
8 Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963)

8 Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963)

2. Frost wrote many poems that investigate the basic themes of man’s life: the individual’s relationships to himself, to his fellow-man, to world, and to his God.
In the poem, he followed the one which was not frequently travelled by. Symbolically, he chose to follow an unusual, solitary life; perhaps he was speaking of his choice to become a poet rather than some common profession. But he always remembered the road which he might have taken, and which would have given him a different kind of life. Language: This poem is written in classic fiveline stanzas, with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-a-b and conversational rhythm. The poet uses "the road " to symbolize life's journey.

A Witness Tree (l942)
Frost won the Pulitzer Prize for the fourth time "The Gift Outright" [the poem he later recited at President Kennedy's inauguration] Frost took up a religious question most notably in “After Apple-Picking” can a man's best efforts ever satisfy God?

罗伯特 弗罗斯特.

罗伯特 弗罗斯特.

• His first two books of verse, A Boy's Will (1913) and North of Boston (1914), were immediate successes. In 1915 he returned to the United States and continued to publish poems that were both popular and critical successes. His poems include "Mending Wall" ("good fences make good neighbors"), "Birches," "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" ("Whose woods these are I think I know"), and "The Road Not Taken." Frost was awarded the Pulitzer Prize four times: in 1924, 1931, 1937 and 1943. He also served as "Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress" from 1958-59; that position was renamed as "Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry" in 1986.
• The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;



解读罗伯特弗罗斯特名诗《修墙》邱镭【期刊名称】《湖北广播电视大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(032)006【摘要】Owning a large audience,Robert Lee Frost is considered as the most influential,the most popular and the most respectful poet in the 20'Th century in America.Superficially,his poems are simple and easy to understand,but they are all profound in meaning,embracing the poet's profound thought on life and man' dilemma,among which Mending Wall is one of the best-known for its profound life philosophy.The analysis of the poem can make us get insight into the Frost's simple but profound poetic language style and his usual themes: the relationship between human and nature,that between humans and his thought on life philosophy as well.%弗罗斯特被认为是20世纪美国最伟大、最有名望、最受人爱戴的诗人。




Robert Frost 弗罗斯特

Robert Frost 弗罗斯特

In 1912, Frost moved to England. During his stay in London, he met Ezra Pound, Edward Thomas, Thomas Ernest Hulme and other poets. With the help of these friends, his collection of lyric poems was accepted by a publishing company in London, which was published in 1913 under the title of A Boy’s Will. Then Frost’s poem started to attract the attention of American publishing circles.
Robert Lee Frost ved honorary degrees from 44 colleges and universities
Read his poetry at the inauguration of President Kennedy
A Further Range, 1936
A Witness Tree, 1942
• His poems
The Road Not Taken
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Desert Places
In his twenties and thirties, Frost traveled many places on foot and was regarded as “the poet of New England countryside". Yet his poems didn't interest the editors then.


• These thematic concerns include the terror and tragedy in nature, as well as its beauty, and the loneliness and poverty of the isolated human being.
➢The poet Randall Jarrell often praised Frost‘s poetry and wrote, “Robert Frost, along with Stevens and Eliot, seems to me the greatest of the American poets of this century. Frost’s virtues are extraordinary. No other living poet has written so well about the actions of ordinary men; his wonderful dramatic monologues or dramatic scenes come out of a knowledge of people that few poets have had, and they are written in a verse that uses, sometimes with absolute mastery, the rhythms of actual speech.”
➢Mending Wall employs blank verse of iambic(抑扬格) pentameter(五步格), and it is full of colloquial and direct expressions, which are easily understood.



论弗罗斯特《摘苹果之后》中的死亡隐喻发布时间:2022-07-21T08:53:03.876Z 来源:《时代教育》2022年5期作者:刘沛婷[导读] 乔治·莱考夫和马克?约翰逊于《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中指出隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手法,更是一种思维方式刘沛婷湖南师范大学,湖南长沙 410006摘要:乔治·莱考夫和马克?约翰逊于《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中指出隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手法,更是一种思维方式,在人们的日常语言和活动中无所不在。


