大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第十四章 WTO英文文本的翻译[精]

56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
拉Байду номын сангаас
60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左
实用文体翻译教程英汉双向商务文本 的翻译
46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林 47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁 爱。— —英国
48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富 勒 49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处 罚才能 使犯罪 得到偿 还。— —达雷 尔
50、弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护 。—— 威·厄尔
实用经贸英语口译Unit (14)

Page 6
Press Conference
1. Universiade The Universiade is an International multi-sport event, organized for university athletes by the International University Sports Federation (FISU). The name is a combination of the words "University" and "olympiad".
B. 句子精炼 Sentence in Focus 1. 移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。Migrants exert positive effects on city
2. The baby boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in large numbers. 生育高峰期出生的一代已经年过半百, 他们中的大部分人过不了几年将会退休。
Page 5
Press Conference
New Words & Expressions:
7. render ['rendə] vt. 致使;提出;实施;着色;以…回报 8. manifest ['mænɪfest] vt. 证明,表明;显示 vi. 显示,出现 9. gala ['gɑːlə; 'geɪlə] n. 祝贺,庆祝;节日,特别娱乐 10. solemn ['sɒləm] adj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的 11. preliminary [pri'liminəri] n. 准备;预赛;初步措施 adj. 初步的;开始
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第十四章 WTO英文文本的翻译

在司法和行政程序方面,各成员 均可利用本条第一款允许之例外, 包括在各成员管辖权范围内指定 服务地址或任命代理人,但此例 外应为确保遵守与本协议规定不 相符合的法律和法规所必需,且 此类行为的实施未构成对贸易的 变相限制。
All quantitative restrictions within bilateral agreements maintained under Article 4 or notified under Article 7 or 8 of the MFA in force on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall, within 60 days following such entry into force, be notified in detail, including the restraint levels, growth rates and flexibility provisions, by the Members maintaining such restrictions to the Textiles Monitoring Body provided for in Article 8 (referred to in this Agreement as the "TMB"). ( word count=80)
terms and conditions(条款) rights and interests(权益) losses and damages(损失)
(2)由两个或两个以上词性相同、 词义相近/相对的词用or连接构成
WTO 术语汉英对照和中文解释

From Enbo edu由hediblue整理WTO 术语汉英对照和中文解释(自己整理的,供参考)1、“绿箱”措施、“黄箱”措施和“蓝箱”《农业协议》(Green Box measures/Amber Box measures /Balance-of-payments Provisions)Agreement on Agriculture, URAA“绿箱”措施是指由政府提供的、其费用不转嫁给消费者,且对生产者不具有价格支持作用的政府服务计划。

Unit 11) 世贸组织(WTO) 允许其成员方为维护特定的国内公共政策目标或社会公共利益可以采取免除WTO义务的措施。
( exempt from)The World Trade Organization (WTO) allows its members to take measures to exempt from WTO obligations in order to safeguard specific public policy object and public interests.2) 自信和恐惧都来自于我们的信念和态度,但它们是互相矛盾的思维。
(stem from)Confidence and fear are contradictory states of mind that both stem from our beliefs and attitudes.3) 对于家长来说,现在我们到了缩减债务周期并为子女的将来开启一个储蓄理财计划的时候了。
(curtail )For parents, it is the time to curtail the cycle of debt and create a savings plan for your child’s future4) 这次事故促使贸易协会提起诉讼以反对专利侵权和不公平的商业行为。
(infringement ) This accident prompted the trade association to initiate a lawsuit against patent infringement and unfair business practices。
5) 随着旅游业加快利用网络服务进行市场推广,其它行业也一定会紧跟这股潮流。
( follow suit)Other industries certainly will follow suit as the tourist industry gears up to take advantage of networks and its marketing potential.Unit 21) 央行在过去的45天里两次调低了基准利率,这是自从2002年以来的第一次调低。


