Method for converting in-situ gamma ray spectra of a portable Ge detector to an incident photon




二氧化碳捕集和原位转化英文Carbon Dioxide Capture and In-situ ConversionIntroduction:The rapid increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions due to human activities is one of the primary contributors to global warming and climate change. In order to mitigate and reduce these emissions, innovative technologies such as carbon dioxide capture and in-situ conversion have emerged. This article aims to explore the concept of carbon dioxide capture and in-situ conversion, their significance in tackling climate change, and the potential challenges and opportunities associated with these technologies.Carbon Dioxide Capture:Carbon dioxide capture refers to the process of capturing emitted CO2 from various sources, such as power plants, industrial processes, and transportation, to prevent it from entering the atmosphere. There are several methods for capturing CO2, including post-combustion capture, pre-combustion capture, and oxy-fuel combustion.Post-combustion capture involves capturing CO2 from flue gases after the combustion of fossil fuels. This method employs various techniques such as chemical scrubbing, membrane separation, and adsorption. Pre-combustion capture, on the other hand, occurs prior to the combustion of fossil fuels, where carbon is separated from the fuel before it is burned. Lastly, oxy-fuel combustion involves burning fossil fuels in oxygen-rich environments, resulting in a flue gas predominantly composed of CO2, which can then be easily captured.In-situ Conversion:In-situ conversion of carbon dioxide refers to the process of converting captured CO2 into valuable products or energy sources. This approach aims to utilize the captured CO2 instead of simply storing it underground. In-situ conversion can be achieved through various methods, such as chemical conversion, biological conversion, and electrochemical conversion.Chemical conversion involves the transformation of CO2 into useful chemicals or materials through chemical reactions. This method often requires catalysts to facilitate the conversion process. Biological conversion, on the other hand, utilizes microorganisms or plants to convert CO2 into biofuels or other organic compounds. Electrochemical conversion utilizes electrical energy to convert CO2 into products such as carbon monoxide or formic acid.Significance and Benefits:The development and implementation of carbon dioxide capture and in-situ conversion technologies hold significant potential in mitigating climate change and achieving sustainable development goals. These technologies can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, thereby minimizing the impact on the Earth's atmosphere and climate. Furthermore, in-situ conversion offers the opportunity to transform captured CO2 into valuable resources, promoting a circular economy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.Challenges and Opportunities:While carbon dioxide capture and in-situ conversion technologies show promise, there are several challenges and opportunities associated with theirimplementation. One of the major challenges is the high cost of capturing and converting CO2. The development of cost-effective technologies is necessary to ensure widespread adoption and scalability. Additionally, the availability of suitable storage sites for captured CO2 and the environmental impact of these storage sites need to be carefully considered.However, opportunities exist to overcome these challenges. Continued research and development efforts can lead to technological advancements, making carbon dioxide capture and in-situ conversion more efficient and affordable. Collaboration between governments, industries, and research institutions is essential to drive innovation and create a supportive policy and regulatory framework. Moreover, the development of carbon markets and incentives can encourage investment and accelerate the adoption of these technologies.Conclusion:Carbon dioxide capture and in-situ conversion technologies offer a promising approach in addressing the challenges posed by rising CO2 emissions. The capture of CO2 prevents its release into the atmosphere, while in-situ conversion transforms it into valuable resources. With proper implementation and support, these technologies can contribute significantly to mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development. However, continued research and development efforts, as well as collaboration between various stakeholders, are crucial in realizing their full potential and bringing about a greener and more sustainable future.。



·核科学与工程·面向个人剂量计校准的小尺度伽玛参考辐射模拟研究*钱易坤1,2, 冯 鹏2, 刘易鑫1, 朱亚地1, 黄宇晨1,2,张 颂1,2, 何 鹏2, 魏 彪2, 毛本将1(1. 中国工程物理研究院 核物理与化学研究所,四川 绵阳 621900; 2. 重庆大学 光电工程学院,重庆 400044)摘 要: 针对伽玛射线个人剂量计基于标准伽玛参考辐射进行校准时检定效率低、校准工作复杂和需要远程送检的关键技术问题,建构了1 Ci 137Cs 放射源小尺度参考辐射场物理模型,采用蒙特卡罗方法,研究了小尺度参考辐射场内的剂量分布、装置结构和待检剂量计变化导致散射射线对剂量场的影响,获得了待检剂量计形状、数量、类型和装置结构产生的散射伽玛射线对小尺度参考辐射量值定度的影响结果。

研究结果表明,1 Ci 137Cs 可以为小尺度参考辐射辐射场检验点提供1.5 mSv/h 的伽玛遂行剂量率,辐照个人剂量计载台直径30 cm 束斑上的剂量率相对标准偏差约为0.48%。

当载台厚度为20 mm 时,散射射线对小尺度参考辐射检验点处剂量率值的影响率为3.27%,高于剂量计尺寸(1.62%)和剂量计数量(0.56%)的影响。

关键词: 个人剂量计; 剂量量值定度; 小尺度参考辐射; 蒙特卡罗方法; 遂行校准 中图分类号: TL72 文献标志码: A doi : 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200280Personal dosimeter calibration based on minitype reference radiationQian Yikun 1,2, Feng Peng 2, Liu Yixin 1, Zhu Yadi 1, Huang Yuchen 1,2,Zhang Song 1,2, He Peng 2, Wei Biao 2, Mao Benjiang 1(1. China Academy of Engineering Physics , Mianyang 621900, China ;2. College of Optoelectronics Engineering , Chongqing University , Chongqing 400044, China )Abstract : Gamma-ray personal dosimeters are important tools for the radiation protection for workers.However, the current calibration method based on standard reference radiation has low verification efficiency, large calibration workload, and requires remote inspection. To solve the above problems, this paper attempts to apply the minitype reference radiation to the calibration of gamma-ray personal dosimeters. The Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the dose distribution in the minitype reference radiation field, the influence of scattering rays which are caused by the device structure and dosimeters in the dose field. The results show that 1 Ci 137Cs can provide a dose rate of 1.5 mSv/h for the point of test, and the relative standard deviation of the dose rate at the point of test is about 0.48%.When the thickness of the stage is 20 mm, the influence rate of scattered rays on the dose rate value at the minitype reference radiation inspection point is 3.27%, which is higher than the influence of the size of the dosimeter (1.62%)and the number of dosimeters (0.56%). This paper provides a theoretical basis for in situ calibration to calibrate gamma-ray personal dosimeters.Key words : personal dosimeter ; dose value calibration ; minitype reference radiation ; Monte Carlo method ; in situ calibration在核辐射工作现场或环境中,伽玛射线个人剂量计不仅是对工作人员受照辐射剂量进行监测的手段,也是保障辐射场所工作人员辐射安全常用和必备的辐射防护用品。



The phase-field method has become an important and extremely versatile technique for simulating microstructure evolution at the mesoscale. Thanks to the diffuse-interface approach, it allows us to study the evolution of arbitrary complex grain morphologies without any presumption on their shape or mutual distribution. It is also straightforward to account for different thermodynamic driving forces for microstructure evolution, such as bulk and interfacial energy, elastic energy and electric or magnetic energy, and the effect of different transport processes, such as mass diffusion, heat conduction and convection. The purpose of the paper is to give an introduction to the phase-field modeling technique. The concept of diffuse interfaces, the phase-field variables, the thermodynamic driving force for microstructure evolution and the kinetic phase-field equations are introduced. Furthermore, common techniques for parameter determination and numerical solution of the equations are discussed. To show the variety in phase-field models, different model formulations are exploited, depending on which is most common or most illustrative. c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



