



1. Thousands of people have been made _____ because of the strong earthquake. (home)homeless

2. Doctors did everything they ____could to save his life. (possible) possibly

3. Paul was_____ about the noise that made him unable to sleep last night. (happy) unhappy

4. The doctor advised him to eat ___ _____ junk food and do more exercise, (little) less

5. Do you have any ideas for making rail travel more interesting and __________? (attract) attractive

6. When you can't hear anything ________ , you may say "Pardon?" (clear) clearly

7. Tom was so _________________ that he made many mistakes in his project, (careful) Careless

8. The writer said his book was written from his ________experience.(person)personal

9. Look! It's raining________ outside. Please stay here and have another cup of


10. When you visit France, it is a ________if you cannot speak French, (advantage) disadvantage

11. Julie was _________ bored doing exercises while Christmas was out all day. (real) really

12. Bill has a very _________ mobile phone and he can do many things with it. (power) powerful

13. A lot of people are willing to take in and raise _______ cats and dogs. (home) homeless

14. Mr. Smith is still very ________ although he is already in his seventies. (act) active

15. It is ______ that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. (nature) nature

16. Carl did badly in the maths test, but Ben did even _______. (bad) worse

17. Tom’s mother is a waitress. She always speaks ______to her customers. (gentle) gently

18. Nobody likes to make friends with ________ persons. (honest) dishonest

19. As we all know, ___________ people are not welcomed in the society. (honest)dishonest

20. It’s a good habit to speak ___________ towards the strangers.(polite)politely

21. When it’s raining _____ outside, the streets usually become much busier.(heavy) heavily

22. Tuition, room, books and ________ care are all free in public schools in Canada.(medicine) medical

23. The little boy got ______ in the street after he rushed out of home angrily.(lose)lost

24. Alice completed her performance _________ in the theater. (wonderful)wonderfully


25. John felt very thirsty and he drank two _____ of water. (glass) glasses

26. Some fish in the ocean can grow to a ____of four feet. (long) length

27. The more _______ you do, the greater progress you'll make, (review) revision

28. 1 am a _______I have worked at the University of British Columbia for two years, (library) librarian

29. How to use________ safely has become general knowledge in our class, (electric) Electricity

30. Lily and Lucy wanted to top ________ when they were little girls. (dancer)dancers

31. The book collects the _______ and thoughts of many people in our school. (wise) wisdom

32. Joanna stopped, took a deep _______ and went on climbing the mountain. (breathe) breath

33. My cousin moved to a larger flat with three _____ last Saturday. (balcony) balconies

34. We haven’t found the ______ yet, but I’m sure we’re on the right track. (solve) solution

35. My family used to have two _________, but now we don’t listen to the radio any longer.(radio)radios

36.Parents like to take children to the ____________ parks for fun during the


37. Qi Baishi was a famous ___________ and he was good at painting shrimps. (art)artist

38. It’s really enjoyable to have a close look at different _______ .(church)churches

39. Emily published her fifth two-million-word novel in her _______.(thirty) thirties

The great _______ held a big painting exhibition in Shanghai last August.(art) artist

40.People around are happy to make friends with Mike because of his _______.(honest) honesty

41. The expert can give us many _____ on how to keep ourselves relaxed. (tip) tips

42. Her ambition is to be a great _______ like YangLiping when she grows up. (dance)dancer

43. Although your products are pretty good, we will find one_______. (advantage)disadvantage


44. The boy was asked to read the poem at least _____times. (fifth) five

45. Liu Xiang, the ________Asian to win the Men's 110m hurdles at the Olympics, announced

his retirement on April 7th. (one) first

46. Do you know March the ________is Tree Planting Day in our country? (twelve) twelfth

47. Joe broke his leg on the _______ day of the holiday and couldn’t walk. (five) fifth

48. Tim’s uncle plans to have his ________ birthday next week. (thirty) .thirtieth

49. He began to study abroad at the age of _________. (twelfth)twelve

50. We eat moon cakes on the ________ day of the eighth lunar month.( fifteen)fifteenth

51. My daughter will _____ the song “let it go” at our family party. (singer)sing


52. My house is number 25, and _____ is just opposite. (she) hers

53. We should learn how to keep _______ safe when we’re in crowded places. (we)oueselves

54.Dear peter,you have grown up,and you can decide your future_______.(you) yourself