Unit oneMultilaterial Trading System 多边贸易体制General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合The Doha Development Agenda 多哈发展议程The Trade Policy Review Body 贸易政策审议机构The Dispute Settlement Body 争端解决机构Ministerial conference 部长级会议General Council 总理事会Goods Council 货物贸易理事会Services Council 服务贸易理事会The WTO Secretariat 秘书处Director—general 总干事General Agreement On Trade in Services 服务贸易总协定Dispute Settlement Understanding 争端解决谅解Agreement on Trade—Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 与贸易有关的知识产权的协议Specialized committee 专门委员会Customs duty rate 关税税率State trading 国营贸易The least—developed countries 最不发达国Unit twoInternational Trade Organization(ITO)国贸组织“Bretton woods”System 布雷森顿体系The International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际货币基金组织Trade protectionism 贸易保护主义Havana Charter 哈瓦那宪章A package of agreements 一揽子协定Protocol 议定书Anti—Dumping Agreement 反倾销协定Agreement On Safeguards 保障措施协定Contracting party 缔约方Tariff concession 关税减让Market—sharing agreement 市场共享协定UN Conference on Trade and Employment 联合国贸易与就业大会Economic recession 经济衰退Unit threeTelecommunications 电信Trade without discrimination 非歧视性贸易Most—favored—nation treatment 最惠国待遇Import quotas 进口配额Non—tariff barriers 非关税壁垒Progressive liberalization 渐进式自由化Bound rates 约束贸易Trading partners 贸易伙伴Binding commitments 约束承诺Trade policy Review Mechanism 贸易政策审议机制Undistorted competition 非扭曲竞争Transition economies 转型经济体“least—developed” countries 最不发达国家。
英汉笔译基础教程第14章 商务翻译

14.1 商务英语的特点
❖14.1.3 简洁性 ❖经常使用简单明晰的词语来代替复杂的表达。如
常使用“decide”代替“come to a decision”,以及“prefer”代替“express a preference for”等等。 ❖ 在商务文体中,除合同中含有较长的句子外, 其他商务信函、文书等句子的平均长度常为10 到 20个词,不超过30个词,尽量去掉那些可有可 无的词语。
14.1 商务英语的特点
❖例1.As to the affairs on negotiation of draft, we would like to have them preformed at the Bank of Taiwan, Taipei.
❖译文:有关汇票之承兑事宜,本公司希望由台北 的台湾银行完成。
❖ (1)用词礼貌客气
❖例4.In reply to your enquiry of June 7,
1999, I respectfully offer my latest
quotation herewith.
❖ 译文:兹回复贵方1990年6月7日来函,特随函
❖译文:货物的质量和价格必须使进出口双方都能 接受。
14.2 常见商务文本的翻译
14.2 常见商务文本的翻译
❖ (3)把握好原文的正式性和委婉礼貌性,仔细分 析原文的情态、语气和态度,并在译文中准确体 现。
❖例10.We shall write to you again once our end-users are in the market for your product.

● 《WTO 估价协定》第一部分, 表示“应该”全部用了较为委 婉的should, 而随后的正式条款中出现的shall全部都是义 务、规定、约束力的反映,故第一至第八条中出现的shall 根据《WTO估价协定》法律文件之内涵必须翻译成“必须”, 以更加突出该法律文件责任与义务的强制性。 ● 中译本中对shall与should都翻译成“应”, 未能准确体现其中 的强制性差异。
拘泥于文字的表层或基本意思, 没有结 合语篇语境深入挖掘其深层涵义
● 例: Article 8 also provides for the inclusion in the transaction value of certain considerations which may pass from the buyer to the seller in the form of specified goods or services rather than in the form of money. ● 译文: 第8条还规定, 在成交价格中应包括以特定货物或服务的形 式而非以货币的形式由买方转给卖方的某些因素。
● 叶德万, 李忱. 国际贸易实务[M ] . 广州: 华南理工大学出版社, 1999.
● 世界贸易组织秘书处. 贸易走向未来) ) ) 世界贸易组织(WTO)概要[M ] . 北京: 法律出版社, 1999.
Thank You!
● 原译文: ● 如在确定进口货物的完税价格的过程中,需要推迟做 出完税价格的最终确定, 则货物的进口商仍应能够从海关 提取货物, 如有此要求, 则进口商以涵盖该货物可能最后支 付的关税的保证金、存款或其他一些适当工具提供充分的 保证。
● 现译文: 在确定进口货物完税价格的过程 中, 海关需要推迟做出最终决定时, 进口商如能 应海关的要求,以担保书、保证金 或其他合 适的支付手段等形式提供足额应缴关税的 充分担保, 则仍可从海关提取货物。
外贸英语函电 复旦大学出版社 课后英译汉、汉译英翻译句子完整版

