石油大学 液化天然气技术 第三阶段在线作业
第三阶段在线作业单选题 (共20道题)1.(2.5分) LNG接收站直接输出工艺和再冷凝工艺的主要区别在于:∙ A、BOG处理工艺的不同∙ B、LNG气化方式不同∙ C、卸船方式不同∙ D、LNG储罐类型不同我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)关于LNG卸料臂的描述不正确的是:∙ A、LNG卸料臂是一种装卸装置∙ B、卸料臂的输送管道部分是由不锈钢制成∙ C、卸料臂必须绝热∙ D、卸料臂必须能对LNG船运动快速作出反应我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分)关于罐容计算公式Vs=(Vt+n.Q-t.q)/k的描述不正确的是:∙ A、仅适用于LNG接收站调峰的设计∙ B、Vt指从LNG船所卸的最大容量∙ C、计算得到罐容值为接收站所需最小罐容∙ D、k为罐容的安全系数我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分)关于罐容计算公式V=V1+V2+V3+V4 的描述不正确的是:∙ A、适用于调峰型LNG接收站的设计∙ B、V2为最大不可作业期间的备用量,一般按5d的最大输出量考虑∙ C、V3=年需求量×季调峰系数∙ D、V4为呆滞存储量我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分)非卸船模式下影响蒸发气量的主要因素:∙ A、储罐的漏热∙ B、大气压变化造成储罐压力变化∙ C、卸料臂与卸料管线的漏热∙ D、SCV用气量我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分)关于LNG低压泵不正确的是:∙ A、潜液式泵∙ B、离心式泵∙ C、安装在LNG储罐顶部∙ D、安装在LNG储罐内部我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)关于LNG高压泵不正确的是:∙ A、潜液式泵∙ B、离心式泵∙ C、安装在LNG储罐外部∙ D、安装在LNG储罐内部我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)关于开架式气化器不正确的是:∙ A、以海水作热源的气化器∙ B、用于基本负荷型的大型气化装置∙ C、传热管是内部具有星形断面,外部有翅片的铝合金管∙ D、适用于任何温度的海水我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)关于浸没燃烧型气化器不正确的是:∙ A、一种燃烧加热型气化器∙ B、适合于紧急情况或调峰使用∙ C、传热效率非常高∙ D、操作费用比ORV略低我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分) LNG气化站的气化方案一般推荐使用:∙ A、两组空温式气化器相互切换使用∙ B、空温式气化器和水浴式气化器相互切换使用∙ C、ORV与SCV相互切换使用∙ D、空温式气化器和ORV相互切换使用我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分) LNG气化站普遍采用的气化器类型:∙ A、开架式气化器∙ B、空温式气化器∙ C、浸没燃烧式气化器∙ D、中间介质型气化器我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分)关于空温式气化器不正确的是:∙ A、以空气作为热源的气化器∙ B、一般用于气化量比较小的场合∙ C、受环境条件的影响大∙ D、结构简单,但运行费用较高我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分) LNG气化站储罐容积V=nkGr/(ρφ) 中关于ρ的取值正确的是:∙ A、最高工作温度下的液化天然气密度∙ B、最低工作温度下的液化天然气密度∙ C、最低工作压力下的液化天然气密度∙ D、平均工作温度下的液化天然气密度我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分)不用于LNG加气站的增压器是:∙ A、水浴增压器∙ B、卸车增压器∙ C、储罐增压器∙ D、调饱和增压器我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分)目前被认为最合理的LNG冷能利用方式是:∙ A、LNG冷能联合发电∙ B、LNG冷能用于空气分离∙ C、LNG冷能用于海水淡化∙ D、LNG冷能用于冷库我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分)关于LNG老化的不正确的是:∙ A、LNG老化过程受液体中初始氮含量的影响较大∙ B、LNG初始氮含量较大,老化LNG的密度将随时间减小∙ C、氮比甲烷和其它重碳氢化合物先蒸发∙ D、LNG初始氮含量较小,老化LNG的密度会因甲烷的蒸发而减小我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分)关于LNG分层的不正确的是:∙ A、充注不当会引起分层∙ B、分层是不可以控制的∙ C、氮优先蒸发会引起分层∙ D、分层是导致翻滚的直接原因我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分)关于LNG翻滚的不正确的是:∙ A、翻滚是由分层导致的∙ B、翻滚会产生大量的蒸发气∙ C、翻滚过程可随时控制使其停止∙ D、翻滚是可以预防的我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分)关于LNG溢出到水面的描述不正确的是:∙ A、LNG溢出到水面会产生强烈的扰动,并形成少量的冰∙ B、LNG溢出到水面的蒸发速度要比溢出到地面快得多∙ C、LNG溢出到受限性水面可能发生冷爆∙ D、LNG溢出到受限性水面蒸发速度会逐渐减小20.(2.5分)关于水用于LNG消防不正确的是:∙ A、不能灭LNG火,但可以控制∙ B、水不能直接喷到着火的LNG上面∙ C、水喷到LNG蒸气中会导致LNG蒸气团增大∙ D、水雾喷到着火的LNG中会增大蒸发率和火焰高度我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分多选题 (共10道题)收起21.(2.5分) LNG接收站的工艺可以分为哪两类?∙ A、直接输出式∙ B、开式∙ C、闭式∙ D、再冷凝式我的答案:AD 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分) LNG接收站卸料管线配置形式:∙ A、单根大直径卸料管线∙ B、大直径卸料管线和小直径回流管线∙ C、两个同等规模卸料管线∙ D、相同直径的的卸料管线和回气管线23.(2.5分) LNG接收站通常使用的气化器包括:∙ A、空温气化器∙ B、开架式气化器∙ C、燃烧加热型气化器∙ D、中间介质型气化器我的答案:BCD 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分) LNG接收站再冷凝器的作用:∙ A、冷凝LNG蒸发气∙ B、LNG高压输送泵的入口缓冲容器∙ C、内部的液位高度可满足LNG高压泵入口的NPSH值的要求∙ D、BOG压缩机的入口缓冲罐我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分) LNG气化站通常使用的气化器:∙ A、开架式气化器∙ B、空温式气化器∙ C、水浴式气化器∙ D、燃烧加热型气化器我的答案:BC 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分) LNG加气站的管道的绝热形式主要有哪两类?∙ A、真空绝热∙ B、包覆型绝热∙ C、珠光砂绝热我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分)利用LNG冷能的低温联合发电形式包括:∙ A、直接膨胀法∙ B、朗肯循环法∙ C、联合法∙ D、余热利用法我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分) LNG储存过程中引起密度分层的原因:∙ A、LNG充注时操作不当∙ B、氮优先蒸发∙ C、快速充液∙ D、慢速充液我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分) LNG气化站的类型:∙ A、再冷凝式气化站∙ B、橇装式气化站∙ C、瓶组式供气站∙ D、常规气化站我的答案:BCD 此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分) LNG接收站常用哪两种规格的卸料臂?∙ A、16in∙ B、20in∙ C、40in∙ D、10in我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分判断题 (共10道题)收起31.(2.5分) LNG接收站的卸料臂必须绝热。
2020年中国石油大学北京网络学院 油藏工程-第三阶段在线作业 参考答案
我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分
我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分
Dhave been painting
15、He felt that he ______ for the coldness that had grown between them.
Bwas blamed of
Cwas to blame
Dwas to be blaming
CBoth will do.
DI don’t know.
6、— Guess what? I passed the English exam! — ________________
AThat’s fine.
BIt’s OK.
DBelieve it or not
7、My house is very __________ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.
8、It was with great joy ______ he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home.
Aa little slower
Blittle slower
Cso slower
Dvery slower
20、Mr. Lee,__________ of the __________ speech,started to read a novel.
