三维目标1.知识与技能1)Makesurestudentsmasteredthegrammaticalitems.2)Consolidatetheirknowledgeofnon-definingattributiveclauses.2.过程与方法1)Motivatestudents’enthusiasmintakingpartintheclass.2)Helpstudentstousethesentencepatternsincommunication.3.情感与价值Throughthestudyofthisperiodstudentswillsurelyknowmoreaboutthebasicmeaningso fsomeattributiveclauses.教学重点1.Thebasicusageofthenon-definingrelativepronounsandadverbsandlearntousethem indifferentsituations.2.Howtousethesentencepatternsindailylife.教学难点Howtohelpstudentstolearnthenon-definingattributiveclauseefficiently.教学方法Deductiontopresenttheusageofthenon-definingrelativepronounsandadverbs,andth ensomeexercisestoconsolidatewhatwehavelearned.教学过程→Step1Revision1.Checkstudents’homework.2.Haveadictationofthewordslearntinthetext.Thewordsfordictation:dream(v.)energygenerateharnesshistoricalnarrowpoempowerstationsubmerge suggest→Step2Grammar1:Non-definingattributiveclausesActivity1Readthesentences.(Showthefollowingonthescreen.)aMaoZedongwroteapoeminwhichhedreamedof “wallsofstonetoholdbackcloudsandrain”.bTheThreeGorgesDam,whichisthebiggestconstructionprojectinChinasincethebuild ingoftheGreatWallandtheGrandCanal,hasbeenbuilttocontrolflooding.cSunYat-sen,whowastheleaderofthe1911Revolution,firstsuggestedtheideain1919.dMorethanamillionpeoplewholivedintheregionhavemovedfromtheirhomes.Nowanswerthesequestions.1Whichoftheattributiveclauses(initalics)containessentialinformationaboutthe subjectandwhichcontainextrainformation?2Ifyoutakeawaytheattributiveclauses,dothesentencesstillmakesense?Whyorwhyno t?3Whichsentenceshavecommas,theoneswithessentialinformationortheoneswithextra information?Suggestedanswers:1aanddcontainessentialinformation;banddcontainextrainformation.2aandddon’t,bandcdobecausethemeaningstandswithouttheextraclause.3Theoneswiththeextrainformation.Activity2Readthesentences.Addcommasifnecessary.1SunYat-senwhobecamePresidentoftheRepublicofChinain1912diedin1925.2ThebuildingoftheGrandCanalwhichistheworld’slongestcanalbeganin486BC.3Thesectionofthecanalwhichwasbuiltintheseventhcenturywasmainlyusedforricetr ansportation.Suggestedanswers:1SunYat-sen,whobecamePresidentoftheRepublicofChinain1912,diedin1925.2ThebuildingoftheGrandCanal,whichistheworld’slongestcanal,beganin486BC.3Thesectionofthecanal,whichwasbuiltintheseventhcentury,wasmainlyusedforrice transportation.Activity3Addinformationtosentences1-3,usingextrainformationA-C.1TheYangtzeRiveristhethirdlongestriverintheworld.2TheThreeGorgesDamisthebiggestconstructionprojectinChina.3MaoZedongwroteapoemaboutadamacrosstheYangtzeRiver.Awhichismorethan6,000kilometreslongBwhoisagreatleaderofChinaCwhichwillgeneratealargeamountofenergySuggestedanswers:1A:TheYangtzeRiver,whichismorethan6,000kilometreslong,isthethirdlongestrive rintheworld.2C:TheThreeGorgesDam,whichwillgeneratealargeamountofenergy,isthebiggestcons tructionprojectinChina.3B:MaoZedong,whoisagreatleaderofChina,wroteapoemaboutadamacrosstheYangtze River.→Step3Grammar2:ContractionofattributiveclausesActivity1(Showthefollowingonthescreen.)aImetamanmygrandfatherworkedwiththirtyyearsago.bImetamanwhomygrandfatherworkedwiththirtyyearsago.cIwantedtovisitthehousethatmygrandparentslivedin.dThebuswhichItookbacktomybirthplacewasfullofvisitorsfromotherpartsofChina.Nowanswerthesequestions:1Dothefirsttwosentencesmeanthesamething?2Inthefirsttwosentences,whoisthesubjectoftheverbwork—themanorthegrandfather?3Canthewordsthatandwhichberemovedfromthethirdandfourthsentenceswithoutchangingthemeaning?Suggestedanswers:1Yes,theydo.2Thegrandfather.3Yes,theycan.Activity2Studythetwosentences.Noticethewordsinbracketscanbedeletedwithoutaffectingth emeaningofthesentence.Thevalleyisnowpartofthereservoir(whichwas)createdbytheThreeGorgesDam.Thepeople(whoare)livinginthevillagehavemovedtootherplaces.Readoutthetwosentenceswithandthenwithoutthewordsinbrackets.Askstudentstocommentonthedifferenceitmakestothesentences.Comment:Whenwiththewordsinbrackets,theyareattributiveclauses;whenwithoutthewordsinb rackets,sentenceoneisapastparticipleusedasattributeandsentencetwoisapresentpart icipleusedasattribute.Activity3Crossouttherelativepronounswherepossible.1Theycomefromavillagethatwassubmergedinthereservoir.2Therearemanypeoplewhoprefertoliveinvillages.3Thedamthatwesawinthefilmwasn’ttheThreeGorgesDam.4I’vegotabookthathaslotsofinformationaboutZiguiCounty.5ThestudentsthatImetnearthereservoirwerefromVietnam.6IreceivedanemailfrommycousinwholivesneartheThreeGorgesDam.Suggestedanswers:1can’tremove“that”2can’tremove“who”3canremove“that”4can’tremove“that”5canremove“that”6can’tremove“who”Conclusion:1Whentherelativepronounisusedasthesubject,itcan’tberemoved.2Whenindefiningattributiveclauses,therelativepronounisusedastheobject,itcan be removed.Activity4Makeeachpairofsentencesintoonesentence.Example:Themountainisthehighestintheregion.Weclimbedit.Themountainweclimbedisthehighestintheregion.1Thedamprovidesalargeamountofpower.Theybuiltitontheriver.2Thepowerstationwasverymodern.Wevisitedit.3Thevillageisnearthelake.Mygrandparentsusedtoliveinit.4TheboatwentfromWuhantoZigui.Itookit.Suggestedanswers:1Thedam(which/that)theybuiltontheriverprovidesalargeamountofpower.2Thepowerstation(which/that)wevisitedwasverymodern.3Thevillage(which/that)mygrandparentsusedtoliveinisnearthelake.4Theboat(which/that)ItookwentfromWuhantoZigui.→Step4Conclusion限制性定语从句和非限制定语从句的区别:定语从句就其先行词的关系而言,可分为限制性和非限制性两种。
2018-2019学年高中英语教案:Module 6 Old and New(外研版必修3)
Module 6 Old and New 一、教学内容、目的和要求(from the teacher’s book )Period 1Introduction + Listening + PronunciationPart 1. IntroductionTask: Practice oral expression by learning man-made projects.Teaching procedures:1. 1) Discuss the four questions in pairs.2) Ask the students to read out their answers.2. 1) Read through the words in the box and ask the students to look up the words they don’t know.2) Play a game. The teacher says some explanations of the words and let the students say this word out.3. 1) Before reading the passage, ask: How much do you know about the Great Wall of China /Hongkong International Airport /The Three Gorges Dam?2) Let the students read through the passage and write down the key words.3) Work in groups to introduce the one of the three man-made projects4) Find the answers to the three questions on the student’s book.4. Explain some new words, phrases.Part 2. ListeningTask:Train the students to make notes while listening and pay attention to the language phenomena to make preparations for Function and Everyday English. Teaching procedures:1. 1) Ask the students to read the subjects2) Listen to the tape and tick the subjects that they hear3) Check the answers with them2. 1) Read through the questions.2) Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.3) Check their answers.3. 1) Have the students do the activity individually, then check with a partner. 