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本设计为预应力混凝土连续梁桥的设计,桥式布置为4 20m、连续空心板梁,梁高90cm,桥面宽度12.5m;双柱式桥墩,桩基础。




This paper is the design of the PC continuous beam. which is located at Jiuquan , the 4 20m spans and simply—continuous hollow slab -beams is laid to the form of the bridge, the height of the beam is 90 cm, the width of the pavement is 12.5 m, the pile foundation.

The upper rpart of the bridge are calculated in this design, basing on the condition of the line, there are four spans,three piers and two abutments on the bridge. The dimension of the section is referred to the demand of the design, then the structure’s dead load, live load and internal force is calculated, at the same time, the load is assembled, so the main girder’s most disadvantaged load can be decided, considering the each phase’s PC loosing, the PC Steels are generally calculated and arranged. Lastly, the control section’s strengthen, stress, crack resistance, deformation is calculated. All of the calculation is met the correlated criterion.

The reasonable programs and proper methods are selected in this design, the tool Excel is used to the calculation and design ,and the picture of the whole bridge , the constructional drawing of main grider , the arrangement of PC steels grid and constructional drawing of pier, the is drew by the software AutoCAD.

Keywords: PC;continuous beam;hollow slab;combination of load


第一章桥梁方案比选 (1)

一背景及基本资料 (1)

二方案比选 (2)

第二章设计资料 (6)

一桥梁横向布置 (6)

二纵横坡 (6)

三桥下净空 (6)

四高跨比 (7)

五桥面铺装 (7)

六上部结构 (7)

第三章截面特性计算 (9)

一截面特性计算 (9)

二空心板截面的抗扭惯矩 (10)

三计算刚度参数 (10)

第四章作用效应计算 (11)

一结构自重作用效应计算 (11)

(一)结构自重作用荷载集度的计算 (12)

(二)内力计算 (12)

二可变作用效应计算 (15)

(一)冲击系数计算 (15)

(二)横向分布影响线 (16)

(三)计算荷载横向分布系数 (19)

(四)各截面的汽车荷载效应内力计算 (20)

(五)温度变化次内力计算 (21)

(六)基础沉降计算 (22)

三内力组合 (26)

(一)按承载能力极限状态设计 (26)

(二)按正常使用极限状态设计 (27)

(三)内力包络图 (30)

第五章预应力钢筋的估算及布置 (32)

一钢束桥规估算的原理与方法 (32)

(一)按正常使用极限状态正截面抗裂验算估束 (33)

(二)按正常使用极限状态截面压应力验算估束 (35)

(三)按承载能力极限状态的应力要求计算 (37)

(四)估算结果 (39)

二预应力钢束的布置原则 (39)

三主梁净、换算截面几何特性计算 (42)

第六章预应力损失及有效预应力计算 (46)

一后张法由预应力钢束与管道壁间的摩擦损失 (46)

二锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的应力损失 (47)

三混凝土弹性压缩引起的预应力损失 (47)

四钢筋松驰引起的预应力损失终极值 (48)

五混凝土收缩、徐变引起的预应力损失 (49)

六永存预应力值汇总 (51)

第七章主梁的各项验算 (52)

一承载能力极限状态验算 (52)

二正常使用极限状态验算 (54)

三持久状况的应力验算 (58)

四短暂状况的应力验算 (62)

第八章挠度验算 (64)

一恒载效应产生的跨中挠度 (64)

二可变荷载产生的跨中挠度 (64)

三消除结构自重后的长期挠度验算 (64)

结论 (65)

致 (66)

参考文献 (67)

附录一 ......................................................................................................................................... I

英文文献翻译.......................................................................................................................... I 英文文献原文....................................................................................................................... X I

附录二计算机绘图 .......................................................................................................... X XIV