石油大学 液化天然气技术 第三阶段在线作业
第三阶段在线作业单选题 (共20道题)1.(2.5分) LNG接收站直接输出工艺和再冷凝工艺的主要区别在于:∙ A、BOG处理工艺的不同∙ B、LNG气化方式不同∙ C、卸船方式不同∙ D、LNG储罐类型不同我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)关于LNG卸料臂的描述不正确的是:∙ A、LNG卸料臂是一种装卸装置∙ B、卸料臂的输送管道部分是由不锈钢制成∙ C、卸料臂必须绝热∙ D、卸料臂必须能对LNG船运动快速作出反应我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分)关于罐容计算公式Vs=(Vt+n.Q-t.q)/k的描述不正确的是:∙ A、仅适用于LNG接收站调峰的设计∙ B、Vt指从LNG船所卸的最大容量∙ C、计算得到罐容值为接收站所需最小罐容∙ D、k为罐容的安全系数我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分)关于罐容计算公式V=V1+V2+V3+V4 的描述不正确的是:∙ A、适用于调峰型LNG接收站的设计∙ B、V2为最大不可作业期间的备用量,一般按5d的最大输出量考虑∙ C、V3=年需求量×季调峰系数∙ D、V4为呆滞存储量我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分)非卸船模式下影响蒸发气量的主要因素:∙ A、储罐的漏热∙ B、大气压变化造成储罐压力变化∙ C、卸料臂与卸料管线的漏热∙ D、SCV用气量我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分)关于LNG低压泵不正确的是:∙ A、潜液式泵∙ B、离心式泵∙ C、安装在LNG储罐顶部∙ D、安装在LNG储罐内部我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)关于LNG高压泵不正确的是:∙ A、潜液式泵∙ B、离心式泵∙ C、安装在LNG储罐外部∙ D、安装在LNG储罐内部我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)关于开架式气化器不正确的是:∙ A、以海水作热源的气化器∙ B、用于基本负荷型的大型气化装置∙ C、传热管是内部具有星形断面,外部有翅片的铝合金管∙ D、适用于任何温度的海水我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)关于浸没燃烧型气化器不正确的是:∙ A、一种燃烧加热型气化器∙ B、适合于紧急情况或调峰使用∙ C、传热效率非常高∙ D、操作费用比ORV略低我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分) LNG气化站的气化方案一般推荐使用:∙ A、两组空温式气化器相互切换使用∙ B、空温式气化器和水浴式气化器相互切换使用∙ C、ORV与SCV相互切换使用∙ D、空温式气化器和ORV相互切换使用我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分) LNG气化站普遍采用的气化器类型:∙ A、开架式气化器∙ B、空温式气化器∙ C、浸没燃烧式气化器∙ D、中间介质型气化器我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分)关于空温式气化器不正确的是:∙ A、以空气作为热源的气化器∙ B、一般用于气化量比较小的场合∙ C、受环境条件的影响大∙ D、结构简单,但运行费用较高我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分) LNG气化站储罐容积V=nkGr/(ρφ) 中关于ρ的取值正确的是:∙ A、最高工作温度下的液化天然气密度∙ B、最低工作温度下的液化天然气密度∙ C、最低工作压力下的液化天然气密度∙ D、平均工作温度下的液化天然气密度我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分)不用于LNG加气站的增压器是:∙ A、水浴增压器∙ B、卸车增压器∙ C、储罐增压器∙ D、调饱和增压器我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分)目前被认为最合理的LNG冷能利用方式是:∙ A、LNG冷能联合发电∙ B、LNG冷能用于空气分离∙ C、LNG冷能用于海水淡化∙ D、LNG冷能用于冷库我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分)关于LNG老化的不正确的是:∙ A、LNG老化过程受液体中初始氮含量的影响较大∙ B、LNG初始氮含量较大,老化LNG的密度将随时间减小∙ C、氮比甲烷和其它重碳氢化合物先蒸发∙ D、LNG初始氮含量较小,老化LNG的密度会因甲烷的蒸发而减小我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分)关于LNG分层的不正确的是:∙ A、充注不当会引起分层∙ B、分层是不可以控制的∙ C、氮优先蒸发会引起分层∙ D、分层是导致翻滚的直接原因我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分)关于LNG翻滚的不正确的是:∙ A、翻滚是由分层导致的∙ B、翻滚会产生大量的蒸发气∙ C、翻滚过程可随时控制使其停止∙ D、翻滚是可以预防的我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分)关于LNG溢出到水面的描述不正确的是:∙ A、LNG溢出到水面会产生强烈的扰动,并形成少量的冰∙ B、LNG溢出到水面的蒸发速度要比溢出到地面快得多∙ C、LNG溢出到受限性水面可能发生冷爆∙ D、LNG溢出到受限性水面蒸发速度会逐渐减小20.(2.5分)关于水用于LNG消防不正确的是:∙ A、不能灭LNG火,但可以控制∙ B、水不能直接喷到着火的LNG上面∙ C、水喷到LNG蒸气中会导致LNG蒸气团增大∙ D、水雾喷到着火的LNG中会增大蒸发率和火焰高度我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分多选题 (共10道题)收起21.(2.5分) LNG接收站的工艺可以分为哪两类?∙ A、直接输出式∙ B、开式∙ C、闭式∙ D、再冷凝式我的答案:AD 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分) LNG接收站卸料管线配置形式:∙ A、单根大直径卸料管线∙ B、大直径卸料管线和小直径回流管线∙ C、两个同等规模卸料管线∙ D、相同直径的的卸料管线和回气管线23.(2.5分) LNG接收站通常使用的气化器包括:∙ A、空温气化器∙ B、开架式气化器∙ C、燃烧加热型气化器∙ D、中间介质型气化器我的答案:BCD 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分) LNG接收站再冷凝器的作用:∙ A、冷凝LNG蒸发气∙ B、LNG高压输送泵的入口缓冲容器∙ C、内部的液位高度可满足LNG高压泵入口的NPSH值的要求∙ D、BOG压缩机的入口缓冲罐我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分) LNG气化站通常使用的气化器:∙ A、开架式气化器∙ B、空温式气化器∙ C、水浴式气化器∙ D、燃烧加热型气化器我的答案:BC 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分) LNG加气站的管道的绝热形式主要有哪两类?∙ A、真空绝热∙ B、包覆型绝热∙ C、珠光砂绝热我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分)利用LNG冷能的低温联合发电形式包括:∙ A、直接膨胀法∙ B、朗肯循环法∙ C、联合法∙ D、余热利用法我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分) LNG储存过程中引起密度分层的原因:∙ A、LNG充注时操作不当∙ B、氮优先蒸发∙ C、快速充液∙ D、慢速充液我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分) LNG气化站的类型:∙ A、再冷凝式气化站∙ B、橇装式气化站∙ C、瓶组式供气站∙ D、常规气化站我的答案:BCD 此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分) LNG接收站常用哪两种规格的卸料臂?∙ A、16in∙ B、20in∙ C、40in∙ D、10in我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分判断题 (共10道题)收起31.(2.5分) LNG接收站的卸料臂必须绝热。
中国石油大学 2019春 大学英语(三) 第三次在线作业
中国石油大学2019春大学英语(三)第三次在线作业第三次在线作业单选题 (共40道题)收起1.(2.5分)–Can I help you? --__________.•A、I want that blue dress.•B、OK.•C、That’s OK.•D、I can help you.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)–What else do you want? -- ___________.•A、Nothing else.•B、I’m fine.•C、What do you want?•D、It doesn’t matter.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分)–What kind of room do you want? -- _____.•A、Room 1.•B、I have no idea.•C、I want a single room.•D、I’m sorry.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分)–Have you made a reservation? -- ____________.•A、Yes, I have.•B、I did.•C、Yes, I will.•D、Thank you.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分)–Excuse me, where can I check out? -- ____________.•A、At the reception desk.•B、You’re welcome.•C、Nice to see you.•D、When you are ready.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分)–I really enjoyed the concert. -- _______.•A、What will you do tomorrow?•B、I’m glad to hear that.•C、It’s my pleasure.•D、I’m sorry to hear that.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)–What do you think of this concert? -- ________.•A、I don’t think so.•B、I think so.•C、I think it’s terrific.•D、I think it is.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)The reason ______ he did that was unacceptable.•A、why•B、that•C、as•D、since我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)This is the most exciting film ____ I have ever seen.•A、which•B、that•C、as•D、since我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分)All ____ they have done is good for you.•A、what•B、which•C、why•D、that我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分)Will you please show me the girl ______ name is Wang Ping.•A、her•B、who’s•C、whose•D、which我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分)When reading, make marks _______ you have questions.•A、that•B、which•C、where•D、who我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分)The radio set _____ has gone out of order.•A、I bought it for her•B、I bought for her•C、which I bought it for her•D、what I bought for her我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分)She is the very person _____ we are looking for.•A、who•B、that•C、whom•D、which我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分)The stock ______ in value should be sold.•A、which has not increased•B、has not increased•C、who has not increased•D、not been increased我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分)Is this the restaurant _____ during the summer vacation?•A、for which you have worked•B、in which you worked•C、which you have worked on•D、where you worked in我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分)The scientists have worked out a method _______ the agricultural productio n could be raised on a large scale.•A、which•B、of which•C、by which•D、for which我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分)The old tradition will surely die out, _______ is a natural rule.•A、which•B、what•C、where•D、thus我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分)The sun warms the earth, _______ makes it possible for plant to grow.•A、that•B、which•C、what•D、where我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分)He studied hard and later become a famous writer, ________ his father had expected.•A、that was what•B、it is what•C、which was what•D、and which was我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分)The period _________ people learned to melt iron is called the Iron Age.•A、when•B、that•C、during which•D、what我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分)The audience, _______, enjoyed the performance very much.•A、most of them were students•B、most of which were students•C、most of whom being students•D、most of whom were students我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分)The residents, _______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.•A、all their homes•B、all whose homes•C、all of whose homes•D、all of their homes我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分)You will be welcomed no matter ______ you come.•A、where•B、who•C、how•D、when我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分)_________ we keep on learning English, we can use it freely.•A、No matter how•B、Each time•C、Just as•D、As long as我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分)______ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.•A、As•B、Because of•C、For•D、With我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分)I watched him ______ he disappeared from sight in the distance.•A、as long as•B、until•C、as•D、when我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分)______ had Jane reached school than the bell rang.•A、No sooner•B、Only•C、Hardly•D、No matter when我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分)They decided to chase the cow away ________ it did more damage.•A、although•B、before•C、until•D、unless我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分)There was such a long line ______ we had to wait for about half an hour.•A、as•B、that•C、so•D、unless我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分)The more I looked at the painting, ____________.•A、the more I liked it•B、I liked it more•C、more I liked it•D、it looked better我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分)Some of the stars are ______ far away _______ it is impossible for us to mea sure them.•A、such…that•B、so… that•C、too… that•D、too…enough我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分)He had to borrow a little money from his aunt ________ he could finish his education without working.•A、when•B、only•C、so that•D、in order to我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分34.(2.5分)More plants need air _______ they need water.•A、just as•B、as long as•C、as though•D、even if我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分)He was punished ________ he should make the same mistake again.•A、unless•B、if•C、lest•D、provided我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分)Jane' s dress is similar in design ___her sister' s.•A、like•B、with•C、to•D、as我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分)I have been looking forward to ____ from my parents.•A、hear•B、being heard•C、be heard•D、hearing我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分38.(2.5分)A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.•A、avoid•B、reject•C、refuse•D、neglect我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分)The manager will not _________ us to use his car.•A、have•B、let•C、agree•D、allow我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分)_______ these honours he received a sum of money.•A、Except•B、But•C、Besides•D、Outside我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分。
