
●Global Reading✧Structural Analysis of the TextThis text is a piece of narrative writing, in which the author tells about her experience during the first year at university, which at first seems to be very awkward but turns out to be on the right track at last.In the text, three incidents are narrated by the author: 1) the first is about her going into the wrong classroom; 2) the second is about her falling down in the cafeteria; 3) the last is about her witnessing the same embarrassing fall happening to someone admired by her.Despite the differences between these three incidents, they actually revolve around one theme: The growth of the author, who is able to draw lessons from the mistakes she has made and finally succeeds in adjusting herself to the college life.✧Rhetorical Features of the TextDetailed descriptions of events are everywhere to be seen in this text, which is a dominant feature of narrative writing. Since the description of an event will involve a lot of movements or actions, compound sentences and compound-complex sentences have been used frequently in the text.For examples:I first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. (Paragraph 1)I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major, bending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious note-taking, and cursing under my breath. (Paragraph 5)●Detailed Reading✧Questions1. Why did the author have the impression that “everyone on campus was watching me”? (Paragraph 1)→The author, being over-sensitive, was uneasy with her identity as a freshman. She thought a new student would attract others’ attention, as what she did or said was liable to be too naïve to be right. That feeling is a typical symptom of lacking in self-confidence.2. Why did the author exclaim “What confidence, what reserve, what muscles!” when she saw the football player? (Paragraph 2)→College life was a new experience to the author. That she marveled at the real football player showed her excitement about her new life. And more importantly, her response revealed her admiration of an image which was almost exactly the opposite of her own. This admiration would later become the motivation of her change.3. How many questions are used in Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5? Why does the author raise these→Four elliptical questions are used in these paragraphs. Being a freshman, the author was not well acquainted with campus life. She was at a loss as to what to do when something unexpected happened. These questions are used to show her bewilderment.4. Why did she dine on junk food for the next three days? (Paragraphs 6-8)→Because she thought she had become the laughing-stock on campus. She couldn’t stand being laughed at by all the students when she turned up in the cafeteria.5. What was the key lesson Evelyn Herald learned during her first few weeks in college? (Paragraphs 10-14)→The key lesson she learned during her first few weeks in college was that she realized she didn’t have to pay too much attention to what other people were thinking about her. The fresh campus life was her big chance to do her own things and be her own person. She might well relax herself and stop worrying about making mistakes because people all grow by trial and error.✧Group discussion: What lessons have you learned from Evelyn’s experiences after readingthe article “Fresh Start”? Share the experiences when you first came to college.✧Words and ExpressionsParagraph 1distinct a.clearly seen, heard, felt, understood, etc.; noticeablee.g. Now that the boss was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude.The children have distinct memories of their grandfather in his last days.Comparison: distinct & distinctivedistinct: Something that is distinct can clearly be seen, heard, smelled, etc.e.g. There is a distinct smell of beer in this room.distinctive: It means having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.e.g. Beer has a very distinctive smell; it’s quite distinct from the smell of wine.Practice:One of the _________ features of this book is its __________ illustrations.本书特点之一就是具有清楚明了的图解。

Unit OnePeople Around UsEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) crease2) hint3) assured4) awaiting5) hovering6) scrawled7) glistening8) frail9) sole10) visible11) engaged12) biased13) dreading14) grinning2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to usethem in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) for fear of2) pulled up3) except for4) get by5) make a living6) every so often7) in the background8) Shut off9) each and every10) as it is11) wraps … around her little finger12) caught us …unawares▆Increasing Y our Word Power1.Choose the definition from Column B that best matches each phrasal verb in Column A, payingattention to the V+ Prep./Ad. collocation.▆ Answers:1) f2) c3) d4) e5) b6) g7) h8) aFill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper phrasal verb. Change the verb form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) let out2) clean … up3) come through4) waiting on5) picked up6) ended up7) headed for8) ran through2. The prefixes ex-, fore-, pre- mean “former, before, or in advance” while the prefix post- means “afteror later than”. Study the following examples a nd form words by adding ex-, fore-, pre-, post- to the words given in the table and then complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have just formed. Change the verb form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) foretell2) preview3) forerunner4) postscript5) postgraduate6) precondition7) ex-husbandGrammar in ContextTask 1: Combine the given sentences into one by using attributive clauses.▇Answers for reference:1)I encountered many people whose lives amazed me. (See Para. 3, Text B)2)We drove in silence to the address (that/which)she had given me. (See Para. 21, Text B)3)He pushed through the doors and headed for the back room where his apron and busing cart werewaiting. (See Para. 16, Text A)4)I had seen too many people trapped in a life of poverty who depended on the cab as their only means oftransportation. (See Para. 6, Text B)5)Their social worker, who stopped to check on Stevie every so often, admitted Stevie and his mother hadfallen between the cracks. (See Para. 6, Text A)Task 2: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English. Be sure to use present particles or past particles to modify nouns.▇Answers for reference:well-considered decision, folded paper, written notice, laptop storing my annual report, a postman delivering express mailCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1)reliable2)syndrome3)adopted4)got done with5)gloomy6)or something7)chance8)come through9)barely10)in good shape11)booth12)mess13)scrawled14)peeking15)inTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker.2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/Mygracious, we’re going to miss the train!”3)At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Shouldyoung parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances?4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping.5)When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipientin an embarrassing situation.6)Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting thedays until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside.2. Translate the following paragraph into English using the words and expressions in the box below.▆ Answer for reference:That was a time when life was difficult for everyone. My family could barely get by on my small income from driving a cab. One late night I responded to a call for a cab ride. To my surprise, when I arrived at the address, I found it was a frail old lay who was awaiting me. After she got into the cab, I engaged her in conversation. I learnt that she was going to the hospice. Her doctor said she didn’t have very long. The old lady told me to drive through the downtown area. She pointed at some old buildings, telling me those were the places where she used to work or live. When the cab finally pulled up in front of the hospice, I didn’t accept her fare. In the rest of the day, I was lost in thought. Though I had to make a living, I lived not for the sole purpose of surviving. When circumstances looked gloomy, the small favour I had done could be a candle light. However faint the light was, it managed to warm up a soul and ennobled me as well. I did take pride in that small favour.Theme-Related Writing▆Do one of the following writing tasks after class.1)Suppose you were Frannie, the head waitress, in Text A. Write a short story about Stevie fromyour perspective.2)Read the following newspaper clipping and write a short essay on the question:Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus during Rush Hours?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:We all knew Stevie was mentally handicapped, so everyone, especially our boss himself, doubted whether he would be a capable busboy in the truck-stop restaurant where I worked as the head waitress. However, our worries were gradually removed one week later. Smiling and hard-working, Stevie won over all our trucker regulars as well as us employees.Later we learnt that Stevie badly needed the job because the money he earned made it possible for his mother and him to live together; otherwise he would be sent to a group home. So you can imagine how worried Stevie was when he had to take sick leave for heart surgery. He was afraid that he would lose his job. After the operation, in the week before he returned, he called 10 times to make sure that he could still have the job back. At that time, what concerned me most was how Stevie could handle the huge medical bills.But something happened which completely caught me unawares. Our regular customers, those warm-hearted truckers, were so generous that they, together with their companies, contributed over $10,000 for Stevie. That Thanksgiving Day was a big day when Stevie was back to work and when the money was presented to Stevie as a surprise gift. I cried a bit while people were cheering for the occasion.Now, Stevie is still working here. Our boss thinks that Stevie is the best worker he has ever hired. (240 words)▆Sample Essay for Task 2:Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus During Rush Hours?I am amazed to read what a blogger says about offering bus seats to the elderly. He claims that “it’s the young who need it more” because they go to work early in the morning and feel exhausted after a day’s work. The blogger also argues that it is unfair to offer seats to the elderly since they already enjoy free rides, and further suggests that during rush hours senior citizens be denied such treatment.I could never bring myself to agree with the blogger. Taking good care of the elderly is a universally accepted standard of conduct. In my opinion, offering seats to our elders is not just an indication of good manners; it is a moral issue. I always consider it my moral obligation to help others. Yes, you may feel comfortable for a while by remaining in your seat, but you will lose your character and moral values in the long run.Respecting the elderly is also our social convention. It is precisely out of our love and respect for the elderly that such special benefits as free rides are offered to them. No one can deprive senior citizens of their right to go out by bus at any time they like, and what’s more, we should make sure that they get special care when the bus is fully packed with passengers.Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone involved. It is through performing such small acts as offering seats to the needy that we learn to contribute to the building of a harmonious society. (268 words)。

Unit OnePeople Around UsEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) crease2) hint3) assured4) awaiting5) hovering6) scrawled7) glistening8) frail9) sole10) visible11) engaged12) biased13) dreading14) grinning2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to usethem in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) for fear of2) pulled up3) except for4) get by5) make a living6) every so often7) in the background8) Shut off9) each and every10) as it is11) wraps … around her little finger12) caught us …unawares▆Increasing Y our Word Power1.Choose the definition from Column B that best matches each phrasal verb in Column A, payingattention to the V+ Prep./Ad. collocation.▆ Answers:1) f2) c3) d4) e5) b6) g7) h8) aFill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper phrasal verb. Change the verb form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) let out2) clean … up3) come through4) waiting on5) picked up6) ended up7) headed for8) ran through2. The prefixes ex-, fore-, pre- mean “former, before, or in advance” while the prefix post- means “afteror later than”. Study the following examples a nd form words by adding ex-, fore-, pre-, post- to the words given in the table and then complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have just formed. Change the verb form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) foretell2) preview3)4) postscript5) postgraduate6) precondition7) ex-husbandGrammar in ContextTask 1: Combine the given sentences into one by using attributive clauses.▇Answers for reference:1)I encountered many people whose lives amazed me. (See Para. 3, Text B)2)We drove in silence to the address (that/which)she had given me. (See Para. 21, Text B)3)He pushed through the doors and headed for the back room where his apron and busing cart werewaiting. (See Para. 16, Text A)4)I had seen too many people trapped in a life of poverty who depended on the cab as their only means oftransportation. (See Para. 6, Text B)5)Their social worker, who stopped to check on Stevie every so often, admitted Stevie and his mother hadfallen between the cracks. (See Para. 6, Text A)Task 2: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English. Be sure to use present particles or past particles to modify nouns.▇Answers for reference:well-considered decision, folded paper, written notice, laptop storing my annual report, a postman delivering express mailCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1)reliable2)syndrome3)adopted4)got done with5)gloomy6)or something7)chance8)come through9)barely10)in good shape11)booth12)mess13)scrawled14)peeking15)inTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker.2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/Mygracious, we’re going to miss the train!”3)At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Shouldyoung parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances?4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping.5)When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipientin an embarrassing situation.6)Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting thedays until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside.2. Translate the following paragraph into English using the words and expressions in the box below.▆ Answer for reference:That was a time when life was difficult for everyone. My family could barely get by on my small income from driving a cab. One late night I responded to a call for a cab ride. To my surprise, when I arrived at the address, I found it was a frail old lay who was awaiting me. After she got into the cab, I engaged her in conversation. I learnt that she was going to the hospice. Her doctor said she didn’t have very long. The old lady told me to drive through the downtown area. She pointed at some old buildings, telling me those were the places where she used to work or live. When the cab finally pulled up in front of the hospice, I didn’t accept her fare. In the rest of the day, I was lost in thought. Though I had to make a living, I lived not for the sole purpose of surviving. When circumstances looked gloomy, the small favour I had done could be a candle light. However faint the light was, it managed to warm up a soul and ennobled me as well. I did take pride in that small favour.Theme-Related Writing▆Do one of the following writing tasks after class.1)Suppose you were Frannie, the head waitress, in Text A. Write a short story about Stevie fromyour perspective.2)Read the following newspaper clipping and write a short essay on the question:Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus during Rush Hours?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:We all knew Stevie was mentally handicapped, so everyone, especially our boss himself, doubted whether he would be a capable busboy in the truck-stop restaurant where I worked as the head waitress. However, our worries were gradually removed one week later. Smiling and hard-working, Stevie won over all our trucker regulars as well as us employees.Later we learnt that Stevie badly needed the job because the money he earned made it possible for his mother and him to live together; otherwise he would be sent to a group home. So you can imagine how worried Stevie was when he had to take sick leave for heart surgery. He was afraid that he would lose his job. After the operation, in the week before he returned, he called 10 times to make sure that he could still have the job back. At that time, what concerned me most was how Stevie could handle the huge medical bills.But something happened which completely caught me unawares. Our regular customers, those warm-hearted truckers, were so generous that they, together with their companies, contributed over $10,000 for Stevie. That Thanksgiving Day was a big day when Stevie was back to work and when the money was presented to Stevie as a surprise gift. I cried a bit while people were cheering for the occasion.Now, Stevie is still working here. Our boss thinks that Stevie is the best worker he has ever hired. (240 words)▆Sample Essay for Task 2:Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus During Rush Hours?I am amazed to read what a blogger says about of fering bus seats to the elderly. He claims that “it’s the young who need it more” because they go to work early in the morning and feel exhausted after a day’s work. The blogger also argues that it is unfair to offer seats to the elderly since they already enjoy free rides, and further suggests that during rush hours senior citizens be denied such treatment.I could never bring myself to agree with the blogger. Taking good care of the elderly is a universally accepted standard of conduct. In my opinion, offering seats to our elders is not just an indication of good manners; it is a moral issue. I always consider it my moral obligation to help others. Yes, you may feel comfortable for a while by remaining in your seat, but you will lose your character and moral values in the long run.Respecting the elderly is also our social convention. It is precisely out of our love and respect for the elderly that such special benefits as free rides are offered to them. No one can deprive senior citizens of their right to go out by bus at any time they like, and what’s more, we should make sure that they get special care when the bus is fully packed with passengers.Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone involved. It is through performing such small acts as offering seats to the needy that we learn to contribute to the building of a harmonious society. (268 words)。

