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在蒙大纳,人和家畜的数量之比是1:12, 故而你能找到最好的肉排是一件意料之中的 事。菜谱上不仅吹嘘牛排的大小,而且还着 重强调了它作为红肉的特点——越“血腥” 越好。如果你喜欢吃七分熟的牛排,他们可 能会告诉你“我们这儿不这样做”。
英国的饮食烹饪,有家庭美肴之称。英式菜肴的特点是:油少、清淡, 调味时较少用酒,调味品大都放在餐台上由客人自己选用。烹调讲究鲜 嫩,口味清淡 ,选料注重海鲜及各式蔬菜,菜量要求少而精。英式菜肴
3. Shepherd’s pie 肉馅土豆馅饼
Shepherd’s Pie is originally an English dish, traditionally made with lamb or mutton. Shepherd’s Pie, also known as cottage(农舍式的) pie, is a traditional English dish comprising minced(切碎的) meat covered with mashed potato (土豆泥). The meat is typically lamb(羔羊) or beef left over from a Sunday
2.Fish and chips 炸鱼薯条(被称作英国的国食)
Fish and chips is a take-away food which consists of battered fish and deep-fried chips, sometimes accompanied by mushy peas(糊状的 豌豆) and tartar sauce(一种调味酱). The dish originated in Great Britain in the 19th century, where the fish served is commonly cod (鳕 鱼)or haddock(黑线鳕).源自英国,是将去骨的鱼,切成片后裹上湿面团, 然后油炸制成炸鱼,同时也炸薯条,吃的时候还会配上不同口味的调味酱, 算是种很普遍的街边小吃。在新西兰和澳洲也很受欢迎。在美国,这种炸鱼 薯条也渐渐地普遍起来。几十年来,炸鱼薯条是英国盛行的外带食品之一。
usually eaten with roast beef and gravy
as part of a traditional Sunday lunch. 虽然名字叫约克郡布丁,而且感觉上像是是 用面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋做出来的煎饼,但它其 实不是一道甜点。这道菜通常都和烤牛肉、 调味肉汁一起,作为一道传统的周日午餐。 约克省布丁是略带咸味的英国传统布丁,没 有任何馅,烤好后外面是脆的,里面有一点 软,像糖糕。 蘸汁,是牛肉和约克省布丁的好搭档。
prepared for steak and kidney pie.
6. Cheddar cheese 车打奶酪 Cheddar cheese is a relatively hard, pale yellow to off-white and sometimes sharp-tasting, cheese Originating in the English village of Chedder in Somerset cheeses of this style are produced beyond this region and in several countries around the world.The style is the most popular cheese in the United Kingdom, accounting for 51 percent of the country's £1.9 billion annual cheese market.切达干酪产自英国的西南部,是现时最常见的干酪之一。传统 的切达干酪呈鼓状,重27.5千克,外层包著一层绷带,以确保干酪的外层有良好的硬质 外壳。切达干酪质地平滑,相当硬,干酪肉是金黄色,带有一种轻微的盐味。
roast. The term "shepherd's pie" tends to be used when the meat is lamb. 肉馅土豆馅饼是一道传统英国菜肴,也叫农家馅饼。主要材料是肉丁和土豆泥。通常会 使用周日烤肉剩下的羊牛肉。当肉是羊肉时,通常叫做“sheperd’s pie”(注:sheperd 是牧羊人的意思)
4. Hawaii salad夏威夷沙律 具有夏威夷风情的沙律五颜六色,果 味 浓郁,再加入夏威夷特产的海产 品,圆滚滚的虾仁(shrimps) 、细 腻的鳕鱼(codfish)、热带的各色鲜 果。伴着海风,喝着椰汁,再来一盘 色香味俱全的沙律,蘸蘸酱汁,绝对 是惬意的享受。
5. Montana steak 蒙大纳肉排
4. Trifle 水果松糕
Trifle is a dish made from thick custard(奶油蛋羹), fruit, sponge cake(松糕), fruit juice, and whipped cream(生奶油). These
ingredients are usually arranged in layers(层) with fruit and sponge