中国石油大学大学英语(四)第三阶段在线作业第三阶段在线作业单选题 (共40道题)收起1.(2.5分)–I’m sorry for my mistake. -- ________________.A、It doesn’t matter.B、Thank you.C、I apologize.D、Sure.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)–I’m not satisfied with your product. -- ______________.A、Thank you.B、What seems to be the problem?C、That’s all right.D、Fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分)–Would you open the door for me? -- _____________.A、I’m fine.B、It doesn’t matter.C、Sure.D、I’m sorry.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分) - Did you have any difficulty finding our company? --____________.A、Yeah. It' s freally too hard.B、How far it is.C、No. it' s easy to get here by subway.D、It' s too time-consuming.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分) -Would you mind if I ask you some questions?--____________.I7A、Ah, never mind, please.B、Yeah, please don' t.C、No, please don' t ask.D、I hope not.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分) - What personality do you admire? --__________.A、I admire you.B、I admire Dell.C、I admire those who are honest, easy-going and hard-working.D、I admire nothing.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)– When are you leaving? -- _________.A、How much?B、In an hour.C、One hundred dollars.D、I’m fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)–Who is going to chair the conference? -- _____________.A、Yes, I am.B、Our manager.C、May I help you?D、That would be fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)– Is the meeting postponed? -- _____________.A、That’s all right.B、Generally.C、I’m OK.D、I’m afraid s o.我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分)–Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for the meeting. --___________.A、OK. I know.B、Excuse me?C、It’s my pleasure.D、That’s wonderful.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分)–Do you agree with what I’ve said? -- ____________.A、I think so.B、Yes, I do.C、Maybe next time.D、I’m fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分)–Can you finish this work on time? -- _____________.A、I’m afraid not.B、It’s good.C、Good idea.D、Thanks a lot.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分)– What do you think of this business plan? -- _______________.A、Excuse me.B、I think it’s perfect.C、Very well.D、That’s fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分)It was ___ she was about to go out ____ the telephone rang.A、when; thatB、so; thatC、before; thenD、when; before我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分) It was ___ he said ___ disappointed me.A、what; thatB、that; whatC、that; whenD、it; when我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分)It was in the small house ___ was built with stones by his father ___ he spent his childhood.A、which; whichB、that ;whereC、which; thatD、that; which我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分) It was ___ it was raining so hard that we had to stay at home all day.A、sinceB、forC、asD、because我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分) It is his wife __________ left him without saying goodbye.A、thatB、whichC、whenD、who我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分) It was _____ last year ______ he came to realize the importance of learning English.A、until ; beforeB、that ; untilC、until ; thatD、before ; until我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分)“He is a very brave man.” “Yes, I wish I ___ his courage.”A、haveB、hadC、will haveD、would have我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分) If she had studied harder, she ____________.A、would succeedB、had succeededC、should succeedD、would have succeeded我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分)Without petroleum human life ____quite different today.A、isB、will beC、would have beenD、would be我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分) He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.A、had beenB、has beenC、wasD、been我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分)It’s time we ____some measures to solve this problem.A、must takeB、will takeC、tookD、have taken我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分) If only it_____Sunday today! We can have a good chat.A、will beB、isC、wasD、were我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分) She put a blanket over the baby for fear that he ____________cold.A、caughtB、has caughtC、catchesD、should catch我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分) ___________the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.A、In spite ofB、But forC、Because ofD、As for我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分)I’d rather you ____________ anything about it for the time being.A、doB、didn’t doC、don’tD、didn’t我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分) _____ to do the work, I should do it some other day.A、If were IB、I wereC、Were ID、Was I我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分) The leader ordered that the task_____________ as soon as possible.A、finishesB、is finishedC、finishD、be finished我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分) Each of you ______ responsible for the accident.A、amB、beC、isD、are我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分) Neither he nor I ___ for the plan.A、wereB、isC、areD、am我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分)T o say something _______ one thing, to do it _____ another.A、is; isB、are; areC、is; areD、are; is我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分34.(2.5分) Very few ___ his address in the town.A、has knownB、are knowingC、knowD、knows我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分)Every year thousands of lives _______ in road accidents because of careless driving.A、loseB、lostC、have lostD、are lost我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分)You had better ________ a doctor as soon as possible.A、seeingB、sawC、seeD、seen我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分)T om, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!A、massB、messC、guessD、bus我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分38.(2.5分) I am not used to speaking ________ public.A、inB、atC、onD、to我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分) Mike is better than Peter ____ swimming.A、forB、atC、onD、about我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分)Although he did not know London well, he made his way________ to the airport.A、easy enoughB、enoughC、easily enoughD、enough easily我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分。
中国石油大学(北京)远程教育学院期末考试卷油气储运工程英语》复习资料答案一、填空1、 ___ are solid compounds that form as crystals and resemble snow in appearance考生答案: Hydrates2、 Natural gas with H2S or other sulfur ___ present is called “ _____考生答案: compounds3、 Most oil and gas pipelines fall into one of three groups: ___ , ______ , or _____ .考生答案: gathering trunk/transmission/distribution4、 All ____ t anks have a cover that floats on the surface of the liquid考生答案: floating-roof5、 Natural gas ____ is highly dependent on weather.考生答案: demand6、 Energy is supplied to the liquid through the pump by the pump ' sd river -anor an electric _____ .考生答案: engine/urbine/motor7、 To form a stable emulsion of crude oil and _____________ ,an emulsifying _______ must考生答案: water/agent8、 Most pipelines are coated on the exterior to prevent ____ .考生答案: corrosion9、 Natural gas with only CO2 is called “ ________ g as ”.考生答案: sweet10、 The hydrocarbons contain only ___ and _____ .考生答案: carbon / hydrogen11、 Centrifugal pump consists of an ___ and a ____ .考生答案: impeller/ casing12、 The distance between compressors varies, depending on the _____________ of gas,and other factors.考生答案: volume/ size课程编号:gas a _____ be present. the line ______13、In designing a pipeline system, the ____________ of pump stations must be determined as wellas ____ of individual pumps within each station.考生答案:location/size14、The type of information gathered by smart pigs includes the pipeline _________________ , curvature, bends, temperature and _____ , as well as ____ or metal loss.考生答案:diameter pressure/corrosion15、____ is short for American Petroleum Institute.考生答案:API16、The two categories of floating-roof tanks are _______________ floating roof and ____________ f loating roof.考生答案:external/internal17、Gas is moved through a gas pipeline by ___ .考生答案:compressors18、____ i s always necessary for hydrate formation.考生答案:Water19、The pressure in the pipeline decreases due to ___ and ______ losses.考生答案:friction /elevation20、Most pipelines are tested with water ( ____________ testing) either in sections or over theentire _____ .考生答案:hydrostati/length21、The position of ____ and the extent of mixing can be monitored at points along theline by measuring the ____ of the fluid in the line.考生答案:batch /density22、All pipelines are tested for ____________ following ____ before the line is put into service.考生答案:leaks/ construction23、Well fluids are often a complex mixture of ___ ,gas,and some ______ .考生答案:liquid hydrocarbons <mpuritie24、The individual phases (gas, ________ , ______ , and solids) should be separated from each other as early as practical.考生答案:liquid hydrocarbon /liquid water25、Launcher (at the end of a station to launch _______________ t o downstream station) is requiredat the _____ of the section.考生答案:pig/ upstream26、An emulsion is a combination of __________ ,or liquids that do not mix together under normal conditions .27、Products pipeline often must operate at ______________ pressure than crude pipelines becausethe material being transported is _____ than crude.考生答案:higher lighter28、Shipping emulsified oil wastes costly ___ occupied by valueless water.考生答案:transportation capacities29、When no physical barrier is used between different products in products pipeline,the _____ of the two materials maintains the separation.考生答案:difference in density30、Reciprocating compressor unit includes ____ and _____ .考生答案:compressor driver compressor31、Two general types of line pipe are manufactured: ____ and _____ .考生答案:seamless welded32、In pumping any liquid, the goal is to add energy to the liquid to cause it to movethrough a pipeline by overcoming the _____ and changes in _____ .考生答案:friction elevation33、The ____ of the substance stored determines the shape and type of tank.考生答案:vapor pressure34、Standing storage losses result from evaporative losses through ___________________ ,______ , and/or deck seam.考生答案:rim seals deck fitting35、There is 8~12in gap between the __________ and _______ , so the floating roof does not bindas it moves up and down with the liquid level.36、Many crude storage tanks are equipped with ____ that capture light hydrocarbonsthat evaporate from the crude and would otherwise be lost to the atmosphere.考生答案:vapor recovery systems37、Many different corrosion ___ and ______ of corrosion can be at work on the sametank at the same time.考生答案:mechanisms38、Mass-flow meters directly measure the mass of the fluid passing through the meter,no intermediate temperature or pressure ______________ are required and __________ is about the same as PD or turbine meters.考生答案:measurements39、Most pipelines are constructed by ___ short lengths or _____ of pipe together考生答案:welding joints40、NGL is short for ___ .考生答案:atural Liquids41、ESD is short for ___ .考生答案:emergency shutdown42、LNG is short for ___ .考生答案:Liquefied atural43、EFR is short for ___ .考生答案: E xternal F loating R Roof44、LACT unit is short for ___ .考生答案:ease automatic custody transfer unit45、IFR is short for ____ .考生答案:I nternal F loating Roof46、PD meters are short for ____ .考生答案:positive-displacement meters47、PV Valves is short for ___ .考生答案:pressure vacuum vent valves翻译题48、Oil-in-water emulsion考生答案:水包油乳状液49、Emulsion考生答案:乳状液50、Well fluids are often a complex mixture of liquid hydrocarbons,gas,and some impurities .考生答案:井流通常是液态烃、气体和某些杂质的复杂混合物。
1. 试井方法得到的是:
2. 试井理论分析建立的渗流模型(3-1)中最后一个方程代表了什么?
3. 试井模型的解p(r,t)表明给定时间t,地层压力只和r有关,这源于哪个假设?