新编大学英语(第三版)综合教程1 课后习题答案Unit 1 Personal Relationships ExercisesPost-ReadingReading Comprehension11A2 B3 A4 A5B6 C7 A8C2 1 killed 2 wounded 3 arrived 4 girl 5 badly / seriously6 blood 7 none 8 American 9 type 10 orphans11 French 12 difficulty 13 frightened 14 would 15 cried16 Vietnamese 17 found 18 understand 19 willing 20 friend3 Sample V Vietnamese nurse H Heng N Navy nurse V: Is it hurting Heng H: No. V: So why are you crying Is there anything wrong H: I’m sad that I will have to leave the world. I’m a little scared before I die. I don’t want to die but I don’t want my friend to die either. V: Why do you think you are gong to die H: The doctor said unless I gave my blood to my friend she would certainly die. V: You must have misunderstood him. You only have to give some of your blood to the girl. This won’t do any harm to your health. H: Really Are you sure V: Yes. Have a good sleep now. When you wake up I’m sure you’ll be as strong as before. V: to the Navy nurse: He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood to the little girl so that she could live. N: But why would he be willing to do that V: Heng the Navy nurse wants to know why you would be willing to give all yourbl ood to the little girl H: She’s my friend.Vocabulary1 reply 2 land 3 supplied 4 wound 5 replied 6 signed7 wounded 8 supplies 9 sign 10 balancing 11 land 12 balancerun: 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 E 5 F 6 Bmatch: 1 D 2 B 3 F 4 C 5 E 6 A1 Insert 2 in the balance 3 requests 4 relief 5 let out6 steady 7 stiff 8 misunderstood 9 limited 10 actionTranslationWhen I knew the details I realized that I should not have lost my temper in the office.I don’t / didn’t know Bob very well but we go / went out for an occasional drinktogether.The meeting is supposed to take place on Tuesday but we have to postpone it / put it off.Our government took action to bring / get all the Chinese in that country back to China.Including weekends there are only 12 more days to buy Christmas presents / gifts.Without immediate action many kinds / species of wild animals would die from hunger.Part 3 Further Development1 Grammar Review Sample A: Did you hear that Tom failed the English final He was 10 minutes late for the final because he woke up late. B: Th at’s too bad. But he should have asked his roommate to wake him up. A: Well anyway he got to the classroom before the listening part finished. But then he found the batteries for his radio were dead. B: Well he should have bought new batteries the day before. A: Yes very true. He then had to borrow two batteries from his classmate. But when Tom was doing the exam he found there were many words that were new to him. B: He should have spent more time memorizing new words and phrases before the exam. A: Yes and then Tom had a splitting headache because he had studied until two in the morning. B: That’s too bad. But he really shouldn’t have stayed up the night before the exam. A: And what’s more Tom was so afraid to fail the final that he peeped at his neighbor’s paper. He was caught and would be punished. B: Really He shouldn’t have cheated on the exam.2 Vocabulary Review1 A Though / Although B though C thoughA Both “although” and “though” can be used as conjunctions to introduce a subordinateclause of concessio n 让步状语从句in which you mention something which contrastswith what you are saying in the main clause.B “Though” is sometimes used as an adverb. When used as an adverb it is not used at thebeginning of a clause. “Although” cannot be used as an adverb.C When a clause beginning with “though” ends with a complement or adverb you canbring the complement or adverb forward to the beginning of the clause. However when aclause beginning with “although” ends with a complement or adverb you cannot movethe complement or adverb to the beginning of the clause.2 A reply / answer B answer Creplying Both “answer” and “reply” can be used as nouns and verbs. With a noun object we use the verb “answer” or “reply to”. e.g. We must answer / reply to these questions as soon as possible.3 A speaks B speak C talking D speak / talk You say that someone “speaks” or “can speak” a foreign language. If someone is giving a speech you say they are “speaking”. If two or more people are having a conversation you say that they are “talking”. You do not say that they are “speaking”. If you “speak to / talk to” someone you have a conversation with them.4 A injured / hurt B hurt / injured C wounded / injured D wounds You can be “wounded” or receive a “wound” from any attack in which a gun or sharp instrument such as a sword or knife is used. You can be “hurt” or “injured” or receive an “injury” a when any other weapon such as a heavy stick or bomb is used b in an accident. Both “wound” and “injure” are more serious than “hurt”. Note that “hurt” can be used as an intransitive verb but not “wound” or “injure”. e.g. It hurts when I try to move my leg.5 A houses B apartment apartments A “house” is a building for people to live in and often has more than one level. An “apartment” in American English or a “flat” in British English refers to a set of rooms within a larger building usually on one level.6A asideB apartC aside / apart Both “aside” and “apart” can be used as adverbs. “Aside” means “away or to the side”. “Apart” means “separated by a distance”. The phrase “aside from / apart from” means a except for b in addition to.7 A requests B requested C demandedD demands Both “request” and “demand” mean “ask for sth. or ask sb. to do sth.”. “Request” is more formal and stronger than “ask for”. “Demand” i s even stronger. If you “demand” something you feel strongly that you have the right to get it and will not take “no” for an answer. Both “request” and “demand” can be used as a verb or as a noun.A “request” for something is a polite demand for it.8 A bor derB boundary The word “border” refers to the dividing line between two countries or states or the land near that line. A “boundary” is a precise line marking the outer limits of an area.3 Roommates and Friends STEP ONE Sample In addition to those listed in the book my ideal roommate would also be: someone who does not smoke a responsible and honest person someone who does not snore while sleeping the best student in my class someone who does not stay up too late an independent person someone who does not interfere in my private affairs a tolerant person a trustworthy person etc. STEP TWO Sample No I don’t think roommates are usually friends. Living in the same room doesn’t necessarily mean that friendships will develop. Although roommates are usually friendly to each other not all of them are friends because friendliness is not always an indication of friendship. It’s true with classmates. Only when people have similar interests and a common outlook on life will they become friends or close friends. I think more often than not roommates will become friends. Obviously roommates spend much time together and therefore will learn a lot about each other. When people get to know each other friendship often develops. Many people could have become friends if they had met and got together often or long enough. Sharing rooms paves the way to friendship. We often hear older people say they were roommates or classmates and therefore good friends. It doesn’t mean roommates will surely become friends. They’re more likely t o become friends.4 It Made Me Feel So Good STEP TWO Sample As a newcomer in this university the first letter I’ve received here is from my best friend Dong Ming. Dong Ming and I were classmates in high school and we spent a lot of time together studying talking and playing around. I can safely say that not a single day was spent without our being together during our senior high school years. But now we’re studying at two different universities far apart from each other. Hisletter makes me feel as if we wer e together again talking. And what’s important is not the letter itself but what he said in the letter.Dear Dong HaoI felt sad when we left each other last Friday and yet a little happy about all the newthings and the excitement ahead of usin our new coll ege life. It’s what we want andneed.One thing is very important to both of us: to make more friends and to learn to get alongwith others. To do so I believe we should respect others—their point of view their wayof doing things etc. Only in this way can we make more friends and make our campuslife more interesting. What do you think I look forward to your reply. Best Wishes Dong Ming Sometimes I feel good about myself when I’ve been able to contribute a little bit to my relationships with others. I remember what I did for Xiao Li my next door neighbor and good friend. Last summer Xiao Li got seriously ill and was in the hospital for five weeks. At the beginning I didn’t know what I could do for him. I went to Mom for advice. Mom thought about it for a while a nd said “Well the only thing I can tell you is to be available when he needs you—not when you want to be available.” I took Mom’s advice seriously. I called him on the phone now and then to check if he needed any help and I went to see him every day after school and did what I could for him. So when Xiao Li recovered and left the hospital I felt so happy.5 When Your Neighbor Is in Need of Help STEP ONE Sample A young woman was walking along the streets one night when she was attacked. She screamed for help and managed to escape. A few minutes later her attacker caught her again and she continued screaming for help while the neighbors watched terrified from their windows and did nothing. They didn’t even call the police. The woman died of multiple stab wounds 多处刺伤. STEP TWO Sample 1 I think there are several reasons for that. First people were rather cowardly and selfish. When they heard someone screaming late at night they thought that might be dangerous so they just stood back and watched the woman get killed in front of them. They preferred to protect themselves rather than get involved to risk being injured or even killed. Second they felt that there are already institutions in cities to deal with this kind of problem. They didn’t think they needed to intervene because the police would do something for them. Finally it is possible that these people were so terrified that they could not think clearly or take action to protect the woman. 2 I don’t know. Maybe I would go to the street and try to protect the woman. I think more people would come to help if they realized what was really happening. Maybe I would call the police. But I’m afraid that when the police arrived she might already have been killed. Or maybe I would be too scared to give any help. I might simply close the window and put my ear plugs in. These are the different things I might do on such an occasion but I believe it’s most likely that I would call the police.Part 4 Translation and Writing2 Translation Practice Lean on Me 依靠我吧Sometimes in our lives we all have pain we all have sorrow 生活中我们会有痛苦,会有悲伤But if we are wise we know that there’s always tomorrow. 然而,聪明的我们明白总有明天(可指望)。

1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough 6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) ideal
1)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor. 2)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point. 3)the toys have to meet strict safety requirement s before they can be sold to children. 4)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion. 5)When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines a round the world.
1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows and whys 6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) search
1) gets by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvement 5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit 9) stacking
新标准大学英语综合教程3 课后答案 Unit 1-3

Unit 1Active reading (1)5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 achieving good results (productive)2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.(1) attendance(2) ambitious(3) productive(4) impressive(5) resistance(6) script(7) acceptance7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 (mortgage)2 (deck)3 (surf)4 (coastal; defy)5 (lengthy)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)7 (b)8 (b)Active reading (2)4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 involving three things of the same kind (triple)2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)4 a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)5 to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)6 at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)7 continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)8 to pass (elapse)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1 elapsed ,cemetery2 rear,crammed3 triple4 budding ,biography5 finite6 Answer the questions about the words.1 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (a)5 (b)6 (b)7 (a)8 (a)7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)7 (b)8 (b)9 (a)Language in use (Omitted)7 Translate the paragraphs into English.1 对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。

Unit 1Active reading (1)5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 achieving good results (productive)2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.(1) attendance(2) ambitious(3) productive(4) impressive(5) resistance(6) script(7) acceptance7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 (mortgage)2 (deck)3 (surf)4 (coastal; defy)5 (lengthy)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)7 (b)8 (b)Active reading (2)4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 involving three things of the same kind (triple)2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)4 a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)5 to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)6 at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)7 continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)8 to pass (elapse)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1 elapsed ,cemetery2 rear,crammed3 triple4 budding ,biography5 finite6 Answer the questions about the words.1 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (a)5 (b)6 (b)7 (a)8 (a)7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)7 (b)8 (b)9 (a)Language in use (Omitted)7 Translate the paragraphs into English.1 对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。

Unit 1Active reading (1)5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 achieving good results (productive)2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.(1) attendance(2) ambitious(3) productive(4) impressive(5) resistance(6) script(7) acceptance7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 (mortgage)2 (deck)3 (surf)4 (coastal; defy)5 (lengthy)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)7 (b)8 (b)Active reading (2)4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 involving three things of the same kind (triple)2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)4 a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)5 to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)6 at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)7 continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)8 to pass (elapse)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1 elapsed ,cemetery2 rear,crammed3 triple4 budding ,biography5 finite6 Answer the questions about the words.1 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (a)5 (b)6 (b)7 (a)8 (a)7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)7 (b)8 (b)9 (a)Language in use (Omitted)7 Translate the paragraphs into English.1 对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。
全新版大学英语综合教程3 Unit1课后答案及课文译文