肠而成。热狗内的伴菜通常加有芥末、洋葱、腌酸瓜酱、泡菜,番茄(切片或块)、腌 渍辣椒,芹菜籽调味盐,有时也加有黄瓜片。
2. New Orleans’Gumbo新奥尔良的秋葵浓汤
在新奥尔良,秋葵浓汤是那里人的最爱,它实际上是指用海鲜或熏肉做成的浓汤,为 使汤汁更加浓稠,其中加入了秋葵或是roux(一种小麦和脂肪的混合物)。人们会把 做好的浓汤浇在米饭上。这种在路易斯安那州颇受欢迎的食品本来就是一种肉汤,里 面放上海鲜或者熏肉,佐以秋葵或麦粉糊,再浇到米饭上吃。
on the bottom, and custard and
cream on top. Some trifles contain a
small amount of alcohol such as
port or, most commonly, sweet
sherry. 水果松糕是由蛋奶沙司、水果、海绵蛋 糕、果汁和搅打过的奶油特制而成。水 果和海绵蛋糕放在下层,蛋奶沙司和奶 油放在上层。有些水果松糕含有一点点 酒精,比如波提葡萄酒,最常见的是加 一点甜雪利酒。
5. Steak and kidney pie 牛排腰子饼 Steak and kidney(肾脏) pie is a savoury(开胃的)pie that is filled principally with a mixture of diced(切粒的) beef, diced kidney(often of ox, lamb, or pork), fried onion, and brown gravy(肉汁)Steak and kidney pie is a
representative dish ofBritish cuisine.The gravy typically consists of salted beef broth(牛肉汤) flavoured(风味) with Worcestershire sauce and black pepper, and thickened with refined flour, (精粉)beurre manié,(黄油面团 ) or corn starch.(玉米淀粉) The gravy may also contain ale(麦芽酒) or Guinness(吉斯你黑啤酒).Hot water crust pastry,(热水地壳糕点 )puff pastry, (松饼) and shortcrust pastry (油酥松饼)are among the pastry crusts(外壳)
CQaunesytoiounas:nswer these questions?
11.W.Whaht’sayto’usr fyavoouritre ffoaovd oinrSitheanfXoi?od in ShanXi?
2.Do you like the
2.Have you ever been to western restaurant ? 3. Which is your favorite food about what I described and why?
3. New York doughnuts纽约的圈饼 圈饼是由欧洲人发明的,但它们却是由 十九世纪初的纽约人发扬光大的。在纽 约你会了解到圈饼在美国是如何的受欢 迎。你在任一家转角的小店里都能买到 比美国其它地方更加美味的圈饼,在犹 太人经营的小店,这些圈饼仍然是手擀 的呢。圈饼的材料非常简单,包括面粉 flour、水water、盐salt,以及一点麦芽 malt来增加它的甜味;制作的关键在于 圈饼必须先煮后烤。你可以点一份圈饼, 记得说明要加上schmear(厚厚的奶油芝 士)和熏三文鱼——这会使你显得很内行。
的烹调方法多以蒸、煮、烧、熏见长。从皇家珍馐美味到百姓家常菜点 都细腻精致,颇有贵族风格。
Байду номын сангаас
1. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding 烤 牛肉配约克郡布丁(被称作英国的国菜)
Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert in
spite of its name, although it is similar in some ways to a pancake(薄烤饼) made with flour, milk and eggs. It is
柳林碗秃 霍州猪血灌肠
平遥牛肉 刀削面 过油肉
闻喜煮饼 不烂子
1. Chicago Hot Dog芝加哥的热狗 It’s covered with a wonderful combination of toppings: yellow mustard(芥末), bright green relish(风味), fresh chopped(切碎的)onions, juicy(多汁的)red tomato wedges(楔形物), a kosher-style (犹太风格) pickle(腌制的)spear, a couple of spicy(辛辣的)peppers and finally, a dash of (少许一点儿)celery(芹 菜) salt.This unique hot dog creation with a “salad on top” and its memorable (显著的) interplay of hot and cold, crisp(脆的)and soft, sharp and smooth, became America's original fast food and a true Chicago institution.芝加哥式热狗是