第三阶段在线作业单选题 (共40道题)收起1.(2.5分)–I’m sorry for my mistake. -- ________________.•A、It doesn’t matter.•B、Thank you.•C、I apologize.•D、Sure.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)–I’m not satisfied with your product. -- ______________.•A、Thank you.•B、What seems to be the problem?•C、That’s all right.•D、Fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分)–Would you open the door for me? -- _____________.•A、I’m fine.•B、It doesn’t matter.•C、Sure.•D、I’m sorry.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分)- Did you have any difficulty finding our company? --____________.•A、Yeah. It' s freally too hard.•B、How far it is.•C、No. it' s easy to get here by subway.•D、It' s too time-consuming.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分)-Would you mind if I ask you some questions?--____________.I7•A、Ah, never mind, please.•B、Yeah, please don' t.•C、No, please don' t ask.•D、I hope not.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分)- What personality do you admire? --__________.•A、I admire you.•B、I admire Dell.•C、I admire those who are honest, easy-going and hard-working.•D、I admire nothing.我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)–When are you leaving? -- _________.•A、How much?•B、In an hour.•C、One hundred dollars.•D、I’m fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)–Who is going to chair the conference? -- _____________.•A、Yes, I am.•B、Our manager.•C、May I help you?•D、That would be fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)–Is the meeting postponed? -- _____________.•A、That’s all right.•B、Generally.•C、I’m OK.•D、I’m afraid so.我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分)–Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for the meeting. --___________.•A、OK. I know.•B、Excuse me?•C、It’s my pleasure.•D、That’s wonderful.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分)–Do you agree with what I’ve said? -- ____________.•A、I think so.•B、Yes, I do.•C、Maybe next time.•D、I’m fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分)–Can you finish this work on time? -- _____________.•A、I’m afraid not.•B、It’s good.•C、Good idea.•D、Thanks a lot.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分)–What do you think of this business plan? -- _______________.•A、Excuse me.•B、I think it’s perfect.•C、Very well.•D、That’s fine.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分)It was ___ she was about to go out ____ the telephone rang.•A、when; that•B、so; that•C、before; then•D、when; before我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分)It was ___ he said ___ disappointed me.•A、what; that•B、that; what•C、that; when•D、it; when我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分)It was in the small house ___ was built with stones by his father ___ he sp ent his childhood.•A、which; which•B、that ;where•C、which; that•D、that; which我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分)It was ___ it was raining so hard that we had to stay at home all day.•A、since•B、for•C、as•D、because我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分)It is his wife __________ left him without saying goodbye.•A、that•B、which•C、when•D、who我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分)It was _____ last year ______ he came to realize the importance of learning English.•A、until ; before•B、that ; until•C、until ; that•D、before ; until我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分)“He is a very brave man.”“Yes, I wish I ___ his courage.”•A、have•B、had•C、will have•D、would have我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分)If she had studied harder, she ____________.•A、would succeed•B、had succeeded•C、should succeed•D、would have succeeded我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分)Without petroleum human life ____quite different today.•A、is•B、will be•C、would have been•D、would be我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分)He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.•A、had been•B、has been•C、was•D、been我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分)It’s time we ____some measures to solve this problem.•A、must take•B、will take•C、took•D、have taken我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分)If only it_____Sunday today! We can have a good chat.•A、will be•B、is•C、was•D、were我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分)She put a blanket over the baby for fear that he ____________cold.•A、caught•B、has caught•C、catches•D、should catch我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分)___________the English examination I would have gone to the concert last S unday.•A、In spite of•B、But for•C、Because of•D、As for我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分)I’d rather you ____________ anything about it for the time being.•A、do•B、didn’t do•C、don’t•D、didn’t我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分)_____ to do the work, I should do it some other day.•A、If were I•B、I were•C、Were I•D、Was I我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分)The leader ordered that the task_____________ as soon as possible.•A、finishes•B、is finished•C、finish•D、be finished我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分)Each of you ______ responsible for the accident.•A、am•B、be•C、is•D、are我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分)Neither he nor I ___ for the plan.•A、were•B、is•C、are•D、am我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分)To say something _______ one thing, to do it _____ another.•A、is; is•B、are; are•C、is; are•D、are; is我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分34.(2.5分)Very few ___ his address in the town.•A、has known•B、are knowing•C、know•D、knows我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分)Every year thousands of lives _______ in road accidents because of careless driving.•A、lose•B、lost•C、have lost•D、are lost我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分)You had better ________ a doctor as soon as possible.•A、seeing•B、saw•C、see•D、seen我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分)Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a ____ _ and disorder!•A、mass•B、mess•C、guess•D、bus我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分38.(2.5分)I am not used to speaking ________ public.•A、in•B、at•C、on•D、to我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分)Mike is better than Peter ____ swimming.•A、for•B、at•C、on•D、about我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分)Although he did not know London well, he made his way________ to the ai rport.•A、easy enough•B、enough•C、easily enough•D、enough easily我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分。
第三阶段在线作业单选题(共40道题)收起1.(2.5分)I don't know _________ to deal with such matter.A、whatB、howC、whichD、/正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)—Do you want to wait? —Five days ________ too long for me to wait.A、wasB、wereC、isD、are正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分)You had better ________ a doctor as soon as possible.A、seeingB、sawC、seeD、seen正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分)I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday.A、was playingB、am playingC、playD、played正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分)Nancy is considered to be _________ the other students in her class.A、less intelligentB、the most intelligentC、intelligent as wellD、as intelligent as正确答案:D 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分)There _________ a book and some magazines on the desk.A、isB、beC、haveD、has正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)__________ she survived the accident is miracle.A、WhatB、ThatC、AsD、Which正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)I'm sorry that I've kept you _______ for so long.A、to waitB、waitingC、to be waitingD、waited正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)A long time ago, I _______ in London for three years.A、had livedB、have livedC、livedD、have been living正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分)Mathematics ________ study or science of numbers.A、isB、areC、wasD、were正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分)Each new way of looking at a situation ________ our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.A、deepsB、deepensC、deepD、deeply正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分)Both the kids and their parents _________ English, I think. I know it from their accent.A、isB、beenC、areD、was正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分)While I was in the university, I learned taking photos, ___________ is very useful now for me.A、itB、whichC、thatD、what正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分)—________ is your girl friend like? —She is very kind and good-looking.A、HowB、WhatC、WhichD、Who正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分)A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the momentA、isB、areC、hasD、have正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分)She is not only my classmate __________ also my good friend.A、orB、butC、andD、too正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分)What we need ______good textbooksA、isB、areC、haveD、has正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分)Don't forget _________ the window before leaving the room.A、to have closedB、to closeC、having closedD、closing正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分)The top of the Great Wall is ________ for five horses to go side by side.A、wideB、so wideC、wide enoughD、enough wide正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分)We’ve missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ______ but to take a taxi.A、wayB、choiceC、possibilityD、selection正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分)I often see _________ the road on his way home.A、he crossB、him crossC、him crossedD、he crossing正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分)The higher the temperature, __________ the liquid evaporates.A、the fasterB、the more fastC、the slowerD、the more slower正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分)Australia is one of the few countries ___________ people drive on the left of the road.A、whichB、thatC、whereD、on which正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分)The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts _________ .A、are producingB、are producedC、producedD、being produced正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分)I like the teacher ____________ classes are very interesting and creative.A、whichB、whoC、whoseD、what正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分)Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ___________ of fat.A、a large numberB、the large numberC、a large amountD、the large amount正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分)It's __________ that he was wrong.A、clearlyB、clarityC、clearD、clearing正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分)The reason I did not go abroad was ________ a job in my home town.A、becauseB、due toC、that I gotD、because of getting正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分)She wonders _________ will happen to her private life in the future.A、thatB、itC、thisD、what正确答案:D 此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分)Sunday is the day _________ people usually don't go to work.A、whenB、whichC、in whichD、that正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分)Once environmental damage ___________, it takes many years for the system to recover.A、is to doB、doesC、had doneD、is done正确答案:D 此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分)When Lily came home at 5 p. m. yesterday, her mother ___________ dinner in the kitchen.A、cookedB、was cookingC、cooksD、has cooked正确答案:B 此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分)His salary as a driver is much higher than _____________.A、a porterB、is a porterC、as a porterD、that of a porter正确答案:D 此题得分:2.5分34.(2.5分)I have been looking forward to__________ from my parents.A、hearB、being heardC、be heardD、hearing正确答案:D 此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分)Would you let _________ to the park with my classmate, Mum?A、me goB、me goingC、I goD、I going正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分)Australia is one of the few countries ___________ people drive on the left of the road.A、whichB、thatC、whereD、on which正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分)So little ________ about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me.A、did I knowB、I had knownC、did I knewD、I know正确答案:A 此题得分:2.5分38.(2.5分)He never does his work ______Mary.A、as careful asB、so careful asC、as carefully asD、carefully as正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分)He has ________ on his farm.A、20 head of cattlesB、20 heads of cattlesC、20 heads of cattleD、20 head of cattle正确答案:D 此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分)All ______ they have done is good for us all. We should understand them.A、whatB、whichC、thatD、as正确答案:C 此题得分:2.5分。
