Ⅴ. Symbols and Abbreviations for
• 1. Symbols: 1) arrows 2) mathematical symbols 3) punctuation marks 4) others 2. Abbreviations
1. Arrows & Mathematical Symbols
What to note?
• Key words, rather than details;
• Main ideas (sense groups);
• Logical links between ideas;
• Elements interpreters can not remember: Numbers, dates; Proper names ; Lists (if something is missing, show where in notes, then you may ask questions correctly).
• The use of shorthand should be DISCOURAGED!!!
Necessary Evil
• With money, you can’t do anything. • Without money, you can do nothing. • “A sharp memory is not as dependable
The Nature of Note-taking
• Note-taking = Shorthand ??? • NO, NO, NO!!! • Shorthand is any system of rapid handwriting which can be used to transcribe the spoken word.
•——梅德明《中级口译教程》第一部分“口译概论”•第二节“口译定义”•The Criteria of Interpretation 翻译的标准•功能对等functional equivalence•信、达、雅faithfulness fluency/ expressiveness and elegance •Remember how modern interpretation started?••口译特点The Characteristics of Interpretation(The similarity and difference between T and I)We still need to improve:•语言解意能力listening comprehension•反应记忆能力short-term memory and quick response•信息组合能力summarizing information•语言表达能力language expressiveness•文化背景知识all-embracing knowledge••Even more…•unpredictability —flexibility and expressiveness•pressure — self-confidence•solo work —great responsibility•all embracing knowledge — jack of all trades, master of none•smart power……••口译的类型the categorical classification of Interpretation•形式•交替传译•同声传译•耳语口译•视阅口译•手语口译•内容•联络口译•礼仪口译•宣传口译•会议口译•谈判口译•方向•单向口译•双向口译••The World Top ThreeNewcastle University Language CenterMonterey Institute of International StudiesESIT, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle••T&I Certificates in China•CATTI•NAETI•Advanced Placement Test for Interpretation ••course layout 课程设置••英语口译(一)称谓口译引语口译接待口译古诗词口译宴会口译陪同口译•短时记忆训练•口才训练•笔记训练••英语口译(二)•礼仪口译•外事接待•旅游口译•商务口译•教育类口译•环保类口译•同声传译•数字练习•应对技巧•各国口音•口译比赛教学观摩•丰富知识面、培训翻译能力:•BJ review《北京周报》•China Daily bilingual 中国日报双语版•English Digest《英语文摘》•Crazy English《疯狂英语》有声书•cctv.news•金融时报中文版•BBC中文网站/chinese/•the Economist 《经济学人》杂志••提高听力:•听力特快 (BBC, CNN,VOA)•TED演讲国外名校公开课••口译知识和口译练习材料:•口译网••常用的在线网络辞典:•灵格斯(lingoes)和有道(Yudao)听力练习•Yale's President Welcoming President Hu Jintao •Mr. President, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and Mrs.Liu on behalf of our entire community. We are deeply honored that you havechosen to visit Yale.•主席先生:•我高兴地代表耶鲁大学的全体师生向您及夫人表示热烈欢迎,对您特意访问耶鲁我们深感荣幸。
interpretation Lesson[1]精品PPT课件
![interpretation Lesson[1]精品PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/67d4687e10a6f524ccbf85a1.png)
表达一般比理解要难些。联合国聘用语文专业人员有一 条规定:翻译审校要一律以母语为译入语言 。因此,
在国际翻译界, 从事翻译工作的人大多将外语翻译成本 国语言。
