
本期流水线工作台车行走机构设计方案采用变频器—电动机—减 速机—链轮—链条—拨块—工作台车运行方案。均匀调速和过电流保
护,由 IGBT 推动的变频器担当;减速由行星摆线速比为 1:289 的减 速机担当,减速机输出轴上安装着主动链轮,其链轮直径 Φ 138.23 齿数 17。主动链轮上装置了超限离合器,当机械负载一旦出现卡、堵 现象超限时立即分离,从而起到超限保护作用。流水线工作台车运行的 线速度是:其频率从 15HZ—50HZ 分别对应为 626~2087 mm/ min。 三、工作台车横向移动机构: 本期流水线工作台车的横向移动机构设计方案采用的是电动机— 减速机—链轮—链条—链轮—传动轴—链轮—履带输送链—工作台车 运行方案。减速由速比为 1:200 的 FCEDA 50-80 减速机担当,输出链 轮的齿数比为 13:18 其运行线速度为 50HZ 时 3209.8 mm/min 横向移 动行程的末端安装了机械限位死点,以防止控制失灵时,工作台车驶 出履带的意外发生。 四、换面控制传动机构 工作台车在横向移动的过程中,当移动至换面工艺位置时,尼龙开锁 凸块拨动定位销拉绳下摆臂使下摆臂通过定位销拉绳、定位钩拉链链轮、 定位钩拉链操纵着定位钩使之从工作台定位块的凹槽中脱开,随着工作台 上的翻转轴沿翻转轨道(直行轨道)中移动。在移动的同时带动工作台和 工作台定位块开始转动,使工作台的操作面由 A 面作业置换为 B 面作业从 而完成了一个换面横移控制动作。 五、电气系统 1.输入电源采用 TN-S 制 AC.380V 三相接入,其 A 相接 L1,B 相接 L2,C 相接 L3,工作零线接 N,保护零线接 PE 线。变频器.电控箱、电动机及 流水线机体金属部分,必须与 PE 线做良好的电气连接。 2.全机沿线每个工位设置一套起动、停机和黄自锁求助定位停机按钮,以

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一、操作规程1.进入生产流水线前:1.1 穿戴符合要求的工作服和安全鞋,并佩戴防护口罩、手套、眼镜等个人防护用具。
1.2 检查生产流水线各部分设备是否完好无损,并检查周围环境是否安全整洁。
1.3 报告领导或相关人员,如发现设备故障或异常情况。
2.操作生产流水线时:2.1 操作前确认生产流水线是否处于正常运行状态,按照设备操作说明书操作。
2.2 操作设备前应对设备进行适当的测试,检查设备是否满足要求。
2.3 在运行过程中,严禁抽烟、手机玩耍等行为,严禁将杂物放在设备上。
2.4 禁止擅自开启设备的面罩和保护罩,严禁私自拆卸设备配件。
2.5 严禁超载、超速、超时操作设备,不得以任何方式擅自改变设备的参数设置。
2.6 操作结束后应及时关闭设备,清理现场,并进行设备检查,确认设备没有故障等其他问题。
3.异常情况的处理:3.1 如发现设备故障或异常情况,应当立即停止操作,向领导或有关工作人员报告。
3.2 在故障维修过程中,应停止设备运行,清理现场,并分别将停机操作记录和维修记录进行填写后归档。
二、保养规程1.保养频率:1.1 设备的保养,应根据设备的具体类型和使用情况,按照设备制造商提供的保养周期或者实际情况确定保养频率。
1.2 设备保养周期为 3 个月/每次。
1.3 设备使用时常达到 8 小时/每天,并保持高强度的运行状态时,保养周期应在 2 个月/每次。
1.4 在设备停机状态下,应定期进行设备上下机构的润滑。
2.保养方式:2.1 进行设备保养时,应遵守相关的保养规程,按照相应的保养流程和标准,进行设备的清洗、润滑和检修等操作。
2.2 对设备的部件进行定期的检查和维修,保养期间,应记录下设备的相关数据和发现的问题,并及时汇报给下一次保养的人员。

Turnkey Flowline Systems Streamlined farmed whitefish processing• Improved yield,throughput, and quality• Shorter processing time• Full traceabilityImproved processing performance15. Dual-function tunnel for freezing (IQF)or SuperChilling (for fresh packing)16. Glazing unit14. Chilling and brining1. Chilling of live fish(sleeping)2. Bleeding3. Bleeding tank4. Chilling and infeedto filleting6. Hand filleting flowlineWork station18. Box packingIQF grader can be customized for adifferent number of grades. Productis packed into fixed weight boxes andconveyed to packing station. Boxesare conveyed to checkweighing andlabeling station.17. Retail packingTargetBatcher is used for batchinginto fixed weight retail packs withminimum over-pack.5. Weighing whole fishto filleting stations19. Strapping, metal detectionand palletizingMarel whitefish processing equipment and solutions are designed to help processors address the factors that most affect final yield and performance. These factors include raw material quality, processing time, and the ability to monitor KPIs.Marel provides managers with the advanced production management technology they need in order to makeprofitable decisions along all stages of the value chain – from the reception of raw material and throughout processing to packing, including quality control and traceability.Marel flowlines are designed to replace manual table or conveyor based processing lines where the raw material is constantly being stacked and stored, and then manually transported between processes.Faster processing and better handlingMarel’s Standard Flowline is specifically designed for the filleting and trimming process for farmed whitefish species (tilapia, pangasius, catfish, and more) and enables a continuous flow of the raw material throughout processing. Combined with Marel’s Innova software, the system ensures 100% traceability while providing detailed and valuable information on throughput, yield, and quality.Automatic delivery to individual workstations and product take awayThe