第一阶段在线作业单选题 (共13道题)1.(2.5分) The individual phases (gas, , liquid water, and solids) should be separated from each other as early as practical.∙ A、liquid hydrocarbon∙ B、free water∙ C、sludge∙ D、bubbles我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分) is the mainly compound in natural gas.∙ A、Oxygen∙ B、Methane∙ C、Ethane∙ D、Propane我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分) H2S and CO2 are very corrosive when is present.∙ A、liquid water∙ B、air∙ C、oxygen∙ D、bubbles我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分) H2S and CO2 are short for .∙ A、hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide∙ B、hydrogen sulfur and carbon oxygen∙ C、hydrogen sulfide and carbon oxygen∙ D、hydrogen sulfur and carbon dioxide我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分) Sweet gas refers to the gas containing .∙ A、ethane∙ B、CO2∙ C、H2S∙ D、water vapor我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分) are built in vertical, horizontal and spherical designs.∙ A、Separators∙ B、Heater-treaters∙ D、Meters我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分) The size of heat-treater is dependent upon the of oil and water to be handled.∙ A、pressure∙ B、temperature∙ C、volume∙ D、composition我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分) An emulsion is a combination of two immiscible .∙ A、solids∙ B、liquids∙ C、waters∙ D、gases我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分) For the formation of a stable emulsion, the liquids must be .∙ A、mixed∙ B、dispersed∙ D、immiscible我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分) There must be sufficient to disperse one liquid as droplets in the other for the formation of a stable emulsion.∙ A、agitation∙ B、mixing∙ C、flowing∙ D、bubbles我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分) There must be an for the formation of a stable emulsion.∙ A、demulsifier∙ B、salt∙ C、emulsifier∙ D、 water我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分) In W/O emulsion, is the dispersed phase.∙ A、demulsifier∙ B、oil∙ C、emulsifier∙ D、 water我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分) Hydrate inhibitors is used to lower of water vapor and thus prevent hydrate formation in flow lines.∙ A、pressure∙ B、temperature∙ C、flow rate∙ D、freezing point我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分多选题 (共13道题)展开收起14.(2.5分) The non-hydrocarbons may contain .∙ A、carbon∙ B、oxygen∙ C、sulfur∙ D、nitrogen我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分) The non-hydrocarbon contaminants must be removed as much as feasible for .∙ A、storage∙ B、transport∙ C、reinjection∙ D、disposal我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分) Dehydration of produced oil involves .∙ A、residence time∙ B、chemical addition∙ C、heat∙ D、electrostatic fields我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分) Types of equipment used for removing oil and solids during produced water treatment include .∙ A、oil skimmer tanks∙ B、plate coalescers∙ C、air flotation tanks∙ D、hydrocyclones我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分) The separation of natural gas from liquids and/or impurities in a separator combines .∙ A、gravity∙ B、time∙ C、mechanical processes∙ D、chemicals我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分) For separation of well-stream fluids, the operating pressure of separator is dependent upon .∙ A、the pressure of the gas sales line∙ B、the flowing pressure of the well∙ C、flow rate∙ D、operating pressure我的答案:ABD 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分) During oil treating, must be removed before selling the oil.∙ A、Liquid hydrocarbon∙ B、gas∙ C、water∙ D、sediment我的答案:BCD 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分) In an emulsion,the liquid that is broken up into droplets is known as the .∙ A、discontinuous phase∙ B、dispersed phase∙ C、internal phase∙ D、continuous phase我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分) Whether an emulsion is tight or loose depends on several factors,including .∙ A、the properties of the oil and water∙ B、the percentage of oil and water in the emulsion∙ C、the type and amount of emulsifier present∙ D、the pressure and temperature of emulsion我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分) Refining of water-bearing crude can cause severe problems.∙ A、leakage∙ B、pollution∙ C、corrosion∙ D、plugging我的答案:CD 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分) Sour gas may contain .∙ A、sulfur compounds∙ B、CO2∙ C、H2S∙ D、water vapor我的答案:AC 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分) The aim of removal of acid gases includes that .∙ A、they will cause corrosion problems∙ B、they will cause plugging∙ C、they have no heating value∙ D、H2S is lethal in very small quantities我的答案:ACD 此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分) For gas sweetening process, which ones are right?∙ A、In batch processes, the reactant can be regenerated.∙ B、The aqueous amine solutions can be regenerated.∙ C、The physical solvents can be regenerated with heat.∙ D、Direct oxidation to sulfur practically eliminates H2S emissions.我的答案:BD 此题得分:2.5分判断题 (共14道题)展开收起27.(2.5分) Oil is the blood of industry.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分) Dehydration of produced oil is required to reduce the water content to a value acceptable for transportation or sales.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分) The major goal of oil removal from produced water is to prevent reservoir plugging.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分) LNG is natural gas liquids.∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分) The equipment most widely used for separation of well-stream gas from free liquids is referred to as a separator.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分) Heater-treaters can be vertical, horizontal or spherical in design.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分) In an emulsion, liquids do not mix together under normal conditions.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分34.(2.5分) API is short for American Petroleum Institute.∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分) The viscosity of crude oil decreases as the water content is increased.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分) W/O emulsion is also called regular or normal emulsion.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分) Degassing should be done prior to emulsion treating.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分38.(2.5分) Dehydration of natural gas includes: absorption and adsorption.∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分) In absorption, the desiccant is liquid.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分) In adsorption, the desiccant is liquid.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分第二阶段在线作业单选题 (共13道题)1.(2.5分) In pumping any liquid, the goal is to add energy to the liquid to cause it to move through a pipeline by overcoming the resistance of friction and changes in .∙ A、speed∙ B、flow∙ C、site∙ D、elevation我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分) Positive displacement pumps are used for volumes and when required pumping pressure is .∙ A、Small, moderate∙ B、Large, high∙ C、Large, moderate∙ D、Small, high我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分) In general, when large volume of liquid to be pumped and pressures are moderate, which equipment will be chosen?∙ A、centrifugal pumps∙ B、centrifugal compressors∙ C、positive displacement pumps∙ D、reciprocating compressors我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分) When pumps are connected in parallel, each pump operates at approximately .∙ A、same suction pressure and different discharge pressure∙ B、same suction and discharge pressure∙ C、different suction and discharge pressure∙ D、different suction pressure and same discharge pressure 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分) In a centrifugal unit, rotates.∙ A、diffuser∙ B、housing∙ C、impeller∙ D、rod我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分) For tight line operation, which one is right?∙ A、One station pumps directly into the suction side of the pumps at the next station and no tankage is open to the suctionmanifold at the intermediate station.∙ B、One station pumps directly into the tankage at the next station and no tankage is open to the suction manifold at theintermediate station.∙ C、One station pumps directly into the suction side of the pumps at the next station and a small tank is open to the suction manifold at the intermediate station.∙ D、One station pumps directly into the tankage at the next station and a small tank is open to the suction manifold at theintermediate station.我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分) If compressor cylinders of a single integral reciprocating compressors unit are operated in parallel, each cylinder operates with .∙ A、different suction and discharge pressure∙ B、different suction pressure and same discharge pressure∙ C、same suction pressure and different discharge pressure∙ D、same suction and discharge pressure我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分) In centrifugal compressors, energy is added to the gas by impeller .∙ A、confining∙ B、rotating∙ C、compressing∙ D、burning我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分) In centrifugal compressors, energy is added to the gas .∙ A、by confining the gas and then compressing∙ B、by the rotation of an impeller∙ C、by confining the gas∙ D、by compressing the gas我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分) Depending on the type of gas, may also be needed between compression stages to remove any liquids condensed by interstage cooling.∙ A、meters∙ B、heat exchanger∙ C、separators∙ D、tower我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分) In liquid pipeline, Pigs and sphere travel .∙ A、at higher velocity than liquid in the pipeline∙ B、awhile, then stop∙ C、at lower velocity than liquid in the pipeline∙ D、at about constant velocity我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分) Pipelines are often pigged first .∙ A、during construction∙ B、during ordinal operation∙ C、during testing following construction∙ D、after connection我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分) A pig launcher may be required .∙ A、at the end of the segment being pigged and at the end of a station∙ B、at the beginning of the segment being pigged and at the beginning of a station∙ C、at the beginning of the segment being pigged and at the end of a station∙ D、at the end of the segment being pigged and at the beginning of a station我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分多选题 (共12道题)展开收起14.(2.5分) The size of flowlines required varies according to .∙ A、the capacity of the well being served∙ B、the temperature∙ C、the length of the line∙ D、the pressure available at the producing well我的答案:ACD 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分) This network of crude trunk lines comprises a wide variety of pipe .∙ A、locations∙ B、sizes∙ C、capacities∙ D、pressures我的答案:BC 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分) Pumping station must also be spaced along the pipeline to maintain pipeline pressure at the level required to overcome .∙ A、friction∙ B、leakage∙ C、changes in elevation∙ D、other pressure losses我的答案:ACD 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分) In selecting the station site, which should be considered?