
航海英语听力与会话第三版(问答与口述题参考答案)(问答与口述题参考答案)无限航区船舶二/三副问答题参考答案三副问答题参考答案第一章第一章1. What What’’s your date of birth? 你的出生日期。
My date of birth is --- 2. What What’’s your seaman s your seaman’’s book number? 你的队长的国籍你的队长的国籍??My seaman My seaman’’s book number is -----3. where are you from ? 你从哪里来你从哪里来??I am from ---4. What What’’s your Captain s your Captain’’s nationality? 你的队长的国籍你的队长的国籍??My Captain My Captain’’s nationality is ---5. What do you think is the most inportant thing on board?你认为什么是最重要的东西登机吗?I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation.6. Which ports do you often call at? 你常说的哪些港口你常说的哪些港口??We often an Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong.7. What is your favorite TV program? 什么是你最喜欢的电视节目怎么样什么是你最喜欢的电视节目怎么样??My favorite TV program is news.8. What is your favorite Wob site? 什么是你最喜欢的网站吗什么是你最喜欢的网站吗??My favorite Web site is ----9. What is your favorite day of the week ? why?什么是一周中最喜欢的那一天吗什么是一周中最喜欢的那一天吗??为什么为什么?? My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday.10. W hat is your favorite kind of movie?你最喜欢什么类型的电影你最喜欢什么类型的电影??My favorite kind of movie is action movies.11. W hat is your favorite kind of music? 你最喜欢什么类型的音乐你最喜欢什么类型的音乐??My favorite kind of music is pop music.12. W hat is your favorite magazine?什么是你最喜欢的杂志吗什么是你最喜欢的杂志吗??My favorite magazine is --- 13. W hat is the population of your hometow?你的人口有成年时离开了家乡吗你的人口有成年时离开了家乡吗?? There are 5 thousand people in my hometown.14. W hat is the population of your country?人口是多少你的国家人口是多少你的国家??The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 15. W hat is the best thing about your hometown? 最好的事情是什么你的家乡吗最好的事情是什么你的家乡吗??The best thing about my hometown is the weather.16. W hat is the worst thing about your hometow?最坏的事情是什麽你的成年时离开了家乡吗最坏的事情是什麽你的成年时离开了家乡吗?? The worst thing about my hometown is living price is too high.especially house price. 17. W hat hat’’s your hometow like? 你的家乡怎么样你的家乡怎么样??My hometown is a small village.18. D o you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?你有在你的国家许多灾害所造成的天气怎么样你的国家许多灾害所造成的天气怎么样??Yes, there are typhoon, flood. earthquake19. W hat sports do you like to watch on TV?你喜欢什么体育运动你喜欢什么体育运动,,在电视上看在电视上看??I like to watch football game on TV I like to watch football game on TV. .20. W hat do you think is the most popular sport in the world? 你认为什么是世界上最流行的体育运动吗的体育运动吗??I think playing football is the most popular sport in the world.第三章第三章1. Can you list at least three mooring lines? 你能列出至少三个系泊你能列出至少三个系泊??Yes I can. They are spring line, breast, headline, stern line.2. What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board ? 之前应作什么准备飞行员来同意吗I should prepare pilot ladder, overside (search) light, heaving line, pilot card etc. before the before the ……3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor withoutrisking breaking the cable?速度通过最多的水速度通过最多的水,,你的船能锚定而不冒险你的船能锚定而不冒险,,打破了电缆打破了电缆??The maximum speed through the water is 2 knots that the ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable.4. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?什么应该悬挂旗帜船舶时需要一名飞行员吗要一名飞行员吗??The signal flag The signal flag ““Golf Golf”” should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot.5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? 如何能取得联系船向港口在她的到来吗的到来吗??She can use VHF calling, Telex etc. to get in touch with a port …6. What ship What ship’’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for? 何船资料将飞行员站将飞行员站??通常就会向Pilot station often asks ship Pilot station often asks ship’’s maximum draft, LOA, air draft, displacement, cargo on board. ETA. Ship board. ETA. Ship’’s position etc.7. What should be reported to the pilot station?可以报道什么对飞行员车站在哪里可以报道什么对飞行员车站在哪里??Same as above (we should Same as above (we should ………………. To the pilot station) . To the pilot station)8. What should be confirmed from the pilot station ?We should confirm the ETA, pilot on board time and boarding position. Which side to rig pilot ladder etc.9. When the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is requested to report ?当船舶进入VTS 系统的区域的区域,,什么是要求报告吗什么是要求报告吗??When the vessel enters the VTS area, we have to report the ship last port of call, next port of call, ship port of call, ship’’s position s position, cargo onboard, ship’, cargo onboard, ship’, cargo onboard, ship’s draft, air draft to the VTS center. s draft, air draft to the VTS center. 10. W hat does hat does ““foul anchor foul anchor”” mean?“ Foul of anchor Foul of anchor”” means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction.11. I f you are ordered: f you are ordered: ““Stand by both engines !Stand by both engines !”” how should you reply and report? 如果你命令果你命令::“站在两个引擎站在两个引擎!!”你应该怎样回复你应该怎样回复,,报告吗报告吗??If If ………………” I should reply I should reply ““stand by both engines stand by both engines”” and report and report ““both engines are stand by, sir by, sir””12. C an you list three famous canals in the world? 你能列举三个著名的运河的世界你能列举三个著名的运河的世界??Yes, the 3 famous canals are Suez Canal, Panama canal and Kiel canal. 13. W hen you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication ,what do you say? 当你请求接收机停留在通道高频16沟通沟通,,你会说什么呢你会说什么呢??When I request When I request……, I would say , I would say ““ please stand by VHF channel 16 please stand by VHF channel 16”” 14. H ow do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?你如何纠正错误的海洋VHF 沟通沟通??If I want to rectify the mistake in VHF , I will say “ Mistake. Correction Mistake. Correction”” , Plus the corrected part of the message.15. H ow do you emphasize the important part of a messge in maritime VHFcommunication? 你怎么强调重要组成部分你怎么强调重要组成部分,,对海域messge VHF 沟通沟通??To emphasis the important part of the message in maritime VHF communication, we should say should say ““Repeat Repeat””, followed by the important part of the message. 16. W hat does hat does ““abandon vessel abandon vessel””mean?“Abandon vessel Abandon vessel”” means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress.17. W hat does the abbreviation ETD stand for?什么时间什么时间((代表什么代表什么??“ETD ETD”” means means ““ estimated time of departure estimated time of departure””18. W hat does hat does ““dredging of an anchor dredging of an anchor””mean? 什么是疏浚锚”的意思是什么的意思是什么??The phrase The phrase “dredging “dredging “dredging of an anchor of an anchor of an anchor”” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19. W hat does hat does ““underway underway””mean?The phrase The phrase ““under way under way’’ means the vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.20. W hat does hat does ‘‘Dragging of an anchor Dragging of an anchor””mean?“什么拖的锚”的意思是什么 “Dragging “Dragging of anchor of anchor of anchor”” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21. What is the d 21. What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”?ifference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”? 之间的差别是什么别是什么""雷达指标”和“雷达反射镜”? Radar beacon can transmit signals and used for locating on the shore, but radar reflector can only reflect signals used for SAR on the liferaft..22 How many objects do you 22 How many objects do you need to get a position using ‘horizontal sextant angles”?need to get a position using ‘horizontal sextant angles”? 有多少物体更能你需要找个位置用“水平穿刺视角”吗? 3 objects.23 Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate? 为什么是磁罗经保存在船上当陀螺罗盘更准确吗为什么是磁罗经保存在船上当陀螺罗盘更准确吗??Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency and adjustments.24 What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it'’ 你们有甚麽话当锚被抛出去了地面与清晰”Anchor aweigh.25 When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bowstoppers? 当准备锚定之前你做应该释放弓瓶塞吗当准备锚定之前你做应该释放弓瓶塞吗??Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake26 Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters? 你会让去一个锚从管道让去一个锚从管道hawse hawse hawse如果深度为如果深度为如果深度为757575米吗米吗米吗? ?No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly, but the anchor can be released with windlass slowly. 27 Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers? 你为什么必须考虑船的速度和海洋深度当你释放弓瓶塞吗你为什么必须考虑船的速度和海洋深度当你释放弓瓶塞吗??Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ship’s safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too. 28 What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation? 有什么要带来有什么要带来,,接近放置在领航梯飞行员的登机接近放置在领航梯飞行员的登机? ?The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light.29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?为什么是否有危险的船锚为什么是否有危险的船锚,,在冰吗在冰吗? ?The ice can change the angle of the anchor, affect the holding power, and freeze the ship.30 What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board‘’悬挂国旗是什么当飞行员已经到了装船”Flag “H”第四章第四章1. How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDGCode ?Can you list some?多少个班级有危险货物按照《国际海运代码多少个班级有危险货物按照《国际海运代码??你能列举一些吗你能列举一些吗??There are 9 classes of dangerous cargoes divided according to the IMDG IMDG. . For example Class 1. Means explosive material, class 2. Flammable gas, class 3. Flammable liquid.2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo ? 什么样的货物被划分为易燃货什么样的货物被划分为易燃货?? Oil is classified as flammable cargo.3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo .请描述的一般特性普通货运。