Standard Flowline operates on three conveyor levels with separate conveyors for all incoming and outgoing product: the top conveyor delivers the incoming product, a second conveyor transports all outgoing product, and a third conveyor the off-cuts. This involves far less product handling and significantly decreases processing time compared to a tray system, thereby greatly improving product quality.The continuous flow of raw material means a high volume of product can be conveyed to and from the work stations, which considerably increases capacity and helps increase worker productivity.All incoming and outgoing product is weighed accurately and all data is linked to individual operators. Each workstation is equipped with: a worktable with product buffers for primary and secondary product, a manual adjustable platform, a water gun, knife holder, and data terminal. The data terminals enable operators to monitor performance, both individually and incomparison with the line average.The ergonomic design, streamlining of processing, and continuous data collection enable processors to greatly reduce processing time and enhance worker performance, while enabling a much higher throughput with improvedyield and product quality.“With the new processing line from Marel, we managed to improve certain processes greatly, thereby enabling us to increase productivity and quality at the same time. We have all necessary certifications, which is important to us. Today, our product has the unique selling proposition that we have not only a sustainable product but also high quality. This gives us the strength to reach this target group and diversify to new markets.”Max Fernández M., Plant Manager, Terrapez S.A.Innova Filleting & Trimming SolutionThe Standard Flowline has data integration directly to the Innova Filleting and Trimming Solution,which can also operate standalone or in combination with a plant’s existing system. Whether integratedor stand-alone, the Innova system enables fish processors to monitor and control their trimming and/or filleting process.Innova gives managers more control by enabling them toidentify which products are being processed, which employee isworking at which station, and which lot is active, as well as tracethe raw material to its origin or original purchase order.Managers gain detailed information on all key data such asthroughput, yield, and individual employee performance,thereby enabling targets and criteria to be established andmeasured. The solution provides both real-time and historicaldata on a live display and in reports to evaluate systemperformance.Innova Filleting andTrimming enablesproduction managers togreatly improve overall yield,throughput, and quality.Marel is the leading global provider of advanced equipment and systems for the fish, meat, and poultry industries.With offices and subsidiaries in over 30 countries on six continents and a vast global network of agents and distributors, Marel's expertise in local markets and requirements helps it deliver the best processing innovation for its customers.Our dedicated R&D teams ensure that we provide the latest technology for all stages of the processing value chain; ranging from single scales to integrated production lines and turnkey systems./fish A p r i l 1 8 -E N GA powerful combinationInnova Filleting and Trimming Solutionwith RFID support1 System utilizes one input scale and one output scale per filleting and trimming line2 Input operator weighs each tray at input scale and attaches RFID tag to tray3 Trays are fed to filleting/trimming operators4 Operators log into work station manually or with ID tag