55. Many college students would like to earn the school expenses by ______. (they)themselves


56. The room was filled with smoke, and it was becoming difficult to______. (breath) breathe

57.You need to__________the money before going abroad for further study, (change) exchange

58. Female elephants are usually smaller and ________less than the bulls(牛). (weight)(weigh

59. The teacher asked the kids, "How does a fish ________under water?" (breath)breathe

60. The computer _______ people to communicate with each other more conveniently. (able) enables

61. These factories ________ a large number of cars every year. (product) produce

62. My neighbor, Mary, offers to _______ these homeless cats three times a week.(food) feed


A 1. able ability(n.)inability (n.)disability(n.)unable (adj.)disabled(adj.) 2. absent absence(adj.) 3. absolute absolutely(adv.) absoluteness(n.) 4. absorb absorbed(adj.) 5. accept acceptable(adj.) acceptance(n.) 6. access accessible(adj.) 7. accident accidental(adj.) accidentally(adv.) 8. accomplish accomplishment(n.) 9. achieve achievable(adj.) achievement(n.) 10. act action(n.) 11. active activity(n.)activate(v.) 12. actual actually(adv.) 13. advertise advertisement(n.) 1. addict addicted(adj.)addiction(n.) 2. addition additional(adj.) 3. adjust adjustment(n.) 4. admire admirable(adj.)admiration(n.) 5. admit admission(n.) 6.advance advanced(adj.) 7.advantage advantageous(adj.) 8.advise advice(n.) 9.affect(影响) effect(n.)affective(adj) 10.age aged(adj.) 11.agree agreeable(adj.)agreement(n.) 12.agriculture agricultural(adj.) 13. allow allowable(adj.)allowance(n.) 14.amaze amazing / amazed(adj.) amazement(n.) 1.ambition ambitious(adj.) 2.amuse amusing / amused(adj.) amusement(n.) 3.analyze analysis(n.)analytic(adj.) 4.ancient anciently(adv.) 5.angry anger(n.) 6.announce announcement(n.) 7.annoy annoying(adj.) annoyance(n.) 8.annual annually(adv.) 9.anxious anxiety(n.)anxiously(adj.) 10.apologize apologetic(adj.)apology(n.) 11.appear appearance(n.)



词性转换1 1. My little brother’s ambition is to be an ____________ like Jackie Chan. ( act ) 2. What’s the w eather like today? It’s______ ( c loud ) 3. Children usually begin school at the ________ of six. ( a ged ) 4. Children __________ seven must go to school. ( age ) 5. Mary has made several films. She is a wonderful __________ . ( a ct ) 6. The girl over there is the most __________ member in our school si nging group. ( act ) 7. Joan plays the guitar, and in ___________, sh e writes her own songs. ( add ) * 8. At the end of his speech, Tim _________ a few points to show hi s agreement. ( addition ) *9. She __________ her part well, b

ecause she is one of the most famo us ___________ in the world.( act ) *10.Yoga is one of his favourite ___________. ( act ) 词性转换2 1. We didn’t know whether he was dead or _________. (live) 2. We all know that water is very important to all ________ things. (live) 3. Spiders can __________ for several days without food. (alive) 4.Disneyland is a famous ___________ park. (amuse) 5. Jack told his students an _________ story. (amuse) 6. I can never find my pens at home because they _________ after I bought them. (disappear) 7. I must go now because I have an important meeting to _________. (attentive)