3.但是由于国际上懂中文、并懂到能够担任翻译的外国 人还是不多,中国翻译在大多数情况下必须进行双向对 译。
3。记录,或者叫做暂存,是指将感知到的语码信息暂时储存下来。口译的信息 记录采用两种形式,一种是以 “ 脑记 ”为主, 一种是以 “ 笔记 ” 主。译员 所记录的内容主要是信息的概念、主题、论点、情节、要点、逻辑关系、数 量关系等。
4.编码是指将来源语的信息解码后, 赋以目标语的表达形式。口译的编码技 巧与笔译的编码技巧相仿, 所不同的是,口译要求快速流利, 所以无法像笔译那 样有时间斟酌字眼, 处理疑难杂症,追求目标语的 " 雅致 " 。
5.表达是指译员将以目标语编码后的信息通过口头表达的方式传译出来。口 译表达无需译员具备伶牙俐齿、口若悬河、能言善辩的演说才能,但口齿清楚、 吐字干脆、音调准确、择词得当、语句通顺、表达流畅却是一名职业译员必
口译的类型 The Categorical Classification of
口译类型的划分有三种不同的方法, 即 " 形式分类法 " 、 " 方向分类法 " 和 " 任 务分类法 " 三种。
The Definition of Interpretation
1.口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到 ( 间或读到 ) 的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言, 进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在 跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言 交际工具。 2.从事上述口译工作的人叫做译员。在相当长的时期 里以口译为职业的人叫做职业译员。 3.译员必须是掌握两种语言 ( 或两种以上语言 ) 的语 言知识和语言能力的双语人。具有双语能力的人可以 通过系统学习、强化训练和勇于实践,进而较好地掌握 口译知识和技能,成为一名合格的职业译员。
( 一) 口译职业化中的规范性
对于口译的分类呈多样性, 我们通常见到的是以口译方式( modes of interpretation) 及其相关 的语言质量标准体系, 会议的重要程度和口译服务对象的级别来鉴定口译标准。具体来说 , 在 同声传译中, 给国家领导人做翻译是口译的最高级别, 也就是“高翻” 。 由此,我们就会产生出一 个误区, 即只有同声传译或给国家领导人做翻译的专业人员才需要专业训练, 而其他从事口译 的工作人员就不需要了。 而事实上, 从口译职业化角度来讲, 我们应该采用更为合理的、更为 专业的手段对于口译进行分类。 因此, 在口译研究中, 人民提出了口译的规范化( norms of interpretation) 的概念, 也就是对于包含语言在内的口译工作制定了标准体系。 笔者认为根据 口译类型( types of interpretation)制定标准比较合理、规范。(冯 利 ,2011)例如外交口译、 外事口译、会议口译、社区口译、电话口译等等。 所以说, 口译的规范化( 或标准化) 应该是 对于各种不同类型的口译制定不同的衡量标准, 而不是以语言作为唯一的质量标准来认定.
Байду номын сангаас
( 二) 西方口译研究对中国的影响 20 世纪 70 年代, 西方口译研究理论进入中国。 毫无疑问她首先影响到了中国的翻译界。 其中对中国的 影响最大的口译研究理论是法国的释忌派口译研究理论 1976 年, 中国学者孙慧双( 曾获得“ 法国艺术骑 士称号”)翻译了释忌派领军人物达尼尔· 塞莱丝柯维奇的代表作《口译技巧》( 孙慧双, 1976)。 之后, 1990 年, 汪家荣, 李胥森、史美珍共同翻译出版了达尼卡· 塞莱丝柯维奇和玛利亚娜· 勒代雷合著的《口 译理论实践与教学》 , 书中将释译方法译为“ 释义法”或“ 释义学”( 汪家荣等, 1990)。 1992 年, 这本译著 的第二个版本《口笔译概论》由孙慧双翻译出版。 进入 20 世纪 80 年代,瑞士著名的口译专家让· 艾赫贝尔在 1952 年编辑出版的 Manuel de L ' interpretéte 一书, 该书作为早期口译研究的成果载入史册, 它是一部经验性研究的代表作, 为早期中国口 译研究提供了极其宝贵的经验。 孙慧双于 1982 年将其翻译, 取名为《口译须知》 , 这部译著由外语教 学与研究出版社出版发行。 之后, 又由张晨君翻译, 定名为《高级口译手册》 , 由北京出版社出版发行。 这两部译著成为当时口译界进行口译教学的宝贵教课书。
Scenic Spots/ Tourist Attractions
• 名胜古迹 • scenic spots and historical sites • 名山大川 • famous mountains and great rivers • 承德避暑山庄 • Chengde Summer Resorts • 敦煌莫高窟 • the Dunhuang Mogao Grottos • 秦始皇陵 • Qinshihuang's Mausoleum • 兵马俑 • terra-cotta soliders and horses • 布达拉宫 • Potala Palace • 亭、台、楼、塔 • pavilion、terrace、tower、pagoda
Famous Hotels Hilton Shengri-La Radison Portman-Ritz Sheraton Intercontinental Hotel Crowne Plaza Marriott International Holiday Inn Westin Hotel Ramada Jin Jiang International
• The multi store model is a classic model of memory. It is sometimes called the modal model or the dual process model.
• The multi store model (Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968) describes memory in terms of information flowing through a system.