at input scale5 Operators use individual ID cards for output product registration6 When filleting/trimming is completed, operators place finished product into traycontaining their station ID and RFID from input scale7 Operator at output scale puts tray on scale, scans station ID (to get employeeinformation), scans RFID from input scale (for input weight), and selectscorresponding output product from a list8 Product is weighed and registered, and yield and throughput informationis updated in the Innova system9 Tray is fed to next processing stepMarel is the leading globalprovider of advanced equipmentand systems for the fish, meat,and poultry industries.。

2、控制对象(1)除尘电机11kw 一台(2)分离器电机 2.2kw 一台(3)提升机电机7.5kw 一台(4)纵向螺旋输送电机 5.5kw 一台(5)辊道电机4kw 一台(6)抛丸器电机11kw 八台(7)气动电磁阀八只(8)电磁阀一只二、监测与指示1、电源及电机正常运转、停止,由绿、红指示灯指示;2、八台抛丸电机分别由八只电流表指示;3、抛丸机电机装有累时计时器,可以累计抛丸机工作时间;三、主要电气联锁1、风机、分离器、提升机、纵向螺旋输送器之间产生联锁,顺序为先启动风机、分离器、提升机、纵向螺旋,最后是辊道与抛丸机;2、辊道输送,前进、后退之间产生联锁。
Cat 320 GC 超级流水线挖掘机高性能与低耗能说明书

Cat® 320 GCHydraulic ExcavatorHigh Performance with Lower Fuel Consumption•The excavator uses up to 20 percent less fuel than the 320F insimilar applications.•Match the excavator to the job with power modes; let Smartmode automatically match engine and hydraulic power to diggingconditions.•The advanced hydraulic system provides the optimum balanceof power and effi ciency while giving you the control you needfor precise digging requirements.• Valve priority puts hydraulic pressure and fl ow where you commandit to go for fast light- to medium-load cycle times.•The engine meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV emissionstandards with an aftertreatment system that requires no operatorinput or downtime.•Add auxiliary hydraulics to do more work with a range ofCat attachments.•Product Link™ comes standard so you can remotely monitormachine health, location, hours, and fuel consumption on demandthrough the VisionLink® online interface.Reliable, High and Low, Heat and Cold• Work up to 3000 m (9,840 ft) above sea level without de-rating.•Standard high-ambient temperature capability is 52º C (125º F)with cold start capability at –32º C (–25º F).•Auto warm up speeds up hydraulic oil warming in cold temperaturesand helps prolong the life of components.• Three levels of fuel fi ltration protect the engine from dirty diesel fuel.• Grease sealed between track pins and bushings reduces travel noiseand prevents debris from entering to increase undercarriage life.•The center track guiding guard helps keep the excavator trackaligned when traveling and working on slopes.• The sloped track frame prevents mud and debris accumulation,helping reduce risk of track damage.Work in Comfort in the All-New Cab•The Comfort cab has a wide seat that adjusts for operators ofall sizes.•Control the excavator comfortably with easy-to-reach controlsall located in front of you.•Standard automatic climate control keeps you at the righttemperature all shift long.•Advanced viscous mounts reduce cab vibration by up to 50 percentover previous excavator models.•Stow your gear with plenty of in-cab storage beneath and behindthe seat, overhead, and in the consoles. A cup holder, documentholder, bottle holder, and coat hook are also provided.•Use the standard radio’s USB ports and Bluetooth® technologyto connect to personal devices.Simple to Operate•Start the engine with a push button; use a Bluetooth key fob,smartphone app, or the unique Operator ID function.•Program each joystick button, including response and pattern,using Operator ID; it will also remember climate control fanand radio settings.