
A.1996年B.2001年C.2004年2、哪一个算式的结果与28÷2相等?( )A.280÷2B.280÷20C.28÷203、在如图梯形中,甲的面积()乙的面积.A.大于B.小于C.等于D.无法确定4、与0.865÷0.45的商相等的算式是()。
A.865÷45B.8.65÷45C.8.65÷4.55、如图,用字母表示阴影部分的面积为( )。
A.a-bB.4a-4bC.a²-b ²D.a²-4b二、填空题(共8题,共计24分)6、笔算加、减法的相同点是把________对齐,从________算起.7、一年中有四个季度,每个季度的天数都相等.________.(判断对错)8、2008年青岛将举行奥帆赛,这一年是________年,全年有________天.9、正方形的边长是0.8米,这个正方形的周长是________米,面积是________平方米.10、如图,D的周长________C的周长,D的面积________C的面积。
A.等于 B.大于C.小于 D.无法比较11、12月份有________天,6月份有________天.12、800÷5商的末尾有________个0。
800-300= 190+60= 300×2= 99÷3=800÷2= 2.4+1.2= 4.8-2.4= 16×5=五、作图题(共2题,共计10分)20、你知道这些有意义的日子吗?动手连一连.中国共产党成立!2003年10月足球世界杯中国队首次出线了!2008年8月北京奥林匹克运动会开幕!1921年7月神州五号载人飞船发射成功!2001年10月21、请在下面这个平行四边形中画3条线段将其4等分(至少两种方式)六、解答题(共5题,共计30分)22、拼一拼.23、请你接着画.24、用一根铁丝可以围成一个长8分米,宽4分米的长方形,如果围成一个正方形,它的面积比长方形的面积多多少平方分米?25、涂一涂。

沪教版英语小学三年级上学期期末自测试题及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the weather like today?A. It is sunny.B. It is cloudy.C. It is rainy.Answer: AExplanation: The question asks about the weather today. The correct answer is “It is sunny,” which is choice A.2、Where is Tom going?A. He is going to the park.B. He is going to the library.C. He is going to the supermarket.Answer: BExplanation: The question inquires about Tom’s destination. The correct answer is “He is going to the library,” which is choice B.3、 Listen and circle the correct picture (听录音,圈出正确的图片)A、A picture of a catB、A picture of a dogAnswer:BExplanation:The recording will say: “This is a dog.” Therefore, the correct picture is B, a picture of a dog.4、Listen and circle the correct picture (听录音,圈出正确的图片)A、A picture of a treeB、A picture of a houseAnswer:BExplanation:The recording will say: “This is a house.” Therefore, the correct picture is B, a picture of a house.5、Question: What animal is making the sound?A. A catB. A dogC. A cowAnswer: CExplanation: The sound in the recording is like the mooing of a cow. Therefore, the correct answer is C.6、Question: Who is speaking to the little girl in the story?A. Her fatherB. Her teacherC. Her motherAnswer: BExplanation: According to the clues in the story, the person who is speaking to the little girl in the story is her teacher. Hence, the correct answer isB.7、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.You will hear a short dialogue between a teacher and a student. Decide where the student will go after school.A) To the libraryB) To the playgroundC) To the art roomAnswer: AExplanation: The dialogue might indicate that the student needs to go to the library to return a borrowed book or complete some research.8、Listen to the sentence and circle the word you hear.You will hear a sentence spoken once. Circle the word that matches the pronunciation you hear:a) catb) kitec) cakeAnswer: b) kiteExplanation: The sentence might contain a word th at sounds like “kite,” distinguishing it from “cat” and “cake” in pronunciation, especially focusing on the vowel sounds.9、What does Sarah do after school?•A) She plays basketball.•B) She reads books.•C) She watches TV.•D) She draws pictures.Answer: BExplanation: In the audio clip, Sarah mentions that she enjoys reading books when she gets home from school. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.10、Where did Tom go last weekend?•A) He went to the park.•B) He went to the beach.•C) He went to the zoo.•D) He stayed at home.Answer: AExplanation: The recording indicates that Tom spent his weekend at the park with his family. Thus, the correct choice is A.11.You hear a conversation between two friends, Lily and Tom. Lily is talking about her favorite animal.Lily: “I really love my _______. It’s_______and _______.”Tom: “That sounds nice! What’s its name?”Lily: “Its name is _______.”What is Lily’s favorite animal?A. a catB. a dogC. a birdD. a fishAnswer: CExplanation: The clues in the conversation suggest that Lily’s favorite animal is a bird. The words “It’s_______and _______” and “Its name is _______” imply that she is describing a bird, possibly a parrot, which is why the answer is C.12.Listen to a short story about a little boy named Jack. The story mentions the following activities: reading, playing soccer, and eating ice cream. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What did Jack NOT do after school?A. read a bookB. play soccerC. eat ice creamD. clean his roomAnswer: DExplanation: The story mentions that Jack read a book, played soccer, and ateice cream after school. There is no mention of Jack cleaning his room, so the correct answer is D.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which month is the second month of the year?A) FebruaryB) MarchC) JanuaryD) AprilAnswer: A) FebruaryExplanation: February is the second month in the Gregorian calendar, which is widely used around the world. It typically has 28 days, except in a leap year when it has 29 days.2、What is the main task of bees in a honeycomb?A) Making honeyB) Collecting nectarC) Building the hiveD) Caring for the queenAnswer: B) Collecting nectarExplanation: Bees collect nectar from flowers to make honey. Other tasks, such as building the hive and caring for the queen, are essential but not the primary task related to making honey.3、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.Tom is a very good ____________.A. swimmerB. studentC. teacherAnswer: BExplanation: The sent ence talks about “Tom”, so we need a word that can describe him, which is a “student”, making the sentence “Tom is a very good student”.4、Match the beginning sound with the correct word.A.___________dogB.___________familyC.___________purple1.f2.f3.pAnswer: A, B, CExplanation:a) The word beginning with the sound /f/ is “dog”.b) The word beginning with the sound /f/ is “family”.c) The word beginning with the sound /p/ is “purple”.5、What time is it now?A) It’s in the morning.B) It’s seven o’cloc k.C) It’s time for lunch.D) It’s sunny outside.Answer: B) It’s seven o’clock.Explanation: The question asks for the specific time, which is given by option B. Options A and C refer to times of day rather than a specific time, and option D describes weather conditions, not time.6、Which one is a fruit?A) TomatoB) CarrotC) BananaD) PotatoAnswer: C) BananaExplanation: Among the options provided, a banana is classified as a fruit. Tomatoes can be considered both a fruit and a vegetable depending on the context, but carrots and potatoes are vegetables.7.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat likes to sit on the __________.A. chairB. tableC. bedAnswer: A. chairExplanation: The correct answer is “chair” because cats often enjoy sitting on chairs, which are common places for pets to rest.8.Select the word that best completes the sentence.She has a__________of apples.A. boxB. basketC. bagAnswer: B. basketExplanation: The correct answer is “basket” because a basket is a common container for holding a quantity of apples. “Box” and “bag” can also hold apples, but “basket” is more commonly used in this context.9、9, The boy is reading a book. Which sentence is correct?A) The boy reads a book.B) The boy is reading a book.C) The boy is read a book.Answer: B解析:句子的时态要保持一致。