航海英语听力与会话第三版(问答与口述题参考答案)重庆交通大学应用技术学院航海技术2班此中翻译全属虚构如有雷同纯属巧合如究责任请找有道翻译无限航区船舶二/三副问答题参考答案第一章1.What’s your date of birth?你的出生日期。
My date of birth is ---2.What’s your seaman’s book number?你的队长的国籍?My seaman’s book number is -----3.where are you from ?你从哪里来?I am from ---4.What’s your Captain’s nationality?你的队长的国籍?My Captain’s nationality is ---5.What do you think is the most inportant thing on board?你认为什么是最重要的东西登机吗?I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation.6.Which ports do you often call at?你常说的哪些港口?We often an Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong.7.What is your favorite TV program? 什么是你最喜欢的电视节目怎么样?My favorite TV program is news.8.What is your favorite Wob site?什么是你最喜欢的网站吗?My favorite Web site is ----9.What is your favorite day of the week ? why?什么是一周中最喜欢的那一天吗?为什么?My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday.10.W hat is your favorite kind of movie?你最喜欢什么类型的电影?My favorite kind of movie is action movies.11.W hat is your favorite kind of music?你最喜欢什么类型的音乐?My favorite kind of music is pop music.12.W hat is your favorite magazine?什么是你最喜欢的杂志吗?My favorite magazine is ---13.W hat is the population of your hometow?你的人口有成年时离开了家乡吗?There are 5 thousand people in my hometown.14.W hat is the population of your country?人口是多少你的国家?The population of my country is 1.3 billion.15.W hat is the best thing about your hometown?最好的事情是什么你的家乡吗?The best thing about my hometown is the weather.16.W hat is the worst thing about your hometow?最坏的事情是什麽你的成年时离开了家乡吗? The worst thing about my hometown is living price is too high.especially house price.17.W hat’s your hometow like?你的家乡怎么样?My hometown is a small village.18.D o you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?你有在你的国家许多灾害所造成的天气怎么样?Yes, there are typhoon, flood. earthquake19.W hat sports do you like to watch on TV?你喜欢什么体育运动,在电视上看?I like to watch football game on TV.20.W hat do you think is the most popular sport in the world?你认为什么是世界上最流行的体育运动吗?I think playing football is the most popular sport in the world.第三章1.Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列出至少三个系泊?Yes I can. They are spring line, breast, headline, stern line.2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board ?之前应作什么准备飞行员来同意吗I should prepare pilot ladder, overside (search) light, heaving line, pilot card etc. before the …3.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor withoutrisking breaking the cable?速度通过最多的水,你的船能锚定而不冒险,打破了电缆?The maximum speed through the water is 2 knots that the ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable.4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?什么应该悬挂旗帜船舶时需要一名飞行员吗?The signal flag “Golf” should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot.5.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?如何能取得联系船向港口在她的到来吗?She can use VHF calling, Telex etc. to get in touch with a port…6.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?何船资料将飞行员站?通常就会向Pilot station often asks ship’s maximum draft, LOA, air draft, displacement, cargo on board. ETA. Ship’s position etc.7.What should be reported to the pilot station?可以报道什么对飞行员车站在哪里?Same as above (we should ……. To the pilot station)8.What should be confirmed from the pilot station ?We should confirm the ETA, pilot on board time and boarding position. Which side to rig pilot ladder etc.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is requested to report ?当船舶进入VTS系统的区域,什么是要求报告吗?When the vessel enters the VTS area, we have to report the ship last port of call, next port of call, ship’s position, cargo onboard, ship’s draft, air draft to the VTS center. 10.W hat does “foul anchor” mean?“ Foul of anchor” means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction.11.I f you are ordered: “Stand by both engines !” how should you reply and report?如果你命令:“站在两个引擎!”你应该怎样回复,报告吗?If ……….” I should reply “stand by both engines” and report “both engines are stand by, sir”12.C an you list three famous canals in the world?你能列举三个著名的运河的世界?Yes, the 3 famous canals are Suez Canal, Panama canal and Kiel canal.13.W hen you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication ,what do you say?当你请求接收机停留在通道高频16沟通,你会说什么呢?When I request…, I would say “ please stand by VHF channel 16”14.H ow do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?你如何纠正错误的海洋VHF沟通?If I want to rectify the mistake in VHF , I will say “ Mistake. Correction” , Plus thecorrected part of the message.15.H ow do you emphasize the important part of a messge in maritime VHFcommunication?你怎么强调重要组成部分,对海域messge VHF沟通?To emphasis the important part of the message in maritime VHF communication, we should say “Repeat”, followed by the important part of the message.16.W hat does “abandon vessel”mean?“Abandon vessel” means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress.17.W hat does the abbreviation ETD stand for?什么时间(代表什么?“ETD” means “ estimated time of departure”18.W hat does “dredging of an anchor”mean?什么是疏浚锚”的意思是什么?The phrase “dredging of an anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.W hat does “underway”mean?The phrase “under way’ means the vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.20.W hat does ‘Dragging of an anchor”mean?“什么拖的锚”的意思是什么“Dragging of anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21. What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”?之间的差别是什么"雷达指标”和“雷达反射镜”?Radar beacon can transmit signals and used for locating on the shore, but radar reflector can only reflect signals used for SAR on the liferaft..22 How many objects do you need to get a position using ‘horizontal sextant angles”?有多少物体更能你需要找个位置用“水平穿刺视角”吗?3 objects.23 Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?为什么是磁罗经保存在船上当陀螺罗盘更准确吗?Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency and adjustments.24 What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it'’你们有甚麽话当锚被抛出去了地面与清晰”Anchor aweigh.25 When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?当准备锚定之前你做应该释放弓瓶塞吗?Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake26 Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?你会让去一个锚从管道hawse如果深度为75米吗?No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly, but the anchor can be released with windlass slowly.27 Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?你为什么必须考虑船的速度和海洋深度当你释放弓瓶塞吗?Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ship’s safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too. 28 What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?有什么要带来,接近放置在领航梯飞行员的登机?The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light.29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?为什么是否有危险的船锚,在冰吗?The ice can change the angle of the anchor, affect the holding power, and freeze the ship.30 What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board‘’悬挂国旗是什么当飞行员已经到了装船”Flag “H”第四章1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDGCode ?Can you list some?多少个班级有危险货物按照《国际海运代码?你能列举一些吗?There are 9 classes of dangerous cargoes divided according to the IMDG. For example Class 1. Means explosive material, class 2. Flammable gas, class 3. Flammable liquid.2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo ?什么样的货物被划分为易燃货?Oil is classified as flammable cargo.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargo .请描述的一般特性普通货运。

Listening and Analysis ——Dialogues
Long Dialogues
听力技巧: 1.预览选项,预测主题。 2.扑捉信息,速记要点。
Where is the storeroom/Master’s cabin?
What’s the electrician doing? How many tugs are needed to help them get
Where does this conversation take place? Which of the following statements is true? What are they talking about? What can you infer from the conversation? What are they most probably doing?
Unit 1 Familiarisation on board——Speaking
Q1:What’s your date of birth? A1:My date of birth is …. . Or
I was born on …. . (此处注意单复数)
<换词> date of birth 可替换为: ◆seaman’s book number ◆family members and their
abroad 国外—— aboard 船上 cloud 云—— crowd 人物
虚词弱读 现象
Listening and Analysis ——Dialogues

丙类三副评估材料 问答题

航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1.What’syourdateofbirth?MydateofbirthisMay1st,1980.2.What’syourseaman’sbooknumber?Myseaman’sbooknumberisA123456.3.Whereareyoufrom?I’mfromYantai, China.4.What’syourCaptain’snationality?MyCaptain’snationalityisChina.5.Whatdoyouthinkisthemostimportantthingonboard? Ithinksafetyfirst.6.Whichportsdoyouoftencallat?IoftencallatYantai,QingdaoandDalianandsoon.7.Whatisyour favorite TVprogram? MyfavoriteTVprogramiscctvnews.8.WhatisyourfavoriteWebsite? MyfavoriteWebsiteisbaidu.9.Whatisyourfavoritedayoftheweek?Why? MyfavoritedayoftheweekisSunday.BecauseIcanhavearest.10.Whatisyourfavoritekindofmovie?Myfavoritekindofmovieisactionmovie.11.Whatisyourfavoritekindofmusic? Myfavoritekindofmusicislightmusic.12.Whatisyourfavoritemagazine? MyfavoritemagazineisTimes.13.Whatisthepopulationofyourhometown? Thepopulationofmyhometownisonemillion.14.Whatisthepopulationofyourcountry? Thepopulationofmycountryis1.3billion.跑音特15.Whatisthebestthingaboutyourhometown? Thebestthingaboutmyhometownisweather.It’scoolinsummerandwarminwinter.16.Whatistheworstthingaboutyourhometown? Theworstthingaboutmyhometownisheavytraffic.17.What’syourhometownlike? Myhometownisbeautifulwithpopulationofonemillion.It’sfamousforapple.18.Doyouhavemanydisastersinyourcountrywhicharecausedbyw eather?Yes,wehave.Suchastyphoon,earthquake,hurricaneandsoon.19.WhatsportsdoyouliketowatchonTV?IlikeNBA.20.Whatdoyouthinkisthemostpopularsportintheworld? Ithinkfootballisthemostpopularsport.跑piu乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1.Canyoulistatleastthreemooringlines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes,Ican.Theyareheadline,sternline,springlineandsoo n.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。

三副航海英语试题详解知识点1:航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)【典型考题】1. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.A. MFAG.B. Tide tables.C. Notices to mariners.D. Table of azimuth.【参考答案】B【参考译文】你可从潮汐表中查到某港在低潮后平潮时间。
【解析】slack water平潮low water低潮MFAG:Medical First Aid Guide医疗急救指南Tide tables潮汐表Notices to mariners航海通告Table of azimuth方位表【相关考题】1. You will find information about the duration of slack water in the__.A. Tidal Current TablesB. Tide TablesC. American Practical NavigatorD. Sailing Directions【参考答案】A【参考译文】你能从潮流表中查到有关平潮持续时间的信息。
【解析】duration持续时间Tidal Current Tables潮流表American Practical Navigator 美国实用航海,由美国数学家Bowditch撰写Sailing Directions航路指南2. The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is______.A. predicted in Tidal Current TablesB. unpredictableC. generally constantD. generally too weak to be of concern 【参考答案】A【参考译文】在潮流表中可查询沿海大港的流速预报情况。

航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1. What ' s your date of birth?My date of birth is May 1 st, 1980.2. What ' s your seaman ' s book number?My seaman' s book number is A123456.3. Where are you from?I ' m from Yantai, China.4. What ' s your Captain ' s nationality?My Captain ' s nationality is China.5. What do you think is the most importa nt thi ng on board?I think safety first.6. Which ports do you ofte n call at?I ofte n call at Yan tai, Qin gdao and Dalia n and so on.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is cctv n ews.8. What is your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is baidu.9. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Sun day. Because I can have a rest.10. What is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite ki nd of movie is acti on movie.11. What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is light music.12. What is your favorite magaz ine?My favorite magaz ine is Times.13. What is the populati on of your hometow n?The population of my hometown is one million.14. What is the populati on of your coun try?The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 跑音特15. What is the best thing about your hometow n?The best thi ng about my hometow n is weather.It ' s cool in summer and warm in winter.16. What is the worst thing about your hometow n?The worst thi ng about my hometow n is heavy traffic.17. What ' s ydnoimetown like?My hometow n is beautiful with populati on of one millio n.It ' s famous for apple.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes, we have. Such as typho on, earthquake, hurrica ne and so on.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like NBA.20. What do you thi nk is the most popular sport in the world?I think football is the most popular sport.跑piu 乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes, I can. They are head line, stern line, spring line and so on.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。
丙类三副评估材料 问答题

航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1. What’s your date of birth?My date of birth is May 1st, 1980.2. What’s your seaman’s book number?My seaman’s book number is A123456.3. Where are you from?I’m from Yantai, China.4. What’s your Captain’s nationality?My Ca ptain’s nationality is China.5. What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think safety first.6. Which ports do you often call at?I often call at Yantai, Qingdao and Dalian and so on.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is cctv news.8. What is your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is baidu.9. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Sunday. Because I can have a rest.10. What is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite kind of movie is action movie.11. What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is light music.12. What is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is Times.13. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is one million.14. What is the population of your country?The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 跑音特15. What is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is weather.It’s cool in summer and warm in winter.16. What is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is heavy traffic.17. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is beautiful with population of one million.It’s famous for apple.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes, we have. Such as typhoon, earthquake, hurricane and so on.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like NBA.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think football is the most popular sport.跑piu乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes, I can. They are head line, stern line, spring line and so on.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。