全新版大学英语综合教程3Unit One Changes in the Way We LiveText AContent Questions ( P10 )1.Write and live on a farm.2.Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs, honey and wood. They are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can go skiing and skating in winter.3.No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.4.They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March.5.When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the good harvest in the growing season.6.He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.7.He has to crawl into black bear dens for “Sports Illustrated”, hitch up dogsled racing teams for “Smithsonian” magazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster” for “Science Digest”, and canoe through the Boundary Waters Wilderness area of Minnesota for “Destinations”.8.As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s major-medical policy and the policy on their two cars.9.They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standard of living. For example, they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.10. A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy.11.They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they have been able to accomplish.12.They chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. Yes, they have finally realized their dreams.Text Organization ( P11 )Part One (paragraphs 1—3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one.Part Two (paragraphs 4—7 ) Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.Part Three (paragraphs 8—11) After quitting his job, the writer’s income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by.Part Four (paragraphs 12—15 ) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.Happy Moments and Events1)growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables2)canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc.3)keeping warm inside the house in winter4)writing freelance articles5)earning enough money while maintaining a happy family lifeHardships1)working hard both in winter and in summer2)harsh environment and weather condition3)anxious moments after the writer quit his job4)cutting back on daily expenses5)solitudeVocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. ( P15 )1)on balance2) resist3) haul4) wicked5) illustrated6) budget7) lowering8) boundary9) involved10)economic11) blasting12) just about2. Now use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it. ( P16 )1)cut back / down2)pick up3)get by4) get through5)face up to 6)turn in7)making up for8)think up3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. (P17 )1)pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy.2)often generate misleading thoughts.3)attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work.4)be suspected of doing everything for money.5)before he gets through life.4. Complete the sentences, using the words or phrases in brackets ( P17 )1. their indoor a profit to invest in2. device the improvement on a global scale3. stacked temptation never dined outConfusable Use ( P18 )1.house2.home3.home family4.household1.doubt2.suspected3.doubted4.suspected5.suspectWord Formation ( P19 )1) rise 2) final3) regular4) cash 5) hows and whys6) upped7) yellowed8) bottled9) lower10) searchCloze1. Text-related ( P20 )1) gets by2) temptation3) get through4) improvement5) aside from 6) suspect7) supplement8) profit9) stacking2. Theme-related ( P21 )1) replaced 2) consider3) quit4) world5) tough6) fuels7) provide8) luxuries9) balance10) idealTranslation1. Translate the sentences into English ( P21 )1)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor.2)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.3)the toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion.5)When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.2. Translate the passage into English ( P21 )A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Text B1. Choose the best answer for each of the following. ( P27 )1—6. a c d b a cTranslate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the essay ( P28 )1.什么?你说那听起来不像你府上的生活?其实,不仅仅是你一个人这么想。
21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册) unit1-8 课文翻译及课后习题答案

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册) u n i t1-8课文翻译及课后习题答案-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One121世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册)教材Unit 1~8题后答案Unit 1 第一单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. curious2. affects3. emergency4. locked5. Relatively6. complaining7. protested8. react9. mood 10. unique 11. consciousness 12. surgery6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. the bottom line2. thanks to3. reflect on4. had lost touch5. went through6. followed around7. looking on8. woke up9. take action 10. after all10. 翻译Translate the following sentences into English.1. Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him to look on the bright side.2. The police reacted immediately when report came that two kids had been held up at gunpoint in a nearby building.3. When I pointed out the mistakes in her calculation, instead of correcting them as soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault.4. Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he didn’t get it.5. Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life before he lostconsciousness in the emergency room.6. When I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard work. That’s the bottom line.Unit 2第二单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. intense2. concept3. committed4. deserve5. selfish6. compromise7. matters8. opponent9. influence 10. effort 11. shortcuts 12. evidence6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. work at2. According to3. run through4. in sight5. live with6. a variety of7. When it comes to8. live up to10. 翻译 Translate the following sentences into English.1. Take Michael Jordan, it’s easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.2. Right in the first English class, our teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building blocks of the language, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool’s gold.3. Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to theconstru ction of America’s first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history.4. When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complaints of the players but he never compromises with any of them.5. Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right and wrong is as thin as an eggshell.6. As competition intensifies, our opponents and we are all working hard to live up to higher service standards.Unit 3第三单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. withdraw2. opposite3. consult4. seeking5. chief6. frustrated7. gather8. suggestions 9. numerous 10. crucial 11. approval 12. yield6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. give up on2. kicked out3. at the end of my rope4. count!-out5. provide!-wit6. that is7. on the brink of8. moved forward10. 翻译Translate the following sentences into English.1. The health report stresses the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet.2. I spent a whole week gathering the courage to say no to their request.3. These journeys made him realize to the fullest extent that many of the wor ld’s species were on the brink of extinction.4. Approval of the patient’s family should be sought before doctors carry out such operations.5. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.6. We gave up on the missing mountain climber after he had been missing for two weeks.Unit 4第四单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. mankind2. determination3. burden4. define5. financial6. resources7. research 8. cure 9. evil 10. hardship 11. suicide 12. suffered6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. broke down2. took!-for granted3. look!-in the ey e4. couldn’t help but respect5. crying over6. no doubt7. dressing up8. slipped into9. 翻译 Translate the following sentences into English.1. He was no doubt a great hero so people couldn’t help but cry over his death.2. The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might someday yield a cure for AIDS.3. The disabled man once considered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burden.4. Children dress up as Superman to capture adults’ attention.5. It wasn’t until I matured that I realized I shouldn’t be afraid to look adversity and hardship in the eye.6. He could have easily stayed at home, for he had plenty of financial resources to keep him from worrying about medical bills..Unit 5第五单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. discharged2. anger3. latter4. relationship5. engaged6. backgrounds7. miserable 8. invitation 9. match 10. folded 11. overseas 12. propose6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. broke down2. from time to time3. From the very beginning4. knocked down5. agreed to6. talk!-round7. due to8. give in9. in silence 10. go abroad10. 翻译 Translate the following sentences into English.1. I just received a email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relationship with her beloved boyfriend.2. She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserable incident remained for the rest of her life.3. Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder if I should give in or try to talk them round.4. Edgar was not good with words, so whenever Jessica vented her anger on him, he only endured it in silence.5. The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for he’s just got engaged to his beloved girlfriend.6. From time to time the system would utter a piercing noise indicating its inability to run properly.Unit 6第六单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. rejected2. properly3. judgment4. employer5. lack6. feedback7. qualified8. suitable 9. candidate 10. confident 11. potential 12. punctual6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. cope with2. miss out3. applied for4. keep!-in mind5. for a bit6. reflecting on7. fill out8. get back9. a variety of 10. To our amazement10. 翻译Translate the following sentences into English.1. Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected.2. You should learn to cope with difficult situation. And even more important, don’t look to others for help.3. To my shock/amazement, he was not only involved in a variety of extracurricular activities but also had applied for a part-time job.4. Keep in mind that one more failure is one step closer to success.5. Don’t dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this job doesn’t entirely suit you and your chances are slim.6. Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whateve r you do, don’t burn your bridges.Unit 7第七单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. tuition2. anxiety3. horrors4. switched5. quarter6. steady7. roughly8. prospects 9. disorder 10. represent 11. apparent 12. population6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. were booked up2. not getting anywhere3. ups and downs4. burst out5. get along with6. broke up with7. in advance8. had no choice9. In spite of 10. take your own life10. 翻译Translate the following sentences into English.1. The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg. Most students endure the stress in silence.2. The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleeping disorder, even insomnia.3. Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition.4. In spite of the result of the aptitude test, John decided to switch his major from accounting to psychology.5. He would rather remain a sales clerk, apparently because he prefersa steady life to a life full of ups and downs.6. The computer has broken down on more than one occasion. Isn’t that enough for professional helpUnit 8第八单元教材题后答案5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. chemical2. soil3. disturb4. mixture5. substance6. ruin7. consumers8. stable9. pollution 10. supplies 11. decay 12. main6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. leaked out2. due to3. are known as4. depend on5. giving off6. make up7. live on 8. have used up10. 翻译 Translate the following sentences into English.1. With the construction of the nuclear power plant, this city now doesn’t have to worry about its own electricity supply. Instead, it can supply electricity to other cities nearby.2. These vegetables do not decay when kept at a relatively stable low temperature.3. This city is known as the financial center of the country. The development of its economy depends heavily on banking and foreign trade.4. This plant only lives on the top of certain high mountains and gives off a very sweet smell in spring.5. The main cause of this area’s water pollution i the chemical substance that leaks out of a paper mill by the river bank.6. This kind of litter is made up of a mixture of chemical waste. It has poisoned the soil, ruining it completely.。

New Words
★ armor
★ assassination
◆ culturally
◆ distrust
◆ emirate
▲ etiquette
◆Байду номын сангаасflavorful
业余爱好者 盔甲 暗杀 假定, 设想 随便的,非正式的 商业 文化地,文化上地 不信任 酋长国 礼节 可口的 形式;格式
Part 4 Understanding Culture
3 Passage 1 How Casual Is Too Casual? Passage 2 The Origin of Salute
3 Passage 3 Cultural Misinterpretations
2. The man would like to be called by his ______.
A. first name
B. title and last name
C. title and first name
Part 3 Being Culturally Literate
Listen to three calls from a radio show, and check the subjects that were discussed.
全新版大学英语第三册 Unit 1 课后习题答案

Hardships working hard both in winter and in summer harsh environment and weather condition anxious moments after the writer quit his job cutting back on daily expenses solitude
Байду номын сангаас
23. 怆然离去 leave with a feeling of sorrow 24. 自豪感 a sense of pride 25. 一旦形势好转 once economic conditions improve 26. 赚钱 earn money
The Countryside The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of farmland, as well as open spaces, they imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley.

be fresh out of something (American & Australian)
to have just finished or sold a supply of something, and have no more left.
Sorry, we're fresh out of bread this morning.
a breath of fresh air
someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting. Angela's like a breath of fresh air when she comes to stay.
email newsletter component which contains short, interesting stories .
be as fresh as a daisy to be full of energy and enthusiasm.
It's been a long drive but give me a cup of tea and I'll soon feel fresh as a daisy.
September 27, 2019
School of Foreign Studies
II Text Analysis
In this autobiographical essay, Evelyn Herald recounts her embarrassing moments during her first days of college. With a chronologically balanced pattern of narration, the author focuses on three incidents– sitting in the wrong class, falling down in the cafeteria and witnessing the upper-class football player having the same experience. Coupling narration with description, she gives us a detailed account of the process, the after-effect and the significant insight into herself.
新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 1

