






(1). 精读所给语言材料,理清文章脉络,明确作者的写作思路,理解文章大意。

(2). 寻求前文与续写段段首句之间的内在联系,站在作者的角度,设计并发展情节,前后时态保持一致,想象要合理,情节要连贯,并且注意前后文的续写要保持一致。

(3). 后续情节一般为故事的高潮,是原作者声音的延续,因此要尽量符合原文的思路。(4).续写内容要积极健康向上,展现事物美好的一面。

(5). 平时多积累英语常用句型和地道表达,不要自己生硬的造句。以精悍短小的句子为主,长短句结合使用。短句多使用非谓语动词,介词短语和省略。长句多使用强调句型,定语从句等。


(1)在语言技巧上,对话除了用say,ask 引出外,还可用以下词语。请具体语境如下

①“Why don’t you want to accept this wonderful opportunity? ”asked the boss on the phone.

②“Shall we leave now?” he whispered to us and we left the room quietly.

③“Help! Help! I can’t swim,” screamed the frightened boy.

④“Please don’t hurt my cat,” begged Sarah as her brother picked it up by one leg.

⑤“ I’d like to live in a castle of my own too,” agreed the young prince.

⑥“ Yes. I bought a car and a new flat this winter,” my father replied.

⑦“ Are you coming with us?” shouted Li Ming to her friends on the other side of the room.

⑧“ I didn’t like that meal at all,” complained the customer.

⑨“ Perhaps you would like to go this way?” s uggested the man shyly.

(2) 适当使用with/without这个介词。

①The potential house buyer came with confidence.

②The man answered without hesitation.

③With the lights on, the elderly woman left the room.

④With a book in his arm, he left the room.

⑤With so much work to do, she will have a hard time.

⑥With so much work done, she felt relaxed.

(3) 适当使用非谓语动词。

①We thanked the elderly couple and felt a sense of warmth, deeply moved.

②The owner smiled, saying, “ Tell me why you need this house.”

③“May I ask why?” I asked, surprised.


①He gave her the child to hold. Lovingly, she kissed the baby on its forehead with her cold white lips, then stared wildly around the room, fell back—and died.

②His mother was sleeping when he woke up. Joyfully, he slid out of the room.


①We had no idea where we were and it got dark.Exhausted and hungry, I wondered if we could find our way back.

②Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Afraid that I might hurt the lovely creature, I automatically let out a cry to stop my horse.

(6) 使用强调句型

It is not mony but love that matters.


I want to give it to those who can fill it with love instead of money.

3. 名著欣赏

①. Filled with anxiety, Oliver ran as fast as he could along the country roads and across the fields until, hot and exhausted, he reached the town。奥列弗忧心忡忡,尽可能快地跑过一条条乡间道路和一片片田地,等赶到了镇子上,他已是又累又饿了。

——《雾都孤儿》[英]查尔斯?狄更斯②. Oliver, his eyes wide with horror and alarm, watched as the Dodger put his hand in the old gentleman’s pocket, took out a handkerchief, and handed it to Charles Bates. 奥列弗睁大了一双恐惧和惊慌的眼睛,看着神偷将手伸进了老先生的兜里,抽出了一条丝手帕,递给了查理?贝茨。

——《雾都孤儿》[英]查尔斯?狄更斯③. Luckily, she doesn’t care! She wouldn’t want to please him! Such a horrible, proud man! I simply hate him!还好,她并不在意!她是不会想去取悦他的!多么可憎,多么自大呀!我实在不喜欢他!


④. Whenever they met, he did not speak to her, but stood near her, listening to her and watching her closely, conscious of a wish to know her better. 无论何时,他们俩见面时,达西都不和伊丽莎白说话,而是站在她近旁,听她说话,仔细地观察她,心里意识到想更多地了解她。


⑤.Shifting the weight of the line to his left shoulder and kneeling carefully,he washed his hand in the ocean and held it there, submerged, for more than a minute watching the blood trail away and the steady movement of the water against his hand as the boat moved. 他把钓线的重压移到左肩上,小心地跪好,在海水里洗起手来。他将手伸到海水里,泡了有一分多钟,血液从水中扩散开来,随着船的移动,海水稳稳地拍打在他手臂上。

——《老人与海》[美] 厄内斯特?海明威⑥. Never questioning for a moment that the house was now empty, I looked in at another window, and found myself, to my great surprise, exchanging a broad stare with a pale young gentleman with red eyelids and light hair. 我从来没有怀疑过这个房子现在是空的,于是透过另一个窗户朝里望去,惊讶地发现我正与一位年轻的有着红红眼睑和浅色头发的绅士四目相对,彼此撞了个正着。



