




There are no accidents.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。

Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it's called the present (the gift).6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅).I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it's time.7.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉大师But there are things we can control.I can control when the fruit will fall.... And I can control.What time to seed,That is not illusion, Master8.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树Yes, but no matter what you do,That seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an Apple or an orange,But you will get a peach.9.师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But peach can not defeate Tai Long.10.乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。



电影《功夫熊猫》台词全集--中英双语版电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白1/8中文对白英语对白电影《功夫熊猫》全部台词电影《功夫熊猫》全部台词汉语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉英语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉/ 传说中有位传奇大侠 / 他武艺高强一身传奇功夫 / Legend tells of a legendary warrior... / ...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of / 他云游四方寻找实力相当的对手 / 你好像挺爱吃那你legend. / He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. / l see you like to 干脆吃本大爷一拳 / 大侠一声不吭因为嘴里塞满了吃的 / chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! / The warrior said nothing,for his 等他咽下去了就开口了 / "少废话,尽管出招" / 拿命来 / mouth was full. / Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. / Enough talk. Let's 他杀气腾腾 / 他那生猛招式让对手眼花缭乱双目失明 /我fight! / Shashabooey! / He was so deadly in fact, / that his enemies would go 看不见了 / 他也太猛啦 / 他好帅哦/ 我们如何报答你? / blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness. / My eyes!/ He's too awesome! / 行侠仗义帅气生猛 / 不求回报 / 无论他面对多少对手 / And attractive./ How can we repay you? / There is no charge for awesomeness. 他们都会沦为他的手下败将 / 从来没有哪个熊猫这么威风/ Or attractiveness. / Kablooey! / lt mattered not how many foes he faced. / They过这么受崇拜 / 就连盖世豪杰 / 威猛五侠 / 也对这位were no match for his bodacity! / Never before had a panda been so feared! 大师顶礼膜拜 / 一块乐乐去? / 没意见 / 不过没时间找乐And so loved. / Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina, / the Furious Five, /子了 / 因为一旦面对恶魔山成千上万的大小恶魔 / 唯有一bowed in respect to this great master. / We should hang out. / Agreed. / But 件最重要那就是... hanging out would have to wait. / Because whenyou're facing the , demons ofDemon Mountain, / there's only one thing that matters and that's.../ 阿宝起来 / 得赶紧开工了 / 什么!? / 阿宝快起/ Po! Get up! /You'll be later for work! / What? / Po! Get up! / Po. What 来 / 阿宝你在上面干嘛呢? / 没干嘛 / 金猴、螳螂、仙are you doing up there? / Nothing. / Monkey! Mantis! Orane! Viper! Tigress! /鹤、灵蛇、娇虎 / 阿宝快点开工啦 / 来啦 / 对不起 Po! Let's go! You're late for work. / Ooming! / Sorry,Dad. / Sorry doesn't make 爸爸 / 说"对不起"不能帮你做面条 / 你刚才在上面干嘛? the noodles. / What were you doing up there? All that noise. / Nothing. l just 那么吵 / 没干嘛只是做了一场梦 / 什么梦? / 嗯? / 你had a crazy dream. / About what? / What were you dreaming about? / What was 梦见什么了? / 我梦见? 呃 / 我梦见了... / 面条 / 面l...? / l was dreaming about... / ...noodles. / Noodles? You were really 条! 你是真的梦见面条了吗? / 是啊我还能梦见什么呢 dreaming about noodles? / Yeah. What else would l be dreaming about? // 谢谢 / 小心那面条扎嘴 / 噢我好开心 / 我儿子终于Oareful! Thatsoup is sharp. / Oh,happy day! / My son,finally having the noodle 梦见面条啦 / 我盼星星盼月亮终于盼来了这一刻 / 这是个dream! / You don't know how long l've been waiting for this moment. / This is 好兆头 / 什么好兆头? / 你就快准备好了我可以完全放心a sign,Po. / A sign of what? / Youare almost ready to be entrusted with the 的把我的秘方 / 仙汤的秘方传给你了 / 然后你就可以水到secret ingredient / of my Secret lngredient Soup. / Then you will fulfill your 渠成的从我手里接下这面条铺 / 就像我从我父亲手里接下destiny and take over the restaurant! / As l took it overfrom my father,who 它我父亲从我爷爷手里接下它 / 我爷爷打麻将赢下它 / took it over from his father... / ...who won it from a friend in mahjong. /电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白1/8电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白2/8爸爸爸爸爸爸那只是一个梦 / 不那是远大梦想 / Dad,Dad,Dad,it wasjust a dream. / No,it was the dream. / We are noodle folk. 我们是做面条的血脉里流淌着汤汁 / 可是爸爸你有没有想Broth runs through our veins. / But,Dad,didn't you ever want to do something 过做点别的事? / 除了面条以外的事? / 其实啦我年少轻else? / Something besides noodles? /Actually,when l was young and crazy, / l狂的时候 / 倒是想过出去闯闯去拜师学做豆腐 / 那怎么thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. / Why didn't you? 没去? / 因为那是痴人说梦 / 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞/ Because it was a stupid dream. / Oan you imagine me making tofu? / Tofu. /死 / 呵豆腐 / 不! 各司其职各归其位才是 / 我属于这No! We all have our place in this world. / Mine is here,and yours is... / l know,is 儿而你呢... / 我知道我也属于这 / 不是号、号、号、here. / No,it's at tables ,,,and / Service with a smile.号桌 / 记得要微笑服务/ 身手不错徒儿们~只可惜还是让我失望 / 娇虎你/ Welldone,students... if you were trying to disappoint me. / Tigress,you 不够凶猛! 金猴你不够快 / 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷 need more ferocity! Monkey,greater speed. / Orane,height. Viper,subtlety. 螳螂... / 禀告师父什么事? / 是乌龟大师他想见您 / 乌Mantis... / Master Shifu. / What?! /lt's Master Oogway. He wants to see you. /龟大师您要见我出什么事了吧? / 难道一定要出什么事Master Oogway,you summoned me? ls something wrong? / Why must我才能和老朋友见面吗? / 那么没出事? / 这个嘛我也没something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? / So,nothing's 这么说 / 你刚才说...? / 我有一个预感 / 大龙会杀回来 / wrong? / Well,l didn't say that. / You were saying? / l have had a vision. / Tai这怎么可能他在大牢里 / 一切皆有可能 / 小善! / 快飞Lung will return. / That is impossible! He is in prison. / Nothing is impossible. / 到长岗监狱 / 叫他们加倍看守加倍武装该加倍的都加倍 Zeng! / Fly to Ohorh/Gom prison and tell them / to double the guards,double / 决不能让大龙越狱 / 遵命师父 / 越想逃避宿命越会their weapons,double everything! / Tai Lung does not leave that prison! /在半道上跟宿命撞个正着 / 必须想办法不能让他闯进山谷 Yes,MasterShifu! / One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid 他是想复仇 / 他会... 他会... / 你的思绪就像这池水朋it. / We must do something! We can't let him march on the valley,take his 友 / 稍有外界触动就很难清澈明朗 / 可如果让它静下来 / revenge! / He'll... / Your mind is like this water,my friend. / When it is 答案顿时变得清晰了 / 神龙秘笈 / 是时候了 / 可找谁呢? agitated,it becomes difficult to see. / But if you allow it to settle... / ...the answer 该把这孕藏无限神功的秘密托付给谁呢? / 谁将成为神龙大becomes clear. / The Dragon Scroll. / lt is time. / But who? Who is worthy to be侠? / 我也不知道 / 不好意思过一下 / 喂! 当心点 / 对trusted with the secret to limitless power? / To become the Dragon Warrior? / 不起收腹! / 对不起我太失礼了 / 什么? / 乌龟大师要l don't know. / Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. / Watch it! / Sorry. / Suck it up! 选神龙大侠就今天 / 各位各位快去翡翠宫威猛五侠 / Sorry. / A thousand pardons. / What? / Master Oogway's choosing the 有一个会拿到神龙秘笈 / 这我们可是等了好久啊快带着Dragon Warrior! Today! / Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five 面条去吧 / 今天可是武林的大日子还给什么钱呢! is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! / We've waited , years for this! Take the bowl!/ This is the greatest day in kung fu history!快去吧! / 阿宝你要去哪儿? / 我去翡翠宫 / 那也 Just go! / Po! Where are you going? / To the Jade Palace. / You're别忘了推着小车卖面条 / 山谷的村民都会去人手一碗面forgetting your noodle cart. / The whole valley will be there,and you'll sell 条那就赚翻了 / 还要卖面条? / 爸爸其实我在想也许noodles to all of them. / Selling noodles? / But,Dad,l was thinking,maybe l... /我... / 怎么? / 我在想也许我... / 呵呵 / ...也许我还Yeah? / l was thinking maybe l... / ...could also sell the bean buns. They're 能卖豆沙包不然都要发霉了 / 这才是乖儿子 / 我就说那about to go bad. / That's my boy! / l told you that dream was a sign. / Yeah.个梦是个好兆头 / 是呀美梦一场 / 我要当神龙大侠 / 我Glad l had it. / l'm a kung fu warrior! / Me,too! / There's spots at the top. / 也是 / 山都连上天了/ 快赶紧走 / 走了 / 快啊加油 Let's go. / Come on. Come on! / Almost there. / What? / No! Oh,no! / Sorry,Po. / 就快到了/ 哦? / 不噢不! / 你好可怜! 我们会给你/ We'll bring you back a souvenir. / No. l'll bring me back a souvenir. / lt is an 带些纪念品 / 不我给你们带还差不多 / 今天意义非凡 / historic day. / lsn't it,Master Oogway? / Yes,and one l feared l would not live 是不是乌龟大师? / 是啊我原来还担心我没法活到今天呢 to see. / Are your students ready? /Yes,Master Oogway. / Know this,old friend. / 你的徒儿都准备好了吗? / 是的乌龟大师 / 你得明白老/ Whomever l choose will not only bring peace to the valley... / ...but also to 朋友 / 无论我选中谁他都会把和平带到山谷 / 也会把安you. Let the tournament begin! / Let the tournament begin! / No,no,wait! / l'm宁带给你 / 比武大会现在开始 / 喔不等等 / 我来了 coming! Wait,wait! / Hey! Open the door! / Let me in!等等老兄别关! / 喂快开门 / 让我进去/ Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, / it is my great honor to present to/ 和平谷的父老乡亲们 / 今日老夫有幸向诸位介绍 you...Tigress! / Viper! Orane! Monkey! Mantis! / The Furious Five! / Yeah,the娇虎、 / 灵蛇、仙鹤、金猴、螳螂 / 威猛五侠 / 威猛五侠 Furious Five!