目录第一题朗读(20分×1题) (2)第二题口述题(20分×1题) (14)第1章公共用语 (14)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (16)第4章装卸作业 (17)第5章航行 (19)第6章修船与船体保养 (21)第7章事故处理 (22)第8章消防与船员自救 (24)第9章救助 (25)第10章遇险 (26)第11章港口国检查 (28)第12章船舶保安 (30)第三题问答题(60分:6分×10小题) (32)第1章公共用语 (32)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (32)第4章装卸作业 (34)第5章航行 (35)第6章修船与船体保养 (37)第7章事故处理 (38)第8章消防与船员自救 (39)第9章救助 (41)第10章遇险 (43)第11章港口国检查 (44)第12章船舶保安 (46)航海英语听力与会话二/三副评估:会话答案(第三版)航海英语听力与会话评估分为听力和会话两部分,考试时间为1小时。
听力部分共100分,有三道题:第1题单句30分(3分×10小题)),第二题对话30分(3分×10小题),第3题短文40分(2.5分×16小题, 四篇短文)。
345678910第二题口述题(20分×1题)第1章公共用语1.Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.My hometown is located in the southeast part of China.It is a seashore city.There are 3 million people in my hometown.My hometown is developing very fast.The environment in my hometown is very good.People keep their traditional customs.Fishery industry is important to my hometown.It is a major fishery products providing place in China.Nowadays, my hometown has rapid development in tourism.Thousands of tourists from different parts of China and other countries visit my hometown. And people’s living standard has been improved greatly.I am very proud of my hometown.2. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work..c) Your spare time activities.My name is____________.I am_________ years old.I am from_________ province.I am a student majoring in navigation in Guangzhou Maritime College.I will graduate in the year _______.I go to class to learn some navigational subjects from Monday to Friday.In the evening, I usually review my lessons.Sometimes, I go to downtown to buy something.During my spare time, I usually read novels or do some sports.I like playing basketball and football very much.Life at school is interesting to me.I will work hard to master the basic navigational knowledge and skills.I am confident that I will become a qualified seafarer in the future.3. Say something about your family.a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.c) Their hobbies and characteristics.There are _____ people in my family.My grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister and me.My father is a worker( farmer, teacher, doctor, company staff, government staff, seafarer)My mother is a ___________.(housewife)They work very hard to support my education at school.I am very thankful to them.My father likes reading newspaper very much.(watching TV, playing cards)My mother likes shopping very much.My father and mother are very kindMy father is and he talks little.My mother is ____ and she talks a lot.I love my family very much.4.Your favorite port you have called at.a) A simple introduction of the port.b) Reasons why you like it.c) Anything special about it.My favorite port is Singapore port.Singapore port is located in the south coast of the Singapore Island.It is the largest cargo trannshipment port in the Asian and Pacific region.And it is one of the busiest ports in the world.Its cargo throughput always ranks in the world top-tens.I like Singapore port because the procedure for ship’s entry and departure is simple and rapid. Besides, there are modern and complete port facilities in the port.High technologies and effective measures are applied in the port operation management.“Highly effective is the special feature of Singapore port.5. Your responsibilities on boarda) Your position on board..b) Your daily work on board..c) Your duties on board .My position on board is Third Officer.While the vessel is at sea, I keep navigational watch on the bridge from 0800 to 1200 hours and from 2000 to 2400 hours.I keep the safety equipment record book and ship’s log book.I also work out contingency plan for the whole ship. 应急部署表I am responsible for the care of all lifesaving and fire fighting equipment.And I shall ensure that all of them are in good condition.While the vessel is in port, my watch focuses on duties such as cargo operations, fire watches, security watches, monitoring communications, and monitoring the anchor or mooring lines.While the ship is entering or leaving port, I shall be on the bridge to assist operation.As a Third Officer, my post is very important on board.第3章靠泊与锚泊业务1.Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor?a) Regular operations for anchor watch .b) Emergency handling in case of dragging .c) Conclusion .While the ship is at anchor, I shall keep watch as an officer on duty. ✌☠☜/锚I shall take the anchor position at regular intervals.I shall keep a proper lookout.I shall make inspections round the ship regularly. ❒♏♈☺●☜●✋有规律地I shall check the situation of the anchor chains.And I shall keep an alert on the movement of the ships nearby. ☜●☜♦警惕的I shall pay attention to change in wind direction and speed, tide, current and sea.If the anchor is dragging, I will inform the Captain immediately.At the same time I will take emergency measures.Then I will act a ccording to the Captain’s instructions.2.Describe the proper way of using VHF?a) How to operate VHF set proper .b) General rules of using VHF .c) Rules of using VHF Channel 16 .First, turn on the power.Then , choose a correct channel.Use the transmitting power as low as possible. ♦❒✌⏹❍♓♦发射Press the transmitting button to speak.Speak slowly and clearly.Use the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases.Avoid non-essential transmissions. ♦❒✌⏹❍♓☞☜⏹发射Always transmit with correct identification. ♋♓♎♏⏹♦♓♐♓♏♓☞☜⏹辨认Do not occupy one particular channel under poor conditions. ◆☐♋♓占用Do not use offensive language. ☜♐♏⏹♦♓❖adj.无礼的When another channel is available, do not call on channel 16 except for distress, urgency and very brief safety communications.3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.a) The preparations from the bridge.b) The preparations from the engine room.c) The preparations from the deck.Before a vessel arrives at a port, some preparation work must be done.Inform the agent at the port about the ship’s ETA.Ask the agent to arrange berthing, pilot, tug and so on.Prepare the documents and certificates required for inspections.All navigational equipment should be tested and recorded.Gather detailed information of the port such as fairway, tides and currents.Inform the engine room about ETA.Arrange mooring ropes on the deck.Prepare cargo gears. ♈♓☜Remind the crew to obey the port rules and regulation.4. Describe the procedures before leaving at a port.a) The preparations from the bridge .b) The preparations from the engine room .c) The preparations from the deck .Before a vessel leaves a port, some preparation work must be done.Inform the agent at the port about the ship’s ETD.Ask the agent to arrange unberthing, pilot, tug and so on.Prepare the documents and certificates required for port clearance.All navigational equipment should be tested and recorded.Close and secure the hatch covers.Lash and secure the goods.Check the seaworthiness of the holds. ♦♓♦☜❆♓⏹♓♦适航性Inform the engine room about ETD.Recover mooring ropes on the deck.Recover and secure cargo gears.5.Describe the procedures of pilotagea) The general procedures for pilot request .b) The preparations for receiving the pilot .c) The general rules for pilotage .If a vessel requires pilotage in a port,She can ask her agent to arrange the pilotage 24 hours in advance.The vessel should provide the pilot station with the following information:Ship’s name, call sign, gross tonnage, maximum draft, cargo, ETA and so on.The vessel should inquire the pilot station about the time for pilot to embark and the place to pick up pilot.An Officer and a sailor should be appointed to stand by at pilot ladder when pilot embarks or disembarks.Lifebuoy, heaving line, manropes should be prepared beside the pilot ladder.The pilot ladder should be clean and in good condition.The pilot ladder should be rigged on leeside, clear of outlets.The Master of the ship has the final responsibility on the ship even when the pilot is on the bridge. 第4章装卸作业1. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board.a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo .b) Procedures on loading and discharging .c) Maintenance during the voyage .First, the dangerous cargo should be declared to the authority concerned.And the class of the goods should be verified.Before loading, the cargo holds should be cleaned out completely.The precautionary and emergency measures must be taken to ensure the safety requirements must be followed.During loading and discharging, the appropriate handing procedures and safety requirements must be followed.In general, the dangerous cargo should be checked at regular intervals.If they become an actual to the vessel, the Carrier may throw such goods over board.2.Describe the precautions before entering an enclosed space.a) The potential dangers in an enclosed space .b) The normal procedures .c) The important precautions .The potential dangers in an enclosed space are toxic fumes and the lacking of oxygen.The normal procedures for entering an enclosed space is thatFirst, check whether the oxygen is enough or not;You can use an oxygen indicator;Second, check whether there are toxic fumes or not.Third, decide whether ventilation is needed or not.The enclosed space must be well ventilated,Otherwise we must wear breathing apparatus before entering.Before entering the enclosed space, make sure there is another crew waiting outside.3.Describe the procedures of cargo stowage.a) The acquisition of information about the cargo to be carried .b) The principles and considerations on navigation safety .c) The modification of stowage plan .First, the stowage factor must be calculated.The cargo’s nature, discharging schedule must be taken into account.Some cargo needs segregation to protect them against tainting damage.During loading, the cargo work should be supervised by an officer.If the cargo is in poor condition, a remark should be inserted in the mate’s receipt.And the cargo plan needs modification to ensure the stability of the vessel.After completion of loading, the cargo must be checked to detect if there is any leakage or damage. During voyage, the goods should also be checked at regular intervals.4.Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.a) The initial responses .b) The actions following up according to the SOPEP on board .c) The precautions to be taken .The initial responses for an oil spill on board are sound the alarm at once.According to the SOPEP, five emergency teams will be formed.They are the command and communication team, clean-up team, collecting team, engine-room team and rescue team.As to the handling of oil spill, typical procedures are as follows.Stop all oil transfer operations at once.Shut off all the valves on the pipeline.Inform the oil supply barge or installation with details.Clean up the oil spill on the deck.If necessary, ask for outside assistance to combat the pollution.5.Describe how to ensure a proper stowage of general cargo.a) General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage .b) Special considerations for cargo stowage .First, the cargo plan should be worked out according to the stowage factor and specific gravity. The cargo nature, discharging schedule should also be taken into account.Some cargo needs segregation to protect them against damage.During loading, the cargo work should be supervised by an officer.If the cargo is in poor condition, a remark should be inserted in the mate receipt.The cargo plan needs modification to ensure the stability of the vessel.After completion of loading, the cargo must be secured and lashed.And the vessel must be in a good sea-going trim.During voyage, the goods should also be checked at regular intervals to detect if there is any leakage or damage.第5章航行1 Describe the duties of the watch-keeping officer when underway.a)General rules as to watch-keeping .b)Items to be checked and monitored each watch.c)Special attention for bridge watch-keeping .When the vessel is underway, the OOW shall ensure safe navigation of the ship.He must not leave the bridge during the watch.He must call the captain when in any doubt or in restricted visibility or congested waterways. During the watch, the items to be check are ship’s position, speed, and course.He must monitor the status of navigational equipment and the movement of other vessels nearby. Arrange proper lookout when necessary.Make proper recoreds during the watch.Pay special attention to avoid collision, stranding and other dangers to navigation.Pay attention to the state of weather, visibility, traffic density and so on.2Describe the bridge shift change.a) The conditions which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch .b) The procedures for shift change .c) Special attention for shift change .During bridge shift change, the relieved officer shall ensure that the relieving officer is able to perform his duty. At night time, he shall ensure that the relieving officer’s vision is fully adjusted to the night condition.The procedures for shift change are that:The relieved officer shall tell the relieved officer about the ship’s navigation status, such asThe ship’s position, course, speed, or any danger to navigation.He shall ensure that the relieving officer fully understand all standing orders or the Master’s night orders.The relieving officer shall check the ship’s position, course and speed;be aware of the tides, currents, weather, visibility;note the status of all bridge equipment;note the movement of other vessels nearby.special attention for shift change is to make sure everything is clearly stated and understood.3. Describe the differences between navigation in a narrow channel and in a traffic separation scheme.a) The rules in navigating in a narrow channel .b) The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme .c) The major differences in terms of technical navigation.Rule 9 of COLREG specifies rules for vessel navigating in a narrow channel.In a narrow channel, a vessel shall proceed near to the starboard limit of the channel if it is safe and possible.A vessel shall avoid crossing a narrow channel.Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, (如果情况容许)avoid anchoring in a narrow channel. Rule10 of COLREG specifies rules for vessel navigating in a traffic separation scheme.In a traffic separation scheme (TSS [♦♏☐☜❒♏♓☞☜⏹] [♦♓❍]分道通航制)a vessel shall proceed in the general direction of the traffic flow of that traffic lane.But usually she will proceed along the centerline of the traffic lane and shall keep clear of a traffic separation line(通航分隔线)or separation zone(通航分隔带).This is different from narrow channel navigation.4. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.a) The features of radar observation .b) The advantages of visual lookout .c) The correct uses of various tools or technologies .There are various tools or technologies for keeping a proper lookout at sea.Radar can detect the presence of an object within its working range in various weather conditions. The bearing and distance of the object are noted and plotted.But radar cannot tell the shape, size or height of the object.Besides, radar has blind sectors, so we cannot rely totally on the detection of radar.Visual lookout can discover object and find out its shape, size and height.But this can only be possible within a certain distance in favorable weather conditions. Therefore, in some circumstances, lookout should be stationed even when radar is in operation. Different tools or technologies have their respective advantages and disadvantages,so we should use all available means to keep a proper lookout in order to ensure safe navigation.5.Describe the preparations to be done by the Deck Department prior to arrivala) General introduction of the responsibilities of Deck Department in pre-arrival situation .b) Preparations to be done prior to arrival .Before a vessel arrives at a port, some preparation work must be done.Inform the agent at the port about the ship’s ETA.Ask the agent to arrange berthing, pilot, tug and so on.Prepare the documents and certificates required for inspections.All navigational equipment should be tested and recorded.Arrange mooring ropes on the deck.Prepare cargo gears.Inform the engine room about ETA.Gather detail information of the port such as fairway, tides and currents.Remind the crew to obey the port rules and regulation.第6章修船与船体保养1 Describe the formalities before carrying out a ship’s repair.a) The necessity of carrying out a ship’s repair .b) The formalities before a ship’s repair begins .c) Special attention paid to the repair .After a period of operation, a ship as well as its equipment needs repairing inOrder to keep it in an efficient state.Usually the Company will inform the Captain of ship repair three months inadvance.Then the Captain will instruct the Chief Officer and the Chief Engineer tocompile repair lists with relevant personnel.If any replacement is necessary and no corresponding spare is on board,spareOrder lists should also be compiled.The repair lists, spare order lists and store lists for ship repair will be sent to theCompany for approval.Preparations including fire-protection preparations should be made before the ship repair.2、Describe the procedures of carrying out hull maintenance .a) The preparations before carrying out hull maintenance .b) The contents of hull maintenance .c) The cautions to be taken while carrying out hull maintenance .3、Describe the procedures of carrying out an overhaul for navigational aids .a) The necessity of carrying out overhaul for navigational aids .b) The contents of the overhaul .c) The cautions to be taken.Navigational aids play an important role in ensuring the ship’s safety navigation.It is very necessary carry out periodical overhaul for them.Important navigational aids include radar, compass, GPS, AIS, GMDSS and so on.The contents of the overhaul normally includeChecking the effective operation of these aids;Checking the important parts of the navigational aids,Repairing or replacing the faulty parts.In overhauling, the cautions to be taken are safety prevention.The process of overhauling must be recorded.4、Describe the procedures of carrying out the maintenance of riggings .a) The preparations before carrying out the maintenance of riggings .b) The contents of the maintenance of riggings .c) The cautions to be taken while carrying out the maintenance .It is very necessary to carry out the maintenance of riggings on board ship.Some preparations must be done before the maintenance.Prepare necessary tools and materials.The contents of the maintenance of riggings include:Finding out any rust marks on the wire rope and fittings;Replace any broken items;Adjust the tension of the wires properly.While carrying out the maintenance, ensure that the riggings receive proper replacement.第7章事故处理1 Describe the procedures in handling fire on board.a) The alarms .b) The measures taken after the fire has been extinguished .c) Your position and function during fire-fighting .If there is a fire, sound the alarm immediately.Use proper extinguishers at hand to fight the fire. [ ]灭火器Some measures must be taken after the fire has been extinguished.Check the fire spot carefully to ensure that there is no remaining flame.Post watchmen to prevent any re-ignition.As a third officer, during fire fighting I am on the bridge to assist the captain.I will carry out the captain’s orders.2Describe the emergency procedures in handling ship-borne oil pollution.a) The alarms .b) Typical and detailed procedures .c) Your position and function during handling ship-borne oil pollution .If an oil spill ocurrs on board, sound the alarm at once and inform the master immediately.The typical procedures are:activate emergency response procedures according to the SOPEP.Stop all oil transfer operations.Shut off all the valves on the pipeline.Inform the oil supply barge or oil terminal with details.Clean up the oil spill immediately.The chief officer is the on-scene commander in handling ship-borne oil pollution.The master shall submit a Statement of Fact to certain authority.3Describe briefly one of the cases that you have experienced or heard as to collision, fire, flooding, or grounding.a) The brief introduction to the story .b) Your comments on the successes of the measures .c) Your comments on the improperness of the measures .I have heard of a case happening on board a crude carrier.At first, a fire broke out in the engine room of the ship.The fire prevented access to the engine room fire pump.The emergency fire pump could not be started successfully.Foam was not available because there was no water pressure on the foam line.Only portable extinguishers were usable and these had little effect.At last, the vessel was abandoned.I think that the measures taken in that case were correct.But the emergency fire pump on board was not properly maintained and frequently tested.4Describe the procedures in refloating ship aground.a) The different situations of being aground .b) The measures taken to refloat the ship aground .c) Special attention paid to refloat the ship .Ship’s being aground has different situations, such asaground forward, aground aft and aground full length.We should judge the aground situation.We must pay attention to the water depth around the ship, tide situation, damage situation and so on.Then we will take proper measures to reploat the ship.The measures to refloat a ship include pumping out ballast water, jettisoning cargo,tide riding and so on.In refloating ship aground, special attention should be paid to keep the ship’s seaworthiness..5Describe the procedures in handling cargo damage.a) Descriptions on different cargo damages .b) The general procedures for handling cargo damages .c) Special attention paid to the handling of damages .Cargo damage includes breakage, leakage, water damage, contamination and so on .[ ☜⏹♦✌❍♓⏹♏♓☞☜⏹]污染During discharging, the Chief Officer should check any cargo damage before the cargo leaves the ship.Then a discharging report should be written out with the cause and extent of the damage.The receipt and the discharging report should be sent to the Company as soon as possible.[❒♓♦♓♦]收条In handling cargo damage, special attention should be paid to choosing the words of remarks on the receipt carefully in order that the liability will not be increased. [ ●♋♓☜♌♓●♓♦♓]责任, 义务第8章消防与船员自救1 Describe fire precautions on boarda) Fire protection-equipment to be checked .b) Procedures of a fire drill .c) Summary .Fire precautions on board are very important. [ ]防范Check the fire-fighting equipment regularly.Recharge the fire extinguishers in good time.Cargo ships should have a fire drill every month.The drill should be conducted as if there is an actual fire.Ever crew must perform their own duties well in the drill.Drill details should be entered into the logbook.The better we are prepared, the safer the ship will be.2 Describe damage control on board.a) Equipment to be checked .b) Damage control activities .c) Summary .To prepare for damage control, we must check relevant equipment regularly such aswatertight doors, pumps, damage control outfits.If flooding ocurrs on board ship, damage control team will be immediately mustered.Close relevant openings on board.Switch on relevant pumps.Take actions to stop flooding.Use damage control materials properly.To succeed in damage control, crewmembers in both deck and engine departments should cooperate and perform their respective duties well.3 Describe the measures taken on board if agrounda) Particulars to be clarified .b) Actions to be taken in different situations .c) Summary .After the vessel is aground, take the following measures:(1) Stop your vessel.(2) Sound the general alarm to alert the crew.(3) Close watertight doors.(4) Send s a Mayday message.(5) Exhibit light and shape signals.(6) Check the ship’s position on chart.(7) Sound bilges and tanks.(8) Take overboard soundings around the ship.(9) If a leak is found, try to stop the leak.(10)Evaluate risk of pollution(11) Record every measures taken.Proper measures will help to prevent heavy loss of life and property.4 Describe the measure taken on board if on fire .a) Particulars to be clarified .b) Actions to be taken in different situations .c) Summary .If fire occurs on board , first we should judge the situation .We should find out where the fire is ,what is on fire ,fire strength, extent and so on .If the fire is in cargo holds, close all openings and switch off the ventilation, and then use fixed CO2 system .If the fire is on deck ,we can use foam to isolate the fire ,and then extinguish it with dry chemical or other agents .If the fire is in the engine room, fixed extinguishing system is usually used .Different situations should be dealt with differently.第9章救助1. Describe the procedures of search and rescue operations.a) The ways to transmit distress alerts .b) The procedures for emergency responding .c) The patterns of search and the ways to implement a SAR mission .In the event of distress, transmit a distress alert with the permission of the master.Distress-alerts can be transmitted through satellite or using DSC.A ship receiving a distress alert should permit coast stations to acknowledge first.If no response from any coast station, any ship nearby should answer the distress vesseland proceed with all speed to the assistance of the persons in distress.The patterns of search for the persons in distress include sector search, expanding square search and others.To carry out a SAR mission, we need good on scene co-ordination.2. Describe the response when a person falls overboard.a) The responses of the officers on watch .b) The ship manoeuvres available to man overboard responding .c) Attention to be paid in such operation .After knowing that someone has fallen overboard the officer on watch should turn the ship towards the side overboard.He should report it to the captain and keep the man in water in sight.In man overboard responding, there are various maneuvering methods for returning to the spot of man overboard.These maneuvers include simple turn, double turn, and Williamson turn.In the operation, attention should be paid to keep the stern away from the overboard man to prevent the propeller from injuring him.And the ship should approach the overboard man from windward and launch the rescue boat at the。