英国的饮食烹饪,有家庭美肴之称。英式菜肴的特点是:油少、清淡, 调味时较少用酒,调味品大都放在餐台上由客人自己选用。烹调讲究鲜 嫩,口味清淡 ,选料注重海鲜及各式蔬菜,菜量要求少而精。英式菜肴
3. Shepherd’s pie 肉馅土豆馅饼
Shepherd’s Pie is originally an English dish, traditionally made with lamb or mutton. Shepherd’s Pie, also known as cottage(农舍式的) pie, is a traditional English dish comprising minced(切碎的) meat covered with mashed potato (土豆泥). The meat is typically lamb(羔羊) or beef left over from a Sunday
2.Fish and chips 炸鱼薯条(被称作英国的国食)
Fish and chips is a take-away food which consists of battered fish and deep-fried chips, sometimes accompanied by mushy peas(糊状的 豌豆) and tartar sauce(一种调味酱). The dish originated in Great Britain in the 19th century, where the fish served is commonly cod (鳕 鱼)or haddock(黑线鳕).源自英国,是将去骨的鱼,切成片后裹上湿面团, 然后油炸制成炸鱼,同时也炸薯条,吃的时候还会配上不同口味的调味酱, 算是种很普遍的街边小吃。在新西兰和澳洲也很受欢迎。在美国,这种炸鱼 薯条也渐渐地普遍起来。几十年来,炸鱼薯条是英国盛行的外带食品之一。
usually eaten with roast beef and gravy
as part of a traditional Sunday lunch. 虽然名字叫约克郡布丁,而且感觉上像是是 用面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋做出来的煎饼,但它其 实不是一道甜点。这道菜通常都和烤牛肉、 调味肉汁一起,作为一道传统的周日午餐。 约克省布丁是略带咸味的英国传统布丁,没 有任何馅,烤好后外面是脆的,里面有一点 软,像糖糕。 蘸汁,是牛肉和约克省布丁的好搭档。
prepared for steak and kidney pie.
6. Cheddar cheese 车打奶酪 Cheddar cheese is a relatively hard, pale yellow to off-white and sometimes sharp-tasting, cheese Originating in the English village of Chedder in Somerset cheeses of this style are produced beyond this region and in several countries around the world.The style is the most popular cheese in the United Kingdom, accounting for 51 percent of the country's £1.9 billion annual cheese market.切达干酪产自英国的西南部,是现时最常见的干酪之一。传统 的切达干酪呈鼓状,重27.5千克,外层包著一层绷带,以确保干酪的外层有良好的硬质 外壳。切达干酪质地平滑,相当硬,干酪肉是金黄色,带有一种轻微的盐味。
roast. The term "shepherd's pie" tends to be used when the meat is lamb. 肉馅土豆馅饼是一道传统英国菜肴,也叫农家馅饼。主要材料是肉丁和土豆泥。通常会 使用周日烤肉剩下的羊牛肉。当肉是羊肉时,通常叫做“sheperd’s pie”(注:sheperd 是牧羊人的意思)
4. Hawaii salad夏威夷沙律 具有夏威夷风情的沙律五颜六色,果 味 浓郁,再加入夏威夷特产的海产 品,圆滚滚的虾仁(shrimps) 、细 腻的鳕鱼(codfish)、热带的各色鲜 果。伴着海风,喝着椰汁,再来一盘 色香味俱全的沙律,蘸蘸酱汁,绝对 是惬意的享受。
5. Montana steak 蒙大纳肉排
4. Trifle 水果松糕
Trifle is a dish made from thick custard(奶油蛋羹), fruit, sponge cake(松糕), fruit juice, and whipped cream(生奶油). These
ingredients are usually arranged in layers(层) with fruit and sponge
肠而成。热狗内的伴菜通常加有芥末、洋葱、腌酸瓜酱、泡菜,番茄(切片或块)、腌 渍辣椒,芹菜籽调味盐,有时也加有黄瓜片。
2. New Orleans’Gumbo新奥尔良的秋葵浓汤