2) Listen to the tape once more to check their answers.Part 3. PronunciationTask:Practise the intonation of the students with non-defining attributive clauses.Teaching procedures:1. Read the sentences and underline the attributive clauses.2. Check their answers.3. Play the type for a couple of times.4. Let the students follow the tape to read.5. Pair them to practice.Homework: Write about a famous man-made project..Period 2 Reading and VocabularyTask: Learn about the Three Gorges Dam.Teaching procedures:1. Revision Ask the students to introduce another man-made project2. 1) Deal with the new words and phrases in the text by reading for them.2) Make sure the students know about their meanings.3. Ask the students to do “T” or “F” questions and check the answers.4. 1) Have the students read the questions and then read the text.2) Ask the students to answer the questions one by one and correct them.5.1) Ask the students to read the passage again.2) Write questions for the answers.6. Give the students some other questions to answer.7. 1) Read the text again and write down the key words.2) Try to say something about the Three Gorges Dam without referring to the book.8.1) Work in groups to discuss the questions on the student’s book.2) Call back their ideas.Home work: Retell the passage about the Three Gorges Dam.Period 3 Language points of Reading +Task +speaking Part 1. Language points of ReadingTeaching procedures:1. Revision Let students retell the text.2. Key words, phrases1) dream vt. +n./prep./that clauseeg. He dreamt that he was flying around the earth .I dreamt a sweet dream last night.dream of 梦见,向往,渴望eg. Tom often dreams of having his own car.2) hold back阻止,阻碍eg. Nothing can hold back the wheel of history.……忍住,抑制eg. Hearing the exciting news. She couldn’t hold back her tears.隐瞒,保留eg. He held something back from me.3) provide something for sb./sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物eg. Our school provided books for us.= Our school provided us with books.4) 建议suggest sth./sth. to sb. /doing sth. /that-clauseeg. The teacher suggested a rest to us.He suggested starting at once.The doctor suggested the patient ( should ) be operated on immediately. 表明,暗示。
Module 6 Old and New 教案
Module 6 Old and New Ⅰ单元教学目标Ⅱ目标语言Ⅲ.教材分析与教材重组1.教材分析本单元的中心话题是“建筑”,所谈论的话题涉及古今中外的一些著名建筑及文化遗迹。
1.1 Introduction部分通过四个问题的提问让学生进行说前的热身,接着通过对三段小短文的展开讨论让学生明确本单元的话题。
1.3 Grammar 1部分是学习非限制性定语从句的相关知识。
1.4 Writing部分通过范例让学生掌握写e-mail的结构特点,并通过模仿达到会撰写,目的在于提高学生的英语写作能力。
1.6Grammar 2部分是学习定语从句引导词的省略的知识。
1.7 Listening部分设置了与本单元话题相关的短文,既可以提高学生的听力,也可以在这个过程中让学生了解更多的文化背景知识。
1.9 Function and Everyday English部分让学生了解一些用于表达强烈感情的形容词,目的在于提高学生运用词汇来描述和交流情感的能力。
1.10Culture Corner分为两部分。
Module 6 Old and New 教学设计1
Module 6 Old and New 教学设计1 一、教学内容、目的和要求(from the teacher's book )Period 1Introduction + Listening + PronunciationPart 1. IntroductionTask: Practice oral expression by learning man-made projects.Teaching procedures:1. 1) Discuss the four questions in pairs.2) Ask the students to read out their answers.2. 1) Read through the words in the box and ask the students to look up thewords they don’t know.2) Play a game. The teacher says some explanations of the words and let thestudents say this word out.3. 1) Before reading the passage,ask: How much do you know about the Great Wall of China /Hongkong International Airport /The Three Gorges Dam?2) Let the students read through the passage and write down the key words.3) Work in groups to introduce the one of the three man-made projects4) Find the answers to the three questions on the student’s book.4. Explain some new words,phrases.Part 2. ListeningTask: Train the students to make notes while listening and pay attention to the language phenomena to make preparations for Function and Everyday English.Teaching procedures:1. 1) Ask the students to read the subjects2) Listen to the tape and tick the subjects that they hear3) Check the answers with them2. 1) Read through the questions.2) Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.3) Check their answers.3. 1) Have the students do the activity individually,then check with a partner.2) Listen to the tape once more to check their answers.Part 3. PronunciationTask: Practise the intonation of the students with non-defining attributive clauses. Teaching procedures:1. Read the sentences and underline the attributive clauses.2. Check their answers.3. Play the type for a couple of times.4. Let the students follow the tape to read.5. Pair them to practice.Homework: Write about a famous man-made project..Period 2 Reading and V ocabularyTask: Learn about the Three Gorges Dam.Teaching procedures:1. Revision Ask the students to introduce another man-made project2. 1) Deal with the new words and phrases in the text by reading for them.2) Make sure the students know about their meanings.3. Ask the students t o do “T” or “F” questions and check the answers.4. 1) Have the students read the questions and then read the text.2) Ask the students to answer the questions one by one and correct them.5.1) Ask the students to read the passage again.2) Write questions for the answers.6. Give the students some other questions to answer.7. 1) Read the text again and write down the key words.2) Try to say something about the Three Gorges Dam without referring to the book.8.1) Work in groups to discuss the questions on the student’s book.2) Call back their ideas.Home work: Retell the passage about the Three Gorges Dam.Period 3 Language points of Reading +Task +speakingPart 1. Language points of ReadingTeaching procedures:1. Revision Let students retell the text.2. Key words,phrases1) dream vt. +n./prep./that clauseeg. He dreamt that he was flying around the earth .I dreamt a sweet dream last night.dream of 梦见,向往,渴望eg. Tom often dreams of having his own car.2) hold back阻止,阻碍eg. Nothing can hold back the wheel of history.……忍住,抑制eg. Hearing the exciting news. She couldn’t hold back her tears.隐瞒,保留eg. He held something back from me.3) provide something for sb./sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物eg. Our school provided books for us.= Our school provided us with books.4) 建议suggest sth./sth. to sb. /doing sth. /that-clauseeg. The teacher suggested a rest to us.He suggested starting at once.The doctor suggested the patient (should) be operated on immediately. 表明,暗示。
外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module6 Old and New
Module 6 Old and New教学设计说明话题介绍本模块主题是“Old and New”,介绍了中国人民在文明进步方面做出的历史成就和现实成就,如长城、香港国际机场和三峡大坝。
Period 1 Reading INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING ANDVOCABULARY合并为第一课时“阅读课。
”课文“The Three Gorges Dam”是说明文,介绍了举世瞩目的三峡大坝。
Period 2 Grammar 课本54和56页合并为第二课时“语法课”,学习Non-defining clauses andcontraction of relative。
Period 3 Writing 课本55页是写作课“Writing”,阅读一则email,写作一则email。
