
新概念青少版(入门级B)教学大纲课次课数内容预期效果1 U1 L1~2 1.重要词汇(家庭成员):grandfather/ grandmother/ father/mother/ uncle/ aunt/ cousin2.缩写 that ’s= that isIt isn t=’it is notWho ’s= who is3.重要句式:a. That’smyb. It that your Yes, it is./ No, itisn’t.c. Who ’sthat It ’sd. Who ’sthat man He ’s2 U1 L3 1.复习本单元的重要句式U2 L1 a. Who ’s He/ Sheb. The boy is tall/c. His is . 1.能听懂、会说、认读相关家庭成员的重要词汇2.掌握相关缩写及其完整性是3.熟练运用that 或 who 开头的句式,向别人介绍家庭成员1.复习 U1 中的相关 who 的重要句式2.正确辨别字母组合er 在单词中的发音2.字母 er 组合在单词中的发音,如:3.学习认读相关房间的词汇singer, teacher, sweater 等4.区分 our, your, their 的使用3.重要词汇(房间): bedroom,house, kitchen, sitting room4.our, your, their 的区分使用,如:a.This is our house.b.Is this your housec.Is that their bedroom3 U2 L2~3 1.where 相关短语和句式 1.学会相关 where 的问语和答a. where ’s= where is 句b. Where ’s He’s/ She’sin the 2.熟练掌握 This is 或 That ’s.句型2.复习句式来介绍他人a. This is my 3.学会使用 in front of, next to,b. That’sour between, in 等方位词3.方位词的使用,如 in front of, next4.正确辨别字母组合 th 在单词to, between, in 等中的不同发音4.字母 th 组合在单词中的发音,如:this, mother, bath, think,their 等4 U3 L1~2 1.重要词汇: bed, chair, computer, 1.掌握重要词汇,能听懂,会认desk, lamp, poster, shelf 读2.缩写: there ’s= there is 2.掌握相关缩写及其完整形式There isn’t= there is not 3.掌握 there is 的陈述句,否定3.重要句式:句,疑问句及其回答,学会正a. There is/isn ’t 确运用b. Is there a . Yes, there is./ No,there isn ’t.5 U3 L3 1.复习本单元相关 there 的句式 1.熟练掌握相关 there 的不同句U4 L1 2.字母组合 all 在单词中的发音,如:式,并正确运用ball, wall, small, wall, tall, call, mall 2.掌握 all 组合在单词中的发等音,能够读准3.重要词汇: morning, afternoon, 3.掌握相关 morning, afternoon,evening, night, breakfast, lunch, evening 等表时间的相关词汇,supper 能够正确认读4.重要句式: It ’s time for 4.熟练运用句式It ’s time for6U4 L2~3 1.重要句式:a. What time is itIt’s eight o’clock.b. It ’stime for breakfast/ lunch/..2.字母组合cl 与 cr 在单词中的不同发音,如: clock, clap, crack, crowd等1.掌握问时间的重要句式及其回答2.正确辨析字母组合cl 与 cr 的读音7 U5 L1~2 1.重要词汇: boat, game, puppet, 1.正确认读本单元重要词汇puzzle, skateboard, skipping rope, 2.掌握’s的用法spaceship 3.掌握用名词所有格回答2.名词所有格’s: Ted’s, Robert’s whose 提问,并熟练使用3.重要句式:a. What is this It ’s’s .b. Whose football is it It ’sPop’s.8 U5 L3 1.复习特殊疑问句式及其回答: 1.掌握各种疑问句式的问法和U6 L1 a. What is . It ’s 回答,学会运用b. Whose is it It ’s .’s. 2.辨别字母组合 sk 与 sp 在单词c. Who is Tommy ...’sbrother. 中的发音d. Where is In the . 3.听懂、认读相关动物的词汇2.字母组合 sk 与 sp 在单词中的发 4.能熟练掌握名词单复数的变音,如: skate, sky, skip 等; spin, 型spoon, spaceship 等 5.能用 these/ those 造句3.重要词汇(动物): bird, chicken,donkey, duck, farm, goat, horse,lamb, sheep4.单数名词变复数名词,加s,如a. chicken---chickensb. donkey---donkeysc. goat---goatsd. lamb---lambse. horse---horsesf. *sheep-sheepg. bird---birdsh. farm---farms5.重要短语和句式句式:a. These/ Those areb. These/ Those aren’t5.缩写 aren ’t= are not9 U6 L2~3 1.重要句式:Are these/ those cowsYes, they are./ No, they aren ’t.2.区分 bull 与 cow3.辨别 s 在单词中的不同发音,如:a. birdsb. chickensc. ducksd. horsese. goats 1.掌握相关these、those 的一般疑问句及其回答2.区分 bull 与 cow 的不同点3.能正确辨别s 在不同单词里的不同发音10 U7 L1~2 1.重要词汇: box, cherry, dish, food, 1.掌握本单元的重要词汇,并且fork, glass, knife, sandwich, 熟练掌握名词单数变复数的规strawberry; bamboo, peach, potato 则(不规则变化)2.重要句式: 2.掌握 What are these/ those 的---What are these/ those 疑问句式及其答语,并熟练运---They’re boxes.用they ’re=they are3.名词单数变复数(不规则变化),如:a.box---boxesb.cherry---cherriesc.dish---dishesd.glass---glassese.knife---knivesf.sandwich---sandwichesg.strawberry---strawberriesh.tomato---tomatoes11U7 L3 11U8 L1~2 1.复习本单元重要句式:a.Whose birthday is it It ’s’sb. What ’s that behind/in/underc.How old isd.What ’se.Where is2.s 与 es 在单词中的不同发音,如:a. forks /s/ lamps, ducksb. knives /z/ cherries,c. dishes /iz/ glasses, boxes,peaches1.重要词汇: dress, jacket, jeans,shoe, skirt, sock, trousers1.掌握本单元的特殊疑问句式及其相应回答,学会熟练使用2.熟练掌握 s, es在名词中的不同发音1.听懂、正确认读相关服饰类词汇,分清单复数2. 重要句式 2. 初步认识 what 开头的感叹a. They’re ’s 句b. What a lot of socks! (感叹句) 3.掌握 whose 开头的疑问句及What fun! 其回答c. Whose coats are they They ’reour coats.12 U8 L3 1.复习已学句式U9 L1 a. Whose are the blue shoes Mum ’sb. What colour are ...2. 字母组合dr 与 tr 在单词中的发音,如:a. dream, dragon, driver, dressb. trousers, tree, train, truck3. 重要词汇(反义词):a. clean—dirtyb. dry —wetc. happy—unhappyd. hungry —thirsty 1.复习本单元的重要句式,熟练使用和回答2.能够区分辨别字母组合dr 与tr 在单词中的不同的发音3.熟练掌握四对互反义词,能正确认读4.学会正确使用人称代词 we, you, they4. 人称代词 we, you, they 的使用,如: We’re hungry.You’re dirty.They’re happy.5.缩写 : re=’ arearen’t=are not13 U9 L2~3 1. 重要句式: 1.掌握本单元的重要句式 Area. Are you hot Yes, we are. you及其回答b. Are you cold No,we aren ’t. 2.正确辨析字母组合ir 在单词c. The horses are hungry and 中的发音thirsty.d.2.字母组合 ir 在单词中的发音,如:dirty, girl, skirt, bird等14 U10 L1~2 1. 重要词汇: countryside, field,flower, hill, river, town, tree, bus,road, shop2. 重要句式:a. There are/ aren ’t ..+地点 .b. Are there Yes, there are./ No,there aren ’t.15 U10 L3 1. 