思科认证CCNA认证试题和答案中文版思科认证CCNA认证试题和答案中文版想要获得思科认证,首先要参加由思科推荐并授权的培训中心(Cisco Training Partner,简称CTP)所开设的培训课程。
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16、路由器A串口0配置如下interface serial0link-protocol pppppp pap local-user huawei password simple quidwayip address路由器B串口及全局配置如下local-user huawei service-type ppp password simple quidway!interface serial0link-protocol pppppp authentication-mode papip address当两台路由器串口0相连时,两台路由器是否可以连接到对端()(A) 能(B) 不能答案:A17、关于千兆以太网,以下说法正确的是( )(A) IEEE802.3ab定义了千兆以太网(B) 在同一冲突域中,千兆以太网不允许中继器的互连(C) IEEE802.3z专门定义了千兆以太网在双绞线上的传输标准(D) 千兆以太网支持网络速率的自适应,可以与快速以太网自动协商传输速率答案:AB参考知识点:华为3com认证教材第一册3-8页18、高层的协议将数据传递到网络层后,形成( ),而后传送到数据链路层(A) 数据帧(B) 信元(C) 数据包(D) 数据段答案:C参考知识点:华为3com认证教材第一册1-20页19、在路由器上配置帧中继静态map必须指定( )参数(A) 本地的DLCI(B) 对端的DLCI(C) 本地的协议地址(D) 对端的协议地址答案:AD20、路由器的主要性能指标不包括( )(A) 延迟(B) 流通量(C) 帧丢失率(D) 语音数据压缩比答案:D【思科认证CCNA认证试题和答案中文版】。
答案:D 注释:这个题目不是太严谨,应该加上子网掩码. A:224. 0. 0. 5 是多播地址 B: 127. 0.0. 0 保留作为测试使用 C:网络地址 26、 设置主接口由 up 转 down 后延迟 30 秒切换到备份接口,主 接口 由 down 转 up 后 60 秒钟切换回主接口的配置为()
答案:D 注释:255. 255. 255. 255 是全网广播,DHCP 客户端发送全网广播来 查 找 DHCP 服务器. 24、 下而有关 NAT 叙述正确的是() (A) NAT 是英文“地址转换”的缩写,又称地址翻译 (B) XAT 用来实现私有地址与公用网络地址之间的转换 (C) 当内部网络的主机访问外部网络的时候,一定不需要 NAT (D) 地址转换的提出为解决 IP 地址紧张的问题提供了一个有效途 径 答案:ABD 25、 以下属于正确的主机的 IP 地址的是()
(A) arp-a (B) traceroute (C) routeprint (D) displayiprouting-table
答案:D 23、 D0. 0. 0 (B) 10. 0. 0. 1 (0127. 0. 0. 1 (D)255. 255. 255. 255
192. 168. 1. 1
答案:D 注释:PC 的'默认网关要指向路由器的以太网口的 IP 地址. 28、 ISDNB 信道速率是()
(A) 16kbps (B) 64kbps
思科 CCNA 学习试题 答案!!!
CCNA课程测试一、单项选择题:1、介质100BaseT的最大传输距离是:( )A: 10m B:100m C:1000m D:500m2、路由器下,由一般用户模式进入特权用户模式的命令是:()A:enable B:config C: interface D:router3、哪个命令可以成功测试网络:( )A: Router> ping Router# ping Router> ping Router# ping、介质工作在OSI的哪一层()A:物理层 B:数据链路层 C:网络层 D:传输层5、100baseT的速率是( )Mbit/sA: 1 B:10 C:100 D:10006、在启用IGRP协议时,所需要的参数是:( )A:网络掩码 B:子网号C:自治系统号 D:跳数7、基本IP访问权限表的表号范围是:( )A: 1—100 B:1-99 C:100-199 D:800-8998、查看路由表的命令是:( )A:show interface B:show run C:show ip route D:show table9、工作在OSI第三层的设备是:( )A:网卡B:路由器 C: 交换机 D:集线器10、OSI第二层数据封装完成后的名称是:( )A:比特 B: 包C:帧 D:段11、为了禁止网络210.93.105.0 ftp到网络223.8.151.0,允许其他信息传输,则能实现该功能的选项是:( )A:access-list 1 deny access-list 100 deny tcp eq ftpC:access-list 100 permit ip any anyD:access-list 100 deny tcp eq ftpaccess-list 100 permit ip any any12、路由器下“特权用户模式”的标识符是:( )A: > B:! C:# D: (config-if)#13、把指定端口添加到VLAN的命令是:( )A: vlan B: vlan-membership C: vtp D:switchport14、交换机工作在OSI七层模型的哪一层( )A:物理层B:数据链路层C:网络层 D:传输层15、在OSI七层模型中,介质工作在哪一层( )A:传输层 B:会话层C:物理层 D:应用层16、交换机转发数据到目的地依靠( )A:路由表B:MAC地址表 C:访问权限表 D:静态列表17、为了使配置私有IP的设备能够访问互联网,应采用的技术是( )?A:NAT B:VLAN C:ACCESS-LIST D:DDR18、VLAN主干协议VTP的默认工作模式是( )A:服务器模式 B:客户端模式 C:透明模式 D:以上三者都不是19、路由器的配置文件startup-config存放在( )里A:RAM B:ROM C:FLASH D:NVRAM20、配置路由器特权用户“加密密码”的命令是:( )A:password B:enable password C:enable secretD:passwd21、某网络中,拟设计10子网,每个子网中放有14台设备,用IP 地址段为199.41.10.X ,请问符合此种规划的子网掩码是( ) A: B: D:、在路由表中到达同一网络的路由有:静态路由、RIP路由、IGRP 路由,OSPF路由,则路由器会选用哪条路由传输数据:( )A:静态路由 B: RIP路由 C:IGRP路由 D:OSPF路由23、扩展IP访问权限表的表号范围是:( )A: 1—100 B:1-99 C:100-199 D:800-89924、把访问权限表应用到路由器端口的命令是:( )A: permit access-list 101 out B: ip access-group 101 out C: apply access-list 101 out D: access-class 101 out 25、混合型协议既具有“距离矢量路由协议”的特性,又具有“链路状态路由协议”的特性,下列协议中属于混合型协议的是:( ) A: RIP B: OSPF C: EIGRP D: IGRP26、在路由器上,命令show access-list的功能是():A:显示访问控制列表内容 B:显示路由表内容C:显示端口配置信息 D:显示活动配置文件27、RIP路由协议认为“网络不可到达”的跳数是:( )A: 8 B:16 C:24 D:10028、查看E0端口配置信息的命令是:( )A:show access-list B:show ip routeC:show version D:show interface e029、配置路由器时,封装PPP协议的命令是:( )A:encap ppp B:ppp C: group ppp D: int ppp30、路由器上“水平分割”的功能是:( )A:分离端口B:阻止路由环路 C:简化配置 D:方便故障处理31、OSI七层模型中,“包”是哪一层数据封装的名称()A:物理层 B:数据链路层C:网络层 D:传输层32、OSI七层模型中,“段”是哪一层数据封装的名称()A:物理层 B:数据链路层 C:网络层 D:传输层33、备份路由器IOS的命令是:( )A: copy flash tftpB: copy running-config tftpC: copy IOS tftpD: copy startup-config tftp34、PPP工作在OSI的哪一层()A:物理层B:数据链路层 C:网络层 D:传输层35、FTP工作在OSI哪一层()A:会话层 B:表示层 C:传输层D:应用层36、TELNET工作在OSI哪一层()A:会话层 B:表示层 C:传输层D:应用层37、SMTP工作在OSI哪一层()A:会话层 B:表示层 C:传输层D:应用层38、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的子网号为()A: B: D:、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的广播地址为()A: B: D:、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的子网有效IP为()A:、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP和掩码结合,共划分了多少个子网(不包括全0子网和全1子网)()A: 8 B:30 C:6 D:1442、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP和掩码结合划分子网时,每个子网的容量为()A:8 B:4 C:12 D:643、网络172.12.0.0需要划分子网,要求每个子网中有效IP数为458个,为了保证子网数最大,则掩码应为()A: B: C:、哪一个命令可以设置路由器特权用户的“明文密码”()A:enable password B:password C:enable secretD: secret45、RIP协议的管理距离是()A:100 B:110 C:120 D:15046、下列路由协议中,属于链路状态路由协议的是()A:RIP B:EIGRP C:IGRP D:OSPF47、默认情况下,RIP定期发送路由更新的时间是()A:15S B:30S C:60S D:90S48、如果网络中的路由器都是cisco路由器,则优先选择哪一个路由协议()A:RIP B:EIGRP C:IGRP D:OSPF49、下列对RIP的配置中,合法的命令是()A: router rip 100network router rip 100network router ripnetwork router rip 100network、为了查看路由器的E0端口上,是否挂接了访问权限表,应该使用的命令是()A:show access-list B:show interface e0C: show ip interface e0 D:show e051、关于帧中继的说法,正确的是()A:速率最大为1Mbit/s B: 不提供差错校验功能C:可以偷占带宽 D:数据传输质量高于DDN52、关于PPP和HDLC的说法中,错误的是()A:PPP是通用协议,HDLC是CISCO私有协议B:PPP有验证功能,HDLC无验证功能C:PPP效率低,HDLC效率高D:在配置ISDN时,广域网协议不能封装成PPP,但可以封装成HDLC 53、对交换机的描述,正确的是()A:单广播域,单冲突域的设备B:单广播域,多冲突域的设备C:多广播域,单冲突域的设备D:多广播域,多冲突域的设备54、对路由器的描述,正确的是()A:单广播域,单冲突域的设备B:单广播域,多冲突域的设备C:多广播域,单冲突域的设备D:多广播域,多冲突域的设备55、交换机上VLAN的功能描述中,正确的是()A:可以减少广播域的个数B:可以减少广播对网络性能的影响C: 可以减少冲突域的个数D: 可以减小冲突域的容量56、两个VLAN之间要想通信,应该使用的设备是()A:集线器 B:二层交换机C:路由器 D:PC机57、要把交换机的配置文件保存到tftp服务器,应使用的命令为()A:copy ios tftp B:copy running-config tftpC: copy flash tftp D:copy config tftp58、命令“ping”的功能是()A:测试网卡是否正常 B:测试网关是否正常C:测试TCP/IP协议是否正常 D:测试介质是否正常59、路由器上的命令“show version”的功能是()A:显示版本信息 B:显示端口配置信息 C:显示路由表D:显示路由协议信息60、路由器上激活端口的命令是()A:shutdown B:no shutdown C: up D:no up61、某台PC,能ping通路由器,但不能telnet到路由器,可能的原因是(D )A:PC的IP地址设置错误 B:路由器端口IP设置错误C:路由器端口处于关闭状态D:telnet密码未设置62、OSI七层模型中,网络层的数据封装名称为()A:比特 B:帧C:包 D:段63、OSI七层模型中,物理层的数据封装名称为()A:比特 B:帧 C:包 D:段64、OSI七层模型中,数据链路层的数据封装名称为()A:比特B:帧 C:包 D:段65、OSI七层模型中,传输层的数据封装名称为()A:比特 B:帧 C:包D:段66、帧中继环境下,为了区分虚电路,应该使用的地址是()A:IP地址 B:MAC地址 C:DLCI D:IPX地址67、路由器“路由模式”的提示符号是()A: # B: (config)# C:(config-if)# D:(config-router)# 68、EIGRP的管理距离()A:90 B:100 C:110 D:12069、RIP协议负载均衡的路径数量为()A:无限制 B:最多4条 C:最多5条D:最多6条70、下面有关交换机的描述中,正确的是()A:所有交换机都支持VLAN功能B:交换机端口数量最多为48口C:交换机独占带宽D:交换机端口的最大速率为100Mbit/s71、为了阻止交换机环路,交换机上所采用的技术为()A:水平分割 B:生成树协议 C:触发更新 D:地址学习72、帧中继环境中,CIR的含义是()A:提高线路速率B:保证线路速率 C:降低线路速率D:配置线路速率73、路由器上端口fa0/0,其最大传输速率是()Mbit/sA:128 B: 10 C:100 D: 100074、帧中继环境中,在物理端口上,建立子接口的命令是()A:create B:interface C:encapsulation D:ip address 75、路由器上,命令“show int s0”的显示结果为:Serial0 is up , line protocol is down出现该结果的可能原因是()A:端口处于关闭状态 B:物理端口被烧毁C:两端设备协议不一致 D:路由表中无路由76、如果把路由器的某个端口的IP配置为:,掩码配置为:,则该端口()A:能和其他设备正常通信B:会变成“administratively down”状态C:端口被烧毁D:出现错误提示,配置命令执行失败77、网关的功能()A:过滤数据包B:不同网段通信 C:校验数据帧D:把数据封装成“段”78、能够分配给设备的IP,应该是()A:网络有效IP B:网络号 C:网络广播地址 D:任意IP 79、路由器“全局模式”的提示符为()A: > B: # C: (config)# D: (config-router)#80、路由器当前的模式为“端口模式”,要退回到“特权模式”,应该使用的快捷键为()A:ctrl+b B: ctrl+z C:ctrl+c D:ctrl+p81、下列命令中,无法正确执行的是()A:Router(config)#show runB: Router#ping Router(config)#hostname ciscoD: Router#reload82、路由器上,设置端口速率的命令是()A:clock rate B:bandwidth C:set D:encap83、路由器上,清空路由表的命令是()A:clear ip B:delete ip route C:delete routeD: clear ip route *84、路由表中,某条路由的“路由代码为D”,则表明该路由为()A:直连路由 B:静态路由 C:IGRP路由 D:EIGRP路由85、两台路由器直连到一起,应该使用的线缆为()A:交叉线缆 B:直通线缆 C:反转线缆 D:任意线缆86、通过路由器的“配置端口console”对路由器进行配置,应该使用的线缆为()A:交叉线缆 B:直通线缆C:反转线缆 D:任意线缆87、下面对Cisco2621路由器和Cisco2501路由器描述中,错误的是()A:Cisco2621路由器的可扩展性优于Cisco2501路由器B:Cisco2621是模块化路由器C:Cisco2501上提供一个100Mbit/s的快速以太网端口D:Cisco2501是固定端口的路由器88、为了连接“帧中继”线路,网络中的路由器需要提供的端口类型为()A:FastEthernet B:Serial C:BRI D:Ethernet89、路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()A:> B:# C:(config)# D: (config-if)#90、下列关于路由器和交换机的描述中,错误的是()A:路由器可以用来连接internetB:二层交换机可以用来实现“异地网络”互连C:路由器可以用来做路径选择D:交换机可以转发广播二、多项选择题:正确答案的个数在每题的题后括号中有说明91、在路由器上,可以使用的命令有:( ) [选3个]A:ping B:show interfaces C:show ip route D:ipconfig E:wincfg92、在配置帧中继子接口时,在物理接口上应该配置的内容是:( )[选3个]A:配置IP地址B:封装帧中继协议C:指定子接口类型D:设定子接口 E:配置密码93、请选出交换机处理帧的三种模式:( )[选3个]A:直通模式 B:存储转发模式 C:侦测模式 D:分段模式E:阻塞模式94、对于IP为199.41.27.0,子网掩码为255.255.255.240,则该IP地址和子网掩码相作用会得到一系列IP,从下列选项中选出属于“有效IP”的选项:( ) [选3个]A: B: C: E: F: 95、属于私有IP段的是( )[选3个]A: C:、下列哪一设备工作时,要用到OSI的七个层(一层到七层)()[选3个]A:PC B:网管机 C:WEB服务器 D:交换机 E:路由器97、网络中经常使用DDN服务,请选出DDN的优点()[选3个] A:传输质量高 B:接入方式灵活 C:偷占带宽D:使用虚电路E:专用线路98、网络中经常使用“帧中继”服务,请选出帧中继的优点()[选3个]A:偷占带宽B:提供拥塞管理机制C:可以使用任意广域网协议D:灵活的接入方式99、默认情况下,IGRP衡量路径好坏时,考虑的因素为()[选2个]A:带宽 B:可靠性 C:最大传输单元D:延时100、交换机的三大功能为()[选3个]A:地址学习 B:转发过滤 C:消除回路 D:发送数据包。
Cisco CCNA 认证考试最新真题
Cisco CCNA 认证考试最新真题体验1. The command frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast was entered on the router. Which of the following statements is true concerning this command?A.This command should be executed from the global configuration mode.B.The IP address is the local router port used to forward data.C.102 is the remote DLCI that will receive the information.D.The broadcast option allows packets, such as RIP updates, to be forwarded across the PVC2. While troubleshooting a network connectivity problem, a technician observes steady link lights on both the workstation NIC and the switch port to which the workstation is connected. However, when the ping command is issued from the workstation, the output message "Request timed out." is displayed. At which layer of the OSI model does the problem most likely exist?A.the session layerB.the network layerC.the data link layerD.the access layer3. In order to allow the establishment of a Telnet session with a router, which set of commands must be configured?A.router(config)# line console 0router(config-line)# enable password ciscoB.router(config)# line console 0router(config-line)# enable secret ciscorouter(config-line)# loginC.router(config)# line console 0router(config-line)# password ciscorouter(config-line)# loginD.router(config)# line vty 0router(config-line)# password cisco router(config-line)# login4. On point-to-point networks, OSPF hello packets are addressed to which address?A. What should be part of a comprehensive network security plan?A.Allow users to develop their own