餐吃面包喝牛奶

to do sth.计划去做某事

packet of salt一包盐

bags of rice两袋大米

kilos of meat四千克肉

bottles of juice六瓶果汁

than 3 times a week少于一周三次

than 9 hours多于9小时

a walk散步

more healthy food吃更多的健康食品



me energy给我能量

past ten十点半


to do需要去做


piece of paper一张纸

right 好吧行


at/ take a look at/ have a look at 看看……

the day well 很好地开始一天

whole afternoon整个下午

about you 你怎么样What about doing sth.做某事怎么样

my lifestyle改变我的生活方式

Unit 7 Shopping

1.carry all the bags拎所有的包

2. a sports shop 一个体育用品店


4.buy sb. sth= buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物

5.be interested in对……感兴趣

6.just a minute稍待片刻

7.how much多少钱

8.go well with= match与……匹配

9.try it/ them on试穿它/它们

10.a gift shop一个礼品店

11.You’re welcome=T hat’s all right. = That’s Ok.不用谢


13.be different from与……不同

14.a pair of shoes一双鞋

15.bus stop公共汽车站

16.down the street=along the street沿街

https://www.360docs.net/doc/279432438.html,e with me跟我来

https://www.360docs.net/doc/279432438.html,st year去年

19.different kinds of不同种类的

20.Here is= Here’s your change.给你零钱


22.Can I help you = What can I do for you 我能帮你吗

23.How much is it/ How much are they =How much does it cost/ How much do they cost多少

24.most of the children大部分孩子



27.walk a long way to school走远路去上学

28.in poor areas在贫穷地区

29.What is your size你多大号/


31.five floors of shops五层的商店

32.top floor顶楼

33.watch films看电影

34.on the ground floor在底楼

35.on the first floor在二层

36.a good place to meet friends and have fun会朋友和找乐趣的好地方

37.how to help poor children in poor areas怎样帮助贫穷地方的孩子

38.Christmas is coming.圣诞节快到了


40.That’s a good idea.那是个好主意

41.enough time /enough money足够的时间/ 钱

42.old enough / beautiful enough足够大/ 足够漂亮

43.two yuan each每个两元

44.It costs / They cost somebody + 钱。它/ 它们多少钱

45.It takes sb + some time + to do sth.它花某人时间去做某事。

Unit 8 Fashion

1.think about 考虑


3.spend (时间/ 钱)doing sth/ on sth 花时间/钱做某事

4.ten more minutes=another ten minutes 再多十分钟

5.in bed 在床上

6. a fashion show 一场时装表演

7.put on your clothes 穿上你的衣服

8.wear clothes 穿着衣服

9.dress sb/ oneself给某人穿衣服/ 给某人自己穿衣服

10.sports clothes运动服


12.be made of 由……制成(看得出原材料)be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料)

13.write to 给……写信

14.wait for…等候……

15.look for寻找

16.have to do不得不做/ 必须做

17.both of them 他们两人

18.a yellow cotton blouse一件黄色的棉衬衣

19.lie on the bed 躺在床上

20.go for sth 去参加(某项活动或运动)