Period 4 Speaking 课本55页“Speaking”为“口语课”,学习Talking about dams。
Period 5 Function 课本58页是“功能课”,学习使用strong adjectives,即“强势形容词”,或“书面形容词”。
Period 6 CULTURAL CORNER 课本59页的CULTURE CORNER 是“文化阅读课”,“The Empire State Building, New York”,即纽约帝国大厦。
Period 7 TASK 课本60页的TASK 是“任务课”,学习用英文preparing a news bulletin。
Module 6 Old and New教学设计
Module 6 Old and NewReading and VocabularyTeaching Goals:1. To improve the Ss’ reading ability.2. To let Ss know the details about The Three Gorges Dam and the effects it causes.3. To enable them to master some useful words and expressions.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead in1. Show two pictures of the Three Gorges and ask the students’ feelings about them.2. Ask the students what they can see in the pictures then elicit the topic of this period “ the Three Gorges Dam”.Step 2. Pre-reading1. Before learning the text, teach the new words in it and ask the students to memorize them.2. Ask the students to Activity1 on P52 on their text books and then check answers.3. Ask the students to do the matching to check if they have acquired these new words.Step 3. While-reading1. Write some phrases and numbers on the blackboard and ask the students to read the text quickly to find out the sentences which contain the phrases and numbers. Then ask them to divide the text into three parts.2. Ask the students to read each part carefully to complete the frame of the text.3. Ask the students to read the text again and finish the related exercises.Step 4. Post-reading1. Ask the students to fill the blanks on page 84 in their reference books.Mao Zedong’s dream has come 1._______(truly). The Three Gorges Dam has been built 2.______ the Yangtze River.The Three Gorges Dam is another 3._______(big) construction project besides the Great Wall and the Grand Canal. Its aim is 4._________(control) flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.Sun Yat-sen first suggested the idea. 5.________ the dam has brought about many problems, such as, flooding many areas and some famous 6.___________(history) sites, the dam will generate electricity 7.__________(equally) to about 40 million tons of coal without 8.__________(cause) so much air pollution.Because of the dam, many people 9._____________(remove) from their previous homes. With the help of government, they are living 10._______ happy new life in different areas.Step 5. Interview1. Ask the students to do an interview in groups of four to talk about the Three Gorges Dam. Character 1: An interviewer (who asks questions)Character 2: An engineer ( who makes brief introduction of the dam)Character 3: Someone who supports the building of the damCharacter 4: Someone who is against the building of the damStep 6. Homework。
高中英语 Module 6 Old and New Grammar素养课件 外研版必修3
二、非限制性定语从句中关系词的用法 1. who, whom, whose引导的非限制性定语从句。 (1)关系代词who, whom引导的非限制性定语从句修饰人。 (2)关系代词who在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语; whom作宾语; 介词后用 whom, 不用who。 (3)whose作定语, 先行词是人时, whose + n. 相当于the +n. +of whom。先行词是 物时, whose + n. 相当于the +n. +of which。 *Our guide, who was a French Canadian, was an excellent cook. 我们的向导, 一个法裔加拿大人, 擅长烹调。
(2)as, which引导非限制性定语从句的区别。
项目 指代
引导的从句只能指代整个主句的 引导的从句既可指代整个主句的内容, 又可指代主句的
位置 意义
可位于主句之前、之中或之后 正如
引导的从句不能位于主句之前 这, 那
*I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, which my classmates recommended to me. 我上周从图书馆借了《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》, 这本书是我班同学推荐给我的。 *(2017·江苏高考)The number of smokers, as is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 正如所报道的那样, 仅仅一年的时间, 吸烟者的数量下 降了17%。
4. 介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。 在“介词+关系代词”中, 关系代词用whom指人, 用which指物。 *He worked in a car factory for four years, after which he founded his own company in his hometown. 他在一家汽车厂工作了4年, 之后在他的家乡建立了 自己的公司。 *We are short of two people, without whom we will need three more days to finish the work. 我们缺少两个人, 没有他们, 我们还需要三天的时间来完成这项 工作。
外研版高中英语必修三Module 6 old-and-new教学设计
外研版必修三 Module Six Old and NewPeriod2 The Three Gorges Dam教学设计设计思路:通过教师化妆扮演一个导游,向学生提出问题,说明自己是一个糊涂导游,叫Mrs. Confused 希望同学们能帮助老师想起那个有名的旅游景点的名称,提出问题“Do you know the largest dam in the world? What is it?”导出新课。
三、教学目标1、知识与技能:围绕本单元模块的中心话题“THE THREE GORGES DAM”一方面训练学生的阅读方法并掌握该阅读的文章大意;另一方面让学生掌握阅读文中所包含的一些语言知识。
2、过程与方法:在小组讨论的基础上,学生能独立完成一篇关于“THE THREE GORGES DAM”的习得的短文。
STEP 1Greeting & Leading-inTeacher says: Hello everyone! Boys and girls, do you like traveling?Students: Yes!Teacher: I can help you this time,yesterday I had a dream. I became a guide just like this (a tourist white cap and a red paper flag) and took you to a beautiful place. However, I forget the name of this place. Oh, I should tell you my name is called Mrs. Confused, so would you like to help me think of that beautiful place? I give some hints-----I remember it is across the Yangtze River and the largest dam in the world.Students:It’s the Three Gorges Dam.Teacher:Yes yes, that’s right. You are very clever and smart; thank you. Today we are going to learn Module6 Period2 The Three Gorges Dam.此环节的目的是激起学生学习的兴趣,让大多数学生都能参与英语学习。
高中历史 Module 6 old and new教案 外研版必修
高中历史 Module 6 old and new教案外研版必修and New Teaching Aims1、Talk about the great building projects in world history、2、 Write a news bulletin about changes that have taken place in your region、3、 Grasp the usage of some adjectives to express their strong feelings、4、 To get them familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam5、 Understand and grasp the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relative clauses、6、 To get them familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam and believe that it will make a great contribution to our society and next generation、7、 To make them know something about their hometown and cultivate their feelings of loving the place where they were born8、 Know something about Chinese and foreign tallest buildings or projects and take famous constructionprojects as a topic to communicate with the foreignfriends orally9、 Understand the development and changes of our times, broaden their outlook, and strengthen the consciousness of the world and responsibilities of era、Difficulties and Importance1、Use the adjectives to express strong feelings freely、2、 Help the students understand the text exactly and retell the text in students own words、3、 Master the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relative clauses、 Teaching Method1、Task-based methodology2、 Communicative Approach Teaching Time Five periods: Period1 vocabulary and speaking, and Speaking Period2 Reading and Vocabulary Period3 Grammar1 Non-defining relative clauses, Pronunciation Period4 Grammar2 contraction of relative clauses, Listening and Vocabulary Period5 Cultural corner, Function and Everyday English,Writing Teaching Procedures Period One Step1 Warming upa、 Brainstorming Q1、Can you think of some famous big projects in China?