/ Warriors,prepare! / Wait. No. Oh,peeky/hole. / Ready for battle! 啊哦/ 五侠请就位 / 等等哦偷看一下 / 准备比武 / / Yeah. / The Thousand Tongues of Fire. / Look at that. / Hey! Get out of the 是千条火蛇 / 快看呐 / 喂快让开 / 最后是娇虎女侠 / way! / And finally Master Tigress! / And believe me,citizens,you have not seen 各位父老乡亲真正的绝活你们还没看到呢 / 我没看到 / anything yet. / l know! / Master Tigress! Facelron Ox and his Blades of 娇虎女侠对抗铁牛的死亡之虎 / 我感觉到神龙大侠就在我Death. / l sense the Dragon Warrior is among us. / Oitizens ofthe Valley of 们中间 / 和平谷的父老乡亲们 / 乌龟大师现在将选出神龙Peace, / Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior! / Oh,no!大侠 / 啊完了? 不! 等等 / 耶 / 阿宝 / 你这是在干什么No,no,wait! / Yeah. / Po! / What are you doing?! / What does it look like l'm 呀? / 你说我在干什么别吹别吹 / 我要进去看神龙大侠那 doing?! Stop! / l'm goingto see the Dragon Warrior! / But l don't understand. / 这我就不明白了你好不容易梦见面条的呀! / 我骗你的 You finally had the noodle dream! / l lied. l don't dream about noodles,Dad. / l我根本就没梦见什么面条 / 我爱功/夫~~~ love kung fu!/ 走吧儿子咱回家干活去吧 / 好吧 / 快回来 / 怎/ Come on,son. Let's get back to work. / OK. / What's going on? / Where...? 么回事 / 这是哪儿? / 干嘛指着我? / 噢好吧对不起 / / What are you pointing...? / OK. Sorry. / l just wanted to see who the Dragon 我就是想看看谁是神龙大侠 / 这可真有意思 / 大师您指Warrior was. / How interesting. / Master,are you pointing at me? / Him. /的是我吗? / 是他 / 谁? / 你 / 我? / 天际环宇已经把他Who? / You. / Me? / The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior! /送来了神龙大侠 / 什么? / 什么?! / 什么? / 什么?! / What? / What?! / What?! / What?! / Stop,wait! Who told you to...? / Master 站住等等谁让你们抬轿? / 乌龟大师等等 / 那个焉儿Oogway,wait. /That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our 叭肌的熊猫不可能是我们要找的神龙大侠 / 你原来要指problem. / You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of 的是娇虎可那个肉团正巧掉下来 / 这只是个意外! / 从来her! / That was just an accident! / There are no accidents. / Forgive us,Master.电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白2/8电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白3/8就不存在什么意外 / 请原谅师父我们辜负了您 / 不如We have failed you. / No. lf the panda has not quit by morning / then l will 果明天早上那熊猫还不走 / 那就是我辜负你们 have failed you./ 等等等等我捎来了 / 功夫大师的信 / 什么?! / 加/ Wait!Wait,wait,wait! l bring a message... / ... from Master Shifu /强兵力 / 特别防御/ “你的监狱也许不够坚固” / 那么你What?! /''Double the guard?!'' / ''Extra precautions?!'' / ''Your prison may not be 是怀疑我的监狱不安全? / 小的绝对没这个胆 / 师父交代的 adequate?!'' / You doubt my prison security?! / Absolutely not. / Shifu does. l'm 小的只是送信的 / 那你也替我捎个信给你那个什么师父 / just the messenger. /l'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. / Escape 想从长岗监狱逃走绝对不可能 / 很壮观是不是? / 那是 from Ohorh/Gom prison is impossible! / lmpressive,isn't it? / lt's very 真是很壮观的是 / 相当的壮观 / 同一道门进同一道门出 impressive. / lt's very impressive. / One way in,one way out. / One thousand / 一千名看守看守一名囚犯 / 是啊只不过那个囚犯 / 是guards and one prisoner. / Yes,except that prisoner... / ...is Tai Lung. / Take us 大龙 / 放我们下去 / 你干什么? / 真要命 / 看吧这就是down. / What are you doing? / Oh,my. / Behold Tai Lung. / l'm just gonna wait 大龙 / 我看我还是在这儿等吧 / 这没什么好怕的这儿安right here. / lt's nothing to worry about. lt's perfectly safe. / Orossbows! At the 全得很/ 弩弓手待命 / 弩弓手 / 嘿硬汉你听说了吗 / ready! / Orossbows? / Hey,tough guy,did you hear? / Oogway's giving someone 乌龟终于要把神龙秘笈给人了不过那个人不是你 / 哦你the Dragon Scroll,and it's not gonna be you. / Don't get him mad. / What's he 干什么别激怒他 / 他还能怎么着? 我早就已经让他动弹不gonna do about it? l've got him completely immobilized. / Did l step on the 得了 / 噢我是不是踩到小猫咪的尾巴了? / 好啦我已经wittle kitty's tail? / l'm good. l've seen enough. / l'lltell Shifu he has nothing to 看够了 / 我会跟师父说他没什么可担心的 / 是啊多余担worry about. / No,he doesn't. / l'll tell him that. / Oan we please go now? /心 / 我一定转告 / 我们赶紧走吧? / 等等 / 我想这一定是Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! / Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! / Wait a 搞错了大家好像都以为我是... second! / l think there's been a slight mistake. Everyone seems to think thatl'm.../ 这是奇侠圣殿我没做梦吧 / 瞧这多气派 / 飞天犀/ The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way! / Look at this place. / Master 牛大师的盔甲上面还留着刀枪伤痕 / 勇者大刀 / 听说绝Flying Rhino's armor,with authentic battle damage! / The Sword of Heroes! /对锋利看一眼就会被割伤噢 / 这是隐形天命三叉戟 / Said to be sosharp you can cut yourself just by looking. / The lnvisible 我只见过这幅画的冒牌货 / 噢 / 呢喃武士们的灵坛 / 据Trident of Destiny! / l've only seen paintings of that painting. / No! / The 说装着整个天守大军的亡灵 / 有人吗 / 观光到此结束了legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. / Said to contain the souls of the 吗? / 对不起我应该先来看你的 / 我的耐心是有限的 / entire Tenshu Army. / Hello. / Have you finished sight/seeing? / Sorry,l should 这! 反正你也没地方可去 / 你转过身? / 行 / 嗨你好 / have come to you first. / My patience is wearing thin. / Well,l mean,it's not like 怎么把五千个... 哦是师父! / 有人...打碎了它 / 不过我you were going anywhere. / Would you turn around? / Sure. / How's it 会把它粘好你这有没有...? / 胶水 / 扎手了 / 你就是传going? / How do you get ,... Master Shifu! / Someone... broke that. / But l'll 奇的神龙大侠? / 呃我猜是吧 /错! / 你不是神龙大侠你fix it. Do you have some... / ...glue? / A splinter. / So you're the legendary 永远成不了神龙大侠除非... / 除非你掌握了神龙秘笈里的Dragon Warrior? / l guess so. / Wrong! / You are not the Dragon Warrior. 秘决 / 哦那么我该怎么拿? / 你有没有梯子? 或者蹦床? You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... / ...you have learned the secret / 哼哼你以为这么容易我会把无限神功的秘决 of the Dragon Scroll. / So,how does this work? / Do you have a ladder,or atrampoline,or...? / You think it's that easy? That l'll just handyou the secret // 随随便便给你? / 不我... / 首先必须要达到功夫to limitless power? / No,l... / One must first master the highest level of 的最高境界 / 显然最不可能达到这种境界的就是像你这样kung fu. / And that is impossible ifthat one is someone like you. / Someone like 的 / 像我这样的? / 对瞧瞧你屁股圆肥胳膊松 / 人家me? / Yes,look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms! / Those are sensitive in the 这团肉最怕疼还有这肚子 / 大得像个草坪 / 不干不净 flabby parts. / And this ridiculous belly. / And utter disregard for personal 完全无视个人卫生 / 赶紧打住没这么寒碜人的 / 别站这hygiene. / Now,wait a minute. That's uncalled for. / Don't stand that close. l 么近你的口臭扑鼻 / 听着乌龟说我是... / 无须铁指扣! can smell your breath. / Listen,Oogway said l was... / The Wuxi Finger Hold. 别用无须铁指扣 / 这招你知道? / 无须大师在秦朝发明的 Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! / Oh,you know this hold? / Developed by Master 我知道 / 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样 / 别! / Wuxi in the Third Dynasty. / Then you know what happens when l flex my 知道最难的是什么? / 最难的是完事后怎么清理干净 /懂了 pinky. / No,no! / You know the hardest part of this? / The hardest part is 求你放过我吧 / 你给我仔细听好了熊猫 / 乌龟是选中了cleaning up afterwards. / OK,OK,take it easy. / Now listen closely,panda. / 你不过等你在我这儿领教过之后 / 在我这儿领教过之后 Oogway may have picked you,but when l'm through with you, / l promise 你就会后悔被选中了听明白了吗? / 是很明白很明白明you,you're going to wish he hadn't!Are we clear? / Yeah,we're clear. We're so 明白白 / 很好 / 我都等不及了/ 我们开始吧 clear. / Good. / l can't wait to get started. / Let's begin./ 等等 / 什么? / 对! 现在 / 除非你认为乌龟大师错/ Wait,wait,wait. / What? / Now? / Yes,now. / Unless the great Oogway 了你不是神龙大侠 / 哦好吧我... / 我不知道那些招was wrong and you are not the DragonWarrior. / Oh,OK,well... / l don't know 术我是不是全都会 / 嘿嘿如果不试一下就永远不会知道 / if l can do all of those moves. / Well,if we don't try,we'll never know,will we? /呃是呀只是也许我们可以找一些更适合我这样水平的 / Yeah,it'sjust,maybe we can find something more suited to my level. / What 你是什么水平? / 呃反正我不是大师不过... / 我们可以level is that? / Well,l'm not a master,but... / ...let's just start at zero. Level zero. / 从“零”开始没水平 / 呵不! 你上哪儿都找不到“没水No. There is no such thing as level zero. / Maybe l can start with that. / That? / 平”这个水平 / 我从这个开始吧 / 这个? / 我们是用来训We use that for training children and propping the door open when it's hot. / 练小孩的或者大热天用它来顶门的 / 可如果你非要用它 / But if you insist... / The Furious Five! / You're bigger than your action figures.哇威猛五侠 / 真人比玩具娃娃大多了可除了你螳螂差Except,you,Mantis. You're the same. / Go ahead,panda. Show us what you can 不多一样小 / 来吧熊猫给我们露一手 / 他们都要看吗? do. / Are they gonna watch,or should l wait till they get back to work? / Hit it. 要不等他们先撤了再说吧 / 出拳吧 / 好吧不过我刚吃饱 / OK,yeah. l mean,l just ate. So l'mstill digesting. / So my kung fu might not 我还在消化 / 所以我的功夫可能会... 打点折扣 / 赶快出be as good as... later on. / Just hit it. / All right. / What you got? You got 拳 / 好吧 / 谁怕谁呀你就等着我露一手吧nothing,'cause l got it right here.电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白3/8电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白4/8/ 你敢欺负我朋友? 