Table S5. Species, ODEs, and initial values for the anti-electrophilic gene regulatory network model.Species ODE Initialconcentration(nM) NoteATP 0 6105× Adenosine triphosphate. The reported physiologicalconcentration ranges between 1~7 mM [1-4]. Glu 0 61010×Glutamate. The reported physiologicalconcentration ranges between 4~30 mM [5-8]. Cys 0 6103.0×Cysteine. Since GCL-catalyzed GSH synthesis is sensitive to cysteine level, and the K m of cysteine in this reaction is 0.22 mM [9], we set the basal concentration at 0.3 mM so that cysteine is not completely saturating the reaction.γ-GC 5554f f − 61015.0× gamma-glutamylcysteine. In human fibroblast, the level of γ-GC was estimated to be 0.15 mM, given [GSH] is at 5mM [10].Gly0 6101× Glycine. The concentration was assumed. GSH575655f f f −−6105×Reduced glutathione. The reported intracellular GSH concentration ranges from 1 to 10 mM in various biological tissue and cells [11]. We used 5 mM.X576059f f f −+ 3101×Here X represent an active electrophile. A major endogenous electrophile is the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxnonenal, the concentration of which ranges from 0.1~3 uM [12,13]. We used 1 uM.GSX5857f f −200GSH conjugate of X. This basal concentration is set at about 25% of the Ki for inhibition of GST. Keap16531f f f f −−−20Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1. Theintracellular concentration is unknown. The value here gives the desired control on Nrf2 half-live as specified in Table S4.Keap1o542f f f +− 0Oxidized or conjugated form of Keap1.Nrf2c 743V /f f f −−−15f 14f −+ 5.0Nuclear factor erythroid 2 related factor 2 in the cytosol. The intracellular concentration is unknown. Since transcription factors generally exist in low abundance (in the nanomolar range ), we implemented a basal level of 0.5 nM. Nrf2-Keap1 631f f f −+− 0 Complex of Nrf2 and Keap1. Nrf2-Keap1o642f f f ++− 0 Complex of Nrf2 and Keap1o .Nrf2n 98n 7f f V /f −−1 Nuclear Nrf2. As it appears that nuclear Nrf2 level is about twice that in the cytosol [14], we implemented a basal level of 1 nM.Maf 9f − 1Small maf protein. The intracellular concentration is unknown. A low concentration of 1 nM wasassumed since it is a transcription factor partner. Nrf2-Maf 2216109f 3f 3f f −−−463830f 2f 2f 2−−− 0Heterodimer of Nrf2 and Maf.EpRE gene, where ,Gclc ,2Nrf {gene ∈ }Mrp ,Gst ,Gs ,Gclmm f −, where }46,38,30,22,16,10{m ∈0167.0EpRE-containing promoter for Nrf2, Gclc , Gclm , Gs , Gst , and Mrp genes, respectively. The value of 0.0167 is equivalent to one copy of molecule in a nuclear volume of 100 um 3.Nrf2-Maf-EpRE gene ,where,Gclc ,2Nrf {gene ∈ }Mrp ,Gst ,Gs ,Gclm m f , where }46,38,30,22,16,10{m ∈Complex of Nrf2-Maf dimer and EpRE-containing promoter for Nrf2, Gclc , Gclm , Gs , Gst , and Mrp genes, respectively.Gene off , where ,Gclc ,2Nrf {gene ∈ }Mrp ,Gst ,Gs ,Gclm n f −, where }47,39,31,23,17,11{n ∈0167.0Inactive state of Nrf2, Gclc , Gclm , Gs , Gst , and Mrp genes, respectively. The value of 0.0167 isequivalent to one copy of gen in a nuclear volume of 100 um 3.Gene on , where ,Gclc ,2Nrf {gene ∈ }Mrp ,Gst ,Gs ,Gclm n f , where }47,39,31,23,17,11{n ∈Active state of Nrf2, Gclc , Gclm , Gs , Gst , and Mrp genes, respectively.Gene mRNA, where ,Gclc ,2Nrf {Gene ∈ }Mrp ,Gst ,Gs ,Gclmq c n p f V /V f −, where}48,40,32,24,18,12{p ∈}49,41,33,25,19,13{q ∈mRNA of Nrf2, Gclc , Gclm , Gs , Gst , and Mrp genes, respectively.GCLC 282120f f f −− 3107.1× Glutamate cysteine ligase catalytic subunit. See the GCLM and GCL entries in the same table.GCLM282726f f f −−31036.0×Glutamate cysteine ligase modifier subunit. At this concentration, the GCLC/GCL ratio is 3 at the basal condition, as specified in reaction 28 in Table S4. GCL2928f f − 3106.0×Glutamate cysteine ligase holoenzyme. Thisconcentration, together with that of GCLC, gives a basal GSH synthesis rate of 386 nM/s, which is close to 360 nM/s measured in B16M melanoma cells given a cell volume of 1000 um 3 [15] GS mono 363534f 2f f −− 0 Glutathione synthetase monomer. GST mono 444342f 2f f −− 0 Glutathione S-transferase monomer.MRP mono525150f 2f f −−Multidrug resistance-associated protein monomer. GS3736f f − 31096.0×Glutathione synthetase dimer. This concentration keeps γ-GC at 0.15 mM at the basal condition. See the γ-GC entry in the same table for the choice of 0.15 mM.GST 4544f f − 310185.0× Glutathione S-transferase dimer. This concentration keeps X at 1 uM at the basal condition. See the X entry in the same table for the choice of 1 uM. MRP5352f f −31022.7×Multidrug resistance-associated protein. This concentration keeps GSX at 0.2 uM at the basal condition.References1. Ko SH, Lee SK, Han YJ, Choe H, Kwak YG, et al. (1997) Blockade of myocardial ATP-sensitive potassium channels by ketamine. Anesthesiology 87: 68-74.2. Gribble FM, Loussouarn G, Tucker SJ, Zhao C, Nichols CG, et al. (2000) A novel method for measurement of submembrane ATP concentration. J Biol Chem 275: 30046-30049.3. Leist M, Single B, Castoldi AF, Kuhnle S, Nicotera P (1997) Intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration: a switch in the decision between apoptosis and necrosis. J Exp Med 185: 1481-1486.4. Marcussen M, Larsen PJ (1996) Cell cycle-dependent regulation of cellular ATP concentration, and depolymerization of the interphase microtubular network induced by elevated cellular ATP concentration in whole fibroblasts. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 35: 94-99.5. 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factor抗血友病因子AI:aortic insufficiency主动脉瓣关闭不全AI:artificial insemination人工授精AID:artificial inseminati on with doner's semen非配偶间人工授精AIDS:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合征,艾滋病AIH:artificial insemination with husband's semen配偶间人工授精AIHA:autoimmune hemolytic anemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血AISN:acute interstitial nephritis 急性间质性肾炎AKP:alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶Ala:alanine 丙氨酸ALA:aminolevulinic acid氨基酮戊酸(卟啉前体)ALD:aldolase醛缩酶ALG:antilymphocyte glo bulin抗淋巴细胞球蛋白ALL:acute lymphoblastic leukemia急性淋巴细胞白血病ALP:alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶ALS:amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症ALS:antilymphocyte serum抗淋巴细胞血清ALT:alanine aminotransferase 丙氨酸转氨酶(即SGPT)AML:acute myeloblastic leukemia 急性原粒细胞性白血病AMMOL:acute myelomonoblastic leukemia 急性髓单核细胞性白血病AMOL:acute monoblastic leukemia 急性单核细胞性白血病AMS:acute mountain sickness急性高山病AMS:atypical measles syndrome非典型麻疹综合征AMY: amylase淀粉酶AN:analgesic nephritis止痛药肾炎ANA:antinuclear antibody抗细胞核抗体ANP:atrial n atriuretic peptide心房利钠肽(即心钠素)Anti-HBc:antibody to hepatitis B core antigen 抗乙型肝炎核心抗体Anti-HBe:antibody to hepatitis B e antigen抗乙型肝炎e抗体Anti-HBs:antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen抗乙型肝炎表面抗体(即AuAg)ANUG:acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎AP:alternate pathway旁路途径(补体活化)APB:atrial premature beat房性期前收缩APC:antigen-presenting cell抗原呈递细胞APC:acute pharyngoconjunctival fever急性咽结合膜热APP:acute-phase protein急性期蛋白APRT:adenine phosphoribosyltransferase腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(嘌呤回收途径)APTT:activated partial thromboplastin time活化部分凝血活酶时间APUD:amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation胺前体摄取和脱羧(细胞)AR:aortic regurgitation主动脉反流AR:autosomal recessive常染色体隐性AR A-A:adenine arabinoside阿糖腺苷(抗病毒药)ARA-C:cytosine arabinoside阿糖胞苷(抗癌药)ARAS:as cending reticular activation system上行网状激活系统ARC:AIDS-related complex艾滋病相关复合征ARD:acute respiratory disease急性呼吸道病ARDS:adult respiratory distress syndrome成人呼吸窘迫综合征ARF:acute renal failure急性肾功能衰竭ARF:acute rheumatic fever急性风湿热AS:aortic s tenosis主动脉瓣狭窄AS:ankylosing spondylitis强直性脊柱炎Arg:arginine精氨酸ASA:acetylsalicylic ac id乙酰水杨酸ASD:Alzheimer's senile dementia 阿尔茨海默氏老年性痴呆ASD:atrial septal defect房间隔缺损Asn:asparagine天门冬酰胺ASO:antistreptolysin O抗链球菌(溶血)素OAsp:aspartic acid天门冬氨酸AST:aspartate aminotransferase天门冬氨酸转氨酶(即SGOT)AT:angiotensin血管紧张素ATL:adult T cell leukemia成人T细胞白血病ATN:acute tubular necrosis急性肾小管坏死ATP:adenosine triphosphate三磷酸腺苷AuAg:Australia antigen澳大利亚抗原(即Anti-HBs),澳抗AUC:area under concentration curve药-时曲线下面积AV:atrioventricalar房室AV:arteriovenous动静脉AVF:(augmented voltage,left leg) 加压单极左腿导联AVL:(augmented voltage,left arm) 加压单极左臂导联AVM:arteriovenous malformation动静脉畸形AV node:atrioventricular node房室结AVP:arginine vasopressin精氨酸加压素AVR:(augmented voltage,right arm)加压单极右臂导联AZT:azidothymidine叠氮脱氧胸腺嘧啶核苷BAEP:brain-stem auditory evoked potential 脑干听觉诱发电位BAL:British anti-lewisite(dimercaprol)英国抗路易士毒气剂(二巯基丙醇)BBB:bundle branch block束支传导阻滞BBB:blood-brain barrier血脑屏障BB P:bedside blood purification床边血液净化BBT:basal body temperature基础体温B cell:bone marrow-deri ved lymphocyte 骨髓源淋巴细胞BCG:bacillus Calmette-Guérin卡介苗BCNU:bis-chloroethyl-nitrosourea氯乙亚硝脲,卡氮芥(抗癌药)BE:base excess剩余碱BEAM:brain electrical activity mapping脑电位分布图BEE:basal energy expenditure基础能量消耗量BK:bradykinin缓激肽BME:biomedical engineering 生物医学工程BMF:bone marrow failure骨髓功能衰竭BMI:body mass index 体重指数(以体表面积为基数)BMP:bone morphogenic protein骨形态形成蛋白BMR:basal metabolic rate基础代谢率BMT:bone ma rrow transplantation骨髓移植BP:blood pressure血压BPH:benign prostatic hypertrophy良性前列腺肥大Bq:becquerel伯克(放射强度单位)BRM:biological response modulator 生物反应调节剂BSA:body surface area体表面积BSP:bromsulphalein酚四溴肽磺酸钠,磺溴肽钠(肝功能试验)BT:bleeding time出血时间BUN:blood urea nitrogen血尿素氮C:complement补体CABG:cor onary artery bypass grafting冠状动脉旁路移植术CAD:coronary artery disease冠状动脉病CAD:computer-aided diagnosis计算机辅助诊断CAH:c ongenital adrenal hyperplasia先天肾上腺增生cAMP:cyclic adenosine monophosphate 环一磷酸腺苷CAPD:continuous ambulatory peritnoeal dialysis持续性非卧床式腹膜透析CAT:calcium antagonist钙拮抗剂CAVH:continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration 连续动静脉血液滤过CAVHD:continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis 连续动静脉血液透析CAVHP:continuous arteriovenous hemoperfusion连续动静脉血液灌流CAVP:continuous arteriovenous plasmapheresis连续动静脉血浆换出CBC:complete blood count全部血细胞计数CBF:cerebral blood flow脑血流量CCK-P Z:cholecystokinin-pancreozymin 缩胆囊素-促胰酶素CCNU:cyclohexyl-chloroethyl-nitrosourea 氯乙环己亚硝脲(抗癌药)CCU:cardiac care unit心脏病监护中心CD:cluster of differentiation 免疫细胞表面分化抗原CDC:U.S.Centers for Disease Control 美国疾病监控中心C dyn:dynamic compliance动态顺应性CEA:carcinoembryonic antigen癌胚抗原CEI:converting enzy me inhibitor转化酶抑制剂CEP:chronic eosinophilic pneumonia慢性嗜酸细胞增多性肺炎CF:complement fixation补体结合CF:chemotactic factor趋化因子CF:cystic fibrosis囊性纤维化CFU:colony forming unit集落形成单位CGD:chronic granulomatous disease慢性肉芽肿病CGL:chr onic granulocytic leukemia 慢性粒细胞白血病CH:compromized host免疫力低下寄主C:constant domain of heavy chain重链稳定区(免疫球蛋白)CHD:coronary heart disease冠心病CHF:congestive heart failure充血性心力衰竭CHO:carbohyd rate碳水化合物,糖CI:cardiac index心脏指数Ci:curie居里(放射强度单位)CIC:circulating immune c omplex循环免疫复合物CIE:countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis对流免疫电泳CIS:carcinoma in situ原位癌CISN:chronic interstitial nephritis 慢性间质性肾炎CK:creatine kinase肌酸激酶Cl:clearance清除率C:constant domain of light chain轻链稳定区(免疫球蛋白)CLL:chronic lymphocytic leukemia慢性淋巴细胞白血症C(L+T):compliance of lungs and thorax 肺-胸廓顺应性CMG:cystometrogram膀胱压力容积曲线CMI:cell-mediated immunity细胞介导免疫CML:chronic my elogenons leukemia慢性髓细胞白血病CMV:cytomegalovirus巨细胞病毒CNS:central nervous system中枢神经系统CO:cardiac output心输出量CoA:coenzyme A辅酶ACO CP:CO combining power二氧化碳结合力COMT:catechol-O-methyltrans ferase 儿茶酚氧位甲基转移酶COPD:chronic obstructive pulmonary disease慢性阻塞性肺疾病CP:classic pathway经典途径(补体活化)CP:cor pulmonale肺原性心脏病CPAP:continuou s positive airway pressure呼吸道持续正压结氧CPCR:cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation心肺脑复苏CPDD:cis-platinum-diamino dichloride顺铂CPPV:continuous positive pressure ventilation连续正压通气结氧CPR:cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复CPZ:chlorpromazine氯丙嗪Cr:creatinine 肌酐CR:complement receptor补体受体CREST:calcinosis,Raynaud's phenomenon,esophageal dysfunction,sclerodactyly,telangiectasia 钙质沉着-雷诺氏现象-食管功能失调-硬皮病指(趾)-毛细管扩张(综合征)CRF:chronic renal failure慢性肾功能衰竭CRP:C-reactive p rotein C反应蛋白CSD:cat scratch disease猫抓病CSF:cerebrospinal fluid脑脊液CSF:colony stimulating factor集落刺激因子C stat:static compliance静态顺应性CT:calcitonin降钙素CT:computed tomography 电子计算机断层成像CT:clotting time凝血时间CTL:cytotoxic T lymphocyte细胞毒T淋巴细胞CTX:c ytoxan环磷酰胺CV:closing volume闭合容积CVA:cerebrovascular accident脑血管意外CVID:common variable immunoglobulin deficiency常见变异性免疫缺陷CVP:central venous pressure中央静脉压CWP:coal worker's pneumoconiosis煤矿工人尘肺Cys:cysteine半胱氨酸D:ergocalciferol麦角骨化醇(维生素D)D:cholecalciferol胆骨化醇(维生素D)1,25-(OH)D:1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-双羟胆骨化醇DAG:diacylglycerol甘油二脂D&C:dilatation &curettage刮宫DDS:diaminodiphenylsulfon e氨苯砜DDT:dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane滴滴涕DDVP:dichlorvos敌敌畏DEC:diethylcarbamazine 乙胺嗪(海群生,抗丝虫药)DES:diethylstilbestrol乙烯雌酚DF:differentiation factor分化因子DHEA:deh ydroepiandrosterone脱氢表雄甾酮DHT:dihydrotestosterone二氢睾丸酮DI:diabetes insipidus尿崩症DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation弥漫性血管内凝血DIP:distal interphalangeal远指间(关节)DIT:diiodotyrosine二碘酪氨酸DJD:degenerative j oint disease退行性关节病(即骨性关节病)DKA:diabetic ketoacidosis糖尿病酮症酸中毒DLE:discoid lupus erythromatosus盘状红斑狼疮DM:diabetes mellitus糖尿病DM:dermatomyositis皮肌炎DNA:deoxyribonucleic acid脱氧核糖核酸D OC:11-deoxycorticosterone11-脱氧皮质酮Dopa:dihydroxyphenylalanine二羟苯丙氨酸,多巴DP:diastolic pressure舒张压DP:discharge precautions排出物隔离DPG:diphosphoglyceric acid二磷酸甘油酸DPN:dip hosphopyridine nucleotide二磷酸吡啶核苷酸(同NAD,即辅酶I)DSA:digital substraction angiography数字减影血管造影DSCG:disodium cromoglycate色甘酸钠(过敏反应介质阻释药)DSH:deliberate self harm蓄意自伤DSM:Di gnostic nd St tistic l M nu l of Ment l Disorders《精神障碍诊断统计手册》DST:dexamethasone suppression test地塞米松抑制试验DT:delirium tremens震颤谵妄DTH:delayed-type hypersensitivity迟发过敏DTIC:dimethyl imidazole carboxamide 氮烯咪胺(抗癌药)DTP:diphtheria tetanus pertussis白喉-破伤风-百日咳(三联疫苗)DUB:dysfunctional uterine bleeding功能失调性子宫出血DVT:deep vein thrombosis深静脉血栓形成D/W:dextrose in water葡萄糖液E:enzyme酶E:estr one雌酮E:estradiol雌二醇E:estriol雌三醇EABV:effective arterial blood volume有效动脉血容量EACA:epsilon-aminocaproic acid6-氨基己酸(纤溶酶激活剂抑制药)EAC-rosette:erythrocyte-antibody-complementrosette红细胞-抗体-补体玫瑰花结EAE:experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 实验性变应性脑脊髓炎EBA:epidermolysis bullosa acquisita 获得性大疱性表皮松解症EBP:eosinophilic basic protein嗜酸细胞碱性蛋白EBV:Epstein-Barr virus爱泼斯坦-巴尔二氏病毒ECF:extracellular fluid细胞外液ECF-A:eosinophil chemotactic factor ofanaphylaxis 过敏反应嗜酸细胞趋化因子ECG:electrocardiogram心电图ECHO:echocardiography超声心动图ECHOvirus:enteric cytopathogenic human orphanvirus人类肠道细胞病变孤儿病毒ECM:external cardiac massage胸外心脏按压ECM:erythema chronicummigrans 慢性游走性红斑(见LD)ECT:electroconvulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法,电抽搐疗法(即电休克疗法)ECT:emission computed tomography发射计算机断层成像EDD:expected date of delivery预产期EDTA:ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 依地酸(金属解毒药)EEG:electroencephalogram脑电图EF:ejection fraction射血分数EFA:essential fatty acid必需脂肪酸EGD:esophagogastroduodenoscopy食管胃十二指肠镜检EGF:epidermal growth factor表皮生长因子EGRI:enterogastric reflux index肠胃反流指数EIA:enzyme immunoassay酶免疫测定EKC:epidemic keratoconjunctivitis 流行性角结膜炎EKG:electrocardiogram心电图ELISA:enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附测验EM:electron microscope电镜EMB:ethambutol乙胺丁醇(抗结核药)EMG:electromyogram肌电图EMSS:emergency medical service system 急诊医学勤务系统END:endorphin内啡肽ENL:erythema nodosum leprosum麻风结节性红斑(反应)ENT:ear,nose and throat耳鼻喉EOP:endogeneous opioid peptide内源性阿片肽EP:epinephrine肾上腺素EP:electrophoresis电泳EP:endogenous pyrogen内源致热源EP:endorphin内啡肽EP:enteric precauti ons肠道隔离EPEC:enteropathogenic E.coli肠致病性大肠杆菌EPO:erythropoietin红细胞生成素(即RE F)EPS:expressed prostatic secretion前列腺按摩液ERCP:endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography内窥镜逆行胰胆管造影E-rosette:erythrocyte rosette红细胞玫瑰花结ERP:effective refractory period 有效不应期ERP:estrogen receptor protein雌激素受体蛋白ERPF:effective renal plasma flow有效肾血浆流量ERV:expiratory reserve volume补呼气容积ESR:erythrocyte sedimentation rate红细胞沉降率,血沉ESRD:end-stage renal disease终期肾疾病ETEC:enterotoxigenic E.coli产肠毒素大肠杆菌EXP:excret ion precautions排泄物隔离f:respiratory frequency呼吸频率F:folic acid叶酸Fab:antigen-binding fragme nt抗原结合片断(免疫球蛋白)FAD:flavin adenine dinucleotide 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸(黄酶辅基)FAS:fetal alcohol syndrome胎儿酒精综合征Fc:crystalizable fragment 结晶片断(免疫球蛋白)FDA:U.S.Food and Drug Administration美国食物药品局FDP:fibrinogen degradation products 纤维蛋白降解产物FEV:forced expiratory volume in 1 second 第一秒用力呼气量FFA:free fatty acid游离脂肪酸FFM:fat-free mass不含脂肪物质FH:tetrahydrofolate四氢叶酸FIA:fluoroimmunoassay荧光免疫测定Flu:influenza流行性感冒FMD:foot and mouth disease口蹄疫F MF:familial mediterranean fever家族性地中海热FMN:flavin mononucleotide 黄素单核苷酸(黄酶辅基)FM S:fibromyalgia syndrome纤维肌痛综合征FN:fibronectin纤维粘连蛋白FNA:fine needle aspiration biopsy 细针吸取活检FRC:functional residual capacity功能残气量FSH:follicle-stimulating hormone促滤泡激素FTA-ABS:fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption 荧光螺旋体抗体吸收(试验)5-FU:5-fluorouracil5-氟尿嘧啶(抗癌药)FUO:fever of unkno wn origin无明热FVC:forced vital capacity用力肺活量G-:gram negative革兰氏阴性G+:gram positive 革兰氏阳性GABA:gamma-aminobutyric acidγ氨基丁酸GAG:glycosaminoglycan糖氨聚糖(即粘多糖)Gal:galactose半乳糖GALT:gut-associated lymphatic(lymphoid)tissue肠道相关淋巴组织GBS:Guillain-Barr syndrome 吉兰-巴雷二氏综合征GERD:gastroesophageal refux diseas e 胃食管反流病GF:growth