•Navigate quickly on the standard high-resolution 203 mm (8 in)touchscreen monitor or with the aid of the jog dial control.•Not sure how a function works or how to maintain the excavator?Always have the operator’s manual at your fi ngertips in thetouchscreen monitor.The Cat® 320 GC excavator balances productivity with easy-to-use controls, a new comfortable cab, reduced fuel consumption by up to 20percent, and longer maintenance intervals that reduce maintenance costs up to 15 percent – all to give you a durable, low-cost-per-hour excavator to meet your light- to medium-duty application requirements.Not all features available in all regions. Consult your Cat dealer for specifi c confi gurations available in your region.Cat® 320 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorMaintenance•Expect up to 15 percent less maintenance cost than the 320E. (Savings calculated over 12,000 machine hours.)•Do all daily maintenance at ground level.•Check engine oil level quickly and safely with the new ground-level engine oil dipstick; fi ll and check engine oil on top of the machine with a conveniently located second dipstick.•Track your excavator’s fi lter life and maintenance intervals via the in-cab monitor.• Do no required maintenance on the Cat Clean Emissions Module.•Change all fuel fi lters at a synchronized 500 hours.•Expect the new air intake fi lter with precleaner to last up to1,000 hours – a 100 percent increase over the previous fi lter.• The new hydraulic oil fi lter provides improved fi ltration performance, anti-drain valves to keep oil clean when the fi lter is replaced, and longer life with a 3,000 hour replacement interval – 50 percent longer than previous fi lter designs.• The new high-effi ciency electric cooling fans only run when needed and reverse to keep cores free from debris.•S·O·S SM ports simplify maintenance and allow for quick, easy extraction of samples for fl uid analysis.Safety•Access 100 percent of daily maintenance points from ground level –no need for you to climb on top of the excavator.•Keep your excavator secure with Operator ID. Use your PIN code on the monitor to enable the pushbutton starting feature.•The standard ROPS cab meets ISO 12117-2:2008 requirements.•Enjoy great visibility into the trench, in each swing direction, and behind you with the help of smaller cab posts and larger windows.• A rearview camera is standard, and a right-side-view camerais optional.•The new right-hand service platform design provides easy, safe, and quick access to upper service platform; the service platform steps use anti-skid punch plate to prevent slipping.•The handrails comply with ISO 2867:2011 requirements.•The lower frame meets ISO 15818:2017 lifting and tie-down requirements.Cat® 320 GC Hydraulic Excavator Standard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Standard Optional CABROPS, standard sound suppression9High-resolution 203 mm (8 in)LCD touchscreen monitor9 Mechanically adjustable seat9CAT CONNECT TECHNOLOGYCat Product Link9ENGINETwo selectable power modes9One-touch low idle with auto enginespeed control9Auto engine idle shutdown952° C (125° F) high-ambient cooling capacity9–32° C (–25° F) cold start capability9Double element air fi lter withintegrated precleaner9Reversing electric cooling fans9Biodiesel capability up to B209 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMBoom and stick regeneration circuits9Boom and stick lowering check valves9 Auto hydraulic warm up9Auto two-speed travel9Boom and stick drift reduction valve9Hammer return fi lter circuit9 Slider joysticks9 Combined fl ow/high-pressureauxiliary circuit9 Medium-pressure circuit9 Quick coupler circuit for Cat Pin