知识点六词性转换 I.形容词——副词 1、加ly quiet安静的beautiful美丽的bright明亮的careful仔细的certain一定clear清楚loud大声 sad难过的 wide广泛 serious严重的 usual通常 final最后 safe安全 real真的 recent最近的 main主要 accurate精确的 2、去y加ily easy—_____容易的heavy—_____大量angry—_____生气的hungry—_____饥饿的happy—_____ 快乐的lucky—_____幸运的 3、le结尾,去e加y possible—_____可能gentle—_____轻柔的 4、不变 hard难的努力地,猛烈地fast 快 early早 late 晚 enough足够 straight笔直 II. 动词——名词 1、加(e)r、or、ress farm 耕种—farmer农民drive 驾驶—driver驾驶员teach 教导—teacher老师work 工作—worker工人write 写—_____作家report 报道—reporter记者win 赢—_____获胜者 own 拥有—_____拥有者paint画、粉刷—painter画家manage 经营—manager经理record 记录—recorder录音机 act--actor 男演员visit—visitor观光者invent--inventor 发明家calculate—_____计算器

wait—waitress女服务员 act—actress女演员 2、加ion结尾 add—addition加collect—collection 收集discuss—discussion讨论decide—_____决定invent—invention发明物invite—invitation 邀请operate—operation手术pollute—pollution 污染solve—_____解答organize—_____组织locate—_____地点suggest—_____建议protect-—protection 保护 3、加ing begin—_____开始build—building大楼say—saying 谚语paint—painting 绘画meet—meeting 会议train—_____培训mean—meaning意义 4、其他 serve—_____服务speak—_____演讲、言语fish—_____渔夫enter—_____入口know—_______知识weigh—_____重量please—_____愉快develop—_____发展 choose—_____选择 tour—_____游客 die—_____死亡 succeed—_____成功 fly—_____飞行、航班 memorize—_____记忆 mix—_____混合物 cook—_____厨师 save—_____安全 act—_____活动 able—_____能力 relax—_____放松 practice—______练习 III. 名词——名词 art艺术—_____画家science—_____科学家city—_____市民custom—_____顾客office—_____官员engine—_____工程师friend—_____友谊business—_____男商人business—_____女商人library—_____图书管理员law—_____律师neighbour—_____邻居 IV. 名词——形容词1、名词后加ful care—careful 小心的use—useful 有用的help—helpful有帮助的


中考英语词性转换题附 答案 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

中考英语词性转化300题—提高篇讲义 I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式完成句子): 1.Would you mind making a little less _____ They are having a meeting at the moment. (noisy) 2.The Smiths live on the __________ floor. (nine) 3.All the great __________ are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent) 4.My pet is a ______ cat. She is very lovely. (male) 5.I’ll do my home work more __________ next time. (care) 6.When you study a foreign language, it’s im portant to make a good _________. (begin) 7.Everyone knows such kind of books is ___________ to children. They shouldn’t be sold at any bookstore. (harm) 8.In the past punishment(惩罚)was decided by the university. The student had no ___________ but to accept it. (choose) 9.Our teacher told us the ___________ story I had ever heard at yesterday’s class meeting. (sad) 10.The __________ Lesson is very difficult but very important. You must learn it by heart.(twelve) 11.They looked very _____ in the idea. (interest) 12.After they got on the bus, they found only one______. (sit) 13.Help __________ to the fish, Tom. (you) 14.What we have had is just part of the truth. We should try to get __________ information about it. (far) 15.A ___________ sight stopped them from going forward. (frighten) 16.He seemed very _________. He got a D in the English test. (happy) 17.Before you start this work, you should try to realize its _________. (important) 18.March 8 is _________ Day. (woman) 19.This book belongs to you. Where is _____ (me) 20.The visitors are ________ students. (main) 21.Do you know about the ___ of the book (write) 22.Can you show me your ___ of coins (collect) 23.To my ________, I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised) 24.In this new housing estate there stand a lot of high and magnificent _________. (build) 25.In winter, most of the rivers and lakes are _________. It becomes a world of ice. (freeze) 26.Then he slowly walked _____ the house. (pass)