∙ A、Type of pump∙ B、Environmental protection∙ C、Safety considerations∙ D、Engineering design criteria我的答案:BCD 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分) Products shipped include .∙ A、several grades of gasoline∙ B、aviation gasoline∙ C、diesel∙ D、home heating oils我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分) Equipment in an individual station varies in both size and type, depending on .∙ A、the volume of fluid being handled and its properties∙ B、the size of the pipeline system∙ C、the type of monitoring and control used∙ D、the remoteness of the station我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分) In a pumping station, the main items are .∙ A、Pumps∙ B、drivers∙ C、meters∙ D、pipes我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分) The characteristics of oil & gas pipeline systems include:∙ A、Lower transportation costs∙ B、Increase the ease of operation∙ C、Decrease evaporation loss∙ D、Decrease transportation time我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分) adds energy to the flowing fluid to cause it to move through the pipeline.∙ A、Pumps∙ B、Compressors∙ C、Pigs∙ D、Meters我的答案:AB 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分) Volume that reciprocating compressor unit can compress under given conditions depends on:∙ A、size of cylinder∙ B、length of the piston stroke∙ C、clearance volume within the cylinder∙ D、temperature and pressure of gas flow我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分24.(2.5分) The type of information gathered by smart pigs includes .∙ A、pipeline diameter∙ B、bends∙ C、temperature and pressure∙ D、corrosion我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分) Pipeline pigging is done to .∙ A、periodically remove wax, dirt, and water from the pipeline∙ B、separate products to reduce the amount of interface between different types of crude oil or refined products.∙ C、control liquids in a pipeline∙ D、inspect pipelines for defects我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分判断题 (共15道题)展开收起26.(2.5分) Gathering lines are the first link in the transportation chain from producing well to consumer.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分) The originating station is usually most complex.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分) Pumps are required only at the beginning of the trunk line.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分) Crude trunk lines operate at the same pressure as field-gathering systems.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分) Crude trunk lines are made of steel.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分) In general, gas pipelines operate at the same pressures as crude lines.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分) Much of the line pipe used today is manufactured according to specifications of API.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分) Seamless steel pipe is made with a longitudinal weld by hot working lengths of steel to produce pipe of the desired size and properties.∙正确∙错误34.(2.5分) Reciprocating compressors have more moving parts and lower mechanical efficiencies than centrifugal compressors.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分) The number of booster stations is constant in liquids pipeline systems.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分) When pumps are connected in parallel, the total flow volume is handled by each pump.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分) Liquids and gases are compressible.∙正确∙错误38.(2.5分) The output from a centrifugal compressor is smoother than reciprocating compressors.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分) Interstage cooling between compression stages can be done by air cooling, by cooling with water, or by exchanging heat with inlet gas.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分) Barrel diameter is the same as pipeline.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分第三阶段在线作业单选题 (共10道题)1.(2.5分) If the refinery is supplied by tanker, days of storage is recommended.∙ A、30-32∙ B、32-35∙ C、6∙ D、16-18我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分) Natural gas demand is highly dependent on .∙ A、weather∙ B、regulation∙ C、production∙ D、compressor我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分) Because LNG must be stored at very low temperatures to maintain it in a liquid state, is one of the most important elements of LNG storage design�.∙ A、temperature∙ B、pressure∙ C、insulation∙ D、shape我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分) For fixed-roof tank, which one is right?∙ A、For cone-roof tanks, they don’t have cylindrical shells.∙ B、For cone-roof tanks, the top is made in the form of a shallow cone.∙ C、Umbrella-roof tanks are usually constructed to diameters larger than 60ft.∙ D、For umbrella-roof tanks, there are column supports that must be run to the bottom of the tank.我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分) For floating-roof tanks, they have a cover that floatson the surface of the .∙ A、liquid∙ B、pipeline∙ C、gas∙ D、shell我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分) The floating cover or roof is a disk structure that has sufficient to ensure that the roof will float under all expected conditions.∙ A、weight∙ B、diameter∙ C、buoyancy∙ D、pressure我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分) Corrosion is usually the most severe at the .∙ A、bottom∙ B、top∙ C、shell∙ D、interface我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分) It is necessary to dry natural gas pipelines, .∙ A、after hydrostatic testing∙ B、when the line is put into service∙ C、following pipeline construction∙ D、before hydrostatic testing我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分) During hydrostatic testing, fill the line with water and subjecting it to a pressure to check for leaks.∙ A、greater than the design operating pressure∙ B、the same as the design operating pressure∙ C、lower than the design operating pressure∙ D、the same as the allowable pressure我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分) Metering problem is more complicated in gas lines since corrections are more important.∙ A、temperature∙ B、pressure∙ C、temperature and pressure∙ D、volume我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分多选题 (共13道题)展开收起11.(2.5分) Factors help determine the amount of storage a refinery needs for both feedstock and products include:∙ A、product delivery∙ B、refinery complexity∙ C、seasonal demand∙ D、turnarounds我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分12.(2.5分) At tanker terminals, the amount of storage depends on:∙ A、the amount and type of product handled∙ B、the number, capacity, and type of tanker berths∙ C、expected periods of downtime∙ D、the number and size of ships using the terminal�我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分13.(2.5分) Considerations involved in designing large crude storage tanks include:∙ A、integrity of the foundation∙ B、safety∙ C、maintenance requirements and ease of maintenance∙ D、operating efficiency我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分14.(2.5分) For EFR, which ones are right?∙ A、The design conditions of the external floating roof are more severe.∙ B、Pontoon roof is simply a steel deck with an annular compartment that provides buoyancy.∙ C、Double-deck roofs are strong and durable roofs.∙ D、Pontoon roofs are suitable for large diameter tanks.我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分15.(2.5分) For IFR, which ones are right?∙ A、IFR is covered by a fixed roof on top of the tank.∙ B、Pan roofs are simple sheet-steel disks with the edge turned up for buoyancy.∙ C、Bulkhead pan roof has open annular compartments at the periphery to prevent the roof from sinking.∙ D、Skin and pontoon roofs are usually constructed of an aluminum skin supported on a series of tubular aluminum pontoons.我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分16.(2.5分) For floating roof, it can .∙ A、reduce emissions from the storage of volatile organic compounds∙ B、reduce the potential for vapor space explosions∙ C、eliminate the possibility of boilover phenomenon∙ D、be constructed of steel我的答案:ABC 此题得分:2.5分17.(2.5分) For double-deck roof, which ones are right?∙ A、It is the heaviest but most durable construction of all the roofs.∙ B、It is most economic for small diameters up to about 30ft and very large diameter from about 200 to over 300ft.∙ C、It maintains good rigidity under normal conditions.∙ D、It is much better insulated from solar heat gain�.我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分18.(2.5分) PV Valves are often referred to as .∙ A、pressure vacuum vent valves∙ B、pressure volume valves∙ C、breather valves∙ D、conservation valves�我的答案:ACD 此题得分:2.5分19.(2.5分) For actual installation of pipeline, which ones are right?∙ A、Applying coating and wrapping to the exterior of the pipe should be done after welding.∙ B、Testing pipeline for leak is the last step.∙ C、Width of the pipeline ditch varies according to the size of the pipeline.∙ D、Backfilling of the ditch on top of the pipeline can be done with the soil excavated from the ditch.我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分20.(2.5分) About corrosion, which are right?∙ A、Corrosion of iron and steel is a natural process.∙ B、Iron is not stable in its refined state.∙ C、Corrosion is selective and concentrated.∙ D、The basic corrosion mechanism of iron underground is electrochemical�.我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分21.(2.5分) In selecting product for coatings, which should beconsidered?∙ A、Elasticity∙ B、Hardness∙ C、Adherence∙ D、Ease of application我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分22.(2.5分) For gas metering, which ones are right?∙ A、The utilization range of a differential pressure meter is relatively narrow.∙ B、Positive-displacement meter has a direct reading of volumes.∙ C、For turbine-type meters, mechanical friction in the turbine must be minimal.∙ D、Mass-flow meters directly measure the mass of the fluid passing through the meter.我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分23.(2.5分) For liquid metering, which ones are right?∙ A、A pipeline meter must be sturdy enough.∙ B、The parts in the positive-displacement meters have to be very precisely machined.∙ C、The products through positive-displacement meters must be filtered.∙ D、Compared with PD meters of equal output, turbine meters are much less bulky, sturdier and of simpler design.我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.5分判断题 (共17道题)展开收起24.(2.5分) The capacity of individual storage tanks orfacilities varies widely.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分25.(2.5分) If products are delivered continuously to a pipeline, storage needs will be reduced.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分26.(2.5分) A refinery must have storage for crude to feed the refinery and the products it manufactures.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分27.(2.5分) Natural gas can’t be stored in depleted oil-producing formations.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分28.(2.5分) Low-pressure tanks mean tanks designed for a lower pressure than atmospheric tanks�.∙正确我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分29.(2.5分) Almost all tanks are cylindrical on the shell portion.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分30.(2.5分) IFR is open on top of the tank.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分31.(2.5分) Flat-bottom tank is used for tanks less than 60-200 ft in diameter.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分32.(2.5分) The internal floating roofs may be constructed of steel or aluminum or plastic�.∙正确我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分33.(2.5分) Extensive testing of welders and the welds they produce is not important for the construction of alllong-distance petroleum pipelines.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分34.(2.5分) Most offshore pipelines are not buried below seabed.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分35.(2.5分) Corrosion is distributed�over the entire metal surface.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分36.(2.5分) Electrolytic corrosion may be rapid and intensive�.∙正确我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分37.(2.5分) Insulation of pipeline from soil with a suitable coating is enough.∙正确∙错误我的答案:错误此题得分:2.5分38.(2.5分) For refined hydrocarbon storage tanks, bottom pitting and general corrosion are less severe than crude oil tanks.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分39.(2.5分) Metering liquid-carry lines requires even higher accuracy than gas pipelines.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分40.(2.5分) The meters must be calibrated under the actual working conditions.∙正确∙错误我的答案:正确此题得分:2.5分。