关键词:《摘苹果之后》;结构隐喻;方位隐喻;本体隐喻;死亡On death metaphors in Frost’s “After Apple-Picking”Peiting LiuHunan Normal University, Hunan Changsha 410006Abstract: George Lakoff and Mark Johnson put forward in their book Metaphors We Live By that metaphor is not only a figure of speech but a way of thinking, pervasive in everyday language and action. Since poetry is highly metaphorical, this thesis is to explore how Robert Lee Frost construct his insight of death through structural metaphors, orientational metaphors as well as ontological metaphors in his short poem “After Apple-Picking”, with the hope to provide a new dimension for the interpretation of the poem and to expand the application scope of the theory. Key words: “After Apple-Picking”; structural metaphors; orientational metaphors; ontological metaphors; death 1.IntroductionLakoff and Johnson in their monograph Metaphors We Live Вy, point out that metaphor not only can be understood from the figurative perspective, but is the thinking way.[1] Ungerer and Schmid hold that conceptual metaphor, as a cognitive instrument, is not just a stylistically dramatic way of expressing thoughts by means of literary language, but a way of thinking.[2] K?vecses has put that conceptual metaphor is defined as understanding one conceptual domain in terms of another conceptual domain.[3] On the basis of the cognitive approach to the understanding of conceptual metaphor, it can be divided into structural metaphor, orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor. The development of conceptual metaphor theory has brought advance to Linguistics, Anthology, Literature and so on.Robert Lee Frost commands an important place in any list of outstanding poets in the twentieth century. His poem “After Apple-picking” is written in the first person. The speaker is an orchard worker who has picked apples long and hard but is now on the verge of being overwhelmed by fatigue and the depth of the experience. On the edge of falling sleep, he remembers not only the ripe apples successfully picked but also those that fell and were considered damaged and had to be sent to the cider mill. He knows that his sleep will be troubled by the failures more than by the successes. He is not sure about the nature of the sleep he is about to drop into—whether it will be ordinary sleep, more like a hibernation, or more like death.The entire poem is a kind of extended metaphor, in which the activity of harvesting apples represents people’ life and the speaker’s falling asleep suggests human death.As a classical literary work, the study of this poem mostly focuses on its rhythm and writing devices. The analysis of multiple themes and symbols has always been the research hotspot of literature works. Li Yingxue discussed the fuzziness of the meaning of poetry from the perspective of deconstruction, and there are many scholars who explore metaphors in Frost’s other poems.[4] Few people applied it to analyze “After Apple-Picking”. Therefore, this paper is to discuss how Frost structures his thoughts on death metaphorically by describing a laborer’s picking apples. The first three chapters of this thesis illustrate Frost’s views of death through the construction of structural metaphors, orientational metaphors and ontological metaphors in “After Apple-Picking” respectively. At last it is followed by a logical conclusion of this thesis.2.Structural MetaphorsIn structural metaphor, one greatly structured and explicitly delineated concept is applied to structure another. As Lakoff and Johnson point out that one domain of conceptual metaphor is metaphorically structured in light of another. Structural metaphor allows its source domain to offer a comparatively rich knowledge structure for the target domain, that is to say, the cognitive function of structural metaphor is to enable audiences to understand the target domain by the structure of the source domain. The poem “After Apple-Picking” include two key conceptual metaphors: DEATH IS SLEEP and PEOPLE ARE PLANTS.2.1 DEATH IS SLEEPFrost chooses a laborer who is overtired with apple-picking and falls asleep to reflect his insight of death. Hence the poem can be understood as a mapping from a source domain (sleep) to a target domain (death). The mapping is tightly structured. There are ontological correspondences. The dead correspond to those who have a sound sleep. The retrospection before death corresponds to the unconscious state near sleep. The darkness corresponds to the night. The cease of life corresponds to the stillness and motionlessness of sleep. As Lakoff puts it, “people use a concrete source domain to describe an abstract target domain.”[5] Death is an abstract concept, which can be understood vividly through the concept of sleep. The word “sleep”has been repeated five times. “Winter sleep” suggests the emotion of being decayed, forlorn and silent triggered by death because winter, in the metaphoric meanings, has strong associations with death.[6] Another euphemistic expression of death is “long sleep”, which is indicative of its permanence. “Human sleep” is the most evident reflection of conceptualization of death as sleep, showing that human death is what Frost has discussed. In the light of sleep, Frost’s “After Apple-Picking” is no longer a lyrical poem of a worker’s experience on the orchard farm and fatigue aftera day’s labor, but a profound thought on life and death through an extended conceptual metaphor of death as sleep.2.2 PEOPLE ARE PLANTSBoth man and tree are living beings that go through birth and wither, and the achievements of man are kin to the fruits of plants. “Apples I didn’t pick upon some bough” correspond to those unfilled dreams while apples that “struck the earth/ No matter if not bruised or spilled with stubble”correspond to people’s failed pursuits. The scent of apples refers to delight and satisfaction brought by success. In Frost’s poem, the act of apple-picking is a metaphor for the fruits the speaker has achieved in life.[7] It is universally acknowledged that success is what people desire and is something enjoyable. However, the speaker is overtired of the great harvest and wished to rest, which illustrates that the speaker has been bored with worldly sense of accomplishment and hopes to simple have a dream and a “long sleep”. Due to the sweet smell of the apple, the narrator actually falls asleep after fatigue and he enters into “long sleep”(death) with a sense of emptiness resulted from the excessive fruits he has gathered. The speaker’s experience reveals the poet’s meditation on life that it is futile people achieve a great deal of success but eventually own nothing after death. Therefore, the poet don’t ponder on human sleep for no reason but he penetrates the meaninglessness of long tough life struggles.The two root metaphors are carefully chosen to reflect Frost’s philosophy on death. This also confirms the cognitive value of metaphor, that is, vehicles(such as sleep) are usually well known to readers, and their features and structures will be mapped to relatively unfamiliar things when they interact with tenor (such as death) to help readers understand the characteristics and structures of ontology. The characteristics of sleep are mapped to the characteristics of death. Frost’ poem “After Apple-Picking” is not only a pastoral work of rural world in orchard farm but also a thought-provoking poem on death. The end of labor leaves the speaker with a sense of completion and fulfillment yet finds him blocked from success by winter’s approach and physical weariness. The futility that what people achieved as a result resembles fallen apples of no worth leads to fatigue and wish to seek relief in sleep, that is death. Therefore, this seemingly idyllic poem is in fact the ultimate exploration of human destiny through the metaphors of death as sleep and people as plants.3.Orientational MetaphorsOrientational metaphors do not structure one concept in terms of another but instead organize a whole system of concepts with respect to one another.