我打得你满脸桃花开 / 我用脚丫 / You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel thunder. / l'm coming at 子问候你我看你怎么办 / 出招吧我左晃我右晃 / 你没you with crazy feet. / Come on. l'm a blur. You've never seen bear style. /看见过熊猫拳吧你只见过螳螂捕蝉什么的 / 或者我们该试You've only seen praying mantis. / Or monkey style. / Or l could come at you 试猴子耍宝 / 或者来几下金蛇狂舞 / 你倒是给我打呀! / snickety/snake. / Would you hitit! / All right. All right. / Why don't you try 好吧好吧 / 再试一下打重点 / 怎么样? 哇 / 好疼 / 要again? A little harder. / How's that? / That hurts. / This will be easier than l 赶走他好像并不难 / 有点头昏 / 这铁家伙看来我要... / thought. / I'm feeling a little nauseous! / Those are hard! / My tenders. / How 我的鸡鸡 / 我表现如何? / 总算见识“没水平”了 / 我真did l do? / There is now a level zero. / There's no words. / No denying that. /是无语了 / 可不是吗 / 我真不明白乌龟大师是怎么想的 / What was Master Oogway thinking? / The poor guy's gonna get himself killed. / 那个可怜虫会送命的 / 他是那么的“威风” He is so mighty!/ 神龙大侠坐着火球从天而降 / 他一走动大地都会/ The Dragon Warriorfell out of the sky on a ball of fire! / When he walks,the 颤抖 / 按理说乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人 / 是呀 very ground shakes! / One would think Master Oogway would choose someone 至少手能碰到脚趾头 / 他胖得连脚趾头都看不见 / 好了 / who knew kung fu. / Yeah,or could at least touch his toes. / Or even see histoes. 糟糕 / 嗨你醒了 / 被你吵醒的 / 我只是... / 今天够呛? / OK. / Great. / Hi. You're up. / l am now. / l was just... / Some day,huh? / That / 那功夫真够难的对吗? 你二头筋酸吗? / 今天一天真是又kung fu stuff is hard work,right? Are your biceps sore? /l've had a long and 长又叫人泄气所以... / 是呀我现在也许真该睡一会儿了rather disappointing day,so... / Yeah,l should probably get to sleep now. // 是呀是呀当然那好/ 谢谢 / 我只想说我好崇拜你们 Yeah,yeah,yeah.Of course. / OK,thanks. / lt's just... Man,l'm such a big fan! / / 弃河大战的时候你们表现神勇 / 面对千倍敌人你们毫You guys were amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. / Outnumbered a 不退缩你们... / 请多包涵 / 呃听着你不属于这儿 / thousand to one,but you didn't stop. You just... / Sorry about that. / Look,you 我知道我知道你说的对 / 我...什么都不会我只是... / don't belong here. / l know. l know. You're right./ I don't have... I just... / My 我从小就有一个梦... whole life l dreamed of.../ 不不不我的意思是你不属于这儿就是这房间这是/ No,l meant youdon't belong here. l mean,in this room. This is my room.我的房间 / 仙鹤房产 / 哦懂了对对 / 那么对你想/ Property of Orane. / OK. Right,right. / So,you want to get to sleep. / Yeah. / 睡觉了 / 对打扰了 / 明天还有大事要做呢 / 好吧你l'm keeping you up. / We got big things tomorrow. / All right. You're awesome. 很牛我就说这些了 OK 拜拜 / 说什么呢? / 我什么都没Last thing l'm gonna say. Bye/bye. / What was that? / l didn't say anything. /说 / 那好走了晚安 / 做个好梦 / 真有点尴尬 / 娇虎大OK. All right. Good night. / Sleep well. / That seemed a little awkward. / Master 侠我没想吵醒你只是... / 你不属于这里是呀是呀 Tigress! l didn't mean to wake you. / You don't belong here. / Yeah,of course. 当然 / 这是你的房间/ 我是说你不属于我们翡翠宫 / 你/ This is your room. / l mean,you don't belong in the Jade Palace. / You're a 是武林的耻辱如果你 / 还懂得尊重我们这些大侠尊重武disgrace to kung fu,and if you have / any respect for who we are and what we 林 / 那你明天一早就离开 / 我崇拜你 do, / you will be gone by morning. / Big fan!/ 看来你已经发现了这棵天资神明圣桃树 / 就是这棵/ l see you havefound the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. / ls 树? 不好意思我还以为是平常的桃树 / 这我理解你心that what this is? Sorry. l thought itwas just a regular peach tree. / l 情烦燥所以你就吃 / 心烦? 我没心烦你怎么觉得我心烦 understand. You eat when you are upset. / Upset? l'm notupset. What makes / 你到底心里在烦些什么? / 我今天的表现有可能是历史上you think l'm upset. / So why are you so upset? / l probably sucked more today 最烂 / 功夫史上最烂最烂史上最烂 / 有可能 / 还有那than anyone in the history of kung fu. / ln the history of Ohina. ln the history 五个你真该看看他们那样他们恨死我了 / 恨死了 / 师of sucking! / Probably. / And the Five! Man,you should've seen them! They 父怎么才能把我训练成神龙大侠呢? / 我不是那五个 / 我没totally hate me. / Totally. / How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the 有利爪没有翅膀没有毒液 / 连螳螂都有那样的东西 / Dragon Warrior? / l mean,l'm not like the Five. / l've got no claws,no wings,novenom. / Even Mantis has those... thingies.我还是放弃吧回家做我的面条 / 放弃不放弃 / 做/ Maybe l should just quit and go back to making noodles. / Quit,don't quit. 面条不做面条 / 你患得患失太在意从前又太担心将来 / Noodles,don't noodles. / You are too concerned with what was and what will / 有句话说得好 / 昨天是段历史/ 明天是个谜团 / 而今be. / There's a saying: / Yesterday is history, / tomorrow is a mystery, / but 天是天赐的礼物 / 像珍惜礼物那样珍惜今天 / 糟了 / 怎today is a gift. / That is why it is called the present. / Oh,no! / What's 么啦? / 各就各位快快快 / 弩弓发射 / 发射! / 发射! happening?! / To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go! / Fire crossbows! / Fire! // 大龙越狱了我去告诉师父 / 你哪儿都别想去他跑不Fire! / Tai Lung is free! l must warn Shifu. / Not going anywhere! Neither is he!了 / 放开我! / 拉起来! / 等等! 放下来! / 他往这儿来/ Let go of me! / Bring it up! / Wait! Bring it back! / He's coming this way! / He 了 / 他跑不远的弓箭手! / 死定了这下肯定死定了 / won't get far. Archers! /We're dead. So very,very dead. / Not yet we're not. 我们还没死呢射! /可以逃命了吗? / 逃命! / 很高兴师Now! / Oan we run now? / Yes. / l'mglad Shifu sent you. / l was beginning to 父派你来 / 我还以为他们把我忘了 / 你飞回去告诉他们 / think l'd been forgotten. / Fly back there and tell them... / ...the real Dragon 真正的神龙大侠要回家了 Warrior is coming home./ 早上好师父 / 熊猫 / 熊猫 / 快起来! / 他放弃了 / Goodmorning,Master! / Panda! / Panda! / Wake up! / He's quit. / What / 现在怎么办? 师父熊猫走了谁做神龙大侠呢 / 我们do we do now,with the panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior? / All 现在唯有继续练功不久以后 / 真的神龙大侠一定会出现 / we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, / the true Dragon 你在干什么? / 嗨早上好师父 / 我是想先热一下身 / 你卡Warrior will be revealed. / What are you doing here?! / Hi! Good 住了 / 卡住? 没有啊 / 不这是我的... 是我卡住了 / morning,Master! / l thought l'd warm up a little. / You're stuck. / Stuck? Nah. 去帮他 / 真要命 / 我数... / 谢谢 / 不用客气 / 真的我What? Stuck? / Nah. This is one of my... Yeah,l'm stuck. / Help him. /好感谢... / 打住 / 你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈Oh,dear. / Maybe on three. One,two... / ...three. / Thank you. / Don't mention 叉吗? / 韧柔性需要苦练好几年 / 然后再花好几年把它用it. / No,really,l appreciate... / Ever. / You actually thought you could learn to 在格斗中/ 你快把它放下 / 我们这儿收集的纪念品只有do a full split in one night? / lt takes years to develop one's flexibility! / And 关节被打碎的骨头 / 耶好过瘾 / 我们开始吧 / 准备好years longer to apply it in combat! / Put that down! / The only souvenirs we 了吗? / 对不起老弟你不是说准备好了吗! / 这实在太牛collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. / Yeah! Excellent. / Let's电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白4/8电影《功夫熊猫》英汉对白5/8啦我们再来 / 我一直对你很客气现在不会了 / 你下一get started. / Are you ready? / l was born re... / l'm sorry,brother. l thought 个对手就是我 / 好啊耶出招吧 / 往前一步 / 真正的you said you were ready. / That was awesome! Let's go again! / l've been taking 成功之道是发现对手的弱点... / 然后让他痛不欲生 / 啊 it easy on you,panda. But no more. / Your next opponent will be me. / All 好爽啊 / 吸取他的力给他垂直打击 / 直到他被打垮或right! Yeah,let's go! / Step forth. / The true path to victory is to find your 者放弃 / 真正的大侠决不会放弃 opponent's weakness... / ...and make him suffer for it. / Oh,yeah! / To take his strength and use it against him... / ...until he finally falls......or quits.../ 放心师父我决不放弃 / 他要是聪明就不会再爬 / A real warrior never quits. / Don't worry,Master. l will never quit! / lf 上台阶 / 可他会爬的/ 他不会放弃对吗? / 他不会放弃he's smart,he won't come back up those steps. / But he will. / He's not going to 往下翻滚 / 我记得你好像说针灸会让我舒服 / 相信我没quit,is he? / He's not going to quitbouncing,l'll tell you that. / l thought you said 错的 / 只是很难找准穴位因为你身上有太多的... / 肥acupuncture would make me feel better. / Trust me,it will. / lt's just not easy 肉? / 毛我要说的是毛 / 才怪 / 我可不会光凭大小论英finding the right nerve points under all this... / Fat? / Fur. l was going to say 雄不是吗 / 你瞧我我在这儿 / 也许这图你应该再看一fur. / Sure you were. / Who am l to judge a warrior based on his size? Look at 遍 / 哦明白了 / 不要不 / 我知道师父这么做是想鼓me. / l'm over here. / Maybe you should look at this again. / Oh,OK. / Stop it. 励我 / 可我要是不了解他 / 我会以为他是想赶我走 / 我Stop! / l know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all... / ...but if l didn't 知道他表面上铁石心肠 / 可实际上是菩萨心肠 / 据传说 / know better, / l'd say he was trying to get rid of me. / l know he can seem kind 很久很久以前师父脸上时常挂着微笑 / 骗人 / 不骗你 / of heartless... / ...but he wasn't always like that. / According to legend, / there 可后来出事了 / 出了什么事? / 大龙的事 / 是呀我们其实was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile. / No! / Yes. / But 不应该议论他的事/ 可是如果熊猫要留在这儿的话就该that was before. / Before what? / Before Tai Lung. / We're not really supposed 知道 to talk about him. / Well,if he's going to stay here,he should know./ 各位各位我知道大龙的事 / 他是师父的徒弟徒/ Guys,guys,l know about Tai Lung. / He was a student. The first ever to 弟中他第一个掌握了千卷功夫书 / 后来他变坏了被关进master the thousand scrolls of kung fu. / And then he turned bad,and now he's in 大牢 / 他不只是个徒弟 / 他刚生下来就被师父捡到了 / jail. / He wasn'tjust a student. / Shifu found him。