第三次在线作业单选题(共40道题)收起1.(分)--How about taking a break?--______.•A、Thank you•B、Good idea•C、See you•D、Good-bye我的答案:B 此题得分:分2.(分)Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working here.•A、would I make•B、did I make•C、I did make•D、shall I make我的答案:B 此题得分:分3.(分)Not until all the fish died in the river, _____ how serious the pollution was.•A、did the villagers realize•B、the villagers realized•C、the villagers did realize•D、didn’t the villagers realize我的答案:A 此题得分:分4.(分)--I just got promoted to sales manager. -- __________•A、When?•B、How could you?•C、Congratulations!•D、That' s good我的答案:C 此题得分:分5.(分)I have been to the doctor’s about my headache. He says there is_____ but I must lie up for a few days.•A、something serious•B、anything serious•C、not serious•D、nothing serious我的答案:D 此题得分:分6.(分)He is ______ of an actor.•A、anybody•B、anyone•C、somebody•D、something我的答案:D 此题得分:分7.(分)I don’t drink ______ water during the day.•A、a few•B、much•C、little•D、lots of我的答案:B 此题得分:分8.(分)_______ have visited the famous scientist.•A、Both the students•B、Both of them•C、Both of students•D、Both they我的答案:B 此题得分:分9.(分)_____do you think of the new plan?•A、How•B、Why•C、What•D、Which我的答案:C 此题得分:分10.(分)It was______that came here at midnight.•A、him•B、them•C、her•D、they我的答案:D 此题得分:分11.(分)She amused______ by listening to light music.•A、herself•B、her•C、sheself•D、himself我的答案:A 此题得分:分12.(分)It is ______ that I would like to go to the beach.•A、so nice weather•B、such nice weather•C、so nice a weather•D、such a nice weather我的答案:B 此题得分:分13.(分)We arrived ______ Professor Baker had already called the roll.•A、so lately that•B、as late that•C、so later that•D、so late that我的答案:D 此题得分:分14.(分)_____ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself.•A、Three-minute call•B、A three-minutes call•C、A three-minute call•D、A three-minutes-call我的答案:C 此题得分:分15.(分)the photographs of mars taken by satellite are ______ taken from the earth.•A、clearest than those•B、clearer than that•C、much clear than those•D、much clearer than those我的答案:D 此题得分:分16.(分)The harder the shrub is to grow, ______.•A、the more higher price it•B、the higher price it is•C、the higher the price is•D、the higher is the price我的答案:C 此题得分:分17.(分)Once you ______ the knack of it, you will have no further difficulty.•A、shall have•B、had had•C、are having•D、have我的答案:D 此题得分:分18.(分)----Shall we go skating or stay at home?---Which___ do?•A、do you rather•B、would you rather•C、will you rather•D、should you rather我的答案:B 此题得分:分19.(分)When we worked in the same office, we ______ often have coffee together.•A、would•B、should•C、could•D、ought to我的答案:A 此题得分:分20.(分)Be careful,_______you’ll fall from the mountain.•A、or•B、for•C、but•D、if我的答案:A 此题得分:分21.(分)The men will have to wait all day ______ the doctor works faster.•A、if•B、whether•C、unless•D、that我的答案:C 此题得分:分22.(分)_____ you have to do is press the button.•A、All that•B、Which•C、That•D、How我的答案:A 此题得分:分23.(分)He had no sooner finished his speech_______ he left.•A、when•B、than•C、then•D、and我的答案:B 此题得分:分24.(分)The mere fact______ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.•A、what•B、which•C、that•D、why我的答案:C 此题得分:分25.(分)He explained everything over again ______ anyone should misunderstand her.•A、since•B、when•C、lest•D、as if我的答案:C 此题得分:分26.(分)I was born _______ .•A、in ,1996•B、in 1996,•C、on , 1996•D、on 1996,我的答案:C 此题得分:分27.(分)We have produced ______ this year as we did in 1993.•A、as much cotton twice•B、as twice much cotton•C、much as twice cotton•D、twice as much cotton28.(分)About ______ of the workers in that factory are women.•A、third-fifths•B、three-fifths•C、three-fives•D、three-fifth我的答案:B 此题得分:分29.(分)We are going to study ______ next week.•A、Lesson Eleven•B、Lesson Eleventh•C、even Lesson•D、the lesson Eleventh我的答案:A 此题得分:分30.(分)The Olympic Games are held ______.•A、every four years•B、every four year•C、every fourth years•D、every four-years我的答案:A 此题得分:分31.(分)It took me _____ day to finish drawing a beautiful horse.•A、a half•B、half a•C、halves•D、half32.(分)You can find him in _____ .•A、Room 1056•B、1056 Room•C、the Room 1056•D、the 1056 Room我的答案:A 此题得分:分33.(分)Three students ______ in this university come from the South.•A、of ten•B、out of in ten•C、out of ten•D、in tens我的答案:C 此题得分:分34.(分)He said that he dropped his bag when he ______ for the bus.•A、was runing•B、was running•C、were running•D、is running我的答案:B 此题得分:分35.(分)He ______ live in the country than in the city.•A、prefers•B、likes to•C、had better•D、would rather36.(分)Collecting stamps______ a good hobby.•A、is•B、are•C、being•D、was我的答案:A 此题得分:分37.(分)You had better ______ your hair cut.•A、had•B、have•C、to get•D、to have我的答案:B 此题得分:分38.(分)–Will you have supper with me tonight? -- _________.•A、I don’t think so.•B、That’s not good.•C、No.•D、Sorry. I have a prior appointment.我的答案:D 此题得分:分39.(分)–Do you mind if I sit here? -- _________.•A、I don’t know.•B、Maybe.•C、It doesn’t matter.•D、Not at all.百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我11 我的答案:D 此题得分:分40.(分) --Don't forget to come to my birthday party•A 、I don't •B 、I won't •C 、I can't •D 、I haven't我的答案:B 此题得分:分。
中国石油大学 国际石油经济 第三阶段在线作业供参习
•A)Yes,you may borrow.•B)Yes,go on.•C)Sure,here you are. Enjoy your journey. •D)It doesn’t matter.•A)My pleasure. •B)Never mind. •C)Quite right. •D)Don’t thank me.•A)Well,it’s OK.•B)No,it’s all right.•C)You are welcome. •D)You are wrong.—Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest.—_______.•A)Yes,I beat the others.•B)No,no I didn’t do it well.•C)Thank you.•D)It’s a pleasure.•A)Hello,how are you?•B)How do you do?•C)Fine,thank you.•D)That’s OK参考答案:C收起解析解析:无二、True or False答题要求:阅读理解判断正误。
6(10.0)10.0There was once an ant that was very thirsty. It ran here and there looki ng for some water but could not find any. Then suddenly, when the ant was almost ready to die of thirst, a large drop of water fell on it. The ant drank the water, which saved its life. The water was actually a tear fr om a young girl who was crying. Because of her sadness, the tear had magical qualities and suddenly the ant could speak the language of hum an beings.The ant looked up and saw the young girl sitting in front of a huge pil e of seeds."Why are you sad?" asked the ant."I'm the prisoner of a giant." the girl told the ant. "He won't let me go until I've made three separate heaps of grain, barley(大麦)and rye(黑麦)out of this huge pile of seeds in which they are all mixed together.""That will take you a month!" the ant said, looking at the huge pile of s eeds."I know," the girl cried, "and if I haven'tfinished by tomorrow, the giant will eat me for his supper!""Don't cry," the ant said, "my friends and I will help you."Soon thousands of ants were at work, separating the three kinds of seed s.The next morning, when the giant saw that the work had been done, he let the girl go.Thus it was one of her tears that saved her life.1、(2分)The ant was playing when it ran here and there.•A) 正确•B) 错误参考答案:错误2、(2分)The drop of water fell on the ant when it was nearly dying.•A) 正确•B) 错误参考答案:正确3、(2分)The young girl was crying because she wanted to have supper.•A) 正确•B) 错误参考答案:错误4、(2分)The giant would eat the girl if she failed to do the work.•A) 正确•B) 错误参考答案:正确5、(2.0分)The ant's friends saved the girl's life.•A) 正确•B) 错误参考答案:正确收起解析解析:无三、Reading Comprehension答题要求:阅读理解单选题,每题只有一个正确的选项。
1.(2.5分)与原油管道相比,顺序输送管道首站需要A、更多的计量装置B、更多的油罐C、更多的泵D、更多的发球装置正确答案:2.(2.5分)顺序输送管道末站每种油品至少应设置油罐A、1~2座B、2~3座C、3~4座D、4~5座正确答案:3.(2.5分)过串联泵密闭顺序输送泵站,混油量一般增加A、1~5米B、5~10米C、10~15米D、15~20米正确答案:4.(2.5分)在紊流状态下顺序输送时,混油量一般为管道总体积的A、0.5%以下B、0.5%~1%C、1%~1.5%D、1.5%以上正确答案:5.(2.5分)为减少混油,顺序输送管道不应行运在A、层流区B、水力光滑区C、混合摩擦区D、过渡区正确答案:6.(2.5分)初始混油量的大小不取决于A、切换油罐的时间B、管道的输量C、首站管道的布置D、油罐的罐容正确答案:7.(2.5分)混油段一般定义为含前行油品浓度的A、99%~1%B、98%~2%C、97%~3%D、96%~4%正确答案:8.(2.5分)混油处理的方法有A、送回炼厂重炼B、掺入纯油中C、单独使用D、降级使用正确答案:9.(2.5分)轻油跟随重油比重油跟随轻油的混油量多A、1%~5%B、5%~10%C、10%~15%D、15%~20%正确答案:10.(2.5分)不作为分输的方法是A、快速分输B、定期分输C、连续分输D、集中分输正确答案:11.(2.5分)不作为顺序分输运行计划的时间是A、1天B、10天C、30天D、60天正确答案:12.(2.5分)不作为混油界面检测的方法是A、密度型B、速度型C、粘度性D、速度型正确答案:13.(2.5分)首站接收油田管道来油,其原油储备天数为A、3-4天B、3-5天C、4-5天D、5-7天正确答案:14.(2.5分)站内输油主管道上的阀门直径与站外输油干线的直径A、相同B、小1个等级C、小1-2个等级D、大1个等级正确答案:15.(2.5分)标准体积管的校验精度A、0.5%-1%B、0.2%-0.5%C、0.1%-0.2%D、0.02%-0.1%正确答案:16.(2.5分)油品粘度(m2/s)大于多少时必需换算离心泵特性A、60×10-6B、40×10-6C、20×10-6D、10×10-6正确答案:17.(2.5分)不属于SCADA系统的部分是A、控制中心计算机系统B、RTU远程终端装置C、数据传输及网络系统D、摄像监视系统正确答案:18.(2.5分)输油站内的区域划分不包括A、生活区B、紧急避险区C、主要作业区D、辅助作业区正确答案:19.(2.5分)不符合供油泵的是A、排量大B、扬程低C、比转速低D、效率高正确答案:20.(2.5分)不符合串联泵的是A、排量大B、扬程高C、比转速高D、效率高正确答案:21.(2.5分)顺序输油管道终点混油切割的方式有A、二段切割B、三段切割C、四段切割D、五段切割正确答案:22.(2.5分)顺序输送循环次数的确定应考虑A、市场需求B、联唱产量C、混油贬值D、油罐区建造运行费正确答案:23.(2.5分)顺序输送产生混油的方式有A、初始混油B、过站混油C、停输混油D、沿程混油正确答案:24.(2.5分)影响混油段长度的量有A、管径B、输送距离C、油品粘度D、油品流速正确答案:25.(2.5分)减小混油的措施有A、缩短阀门操作时间B、加大油品的输送量C、重油在前轻油在后输送D、重油在低点轻油在高点停输正确答案:26.(2.5分)工艺流程图应包括A、管道设备编号B、管径输送介质说明C、附流程操作说明D、设备阀门规格表正确答案:27.(2.5分)密闭输油中间站的流程一般包括A、正输B、反输C、越站D、收发球正确答案:28.(2.5分)间接加热使用的热媒应具备A、蒸汽压低B、凝点低C、腐蚀性小D、粘度低正确答案:29.(2.5分)输油管道SCADA系统的硬件构成包括A、可编程控制器B、站控系统C、控制中心D、通信网络正确答案:30.(2.5分) SCADA系统的控制可分为A、就地控制B、站控C、控制中心控制D、联合控制正确答案:31.(2.5分)顺序输送的混油由初始混油、过站混油、停输混油、意外混油构成。
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.(2.5分)If the refinery is supplied by tanker, days of storage is recommended.A、30-32B、32-35C、6D、16-18正确答案:2.(2.5分) Natural gas demand is highly dependent on .A、weatherB、regulationC、productionD、compressor正确答案:3.(2.5分) Because LNG must be stored at very low temperatures to maintain it in a liquid state, is one of the most important elements of LNG storage design?.A、temperatureB、pressureC、insulationD、shape正确答案:4.(2.5分) For fixed-roof tank, which one is right?A、For cone-roof tanks, they don’t have cylindrical shells.B、For cone-roof tanks, the top is made in the form of a shallow cone.C、Umbrella-roof tanks are usually constructed to diameters larger than 60ft.D、For umbrella-roof tanks, there are column supports that must be run to the bottom of the tank.正确答案:5.(2.5分)For floating-roof tanks, they have a cover that floats on the surface of the .A、liquidB、pipelineC、gasD、shell正确答案:6.(2.5分) The floating cover or roof is a disk structure that has sufficient to ensure that the roof will float under all expected conditions.A、weightB、diameterC、buoyancyD、pressure正确答案:7.(2.5分) Corrosion is usually the most severe at the .A、bottom------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B、topC、shellD、interface正确答案:8.(2.5分) It is necessary to dry natural gas pipelines, .A、after hydrostatic testingB、when the line is put into serviceC、following pipeline constructionD、before hydrostatic testing正确答案:9.(2.5分) During hydrostatic testing, fill the line with water and subjecting it to a pressure to check for leaks.A、greater than the design operating pressureB、the same as the design operating pressureC、lower than the design operating pressureD、the same as the allowable pressure正确答案:10.(2.5分)Metering problem is more complicated in gas lines since corrections are more important.A、temperatureB、pressureC、temperature and pressureD、volume正确答案:11.(2.5分) Factors help determine the amount of storage a refinery needs for both feedstock and products include:A、product deliveryB、refinery complexityC、seasonal demandD、turnarounds正确答案:12.(2.5分) At tanker terminals, the amount of storage depends on:A、the amount and type of product handledB、the number, capacity, and type of tanker berthsC、expected periods of downtimeD、the number and size of ships using the terminal?