approach to network security.B.Physically secure network equipment from potential access by unauthorized individualsC.Encourage users to use personal information in their passwords to minimize the likelihood of passwords being forgottenD.Delay deployment of software patches and updates until their effect on end-user equipment is well known and widely reported6. During startup, the router displays the following error message:boot: cannot open "flash:" What will the router do next?A.Because of damaged flash memory, the router will fail the POST.B.It will attempt to locate the IOS from a TFTP server. If this fails, it will initiate the setup dialogC.It will attempt to locate the IOS from a TFTP server. If this fails, it will load a limited IOS from ROM.D.It will attempt to locate the configuration file from a TFTP server. If this fails, it will initiate the setup dialog7. At which OSI layer is a logical path created between two host systems?A.sessionB.transportworkD.physical8. A routing protocol is required that supports:1) routing update authentication2) an addressing scheme that conserves IP addresses3) multiple vendors4) a network with over 50 routersWhich routing protocol fulfills these requirements?A.RIPv1B.RIPv2C.EIGRPD.OSPF9. When a new trunk is configured on a 2950 switch, which VLANs by default are allowed over the trunk link?A.no VLANsB.all VLANsC.only VLANs 1 - 6D.only the VLANs that are specified when creating the trunk10. Which protocol provides a method of sharing VLAN configuration information between switches?A.VTPB.STPC.ISLD.802.1QDBDCB CCDBA博主的更多文章>>CCNA第一学期《Final Examination》2009-02-27 08:58:47 标签:CCNA[推送到技术圈]1请参见图示。
参加考试 - ESwitching Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线 (版本 4.0)剩余时间正在显示第 1 页,共 4页下一页>页跳转<上一页1 以下哪项参数用于唯一标识一个无线网络,使其与其它网络区分开来?SSID OFDMWEPDSSS2 分层网络模型具有哪三项优点?(选择三项。
)带宽争用现象减少物理布局范围减小网络的容错能力提高无需配线间无需第三层功能管理和故障排除工作简化3在将 Catalyst 交换机迁移到其它 VTP 管理域之前,应该进行哪三项任务?(选择正确的 VTP 模式和版本。
从新域中的 VTP 服务器上下载 VTP 数据库。
配置新域内的 VTP 服务器,使其识别该交换机的 BID。
重置 VTP 计数器,使交换机可与新域内的其它交换机同步。
)它只在第 2 层使用。
它消除了网络拓扑中的第 2 层环路。
它限制了端口上所允许的有效 MAC 地址的数量。
它使 VLAN 信息得以传播到网络中的其它交换机。
5下列哪种方法可建立用于配置 Linksys WRT300N 无线接入点的管理连接?与接入点关联,然后与接入点建立超级终端会话。
在接入点所在的 IP 子网内的计算机上的 web 浏览器中输入接入点的默认修改与接入点连接的计算机的 TCP/IP 属性,使其与接入点处于同一个网机以建立连接。
源地址并非 0019.d2e4.d9f7 的帧进入接口 Fa0/24 时会发生什么情况?Fa0/24 会变为 error-disabled(错误-禁用)状态。
Fa0/24 端口 LED 会关闭。
1. what could be possible causes for the "Serial0/0 is down"interface status? 这可能是为“Serial0 / 0的可能原因是向下”接口的状态?TWOA.a layer 1 problem exists.1层存在问题D.an incorrect cable is being used。
2.before installing a new,upgraded version of the ios,what should be checked on the router,and which command should be used to gather this information?在安装一个新的,升级的IOS版本,应该怎样检查路由器上,并命令应该被用来收集这些资料?B.the amount of avaiable flash and ram 缴费的闪存和RAM的数量D.show version 显示版本3.refer to the exhibit. which two statements are true about inter VLAN routing in the topology that is shown in the exhibit?(choose two)指展览。
这两个语句是对国际米兰的是在展会上展出的拓扑路由的VLAN是否属实?D. the FastEthernet 0/0 inerface on router1 must be configured with subinterfaces.关于路由器1的在FastEthernet 0/0 inerface 必须配置子接口F.the FastEthernet 0/0 interface on router1 and switch2 trunk ports must be configured using the same encapsulation type. 对在FastEthernet 0/0 接口上路由器1和交换器2中继端口必须配置使用相同的封装类型。
最新CCNP题库考试内容CCNP全称是:Cisco Certified Network Professional——思科认证网络高级工程师。
642-902路由考到的四道实验题:1.EIGRP OSPF Redistribution Sim2.Policy Based Routing Sim3.IPv6 OSPFVirtual Link Sim4.OSPF Sim642-813交换考到的三道实验题:AAAMLS and EIGRP simLACP with STP642-832排错 14TT考13TT Ticket 10 – EIGRPAS 不考,13道TT题,每一道都是3问,3问大概都是:第一问是那个设备出错了,第二问是出了什么错误,第三问就是如何修改错误。
思科认证考试(CCNA)考试模拟题72—78及答案(1)-思科认证试题Questions72. [xINx] The size of a window in a TCP segment establishes what? (Choose one.)a) The maximum number of bytes that a single frame may not exceedb) The allowable bandwidth for this TCP sessionc) The number of octets that the receiver must be willing to acceptd) The number of 32-bit words in the headere) The number of octets that the sender is willing to accept73. [xINx] Which protocols are best described as connection-oriented and reliable? (Choose two.)a) UDPb) IPc) TCPd) IPXe) TCP over IPf) UDP over IP74. [xINx] A Telnet session to a remote host would be addressed to what port number at the remote host? (Choose one.)a) UDP port 53b) TCP port 53c) UDP port 21d) TCP port 21e) UDP port 161f) TCP port 2375. [xINx] TCP "source" port number(s): (Choose the one that best describes.)a) Depends on the application being accessed on the destination host.b) Depends on the application running on the source host.c) Are usually assigned by the source host, and are typically some number greater than 1023.d) Are assigned by the source host and are usually one of the "well known" port numbers.e) Must be negotiated by the sender and receiver during session setup.76. [xINx] In a TCP acknowledgment, the ack number refers to: (Choose one.)a) A sequential number beginning with 1, and incremented by 1 with each exchange, that identifies this exchange of packets as being completeb) The number of the packet expected nextc) The number of the packet expected next, plus 1d) A number agreed upon at session establishment, which will be used by the receiver to indicate a successful exchange of packetse) TCP does not use acknowledgments.Reference the diagram and configurations below for Questions 77 and 78:Router_C#sh runBuilding configuration...Current configuration:!version 11.2!hostname Router_C!!appletalk routingipx routing 0060.09c3.df60!interface Ethernet0ip address appletalk cable-range 100-105 103.243 appletalk zone rightipx network DAD!interface Ethernet1no ip addressshutdown!interface Serial0ip unnum。
思科认证考试(C C N A)考试模拟题集锦(1-71题)及答案思科认证考试(CCNA)考试模拟题集锦(1-71题)及答案19及答案1. [OxNx] During a TFTP transfer using Cisco Routers what is the numeric value, in decimal, of the destination port field of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) header? a) 96b) 47c) a random number above 1024d) 69e) none of the above2. [CxNx] What is the standard encapsulation method used by Cisco routers for the Internet Protocol (IP) on it’s Ethernet interfaces?a) SNAPb) ARPAc) NOVELL-ETHERd) DARPAe) Ethernet_802.33. [CxNx] What will be the correct command on a Cisco router to set the IP address of an interface assuming you are at the "router(config-if)#" prompt?a) ip address ip address ip ip none of the above4. [CxNx] Which commands will display the IP addresses of all interfaces on a Cisco Router? (Choose all that apply)a) show ip routeb) show ip addressc) show ip interfaced) show interfacee) display ip addresses5. [CxNx] Which of the following commands will display the contents of the ARP cache of your Cisco router?a) show ip arp cacheb) show ip routec) show ip arpd) show arpe) there is no way to display the ARP cache6. [CxNx] Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is the process:a) Where an IP host resolves it’s IP address by broadcasting it’s MAC address to the network and a BOOTP server assigns it an IP address.b) Where an IP host resolves it’s MAC address by broadcasting to the local network it’s IP address.c) Where an IP host tries to resolve the MAC address of a destination by sending a network broadcast. The destination responds to the broadcast with it’s MAC address.d) Where an IP host resolves a destination IP address by sending a broadcast on the local network and the destination host responds with it’s IP address.7. [OxNx] Which of the following applications requires the connection-oriented layer four protocol, TCP? (Choose all that apply)a) Telnetb) FTPc) TFTPd) SNMPe) none of the above8. [RxNx] Which of the following are link state Routing Protocols.(Choose all that apply.)a) IPb) OSPFc) RIPd) EIGRPe) IS-IS9. [CxNx] Of the following commands, identify the correct one for clearing the IP arp table in memory of the router.a) clear ip arp-cacheb) clear ip arp-tablec) clear arp-cached) clear arp-tablee) clear arp-ram10. [CxNx] Which of the following explains the correct definition of administrative distance as it pertains to Cisco’s IOS?a) The process by which routers select an administrator for an autonomous system.b) The process where a router will select the best path to a destination network.c) The process where a router will distance itself from other routers due to it’s lack of administrative experience.d) The process where a router will prioritize routing protocols so that in the event two routing protocols have conflicting next hop addresses, the routing protocol with the lowest administrative distance will take priority.e) The process where a router will prioritize routing protocols so that in the event two routing protocols have conflicting next hop addresses, the routing protocol with the highest administrative distance will take priority.11. [ExNx] Collisions occur whena) multiple packets are placed on a serial linkb) multiple stations listen for traffic and transmit at the same timec) when multiple tokens are on a ring simultaneouslyd) beaconing process takes place12. [RINx] How many subnets are possible with a Class C address and a subnet mask of255.255.255.252?a) 32b) 30c) 60d) 62e) 413. [RxNx] What commands will list all protocols that are currently being routed? (Choosea) show ip protocolb) show protocolc) show rund) show starte) All of the above14. [xxNx] Which of the following are true of access lists?a) Access list should have at least one permit statement.b) The last configured line should always be a permit statement.c) Every access-list will implicitly deny all traffic.d) Access-lists are processed top down.e) All of the above.15. [xxNx] If the access-group command is configured on an interface and there is noaccess-list created which of the following is most correct?a) An error message will appear.b) The command will be executed and deny all traffic out.c) The command will be executed and permit all traffic out.d) The command will be executed and permit all traffic in and out.e) The command will be executed and deny all traffic in and out.16. [xxNx] What