实用英语口译Pragmatic English InterpretationBy Jianwei Y uanmackyy@Warming-up Exercises1.闪跳族n.habitual job hopper2.He is full of novel ideas.他满脑子都是新奇的想法。
又:That store sells many kinds of novel toys.那家商店出售多种新奇的玩具。
a novelty shop专卖新颖小巧而廉价的小玩意儿的个性小店。
3.我本来可以再睡一个小时的!I could‗ve slept another hour!4.to put on the back burner"Honey, the boss told me today he can't give me that pay raise I was expecting. I'm afraid that means we'll have to put our plans to buy a bigger house on the back burner until next year."丈夫说:“亲爱的,老板今天告诉我他不能满足我的愿望给我加工资。
美国人把这叫做:to put on the back burner。
《口译》课件--Lecture 2--熊萍萍
![《口译》课件--Lecture 2--熊萍萍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/87abda453b3567ec102d8aff.png)
Active Listening (2): main clause Theme + rheme
• e.g. 如果你应邀去中国家庭做客,很可能有幸领略一下中国家 庭烹调艺术,虽然家庭烹调在方法上大同小异,可做出的 菜却是百家百味。
Greeting at the Airport
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 人力资源部经理 能够成行 不辞辛苦 百忙中抽空 倒时差 行李齐了 下榻宾馆 设宴洗尘 总裁 杂技表演 C E
1. Manager of human resources
2. Make it
3. In spite of tiring trip 4. Take time from one’s busy schedule 5. Get over jet lag 6. get all the luggage 7. Take sb. To the hotel 8. Host a reception dinner in one’s honor 9. Chairman of the board 10. An acrobatic show
Interpreting Course
Lecture 2
Ⅰ. Active Listening Ⅱ. Interpreting for Reception Service
Ⅰ. Active Listening (1)
For: Key words of sentences
• Vocabulary • Syntax
a liaison-escort interpreter: Procedures • Greetings at the Airport
提高口译员的听力水平,使其能够快速准确 地捕捉源语言信息。
加强口语训练,提高口译员用目标语言表达 的准确性和流畅性。
教授有效的笔记方法,帮助口译员在快速翻 译过程中记录关键信息和细节。
培养口译员具备应对紧张和压力的能力,以及快速适应不同环境 和场景的应变能力。
• 口译简介 • 口译技巧 • 口译实务 • 口译质量评估 • 口译人才培养 • 口译行业展望
口译是一种通过口头表达形式将一种 语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行 为。
口译员需要具备扎实的语言基础、良 好的听力理解能力、快速的语言组织 能力和准确的表达能力。
在口译过程中,可能会遇到各种突发情况,如发言人语速过快、突 然中断等。译员需要学会控制自己的情绪,保持冷静和专注。
在遇到突发情况时,译员需要具备快速反应的能力,能够迅速调整 自己的口译策略和表达方式。
译员需要具备强烈的合作意识,与发言人和其他相关人员密切配合, 确保口译工作的顺利进行。
全球范围内口译人才储备不足,高素质口译人才 稀缺。
口译服务机构不断提升服务品质,满足客户 多样化、个性化的需求。
人工智能、机器学习等技术在口译领域的应 用逐渐普及,提高翻译质量和效率。
口译行业全球化趋势明显,跨国合作和交流 成为常态。
1. Keyword identification
2. Keyword reduction
Ⅱ. Skills practice (40 min)
1. 2.2 Indentifying keywords
2. 2.3 Reducing keywords
Ⅲ.Interpreting exercises (80 min)
4. Characteristics of Interpreting (口译的特点)
The ability to understand and use spoken language
Understanding the theory underlying the principles and
practice of interpreting
Proficient in the skills and techniques which are used by
常规会议同传: regular conference SI
耳语同传: whispered interpreting or chuchotage
periods for Unit 5)
Unit Structure-Unit 1
一、技能讲解与训练 1.技能概述 2.听辨关键词 2.1技能讲解 2.2技能训练(1)关键词的选择 2.3技能训练(2)关键词的精简 3.辨识逻辑关系 3.1技能讲解 3.2技能训练(3)逻辑的纵向分析 3.3技能训练(4)逻辑的横向分析
获得巨大利益:have reaped tremendous benefits from 加快:speed up 突飞猛进:be surging ahead 大幅度增加:substantially increase sth. …不断增多:a growing array of … 进一步扩大:continued/ further expansion of
• 这些给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益:…, delivering real benefits to the two peoples.