[1] Most of them have to do with spatial orientation: up-down, in-out, front-back, on-off, deep-shallow, central-peripheral. These spatial orientations arise from the fact that we have bodies of the sort we have and that they function as they do in our physical environment. As Lakoff points out that CONSCIOUS IS UP; UNCONSCIOUS IS DOWN. HEALTH SND LIFE ARE UP; SICKNESS AND DEATH ARE DOWN. This poem employs spatial antagonism to construct death metaphor. “The Apple-Picking” involves a development from consciousness to unconsciousness. At the very beginning, the farmer is sober enough on the long two-pointed ladder sticking toward heaven. The spacial position is rather high. After the speaker has been done with apple-picking, rest is badly needed after the arduous labour. He is drowsed off and no longer in his conscious state. Frost adopts simple past tense from line8 to line17, serving as a beginning of the speaker’s dream. In the half unconsciousness of the farmer, the autumn evening bursting with the aroma of the apples has for a moment changed into a winter morning with hoary glass. In farmer’s dream, things “melted”, “fall and break”, which suggests a downward trend. Finally both woodchuck and the farmer fall asleep on the ground. The perspective of the whole poem shifts from heaven to earth, that is from top to bottom, revealing the opposition of space. A pane of glass divides the world into two parts: reality and dream. The transition from reality to dream is the manifestation of change of the speaker’s consciousness. The higher position represents reality and consciousness while the lower dream and unconsciousnessWhat’s more, the positional contrast reveals the opposition of life and death. In the first line of “After Apple-Picking”, the ladder occupies a central position in the whole picture of the poem, acting as a bridge between heaven and earth, life and death. The imagery of heaven and apples evokes the garden of Eden. The act of ascending the ladder symbolized a re-approach to heaven and eternal life while the movement down the ladder symbolizes the descent from heaven to earth, also from life to death[4]. According to Bible, picking apples is considered as corruption and degradation. As baskets of apples fall down and are spiked, they become worthless. This is true of human beings. After the farmer has finished apple-picking, fatigue and emptiness has wrapped him. His vigorous life reaches a pause, which actually means the farmer’s death. Most of fundamental concepts are organized in terms of one or more spatialization metaphors. In Frost’s “After Apple-Picking”, the poet shows the transition from consciousness to unconsciousness as well as from life to death in virtue of the binary opposition of space. The physical basis of such division is that humans sleep and die lying down and stand up when they are awaken. Therefore, the antagonism of life and death is constructed through the opposition of up and down positions, which contributes to the further construction of the root metaphors.4.Ontological MetaphorsOntological metaphor helps us understand those abstract entities through conceptualizing them as these entities and substances which are related to human’s experience. As Lakoff and Johnson point out: “our experience of physical objects and substances provides a further basis for understanding.” Ontological metaphor could be classified into three types, which are entity and substance metaphor, container metaphor and personification.Firstly, an invisible abstract concept, in entity and substance metaphor, is considered as a visible concrete object. Human being expresses abstract concepts as these entities and substances which are related to human’s experience. Death is an abstract concept, which can be understood thanks to another common concept—sleep. The dark and bleak state of death is implied by night in winter. The poet also tries to clarify the hibernation of hamsters and the long sleep of human beings: one is short seasonal rest and the other is an eternal stop of motion. In this way, the characteristics of death are no longer vague. The first root metaphor of death as sleep receives deeper and more detailed illustrations. Similarly, human achievements becomes a measurable entity like apples in “ After Apple-Picking”. Through these well-known common things, the original abstract concept can be elucidated. The essence of metaphor lies in the comparison between two entities.Secondly, container metaphor is a kind of ontological metaphor in which an invisible abstract concept is regarded as a container which has a surface owning scope and range with an in-out orientation. In Frost’s poem, the farmer’s dream and sleep is a container, where he can see “magnified apples”, feel “the pressure of ladder-round”. The farmer’s falling into dreams shows the motion from one space to another space. The state of farmer can be classified into “in sleep” and “out of sleep”, which symbolize death and life respectively.Lastly, personification specifies the physical object as being a man, which can make people to comprehend these different physical objects in light of human characteristics, motivations and activities. In Frost’s poem, apple “struck the earth” and long sleep can “come on” are all personification. They are extensions of ontological metaphors and that they allow us to make sense of phenomena in the world on the basis of our own goals. It is carefully chosen to endow this poem a dynamic effect so that the theme of this poem can be effectively conveyed. All in all, the understanding of a poetic metaphor is a cognitive process.[8] Ontological metaphor makes us understand abstract concepts by use of concrete concepts. The poet uses sleep to explain death, making the abstract concept simplified and concrete. In the poem, the dream not only reflects the structural metaphor, but also reflects the container metaphor. It forms a contrast between “in dream” and “out of dream” so as to further strengthen the difference between life and death. Apple has bruises, and Death actively does come in. These anthropomorphic expressions embody the metaphorical nature of language and the symbolic nature of death. As a result, metaphor of death in this poem has been justified.5.ConclusionThe exploration of the relationship between Frost’s view of death and Lakoff’s cognitive metaphors will undoubtedly help readers to guard against deceptive surface meanings when interpreting and appreciating Frost’s poems, and to explore the profound life philosophy reflected in his poems through metaphorical thinking and active participation.Through dividing metaphors in Frost’s “After Apple-Picking” according to Lakoff’s classification, the way of constructing poem’s theme is evidently revealed. At the first glance, it seems to be a lyrical poem, but it actually a poem of death after further analysis. Frost implicitly depicts life actions as apple picking activities, apples are symbols of human achievements, and death is similar to long sleep, which are structural metaphors, through which the characteristics of abstract concept death can be easily understood. Moreover, the orientational metaphors constitute to the body of this poem. The up-down spatial position divides the farmer’s state into consciousness and unconsciousness, also a reflection of human’s state of life and death. The contrast between in-out categories reflects the whole poem’s structure: it shifts from reality to dream. Since the farmer’s dream is explained as a container, the state of dreaming metaphorically stands for death. Therefore the whole poem is based on structural metaphors of death is sleep and people are plants, which are illustrated with orientational metaphors and ontological metaphors.However, the thesis still has some limitations due to the author’s slim analysis. It can be better with more logical illustrations and evidences. But it is no doubt that the thesis provides a new perspective of discussing Frost’s poem. It expands the application scope of Lakoff’s conceptual metaphor and enriches its practice, and produces referential meaning to literature appreciation. References[1]Lakoff, G & M. Johnson. Metaphors We Live By[M]. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.1980.[2]Ungerer, F & H. J. Schmid. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics.[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2008.[3]K?vecses, Z. Metaphor: A practical introduction[M]. New York: Oxford University Press.2002.[4]李应雪. 一个解构批评的范本——析罗伯特·弗洛斯特诗歌《摘苹果之后》意义的模糊性[J]. 宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2007(04): 78-81.[5]Lakoff, G. The Invariance Hypothesis: is abstract reason based on image-schemas?[J]. Cognitive Linguistics, 1990(01): 39-47.[6]Huo, Lirong. Comments on “After Apple-Picking”[J]. Overseas English, 2012(01): 196-197.[7]赵志宇. 罗伯特·弗洛斯特的《摘罢苹果》[J]. 文学语言学研究, 2007(02):70-71.[8]胡壮麟. 诗性隐喻[J]. 山东外语教学, 2001(03): 3-8.。