is the result of the command?" access-list 101 permit tcp any established"a) telnet sessions will be permitted regardless of the source addressb) telnet sessions will be denied regardless of the source addressc) telnet sessions will be denied if initiated from any address other than telnet sessions will be permitted to the network onlye) telnet sessions will be denied to the network only17. [xxNx] Which is generally true of the location of access-lists? (Choose all that apply.)a) Standard lists will most likely be placed close to the destination.b) Standard lists will most likely be placed close to the source.c) Extended lists will most likely be placed close to the destination.d) Extended lists will most likely be placed close to the source.e) It does not matter.18. [RxNx] Which of the following is most correct?a) IP is to TCP. as IPX is to SPX.b) RTMP is to Appletalk as IP RIP is to IP.c) NLSP is to IPX as OSPF is to IP.d) a is true.e) b is true.f) a & b are true.g) c is true.h) b & c are true.i) a, b and c are true.19. [ExNx] If Host A sends a packet to Host B over ethernet and Host B is not active:a) The packet will time out.b) The packet will be removed by Host A.c) The NVRAM of Host B will remove the packet.e) The packet will be removed by the token monitor.Coding Key and InformationThe first character represents the category of question.A - ATMB - BridgingC - Cisco specificE - EthernetF - Frame relayH - HDLCI - FDDIN - ISDNO - OSI modelP - PPPR - RoutingS - SwitchingT - Token ringX - X.25x - Not applicableThe second character represents protocol.A - AppletalkB - Banyan VinesD - DecnetI - IPL - Dial on DemandN - NLSPO - OSPFX - IPXx - Not ApplicableThe third character represents the certification that the question will help you prepare for.N - CCNA Exam #640-407P - CCNPAdvanced Cisco Router Configuration (ACRC) Exam 640-403Cisco LAN Switch Configuration (CLSC) Exam #640-404Cisco Monitoring and Troubleshooting Dial-up Services Exam #640-405Cisco Internetworking Troubleshooting ( CIT) Exam #640-406D - CCDA & CCDPCisco Design Specialist Exam #9E0-004Cisco Internetwork Design#640-025We will reserve the fourth character for future use.As an example, when you come across a question coded "BXDx", it signifies a question that will help you gain the CCDA or CCDP certification.CCNA试题1-19答案1. [OxNx] During a TFTP transfer using Cisco Routers what is the numeric value, in decimal,a) 96b) 47c) a random number above 1024d) 69e) none of the aboveAnswerd) 69Here is a sampling of other port numbers and the application they are associated with. The first 8 of these protocols are automatically forwarded through the router by using thehelper-address commandTrivial File Transfer (TFTP) (port 69)Domain Name System (port 53)IEN-116 Name Server (port 42)Time service (port 37)NetBIOS Name Server (port 137)NetBIOS Datagram Server (port 138)Boot Protocol (BootP) client and server datagrams (port 67)TACACS service (port 49)Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (25)File Transfer Protocol (21)Simple Network Management Protocol (161)2. [CxNx] What is the standard encapsulation method used by Cisco routers for the Internet Protocol (IP) on it’s Ethernet inte rfaces?a) SNAPb) ARPAc) NOVELL-ETHERd) DARPAe) Ethernet_802.3Answerb) ARPASNAP is the default encapsulation for a token ring interface NOVELL-ETHER is the default encapsulation for a ipx interface.3. [CxNx] What will be the correct command on a Cisco router to set the IP address of an interface assuming you are at the "router(config-if)#" prompt?a) ip address ip address ip ip none of the aboveAnswera) ip address you are not in the configuration mode, the ip address can be set by using the setup mode. Configuring interface Ethernet0/0:Is this interface in use? [yes]:IP address for this interface []: of bits in subnet field [16]: 16Class A network is, 16 subnet bits; mask is /24Take note when using the setup mode the mask is configured using the number of subnet bits.4. [CxNx] Which commands will display the IP addresses of all interfaces on a Cisco Router? (Choose all that apply)a) show ip routeb) show ip addressc) show ip interfaced) show interfacee) display ip addressesAnswerc) show ip interfaced) show interfaceExamples of each of these commands are shown below:Router_A#sh int e0/0Ethernet0/0 is up, line protocol is upHardware is AmdP2, address is0010.7b15.bd41(bia 0010.7b15.bd41)Internet address is 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit,DLY 1000 usec,rely 255/255, load 1/255Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set,keepalive set (10 sec)ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00Last input never, output 00:00:06,output hang neverLast clearing of "show interface"counters neverQueueing strategy: fifoOutput queue 0/40, 0 drops;input queue 0/75,0 drops5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec,0 packets/sec5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec,0 packets/sec0 packets input, 0 bytes,0 no bufferReceived 0 broadcasts, 0 runts,0 giants,0 throttles, 0 input errors, 0 CRC,0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored,0 input packets with dribblecondition detected127 packets output, 11802 bytes,0 underruns0 output errors, 0 collisions,2 interface resets0 babbles, 0 late collision,0 deferred0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier0 output buffer failures, 0 outputbuffers swapped outRouter_A#sh ip int e0/0Ethernet0/0 is up, line protocol is upInternet address is address is determined bynon-volatile memoryMTU is 1500 bytesHelper address is not setDirected broadcast forwarding is enabledOutgoing access list is not setInbound access list is not setProxy ARP is enabledSecurity level is defaultSplit horizon is enabledICMP redirects are always sentICMP unreachables are always sentICMP mask replies are never sentIP fast switching is enabledIP fast switching on the sameinterface is disabledIP multicast fast switching is enabledRouter Discovery is disabledIP output packet accounting is disabledIP access violation accounting isdisabledTCP/IP header compression is disabledProbe proxy name replies are disabledGateway Discovery is disabledPolicy routing is disabledNetwork address translation is disabled5. [CxNx] Which of the following commands will display the contents of the ARP cache of your Cisco router?a) show ip arp cacheb) show ip routed) show arpe) there is no way to display the ARP cacheAnswerc) show ip arpExample:Router_A#sh ip arpProtocol Address Age(min) Hardware Address Type InterfaceInternet - 0010.7b15.bd50 ARPA FastEthernet1/0Internet - 0010.7b15.bd41 ARPA Ethernet0/06. [CxNx] Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is the process:a) Where an IP host resolves it’s IP address by broadcasting it’s MAC address to the network and a BOOTP server assigns it an IP address.b) Where an IP host resolves it’s MAC address by broadcasting to the local network it’s IP address.c) Where an IP host tries to resolve the MAC address of a destination by sending a network broadcast. The destination responds to the broadcast with it’s MAC address.d) Where an IP host resolves a destination IP address by sending a broadcast on the local network and the destination host responds with it’s IP address.e)There is no such process.Answera) Where an IP host resolves it’s IP address by broadcasting it’s MAC address to the network and a BOOTP server assigns it an IP address.Choice C describes Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). A host never has to resolve it’s o wn MAC address. The MAC address is burned into the Network Interface card. When the host is booted the MAC address will be loaded into memory.7. [OxNx] Which of the following applications requires the connection-oriented layer four protocol, TCP? (Choose all that apply)a) Telnetb) FTPc) TFTPd) SNMPe) none of the aboveAnswera) Telnetb) FTPTFTP and SNMP use layer 4 UDP.8. [RxNx] Which of the following are link state Routing Protocols.(Choose all that apply.)a) IPb) OSPFc) RIPd) EIGRPe) IS-ISb) OSPFe) IS-ISA link state routing protocol advertises, to it’s neighbors, the state of the link whenthe state of the link changes.A distance vector routing protocol advertises its routing table periodically.9. [CxNx] Of the following commands, identify the correct one for clearing the IP arp table in memory of the router.a) clear ip arp-cacheb) clear ip arp-tablec) clear arp-cached) clear arp-tablee) clear arp-ramAnswerc) clear arp-cacheIf you have changed an ip address or a NIC card on a host you might use this command toreset the cache.10. [CxNx] Which of the following explains the correct definition of administrativedistance as it pertains to Cisco’s IOS?a) The process by which routers select an administrator for an autonomous system.b) The process where a router will select the best path to a destination network.c) The process where a router will distance itself from other routers due to it’s lack of administrative experience.d) The process where a router will prioritize routing protocols so that in the event two routing protocols have conflicting next hop addresses, the routing protocol with the lowest administrative distance will take priority.e) The process where a router will prioritize routing protocols so that in the event two routing protocols have conflicting next hop addresses, the routing protocol with thehighest administrative distance will take priority.Answerd) The process where a router will prioritize routing protocols so that in the event two routing protocols have conflicting next hop addresses, the routing protocol with the lowest administrative distance will take priority.Cisco uses administrative distances (AD) to measure the reliability of the routing protocol. The lower the (AD) the more reliable the protocol.Router_C#sh ip routeCodes: C - connected, S - static,I - IGRP, R - RIP,M - mobile, B - BGPD - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF,IA - OSPF inter areaN1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPFNSSA external type 2E1 - OSPF external type 1,E2 - OSPF external type 2,i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1,L2 - IS-IS level-2, * -candidate defaultU - per-user static route, o - ODRGateway of last resort is not set172.16.0.0/24 is subnetted, 2 subnetsC is directly connected,Serial1C is directly connected,Serial0I [100/8576] via,00:00:09, Serial1[100/8576] via, 00:00:19,Serial0The 100 in bold is the administrativedistance for IGRP.A partial list of administrative distances is included below:Protocol ADEIGRP 90IGRP 100OSPF 110RIP 120BGP 180If a router hears a IP RIP and a IGRP update for the same network the router will discard the rip information. IP RIP uses h op count as it’s metric, while IGRP uses a composite metric including bandwidth and load, speed is the primary consideration.11. [ExNx] Collisions occur whena) multiple packets are placed on a serial linkb) multiple stations listen for traffic and transmit at the same timec) when multiple tokens are on a ring simultaneouslyd) beaconing process takes placeAnswerb) multiple stations listen for traffic and transmit at the same timeCollisions is a term that is used in an ethernet environment. Ethernet can be described as a listen then transmit scenario. First a station will listen for traffic if no traffic is sensed then a transmission will take place. If two stations transmit at the same time collisions will occur. The first station to detect the collision sends out a jamming signal to alert all stations a collision has occurred. At this point these stations set up a random interval timer when the timer expires re-transmission will occur.Token ring is a token passing process a station can transmit only when he has the token. There never can be multiple tokens on the ring. Early token release allows up to two data frames to be transmitted on a token ring LAN at the same time. Collisions do not occur on a token ring.Because of the point to point nature of serial links collisions do not occur.Beaconing is a term used in a token passing environment.12. [RINx] How many subnets are possible with a Class C address and a subnet mask of 32b) 30c) 60d) 62e) 4Answerd) 62The above mask is using 6 bits to describe subnets. The formula used to determine the number of subnets (not including the all 0’s or all 1’s subnet) is 2n - 2 were n is the number of subnet bits. This is the number to use when configuring a ip address with the setup dialog.13. [RxNx] What commands will list all protocols that are currently being routed? (Choose all that apply.)a) show ip protocolb) show protocolc) show rund) show starte) All of the aboveAnswerb) show protocolc) show runShow ip protocol will show just the ip routing protocols that are currently configured. Show start may or may not show the current routed protocols.Below is the output of show protocolRouter_B#show protocolGlobal values:Internet Protocol routing is enabledAppletalk routing is enabledBRI0 is administratively down, line protocol is downBRI0:1 is administratively down, line protocol is downBRI0:2 is administratively down, line protocol is downSerial0 is administratively down, line protocol is downSerial1 is administratively down, line protocol is downSerial2 is administratively down, line protocol is downSerial3 is administratively down, line protocol is downTokenRing0 is administratively down, line protocol is down14. [xxNx] Which of the following are true of access lists?a) Access list should have at least one permit statement.b) The last configured line should always be a permit statement.c) Every access-list will implicitly deny all traffic.d) Access-lists are processed top down.e) All of the above.Answere) All of the above.Every access list has an implicit deny all at the end. What would the need be to create a access list with just deny statements. Access-list are processed from the top downtherefore the order of each statement could be critical, for instance suppose you createdan access list and the first line was a permit any and the next line was a deny. Sinceit’s top down processing a packet would be permitted to pass on the first line and the second line would never be executed. An extended list will give you a "match count" thatwill help in determining what the most efficient order should be.15. [xxNx] If the access-group command is configured on an interface and there is noaccess-list created which of the following is most correct?a) An error message will appear.b) The command will be executed and deny all traffic out.c) The command will be executed and permit all traffic out.d) The command will be executed and permit all traffic in and out.e) The command will be executed and deny all traffic in and out.Answerd) The command will be executed and permit all traffic in and out.There are two steps to use an access list .1. Create the list2. Place the access list on a interfaceThe analogy I use in class is:Suppose you reside in a gated community. The community is not protected until you hire the guard and then place him at the gate. If you hire the guard and never place him at the gateall traffic will be permitted.When there is no access list on an interface it is implicit permit anyWhen an access list is placed on a interface it is implicit deny any16. [xxNx] What is the result of the command?" access-list 101 permit tcp any established"a) telnet sessions will be permitted regardless of the source addressb) telnet sessions will be denied regardless of the source addressc) telnet sessions will be denied if initiated from any address other than telnet sessions will be permitted to the network onlye) telnet sessions will be denied to the network onlyAnswerc) telnet sessions will be denied if initiated from any address other than secret to this question is the key word "established." Established means that thepacket will be permitted unless it is the first part of the three way handshake. Recallthat when we initiate a TCP connection we have no ACK. How can we acknowledge a sequence number from the other side when we have not established a session with him?17. [xxNx] Which is generally true of the location of access-lists? (Choose all that apply.)a) Standard lists will most likely be placed close to the destination.b) Standard lists will most likely be placed close to the source.c) Extended lists will most likely be placed close to the destination.d) Extended lists will most likely be placed close to the source.e) It does not matter.Answera) Standard lists will most likely be placed close to the destination.d) Extended lists will most likely be placed close to the source.A standard list will only check the source address. It makes no difference where the packet is going. If you place a standard list close to the source you could very well be denying that traffic to go to other destinations. An extended list can be placed close to the source because we can permit or deny traffic based upon the source and destination address. This insures that only traffic we wish to have denied is denied.18. [RxNx] Which of the following is most correct?a) IP is to TCP. as IPX is to SPX.b) RTMP is to Appletalk as IP RIP is to IP.c) NLSP is to IPX as OSPF is to IP.d) a is true.e) b is true.f) a & b are true.g) c is true.h) b & c are true.i) a, b and c are true.Answeri) a, b and c are true.19. [ExNx] If Host A sends a packet to Host B over ethernet and Host B is not active:a) The packet will time out.b) The packet will be removed by Host A.c) The NVRAM of Host B will remove the packet.d) The packet will "die" when it reaches the terminator.e) The packet will be removed by the token monitor.Answerd) The packet will "die" when it reaches the terminator.20—39及答案20. [TxNx] If Host A sends a packet to Host B over token ring, and Host B is not active: a) The packet will time out.b) The packet will be removed by Host A.c) The NVRAM of Host B will remove the packet.d) The packet will "die" when it reaches the terminator.e) The packet will be removed by the token monitor.21. [TxNx] If Host A sends a packet to Host B over token ring: Host A dies after transmitting, and Host B is not active:a) The packet will time out.b) The packet will be removed by Host A.c) The NVRAM of Host B will remove the packet.d) The packet will "die" when it reaches the terminator.e) The packet will be removed by the Active monitor.22. [FxNx] BECN and FECN are:a) Used to provide keepalives in a Frame Relay environmentb) Used to provide error checking in a Frame Relay environmentc) Used to provide congestion information in a Frame Relay environmentd) Used to provide flow control parameters in a Frame Relay environmente) BECN and FECN are not used in a Frame Relay environment.23. [RxNx] Which of the following are benefits of a Link-State routing protocol? (Chooseall that apply.)a) Allows the use of a more robust addressing scheme.b) Allows for a larger scalable networkc) Reduces convergence timed) Allows "supernetting"e) All of the above.24. [OxNx] Which of the following are reasons for the OSI model?a) Standardizes interfacesb) Allows modular engineeringc) Facilitates learning and teachingd) All of the above.25. [RxNx] Which of the following is NOT a ROUTING protocol:a) OSPFb) RIPc) IPXd) EIGRPe) NLSP26. [RxNx] Which statement is NOT true about link state protocols:a) Link state advertisements are sent to all routers in an area.b) Each router executes the SPF algorithm.c) Link state routers keep a topological database of the network.d) Link state routers include the originating router s routing table.e) Link state routers know of possible alternate paths to a particular network.27. [RxNx] Which of the following would NOT appear in a routing table?a) Next hop addressb) Interface Port referencesc) MAC addressd) Network addresse) Metrics28. [OxNx] Which statement is true of the Datalink OSI layer ?a) 802.3 is the MAC sub layer.b) No such thingc) MAC sublayer provides the connection to the network layer.d) MAC sublayer uses SAPS to access the network layer.e) SAP sublayer uses the MAC layer to access