大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 3Unit 1-passage b-词汇充电

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大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 3Unit 1-passage b-词汇充电

1 atop

prep. on, to, or at the top of在……顶上:Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.报纸的下面,一张纸的上面,有一只信封。

2 audio

adj. connected with or used in the broadcasting or receiving of sound radio signals 听觉的;声音的:The school’s audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media device, not to mention films, records, etc.这所中学的视听设备包括一套新的多媒体装置, 更不用说电影、录音等设备了。

【联想】visual 视觉的;video 电视的;录像的

【短语】audio-band n. 声频带/ audio-circuit n. 声频电路/ audio-fidelity n. 声频逼真度/ audio-visual adj. 视觉听觉的; 视听( 教学法) 的

3 boundary

n. the dividing line, esp. between two areas of land 分界线;边境线:The river is the boundary between the two countries. 这条河是两国的界河。|Science advances the boundaries of knowledge. 科学扩展了知识的范围。【联想】bound 界限+-ary 名词后缀

【考题】Negotiations about fixing the _______ between the two countries are still going on.

A. frontier

B. edge

C. boundary

D. border

【详解】答案C。句意:两国间关于边界划分的谈判仍在进行之中。A、C、D项均有“边界”之意。boundary着重指自然形成的“边界线”,多指领土分界线;border 意

为“较宽的边缘”,多指两国之间分界处附近的边缘地区,即“边境”;frontier 指


【短语】the boundaries of the country 国界;界限;范围/the boundaries of knowledge 知识范围

4 brilliant

adj. ①very bright; sparking 非常明亮的;光辉夺目的:a brilliant color 鲜明的颜色|②very intelligent; highly skilled or talented 极聪明的;技艺精湛的;才华横溢的:The soloist gave a brilliant performance. 独奏演员进行了卓越的表演。

【短语】a brilliant speaker 一位卓越的演说家/ a brilliant artist 一位有才华的艺术家

5 cabin

n. ①a small room on a ship usu. used for sleeping 船舱:a four-berth cabin 四个铺位的船舱|② a small roughly built (wooden) house 小( 木) 屋:There is a simple cabin in the forest. 森林里有一个简陋的小木屋。

6 climate

n. the type of weather that a region has气候:The present political climate is good for him.当前的政治气候对他有利。

【联想】contemplation n. 呆视,冥想,期待,打算;contemplative adj. 耽于冥思的,好沉思默想的。近义词consider, deliberate ,expect, intend, plan, ponder,

reflect, study, think

【考题】These trees cannot be grown in such a cold ________ as ours.

A. weather

B. season

C. climate

D. space

【详解】答案C。句意:这些树在我们这儿这么冷的天气下不能生长。climate 和weather 不同,climate 指“某地一般的气候”,而weather 指“某地一时的天气”。

【短语】arctic climate 北极气候|arid climate 干燥气候|artificial climate 人工气候|authoritarian classroom climate 严格管教的课堂气氛coastal climate 海岸气候|

continental climate 大陆气候

7 communicate

v. ①to make known告知,传达:The Minister for Foreign Affairs has already communicated on this event with the American President.外交部长已经跟美国总统就此事件交换过意见了。

②to share or exchange opinions, news, information, etc 交流,交际,通讯,沟通:Since then,

they lost their ability to communicate with an audience.自那以后他们再也无法引起观众的共鸣。

【联想】communication n. 交流,沟通;传达;community n. 共同体

8 decade

n. a period of ten years 十年:for decades on end 数十年如一日

【联想】[熟]December( 原来是“十月”) →[根]dec(im) (=10) →[生]decade 十年;decimal 十进制的

9 directly

adv. ①in a direct manner 直接地:The road runs directly north. 道路径直通向北方。②at once, instantly 立即,立刻:He’ll be coming directly.他一会就来|We came directly

we got your telephone.我们一接到你的电话就赶来了。

【联想】immediately/instantly/directly+ 从句=as soon as+ 从句

【考题】The policemen went into action _______ they heard the alarm.

A. promptly

B. presently

C. quickly

D. directly【详解】答案D。句意:警察们一听

到警报就采取行动了。directly 立即,马上,此处为连词,有“一……就”之意,

相当于as soon as。其他三项均为副词,不能用做连词。

【辨异】direct, directly |direct adv. 用于具体意义“不拐弯,不转向”。如:You should go direct to him. 你应该直接到他那儿去。|directly 多用于抽象意义上“直接地”。

如:The measure affects me directly. 此举措对我有直接影响。

10 focus

n. ①point at which rays (of light, sound, etc) meteor from which they appear to come (光、声等大)中心点,源|[搭配] the focus of a lens. 透镜的焦点|②centre of activity , interest, etc.

活动的中心;使人感兴趣的所在:Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.他由于服装奇特, 一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。

【考题】The new union will provide a _________ for discounted teachers.

A. foam

B. fodder

C. middle

D. focus

【详解】答案D。题意:这个新协会将为不满意的教师提供一个活动中心。foam 泡沫;

fodder 饲料;middle中心,中部,多指事物两端之间的位置,常用于短语in the

middle of;focus 集中点,中心。

v. to concentrate on something集中(注意力):You must try to focus your mind on work and study. (喻)你应该努力把思想集中在工作的学习上。|All eyes were focused on the speaker. ( 喻) 大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。

【辨异】focus, concentrate 指“集中( 精神、精力)”时两词可以换用,但focus 一般不以具体事物作宾语,concentrate 则可以。

【短语】fo cus one’s attention on=pay attention to集中注意|focus...on...使……集中于……|bring into focus (=bring to a focus) 使集中在焦点上; 使清楚起来; 使