21.dark blue深蓝色

22.be popular among young people在年轻人当中受欢迎

23.go well with=match与……相配

24.feel soft and smooth感觉柔软而平滑

25.be fit for a long walk 适合长时间走路

26.sth looks good on sb某物穿在某人身上好看

27.look great in white 穿白的好看

28.play with 和……玩耍

29.in the kitchen 在厨房里

30.write a letter to her friend about the fashion show写信给她的朋友谈时装表演

31.school bus 校车

32.my dancing shoes 我的舞鞋

33.most young people 大多数年轻人

34.That’s all for today’s show.今天的表演到此结束。

35.Thanks for coming. 感谢光临。

36.different styles of clothes不同风格的服装

37.what size 多大尺码

38.too large for me 对我来说太大了


牛津译林版七年级上册牛津英语词组 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

U n i t O n e T h i s i s m e! 1.What’syourname 2.Thisis… 3.aninstructionbook 4.lookafter 5.makefriendswith 6.introduceoneselftoeachother 7.aprofileofoneself 8.welcometo+n. 9.atBeijingSunshineSecondarySchool 10.Goodmorning(afternoon,evening,night)! 11.12yearsold=12-year-old 12.livein(aflat) 13.becleverat(begoodat=dowellin) 14.intheschoolbasketballteam 15.intheReadingClub 16.callsb.+name https://www.360docs.net/doc/279432438.html,efrom=befrom 18.bebornin(on) 19.atschool(comparewith:attheschool) 20.havehairinaponytail(havehairinbunches)21.likedoingsth.(lovedoing sth,enjoydoingsth.) 22.listento(music,teacher) 23.lookat 24.workhard(comparewith:ha rdwork) 25.wearglasses 26.playcomputergames 27.wanttodosth. 28.makenotesabout 29.knoweachother 30.theClass1,Grade7student s=thestudentsinClass1,Grade 7 31.helpsb.dosth. 32.It’stimeforsth.=It’st imetodosth. 33.PEclass 34.footballboots 35.tennisracket 36.footballfield


Unit one 短语归纳: look after \ take care of 照顾on the first day 在第一天 Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班 play football 踢足球after school 放学后 be\come from 来自 be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kite s 放风筝 go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜 at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程 talk about 谈论 over there 那里 a lot of hobbies 许多爱好 用法集萃: love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形让我们 I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点欢迎来到 This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做 in Class…Grade…在几年级几班 live with…in…和谁住在哪里 I’m …year old. 我几岁了。 I have…hair.我留着……头发典句背诵 What’s your name?你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 I love reading. 我喜欢阅读 Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。 I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。 She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。 He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。 He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。 Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。 They are all very nice.他们都很好。 I am good at dancing. 我擅长于跳舞。 语法:连系动词be 的一般现在时 动词be 的三变化 am is are. 我(I)用am ,你(you)用are ,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词都用are 句型结构: 1、肯定句:主语+am\is\are … It is a football. 2、否定句:主语+am\is\are+not… It is not a football. 3、一般疑问句:Am\Is\Are+主语+其他? Is it a football? 回答 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 4、特殊疑问句:疑问句+am/is/are +主语+其他? What’s your name? 用be 动词的适当形式填空 1、She ________ my cousin. Her name _______ Li Jie. 2、Tom and I ________ good friends 3、What _____ this in English? It ______ a book


第一章 诵读 我的梦想 在我的梦中,有一个地方没有战争 没有更多的枪,没有更多的痛苦,没有更多的伤害这是一个充满快乐而没有悲伤的世界人们载歌载舞,洋溢着幸福 带我去我的梦想 爱就是一切 哪里没有战争 然后孩子们唱歌 爱无处不在 这是唯一的事 梦想一定会实现 在我的梦中有一个干净的地方 没有更多的废物在空气和海洋 所以这个地方会很干净,很健康 你可以在天堂生活 带我去我的梦想 爱就是一切 哪里没有战争

然后孩子们唱歌爱无处不在 这是唯一的事梦想一定会实现 但我知道这只是一个梦它会改变我们的生活吗? 希望有一天它会好转进入我梦想的地方 带我去这个梦 爱就是一切 哪里没有战争 然后孩子们唱歌 爱无处不在 这是唯一的事 梦想一定会实现 阅读1 待售的房子今 天的房产 £195000 / 家 剑桥(剑桥) 这座漂亮的房子离剑桥5 英里。它在河边。有一个停车位,两层楼之间有楼梯 楼上楼下 厨房3 个卧室 餐厅卫生间 休息室 衣帽间

在走廊里,有通往楼下房间的门和通往一楼的楼梯。休息室在房子的前面。餐厅在房子的后面。它有通往后花园的门。厨房在餐厅旁边。衣帽间在楼梯下面。 楼梯顶上是第三间卧室。这是适合研究的尺寸。第二间卧室就在这个隔壁。第一间卧室在房子的前面。它俯瞰着河流。浴室在第一间和第二间卧室之间。 阅读2 一位新笔友 你好, 凯拉, 我的名字叫莎拉。我12 岁了。我是家里的老二。我有两个兄弟。一个比我大,另一个比我小。我也有一个同父异母的妹妹。我们和我妈妈还有她丈夫住在一起。我家有六个人。我和我同父异母的妹妹同住一间卧室,她今年八岁。 请告诉我你的家庭情况。你也有兄弟姐妹吗? 莎拉 你好, 萨拉, 谢谢你的来信。很高兴听到你的家人。我的家庭很小。我有一个兄弟。他比我大,所以我也是第二个孩子! 我们和我爸爸住在一起。我有自己的卧室,但我是家里唯一的女孩。有个妹妹好吗? 凯拉