the LAN medium.29. [RINx] Given the IP address of and a subnet mask of, what is the subnet address?a) None of the above.30. [CxNx] Cisco uses a naming convention to identify frame types. Which four of the following mappings are correct?Cisco_name = Common_namea) cisco_II = Ethernet_IIb) arpa = Ethernet_IIc) sap = Ethernet_802.3d) sap = Ethernet_802.2 LLCe) Novell Ether = Ethernet_802.2 LLCf) cisco_802 = Ethernet_802.2 LLCg) snap = Token Ring Snaph) snap = Ethernet_SNAP31. [RxNx] In order to communicate throughout an internetwork, which of the following are required. Choose Two.a) The use of a routable protocol such as NetBEUI or LATb) A hierarchical naming scheme server such as DNSc) A host file at each communicating deviced) A two part network addressing scheme such as Network/Hoste) The use of a routable protocol such as IP or IPXf) The use of a routable protocol such as TCP or IPX32. [CxNx] What is the default route on an IP network? Choose one.a) This is the route that will be chosen first by IP for delivery of a datagram.b) The address of the nearest downstream neighbor in a Token ring network.c) At the router, it is the route used to direct frames for which the next hop has not been explicitly listed in the routing table.d) Any static route listing in a routing table.e) When all conditions are equal, the best route for delivery of IP datagrams.33. [CxNx] A caret symbol (^) inserted into a failed command indicates which of the following. Choose one.a) Numeric data is required for this command.b) The point in a command where you can simply press return to complete the syntax string.c) The point in a command where you have entered an incorrect command, keyword or argument.d) The point in a command where you must enter a required value.e) This is a normal indicator for any failed command.34. [RXNx] The metric used by IPX RIP is:a) hopsb) ticksc) costd) ticks and hopse) None of the above.35. [xINx] Which one of the following masks has the nickname of the "serial mask"?a)。
最新CCNA认证考试真题小编为大家收集整理了《最新CCNA认证考试真题》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!!!(1)TCP/IP Addressing and Protocol1: Your junior network administrator wants to know what the default subnet mask is for a Class C IP address. What do you tell him?A. 2: An application needs to have reliable, end-to-end connect-ivity. Which of the following protocols will give you reliable connectivity?A. TCPB. UDPC. IPD. ICMP 3: You are designing a network, which needs to support 55 users. You don't plan to extend the segment beyond the current number of users. Which subnet mask would best meet your needs?A. 4: You have added a new switch to your network. You want to manage it remotely, so you need to assign it an IP address. Your router that connects to the switch has an IP address of Which of the following addresses can you assign to this switch?A. 5: The address is a host address in which of the following subnets? A.–––– 6: You are designing an IP address scheme for your brand new remote office. The vice president of IT calls to tell you that you will be in charge of the subnetwork. This supplies you with a single subnetwork with 62 hosts. You need to have at least two subnets with 14 hosts in each subnet. What custom subnet mask should you use?A. 7: You have subnetted the network with a /24 mask. Your boss at Acme, Inc. wants toknow how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this would provide. What should you tell her?A. One network with 254 hostsB. Two networks with 128 hostsC. Four networks with 64 hostsD. Six networks with 30 hosts 8: Identify three valid host addresses in any subnet of the network, assuming a fixed subnet mask of (Choose three.)A. 9: What is the subnetwork address for a host with the IP address 10: Which of the following protocols uses a three-way handshake mechanism to establish sessions?A. TCPB. IPC. UDPD. IPXE. Frame relay 11: Which of the following protocols is connection-oriented? A. TCPB. IPC. IPXD. Frame relay 12: You are using an application on your Windows 2000 client machines that provides errorcorrection. You need a protocol to provide fast transport. Which protocol should your application use?A. TCPB. IPC. UDPD. SPXE. AppleTalk 13: When using TCP, after a session is open, the applications can adjust the number of segments they receive before sending an acknowledgment. This behavior is known as ______________.A. MTU adjustmentB. WindowingC. Flexible Send PathD. FCS 14: If the destination did not receive a segment, how will the TCP host know to resend the information?A. The ACK received will not include the segment number that was not received.B. The ACK received will include the segment number that was not received.C. The sending host will send a PACK to verify segment receipt.D. The destination host will send a YACK message back to the sending host. 15: You are planning on using a single network that supports 208 users. Which IP address class would you choose to be the most efficient?A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class DE. Class E 16: RFC 1918 defines the private IP address ranges. Which of the following IP addresses are considered part of these ranges? (Choose three.)A. 17: A new network is being designed for your company, Acme, Inc. If you use a Class C IP network, which subnet mask will provide one usable subnet per department while allowing enough usable host addresses for each department specified in the table?Department Number of Users Corporate 7 Customer Support 15 Financial 13 HR 7 Engineering 16 A. 18: Which of these protocols provides data transport, relying on the error correctioncapabilities of the application itself?A. UDPB. TCPC. SNMPD. ICMP 19: Which of the following are used by TCP to ensure reliable delivery of data? (Choose two.)A. MAC address resolutionB. Sequence numbersC. AcknowledgmentsD. PingE. Routing updates 20: You discover that you are able to adjust the window size of the TCP segment. You increase the window size to test the results. What will you observe happening on your network?A. Increased throughputB. Decreased throughputC. Increased latencyD. Decreased reliability21: Your organization is using the address space. You need 28 subnets. What subnet mask would you use to create these subnets?A. 22: Which of the following protocols maps IP addresses to MAC addresses for connectivity to occur between two hosts?A. ARPB. RARPC. SLARPD. DHCP 23: Your junior network administrator cannot seem to ping a host in another network and asks you why it isn't working. Which of the following is not an answer that you would give him?A. The host's default gateway is down.B. The destination host is not powered on.C. The IP address of the router interface is incorrect.D. The IP address of the switch to which the destination host connects is incorrect.E. The host is in a different subnet. 24: Which of the following classes of IP addresses is utilized for multicasting?A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D 25: You give your IT department a spreadsheet of IP addresses and their subnets. You receive a call from one of the junior techs asking what the /26 means next to the IP addresses. You tell her: A. It represents the number of hosts possible on that subnetwork.B. It represents the number of subnetworks that are being used.C. It represents the class of IP address being used.D. It represents the number of bits in the subnet mask that are 1. 26: You are given an IP network of and told that you need to separate this network into subnetworks that can support a maximum of 16 hosts per subnet. This will help alleviate congestion on the network. What subnet mask can you use to create the subnets necessary to meet the given criteria?A. 27: Which of the following would a Class A network be assigned to?A. Government agencyB. Small-to-medium sized corporationC. SOHOD. An individual 28: A client has the IP address192.168.5.98/27. Which of the following addresses are on the same subnet as this host? (Choose two.)A. 29: Which of the following IP addresses is not a public IP address that can be routed over the Internet?A. 30: You are given a Class B network. Whatis the default subnet mask assigned to the Class B network?A. 31: You are troubleshooting your router's interfaces. For some reason, the Ethernet interface will not accept the IP address of that you've assigned. Which of the following explains the router's refusal to take the IP address?A. Class C addresses cannot be assigned to Ethernet interfaces.B. The /27 is an invalid mask.C. It is a broadcast address.D. It is a public IP address.E. It is a private IP address. 32: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You are required to divide the network into subnets. Each subnet must have the capacity of 458 IP addresses. Also, according to the requirements, you must provide the maximum number of subnets. Which subnet mask should you use?A. 33: What is the subnetwork and broadcast IP address of with the subnet mask of255.255.255.248?A. 34: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 11011010 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 218B. 219C. 220D. 221E. 222 35: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 01011010 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 75B. 83C. 90D. 97 36: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 11010110 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 198B. 214C. 252D. 255 37: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 10110110 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?A. 182B. 192C. 202D. 212 38: You are configuring a subnet for the Acme, Inc., branch office in Beijing. You need to assign IP addresses to hosts in this subnet. You have been given the subnet mask of Which of these IP addresses would be valid? (Choose three.)A. 39: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You have subnetted the network with a /28 mask. Your boss asks you how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this will provide. What should you tell her, assuming your router is using ip subnet-zero?A. 62 networks and 2 hostsC. 