• 网络和信息安全问题带来的负面影响:the negative impacts that may arise from insecure networks and information (Unit 4/P.81)
要求 • …is designed to旨在
• Grow • Thrive • Steadfastly
• Gracious invitation • Gracious support and hospitality • A war-torn and destitute country
提出/ 倡导/坚持/主张…
…point out that … …raise the idea of … …propose to… …advocate… …believe… …hold(held) that…
• 中国人早就提出“民为邦本,本固邦宁”。(Unit 2) • 中国人始终秉承“强不执弱,富不侮贫”,主张“协和万
• “数字生活”报告表明,人类生活与技术日益融合,虚拟 身份得以建立:The “digital life” report shows that human lives increasingly entwined with technology enabling virtual identy to be constructed. (Unit 2)
同声传译(simultaneous interpretation): 又称同步口译,是译员在不打断讲话者演讲 的情况下,不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听 众的一种口译方式。因为译员的口译与讲话 者的发言几乎同步进行,所以这种口译也被 称之为同步口译。同声传译的最大优点在于 高效率,可以保证讲话者作连贯发言,不影 响或中断讲话者的思路,有利于听众对发言 全文的同篇理解。同时传译被认为是最有效 率的口译形式,是国际会议所采用的最基本 的口译手段。同声传译有时也用于学术报告, 授课讲座等场合。
第七讲 口译技能训练之六:旅游与观光(Week 7) Travel and Sightseeing 第八讲 口译技能训练之七: 经济与发展(Week 8) Economy and Development 第九讲 口译训练技能之八:娱乐与大众传媒 (Week 9) Entertainment and Mass Media 第十讲 口译训练技能之九:卫生与健康(Week 10) Sanitation and Health 第十一讲 对外关系(Week 11) Foreign Relations 第十二讲 科技与进步(Week 12) Science, Technology and Progress 第十三讲 交通与事故(Week 13) Traffic and Accidents
An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionares of interpreting
口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口 头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)
第一单元 信息听辨
Unit 1 Getting the Message through Listening
Part I. 技能概述
听辨关键词 1. 听辨关键词的定义是什么? 2. 听辨关键词需要遵循哪三条原则? 3. 关键词训练可以分为哪两个阶段?
第一单元 信息听辨
Unit 1 Getting the Message through Listening
➢ 二是选取关键词时数量不能过多,译员要用尽可能少的关 键词记忆原文的主要内容;
➢ 三是记忆关键词时以其意义为主,词的形态不是听辨的重 点。
第一单元 信息听辨
Part I. 技能概述 听辨关键词
3. 关键词训练可以分为哪两个阶段? 关键词的选择
第一单元 信息听辨
听辨关键词 关键词的选择
许多人喜欢饭后吃点水果 爽口,但医生提醒说,这其实 是一种错误的习惯,因为饭后 马上吃水果会影响消化。如果 人们长期坚持这种生活习惯, 将会导致消化功能紊乱。因此 ,人们最好在饭后一到二个小 时再吃水果
医生还提醒说,人们还要 注意改正饭后饮茶和饭后散步 的错误习惯。饭后立即饮茶, 茶水会冲淡胃液,影响胃内食 物的正常消化。医生建议,最 好在进食一小时之后再饮用茶 水,这样有助于消化。
Sally couldn’t find the classroom until after the class had begun.
Jean is taking a sick leave from work for the summer.
Segment 2 Discipline :纪律;训练 Demanding: 苛求的;要求高的;吃力的
My wife and I are privileged to ...
We are grateful for the welcome we have received
2. I have the pleasure/honor/privilege to declare the 11th Asian Games open.
3. It is my great honor/privilege to declare the commencement of the World Economic Forum in Tianjin.
After 15 years of negotiation, on November 10, 2001 at the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar, WTO members formally approved the accession package of the People’s Republic of China. Since then, China witnesses an economic take-off when more foreign investors are flocking into China with their advanced technologies or managing expertise. However, when opportunities come, challenges arises. Chinese national economy may be dealt with a blow when Chinese manufacturing industry loses ground to foreign counterpart in terms of technology or management expertise, or the prospect of Chinese service industry darkens as mature foreign service companies are sweeping their victories.
Instant memory Short-term memory(working memory) Long-term memory(permanent memory)
13526 MEMORY
Repeating NPC : National People’s Congress CPPCC: Chinese People’s Political Consultative
2 抓时态 –意义错误
This year did not bring a natural disaster on the scale of the 2004 tsunami. But the intensity of floods, droughts and extreme weather, perhaps made worse by climate change have brought pain and suffering to many millions. This, above all, is the UN’s front line. We stand up to help those who cannot help themselves.