复习本单元句式:U11 L1 Are there .behind/ in front of/ nextto/ from to / in2. 字母组合 ow 在单词中的发音 ,如: down, clown, town, cow,wow 等3. 重要词汇(数字):thirteen~nineteen4. 重要句式:---How many + 名词复数 + are there---There are 数字 + 名词复数 . 1.掌握本单元的重要词汇,能够听懂,认读2.掌握相关 there are 的陈述句,疑问句及疑问句的回答,能够熟练运用1.熟练掌握Are there 句型,及其回答2.掌握字母组合 ow 在单词中的发音3.掌握数字 13~19 的英文单词,能够熟练认读4.掌握 How many 疑问句及其回答,并且熟练使用16 U11 L2~3 1. 词汇: twenty, twenty-one 1. 熟练掌握 13~21 的英文表2. 句式:达,能听懂认读a. 数字 and 数字 is 数字 .例如: 2. 会用英语表达简单的算式Ten and ten is twenty. 3.能够辨析字母组合wh 在单b. You are right/ wrong.词中的不同发音3.字母组合 wh 在单词中的发音,如: who, whose/ where, what,whale, whistle 等17U12 L1~2 1.重要词汇:biscuit, bush, catch,drink, eat, hide, jump, run, sitdown, stand up, water, shout,sing, song, throw2.重要句式(祈使句):a. Jump!/ Stand up!/ Eat yourbiscuit. 1.能够区分动词,熟练掌握所学动词并能正确认读2.掌握祈使句的使用(肯定和否定)b. Don’tshout!/ Don ’tthrow theball!18 U12 L3 1. 复习本单元句式(祈使句)U13 L1 a. Eat in class.b. Shout!c. Please read!d. Sit on your chair and don ’tdrink in class.e.2. 字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音,如: mouse, shout, mouth, out等3. 重要词汇: draw, dance, listen,play football, play the piano, playtennis, play the violin, read, 1.熟练掌握祈使句的肯定和否定表达,并能在不同情况下正确使用2.辨析字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音3.掌握相关 play 等的动词短语,会读会说会运用4.掌握 can 的基本用法write4. 句式: I can/ can’t+动词原形can’t= can not19U13 L2~3 1.重要词汇: hand, toe, touch2.重要句式: Can you Yes, I can./No, I can’t.如: Can you read EnglishYes, I can./ No, I can’t.3. 字母组合ar 在单词中的发音,如: cart, farm, jar, arm, party 等20U14 L1~2 1.人称代词: I, you, he, she, itWe, you, they2.人称代词与be 动词连用,如:I’m (not), we ’re (we aren ’t), you ’re(you aren ’t), he ’s/ she’s/ it ’s(he/she/ it isn ’t), they ’re (they aren ’t)3.物主代词: my ouryour yourhisher theirits4. 重要句式:a. Am I Yes, you are.b. Are you Yes, I am.c. Is he No, he isn’t.d. Is she Yes, she is. 1.熟练运用can 的一般疑问句并用 yes/ no 来回答2.正确辨析字母组合ar 在单词中的发音1.正确区分人称代词和物主代词2.熟练使用含人称或物主代词的疑问句及其回答e.21 U14 L3 1.复习各种句式:U15 L1 a. Who isb. Where isc. Is/ Are .., these, that, those 的使用及区分,如:this ---Yes, it is .these ---No, they aren ’t.c .22 U15 L2~3 1.复习 can 和祈使句的用法a. Can you dance Yes, I can./ No, Ican’t.b. Please (don’t) eat the apples!2. 复习 there be 句型a. Is there . Yes, there is./ No, thereisn’t.b. Are there. Yes, there are./ No,there aren ’t.3. 复习 how many 疑问句---How many are there--- There are.. 1.复习第 14 单元中的重要句式,学会熟练使用2. 能够正确区分this., that, these, those 的使用,及其用语疑问句中的对应回答1.熟练 can 和祈使句的基本用法,学会正确运用2.熟练 there be 句型的疑问句型及其肯定和否定回答3.熟练 how many 疑问句的使用及回答,能够正确运用。

青少版新概念入门级B教学计划渔方教育新概念英语青少版入门级B教案Unite1that’smyfather一、本单元教学目标:语言目标类别语言项目要求词汇Grand-father,grand-mother,father,Mother,uncle,aunt,cousin,man,wo man.听得懂,会说,会读句型Whois…?Isthat…?听得懂,会说,会读歌谣Whoisthat?会读功能询问某人是谁应用目标1、理解并掌握有关家庭成员的词汇2、能对家庭有正确认识,培养孩子对家庭的热爱二、课堂练习1、读一读Whoisthatboy?heistallandthin.HisT-shirtisblueandhiscapisgreen.that ’smybrother.that’sTom.whoisthatwomanbehindTom?Sheisshortandfat.Sh,bequiet!that ’shisteacher!2、仿照例句组合句子。
例句:heisshort.heisthin.Heisshortandthin.(1)myT-shirtisbig.myT-shirtisblu e.(2)sheistall.sheisfat.(3)hercapisred.hercapisyellow.(4)mikeistall.mi keisthin.三、课后作业仿照例句组合句子例句:thatboy?who ‘sWho’sthatboy?(1)mysister.that’s(2)istallyourmumandthin.(3)thatwhoiswoman?(4)youristhatcousin? Unite2thisisourhouse.一、本单元教学目标:语言目标类别语言项目要求词汇Bedroom,house,kitchen,sittingroomBathroom,between,diningroom,nextto.听得懂,会说,会读句型Thisis…Whereis…?听得懂,会说,会读歌谣Myfamily.会读功能介绍你的房子应用目标1、理解并掌握有关房间的名词2、能在所创设的情境中谈论有关房间的话题二、课堂练习1、读一读Thisismymother.Thisismyfather.Whereismybrother?Heisinthebath.It hink!Thatisourgrandmother.That’sourgrandfather.That’stheirdog.Lookatitsbigmouthandteeth!2、组合下列句子例句:theirbedroom,that’sThat’stheirbedroom.1)thehouse,in,he’s.2)inthediningroom,she’s.3)max,whereis?4)is,this,ittingroom.三、课后作业1、读新单词2、做单词卡片并配上四线格Unite3Getoffthebed!一、本单元教学目标:语言目标类别语言项目要求词汇Bed,chair,computer,desk,lampPoster,shelf,door,wall.听得懂,会说,会读句型Thereis…Isthere…?听得懂,会说,会读歌谣Thereismyball.会读功能询问有没有某物应用目标1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关家具的词汇2、能对相关家具有初步的认识3、能在所创设的情境或联想猜物、猜职业竞赛等游戏环节中与同伴谈论有关家具的话题.二、课堂练习1、按要求回答下列问题1)isthereabedintheroom?(肯定回答)2)isthereawindowintheroom?(否定回答)3)isthereachairbehindthetable?(肯定回答)4)istherealampontheshelf?(否定回答)2、把下列句子改成否定句1)there’sawindowinthebedroom.2)thereisabedbetweenthetableandthedoor3)t hereisadeskinthebedroom.4)thereisalamponthetable.三、课后作业将下列句子改成疑问句例句:there’sawindowinthebedroom.Isthereawindowinthebedroom?1)thereisabed betweenthetableandthedoor2)thereisadeskinthebedroom.3)thereisala mponthetable.4)thereisafrogonthebed.unite4It’stimeforlunch!一、本单元教学目标:语言目标类别语言项目要求词汇Morning,afternoon,evening,nightBreakfast,lunch,supper,eleven,twel ve听得懂,会说,会读句型Whattimeisit?Itistimefor…听得懂,会说,会读歌谣Whattimeisit?会读功能询问时间应用目标1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关时间的词汇2、使学生对时间有一定的概念二、课堂练习1、用where,what,who填空。