factor生长因子GFR:glomerular filtration rate肾小球过滤率GGT:gamma-glutamyl transfera seγ-谷氨酰转移酶GH:growth hormone生长激素GI:gastrointestinal胃肠GIP:gastric inhibitory peptide抑胃肽Glc:glucose葡萄糖Gln:glutamine谷酰胺Glu:glutamic acid谷氨酸Gluc:glucuronic acid葡萄糖醛酸Gly:glycine甘氨酸GN:glomerulonephritis肾小球肾炎GN:glomerulonephropathy肾小球肾病GNB:gr am-negative bacilli革兰氏阴性杆菌GnRH:gonadotropin-releasing hormone 促性腺激素释放激素GP:glycoprotein糖蛋白G6PD:glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶GRH:GH-releasing hormone生长激素释放激素GSD:glycogen storage disease糖原贮积病GS H:glutathione(reduced)谷胱甘肽(还原型)GSSG:glutathione(oxidized)谷胱甘肽(氧化型)GTD:gestation al trophoblastic diseases妊娠性滋养细胞疾病GTT:glucose tolerance test葡萄糖耐量试验GU:genitourinary泌尿生殖GVH:graft-versus-host 移植物抗寄主(疾病)Gy:gray戈瑞(放射吸收剂量)HA:hemagglutination血细胞凝集HACE:high-altit ude cerebral edema高原脑水肿HACH:hypertensive atherosclerotic cerebralhemorrhage高血压性动脉硬化性脑出血HAI:hemagglutination-inhibition血凝抑制HA(N)E:hereditary angi oneurotic edema 遗传性血管神经性水肿HAPE:high-altitude pulmonary edema高原肺水肿HAT:hypoxanthine,aminopterin,thymidine 次黄嘌呤-氨基蝶呤-胸腺嘧啶核苷(培养基)HAV:hepatitis A virus甲型肝炎病毒HB:heart block心传导阻滞HbA:adult hemoglobin成人型血红蛋白HBcAg:hepatitis B core antigen乙型肝炎核心抗原HBE:His bundl e electrocardiogram希氏束心电图HBeAg:hepatitis B eantigen乙型肝炎e抗原HBIG:hepatitis B immune globulin乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白HbF:fetal hemoglobin胎儿型血红蛋白HbS:sickle hemoglobin 血红蛋白S,镰状细胞血红蛋白HBsAg:h epatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HBV:hepatitis B virus乙型肝炎病毒HCD:heavy chain disease重链病hCG:human chorionic gonadot ropin人类绒毛膜促性腺激素HCL:hairy cell leukemia毛细胞白血病HCT(Hct):hematatocrit血细胞比容(即PCV)HCV:hepatiti s C virus丙型肝炎病毒HD:Hodgkin's disease何杰金氏病,霍奇金氏病HD:hemodialysis血液透析HDL: high-density liporotein高密度脂蛋白HDN:hemolytic disease of newborn新生儿溶血病HDV:hepatitis D v irus丁型肝炎病毒HE:hematoxylin eosin苏木精伊红(染色剂)HE:hypertensive encephalopathy高血压性脑病HEV:hepatitis E virus戊型肝炎病毒HF:hepatic failure肝功能衰竭HF:Hageman factor哈格曼氏因子(凝血因子)HF:hemorrhagic fever出血热HFA:Health for All“人人享受健康服务”HFRS:hemorrhagi c fever with renal syndrome肾综合征出血热(即流行性出血热)HGG:human gamma globulin人丙种球蛋白HGPRT:hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(嘌呤回收途径)HHNK:hyperglycemic,hyperosmotic nonketotic coma高血糖高渗性非酮症性昏迷5-HIAA:5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid 5-羟基吲哚乙酸(5-羟色胺脱氨产物)His:histidine组氨酸HIV:human immunodeficiency virus人类免疫缺陷病毒(即HTLV-和LAV,为AIDS 病原体)HLA:human leukocyte antigen人白细胞抗原HLP:hyperlipopr oteinemia高脂蛋白血症HMG:human menopausal gonadotropin 人绝经期促性腺激素HMG-CoA:hydroxymethyl glutaryl CoA3-羟-3-甲基-戊二酰辅酶A(合成酮体和胆固醇的中间产物)HMM:hexamethymelamine六甲密胺(抗癌药)HMP:hexos e monophosphate磷酸己糖(支路)HMWK:high molecular weight kininogen高分子激肽原hnRNA:heterogeneous nuclear RNA核异质核糖核酸HPA axis:hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴HPETE:hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid 氢过氧二十碳四烯酸(合成白细胞三烯的中间产物)HPV:human papilloma virus人类乳头瘤病毒HR:heart rate 心率HS:heparin sulfate硫酸肝素HSE:herpes simplex encephalitis单纯疱疹脑炎HSP:Henoch-Sch nlein p urpura享舍二氏紫癜(即过敏性紫癜)5-HT:5-hydroxytrptamine(serotnin)5-羟色胺(血清素)HTLV:human T cell leukemia virus人类T细胞白血病病毒HTLV:human T lymphotropic virus嗜人T淋巴细胞病毒(同前,另名)HU:hydroxyurea羟基脲(抗癌药)HUS:hemolytic-uremic syndrome 溶血性尿毒症综合征HVA:homovanillic acid 高香草酸(多巴胺代谢产物)HX:histiocytosis X组织细胞增生症XH-Y:histoco mpatibility antigen组织相容性抗原Y(其结构基因位于Y染色体)HZ:herpes zoster带状疱疹IBD:inflammatory bowel disease炎症性肠道疾病IBS:irritable bowel syndrome肠道激惹综合征IC:inspiratory capacity深吸气量IC:immune complex免疫复合物ICD:intracranial pressure颅内压ICD:Intern tion l Cl ssific tion of Dise ses国际疾病分类ICF:intracellular fluid细胞内液ICG:indocyanine green 吲哚氰绿(试验)(肝排泌功能试验)ICS:immotile cilia syndrome纤毛不动综合症ICU:intensive care unit监护中心Id:idiotype独特型ID:intradermal皮内IDDM:insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus胰岛素依赖性糖尿病IDL:intermediate-density lipoprotein中等密度脂蛋白IDU:idoxuridine碘苷,疱疹净(抗病毒药)IE:infective endocarditis感染性心膜炎IEC:invasive E.col i侵袭性大肠杆菌IEP:immunoelectrophoresis免疫电泳IF:inhibiting factor抑制因子IFA:immune fluoresc ence antibody免疫荧光抗体IFA:indirect fluorescent antibody间接荧光抗体IGF-1:insulin-like growth fact or I胰岛素样生长因子I(即SMC)IgG:immunoglobin G G型免疫球蛋白IGT:impaired glucose tolerance糖耐量低减IHA:i ndirect hemagglatination间接血凝(试验)IL:interleukin白细胞介素ILD:interstitial lung disease肺间质病Ile:isoleucine异亮氨酸IM:infectious mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症IM:intramuscular肌内IMD: immunologically mediated diseases 免疫机制介导疾病INH:isonicotinic acid hydrazide(isoniazid)异烟肼INQ:index of nutritional quality营养质量指标IPD:inflammatory pelvic disease盆腔炎IPF:idiopathic p ulmonary fibrosis 特发性肺间质纤维化IPH:idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症IPPV:intermittent positive pressure ventilation间歇正压通气给氧IQ:intelligence quotient智商Ir:immune response免疫应答(基因)IRD:immune renal disease免疫性肾病iRNA:informational RNA信息核糖核酸IRV:inspiratory reserve volume补吸气容积I s:immune suppressor免疫抑制(基因)ISG:immune serum globulin免疫血清球蛋白ITP:idiopathic thromb ocytopenic purpura 特发性血小板减少性紫癜ITP:inosine triphosphate三磷酸肌苷IU:international unit国际单位IUD:intra-uterine devic e宫内节育器IUI:intra-uterine insemination宫腔内人工授精IV:intravenous静脉内IVF:in vitro fertilizati on体外受精IVP:intravenous pyelogram静脉肾盂造影JCA:juvenile chronic arthritis青年慢性关节炎JE: Japanese encephalitis日本脑炎JEV:Japanese encephalitis vaccine日本脑炎疫苗JGA:juxtaglomerular apparatus近血管球复合体K cells:killer cells杀伤细胞Kb:kilobase纤碱基Km:Michaelis constant米氏常数1 7-KS:17-ketosteroid17-酮类固醇17-KGS:17-ketogenic steroid17-生酮类固醇KS:Kaposi's hemorrhagic sarc oma 卡波济氏出血性肉瘤KUB:kidney,ureter,bladder肾、输尿管及膀胱(平片)LABD:linear IgA bullous dermatosus线状免疫球蛋白A大疱性皮肤病LAH:left anterior hemiblock左前分支阻滞LAK cell:lymphokine activated killer cell 淋巴因子活化杀伤细胞LAT:latex agglutination test乳胶凝集试验LATS:long-acting thyroid stimulator 长效甲状腺刺激素LAV:lymphadenopathy-associated virus淋巴结病相关病毒(同HIV)LBM:lean body mass不计脂肪体重LBW:low birth weight低体重(儿)LC:Langerhan' s cell 郎格汉斯氏细胞(皮肤免疫细胞),郎格汉斯氏细胞(妊娠滋养细胞)LC:Langhans'cell郎汉斯氏细胞多核巨细胞LCAR:late cutaneous allergic reactions晚期变态反应性皮肤反应LCAT:lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 卵磷脂胆固醇乙酰基转移酶(催化胆固醇脂化)LCM:lymphocytic choriomeningitis淋巴脉络丛脑膜炎LD:Lyme disease莱姆病LD body:Leishman-Donovan body 利士曼-多诺万二氏小体LD:median lethal dose半数致死量LDCF:lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factor淋巴细胞趋化因子LDH:lactate dehydrogenase乳酸脱氢酶LDL:low-density lipoprotein低密度脂蛋白LE:lupus erythematosus红斑狼疮Leu:leucine亮氨酸LGA:large-for-gestational-age大于胎龄(儿)LGV:lymphogra nuloma venerum性病性淋巴肉芽肿LH:leuteinizing hormone黄体生成素LL:lepromatous leprosy瘤型麻风LP:lumbar puncture腰椎穿刺LPAM:1-phenylalanine mustard左旋苯丙氨酸氮芥LPH:left posterior hem iblock左后分支阻滞β-LPH:β-lipotropic hormoneβ-促脂素LPL:lipoprotein lipase脂蛋白脂酶LPS:lipopol ysaccharide脂多糖LRI:lower respiratory illness下呼吸道病LS:life support生命支持LSD:lysergic aciddiethylamide赖瑟酸二乙胺(致幻剂)LT:leukotriene白细胞三烯LT:lymphotoxin淋巴毒素LUF syndrome:luteinized-unruptured follicle syndrome黄体化卵巢未破综合征LVSW:left ventricular stroke work左心室每搏功Lyb:lymphocyte antige n on B cells B淋巴细胞表面抗原(鼠)Lys:lysine赖氨酸Lyt:lymphocyte antigen on T cells T淋巴细胞表面抗原(鼠)βM:βmicroglobulinβ微球蛋白MAC:membrane attack complex 膜攻击复合物(补体活化产物)MAF:macrophage arming(activating)factor 巨噬细胞武装(活化)因子MAI:Mycob cterium vium-intr cellul re鸟-胞内分支杆菌MAMA:midarm muscle area中臂肌肉面积MAO:monoamine oxidase单胺氧化酶MAOI:monoa mine oxidase inhibitor单胺氧化酶抑制药MBC:minimal bactericidal concentration最低杀菌浓度MBC:maximal breathing capacity(MVV)最大换气量(同MVV)MBD:minimal brain damage轻微脑损伤(即多动综合征)MBF:myocardial blood flow心肌血流量MBP:myelin basic protein髓鞘碱性蛋白MIP:maximal inspir atory pressure最大吸气压力MCGN:mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 系膜毛细血管性肾小球肾炎(同MPGN)MCH:mean corpuscular hemoglobin 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量MCHC:mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MCLS:mucocutaneons lymph node syndrome皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征(即川崎氏病)MCNS:minimal change nephrotic syndrome微小病变性肾病综合征MCP:metacarpophalangeal掌指(关节)MCTD:mixed connective tissue disease混合结缔组织病MCV:mean corpuscular volume平均红细胞体积MD:muscular dystrophy肌肉营养不良MDS:myelod ysplastic syndrome骨髓异常增生综合征MEA:multiple endocrine adenomatosis 多发性内分泌腺瘤(同MEN)MEFV:maximal expiratory flow volume 最大呼气流量MEN:multiple endocrine neoplasia多发性内分泌腺瘤(同MEA)MET:metabolic equivalent梅脱(代谢当量)Met:methione甲硫氨酸,蛋氨酸MetHb:methe moglobin高铁血红蛋白MF:myelofibrosis骨髓纤维化MF:mycosis fungoides蕈样霉菌病(即蕈样肉芽肿)MG:myasthenia gravis重症肌无力MGN:membranous glomerulonephritis 膜性肾小球肾炎MHC:major histoc ompatibility complex主要组织相容性复合物MI:mitral insufficiency二尖瓣关闭不全MI:myooardial infarction心肌梗死MIC:minimum inhi bitory concentration最低抑制浓度MIF:migration inhibitory factor (单核-巨噬细胞)移动抑制因子MIF:M llerian inhibitory factor 米勒氏管抑制因子MIG:measles immune globulin麻疹免疫球蛋白MIT:monoiodotyrosine一碘酪氨酸MLD:minimum lethal dose最小致死量MLR:mixed lymphocyte response混合淋巴细胞反应MM:myeloid metaplasia骨髓外化生MMEF:maximum mid-expiratory flow最大呼气中期流量MMM:myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia 骨髓纤维化伴髓外化生MoAb:monoclonal antibody单克隆抗体6-MP:mercaptopurine6-巯基嘌呤(抗癌药)MPG N:membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 膜增殖性肾炎(同MCGN)MPO:myeloperoxidase髓过氧化物酶MPS:mononuclear phagocyte system单核吞噬细胞系统MPS:mucopolysaccharidoses粘多糖病MR:mental retardation精神发育迟滞MR:mitral regurgitation二尖瓣反流MR:myelography脊髓造影MRI:magnetic resonance imaging磁共振成像MS:mitral stenosis二尖瓣狭窄MS:multiple sclerosis多发性硬化MSH:melanocyte-stimulating hormone促黑素细胞激素,促黑素MSOF:multiple system organ failure多发性系统器官衰竭MTP:metatarsophalangeal跖趾(关节)MTX:methotrexate氨甲蝶呤MVA:mevalonic acid甲羟戊酸(合成胆固醇的中间代谢物)MVV:maximal voluntary ventilation 最大通气量(同MBC)m:macrophage巨噬细胞N:neuraminidase神经氨酸酶NA:noradrenaline去甲肾上腺素NA:neutralizing antibody中和抗体NAD:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(oxidized)烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(同DPN,即辅酶)NADP:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(oxidized)烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(同TPN,即辅酶)NARES:non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia 嗜酸细胞增多性非变应性鼻炎NBT:nitroblue tetrazolium亚硝基蓝四氮唑NCF-A:neutrophil chemotactic factor ofanaphylaxis过敏反应嗜中性细胞趋化因子NDI:nephrogenic diabetes insipidus肾源性尿崩症NE:norepinep hrine去甲肾上腺素NEC:nerotizing enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎NGU:nongonococcal urethritis非淋病性尿道炎NIDDM:noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病NIH:U.S.National Institutes of Health 美国国立卫生研究所NK cell:natural killer cells天然杀伤细胞NMR:nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振(同MRI)NPN:nonprotein nitrogen非蛋白氮NPT:nocturnal penile tumescence夜间阴茎勃起NREM:nonrapid-eye-mo vement非快眼动(睡眠)NS:nephrotic syndrome肾变综合征NSAID:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 非甾体抗炎药OA:osteoarthritis骨性关节炎OA:orotic acid乳清酸(合成嘧啶的中间产物)OAF:osteoclast activat ing factor破骨细胞活化因子OC:oral contraceptive口服避孕药OCG:oral cholecystography口服造影剂胆囊造影OGTT:oral glucose tolerance test口服糖耐量试验17-OH CS:17-hydroxycorticosteroid17-羟皮质类固醇OLD:obstructive lung disease阻塞性肺疾病OPV:oral(live attenuated virus)polio vaccine(Sabin)口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(萨宾氏)ORS:oral rehydration solution口服补水溶液OS:opening sn ap开瓣音OT:old tuberculin旧结核菌素OTC:over-the-counter非处方(药),柜台(药)P:atrial deplor ation(ECG wave)心房除极波(心电图)P:proline脯氨酸-p:short arm of chromosome染色体短臂P:properdin备解素(补体活化旁路途径)P :pulmonic second sound肺动脉瓣第二音PA:pernicous anemia恶性贫血P CO:arterial carbon dioxide p ressure动脉血三氧化碳分压PAF:platelet-activating factor血小板活化因子PAH:para-aminohippurate 对氨基马尿酸(肾血浆流量测定)PAM:pyridine aldoxime methiodide 解磷定(有机磷解毒药)PAM:primary amebic meningoencephalitis原发性阿米巴脑膜脑炎PAM:pulmonary alveolar macrophage肺泡巨噬细胞PAN:polyarteritis nodosa结节性多动脉炎P CO:arterial oxygen pressure动脉血氧分压P O:alveolar oxygen pressure肺泡氧分压PAP:prostatic acid phosphatase前列腺酸性磷酸酶Pap:Papanicolaou巴氏(染色)(找瘤细胞)PAS:para-aminosalicylic acid对位氨基水杨酸PAS:periodic acid-Schiff(reaction)过碘酸希夫氏(反应)PAWP:pulmonary arterial wedge pressure肺小动脉嵌顿压PBC:primary biliary cirrhosis 原发性胆汁性肝硬变PBG:porphobilinogen卟吩胆色素原PBI:protein-b ound iodine蛋白结合碘PC:phosphatidylcholine磷脂酰胆碱PCA:passive cutaneous anaphylaxis 被动皮肤过敏反应PCD:plasma cell dyscrasia浆细胞病PCG:phonocardiography心音图PCH:paroxysmal cold hemoglobinu ria阵发性寒冷性血红蛋白尿PCM:protein-calorie malnutrition蛋白质能量营养不良PCO syndrome:polycystic ovarian syndrome多囊卵巢综合征PCP:Pneumocystis c rinii pneumonia卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎,卡氏肺囊虫肺炎PCR:polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链锁反应PCV:packed cell volume血细胞压积(同HCT)PD:peritoneal dialysis腹腔透析PDA:patent ductus arteriosus动脉导管未闭PDGF:platelet -derived growth factor 血小板源生长因子PDT:photodynamic therapy光动力学治疗PE:physical examination体格检查,体检PECT:positron emission computed tomography正电子发射计算机断层成像PEEP:positive end-expiratory pressure呼气终末正压给氧PEFR:peak expiratory flow rate呼气高峰流量PEG:pneumoencephalography气脑造影PET:positron emission tomography正电子发射断层成像PFNA:percutaneons fine needle aspiration经皮细针抽吸PG:prostaglandin前列腺素PGI:prostacyclin前列腺环素PGL:persistent generalized lymphadenopat hy持续性全身淋巴腺病(艾滋病)PGN:proliferative glomerulonephritis增殖性肾小球肾炎PH:portal hypertension门静脉高压PHA:passive hemagglutination被动血细胞凝集作用PHC:primar y health care初级卫生保健Phe:phenylalanine苯丙氨酸PI:phosphatidylinositol磷脂酰肌醇PI:protective i solation(reverse isolation)保护性隔离(反向隔离)PID:pelvic inflammatory disease盆腔炎PIE:pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia嗜酸细胞增多性肺浸润PIF:prolactin inhibiting factor泌乳素抑制因子PIH:pregnancy-induced hypertension妊娠高血压PIP:proximal interphalangeal近端指(趾)间(关节)PIT:plasma iron transport rate血浆铁周转率PKD:polycystic kidney disease多囊性肾病PK reaction: Prausnitz-K stner reaction普库二氏反应(同PCA)PKU:phenylketonuria苯丙酮尿症PM:polymyositis多发性肌炎PMA:progressive mu cular atrophy进行性肌萎缩PML:progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy进行性多灶性脑白质病PMN:polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte多形核嗜中性白细胞PMR:polymyalgia rheumatica多发性风湿性肌痛PMS:premenstrual syndrome经前综合征PMT:premenstrual tension经前紧张症PMV:prolapse of mitral valve二尖瓣脱垂PN:polyarteritis nodos a结节性多动脉炎PNH:paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 阵发性夜间血红蛋白尿PNS:partial nonprogressing stroke 非进行性部分中风PNS:peripheral nervous system周围神经系统PNT:papulonecrotic tuberculid丘疹坏死性结核疹P.O.:per os经口POMC:pro-opiomelanocortin内啡肽-促黑素-促皮质素前体POMR:problem-oriented medical record以问题为中心的医案记录PP:pellagra preventive抗糙皮病(因子)(即烟酰胺和烟酸)PP:periodic paralyses周期性麻痹PP:pancreatic polypeptide胰多肽PPD:purified protein derivat ive 纯蛋白衍化物(精制结核菌素)PPLO:pleuropneumonia-like organism类胸膜肺炎微生物PR interval:PR间期(心电图)PRA:plasma renin activity血浆肾素活性(同PRC)PRC:plasma renin concentration血浆肾素浓度(同PRA)PRF:prolactin releasing factor泌乳素释放因子PRIH:prolactin release-inhibiting hormone 泌乳素释放抑制激素PRIST:paper radio-immuno-sorbent test 试纸放射免疫吸附试验PRL:prolactin泌乳素Pro:proline脯氨酸PROM:premature rupture of the membrane胎膜早破PRP:progesterone receptor protein孕酮受体蛋白PRPP:phosphoribosy1 pyrophosphate焦磷酸磷酸核糖(合成嘌呤、嘧啶和辅酶&的前体)PSA:psoriatic arthritis银屑病关节炎PSE:portal-systemic enceph alopathy门-体循环性脑病PSGN:poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis 链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎PSP:phenolsulfonphthalein酚磺肽,酚红PSS:progressive systemic sclerosis进行性系统性硬化症PST:phthalylsulfathiazole酞磺噻唑PS(V)T:paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia阵发性室上性心动过速PT:prothrombin time凝血酶原时间PTA:plasma thromboplastin antecedent(factorⅪ)血浆凝血活酶前体(凝血因子Ⅺ)PTC:plasma thromboplastin component(factorⅨ)血浆凝血活酶组分(凝血因子Ⅸ)PTC:percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram 经皮肝穿刺胆道造影PTCA:percutaneous transluminal coronaryangioplasty经皮穿刺冠状动脉管腔内成形术PTH:parathyroid hormone甲状旁腺素PTT:partial thromboplas tin time 部分凝血活酶时间PTU:propylthiouracil丙基硫氧嘧啶PV:plasma volume血浆容积PV:polycythe mia vera真性红细胞增多症PVR:peripheral vascular resistance周围血管阻力PWM:pokeweed mitogen美洲商陆有丝分裂原PXE:pseudoxanthoma elasticum弹性假黄瘤PZA:pyrazinamide吡嗪酰胺(抗结核药)PZI:protamine zine insulin鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素-q:long arm of chromosome 染色体长臂:perfusion rate肺血流灌注率Q fever:query fever疑向热,Q热QRS complex:ventricular depolarization(ECGwaves)心室除极波(心电图)QT interval: QT间期(心电图)R:roentgen伦琴(放射剂量单位):rate o f drug elimination药物排泄率RA:rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎RA:refractory anemia难治性贫血rad:radiation absorbed dose 拉德(放射吸收剂量)RAI:radioactive iodine uptake test放射性碘摄取试验RANA:rheumatoid arthritis nuclear antigen 类风湿关节炎核抗原RAS:reticular activating system网状激活系统RAS:renin-angiotensin system肾素-血管紧张素系统RAS:renal artery stenosis肾动脉狭窄RAST:radio-allergo-sorbent test 放射-变应-吸附试验RAW:airway resistance气道阻力RBC:red blood cell红细胞RBF:renal blood flow肾血流量RC C:renal cell carcinoma肾细胞癌RDA:recommended daily allowance推荐膳食需要量RDS:respiratory distr ess syndrome 呼吸窘迫综合征RE system:reticulo-endothelial system 网状内皮系统REF:renal erythropoietic factor肾生血因子(即EPO)REM:rapid eye movement快眼动(睡眠)rem:roentgen equivalent of man雷姆,人体伦琴当量(放射剂量当量)RF:rheumatic fever风湿热RF:rheumatoid factor类风湿因子RF:releasing factor释放因子RFLP:restriction fragment length polymorphism 限制性内切片断长度多样性Rh:Rhesus group of red cell agglutinogen猕猴血型RH:releasing hormone释放激素RI:respiratory isolation呼吸道隔离RIA:radioimmunoassay放射免疫分析RIF:release inhibiting factor释放抑制因子RIH:release inhibiting hormone释放抑制因子RIND:reversibl e ischemic neurologic disability可逆性缺血性神经系统病RIP:radioimmunoprecipitation放射免疫沉淀RIST:radioimmunosorbent test放射免疫吸附试验RLD:restrictive lung disease限制性肺疾病RMP:rifampin利福平(抗结核及抗麻风药)RN A:ribonucleic acid核糖核酸RNP:ribonucleoprotein核蛋白RPGN:rapidly progressive glomerulonephripis 急进。






