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3.定语从句中出现序数词修饰先行词, 关系代词只用that,不用which This is the first novel_____ the writer wrote. that 4.a+序数词 +n.(单) =another+ n.(单) 序数词 5.固定句式 on one’s _____ birthday have one’s 序数词bithday party _____
1.He is the first (one) to do sth. 2.This is the first time I have seen this film.
3.That was the first time he had been late.
基数词表量. 基数词+
数词基本上修饰可数 名词,表量。
基数词 数词 序数词
+n.(复)(超一) 基数词:数目多少 基数词+ +n.(单)(不足一或一)
was More than one student______(be)late today. 词形:twelve nineteen twenty thirty forty ninety hundred thousand million百万 billion十亿 读法??? 123,345,567,789 billion million thousand
2.章,课,页码 the +序数词+n(单)
the first chapter=Chapter One
分子 分母
1/3 one third
2/3 two thirds
1/2 1/4
a half/one second one fourth/a quarter/one quarter
V. + adv.构成短语
pass on 传递 look out 小心 look over 检查身体 show sb. around sp.领某人参观某地
show off 露面 come around 过来 see sb. off 为…送行 come on 加油
come out 出版,发行,冲洗
5.日期 月日,年 What’s the date today? January 16th,2012
6.年龄,年代 *in one’s +“几十”(复) in her fifties in the +年份(-s/’s) in the 1960s =in the 1960’s 7.小数 ‘.’读point ‘ .’前按基数词读,后一一读出 17.86 70% seventy percent 8.百分数
goes 1/3 of the apple_____(go) bad.
序数词 词形
first second third fourth ninth
twelfth twentieth fortieth ninetieth 用法: the+序数词+n.(单) 1.表顺序先后,量为一。
30. laboratory n. 实验室
32. nowadays 如今
37. the Communist Party of China 中国共产党
*注意宾语的位置 send away 开除 send for sb. send up 发射 打扮 搬走,挪开dress up move away wear out 穿破 try out a new idea 尝试… put on 上演 try on试穿 hold on 别挂断,抓牢
9.倍数/次数once,twice,three times, 基数词+times There are twice as many students in Class1 as in Class2. n.为原形 10.复合形容词 a/an 数词-名词-形容词 +名词 a 12-year-old boy 120-metre-long 120 metres The river is ____________ long. 120 metres 120- metre-long This is a ___________________ river.
11.加,减,乘,除运算: 3+5=8 Three plus /and five is/gets eight. 9-2=7 Nine minus two is seven.
6×5=30 Six times five is thirty. 8/4=2 Eight divided by four is two. 12.分数 13.固定短语 at the age of ten ; another two weeks=two more weeks
考点 1.基数词/several/a few +hunded/thousand/million/billion+n.(pl.) 2.some/many/× +hundeds/thousands/millions/billions+ of+n.(pl.) 3.分数、百分数 of the ____ 单、复 +n. ½ of the water comes ______(come) from the south. 70% of the people_____(be)healthy. are
+n.(单) 序数词表序数(量为一)
Eg. The building has ____(5) floors. He lives on the ____(3) floor.
1.be covered with… 被…覆盖
3. material n. 材料
4. anniversary ceremony 遇年纪念日 15. suffer from 遭受 28. government n. 政府 29. donate…to… 把……捐给…
three fourths/three quarters 3/4 考点 1. the +序数词+n.(单) *表名次 或序数词已有形代词,名词所有 格或指示代词修饰,the删去。 He has just had his________(40) birthday. fortieth 2.名词短语中出现序数词,adj.用最高级 tallest the second______(tall)boy
960万 9,600,000 nine million six hundred thousand 用法:
1.数目多少 基数词+n. 2.表顺序指章,课,页码,房间
n.+基数词(n.大写第一字母,无冠词) Class 1
Line 1 Room 205 Page Six Book 4 3.门牌 at 26 Roy Road 电话号码(单数) 4.时间 to(>30) ,past(<=30) 3:05 3:30 3:50 five past three half past three ten to four 15 a quarter