Unit 1一、英译汉1.It was a pleasure to receive your letter of 2nd and to learn that you are making plans for your Mr.Chadwik to visit our country in October.有幸收到阁下5月2日来函,得悉阁下正计划安排维克先生于10月访问我国。
2.If Mr.Mike so wishes we can also introduce him to some of our sister corporations with whom you may like to do business.要是迈克先生想同我们兄弟公司洽谈业务,我们也可为他引见。
3.Please let us know the time of your arrival. We will then arrange to meet you at the airport and drive you to your hotel.请告诉我们你到达的时间,届时安排去机场迎接并驾车送你到宾馆。
4.We used to import machines from England but now we wish to establish business relations with you.我们过去通常从英国进口机器,但现在想同你们建立业务关系。
5.I am making for Mr.Brown to have a discussion with Director Wang.我即将安排布朗先生和我公司的王经理会谈。
6.It gives us a great pleasure to introduce to you by this letter Mr.Ma,a manager of HongKong Huarun company.我们十分高兴地通过刺心向你介绍香港华润公司的马经理。

大学外贸英语课文翻译Chapter 7Arguments on Government Intervention in International Trade政府干预国际贸易的理由In this chapter we’ll examine the reasons for government intervention in spite of the fact that some developed countries like the United States pay lip service to free trade and talk a lot about the benefits of liberal trade.尽管一些发达国家如美国口头上说自由贸易如何好,本章还是考察一下政府干预国际贸易的理由。
Arguments for government intervention in western trade experts’ view fall into two categories:political arguments and economic arguments.按西方贸易专家的观点,政府干预国际贸易的理由分两大类:一类是政治上的理由,一类是经济上的理由。
First of all, let’s examine the political arguments. This category of arguments cover a range of issues including:protecting jobs and industries,national security,retaliation,protecting consumers, furthering foreign policy objectives and protecting human rights.首先让我们看一下政治理由。

Lesson 1414.3 Speech at the Forum on Revitalizing the Old Industrial Bases in Northeast ChinaLadies and gentlemen,Good morning. “The Forum on Revitalizing the Old Industrial Bases in Northeast China”, co-hosted by the State Council’s Office of the Leading Group for Revitalizing Northeast China and Other Old Industrial Bases, the Ministry of Commerce, the Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provincial governments and the organizing committee of the CIFIT, is being held in Xiamen as scheduled. This CIFIT features a series of activities for revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. First, on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Director Zhang Guobao, and the leaders of the three northeastern provinces in China. My thanks also go to the Organization of Economic and Cooperative Development, the International Financial Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency for their support. Also, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the delegates. Supporting those old industrial bases to accelerate adjustment and reconstruction is a major strategic decision made by the CPC central committee. Speeding up the process is not only theurgent demand of northeast China for its own reform and development but also an important strategy to realize the harmonious development of China’s economy and society. The success of the strategy is the key to the sustainable development of China’s economy.The old industrial bases in northeast China boast a batch of enterprises in strategic industrie s such as energy, raw material and equipment-manufacturing, and they once made great contributions to the nation’s economic construction. However, with the deepening of China’s economic restructuring, the problems faced by those old industrial bases have become more and more prominent, such as the lower level of marketization and opening-up to the outside world, the unitary structure of the ownership economy, tardiness in the adjustment of the industrial structure, aging of the equipment and technology and the immense pressure on social security and employment.All these require us to do some brainstorming and come up with effective measures. The plan to revitalize the old industrial bases in northeast China is a comprehensive system and the policies for adjustment cover all aspects. Nevertheless, opening more widely to the outside world, absorbing overseas investments, bringing in capital, technology and managerial expertise, andpromoting the development of the old industrial bases and the reform and restructuring of sate-owned enterprises are the major measures to revitalize northeast China and other old industrial bases.The biggest selling-point for northeast China is the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises. By cooperating with large or medium-sized state-owned enterprises, their former competitors, foreign-invested enterprises can shorten the amount of time needed to gain access to the Chinese market. They can attract a number of technically and managerially talented people who worked in the state-owned enterprises, as well as the market, the resources of their partners and support from the government. What’s more important, they can convert their competitors into partners and become more competitive.As for the foreign-funded enterprises, it’s necessary for them to stick to the principle of “contacting, cooperating and developing” if they want to turn these measures into substantial yields. They should express sincerity for cooperation in the contract, achieve complementary advantages in the cooperation and remove the risks in investment through development. Only when they attain full contact, in-depth communication and understanding, and sincere cooperation can they realize mutualdevelopment. To develop is the best means for us to diminish the risks and realize a win-win situation. To carry out the development strategies made by the CPC central committee and the State Council to revitalize the old industrial bases in northeast China, the Ministry of Commerce and the three northeastern provinces in China have put forward some tentative policies after carrying out much investigation and research. At present, the Ministry of Commerce is working out some specific measures in collaboration with relevant departments and the three provincial governments in northeast China. It’s believed that these measures will facilitate the economic development of northeast China.In conclusion, I wish the forum complete success.14.4 西部经贸洽谈会开幕式致辞尊敬的张省长、尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们:我很高兴今天上午来这里参加中国西部经贸洽谈会的开幕式。