robert frost 写作手法

robert frost 写作手法

robert frost 写作手法[Robert Frost 写作手法]罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)被公认为20世纪最伟大的美国诗人之一。























Robert Lee Frost

Robert Lee Frost
• Pulitzer Prize Winner – New Hampshire 1923 – Collected Poems 1930 – A Further Range 1936 – A Witness Tree 1942 • in 1961, he read a poem—'The Gift Outright”—at the presidential inauguration of J. F. Kennedy 1961 • By the end of his life, he had become a national bard
Characters of his poems
(His images-woods, stars, houses are usually taken from everyday life.) All these images reflect the poet’s love for nature and life, his sad experience in life and the influence religion exerted upon western people’s daily life.
Characters of his poems
• Frost’s poems show deep appreciation of natural world and sensibility about the human aspirations. • Frost often used the rhythms and vocabulary of ordinary speech
• As World War I began, Frost returned to America in 1915 and bought a farm in Franconia, New Hampshire, where he launched a career of writing, teaching, and lecturing. • In 1930 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Amherst College appointed him Saimpson Lecturer for Life (1949), and in 1958 he was made poetry consultant for the Library of Congress. • At the time of his death on January 29, 1963, Frost was considered a kind of unofficial poet laureate of the US.



专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4单项选择题1. ______ was the only female American prose writer in the 19th century.A.Emily DickinsonB.Jane AustinC.George EliotD.Harriet Beecher Stowe答案:D美国19世纪唯一的女散文作家是Harriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)。

Emily Dickirson(艾米丽·迪金森)是女诗人。


2. Harriet Beecher Stowe's works mainly focus on ______.A.romanticismB.local colourismC.naturalismD.transcendentalism答案:BHarriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)的作品充满了乡土气息。

3. Which of the following is the masterpiece by Harriet Beecher Stowe?A.Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal SwampB.Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories'C.Uncle Tom "s CabinD.The Gilded Age答案:CSwamp(《德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事》)和Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories(《山姆·罗森的炉边故事》)也是她的作品,但没有前者有名。

The Gilded Age(《镀金时代》)是Mark Twain(马克·吐温)的作品。

4. ______ is the masterpiece written by William Dean Howells.A.The Rise of Silas LaphamB.The Innocents AbroadC.The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead WisonD.The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg答案:AThe Rise of Silas Lapham(《塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹》)是威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯的名作。



诗歌赏析The Road Not Taken湖北省洪湖市第一中学周桂洪诗歌欣赏:The Road Not T akenRobert Lee FrostTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear,Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Y et knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I----I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.译文:没有走的路罗伯特.李.弗罗斯特两条路在黄色的林中分岔各奔一方,可惜我不能两条路都造访我一人独行,伫立良久顺着一条路极目远眺它往下渐渐隐入矮树丛中,我再把另一条路探望,同样坦荡,同样美好,但或许更令人向往。