1. 学前准备在开始研究新概念英语青少版入门级B之前,学生应该进行一些学前准备,以确保他们能够充分利用教材和课堂研究。
下面是一些建议:- 温入门级A:入门级B是入门级A的延续,学生应该回顾并温入门级A的课程内容,以便更好地理解和应用新的知识。
- 熟悉教材:学生应该熟悉教材的内容和结构,了解每个单元的主题和研究目标。
- 准备研究工具:学生应该准备好研究工具,如课本、练册、听力材料等,以便随时进行研究和练。
2. 研究方法和策略以下是一些研究方法和策略,可以帮助学生更好地掌握新概念英语青少版入门级B的知识和技巧:- 阅读理解:学生应该积极参与课堂阅读活动,并尝试理解和回答与故事情节相关的问题。
- 听力练:学生可以使用听力材料进行听力练,提高听力技能和理解能力。
- 口语交流:学生应该积极参与口语练,与同学或老师进行对话,提高口语表达能力。
- 写作实践:学生可以通过写作练来巩固所学的语法和词汇,提高写作能力。
- 独立研究:学生应该主动参与独立研究,利用课后时间进行复和练,加深对知识的理解和记忆。
3. 辅助资源除了课本和练册,学生还可以借助一些辅助资源来扩展研究的范围和深度。
以下是一些推荐的辅助资源:- 在线课程和视频:学生可以通过参加在线课程或观看相关视频来进一步研究和巩固知识。
- 研究应用程序:有许多研究应用程序可以帮助学生进行词汇记忆、语法练和听力训练。
- 阅读材料:学生可以选择适合自己水平的英语阅读材料,如简易小说、杂志或新闻文章,来提高阅读理解能力。
4. 研究计划为了更好地组织研究和提高效率,学生可以制定一个研究计划,并根据实际情况进行调整。
以下是一个简单的研究计划示例:- 每周研究目标:确定每周要研究的单元和研究目标。
- 每日研究时间:安排每天的研究时间,包括课堂研究、练和复。

Unite 1that ’s my father一、本单元教学目标:语类别语言项目要求言词汇Grand-father,grand-mother,father,听得懂,目Mother,uncle,aunt,cousin,man,woman. 会说,会标读句型Who is ⋯? 听得懂,Is that ⋯? 会说,会读歌谣Who is that ? 会读功能询问某人是谁应用目1、理解并掌握有关家庭成员的词汇标2、能对家庭有正确认识,培养孩子对家庭的热爱二、课堂练习1、读一读Who is that boy ?he is tall and thin .His T-shirt is blue and his cap is green.that’s my brother.that’s Tom .who is that woman behind Tom?She is short and fat .Sh, be quiet ! that’s his teacher!1专业资料整理2、仿照例句组合句子。
例句: he is short . he is thin .He is short and thin .(1)my T-shirt is big .my T-shirt is blue .(2)she is tall . she is fat .(3)her cap is red .her cap is yellow .(4)mike is tall . mike is thin.三、课后作业仿照例句组合句子例句: that boy ? who ‘sWho’s that boy ?(1)my sister .that’s(2)is tall your mum and thin .(3)that who is woman ?(4)your is that cousin?2专业资料整理Unite 2 this is our house .一、本单元教学目标:语类别语言项目要求言词汇Bedroom,house,kitchen,sitting room 听得懂,目Bathroom,between,dining room ,next 会说,会标to . 读句型This is ⋯听得懂,会说,会Where is ⋯? 读歌谣My family . 会读功能介绍你的房子应用目1、理解并掌握有关房间的名词标2、能在所创设的情境中谈论有关房间的话题二、课堂练习1、读一读This is my mother .This is my father .Where is my brother?He is in the bath .I think !That is our grandmother.3专业资料整理That’s our grandfather .That’s their dog .Look at its big mouth and teeth!2、组合下列句子例句: their bedroom ,that’sThat’s their bedroom .1)the house ,in ,he’s .2)in the dining room ,she’s .3)max ,where is ?4)is ,this ,itting room .三、课后作业1、读新单词2、做单词卡片并配上四线格4专业资料整理Unite 3 Get off the bed !一、本单元教学目标:语类别语言项目要求言词汇Bed,chair,computer,desk,lamp 听得懂,目Poster ,shelf,door,wall. 会说,会标读句型There is⋯听得懂,Is there ⋯? 会说,会读歌谣There is my ball . 会读功能询问有没有某物应用目1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关家具的词标汇2、能对相关家具有初步的认识3、能在所创设的情境或联想猜物、猜职业竞赛等游戏环节中与同伴谈论有关家具的话题.二、课堂练习1、按要求回答下列问题1)is there a bed in the room ? 肯(定回答 )2)is there a window in the room ?( 否定回答 )5专业资料整理3)is there a chair behind the table ?肯(定回答 )4)is there a lamp on the shelf ? ( 否定回答 )2、把下列句子改成否定句1)there’s a window in the bedroom .2)there is a bed between the table and the door3)there is a desk in the bedroom.4)there is a lamp on the table .三、课后作业将下列句子改成疑问句例句: there’s a window in the bedroom .Is there a window in the bedroom ?1)there is a bed between the table and the door2)there is a desk in the bedroom.3)there is a lamp on the table .4)there is a frog on the bed .6专业资料整理unite 4 It ’s time for lunch !一、本单元教学目标:语类别语言项目要求言词汇Morning,afternoon,evening,night 听得懂,目Breakfast,lunch,supper,eleven,twelve 会说,会标读句型What time is it ? 听得懂,It is time for ⋯会说,会读歌谣What time is it ? 会读功能询问时间应用目1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关时间的词标汇2、使学生对时间有一定的概念二、课堂练习1、用 where,what,who 填空。

培养学生正确的 语音、语调和语 感,提高听说能 力
通过丰富的课堂 活动和游戏,增 强学生对英语的 实际运用能力
引导学生主动参 与课堂互动,培 养自主学习和合 作学习的能力
了解不同国家的文化背景和习俗 提高英语听说读写能力,以便更好地与外国人交流 培养对多元文化的尊重和包容心态 增强跨文化交流意识和能力,拓展国际视野
软件推荐:多邻国、不背单词 等语言学习软件
在线课程:新东方在线、腾讯 课堂等提供的英语学习课程
电子书和音频资源:新概念英 语教材的电子版和配套音频
互动练习和测验:利用在线平 台进行互动练习和测验,巩固 所学知识
教材配套音频:提 供课文和单词的标 准发音,帮助学生 纠正发音和练习听 力和口语
应用场景:课堂、网络、实际 生活等
教学方法:角色扮演、场景模 拟、实地考察等
定义:通过完成 真实任务来学习 语言的教学方法
特点:强调实际 交流,培养语言 运用能力
实施步骤:任务 前、任务中和任 务后三个阶段
适用范围:适用 于各种语言学习 者和各种语言技 能的培养
定义:将学习 内容以游戏的 形式呈现,让 学生在游戏中
教材配套练习册: 包含丰富的练习题, 帮助学生巩固所学 知识和提高应用能 力
单词卡片:包含所 有课文中出现的单 词和短语,方便学 生随时复习和记忆
教学PPT:提供清 晰的教学思路和丰 富的知识点展示, 方便教师教学和学 生学习
新概念英语青少版入门级B教学提 纲

新概念英语青少版2B教案详解版Unit 1 Lesson 1教学目标:1.通过本节课的学习,学生能够独立朗读并理解课文内容;2.学生能够掌握本节课所学的生词和短语;3.学生能够用正确的语音、语调和语法编写一篇简短的日记。