甲类三副航海英语真题及翻译及机考题1 (2013-12-03 11:40:30)转载▼标签:甲类三副航海英语真题903 机考题教育分类:甲类三副大证考证1. chart correction information is not disseminated through the__D_. 海图改正资料不是从下列的哪一项中发布()a. summary of corrections改正摘要 b. local notice to mariners地方性航海通告 c. daily memorandum 每日摘要 d. chart correction card海图改正卡2.chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is _A___. 海图图式用大写字母打印表示的相应的陆标是() a. conspicuous显著的 b. inconspicuous不显著的 c. a government facility or station政府设施或站点 d. a radio transmitter无线电发射器3. lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called _D__. 海图上连接所有磁差相同的各点的线叫做()a. magnetic latitudes磁纬度 b. magnetic declinations磁赤纬 c. dip磁倾角 d. isogonic lines 等磁差线4. in which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? __B_ 要查找某一地区的海图图号,你可以从下列哪一种出版物中查找()a. chart no.1 一号海图 b. catalog of charts 海图目录 c. IMO practical navigator IMO实用航海学 d. IMO light list IMO灯标表5. you are to _D____the convoy at 1745 hours.你将于1745(加入)编队a.get得到 b. take 取来 c.have 有 d. join加入6. You have anchored in the wrong position obstructing other traffic. You must B .你所抛锚的位置不对,妨碍了其他船舶的通行。