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启动人体PRC的再生生命徐荣祥【期刊名称】《中国烧伤创疡杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(025)006【总页数】42页(P401-442)【关键词】潜能再生细胞;再生生命;再生营养物质;原位再生复原;器官再生【作者】徐荣祥【作者单位】100020,北京,北京荣祥再生医学研究所【正文语种】中文尊敬的IEF经济俱乐部执行主席兼行政长官Dr. Peter Kasalovsky及各位大使、世界商会联合会主席Peter Mihok先生、斯洛伐克科学院副主席Dagmar Podmakova女士、IEF经济俱乐部的各位成员、世界各国的在线网友们、女士们、先生们:今天我讨论的题目是“启动人体PRC的再生生命” (见图1)。






Dear Dr. Peter’ Kasalovsky, Administrator and Executive Chairman of IEF Economic Club, Ambassadors, Honorable Mr. Peter Mihók, the chair of the World Chambers Federation, Honorable Mrs. Dagmar Podmaková, the vice-president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Members of IEF Economic Club, Online Friends around the world,Ladies and Gentlemen:Today, I would like to talk about the topic of “initiate your body’s PRC regenerative life”(Fig.1). PRC, the acronym of potential regenerative cell, is a type of cell having regenerative function and existing like other somatic cells in the human body. We discovered and invented this cell and named it as “PRC”, its regenerative function is awakened by us for the first time in history(Fig.2). Only after being awakened, PRC can convert in situ into pluripotent stem cell to regenerate new cells and tissues. Through the regeneration of new cells and tissues, PRC can achieve regenerative restoration of damaged or diseased organs, regenerative rejuvenation of prematurely senescent organs, healthy extension of human life span,etc(Fig.3).ConceptRNS: Regenerative nutritional substance, a specific combination of nutritional ingredients which can awaken and nourish the PRC in the human body to exert its function(Fig.4).前言首先,让我们简单回顾一下前沿生命科学的发展历史。