Grabber9Standard Optional BOOM AND STICKS5.7 m (18'8") reach boom, 2.9 m (9'6") stick9 UNDERCARRIAGE AND STRUCTURES600 mm (24") triple grouser shoes9 700 mm (28") triple grouser shoes9 790 mm (31") triple grouser shoes9 Tie-down points on base frame94200 kg (9,300 lb) counterweight9 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMTwo 1,000 CCA maintenance-free batteries9 Programmable time-delay LEDworking lights9LED chassis light, left-hand/right-handboom lights, cab lights9SERVICE AND MAINTENANCESampling ports for Scheduled Oil Sampling(S·O·S)9Ground- and platform-level engineoil dipsticks9SAFETY AND SECURITYRearview camera9Right-hand-side camera9*9* Right-hand mirror9Ground-level engine shutoff switch9Right-hand handrail and hand hold9Signaling/warning horn9*Europe standard; other regions optional.Cat® 320 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorEngine Model Cat C4.4 ACERT™Gross Power – ISO 14396/SAE J199591 kW122 hp Net Power – ISO 9249/SAE J134990 kW121 hp Engine RPMOperation1,700 rpmTravel2,000 rpmBore105 mm 4 in Stroke127 mm 5 in Displacement 4.4 L269 in3Main System – Maximum Flow (Implement)442 L/min116 gal/min Maximum Pressure – Equipment35 000 kPa5,075 psi Maximum Pressure – Travel34 300 kPa4,974 psi Maximum Pressure – Swing26 800 kPa3,886 psiOperating Weight21 900 kg48,300 lb • 5.7 m (18'8") reach boom, 2.9 m (9'6") reach stick, 1.0 m3 (1.31 yd3) HD bucket, 790 mm (31") shoes.Fuel Tank345 L86.6 gal Cooling System35 L9.2 gal Engine Oil15 L 4 gal Swing Drive (each)7 L 1.8 gal Final Drive (each) 6 L 1.6 gal Hydraulic System (including tank)240 L63.4 gal Hydraulic Tank128 L33.8 gal DEF Tank40 L10.6 gal Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8") Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6") Bucket 1.0 m3 (1.31 yd3) Shipping Height (top of cab)2960 mm9'9" Handrail Height2950 mm9'8" Shipping Length9530 mm31'3" Tail Swing Radius2830 mm9'3" Track Length to Center of Rollers3270 mm10'9" Ground Clearance470 mm1'7" Track Gauge2380 mm7'9" Transport Width – 790 mm (31") Shoes3170 mm10'5" Counterweight Clearance1050 mm3'5"Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8") Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6") Bucket 1.0 m3 (1.31 yd3) Maximum Digging Depth6720 mm22'1" Maximum Reach at Ground Level9860 mm32'4" Maximum Cutting Height9450 mm31'0" Maximum Loading Height6490 mm21'4" Minimum Loading Height2170 mm7'1" Maximum Depth Cut for 2440 mm (8'0")Level Bottom6550 mm21'6" Maximum Vertical Wall Digging Depth5690 mm18'8" Bucket Digging Force (ISO)129 kN29,000 lbf Stick Digging Force (ISO)99 kN22,256 lbf Bucket Digging Force (SAE)115 kN25,853 lbf Stick Digging Force (SAE)96 kN21,581 lbfTechnical SpecificationsFor more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2017 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.AEXQ2191 (07-2017)Build Number: 07A (North America, Europe)。




高压隔离开关 GW4-40.5、72.5 、126整体装配流水线设备使用说明书目录设备简介 (3)概述 (3)设备简介 (3)安装及使用 (6)2-1 设备安装 (6)一、连接设备 (6)二、准备工序 (8)2-2 各工位装配工艺 (18)一、上线工位 (18)二、底架安装工位 (19)三、绝缘子检测工位 (22)四、导电安装 (24)五、隔离开关分合闸角度检测磨合试验及回路电阻测试工位 (26)2-3 生产进度显示及装配数据记录 (27)一、生产进度显示 (27)二、装配数据记录 (28)故障诊断 (31)设备使用时注意事项 (32)售后服务 (34)设备简介概述设备简介本使用说明书适应于高压隔离开关GW4-40.5、GW4-72.5、GW4-126此三种高压隔离开关整体装配、检测装配线设备操作、保养维护指导,总体上达到装配、检测一体化、检测数据信息化管理。
生产线总体工作流程图如下:产品下线产品检测导电安装瓷瓶安装底架安装装配小车2000mm2750mm2000mm2750mm2750mm2000mm工位6工位5工位4工位3工位2工位1总装线导电分装工位图 1 装配线工作流程图一、总装线功能简介:①GW4-40.5、GW4-72.5、GW4-126高压隔离开关整体装配、检测流水线以轨道为支撑,装配小车作为装配载体,人工推动小车进行工序间流转;②总装线由装配、检测线和装配小车回程线两部分组成,装配、检测线上设置以下六个工位:上线工位、底架装配工位、瓷瓶检测工位、导电安装工位、隔离开关分合闸角度检测磨合试验及回路电阻测试工位,六处分步装配在同一个装配周期内完成;③1 处:工装推动到回程线,装配小车从回程线滑动至装配始端,减速电机拖动工装至总装线;④ 2 处:在装配小车上完成底架装配,使用专用工装保证轴承座杠杆端面水平,中心距一致;⑤ 3 处:在装配小车上完成瓷瓶安装,垂直度测量;⑥ 4 处:在装配小车上完成导电安装;⑦ 5 处:在装配小车上完成出厂分合闸角度和回路电阻检测及产品磨合试验;⑧ 6 处:产品下线,吊装产品下线,装配小车从回程线返回至装配线始端;⑨传输周期: 6 处分步装配全部完成,分步完成按钮全部按下,所有装配小车方可推动至下一工位,在传输过程中完成数据采集(详见数据采集),开始下一节拍装配。