Unit One This is me! 1.What’s your name? 2.This is… 3.an instruction book 4.look after 5.make friends with 6.introduce oneself to each other 7.a profile of oneself 8.welcome to + n. 9.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School 10.Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)! 11.12 years old=12-year-old 12.live in (a flat) 13.be clever at (be good at = do well in) 14.in the school basketball team 15.in the Reading Club 16.call sb. + name https://www.360docs.net/doc/279432438.html,e from = be from 18.be born in (on) 19.at school (compare with: at the school) 20.have hair in a ponytail (have hair in bunches) 21.like doing sth. (love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.) 22.listen to (music, teacher) 23.look at 24.work hard (compare with: hard work) 25.wear glasses 26.play computer games 27.want to do sth. 28.make notes about 29.know each other 30.the Class 1, Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 7 31.help sb. do sth. 32.It’s time for sth. =It’s time to do sth. 33.PE class 34.football boots 35.tennis racket 36.football field 37.tennis court 38.swimming pool 39.play…with sb. 40.talk to sb. 41.at lunchtime 42.take sb. for a walk 43.after school 你叫什么名字? 这是……(用于介绍人或物) 一本说明书 照料,保管 与……交朋友 相互间进行自我介绍 一份某人自己的档案 欢迎到……来 在北京阳光中学 早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁 住在(公寓里) 在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)在校篮球队 在阅读俱乐部 称某人为…… 来自……,……地方人 出生于…… 在校学习班(在学校里) 将头发扎成马尾辫(扎辫子) 喜欢做某事 听(音乐,老师讲课) 看…… 努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作) 戴眼镜 玩电脑游戏 想要做某事 做有关……的记录 相互了解 七年级一班的学生 帮助某人做某事 是该做某事的时候了。 体育课 足球鞋 网球拍 足球场 网球场 游泳池 和某人一起玩…… 和某人交谈 在午餐时间 带某人去散步 放学后


初一英语下册Unit1单元测试卷 一、单项选择(15分) ( )1. In the south of China, some people build their houses ________ the rivers. A. under B. in C. over D. below ( )2. Jim’s mother was ill ________ for three days. A. on the bed B. in bed C. in the bed D. on bed ( )3. —Hello, this is Jim speaking. Is that Sam? —Sorry, he isn’t here now. ________? A. Can I take a message B. What are you saying to Sam C. May I speak to Sam D. Who’s that speaking ( )4. There is a beautiful park near my home. I always have fun ________ my dog there. A. at B. with C. on D. for ( )5. There are ________ books on the desk and the ________ book is an English book. A. five; five B. fifth; fifth C. five; fifth D. fifth; five ( )6. This is Lily and Lucy’s bedroom. Lily ________ the bedroom with Lucy. A. shares B. takes C. lives D. sits ( )7. It’s good for your eyes to ________ the green trees for a minute or two. A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at ( )8. ________ farmers had to work all day to make a living in China in the past. A. Any B. A C. Much D. Most ( )9. —How do you say 300,153,009? —________. A. Three hundred million, one hundred and fifty-three thousand and nine B. Three hundred millions, one hundred and fifty-three thousand and nine C. Three hundred millions, one hundred and fifty-three thousands and nine D. Three hundred million, one hundred fifty-three thousand nine ( )10. Which is not right? Jim sits ________ Jack. A. next to B. behind C. between D. in front of ( )11. —________? —This is Jim speaking. A. Are you Jim B. Who are you C. What’s your name D. Who is that ( )12. The weather in Australia is different from ________. A. in China B. China C. that D. that in China ( )13. Every spring people in China grow ________ trees to make our country greener and more beautiful. A. ten millions B. ten millions of C. millions of D. million of ( )14. Sorry, my mother isn’t in. I’ll ask him ________ you back. A. to call B. call C. calling D. calls ( )15. —Would you like to go out to play football with me? —________, but I should finish my homework first. A. Yes, I do B. I like C. Of course not D. I’d love to 二、完形填空(10分) Hello, my name is Lucy. I come from England. I live in a very big house ___1____ my parents. There is a small ____2___ in front of my house. I grow a lot of beautiful flowers in it. Now let me ____3___ you about my house. This is the sitting room. There is a photo of my ____4___ on the wall. We all look happy in it. We have a big sofa. I like sitting on it to watch TV. There are two bedrooms. One is for my parents and ___5____ is for my sister and me. Our bedroom is not very big, ___6____ it is very comfortable. There is a toy cat on my bed. She is my best friend. I like the ____7___ very much because my parents ____8___ cook delicious food for us in it. We can enjoy the nice food every day. The bathroom is ___9____ my parents’ bedroom and ours. I ___10____ a bath in it every