管中管结构pipe-in-pipe structure神经生长因子缓释微球recombinant human nerve growth factor sustained release microsphere非取向支架non-oriented scaffold孔道结构pore-channel structure纳米复合材料nanocomposites生物安全性biological safety人工合成材料artificial synthetic material药物缓释材料drug delivery material载体材料carrier material透析膜材料dialysis membrane material纳米材料nanomaterial扫描隧道显微镜scanning tunneling microscope (STM) 化学气相沉积chemical vapor deposition (CVD)碳纳米管carbon nano-tube抗折强度flexural strength气体冷凝法gas-condensatin method抗拉强度tensile strength抗压强度compressive strength液相法liquid-phase method固相法solid-phase method支架scaffold细胞外基质材料extracellular matrix material生物衍生支架bio-derived scaffold胶原纤维collagen fiber去细胞化支架decellularized scaffold血管内支架intravascular stents糖铁络合物涂层glucose-Fe complex coating表面修饰改性surface modification层层自组装layer-by-layer self-assembly编织型神经导管braided nerve conduit支架stentTiNi合金Ti-Ni alloy超弹性hyperelastic有限元Finite element计算流体动力学computational fluid dynamic analysis 反复铸造recasting镍铬烤瓷合金nickel-chromium ceramic alloy结合力bonding strength义齿性口炎denture stomatitis活动义齿removable dentures基托denture base抗菌性sterilization开放性骨折open fracture硫酸钙calcium sulfate抗生素antibiotic心血管支架cardiovascular stent再狭窄restenosis生物相容性biocompatibility 输血blood transfusion不良反应adverse effect支架scaffold载体vector丝素蛋白silk fibroin牛骨形态发生蛋白bovine bone morphogenetic protein 组织工程骨tissue engineering bone构建construct脊柱融合spinal fusion扩增amplify细胞外基质材料extracellular matrix material生物力学biomechanics生物衍生支架bio-derived scaffold细胞外基质extracellular matrix制备preparation鉴定identification原代肝细胞primary hepatocyte培养基medium胎牛血清fetal bovine serum胰岛素insulin地塞米松dexamethasone表皮生长因子epidermal growth factor等离子喷涂涂层plasma spraying coating去细胞化支架decellularized scaffold糖铁络合物涂层glucose-Fe complex coating表面修饰改性surface modification层层自组装layer-by-layer self-assembly编织型神经导管braided nerve conduit载体材料carrier material血管内支架intravascular stents透析膜材料dialysis membrane material钙磷/壳聚糖涂层calcium phosphate∕chitosan coatings 药物缓释材料drug delivery material生物膜biomembrane封阻剂,阻断剂blocker螯合剂chelating agent克隆载体cloning vector皮质颗粒cortical granule肾上腺皮质素corticoid促肾上腺皮质素释放素corticoliberin皮质类固醇corticosteroid细胞骨架结构cytoskeletal structure宏观量子隧道效应macroscopic quantum tunneling effect (MQT)惰性气体沉积法inert gas deposition高能球磨法high energy ball mill冷冻干燥法freeze drying水热合成法hydrothermal synthesis辐射化学合成法radiation chemical synthesis快速凝固法rapidly quenching强烈塑性变形法severe (intense) plastic deformation非晶晶化法amorphous solid crystallization原位复合法in-situ composite插层复合法intercalation hybrids微乳液法micro emulsion模板合成法template synthesis自组装法self-assembly石墨电弧放电法graphite arc discharge快速凝固法rapidly quenching稳定化处理passivating treatmentX 射线衍射法X-ray diffractometry (XRD)扫描探针显微镜scanning probe microscopy (SPM)红外吸收光谱法infrared absorption spectroscopyX 射线衍射线宽化法X-ray diffractometry line broadening (XRD-LB)X 射线小角度散射法small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) 拉曼光谱法raman spectrometry穆斯堡尔谱法mossbauer spectrometry光子相关谱法photon correlation spectroscopy压汞仪法mercury porosimetry纳米压痕仪nano impress (NI4.6.16)扫描隧道电子显微法scanning tunneling electron microscopy (STM)扫描近场光学显微法scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM)原子力显微法atomic force microscopy (AFM)扫描电容显微法scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) 扫描热显微法scanning thermal microscopy (STHM)场离子显微法field ion microscopy (FIM)磁力显微法magnetic force microscopy (MFM)激光干涉仪laser interferometer激光衍射/散射法laser diffraction and scattering离心沉降法centrifugal sedimentation绝对偏差absolute deviation绝对误差absolute error可及启动子accessible promoter消色差透镜achromatic lens插入重组,加插重组additive recombination亲和层析affinity chromatography亲和共电泳affinity coelectrophoresis双相接种技术biphasic seeding technique碳纤维增强聚醚醚酮carbon fibers reinforced polyetheretherketone还原胺化反应reductive amination reaction金纳米粒子gold nanoparticles电化学沉积electrochemicaly deposition髌骨软化症chondromalacia patellae锥虫蓝trypan blue 壳聚糖-胶原支架Chitosan-Collagen scaffold水胶体敷料hydrocolloid dressing仿生双相陶瓷生物骨bionic biphasic ceramic-like biologic bonePDS 可吸收缝线poly (p-dioxanone) absorbable suture 真空抽干lyophilized processing透明质酸苄基酯hyaluric acid phenmethyl ester异种移植xenotransplantation颈前路手术cervical anterior approach药物洗脱支架drug-eluting stent瞬心instantaneous center辅助性T 淋巴细胞T helper lymphocytes缓释片controlled release tablets累积释放度cumulative release percent腔内隔绝术endovascular graft exclusion球囊扩张椎体后凸成形术Balloon kyphoplasty低强度脉冲式超声波Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound 封阻剂,阻断剂Blocker封闭剂,封阻剂blocking agent封闭抗体,阻断抗体blocking antibody血细胞计数器blood cell counter血液循环blood circulation血块blood clot血块收缩blood clot retraction血液凝固,凝血blood clotting血液凝固,凝血blood coagulation凝血级联系统blood coagulation cascade凝血因子blood coagulation factor螯合聚合物chelate polymer细胞毒性T 淋巴细胞cytotoxic T lymphocyte细胞毒性cytotoxicity细胞毒性T 淋巴细胞cytotoxic T lymphocyte细胞毒素cytotoxin细胞向性cytotropism配离子coordination ion配位异构coordination isomerism配位数coordination number二尖瓣bicuspidal valve双极电解bielectrolysis双焦点眼镜bifocal spectacles双节肋骨咬骨钳bi-joints rib rongeur两侧的bilateral胆道扩张器bile duct dilator胆红素比色计bilirubin colorimeter双层金属真空计bimetallic vacuum gauge双峰起搏器bimodal pacemaker双重X 射线源binary X-ray source牙龈形态学gingival morphology牙槽嵴形态学alveolar ridge morphology模型分析model analysis侧貌分析profile analysis美学诊断蜡型aesthetic diagnostic wax-up绘图模拟paint simulation蜡模拟wax simulation切平面incisal plane凸出切平面convex incisal plane鸥翼切平面gull wing incisal plane腰椎管狭窄lumbar stenosis超声波ultrasound脊柱侧凸scoliosis软组织损伤soft tissue injury脊髓造影myelography前列腺素E2 prostaglandin E2影像分析imaging analysispH 值pH value生物医学工程biomedical engineeringβ-内啡肽β-endorphin激光解析\离子化-飞行laser desorption/ionizationtime-of-flight时间质谱mass spectrometry technique股骨头缺血性坏死ischemic necrosis of the femoral head 地龙pheretimaasiatica冲击波shock wave肽peptide矫形器orthosis蛋白质组proteome下肢矫形器lower limb orthosis医学工程学medical engineering马蹄内翻足talipesequinovarus直流电疗机galvanic current apparatus电烙绞勒器galvanic ecraser伽伐尼电,流电,化电galvanic electricity原电池galvanic element皮肤电反应galvanic skin response (abbr.GSR)直流电刺激galvanic stimulation①电镀②流电疗法galvanization直流电疗机galvanization apparatus流电,电针术galvanogalvanoacupuncture电针麻醉galvanoacupuncture anesthesia电针麻仪galvanoadcupuncture anesthesia unit电烙勒除器galvanocaustic snare电烙器galvanocautery电烙刀galvanocautery knife电流记录图galvanograph电流计,检电流计galvanometer检流计放大器galvanometer amplifier检流计示波器galvanometer oscillograph电流记录仪galvo-recorder 活体移植living donor transplantation可摘除式假牙removable partial dentures假牙支撑support牙冠crown生物相容性biocompatibility生物反应器bioreactor酸性磷酸酶acid phosphatase促肾上腺皮质激素adrenocorticotropic hormone丙胺酸转氨酶alanine amino transferase白蛋白albumin醛缩酶aldolase醛甾酮aldosterone碱性磷酸酶alkaline phosphatase同功酶isoenzymesδ-氨基乙酰丙酸delta-aminolevulinic acid雄(甾)烯二酮androstenedione雄甾酮androsterone血管紧缩素I 和肾素angiotensin I and rennin血管紧缩素转化酶(A.C.E.)angiotensin converting enzyme [A.C.E.]抗坏血酸维生素Cascorbic acid人造臂artificial arms半功能手semi-functional hands吸收震动脚shock absorbing feet充分活动full mobility人造假体artificial prosthesis义眼artificial eye微型数字照相机miniature digital camera远程单向电子接口remote unidirectional electronic interface视网膜retina视神经optic nerve人造电子眼artificial electronic eye人造心脏artificial hearts人造耳朵artificial ear勃起障碍erectile dysfunction海绵体corpora cavernosa食管癌esophageal cancer失弛缓症achalasia胃食管返流疾病gastroesophageal reflux disease人造贲门artificial cardia胃stomach板层骨lamellar bone编织骨woven bone不动关节synarthrosis成骨细胞osteoblast初级骨化中心primary osseous center次级骨化中心secondary ossification center穿通管Volkmann’s canal粗面内质网rough endoplasmic reticulum蛋白多糖类protein polysaccharides低磷性佝偻病hypophosphatemicricket动力固定dynamic fixation动力加压dynamic compression动力加压接骨板dynamic compressing plate DCP 二磷酸盐diphosphonate非自攻钉nonself tapping肥大性假关节hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis负荷load干骺端metaphysis干骺端metaphyses骨囊肿bone cyst骨髓bone marrow骨皮质螺钉cortical screws骨松质螺钉cancellous screws冠状动脉支架coronary artery stent implantation 血小板活化platelet activation生物相容性biocompatibility金属裸支架bare stent药物洗脱支架drug-eluting stent再狭窄restenosis肩锁关节acromioclavicular喙突coracoid process脱位dislocation颈椎前路anterior cervical plating内固定器internal fixation device伸膝迟滞Knee extension lag膝骨关节炎knee osteoarthritis全膝人工关节置换total knee arthroplasty股骨骨折intertrochanteric fracture虚拟手术virtual surgery穿透penetration事件相关电位event related potential听觉Oddball auditory Odd-ball task。