中考英语复习:词性转换 一、精选练习—词性转换 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Li Ping is good at _________. ( draw) 2.Alice prefers to do some__________. (shop) 3.Mary is my _______ sister and she is 2 years _________ than I . (old) 4.Excuse me, what is the ____________ of this word? (mean) 5.All the __________ of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win) 6.The video game machine is so __________ that all of us are _________ in it. (interest) 7.We are_________ thankful for all your help.(true) 8.Our life today is much _________than before. (good) 9.December is the_________ month of a year. (twelve) https://www.360docs.net/doc/298166742.html,puters are becoming more and more________ in our life.( use) 11." Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ________. (angry) 12.Did you enjoy ___________at yesterday's party? (you) 13.What is the __________ of the parcel? (post)


初三英语强化精选练习——词性转换 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Li Ping is good at _________. ( draw) 2.Alice prefers to do some__________. (shop) 3.Mary is my _______ sister and she is 2 years _________ than I . (old) 4.Excuse me, what is the ____________ of this word? (mean) 5.All the __________ of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win) 6.The video game machine is so __________ that all of us are _________ in it. (interest) 7.We are _________ thankful for all your help.(true) 8.Our life today is much _________than before. (good) 9.December is the_________ month of a year. (twelve) https://www.360docs.net/doc/298166742.html,puters are becoming more and more________ in our life.( use) 11." Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ________. (angry) 12.Did you enjoy ___________at yesterday's party? (you) 13.What is the __________ of the parcel? (post) 14.Every morning my grandpa spends half an hour ___________ the flowers. (water) https://www.360docs.net/doc/298166742.html,puters can work out problems far _______________ than human beings. (quick) 16.Mary is the __________ of three sisters. (old) 17.The little girl plays piano ____________. (wonder) 18.Who was the ___________ of the high jump? (win) 19.When he was only 3 years old, he started hard ______________ with his father. (train) 20.Now more and more ___________ are coming to visit China from other countries.(visit) 21.I found his ____________pen under the table. (lose) 22.Have you received Mary's _____________? (invite) 23.Alice bought 2 hula hoops instead of two _____________of bread. (loaf) 24.We must not only think _____________.(we)


高考英语核心词汇词性转换训练1及答案(转载) (2013-06-01 17:08:05) 转载▼ 标 分类:高考英语 签: 教育 1 ) 重要,重要的 1. Anybody can see the _________ of good health. 2. It is __________ to see that the brakes on your bicycle work properly. 3. More ______高考资源网____, the teacher should make the total meaning of the dialogue clear to the students before having them repeat it. ( 2 ) 发明,创造 1. Necessity is the mother of __________. 2. He __________ a story to explain why he was late. 3. It was absolutely new method __________ by himself. ( 3 ) 兴趣,使发生兴趣,有趣的,引起兴趣的 1. Geology __________ him. 2. He’s a most __________ man. 3. He did not seem at all __________ in the subject. 4. I will be most __________ to hear your personal views on the station there.


