数字经济 digital economy

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数字经济digital economy

The achievements, selected by a group of 39 experts from around the world, cover artificial intelligence, 5G, cloud computing, digital manufacturing, industrial internet and other internet-related fields.


“世界互联网领先科技成果发布活动”旨在展现全球互联网领域最新科技成果,弘扬互联网技术创新、绿色、包容和共享理念(innovative, green, inclusive and shared perception),彰显互联网领域从业者的非凡贡献,搭建全方位的创新交流平台。

这15项成果包括:鲲鹏920处理器(Huawei's Kunpeng 920 processor)、面向通用人工智能的异构融合天机芯片(hybrid Tianjic architecture towards artificial general intelligence)、统一自然语言预训练模型与机器阅读理解(machine reading comprehension)、特斯拉完全自动驾驶芯片(Tesla's full self-driving chip)、飞桨深度学习平台(deep learning platform Paddle Paddle)、智慧企业的AI创新与深入应用(in-depth application of AI in intelligent enterprises)等。



These achievements have given or will give a strong impetus to human life, scientific and technological progress, economic development and social transformation.


The internet turns 50 years old in 2019. The development of the internet has pushed human society into the intelligent era of comprehensive perception, reliable transmission, intelligent processing and accurate decision-making. Foreseeing these changes is the purpose for the release of the world's leading internet scientific and technological achievements. It also enables internet users to continuously explore their own potential and build confidence and strength to face a more exciting and challenging future, Wu added.



乌镇举行。大会主题为“智能互联开放合作——携手共建网络空间命运共同体(Intelligent Interconnection for Openness and Cooperation: Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace)”。本次大会将聚集“科学与技术”、“产业与经济”、“人文与社会”、“合作与治理”四大重点板块,共设20个分论坛(20 sub-forums),秉持开放、平等、互信、共赢的理念,邀请全球互联网领军人物及重量级嘉宾共同探讨与回应当前国际社会对5G、人工智能、物联网等新技术、新业态发展的深度关切。


物联网Internet of Things (IoT)

数字经济digital economy

移动互联网mobile internet

科技创新science and technological innovation

对话式人工智能conversational AI