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Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model[J]. Systemic Practice and Action Research,2020,33(1).[34]Meinert Edward,Milne-Ives Madison,Surodina Svitlana,Lam Ching. Agile requirements engineering and software planning for a digital health platform to engage the effects of isolation caused by social distancing: A case study and feasibility study protocol.[J]. JMIR public health and surveillance,2020.[35]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Studies Conducted at Shandong Jianzhu University on Civil Engineering Recently Published (Seismic Response Analysis and Control of Frame Structures with Soft First Storey under Near-Fault Ground Motions)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.软件工程英文参考文献二:[36]Chao-ze Lu,Guo-sun Zeng,Ying-jie Xie. Bigraph specification of software architecture and evolution analysis in mobile computing environment[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,108.[37]Ompal Singh, Saurabh Panwar, P. K. Kapur.. Determining SoftwareTime-to-Market and Testing Stop Time when Release Time is a Change-Point[J]. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences,2020,5(2).[38]Ayushi Verma,Neetu Sardana,Sangeeta Lal. Developer Recommendation for Stack Exchange Software Engineering Q&A Website based on K-Means clustering and Developer Social Network Metric[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[39]Jagdeep Singh,Sachin Bagga,Ranjodh Kaur. Software-based Prediction of Liver Disease with Feature Selection and Classification Techniques[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[40]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Studies from Concordia University Update Current Data on Software Engineering (On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[41]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Findings from University of Alberta Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Building the perfect game - an empirical study of game modifications)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[42]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Investigators at National Research Council (CNR) Detail Findings in Software Engineering [A Framework for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Highly (Re)Configurable Systems][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[43]. Engineering - Knowledge Engineering; Data from University of Paris Saclay Provide New Insights into Knowledge Engineering (Dynamic monitoring of software use with recurrent neural networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[44]. Engineering - Circuits Research; Findings from Federal University Santa Maria Yields New Data on Circuits Research (A New Cpfsk Demodulation Approach for Software Defined Radio)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[45]. Soft Computing; Investigators from Lovely Professional University Release New Data on Soft Computing (An intensify Harris Hawks optimizer for numerical and engineering optimization problems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[46]. GlobalLogic Inc.; GlobalLogic Acquires Meelogic Consulting AG, a European Healthcare and Automotive-Focused Software Engineering Services Firm[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[47]. Engineering - Circuits and Systems Research; Data on Circuits and Systems Research Described by Researchers at Northeastern University (Softcharge: Software Defined Multi-device Wireless Charging Over Large Surfaces)[J]. TelecommunicationsWeekly,2020.[48]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Report on Findings in Soft Computing (Dynamic Histogram Equalization for contrast enhancement for digital images)[J]. Technology News Focus,2020.[49]Mohamed Ellithey Barghoth,Akram Salah,Manal A. Ismail. A Comprehensive Software Project Management Framework[J]. Journal of Computer and Communications,2020,08(03).[50]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Air Force Engineering University Describe Findings in Soft Computing (Random orthocenter strategy in interior search algorithm and its engineering application)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[51]. Soft Computing; Study Findings on Soft Computing Are Outlined in Reports from Department of Mechanical Engineering (Constrained design optimization of selected mechanical system components using Rao algorithms)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[52]Iqbal Javed,Ahmad Rodina B,Khan Muzafar,Fazal-E-Amin,Alyahya Sultan,Nizam Nasir Mohd Hairul,Akhunzada Adnan,Shoaib Muhammad. Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(4).[53]Raymond C.Z. Cohen,Simon M. Harrison,Paul W. Cleary. Dive Mechanic: Bringing 3D virtual experimentation using biomechanical modelling to elite level diving with the Workspace workflow engine[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2020,175.[54]Emelie Engstr?m,Margaret-Anne Storey,Per Runeson,Martin H?st,Maria Teresa Baldassarre. How software engineering research aligns with design science: a review[J]. Empirical Software Engineering,2020(prepublish).[55]Christian Lettner,Michael Moser,Josef Pichler. An integrated approach for power transformer modeling and manufacturing[J]. Procedia Manufacturing,2020,42.[56]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; New Findings from Leibniz University Hannover Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (A finite element for soft tissue deformation based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[57]. Science - Social Science; Studies from University of Burgos Yield New Information about Social Science (Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[58]. Technology - Powder Technology; Investigators at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH Discuss Findings in Powder Technology [Extended Validation and Verification of Xps/avl-fire (Tm), a Computational Cfd-dem Software Platform][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[59]Guadalupe-Isaura Trujillo-Tzanahua,Ulises Juárez-Martínez,Alberto-Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre,María-Karen Cortés-Verdín,Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. Multiple software product lines to configure applications of internet of things[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[60]Eduardo Juárez,Rocio Aldeco-Pérez,Jose.Manuel Velázquez. Academic approach to transform organisations: one engineer at a time[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[61]Dennys García-López,Marco Segura-Morales,Edson Loza-Aguirre. Improving the quality and quantity of functional and non-functional requirements obtained during requirements elicitation stage for the development of e-commerce mobile applications: an alternative reference process model[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[62]. Guest Editorial: Software Engineering Applications to Solve Organisations Issues[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[63]?,?. Engine Control Unit ? ? ?[J]. ,2020,47(4).[64]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Nanjing University Update Understanding of Software Engineering (Identifying Failure-causing Schemas In the Presence of Multiple Faults)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[65]. Energy - Renewable Energy; Researchers from Institute of Electrical Engineering Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Renewable Energy (A Local Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Fluctuation Suppression Based on Soft Open Point)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[66]Ahmed Zeraoui,Mahfoud Benzerzour,Walid Maherzi,Raid Mansi,Nor-Edine Abriak. New software for the optimization of the formulation and the treatment of dredged sediments for utilization in civil engineering[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments,2020(prepublish).[67]. Engineering - Concurrent Engineering; Reports from Delhi Technological University Add New Data to Findings in Concurrent Engineering (Systematic literature review of sentiment analysis on Twitter using soft computing techniques)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[68]. Engineering; New Findings from Future University in Egypt in the Area of Engineering Reported (Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvementtechnique for highway construction projects)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[69]Erica Mour?o,Jo?o Felipe Pimentel,Leonardo Murta,Marcos Kalinowski,Emilia Mendes,Claes Wohlin. On the performance of hybrid search strategies for systematic literature reviews in software engineering[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020,123.[70]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Anna University Discuss Findings in Soft Computing (A novel fuzzy mechanism for risk assessment in software projects)[J]. News of Science,2020.软件工程英文参考文献三:[71]. Software and Systems Research; New Software and Systems Research Study Results from Chalmers University of Technology Described (Why and How To Balance Alignment and Diversity of Requirements Engineering Practices In Automotive)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[72]Anupama Kaushik,Devendra Kr. Tayal,Kalpana Yadav. A Comparative Analysis on Effort Estimation for Agile and Non-agile Software Projects Using DBN-ALO[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2020,45(6).[73]Subhrata Das,Adarsh Anand,Mohini Agarwal,Mangey Ram. Release Time Problem Incorporating the Effect of Imperfect Debugging and Fault Generation: An Analysis for Multi-Upgraded Software System[J]. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,2020,27(02).[74]Saerom Lee,Hyunmi Baek,Sehwan Oh. The role of openness in open collaboration:A focus on open‐source software development projects[J]. ETRI Journal,2020,42(2).[75]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Computer Science and Engineering Broaden Understanding of Soft Computing (Efficient attribute selection technique for leukaemia prediction using microarray gene data)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[76]. Engineering - Computational Engineering; Findings from University of Cincinnati in the Area of Computational Engineering Described (Exploratory Metamorphic Testing for Scientific Software)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[77]. Organizational and End User Computing; Data from Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology Advance Knowledge in Organizational and End User Computing (A Contingent Approach to Facilitating Conflict Resolution in Software Development Outsourcing Projects)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[78]. Soft Computing; Findings from Department of Industrial Engineering in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Analysis of fuzzy supply chain performance based on different buyback contract configurations)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[79]Hana Mkaouar,Bechir Zalila,Jér?me Hugues,Mohamed Jmaiel. A formal approach to AADL model-based software engineering[J]. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer,2020,22(5).[80]Riesch Michael,Nguyen Tien Dat,Jirauschek Christian. bertha: Project skeleton for scientific software.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(3).[81]. Computers; Findings from Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Reveals New Findings on Computers (An assessment of software defined networking approach in surveillance using sparse optimization algorithm)[J]. Telecommunications Weekly,2020.[82]Luigi Ranghetti,Mirco Boschetti,Francesco Nutini,Lorenzo Busetto. “sen2r”: An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing Sentinel-2 satellite data[J]. Computers and Geosciences,2020,139.[83]Mathie Najberg,Muhammad Haji Mansor,Théodore Taillé,Céline Bouré,Rodolfo Molina-Pe?a,Frank Boury,José Luis Cenis,Emmanuel Garcion,Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo. Aerogel sponges of silk fibroin, hyaluronic acid and heparin for soft tissue engineering: Composition-properties relationship[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers,2020,237.[84]Isonkobong Udousoro. Effective Requirement Engineering Process Model in Software Engineering[J]. Software Engineering,2020,8(1).[85]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Has Updated Our Knowledge about Soft Computing [Hyperparameter tuning in convolutional neural networks for domain adaptation in sentiment classification (HTCNN-DASC)][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[86]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Discussed by Researchers at Universita della Svizzera italiana (Investigating Types and Survivability of Performance Bugs In Mobile Apps)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[87]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Findings from Nanjing University Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Boosting Crash-inducing Change Localization With Rank-performance-based Feature Subset Selection)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[88]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Queen's University Belfast Update Knowledge of Software Engineering (Practical relevance of software engineering research: synthesizing the community's voice)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[89]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Researchers from Concordia University Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Software Engineering (MSRBot: Using bots to answer questions from software repositories)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[90]Anonymous. DBTA LIVE[J]. Database Trends and Applications,2020,34(2).[91]Tachanun KANGWANTRAKOOL,Kobkrit VIRIYAYUDHAKORN,Thanaruk THEERAMUNKONG. Software Development Effort Estimation from Unstructured Software Project Description by Sequence Models[J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,2020,E103.D(4).[92]Reza Mohammadi,Reza Javidan,Negar Rikhtegar,Manijeh Keshtgari. An intelligent multicast traffic engineering method over software defined networks[J]. Journal of High Speed Networks,2020,26(1).[93]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Hohai University Researchers Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Civil Engineering (An Experimental Study on Settlement due to the Mutual Embedding of Miscellaneous Fill and Soft Soil)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[94]. Engineering - Biomechanical Engineering; Researchers from Washington University St. Louis Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biomechanical Engineering (Estimation of Anisotropic Material Properties of Soft Tissue By Mri of Ultrasound-induced Shear Waves)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[95]. Engineering - Rock Engineering; Reports from University of Alicante Add New Data to Findings in Rock Engineering (Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks In Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: a Comparative ...)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[96]. Computers; Study Findings from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Broaden Understanding of Computers [Improved energy efficient design in software defined wireless electroencephalography sensor networks (WESN) using distributed ...][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[97]Mouro Erica,Pimentel Joo Felipe,Murta Leonardo,Kalinowski Marcos,Mendes Emilia,Wohlin Claes. On the Performance of Hybrid Search Strategies for Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering[J]. Information and SoftwareTechnology,2020(prepublish).[98]Osuna Enrique,Rodrguez Luis-Felipe,Gutierrez-Garcia J. Octavio,Castro LuisA.. Development of computational models of emotions: A software engineering perspective[J]. Cognitive Systems Research,2020,60(C).[99]Sharifzadeh Bahador,Kalbasi Rasool,Jahangiri Mehdi,Toghraie Davood,Karimipour Arash. Computer modeling of pulsatile blood flow in elastic artery using a software program for application in biomedical engineering[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2020.[100]Shen Xiaoning,Guo Yinan,Li Aimin. Cooperative coevolution with an improved resource allocation for large-scale multi-objective software project scheduling[J]. Applied Soft Computing,2020,88(C).[101]Jung Jaesoon,Kook Junghwan,Goo Seongyeol,Wang Semyung. Corrigendum to Sound transmission analysis of plate structures using the finite element method and elementary radiator approach with radiator error index [Advances in Engineering Software 112 (2017 115][J]. Advances in Engineering Software,2020,140(C).[102]Zhang Chenyi,Pang Jun. Preface for the special issue of the 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2018[J]. Science of Computer Programming,2020,187(C).[103]Karras Oliver,Schneider Kurt,Fricker Samuel A.. Representing software project vision by means of video: A quality model for vision videos[J]. Journal of Systems and Software,2020,162(C).[104]Sutanto Juliana,Jiang Qiqi,Tan Chuan-Hoo. The contingent role of interproject connectedness in cultivating open source software projects[J]. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems,2020(prepublish).[105]Weiner Iddo,Feldman Yael,Shahar Noam,Yacoby Iftach,Tuller Tamir. CSO A sequence optimization software for engineering chloroplast expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii[J]. Algal Research,2020,46(C).以上就是关于软件工程英文参考文献的分享,希望对你有所帮助。