8 networks and 32 hostsD. 16 networks and 16 hostsE. 16 networks and 14 hosts 40: What is a disadvantage of using a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP?A. Packet acknowledgment might add overhead.B. Packets are not tagged with sequence numbers.C. Loss or duplication of data packets is more likely to occur.D. The application layer must assume responsibility for the correct sequencing of the data packets. 41: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You have subnetted the network with a /30 mask for connections between your routers. Your boss asks you how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this will provide. What should you tell her, assuming your router cannot use ip subnet-zero?A. 62 networks and 2 hostsC. 8 networks and 32 hostsD. 16 networks and 16 hostsE. 14 networks and 14 hosts 42: Which of the following IP addresses are considered "network" addresses with a /26 prefix? (Choose two.)A. 43: Identify three valid hosts in any subnet of, assuming the subnet mask used is (Choose three.)A. 44: A Class C network address has been subnetted with a /27 mask. Which of the following addresses is a broadcast address for one of the resulting subnets?A. 45: What is the subnetwork address for a host with IP address 46: Your boss wants to know what TCP stands for. What do you tell him?A. Transmission Check ProtocolB. Transport Check ProtocolC. Transmission Control ProtocolD. Transport Control Protocol 47: Your boss wants to know what UDP stands for. What do you tell him?A. Unreliable Data ProtocolB. Unreliable Data ProgramC. User-Defined ProtocolD. User Datagram Protocol 48: Which of the following statements accurately describes UDP?A. UDP copies files between a computer and a system running rshd, the remote shell service (daemon).B. UDP is a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols that governs the exchange of electronic mail between message transfer agents.C. UDP is a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols and is used to copy files between two computers on the Internet. Both computers must support their respective roles: one must be a client, and the other a server.D. UDP is a TCP complement that offers a connectionless datagram service guaranteeing neither delivery nor correct sequencing of delivered packets (much like IP). 49: Which of the following host addresses are members of networks that can be routed across the public Internet? (Choose three.)A. 50: You are connecting your Serial 0/1 interface to the Internet. Which of the following need to be done for the connection to work? (Choose two.)A. Assign a public IP address.B. Use the shutdown command.C. Use the no shutdown command.D. Make sure the interface is running in full-duplex.(2)Basic IOS Configuration1: In which of the following modes in Cisco's IOS can you issue show commands? (Choose two.)A. UserB. PrivilegedC. Line ConfigurationD. Global Configuration 2: Yo u are the network administrator for a large corporation. You want to be able to store all your configurations in a centralized location. Which of these servers will allow you to do so? (Choose two.)A. FTPB. TFTPC. SQLD. Oracle 3: You need to troubleshoot your network IP connectivity. Which of the following commands would you use to find the IP address on your Ethernet 0 interface?A. pingB. IPConfigC. tracerouteD. Show interface Ethernet 0 4: Which command would you use at the CLI in User mode to enter Privileged EXEC mode?A. PrivilegeB. AdminC. EnableD. Disable 5: You have just received 14 Catalyst switches for your network. You would like to install these switches into your production network to provide separate collision domains for each of the connected devices. What configuration is required to provide this functionality? A. No configuration is required.B. You must set up an IP address on the switch.C. You must configure unique VLANs on the switches.D. You must install the Cisco IOS. 6: Which of the following prompts indicates your router is in Privileged EXEC mode?A. Router>B. Router#C. Router&D. Router$ 7: You have made a console connection to your Cisco Catalyst switch and you see the > symbol in HyperTerminal. What does it mean?A. You are in Privileged EXEC mode.B. You are in User EXEC mode.C. The switch has not been configured.D. The switch is in need of repairs. 8: You would like to assign a meaningful name to your Catalyst switch. What command should you use?A. enableB. host nameC. hostnameD. name 9: You need to assign an IP address to your Catalyst 2950 switch. You are at the HQ_SW1> prompt. What is the correct series of commands? (cr = carriage return)A. enable ip address enable ip address enable configure terminal ip address enable configure terminal interface vlan 1 ip address10.1.1.1 10: Which of the following commands displays the syntax for the clock command?A. cl?B. clock?C. clock ?D. cl ?11: Which of the following commands allows you to configure a welcoming message whenever you log in to a router?A. Router(config)# banner messageB. Router(config)# banner motd &C. Router# banner motd #D. Router# banner message ! 12: You need to connect to your 2621XM router to configure an interface. Which of the following methods allows you to connect to and issue commands on the router? (Choose three.) A. TelnetB. FTPC. Console connectionD. AUX connection 13: You want to prevent unauthorized users from plugging their laptops into the router. What type of password helps prevent this issue?A. vtyB. InterfaceC. ConsoleD. Enable 14: You have connected to the console port and are running HyperTerminal. You see only scrambled characters and symbols. What is the most likely solution to this problem?A. Change the connectors.B. Use a different Terminal program.C. Reset the router.D. Adjust the baud rate of your COM port.[View full size image] 15: Which of the following commands would you type to receive this output shown in the figure above?A. Show running-configB. Show startup-configC. Show ip routeD. Show version 16: You are configuring a router named East for authentication with a router named West using CHAP. What username should you configure on East to allow the routers to communicate?A. EastB. WestC. SouthD. North 17: What is the default point-to-point encapsulation protocol used on a Cisco router?A. PPPB. SLIPC. HDLCD. ATM 18: What type of handshake occurs with CHAP authentication?A. One-wayB. Two-wayC. Three-wayD. Mutual 19: You have connected to your Cisco router through a Telnet connection. To test one of your connections, you use a debug ip packet command. Even though you are sure traffic is passing through your router,nothing is reported in your terminal window. What is the most likely cause of this problem?A. There is no debug ip packet command.B. You need to type in the terminal monitor command to see debug output from a Telnet session.C. This command displays information only if the interface experiences trouble. No output indicates that the interface is fine.D. Cisco routers do not allow you to enable debug commands remotely due to security restrictions.[View full size image] 20: Which of the following commands would you type to see this output on your Cisco router shown in the previous figure?A. Show versionB. Show running-configC. Show startup-configD. Show router setup21: Which of the following commands would you type to see this output shown in the figure above?A. Show interface Ethernet 0/0B. Show ip interface detailC. Show interface Serial 0/1D. Show ip interface brief22: Your routers at ACME, Inc., are having someconnectivity issues. You issue show commands for each connecting router's interface. Why are they unable to communicate (see figures above)?A. Incorrect IP addressB. Wrong routing protocolC. Bad cableD. Encapsulation mismatch 23: You need to back up the configurations you just made, but no TFTP servers are available. Which of the following commands are options to back up your currently running configuration? (Choose two.)A. Router1#copy running-config startup-configB. Router1#copy running-config flashC. Router1#copy startup-config running-configD. Router1#copy running-config http 24: You are consulting a small business that is establishing its first WAN link. The client wants to know what encapsulation you will be using on the link. Which of the following are valid encapsulations for WAN links? (Choose three.)A. Frame relayB. EthernetC. Token ringD. PPPE. HDLC 25: Your boss is concerned about security on your network. She wants to make sure that no one can identify passwords if he or she happens to view a configuration on your router. What command encrypts all passwords on your router?A. Router1#service password-encryptionB. Router1(config)#service password-encryptionC. Router1#enable secret passwordD. Router1(config)#enable secret password 26: You need to set up a password that will prevent unauthorized users from telnetting into your router. What series of commands would you use?A. Acme1(config)# line console 0 Acme1(config-line)# password acme Acme1(config-line)# loginB. Acme1(config)# line vty 0 Acme1(config-line)# enable password acmeC. Acme1(config)# line vty 0 Acme1(config-line)# enable secret acme Acme1(config-line)# loginD. Acme1(config)# line vty 0 Acme1(config-line)# password acme Acme1(config-line)# login27: When you are setting up your serial interfaces, what does the clockrate command do for your connection?A. Establishes the timing at which you send dataB. Establishes keepalivesC. Establishes the advertised bandwidthD. Establishes the time on the router 28: You need to set up passwords on all your default Telnet lines. What command would you start with?A. Router1(config)#telnet configurationB. Router1(config)#interface Ethernet 0/1C. Router1(config)#line vty 1 5D. Router1(config)#line vty 0 4 29: You can execute show commands at which prompt? (Choose two.)A. Router1#B. Router1(config)#C. Router1(config-router)#D. Router1>E. romon1> 30: You