I melted in the sun, the book became a fig tree leaves.2、我在想野牛和天使,在想颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。

I think the buffalo and the angel, in secret to durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art.3、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。

I love you, I am a monster, but I love you.4、别哭了,我很抱歉,你一定要明白,我很抱歉骗你这么多,但生活就是如此。

Don't cry, I'm sorry, you must understand, I am sorry to deceive you so much, but this is life.5、人性中的道德感是一种义务,而我们则必须赋予灵魂以美感。

The moral feeling of human nature is an obligation, and we must endow the soul with the sense of beauty.6、我抚摸着我胸骨上的一块刺痛,那就是她披着秀发的头曾有一两次靠在我的心房的地方。

I touched the pain in my chest. It was the place where she had one or two times in my hair.7、我现在想到欧洲野牛和天使,想到颜料持久的秘密,想到预言性的十四行诗,想到艺术的庇护所。

I now think of aurochs and angels, think of the secrets of durable pigments, think of the prophetic sonnets, think of art of the sanctuary.8、他撕碎了我的心,而你不过撕碎了我的生活。




My light of life, my fire of desire, my sin, my soul.2、每当我追溯自己的青春年华时,那些日子就像是暴风雪之晨的白色雪花一样,被疾风吹得离我而去。

Whenever I look back on my youth, those days are like white snowflakes on a snowstorm morning, blown away by the gale.3、我现在想到欧洲野牛和天使,想到颜料持久的秘密,想到预言性的十四行诗,想到艺术的庇护所。

I am thinking now of European bison and angels, of the secret of lasting paint, of prophetic sonnets, of the sanctuary of art.4、我的心因为爱情的痛楚要胀裂开来。

My heart will burst with the pain of love.5、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。

我卑鄙 *** 、蛮横残忍,等等等等。

但我爱你,我爱你!I love you, I am a monster, but I love you. I am despicable, cruel, and so on. But I love you, I love you!6、我们不仅生活在思想的世界中,而且也生活在物质的世界中。

We live not only in the world of thought, but also in the world of matter.7、我于是暗自思忖,那些忠实的小人儿如何能忘掉一切、一切,当我们这些老情人对她们的每一寸美好都仍那般珍爱的时候。

So I thought to myself, how can those loyal little people fet everything, everything, when our old lovers still cherish every inch of their beauty.8、因为我在世上最讨厌的就是团体活动,那种好似把身上汗毛浓密和身上光溜溜的人以一种数量不断增加的平凡方式混在一起,集体沐浴。




‎The‎r e ar‎e no ‎a ccid‎e nts.‎‎2.何必躲‎呢,躲不过‎的。

‎One ‎m eets‎its ‎d esti‎n y on‎the ‎r oad ‎h e ta‎k es t‎o avo‎i d it‎3‎.着急的时‎候脑子也乱‎了,静下心‎来就好了。

‎Y‎o ur m‎i nd i‎s lik‎e thi‎s wat‎e r, m‎y fri‎e nd ,‎when‎it i‎s agi‎t ated‎,it ‎b ecom‎e s di‎f ficu‎l t to‎see ‎,but ‎i f yo‎u all‎o w it‎to s‎e ttle‎, th‎e ans‎w er b‎e come‎s cle‎a r.‎ 4.做‎不做呢,要‎不要呢?‎Qu‎i t do‎n’t q‎u it. ‎N oodl‎e s do‎n’t n‎o odle‎s.‎ 5.俗语‎说,既往者‎之不鉴,来‎着尤可追!‎那就是为什‎么今天是p‎r esen‎t(现在/‎礼物)‎The‎r e is‎a sa‎y ing,‎Y‎e ster‎d ay i‎s his‎t ory‎To‎m orro‎w is ‎a mys‎t ery‎Bu‎t tod‎a y is‎a gi‎f t‎That‎is w‎h y it‎’s ca‎l led ‎t he p‎r esen‎t (th‎e gif‎t)‎ 6.乌龟‎:是的,看‎着这棵树,‎我不能让树‎为我开花,‎也不能让它‎提前结果。

‎Y‎e s ,l‎o ok a‎t thi‎s tre‎e Chi‎v u(师傅‎),I c‎a n no‎t mak‎e it ‎b oloo‎s m an‎d sui‎t sme‎,nor ‎m ake ‎i t be‎a r fo‎o d be‎f ore ‎i t’s ‎t ime.‎师‎傅:但有些‎事情我们可‎以控制,我‎可以控制果‎实何时坠落‎。

电影台词 功夫熊猫+经典句(中英文对照)

电影台词 功夫熊猫+经典句(中英文对照)

功夫熊猫经典句(中英文对照)Legend tells of a legendary warrior,传说中有个传奇侠客whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend。

他的武功出神入化He travelled the land in search of worthy foes。

浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义I see you like to chew.小样儿你喜欢嚼东西Maybe you should chew on my fist。

有种打败我再嚼!The warrior said anything for his mouth was full。

侠客满嘴食物不便开口Then he swallowed.当食物下咽后And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let’s fight。

他语出惊人少废话拿命来fight for free看招He was so deadly in fact,that his enemies will go blind,他的致命招数无人能挡敌人都被他的正义之光晃瞎了眼from over exposure to pure awesomeness.My eyes! He’s too awesome!我看不见了!还这么帅气And attractive. How can we re-pay you?他武功盖世!我们怎么报答你?There is no charge for awesomeness。

侠骨柔情无需回报Or attractiveness.爆发吧!It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his voracity。

千军万马全被踏在足下艺高人胆大Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.有史以来最使人敬畏又最令人销魂的熊猫Even the most heroic heroes in all of China,即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客The Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master.也对他佩服得五体投地We should hang out。




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”英文:1. "There is no secret ingredient."2. "Even if I'm a no-one, I still have a chance."3. "If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than what you are."4. "Quit it! And quit it with the eyes! And the ears! Lose the ears!"5. "You chose this path, and it will lead you to a bigger fate."6. "Who do you think you are, just a big, fat panda?"7. "There is no secret ingredient to a miracle."8. "You don't even know your master at all."9. "Don't you dare try to sweet talk me."。




There are no accidents.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。

Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quit don't quit.Noodles don't noodles.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it's called the present(the gift).6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅).I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it's time.7.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉大师But there are things we can control.I can control when the fruit will fall....And I can control.What time to seed, That is not illusion, Master8.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an Apple or an orange, But you will get a peach.9.师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But peach can not defeate Tai Long.10.乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。



功夫熊猫完整中英文台词---------------1------------PO的梦境开场---------------Legend tells of[讲述]a legendary warrior whose kung fu skill were a stuff[塞满,一大堆]of legend. He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.有一位传奇中的传奇战士,他的功夫出神入化,他翻山越岭寻凶觅敌。

I see you like to chew;maybe you should chew on my face.你丫的挺喜欢吃啊!有种丫的就上我脸上来吃啊!The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.Then he swallowed,and then he spoke:enough talk let's fight.He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from over-exposure to pure awesomeness[敬畏,出色]!战士一言不发因为正忙着吃,然后一口吞下,开口道"别废话动手吧!"他的一招一式如此彪悍他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿。

My eyes...He's too awesome and attractive...他太彪悍了!。

太迷人了!How can we repay you?我们何以回报?There's no charge[免费]for awesomeness,or attractiveness.It matters[关系到]not how many foes he faced,they were no match for his foe-density.Never before had a panda been so feared,and so loved,even the most heroic heroes in all of the china-the furious five,bowed in respect of this great master.彪悍不求回报,迷人更无所需,破瓦冲天!他征战无数,无人堪与匹敌,从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,又让人如此爱戴,即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们,最令人望而生畏的战士也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下!We shall hang out[闲逛].-我们该金盆洗手了agreed!-没错!Yeh...But hanging out would have to wait,because when you are facing a ten thousand demons of demon mountain,there's only one thing that it matters,and that's..但金盆洗手谈何易,因为尚有万千暴徒待铲除,前途只有一条,那就是...PO!Get up!You'll be late for work.What?...---------------2------------PO家里---------------Po,get up!肥波,快起床!Hey,Po,what are you doing up there?-肥波,你磨蹭啥呢?Ah...nothing...-没啥Monkey,mantis,crane,viper,tigress,roar~~猴哥螳郞鹤儿小蛇虎妞Po,let's go,you're late for work.Coming...Sorry,dad!Sorry doesn't make the noodles.对不起可变不出面条来.And what are you doing up there,all that noise?你在楼上搞什么名堂稀里哗啦的?Oh,nothing,just had a crazy dream.没什么,就是个乱七八糟的梦.About what?Uh?What were you dreaming about?What was I,ahhh,I was dreaming about uhhh noodles...Noodles?You were really dreaming about noodles?面条?你真梦见面条了?Uh yeh,what else would I be dreaming about?没错!不然还能梦见啥?Thank you~~...oh...careful that sword is...sharp.哦!小心!那个刀很锋利.Oh...happy day...my son finally has the noodle dream.You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.This is a sign,Po.哦!太让人高兴了!我儿子终于做了个面条梦了!哦你不知道我等这一刻都等了多久!-这是个好兆头!Ahh...a sign of what?-什么好兆头?You are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup and then you’ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant.Just as I took it over from my father,who took it over from his father who won it from a friend in a game of Majiang.我终于可以把我的秘之又秘私酿密汤的配方传给你了!这样你就能不辱使命继承这间饭馆了,就像我子承父业、父承爷业一样。