在新奥尔良,秋葵浓汤是那里人的最爱,它实际上是指用海鲜或熏肉做成的浓汤,为 使汤汁更加浓稠,其中加入了秋葵或是roux(一种小麦和脂肪的混合物)。人们会把 做好的浓汤浇在米饭上。这种在路易斯安那州颇受欢迎的食品本来就是一种肉汤,里 面放上海鲜或者熏肉,佐以秋葵或麦粉糊,再浇到米饭上吃。
on the bottom, and custard and
cream on top. Some trifles contain a
small amount of alcohol such as
port or, most commonly, sweet
sherry. 水果松糕是由蛋奶沙司、水果、海绵蛋 糕、果汁和搅打过的奶油特制而成。水 果和海绵蛋糕放在下层,蛋奶沙司和奶 油放在上层。有些水果松糕含有一点点 酒精,比如波提葡萄酒,最常见的是加 一点甜雪利酒。
5. Steak and kidney pie 牛排腰子饼 Steak and kidney(肾脏) pie is a savoury(开胃的)pie that is filled principally with a mixture of diced(切粒的) beef, diced kidney(often of ox, lamb, or pork), fried onion, and brown gravy(肉汁)Steak and kidney pie is a
representative dish ofBritish cuisine.The gravy typically consists of salted beef broth(牛肉汤) flavoured(风味) with Worcestershire sauce and black pepper, and thickened with refined flour, (精粉)beurre manié,(黄油面团 ) or corn starch.(玉米淀粉) The gravy may also contain ale(麦芽酒) or Guinness(吉斯你黑啤酒).Hot water crust pastry,(热水地壳糕点 )puff pastry, (松饼) and shortcrust pastry (油酥松饼)are among the pastry crusts(外壳)
CQaunesytoiounas:nswer these questions?
11.W.Whaht’sayto’usr fyavoouritre ffoaovd oinrSitheanfXoi?od in ShanXi?
2.Do you like the
2.Have you ever been to western restaurant ? 3. Which is your favorite food about what I described and why?
3. New York doughnuts纽约的圈饼 圈饼是由欧洲人发明的,但它们却是由 十九世纪初的纽约人发扬光大的。在纽 约你会了解到圈饼在美国是如何的受欢 迎。你在任一家转角的小店里都能买到 比美国其它地方更加美味的圈饼,在犹 太人经营的小店,这些圈饼仍然是手擀 的呢。圈饼的材料非常简单,包括面粉 flour、水water、盐salt,以及一点麦芽 malt来增加它的甜味;制作的关键在于 圈饼必须先煮后烤。你可以点一份圈饼, 记得说明要加上schmear(厚厚的奶油芝 士)和熏三文鱼——这会使你显得很内行。
的烹调方法多以蒸、煮、烧、熏见长。从皇家珍馐美味到百姓家常菜点 都细腻精致,颇有贵族风格。
Байду номын сангаас
1. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding 烤 牛肉配约克郡布丁(被称作英国的国菜)
Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert in
spite of its name, although it is similar in some ways to a pancake(薄烤饼) made with flour, milk and eggs. It is
柳林碗秃 霍州猪血灌肠
平遥牛肉 刀削面 过油肉
闻喜煮饼 不烂子
1. Chicago Hot Dog芝加哥的热狗 It’s covered with a wonderful combination of toppings: yellow mustard(芥末), bright green relish(风味), fresh chopped(切碎的)onions, juicy(多汁的)red tomato wedges(楔形物), a kosher-style (犹太风格) pickle(腌制的)spear, a couple of spicy(辛辣的)peppers and finally, a dash of (少许一点儿)celery(芹 菜) salt.This unique hot dog creation with a “salad on top” and its memorable (显著的) interplay of hot and cold, crisp(脆的)and soft, sharp and smooth, became America's original fast food and a true Chicago institution.芝加哥式热狗是