(1) the Great Wall (2) the Grand Canal (3) Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors 秦始皇兵马俑(4) the Summer Palace 颐和园(5) the Three Gorges Dam Q2、 What should be taken into consideration when a big project is planned?(1) aim (2) environment (3) pollution (4) how it will affect local people (5) advantages and disadvantages b、 Lead-in Work in pairs、 Discuss these questions with you partner、 Q1、How far is the Great Wall of China from where you live? Q2、 Which is the biggest airport in the country? Q3、 Is there a dam near your town? Q4、 Do you know the name of the reservoir that provides water for your town? Step2 Reading Read the passage and answer the following questions、 Q1、How long was the original Great Wall of China?6300 kilometres long、 Q2、 Where does the wall start and end now? the eastern end of the wall is at Shanhaiguan、 In the west, it ends near the town of Jaiyuguan、 Q3、 How many passengers is the Chek Lap Kok Airport designed to accommodate a year?80 million passengers a year、 Q4、 Whats the length of the reservoir of the Three Gorges Dam? more than500 kilometres long、 Q5、 Have you ever visited any of the places in the passage? Open、 Q6、 Which one is the nearest to your town or city? Open、 Q7、 What other things do you know about them? Open、Step3 Speaking Work in groups of four、 Discuss the following questions、1)、 The Three Gorges Dam has caused the disappearance of many towns and villages、 What do you think about this?2)、 Has the Three Gorges Dam affected the lives of people in your area or anyone you know? Step4 Homework1、Search more information about the Three Gorges Dam from the Internet、2、 Preview the passage The Three Gorges Dam、 Period Two Reading and vocabulary Step1 Pre-reading Answer the following questions?1)、 How much do you know about the Three Gorges Dam?2)、 Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages? Step2 While-reading a、 Skimming and scanning、 Read the passage quickly, and then choose the best answers、1、Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?A、 Sun Yat-senB、 Mao ZedongC、 Deng XiaopingD、 A great designer2、 How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in1993?A、1、2 billionB、20 billionC、40 billionD、 About800 billion3、 What problem does burning coal cause?A、Air pollution、B、Increasing global warming、C、Destroying the balance of nature、D、Both A and B4、 Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the passage?A、 The Qu Yuan Temple、B、 The Han Watchtower、C、The Grand CanalD、The Moya Cliff carving、 b、 Fast-reading Read the passage silently and quickly, and decide whether the following statements are true or false、1、Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River、2、 The Three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country、3、 The dam will generate a lot electricity causing much less air pollution、4、 A large number of historical relics have been damaged because of the dam、 Suggested answers:1、T2、 F3、 T4、 F c、 Detailed reading、 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions、 Q1、what is the dream of Mao Zedong? “Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges” 、 Q2、 Why was the Three Gorges Dam built? To control flooding and provide hydro-electric power、 Q3、 What is the size of the Three Gorges Dam? The dam is nearly200 meters high and1、5 kilometers wide、 Q4、 Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River? Sun Yat-sen suggested the idea in1919、 Q5、 What is the advantage of the Three Gorges Dam? To generate heat and electricity and prevent air pollution and help reduce the global warming、 Q6、 What happened after the reservoir built? The reservoir has flooded2 cities,11 cities,140 towns and more than4000 villages、 Q7、 How are people in different areas? They areliving a happy new life in different areas、 Q8、 What has happened to the historical sites? Many historical relics and historical sites were flooded and have been submerged、 Q9、 How should we protect and save the relics? Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museum、 Q10、 Why has Mao Zedongs dream come true? Because the Three Gorges Dam has been built and the power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed、 Q11、What are the three biggest construction projectsin China until now? The Great Wall, the Grand Canal and the Three Gorges Dam、 Q12、 What are the disadvantages of burning coal? Burning coal wastes much energy, causes serious air pollution and increases global warming、 Q13、 What about the inhabitants who lived in that area before? More than a million people have moved from their home and are living a happy new life now、 Q14、 What happened to the historical relics? About800 have been submerged、 Only some are being removed and some are being put into museums、 Q15、 Who was Sun Yat-sen? He was the leader ofthe1911 Revolution and the first person who suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in1919、 Step3 Post-reading a、 Read the passage again and choose the best answers、1、According to this passage, the word “harnessed” means _______A、 equippedB、 controlled to produce electricityC、 fastenD、 saddle2、 _______ of chinas energy is produced by others, except for burning coal, according to this passage、A、1/3B、2/3C、3/5D、1/43、 Which of the following statements are Not true according to this passage、A、 of Chinas energy is produced by burning coal、B、 Over a million people have moved、C、 Around800 historical relics have been flooded、D、 The dam caused much air pollution、 b、 Read the passage again and write questions for the answers、1 Why was the Three Gorges Dam built ? To control flooding and provide hydroelectric power、2 How high is the dam? Two hundred meters、3 How wide is the dam? One and a half kilometers、4 Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River? Sun Yat-sen、5 How much of Chinas energy is produced by burning goal? Three quarters、6 How many villages were flooded when the dam was built? Four thousand、 Step4 Language Explanations1、It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion、它花费了6 年时间建成,耗资200 亿美元。
Module 6 Old and New该模块以Old and New 为话题,介绍了我国著名的三峡大坝工程,也介绍了几个中外著名的大型建筑工程。
同时,了解这些工程给当地带来的变化,特别是三峡工程所带来的巨大变化, 增强学生的责任心和民族自豪感。
(1) 知识与能力:首先帮助学生复习掌握必要的生词及培养学生掌握良好的阅读习惯和阅读方法---跳读、略读和详读等。
(2) 过程与方法:以课文整体教学为中心,让学生通过group work 、pair work 等小组合作形式,运用不同的阅读方法,创设不同的情境,设置各种任务,使学生积极主动参与到课堂的各项活动中;充分发挥多媒体的作用,使课堂内容丰富,形象直观,从而为完成本节课的教学目标奠定基础。