My light of life, my fire of desire, my sin, my soul.2、每当我追溯自己的青春年华时,那些日子就像是暴风雪之晨的白色雪花一样,被疾风吹得离我而去。

Whenever I look back on my youth, those days are like white snowflakes on a snowstorm morning, blown away by the gale.3、我现在想到欧洲野牛和天使,想到颜料持久的秘密,想到预言性的十四行诗,想到艺术的庇护所。

I am thinking now of European bison and angels, of the secret of lasting paint, of prophetic sonnets, of the sanctuary of art.4、我的心因为爱情的痛楚要胀裂开来。

My heart will burst with the pain of love.5、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。


但我爱你,我爱你!I love you, I am a monster, but I love you. I am despicable, cruel, and so on. But I love you, I love you!6、我们不仅生活在思想的世界中,而且也生活在物质的世界中。

We live not only in the world of thought, but also in the world of matter.7、我于是暗自思忖,那些忠实的小人儿如何能忘掉一切、一切,当我们这些老情人对她们的每一寸美好都仍那般珍爱的时候。

So I thought to myself, how can those loyal little people forget everything, everything, when our old lovers still cherish every inch of their beauty.8、因为我在世上最讨厌的就是团体活动,那种好似把身上汗毛浓密和身上光溜溜的人以一种数量不断增加的平凡方式混在一起,集体沐浴。