“固定相分子筛载气归一化法微量进样器进样保留时间峰面积The stationary phase is the substance which is fixed in place for the chromatography procedure.A molecular sieve is a material containing tiny pores of a precise and uniform size that is used as an adsorbent for gases and liquids.When the mobile phase is gas, it is called eluant gas.The mobile phase is the phase which moves in a definite direction. In statistics, normalization refers to the division of multiple sets of data by a common variable in order to negate that variable's effect on the data, thus allowing underlying characteristics of the data sets to be compared.Microinjector is a kind of injector which can make injection in a very small volumn. An injector, ejector, steam ejector or steam injector is a pump-like device that uses the Venturi effect of a converging-diverging nozzle to convert the pressure energy of a motive fluid to velocity energy which creates a low pressure zone that draws in and entrains a suction fluid and then recompresses the mixed fluids by converting velocity energy back into pressure energy.Injection is a method of putting sample into the column with a syringe or injectorThe retention time is the characteristic time it takes for a particular analyte to pass through the system (from the column inlet to the detector) under set conditions.The area of a peak is called peak area.色谱图 chromatogram色谱峰 chromatographic peak峰底 peak base峰高 h,peak height峰宽 W,peak width半高峰宽 Wh/2,peak width at half height峰面积 A,peak area拖尾峰 tailing area前伸峰 leading area假峰 ghost peak畸峰 distorted peak反峰 negative peak拐点 inflection point原点 origin斑点 spot区带 zone复班 multiple spot区带脱尾 zone tailing基线 base line基线漂移 baseline drift基线噪声 N,baseline noise统计矩 moment一阶原点矩γ1,first origin moment二阶中心矩μ2,second central moment三阶中心矩μ3,third central moment液相色谱法 liquid chromatography,LC液液色谱法 liquid liquid chromatography,LLC液固色谱法 liquid solid chromatography,LSC正相液相色谱法 normal phase liquidchromatography反相液相色谱法 reversed phase liquidchromatography,RPLC柱液相色谱法 liquid column chromatography高效液相色谱法 high performance liquidchromatography,HPLC尺寸排除色谱法 size exclusion chromatography,SEC凝胶过滤色谱法 gel filtration chromatography凝胶渗透色谱法 gel permeation chromatography,GPC亲和色谱法 affinity chromatography离子交换色谱法 ion exchange chromatography,IEC离子色谱法 ion chromatography离子抑制色谱法 ion suppression chromatography离子对色谱法 ion pair chromatography疏水作用色谱法 hydrophobic interactionchromatography制备液相色谱法 preparative liquid chromatography平面色谱法 planar chromatography纸色谱法 paper chromatography薄层色谱法 thin layer chromatography,TLC高效薄层色谱法 high performance thin layerchromatography,HPTLC 浸渍薄层色谱法 impregnated thin layerchromatography凝胶薄层色谱法 gel thin layer chromatography离子交换薄层色谱法 ion exchange thin layerchromatography制备薄层色谱法 preparative thin layerchromatography薄层棒色谱法 thin layer rod chromatography液相色谱仪 liquid chromatograph制备液相色谱仪 preparative liquid chromatograph凝胶渗透色谱仪 gel permeation chromatograph涂布器 spreader点样器 sample applicator色谱柱 chromatographic column棒状色谱柱 monolith column monolith column微粒柱 microparticle column填充毛细管柱 packed capillary column空心柱 open tubular column微径柱 microbore column混合柱 mixed column组合柱 coupled column预柱 precolumn保护柱 guard column预饱和柱 presaturation column浓缩柱 concentrating column抑制柱 suppression column薄层板 thin layer plate浓缩区薄层板 concentrating thin layer plate荧光薄层板 fluorescence thin layer plate反相薄层板 reversed phase thin layer plate梯度薄层板 gradient thin layer plate烧结板 sintered plate展开室 development chamber往复泵 reciprocating pump注射泵 syringe pump气动泵 pneumatic pump蠕动泵 peristaltic pump检测器 detector微分检测器 differential detector积分检测器 integral detector总体性能检测器 bulk property detector溶质性能检测器 solute property detector(示差)折光率检测器 [differential] refractive indexdetector 荧光检测器 fluorescence detector紫外可见光检测器 ultraviolet visible detector电化学检测器 electrochemical detector蒸发(激光)光散射检测器 [laser] light scatteringdetector光密度计 densitometer薄层扫描仪 thin layer scanner柱后反应器 post-column reactor体积标记器 volume marker记录器 recorder积分仪 integrator馏分收集器 fraction collector工作站 work station固定相 stationary phase固定液 stationary liquid载体 support柱填充剂 column packing化学键合相填充剂 chemically bonded phasepacking薄壳型填充剂 pellicular packing多孔型填充剂 porous packing吸附剂 adsorbent离子交换剂 ion exchanger基体 matrix载板 support plate粘合剂 binder流动相 mobile phase洗脱(淋洗)剂 eluant,eluent展开剂 developer等水容剂 isohydric solvent改性剂 modifier显色剂 color [developing] agent死时间 t0,dead time保留时间 tR,retention time调整保留时间 t'R,adjusted retention time死体积 V0,dead volume保留体积 vR,retention volume调整保留体积 v'R,adjusted retention volume柱外体积 Vext,extra-column volune粒间体积 V0,interstitial volume(多孔填充剂的)孔体积 VP,pore volume of porouspacking 液相总体积 Vtol,total liquid volume洗脱体积 ve,elution volume流体力学体积 vh,hydrodynamic volume相对保留值 ri.s,relative retention value分离因子α,separation factor流动相迁移距离 dm,mobile phase migrationdistance流动相前沿 mobile phase front溶质迁移距离 ds,solute migration distance比移值 Rf,Rf value高比移值 hRf,high Rf value相对比移值 Ri.s,relative Rf value保留常数值 Rm,Rm value板效能 plate efficiency折合板高 hr,reduced plate height分离度 R,resolution液相载荷量 liquid phase loading离子交换容量 ion exchange capacity负载容量 loading capacity渗透极限 permeability limit排除极限 Vh,max,exclusion limit拖尾因子 T,tailing factor柱外效应 extra-column effect管壁效应 wall effect间隔臂效应 spacer arm effect边缘效应 edge effect斑点定位法 localization of spot放射自显影法 autoradiography原位定量 in situ quantitation生物自显影法 bioautography归一法 normalization method内标法 internal standard method外标法 external standard method叠加法 addition method普适校准(曲线、函数) calibration function or curve谱带扩展(加宽) band broadening(分离作用的)校准函数或校准曲线 universalcalibration function or curve [of separation] 加宽校正 broadening correction加宽校正因子 broadening correction factor溶剂强度参数ε0,solvent strength parameter洗脱序列 eluotropic series洗脱(淋洗) elution等度洗脱 gradient elution梯度洗脱 gradient elution(再)循环洗脱 recycling elution线性溶剂强度洗脱 linear solvent strength gradient程序溶剂 programmed solvent程序压力 programmed pressure程序流速 programmed flow展开 development上行展开 ascending development下行展开 descending development双向展开 two dimensional development环形展开 circular development离心展开 centrifugal development向心展开 centripetal development径向展开 radial development多次展开 multiple development分步展开 stepwise development连续展开 continuous development梯度展开 gradient development匀浆填充 slurry packing停流进样 stop-flow injection阀进样 valve injection柱上富集 on-column enrichment流出液 eluate柱上检测 on-column detection柱寿命 column life柱流失 column bleeding显谱 visualization活化 activation反冲 back flushing脱气 degassing 沟流 channeling 过载 overloading。



