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1. (按施工)进度(分批)付款progress payment

2. 办理出口手续to carry out export formalities

3. 保兑信用证confirmed credit:;

4. 保费insurance premium

5. 保函letter of guarantee(L/G)

6. 备用信用证stand by L/C;

7. 背书endorsement

8. 背书endorsement:;

9. 背书人endorser:;

10. 被背书人endorsee:;

11. 本票promissory note

12. 财务状况financial standing

13. 财务状况financial status

14. 参加遭拒绝承兑汇票的承兑acceptance of honor supra protest:;

15. 参加遭拒绝付款汇票的付款payment for honor supra protest:;

16. 偿付方式reimbursement method

17. 偿付行reimbursing bank:;

18. 承兑acceptance:;

19. 承兑交单documents against acceptance

20. 承兑交单D/A:;

21. 持票人bearer

22. 持票人holder:;

23. 出口货物报关单form of customs declaration for export cargos

24. 出口清关to clear the goods for export

25. 出口托收outward collection

26. 出口押汇bill purchased:;

27. 出口押汇export bills

28. 出票人drawer:;

29. 初始存款initial deposit

30. 从属保函accessory guarantee:;

31. 大宗采购折扣bulk purchase discount

32. 代理行agent bank

33. 代理行correspondent bank:;

34. 代收行collecting bank

35. 代收行collecting bank:;

36. 贷方余额,信贷余额credit balance

37. 冻结资金的流动blocking the transfer of funds

38. 对价持票人holder for value:;

39. 对开信用证reciprocal credit:;

40. 多式联运multi-modal transport operation(M.T.O)

41. 费率表terms and conditions:;

42. 福费廷融资便利forfait facility

43. 付款交单documents against payment

44. 付款交单D/P:;

45. 付款交货/付款凭证payment on delivery / proof of delivery(P.O.D)

46. 付款人drawee:;

47. 附件enclosure

48. 跟单托收documentary collection

49. 跟单信用证documentary credit(D/C)

50. 共同海损general average(GA)

51. 光票托收clean collection

52. 国际汇款单international money order

53. 国际货物托运委托书shipper’s letter of instruction

54. 国际贸易的主要参与者the major participants in international trade

55. 国际贸易合同是在与国内贸易合同完全不同的环境下进行的international contract is concluded in a completely different context than domestic ones

56. 红色条款信用证red clause credit:;

57. 汇出汇款outward remittance

58. 汇付Remittance:;

59. 汇款通知单remittance advise

60. 汇票draft(bill of exchange):;

61. 汇票的不可流通副本non-negotiable copy of draft

62. 或有负债contingent liability

63. 货币波动的可能性the potential for currency fluctuation

64. 货物已越过船舷the goods have passed over the ship rail

65. 即期外汇汇率spot exchange rate

66. 记名提单straight bill of lading

67. 加押密码test key

68. 见票后after sight

69. 见票即付at sight

70. 金融单据financial instrument

71. 进口许可证import license

72. 进口许可证import license:

73. 镜子账户mirror account

74. 拒付protest dishonor:;

75. 绝对安全absolutely security

76. 开证issuance:;

77. 开证行issuing bank

78. 可撤销的revocable:;

79. 可转让提单negotiable bill of lading

80. 控制文件control file

81. 来账vostro account

82. 立即付现spot cash

83. 流动资金working capital

84. 流通票据negotiable instrument

85. 流转号,业务流程号rotation number

86. 履行交货责任to fulfill the obligation to deliver the goods

87. 履约保函performance guarantee