Unit 1Active reading (1)Catching crabsLanguage points1 … and we all started to get our heads down … (Para 1)To get one’s head down means to concentrate and focus on studying. In other British informal contexts,it can mean to sleep. Note also, to keep one’s head down means to continue to do something quietly,especially when there is trouble happening around you.Unit 1 Discovering yourself2 Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. (Para 1)This is a conversational elliptical sentence. A standard way of saying this is: The most important things,of course, were the final exams in April and May in the following year.3 No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hardwas strong. (Para 1)Peer group pressure is the pressure to conform that people, especially children and young people, oftenfeel from the immediate group of those around them who are of the same age or status.4 Libraries ... were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bagsunder their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence. (Para 1)The expression standing room only means there are no more seats available because the place is crowded.This expression is often used in public performances, for sports events and on public transport to meanthat you have to stand because the place is packed with people.Bags under their eyes refer to loose dark areas of skin that you get when you have not had enough sleep.The expression guys wore the bags under their eyes with pride means that the students were proud thattheir tired appearance showed how hard they had been studying, and the bags under their eyes were likemedals.5 It wasn’t always the high flyers with the top grades who knew what they were going to do. (Para 2)A high flyer refers to someone who has achieved a lot and has the ability and determination to continue tobe successful in their studies or job. In university, a high flyer is a top student.6 Quite often it was the quieter, less impressive students who had the next stages of their life mappedout. (Para 2)To have something mapped out means to have something that will happen planned in detail.7 One had landed a job in his brother’s advertising firm in Madison Avenue, another had got a scriptunder provisional acceptance in Hollywood. (Para 2)To land a job means to get a job that you wanted.Provisional acceptance refers to an acceptance which is arranged (in principle), but is not yet definite. Itis temporary and could be changed.8 The most ambitious student among us was going to work as a party activist at a local level. (Para 2)A party activist is someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political change,someone who is a member of a political organization.9 We all saw him ending up in the Senate or in Congress one day. (Para 2) To end up somewhere means to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of it.Here, a party activist might end up in Congress, as a result of making career progress.10 But most people were either looking to continue their studies … and then settle down with a family,a mortgage and some hope of promotion. (Para 2)To look to continue their studies here means to hope or expect to continue their studies – whether theycan do so would probably depend on their exam results and grades. You can also look to someone forhelp, advice or support.Discovering yourself Unit 1A mortgage is a legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank or financial organization inorder to buy a house. You pay back your mortgage by making monthly payments, plus interest. Thus,getting a mortgage for many young people means getting a flat or house of their own.11 I braced myself for some resistance to the idea. (Para 10)A brace is a piece of wood or metal which supports an object so that it does not fall down. So to braceoneself means to hold oneself together in readiness for something difficult or unpleasant.12 You don’t need to go into a career which pays well just at the moment. (Para 16)To go into a career means to start working in a particular job, business or career.13 Several times the crab tried to defy his fellow captives, without luck. (Para 25)The crab tried to defy the others as it resisted others or refused to obey them when it tried to escape.The expression without luck means without success, being unable to do what you want.Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of what happened in the crab cage.3 The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape, but each time it reached the top the othercrabs pulled it back. In the end it gave up trying and started to prevent other crabs from escaping.4 Choose the best answer to the questions.1 What happened to the students in the fall of the final year?(a) They became more relaxed.(b) They became more serious.(c) They spent more time outside.(d) They stopped going to lessons.2 Why did some people have bags under their eyes in the morning?(a) They’d been to an all-night party.(b) They’d started worrying about their future.(c) They’d spent all night in the library.(d) They wanted to impress their teachers.3 Which students had already planned their future?(a) The ones who had the best grades.(b) The ones who came from wealthy families.(c) The quieter ones who didn’t have the best grades.(d) The ones who wanted to get married and start a family.4 Why did the writer go home?(a) He wanted to speak to his father.(b) He could study better at home than at college.(c) He had to attend a job interview.(d) It was a national holiday.Unit 1 Discovering yourself5 Why did his father take him out to catch crabs?(a) They needed to get something to eat for dinner.(b) He wanted to show him how to catch crabs.(c) He wanted to tell him something about life.(d) They both wanted to enjoy the coastline and the sea.6 What advice did his father give him?(a) Get to know yourself better.(b) Watch what others do carefully.(c) Always listen to your father.(d) You can’t always do what you want.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 achieving good results (productive)2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.To be a successful film scriptwriter takes more than training although (1) attendance on a screenwritingcourse will definitely help you learn the skills. You also need to be very (2) ambitious – the film businessis very competitive. You have to be prepared to work hard and be very (3) productive because it takesmore than just one good idea to make it big. No matter how (4) impressive your idea is, there willalways be (5) resistance from producers because it’s too expensive. So make sure you have plenty ofothers to show them. What are you waiting for? Get on with writing that brilliant(6) script and plan your(7) acceptance speech for when you win your first Oscar!7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 We’ve seen a place we like and we’re applying for a loan to buy a house. (mortgage)2 We stood on the top floor of the boat and watched the coast disappear intothe horizon. (deck)3 I love to walk along the beach and watch the waves breaking, and the white water hitting the shore. (surf)4 In seaside areas in the north-east of the country, life is hard and fishermen have to go against the forcesof nature every time they go to work. (coastal; defy)5 Agreement was finally reached after a long and heated discussion. (lengthy) 8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you watch an impromptu performance of something, has it (a) been prepared, or (b) not beenprepared?2 When you map out your future, do you (a) plan it carefully, or (b) draw a sketch of it on paper?Discovering yourself Unit 13 If you brace yourself for something unpleasant, do you (a) try not to think about it, or (b) prepareyourself for it mentally and physically?4 Do you moor a boat by (a) turning the steering wheel, or (b) tying it to a post with a rope?5 Is a rusty piece of metal something that (a) is bright and shiny, or (b) might have been left out in the rainand is covered with brown substance?6 If a bowl is brimming with soup, is it (a) very full, or (b) half empty?7 If someone is being held captive, are they (a) free to do as they please, or(b) being kept as a prisoner?8 If you have figured out something, have you (a) added numbers together, or(b) understood it?Active reading (2)2 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 The passage will be (c) .(a) a newspaper article about life expectancy(b) a sad story about death(c) advice about how to make the most of your life(d) a warning that modern lifestyles are bad for healthUnit 1 Discovering yourself122 The passage is likely to be (d) .(a) serious(b) funny(c) depressing(d) a mixture of all three3 The passage is likely to say (b) .(a) young peop le don’t think enough about death(b) life is short(c) people are dying unnecessarily(d) people don’t enjoy life enoughWe are all dyingBackground informationThe passage is taken from Everything That Happens to Me Is Good, a book of thoughts, experiences andinsights from the life of Geoff Thompson. The writer worked in many different jobs, including nine yearsas a “bouncer” in a nightclub in London (a bouncer has the tough job of making sure that no one causestrouble, eg if they are rude, drunk or violent). He then trained full-time in karate, judo and other martial artsand became well-known as a martial arts instructor. He lived out his dream to become a writer, authoringover 30 books on self-defence and self-improvement and has recently been making films and writing for thescreen. Asked what he had learnt from his years in martial arts, he said, “The main thing I’ve learned is thatwherever there is discomfort there is growth, but what people do is to look for growth in areas of comfort –and there’s no growth in comfort. So look for areas of growth that are uncomfortable but allow you to grow,and learn to become comfortable in those areas.”Language points1 I have some good news and some bad news for you (as the joke goes). The bad news –and I’m verysorry to be the bearer –is that we are all dying. It’s true. I’ve checked it out. (Para 1)Good news and bad news are often paired together in jokes and in comments on new information or recentevents where there is a mixture of positive and negative aspects, eg The good news is … But the badnews is …To check something out means to examine something or someone in order to be certain that everything iscorrect, true, satisfactory or acceptable. Check this out! is anattention-getting exclamation which meanshere’s something interesting to have a look at.2 … we are all going to be either coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some localcemetery. (Para 1)Coffin is a long box in which a dead person is buried. The expression coffin dweller is a humorous way torefer to dead people.The expression trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery refers jokingly to the ashes of adead person placed in a cemetery garden where people walk on the buried ashes. Discovering yourself Unit 1133 After all, we never quite know when the hooded, scythe-carrying,bringer-of-the-last-breath mightcome-a-calling. (Para 1)The expression the hooded, scythe-carrying, bringer-of-the-last breath refers to the reaper, a person whoreaps or cuts corn for the harvest and is a symbol of death from medieval times of the West. A reaper ispersonified as a tall figure dressed in a black cloak with a hood covering his face and carrying a scythe,a cutting tool with a long curved metal blade used for cutting, or reaping long grass or corn. The reaperbrings death or brings your last breath. The expression when the reaper arrives means when death comesto you.4 … and nothing underlines the uncertainty and absolute frailty of humanity like the untimely exit ofa friend. (Para 1)The word exit here means leaving this world or death. The word untimely means happening at a time thatis not suitable because it causes problems. An untimely death is too soon or when a person is young.5 Knowing that we are all budding crypt-kickers takes away all the uncertainty of life. (Para 3)That we are all budding crypt-kickers is a humorous way of saying that we are all potentially soon to beburied, ie dead.6 The prologue and epilogue are already typed in. All that’s left is the middle bit ... choose the meat ofthe story. (Para 3)A prologue is a piece of writing at the start of a book, or the beginning ofa play, film or TV programmethat introduces a story. An epilogue is at the end of a novel, play or piece of writing, which carries an extracomment or extra information about what happens after the main story. Here, the writer’s point is that theprologue (birth) and epilogue (end, death) of your life are already written, but we all choose to write themiddle bit –the meat of the story.7 So, all those plans that you have on the back burner, you know, the great things you’re going to dowith your life “when the time is right”? (Para 4)A back burner is literally one of the back parts of a cooker which is used for heating or cooking food.Metaphorically, if you put something on the back burner, it means you have decided not to do it untillater. It is at the back of the cooker, just simmering or cooking slowly, so you don’t give it priority becauseit doesn’t need your full attention. The expression this back-burner stuff (Para 10) thus refers to thingswhich have low priority and get little attention.8 There’s only a promissory note that we are often not in a position to cash. (Para 5)A promissory note is a document giving details of your promise to pay someone a particular amount ofmoney by a particular date. The writer means that tomorrow, or the future, is like a promissory note forwhich you never get the cash, because the future never comes unless you act now and use time wisely, asif tomorrow is today.9 … but regret and a rear-view mirror full of “could haves”, “should haves” and “would haves”. (Para 5)A rear-view mirror is a mirror fixed to the front window of a car that lets the driver see what is happeningbehind. Here, the mirror refers to the past, which is behind us. We don’t want such a mirror full of regretsabout things we could / should / would have done, but did not do.Unit 1 Discovering yourself1410 I love watching people ingeniously stack the cucumber around the side of the bowl –like they’refilling a skip –and then cramming it so high that they have to hire a forklift truck to get it back tothe table … They just know that they only have one shot at it. (Para 6)A skip is a large metal container used in the building industry for waste; itis carried away by a truckwhen it is full.A forklift truck is a vehicle that uses two long metal bars at the front for lifting and moving heavy objects.The writer is using the images of a skip and a truck to emphasize how people use the opportunity to servethemselves, because they only have one shot – they only have one chance or attempt, they can’t return formore salad in this type of buffet, so they make the most of this opportunity.11 So w hat I’m thinking is (and this is not molecular science) … (Para 10) It means this is not specialized knowledge. It’s not rocket science; it’s simple and straightforward.12 The right time is the cheque that’s permanently in the post, it never arrives. (Para 10)That the cheque is in the post means money has been sent, its on its way. This is often said as an excusefor late payment, so if the cheque’s permanently in the post, it means the money never comes.13 It’s the girl who keeps us standing at the corner of the Co-op looking likea spanner … She’s stoodus up. (Para 10)The expression looking like a spanner on the street corner means he looks awkward and out of place,waiting for a girl who is late and never arrives.To stand someone up means not to come to meet them when you have arranged to meet them, especiallysomeone with whom you are having or starting a romantic relationship. The word us is an informal andpersonal way to include others who will recognize that this is a typical experience.14 Act now or your time will elapse and you’ll end up as a sepia-coloured relative that no one can puta name to in a dusty photo album. (Para 13)The expression you’ll end up as a sepia-coloured relative means that in the end you will be only anold half-forgotten photograph in a photo album. I can’t put a name to someone is said when you halfrecognizea person but you can’t quite remember his name.15 Better to leave a biography as thick as a whale omelette than an epitaph. (Para 14)An omelette is flat round food made by mixing eggs together and cooking them. The expression as thickas a whale means extremely thick. The writer means it is better to leave a very large biography than anepitaph, or, in other words, live a full life which is worth writing about. Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of the passage.3 Life is short. So there’s no point in planning for a future which may never come. Now is the time to dowhat we want to do. There’s no time to lose.Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 involving three things of the same kind (triple)2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)Discovering yourself Unit 1153 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)4 a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)5 to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)6 at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)7 continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)8 to pass (elapse)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1 About two hours elapsed before we reached the cemetery where the war dead were buried.2 I sat in the rear seat behind the driver. My three sisters were all crammed in the front.3 The entrance to the car park was blocked, so the road was full of cars which had been triple-parked oneagainst another, making it almost impossible to get past.4 We have a number of budding authors in our class this year, one of whom has written a fascinatingbiography of his grandmother.5 The time we have on this earth may be finite, but there are no limits to the human imagination.6 Answer the questions about the words.1 If you substantiate a claim, do you (a) prove it is true, or (b) persuade someone that it is true?2 If someone tramples over something, do they (a) pour water over it, or (b) walk all over it?3 If someone’s arrival is untimely, is it (a) at the wrong moment, or (b) late?4 If events are described chronologically, do they occur (a) in the order inwhich they happened, or (b) inno particular order?5 Is ingeniously likely to mean (a) artistically, or (b) cleverly?6 Is knackered an informal British word meaning (a) very relaxed, or (b) extremely tired?7 Is patently likely to mean (a) obviously, or (b) usually?8 When something is allotted to you, is it (a) given to you, or (b) taken from you?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 If you check something out, do you (a) find out, or (b) not think about it?2 If you see something from the sidelines, do you (a) take part in the action, or (b) stay away from it?3 If something is down to you, is it your (a) bad luck, or (b) responsibility?4 If you have something on the back burner, (a) will you look at it later, or(b) are you interested in itnow?5 If you are in a position to do something, are you (a) able, or (b) unable to do it?6 If time is ticking away, does it seem (a) as if it will last forever, or (b) to be passing quickly?7 If you can have one shot at something, (a) are you allowed to shoot it, or(b) do you have only onechance to do it?8 If you make the best of something, do you (a) enjoy it while you can, or (b) work hard to make it asuccess?9 If a girl stands you up, does she (a) fail to turn up for a date, or (b) refuse to sit down when you askher to?Language in useword formation: compound words1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying .• I’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb)• budding crypt-kickers (compound noun)• a rear-view mirror (compound adjective)• the once-a-year holiday to Florida or Spain (compound adjective)• back-burner stuff (compound adjective)• standing at the corner of the Co-op (compound noun)• a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to (compound adjective)2 Rewrite the phrases using compound adjectives.1 a party which is held late at night (a late-night party)2 a library which is well stocked (a well-stocked library)3 a professor who is world famous (a world-famous professor)4 some advice which is well timed (some well-timed advice)5 a population which is growing rapidly (a rapidly-growing population)6 an economy which is based on free market (a free-market economy)7 a boat trip which lasts for half an hour (a half-hour boat trip)It’s what / how …that …3 Rewrite the sentences using It’s what / how …that …1 What other people think of us is determined by how we behave.It’s how we behave that determines what other people think of us.Unit 1 Discovering yourself202 What sort of job we are going to end up doing is usually determined by our character.It’s what our character is that usually determines what sort of job we are going to end up doing.3 What we do as a career isn’t always determined by the marks we get at university.It isn’t always what marks we get at university that determine what we do asa career.4 How we react to life’s problems is often determined by our childhood experiences.It is often what we experienced in our childhood that determines how we react to life’s problems.5 When we die is determined by our genetic clock, and the changes we make to it.It’s what our genetic clock is and what changes we make to it that determine when we die.It is / was not just that …but …4 Rewrite the sentences using It is / was not just that …but …1 Not only were the shops all closed for Thanksgiving, there was also no one in the streets.It wasn’t just that the shops were all closed for Thanksgiving, but there was no one in the streets.2 Not only did she spend all her time at college going to parties, she also took the time to gain a first-classdegree.It wasn’t just that she spent all her time at college going to parties, but she took the time to gain a firstclassdegree.3 Not only were they not listening to what he said, it also seemed as if they weren’t at all interested.It wasn’t just that they weren’t listening to what he said, but it seemed as if they weren’t at all interested.4 Not only was I upset, I also felt as if I was going to burst out crying. It wasn’t just that I was upset, but I felt as if I was going to burst out crying.5 Not only was the Grim Reaper intended to frighten people, it was also a figure of fun.It wasn’t just that the Grim Reaper was intended to frighten people, but it was also a figure of fun.collocations5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 settle When you settle somewhere you go there to stay.(a) Where is dust likely to settle in a room?On the surfaces that aren’t used very often or aren’t cleaned.(b) If you settle an argument, is the conclusion satisfactory?Yes, it is, because the disagreement is solved and each party is satisfied with the outcome.(c) If you settle the bill, what is there left to pay?Nothing, because you have paid everything that is owed.(d) What do you do when you settle back to watch a film?We relax in a comfortable chair and enjoy it.2 smooth This word can mean flat or soft, comfortable, easy or confident.(a) If the sea is smooth, are you likely to feel seasick?No, because the sea is calm. We will feel seasick if it is rough.Discovering yourself Unit 121(b) If a changeover from one government to the next is smooth, are there lots of problems?No, because the changeover has gone well, without difficulties.(c) Is it a good idea to trust a smooth talker?Not necessarily, because some people who talk confidently like that do so to trick you, like aconfidence trickster or conman.3 offer This word can refer to something you would like someone to take, something someone gives, orsomething that is for sale.(a) If you decline an offer, do you say “yes” or “no”?We say “no”, because we are refusing it.(b) If you offer an apology to someone for something you have done, what do you say?We should say, “I apologize” or “I’m sorry”.(c) Where are you likely to see special offer?In a shop, because the shop is offering a special price or reduction for something.(d) If someone has a lot to offer, what kind of person are they?They are intelligent, talented, gifted or creative and they will bring these kinds of qualities to their work.4 bear If you bear something you carry or bring it. If you cannot bear something, you dislike it or cannotaccept it.(a) If you bear something in mind, do you forget it?No, we will remember it and consider it for a particular occasion in future.(b) If you bear a resemblance to someone, in what way are you like them? We look similar in certain physical features.(c) Is there anything you can’t bear to think about?I can’t bear to think too much about some of the problems in the world, famine, war, poverty etc. Inthe modern world, why don’t we just solve them?5 resistance This word can refer to the refusal to accept something new, the ability not to be harmed bysomething, or opposition to someone or something.(a) If there is resistance to an idea, do people accept it?No, not easily. They refuse to accept the idea maybe because it’s just a bad idea, or they may changetheir mind if they understand it better.(b) If the soldiers met with resistance, what happened?The soldiers met opposition from those they were fighting against.(c) Is there a way to build up your resistance to cold?Yes, we can keep ourselves as healthy as possible with a good diet and getting enough exercise sothat we are less likely to catch a cold, or if we do get one, we won’t suffer so badly.6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1 We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like thisagain, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams inApril and May in the following year. No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so thepeer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o’clock in the。
unit 1 key fresh start综合教程3,基础英语,第一单元,课后习题答案

