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1.also loosely termed watercolour or brush painting, and also known as "literati painting",
2.This style is also referred to as "xie yi" (寫意) or freehand style.
(中国十大传世名画) 6. contradistinctive appreciation of masterpiece
of eastern and western culture(东西方对比欣赏)
国 画
the most popular materials : paper and silk
By Li’ s son, Li Zhao-dao(李昭道)
China’s Top Ten Famous Paintings
From the Eastern Jin Dynasty (东晋) To Qing Dynasty(清)
1. 洛神赋图 2. 步撵图 3. 唐宫仕女图 4. 五牛图 5. 韩熙载夜宴图
Traditional Chinese Painting
130111030赵欲舒 130111018王旭娟
1.Introduction 2.three main themes(山水,人物,花鸟) 3.two techniques (工笔和水墨) 4.six principles (国画六法) 5. China’s Top Ten Famous Paintings
to represent the real scene, like the photographs,
to show things as they really are.
the first genre (以日常情景为主题 的)painting
three-dimensional forms(立体形态)
The Arnolfini Marriage(阿尔诺菲尼夫妇)
The Arnolfini portrait is an oil painting by the early Netherlandish painter Jan van Eyck.
Key words:
more attentive to the effect of color, light/shadow,
Six principals
1. Spirit Resonance" 2. Bone Method 3. Correspondence to the Object 4. Suitability to Type 5. Division and Planning 6. Transmission by Copying
Subjects: figural or narrative subjects
Specific brushes
1.For contouring(轮廓,勾线) 勾线笔有衣纹、叶筋、红 毛、蟹爪等。 大多为硬豪。
Hong Mao 红毛(red hairs): draw thick stroke,mostly used in panting animals
The five dynasties 五代 Gu Hongzhong 顾闳中
A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains
Song Dynasty (宋代) Wang Xi-meng (王希孟)
Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》)
三、‘南宗’和‘北宗’各有一系列的徒子徒孙, 都是一脉相传的;
Southern Faction
Representative figure: Wang Wei(王维)
Drawing style: 1.poetry-painting complementarity
express the change of seasons; through use of candles or the moon
show evening of night time
bamboo, pine trees, and plum trees together known as “three friends in winter” The symbol of friendship
Landscape painting
a)the highest form of Chinese painting, b)this style is also referred to as “xie yi” (写意) or freehand style. c) two factions(宗派) northern faction and southern faction of Chinese landscape painting ( 北宗和南宗)
(互补) 苏轼评价其:“味摩诘之诗, 诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画 中有诗。”
2. pure and tranquil ,fresh and refined (宁静淡远,清新
江惟罟杨 《
南有师柳 送
江相荡渡 沈
北思桨头 子
君春临客 之
归色圻稀 江
。,。, 东
罟(gu)师:渔夫,船夫 临圻(qi,或yin),圻:岸边
scrolls 卷轴(hanging scrolls) Lacquerware(漆器)
Folding screens(屏风)
Three Main Themes Of Chinese Painting
ndscape painting (山水画) 2.Fiugre painting(人物画) 3.Flower and bird painting(花鸟画)
Tang Dynasty (唐代)
Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang ( 张萱、周昉)
" Penta- Bull map 《五牛图》
Tang Dynasty 唐代 Han Huang韩滉
Painting of Han Xi-zai’s Evening Banquet《韩熙载夜宴图》
Lo River Map《洛神赋图》
The Eastern Jin Dynasty 东晋 Ku Kai-chih 顾恺之
Tang Dynasty 唐代 Yan Li-ben 阎立本
Group portrait of Noblewomen in Tang Palace (《唐宫仕女图》)
2. For colouring
常用的染色笔有:大白云、中白云、小白云 和其他软毫毛笔。
Lo River Map《洛神赋图》
The Eastern Jin Dynasty 东晋 Ku Kai-chih 顾恺之
Ink and wash painting (水墨)
Qing Dynasty (清代) Giuseppe Castiglione(郎世宁) 意大利裔清廷画家
Gong-bi & Ink and Wash Painting
Features:“meticulous” (非常注意细节的), detailed brushstrokes(绘画技巧), delimits details , highly colored
Song Dynasty (宋代 ) Zhang Ze-duan (张择端)
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains(《富
Yuan Dynasty 元代 Huang Gong-wang 黄公望
Ming Dynasty明代 Qiu Ying仇英
All the Pretty Horses(《百骏图》)
传 模 描 写
经 营 位 置
随 类 赋 彩
应 物 像 形
骨 法 用 笔
气 韵 生 动
contradistinctive appreciation of masterpiece of eastern and western culture (东西方对比欣赏)
Keywords: use a method of symbolizing
Northern Faction
Representative figure: Li Si-xun(李思训)
Drawing style: Strokes are firm,solid and strong(笔力遒劲) Color is heavy and complicated(色彩繁复)
works of the “Four Arts” of the Chinese Scholar-official class.(琴棋书画)
4.History: by highly educated gentlemen originated from Liu Song Dynasty(5th Century) developed in Tang Dynasty(618-907) further developed in Song Dynasty (960-1279)
Yi Wen(衣纹) for longer lines,for example,clothing
Xie Zhua(蟹爪) The finest to paint dragonflies(蜻蜓) and speciifc detail
Ye Jin(叶筋) To counter flowers and bedsheets
2.This style is also referred to as "xie yi" (寫意) or freehand style.