教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings and daily report.2. Review the alphabet and numbers(1-100).3. Sing the song “Let’s Count” and do the actions.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Look at the pictures and ask questions.- Can you see a girl? What is she doing?- Is she in the garden?- Can you see a dog?- What can you see in the garden?- What is the girl doing with the dog? Why do you think?2. Introduce the title and authors of the story.Step 3 Reading and listening1. Play the recording and have the students listen.2. Ask the students to read the story by themselves.3. Check the answers together as a class.Step 4 Vocabulary2. Use pictures, gestures, and examples to explain the meanings of the words and phrases.3. Let the students practice saying the words and phrases.4. Play the recording and have the students repeat.1. Ask the students questions about the story.2. Check the answers together as a class.Step 6 Practice1. Have the students work in pairs.2. Ask the students to write a short diary entry about their own day, using the new words and phrases they learned.3. Provide sentence starters to help the students begintheir diary entries.Step 7 Consolidation1. Have the students present their diary entries to the class.2. Discuss any new vocabulary or phrases that the students used.Step 8 Wrap-up1. Review the new words and phrases.2. Preview the next lesson.3. Give the students homework.教学拓展1.小组活动:让学生分为若干小组,每个小组讨论在园子里可能会发生的事情,然后用英语描述。

—Are you hot/ hungry… Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
3.熟练掌握所学形容词,能够运用所学句型进行简单对 话,熟读短文,完成相应练习题。
新概念英语青少版(入门级 B) 教学计划
教学单元 Unit 1 That’s my father!
Unit 2 This is our house.
Unit 3 Get off the bed! Recycle 1 Unit 4 It’s time for lunch!
Unit 5 That’s Ted’s puppet.
—There is/ isn’t … 3.重点掌握 there be 句型,识记所学物品单词,结合所 学单词完成简单的句型练习。 对 1—3 单元所学单词及知识点进行测评,针对学生出 现的问题及时纠正并进行重点练习,对表现优秀的小朋 友给予奖励。 1.识记词汇:breakfast lunch afternoon supper … 2.掌握基本句型:—It’s time for …
Recycle 3
对 7—9 单元所学单词及知识点进行测评,针对学生出 现的问题及时纠正并进行重点练习,对表现优秀的小朋 友给予奖励。
4 课时 4 课时 4 课时 1 课时
Unit 10 What pretty flowers! Unit 11 Nineteen
bones in the house. Unit 12 Hide behind the bush! Recycle4 Unit 13 I can dance! Unit 14 They’re amazing! Unit 15 Let’s play football! Recycle 5

新概念英语青少版入门B教案(优秀版)word资料新概念英语青少版入门B教案Unit 1 That’s my fatherLesson 11、Background Informationa、b、teaching contentWords:grand-father,grand-mother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,cousin Sentences:Is that …?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.Teaching Aim:can read and spell these words.Learn how to ask others about another person.Be friendly to others.Teaching focus:ask “Is that your **?”Teaching aids:cards &video &ball& family tree Teaching time:Teaching Procedurea、Greeting&Roll-callT:Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello,Irene.T:Good morning,**.And how are you,everyone?S:Good morning,Irene.Fine,thank you.T:OK.one two threeS: four four fourT:You four are G1.And you five are G2.b、warming upT:OK,now let’s do the 26 sound and letter.OK?S:OK..T:A æ apple. Ready go.S:A æ apple.B b ball.....c、New contentNew vocabularyUnclePresent:family tree (show them card)(T:look, what’s this?S:叔叔.T:Yes, uncle.)Practice:lead reading(T:uncle*3 S:cat*3T:OK.touch the card and say uncle,OK?S:Cat~~(T:OK .now how to spell the word. u*3 S:[ʌ]*3T:n S:[n] T:c S:[k] T:le [l]S:[l ] T:together[ʌnkl]S:[ʌnkl])Other words is same to “uncle”.ClosureGame time:flash card to review all the words.Key pointPresent:Is that your **?Is this your **? Yes,it is./No.it isn’t. That&thisPractice: Trick game.Closure:G1&G2 number1PK···EpisodePresent:Flora And Robert are taking with their dogs on the road.Now let’s listen to the tap and guess what are they talking about?Practice:Listen and readDo after me (body moving)Reflection:3 students have learned this unit.So they don’t spend their time to review again.But they don’t learn well. I have to find a solution to solve this question.Lesson 2a、teaching contentWords: man,womanSentences:Who is that man?He’’s that woman? She’s the queen.Teaching Aim:read and spell these words.Distinguish man/boy woman/girl Teaching focus:Who is that? Who is=who’s Teaching aids:cards &video &ball&diceTeaching Procedurea、Greeting&Roll-callT:Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello,Irene.T:Good morning,**.And how do you do,everyone?S:Good morning,Irene.how do you do?T:OK.one two threeS: four four fourT:Wow,great ,a sticker for you./ one point for G1b、warming upT:now let’s review our family relationship.Grandma(grandmother),grandpa(grandfather),mother ,father and me.c、New contentNew vocabularyManPresent:card (T:look, he is a boy .when he grows up .he’s a man.manS:man*3)Practice:lead reading(T:apple*3 S:apple*3T:OK.jump and touch the card and say apple,OK?S:apple~~)(T:OK .now how to spell the word. M*3 S:[m]*3 T:a*3 S:[æ]*3 T:n*3 S:[n]*3 T:together [mæn] S:[mæn] )Other words is same to “Man”.ClosureGame time:two cards are bomb,then flash card to review all the words.Key pointPresent:Who is that?Practice: Flash cards.Closure:G1&G2 number1PK···EpisodePresent:Peg Pop and Max are playing. Now let’s listen to the tap and guess what are they doing?Practice:Listen and read.Then let’s make a roll play.And use their voice to imitate Pop and Max.Do after me (body moving)Reflection:students are very happy.But some boys are too active.I must spend some time to control them.2010-03-21 初一【前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、背诵课文、听写单词。