KEY OF UNIT N1VOCABULARYI. 1. I had just the feeling of a new comer at college without thestrength a mature student might posses.2. my apparent confidence3. some food to appease my hunger (as well as my anxiety)4. going with the tide was no longer crucial to one’s success5. foolish and glaring mistakesII. 1. distress 2. clutched 3. pose 4. sneaked 5. preoccupation6.shackles7. curse8. deliberationIII. 1. assure 2. discretion 3. relaxation 4. humiliate 5. strategy6. embarrassment7. maneuverable8. ImmaturityIV. 1. live up to 2. headed for 3. seek out 4. has broken for5. groped for6. trying … on7. going out to8. tipped off V. 1. vague(indistinct) 2. inconspicuously (unobtrusively)3. self-restraint (self-control)4. clever (intelligent, sensible)5. manner (behavior)6. excited (agitated)7. sneak 8. mature (sophisticated)VI. 1. became popular 2.respect 3. keep up 4. lead to5. understand6. found7. use8. StartGrammarI. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. f 5. a 6. e 7.h 8. GII. 1. My decision to resign was wise.2. their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprisedthe diplomatic world.3. My determination to pass the test helped me.4. Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents.5. My willingness to cooperate was appreciated.6. His refusal to help surprised me.7. The proposal the we should import more equipment is to bediscussed at the meeting.8. Who can have told you that puzzles me.III. D B C C A B D BIV. 1. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture.2. He wore glassed and a false beard so that nobody wouldrecognize him.3. The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand whathe said.4. She locked the door so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.5. John whispered so that others couldn’t hear him.6. Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.7. John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel.8. The lecture showed some slides so that he might illustrate his point. V. 1. Although/Though 2. Yet 3. however/though4. However/nevertheless/though5. Although/Though6. Despite/In spite of7. although/though8. however 9. However 10. Despite/In spite ofTranslationI. 1. 事实上,不管我如何摆出一副成熟的样子,我感觉自己还是有一点大一新生的菜鸟气。