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E‑mail :***************.cn ,***************.cn第37卷第4期2021年4月Vol.37No.4728‑734无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY以四乙基氢氧化铵为模板并通过转晶法合成高硅铝比的SSZ⁃13沸石分子筛刘效艳*,1王开学*,2(1上海健康医学院,上海市分子影像学重点实验室,上海201318)(2上海交通大学化学化工学院,上海电化学能源器件工程技术研究中心,上海200240)摘要:使用四乙基氢氧化铵为有机模板剂,以低硅铝比(n SiO 2/n Al 2O 3)的Y 分子筛为铝源,通过转晶法制备结晶度良好的SSZ‑13沸石分子筛。

从凝胶配比方面考察了不同原料组成对分子筛合成的影响,并通过X 射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及电感耦合等离子体(ICP)表征水热反应过程中的物相、形貌、硅铝比等变化,揭示分子筛合成过程。

氨选择性催化还原(NH 3‑SCR)反应显示该分子筛具有优异的催化活性,为其工业上的广泛应用提供了可能性。

关键词:SSZ‑13沸石;四乙基氢氧化铵;Y 分子筛;NH 3‑SCR 中图分类号:O643.3;P619.21+7文献标识码:A文章编号:1001‑4861(2021)04‑0728‑07DOI :10.11862/CJIC.2021.077Synthesis of SSZ⁃13Zeolite with High Molar Ratio of SiO 2to Al 2O 3by CrystalTransformation Method Using Tetraethyl Ammonium Hydroxide as TemplateLIU Xiao‑Yan *,1WANG Kai‑Xue *,2(1Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging,Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences,Shanghai 201318,China )(2Shanghai Electrochemical Energy Devices Research Center,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China )Abstract:SSZ‑13zeolite with good crystallinity was prepared by using tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide as organictemplate and Y zeolite with low molar ratio of SiO 2to Al 2O 3(n SiO 2/n Al 2O 3)as aluminum source.The effect of differentcompositions of pre ‑gels on the synthesis of SSZ ‑13was investigated,and the crystallinity,morphology andn SiO 2/n Al 2O 3in the process of hydrothermal reaction were characterized by X‑ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM)and inductively coupled plasm (ICP)to reveal the synthesis mechanism of SSZ‑13.NH 3selectivecatalytic reduction (NH 3‑SCR)of NO x shows that the SSZ‑13catalysts with Cu loading (mass fraction of 3%)had ex‑cellent catalytic activity,which provides the possibility for its wide application in industry.Keywords:SSZ‑13zeolite;tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide;Y zeolite;NH 3‑SCR0引言具有规则微孔的硅铝沸石是一种典型的分子筛,由于其具有高比表面积、固体酸度、分子筛和离子交换性能,被广泛应用于吸附、催化、分离等领域,是一种重要的工业原料[1‑5]。



专利名称:THERAPEUTIC USES OF ARTIFICIAL NANOSTRUCTURES发明人:XU, BING,YANG, ZHIMOU,XU, KEMING 申请号:US2006008333申请日:20060306公开号:WO2007018607A3公开日:20070802专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention provides a method for controlling the fate of mammalian cells or microorganisms by the enzymatic formation of intracellular nanostructures. Enzymatic reactions trigger the intracellular self-assembly to convert a proper precursor into another molecule or nanoobject that will aggregate inside cells or inside or between tissues or organs. Further, this invention provides a method for making artificial nanostructures inside or between tissues or organs, by injecting a proper designed precursor into tissues or organs, and enzymatic reaction converting the precursor to a hydrogelator to form artificial nanostructures and inducing hydrogelation and at the state of a disease, another enzyme converts the hydrogelator back to precursor to induce gel-to-sol transition to release a drug. The present invention can be applied to treat diseases caused by the malfunction of cells, infection caused by microorganisms and provides a novel route for controlled drug releases, formation of new therapeutic agents, and in-situ formation of hydrogel to treat degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.申请人:THE HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,XU,BING,YANG, ZHIMOU,XU, KEMING更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Method for estimating the quantity of light receiv

Method for estimating the quantity of light receiv

专利名称:Method for estimating the quantity of lightreceived by a participating media, andcorresponding device发明人:Gautron, Pascal,Delalandre, Cyril,Marvie,Jean-Eudes申请号:EP13172936.0申请日:20130620公开号:EP2677504A2公开日:20131225专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The invention relates to a method for estimating the quantity of light receivedby a point M (34) of a heterogeneous participating media (10), the light being emitted by a light environment. In order to optimise the required calculation time, the method comprises steps for: - for each point (401 to 40n) of a first set of points, estimating first values representative of the light attenuation between said considered point and a first surface (40) bounding the media (10) along a plurality of particular directions (421 to 427) of light emission, and estimating first coefficients of projection by projection of the first values of reduction of light intensity in an orthonormal basis of spherical functions, -estimating second values representative of the light attenuation between the point (34) and a second surface (41) along directions (421 to 427), the second surface comprising some of the points (402, 403, 414, 415) of the neighbourhood of the point (34), -estimating the quantity of light received by the point using first coefficients of projection and second values of reduction of light intensity.申请人:Thomson Licensing地址:1-5, rue Jeanne d'Arc 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux FR国籍:FR代理机构:Perrot, Sébastien更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:METHOD FOR WRITING IN A NON-VOLATILE MEMORY ACCORDING TO THEAGEING OF THE MEMORY CELLS ANDCORRESPONDING INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 发明人:LA ROSA, Francesco,CASTALDO,Enrico,GRANDE, Francesca,PAGANO, SantiNunzio Antonino,NASTASI,Giuseppe,ITALIANO, Franco申请号:EP21167345.4申请日:20210408公开号:EP3896695A1公开日:20211020专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The non-volatile memory integrated circuit (NVM) comprises memory cells housed in a semiconductor well (PW1) and each comprising a state transistor (TEsel, TEns1) having a floating gate (FG) and a control gate (CG ), as well as erase means configured, during an erase cycle, to bias the semiconductor well (PW1) to a first erase voltage (VYP), and, via gate switches of control (CGSW), to bias control gates of selected memory cells (TEsel) to a second erase voltage (VNN). The erase means are configured to increase the level of the first erase voltage (VYP) resulting from an increase in a wear value (AG) representative of the aging of the memory cells, so that the level of the first erase voltage (VYP) may be greater than a breakdown level (HVmax) of the control gate switches (CGSW).申请人:STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS,STMicroelectronics S.r.l.地址:ZI de Peynier Rousset Avenue Coq 13790 Rousset FR,Via C. Olivetti 2 Agrate Brianza IT国籍:FR,IT代理机构:Casalonga更多信息请下载全文后查看。



单细胞测序实验步骤英文回答:Single-cell sequencing is a powerful technique that allows us to analyze the genetic information of individual cells. It has revolutionized our understanding of cellular heterogeneity and has been widely used in various fields such as developmental biology, cancer research, and neuroscience. In this answer, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform a single-cell sequencing experiment.Step 1: Cell isolation and preparation.The first step is to isolate the cells of interest and prepare them for sequencing. This can be done usingdifferent methods depending on the sample type. For example, if we are working with a tissue sample, we may need to dissociate the cells using enzymatic digestion or mechanical disruption. Once the cells are isolated, they need to be prepared for sequencing by undergoing varioustreatments such as cell lysis and RNA extraction.Step 2: Library preparation.After isolating and preparing the cells, we need to generate sequencing libraries. This involves converting the RNA molecules into DNA fragments that can be sequenced. There are different library preparation methods available, such as the SMART-seq, Drop-seq, and 10x Genomics platforms. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on the specific research question and available resources.Step 3: Sequencing.Once the libraries are prepared, they can be loadedonto a sequencer for the actual sequencing process. This step involves the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies, such as Illumina or PacBio, to generate millions of short DNA sequences or long reads. The sequencing depth and read length can vary depending on the experimental design and desired outcomes.Step 4: Data analysis.After the sequencing is complete, the generated data needs to be analyzed to extract meaningful information. This involves several computational steps, includingquality control, alignment to a reference genome, gene expression quantification, and downstream analysis such as clustering and differential expression analysis. There are various software tools and pipelines available for data analysis, such as Cell Ranger, Seurat, and Scanpy.Step 5: Interpretation and validation.Once the data analysis is done, the next step is to interpret the results and validate the findings. This can involve comparing the expression profiles of different cell types, identifying novel cell populations, or investigating gene regulatory networks. Validation can be done using techniques such as immunostaining, in situ hybridization, or functional assays.中文回答:单细胞测序是一种强大的技术,可以分析单个细胞的遗传信息。

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