沪教版英语小学三年级上学期期末模拟试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Two friends, Mike and Lily, are going to the park. The teacher asks them about the weather.Teacher: What is the weather like today, Mike?Mike: It’s sunny, isn’t it, Lily?Teacher: And, Lily, what do you think about the weather?Lily: Oh, it’s a really nice day!What’s the weather like today?A. SunnyB. RainyC. CloudyAnswer: A解析:从Mike和Lily的回答可以得知,今天天气很好,阳光明媚,因此选择A。
2、In the school library, the teacher is reading a story to the students. One student, Tom, raises his hand.Teacher: What’s the name of this story, Tom?Tom: It’s “The Three Little Pigs.”Teacher: Great! Now, can you tell me about the character of the wolf?Tom: Well, the wolf is very greedy…What is Tom asking about?A. The name of the storyB. The weatherC. Whether the story is a fairy taleAnswer: C解析:Tom正在询问老师关于故事中狼这个角色的信息,这说明他想要讨论的是故事是否属于童话故事,因此选择C。

沪教版三年级上册数学期末测试卷及含答案一、选择题(共5题,共计20分)1、( )的1月至3月共90天。
A.一定B.不一定C.不可能4、2008年第四季度有( )天。
A.92B.90C.91D.185、下列算式中,没有余数的是( )。
13、商的中间有0时,可以省略不写.________(判断对错)三、判断题(共4题,共计8分)14、每年都有365天()15、口算84÷4时,要把84看成8个十和4个一,80÷4=20 ,4÷4=,20+1=21,所以84÷4=21。
750÷3= 650÷5= 804÷419、列式计算。

