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Sales Contract

Address:District,Shanghai,China NO.:




Company: Shanghai xxxxxxx Equipment Co.,Ltd


Add:No.5888 zhenshe Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, China


Tel :+86 -21-59000000,电话:+86 -159****0000





This contract is established by seller and the buyer. The two parties have agreed that

the seller sells equipments according to the following terms.


1. 上海港美金离岸价及设备清单

2. 价格及支付方式:

Price and Payment Term.

2.1 此价格为FOB上海港口价。本合同设备总价为: US$ 。

The total value of this contract is FOB Shanghai Port USD:

2.2 合同签订买方应在银行5个工作日内TT给卖方合同总金额的30%做为预付款,



即:_US$ 剩余合同金额的70%,即US$ 须在发货前由买方TT给卖方。

20% of the total contract value,that is: US$, should be paid in advance as deposit by T/T

within five banking days after the contract is signed.

The balance 80% of the total contract value,that's US$ , should be paid by T/T before

equipment being delivered out.

2.3 合同自买方预付款到卖方账户之日起生效, 自签订“安装调试证书”之日截止。卖方自签订“安


The contract will come into effect the day when the seller receives the deposit of the contract.

The contract shall come to an end the day when the two sides sign the 'Installation and Trial Document'. The Seller shall guarantee the terms of 'Installation and Trial Document' from the day it is signed.

2.4 价格在合同有效期内不变。

The contract quotation remains the same during the contract valid period.

3. 卖方指定银行账户信息:

The bank account information Seller specifies.

Full name: Shanghai xxxxxx Equipment Co., Ltd.

Bank: Bank of Communications Shanghai Municipal Branch

Account Number: 31xxxxxxxx96

Bank Address:No. XXX South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai China


4. 设备交货期Delivery Time.


The delivery time is 60 working days after the contract comes into effect.

5. 包装Package

5.1 货物生产完毕后,卖方应对部分适合包装的设备部件进行包装,并按技术明细和要求粘贴标签。货物的包装应保证在货物装卸和运输过程中完好。

After the production is finished for all the equipment, the seller should make suitable package for certain equipment parts and label the parts. Besides, the equipment package shall be intact during the loading, unloading and transportation.

5.2 卖方应对由于不正确和不符合要求的包装所造成的货物的损坏和丢失承担责任。并应在货物到达客户公司境内之日起30日内解决货物的损坏和丢失问题。

The loss and damage due to seller's incorrect and improper package shall be born by the seller. Also the seller shall solve all the damage and loss problems with in 30 days since the day the equipment reach the buyer's site.

6 . 生产运输和交货Production,transportation and delivery. .


6.1 设备生产完毕后卖方应邀请买方验货。买方可以到上海XXXXX设备有限公司工厂验货或同卖方一起组织通过视频验货。在验完每一批次货物后买方应签署“验收证书”。

The seller shall invite buyer to check goods after all the products are finished. The buyer can come to Shanghai XXXXXX Equipment Co., Ltd to have a on-site check-up or carry out the check-up through video together with the seller. The buyer shall sign the 'Acceptance Certificate' after check-up.

6.2 在完成设备的制作有运输船只的条件下货物应在收到相应的支付后10日内发运。

All the equipment shall be shipped within ten working days after the payment was paid supposed that the transportation ship could be arranged.

6.3 按照以下条款接收货物

Acceptance of all the equipment shall be done according the following terms.


Acceptance of parts quantity——based on the quantity marked in the Bill of loading.