are configuring your router and type in an Enable password and an Enable Secret password. Your fellow network technician asks you why you have two passwords set when you need only one. What do you tell him?A. The Enable password is used by low-level applications.B. If you reverted to an older version of the IOS, it would not understand the Secret password.C. Both passwords are treated the same.D. It is a failsafe method of ensuring that people need to type two passwords instead of just one.31: You need to get back to Privileged EXEC mode from Interface Configuration mode. What is the quickest method?A. Ctrl+Shift+6; then press XB. Ctrl+EscC. Ctrl+ZD. Type exit 32: When you are establishing a PPP link, which of the following would be negotiated? (Choose three.)A. IPCPB. CHAPC. UDPD. Q.931E. Multilink Protocol 33: Which of the following commands returns your router to a previously saved configuration?A. Router1#setupB. Router1#copy running-config startup-configC. Router1#copy startup-config running-configD. Router1#reload 34: You are in Interface Configuration mode and would like to recall the last command you typed, move your cursor to the beginning of the command line, and type no before the recalled command. You notice your up- and down-arrow keys do not function because you are using an older terminal program. What command combinations could you use to recall the previous command and move your cursor to the beginning of the line?Press Ctrl+P to recall the previous command and Ctrl+A to move to the beginning of the command line.Press Ctrl+L to recall the previous command and Ctrl+B to move to the beginning of the command line.Press Ctrl+D to recall the previous command and Ctrl+A to move to the beginning of the command line.Press Ctrl+E to recall the previous command and Ctrl+A to move to the beginning of the command line. 35: What is the baud rate setting for your terminal emulation program so that you can communicate through your console port?A. 2400B. 9600C. 14400D. 36300 36: What must be configured on a Cisco device to enable Telnet functionality?A. A management IP addressB. SNMPC. CDPD. vty ports 37: You are configuring your Cisco router and need to go back to User EXEC mode. What command takes you back to User EXEC mode?A. Router1#enableB. Router1#exitC. Router1#configure terminalD. Router1#disable 38: Which of the following commands places an IP address on your Catalyst switch?A. Switch1#ip address Switch1(config)#Set IP Switch1(config-vlan)#ip address Switch1(config-vlan)#ip address 39: Which of the following commands would you enter to receive this output shown in the figure above?A. Router1#show NVRAMB. Router1#show FlashC. Router1#show Flash-MemD. Router1#show Version 40: Your senior network administrator is unable to telnet to a Catalyst switch because she forgot the IP address. You have physical access and are able to console in. Which of the following commands is the best to get the IP address on the switch? A.Switch1#show ipB. Switch1#show vlan 1C. Switch1#show ip routeD. Switch1#show interface vlan141: You have powered up your Cisco 3640 router. The first thing you see is this output. Which of the following statements about this screen is accurate (see figure above)?A. Your IOS is corrupt and unable to load.B. Your configuration is missing parameters.C. You do not have a configuration saved in NVRAM.D. You have typed setup in the Privileged mode. 42: You type in a command and are shown the following output:% Ambiguous command: "show con"What does this mean?A. You did not enter enough characters for your device to recognize the command.B. You did not enter all the keywords or values required by this command.C. You entered the command incorrectly.D. Context-sensitive help is unable to help you with this command. 43: You are typing a command into the Cisco IOS.It is more than one terminal line long. What will the IOS do?A. The router automatically moves the cursor to the next line and uses a caret (^) to indicate the line break.B. The router truncates the command because commands longer than one line are not allowed.C. The router automatically scrolls the line to the left and uses a dollar sign ($) to indicate that there is text to the left of the $.D. The router shortens all the commands to squeeze the command on to the screen. 44: You want to change the size of the command history buffer. Which of the following commands will set it permanently to 100?A. Router1#terminal history 100B. Router1#history size 100C. Router1(config)#terminal history 100D. Router1(config-line)#history size 100 45: You have configured a description on your serial interfaces. Which of the following commands displays the description? (Choose two.)A. Show running-configB. Show flashC. Show interfacesD. Show ip protocols 46: You are typing commands into your Cisco IOS on your 3640 router. However, your typing is consistently interrupted by console messages, forcing you to retype. Which of the following commands forces the IOS to retype your original input after it displays the console message?A. Exec-timeoutB. Logging synchronousC. Line consoleD. Exec message readout 47: You are configuring a router and issue the command interface ethernet 1/0/0. What do the numbers represent?A. Slot/port/interfaceB. Slot/interface/portC. Port/slot/port numberD. Slot/port adapter/port number 48: Which of the following commands correctly sets the physical speed of a serial interface to 64Kbps?A. Router1(config-if)#bandwidth 64B. Router1(config-if)#bandwidth 64000C. Router1(config-if)#clockrate 64D. Router1(config-if)#clockrate 64000 49: In what mode do you use the encapsulation command?A. Interface Configuration modeB. Sub-interface Configuration modeC. User modeD. Privileged mode 50: You are configuring your router, and your boss happens to look over your shoulder as you type a show running-config command. She sees one of the lines that says password 7 14361F009A056E7D and asks what this means. What do you tell her?A. It is the actual password.B. It is the result of a service password-encryption command.C. The console output made a mistake.D. It is the result of an enable secret command.。
ccna考试题及答案1. 以下哪项是网络层的功能?A. 路由选择B. 错误检测C. 流量控制D. 封装数据包答案:A2. 在OSI模型中,哪一层负责在网络中传输数据?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 会话层D. 网络层答案:D3. 以下哪个协议是用于在IP网络中发现网络设备的?A. ARPB. RARPC. ICMPD. OSPF答案:A4. 在TCP/IP模型中,哪一层与OSI模型的传输层相对应?A. 应用层B. 互联网层C. 网络接口层D. 传输层答案:D5. 以下哪个地址是一个有效的IPv4地址?A. 172.16.300.1答案:B6. 在配置路由器时,以下哪个命令用于进入全局配置模式?A. enableB. configure terminalC. privileged execD. user exec答案:B7. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上显示当前配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show configD. show current-config答案:A8. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于保存当前的配置到启动配置文件?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config running-configC. save running-configD. save startup-config答案:A9. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看所有接口的状态?A. show interfacesB. show ip interface briefC. show interface statusD. show running-config interface答案:B10. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于关闭接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:A11. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上启用接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:B12. 在配置静态路由时,以下哪个命令用于指定下一跳地址?B. ip static-routeC. route ipD. static-route ip答案:A13. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上清除ARP表?A. clear arp-cacheB. clear arpC. clear arp tableD. clear ip arp答案:D14. 在配置动态路由协议时,以下哪个命令用于在接口上启用RIP?A. ip rip enableB. ip rip receiveD. network rip答案:C15. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看RIP路由表?A. show ip ripB. show ip route ripC. show ripD. show ip protocols答案:B16. 在配置EIGRP时,以下哪个命令用于指定自动汇总?A. metric weightsB. auto-summaryC. network auto-summaryD. no auto-summary答案:B17. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. show ip eigrp neighborsB. show eigrp neighborsC. show ip eigrpD. show eigrp interfaces答案:A18. 在配置OSPF时,以下哪个命令用于指定路由器ID?A. router-idB. router ospfC. networkD. area答案:A19. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看OSPF路由表?A. show ip ospfB. show ip ospf databaseC. show ospfD. show ip route ospf答案:D20. 在配置VLAN时,以下哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. configure terminalC. vlan [vlan-id]D. new-vlan答案:C21. 以下哪个命令用于将接口分配给VLAN?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:C22. 在配置交换机时,以下哪个命令用于将接口设置为Trunk 模式?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:B23. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN配置?A. show vlanB. show vlan briefC. show vlan detailD. show vlan all答案:B24. 在配置VTP时,以下哪个命令用于将交换机设置为VTP服务器模式?A. vtp mode serverB. vtp mode clientC. vtp mode transparentD. vtp mode off答案:A25. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VTP状态?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A26. 在配置STP时,以下哪个命令用于设置根桥?A. spanning-tree root primaryB. spanning-tree root secondaryC. spanning-tree root primary [priority]D. spanning-tree root secondary [priority]答案:C27. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看STP状态?A. show spanning-treeB. show spanning-tree detailC. show spanning-tree summaryD. show spanning-tree interface答案:A28. 在配置VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) 时,以下哪个命令用于设置VTP域名?A. vtp domain [domain-name]B. vtp password [password]C. vtp mode [mode]D. vtp version [version]答案:A29. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看当前的VTP版本?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A30. 在配置端口安全时,以下哪个命令用于限制接口上可以学习到的最大MAC地址数量?A. switchport port-security maximum [mac-count]B. port-security maximum [mac-count]C. switchport port-security violation restrictD. port-security violation shutdown答案:A这些题目和答案仅供学习和参考之用,实际的CCNA考试内容和形式可能会有所不同。