2. 通过一个简单的问题引入新课内容,如:Can you swim? Do you like swimming?第二步:听课文并跟读1.全班读课文标题,然后教师读一遍课文,学生跟读。

Unite 1that’s my father 一、本单元教学目标:二、课堂练习1、读一读Who is that boy ?he is tall and thin .His T-shirt is blue and his cap is green.that’s my brother.that’s Tom .who is that woman behind Tom?She is short and fat .Sh, be quiet ! that’s his teacher!2、仿照例句组合句子。
例句:he is short . he is thin .He is short and thin .(1)my T-shirt is big .my T-shirt is blue .(2)she is tall . she is fat .(3)her cap is red .her cap is yellow .(4)mike is tall . mike is thin.三、课后作业仿照例句组合句子例句:that boy ? who ‘sWho’s that boy ?(1)my sister .that’s(2)is tall your mum and thin .(3)that who is woman ?(4)your is that cousin?Unite 2 this is our house .一、本单元教学目标:二、课堂练习1、读一读This is my mother .This is my father .Where is my brother?He is in the bath .I think !That is our grandmother.That’s our grandfather .That’s their dog .Look at its big mouth and teeth!2、组合下列句子例句:their bedroom ,that’sThat’s their bedroom .1)the house ,in ,he’s .2)in the dining room ,she’s .3)max ,where is ?4)is ,this ,itting room .三、课后作业1、读新单词2、做单词卡片并配上四线格Unite 3 Get off the bed !一、本单元教学目标:二、课堂练习1、按要求回答下列问题1)is there a bed in the room ? (肯定回答)2)is there a window in the room ?( 否定回答)3) is there a chair behind the table ? (肯定回答)4) is there a lamp on the shelf ? ( 否定回答)2、把下列句子改成否定句1)there’s a window in the bedroom .2)there is a bed between the table and the door3)there is a desk in the bedroom.4)there is a lamp on the table .三、课后作业将下列句子改成疑问句例句:there’s a window in the bedroom .Is there a window in the bedroom ?1)there is a bed between the table and the door2)there is a desk in the bedroom.3)there is a lamp on the table .4)there is a frog on the bed .unite 4 It’s time for lunch !一、本单元教学目标:二、课堂练习1、用where,what,who填空。

新见解英语青少版入门B授课大纲Unit1 That’smyfather!那是我的爸爸!Lesson1单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle叔叔aunt婶婶cousin表兄弟句型:1.That’smyaunt.那是我的婶婶。
语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=thatis itisn’t=itisnotLesson2单词:man男人woman女人句型:1.-Who’sthat?那是谁-It’sMax.那是Max。
Unit2 Thisisourhouse.这是我们的房屋。
/不,这不是语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson2单词:bathroom浴室between在.中间diningroom餐厅nextto在.旁边句型:1.–Where’s Pop? Pop在哪里-He’sinthedinningroom.他在餐厅。

新概念青少版(入门级B)教学大纲课程内容设计:新概念青少版(入门级 B)总共 15 单元( 45 课),分为 25 次课进行教授,每次课学 2 个 lesson,其中会安排一次户外活动或者测验。
课次课数内容预期效果1U1 L1~2 1.重要词汇(家庭成员):grandfather/grandmother/ father/ mother/ uncle/aunt/ cousin2.缩写 that’s= that isIt isn t=’ it is notWho ’s= who is3.重要句式:a. That’s my⋯b. It that your ⋯ ? Yes, it is./ No, it 1.能听懂、会说、认读相关家庭成员的重要词汇2.掌握相关缩写及其完整性是3.熟练运用that 或 who 开头的句式,向别人介绍家庭成员isn’t.c.Who ’s that? It’s⋯d. Who ’s that man? He’s⋯2U1 L3 1.复习本单元的重要句式U2 L1 a.Who ’s⋯ ? He/ She⋯b. The boy is tall/ ⋯c.His ⋯ is⋯ .1.复习 U1 中的相关 who 的重要句式2.正确辨别字母组合 er 在单词中的发音2.字母 er 组合在单词中的发音,如:3.学习认读相关房间的词汇singer, teacher, sweater 等 4.区分 our, your, their 的使用3.重要词汇(房间): bedroom,house, kitchen, sitting room4.our, your, their 的区分使用,如:a. This is our house.b. Is this your house?c. Is that their bedroom?3U2 L2~3 1.where 相关短语和句式 1.学会相关 where 的问语和答a.where’s= where is句b.Where’s⋯? He’s/ She’s in the⋯ 2.熟练掌握 This is 或 That’s.句2.复习句式型来介绍他人a.This is my ⋯ 3.学会使用 in front of, next to,b. That’s our⋯between, in 等方位词3.方位词的使用,如 in front of, next4.正确辨别字母组合 th 在单词to, between, in 等中的不同发音4.字母 th 组合在单词中的发音,如:this, mother, bath, think,their 等4U3 L1~2 1.重要词汇: bed, chair, computer, 1.掌握重要词汇,能听懂,会认desk, lamp, poster, shelf读2.缩写: there’s= there is 2.掌握相关缩写及其完整形式There isn’t= there is not 3.掌握 there is 的陈述句,否定3.重要句式:句,疑问句及其回答,学会正a.There is/isn’t⋯确运用b. Is there a⋯ .? Yes, there is./ No,there isn’t.5U3 L3 1.复习本单元相关 there 的句式 1.熟练掌握相关there 的不同句U4 L1 2.字母组合 all 在单词中的发音,如:式,并正确运用ball, wall, small, wall, tall, call, mall 2.掌握 all 组合在单词中的发等3.重要词汇: morning, afternoon,evening, night, breakfast, lunch,supper4.重要句式: It’s time for ⋯6U4 L2~3 1.重要句式:a. What time is it?It’s eight o’clock.b. It ’s time for breakfast/ lunch/..2.