Some famous poems
The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》 Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening 《雪夜林边驻脚》 Fire and Ice《火与冰》 Mending Wall《补墙》 Nothing Gold Can Stay《美景易逝》 The Birches《白桦树》
The Books of Poetry
New Hampshire 《新罕布什尔》 Collected Poems 《诗歌精选》 A Further Range 《又一片牧场》 A Witness Tree 《见证树》
Characters of his poems
Frost‟s poems show deep appreciation of natural world and sensibility about the human aspirations.
He married Elinor Miriam White at Lawrence, Massachusetts on December 19, 1895.(21)
He entered college twice, Dartmouth and Harvard. Frost studied at Harvard for two years(1897~1899), but left without receiving a degree due to family problems and poor health.
He made some important acquaintances there. After that he published “North of Boston”《波士顿以北》,which was highly praised by British critics. As World War I began, Frost returned to America in 1915 and bought a farm in Franconia, New Hampshire, where he launched a career of writing, teaching, and lecturing.(41)

robert lee frost

robert lee frost

Metaphorical Objects in Frost’s Poetry
In Frost’s poetry, there are various metaphorical objects, such as natural scenery, phenomenon, animals and flowers in nature, others are closely associated with life, farm tools, food, women’s beauty, human body, religion and mythology, etc.. All these reflect the poet’s love for nature and life, his sad experience in life and the influence religion exerted upon western people’s daily life.
Literary Style

Frost’s poems show deep appreciation of natural world and sensibility about the human aspirations. He used simple language, a graceful style, and traditional forms of poetry. He wrote rural poetry in the pastoral tradition as a way to understand modern life.
Frost was awarded the Pulitzer four times for poetry.

诗歌赏析-Nothing Gold Can Stay

诗歌赏析-Nothing Gold Can Stay

So Eden sank to grief
the loss of perfection for all creation
So dawn goes down to day.
Frost brings the subject back to the natural world,but this time he focus on the daily cycle of day and night.
After a brief hour of golden promise
The second half of the poem Reveals the consequences of nature's fall from gold.

Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold.
her hardest hue to hold dawn goes down to day
rhetoric devices
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf’s a flower

robert frost的写作风格 -回复

robert frost的写作风格 -回复

robert frost的写作风格-回复罗伯特·弗罗斯特是美国最受尊敬和广泛阅读的诗人之一。



























《英美文学选读》模拟试题(三)一、单项选择题1.“All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and the study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what is else not to be overcome?”A. Dr. FaustusB. Paradise LostC. Paradise RegainedD. TamburlaineJohn Milton: Paradise Lost Renaissance period2.Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used “i” instead of “I” to refer to himself as a protest against self importance?A. CummingsB. Wallance StevensC. F. Scott. FitzgeraldD. Ernest Hemingway3.Which of the following best describes the speaker of T.S Eliot’s “the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?A. He is a man of an action.B. He is a man of apathy.C. He is a man of inactivity.D. All the above are not true.T.S Eliot:Modern period the love song of J.Alfred Prufrock4.William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from .A. formB. thoughtsC. artistic devicesD. emotion詩當然是感情5.“My Last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robber t Browning’s .A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB. excellent choice of wordsC. mastering of the metrical devicesD. use of the dramatic monologueRobert Browning:”My Last Duchess” The Victorian Period6.“Man shall find grace.” But he must lay hol d of it by an act of free will. The freedom of the will is the keystone of ____’s creed.A. John MiltonB. Jonathan SwiftC. Henry FieldingD. Samuel JohnsonJohn milton 在paradise lost 中,貫穿了基督教人文主義的傳統,意欲揭露撒旦的行為,並為上帝對人類的懲罰的辯護,在人類愛情與精神道德義務之間的矛盾中展示了彌爾頓對自由與決擇的關心人類應找到體面與尊嚴,可同時人類必須要保持意志自由,意志上的自由是Milton作品的主旨他的詩作是想讓讀者明白圣經中不變的真理,即掌握天機的上帝是公正的,他允許亞當同夏娃受到引誘,並讓他們自主選擇罪惡與不可避免的懲罰。

Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963)

Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963)

The Road not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963)
most popular modern poet
times winning Pulitzer Prizes
Themes --modern

“墨子 悲丝染,杨朱泣歧路”,后句所指的是 杨朱的一个传说,杨朱某次外出,遇上 一条岔路,或许是一时不能决定走哪条 路,或许是联想起人生的歧路,竟哭了 起来。
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.



(冀教版)七年級英語下冊期末試卷(時間:90分鐘;滿分:120分)聽力部分(第一節)Ⅰ. 聽句子,選出句子中所包含的信息。

(共5小題,每小題1分,計5分)1. A. horse B. house C. mouth2. A. D4562 B. D2546 C.D56243. A. wait for B. pay for C. play for4. A. I’ll give Steven a cup. B. Steven will make tea.C. Steven will get a cup of tea.5. A. You’re buying a telephone. B. You’re making a phone call.C. You’re answering the phone.GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAFⅡ. 聽句子,選出該句的最佳答語。

(共5小題,每小題1分,計5分)6. A. I don’t know. B. I don’t have it.C. It’s Jim Green.7. A. In two weeks. B. Twice a month.C. For two days.8. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please.C. Okay, I will.9. A. Wonderful! B. Well done! C. No hurry!10. A. But it’s true. B. Bad luck!C. Go to see a doctor.Ⅲ. 聽對話和問題,選擇正確答案。