大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向 )第十四章 WTO英文文本的翻译

第二节 WTO英文文本的语言特色
从 1948 年的 GATT 到今天 WTO, WTO 已经制定和通过了大量的法律 文件和各种协定, 以此来规范WTO 成员国之间的经贸活动。WTO 这些 法律和协定用三种语言拟定, 即英语、 法语和西班牙语, 三种文本具有同等 效力, 尤以英文文本的使用最为广泛。 WTO 英文法律文本具有一定的语言 特色, 了解这些语言特色有助于我们 更好的理解 WTO 英文法律文本。
1、庄严词语的使用 WTO法律文件以准确严谨为主要特点, 其文体属于庄严文体(The frozen style),其用词、句法结构、文体、行 文方式等有其自身的特点和要求。由 于WTO协定直接规定成员的权力和义 务,其用词自然不同于文学语言丰富 多样性和新闻词汇时尚创新性,其追 求的是词汇的严谨统一,并体现法律 文件的庄严冷峻和不带感情色彩的语 气。
(1) (2) (3)
Its five principles: Non-Discrimination Reciprocity Binding and enforceable commitments Transparency Safety valves
关贸总协定,世界贸易组织的前身 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 世界贸易组织 WTO (World Trade Organization) 乌拉圭回合 Uruguay Round 最惠国待遇(现通常称"正常贸易关系 ")MFN(most-favored-nation) treatment 争端解决机构 dispute settlement body 《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》 DSU (Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes)

U1 Establishing trade relations1. This corporation specializes in importing textiles.本公司专营纺织品的进口业务。
2. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively inlight industrial products.兹向你自我介绍,敝公司系国营单位,以经营轻工产品为主。
3. We are sending you by airmail under separate cover a brochure on the various kinds ofelectronic products no available for export.我方航邮寄上现可供出口各类电子产品的小册子一份。
4. Your firm has been recommended to us by the chamber of commerce in Tokyo, japan. 贵公司已由日本东京商会推荐给我公司。
5. As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample of Art. Nos. 1101and 1102 for your reference.根据要求,兹另封航邮货号1101和1102样品各一份,以供参考。
6. We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate attention.我方保证你方订单定会得到立即处理。
7. We thank you for your letter of Oct. 27 and should like to discuss the possibility ofexpanding trade with you.10月27日函悉,谢谢。