2021高考英语读后续写素材积累(一)一:语料积累 1.Stanley weighed three times as much as the other boy. (人物,肖像描写) 2.Once he started a project he would work on it for years, often going days without sleep. (人物性格) 3. Elya blushed(红脸) when Myra entered the room. (人物,神态描写) 4. His clothes were soaked(被…浸湿的) with sweat. (人物描写) 5. He felt like he was digging his own grave. (心理描写,修辞) 6.Even the people looked broken, with their worn-out(疲惫不堪) bodies sprawled(四肢摊开懒散地坐或躺) over the various chairs and sofas. (环境描写,人物描写) 7. Every muscle and joint in his body ached as he tried to get out of bed. (病痛,人物描写) 8. Now he had such a huge smile it almost seemed too big for his face, like the smile on a jack-o'-lantern. (笑容,人物描写) 9. Zero's mouth was shut tight. As he glared at(怒视) Mr. Pendanski, his dark eyes seemed to expand. (生气,人物描写) 10. If he jerked(猛的一动) too quickly, he felt a throbbing(阵阵的疼痛) pain just above his neck where Zigzag's shovel had hit him. (疼痛,人物描写) 11.A big smile spread across Zero's face. (人物描写) 12. Zero's face looked like a jack-o'-lantern that had been left out too many days past Halloween— half rotten, with sunken eyes and a drooping(颓丧) smile. (人物描写) 13. Zero sat as still as a statue. (人物描写) 14. His legs were sore from remaining rigid for so long. (人物描写) 15. He had dark circles under her eyes from Jack of sleep(因缺乏睡眠). (人物描写) 16. Stanley was overcome by a rush of dizziness and almost fell over. (人物描写) 17. Stanley felt his ears redden. (人物描写) 18.A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. (人物,动作描写) 19.Stanley could see some kids dressed in orange and carrying shovels dragging themselves toward the tents. (人物,着装与动作描写) 20. Theodore whirled(急转) and grabbed Stanley by his collar. (冲突,动作描写)


一、读后续写(25分) A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village. On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there “About seven last evening.” “Did you see who killed the man” “No, sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet” “No, sir.” The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and sent him into prison. the officer wanted to trap the farmer into the confession(供认), but the fa rmer didn’t admit he was the murderer. 注意: 1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为二段,每段的开头语已经为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The officer was so angry that he asked the policeman to beat him up again. The farmer was lucky. A few days later,


读后续写细节描写素材二:心理描写 开心 My heart is full of joy. 我的心里乐开了花。 My heart is as sweet as honey. 我心里像喝了蜜一样,甜滋滋的。 The surface of the calm lake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.平静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。 I couldn’t restrain my joy and jumped into the house.我抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。 We were very pleased to hear this encouraging news. 听到这个令人鼓舞的消息,我们十分高兴。 He was delighted to receive such impressive recognition for his achievements.他的成就获得大家的认可,他很开心。 悲伤 be in tears 含泪 have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水 burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来 fight back tears 抑制住泪水 be close to tears 快要哭了 He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. 他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。

I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness. 我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。 Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears. 她的手在颤抖。她快要哭了。 It was a time of great sorrow. 这是一个非常悲伤的时刻。 Words cannot express my sorrow. 言语无法表达我的哀伤。 As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes. 他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。 Their reunion after a long separation brought mixed feelings of joy and sorrow to them both. 两人久别重逢,悲喜交加。 This article brought back sad memories for me. 这篇文章使我想起了伤心的往事。Separation from his friends made him sad. 与朋友们分离使他伤心。 愤怒 fly off the handle 勃然大怒 lose one’s temper 发脾气 His anger has cooled. 他的怒气平息了。


高考读后续写训练1. Name________________ It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit (追寻) of the dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him. Over the phone, his mother told him, “Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral(葬礼)is Wednesday.” Memories flashed(闪现)through his mind like an old newsreel (新闻短片) as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. “Jack, did you hear me?” “Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It’s been so long since I thought of him. I’m sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago,” Jack said. “Well, he didn’t forget you. Every time I saw him he’d ask how you were doing. He’d reminisce (回忆) about the many days you spent over ‘his side of the fence’ as he put it, ” Mom told him. “I loved that old house he lived in,” Jack said. “You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man’s influence (影响) in your life,” she said. “He’s the one who taught me carpentry. I wouldn’t be in this business if it weren’t for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things that he thought were important. Mom, I’ll be there for the funeral.” Jack said. Busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown. Mr. Belser’s funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away. The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time, which was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture … Jack stopped suddenly. “What’s wrong, Jack?” his Mom asked. “The box is gone,” he said. “What box?” Mom ask ed. “There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he’d ever tell me was ‘the thing I value most’,” Jack said. It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it. “Now I’ll never know what was so valuable to him,” Jack said sadly. 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。