译林版七年级英语上册单词表全(音标、翻译) 第一课单词 e-dog ['i:d ??] n.电子狗master ['m a :st?] n.主人year [j?:, ji?] n.年、岁grade [greid] n.年级readi ng ['ri:di?] n. 阅读club [kl ?b] n.俱乐部、兴趣小组after [' a :ft?] conj.在…以后slim [slim] adj.苗条的,细长的Iong [l ??] adj.长的music ['mju:zik] n.音乐hard [h a :d] adv.努力地adj.硬的困难的short [ ??t] adj.短的,矮的swimmi ng ['swimi?] n. 游泳 wear [wxy] v.穿、戴glasses ['gla:siz] n. 眼镜enjoy [in'd ??i]v.享受,喜欢polite [p ?'lait]adj.有礼貌的 helpful ['helpful]adj.有帮助的,有益的hobby ['h ?bi] n.业余爱好badminton ['b? dmint?n] n.羽毛球volleyball ['v ?lib?:l]n.排球court [k ?:t] n.球场 football field [ 5futbC:l-fi:ld]n 足球场swimming pool ['swimi? -pu:l]n 游泳池swim [swim] 游泳 eat [i:t] v.吃 fish [fi ? n.鱼 maths [m? 0 s] n.数学 walk [w ?:k] n.散步,步行v.带…散步fly [flai] n.飞行v.飞翔,放飞lunchtime ['l ?nt?aim] n.午餐时间every ['evri] adj.每个的 day [dei] n.白天 walking ['w ?:ki?] v.散步、步行drawing ['dr ?:i?] n.绘图,图画always [' ?:lweiz] adv. 总是weeke nd [wi:k'e nd, 'wi:ke nd]n. 周末usually ['ju: ???li] adv.通常 run [r ?n] n.奔跑,路程v.跑, hour ['au ?] n.小时


第二学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷 一.单项选择。(20分) ()1. There’s _______ orange coat in the room, and ______coat is Li Hong’s. A. a, an B. a, the C. an, the D. the, the ()2. There __________ in the fridge. A. is two cartons of milk B. are two cartons of milks C. are two cartons of milk D. is two cartons of milks ()3. Kitty wants ______ a dancer. So she can’t eat ______ sugar. A. to be; too many B. is; too much C. to be; too much D. to be; much too ()4. —Would you like some bread?—__________. I’m a little hungry. A. Yes, please B. Yes, I would C. No, thanks D. No, I don’t like to ()5. —___________ do you sleep every day? —More than 8 hours. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many ()6. I like this pair of football boots. Could I __________ please? A. try on it B. try it on C. try on them D. try them on ()7. Where ________ does Millie want to visit? A. else B. other C. others D. another ()8.They will arrive Beijing April 20th. A. in , in B. at , at C. in , on D. at , on ()9.Would you like ______ some coffee? A.have B.to have C.having D.had ()10、I don’t like this shirt. Would you please show me _____? A. oth er B. the other C. the others D. another ()11、— I will have a trip to Beijing. — __________. A. It’s a pleasure B. Good, thank you C. Enjoy yourself D. Oh, I m glad to hear that ()12、There is _____ “h” and _____ “u” in the word “house”. A. a…a B. an…a C. an…an D. a…an ( ) 13. How do we say the number ‘1,483’? A. One, four hundred and eighty-three. B. One thousand, four hundred and eighty-three. C. One thousand and four hundred eighty-three. D. One thousand and four hundred and eighty-three. ()14. I want to live in a big house _______ a beautiful garden. A. have B. has C. and D. with ( ) 15.There is going to ______ a football match tomorrow evening. A. have B. be C. take D. make ( )16.She would like ________ . A. two bottles of milk B. two bottles of milks C. two bottle of milk D. two bottle of milks ( )17.Everyone ____ to know how ________ to the shopping mall ? A. wants, get B. wants, to get C. want, getting D. wants ,to getting ( )18.______ Greens are on ______ visit to a beautiful city in China.