Passage 01Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.001.The deep-sea liners ________.A. carry mainly containerized cargoB. carry mainly conventional cargoC. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehiclesD. sail across channels and narrow seas.002.The Liners ________.A. always sail fullB. sail regularly even not fullC. always sail in ballastD. will not sail if not full003.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners ________.A. will be published weeklyB. will be published when they sail,whether full or not,from Europe to North America and to the Far EastC. will not be published even they sail fully loadedD. is published prior to their departure004.It is implied in the passage that ________.A. the number of passenger ships is smallB. all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near futureC. it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular timeD. container carriers should carry some passengersPassage 02Nowadays,most merchant ships are built to carry cargoes. And they mainly operate as tramps. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or keep to a fixed timetable,but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. Tramps can be classed as deep-sea tramps or short-sea tramps. A number are classed as coasters. These ply on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bulk cargoes,but some are designed to carry general cargoes.A large number of merchant ships operate as specialized vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of specialized vessel. The most common are oil tankers. They are owned by the major oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers.005.The deep-sea tramps ________.A. carry bulk and general cargo across the high seasB. are built to carry passengersC. are mainly coastersD. are specialized vessel006.The coasters ________.A. always sail across the high seasB. commonly carry oil cargoC. are mainly tankersD. sail on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports007.The importance of LNG carriers ________.A. is growingB. is not mentioned in passageC. is decreasingD. will be discussed further if necessary008.It is implied in the passage that ________.A. the number of specialized vessels is not smallB. all oil tankers will carry some chemicals in near futureC. the tramps and specialized vessels are the basic type of merchant ships.D. container carriers should not be classed as trampsPassage 03Cargo ships can be divided into two basic types. One type carries dry cargo,the other carries liquid cargo; however,an OBO ship is designed to carry both. A traditional dry cargo ship is the multi-deck vessel. Her holds are divided horizontally by one or two 'tween decks,because these make stowage of individual packages easier. Dry bulk cargo is carried in bulk carriers. These do not have 'tween decks as cargo is carried loose. The most modern type of dry cargo carrier is the container ship. They carry containers of standard dimensions,consequently stowage is easier. Fruit,meat and dairy produce are carried in refrigerated ships. Oil tankers are the most common type of liquid cargo carrier. They are often very large,because huge quantities of oil need to be transported and one large vessel is more economical to operate than two smaller ones. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are the liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier and the chemical carrier,although chemical can also be carried in drums in general cargo ships.009.There are ________ types of liquid bulk carrier.A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5010.A multi-deck vessel has ________ tween decks.A. has manyB. noC. only oneD. has up to two011.Fruit,meat and dairy produce are carried in________.A. containers carriersB. traditional shipsC. OBO shipsD. refrigerated ships012.The types of dry cargo carriers mentioned in the passage are ________.A. tween deckers,OBO shipsB. traditional dry cargo ship and multi-deck vesselC. OBO ships,oil tankers,chemical tankers and LNG carriersD. dry cargo ship,dry bulk cargo carrier,container carriers and refrigerated shipsPassage 04The axial thrust of the propeller is the force working in a fore and aft direction. This force causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern. Because of her shape,a ship will move ahead through the water more easily than going astern.The transverse thrust is the sideways force of the propeller as it rotates. The transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water is not strong enough to counteract the opposite effect of the lowerblades. For right-handed propellers this cants the ship's stern to starboard and her bow to port,when the ship is going ahead. The effect is small and can be corrected by the rudder. When the engines are put astern,the effect is the opposite and the stern cants to port. This effect is stronger and cannot easily be corrected. Vessels with left-handed propellers behave in the opposite way.013.The force that causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern is known as________.A. axial thrustB. transverse thrustC. the transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the waterD. the transverse effect of the lower blades of the propeller near the bottom of the water014.A left-handed propellers,when the ship is going ahead,will cant ship's stern to________.A. starboardB. portC. to move aheadD. move astern015.The transverse thrust of the propeller is stronger when the ship is________.A. going a sternB. going aheadC. stoppedD. making no way through the water016.The transverse thrust of the propeller can mainly be overcome by ________.A. the rudderB. the propeller itselfC. the nautical instrumentD. wind and tidePassage 05The Chief Officer,or First Mate as he is often called,is the Master's chief officer and head of the Deck Department. He is assisted by a Second Officer (Mate),a Third Officer(Mate),and sometimes a Fourth Officer(Mate). Several companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer. The Deck Department also includes a Boatswain (Bosun) and a Carpenter,both petty officers,and a number of ratings. These made up of Able Seamen (AB),Ordinary Seamen (OS) and a middle grade known as Efficient Deck Hands (EDH). There are other grades of seamen. On some ships Navigating Cadets are carried for training purposes.The Chief Engineer is head of the Engine Department. He is assisted by a Second,Third,Fourth and sometimes Fifth Engineer. An Electrical Officer may also be carried. The engine room petty officers are the Storekeeper and Donkeyman. On tankers there is also a Pumpman. He is also a petty officer. The engine room ratings are Firemen and Greasers. There may also be Engineer Cadets.The Catering Department is under the Chief Steward. It is divided into a saloon and galley section. The former is headed by the Second Steward,the latter by the Ship's Cook. They are both usually petty officers. They are assisted by several stewards and cooks,and by a number of junior ratings.The Radio Department often consists of only one man: the Radio Officer. On ships where continuous radio watches are kept there may be three radio officers: a Chief,Second and Third.017.________ is not a petty officer.A. BoatswainB. Second StewardC. Radio Officer.D. Storekeeper018.EDH is rank which is higher than________.A. Second StewardB. ABC. OSD. Chief Engineer019.Storekeeper belong to ________.A. Deck DeptB. Engine DeptC. Catering DeptD. Radio Dept020.There are ________ departments on bard a big ship according to the passage.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. fivePassage 06While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners service is accurate,the user needs to be aware of the risks to corruption of data. It is important that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that,other applications should not be running on the user's machine at the same time. Users should exercise their professional judgement in the use of data,and also consult the Mariners Handbook (NP100) for further details. The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during transmission,or in the process of display or printing on the user's equipment,or if converted to other software formats,and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept responsibility for any such change,or any modifications or unauthorised changes,made by licensees,or other parties.021.The data may become corrupted in any of the following process except _______.A. during transmissionB. in the display or printing on the user's equipmentC. in converting to other software formatsD. in air mail delivery to the readers022.The use of the data is advised to consult _______ for further details.A. Mariners HandbookB. Sailing DirectionsC. Guide to Port EntryD. Notices to Mariners023.Of the following items _______ is not mentioned for which UKHO will accept no responsibility.A. change in the process of display or printingB. unauthorised changes made by licensees or other partiesC. modifications made by licensees or other partiesD. professional amendments024.It is implied that _______.A. the data are incorrectB. the data are to be corrected intensivelyC. although the data are accurate enough,you are still advised to use it with cautionD. not to use it if you have not enough time or proper equipment to effect necessary correctionPassage 07The container ship is different from the conventional type and is an innovation noted for easier handling and quicker turnover of cargoes. Cargoes to be carried by this type of ship are pre-packed into containers before being loaded aboard the ship.Containers are sealed after being packed with cargoes. Made of metal or other durable materials,they are watertight after sealing and can therefore be stowed on deck whilst being carried. One of the features of container ships is that some of the containers are usually stowed on deck.The container ship is becoming increasingly popular in trading circles,and the trend is that the tonnage thereof will grow at a faster pace in future.025.What does "innovation" in the first paragraph mean? ________.A. making changesB. the introduction of an antigenic substance into the body against a specific diseaseC. The act of introducing something new.D. revolution026.Containers are sealed after being packed with cargoes.A. filledB. loadedC. stuffedD. closed officially or under the supervision of notary public027.Of the following,________ is not the feature of the container ship?A. Some of the containers are usually stowed on deck.B. It is easy for handling and quick turnover of the cargoC. The container ship is becoming increasingly saferD. Cargoes are pre-packed into the container028.The tonnage of container ship is ________.A. decreasingB. increasingC. remaining the sameD. changingPassage 08Nautical charts are indispensable to mariners. They,however,are subject to frequent changes,such as those of navigational aids,of waterways due to the dredging and construction,of depths of water,and of removal or appearance of wrecks. In order to keep up-to-date and reliable,nautical charts have to undergo correction. Changes of importance are generally promulgated by weekly edition of Notices to Mariners,which enable mariners to correct the charts by hand. If major changes make it impracticable to do so,the Notices will provide a reproduction of a small area,which is also called block,to be pasted onto the chart in its correct position. 029.Nautical charts need correction because ________.A. navigational aids are sometimes indispensable.B. there are always some mistakesC. wrecks may appear or be removedD. they could never be reprinted030.Correction to charts are made by crew members in accordance with ________.A. Notices to MarinersB. Sailing DirectionsC. Guide to Port EntryD. Supplement031.In the passage,Blocks are ________.A. large scale chartsB. representations of chartsC. reproductions of portions of chartsD. small scale charts032.The purpose of correction to charts is to ________.A. keep them up-to-dateB. make the charts brand-newC. keep the charts available to all mariners in the worldD. keep the charts free from mistakesPassage 09Corrections to Sailing Directions are given in Section Ⅳ. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners. A list of corrections in force is published in Section Ⅳ of the Weekly Edition for the last week of each month.It is recommended that corrections be kept in a file with the latest list of corrections in force on top. The list should be consulted when using the parent book to see if any corrections affecting the area under consideration arein force.It is not recommended that corrections be stuck in the parent book or current supplement,but,if this is done,when a new supplement is received care must be taken to retain those corrections issued after the date of the new supplement,which may be several months before its receipt on board.033.________ are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners.A. The Sailing DirectionsB. The corrections to Sailing DirectionsC. The effective corrections to Notices to MarinersD. The Weekly Edition034.The parent book is ________.A. The Sailing DirectionB. The corrections to Sailing Directions in forceC. the Annual Summary of Notices to MarinersD. the Weekly Edition035.It is recommended that corrections to the Sailing Directions be ________.A. made by handB. consulted at the last week of each monthC. stuck in the parent book or current supplementD. kept in a file with the latest list of corrections in force on top036.If the corrections be stuck in the parent book or current supplement,________.A. when a new supplement is received,those corrections issued after the date of the new supplement must be retainedB. the parent book must be consultedC. the current supplement must be consultedD. the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners must be usedPassage 10The amount of detail shown on a chart varies with the scale of the chart. On a large scale chart,for example,full details of all lights and fog signals are shown,but on smaller scales the order of reduction of information in elevation,period,range,until on an ocean chart of the area only lights with a range of 15 miles or more will normally be inserted,and then only their light-star and magenta flare. On the other hand,radio beacons are omitted from large scale charts where their use would be inappropriate,and,unless they are long range beacons,from ocean charts.037.Ocean charts are ________ ones.A. large scaleB. small scaleC. inappropriateD. omitted038.What cannot be found in the large scale charts? ________.A. Radio beacons of small rangeB. Full details of all lights.C. ElevationsD. Full details of fog signals039.The light-star and magenta flare are shown on ________.A. large scale charts onlyB. small scale charts onlyC. both small and large scale chartsD. neither small nor large scale charts040.The title of this passage should be ________.A. Lights and Beacons on ChartsB. Characteristic of Lights and BeaconsC. Corrections to Small and Large Scale chartsD. Navigational Charts PublicationPassage 11DALIAN OBSY GALE WARNING 190600ZCOLD FRONT WILL PASS BOHAI SEA BOHAI STRAITS NORTH AND CENTRAL HUANGHAI SEA CAUSING GALE WINDS TOMORROW AFTERNOON AND EVENING STOP.SYNOPTIC SITUATION 190600ZLOW 994 HPA AT 48N 118E MOVING SE 8 KTS WITH COLD FRONT FROM CENTER PASSISNG 44N 128E HIGH 1013HPA AT 38N 124E STATIONARY STOP24HOURS WEATHER FORECAST FROM 191000ZBOHAI SEA BOHAI STRAITS NORTH AND CENTRAL HUANGHAI SEA PARL Y CLOUDY BECOMING OVERCAST TOMORROW WITH RAIN SW WINDS FORCE 7 TO 8 TOMORROW A TERNOON AND EVENING SEA ROUGH BECOMING VERY ROUGH STOP.041.The COLD FRONT will pass Bohai Sea,Bohai Straits,North and central Huanghai Sea onA. The 20thB. The 19thC. The 18thD. The 6th042.________ is stationary at 38N 124E.A. Low 994 HpaB. High 1013 HpaC. Cold frontD. Warm front043.The winds are expected tomorrow to be_______?A. roughB. very roughC. SE 8 knotsD. SW 7-8 in force044.What is the weather like tomorrow in this area? _______.A. It will be partly cloudy becoming overcast with rain and SW force 7-8 windsB. LOW 994 HPA at 48N 118E is moving SE 8 KTS with COLD FRONT from center passing 44N 128EC. HIGH 1013HPA at 38N 124E will be stationaryD. It will rain the whole dayPassage 12In some parts of a chart where the spaces are rather blank and there are no symbols of any kind,there may be Cautions,Warnings,Notes,etc.,which should be taken into account while using a chart. All of those Cautionary Notes give the mariner facilities to ensure safe navigation,such as to avoid running aground in shallow waters and making damages to nearby fishing gears,and to keep off any hazards in areas where submarine frequently exercises. Furthermore,they are of good help to mariners,as to the reliability of the navigational aids especially in congested waters or narrow channels,to prevent any possible accidents.045.What is the main topic of this passage? ________.A. Regulations of the harborB. Details in the Sailing DirectionsC. Rules of the terminalD. Description on Admiralty Charts046.According to the passage,you must pay attention to ________ while using a chart.A. Cautions,Warnings and NotesB. Reports,Symbols and ChartsC. Explanations,accounts and answersD. Damages,hazards and injuries047.Cautionary Notes are helpful for mariners ________.A. to run aground in shallow watersB. to make damages to nearby fishing gearsC. to keep off hazards in areas where submarine exercisesD. to keep the reliability of the aids to navigation in congested waters or narrow channels048.Cautions,Warnings,Notes,etc. are likely inserted in some parts of a chart where ________.A. submarine frequently exercisesB. there are fishing gearsC. the waters is congested and the channels are narrowD. the spaces are rather blank and there are no symbols of any kindPassage 13Logbooks required by law,to be filled out by masters or officers on duty of every ship,the forms of which must be proved by the shipping companies or marine authorities.Logbooks are used to record the events occurring during the ship's stay in a harbor,at anchorage,or underway,and they are also requested to produce evidences in case officials inquire about accidents.On completion of the voyage the logbook must be submitted to the superintendent of the owner or the marine authorities for justification,checking or approval. Therefore,everything recorded in the logbook must be true and accurate.When a misentry has been made in the log,a red line would be drawn on those parts. The correct entry with signature should be made near or above them. No erasures or cuts are to be allowed.049.The best title for the passage is " ________ "A. The forms of logbooksB. The use of logbooksC. Characteristics of logbooksD. How to check logbooks050.When a misentry has been made in the log,________.A. erasures or cuts are to be allowed.B. it is to be corrected out by masters or officers on duty of every shipC. it is to be produced in case officials inquire about accidents.D. a red line would be drawn on those parts,with correct entry with signature being made near or above them. 051.The forms of logbooks must be proved by ________.A. officials who inquire about accidents.B. the shipping companies or marine authorities.C. masters or officers on duty.D. the superintendent of the owner.052.The logbook must be submitted ________ to the superintendent of the owner or the marine authorities for justification,checking or approval.A. on completion of the voyageB. in a harborC. at anchorageD. underwayPassage 14For navigation,radar is of incredible value. It provides the navigator with his position,his distance from ships or obstructions nearby and other accurate information to prevent collision and ensure the safety of the ship. Radar can display all objects within its working range clearly,either in clear weather or in thick fog. In addition,if the radar information is correctly interpreted,the navigator can easily work out the speed and direction of an approaching object and take proper measures to keep his ship from any danger.Shore-based radar also plays an important role in shipping. If ship's radar is in trouble,the radar observer at the stations will use VHF radio to alert them to other traffic in the vicinity as well as to advise their position. Up to now,many radar surveillance systems have been installed in most large seaports. They are intended to smooth and control the flow of traffic to and from the harbor.053.For navigation,the radar is ________.A. of no valueB. very importantC. so expensive that people don't know how much it isD. valueless054.Which of the following statements about radar's function for marine purposes is incorrect? ________.A. It provides the navigator the ship's positionB. It provides information to protect ships from collisionC. It displays all the objects at sea clearlyD. It displays the observer's distance from ships and obstructions nearby055.If the ship's radar is in trouble,the shore-based radar ________.A. may provide the ship of her positionB. should be installed with surveillance systemsC. shall advise the ship to use VHFD. will be put into use immediately056.Radar surveillance systems ________.A. may provide all ships of their technical conditionsB. should be installed with VHFC. shall be correctly interpreted,D. are intended to smooth and control the flow of traffic to and from the harbor.Passage 15Communications over relatively short distances can be made by visual or sound signals. Visual signals can be sent by using flags or an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is an electric lamp used for flashing messages in Morse code. The traditional method of signaling from one ship to another is by using flags. There are different colored flags for each letter of the alphabet. There are also pennant-shaped flags for numbers,and a long pennant,known as an answering or code pennant. Three other flags,which are burgee-shaped,are known as substitutes. These show that the flat or pennant is being repeated. Besides standing for a letter of the alphabet,each flag,when hoisted along,has another meaning. For example,the "W" flag also means: "I require medical assistance". Flags can also be hoisted in combinations of two,three or four. Siren,whistle,bell or other sound signals can be used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen.munications over relatively short distances may be made by ________.A. visual signalsB. sound signalsC. Morse CodeD. Either visual or sound signals058.An Aldis lamp is used for ________.A. transmitting Morse codeB. flashing flagsC. sending flag signalsD. sending sound signals059.Burgee-shaped flags are used as substitutes to show ________.A. "repeating"B. "answering"C. "code" pennantD. "I requiring medical assistance"060.________ are used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen.A. Visual signalsB. SubstitutesC. Pennant-shaped flagsD. The ship's siren,whistle or bellPassage 16When the senders of goods have large shipment to make,and especially when bulk cargo is concerned,it is advisable that they have some ships at their disposal. Some of the big companies set up a fleet of their own,but the rest may find it more profitable to hire instead of building or buying ships. This is called "chartering". The chartering of the ship is usually done through the intermediary of brokers,who,when hired,will go through all the necessary formalities on behalf of the charterer. In London there is a special center "the Baltic Exchange",where the brokers operate in much the same way as stock and share brokers on a stock exchange. But it is easy for home shippers to hire Chinese or foreign ships through China National Chartering Corporation,which takes care of chartering business on orders from various import and export corporations.061.When large shipment is concerned,________ is not the way for the sender to have ships at their disposal.A. to charter shipsB. to build shipsC. to buy shipsD. to scrape ships062.In chartering all the necessary formalities are performed through ________.A. the intermediary of agentsB. the intermediary of brokersC. the charterersD. the "Baltic Exchange"063.The function of "the Baltic Exchange" is ________.A. to deal with stocksB. to exchange cargoesC. to operate on sharesD. to charter ships064.China National Chartering Corporation takes care of chartering business for home shippers. "To take care of " means ________.A. to pay attention toB. to be concerned withC. to be liable forD. to take charge ofPassage 17A tropical storm is not so extensive as the depression of higher latitudes but,within 75 miles or so of the center,the wind is often far more violent,and the high and confused seas near the center may cause considerable damage to large and well-found ships,while small vessels (for example,destroyers) have foundered. The danger is still greater when ships are caught in restricted waters without adequate room to maneuver. Within 5 to 10 miles of the center the wind is light or moderate and variable,the sky is clear or partially so,and there is a heavy,sometimes mountainous,confused swell. This area is known as the "eye" of the storm. After passing through the relatively windless center of the storm the wind will suddenly,and with great violence,commence to blow from a direction opposite to that experienced on the other side of the windless center. Due to torrential rain visibility near the storm center is almost nil.065.Within ________ of a tropical storm center,the wind is violent.A. no more than 75 milesB. not more than 75 milesC. 75 miles or a greater distanceD. about 75 miles066.Among the following,________ one may not be found in the "eye" of the storm?。