ccnp测试题及答案1. 在CCNP认证中,关于VLAN的以下哪个说法是正确的?A. VLAN是将交换机端口划分为多个广播域B. VLAN是将路由器端口划分为多个广播域C. VLAN是将无线接入点划分为多个广播域D. VLAN是将服务器划分为多个广播域答案:A2. 在Cisco网络设备中,哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. `switchport mode access`B. `switchport mode trunk`C. `vlan database`D. `configure terminal`答案:C3. 以下哪个协议用于在不同VLAN之间路由?A. EIGRPB. OSPFC. RIPD. VTP答案:A4. 在Cisco设备上,如何将接口配置为Trunk模式?A. `switchport mode access`B. `switchport mode trunk`C. `interface vlan 1`D. `interface fastethernet 0/1`答案:B5. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN信息?A. `show vlan`B. `show interfaces`C. `show ip interface brief`D. `show running-config`答案:A6. 在CCNP考试中,关于EIGRP协议的以下哪个说法是错误的?A. EIGRP是一个距离矢量路由协议B. EIGRP使用DUAL算法计算最短路径C. EIGRP支持VLSM和CIDRD. EIGRP仅在Cisco设备上可用答案:D7. 在Cisco设备上,如何配置EIGRP的自动汇总?A. `router eigrp 100`B. `no auto-summary`C. `ip summary-address eigrp 100`D. `metric weights 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1`答案:C8. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. `show ip eigrp neighbors`B. `show ip ospf neighbors`C. `show ip rip neighbors`D. `show ip eigrp interface`答案:A9. 在CCNP考试中,关于OSPF协议的以下哪个说法是正确的?A. OSPF仅在Cisco设备上可用B. OSPF使用RIP算法计算最短路径C. OSPF支持VLSM和CIDRD. OSPF使用广播来发现邻居答案:C10. 在Cisco设备上,如何配置OSPF的Hello和Dead间隔?A. `ip ospf hello-interval 10`B. `ip ospf dead-interval 40`C. `timers 10 40`D. `ospf hello-interval 10 dead-interval 40`答案:C结束语:以上是CCNP测试题及答案,希望对您的学习和准备有所帮助。
CCNP认证⽔平测试题CCNP思科⽹络认证⼯程师培训班考核单位: 姓名:分数:⼀、填空题(每空1分,共8分)1、B GP属于协议?2、B GP将协议⽤作其传输层协议?BGP使⽤端⼝?3、B GP运⾏在同⼀个⾃治系统中的路由器之间时被称为,BGP运⾏在不同⾃治系统中的路由器之间时被称为。
4、在命令show ipbgp的输出中,>意味着。
5、B GP命令neighbor和network之间的不同是前者告诉BGP ,后者指出。
⼆、单选选择题(每题1.5分,共48分)1、下⾯哪项正确地描述了EIGRP拓扑表?( )A 、它是使⽤收到的Hello分组填充的B 、它包含获悉的前往⽬的地的所有路由C 、它只包含前往⽬的地的最佳路由2、默认情况下,EIGRP使⽤哪种⾝份验证⽅式?( )A 、简单密码B 、MD5C 、⽆D 、IPSec3、下列哪⼀项不是链路状态路由协议的特征?( )A 、能够对⽹络变化做出快速反应B 、每隔30分钟⼴播⼀次C 、⽹络发⽣变化时发送触发更新D 、以较长的间隔(如每隔30分钟)发送定期更新,这被称为链路状态刷新4、为确保⽹络中所有路由器做出⼀致的路由决策,每台路由器都存储除下列哪项外的所有内容?( )A 、直接相连的邻接路由器B 、⽹络中或区域中的所有路由器以及它连接的⽹络C 、前往每个⽬的地的最佳路径D 、使⽤的路由协议的版本5、下列哪项不是OSPF区域的特征?( b )A 、减少了路由表条⽬B 、必须采⽤扁平的⽹络设计C 、将拓扑变化的影响限制在区域内D 、详细的LSA扩散到区域边界为⽌6、2类OSPF分组是什么?( )A 、数据库描述(DBD),⽤于检查路由器之间的数据库是否同步B 、链路状态请求(LSR),⽤于向其他路由器请求特定的链路状态记录C 、链路状态更新(LSU),⽤于发送被请求的链路状态记录D 、链路状态确认(LSAck),⽤于确认其他类型的分组7、下列哪种有关Hello间隔和失效间隔的说法是正确的?( )A 、邻接路由器的这些定时器值可以不同,因为将使⽤最⼩的值B 、邻接路由器的这些定时器值可以不同,因为将使⽤最⼤的值C 、邻接路由器的这些定时器值可以不同,因为邻接路由器将协商这些值D 、邻接路由器的这些定时器值必须相同8、下列哪个IP地址⽤于将更新后的LSA条⽬发送给OSPF DR和BDR?( )A 、单播地址224.0.0.5B 、单播地址224.0.0.6C 、多播地址224.0.0.5D 、多播地址224.0.0.69、为确保数据库的准确性,OSPF每隔多长时间刷新每条LSA记录?( )A 、60分钟B 、30分钟C 、60秒钟D 、30秒钟10、为实现OSPF路由选择,不需要下⾯哪项信息?( )A 、给路由器接⼝配置的IP地址B 、要使⽤的OSPF进程号C 、路由器所属的区域11、下列哪项不是指定OSPF路由器ID(⼀个唯⼀的IP地址)的⽅式?( )A 、使⽤最⼤的物理接⼝IP地址B 、使⽤最⼩的物理接⼝IP地址C 、环回接⼝的IP地址D 、命令router-id12、下⾯哪项正确地描述了邻接关系?( )A 、位于同⼀个物理⽹络的路由器之间B 、位于不同OSPF区域中的路由器之间C 、路由器与另⼀个⽹络的DR和BDR之间D 、⾻⼲DR和中转BDR之间13、下⾯哪种有关OSPF DR/BDR选举的说法不正确?( )A 、优先级最⾼的路由器为DRB 、优先级次⾼的路由器为BDRC 、如果所有路由器的优先级皆为默认值,则RID最⼩的路由器为DRD 、优先级为0的路由器不能成为DR或BDR14、哪种提⽰符表⽰⽤户正处在Cisco IOS软件的VLAN数据库配置模式中?( )A 、Switch#B 、Switch(vlan)#C 、Switch(config)#D 、Switch(config-vlan)#15、哪种交换机端⼝能够忽略DTP的配置,⽽⽆条件地将交换机端⼝设置为Access模式?( )A 、接⼊(Access)B 、⾮协商(Nonegotiage)C 、动态⾃动(Dynamic auto)D 、动态企望(Dynamic desirable)16、 ISL封装帧的FCS中包含哪种信息?( )A 、CRC计算B 、报头计算C 、ASIC计算D 、协议⽆关17、 802.1Q使⽤的是内部标记机制,这个标记会被插在哪个字段之后?( )A 、类型(Type)B 、SAC 、数据(Data)D 、CRC18、哪条命令能够在Cisco IOS软件中正确地将端⼝配置为ISL封装?( )A 、Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk islB 、Switch(config-if)#switchport mode encapsulation islC 、Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation islD 、Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk encapsulation isl19、哪条命令能够正确地将Native VLAN设置为VLAN 5?( )A 、switchport native vlan 5B 、switchport trunk native 5C 、switchport native trunk vlan 5D 、switchport trunk native vlan 520、 Catalyst交换机默认的VTP模式是什么?( )A 、客户端(Client)模式B 、Access模式C 、服务器(Server)模式D 、透明(Transparent)模式21、在完成VTP配置之后,哪条命令能够验证VTP的配置?( )A 、show vtp statusB 、show vtp countersC 、show vtp statisticsD 、show vtp status counters22、在下列哪种情况下,管理员在多层交换机上配置SVI必须使⽤命令ip routing?( )A 、当SVI正在为某个给定的VLAN提供通往交换机的IP连接时B 、当管理员需要将SVI配置为⼆层EhterChannel的⼀个成员接⼝时C 、在管理员没有使⽤EIGRP作为路由协议时D 、当SVI正在为分配给它的VLAN提供三层IP转发服务时E 、永远不需要配置这条命令,因为多层交换机默认就启⽤了IP路由选择功能23、如何将多层交换机上的端⼝配置为路由端⼝?( )A 、在这个端⼝上配置IP地址和⼦⽹掩码B 、使⽤命令switchport mode routed进⾏配置C 、在这个交换机端⼝上清除⼆层交换功能D 、使⽤命令no swichport mode进⾏配置24、在基于Cisco IOS软件的交换机上,下列哪条命令可⽤于将接⼝从三层接⼝变更为⼆层接⼝?( )A 、switchport mode accessB 、ip routingC 、switchportD 、switchport mode trunk25、在Catalyst交换机上,下列哪条Cisco IOS命令能够启⽤IP路由选择特性?( )A 、ip routingB 、interface vlan-idC 、ip address n.n.n.n maskD 、router ip_routing_protocol26、下列哪⼀项不是Catalyst交换机上推荐的管理安全性配置?( )A 、使⽤SSH,禁⽤Telnet服务B 、禁⽤不必要和未使⽤的服务,⽐如MOP或代理ARPC 、配置ACL来限制只有特定⽤户能够管理⽹络设备D 、禁⽤交换机的远程访问功能E、按照策略为特定类型的流量限制特定的带宽参数F 、在物理上防⽌⽤户从控制台(console)端⼝访问设备27、下列哪个命令使Catalyst交换机启⽤AAA安全配置?( )A 、ppp authentication chapB 、aaa new-modelC 、aaa authentication login default group RADIUSD 、username name password password28、下列哪⼀项不是802.1X所⽀持的端⼝授权状态?( )A 、Force-authorize(强制授权)B 、Force-unauthorized(强制未授权)C 、Auto(⾃动)D 、Desirable(需要)29、下列哪个特性阻⽌了MAC地址欺骗?( )A 、端⼝安全B 、DHCP侦听C 、IGMP侦听D 、MAC通告30、 48.下列哪类ACL可以应⽤到⼆层端⼝上?(选择所有可应⽤的选项)( )A 、路由器ACLB 、QACLC 、PACLD 、VACLE 、以上所有31、已默认计时器为例使⽤HSRP时,备⽤路由器需多长时间才民能检测到活跃路由器的失效情况( )A 、15秒B 、3秒C 、10秒D 、9秒E 、<1秒32、 VRRP主⽤路由器的默认公告计时器是多长时间?( a )A 、3秒B 、1秒C 、10秒D 、2秒E 、以上都不对三、多项选择题(每题2分,共12分)1、下⾯哪两种有关通告距离(AD)和可⾏距离(FD)的说法是正确的?( )A 、AD是邻居路由器前往特定⽹络的EIGRP度量值B 、AD是当前路由器前往特定⽹络的EIGRP度量值C 、FD是当前路由器前往特定⽹络的EIGRP度量值D 、FD 是邻居路由器前往特定⽹络的EIGRP度量值2、路由器A和B相连,它们的所有接⼝都运⾏EIGRP。
最新CCNA认证试题及答案「中文版」1、对于这样一个地址,,下列说法正确的是: ( )(A) 这是一个广播地址(B) 这是一个网络地址(C) 这是一个私有地址(D) 地址在192.168.19.0网段上(E) 地址在192.168.16.0网段上(F) 这是一个公有地址答案:CE注:IP地址中关键是看她的主机位,将子网掩码划为二进制,1对应上面的地址是网络位,0对应的地址是主机位192.168.19.255/20划为二进制为:11000000.10101000.00010011.1111111111111111.11111111.11110000.00000000主机位变成全0表示这个IP的网络地址主机槐涑扇?表示这个IP的广播地址RFC1918文件规定了保留作为局域网使用的私有地址: - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)2、目前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基于()的以太网标准.(A) IEEE 802.1(B) IEEE 802.2(C) IEEE 802.3(D) IEEE 802.5答案:C参考知识点:现有标准:IEEE 802.1 局域网协议高层IEEE 802.2 逻辑链路控制IEEE 802.3 以太网IEEE 802.4 令牌总线IEEE 802.5 令牌环IEEE 802.8 FDDIIEEE 802.11 无线局域网记住IEEE802.1-------IEEE802.5的定义以太网是一种计算机局域网组网技术。
IEEE制定的IEEE 802.3标准给出了以太网的技术标准。
2023年CCNP考试真题答案解析CCNP(Cisco Certified Network Professional)认证是思科公司推出的中级级别网络工程师认证,旨在验证网络工程师具备设计、配置和管理复杂网络架构的能力。
题目一:请简述SDN(Software-Defined Networking)的基本概念和架构,并说明其在网络领域中的优势和应用。
SDN的优势和应用体现在以下几个方面:1. 灵活性和可编程性:SDN架构使网络设备的控制逻辑与数据转发分开,提供了更高的灵活性和可编程性,可根据需求快速配置和自动化管理网络,提高网络的可调整性和可扩展性。
2. 网络集中管理:SDN的控制器层集中管理网络中的所有设备,实现了网络的集中控制和监控。
3. 创新应用和服务:SDN架构为网络创新提供了更好的平台,可以支持各种应用和服务的开发,如虚拟网络、多租户网络和网络功能虚拟化等,加快了网络技术的发展和应用。
4. 故障隔离和快速恢复:SDN可以通过控制器层实现网络的动态配置和故障隔离,当某一设备出现故障时,可以快速重新规划路径并恢复网络的正常运行。
题目二:请描述OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)协议的工作原理,并解释其在网络中的应用场景。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
网络系统构建技术总复习一、不定项选择题1、在Windows 2003/2008 的TCP/IP 网络中,IP 地址有两种设定方法,它们分别是(B、D)。
A. 通过DHCP 和DNS 设定B. 通过DHCP 及人工指定C. 通过子网掩码和缺省网关给定D. 通过网络自动生成2、如果所在的局域网中存在DHCP 服务器,那么在Windows 平台下安装TCP/IP网络时,就可以(B )。
A. 去掉IP 地址的设置B. 从DHCP 服务器中自动获得一个IP 地址C. 设置一个有效的固定IP 地址D. 任意设置一个IP 地址3、如果用户所安装的TCP/IP 网络与其他网络或与Internet 相连,则必须(D )。
A. 设定DHCPB. 设置WINSC. 给定任意一个IP 地址D. 指定缺省网关4.在Windows 2003/2008 的TCP/IP 网络中,要求各个连网计算机的IP 地址在本域范围内( B )。
A. 使用同一个IP 地址B. 惟一C. 任意设定D. 不惟一5、在设置静态ip地址时,(A、C、D )参数有时是可以不设置的。
(选择三项)A. 网关B. 子网掩码C. 首选域名服务器D. 备用域名服务器6、在邮件地址mackenzre@中,(B)表示域名。
(选择一项)A. MackenzreB. C. mackenzre@7、一台服务器准备作为网络的文件服务器,管理员正在对该服务器的硬盘进行规划。
如果用户希望读写速度最快,他应将硬盘规划为(C ),如果用户希望对系统分区进行容错,他应将硬盘规划为(D ),如果用户希望对数据进行容错,并保证较高的磁盘利用率,他应将硬盘规划为( E )。
A. 简单卷B. 跨区卷C. 带区卷D. 镜像卷E. RAID-5卷8、使用域控制器来集中管理域账户,你安装域控制器必须具备以下条件(A、B )。
(选择二项)A. 操作系统版本是Windows server 2003或者Windows Server 2008B. 本地磁盘至少有一个NTFS分区C. 本地磁盘必须全部是NTFS分区D. 有相应的DNS服务器支持9、一位系统管理员在安装Windows Server 2003/2008的过程中,在安装向导的网络设置页面中选择了“典型设置”,那么当服务器安装完成后将其连接到公司的网络,它的IP地址会( B )。
(选择一项)A. 是192.168.0.1B. 从DHCP服务器自动获得C. 是0.0.0.0D. 是192.168.0.0/16网段的随机IP地址10、某公司准备使用一台服务器作为公司域中附加的域控制器,那么该服务器上可以选择安装的Windows Server 2003版本有(C、D、E )。
(选择三项)A. Windows Server 2003桌面版B. Windows Server Web版C. Windows Server 2003 数据中心D. Windows Server 2003 企业版E. Windows Server 2003 标准版11、在Windows 2003/2008 下,可查看网卡MAC 地址配置信息的命令是(B )。
A. pingB. ipconfigC. dirD.都不是12、关于MAC 地址的说法(A )是正确的。
A.MAC 是为每个网卡设置的全球惟一的识别号B.MAC 是由软件设置的,子网中不要求惟一C.MAC 设置的目的是为了CPU 可以找到自己的网卡D.MAC 相当于中断的识别号13、如果用户所安装的TCP/IP 网络与其他网络或Internet 相连,则必须(D )。
A.设定DHCPB.设置WINSC.给定任意一个IP 地址D.指定缺省网关14、在一个Windows 2000/2003 网络环境中,使用IP 地址可以连接到某台计算机,而使用域名则不能连接,可能存在的问题是(A )。
A.DNS 配置存在问题B.IP 地址设置有问题C.缺省网关设置有问题D.没有设定DHCP15、如果想显示计算机ip地址的详细信息,用(B )命令。
A.-AB.-SC.-TD.–F17、在动态磁盘中建立的卷(C )的读写效率最高。
A.简单卷B.跨区卷C.带区卷D.镜像卷E.RAID5卷18、你在局域网中设置某台机器的IP,该局域网的所有机器都属于同一个网段,你想让该机器和其它机器通信,你至少应该设置哪些TCP/IP参数(A、B )。
(选择二项)A.IP地址B.子网掩码C.默认网关D.首选DNS服务器19、在Windows 2003/2008域环境的网络中,你想使员工无论使用哪台计算机都能获得他在前一次登录使用的桌面环境,该员工可以修改并保存桌面环境。
你使用(B )能实现。
一天早上,管理员接到一个员工打来的电话,员工说他使用的Windows XP计算机无法访问公司局域网里面的其它计算机,而昨天还是可以的。
管理员在该员工的Windows XP计算机上登录,并使用ipconfig/all命令查看网络配置信息,发现IP地址是169.254.25.38。
你知道这可能是由于(C )原因导致的。
(选择一项)A.用户自行指定了IP地址B.IP地址冲突C.动态申请地址失败D.以上都不正确二、填空题1、常用的网络操作系统有(UNIX )、(Linux )、(NetWare )和Windows Server 2003/2008。
2、在Windows Server 2003中DNS可以与(WINS )整合,便于访问(活动目录)中的对象。
4、DHCP给客户机分发IP地址的同时,可以将网络中的(路由)、(DNS )、(WINS )等信息一道告诉客户机。
5、在Windows Server 2003/2008系统中,服务器的角色可以是(域控制器)服务器、(域成员)服务器和(独立)服务器。
7、在Windows Server 2003/2008系统的活动目录中,实施域策略管理需要建立(组织单位),而对多个用户分配相同权限需要建立(工作组)。
8、在Windows Server 2003/2008系统中通常使用两种协议,它们是(NETBEUI )和(TCP/IP )。
9、在Windows Server2003系统中,当用FAT32格式化磁盘,磁盘上的(文件)和(目录)就不能设置访问权限。
11、Windows Server 2003/2008系统中,域结构可以是(树)、(林)和(森林)。
12、在Windows Server 2003/2008系统中,多个磁盘建立阵列,需要将每个磁盘是(动态磁盘)类型,而(基本磁盘)类型的磁盘是不能做阵列的。
13、DHCP 服务器以(作用域)为单位管理地址池。
14、在Windows Server 2003/2008系统中,DNS服务器有三种形式,它们分别是DNS(授权)服务器、DNS(主)服务器和DNS(辅)服务器。
三、应答题1、Windows server 2003/2008的群集有几种方式,分别说出它们的特征。
2、请叙述DHCP自动配置IP地址的优点:(1) IP 地址和相关信息可被DHCP 服务器自动提供给每一个客户计算机,而不是在每台客户机上去配置它们,减少了管理工作量。
(2) 保证了客户机总是使用正确的配置信息。
(3) 消除了不正确配置可能导致的通信和网络问题(4) 可自动更新客户机配置信息,以反映网络结构的变化。
传统的IP 地址的数字式的方法不便于记忆和理解,但基于TCP/IP 协议构建的Internet/Intranet 网络是通过IP 地址来区分和发送数据的,因此DNS 服务器的作用就是完成对域名到IP 地址的解析工作,有的DNS 服务器可以双向解析。
6、当Windows 2000/2003/xp系统的网络中DHCP服务失效时,网络中动态地址的主机能够自动获得IP 地址吗?是在哪些地址范围?1、可以自动获得IP地址。
Windows Server 2003/2008 将DNS 和活动目录进行了集成,它们使用相同的分层命名结构。
DNS 主机名与活动目录中计算机账号相同,计算机名可认为是特殊的域名。
域、计算机可成为活动目录的对象/DNS 资源记录,客户机可通过查询DNS 找到域控制器。
DNS 主区域结构可存储于活动目录,并随活动目录复制。
四、简答题1、网管员决定提升一台安装了Windows Server 2003 企业版操作系统的服务器为局域网域内的域控制器,同时将所有PC客户机加入到域中,客户机运行的是Windows XP操作系统。