【教学重点】(1) 掌握谈论三峡等著名建筑工程的词汇(2) 掌握非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句的区别 (3) 掌握定语从句的缩略形式以及分词作后置定语 (4) 学会描述所在地区的变化 【教学难点】(1) 定语从句,尤其是非限制性定语从句和缩略形式(2) 在听的过程中,能够听出定语从句,学会用关键词记下主要信息(3) 写有关环保的短文多媒体课件辅助Period 1 Introduction and cultural cornerStep 1: present the students some pictures about the famous pictures in LeShan to lead inStep 2: read and complete the sentencesWhat is the longest man-made structure in the world?Which airport is the biggest civil engineering project?Which dam is the largest hydro-electric dam in the world?Step 3: detailed informationIt is the longest ________ _________ ever built.The original wall was ____ kilometers ____.Most of the great walls ____ ____ the Ming ______.The _______ building is the largest ______ space in the world.It ____six years to build and ____ US$20 billion.It is designed to ___________ 80 million passengers a year.The Three Gorges Dam is the largest _________ dam in the world, more than 1.5 km _____ _____ the Yangtze River.Its _______ is more than 500km ______.Step 3: Watch the video and answer the question:What is the world’s tallest building?Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the world’s tallest structure.What is its height?828 metersStep 4:the teacher give some hints and the students guess: What is the tall building?Hints:1. There are 6,500 windows in the building.2. The lights of it appeared red and yellow for one night to celebrate China’s 60th birthday in 2009.3. In 1945, a US military plane flying over Manhattan on a foggy day, crashed into the building.4. It appeared in more than 90 movies or TV series, like King Kong, Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, Gossip Girl, etc.Key: The Empire State BuildingStep 5: Cultural Corner: The Empire State Building, New York1. Reading:Read the passage and the table on page 59 and tick the aspects which are mentioned.LengthTime of completionLocationSizeHeightTime takenCostFunctionSome facts2. Read the passage and table again and fill in the following table:3. Introduce the world’s top 5 tallest buildingsDiscussion: why do people build such tall building?Period 2 Reading and VocabularyStep 1: lead inDo you know the poem?Walls of stone will stand upstream to the westTo hold back Wushan's clouds and rainTill smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.更立西江石壁截断巫山云雨高峡出平湖Who wrote the poem?Mao ZedongWhich place is the poem about?Who first suggested the idea of the dam across the Yangtze River?Step 2: Short Discussion:Why the government wanted to buildThe Three Gorges Dam even though it took a lot?Step 3: match the words with the definitions.carvings construction relic site temple1. Something made by cutting away material from wood or stone.2. It is another word for building.3. An object or tradition that has survived from a period of time that no longer exists.4. It is another word for location.5. It is a place of great importance to Buddhists.Step 4: Read the passage and decide the following statements are true or false1. Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.2. The three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country.3.The dam will generate a lot of electricity causing much less air pollution.4. A large number of historical relics have been damaged because of the dam.Step 5: Read the text, put the passage into different parts and summarize the main idea.Step 6: Careful reading: Read Part 1 and finish the chartFill in the blanks.Mao Zedong wrote a poem _______ he dreamed of “walls of stone to _________ clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”. Now his dream has _________. The T hree Gorges Dam, _____ is the biggest construction project in China ____ the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been completed now. The dam is nearly 200 meters ____ and 1.5 kilometers ____. It’s built to _______________ and provide __________________ for the central region of china. With its help, the power of the __________ River has been ___________.Step 7: Read Part 2 and fill in the blanksStep8: Read part 3 and fill in the blanks about the disadvantages of the dam.1. The reservoir has _______ many cities and counties, towns , villages and ______________, like Qu Yuan Temple. About 800 _______________ have been _________, some are _____________ and some are being put into museums.2. It makes people__________3. It ____more than any ________________ in history.Step 9: show timeInterview---Suppose you are an engineer of the Three GorgesDam. Now you are having an interview to the reporter of the newspaper.Reporters: Ask some questions about the project.1) Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?2) Who first suggested the idea?3) What are the advantages?4) Disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam?Period 3 ListeningStep 1: some pictures to lead inStep 2: Listen and tick the subjects that you hear.a film about a dam a map of Chinathe Yangtze River the Grand Canalstudents from Vietnam the Great Wall of ChinaStep 3: Listen again and make a note of the information.Where is the dam in the film?What is the name of the book with maps of China?What time of year did the woman visit the Three Gorges Dam?Who organised the visit of the Vietnamese students?Step 4: Listen again. Complete the sentences.I’ve got a book here ____________ has lots of maps of China.We took a boat ___________ went up the Yangtze River.I’m writing an email to some people _______ I met on the boat.They were on a visit _________ orgnised by the government.I spoke to a man, ______ said there were 25 American students in the group.Step 5: Extra-Listening: Note-takingDialogue 1The woman is looking for ___________________ as she is trying to find the ____________________ from it . The man recommended a book called ______________________.Dialogue 2The man saw a film about a dam last night, b ut it wasn’t about the ___________________ . It was another dam ____________________ and he thought it was ___________________.Dialogue 3The woman took a _________that went up the __________________________ to visit the Three Gorges Dam _________________. And she thought the trip was _______________________. Dialogue 4The man was writing ____________ to the people from ______________ who he met on the boat. Actually those people were ______________ organized by the government.Period 4 language points1.Date from =date back toThe city of Chengdu dates back to 3000 years ago.Records of China’s ownership of the Huangyan Island date from the Yuan from/ date back to 常用于一般现在时,不用完成时。
那个人是你把你的票给他的那个人吗? Where is the book (which)/(that) I bought yesterday? (which 或 that 可以省略) 我昨天买的那本书在哪儿?
注意:(1)当关系代词 whom 和 which 直接置于介词之后时,则 不能省略。
Is that the address to which you sent the telegram to? 那是你发送电报到那儿的地址吗? (2)非限制性定语从句中的关系代词和关系副词在任何情况下 都不能省略。
2.关系代词在从句中作主语时,一般不能省去。但是,如果 主句是 there be 句型,或者从句的谓语是 there be,那么作从句主 语的关系代词可以省去。
Yesterday we had a meeting which lasted 2 hours. →Yesterday we had a meeting lasting 2 hours. 昨天我们举行了一个持续两个小时的会议。
The plan which is being discussed is of great importance. →The plan being discussed is of great importance. 正在讨论的这个计划非常重要。
Last night I saw a very good film, which was about the Long March.