QQuads 四方集团(指美国、欧盟、日本、加拿大)Qualification of Suppliers 供应商资格Qualification Procedures 资格审查程序Qualification System 资格审查制度Qualifications 资格Quantitative Ceiling 数量上限Quantitative Restriction 数量限制Quantity Commitment Levels 数量承诺水平Quantity trigger level 数量触发水平Quantum of International 国际贸易总量Quarantine Measures 检疫措施Quarantine Treatments 检疫处理Quasi-judicial 准司法Quota Period 配额期限Quota Price 配额价格Quota Restrictions 配额限制Quota System 配额制度quota-free products 非配额产品Quota-Hopping 配额跳过RRate of Subsidization 补贴率Reasonable Expectation 合理预期Reasonable Means 合理方法Reasonable Period of Time 合理期限Rebuttal Evidence 反驳的证据Rebuttal Submissions 书面辩驳Recidivist Dumping 习惯性倾销Recipient Country/Region 受援国/地区Reciprocal Trade 互惠贸易Reciprocity 对等Recommendations (争端解决)建议Recommendations of Findings 建议或裁决Recovery of Costs 成本收回Red Box 红箱Reduction Commitments 削减承诺Reference years 参考年(基期)Refund of Duties or Taxes 退税Regional trade 区域贸易Regional Trade Agreements 区域贸易协定Registration of a Trademark 商标注册Registry 登记处Regular Channels of Trade 正常贸易渠道Regulatory Duty 调节关税Regulatory Requirements 管理要求Related Persons 有关联关系的人Remedies 经济措施Remission or Drawback 减免与退税Renewal of Registration 注册续展Rental of Phonograms 录音制品出租Rental Rights 出租权Reporting system 申报制度Representations or Proposals 交涉或建议Representative Office 代表处Representative Period 代表期Request for a Waiver 请求豁免义务Request for Conciliation 请求调解Requirments of Use 使用要求Res Judicata 一事不再理Reservation Clause 保留条款Reserved Negotiations 保留谈判Residual Tariffs 剩余关税Residual Value 剩余价值Resource Rent 资源租金Responding Party 应诉方Restraint of Trade 贸易限制Restrictive Clauses 限制性条款Resumed dumping 继续倾销Retail Store Restriction 零售店限制Retailing Services 零售服务Retaliation 报复Retaliatory Measures 报复措施Retaliatory Subsidization 报复性补贴Retrospective Remedies 追溯性救济Revenue 税收Reverse Dumping 逆倾销Review 复审Review Session 审议会议Revocation 撤销Right Holder 权利持有人Right of Appeal 上诉权Right of Establishment 设立权Right of First Refusal 首次拒绝权利Right of Priority 优先权Right of Reproduction 复制权Right to Use a Trademark 商标使用权Risk assessment 风险分析Round 回合Routine Notification 例行通知Royalties 特许权费/使用费Rules of Origin 原产地规则Rules of Procedure 议事规则Rural Development 农村发展SSafeguard Agreement 保障措施协定Safeguard(SG) 保障措施Safe-Haven Agreement 安全港协定Safety Requirements 安全要求Sale for Export 出口销售Sales Tax 销售税Sanitary Inspection 卫生检查Scale of Contribution 会费分摊比例Schedular Tax 分类所得税Schedule of Commitments(GATS) 承诺减让表Schedule Price 价目表价格Schedules of Bindings 约束关税表Schedules of Concessions 减让表Schedules of concessions 减让时间表Scheduling 减让表制作Scientific Evidence 科学证据Scientific Justification 科学上的正当性Scientific Tariff 科学关税Scope of Appellate Review 上诉审查范围Screen Quota 反映限额Screen Time 反映时间Screwdriver Operations 改锥业务Secondary Dumping 二级倾销Second-Level Obligations 第二层义务Sectoral Commitments 部门承诺Sector-Specific Commitments 部门具体承诺Security 担保Security Exceptions 安全例外Security Services 证券服务Selection Procedures 选择程序Selective Safeguard 选择性保障措施Selective Safeguard Clause 严重损害Self-Certification 自我认证Self-Regulatory 自律组织Sellers’Price List 卖方价格清单Selling Price 销售价格Semi-Generic Wine Names 半通用酒名Separate