(共5小題,每小題1分,計5分)11. A. On the farm. B. At the zoo.C. In the garden.12. A. Moving a picture. B. Painting a picture.GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAFC. Taking a picture.13. A. Tennis. B. Football. C. Skating.14. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By ship.15. A. The Victoria Street. B. A bank .C. The Hilton Road.Ⅳ. 聽語段、對話和問題,選擇正確答案。

2020-2021学年江苏省无锡市金桥双语实验学校七年级下学期Unit 6单元练习卷

2020-2021学年江苏省无锡市金桥双语实验学校七年级下学期Unit 6单元练习卷

Exercise for 7BU6一、单词辨音1 A. also B. always C. salt D. walk2 A. beach B. wheat C. mean D. really3 A. forget B. work C. visitor D. doctor4 A. bamboo B. palace C. balcony D. anybody5 A. police B. kilometer C. pizza D. exit6 A. south B. birthday C. think D. another7 A. fridges B. balconies C. places D. oranges8 A. lantern B. person C. quarter D. elder9 A. because B. before C. kilometer D. enough10 A. dangerous B. English C. dining D. design二、词汇1 He always __________ too much. I usually don’t want to listen to his __________. (抱怨)2 They __________ to go to Qingdao for his holiday at last. (决定)3 If he ________ to pass it this time, he will try a second time. (失败)4 He bought a __________ table. The table is made of __________. (木头)5 __________ of years ago, many different kinds of dinosaurs lived on Earth. (世纪)6 In Tang __________, people who are fat are considered quite beautiful. (朝代)7 To my ___________, the boy from my class won the prize. (激动)8 He comes from __________. He can speak __________ very well. (意大利)9 She keeps telling _______, “Keep calm.”(自己)10 Get in at the ___________to the museum. (入口)11 In Jiangsu _________, there are many places of great interest. (省)12 On either ________ of the road, there are many shops and restaurants.13 He gave us a wonderful speech. But his voice was a little _________ than his partner. (低)14 He was in such a _________that he left his mobile phone in the car. (匆忙)三、用所给词的适当形式填空1 “Help __________ (you) to some fish, please.” her friend said to her.2 That black sweater is __________ (beautiful) of all.3 Please write an __________ (invite) letter to your e-friend.4 He failed his Maths examination because of his __________ (care) work.5 He looked __________ (angry) at all of us but didn’t say anything.6 I don’t like Guo Jingming’s books. They make me __________ (sleep).7 It is necessary for everyone to know the __________ (important) of wetlands.8 I don’t think Tiny Times 2 is a good film. And Tiny Times 1 is even __________ (bad).9 Without air or water, it is simply __________ (possible) for man to live on the moon.10 Are you interested in __________ (play) volleyball with us after school?四、单项选择A1 ---I saw ________ beautiful car here yesterday?---Is it ________ red one? I saw it here, too.A. a; aB. the; theC. a; theD. the; a2 ---What ________ your daughter ________? ---She’s very pretty ________ a film star.A. does; like; likesB. is; like; likeC. does; like, likeD. is; like, likes3 ---Do you ________ your father’s car to school? ---No, I go to school ________ the bus.A. by; byB. take; byC. in; onD. take; on4 Wuxi ________ about 4800 square kilometers ________.A. has; in sizeB. is; in sizeC. has; on sizeD. is; on size5 The boy with his family lives in a town ________ here?A. 30 miles awayB. 30 miles fromC. 30 miles far away fromD. 30-mile away from6 Jimmy, _______ the window _______ the birds ________ the tree.A. don’t look out at; of; onB. doesn’t look out of; at; inC. don’t look out of; at; inD. doesn’t look out of; at; on7 Mr. Green can’t eat anything, because she _______ about her _______ son these days.A. worries; sickB. worries; illC. is worrying; illD. is worrying; sick8 Who are you waiting ________ the school gate, Millie?A. 不填B. forC. atD. for at9 Walk ________ the road and you’ll find the hotel ________ your right.A. straight on; onB. down; onC. straight; atD. alone; at10 _______ the road, then ________ the fruit shop and you’ll see the hospital.A. Across; pastB. Cross; pastC. Walk across; passD. Walk cross; walk pass11 Shanghai is ________ east of China and ________ north of Suzhou.A. in the; 不填B. 不填; to theC. in the; on theD. to the; on the12 Does the machine(药) make you ________?A. goodB. feel goodC. feel wellD. to feel well13 I can’t find my ________ shoe? Where is it?A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. the others14 More than ________ the students watched the film in the school hall last Monday.A. two thousandB. two thousandsC. thousands ofD. two thousand of15 ---Could you tell me the way to the post office? ---________.A. Yes, I couldB. Go awayC. No problemD. Yes, pleaseB1 The flowers in the bottle smell ______. I don’t want to buy them.A. terribleB. niceC. wellD. badly2 I ______ the lake just now. I should take off my wet shoes at first.A. fell downB. fall downC. fell intoD. fell off3 The problem wasn't so difficult that he ______.A. can work it outB. can work out itC. could work it outD. could work out it4 You can’t play with your ra bbit ______ you finish your homework.A. atB. toC. untilD. for5 --What’s wrong with you?--I feel very ______. I heard a ______ noise just now.A. frightening, frightenedB. frightening, frighteningC. frightened, frighteningD. frightened, frightened6 It was ______ to listen to the stranger’s talk. I felt ______ too.A. boring; boredB. bored; boringC. boring; boringD. bored; bore7 Bob skates ______ than I, but he doesn’t sk ate ______ my brother.A. better; so good asB. better; as well asC. better; as good asD. much well; as well as8 They already ______ the fire before the firemen arrived.A. put upB. put outC. put downD. put off9 You should ______ smoking, as it is bad for your health.A. give upB. put upC. set upD. take up10 Climbing is such ______ work that we often feel quite ______ after it.A. tired, tiringB. tired, tiredC. tiring, tiringD. tiring, tired11 Mozi was famous ______ a great thinker, and he was also famous ______ making the first kite in history.A. for, forB. for, asC. as, asD. as, for12 Which of the following words comes first in the dictionary?A. rideB. rabbitC. runD. right13 --What does the note on the chair ______? --Wet paint.A. writeB. tellC. sayD. speak14 When Mum ______ the room, she was surprised to see all of us were there.A. enteredB. entered intoC. cameD. came in15 The tea is too hot for me ______.A. to drink itB. to drinkC. not to drink itD. not to drink16 The tent is ______ for a family of three ______.A. large enough, to stay inB. large enough, to stayC. enough large, stay inD. enough large, stay17 --Mum, what are you complaining ______? --Your shoes are dirty. You must keep them ______.A. to, cleaningB. to, cleanC. about, cleaningD. about, clean18 The amazing rabbit put his hand into the pocket and ______ it ______ the watch.A. searched, forB. searched for, /C. looked, forD. looked for, /19 --What ______ terrible weather! --Yes. I hope it will be ______ sunny day tomorrow.A. a; aB. /; aC. /; /D. a; /20 --Who is singing in the n ext room? It sounds like a young girl’s voice.