中文对白英语对白电影《功夫熊猫》全部台词汉语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉/ 传说中有位传奇大侠 / 他武艺高强一身传奇功夫/ 他云游四方寻找实力相当的对手 / 你好像挺爱吃那你干脆吃本大爷一拳 / 大侠一声不吭因为嘴里塞满了吃的 / 等他咽下去了就开口了 / "少废话,尽管出招" / 拿命来 / 他杀气腾腾 / 他那生猛招式让对手眼花缭乱双目失明 / 我看不见了 / 他也太猛啦 / 他好帅哦/ 我们如何报答你? / 行侠仗义帅气生猛 / 不求回报 / 无论他面对多少对手 / 他们都会沦为他的手下败将 / 从来没有哪个熊猫这么威风过这么受崇拜 / 就连盖世豪杰 / 威猛五侠 / 也对这位大师顶礼膜拜 / 一块乐乐去? / 没意见 / 不过没时间找乐子了 / 因为一旦面对恶魔山成千上万的大小恶魔 / 唯有一件最重要那就是.../ 阿宝起来 / 得赶紧开工了 / 什么!? / 阿宝快起来 / 阿宝你在上面干嘛呢? / 没干嘛 / 金猴、螳螂、仙鹤、灵蛇、娇虎 / 阿宝快点开工啦 / 来啦 / 对不起爸爸 / 说"对不起"不能帮你做面条 / 你刚才在上面干嘛? 那么吵 / 没干嘛只是做了一场梦 / 什么梦? / 嗯? / 你梦见什么了? / 我梦见? 呃 / 我梦见了... / 面条 / 面条! 你是真的梦见面条了吗? / 是啊我还能梦见什么呢/ 谢谢 / 小心那面条扎嘴 / 噢我好开心 / 我儿子终于梦见面条啦 / 我盼星星盼月亮终于盼来了这一刻 / 这是个好兆头 / 什么好兆头? / 你就快准备好了我可以完全放心的把我的秘方 / 仙汤的秘方传给你了 / 然后你就可以水到渠成的从我手里接下这面条铺 / 就像我从我父亲手里接下它我父亲从我爷爷手里接下它 / 我爷爷打麻将赢下它 / 爸爸爸爸爸爸那只是一个梦 / 不那是远大梦想 / 我们是做面条的血脉里流淌着汤汁 / 可是爸爸你有没有想过做点别的事? / 除了面条以外的事? / 其实啦我年少轻狂的时候 / 倒是想过出去闯闯去拜师学做豆腐 / 那怎么没去? / 因为那是痴人说梦 / 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞死 / 呵豆腐 / 不! 各司其职各归其位才是 / 我属于这儿而你呢... / 我知道我也属于这 / 不是号、号、号、号桌 / 记得要微笑服务/ 身手不错徒儿们!只可惜还是让我失望 / 娇虎你不够凶猛! 金猴你不够快 / 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷螳螂... / 禀告师父什么事? / 是乌龟大师他想见您 / 乌龟大师您要见我出什么事了吧? / 难道一定要出什么事我才能和老朋友见面吗? / 那么没出事? / 这个嘛我也没这么说 / 你刚才说...? / 我有一个预感 / 大龙会杀回来 / 这怎么可能他在大牢里 / 一切皆有可能 / 小善! / 快飞到长岗监狱 / 叫他们加倍看守加倍武装该加倍的都加倍/ 决不能让大龙越狱 / 遵命师父 / 越想逃避宿命越会在半道上跟宿命撞个正着 / 必须想办法不能让他闯进山谷他是想复仇 / 他会... 他会... / 你的思绪就像这池水朋友 / 稍有外界触动就很难清澈明朗 / 可如果让它静下来 / 答案顿时变得清晰了 / 神龙秘笈 / 是时候了 / 可找谁呢? 该把这孕藏无限神功的秘密托付给谁呢? / 谁将成为神龙大侠? / 我也不知道 / 不好意思过一下 / 喂! 当心点 / 对不起收腹! / 对不起我太失礼了 / 什么? / 乌龟大师要选神龙大侠就今天 / 各位各位快去翡翠宫威猛五侠有一个会拿到神龙秘笈 / 这我们可是等了好久啊快带着面条去吧 / 今天可是武林的大日子还给什么钱呢!快去吧! / 阿宝你要去哪儿? / 我去翡翠宫 / 那也别忘了推着小车卖面条 / 山谷的村民都会去人手一碗面条那就赚翻了 / 还要卖面条? / 爸爸其实我在想也许电影《功夫熊猫》全部台词英语版〈Kung Fu Panda〉/ Legend tells of a legendary warrior... / ...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. / He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. / l see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! / The warrior said nothing,for his mouth was full. / Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. / Enough talk. Let's fight! / Shashabooey! / He was so deadly in fact, / that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness. / My eyes!/ He's too awesome! / And attractive. / How can we repay you? / There is no charge for awesomeness. / Or attractiveness. / Kablooey! / lt mattered not how many foes he faced. / They were no match for his bodacity! / Never before had a panda been so feared! And so loved. / Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina, / the Furious Five, / bowed in respect to this great master. / We should hang out. / Agreed. / But hanging out would have to wait. / Because when you're facing the , demons of Demon Mountain, / there's only one thing that matters and that's.../ Po! Get up! / You'll be later for work! / What? / Po! Get up! / Po. What are you doing up there? / Nothing. / Monkey! Mantis! Orane! Viper! Tigress! / Po! Let's go! You're late for work. / Ooming! / Sorry,Dad. / Sorry doesn't make the noodles. / What were you doing up there? All that noise. / Nothing. l just had a crazy dream. / About what? / What were you dreaming about? / What was l...? / l was dreaming about... / ...noodles. / Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? / Yeah. What else would l be dreaming about? / Oareful! That soup is sharp. / Oh,happy day! / My son,finally having the noodle dream! / You don't know how long l've been waiting for this moment. / This is a sign,Po. / A sign of what? / You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient / of my Secret lngredient Soup. / Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant! / As l took it over from my father,who took it over from his father... / ...who won it from a friend in mahjong. / Dad,Dad,Dad,it was just a dream. / No,it was the dream. / We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins. / But,Dad,didn't you ever want to do something else? / Something besides noodles? / Actually,when l was young and crazy, / l thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. / Why didn't you? / Because it was a stupid dream. / Oan you imagine me making tofu? / Tofu. / No! We all have our place in this world. / Mine is here,and yours is... / l know,is here. / No,it's at tables ,,,and / Service with a smile./ Well done,students... if you were trying to disappoint me. / Tigress,you need more ferocity! Monkey,greater speed. / Orane,height. Viper,subtlety. Mantis... / Master Shifu. / What?! / lt's Master Oogway. He wants to see you. / Master Oogway,you summoned me? ls something wrong? / Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? / So,nothing's wrong? / Well,l didn't say that. / You were saying? / l have had a vision. / Tai Lung will return. / That is impossible! He is in prison. / Nothing is impossible. / Zeng! / Fly to Ohorh/Gom prison and tell them / to double the guards,double their weapons,double everything! / Tai Lung does not leave that prison! / Yes,Master Shifu! / One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. / We must do something! We can't let him march on the valley,take his revenge! / He'll... / Your mind is like this water,my friend. / When it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see. / But if you allow it to settle... / ...the answer becomes clear. / The Dragon Scroll. / lt is time. / But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? / To become the Dragon Warrior? / l don't know. / Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. / Watch it! / Sorry. / Suck it up! / Sorry. / A thousand pardons. / What? / Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today! / Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! / We've waited , years for this! Take the bowl! / This is the greatest day in kung fu history!Just go! / Po! Where are you going? / To the Jade Palace. / You're forgetting your noodle cart. / The whole valley will be there,and you'll sell noodles to all of them. / Selling noodles? / But,Dad,l was thinking,maybe l... /我... / 怎么? / 我在想也许我... / 呵呵 / ...也许我还能卖豆沙包不然都要发霉了 / 这才是乖儿子 / 我就说那个梦是个好兆头 / 是呀美梦一场 / 我要当神龙大侠 / 我也是 / 山都连上天了/ 快赶紧走 / 走了 / 快啊加油/ 就快到了 / 哦? / 不噢不! / 你好可怜! 我们会给你带些纪念品 / 不我给你们带还差不多 / 今天意义非凡 / 是不是乌龟大师? / 是啊我原来还担心我没法活到今天呢/ 你的徒儿都准备好了吗? / 是的乌龟大师 / 你得明白老朋友 / 无论我选中谁他都会把和平带到山谷 / 也会把安宁带给你 / 比武大会现在开始 / 喔不等等 / 我来了等等老兄别关! / 喂快开门 / 让我进去/ 和平谷的父老乡亲们 / 今日老夫有幸向诸位介绍娇虎、 / 灵蛇、仙鹤、金猴、螳螂 / 威猛五侠 / 威猛五侠啊哦 / 五侠请就位 / 等等哦偷看一下 / 准备比武 / 是千条火蛇 / 快看呐 / 喂快让开 / 最后是娇虎女侠 / 各位父老乡亲真正的绝活你们还没看到呢 / 我没看到 / 娇虎女侠对抗铁牛的死亡之虎 / 我感觉到神龙大侠就在我们中间 / 和平谷的父老乡亲们 / 乌龟大师现在将选出神龙大侠 / 啊完了? 不! 等等 / 耶 / 阿宝 / 你这是在干什么呀? / 你说我在干什么别吹别吹 / 我要进去看神龙大侠那/ 这我就不明白了你好不容易梦见面条的呀! / 我骗你的我根本就没梦见什么面条 / 我爱功/夫~~!/ 走吧儿子咱回家干活去吧 / 好吧 / 快回来 / 怎么回事 / 这是哪儿? / 干嘛指着我? / 噢好吧对不起 / 我就是想看看谁是神龙大侠 / 这可真有意思 / 大师您指的是我吗? / 是他 / 谁? / 你 / 我? / 天际环宇已经把他送来了神龙大侠 / 什么? / 什么?! / 什么? / 什么?! / 站住等等谁让你们抬轿? / 乌龟大师等等 / 那个焉儿叭肌的熊猫不可能是我们要找的神龙大侠 / 你原来要指的是娇虎可那个肉团正巧掉下来 / 这只是个意外! / 从来就不存在什么意外 / 请原谅师父我们辜负了您 / 不如果明天早上那熊猫还不走 / 那就是我辜负你们/ 等等等等我捎来了 / 功夫大师的信 / 什么?! / 加强兵力 / 特别防御 / “你的监狱也许不够坚固” / 那么你是怀疑我的监狱不安全? / 小的绝对没这个胆 / 师父交代的小的只是送信的 / 那你也替我捎个信给你那个什么师父 / 想从长岗监狱逃走绝对不可能 / 很壮观是不是? / 那是真是很壮观的是 / 相当的壮观 / 同一道门进同一道门出/ 一千名看守看守一名囚犯 / 是啊只不过那个囚犯 / 是大龙 / 放我们下去 / 你干什么? / 真要命 / 看吧这就是大龙 / 我看我还是在这儿等吧 / 这没什么好怕的这儿安全得很 / 弩弓手待命 / 弩弓手 / 嘿硬汉你听说了吗 / 乌龟终于要把神龙秘笈给人了不过那个人不是你 / 哦你干什么别激怒他 / 他还能怎么着? 我早就已经让他动弹不得了 / 噢我是不是踩到小猫咪的尾巴了? / 好啦我已经看够了 / 我会跟师父说他没什么可担心的 / 是啊多余担心 / 我一定转告 / 我们赶紧走吧? / 等等 / 我想这一定是搞错了大家好像都以为我是.../ 这是奇侠圣殿我没做梦吧 / 瞧这多气派 / 飞天犀牛大师的盔甲上面还留着刀枪伤痕 / 勇者大刀 / 听说绝对锋利看一眼就会被割伤噢 / 这是隐形天命三叉戟 / 我只见过这幅画的冒牌货 / 噢 / 呢喃武士们的灵坛 / 据说装着整个天守大军的亡灵 / 有人吗 / 观光到此结束了吗? / 对不起我应该先来看你的 / 我的耐心是有限的 / 这! 反正你也没地方可去 / 你转过身? / 行 / 嗨你好 / 怎么把五千个... 哦是师父! / 有人...打碎了它 / 不过我会把它粘好你这有没有...? / 胶水 / 扎手了 / 你就是传奇的神龙大侠? / 呃我猜是吧 / 错! / 你不是神龙大侠你永远成不了神龙大侠除非... / 除非你掌握了神龙秘笈里的Yeah? / l was thinking maybe l... / ...could also sell the bean buns. They're about to go bad. / That's my boy! / l told you that dream was a sign. / Yeah. Glad l had it. / l'm a kung fu warrior! / Me,too! / There's spots at the top. / Let's go. / Come on. Come on! / Almost there. / What? / No! Oh,no! / Sorry,Po. / We'll bring you back a souvenir. / No. l'll bring me back a souvenir. / lt is an historic day. / lsn't it,Master Oogway? / Yes,and one l feared l would not live to see. / Are your students ready? / Yes,Master Oogway. / Know this,old friend. / Whomever l choose will not only bring peace to the valley... / ...but also to you. Let the tournament begin! / Let the tournament begin! / No,no,wait! / l'm coming! Wait,wait! / Hey! Open the door! / Let me in!/ Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, / it is my great honor to present to you...Tigress! / Viper! Orane! Monkey! Mantis! / The Furious Five! / Yeah,the Furious Five! / Warriors,prepare! / Wait. No. Oh,peeky/hole. / Ready for battle! / Yeah. / The Thousand Tongues of Fire. / Look at that. / Hey! Get out of the way! / And finally Master Tigress! / And believe me,citizens,you have not seen anything yet. / l know! / Master Tigress! Face lron Ox and his Blades of Death. / l sense the Dragon Warrior is among us. / Oitizens of the Valley of Peace, / Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior! / Oh,no! No,no,wait! / Yeah. / Po! / What are you doing?! / What does it look like l'm doing?! Stop! / l'm going to see the Dragon Warrior! / But l don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream! / l lied. l don't dream about noodles,Dad. / l love kung fu!/ Come on,son. Let's get back to work. / OK. / What's going on? / Where...? / What are you pointing...? / OK. Sorry. / l just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was. / How interesting. / Master,are you pointing at me? / Him. / Who? / You. / Me? / The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior! / What? / What?! / What?! / What?! / Stop,wait! Who told you to...? / Master Oogway,wait. / That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem. / You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her! / That was just an accident! / There are no accidents. / Forgive us,Master. We have failed you. / No. lf the panda has not quit by morning / then l will have failed you./ Wait! Wait,wait,wait! l bring a message... / ... from Master Shifu / What?! / ''Double the guard?!'' / ''Extra precautions?!'' / ''Your prison may not be adequate?!'' / You doubt my prison security?! / Absolutely not. / Shifu does. l'm just the messenger. / l'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. / Escape from Ohorh/Gom prison is impossible! / lmpressive,isn't it? / lt's very impressive. / lt's very impressive. / One way in,one way out. / One thousand guards and one prisoner. / Yes,except that prisoner... / ...is Tai Lung. / Take us down. / What are you doing? / Oh,my. / Behold Tai Lung. / l'm just gonna wait right here. / lt's nothing to worry about. lt's perfectly safe. / Orossbows! At the ready! / Orossbows? / Hey,tough guy,did you hear? / Oogway's giving someone the Dragon Scroll,and it's not gonna be you. / Don't get him mad. / What's he gonna do about it? l've got him completely immobilized. / Did l step on the wittle kitty's tail? / l'm good. l've seen enough. / l'll tell Shifu he has nothing to worry about. / No,he doesn't. / l'll tell him that. / Oan we please go now? / Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! / Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! / Wait a second! / l think there's been a slight mistake. Everyone seems to think that l'm.../ The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way! / Look at this place. / Master Flying Rhino's armor,with authentic battle damage! / The Sword of Heroes! / Said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking. / The lnvisible Trident of Destiny! / l've only seen paintings of that painting. / No! / The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. / Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu Army. / Hello. / Have you finished sight/seeing? / Sorry,l should have come to you first. / My patience is wearing thin. / Well,l mean,it's not like you were going anywhere. / Would you turn around? / Sure. / How's it going? / How do you get ,... Master Shifu! / Someone... broke that. / But l'll fix it. Do you have some... / ...glue? / A splinter. / So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior? / l guess so. / Wrong! / You are not the Dragon Warrior.秘决 / 哦那么我该怎么拿? / 你有没有梯子? 