初中英语最全的词性转换练习题(后附答案) 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。 1.My family live on the _____(five) floor of the tall building. 2.Simon and Linda didn’t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to ____(they) . 3.There are many apples on the tree, but some of them are hard _____(reach). 4.Listen! The lovely birds are singing nicely and _____(soft) in the trees. 5.Ricky had a _____(please) trip to Lushan Mountain last spring. 6.They have invited a _____(science) to give them a speech on space. 7.I can’t stand hamburgers. They make me _____(feel) sick. 8.Yesterday was the _____(hot ) day of the year. 9.I’m patient. I don’t mind _______(wait) for people. 10.If Simon _____(have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo. 11.Tom always does good things to others, so the headteachers speaks ____(high) of him. 12.One of the way of learning English ______(be) memorizing the words of pop songs. 13.Many people don’t enjoy ______(live) in big cities. 14.I am in my ______(three) year in this middle school. 15.As we all know, the weather in southwest of China is _______(dry) than any other time in history. 16.What’s the _____(mean) of “No Parking”? 17.It is very kind of you______(help) the old woman. 18.It seems that you have a fever. Have you taken_____(you) tempertaure? 19.It is ______(not rain ) tomorrow, we will go to the old people’s home. 20.We often see the girl_______(dance) on the square. 21.Peter, a friend of ______(my), went to Canada for a visit last week. 22.Which season do you like ______(good), spring, summer, autumn or winter? 23.It is important to make a corrert _______(decide). 24.We were _______(deep) moved by the story of the kind people in the earthquake. https://www.360docs.net/doc/298166742.html,st night,I found it difficullt to fall ______(sleep) because of the loud noise. 26. A large of number of _____(foreign) visit Guizhou provice these years. 27.Thank goodness! The letter I was looking forward to ______(reach) me at last. 28.Hainan Island is one of the most ______(wonder) places to spend summer. 29.The dinner room must _____(clean) three times a day. 30.My cousin is used to _____(study) with his new friends in Australia. 31.This is one of ______(big) rabbits in the world, He eats 12 carrods, six apples and two cabbages every day. 32.You’d better take a map with you, or you may get ______(lose). 33.As we know, Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different ________(shape) of mountains. 34.David id good at drawing and he’s going to be an _____(art) when he grow up. 35.In order to provide better services for foreigners during the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, lots of bus and taxi drivers are busy_____(learn) English. 36.If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _______(easy). 37.It’s ______(polite) to ask a lady about her age in western countries. 38.________(mother)Day is coming. We should prepare for it.


初中英语词性转换归纳汇总动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就 advertise --- advertisement 广告 agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展 disgree --- disagreement 不赞同 department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材

govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认 attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- description描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力


高考英语词性转换总汇 1.ability n. 能力;才能able a. 能够;有能力的unable a. 不能的,不能胜任的enable v. 使(人)能够 2.absence n. 不在,缺席absent a. 缺席,不在 3.achieve vt. 达到,取得achievement n 达成;完成[U], 成就,成绩[C] 4.act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事action n. 行动active a. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员 " 5.advertise vt. 为……做广告advertisement n. 广告 6.amaze v.惊奇,惊叹;震惊amazement n 惊奇,诧异[U] 7.amuse vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐amusement n. 娱乐 8.anger n. 怒,愤怒angry a. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv 愤怒地,生气地9.announce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n. 通告,通知 10.anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的anxiety[??'zai?ti] n. 1. 焦虑,挂念[U][C][(+about/for)] 2. 焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事[C][(+to)] 3.渴望[C][(+for)][+to-v] 11.asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡sleep vi. 1. 睡,睡觉2.长眠,安息3. 静止下来,保持寂静5. 发生性关系,与...上床[(+with)] ;vt. 1. 睡(觉)2. 用睡眠消除,以睡眠度过[(+off/away)] n.睡眠[U] 12.athlete n. 运动员athletic adj 运动的,体育的;athletics n. [?θ'letiks]体育运动,竞技[G] ,体育(课)[J] > 13.attention n. 注意,关心attentively ad. 注意地 14.attract v. 吸引,引起attractive a. 迷人的,有吸引力的;attraction n.吸引;吸引力[U] . 吸引物;喜闻乐见的事物[C] 15.advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议adviser n. [C]顾问;劝告者[(+on sth./to sb.)] 16.agree vi. 1. 意见一致[(+with/about/on)]2. 同意,赞同[(+to n)] . 3.相符[(+with)] 4.相宜,适合[(+with)] 5.和睦相处;vt. 1. 同意[+to-v] 2.承认[+(that)] 3.对...达成协议;接受 agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 17.agricultural a. 农业的agriculture n. 农业,农学 18.apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪apology n. 道歉;歉意 ! 19.appear vi. 出现appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌 20.application n. 申请apply v. 申请applicant n. n. 申请人[C][(+for)] 21.appreciate vt. 1. 欣赏,赏识2.感谢,感激3,体会,领会,察知;appreciation n. 1. 欣赏,鉴赏; 赏识[U] [(+of)]; 2.正确评价,鉴识[U][(+of)] 3感谢[U][S1][(+for)] 4. 涨价;增值[U] 22.argue vi. 争辩,争论argument n. 争论,辩论 23.arrange v. 安排,布置arrangement n. 安排,布置 24.arrival n. 到来,到达arrive vi. 到达;达到 25. age n.年龄;时代;老年;年龄段vt.& vi.(使)长大;使显老;使变老;使苍老 aged adj.老年的,陈年的 " 26. avail n.效用,利益vt.& vi. 有益于,有益于;使对某人有利 available adj. 可用的;有空的;可会见的;(戏票、车票等)有效的 27. analyze/ analyse vt.<美>分析;分解;解释;对…进行心理分析analysis n.分析,分解; 梗概,要略;[数]解析;验定复数:analyses; analyzable adj. 可被分析的,可以分解的 28. affect vt.影响;假装;感动;(疾病)侵袭n.感情,情感,心情;[精神病学]情绪反应