--It ______ be Jane. But I am not sure.A. shouldB. mustC. mayD. will21 --Look! ______ carefully the girl is writing! --Yes, she is always very strict with herself.A. HowB. WhatC. what aD. How a五、动词填空1 How nice the coffee ___________ (smell)!2 There _________ (be) two basketball matches in two days, aren’t there?3 If he ________ (not be) sure about the time to leave, he will ask the teacher.4 These nurses are very busy in the hospital because there are many children _________ (look) after every day.5 Can’t you hear him ________ (sing) in the next room?6 Is it fun ________ (help) people in need?7 ________ (not talk) to him when he plays the piano.8 He spends as much time as he can __________ (write) the report about children in poor areas.六、完形填空A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They 1 the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. After they sleep for six or seven 2 , they wake up again. It sounds very strange, doesn’t it?Sleep puzzles(使困惑) science all the time. 3 and doctors would like to talk about why one can’t fall asleep. They are not so sure 4 causes sleep.You will sleep the best both 5 you are in good health and when you don’t eat too much or too little. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are 6 , too. They advise against two in one bed.Strange things 7 during sleep. For example, you often move during your sleep. You would feel 8 if you didn’t move. You also 9 . Part of your brain(大脑) is still 10 when you dream.Don’t worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were finished while their writers were dreaming.1 A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down2 A. seconds B. hours C. days D. months3 A. Scientists B. Nurses C. Artists D. Inventors4 A. why B. how C. which D. what5 A. after B. when C. before D. until6 A. pleased B. possible C. important D. funny7 A. happen B. happens C. happened D. happening8 A. hungry B. tired C. relaxed D. worried9 A. sleep B. wake up C. think D. dream10 A. busy B. asleep C. awake D. sleepy七、阅读理解 ARobert Lee Frost(March 26, 1874-January 29, 1963), one of the outstanding(杰出的)poets of the twentieth century, was born in San Francisco County, California. His parents met when they were both working as teachers. Frost was the elder of their two children.During the American Civil War (1861-1865), Frost’s father, William Prescott Frost, joined the Confederate Army (南方联盟). After the war, he found life in New England uncomfortable, so he moved to California. In California, he named his son after his hero, Robert E. Lee, General(将军)of the Confederate Army.Frost’s father died on May 5 of 1885. His last wish was that he could be buried where he had been born, so Frost’s mother took Frost and his sister moved back to New England. During his high school years, Frost becam e interested in reading and writing poetry. In the following years Frost went to Dartmouth College and Harvard University, but he never received a degree. After leaving school, he had many jobs including a teacher and an editor of the local newspaper.Frost moved to England in 1912. His first book of poetry, A Boy’s Will, was published in 1913. North of Boston followed in 1914 and it made him a real famous poet.1 What did Frost do?A. A scientist.B. A doctor.C. A poet.D. A soldier.2 Robert Lee Frost was named after ______.A. his fatherB. his grandfatherC. his motherD. his father’s hero3 What does the underlined word “bury” mean in Chinese?A. 派遣B. 埋葬C. 隐藏D. 挽救4 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Robert Lee Frost’s father was born in New England.B. Robert Lee Frost was 11 years old when his father died.C. Robert Lee Frost spent his high school years in England.D. North of Boston was Robert Lee Frost’s second book of poetry.5 When was his first book published?A. In 1885.B. In 1912.C. In 1913.D. In 1914.BIn learning English, one should first pay attention to(注意) listening and speaking. It is the groundwork of reading and writing. You’d better try your best to speak while you do much listening. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Be careful not to let them stop you from improving your English. While you are doing this, a good way is to write—keep a diary, write notes or letters; then if you can, ask some people to go through what you have written and tell you what you’ve done wrong. Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily pointed out in your writing. Through correcting the mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, don’t worry. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose something interesting to read. It mustn’t be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way, don’t stop to look up the words if you can guess their meanings. When they have nothing important to do with the sentence, you can do that some other time.6 The underlined word “groundwork” means ______ in Chinese.A. 地上工作B. 低级工作C. 基础D. 地平线7 When you do much listening, ______.A. you shouldn’t write anythingB. you should not make mistakesC. you can stop to look up new wordsD. you should try your best to speak8 ______ is a helpful way to improve your speaking.A. Reading aloud or to yourselfB. Reading something very difficultC. Looking up new wordsD. Guessing the new words’ meanings9 Which of the following is wrong?A. We can read something interesting to improve our speaking skill.B. We can write notes or letters to improve our English.C. We needn’t correct the mistakes while writing.D. While reading, we should not stop to look up new words.10 The best title is ______.A. You’d better try your best to speak EnglishB. How to improve your listening and speakingC. How to write notes or letters in EnglishD. Be careful not to make mistakes in English答案:一、DDBDC, DCBCB二、complains, complaint; decided; fails; wooden, wood; Centuries; Dynasty; excitement; Italy, Italian; herself; entrance; Province; side; lower; hurry三、yourself, the most beautiful, invitation, careless, sleepy, importance, worse, impossible, playing四、(A)ABDBB, CDDBC, CCADC(B)ACCCC, ABBAD, DBCAB, ADABCA五、smells, are going to be, isn’t, to look, singing, to help, Don’t talk, writing六、BBADB, CABDC七、CDBCC, CDACB。