或者蹦床? / 哼哼你以为这么容易我会把无限神功的秘决/ 随随便便给你? / 不我... / 首先必须要达到功夫的最高境界 / 显然最不可能达到这种境界的就是像你这样的 / 像我这样的? / 对瞧瞧你屁股圆肥胳膊松 / 人家这团肉最怕疼还有这肚子 / 大得像个草坪 / 不干不净完全无视个人卫生 / 赶紧打住没这么寒碜人的 / 别站这么近你的口臭扑鼻 / 听着乌龟说我是... / 无须铁指扣! 别用无须铁指扣 / 这招你知道? / 无须大师在秦朝发明的我知道 / 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样 / 别! / 知道最难的是什么? / 最难的是完事后怎么清理干净 / 懂了求你放过我吧 / 你给我仔细听好了熊猫 / 乌龟是选中了你不过等你在我这儿领教过之后 / 在我这儿领教过之后你就会后悔被选中了听明白了吗? / 是很明白很明白明明白白 / 很好 / 我都等不及了 / 我们开始吧/ 等等 / 什么? / 对! 现在 / 除非你认为乌龟大师错了你不是神龙大侠 / 哦好吧我... / 我不知道那些招术我是不是全都会 / 嘿嘿如果不试一下就永远不会知道 / 呃是呀只是也许我们可以找一些更适合我这样水平的 / 你是什么水平? / 呃反正我不是大师不过... / 我们可以从“零”开始没水平 / 呵不! 你上哪儿都找不到“没水平”这个水平 / 我从这个开始吧 / 这个? / 我们是用来训练小孩的或者大热天用它来顶门的 / 可如果你非要用它 / 哇威猛五侠 / 真人比玩具娃娃大多了可除了你螳螂差不多一样小 / 来吧熊猫给我们露一手 / 他们都要看吗? 要不等他们先撤了再说吧 / 出拳吧 / 好吧不过我刚吃饱我还在消化 / 所以我的功夫可能会... 打点折扣 / 赶快出拳 / 好吧 / 谁怕谁呀你就等着我露一手吧/ 你敢欺负我朋友? 我打得你满脸桃花开 / 我用脚丫子问候你我看你怎么办 / 出招吧我左晃我右晃 / 你没看见过熊猫拳吧你只见过螳螂捕蝉什么的 / 或者我们该试试猴子耍宝 / 或者来几下金蛇狂舞 / 你倒是给我打呀! / 好吧好吧 / 再试一下打重点 / 怎么样? 哇 / 好疼 / 要赶走他好像并不难 / 有点头昏 / 这铁家伙看来我要... / 我的鸡鸡 / 我表现如何? / 总算见识“没水平”了 / 我真是无语了 / 可不是吗 / 我真不明白乌龟大师是怎么想的 / 那个可怜虫会送命的 / 他是那么的“威风”/ 神龙大侠坐着火球从天而降 / 他一走动大地都会颤抖 / 按理说乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人 / 是呀至少手能碰到脚趾头 / 他胖得连脚趾头都看不见 / 好了 / 糟糕 / 嗨你醒了 / 被你吵醒的 / 我只是... / 今天够呛? / 那功夫真够难的对吗? 你二头筋酸吗? / 今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气所以... / 是呀我现在也许真该睡一会儿了/ 是呀是呀当然那好/ 谢谢 / 我只想说我好崇拜你们/ 弃河大战的时候你们表现神勇 / 面对千倍敌人你们毫不退缩你们... / 请多包涵 / 呃听着你不属于这儿 / 我知道我知道你说的对 / 我...什么都不会我只是... / 我从小就有一个梦.../ 不不不我的意思是你不属于这儿就是这房间这是我的房间 / 仙鹤房产 / 哦懂了对对 / 那么对你想睡觉了 / 对打扰了 / 明天还有大事要做呢 / 好吧你很牛我就说这些了 OK 拜拜 / 说什么呢? / 我什么都没说 / 那好走了晚安 / 做个好梦 / 真有点尴尬 / 娇虎大侠我没想吵醒你只是... / 你不属于这里是呀是呀当然 / 这是你的房间 / 我是说你不属于我们翡翠宫 / 你是武林的耻辱如果你 / 还懂得尊重我们这些大侠尊重武林 / 那你明天一早就离开 / 我崇拜你You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... / ...you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll. / So,how does this work? / Do you have a ladder,or a trampoline,or...? / You think it's that easy? That l'll just hand you the secret / to limitless power? / No,l... / One must first master the highest level of kung fu. / And that is impossible if that one is someone like you. / Someone like me? / Yes,look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms! / Those are sensitive in the flabby parts. / And this ridiculous belly. / And utter disregard for personal hygiene. / Now,wait a minute. That's uncalled for. / Don't stand that close. l can smell your breath. / Listen,Oogway said l was... / The Wuxi Finger Hold. Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! / Oh,you know this hold? / Developed by Master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty. / Then you know what happens when l flex my pinky. / No,no! / You know the hardest part of this? / The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. / OK,OK,take it easy. / Now listen closely,panda. / Oogway may have picked you,but when l'm through with you, / l promise you,you're going to wish he hadn't! Are we clear? / Yeah,we're clear. We're so clear. / Good. / l can't wait to get started. / Let's begin./ Wait,wait,wait. / What? / Now? / Yes,now. / Unless the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior. / Oh,OK,well... / l don't know if l can do all of those moves. / Well,if we don't try,we'll never know,will we? / Yeah,it's just,maybe we can find something more suited to my level. / What level is that? / Well,l'm not a master,but... / ...let's just start at zero. Level zero. / No. There is no such thing as level zero. / Maybe l can start with that. / That? / We use that for training children and propping the door open when it's hot. / But if you insist... / The Furious Five! / You're bigger than your action figures. Except,you,Mantis. You're the same. / Go ahead,panda. Show us what you can do. / Are they gonna watch,or should l wait till they get back to work? / Hit it. / OK,yeah. l mean,l just ate. So l'm still digesting. / So my kung fu might not be as good as... later on. / Just hit it. / All right. / What you got? You got nothing,'cause l got it right here./ You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel thunder. / l'm coming at you with crazy feet. / Come on. l'm a blur. You've never seen bear style. / You've only seen praying mantis. / Or monkey style. / Or l could come at you snickety/snake. / Would you hit it! / All right. All right. / Why don't you try again? A little harder. / How's that? / That hurts. / This will be easier than l thought. / I'm feeling a little nauseous! / Those are hard! / My tenders. / How did l do? / There is now a level zero. / There's no words. / No denying that. / What was Master Oogway thinking? / The poor guy's gonna get himself killed. / He is so mighty!/ The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! / When he walks,the very ground shakes! / One would think Master Oogway would choose someone who knew kung fu. / Yeah,or could at least touch his toes. / Or even see histoes. / OK. / Great. / Hi. You're up. / l am now. / l was just... / Some day,huh? / That kung fu stuff is hard work,right? Are your biceps sore? / l've had a long and rather disappointing day,so... / Yeah,l should probably get to sleep now. / Yeah,yeah,yeah. Of course. / OK,thanks. / lt's just... Man,l'm such a big fan! / You guys were amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. / Outnumbered a thousand to one,but you didn't stop. You just... / Sorry about that. / Look,you don't belong here. / l know. l know. You're right. / I don't have... I just... / My whole life l dreamed of.../ No,l meant you don't belong here. l mean,in this room. This is my room. / Property of Orane. / OK. Right,right. / So,you want to get to sleep. / Yeah. / l'm keeping you up. / We got big things tomorrow. / All right. You're awesome. Last thing l'm gonna say. Bye/bye. / What was that? / l didn't say anything. / OK. All right. Good night. / Sleep well. / That seemed a little awkward. / Master Tigress! l didn't mean to wake you. / You don't belong here. / Yeah,of course. / This is your room. / l mean,you don't belong in the Jade Palace. / You're a disgrace to kung fu,and if you have / any respect for who we are and what we do, / you will be gone by morning. / Big fan!/ 看来你已经发现了这棵天资神明圣桃树 / 就是这棵树? 不好意思我还以为是平常的桃树 / 这我理解你心情烦燥所以你就吃 / 心烦? 我没心烦你怎么觉得我心烦/ 你到底心里在烦些什么? / 我今天的表现有可能是历史上最烂 / 功夫史上最烂最烂史上最烂 / 有可能 / 还有那五个你真该看看他们那样他们恨死我了 / 恨死了 / 师父怎么才能把我训练成神龙大侠呢? / 我不是那五个 / 我没有利爪没有翅膀没有毒液 / 连螳螂都有那样的东西 /我还是放弃吧回家做我的面条 / 放弃不放弃 / 做面条不做面条 / 你患得患失太在意从前又太担心将来/ 有句话说得好 / 昨天是段历史 / 明天是个谜团 / 而今天是天赐的礼物 / 像珍惜礼物那样珍惜今天 / 糟了 / 怎么啦? / 各就各位快快快 / 弩弓发射 / 发射! / 发射! / 大龙越狱了我去告诉师父 / 你哪儿都别想去他跑不了 / 放开我! / 拉起来! / 等等! 放下来! / 他往这儿来了 / 他跑不远的弓箭手! / 死定了这下肯定死定了 / 我们还没死呢射! / 可以逃命了吗? / 逃命! / 很高兴师父派你来 / 我还以为他们把我忘了 / 你飞回去告诉他们 / 真正的神龙大侠要回家了/ 早上好师父 / 熊猫 / 熊猫 / 快起来! / 他放弃了/ 现在怎么办? 师父熊猫走了谁做神龙大侠呢 / 我们现在唯有继续练功不久以后 / 真的神龙大侠一定会出现 / 你在干什么? / 嗨早上好师父 / 我是想先热一下身 / 你卡住了 / 卡住? 没有啊 / 不这是我的... 是我卡住了 / 去帮他 / 真要命 / 我数... / 谢谢 / 不用客气 / 真的我好感谢... / 打住 / 你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗? / 韧柔性需要苦练好几年 / 然后再花好几年把它用在格斗中 / 你快把它放下 / 我们这儿收集的纪念品只有关节被打碎的骨头 / 耶好过瘾 / 我们开始吧 / 准备好了吗? / 对不起老弟你不是说准备好了吗! / 这实在太牛啦我们再来 / 我一直对你很客气现在不会了 / 你下一个对手就是我 / 好啊耶出招吧 / 往前一步 / 真正的成功之道是发现对手的弱点... / 然后让他痛不欲生 / 啊好爽啊 / 吸取他的力给他垂直打击 / 直到他被打垮或者放弃 / 真正的大侠决不会放弃/ 放心师父我决不放弃 / 他要是聪明就不会再爬上台阶 / 可他会爬的 / 他不会放弃对吗? / 他不会放弃往下翻滚 / 我记得你好像说针灸会让我舒服 / 相信我没错的 / 只是很难找准穴位因为你身上有太多的... / 肥肉? / 毛我要说的是毛 / 才怪 / 我可不会光凭大小论英雄不是吗 / 你瞧我我在这儿 / 也许这图你应该再看一遍 / 哦明白了 / 不要不 / 我知道师父这么做是想鼓励我 / 可我要是不了解他 / 我会以为他是想赶我走 / 我知道他表面上铁石心肠 / 可实际上是菩萨心肠 / 据传说 / 很久很久以前师父脸上时常挂着微笑 / 骗人 / 不骗你 / 可后来出事了 / 出了什么事? / 大龙的事 / 是呀我们其实不应该议论他的事 / 可是如果熊猫要留在这儿的话就该知道/ 各位各位我知道大龙的事 / 他是师父的徒弟徒弟中他第一个掌握了千卷功夫书 / 后来他变坏了被关进大牢 / 他不只是个徒弟 / 他刚生下来就被师父捡到了 / 师父扶养他把他当儿子 / 发现了他的功夫天份之后 / 师父就训练他 / 对他满怀信心并告诉他他注定成大器 / 可是大龙心比天高 / 他想要神龙秘笈 / 乌龟大师看出了他内心的阴暗面拒绝了他 / 气急败坏的大龙重创和平谷 / 他妄图把秘笈抢走 / 师父不得不摧毁他一手栽培的徒儿 / 可又不忍心下手 / 师父从来没有象爱大龙那样爱过任何人/ l see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. / ls that what this is? Sorry. l thought it was just a regular peach tree. / l understand. You eat when you are upset. / Upset? l'm not upset. What makes you think l'm upset. / So why are you so upset? / l probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. / ln the history of Ohina. ln the history of sucking! / Probably. / And the Five! Man,you should've seen them! They totally hate me. / Totally. / How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? / l mean,l'm not like the Five. / l've got no claws,no wings,no venom. / Even Mantis has those... thingies./ Maybe l should just quit and go back to making noodles. / Quit,don't quit. / Noodles,don't noodles. / You are too concerned with what was and what will be. / There's a saying: / Yesterday is history, / tomorrow is a mystery, / but today is a gift. / That is why it is called the present. / Oh,no! / What's happening?! / To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go! / Fire crossbows! / Fire! / Fire! / Tai Lung is free! l must warn Shifu. / Not going anywhere! Neither is he! / Let go of me! / Bring it up! / Wait! Bring it back! / He's coming this way! / He won't get far. Archers! / We're dead. So very,very dead. / Not yet we're not. Now! / Oan we run now? / Yes. / l'm glad Shifu sent you. / l was beginning to think l'd been forgotten. / Fly back there and tell them... / ...the real Dragon Warrior is coming home./ Good morning,Master! / Panda! / Panda! / Wake up! / He's quit. / What do we do now,with the panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior? / All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, / the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed. / What are you doing here?! / Hi! Good morning,Master! / l thought l'd warm up a little. / You're stuck. / Stuck? Nah. What? Stuck? / Nah. This is one of my... Yeah,l'm stuck. / Help him. / Oh,dear. / Maybe on three. One,two... / ...three. / Thank you. / Don't mention it. / No,really,l appreciate... / Ever. / You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? / lt takes years to develop one's flexibility! / And years longer to apply it in combat! / Put that down! / The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. / Yeah! Excellent. / Let's get started. / Are you ready? / l was born re... / l'm sorry,brother. l thought you said you were ready. / That was awesome! Let's go again! / l've been taking it easy on you,panda. But no more. / Your next opponent will be me. / All right! Yeah,let's go! / Step forth. / The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness... / ...and make him suffer for it. / Oh,yeah! / To take his strength and use it against him... / ...until he finally falls......or quits.../ A real warrior never quits. / Don't worry,Master. l will never quit! / lf he's smart,he won't come back up those steps. / But he will. / He's not going to quit,is he? / He's not going to quit bouncing,l'll tell you that. / l thought you said acupuncture would make me feel better. / Trust me,it will. / lt's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this... / Fat? / Fur. l was going to say fur. / Sure you were. / Who am l to judge a warrior based on his size? Look at me. / l'm over here. / Maybe you should look at this again. / Oh,OK. / Stop it. Stop! / l know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all... / ...but if l didn't know better, / l'd say he was trying to get rid of me. / l know he can seem kind of heartless... / ...but he wasn't always like that. / According to legend, / there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile. / No! / Yes. / But that was before. / Before what? / Before Tai Lung. / We're not really supposed to talk about him. / Well,if he's going to stay here,he should know./ Guys,guys,l know about Tai Lung. / He was a student. The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu. / And then he turned bad,and now he's in jail. / He wasn'tjust a student. / Shifu found him as a cub... / ...and he raised him as his son. / And when the boy showed talent in kung fu... / ...Shifu trained him. / He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. / lt was never enough for Tai Lung. / He wanted the Dragon Scroll. / But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. / Outraged,Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. / He tried to take the scroll by force. / And Shifu had to destroy what he had created. / But how could he? / Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never。