第一章普通英语1.What is your favorite TV program?News.2.What is your favorite Web site?Sina.3.What is your favorite day of the week?Why?Friday,because I can have a two-day-off after that day.4.What is your favorite kind of movie?Action movies.5.What is your favorite kind of music?Classic.6.What is your favorite magazine?Readers.7.What is the population of your hometown?About80million.8.What is the population of your country?About1.6billion.9.What is the best thing about your hometown?Beautiful mountains and clear waters.10.What is the worst thing about your hometown?Traffic jam.11.What’s your hometown life?That’s a cute village surrounded by farmlands and rivers.Life there is always peaceful.12.What sports do you like to watch on TV?Badminton.13.What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?Badminton.14.Which ports do you often call at?Shanghai port and Guangzhou port.15.What do you think is the most important thing on board?Safety.16.What’s your Captain’s nationality?China.17.What’s your date of birth?December4th in1995.18.What’s your seaman’s book member?A123456.19.Where are you from?China.20.What is your daily timetable?Everyday,I get up at7o’clock.After eating breakfast,I go following the third officer to be on watch duty to ensure the safety of ship and cargo from8to12.In the afternoon,I can enjoy a break time until19:45.Then I will be on duty again.21.What do you like most about your job?The sense of glory.22.What is your favorite food?Dumplings.23.What is your favorite music?Classic music.24.What do you usually do during your shore leave?Company with parents and friends.25.What do you expect about your future?I can support my family and live peacefully.第二章常用命令1.What does‘abandon vessel’mean?When the ship is in danger or suffering some accidents,but there’s no need to save,so all the crew members go out board by life crafts.2.What does‘foul anchor(绞缆)’mean?The anchor chain and anchor is twisted.3.What does‘dredging of an anchor(拖锚)’mean?To move the anchor or anchor chain to the seabed to slow down the ship.4.What does‘dragging anchor(走锚)’mean?When anchoring,the anchor and anchor chain are moving in the seabed and cannot control the ship’s speed.5.If the anchor is reported dragging,what would be your first action?Let go another another anchor immediately.6.What does‘underway’mean?The ship is not anchoring,berthing or aground.7.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?The anchor is away.8.If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom,what do you report?The anchor is brought(锚抓底).9.If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring,what should you report?The anchor is clear.10.When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it,what do you report?The anchor is just above the water.11.Can you list some orders are included in Standard Ship Orders.Port ten;Course on120;Stop engine.12.If you are ordered‘Port five’,how to reply and report?Port five;Wheels port five.13.How to answer what is the course?The present course is on120degrees.14.What does‘Single up(留一根)forward to breast line and spring’mean?Let go all the lines except for the forward breast and spring.15.If you want to change the position of the head line forward for3meters, what do you say?Move the head line3meters forward.16.If you want to heave tight the breast line,what should you say?Heave up the breast line.17.Which order is an equivalent to‘Send out head line’?Pay out head line.18.Which order is an equivalent to‘Let go stern line’?Cast off stern line.19.What does‘Finished with engine’mean?There’s no requirements for engines.20.Why must the customs officer seal the Bounded Store?To prevent the crew members from smuggling.21.Please list5ship’s certificates.Certificate of ship’s Nationality,Classification Certificate,International Load Line Certificate,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate,Cargo Safety Radio Certificate.22.Which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraph installation for lifeboat on board?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.23.Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship? International Load Line Certificate.24.If your ship needs provisions and/or replenishments(补给),how do you get them?Via ship chandler.第三章进出港业务1.Can you list at least three mooring line?Head line;Astern line;Breast line;spring line.2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?The pilot ladder;a heaving line;and a life buoy.3.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?It’s different from different ships.For VLCC,the maximum speed is1kt.4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?Flag G.5.What flag should be hoisted when a pilot is on the ship?Flag H.6.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag‘O’,what was happened?Man overboard.7.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag’Q’,what was happened? My vessel is healthy and I request free practique.8.A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag‘I’,what action should you take?Pay attention to its movement.9.A ship ahead hoists the flag‘D’and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts.What is the message?Keep clear of me,maneuver of the ship is restricted.10.A ship is signaling you with his‘Aldis lamp’(Morse lamp)the letter‘U’,what is the message for you?You are running into danger.11.If you see a small,controlled fire on board another ship while at sea,what is the signal from the ship?The signal‘J’.12.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?Via VHF.13.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?LOA,drafts,GT,NT and so on.14.What should be reported to the pilot station?Your present position and ETA.15.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The boarding time and place and which side to put the pilot ladder.16.When the vessel enters the VTS area,what is requested to report? Ship’s name,call sign,course,speed,destination and so on.17.Can you list three famous canals in the world?Suez Canal,Panama Canal and Kiel Canal.18.When you request the receiver to remain on channel16in VHF Communication,what do you say?Stand by on VHF channel16.19.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?Mistake plus correction plus correction message.20.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in marine VHF communication?Repeat plus the important part of the message.21.What is the difference between a‘radar bacon’and‘radar reflection’?The radar bacon can transmit radar signals but the radar reflection can not. 22.How many objects do you need to get a position using‘horizontal sextant angles’?Three.23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?To meet the requirement of SOLAS.24.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bowstoppers?To ensure the ship is at low speed and the sea depth is suitable.25.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was75 meters?No,because it’s too deep.26.Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?To ensure the safety.27.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarking?A lifebuoy and a heaving line.28.Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?Because it’s easy to be frozen.第四章靠离泊作业1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code?Can you list some?9;Class1:Explosives,Class2:Flammable gas,Class3:Flammable Liquids, Class4:Flammable Solids,Class5:Oxidize,Class6:Toxic,Class7: Radioactive,Class8:Corrosives,Class9:Others.2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?The cargo is easy to catch fire.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargo.Packed cargo with different kinds.4.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo.Unpacked cargo with signal kind.5.What kind of cargo is canvas(帆布)sling suitable for lifting?Bagged cargo.6.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?Bagged cargo.7.What kind of cargo is chain(铁链)sling suitable for lifting?Heavy slim cargoes.8.What does‘jettison of cargo’mean?To throw cargo overboard.9.What does‘compatibility(兼容)of goods’mean?Different kinds of goods could be stowed together.10.What does‘shifting cargo’mean?Cargo moves from side to side.11.What does‘Union purchase(双杆联吊)’mean?Both derricks are combined to handle the cargo’s loading and unloading. 12.What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Open the holds.13.What is the loading capacity of your ship?10thousand tons.14.What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have? Crane.15.Please list some cargo papers.Loading list,Bills of Lading,Import cargo list,Export cargo list.第五章装卸作业1.Why is important to sound fog signals?Because we can’t see each other in poor visibility,the fog signals can tell the others movement of the ship.2.When would you sound the general alarm?Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.3.When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handing or complicated navigation?Please list some.Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.4.When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.5.How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?To check CPA and TCPA on radar.6.How should the reliving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?To wait until he finishes with operation.7.List the main items to be updated on the pilot card?The date,port and displacement.8.Besides the collision risks,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?To keep watch on radar,VHF and other navigational equipment.9.How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?To look for the list of radio signals.10.What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? To be familiar with ship’s particulars,equipment and present situation.11.Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?The third officer.12.What effect will the general alarm have on the crew?To tell the crew members about the emergency in a short time.13.Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch-keeping?To be as the evidence after accidents.14.Apart from those for navigation safety,what else should you do on an anchor watch?To ensure the safety of crews,cargo and oceans.15.How would you conveniently,check the compass error in pilotage water? By taking transits(叠标).16.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel,who as the right ofway?The power-driven vessel.17.A power-driven vessel is on collision course with a fishing trawler(拖网),who has the right of way?The fishing trawler.18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852meters.19.If you travel from Panama to New York,will your latitude increase or decrease?My latitude will increase.20.How many‘Position lines’are needed to make a position?Two.21.You observe a ship during daytime,exhibiting three balls on the same halyard(吊索).What was happened?The ship is aground.22.What does the abbreviations of IALA stand by?International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.23.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?Estimated Time of Departure.24.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?Crude Oil Washing(原油洗舱).25.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?Safe Working Load.26.What does‘SOPEP’mean?Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.27.What does EPIRB stand for?Emergency position Indicator Radio Beacon.28.What does‘SAR’stand for?Search and rescue.29.What does INMARSAT stand for?International Maritime Satellite.30.What does UTC stand for?Universal Time of Coordination.31.What does RCC stand for?Rescue Coordination Center.32.What is SART?Search and Rescue Transponder(应答器).33.What does MMSI stand for?Maritime Mobile Service Identification.34.What does OSC stand for?On-Scene Commander.35.What does VHF stand for?Very High Frequency.36.What does SSO stand for?Ship Security Officer.37.What does CSO stand for?Company Security Officer.38.What does SSP stand for?Ship Security Plan.39.What does DOS stand for?Declaration of Security.40.What does SSAS stand for?Ship Security Alert System.41.What does ISSC stand for?International Ship Security Certificate.42.What does CSR stand for?Synopsis(概要)Record.43.Is it to safe to pass north of a North Mark?Yes.44.Is it to safe to pass south of a North Mark?No.45.Does the variation change due to ship’s position?Yes.46.Does the deviation change due to ship’s position?No.47.When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart5011?Because all the symbols and abbreviations can be found on Chart5011.48.You have purchased a new chart.Is it right ready for use?Yes.49.What publication do you need to correct charts properly?Notices to Mariners.50.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135degrees.51.What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?Magnetic compass error.52.Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation? Compass rose on the chart.53.When a ship picks up speed,will the draught increase or decrease? Increase.第六章航行1.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s bottom?Anti-fouling Paint.2.What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators,pipes and funnels?Heat resistance Paint.3.What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains? Bituminous Paint.第七章海上呼叫1.What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation(确认单)of Collision Occurrence to the Master of the other vessel?The master will be responsible.2.What shall be usually attached(附加的)to the report on the accident?The logbook,oil record book.3.When should a sea protest(申明)be published to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?Within24hours after the ship’s arrival at the port.4.Generally speaking,which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?The vessel underway.5.What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?5short blasts.6.What is‘general alarm signal’?2prolonged blasts.7.What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?7short and1prolonged blasts.8.What is the sound alarm for oil spilling on board?1short and2prolonged blasts.9.What actions are you going to take after a collision with another vessel? Report to the master,local government and ask for help.10.As a chief Officer,what is your responsibility in damage control operation? OSC.11.Whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?The company and flag state.12.What’s the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?To check which cargo has been damaged and the degree of damage.13.What anti-stowaway(偷渡)precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?To search all the spaces on ship.14.What is your first response when you detect a fire?Sound the fire alarm and report to the master.15.What can be used to handle an oil spill?Sand and sawdust(木屑).16.What are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?To jettison cargoes and wait for the rising tide.17.Can you list some ways of correcting listing?To transfer the ballast water and jettison cargoes.18.What will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering? Stop bunkering.19.What will you do first if a crew member was seriously injured?Report to the master.20.What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?Sound the alarm.21.If someone returns to the ship very drunk,should be he left alone to‘sleep it off’?Yes,he should go to sleep and someone else will replace him.22.If you see a person collapsed(跌倒)who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?To separate him with wooden sticks.23.If you suspect someone has inhaled(吸入)dangerous substance(物质) what can you do to help even if you are not trained?Move him to the open air.24.In what circumstances do you give artificial(人工的)inspection and mouth to mouth ventilation?When someone has no breath.25.When would you need a‘resuscitator(人工呼吸)’?When someone has no breath.26.How should you try to stop bleeding at first?By fingers pressing and bandage.27.If you suspect someone has been poisoned(中毒)what is the first thing you should try to do?Let him throw out.28.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound? Keep the wound clean.第八章事故处理1.What kind of the extinguisher can you use for an electric fire?Carbon dioxide.2.What cannot be used for an electric fire?Water.3.How often should an‘emergency fire pump’be tested?Once a week.4.How often is a fire drill required to be held in cargo list?Once a month.5.How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship? Once every three months.6.How often will the lifeboat be launched into water?Once every three months.7.How do you check fixed installation?Check the air pressure of the bottom every six months.8.What must you do first if you find a fire on board?Sound the alarm.9.What do the Muster List show?To tell you all crews’duties and muster station in emergency.10.What will you do first if you see a person falls overboard?Throw a lifebuoy.11.Can you list at least three different kinds of extinguisher?Carbon dioxide extinguishers,foam extinguishers,dry powder extinguishers.12.In general,what parties are involved in a fire drill?Fire-fighting team,separating team and first-aid team.13.Where should fire control plan be located?On the wall near to the gate of gangway.14.What does‘retreat(撤退)signal’mean?Return to your base.15.What does‘fire patrol’mean?Around the ship to check the risk of fire.16.What is‘damage control team’mean?To stop flooding.17.Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?Overloaded circuits and improper operation.18.Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?Fresh water,food,sea anchor and medicine.19.Would a cargo with a high‘flash point’be of more concern to you than one with a low‘flash point’?No.20.What are the three components of fire?Fuel,heat and air.21.What is meant by‘starving’a fire?To remove the fuel from the fire.22.‘Smothering’is a way of dealing with fire.How does it work?To move the air from the fire.23.Before you enter into an‘enclosed space’,what safety precautions should you take?Check the content of oxygen before entering;Wear breathing apparatus(仪器) when entering;Leave another crew member outside.24.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?The oxygen is sufficient.25.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?Breathing apparatus.26.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection?Water for fire-fighting from shore or other ships.27.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship,where should he be stopped?Gangway.28.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship? Carbon dioxide extinguisher.29.For ship at sea what is general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds? Close the hatches;Cut off the power;Release the carbon dioxide system. 30.What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?To make sure every person has one.31.What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance(器具}?At least230meters in good weather.32.By regulation,what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?No less than3liters fresh water per person.33.What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board?For a cargo ship,2is enough.34.What altitude(海拔)must a‘rocket parachute flare(火箭降落伞信号)’reach to comply with regulation?Not less than300meters.35.You are a survivor at sea when an SAR(Search and Rescue)aircraft dropsa red container.What is in it?Fresh water and food.第九章海上救生与求生1.What does‘initial course’mean in search and rescue operation?The course to be used at very beginning.2.What’s the difference between‘heel’and‘list’?Heel is due to external force,list is due to internal force.3.Can you list three of more search patterns?Expanding square(方形)search pattern,sector(扇形)search pattern and parallel(平行)sweep search pattern.4.When will a expanding square search pattern usually be used?Only one single ship is on SAR operation.5.When will a sector search pattern usually be used?The search area is small.6.When will a parallel sweep search pattern usually be used?The search area is large and the position is uncertain.7.What does‘hampered(受限的)vessel’mean?The manoeuvre of ship is restricted.8.List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress.Light signal,flag signal,shape signal and whistle.9.Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for‘A’,’B’,’C’and‘D’?Alfa,bravo,charlie,delta.10.What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?In bad weather.11.What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking from the ship’s side?Sound the alarm and report to the master.12.What does2182kHz mean to you?It’s the distress frequency.第十章修船与船舶保养1.What does MAYDAY mean in marine communication?The ship is in danger and requires immediate assistance.2.What does PAN-PAN mean in marine communication?The ship is in urgent danger and require assistance.3.What does SECURITE mean in marine communication?It’s a message about safety.4.What should be included in MAYDAY message?MAYDAY three times plus ship’s name,call sign,position,nature of distress and the assistance required.5.What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel?The life-jackets.6.Can you give a briefing on how to put on life-jacket?Put it on with big buoyancy before you and small one behind,then tie up the bands.7.What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel?Send a message via VHF.8.If you should fall overboard,what would you do?Keep calm and afloat waiting for rescue.9.Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels?Hunger,thirsty,coldness,seasickness and so on.10.Where are explosions most commonly encountered on board ship? Engine room,fuel tanker and paint room.11.How is it possible to find safety equipment in a room full of smoke?To cover your nose and mouth with wet towel and creep(爬行)into the room.12.What type of oil is used in certain rescue operations to prevent the seas breaking?Storm oil.13.Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies.What frequencies are they?156.525MHz(mega),2187.5kHz,8414.5kHz.14.When launching an inflatable liferafe into the sea,what is it most importantThe rope on the ship.15.What type of engine must a lifeboat have?Compression ignition engine.16.Why should you not take high protein(蛋白质)food with you in a lifeboat? It will cost fresh water in your body.17.If you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect(预计)of being rescued, how soon should you issue food and water?In the first24hours,we will have nothing.After that,we will have food and water three times a day.18.When there is a muster(集合)for an emergency there are several things that must be closed.Give some examples.The electric and oil supply.19.In tidal waters what would be the best time to‘beach’the ship in an emergency?When the tide is rising.20.What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?Carry out the inspection and renew if possible.21.If you have no rockets,flags,signals or radio,how can you indicate to a ship in sight that you need assistance?Light a fire on deck.第十一章港口国检查1.Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspection?Load line Certificate and Load Line Mark.2.Can you list some items to be checked for navigational equipment in PSC inspection?GPS,AIS,ECDIS,GMDSS.3.Can you list some items to be checked for life-saving appliances in PSC inspection?Lifeboat,lifecraft,life buoy,lifejacket.4.Can you list some items to be checked for fire-fighting arrangement in PSC inspection?Fire pumps,fire doors,fire extinguishers.5.Can you list some items to be checked for radio equipment in PSC inspection?VHF,MF/HF,radiotelex,INMARSAT.6.Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspection?Emergency light,smoke indicator,escape routine.7.Can you list some items to be checked for MARPOL&Chemical in PSCOil Record Book,Garbage Record Book,Sewage Record Book.8.Can you list some items to be checked for hull,machinery&cargo gear in PSC inspection?Pumps,winches,derricks.9.What are the key items to be checked within your duties on board?As a third officer,I should check the fire-fighting and life-saving equipment. 10.What’s the meaning of your ship’s name?My ship’s name is XIWANG,it means hope.11.What is the call sign of your ship?Bravo Papa Hotel Alfa.12.What’s the ship’s nationality?China.13.What’s the IMO number of your ship?9613886.14.Which classification society was your ship registered?CCS.15.What type is your vessel?Bulk carrier.16.When was your ship built with?In December4th,1995.17.When was your ship put into use?In December4th,1995.18.When was your ship registered in CCS?In December4th,1995.19.When was last survey carried out?Last month.20.Where should the Muster Lists be exhibited on board?The bridge,engine room and mess room.21.What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involved?To store and service food.22.What are the duties of the gallery crew and others in the stores department?To clean the gallery,wash the dishes,store and serve food.23.What are the requirements of the heating system of crew accommodation space?To be switched on all the time.24.What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of crew?In good weather,I can read books.25.What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation?In bad weather.26.What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on?To check and maintain frequently.27.What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes?Proper stowage and trimming the cargo.28.What relevant provisions(公约)should the responsible crew members be familiar with?SOLAS,STCW,MARPOL and so on.29.What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude oil washing?Density.30.What’your ship’s name in your language?XIWANG.31.What’s your maximum permitted draft?10meters.32.Who is your ship owner?COSCO.33.What working language do you use?English.第十二章船舶保安1.Can you list some restricted areas on board?Bridge,engine room,radio room.2.Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer?Make up the SSP,make all the crew members familiar with SMS,coordinate with CSO,be responsible to the ship security training and drill.3.Can you list some main ship security equipment?SSAS,GMDSS,general alarms,lighting.4.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level1 as a ship security officer?Securing assess to restricted areas.5.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level2 as a ship security officer?Limiting the access members to the ship.6.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level3 as a ship security officer?Stopping all cargo operations.7.Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit?Ship’s name and call sign,course and speed,position and destination.8.How do you control the unauthorized(未经许可的)boarding at gangway? Keep someone at gangway.9.What procedures or controls do you use to ensure the security on board before departure?。