Customs Territory 单独关税区Sequencing 先后顺序Serious Adverse 严重不利影响Serious injury 严重损害Serious Prejudice 严重侵害Service Address 送达地址Service Industry 服务业Service Mark 服务商标Service Market Access 服务贸易市场准入Service Regulations 服务管理Services 服务Services Supplier 服务提供者Settlement of Claims 权利请求的解决Shrimp Case 虾案Similar Goods 类似货物Singapore Agenda 新加坡议程Singapore Issues新加坡议题Single Approach 单一方式Single Tendering 单一来源采购Single Unified Market 单一统一市场Situation Complaints 情势之诉Small Economies 小经济体Social Dumping 社会倾销Social Labeling 社会标签Social Services 社会服务Social Subsidies 社会补贴Social Welfare Charges 社会福利费用Sole Agent 独家代理人Sole Concessionaire 独家受让人Sole Distributor 独家经销人Special Economic Areas 特殊经济区Special Import Measures Act 特殊进口措施法Special Safeguards(SSG)特殊保障措施Special Treatment(ST)(农业协议)特别处理Specialist 专家Specialist in Accounts 会计账目专家Specific Duty 特别关税Specific License 特种许可证Specific Measure 具体措施Specific Subsidy 专向性补贴Specific tariff 从量税Specificity 专向性Specificity Principle 专向性原则Specificity Test 专向性测试Sporadic Dumping 零星倾销Spurious Dumping 假倾销Square Brackets 方括号Staff Regulations 职员条例Staff report 工作人员报告Staff Rules 职员规则Stamp Tax 印花税Standard of Review 审查标准Standardization 标准化Standardization Activities 标准化活动Standardizing 标准化机构Standards 标准Standards Code 标准守则Standing Appellate Body 常设上诉机构Standstill Commitment 维持现状承诺Standstill Provisions 维持现状规定Stare Decisis 遵循先例Start-Up Period 投产期间Start-Up Situation 投产状态State Pricing 国家定价State Responsibility 国家责任State Trading 国营贸易State Trading Commitment 国营贸易承诺State Trading Countries 国营贸易国家State-Owned Enterprises 国有企业State-Trading Dumping 国营贸易倾销Statism 国家主义Stockpiling Exception 储存例外Strategic Duping 战略倾销Subheading 子目Subject Matter of a Patent 专利的客体Submission 递交材料Sub-National Obligation 地方政府义务Subsequent Practice 嗣后做法Subsidiaries 独资子公司Subsidiary 从属性Subsidiary Bodies 附属机构Subsidies 补贴Subsidized Goods 补贴产品Subsidizing Member 进行补贴的成员Subsidy 补贴Subsidy Practice 补贴做法Substantial Improvement 实质性改善Substantial Interest 实质利益Substantial Transformation 实质性改变Substantive Disciplines 实质性纪律Substantive Meeting 实质性会议Substitutable Products 替代品Sunset Clause 日落条款Sunset Industry 夕阳产业Sunset Review 日落复审Supplemental Information 补充信息Supplementary Criteria 补充标准Support Price 支持价格Surrogate Country 替代国Suspend concessions 暂停减让Suspension of an Investigation 中止调查Suspension of Concessions 中止减让Suspension of Release 中止放行Sustainable Development 可持续发展Swiss Formula 瑞士公式Symmetrical Comparisons 对称比较Sympathetic Consideration 积极考虑TTargeted Dumping 目标倾销Tariff Act 关税法Tariff Anomaly 关税异常Tariff Bindings 约束关税/ 关税约束承诺tariff classification 关税分类Tariff Concessions 关税减让Tariff Consolidation 关税合并Tariff Equivalent 关税等值Tariff Escalation 关税升级Tariff Increase 提高关税Tariff Item 税号Tariff Laws 关税法规Tariff Level 关税水平Tariff line 税号Tariff Line 税则号列Tariff Negotiations 关税谈判Tariff Nomenclature 税则目录Tariff peaks 关税高峰Tariff Policy 关税政策Tariff Preferences 关税优惠Tariff Protection 关税保护Tariff Quota 关税配额Tariff Range 关税范围Tariff Rate 关税税率Tariff rate quotas (TRQ )关税配额Tariff Schedule 关税表Tariff Structure 关税结构Tariff Union(CU) 关税同盟Tariff valuation 关税估价Tariff War 