1. 引言1.1 跨文化交际定义跨文化交际是指不同文化背景下的人们之间进行信息交流、理解和互动的过程。
1.2 中美文化差异概述中美两国作为世界上最具影响力的国家之一,其文化差异也是跨文化交际中的重要议题之一。
此外,在表达感谢与否时,中国人通常不犯直接表达的错误,而西方人则往往会在发邮件或者电话中说“thank you”等轻描淡写的表达方式。
中西方礼仪文化差异——跨文化视角分析中华民族拥有五千年的发展历史, 礼仪文化底蕴深厚。
面对全球化进程的快速发展, 人们的跨文化交际行为逐渐增多, 所涉及到的跨文化活动的范围也越来越广泛。
受到地域和传统文化的影响, 不同区域内的人们的思维方式以及价值观念往往存在着较大的差异性。
如何正视这些差异性, 是营造良好跨文化交际环境的重要因素。
一、产生中西方礼仪文化差异的原因分析礼仪文化是人们在日常交际过程中逐渐形成的一种文化表现现象, 其形成的过程是非常漫长的, 也是一个国家、一个地区风俗习惯的重要表现。
因此, 造成中西方礼仪文化存在差异性的原因有很多, 具体表现为以下几个方面。
(一) 价值观不同导致礼仪文化差异价值观的差异是造成中西方礼仪文化差异的重要原因。
我国礼仪文化的核心思想讲究的是万物和谐, 包括人和人、人和事、人和物的和谐相处。
而西方价值观是倡导自由、解放天性, 思想较为开放, 强调自我是西方礼仪文化价值观所着重表现。
(二) 学派思想的不同导致礼仪文化差异在我国, 儒家思想一直是国家发展历程中所坚持的主流思想。
就礼仪文化而言, 儒家思想对其产生了非常重要的影响。
忠孝悌、礼仪、立信、廉耻是儒家思想所追捧和提倡的, 要求人们要注重伦理关系、依礼办事。
但是西方国家却很不同, 在16世纪工人阶层掀起了精神、知识、文化大解放的文艺复兴运动, 来发泄对统治阶级以及资产阶级的强烈不满。
题目: 跨文化角度下的中英社交礼仪对比研究
1. 中英两国的社交礼仪的主要差异和相似点是什么?
2. 什么是中英社交礼仪要注意的问题?
3. 为什么要尊重对方的社交礼仪?
1. 收集中英社交礼仪相关的文献、研究资料和案例分析等。
2. 设计问卷,通过对社交礼仪问题的调查分析来探究中英社交礼仪
3. 对所得数据进行分析和比较,总结中英社交礼仪的差异和相似点。
为了在跨文化交际中更好地应用中西方商务礼仪,首先,我们需要树立跨文 化意识,尊重并理解对方的文化差异。其次,加强语言交流能力,避免因语言障 碍而造成的误解和冲突。再次,培养高效的沟通技巧,包括倾听、表达、反馈等。 最后,建立长期稳定的合作关系,以降低文化差异带来的风险。
本研究从跨文化交际的视角探讨了中西方商务礼仪的差异及其对策。中西方 商务礼仪作为两种不同的文化现象,各有所长,也各有所短。在全球化背景下, 为了更好地促进国际商务交流与合作,我们需要树立跨文化意识,提高沟通技巧, 培养合作精神,以应对中西方商务礼仪差异带来的挑战。未来的研究可以进一步 探讨不同文化背景下的商务礼仪及其对国际商务合作的影响,为跨文化交际提供 更为丰富的理论和实践指导。
1、加强跨文化意识。在商务交往中,要充分了解对方的文化背景和商务礼 仪习惯,尊重对方的差异,以建立良好的合作关系。
2、提高沟通技巧。学习如何在跨文化交际中表达自己的观点,同时倾听和 理解对方的需求。采用直接、坦率的沟通方式,避免模棱两可的语言表达。
3、建立互信机制。在商务合作过程中,要注重建立长期、稳定的合作关系。 通过加强企业间的文化交流活动,增进双方之间的了解和信任。
中西方商务礼仪在诸多方面存在显著差异。例如,中国商务人士往往注重关 系和情感的建立,而西方商务人士更具体业务和合同的签订。此外,中国式的热 情和谦虚在西方文化中可能被视为不专业或缺乏自信的表现,而西方的直接和坦 率的交流方式在中国文化中可能会被视为不礼貌或冒犯。
然而,这些差异并非绝对优劣之分。在具体的商务情境中,中西方商务礼仪 各有其优点和适用性。例如,中国式的热情和好客可以营造友好的合作氛围,有 助于建立长期稳定的合作关系。而西方的直接和坦率的交流方式则可以提高沟通 效率,使双方更加了解彼此的需求和立场。