正确答案:13.(2.5分)Considerations involved in designing large crude storage tanks include:A、integrity of the foundationB、safetyC、maintenance requirements and ease of maintenanceD、operating efficiency------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 正确答案:14.(2.5分) For EFR, which ones are right?A、The design conditions of the external floating roof are more severe.B、Pontoon roof is simply a steel deck with an annular compartment that provides buoyancy.C、Double-deck roofs are strong and durable roofs.D、Pontoon roofs are suitable for large diameter tanks.正确答案:15.(2.5分) For IFR, which ones are right?A、IFR is covered by a fixed roof on top of the tank.B、Pan roofs are simple sheet-steel disks with the edge turned up for buoyancy.C、Bulkhead pan roof has open annular compartments at the periphery to prevent the roof from sinking.D、Skin and pontoon roofs are usually constructed of an aluminum skin supported on a series of tubular aluminum pontoons.正确答案:16.(2.5分) For floating roof, it can .A、reduce emissions from the storage of volatile organic compoundsB、reduce the potential for vapor space explosionsC、eliminate the possibility of boilover phenomenonD、be constructed of steel正确答案:17.(2.5分) For double-deck roof, which ones are right?A、It is the heaviest but most durable construction of all the roofs.B、It is most economic for small diameters up to about 30ft and very large diameter from about 200 to over 300ft.C、It maintains good rigidity under normal conditions.D、It is much better insulated from solar heat gain?.正确答案:18.(2.5分) PV Valves are often referred to as .A、pressure vacuum vent valvesB、pressure volume valvesC、breather valvesD、conservation valves?正确答案:19.(2.5分) For actual installation of pipeline, which ones are right?A、Applying coating and wrapping to the exterior of the pipe should be done after welding.B、Testing pipeline for leak is the last step.C、Width of the pipeline ditch varies according to the size of the pipeline.D、Backfilling of the ditch on top of the pipeline can be done with the soil excavated from the ditch.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 正确答案:20.(2.5分) About corrosion, which are right?A、Corrosion of iron and steel is a natural process.B、Iron is not stable in its refined state.C、Corrosion is selective and concentrated.D、The basic corrosion mechanism of iron underground is electrochemical?.正确答案:21.(2.5分) In selecting product for coatings, which should be considered?A、ElasticityB、HardnessC、AdherenceD、Ease of application正确答案:22.(2.5分) For gas metering, which ones are right?A、The utilization range of a differential pressure meter is relatively narrow.B、Positive-displacement meter has a direct reading of volumes.C、For turbine-type meters, mechanical friction in the turbine must be minimal.D、Mass-flow meters directly measure the mass of the fluid passing through the meter.正确答案:23.(2.5分) For liquid metering, which ones are right?A、A pipeline meter must be sturdy enough.B、The parts in the positive-displacement meters have to be very precisely machined.C、The products through positive-displacement meters must be filtered.D、Compared with PD meters of equal output, turbine meters are much less bulky, sturdier and of simpler design.正确答案:24.(2.5分)The capacity of individual storage tanks or facilities varies widely.正确错误正确答案:25.(2.5分)If products are delivered continuously to a pipeline, storage needs will be reduced.正确错误正确答案:26.(2.5分) A refinery must have storage for crude to feed the refinery and the products it manufactures.正确------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 错误正确答案:27.(2.5分)Natural gas can’t be stored in depleted oil-producing formations.正确错误正确答案:28.(2.5分) Low-pressure tanks mean tanks designed for a lower pressure than atmospheric tanks?.正确错误正确答案:29.(2.5分) Almost all tanks are cylindrical on the shell portion.正确错误正确答案:30.(2.5分) IFR is open on top of the tank.正确错误正确答案:31.(2.5分) Flat-bottom tank is used for tanks less than 60-200 ft in diameter.正确错误正确答案:32.(2.5分)The internal floating roofs may be constructed of steel or aluminum or plastic?.正确错误正确答案:33.(2.5分)Extensive testing of welders and the welds they produce is not important for the construction of all long-distance petroleum pipelines.正确错误正确答案:34.(2.5分) Most offshore pipelines are not buried below seabed.正确错误正确答案:35.(2.5分) Corrosion is distributed?over the entire metal surface.正确错误正确答案:36.(2.5分) Electrolytic corrosion may be rapid and intensive?.正确------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 错误正确答案:37.(2.5分) Insulation of pipeline from soil with a suitable coating is enough.正确错误正确答案:38.(2.5分) For refined hydrocarbon storage tanks, bottom pitting and general corrosion are less severe than crude oil tanks.正确错误正确答案:39.(2.5分) Metering liquid-carry lines requires even higher accuracy than gas pipelines.正确错误正确答案:40.(2.5分) The meters must be calibrated under the actual working conditions.正确错误正确答案:1.(2.5分)If the refinery is supplied by tanker, days of storage is recommended.A、30-32B、32-35C、6D、16-18正确答案:2.(2.5分) Natural gas demand is highly dependent on .A、weatherB、regulationC、productionD、compressor正确答案:3.(2.5分) Because LNG must be stored at very low temperatures to maintain it in a liquid state, is one of the most important elements of LNG storage design?.A、temperatureB、pressureC、insulationD、shape正确答案:4.(2.5分) For fixed-roof tank, which one is right?A、For cone-roof tanks, they don’t have cylindrical shells.B、For cone-roof tanks, the top is made in the form of a shallow cone.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C、Umbrella-roof tanks are usually constructed to diameters larger than 60ft.D、For umbrella-roof tanks, there are column supports that must be run to the bottom of the tank.正确答案:5.(2.5分)For floating-roof tanks, they have a cover that floats on the surface of the .A、liquidB、pipelineC、gasD、shell正确答案:6.(2.5分) The floating cover or roof is a disk structure that has sufficient to ensure that the roof will float under all expected conditions.A、weightB、diameterC、buoyancyD、pressure正确答案:7.(2.5分) Corrosion is usually the most severe at the .A、bottomB、topC、shellD、interface正确答案:8.(2.5分) It is necessary to dry natural gas pipelines, .A、after hydrostatic testingB、when the line is put into serviceC、following pipeline constructionD、before hydrostatic testing正确答案:9.(2.5分) During hydrostatic testing, fill the line with water and subjecting it to a pressure to check for leaks.A、greater than the design operating pressureB、the same as the design operating pressureC、lower than the design operating pressureD、the same as the allowable pressure正确答案:10.(2.5分)Metering problem is more complicated in gas lines since corrections are more important.A、temperatureB、pressureC、temperature and pressureD、volume------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 正确答案:11.(2.5分) Factors help determine the amount of storage a refinery needs for both feedstock and products include:A、product deliveryB、refinery complexityC、seasonal demandD、turnarounds正确答案:12.(2.5分) At tanker terminals, the amount of storage depends on:A、the amount and type of product handledB、the number, capacity, and type of tanker berthsC、expected periods of downtimeD、the number and size of ships using the terminal?正确答案:13.(2.5分)Considerations involved in designing large crude storage tanks include:A、integrity of the foundationB、safetyC、maintenance requirements and ease of maintenanceD、operating efficiency正确答案:14.(2.5分) For EFR, which ones are right?A、The design conditions of the external floating roof are more severe.B、Pontoon roof is simply a steel deck with an annular compartment that provides buoyancy.C、Double-deck roofs are strong and durable roofs.D、Pontoon roofs are suitable for large diameter tanks.正确答案:15.(2.5分) For IFR, which ones are right?A、IFR is covered by a fixed roof on top of the tank.B、Pan roofs are simple sheet-steel disks with the edge turned up for buoyancy.C、Bulkhead pan roof has open annular compartments at the periphery to prevent the roof from sinking.D、Skin and pontoon roofs are usually constructed of an aluminum skin supported on a series of tubular aluminum pontoons.正确答案:16.(2.5分) For floating roof, it can .A、reduce emissions from the storage of volatile organic compoundsB、reduce the potential for vapor space explosionsC、eliminate the possibility of boilover phenomenonD、be constructed of steel正确答案:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17.(2.5分) For double-deck roof, which ones are right?A、It is the heaviest but most durable construction of all the roofs.B、It is most economic for small diameters up to about 30ft and very large diameter from about 200 to over 300ft.C、It maintains good rigidity under normal conditions.D、It is much better insulated from solar heat gain?.正确答案:18.(2.5分) PV Valves are often referred to as .A、pressure vacuum vent valvesB、pressure volume valvesC、breather valvesD、conservation valves?正确答案:19.(2.5分) For actual installation of pipeline, which ones are right?A、Applying coating and wrapping to the exterior of the pipe should be done after welding.B、Testing pipeline for leak is the last step.C、Width of the pipeline ditch varies according to the size of the pipeline.D、Backfilling of the ditch on top of the pipeline can be done with the soil excavated from the ditch.正确答案:20.(2.5分) About corrosion, which are right?A、Corrosion of iron and steel is a natural process.B、Iron is not stable in its refined state.C、Corrosion is selective and concentrated.D、The basic corrosion mechanism of iron underground is electrochemical?.正确答案:21.(2.5分) In selecting product for coatings, which should be considered?A、ElasticityB、HardnessC、AdherenceD、Ease of application正确答案:22.(2.5分) For gas metering, which ones are right?A、The utilization range of a differential pressure meter is relatively narrow.B、Positive-displacement meter has a direct reading of volumes.C、For turbine-type meters, mechanical friction in the turbine must be minimal.D、Mass-flow meters directly measure the mass of the fluid passing through the meter.正确答案:23.(2.5分) For liquid metering, which ones are right?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A、A pipeline meter must be sturdy enough.B、The parts in the positive-displacement meters have to be very precisely machined.C、The products through positive-displacement meters must be filtered.D、Compared with PD meters of equal output, turbine meters are much less bulky, sturdier and of simpler design.正确答案:24.(2.5分)The capacity of individual storage tanks or facilities varies widely.正确错误正确答案:25.(2.5分)If products are delivered continuously to a pipeline, storage needs will be reduced.正确错误正确答案:26.(2.5分) A refinery must have storage for crude to feed the refinery and the products it manufactures.正确错误正确答案:27.(2.5分) Natural gas can’t be stored in depleted oil-producing formations.正确错误正确答案:28.(2.5分) Low-pressure tanks mean tanks designed for a lower pressure than atmospheric tanks?.正确错误正确答案:29.(2.5分) Almost all tanks are cylindrical on the shell portion.正确错误正确答案:30.(2.5分) IFR is open on top of the tank.正确错误正确答案:31.(2.5分) Flat-bottom tank is used for tanks less than 60-200 ft in diameter.正确错误正确答案:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32.(2.5分)The internal floating roofs may be constructed of steel or aluminum or plastic?.正确错误正确答案:33.(2.5分)Extensive testing of welders and the welds they produce is not important for the construction of all long-distance petroleum pipelines.正确错误正确答案:34.(2.5分) Most offshore pipelines are not buried below seabed.正确错误正确答案:35.(2.5分) Corrosion is distributed?over the entire metal surface.正确错误正确答案:36.(2.5分) Electrolytic corrosion may be rapid and intensive?.正确错误正确答案:37.(2.5分) Insulation of pipeline from soil with a suitable coating is enough.正确错误正确答案:38.(2.5分) For refined hydrocarbon storage tanks, bottom pitting and general corrosion are less severe than crude oil tanks.正确错误正确答案:39.(2.5分) Metering liquid-carry lines requires even higher accuracy than gas pipelines.正确错误正确答案:40.(2.5分) The meters must be calibrated under the actual working conditions.正确错误正确答案:。