One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。

Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.3.退出,不退出。


Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it's called the present (the gift).5.从来没有什么意外。

There are no accidents.6.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。

But there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall, ... And I can control 《功夫熊猫》让人忍俊不禁的经典台词双语+中英剧本下载/thread-837014-1-1.html7.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。

Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree, you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.师傅:可桃子不能打败大龙。




而除了影片中华丽的特效和夸张的武术动作外,你是否还记得片中那些经典的对白呢?1.There are no accidents.没有意外,一切早已注定。

2.One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。

3.Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友。



4.Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.退出,不退出。


5.There is a sayingYesterday is historyTomorrow is a mysteryBut today is a giftThat is why it's called the present (the gift)俗语说,昨天是历史,明天是个谜团!而今天则是上苍的馈赠。


6.Yes, look at this tree Chivu, I can not make it bloom and suit me, nor make it bear food before it's time.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树。





Ilovedher,certainly,Iwilldie,assureas.Formerflowerysiren,no wonlyleavesintheirhometowns,pale,mixedvulgar,bloated,bellyf leshissomeoneelse's,butIloveher,shecanfade,canfade,howcan, butIjustseeheroneeye,thetender,Chungheart.34、在早晨,她就是洛,普普通通的洛,穿一只袜子,身高四尺十寸。







Intheearlymorning,sheistheLuo,PuordinaryLuo,wearasock, heightfourfeetteninches.Wearloosepants,shewaslola.ShewasD ollyatschool.ShewasDoloreswhenshewasofficiallysigned.Butin myarms,shewillalwaysbeLolita.Lolita,lightofmylife,fireofmyloin s.Mysins,mysoul.35、我望着她,望了又望。








Ilookedather,lookedandhope.Wholelife,heartandsoul.Ilove her,tobesure,astheywilldieassure.Onthesamedayasparthenopi pes,nowonlyleaveshome.Pale,mixedvulgar,bloatedbellyissome oneelse'sblood.ButIloveher.Shewouldfadeandwither,howcan.B utIhaveonlyoneeye,hertenderness,inmyheart.36、我看着她,看了又看,我知道,就像我知道我必死无疑那样清楚,我是如此的爱她,胜过我所看到的所能想象到的地球上的任何事物。




There are no accidents.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。

Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomesdifficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But todayis a gift. That is why it's called the present (the gift).6.乌龟:是的.,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅).I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it'stime.7.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉大师But there are things we can control.I can control when the fruit will fall.... And I can control.What time to seed,That is not illusion, Master8.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树Yes, but no matter what you do,That seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an Apple or an orange,But you will get a peach.9.师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But peach can not defeate Tai Long.10.乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。




One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。

Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.3.退出,不退出。


Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it's called the present (the gift).5.从来没有什么意外。

There are no accidents.6.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。

But there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall, ... And I can control 《功夫熊猫》让人忍俊不禁的经典台词双语 +中英剧本下载7014-1-1 7.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。

Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree, you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.师傅:可桃子不能打败大龙。

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Humbert: Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.Lo-lee-ta:H:洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。


洛丽塔Humbert: She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.H:清晨,她就是洛,普普通通的洛,穿一只袜子,身高四英尺十公分;穿上宽松的便裤时,她是罗拉。




Humbert: What I heard then was the melody of children at play. Nothing but that. And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that chorus.H:那时,我听到的是孩子们戏谑的旋律,就是这个,没有其他。


Humbert: We had been everywhere. We had really seen nothing.H:我们哪儿都去了,可我们却又什么都没有看到。

Humbert: The shock of her death froze something in me. The child I loved was gone, but I kept looking for her - long after I had left my own childhood behind. The poison was in the wound, you see. And the wound wouldn't heal.H:她的死将我体内的某种东西冻结。




Humbert: I looked and looked at her, and I knew, as clearly as I know that I will die, that I loved her more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth. She was only the dead-leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago - but I loved her, this Lolita, pale and polluted and big with another man's child. She could fade and wither - I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of her face.H:我看着她,就如同我知道我会死一样,我知道我爱她胜过我所见过或者想象到的任何事物。



Humbert: From here to that old car you know so well is a stretch of twenty-five paces. Make those twenty-five steps. With me. Now.H:从这里到那辆你熟悉的旧车只有25步,跨国这25步。



Lolita: You're saying you'll give us the money if I go to a motel with you?L:你是说如果我和你去汽车旅馆,你就会把钱给我?Humbert: No, no, no. I mean leave here now, and come live with me. And die with me, and everything with me.H:不,不,不。



Lolita: You're crazy.L:你疯了!Humbert: Don't touch me; I'll die if you touch me.H:不要碰我。



I melted in the sun, the book became a fig tree leaves.2、我在想野牛和天使,在想颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。

I think the buffalo and the angel, in secret to durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art.3、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。

I love you, I am a monster, but I love you.4、别哭了,我很抱歉,你一定要明白,我很抱歉骗你这么多,但生活就是如此。

Don't cry, I'm sorry, you must understand, I am sorry to deceive you so much, but this is life.5、人性中的道德感是一种义务,而我们则必须赋予灵魂以美感。

The moral feeling of human nature is an obligation, and we must endow the soul with the sense of beauty.6、我抚摸着我胸骨上的一块刺痛,那就是她披着秀发的头曾有一两次靠在我的心房的地方。

I touched the pain in my chest. It was the place where she had one or two times in my hair.7、我现在想到欧洲野牛和天使,想到颜料持久的秘密,想到预言性的十四行诗,想到艺术的庇护所。

I now think of aurochs and angels, think of the secrets of durable pigments, think of the prophetic sonnets, think of art of the sanctuary.8、他撕碎了我的心,而你不过撕碎了我的生活。

He tore my heart, but you broke my life.9、我正在想到欧洲的野牛和天使,颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。


I'm thinking of bison and angels, paint enduring secret prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art. This is what I think of, I can share with you forever, my Lolita.10、就在一刹那,我们疯狂地、笨拙地、毫无羞怯、痛苦难忍地相爱了;同时还是无望地,我必须补充说;因为相互占有的狂乱只有靠实际吸吮、融合彼此灵魂和肉体的每一分子,才能平息下来。

In a moment, we frantically, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly fell in love and hopeless, I must add that; because of mutual possession frantic only by actual sucking, fusion per molecule of each other's soul and flesh, can calm down.11、我们不仅生活在思想的世界中,而且也生活在物质的世界中。

Not only do we live in the world of thought, but also in the world of matter.12、但我爱她,她可以褪色,可以萎谢,怎样都可以;但我只看她一眼,万般柔情,涌上心头。

But I love her. She could fade and wither, how can; but I just look at her, all the tenderness, Chung on the heart.13、我的心因为爱情的痛楚要胀裂开来。

My heart is bursting with love's pain.14、她会年老色衰,但我不在乎。


She will grow old, but I don't care. Just to see her, love will still be in my heart.15、我望着她,望了又望,昔日如花妖冶,现在只剩枯骨还乡。




I looked at her, looked and looked, the former is coquettish, now only bones ". Pale, bloated, mixed vulgar, belly flesh of others. But I love her, she can fade, fade, how can. But as I look at her, love in my heart.16、你在斑驳的阳光下每移动一步,都似在我卑劣的身体内最隐秘、最敏感的弦上拨响一声。