文档 专业资料续写积累 姓名:______________ 班级:_______________ 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描 写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj 要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers ( 娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草)the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun( 落日/冉冉升起的太阳)? Part 2 环境描写的verb (vi&vt )要求 一) .Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain, 一?阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park凉. 爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair.(冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二) .Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音: 1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。 颜色2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface. 水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank. 离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour) 三) .Sky (stand/ appear/turn) 1.The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵云 2.Blue skies stood tall and far蓝蓝的天空高高耸立 1

高考英语作文高分素材训练:8 高考读后续写高分技巧

高考英语作文高分素材训练 8. 高考读后续写高分技巧 (2018·浙江高考) 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West. We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos. His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guest room of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn on my farm, ” he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool. In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn’t going to take


2016.9 浙江高考: One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom. “I'm going to find a better spot for us to camp" and walked away. With no path to follow,Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place. she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snowcapped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom! "she cried. "Help!" No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him. Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling (滴落)somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To her great joy,she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now. Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter. Is that for me? Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文文中标有下划线的关键词语: 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1 But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.


2021新高考英语读后续写素材积累(5)--看的动作描写 1.She stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head. 她摇着头,狐疑地看着他。 2.I saw the deaf kid sitting there just looking at me as the bullies pulled me down from the wall. 当一群恶棍正在把我从墙上扒拉下来时,我看到那个聋哑儿童就坐在那儿并且看着我。 3.When he finished, he raised / lifted his eyes and looked out the window. 说罢,他抬起眼睛并望向窗外。 4.We all gather in front of the television, hoping to catch a glance / glimpse of his face. 我们都聚在电视机前,希望能看一眼他的脸。 5.I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure that no one was following me. 我回头瞟了一眼以确保没有人跟踪我。 6.Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded doorbell. 看到没有人注意到我们,我放下圣诞礼物并且敲了敲门铃。

7.There are two kinds of things in the world that can't be gazed at directly. One is the sun, the other is human nature. 这世上唯有太阳和人心不可直视。 8. The guard had orders to shoot on sight. 士兵接到命令,一看到人就开枪 9.We lost sight of the boat in the fog. 由于大雾我们看不见那条船了。 10.She had spotted a man pacing down the hall. 他看见一个大男人在客厅里踱步。 11.Jalil’s eyes lifted slowly, met Mariam’s, paused for a moment, then dropped. 贾利勒慢慢抬起眼睛,看见了玛利亚的眼睛,停了一会儿,然后垂了下来 12.A big leafy tree came into view at some distance. 远处有一棵枝繁叶茂的大树映入眼帘。 13.She turned her eyes to me when I tapped her shoulder. 当我轻拍她的肩膀时,她把目光转向我。

【新高考】高考英语读后续写: 这些细节描写素材,必须掌握!

高考英语读后续写:这些细节描写素材,必须掌握! 今天和大家分享的是可以运用在读后续写中的细节描写素材,大家赶紧学起来吧! 《考试说明》中评分原则部分规定,读后续写阅卷时按5个档次给分。参考最高档次第五档(21-25分)的描述并考虑写作部分评分的其它因素,可以认为一篇优秀的读后续写具备以下特征: 1. 内容丰富充实,与所给短文融洽连贯; 2. 连接成分应用得当,行文结构紧凑一体,与所提供各段落开头语 的衔接紧密合理; 3. 使用并用下划线标示5个以上短文中标出的关键词语; 4. 词汇丰富高级,语法准确多变(主被动句式、各类从句、特殊句 式、非谓语动词等的使用情况灵活恰当、不拘一格、游刃有余); 5. 词数充分,150词左右。评分细则规定少于130词的,从总分中减 去2分; 6. 拼写准确,英式或美式拼法皆可; 7. 标点合理,使用得当。 读后续写基本是以记叙文为主,而记叙文是以记人叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式来反映丰富多彩的现实生活的一种文体。一般来说,完成一篇完整的记叙文写作,需要选取合适的角度、按照一定的顺序组织素材进行叙述,其中包括六个基本要素:时间、地点、人物,事情的起因、经过和结果,即我们通常所说的五个“W”(what,

who, when, where, why)和一个“H”(how)。除此之外,鲜明的主题和生动的语言,也是一篇优秀的记叙文所不可或缺的。 描写作为记叙文的一种辅助的表达方式对加强文章的表现力发挥着重要的作用,它要求我们善于捕捉细节、刻画细节,有时还可以用上比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法。一篇好的作文往往因为一两处细节描写而出彩。同样地,议论、抒情的表达方式对记叙文主题的展现也发挥着重要的作用。 一、情感心理描写 在写作中,对人物情感的描写常常能使人物的形象显得生动鲜活。人的情感可以分很多种,如喜悦、满意、失望、悲伤、憎恨、愤怒、惊讶、恐惧、赞赏等等。在英语中有很多不同的词和句式来表达这些不同的情感。 喜悦 1. He is very happy and sweet. 他又高兴又甜蜜。 2. They didn’t know what to do with themselves for joy. 他们高兴得不知道怎么办好。 3. He jumped for fun. 他高兴得跳了起来。 4. Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。 More examples: 1. The smile on her face shone like a diamond. 2. His eyes twinkled with pleasure. 3. I was wild with joy. 4. I was pleased beyond description.