The man whom I met in the street was a driver. 我在街上碰到的那个人是个司机。
高中英语Module 6 Old and New优秀教案
The Three Gorges DamTeaching goals:1.To cultivate students’ ability of reading English article;2.To help students learn how to find the detail information.3.To help students find the construction after reading it.Teaching importance:The teacher should help students find the detail information and understanding the main content of the reading material.Teaching difficulties:How to assist students to understand the article and know some detailed information. Teaching facilities:Textbook, PowerPoint, etc.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Show several pictures and lead in “The Three Gorges Dam?〞Step 2: Fast reading(1)Read some details about “The Three Gorges Dam〞, and try to finish the task.•Decide if the sentences are true(T) or false(F).• 1. Mao Zedong's dream hasn't come true. F• 2. The Grand Canal has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power. F• 3. The Three Gorges Dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution. T • 4. People who lived in the region hasn't moved from their homes.F• 5. The Three Gorges Dam has flooded the Qu Yuan Temple. T Step 3 Detailed ReadingFinish the task.1.What was Mao Zedong’s dream according to the text? CA.To build a lake below the white clouds.B.To build a bridge across the Yangtze River.C.To build a dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.D.To build a hydro-electric power station to prevent air pollution.2. Who first came up with the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River? BA. Mao Zedong.B. Sun Yat-sen.C. The government.D. Some experts.3. Which of the following is TRUE about the Three Gorges Dam? DA. It is a wall of stone to hold back clouds.B. It is the third largest dam in the world.C. It is nearly 150 metres high and 15 kilometres wide.D. It has cost more than any other construction project in history.4. What is the benefit after the construction? CA. Many cities, towns and villages have been flooded.B. More than one billion people in the region have moved from their homes.C. The dam generates electricity for the central region of China.D. Many famous historical sites have been flooded.5. What can we learn from the last paragraph? DA. All the historical relics have been removed.B. The dam has a bad effect on tourism in the area.C. Many historical relics have taken on a new look.D. It’s a pity that some historical relics stay in the water.Step 4:Post readingFind the structure of The Three Gorges Dam.Step5: Discussion1. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam?2. Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages?3. The Three Gorges Dam has caused the disappearance of many towns and villages. What do you think of it?Step6: Homework1. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam?2. Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages?3. The Three Gorges Dam has caused the disappearance of many towns and villages. What do you think of it?。
外研版高中英语必修3《Module 6 Old and New》word教案
Teaching planModule SixOld and NewTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla.Talk about the great building projects in world history.b.Write a news bulletin about changes that have taken place in your region.c.Grasp the usage of some adjectives to express their strong feelings.d.To get them familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dame.Understand and grasp the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relativeclauses.2.Emotion and Valuesa.To get them familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam andbelieve that it will make a great contribution to our society and next generation.b.To make them know something about their hometown and cultivate their feelings of lovingthe place where they were born3. Cross-cultural awareness:a.Know something about Chinese and foreign tallest buildings or projects and take famousconstruction projects as a topic to communicate with the foreign friends orallyb.Understand the development and changes of our times, broaden their out look, andstrengthen the consciousness of the world and responsibilities of era.4. Character-building:a.To help them know more about the Three Gorges Dam and know the importance of thewestern development of their motherland.b.To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a gr oup.Difficulties and Importance:a. Use the adjectives to express strong feelings freely.b. Help the students understand the text exactly and retell the text in students’ own words.c.Master the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relative clauses. Teaching Method:a.Task-based methodologymunicative ApproachTeaching Time:Five periods:Period 1 vocabulary and speakingSpeakingPeriod 2 Reading and VocabularyPeriod 3 Grammar 1 Non-defining relative clausesPronunciationPeriod 4 Grammar 2 contraction of relative clauses.Listening and VocabularyPeriod 5 Cultural cornerFunction and Everyday EnglishWritingTeaching Procedures:Period 1Step 1. Warming upa.BrainstormingQ1.Can you think of some famous big projects in China?Q2.What should be taken into consideration when a big project is planned?Zxxk Some possible answers:Q1.(1)the Great Wall(2)the Grand Canal(3)Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors(4)the Summer Palace(5)the Three Gorges DamQ2.(1)aim(2)environment(3)pollution(4)how it will affect local people(5)advantages and disadvantagesb.Lead-inWork in pairs. Discuss these questions with you partner.Q1. How far is the Great Wall of China from where you live?Q2. Which is the biggest a irport in the country?Q3. Is there a dam near your town?Q4. Do you know the name of the reservoir that provides water for your town?Step 2. ReadingRead the passage and answer the following questions.Q1. How long was the original Great Wall of China?Q2. Where does the wall start and end now?Q3. How many passengers is the Chek Lap Kok Airport designed to accommodate a year?Q4. What’s the length of the reservoir of the Three Gorges Dam?Q5. Have you ever visited any of the places in the passage?Q6. Which one is the nearest to your town or city?Q7. What other things do you know about them?Suggested answers:1.6300 kilometres long.2.the easteren end of the wall is at Shanhaiguan. In the west, it ends near the town ofJaiyuguan.3.80 million passengers a year.4.more than 500 kilometres long.5.Open.6.Open.7.Open.Step 3 SpeakingWork in groups of four. Discuss the following questions.1.The Three Gorges Dam has caused the disappearance of many towns and villages.What do you think about this?2.Has the Three Gorges Dam affected the lives of people in your area or anyone youknow?Homework:1.Search more information about the Three Gorges Dam from the Internet.2.Preview the passage The Three Gorges Dam.Period 2Step 1. RevisionThe Three GorgesThe Yangtze River, which flows for 6,380 km, is the longest in China. The most beautiful part was the Three Gorges. The Qutang Gorge, which was only 8 kilometres long, was famous for its high . Wu Gorge, which was 44 km long, was known for its scenery and quiet beauty. The famous Xiling, which was the longest and most dangerous , had many historical with ancient . This part of the Yangtze River was forever in the artificial behind the Three Gorges Dam. Suggested answers:1. river2. cliffs3. gorge4. relics5. sites6. lakeStep 2. Pre-readinga.BrainstormingAnswer the following questions?1.How much do you know about the Three Gorges Dam?2.Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages?b. Vocabulary LearningChoose the correct answer with the definition provided.1. A long narrow stretch of water that has been made for boats to travel along or to bring water toa particular area.A、canalB、damC、cliff2. A lake that is used for storing water before it is supplied for people.A、RiverB、gorgeC、reservoir3. If you want to bring a natural energy resource under your control and use it, which word should you use?A、ConstructB、harnessC、generate4. Something made in an early period and kept to the present is called a ____.A、SouvenirB、dynastyC、relic5. A ____ is where vehicles, passengers, or goods begin or end a journey.A、terminalB、historicalC、civil6. A high area of land with a very steep edge, especially next to the sea.A、DamB、gorgeC、cliffSuggested answers:1. A2. C3. B4. C5. A6. CStep 3. While-readinga. Skimming and scanning.Read the passage quickly, and then choose the best answers.1.Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?A. Sun Yat-senB. Mao ZedongC. Deng XiaopingD. A great designer2.How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?A. 1.2 billionB. 20 billionC. 40 billionD. About 800 billion3. What problem does burning coal cause?A.Air pollution.B.Increasing global warming.C.Destroying the balance of nature.D.Both A and B.4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.T he Qu Yuan Temple.B.T he Han Watchtower.C.T he Grand Canal.D.T he Moya Cliff carving.Suggested answers:1. B2. A3. D4. Cb.Fast-readingRead the passage silently and quickly, and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.2 .The Three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country.3.The dam will generate a lot electricity causing much less air pollution.4.A large number of historical relics have been damaged because of the dam.Suggested answers:1. T2. F3. T4. Fc.Detailed readingRead the passage carefully and answer the following questions.Q1. what is the dream of Mao Zedong?Q2. Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?Q3. What is the size of the Three Gorges Dam?Q4. Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River?Q5. What is the advantage of the Three Gorges Dam?Q6. What happened after the reservoir built?Q7. How are people in different areas?Q8. What has happened to the historical sites? ZxxkQ9. How should we protect and save the relics?Q10. Why has Mao Zedong’s dream come true?Q11. What are the three biggest construction projects in China until now?Q12. What are the disadvantages of burning coal?Q13. What about the inhabitants wh o lived in that area before?Q14. What happened to the historical relics?Q15. Who was Sun Yat-sen?Suggested answers:1.“Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrowgorges”2.To control flooding and provide hydro-electric power3.The dam is nearly 200 meters high and 1.5 kilometers wide.4.Sun Yat-sen suggested the idea in 1919.5.To generate heat and electricity and prevent air pollution and help reduce the globalwarming6.The reservoir has flooded 2 cities, 11 cities, 140 towns and more than 4000 villages.7.They are living a happy new life in different areas.8.Many historical relics and historical sites were flooded and have been submerged.9.Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museum.10.Because the Three Gorges Dam has been built and the power of the Yangtze River hasbeen harnessed.11.The Great Wall, the Grand Canal and the Three Gorges Dam.12.Burning coal wastes much energy, causes serious air pollution and increases globalwarming.13.More than a million people have moved from their home and are living a happy new lifenow.14.About 800 have been submerged. Only some are being removed and some are being putinto museums.15.He was the leader of the 1911 Revolution and the first person who suggested the idea ofa dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.Step 4. Post-readinga. Read the passage again and choose the best answers.1. According to this passage, the word “harnessed” means _______A. equippedB. controlled to produce electricityC. fastenD. saddle2._______ of china’s energy is produced by others, except for burning coal, according to this passage.A. 1/3B. 2/3C. 3/5D. 1/4Which of the following statements are Not true according to this passage.A.¾of China’s energy is produced by burning coal.B.Over a million people have moved.C.Around 800 historical relics have been flooded.D.The dam caused much air pollution.Suggested answers:B D Db. Read the passage again and write questions for the answers.1 Why _____________________________?To control flooding and provide hydroelectric power.2 How high________________?Two hundred meters.3 How ______________________?One and a half kilometers.4 Who _________________________________________________ ? Sun Yat-sen.5 How much ________________________________________ Three quarters.6 How many _______________________________________ ? Four thousand.Suggested answers:1. was the Three Gorges Dam the dam3.wide is the dam4.first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River5.of China's energy is produced by burning goal6.villages were flooded when the dam was builtStep 5 Language Explanations:【词条1】work out【课文原句】Try to work out what kind of word it is. (Page 52)【点拨】work out 在此句中意为“弄清楚、理解,看懂”。
高中英语 Module 6 Old and New 4 Section Ⅳ Grammar教案 外研
Section ⅣGrammar非限制性定语从句&定语从句的省略1.(教材P51) The Great Wall of China is the longest manmade structure ever built(build).2.(教材P53)Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”.3.(教材P53)The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydroelectric power for the central region of China.4.(教材P53)Sun Yatsen,who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.5.(教材P53)More than a million people who lived in the region have moved from their homes.非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句用来对先行词作补充说明。
Teaching plan Module SixOld and New——Listening and Speaking余强Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla.Talk about the great building projects in world history.b.Write a news bulletin about changes that have taken place in your region.c.Grasp the usage of some adjectives to express their strong feelings.2.Emotion and Valuesa.To make them know something about their hometown and cultivate their feelings of loving the placewhere they were born3. Cross-cultural awareness:a.Understand the development and changes of our times, broaden their outlook, and strengthen theconsciousness of the world and responsibilities of era.4. Character-building:a.To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a group.Difficulties and Importance:a. Use the adjectives to express strong feelings freely.b. Help the students understand the text exactly and retell the text in students’ own words.b.Master the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relative clauses.Teaching Method:a.Task-based methodologymunicative Approach1. M: What are you looking for?W: A map of China.M: I’ve got a book here that has lots of maps of China. It’s called Maps of the world. Which place are you looking for?W: I’m trying to find the Thre e Gorges Dam.M: Is it a big dam?W: Big- it’s a absolutely enormous!2. M: I saw a film on TV about a dam last night.W: Really? Which one? The Three Gorges Dam?M: No. The film I saw wasn’t about the three Gorges Dam.W: Wasn’t it?M: No. It was another dam. It was in Egypt.W: Was it an interesting film?M: Interesting? It was absolutely fascinating!3. W: We visited the Three Gorges Dam in December.M: Really? How did you get there?W: We took a boat that went up the Yangtze River.M: Was it a nice trip?W: Nice? It was absolutely wonderful!4. W: What are you doing?M: I’m writing an email to some people I met on the boat.W: Where are they from?M: Vietnam. They were on a visit organized by the government.W: How many of them were there?M: Well, I spoke to a man who said there were 25 in the group.Listen to the four dialogues and match the dialogues with the four main ideas.Matching:Dialogue 1 A. They are talking about a film which was about a dam.Dialogue 2 B. They are talking about an email.Dialogue 3 C. They are looking for the Three Gorges Dam in the map.Dialogue 4 D. They are talking about a boat trip.Second listening:Listen to the four dialogues one by one and get detailed information.Dialogue 11. What is name of the book that is mentioned by the man?A. Maps of China.B. Maps of the World.C. Maps of the Three Gorges Dam.2. What does the woman think of the dam?It is absolutely _______________.Dialogue 21. Where is the dam?A. In Italy.B. In Israel.C. In Egypt.2. What was the man’s attitude to the film?A. He disliked it.B. He enjoyed it.C. It is unclear.Dialogue 31. When did the woman visit the dam?A. In December.B. In November.C. In September.2. Where did the boat go?A. Down the Yangtze River.B. Up the Yangtze River.C. Up and down the Yangtze River.3. What did the woman think of the trip?It was absolutely _________________.Dialogue 41. Who is the man writing to?A. Some people from Singapore.B. Some people from Vietnam.C. Some people from Thailand. (Show a picture of the map of Vietnam.)2. Who organized the visit?A. The people themselves.B. The company.C. The government.3. How many people were there in the group?A. 25.B. 26.C. 35.Step 4 Watching a video clipFirst watching:What are they talking about? Tick the answers.□ The feelings after a basketball match.□ Leaving the restaurant.□ Going to a restaurant.Second watching:How does Tom feel after the match?He feels _____________ and ____________.A: Good job. Tom. You helped our team win the basketball match which was quite close. We were proud of you.B: Thanks. I tried my best.A: Are you tired?B: Tired? I am absolutely exhausted. And I am hungry. And you?A: I am absolutely starving and I could eat a horse. What about having dinner together?B: Good idea. Which restaurant do you recommend(推荐)?A: Mm. What about the restaurant you always talk about?B: Wow. That’s absolutely wonderful.A: Let’s go.Step 5 Making a dialogue (Show time)。