关税战Tariff Zone 关税区Tariff-Cutting Formula 关税减让公式Tariff-Free Quota 免税配额Tariffication 关税化Tariff-Only Regime 单一关税机制Tariffs 关税Tax Credit 税收抵免Tax Subsidy 税收补贴Taxation Services 税收服务Taxed Product 国内征税产品Technical Expertise 技术专长Technical Regulation 技术法规Technical Specifications 技术规格Technical Sub-Committee 技术小组委员会Telecommunication Services 电信服务案Telecommunications 电信Telecommunications Annex 电信附件Telecommunications Services 电信服务Television Services 电视服务Tendering Documents 招标文件Tendering Procedures 招标程序Term of Patent Protection 专利保护期Terms of Reference 职权范围条款Test Methods 检验方法Test Value 测试价格Testing and Inspection 检验和检查Textile Committee 纺织品委员会Textile Designs 纺织品设计Textile Trade 纺织品贸易The Contracting Parties 缔约方全体The contraction in demand 需求萎缩Threat of Injury 损害威胁Threat of Serious Injury 严重损害威胁Threshold 最低限额Threshold Price 门槛价Threshold Value 最低限价Tied Investment 捆绑式投资Tiered Formula 分层公式Time-Limited Exceptions 有时限的例外Time-Schedules 时间表Tokyo Round 东京回合Tolerances for Contaminants 污染物允许量Top-Down Approach 自上而下的方法Torquay Round 托奎回合Total AMS 综合支持总量Total AMS Commitment 综合支持总量承诺Total Eligible Costs 可计入总成本Tourism Satellite Account 旅游卫星账户Tourist Guides Services 导游服务Trade and Environment 贸易与环境Trade Defence Measures 贸易防御措施Trade Diversion 贸易转移Trade diversion inquiry 贸易转移调查Trade Facilitation 贸易便利化Trade in goods 货物贸易Trade in Services 服务贸易Trade in Services Statistics 服务贸易统计Trade Name 商号Trade or Business Association 同业公会或商会Trade Policy 贸易政策Trade Policy Review 贸易政策审议Trade preferences 贸易优先Trade Regulations 贸易法规Trade Relief 贸易补救Trade Remedies 贸易救济Trade Rules for Services 服务贸易规则Trade Secrets 商业秘密Trade Statistics 贸易统计Trade Surplus 贸易盈余Trade, Debt and Finance 贸易、债务和金融Trademark 商标Trading Rights 贸易权Traffic Rights 航空权Training Services 培训服务Transaction in Services 服务交易Transaction Value 成交价格Transfer Duties 转让税Transfer of Liabilities 债务转移Transfer of Payments 转移支付Transitional Safeguard 过渡性保障措施Translation Issues 翻译问题Transparency 透明度Transport Subsidy 运输补贴Transshipment 转运Treaty Interpretation 条约解释Trigger Clause 触发条款Trigger Level 触发水平Trigger Price 触发价格Triggering Point 触发点Turnover Tax 营业税UUnder-Invoicing 低报出口Undertaking 承诺Undisclosed Information 未披露信息Unforeseen Development 不可预见的发展Uniform Tariff 统一关税Unit Amount of a Subsidy 单位补贴额Universal Services 普遍服务Unrequited Export 无偿出口Upstream Dumping 上游倾销Upstream Subsidy 上游补贴Urban Planning Services 城市规划服务Urgent Circumstances 紧急问题Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合Use in Good Faith 善意使用Use of a Trademark 商标使用User Member 用户成员VVagueness of Claims 权利请求模糊Valuation Basis 估价基础Valuation Effect 估价效果Valuation of Contracts 合同估价Valuation Option 估价选择Valuation Procedures 估价程序Valuation System 估价系统Value Added Tax System 增值税制度Value Added Tax(VAT)增值税Value-Added Telecommunications 增值电信Variable duties 差价税Variable Duty 可变税Variable Import 进口差价税Variable Levies差价税Verification 核实Vertical merger 垂直兼并Veterinary Services 兽医服务Violation Claims 违反之诉Visible Balance 有形收支余额Visible Export and Import 有形进出口Visible Trade 有形贸易Visible Trade Balance 有形贸易余额Voluntary Export Quota 自愿出口配额Voluntary