字母组合cl 与 cr 在单词中的不同音,能够读准3.掌握相关 morning, afternoon, evening 等表时间的相关词汇,能够正确认读4.熟练运用句式It’s time for ⋯1.掌握问时间的重要句式及其回答2.正确辨析字母组合 cl 与 cr 的读音发音,如: clock, clap, crack, crowd等7U5 L1~2 1.重要词汇: boat, game, puppet, 1.正确认读本单元重要词汇puzzle, skateboard, skipping rope, 2.掌握’s的用法spaceship 3.掌握用名词所有格回答2.名词所有格’s: Ted’s, Robert’s whose 提问,并熟练使用3.重要句式:a.What is this? It ’s⋯’s⋯.b.Whose football is it? It ’s Pop’s.8U5 L3 1.复习特殊疑问句式及其回答: 1.掌握各种疑问句式的问法和U6 L1 a.What is ⋯ .? It’s⋯回答,学会运用b.Whose⋯ is it? It ’s⋯.’s. 2.辨别字母组合 sk 与 sp 在单词c.Who is Tommy? ... ’s brother.中的发音d.Where is ⋯? In the ⋯. 3.听懂、认读相关动物的词汇2.字母组合 sk 与 sp 在单词中的发 4.能熟练掌握名词单复数的变音,如: skate, sky, skip 等; spin,型spoon, spaceship 等 5.能用 these/ those 造句3.重要词汇(动物): bird, chicken,donkey, duck, farm, goat, horse,lamb, sheep4.单数名词变复数名词,加s,如a.chicken---chickensb.donkey---donkeysc.goat---goatsmb---lambse.horse---horsesf.*sheep-sheepg.bird---birdsh.farm---farms5.重要短语和句式句式:a.These/ Those are⋯b.These/ Those aren’t⋯5.缩写 aren’t= are not9U6 L2~3 1.重要句式:Are these/ those cows?Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.2.区分 bull 与 cow3.辨别 s 在单词中的不同发音,如:a. birdsb. chickensc. ducksd. horsese. goats10U7 L1~2 1.重要词汇: box, cherry, dish, food,fork, glass, knife, sandwich,strawberry; bamboo, peach, potato2.重要句式:---What are these/ those?---They ’re boxes.they’re=they are3.名词单数变复数(不规则变化),如:a.box---boxesb.cherry---cherriesc.dish---dishesd.glass---glassese.knife---knivesf.sandwich---sandwichesg.strawberry---strawberriesh.tomato---tomatoes11U7 L3 1.复习本单元重要句式:a.Whose birthday is it? It ’s⋯’sb.What’s that behind/in/under ⋯c.How old is ⋯ ?d.What’s⋯?e.Where is ⋯?2.s 与 es 在单词中的不同发音,如:a.forks/s/ lamps, ducksb.knives/z/ cherries,c.dishes/iz/ glasses, boxes,peaches12U8 L1~2 1.重要词汇: dress, jacket, jeans,shoe, skirt, sock, trousers2.重要句式a.They’re ⋯’s ⋯b.What a lot of socks! (感叹句)What fun!c.Whose coats are they? They’reour coats.13U8 L3 1.复习已学句式U9 L1 a. Whose are the blue shoes? Mum’s 1.掌握相关 these、those 的一般疑问句及其回答2.区分 bull 与 cow 的不同点3.能正确辨别s 在不同单词里的不同发音1.掌握本单元的重要词汇,并且熟练掌握名词单数变复数的规则(不规则变化)2.掌握 What are these/ those 的疑问句式及其答语,并熟练运用1.掌握本单元的特殊疑问句式及其相应回答,学会熟练使用2.熟练掌握 s, es在名词中的不同发音1.听懂、正确认读相关服饰类词汇,分清单复数2.初步认识 what 开头的感叹句3.掌握 whose 开头的疑问句及其回答1.复习本单元的重要句式,熟练使用和回答b. What colour are ⋯ ?...2. 字母组合 dr 与 tr 在单词中的发音,如:a. dream, dragon, driver, dressb. trousers, tree, train, truck3. 重要词汇(反义词):a. clean— dirtyb. dry —wetc. happy— unhappyd. hungry— thirsty4. 人称代词 we, you, they 的使用,如: We’re hungry.You’re dirty.They ’re happy.5.缩写 : re=’ are aren’t=are not14U9 L2~3 1. 重要句式:a. Are you hot? Yes, we are.b. Are you cold? No,we aren ’t.c. The horses are hungry andthirsty.d. ⋯2.能够区分辨别字母组合 dr 与 tr 在单词中的不同的发音3.熟练掌握四对互反义词,能正确认读4.学会正确使用人称代词 we, you, they1.掌握本单元的重要句式 Are you⋯ ?及其回答2.正确辨析字母组合 ir 在单词中的发音2.字母组合 ir 在单词中的发音,如:dirty, girl, skirt, bird 等15U10 L1~2 1.重要词汇: countryside, field,flower, hill, river, town, tree, bus,road, shop2.重要句式:a.There are/ aren’t⋯..+地点 .b. Are there⋯ ? Yes, there are./ No,there aren’t.16U10 L3 1.复习本单元句式:U11 L1Are there⋯ .behind/ in front of/ nextto/ from ⋯ to⋯ / in⋯2.字母组合 ow 在单词中的发音 ,如: down, clown, town, cow,wow 等3.重要词汇(数字):thirteen~nineteen4.重要句式:---How many + 名词复数 + are there?---There are 数字 + 名词复数 .17U11 L2~3 1.词汇: twenty, twenty-one2.句式:a.数字 and 数字 is 数字 .例如:Ten and ten is twenty.b. You are right/ wrong.3.字母组合 wh 在单词中的发音,1.掌握本单元的重要词汇,能够听懂,认读2.掌握相关 there are 的陈述句,疑问句及疑问句的回答,能够熟练运用1.熟练掌握 Are there 句型,及其回答2.掌握字母组合 ow 在单词中的发音3.掌握数字 13~19 的英文单词,能够熟练认读4.掌握 How many 疑问句及其回答,并且熟练使用1.熟练掌握 13~21 的英文表达,能听懂认读2.会用英语表达简单的算式3.能够辨析字母组合 wh 在单词中的不同发音如: who, whose/ where, what, whale, whistle等18U12 L1~2 1.重要词汇: biscuit, bush, catch,drink, eat, hide, jump, run, sitdown, stand up, water, shout,sing, song, throw2.重要句式(祈使句):a. Jump!/ Stand up!/ Eat yourbiscuit.b. Don’tshout!/ Don ’tthrow theball!19U12 L3 1.复习本单元句式(祈使句)U13 L1 a.Eat in class.b.Shout!c.Please read!d. Sit on your chair and don ’tdrink in class.e.⋯⋯2.字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音,如: mouse, shout, mouth, out 等3.重要词汇: draw, dance, listen,play football, play the piano,play tennis, play the violin, read,write4.句式: I can/ can’t+动词原形can’t= can not20U13 L2~3 1.重要词汇: hand, toe, touch2.重要句式: Can you⋯? Yes, I can./No, I can ’t.如: Can you read English ?Yes, I can./ No, I can ’t.3.字母组合 ar 在单词中的发音,如: cart, farm, jar, arm, party 等21U14 L1~2 1.人称代词: I, you, he, she, itWe, you, they2.人称代词与 be 动词连用,如:I’m (not), we ’re (we aren’t), you ’re(you aren’t), he’s/ she’s/ it ’s (he/ she/it isn ’t), they’re (they aren’t)3.物主代词: my ouryour yourhisher theirits4.重要句式:a. Am I ⋯? Yes, you are.b. Are you ⋯ ? Yes, I am.1.