ceremonial speeches
1. vocabulary checking 2. listening for interpreting 3. memory training 4. interpreting a reception conversation 5. interpret ceremonial speeches
第七章 口译技巧PPT课件
![第七章 口译技巧PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d46b7d4eefdc8d377ee3240.png)
► c. 简洁性:正是由于口译笔记的时效性和特殊性,一般说 来,口译笔记不必详尽,只要求记重点、要点和难译点。另 外可借助一些速记符号灵活来进行记录。笔记所起的作用仅 仅是记忆的激发手段,在笔记的提醒下,译员还需凭大脑的 记忆,回忆、扩充,使之成为完整的译文。
► w (world):世界
p (peace):和平
r (repetition):重复
► 张大,表示“吃惊”)
► :害怕,恐惧,恐慌(scared , ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rightened, panic ) (两只眼睛张 大,表示“恐惧”)
► :担心,顾虑,焦虑(worry, care, anxious ) (符号表示皱眉 头)
► :听说,据说,众所周知(it is said that, maybe you’ve heard of, as we all
strengthen, etc.) ► ↓ :下降, 减少, 恶化, 裁减 (drop to, reduce,
deteriorate, cut down ) ► → :导致,输出,派遣, 进入, 结论 (result in, export
to, send to, enter, draw a conclusion) ► :来自,源于,追溯至, 进口,收到 (come from,
I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China.
Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common.
信息组织凌乱 语言表达不连贯 内容漏记 应对策略: ➢不拘泥于原语的遣词造句 ➢关注整段话的逻辑关系 ➢抓住主干信息
Ways to address people by title: Mr. Present; Madam President; Mr. Chairman; Madam Chairperson
1.3 美国副总统复旦演讲
韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。 今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机 会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。 感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情 接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此 行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕 业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学 的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺 在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学99年 追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。
✓会谈中的沉默或尴尬时刻,译员即兴 引出话题,让谈话进行下去
➢ 我谨代表……,欢迎大家来到…… ➢ On behalf of…,I am delighted to welcome all
Skill focus: Memory Training Skill-related Exercises(1)、(2)、(3)
Topic Focus: Tourism Background Information
Sentence Interpreting Dialogue Interpreting Passage Interpreting
• Directional – north/south & east/west; front/back; left/right; bottom/up or top/down, etc.
• Transial words or phrases used to indicate qualitative change over time
• Component (part/whole) – classification by category or concept
• Relevance— topic sentence or supporting sentences
• Experienced interpreters often mentally repeat what the speaker has said previously while still listening to the on-going speech or interpreting consecutively so as to link all the points together.
Interpreter’s Memory
• Long-term Memory • Short-term Memory (Working
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
The first interpreters were not trained but entered the profession on the strength of their mastery of languages, prodigious memory, and their impressively broad cultural background. Some of the legendary figures of the world of interpreting include Jean HERBERT, AndréKAMINKER and Prince Constantin ANDRONIKOF, who was personal interpreter to Général de Gaulle and one of the founders of AIIC, which was established in 1953.
Types of Interpreting
Conference Interpreting: Simultaneous /Consecutive
Most frequently used for large conferences or meetings, simultaneous interpreting requires that the linguist “translate” what the speaker is saying, as they speak.
Time allotment: 1 semester (36 periods); two periodspe Nhomakorabea week
Unit 0
Types of interpreting A Brief history of conference interpreting as a modern
profession What Makes A Good Interpreter? Professional Code of Conduct
Focuses on developing basic cognitive, semantic, and dual tasking abilities required to interpret rehearsed and/or spontaneous texts.
Train learners to incorporate semantic choice, register, and ethical behavioral decisions and understand how they impact their interpretations.
Escort interpreters generally translate informal conversations.
A Brief history of conference interpreting as a modern profession
The oldest and youngest profession. At the time the course was founded, conference interpreter training was still in its infancy with the first simultaneous interpretation having been used after World War II at the Nuremburg Trials (English, French, Russian and German). In the interwar years consecutive interpretation alone was provided at International gatherings, such as at meetings of the League of Nations in Geneva where English and French were used.
【培训课件】英语口译 教程
Interpretation Course
Course Objectives:
Introduces learners to skills and processes required to produce consecutive interpretations.
Simultaneous interpreting generally requires equipment such as microphones, headsets, and in some instances booths.
Consecutive Interpreting
Most appropriate in a smaller setting, the speaker will speak for a few minutes (a few paragraphs), then pause.
Escort Interpreting
Another form of consecutive interpreting is often called escort interpreting. If you are hosting a delegation of visitors from another country, you may want to use the services of an escort interpreter for meeting clients at the airport, city tours, and shopping excursions.
Thus, the interpreter is both listening and speaking at the same time. This takes intense concentration; simultaneous interpreters often work in teams, taking breaks every 30 minutes or so.
The interpreter takes notes and then translates the speaker's message during the pause.
The key element in consecutive interpreting is note taking: the interpreter must record ideas and then translate them back into the words of another language without pause.