中考英语词性转换专项练习 形容词&副词 1. Thousands of people have been made _____ because of the strong earthquake. (home)homeless 2. Doctors did everything they ____could to save his life. (possible) possibly 3. Paul was_____ about the noise that made him unable to sleep last night. (happy) unhappy 4. The doctor advised him to eat ___ _____ junk food and do more exercise, (little) less 5. Do you have any ideas for making rail travel more interesting and __________? (attract) attractive 6. When you can't hear anything ________ , you may say "Pardon?" (clear) clearly 7. Tom was so _________________ that he made many mistakes in his project, (careful) Careless 8. The writer said his book was written from his ________experience.(person)personal 9. Look! It's raining________ outside. Please stay here and have another cup of tea.(heavy)heavily 10. When you visit France, it is a ________if you cannot speak French, (advantage) disadvantage 11. Julie was _________ bored doing exercises while Christmas was out all day. (real) really 12. Bill has a very _________ mobile phone and he can do many things with it. (power) powerful 13. A lot of people are willing to take in and raise _______ cats and dogs. (home) homeless 14. Mr. Smith is still very ________ although he is already in his seventies. (act) active 15. It is ______ that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. (nature) nature 16. Carl did badly in the maths test, but Ben did even _______. (bad) worse 17. Tom’s mother is a waitress. She always speaks ______to her customers. (gentle) gently 18. Nobody likes to make friends with ________ persons. (honest) dishonest 19. As we all know, ___________ people are not welcomed in the society. (honest)dishonest


词缀变化中学归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree—(in )agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或 人 conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 appear—appearance 外貌,出现 perform----performance 演出 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义 say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 behave 行为,举止----behavior know 知道---knowledge 知识 fly—flight 飞行 heat 加热---heat 热量 hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物 press 按,压—pressure 压力 sit-----seat 座位 succeed-- success tour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出直接 +地点t tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 名词变形容词 1名词+y Anger 生气-----angry hunger---hungry fog—foggy有雾的 fur----furry 毛皮的 guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的 health---healthy luck---lucky cloud---cloudy wind—windy rain---rainy snow---snowy sun—sunny tourist------touristy 游客多的 business---busy salt 盐--- salty 咸的 shine---shiny 发亮的 silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的 sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的 taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的 2.名词+ ed balance –balanced 平衡的 spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的 talent-----talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 distusted 厌恶的 offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的 3.名词+ ful/less meaning—meaningful 有意义的 care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful / helpless home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful thank—thankful 充满感激的 peace 和平---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 1 / 3