能够区分动词,熟练掌握所学动词并能正确认读2.掌握祈使句的使用(肯定和否定)1.熟练掌握祈使句的肯定和否定表达,并能在不同情况下正确使用2.辨析字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音3.掌握相关 play 等的动词短语,会读会说会运用4.掌握 can 的基本用法1.熟练运用 can 的一般疑问句并用 yes/ no 来回答2.正确辨析字母组合 ar 在单词中的发音1.正确区分人称代词和物主代词2.熟练使用含人称或物主代词的疑问句及其回答c. Is he⋯ ? No, he isn’t.d. Is she? Yes, she is.e. ⋯⋯22U14 L3 1.复习各种句式:U15 L1 a. Who is⋯?b. Where is⋯ ?c. Is/ Are ⋯ ..?2.this, these, that, those 的使用及区分,如:a.---Is this ⋯? ---Yes, it is ⋯ .b.---Are these ⋯? ---No, they aren ’t.c⋯⋯ .23U15 L2~3 1.复习 can 和祈使句的用法a. Can you dance? Yes, I can./ No, Ican’t.b. Please (don’t) eat the apples!2. 复习 there be 句型a. Is there⋯ .? Yes, there is./ No,there isn’t.b. Are there⋯ .? Yes, there are./ No,there aren’t.3. 复习 how many 疑问句---How many ⋯ are there?--- There are⋯ ..1.复习第 14 单元中的重要句式,学会熟练使用2. 能够正确区分 this., that, these, those的使用,及其用语疑问句中的对应回答1.熟练 can 和祈使句的基本用法,学会正确运用2.熟练 there be 句型的疑问句型及其肯定和否定回答3.熟练 how many 疑问句的使用及回答,能够正确运用4.。

新概念英语青少版入门 B 教案新概念英语青少版入门 B 教案Unit 1 That 's my fatherLesson 11、Background InformationNumbers: 9Students are in G2 &G3. a、Student informationOne girl is in G2 and she is veryfear to fail in game,so inclass,she often refuses to playgame.Other boys are very b、teaching contentWords: grand-father,grand-mother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,cous in Sentences:Is that ⋯?Yes,it is./No,it isn 't.Teaching Aim: can read and spell these words.Learn how to ask others about another person.Be friendly to others.Teaching focus: ask “Is that your **?aids: cards &video &ball& family tree Teachingtime: hour 1.5 Teaching Procedurea、Greeting&Roll-call T: Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello,Irene.T: Good morning,**.And how are you,everyone?S:Good morning,Irene.Fine,thank you.T: OK .one two threeS: four four fourT:You four are G1.And you five are G2.b、warming upT: OK,now let 's do the 26 sound and letter.OK?S:OK..T:A ? apple. Ready go.S:A ? apple.B b ball ....c、New contentNew vocabularyUnclePresent:family tree (show them card)(T:look, what 's this?S: 叔叔.T:Yes, uncle.)Practice: lead reading(T:uncle*3 S:cat*3T:OK.touch thecard and say uncle,OK ?S:Cat~~(T:OK .now how to spell the word. u*3 S:[ ?]*3T:n S:[n] T:c S:[k] T:le [l]S:[l ] T:together[ ?nkl]S:[ ?nkl])Other words is same to “uncle ”. ClosureGame time: flash card to review all the words. Key pointPresent :Is that your **?Is this your **? Yes,it is./No.it isn 't.That&thisPractice: Trick game.Closure: G1&G2 number1PK ···EpisodePresent: Flora And Robert are taking with their dogs on the road.Now let 's listen to the tap and guess what are they talking about?Practice: Listen and readDo after me (body moving)Reflection: 3 students have learned this unit.So they don 't spend their time to review again.But they don 't learn well. I have to find a solution to solve this question.Lesson 2a、teaching content Words: man,woman Sentences:Who is that man?He 's the king.Who 's that woman? She 's the queen. Teaching Aim: read and spell these words.Distinguish man/boy woman/girl Teaching focus: Who is that? Who is=who 's aids: cards &video &ball&diceTeaching Procedurea、Greeting&Roll-call T: Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello,Irene.T: Good morning,**.And how do you do,everyone? S:Good morning,Irene.how do you do?T: OK .one two threeS: four four fourT: Wow,great ,a sticker for you./ one point for G1 b、warming upT:now let 's review our family relationship.Grandma(grandmother),grandpa(grandfather), mother ,father and me.c、New contentNew vocabularyManPresent :card (T:look, he is a boy .when he grows up .he 's a man. manS:man*3)Practice: lead reading(T:apple*3 S:apple*3T:OK.jump and touch the card and say apple,OK S:apple~~)(T:OK .now how to spell the word. M*3 S:[m]*3 T:a*3 S:[?]*3 T:n*3 S:[n]*3 T:together [m?n] S:[m?n] )Other words is same to “Man ”.ClosureGame time: two cards are bomb,then flash card to review all the words.Key pointPresent :Who is that?Practice: Flash cards.Closure: G1&G2 number1PK ···EpisodePresent: Peg Pop and Max are playing. Now let 's listen to the tap and guess what are they doing?Practice: Listen and read.Then let 's make a roll play.And use their voice toimitate Pop and Max.Do after me (body moving)Reflection: students are very happy.But some boys are too active.I must spend some time to control them.。
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新概念英语青少版入门B教学提纲Unit 1 That’s my father! 那是我的爸爸!一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle叔叔aunt婶婶cousin堂兄弟句型:1.That’s my aunt.那是我的婶婶。