()16、每年有7个大月、5个小月()17、因为1900是4的倍数,所以1900年是闰年()四、计算题(共2题,共计8分)18、我能找规律填数.19、直接写得数:65÷5=90÷18=25×4= 240÷30=560÷80=420÷70=72÷4=69÷23=84÷14=930÷30=五、作图题(共2题,共计10分)20、图中每小格的面积是1cm2,把图补完整,使格子图中的图形面积为13cm2.21、设计图形,在下面的方格纸上画出四个不同的图形,使它们的面积都等于8个方格的面积。

沪教版三年级上册数学期末测试卷及含答案一、选择题(共5题,共计20分)1、周长相等的圆、正方形、长方形的面积相比,( )。
A.圆最大B.长方形最大C.正方形最大D.一样大2、△÷□=25,如果△扩大到原来的100倍,要使商不变,□应( )A.不变B.扩大到原来的100倍C.缩小到原来的100倍D.无法判断3、新民村皮棉平均每公顷产量为800千克,有一块长方形棉田,共收皮棉4800千克,这块棉田长400米,宽()A.12米B.6米C.15米D.150米4、有一些长3厘米,宽1厘米的长方形纸片,至少需要()张这样的纸片才能拼成一个正方形.A.3B.4C.5D.65、有30支铅笔,每个小朋友分4支.下面竖式中“28”表示()A.还剩下的铅笔B.已经分掉的铅笔C.一共要分的铅笔D.无法确定二、填空题(共8题,共计24分)6、中华人民共和国成立于________年________月________日。
7、如图,用8块相同的长方形地砖拼成一个宽为60cm的矩形地面,则每块长方形地砖的长和宽分别是________ 和________ .8、正方形周长为16.4厘米,边长为________厘米,面积为________平方厘米.9、把一个平行四边形拉成一个长方形,它的周长是________,面积是________。
A.变大 B.不变 C.变小 D.无法比较10、一年有________个月,一个世纪有________年.11、180÷6商的最高位是________位,商是________位数。
12、边长是1千米的正方形土地,它的面积是________平方米,也是________平方千米.13、从一张长24cm,宽15cm的长方形纸上,最多能裁下________ 张长6cm 宽4cm的长方形小纸片.三、判断题(共4题,共计8分)14、神州五号成功发射的那一年的2月份是29天.()15、检查下面的数学作业()16、如果被除数扩大7倍,要使商不变,除数应缩小7倍。

2024年沪教版英语小学三年级上学期期末自测试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What animal is complaining about being too tired to continue playing when out in the courtyard?A. The cat.B. The dog.C. The rabbit.D. The bird.Answer: BExplanation: The dog is typically depicted as the one that might be the most exhausted after playing outside, hence the complain of being too tired to continue. The dialogue or context would confirm this.2、Listen to the following conversation and choose the correct answer for the following question:Where is the boy going to have his lunch today?A. At school.B. At a nearbytakeaway.C. At his friend’s house.D. At a park.Answer: CExplanation: The dialogue should include information about the boy planning to go to his friend’s house for lunch, which makes the correct answer C.3、What time is it now?•A) It’s seven o’clock.•B) It’s half past six.•C) It’s eight o’clock.Answer: BExplanation: The speaker mentioned that the current time is 6:30, which is also known as half past six. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.4、Where does the conversation most likely take place?•A) In a classroom.•B) In a restaurant.•C) At home.Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue included phrases like ‘hand in homework’ and ‘listen to the teacher’, which are typically associated with a school setting. Thus, the most probable location for this conversation is in a classroom, making option A the correct choice.5、What animal is being described?A. A cat.B. A dog.C. A fish.Answer: BExplanation: The description mentions “four legs” and “a tail,” which are typical characteristics of a dog.6、Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.Question: “How many apples does the girl have?”A. Three apples.B. Four apples.C. Five apples.Answer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “three apples” based on the response given in the listening passage.7、 Listen and choose. (听音选择。