读后续写细节描写素材一:身体动作 head He hung / dropped / lowered / bent / bowed his head in shame. 他羞愧地低下了头。 They nodded their heads in agreement. 他们点头同意。 She shook her head in disbelief. 她怀疑地摇摇头。 He scratched his head, not understanding a word. 他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。 scratch [skr?t?] v抓;挠 She buried her head in the pillow. 她用枕头捂住脑袋。 She rested her head on his shoulder. 她将头靠在他的肩膀上。 His head drooped and tears fell into his lap. 他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。 droop [dru:p] vi 低垂,垂落 I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。 He put / held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed. 他双手抱头,十分生气。 It never entered my head that he might be lying. 我从未想过他会是在撒谎。 I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. 我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。 He could feel his head spinning after only one drink. 他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。 spin [spin] v旋转;眩晕 He turned and headed for the door. 他转身朝门口走去。 She stood up and headed towards the exit. 她起身朝出口走去。face A bright smile appeared on / spread across / crossed his face. 他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。 Her face lit up / brightened / glowed when I gave her the present.我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出了光彩。His face suddenly grew serious.他的表情突然严肃起来。 His face looked a little confused.他看起来有点困惑。 Jack’s face flushed / burned with embarrassment.杰克窘得满脸通红。flush [fl??] v发红;脸红 Her face paled with fright.她吓得脸都白了。 He had a slight frown on his face.他的脸上显出有点儿愁眉不展的样子。frown [fra?n] n皱眉 cheek He rested his cheek on her shoulder. 他把面靠在她的肩上。 He felt his cheeks burning with shame. 他因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧。 Her cheeks were wet with tears. 她泪流满面。 Color rushed / flooded / rose to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched. 意识到有人在看她,她顿时涨红了脸。 A tear slid down her cheek. 一滴泪顺着她的脸颊滑落下来。 He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train. 他亲了亲她的脸颊,然后上了火车。 eye His eyes were wide with horror. 他惊恐地瞪大了眼睛。 The dog’s hungry eyes fell on my sandwich. 那条狗饥饿的眼神落在我的三明治上。 He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning. 听到门把转动的声音,他向门那边看去。 Tina shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip. 蒂娜紧闭上双眼,咬了咬嘴唇。 She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully. 她直视父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。

最新 浙江高考英语读后续写

2017 浙江高考英语读后续写 读后续写 ((满分25分)) On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled(骑行)along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday. Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that’s a big dog!” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it was not a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him. Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A b right red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase. Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s te eth would be tearing into his flesh. At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They did not think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now. (17年浙江读后续写) 注意: 1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为二段,每段的开头语已经为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paragraph 2: A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. 7月一个阳光明媚、温暖的下午,小学教师麦克·霍伦(Mac Hollan)和朋友们从家骑自行车去阿拉斯加。他的一个朋友停下来修理自行车,但他们鼓励麦克继续干下去,很快就会赶上他。Mac骑(骑行),他认为天真地他的妻子和两个年幼的女儿在家里。他希望有一天带他们参观这个美丽的地方。 这时,麦克听到身后传来急促而响亮的呼吸声。“伙计,那是一条大狗!””他想。但是当他向旁边一看,他立刻发现那根本不是一条狗,而是一只狼,很快就追上了他。 Mac的心吓了一跳。他找到了他的防熊喷雾罐。他一只手抓着铁栅栏,向狼喷射。一片鲜红的乌云笼罩着它,使麦克感到宽慰的是,它向后倒去,摇着头。但一分钟后,它又回到了他的身边。然后它袭击了麦克的自行车后部,撕开了他的帐篷袋。他又向狼开了一枪,但它又退回去,很快又重新开始追赶。 麦克现在拼命蹬着车。他向过路的汽车挥手叫嚷,但又小心翼翼不减速。他看见前面有一段陡峭的上坡路。他知道一旦他上了山,他就很容易被抓住,狼的牙齿就会撕咬他的肉。这时,保罗和贝基正在开车去阿拉斯加的路上。当他们看到两个骑自行车的人在路边修自行车时,并没有多想。过了一会儿,他们也