第三节航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等)neap英音:[ni:p]美音:[nip]名词n. 小潮形容词 a. 小潮的不及物动词vi. 渐趋向小潮及物动词vt. 由于小潮使搁浅topography英音:[tə'pɔgrəfi]美音:[tə'pɑgrəfɪ]名词n. 1.地志;地形图2.地形;地形学;地形测demolish英音:[di'mɔliʃ]美音:[dɪ'mɑlɪʃ]及物动词vt. 毁坏,破坏;拆除destroy英音:[dis'trɔi]美音:[dɪ'strɔɪ]及物动词vt. 毁坏,破坏ruin英音:['ruin]美音:['ruɪn]及物动词vt. 使毁灭;毁坏spoil英音:[spɔil]美音:[spɔɪl]及物动词vt. 损坏;糟蹋;搞糟0001. __D____ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.[7]下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图A.Admiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南B.Admiralty List of Signals 英版信号表C.Mariner's Handbook航海员手册D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告0002. ___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks.下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统(包括5种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标)。

2023三副航海英语考试1. 在航海中,以下哪个缩写代表"船只报文"?A. VTMB. VOBC. BRMD. VNF2. 在航海英语中,以下哪个短语代表"航行结束"?A. DRAWING UPB. MAKING PORTC. PUTTING TO SEAD. RETURNING HOME3. 在航海中,以下哪个字母代表"指示船舶行动的信号"?A. XB. YC. ZD. W4. 在航海英语中,以下哪个缩写代表"全球海上遇险和安全系统"?A. GMDSSB. GPSC. GISD. GNI5. 在航海中,以下哪个术语代表"船只的锚地"?A. BERTHB. PIERC. HARBORD. ANCHORAGE6. 在航海英语中,以下哪个缩写代表"船员名单"?A. CREW LISTB. PASSENGER LISTC. SHIPPING LISTD. CARGO LIST7. 在航海中,以下哪个缩写代表"国际海上人命安全公约"?A. SOLASB. ILOC. IMOD. MARPOL8. 在航海英语中,以下哪个短语代表"停止所有引擎"?A. ALL STOPB. FULL STANDBYC. PROCEED TO SEAD. ALL AHEAD9. 在航海中,以下哪个缩写代表"国际海事组织"?A. IMOB. ILOC. UNESCAPD. UNDP。

知识点1:海图及海图作业【典型考题】What information is found in the chart title?A. Date of the first editionB. Date of the edition and, if applicable, the revisionC. Information on the sounding datumD. Information on which IALA buoyage system applies【参考答案】C【参考译文】在海图题目栏中可找到什么信息?有关深度基准面的信息。
【解析】chart title海图题目sounding datum深度基准面on关于【相关考题】1. Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in meters above mean ______.A. lower low waterB. high waterC. low waterD. sea level【参考答案】D【参考译文】这张海图上的等高线是指平均海平面以上的高度,单位是米。
【解析】Contour elevation等高线refer to指的是mean平均的2. Place names used should be those ______.A. specified by international authoritiesB. specified by national authoritiesC. on the standard mapD. on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use【参考答案】D【参考译文】利用的地名应是在利用的海图或航线指南上的名称。
【解析】Sailing Directions航线指南3. What information is not found in the chart title?A. Survey informationB. ScaleC. Date of first editionD. Projection【参考答案】C【参考译文】在海图题目栏中无法找到什么信息?第一版日期。

航海英语听力与会话问答题参考答案第一章公共用语1. What’s your date of birth?My date of birth is May 1st, 1980.2. What’s your seaman’s book number?My seaman’s book number is A123456.3. Where are you from?I’m from Yantai, China.4. What’s your Captain’s nationality?My Ca ptain’s nationality is China.5. What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think safety first.6. Which ports do you often call at?I often call at Yantai, Qingdao and Dalian and so on.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is cctv news.8. What is your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is baidu.9. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Sunday. Because I can have a rest.10. What is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite kind of movie is action movie.11. What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kind of music is light music.12. What is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is Times.13. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is one million.14. What is the population of your country?The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 跑音特15. What is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is weather.It’s cool in summer and warm in winter.16. What is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is heavy traffic.17. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is beautiful with population of one million.It’s famous for apple.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes, we have. Such as typhoon, earthquake, hurricane and so on.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like NBA.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think football is the most popular sport.跑piu乐第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?你能列举至少三种系泊缆绳吗?Yes, I can. They are head line, stern line, spring line and so on.海的死的死不ring是的,我能。
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C.forward spring lineand goingslowaheadonbothengines
D. forwardspringline andgoingslow ahead onthe outboard engine
A. tostarboardB. to portC. straightaheadD.as influenced bythetideandsea
C822. Asingle-screwvessel goingaheadtendstoturnmore rapidly toportbecause ofpropeller__
A.straightasternB.toportC. tostarboardD.in noparticular direction
B1024.On avesselwith a singlepropeller,transverse forcehasthe most effectonthevesselwhenthe engine isput___.
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Keyword 26:Ship maneuvrability (27)
B812.Yourshipis dead in thewaterwiththe rudderamidships. Astheright-handedscrew startsto turnahead,thebow willtendto go________.
A. HeadwayB. Sternway
C.Noway n,withenginesstoppedD. No way on,withenginesfullahead
A1119. Yourvesselis portside toa pierwith a spring lineledaft from the bow. Incalmweather,puttingthe enginesahead withthe rudderhardleftshould bring ______.
D802. A twin-screwvesselcan clear the inboard propeller andmaneuveroffapier bestby holdinga(n).
A.forward springlineandgoingslowaheadonthe inboardengine
A.fullaheadB. full asternC. halfaheadD.slowastern
A1070.Generally, youcan best keep avessel under steering control,when the vesselhas___
C. port sidetothewharfD. stern to thewharf
B811.A vessel isequipped with asingle right-handed screw.With rudder amidshipsandcalmwind, the vesselwillmostlikelyback______.
B799.A twin-screwship going aheadon the starboard screw onlytendstomove ______.
A. in a straightlineB. toportC. fromsidetoside D. to starboard
D800.Yourvesselisbackingonthe starboardscrew,and goingaheadon theportscrew. Thebowwill____.
A. port side to
B.starboard side to
C. droppinganchor and swinging theship into thepier
D. eitherportorstarboardsideto,withnodifference indegree of difficulty
A. the bow inand thesternoutB. boththe bowand stern in
C.Thebow out and the stern inD.both thebowand sternout
A.discharge currentB.suction current
C. sidewise forceD.Thrust
A807. Yourvesselisa single-screwshipwith aright-handpropeller. Thereis nocurrent.The easiestwaytomakealandingis.
C849、It iseasierto dock arighthand,singlescrewvessel ____.
A.starboard side tothewharf B. eithersidetothewharf