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I. 根据首字母提示完成各句所缺单词:

1. Please take the dirty clothes to the l______.

2. All the students must s_____ the floor after school.

3. Some women say it is true, but others d_____.

4. My grandfather keeps a lot of g_____; but he doesn’t like keep birds.

5. F____ the letter and mail it for me.

II. 选用合适的`处所名词完成下列各句:

(A. hospital B. the post office C. a bus stop D. a fruit shop E. a bookshop F. a hotel G. the bank)

1. If you are ill, you’d better go to ____.

2. If you want to take a bus, you should wait at____.

3. If you want to buy some books, you should go to ___.

4. If you want to post a letter, please go to _____.

5. If you want to buy some bananas, you should go to ____.

III. 单项选择:

1. We must keep our classroom ____.

A. clean

B. cleaning

C. to clean

D. cleans

2. The coin passes from ____ to ____.

A. one; other

B. one; another

C. another; other

D. one; the another

3. Jim’s bike is broken, but he can mend it. He ____.

A. need help

B. needs help

C. needn’t to help

D. doesn’t need any help

4. I have five pencils. Two of them are green, ____ are red.

A. the other

B. another

C. other’s

D. the others

5. Tom sits ___ the back of the classroom and Lily sits ___ the front row.

A. in; in

B. at; in

C. at; at

D. in; at

6. It’s time for class. You’d better ____ away your toys.

A. put

B. to put

C. putting

D. puts

7. Li Lei loves ___ this game.

A. play

B. to play

C. plays

D. to playing

8. You should do it ___ your mother tells you.

A. when

B. as

C. like

D. because

9. My seat is between ____ in the classroom.

A. Joan and Mike

B. Joan’s and Mike

C. Joan and Mike’s

D. Joan’s and Mike’s

10. I’m ____ my clock here and there, but I can’t ___ it.

A. looking for; find

B. finding; look for

C. finding; look at

D. looking at; find

IV. 按要求变化下列各句:

1. Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest police station?(改为同义句)

Could you tell me _____ ____ _____ ____ the nearest police station?

2. You need a No. 103 bus. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ ____ ____?

3. It’s about half an hour’s walk to the zoo. (改为同义句)

____ ___ half an hour to walk to the zoo.

4. Could you pass him the pen?(改为同义句)

Could you pass ____ ____ ____ ____?

5. You’d better put your bike here. It’s not safe. (改为否定句)

You ____ ____ ____ ____ your bike here.

6. Take the fourth turning on the right. (改为同义句)

____ ____ ____the fourth turning.