Module 6 old and new 教学设计3
Module 6 old and new 教学设计3 Teaching Aims1. Talk about the great building projects in world history.2. Write a news bulletin about changes that have taken place in your region.3. Grasp the usage of some adjectives to express their strong feelings.4. To get them familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam5. Understand and grasp the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relativeclauses.6. To get them familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam and believethat it will make a great contribution to our society and next generation.7. To make them know something about their hometown and cultivate their feelings of loving theplace where they were born8. Know something about Chinese and foreign tallest buildings or projects and take famousconstruction projects as a topic to communicate with the foreign friends orally9. Understand the development and changes of our times,broaden their outlook,and strengthenthe consciousness of the world and responsibilities of era.Difficulties and Importance1. Use the adjectives to express strong feelings freely.2. Help the students understand the text exactly and retell the text in students’ own words.3. Master the usage of Non-defining relative clauses and contraction of relative clauses.Teaching Method1. Task-based methodology2. Communicative ApproachTeaching TimeFive periods:Period 1 vocabulary and speaking,and SpeakingPeriod 2 Reading and V ocabularyPeriod 3 Grammar 1 Non-defining relative clauses,PronunciationPeriod 4 Grammar 2 contraction of relative clauses,Listening and V ocabularyPeriod 5 Cultural corner,Function and Everyday English,WritingTeaching ProceduresPeriod OneStep 1 Warming upa. BrainstormingQ1. Can you think of some famous big projects in China?(1)the Great Wall (2)the Grand Canal (3)Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors秦始皇兵马俑(4)the Summer Palace颐和园(5)the Three Gorges DamQ2. What should be taken into consideration when a big project is planned?(1)aim (2)environment (3)pollution (4)how it will affect local people(5)advantages and disadvantagesb. Lead-in Work in pairs. Discuss these questions with you partner.Q1. How far is the Great Wall of China from where you live?Q2. Which is the biggest airport in the country?Q3. Is there a dam near your town?Q4. Do you know the name of the reservoir that provides water for your town?Step 2 ReadingRead the passage and answer the following questions.Q1. How long was the original Great Wall of China?6300 kilometres long.Q2. Where does the wall start and end now?the eastern end of the wall is at Shanhaiguan. In the west,it ends near the town of Jaiyuguan.Q3. How many passengers is the Chek Lap Kok Airport designed to accommodate a year?80 million passengers a year.Q4. What’s the length of the reservoir of the Three Gorges Dam?more than 500 kilometres long.Q5. Have you ever visited any of the places in the passage?Open.Q6. Which one is the nearest to your town or city?Open.Q7. What other things do you know about them?Open.Step 3 SpeakingWork in groups of four. Discuss the following questions.1). The Three Gorges Dam has caused the disappearance of many towns and villages.What do you think about this?2). Has the Three Gorges Dam affected the lives of people in your area or anyone you know?Step 4 Homework1. Search more information about the Three Gorges Dam from the Internet.2. Preview the passage The Three Gorges Dam.Period TwoReading and vocabularyStep 1 Pre-readingAnswer the following question?1). How much do you know about the Three Gorges Dam?2). Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages?Step 2 While-readinga. Skimming and scanning. Read the passage quickly,and then choose the best answers.1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?A. Sun Yat-senB. Mao ZedongC. Deng XiaopingD. A great designer2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?A. 1.2 billionB. 20 billionC. 40 billionD. About 800 billion3. What problem does burning coal cause?A.Air pollution.B.Increasing global warming.C.Destroying the balance of nature.D.Both A and B4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. The Qu Y uan Temple.B. The Han Watchtower.C.The Grand CanalD.The Moya Cliff carving.b. Fast-readingRead the passage silently and quickly,and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.2. The Three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country.3. The dam will generate a lot electricity causing much less air pollution.4. A large number of historical relics have been damaged because of the dam.Suggested answers: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. Fc. Detailed reading. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.Q1. what is the dream of Mao Zedong?“Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”.Q2. Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?To control flooding and provide hydro-electric power.Q3. What is the size of the Three Gorges Dam?The dam is nearly 200 meters high and 1.5 kilometers wide.Q4. Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River?Sun Yat-sen suggested the idea in 1919.Q5. What is the advantage of the Three Gorges Dam?To generate heat and electricity and prevent air pollution and help reduce the global warming.Q6. What happened after the reservoir built?The reservoir has flooded 2 cities,11 cities,140 towns and more than 4000 villages.Q7. How are people in different areas?They are living a happy new life in different areas. Q8. What has happened to the historical sites?Many historical relics and historical sites were flooded and have been submerged.Q9. How should we protect and save the relics?Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museum.Q10. Why has Mao Zedong’s dream come true?Because the Three Gorges Dam has been built and the power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed.Q11. What are the three biggest construction projects in China until now?The Great Wall,the Grand Canal and the Three Gorges Dam.Q12. What are the disadvantages of burning coal?Burning coal wastes much energy,causes serious air pollution and increases global warming.Q13. What about the inhabitants who lived in that area before?More than a million people have moved from their home and are living a happy new life now.Q14. What happened to the historical relics?About 800 have been submerged. Only some are being removed and some are being put into museums.Q15. Who was Sun Yat-sen?He was the leader of the 1911 Revolution and the first person who suggested the idea of a damacross the Yangtze River in 1919.Step 3 Post-readinga. Read the passage again and choose the best answers.1. According to this passage,the word “harnessed” means _______A. equippedB. controlled to produce electricityC. fastenD. saddle2. _______ of china’s energy is produced by others,except for burning coal,according to this passage.A. 1/3B. 2/3C. 3/5D. 1/43. Which of the following statements are Not true according to this passage.A. ¾ of China’s energy is produced by burning coal.B. Over a million people have moved.C. Around 800 historical relics have been flooded.D. The dam caused much air pollution.b. Read the passage again and write questions for the answers.1 Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?To control flooding and provide hydroelectric power.2 How high is the dam?Two hundred meters.3 How wide is the dam?One and a half kilometers.4 Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River?Sun Yat-sen.5 How much of China's energy is produced by burning goal?Three quarters.6 How many villages were flooded when the dam was built?Four thousand.Step 4 Language Explanations1. It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion.它花费了6年时间建成,耗资200亿美元。
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Module 6 Old and New Grammar教案