Restraint of Export 自愿出口限制Voluntary Standard 自愿性标准Voluntary Undertakings 自愿承诺WWaiver (WTO 义务)豁免Water Transport Services 水运服务Welfare Services 社会福利服务Well-Known Trademark 驰名商标Wheat Flour 面粉案Wholesale Trade Services 批发服务Withdraw 撤回Withdraw concessions 撤销减让Withdraw from the Agreement 退出协定Withdrawal 退出Withdrawal of the Measures 措施撤回Withholding of Concessions 停止减让Witness statement 证词Work of Applied Art 实用艺术作品Working party 工作组Working Procedures 工作程序Wrongful Detention of Goods 错误扣押商品WTO Agreement WTO 协议WTO Secretariat 世界贸易组织秘书处YYearly Updates 年度更新ZZero Binding 零关税约束Zero Duties 零关税Zero-for-Zero Approach 零对零方法Zero-for-Zero Principle 零对零原则Zero-for-Zero Proposal 零对零建议Zeroing 归零Zero-Margin Harmonization 零差别协调。
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第一节 WTO概述
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization designed to supervise and liberalize international trade. The WTO came into being on 1 January 1995.
The WTO’s headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Its main mission is "to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible".
Its five principles: (1) Non-Discrimination (2) Reciprocity (3) Binding and enforceable
commitments (4) Transparency (5) Safety valves
(2) 拉丁语
3、古英语词语的使用 在WTO的所有协定中,几乎都能找到
这样的行文"Members,...Hereby agree as follows:(各成员,……特此 协议如下:)此处的“hereby”为古英语 词汇,这类词语一般都用于法律文件 中,体现其典型的国际协议的行文体 例和风格。这类词语大多以 “here”,”there”开头,部分以 “where”开头。以here和there开头的 这类词语几乎可以互用。
The WTO has 153 members, which represents more than 95% of total world trade.
The WTO is governed by a Ministerial Conference, which meets every two years; a General Council, which implements the conference’s policy decisions and is responsible for day-to-day administration; and a directorgeneral, who is appointed by the Ministerial Conference.
从 1948 年的 GATT 到今天 WTO, WTO 已经制定和通过了大量的法律 文件和各种协定, 以此来规范WTO 成员国之间的经贸活动。WTO 这些 法律和协定用三种语言拟定, 即英语、 法语和西班牙语, 三种文本具有同等 效力, 尤以英文文本的使用最为广泛。 WTO 英文法律文本具有一定的语言 特色, 了解这些语言特色有助于我们 更好的理解 WTO 英文法律文本。
in proportion to commensurate with 与…相当
除此之外,在法律文献中出现频率较 高的古体词汇还有:aforementioned (上述的),aforesaid(如前所述), thence(从那时起),thenceforth (其后,从那时起),whosoever (不管是谁)等等。
Members shall comply with Articles 1 through 21 of the Berne Convention (1971) and the Appendix thereto. However, Members shall not have rights or obligations under this Agreement in respect of the rights conferred under Article 6 is of that Convention or of the rights derived therefrom.
WTO法律文件以准确严谨为主要特点, 其文体属于庄严文体(The frozen style),其用词、句法结构、文体、行 文方式等有其自身的特点和要求。由 于WTO协定直接规定成员的权力和义 务,其用词自然不同于文学语言丰富 多样性和新闻词汇时尚创新性,其追 求的是词汇的严谨统一,并体现法律 文件的庄严冷峻和不带感情色彩的语 气。
此句中的thereto和therefrom都是复合副 词,。Thereto可理解为to there或to that, there from可理解为from there或from that。
译:各成员均应遵守《伯尔尼公约》(1971) 第一条至第二十一条及其附录。但就《伯 尔尼公约》第六条附则下授予的权利或该 附则中引出的权利而言,各成员不应享有 或承担本协议的权利或义务。
Its main two functions
(1) It oversees the implementation, administration and operation of the covered agreements.
(2) It provides a forum for negotiations and for settling disputes.
Hale Waihona Puke passelapse
2、频繁使用法语、拉丁语等 (1)法语单词