牛津译林版七年级上册词组默写整理版7A-14 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

7A U1-4必背词组句型 Unit 1 1.照顾: look after=take care of 2.早上好:good morning 3.下午好:good afternoon 4.晚上好:good evening. 5.晚安:good night 6.一个新学生:a new student 7.欢迎来到七年级一班:welcome to Class 1,Grade 7 8.在阳光中学:at Sunshine Middle School. 9.喜爱阅读: love reading 10.让我们做某事:let's do sth 11.会见我的新同学们: meet my classmates 12.踢足球:play football 13:放学后: after school 14.在那边: over there 15:她的头发是长的(两句):(1)Her hair is long. (2)She has long hair 16:他来自南京:(1)He comes from Nanjing. (2)He is from Nanjing. 17.他擅长数学:(1) He is good at Maths. (2) He does well in Maths. 18.很高兴见到你(两句):(1) Glad to meet you. (2) Nice to meet you. 19:在八年级:in Grade 8 20:听音乐:listen to music 21.放风筝:fly kites 22.喜欢玩游戏:like playing games 23.回家迟: go home late 24:来自南京:come from Nanjing. 25.和我家人住在北京: live with my family in Beijing. 26:戴眼镜:wear glasses 27.所有的功课:all the lessons 28.在学校:at school Unit 2 29.走向我的碗: walk to my bowl=go to my bowl on foot 30.一天许多次:many times a day 31:喜欢做某事: love /like/enjoy doing sth 32.你最喜欢的运动是什么(两句): (1) What's your favourite sport (2)What sport do you like best 33.放学后踢足球: play football after school 34.去游泳/跑步/购物:go swimming/running/shopping 35.李华是我最喜欢的足球明星:Li Hua is my favourite football star. 36.他是黄河足球俱乐部的一名新成员(两句): (1) He is a member of Huanghe Football Club. (2) He is in Huanghe Football Club. 37.看起来强壮: look strong 38.足球踢的很好:play football very well 页 1 第 39.在他的空闲时间:in his free time 40.喜欢听音乐:enjoy listening to music 41.让他开心: make him happy 42.想要做某事:want to do sth 43.想要某人做某事: want sb to do sth 44.在下一届世界杯中:in the next World Cup. 45.我希望他的梦想可以成真:I hope his dream comes true. 46.他看起来怎么样:How does he look