新世纪⼤学英语综合教程3第⼀单元课后习题答案Unit 1Text A assure biased dread grin hover scrawl visibleText B await crease engage frail glisten hint sole1.Don’t sit for too long or you’ll______your new dress.2.There’s a ______ of summer in the air, although it’s only April.3. He ______me that the well-known doctor would cure my headache.4. I handed in my application for the job last week; I am eagerly ______ their reply.5. I wis h you’d stop ______ round and let me get on with some work.6. Hilary was out, so I______ a note to her and put it under the door.7. The little girl kept on dancing, her face and black hair______ with sweat.8. A ______ old woman with a walking stick came slowly down to the gate to meet us.9.Judy is the ______ survivor of the car accident the driver and all the other passengers died.10. In the room where the young man was killed, detectives found no______ signs of a struggle.11.While one of the robbers ______ the guard in conversation, the otherscrept into the factory.12. One member of the jury was ______ in favour of the suspect, because they shared the same educational background13. This was the moment he had been ______ for weeks-his mother found out theat he had told a lie.14. When she heard they were going to get married, the old woman couldn’t stop ______all day.Text A as it iseach and every every so often for fear ofget byin the background wrap sb. around one's little finger Text B catch sb. unawares except for make a livingpull up shut off1.The young couple spoke in whispers______ waking the baby.2.We ______ in front of a shop, bought some drinks and drove on.3. I can answer all the questions ______the last-it puzzles me too.4.We couldn’t ______ on my salary alone, so my wife did some oddjobs.5. He left his well-paid office job to try to ______ on a farm.6.I no longer go to see John regularly, but ______ he drops in at my office.7.Though she has a lot of power in that big company, Sandy tends to remain____8. ______ the power after you use the multi-media devices in the conference room.9. Although he’s been here just a few days, he knows the name of ______colleague.10.We hope to finish the work today, but ______ we probably won’t finish until tomorrow.11. Judy is quite obedient while her younger sister always ______ her father ______.12. The shower______ completely ______ all the clothes we hung up outside got wet.答案:1.crease2.hint3.assured4.awaiting5.hovering6.scrawled7.glistening8.fairl9.sole 10.visible 11.engaged 12.biased 13.dreading 14. grinning1.for fear of2.pulled up3.except for4.get by5.make aliving6.every so often7.in the background8.Shut off 9.each and every10.as it is11.wraps…around her little finger 12.caught us…unawares1.别坐得太久,否则会弄皱你的⾐服。
完美WORD 格式编辑格式编辑学习指导参考资料 Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 11、are going to apply for a patent on it2、ve you made the necessary preparations3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready4、w long will it take to get the patentPut in Use : Practice 21、at findings have you got from the market research2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the place of the older ones4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent years5、their views on consumption are also changing rapidly6、So you believe the potential market for mobile phones will be quite largePut in Use : Practice 31、are you interested in2、 something about them3、 model do you prefer4、the functions or the price5、show you6、What's your price on that / What's the price Listen and JudgeTFFTTTTFListen and Respond1、In an automobile store2、To give it to his daughter as a birthday gift3、Only one4、About three months5、RMB 208 600 yuan6、In installmentsListen and Read1、Washing2、ten/103、Extremely4、Customers5、fresh smell6、Ingredients7、Larger8、Thicker9、Benefit1010、、less tired and less sleepyPassage I : Read and Think 1BDDCAPassage I : Read and Think 21、Because face-to-face selling can provide immediate feedback which helps salespeople to adapt.2、The purpose is to generate a lot of interest and book sales at no cost to the publisher.3、Because they want to get free publicity for their products.4、He believed that a consumer might not pay any attention to an ad ad——but might carefully read a long magazine story with the same information.5、Publicity is a very cheap (even free of charge) promotion method, and it might be more effective than paid advertising.Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Scattered2、Convinced3、Generated4、Prompted5、Identify6、Flexible7、Feedback8、Presentation9、Target 1010、、objectivePassage I : Read and Complete 21、Direct2、Combine3、Establish4、Events5、Purchase6、Backgrounds7、Occupations8、Candidate9、Vital1010、、communicatePassage 1:Read and Translate1、She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2、He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3、You should always aim at doing your job well .4、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking afterher invalid father.5、The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6、Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. Passage 1:Read and Simulate1、The son was watching DVD at home while the parents were working in the fields working in the fields..You like sports, while I prefer music You like sports, while I prefer music..2、The following are three ways a taxpayer may choose from to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary..There are so many different CD versions to choose from and I have no idea which is the best I have no idea which is the best..3、3、The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody to anybody..The researchers have concluded that drinking tea does good to the health of people without examining any other factors factors..4、In such an urgent situation, the focus of our investment should be on new machinery rather than building building..I always prefer starting early, rather than leavingeverything to the last minute everything to the last minute..5、5、There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish..Because the bridge collapsed last month, you can't get across other than by swimming across other than by swimming..PassageII : Read and JudgeTFTTTTFFFTPassage II : Read and Translate 1、It has become a very common but very annoying practice to promote a new product on television.2、On Christmas Day, New Century Department Store gave away a small box of chocolate to every customer who shopped there.3、After waiting for a long time, we finally saw the President show up on the platform.4、Telephone booths placed one after another along the streets is the symbol of civilization and a beautiful view of the city as well.5、The spaceships manned by Chinese have witnessed two successful outer space missions.6、Even today, I still remember clearly what the old headmaster said at our graduation ceremony.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Product advertised:Cotton Slippers Manufactured by:Totes Co., Ltd. Reasons to be happy:Money-saving and comfortable Material used:Cotton Measuresto ensure safety:Flat and flexible sole Comparable price:Half of the competitors / Twice ours Target consumers:Men, women and children Colors available for:Men:Black, grey and brown Women:Green, white, pink and blue Children: Red, green, pink, yellow and orangeApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、1、made in made in 2、2、traditional product traditional product 3、famous brand4、4、Manufactured Manufactured 5、5、special and tasty special and tasty 6、6、a high a high reputation7、7、Health Food Health Food Health Food 8、8、8、the best seller the best seller the best seller 9、9、9、awards awards and medals10、10、the dried beef the dried beefUnit 2Put in Use : Practice 11、Founded2、Employees3、Products4、Annual production / output5、Developing6、R&DPut in Use : Practice 21、We have been dealing in importing automobiles.2、We have three branches in China.3、It's in Toronto.4、They were about 180 million yuan.5、It's about ten percent.Listen and Complete1、19822、Stock3、Shanghai4、Hong Kong5、Tokyo6、mobile telephones7、digital cameras8、Sales9、200 0001010、、$80 000 000Listen and DecideDAACBListen and Read1、the 21st century2、Tokyo, JAPAN3、President and CEO4、June 17, 19375、135.3 billion yen6、21 6717、Software8、Communications SystemsPassage I : Read and Think 1 BCACDPassage I : Read and Think 21、Maintain market alertness2、Employee equal opportunity3、Excellent working conditions4、Produce outstanding quality5、market standard6、distribution channels7、Haier innovation8、Slack season9、Flexible strategies1010、、Goal of complete customer satisfaction Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Advancement2、Conservative3、Reflected4、Significance5、Distinctive6、Innovating7、had established8、Recognized9、PositivelyPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Referred2、Marketing3、Release4、Originally5、Introduction6、Differed7、Reputation8、Revolutionized9、Innovative1010、、AvailablePassage I : Read and Translate1、How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2、The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3、According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several pasengers.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.4、He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union, but he didn't get in / succeed.5、Throughout one-year industrious work, the company has achieved all its goals this year.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you.My suggestion is that you should buy that multifunctional sofa because it may serve as a bed.2、This school began as a community college and has grown to one of the most famous universities in the state.Columbia began as a family owned hat distributorship in1938, and has grown into one of the world's largest outerwear brands.3、Our mission is to be one of the leaders in performance running and one of the most admired.The commitment of our company is to introduce the products of our country to the customers throughout the world.4、Luxury is becoming a concept rooted in our modern drive to find personal meaning and satisfaction.In history, "value" is itself a human concept rooted in rational and moral principles.5、Our president encourages us to improve ourselves by reading an hour a day in our fields.According to a new research, smokers can reduce their risk for heart disease by cutting down on smoking cigarettes. Passage II : Read and Judge FFTTFFTTTFPassage II : Read and Complete1、19182、19633、5 0004、Nine5、19656、one million dollars7、2008、19859、Twenty-Five1010、、thirty five thousand1111、、one billion1212、、eight hundred thousandPassage II : Read and Translate1、This method has proved to be very successful.2、We won't know the worth of health until we are ill.3、This kind of performance was very popular with college students.4、It is recognized that smoking is bad to one's health.5、The best way to learn something is to do it.6、They will compete with swimmers from across the world.7、We can't solve all the problems, but we certainly can ease their suffering.8、I had a lot of fun that evening and so did everyone else at the party.Applied Writing : Read and Complete1、Spring Inc2、New York City3、four / 44、150%5、men's casual sportswear6、ServicesApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、was established2、specialize in3、annual sales4、is growing steadily5、Branches6、With7、serve the needs8、further develop9、deal with1010、、doing businessUnit 3Put in Use : Practice 11、Certainly. Here's the catalogue for some of our popular items.2、Thanks. We'll look into it carefully.3、We have a steady supply for most of them.4、We usually quote on a CIF basis.5、You'll find our prices very attractive.Put in Use : Practice 21、Fine2、have / take3、If4、For5、Long6、For7、Changes8、OutListen and JudgeTTFTFFFListen and Respond1、In HK dollars.2、The seller will reduce the total payment by one percent.3、$405 per unit.4、Because that is the standard practice on the FOB basis.5、The buyer.6、No, not yet.Listen and Read1、November2、Delivery3、Able4、Type5、Demand6、Month7、January8、Customers9、Models1010、、CarryPassage I : Read and ThinkDACCAPassage I : Read and Complete 11、purchased goods online2、eBay3、ISP4、user account names Passwords5、Failed6、Danger7、CarefulPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Denied2、Partly3、had risked4、Removed5、Failed6、Disaster7、Assumed8、Discourage9、Registered1010、、ResidentsPassage I : Read and Complete 31、Need2、Through3、See4、With5、Process6、Whom7、Party8、Another9、Not1010、、AboutPassage I : Read and Translate1、The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2、High blood pressure places millions of people at therisk of heart disease.3、Think twice before you make any important decisions.4、A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5、Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、If there is a problem, we never point fingers at eachother.They pointed fingers at one another for failing to preventthe disaster.2、It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solvedin the near future.It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.3、This computer virus is spreading, and all online usersare at risk.The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk.4、I advised him to think twice before deciding to quitschool.Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.5、Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it clearly?Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTFFFPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、40% of all Canadians have access to the Internet2、The Internet is a universal information system3、Access to "the web" is easy4、obtain information5、set up a website of your own6、expand your business7、settle payment by credit cardtApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Opener Longway Company, LondonDalian Electronic Appliances Company, BeneficiaryChinaOpening Bank First Bank of England, LondonAdvising Bank Not mentionedKind of Letter ofIrrevocable, non-confirmedCreditAmount covered US$ 75 000Type of draftagreed30-day draftAccompanying documents Signed Invoice Insurance Policy Clean Shipped Bills of LadingGoods covered150 Cartons of 34” Colour TelevisionReceiversPort of Departure Dalian, ChinaPort ofDestinationLondon, BritainApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 2June 26, 2003Bank of China, ShanghaiSmith and Sons Co., Ltd. Southampton, EnglandShanghai Zhongnan Import and Export Corporation, Shanghai,ChinaOne Hundred And Fifteen Thousand US Dollars (US$ 115 000.00)August 26, 2003Bank of China, Shanghaiat sight1、commercial invoice five (5) DEFDEF——101June 3, 20032、Packing list five (5) Cotton Grade A, 100 Tons (CIF Southampton)3、Clean "On Board", "Freight Prepaid" Bill of Lading4、Insurance certificateShanghai, ChinaSouthampton, EnglandProhibitedPermittedUnit 4Put in Use : Practice 11、hire more people2、who will train and supervise the new employees we hire3、Normally, it takes three weeks to train an employee before he can work 4before he can work4、、on his ownT5T5、、he training sessions are too long6、But the new employees don't know anything about the computer and it 7computer and it7、、also takes time to train them to use the computer8、That way you can cut down the training timePut in Use : Practice 21、mainly on fire prevention and office safety2、and controlled by the automatic sprinkler system3、I'll show you around after the talk4、one at either end of the corridor on each floor5、You can dial the emergency number on the telephone set thereListen and DecodeTFTFTListen and Respond1、From next Monday on.2、About the office rules.3、One should be quite familiar with office routines and try to do everything well.4、Keeping things in order.5、Be careful not to throw things about.Listen and Read1、Introduce2、Information3、Enable4、Acquire5、Planned6、Trainees7、Leave8、Designed9、Combine1010、、QualifiedPassage I : Read and Think 1DDCCAPassage I : Read and Think 2TTFTFFPassage I : Read and Complete 11、Perspective2、Assigned3、Revealed4、Insight5、Unintended6、Contrast7、Startled8、Perform9、feel like1010、、serving asPassage I : Read and Complete 2 1、Employees2、is concerned with3、Operate4、Responsive5、calls for6、Employers7、turn out8、On the other hand9、no denying、Means1010、Passage I : Read and Translate1、In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.2、In my few years of study in Britain, I had chances to meet students of all sorts of nationalities.3、In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.4、My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expression on the face.5、We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.6、When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.Passage I : Read and Simulate 1、He seems to know the way better than I do.His voice seemed to have disturbed her.2、His carelessness led to this accident.Hard work leads to success.3、I was assigned to a small room when I started my work in the college.Each of us was assigned to a holiday homework by the teacher.4、Don’t leave until I arrive.I won’t stop shouting until you let me go.5、My eyes were irritated by the smoke.The boss was irritated by the clerk’s rude behavior.6、When it came to his turn, he rose from his seat. When it comes to drawing a plan, leave it to me.7、Instead of improving, he is getting worse.They built a reservoir half way up the mountaininstead of at the top.Passage II : Read and Judge CCABDPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、manage2、Pertaining3、Need4、Require5、Competitive6、Technology7、Necessary8、change or learnPassage II : Read and Translate 1、We are sorry, but this vacancy has already been filled.2、We have now entered the information age and left behind the industrial age.3、The rapid change of the global economy calls for college students to master the latest technology.4、We must try our best to develop ourselves to meet the needs of the new situation.5、It should be admitted that really qualified college teachers are hard to find.6、Prevention of disaster and terrorism requires a new set of management skills.Applied Writing : Read and Judge FTFTFApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、have a training program2、conduct the new sales representative training program3、seek his advice and past experience4、searching for an outside trainer5、enjoys a good reputation in Asia6、may review the materials with the consulting firm7、what sort of training content we expectUnit 5Put in Use : Practice 11、the headline of the advertisement for our computers2、the headline is more important than the body3、What do you think of this headline4、it's a little too plain5、Shall we discuss the body of the advertisement first Put in Use : Practice 21、We mainly deal with outdoor advertising.2、The choice of an advertising place depends on how much you are prepared to pay.3、Yes, but it can make your product widely known.Listen and Complete1、Media World2、Night and Day Advertising company3、Copywriters4、people don't work long in advertising5、safer than in advertisingListen and Decide1、Five years ago.2、About three years ago.3、She works closely with the clients and advertisementwriters and works out advertising strategies with them.4、Below 30.5、Yes, there are also a lot of older people in it.Listen and Read1、American citizen2、nearly $ 3703、Argue4、Services5、Purchasing6、larger quantities7、in turnPassage I : Read and Think 1CDCACPassage I : Read and Think 21、Female2、New York City3、Married4、the World's Fair5、Top 10 advertisinPassage I : Read and Complete 11、soared2、Milestone3、Commercial4、Nutrition5、Amused6、Charming7、Icon8、Presented9、Romantic、Symbolizes10、10Passage I : Read and Complete 21、Pleasuret2、Icon3、Industry4、Appearance5、Consumers6、Commercials7、Campaign8、Launch9、Extend、Accomplishment10、10Passage I : Read and Translate1、Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.2、On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had accomplished in the past year.3、The children were amused by the story about the cat.4、The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.5、Walking after supper promotes digestion.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.What we lack currently is credibility.2、Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almostbeen synonymous with the outstanding Party member.3、His misery in life began when he first tried thedrugs.His romantic life began when he first touched apainting brush.4、The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy itagain.We were so attracted by his description that we wereplanning to travel on Lijiang.5、Even today, a bunch of roses symbolizes love.Even today, war symbolizes destruction.Passage II : Read and JudgeFFFTTTFFPassage II : Read and Translate1、This kind of bed can be assembled easily with a screwdriver.2、She embodies all the best qualities of a doctor.3、Where are your so-called intimate friends when you are confronted with difficulties.4、The manufacturer-recommended retail price for the pens is 18 yuan a piece and the wholesale price is 12 yuan each.5、Although they are brothers, their personalities are quite distinct.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1DCDABApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、Non-Smoking M2、Reasonable rates3、No Job too BIG or too Small4、NANNY for downtown familyUnit 6Put in Use : Practice 11、I've been asked to come to investigate the damage to the load which this lorry was carrying2、It's your firm which is making the claim. Am I right3、I think these desks could be repainted4、We'll never be able to repair them5、They must have been under water for some time6、Your company should file a formal claim with this report and your policy within 14 daysPut in Use : Practice 21、That would save us a lot of trouble and time2、You cover WPA and War Risks, don't you3、do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks4、then don't bother. I was merely enquiring5、Thus the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% of the invoice value should6、be borne by the buyersListen and Complete1、an insurance company2、personal insurance3、liability insurance4、profit loss insurance5、Profit loss6、property insuranceListen and DecideCBACDListen and Read1、any insurance2、the coverage3、Insure4、Most often5、rely on6、Sells7、Represent8、Offer9、Shopping1010、、languagePassage I : Read and ThinkBDACBDPassage I : Read and Match5 7 1 8 4 2 9 36 11 10Passage I : Read and Complete 11、provided2、Leveled3、on a large scale4、results in5、Financial6、Damaged7、States8、resulted from9、guard against10、、entered into10Passage I : Read and Complete 2ACCBD BCCBDPassage I : Read and Translate1、These companies entered into a new agreement.2、A company has been set up to produce mobile phones on a large scale.3、This accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers.4、We'd better insure the house against fire.5、Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、The best way to guard against tooth decay is through brushing teeth every day.The best way to guard against infection is through vaccination.2、The purpose of the book is to introduce the basicknowledge of engineering.The purpose of the competition is to provide university students with a stage to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.3、This is possible only when the wheels stop turning.This is possible only when the weather is fine.4、In terms of economy, nations can be divided into two groups: developed countries and developing countries.The pie can be divided into five pieces so that everyone gets piece.5、We should try our best to reduce the mistakes resulting from carelessness.They are assessing the loss resulting from the air crash. Passage II : Read and Judge 1 FFFTTTFTPassage II : Read and RewriteInsuranceAdoptClaimRequiredInformrefused / disclaimedCourtPassage II : Read and Translate1、He has been working hard to maintain his family.2、I want a specific answer to the question I asked you yesterday.3、He put his books on the shelf in order.4、Many cities in China have to rely on the Yangtze Riverfor water supply.5、Are you eligible to join this club?6、We used to cook on coal, but we've now switched to gas.Applied Writing : Read and Simulate 2FTFTTTApplied Writing : Read and Complete1、ship consignments of cameras to Australia2、you can issue an all-risks policy for these shipments3、you can issue a special rate4、regular monthly shipments5、We look forward to hearing from you very soon。

Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 11、are going to apply for a patent on it2、ve you made the necessary preparations3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready4、w long will it take to get the patentPut in Use : Practice 21、at findings have you got from the market research2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the placeof the older ones4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent years5、their views on consumption are also changing rapidly6、So you believe the potential market for mobile phones will be quite largePut in Use : Practice 31、are you interested in2、something about them3、 model do you prefer4、the functions or the price5、show you6、What's your price on that / What's the price Listen and JudgeTFFTTTTFListen and Respond1、In an automobile store2、To give it to his daughter as a birthday gift3、Only one4、About three months5、RMB 208 600 yuan6、In installmentsListen and Read1、Washing2、ten/103、Extremely4、Customers5、fresh smell6、Ingredients7、Larger8、Thicker9、Benefit10、less tired and less sleepyPassage I : Read and Think 1BDDCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 1、Because face-to-face selling can provide immediate feedback which helps salespeople to adapt.2、The purpose is to generate a lot of interest and book salesat no cost to the publisher.3、Because they want to get free publicity for their products.4、He believed that a consumer might not pay any attention toan ad—but might carefully read a long magazine story with thesame information.5、Publicity is a very cheap (even free of charge) promotion method, and it might be more effective than paid advertising. Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Scattered2、Convinced3、Generated4、Prompted5、Identify6、Flexible7、Feedback8、Presentation9、Target10、objectivePassage I : Read and Complete 21、Direct2、Combine3、Establish4、Events5、Purchase6、Backgrounds7、Occupations8、Candidate9、Vital10、communicatePassage 1:Read and Translate1、She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a priceshe could afford.2、He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3、You should always aim at doing your job well .4、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after herinvalid father.5、The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6、Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some aregood, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.Passage 1:Read and Simulate1、The son was watching DVD at home while the parents were working in the fields.You like sports, while I prefer music.2、The following are three ways a taxpayer may choose from to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary.There are so many different CD versions to choose from and Ihave no idea which is the best.3、The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody.The researchers have concluded that drinking tea does good tothe health of people without examining any other factors.4、In such an urgent situation, the focus of our investment should be on new machinery rather than building.I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.5、There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish.Because the bridge collapsed last month, you can't get across other than by swimming.Passage II : Read and JudgeTFTTTTFFFTPassage II : Read and Translate 1、It has become a very common but very annoying practice to promote a new product on television.2、On Christmas Day, New Century Department Store gave away a small box of chocolate to every customer who shopped there.3、After waiting for a long time, we finally saw the President show up on the platform.4、Telephone booths placed one after another along the streetsis the symbol of civilization and a beautiful view of the city aswell.5、The spaceships manned by Chinese have witnessed two successful outer space missions.6、Even today, I still remember clearly what the old headmastersaid at our graduation ceremony.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Product advertised: Cotton SlippersManufactured by: Totes Co., Ltd.Reasons to be happy: Money-saving and comfortableMaterial used: CottonMeasures to ensure safety: Flat and flexible soleComparable price: Half of the competitors / Twice oursT arget consumers: Men, women and childrenColors available for:Men: Black, grey and brownWomen: Green, white, pink and blueChildren: Red, green, pink, yellow and orangeApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、made in 2、traditional product 3、famous brand4、Manufactured 5、special and tasty 6、a high reputation7、Health Food 8、the best seller 9、awards and medals10、the dried beefUnit 2Put in Use : Practice 11、Founded2、Employees3、Products4、Annual production / output5、Developing6、R&DPut in Use : Practice 21、We have been dealing in importing automobiles.2、We have three branches in China.3、It's in Toronto.4、They were about 180 million yuan.5、It's about ten percent.Listen and Complete1、19822、Stock3、Shanghai4、Hong Kong5、Tokyo6、mobile telephones7、digital cameras8、Sales9、200 00010、$80 000 000Listen and DecideDAACBListen and Read1、the 21st century2、Tokyo, JAPAN3、President and CEO4、June 17, 19375、135.3 billion yen6、21 6717、Software8、Communications SystemsPassage I : Read and Think 1 BCACDPassage I : Read and Think 21、Maintain market alertness2、Employee equal opportunity3、Excellent working conditions4、Produce outstanding quality5、market standard6、distribution channels7、Haier innovation8、Slack season9、Flexible strategies10、Goal of complete customer satisfactionPassage I : Read and Complete 11、Advancement2、Conservative3、Reflected4、Significance5、Distinctive6、Innovating7、had established8、Recognized9、PositivelyPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Referred2、Marketing3、Release4、Originally5、Introduction6、Differed7、Reputation8、Revolutionized9、Innovative10、AvailablePassage I : Read and Translate1、How do you account for the fact that you've been late everyday this week?2、The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3、According to the latest report, the train accident resulted inthe death of several pasengers.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.4、He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union, but he didn't get in / succeed.5、Throughout one-year industrious work, the company has achieved all its goals this year.Passage I : Read and Simulate 1、In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you.My suggestion is that you should buy that multifunctional sofabecause it may serve as a bed.2、This school began as a community college and has grown toone of the most famous universities in the state.Columbia began as a family owned hat distributorship in 1938,and has grown into one of the world's largest outerwear brands.3、Our mission is to be one of the leaders in performance running and one of the most admired.The commitment of our company is to introduce the productsof our country to the customers throughout the world.4、Luxury is becoming a concept rooted in our modern drive tofind personal meaning and satisfaction.In history, "value" is itself a human concept rooted in rational and moral principles.5、Our president encourages us to improve ourselves by reading an hour a day in our fields.According to a new research, smokers can reduce their risk forheart disease by cutting down on smoking cigarettes.Passage II : Read and Judge FFTTFFTTTFPassage II : Read and Complete1、19182、19633、5 0004、Nine5、19656、one million dollars7、2008、19859、Twenty-Five10、thirty five thousand11、one billion12、eight hundred thousandPassage II : Read and Translate1、This method has proved to be very successful.2、We won't know the worth of health until we are ill.3、This kind of performance was very popular with college students.4、It is recognized that smoking is bad to one's health.5、The best way to learn something is to do it.6、They will compete with swimmers from across the world.7、We can't solve all the problems, but we certainly can ease their suffering.8、I had a lot of fun that evening and so did everyone else atthe party.Applied Writing : Read and Complete1、Spring Inc2、New York City3、four / 44、150%5、men's casual sportswear6、ServicesApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、was established2、specialize in3、annual sales4、is growing steadily5、Branches6、With7、serve the needs8、further develop9、deal with10、doing businessUnit 3Put in Use : Practice 11、Certainly. Here's the catalogue for some of our popular items.2、Thanks. We'll look into it carefully.3、We have a steady supply for most of them.4、We usually quote on a CIF basis.5、You'll find our prices very attractive.Put in Use : Practice 21、Fine2、have / take3、If4、For5、Long6、For7、Changes8、OutListen and JudgeTTFTFFFListen and Respond1、In HK dollars.2、The seller will reduce the total payment by one percent.3、$405 per unit.4、Because that is the standard practice on the FOB basis.5、The buyer.6、No, not yet.Listen and Read1、November2、Delivery3、Able4、Type5、Demand6、Month7、January8、Customers9、Models10、CarryPassage I : Read and ThinkDACCAPassage I : Read and Complete 11、purchased goods online2、eBay3、ISP4、user account names Passwords5、Failed6、Danger7、CarefulPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Denied2、Partly3、had risked4、Removed5、Failed6、Disaster7、Assumed8、Discourage9、Registered10、ResidentsPassage I : Read and Complete 31、Need2、Through3、See4、With5、Process6、Whom7、Party8、Another9、Not10、AboutPassage I : Read and Translate1、The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2、High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk ofheart disease.3、Think twice before you make any important decisions.4、A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5、Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、If there is a problem, we never point fingers at each other.They pointed fingers at one another for failing to prevent the disaster.2、It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solved in the near future.It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.3、This computer virus is spreading, and all online users are atrisk.The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk.4、I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.5、Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it clearly? Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTFFFPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、40% of all Canadians have access to the Internet2、The Internet is a universal information system3、Access to "the web" is easy4、obtain information5、set up a website of your own6、expand your business7、settle payment by credit cardtApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 1 Opener Longway Company, LondonBeneficiary Dalian Electronic Appliances Company, China Opening Bank First Bank of England, LondonAdvising Bank Not mentionedKind of Letter ofCreditIrrevocable, non-confirmedAmount covered US$ 75 000Type of draftagreed30-day draftAccompanying documents Signed Invoice Insurance Policy Clean Shipped Bills of Lading150 Cartons of 34” Colour Television Goods coveredReceiversPort of Departure Dalian, ChinaPort of Destination London, BritainApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 2June 26, 2003Bank of China, ShanghaiSmith and Sons Co., Ltd. Southampton, EnglandShanghai Zhongnan Import and Export Corporation, Shanghai, ChinaOne Hundred And Fifteen Thousand US Dollars (US$ 115 000.00) August 26, 2003Bank of China, Shanghaiat sight1、commercial invoice five (5) DEF—101 June 3, 20032、Packing list five (5) Cotton Grade A, 100 Tons (CIF Southampton)3、Clean "On Board", "Freight Prepaid" Bill of Lading4、Insurance certificateShanghai, ChinaSouthampton, EnglandProhibitedPermittedUnit 4Put in Use : Practice 11、hire more people2、who will train and supervise the new employees we hire3、Normally, it takes three weeks to train an employee before he can work4、on his ownT5、he training sessions are too long6、But the new employees don't know anything about the computer and it7、also takes time to train them to use the computer8、That way you can cut down the training timePut in Use : Practice 21、mainly on fire prevention and office safety2、and controlled by the automatic sprinkler system3、I'll show you around after the talk4、one at either end of the corridor on each floor5、You can dial the emergency number on the telephone setthereListen and DecodeTFTFTListen and Respond1、From next Monday on.2、About the office rules.3、One should be quite familiar with office routines and try to do everything well.4、Keeping things in order.5、Be careful not to throw things about.Listen and Read1、Introduce2、Information3、Enable4、Acquire5、Planned6、Trainees7、Leave8、Designed9、Combine10、QualifiedPassage I : Read and Think 1 DDCCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 TTFTFFPassage I : Read and Complete 11、Perspective2、Assigned3、Revealed4、Insight5、Unintended6、Contrast7、Startled8、Perform9、feel like10、serving asPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Employees2、is concerned with3、Operate4、Responsive5、calls for6、Employers7、turn out8、On the other hand9、no denying10、MeansPassage I : Read and Translate1、In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.2、In my few years of study in Britain, I had chances tomeet students of all sorts of nationalities.3、In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.4、My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expressionon the face.5、We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.6、When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.Passage I : Read and Simulate 1、He seems to know the way better than I do.His voice seemed to have disturbed her.2、His carelessness led to this accident.Hard work leads to success.3、I was assigned to a small room when I started mywork in the college.Each of us was assigned to a holiday homework by the teacher.4、Don’t leave until I arrive.I won’t stop shouting until you let me go.5、My eyes were irritated by the smoke.The boss was irritated by the clerk’s rude behavior.6、When it came to his turn, he rose from his seat.When it comes to drawing a plan, leave it to me.7、Instead of improving, he is getting worse.They built a reservoir half way up the mountain insteadof at the top.Passage II : Read and Judge CCABDPassage II : Read and Rewrite 1、manage2、Pertaining3、Need4、Require5、Competitive6、Technology7、Necessary8、change or learnPassage II : Read and Translate1、We are sorry, but this vacancy has already been filled.2、We have now entered the information age and left behind the industrial age.3、The rapid change of the global economy calls for college students to master the latest technology.4、We must try our best to develop ourselves to meetthe needs of the new situation.5、It should be admitted that really qualified collegeteachers are hard to find.6、Prevention of disaster and terrorism requires a new set of management skills.Applied Writing : Read and Judge FTFTFApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、have a training program2、conduct the new sales representative training program3、seek his advice and past experience4、searching for an outside trainer5、enjoys a good reputation in Asia6、may review the materials with the consulting firm7、what sort of training content we expectUnit 5Put in Use : Practice 11、the headline of the advertisement for our computers2、the headline is more important than the body3、What do you think of this headline4、it's a little too plain5、Shall we discuss the body of the advertisement firstPut in Use : Practice 21、We mainly deal with outdoor advertising.2、The choice of an advertising place depends on how much you are prepared to pay.3、Yes, but it can make your product widely known.Listen and Complete1、Media World2、Night and Day Advertising company3、Copywriters4、people don't work long in advertising5、safer than in advertisingListen and Decide1、Five years ago.2、About three years ago.3、She works closely with the clients and advertisement writersand works out advertising strategies with them.4、Below 30.5、Yes, there are also a lot of older people in it.Listen and Read1、American citizen2、nearly $ 3703、Argue4、Services5、Purchasing6、larger quantities7、in turnPassage I : Read and Think 1CDCACPassage I : Read and Think 21、Female2、New York City3、Married4、the World's Fair5、Top 10 advertisinPassage I : Read and Complete 11、soared2、Milestone3、Commercial4、Nutrition5、Amused6、Charming7、Icon8、Presented9、Romantic10、SymbolizesPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Pleasuret2、Icon3、Industry4、Appearance5、Consumers6、Commercials7、Campaign8、Launch9、Extend10、AccomplishmentPassage I : Read and Translate1、Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.2、On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of whatthe teacher had accomplished in the past year.3、The children were amused by the story about the cat.4、The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.5、Walking after supper promotes digestion.