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11. -I really hope I can go to Beijing in the coming August.


A. did I

B. do I

C. am I

D. can I

12. She’ll go with you if it______ tomorrow.

A. doesn’t rain

B. won’t rain

C. isn’t rain

D. will rain

13. We find______ very important ______ English well.

A. /, learning

B. it, to learn

C. it, learn

D. /, to learn

14. She has studied in that school ______two years. But she will leave that school ______ one year.

A. for, after

B. for, in

C. since, in

D. in, after

15. -______, where is Tom?

-Oh, he has gone to the library.

A. By the way

B. On the way

C. In the way

D. By this way

16. This skirt is ______ long______ wear. I want to have a shorter one.

A. so, to

B. too, to

C. so, that

D. such, that

17.He’s never seen such a film, ______ he?

A. isn’t

B. hasn’t

C. has

D. is

18. Everyday this happens ______me in the library.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. on

19. She asked me if I ______ three language.

A. can speak

B. can say

C. could say

D. could speak

20. Why don’t you ______ your mother a scarf?

A. gave

B. given

C. give

D. giving

21. –Have you ever______ to New York?

-No, never.

A. been

B. gone

C. went

D. go

22. I am doing my homework. Could you please ______ the music? It’s too loud.

A. turning down

B. turn down

C. turning on

D. turn up

23. ______ it______ when you arrived at school yesterday?

A. Did, rain

B. Was, raining

C. Is, raining

D. Does, rain

24. Study hard, Ken, ______ you’ll fall behind.

A. so

B. and

C. or

D. but

25.-Jim, I found this book on my way home. I think it’s yours.

-Tha t’s not ______, Nick. ______ book is in my backpack now.

A. my, My

B. my, Mine

C. mine, My

D. mine, Mine


Martin is an American boy.



Hello Sandy,

We have just returned from out holiday.


If you are like most people, your intelligence changes from season to season.


61. In the western countries, many people like keeping p______ , so they won’t feel lonely.

62. Lucy’s mother doesn’t a_______ her to go out at night.

63. I can’t understand the word. Can you tell me its m______ ?

64. I went to see Miss Gao, but she’s not at home. So I asked her neighbor to pass on a m_______.

65. The owner of that restaurant is not a Chinese. She’s a f______.

66. I couldn’t sleep. I had to be ______ (醒着的) all night.

67. David has been ______(收集) stamps since he was six.

68. ______(代替) of watching TV, I will go fishing tomorrow.

69. Most people would agree that talking loudly in a library is ______(不礼貌的).

70. The kids in Wenchuan really had a very terrible______(经历) on May 12, 2008.


71. Let’s go shopping, ______ ______ ? (写出反意疑问句)

72. I finished my homework at nine o’clock last night.. My father was sleeping at that time.(合并为一句)

I finished my homework ______ my father was sleeping.

73. I have a headache. (写出问句)

What’s ______ ______ with you?

74. What about drinking a cup of coffee? (写出同意句)

______ ______ drink a cup of coffee?

75. You should bring an umbrella with you. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ bring an umbrella with me?

76. She has been studying English since she was 7 years old. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ has she been studying English?

77. Will there be less pollution in the future? (作否定回答)

______, there ______ be less pollution.

78. I was tired this morning. I stayed in bed until 10 o’clock. (写出同义句)

I was tired this morning. I didn’t get up ______ 10 o’clock.

79. Would you mind closing that door? (改为否定句)

Would you mind ______ ______ that door?

80. “I want to send an expedition to the Antarctica, ” she said to her teacher. (写出同一句)

She ______ her teacher that ______ wanted to send an expedition to Antarctica.


homework, look, person, what, belong(v. 属于), store, both, they, hard, organize.

You can tell a lot about your friends by what they carry in their schoolbags….