2014-2015 7A 期末运用 1. Renmin Park is a_______ (真正地) fun place to go to. 2. There's a small river in _______ (在??的前面)of my house. 3.I play basketball after school on_______ (星期三). 4.This computer is too e_______. I want to buy a cheaper one. 5.Sandy often goes s_______ with her mother on Sunday. 6.We are___________(有把握) our football team is the best of all. 7.Thank you for___________ (祝) Teachers' Day with us. 8.There are many different kinds of______________ (收音机) in the supermarket. 9.Hurry up! Your sister is_______ (等候) for you now. 10.That scarf is___________ (制成) of silk. It feels soft and smooth. 11.If you see something___________ (特的), you should tell me at once. 12._______(收集) stamps is one of my father's hobbies. 13.-What_______ (尺) are your feet? - Sorry, I don't know. 14. It's our duty to help children in poor___________(地区)go to school. 15.-Is Mary your classmate? You often play with her. -No. We are in_______classes. But we live in the same street. 16. We do morning exercises every day to keep h_________. 17. I can’ t find my(钱包 ) . Maybe I leave it at home. 18.I like _________ (聊天 ) with friends at lunchtime. 19.There are all kinds of _________ 围(巾 ) in the supermarket. 20.The ________ [h?ul] family will have a big dinner at home on that day. 21.Kitty always _______( 花 )an hour doing sports every day. 22._______( 尚 ) is a very popular magazine in America. 23. — Whose _______( 女式衫 ) are these? — They ’ re Sandy’ s. 24.I ’ m hungry. I want to eat two more ________ (堡 ). 25.I want to have a different but interesting __________ (生活方式) . 26.Girls like ____________ (零食) better than boys. 27.Today is her birthday, so we are going to_____________( 祝 ) for her. 28. Children love to play games in class ____________ (因) it ’ s great fun. 29.— You still don’n tyourclea bedroom now. You are so __________. — Sorry, Mum. But I’ m very busy with my tests these days. 30. — Could you _____ me your camera? I’ d like to travel to Hong Kong. — Sorry, but you can borrow one from Amy. 31.Here is a birthday ____________ /'preznt/ for you. 32.In the morning I don’ t have/ I 'n?f/ time to have breakfast at home. 33.The fish ____________ ( 品起来 ) very nice. I like it very much. 34.In winter people cover their faces with their___________ ( 巾 ). 35.My father likes ___________ ( 收集 ) stamps very much. What about your father? 36.There are p___________ of books in our school library.


U n i t O n e T h i s i s m e! 1.What’syourname 2.Thisis… 3.aninstructionbook 4.lookafter 5.makefriendswith 6.introduceoneselftoeachother 7.aprofileofoneself 8.welcometo+n. 9.atBeijingSunshineSecondarySchool 10.Goodmorning(afternoon,evening,night)! 11.12yearsold=12-year-old 12.livein(aflat) 13.becleverat(begoodat=dowellin) 14.intheschoolbasketballteam 15.intheReadingClub 16.callsb.+name https://www.360docs.net/doc/279432438.html,efrom=befrom 18.bebornin(on) 19.atschool(comparewith:attheschool) 20.havehairinaponytail(havehairinbunches) 21.likedoingsth.(lovedoingsth,enjoydoingst h.)22.listento(music,teacher ) 23.lookat 24.workhard(comparewith:h ardwork) 25.wearglasses 26.playcomputergames 27.wanttodosth. 28.makenotesabout 29.knoweachother 30.theClass1,Grade7studen ts=thestudentsinClass1,Grad e7 31.helpsb.dosth. 32.It’stimeforsth.=It’s timetodosth. 33.PEclass 34.footballboots 35.tennisracket 36.footballfield 37.tenniscourt 38.swimmingpool


1、皇宫、宫殿 2、紧邻,在···近旁 3、镇,城镇 4、加拿大 5、法国 6、日本 7、俄罗斯 8、英国 9、伦敦 10、国家 11、首都 12、英里 13、花园,果园 14、公寓,套房 15、<英>中心 <美>中心 16、起居室,客厅 17、合用;分享 18、与某人合用/分享某物 19、卧室 20、自己的 21、浴室,盥洗室 22、阳台 23、海滩 24、海 25、餐厅 26、零 27、百 28、千 29、百万 30、英尺31、平方的 32、<英>米,公尺 <美> 33、面积 34、超过 35、叉,餐叉 36、冰箱 37、刀 刀(复数) 38、灯,台灯 39、淋浴器;淋浴 40、沙发 41、录像;视频 42、满是 43、属于某人自己的 44、将来有一天,总有一天 45、可以;也许,可能 46、消息,音信 47、传个话,捎个口信 48、回电话 49、双的;两倍的 50、书房 51、机器 52、洗衣机 53、在···脚下 54、地,田 55、足球场 56、家庭影院 57、邀请 58、停留,逗留