A. 1986B.1948C.19824、两个数相除的商是5.8,被除数和除数同时缩小20倍,商是()A.20B.0.29C.5.8D.1165、边长4厘米的正方形,它的周长和面积()。


沪教版英语小学三年级上学期期末自测试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What’s your name?B. How old are you?C. Where are you from?D. What’s your favorite color?Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the listener’s age, and the correct response would be a question about age, hence “How old are you?”2、Listen to the question and then choose the correct answer.Question: How many apples does the girl have?A. Two apples.B. Three apples.C. Four apples.D. Five apples.Answer: BExplanation: The question directly asks about the number of apples the girl has,and the correct answer is “Three apples.”3、Listen and fill in the blanks.(Mark the correct answer with line under the correct sentences.)3、Listen and fill in the blanks.(Mark the correct answer with line under the correct sentences.) •Mark: The man is a policeman.(Man: I’m a policeman.)4、Choose the correct answer.(Point to the correct answer.)4、Choose the correct answer.(Point to the correct answer.)•Mark: Did Jane go to the park yesterday?Jane: No, she didn’t. She went to the library.( ) A. park( ) B. library( ) C. cinemaAnswer & Explanation:•The correct answer is B. library. Jane didn’t go to the park, but to the library as stated in the dialogue.5.How old is the girl in the picture?A. Three years old.B. Five years old.C. Seven years old.Answer: AExplanation: The girl in the picture is holding a sign that says “I am three.” Therefore, the correct answer is A. Three years old.6.What is the weather like outside the window?A. It’s sunny.B. It’s rainy.C. It’s windy.Answer: BExplanation: In the audio, you can hear the sound of rain and see the drops on the window. Hence, the correct answer is B. It’s rainy.7、Question: Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What is the weather like today?B. Who is playing in the park?C. How is the new student feeling?Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, one person asks, “What’s the weather like today?” indicating they are inquiring about the current weather conditions.8、Question: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blank.John: I like to play soccer.Mum: You know, soccer is a great sport, but do you think you would like___________?A. playing basketballB. to play basketballC. basketballAnswer: BExplanation: The correct form to complete the sentence is “to play basketball,” as it is the infinitive form of the verb that follows the modal verb “would.” The sen tence is suggesting a possibility or a suggestion for John.9、9.Listen and choose. (听音选择)•This is a cat.•This is a dog.Listen to the sentence and choose the correct picture.A. A catB. A dogAnswer: A. A catExplanation: The correct sentence to match the picture is “This is a cat.”10、10.Listen and fill in the missing word. (听音补全句子)•The dog is . (listening)•The dog is sleeping.Answer: sleepingExplanation: The correct word to fill in the blank is “sleeping” based on the sentence “The dog is sleeping.”11.Listen to the dialogue between two students in the playground and answer thequestion.A. What are the students doing?1)Playing soccer2)Playing basketball3)Playing chessAnswer: 2) Playing basketballExplanation: The students are playing basketball in the dialogue.12.Listen to the short passage about the weather and choose the correct option.A. What is the weather like today?1)It’s sunny.2)It’s rainy.3)It’s windy.Answer: 2) It’s rainy.Explanation: The passage me ntions that it’s raining today.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the capital of China?A. BeijingB. ShanghaiC. GuangzhouD. ChongqingAnswer: A. BeijingExplanation: Beijing is the capital of China. It is a major city with many historical sites and government offices.2、Which month comes after July?A. AugustB. JuneC. SeptemberD. OctoberAnswer: A. AugustExplanation: August is the month that comes right after July in the calendar year.3、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.A. bigB. smallC. tallD. shortThe cat is______than the dog.答案:A解析:此题考查形容词的比较级。
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2019 沪教版小学三年级上册期末检测题期末考试是检测我们一学期的学习成果,期末考试成绩是对这个学期的学习情况的鉴定。
7×20=4800÷60=55÷7=24×5=28-98+100= 18-58+82=(23+87)×8 =7×30×0=432÷4=
3×( )-3=9
(1)3082-2694= (2)1020×40= (3)3227÷8=(验算) 3、递等式计算,能巧算的要巧算(24%)
(1) 360-60÷6 (2) 477―(277+523)+723
(3) 6×66-66+66×5(4) 3684×3÷9
(5) 1200÷25÷4 (6) 621÷(3×9)
(1) 2200年的2月有( )天,全年有( )天,所以它是( )年,下一
个闰年是( )年。
(2) 单位换算:
20190克=( )千克3元6角=( )分
5千克84克=( )克68400厘米=( )米
(3) 3050×60的积末尾有( )个零。
(4) 要是546÷□的商是三位数,□里可以填( )。
(5) 请将下图中的轴对称图形补充完整,它的面积是( )。
(每一小格表示1 cm2)
(6) 一根绳子长42厘米,剪了6刀后,平均每段长( )厘米。
(7) 用数卡0,2,7能摆出( )个不同的三位数,其中最大的三位数是( ),比最小的三位数大( )。
(1) 与算式310×20的积相等的是( )。
A. 300×30
B. 300×210
C. 31×200
D. 320×10
(2) 以下图形中不属于轴对称图形的是( )。
(3) 3□5÷3要使商中间有一个零且没有余数,□可以填( )。
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
(1) 三角形是轴对称图形。
( )
(2) 因为83×7+8=589,所以589÷7=83……8计算正确。
( )
(3) 当被除数和除数都不为0时,被除数保持不变,则除数越小商越大。
( )