2.-Is that your grandfather?那是你的祖父吗?-Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. 是的,那是。
语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=that is it isn’t=it is notLesson 2单词:man男人woman女人句型:1. -Who’s that?那是谁?-It’s Max.那是Max。
2. –Who’s that man?那个男人是谁?-He’s the king.他是国王。
语法:特殊疑问词who的用法Lesson 3音标:er /ə /单词:tall高的short矮的fat胖的thin瘦的behind在…后面in front of在…前面句型:1.The boy is short.这个男孩很矮。
/ He is fat.他很胖。
2.His cap is blue.他的帽子是蓝色的。
/ His name is Fred.他的名字是Fred。
Unit 2 This is our house.这是我们的房子。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:bedroom卧室house房子kitchen厨房sitting room客厅句型:1.This is our sitting room.这是我们的客厅。
2.-Is this your kitchen?这是你的厨房么?-Yes,it is/No,it isn’t.是的,这是。
/不,这不是语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson 2单词:bathroom浴室between在….中间dining room餐厅next to在….旁边句型:1. –Where’s Pop? Pop在哪里?-He’s in the dinning room.他在餐厅。
2. –Who’s that man?那个男人是谁?-He’s the king.他是国王。
语法:特殊疑问词where的用法where’s=where isLesson 3音标:th /θ/单词:colour颜色think认为teeth牙齿bath洗澡句型:-What colour is the big bedroom?大卧室是什么颜色的?-It’s blue.它是蓝色的。
语法:特殊疑问词what / what color的用法Unit 3 Get off the bed.从床上下来。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:bed 床chair 椅子computer 电脑desk 桌子lamp 台灯poster 海报shelf 架子句型:1.There’s a desk and a chair in my room.在我的房间里有一张桌子和一把椅子。
2.Get off the bed! 从床上下来!语法:there’s =there is there isn’t =there is notLesson 2单词:door 门wall 墙look at 看句型:1. -Is there a window in this house? 在这个房间里有一个窗户吗?-Yes, there is .是的,有。
/ No, there isn’t. 不,没有。
语法:There be (is)句型的疑问句及肯否回答。
Lesson 3音标:all [ɔ:l]单词:little 小的call 呼叫mall 商场insect 昆虫句型:1.There is a window in the bedroom .在房间里有一个窗户。
2: There isn’t a window in the bedroom.在房间里没有一个窗户。
语法:There be (is)句型的否定句。
Unit 4 It’s time for lunch. 该到吃午餐的时间了。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:morning 早上afternoon 下午evening 晚上night 夜晚breakfast早餐lunch 午餐supper 晚餐句型:1.It’s time for lunch .该到吃午餐的时间了。
2.Good morning!早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good night! 晚安!3. It’s 2 o’clock.两点整。
语法:表示整点用o’clock;It’s time for…到…的时间了。
Lesson 2单词:eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三twenty 二十句型:-What time is it ?现在几点了?-It’s eight o’clock.现在八点整。
Lesson 3音标:cl [kl]单词:chop 连骨肉salad 色拉yummy 可口的clap 拍cliff 悬崖句型:-What’s for lunch ? 中午吃什么?-A chop and salad. 一块练骨肉和色拉。
Unit 5 That’s Ted’s puppet.那是Ted的木偶。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:boat小木船game 游戏puppet 木偶puzzle拼图skate-board 滑板skipping rope 跳绳spaceship 飞船句型:1.That’s Ted’s puppet. 那是Ted 的木偶。
2.This is his boat. 这是他的小木船。
Lesson 2单词:football 足球Frisbee 飞盘句型:-Whose frisbee is it? 这是谁的飞盘。
- It’s Pop’s.它是Pop的。
语法:特殊疑问词whose 的用法。
Lesson 3音标:sk [sk]单词:favourite 最喜欢的clown 小丑sky 天空spoon汤匙spin 旋转句型:-What’s your favorite toy?你最喜欢什么玩具?-My favorite toy is spaceship.我最喜欢的玩具是飞船。
语法:what 引Unit 6 This is my uncle’s farm.这是我叔叔的农场。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:bird鸟chicken小鸡donkey毛驴duck鸭子farm农场goat山羊horse马lamb小羊sheep绵羊句型:1.This is my uncle’s farm.这是我叔叔的农场。
2.These are goats.这些是山羊。
3.Those are sheep.那些是绵羊。
Lesson 2单词:bull公牛cow母牛句型:-Are these/those cows?这些/那些是母牛吗?-Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.是的,他们是。
语法:be 动词引导的一般疑问句用法。
Lesson 3音标:ks /ks/单词:next to紧挨着in front of在…前面breakfast早餐句型:-Are those sheep?那些是绵羊吗?-Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.是的,他们是。
Unit 7 What super food!多美味的食物。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:box盒子cherry樱桃dish盘子food食物fork叉子glass玻璃杯knife刀子sandwich 三明治strawberry草莓句型:1.What super food!多么棒的食物啊! 2.-What are these?这些是什么?-They’re boxes.这些是盒子。
Lesson 2单词:bamboo竹子peach桃子potato土豆strange奇怪的句型:-What are those?那些是什么?-They’re potatoes.它们是土豆。
Lesson 3音标:es /z/单词:behind在…后面birthday生日friend朋友sausage香肠句型:1.-Whose birthday is it?今天是谁的生日?-It’s Jed’s.是杰德的。
2.-How old is Jed?杰德多少岁?-He’s nine.他九岁。
Unit8 They’re Dad’s shoes.他们是爸爸的鞋子。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:dress套裙jacket夹克衫jeans牛仔裤shoe鞋子skirt短裙sock袜子trousers裤子句型:They’re Anna’s dresses and Dad’s jackets.它们是安娜的套裙和爸爸的夹克衫。
语法:名词所有格的复习巩固;Lesson 2单词:coat外套scarf围巾touch触摸句型:-Whose coats are they?它们是谁的外套?-They’re our coats.它们是我们的外套。
Lesson 3音标:dr /dr/ tr /tr/单词:blue蓝色green绿色red红色yellow黄色sister姐妹句型:-Whose are the blue shoes?蓝色的鞋子是谁的?-They’re my dad’s shoes.它们是我爸爸的鞋子。
语法:There be句型复习巩固;特殊疑问句的复习巩固。
Unit9 They are happy dogs。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:clean干净的dirty脏的dry干的wet湿润的happy开心的unhappy不开心的hungry 饿thirsty口渴句型:1.We’re hungry.我们饿了。
2.They aren’t happy dogs.它们不是开心的狗。
语法:反义词;含有be动词的否定句aren’t=are notLesson 2单词:cold寒冷的hot热的new新的old旧的scarf围巾句型:-Are you hot?你热么?-Yes, I am .是的。