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.What we lack currently is credibility.2、Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almost been synonymous with the outstanding Party member.3、His misery in life began when he first tried the drugs.His romantic life began when he first touched a painting brush.4、The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy it again.We were so attracted by his description that we were planning to travel on Lijiang.5、Even today, a bunch of roses symbolizes love.Even today, war symbolizes destruction.Passage II : Read and JudgeFFFTTTFFPassage II : Read and Translate1、This kind of bed can be assembled easily with a screwdriver.2、She embodies all the best qualities of a doctor.3、Where are your so-called intimate friends when you are confronted with difficulties.4、The manufacturer-recommended retail price for the pens is 18 yuan a piece and the wholesale price is 12 yuan each.5、Although they are brothers, their personalities are quite distinct.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1DCDABApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、Non-Smoking M2、Reasonable rates3、No Job too BIG or too Small4、NANNY for downtown familyUnit 6Put in Use : Practice 11、I've been asked to come to investigate the damage to theload which this lorry was carrying2、It's your firm which is making the claim. Am I right3、I think these desks could be repainted4、We'll never be able to repair them5、They must have been under water for some time6、Your company should file a formal claim with this report andyour policy within 14 daysPut in Use : Practice 21、That would save us a lot of trouble and time2、You cover WPA and War Risks, don't you3、do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks4、then don't bother. I was merely enquiring5、Thus the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% of the invoice value should6、be borne by the buyersListen and Complete1、an insurance company2、personal insurance3、liability insurance4、profit loss insurance5、Profit loss6、property insuranceListen and DecideCBACDListen and Read1、any insurance2、the coverage3、Insure4、Most often5、rely on6、Sells7、Represent8、Offer9、Shopping10、languagePassage I : Read and ThinkBDACBDPassage I : Read and Match5 7 1 8 4 2 9 36 11 10Passage I : Read and Complete 11、provided2、Leveled3、on a large scale4、results in5、Financial6、Damaged7、States8、resulted from9、guard against10、entered intoPassage I : Read and Complete 2ACCBD BCCBDPassage I : Read and Translate1、These companies entered into a new agreement.2、A company has been set up to produce mobile phones on alarge scale.3、This accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers.4、We'd better insure the house against fire.5、Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for bythe borrower.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、The best way to guard against tooth decay is through brushing teeth every day.The best way to guard against infection is through vaccination.2、The purpose of the book is to introduce the basic knowledgeof engineering.The purpose of the competition is to provide university studentswith a stage to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.3、This is possible only when the wheels stop turning.This is possible only when the weather is fine.4、In terms of economy, nations can be divided into two groups: developed countries and developing countries.The pie can be divided into five pieces so that everyone gets piece.5、We should try our best to reduce the mistakes resulting from carelessness.They are assessing the loss resulting from the air crash.Passage II : Read and Judge 1 FFFTTTFTPassage II : Read and RewriteInsuranceAdoptClaimRequiredInformrefused / disclaimedCourtPassage II : Read and Translate1、He has been working hard to maintain his family.2、I want a specific answer to the question I asked you yesterday.3、He put his books on the shelf in order.4、Many cities in China have to rely on the Yangtze River for water supply.5、Are you eligible to join this club?6、We used to cook on coal, but we've now switched to gas.Applied Writing : Read and Simulate 2FTFTTTApplied Writing : Read and Complete1、ship consignments of cameras to Australia2、you can issue an all-risks policy for these shipments3、you can issue a special rate4、regular monthly shipments5、We look forward to hearing from you very soon。
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Section Four Consolidation ActivitiesⅠ. Vocabulary1.Word Derivation1) assurance n.→ assure v.→ assuring a.①她向我们保证一切都会好起来的。
She assured us that everything would turn out all right.or She gave us her assurance that everything would turn out all right.②他的安慰话帮我排除了恐惧。
His assuring words helped to banish my fear.2)discreet a.→ discreetly ad.→ discretion / discreetness n.①提出忠告要谨慎,接受忠告要虚心。
You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it.②那人小心翼翼地把名片放进上衣口袋。
The man discreetly slipped the card into his top pocket.③他以最谨慎的态度处理此事。
He handled the matter with his best discretion.3)relax v.→relaxing a. → relaxation n.①你可以通过按摩来放松肌肉。
You can relax your muscles by massage.②业余爱好应该是可以使人放松的。
Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.③瑜伽是一种可以使身心放松的运动。
Yoga is an exercise that can provide mental and physical relaxation.4)humiliation n.→ humiliate v.→ humiliating a.①士可杀不可辱。
A scholar prefers death to humiliation.②他在老板面前批评他的同事,因而让同事蒙羞。
He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss.③历史上中国曾被迫签署了太多屈节辱国的条约。
In history, China has been forced to sign too many humiliating treaties.5)strategically ad.→ strategic a.→ strategy n.①在战略上,我们应该藐视一切敌人。
Strategically we should despise all our enemies.②西部大开发战略吸引了全世界的注意。
The large-scale development strategy for the western region drew worldwide attention.③一般而言,首先参战的那方具有战略优势。
Generally, the first to the field of battle has the strategic advantage.6) embarrass v.→ embarrassing a.→ embarrassment n.①他淘气地寻找机会让他姐姐难堪。
He mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister.②每个人都会遇到不知该给服务生多少小费的窘境。
Everyone has faced the embarrassing dilemma of deciding how much extra to give a waiter.③他避免了在众人面前吻她的尴尬。
He spared the embarrassment of kissing her in front of everybody.7)maneuver v./n. → maneuverable a.①他设法跻身董事会。
He maneuvered himself into the board of directors.②在军事演习中,蓝军企图摸营,被红军挫败。
In the military maneuver, the blue army attempted to attack the red army’s sentinels in the dark, but was defeated.③这艘船的大小适中,可操作性很强。
The ship is of an appropriate size and is highly maneuverable.8) mature a.→ maturity n.Antonym: immature a.→ immaturity n.①她是位成熟的夫人,但显得年轻而且异乎寻常地美丽。
She was a mature woman, but appeared young and was extraordinarily beautiful. ②她到十六岁发育成熟。
She had reached maturity by the time she was sixteen.③不管熟还是没有熟的水果,都可以用糖来保存。
The fruits, mature or immature, can be conserved with sugar.2. Phrase Practice1) You have to take your daughter to hospital, as a rash has broken out on her face and hands.break out: (of war, fighting, disease, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenlye.g.印度尼西亚爆发了森林火灾。
Forest fires have broken out across Indonesia.2) In the darkness, I _______ the right box. groped forgrope for:feel or search about uncertainly (for something) by hands; search uncertainly or with difficulty (for a solution, answer, etc.)e.g.我在黑洞洞的屋里摸索着寻找电灯开关。
I grope for the light switch in the dark room.3) I warned him repeatedly that it was no good _______ that kind of tricks ________ me. trying…ontry on: put on (an article of clothing) to find out whether it fits or is suitable; test the effect or result ofe.g.①你可以试试这件新上衣。
You can try on this new coat.②人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?Why do people like to try their luck on lottery?4) Our sympathies ________ the relatives of the victims. go out to(one’s heart or sympathy) go out to sb.:feel sympathy towards sb. and think about theme.g.他非常同情布莱克曼夫人和她那没有父亲的孩子。
His heart went out to Mrs. Blackman and her fatherless child.5) The drug traffickers were arrested after the police were ________ by the local residents. tipped offtip off:give an advance warning or hint to…e.g.他向警察告密,揭露了恐怖分子的阴谋。
He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot.3. Synonym / Antonym1. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me.•Antonyms: vague, indistinct2. With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand.•Synonyms: carefully, meticulously3. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles!•Synonyms: self-restraint, self-control4. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.•Antonyms: clever, intelligent, sensible5. Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor.•Synonyms: manner, behaviour6. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before …•Antonyms: excited, agitated7. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray.•Synonym: sneak8. What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been merely a moment of college fun.•Antonyms: mature, sophisticatedⅡ. Grammar1) Nominal ClausesThere are five main types of nominal clauses: that-clauses, interrogative sub-clauses, nominal relative clauses, nominal to-infinitive clauses and nominal -ing clauses. Nominal clauses function like noun phrases. They can occur as subject, object, complement, apposition, and prepositional complement.For example:The hope is [that we will succeed]. (complement)The hope [that we will succeed] is unrealistic.(apposition)[What you do] does not concern me. (subject)I didn’t ask [where you live]. (object)I had prepared myself very carefully for [what I must say].(prepositional complement)[To send him money now] would be [to put the cart before the horse]. (subject; complement)PracticeCombine each pair of sentences into one, using nominal clauses.(以下每句话的答案点击以后出现,注意斜体的地方做到ppt里面也要保持斜体)① Did he ever go there at all? Do you know?Do you know if/whether he ever went there at all?② What do you need? You need a good rest.What you need is a good rest.③ Who does it belong to? You must give it back.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.④I decided to resign, which was wise.My decision to resign was wise.⑤It is proposed that we should import more equipment. The proposal is to be discussed at the meeting.The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at the meeting.⑥Who can have told you that? It puzzles me.Who can have told you that puzzles me.2) so that(以下每句话的答案点击以后出现,注意斜体的地方做到ppt里面也要保持斜体)So that introduces an adverbial clause of purpose, which usually contains a modal verb.For example:The teacher must speak clearly [so that his students can understand well].They climbed to the top of the mountain [so that they could get a bird’s-eye view of the city].Practice(以下每句话的答案点击以后出现,注意斜体的地方做到ppt里面也要保持斜体)Combine each pair of sentences into one, using “so that”.①He wore glasses and a false beard. Nobody would recognize him.He wore glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.②They are hurrying. They don’t want to miss the train.They are hurrying so that they may not miss the train.③Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.④John wanted to be heard in every room. He spoke through a microphone.John spoke through a microphone so that he could be heard in every room.⑤She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed.She locked the door so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.⑥John has bought a bicycle. He may save money on fares.John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on fares.3) Adverbial Clauses of ConcessionAdverbial clauses of concession express a contrast of meaning or implication of ‘unexpectedness’ in relation with the main clauses. They are often introduced by concessive conjunctions such as although, though or prepositions such as despite.For example:[Although the car was badly damaged], none of the passengers was hurt.We enjoyed our holiday[despite the fact that it rained sometimes].[However difficult the situation is], we shall stick to it.Practice(以下每句话的答案点击以后出现,注意斜体的地方做到ppt里面也要保持斜体)Combine each pair of sentences into one, using adverbial clauses of concession.① He had been prevented by illness from studying. He passed the exam.He passed the exam although he had been prevented by illness from studying.② He might be or not be here. I shouldn’t have time to see him.No matter whether he was here or not, I shouldn’t have time to see him.③ Mr. Johnson is rich. Mr. Johnson is by no means a happy man.Rich as he is / Although he is rich, Mr. Johnson is by no means a happy man. ④ He is ill. He works hard.Despite / Although he is ill, he works hard.⑤ The minister escaped without a scratch. Everything around the minister was blown to pieces.Though everything around him was blown to pieces, the minister escaped without a scratch.Ⅲ. Translation1. 听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过。