1、<英>邻居 <美> 2、哇,呀 3、将,将会 4、访问者,参观者 5、像,类似;···怎么样 6、(餐馆等的)服务员 7、<英>街区,居民区 <美> 8、愿意帮忙的;有用的 9、志愿者,义务工作者 10、社区 11、技能,技巧 12、帮助某人解决某种困难 13、问题,难题 14、某事,某物 15、工程师;技师 16、检查;核实 17、损坏了的;破碎的 18、某人 19、修理 20、任何人 21、学院 22、买东西 23、幸运的 24、将,将会 25、后天 26、火 27、生火28、经理 29、办公室 30、办公室职员,上班族 31、警察 32、邮递员 33、公司 34、局,所,站 35、警察局 36、邮政 37、邮局 38、人 39、工作 40、年纪较长的 41、乘火车/公交车/轮船/自行车 42、将来 43、艺术家,(尤指)画家 44、听起来 45、生病的;恶心的 46、布告,通知 47、信息 48、下面 49、(/ 的比较级)较好,更好 50、任何事 51、为···担心 52、设计,构思 53、组,群


译林版英语七年级译林版英语上册期末复习知识点大全 Ⅱ. Multiple choice 1.—What cold weather! —Yes. But it’s unusual experience for us who always live in a hot city. A. an; an B. /; a C. /; an D. a; a 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:——多冷的天气啊!——是啊,但是这对于我们这些一直生活在炎热的城市的人来说是一次不寻常的经历。 考查感叹句和冠词。an不定冠词;a不定冠词;/零冠词。weather为不可数名词,what引导的感叹句结构为:what+adj.+不可数名词,所以第一空不用冠词;experience意为“经历”时为可数名词,此处表示泛指的“一次”,应该用不定冠词,根据第二空横线后unusual为元音音素发音开头,可知用an,故选C。 【点睛】不定冠词a/an都可以表示泛指的“一,一个”,两者之间的区别在于:a用于辅音音素发音开头的单词前,an用于元音音素发音开头的单词前。 2.They believe they can still do the work better than last time even if they have money and people. A. little; few B. less; few C. little; fewer D. less; fewer 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:他们相信即使他们的钱少了,人少了,他们仍然能比上次做得更好。 考查不定代词。little少,修饰不可数名词;few少,修饰可数名词;less为little的比较级,fewer为few的比较级。根据前文的than,可知要用比较级;根据money不可数,people为复数概念,故选D。 【点睛】little意为“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词,是否定概念;few意为“几乎没有”,修饰可数名词,是否定概念;a little意为“少许”,修饰不可数名词,是肯定概念;a few意为“少许”,修饰可数名词,是肯定概念。 3.The business has been very good since I a bookstore last year. Now it every day from 8a.m. to 8p.m. A. opened; opens B. opened; is open C. was open; is open D. was open; opens 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:自从我去年开了一个书店,生意一直挺好。现在它每天从早晨8点开到晚上8点。 考查动词时态。第一空作since引导的时间状语从句的谓语,根据时间状语last year,可知用一般过去时,


Unti1 This is me! Welcome to the unit 1. look after照顾 2. good morning/afternoon/evening/good night早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安 3. nice to meet you/ glad to meet you很高兴见到你 4.my master 我的主人 Reading 5. have short/long hair留着短/长发 】 6. love reading喜欢阅读love/like/enjoy doing sth 7. tall and slim个子高且苗条 8. after school放学后 9. be from=come from来自 10. be good at/do well in doing sth.擅长做… 11. 12 years old 十二岁an eight—year—old girl 一个8岁的女孩 12.L et’s meet my new classmate s. 来见见我的新同学。 13. love(doing )sports 热爱(做)运动 ; Grammar and task 14. glad to meet you 见到你很高兴 15. live with my family in…和我家人一起住在…… 16. wear glasses戴眼镜Wearing glasses makes me look cool. 戴眼镜使我看起来酷。 17. like all the lessons喜欢所有科目 18. over there在那儿over 越过,超过,在…正上方,结束 19. in Grade 7在七年级/ in Class Six Grade Seven 在七年级六班 20. listen to music听音乐 ^ 21. our Chinese teacher 我们的语文老师teach us English教我们英语 22. I see. 我明白了。