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罗伯特· 李· 弗罗斯特 (1874~1963)
• • • • Born:26 March 1874 Birthplace:San Francisco,California Died: 29 January 1963 Best Known As: American poet who wrote “The Road Not Taken”
• 雪夜林边驻脚
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 我想我认识树林的主人 他家住在林边的农村; 他不会看见我暂停此地, 欣赏他披上雪装的树林。 . 我的小马准抱着个疑团: 干嘛停在这儿, 不见人烟, 在一年中最黑的晚上, 停在树林和冰湖之间。 . 它摇了摇颈上的铃铎, 想问问主人有没有弄错。 除此之外唯一的声音 是风飘绒雪轻轻拂过。 . 树林真可爱,既深又黑, 但我有许多诺言不能违背, 还要赶多少路才能安睡, 还要赶多少路才能安睡。
Main Works
• • • • • • • • • A Boy’s Will 《一个男孩的意愿》1913 North of Boston 《波士顿以北》1914 Mountain Interval 《山间》1916 New Hampshire 《新罕布什尔》1923 Collected Poems 《诗集》1930 A Further Range 《又一片牧场》1936 A Witness Tree 《见证树》1942 Masque of Mercy 《慈悲的假面具》1947 In the Clearing 《林间空地》1962
• 总之,诗歌创作的隐秘性是弗罗斯特终身 的艺术追求,而超验诗学的巧以及简单深邃的孤独主题是弗罗 斯特诗歌创作最重要的特征。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
未选择的路 黄色的树林里分出两条路 可惜我不能同时去涉足 我在那路口久久伫立 我向着一条路极目望去 直到它消失在丛林深处 但我却选择了另外一条路 它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂 显得更诱人,更美丽 虽然在这两条小路上 都很少留下旅人的足迹 虽然那天清晨落叶满地 两条路都未经脚印污染 呵,留下一条路等改日再见 但我知道路径延绵无尽头 恐怕我难以再回返 也许多少年后在某一个地方 我将轻声叹息把往事回顾 一片森林里分出两条路 而我却选择了人迹更少的一条 从此决定了我一生的道路
• He received commendations by the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Poetry Society of America respectively in 1938 and 1941. • In 1958 he was poetry consultant for the Library of Congress
• Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Whose woods these are I think I know, His house is in the village though. He will not see me stopping here, To watch his woods fill up with snow. . My little horse must think it queer, To stop without a farmhouse near, Between the woods and frozen lake, The darkest evening of the year. . He gives his harness bells a shake, To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep, Of easy wind and downy flake. . The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
• His poetry often probes mysterious of darkness and irrationality in the bleak and chaotic landscapes of indifferent universe. • The quest of the solitary person to make sense of the world has become the central theme of all Frost’s collection and made his poetry among the most accessible of the modern writers. • The poetry of Robert Frost combined pastoral imagery with solitary philosophical themes.
• Frost was awarded the Pulitzer(普利策奖) four times and received honorary degrees (名誉学位)from 44 colleges and universities . He received honors from 44 institutions, and became the nation’s unofficial Poet Laureate(非官方的桂冠诗人) .

The Gift Outright

在 肯 尼 迪 总 统 就 职 典 礼 上 献 诗
Frost’s view and theme
• His poetry concerns New England’s nature. He saw nature as storehouse of analogy and symbol, so his concern with nature reflected deep moral uncertainties.
Literary Style
• Frost’s poems show deep appreciation of natural world and sensibility about the human aspirations. • He used simple language, a graceful style, and traditional forms of poetry. • He wrote rural poetry in the pastoral tradition as a way to understand modern life.