迈瑞CAL 8000PLUS血液细胞分析流水线标准操作程序CAL 8000PLUS样本处理系统与全自动血液细胞分析仪、特定蛋白免疫分析仪、糖化血红蛋白分析仪(以上均简称分析仪)、自动血涂片制备仪(简称推片机)连接成流水线,用于检测试验前/后样本的识别、分配、传输、存储等。
1.1开机前检查1. 检查试剂是否充足。
2. 检查废液桶是否已满(非直排)。
3. 确认样本处理系统轨道上、卸载平台无试管架。
1.2启动系统1. 打开CAL 8000PLUS总开关。
2. 打开装载模块柜体内电脑主机电源开关。
3. 登录labXpert系统操作端及审核端。
4. 等待CMU系统中各模块状态指示灯变绿。
1.3.2BC-6800plus检测试剂BC-6800PLUS血液细胞分析仪专用试剂:M-68P DS稀释液、M-68P DR稀释液;M-68P FD染色液、M-68P FN染色液、M-68P FR染色液;M-68P LD 溶血剂、M-68P LH 溶血剂、M-68P LN溶血剂;探头清洁液。

关键词:水稻育秧;自动控制;抗干扰Control System Design of Rice Seedling Sowing PipelineAbstract:As primary research equipment of rice seeding automation,it made great progress on condition that it meet different rice planting region agricultural demands after 30 years of development history.A complete seeding seedlings line mainly includes seeding disc for sending, spreading subsoiling, compaction,seeding (sowning,drilling,),the surface soil, watering, taking seeding disc shower key process.In this paper, based on A T89C51 single chip as the core of the rice planting seedings assembly line control system,it realized the turns the soil, sow, covering surface soiling and spraying process automation control, and was designed anti-interference from two aspects of hardware and software system.Key Words: Rice seeding; Automatic control; anti-interference1 前言1.1 课题研究的目的和意义水稻是世界上的重要粮食作物,在粮食安全中占有极其重要的地位。
UNI-T UT581 582 仪器 说明书

230V(误差 10/20/30/100/300 mA
X 1 范围:
250mA (快速 触发)
10/20/30mA 250mA(固定)
1000mS 300mS 1000mS
误差范围: 0%~+10% ±0.6% rdg
误差范围: 0%~+10%
3.2 测试范围(功能)
×1/2 ×1 ×5 250mA AUTO RAMP测试
为不触发测试,检验RCD灵敏度。 为测量触发时间。 为测试I△n×5快速触发时间。 为测试触发时间 (仅UT581,最大测试时间40mS)。 为测试触发电流的大小(仅UT582)。
3.3 应用标准: IEC 61010-1 CATⅢ 300V 污染等级 二级 IEC 61557-1,5 IEC 61010-2-31
3.9 附件:
图1 11
①LCD显示屏 ②PHASE键 ③I△n键 ④TEST键
图2 12
⑤接线检测LED指示灯 ⑥功能选择开关 ⑦测试端口 ⑧测试线
尊敬的用户: 您好!感谢您选购全新的优利德仪器,为了正确使用本仪器,请您
在本仪器使用之前仔细阅读本说明书全文,特别是有关“安全注意事 项”的部分。如果您已经阅读完本说明书全文,建议您将此说明书进行 妥善保管,以便在将来的使用过程中进行查阅。

二、电子标签的应用场景1. 物流管理:电子标签可以用于物流管理中的货物跟踪和仓库管理。
2. 生产流程控制:电子标签可以用于生产流水线中的生产过程控制。
3. 资产管理:电子标签可以用于企业的资产管理。
三、电子标签的使用注意事项1. 选择合适的电子标签:在选择电子标签时,需要根据实际需求确定标签的尺寸、存储容量和通信距离等参数。
2. 安装电子标签:在安装电子标签时,需要注意标签的位置和粘贴方式。
3. 维护电子标签:电子标签在使用过程中需要定期进行维护和检查。

鞋厂成型流水线流程说明书The shoe factory molding assembly line process manual is a crucial document that outlines the step-by-step procedures involved in producing shoes. It provides a detailed guide for workers to follow to ensure efficient and consistent production. This manual plays a key role in ensuring the quality of the shoes being manufactured, as it helps to maintain standards and minimize errors in the production process. Without this manual, there is a risk of inconsistency in the finished products, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction and loss of business.鞋厂成型流水线流程说明书是一个关键性文件,它详细地列出了生产鞋子所涉及的逐步程序。
The molding assembly line process involves a series of steps starting from the selection of raw materials to the final inspection of finished shoes. Each step is crucial and must be executed with precision toensure the quality of the shoes. The manual details the specific requirements for each step, including the type of materials to be used, the equipment required, and the techniques to be followed. This level of detail is essential for workers to understand their roles and responsibilities in the production process, and to ensure that they meet the required standards.成型流水线流程涉及一系列步骤,从原材料的选择到成品鞋子的最终检查。
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