(中国十大传世名画) 6. contradistinctive appreciation of masterpiece
of eastern and western culture(东西方对比欣赏)
国 画
the most popular materials : paper and silk
By Li’ s son, Li Zhao-dao(李昭道)
China’s Top Ten Famous Paintings
From the Eastern Jin Dynasty (东晋) To Qing Dynasty(清)
1. 洛神赋图 2. 步撵图 3. 唐宫仕女图 4. 五牛图 5. 韩熙载夜宴图
Traditional Chinese Painting
130111030赵欲舒 130111018王旭娟
1.Introduction 2.three main themes(山水,人物,花鸟) 3.two techniques (工笔和水墨) 4.six principles (国画六法) 5. China’s Top Ten Famous Paintings
to represent the real scene, like the photographs,
to show things as they really are.
the first genre (以日常情景为主题 的)painting
three-dimensional forms(立体形态)
The Arnolfini Marriage(阿尔诺菲尼夫妇)
The Arnolfini portrait is an oil painting by the early Netherlandish painter Jan van Eyck.
Key words:
more attentive to the effect of color, light/shadow,
Six principals
1. Spirit Resonance" 2. Bone Method 3. Correspondence to the Object 4. Suitability to Type 5. Division and Planning 6. Transmission by Copying
Subjects: figural or narrative subjects
Specific brushes
1.For contouring(轮廓,勾线) 勾线笔有衣纹、叶筋、红 毛、蟹爪等。 大多为硬豪。
Hong Mao 红毛(red hairs): draw thick stroke,mostly used in panting animals
The five dynasties 五代 Gu Hongzhong 顾闳中
A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains
Song Dynasty (宋代) Wang Xi-meng (王希孟)
Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》)
三、‘南宗’和‘北宗’各有一系列的徒子徒孙, 都是一脉相传的;
Southern Faction
Representative figure: Wang Wei(王维)
Drawing style: 1.poetry-painting complementarity
express the change of seasons; through use of candles or the moon
show evening of night time
bamboo, pine trees, and plum trees together known as “three friends in winter” The symbol of friendship
Landscape painting
a)the highest form of Chinese painting, b)this style is also referred to as “xie yi” (写意) or freehand style. c) two factions(宗派) northern faction and southern faction of Chinese landscape painting ( 北宗和南宗)
(互补) 苏轼评价其:“味摩诘之诗, 诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画 中有诗。”
2. pure and tranquil ,fresh and refined (宁静淡远,清新
江惟罟杨 《
南有师柳 送
江相荡渡 沈
北思桨头 子
君春临客 之
归色圻稀 江
。,。, 东
罟(gu)师:渔夫,船夫 临圻(qi,或yin),圻:岸边
scrolls 卷轴(hanging scrolls) Lacquerware(漆器)
Folding screens(屏风)
Three Main Themes Of Chinese Painting
ndscape painting (山水画) 2.Fiugre painting(人物画) 3.Flower and bird painting(花鸟画)
Tang Dynasty (唐代)
Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang ( 张萱、周昉)
" Penta- Bull map 《五牛图》
Tang Dynasty 唐代 Han Huang韩滉
Painting of Han Xi-zai’s Evening Banquet《韩熙载夜宴图》
Lo River Map《洛神赋图》
The Eastern Jin Dynasty 东晋 Ku Kai-chih 顾恺之
Tang Dynasty 唐代 Yan Li-ben 阎立本
Group portrait of Noblewomen in Tang Palace (《唐宫仕女图》)
2. For colouring
常用的染色笔有:大白云、中白云、小白云 和其他软毫毛笔。
Lo River Map《洛神赋图》
The Eastern Jin Dynasty 东晋 Ku Kai-chih 顾恺之
Ink and wash painting (水墨)
Qing Dynasty (清代) Giuseppe Castiglione(郎世宁) 意大利裔清廷画家
Gong-bi & Ink and Wash Painting
Features:“meticulous” (非常注意细节的), detailed brushstrokes(绘画技巧), delimits details , highly colored
Song Dynasty (宋代 ) Zhang Ze-duan (张择端)
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains(《富
Yuan Dynasty 元代 Huang Gong-wang 黄公望
Ming Dynasty明代 Qiu Ying仇英
All the Pretty Horses(《百骏图》)
传 模 描 写
经 营 位 置
随 类 赋 彩
应 物 像 形
骨 法 用 笔
气 韵 生 动
contradistinctive appreciation of masterpiece of eastern and western culture (东西方对比欣赏)
Keywords: use a method of symbolizing
Northern Faction
Representative figure: Li Si-xun(李思训)
Drawing style: Strokes are firm,solid and strong(笔力遒劲) Color is heavy and complicated(色彩繁复)
works of the “Four Arts” of the Chinese Scholar-official class.(琴棋书画)
4.History: by highly educated gentlemen originated from Liu Song Dynasty(5th Century) developed in Tang Dynasty(618-907) further developed in Song Dynasty (960-1279)
Yi Wen(衣纹) for longer lines,for example,clothing
Xie Zhua(蟹爪) The finest to paint dragonflies(蜻蜓) and speciifc detail
Ye Jin(叶筋) To counter flowers and bedsheets