概括起来有以下几种:1、中国人之间彼此较为熟悉的人见面问候时,一般采用下列用语:“上哪去?”、“吃过了吗?”如果把这些问候语直译成英语(即:Where are you going? Have you eaten yet?”)。
不了解汉习俗语,比如,问对方:“Have you eaten yet?对方可能觉的这不是单纯的问候的话,而会误认为你可能发出对他|她的邀请。
又如“Where are you going?”很可能引起对方的不快,所以他|她对这一句话的反应极有可能是:“It’s none of your business.(你管得着吗?)。
3、在英语中祝愿性质的见语与比较多,例如Good morning, Good afternoon,Good evening, Good day ,Good night都是祝愿性的。
1. 简述社交礼仪在跨文化交流中的重要性在跨文化交流的背景下,社交礼仪的重要性不容忽视。
2. 提出研究中英社交礼仪对比的目的与意义随着全球化的深入发展,国际交流与合作日益频繁,不同文化背景下的社交礼仪成为影响跨文化交流成功与否的重要因素。
然而,如果按照字面意思翻译成英文就是“Where are you going?”、“Where have you been?”这样的疑问句往往会让西方人理解为侵犯了他人的隐私,同样在西方文化中,年龄、工作单位、收入、婚姻家庭状况等话题属于个人隐私,也是非常敏感的话题。
也许是由于英美人比较讲究效率,因此不会像中国人那样热情,他们常用的打招呼语是大家非常熟悉的“Hi”、“Hello”、“How are you?”或“Good morning!”、“Good evening!”、“Good afternoon!”等。
除此之外,他们也会采取谈论天气的方式,通常的问候有“What a nice day!”“Beautiful sunny day,isn’t it?”。
关键字:跨文化交际;社交礼仪;差异Abstract: With intercultural communication becoming more and more popular today,misunderstandings and conflict often occur among Chinese people and foreigners in social activities owing to differences of social etiquettes。
As a consequence, knowing more about the differences becomes quite necessary. Besides, the writer analyses the causes mainly from aspects as differences of cultures,modes of think,values, and so on。
Knowing the differences of social etiquettes between china and the western country and causes,do good to reduce the conflict in intercultural communication。
Key words: Inter—cultural communication; Social Etiquettes; Difference随着中国改革开放的进一步深入,特别是在中国加入WTO以后,中西方人民的沟通愈加紧密,跨文化交际日益繁荣.由于中西方的历史与文化的不同,各国人民在进行礼尚交往时的习惯也有不少差异,尤其,礼仪上的差别很大.因为不了解这些差异而引起的误会和冲突并不少见。
| 中外互鉴跨文化视域下中西方行为礼仪的差异分析□吴娅/文本文基于跨文化交际的角度,从社交礼仪、公共礼仪、礼貌语礼仪、身势礼仪四个方面来比较中西方行为礼仪的不同,分析差异形成的原因主要包括价值观差异、文化模式不同以及宗教观念不同,最后得出启示。
1 中西方行为礼仪的差异中西方所处的文化圈不同,这种不同首先体现在行为礼仪上。
1.1 社交礼仪的差异社交活动是人与人之间进行交际时必不可少的一部分,是人们在进行社会交往活动中形成的固有的、被大众接受且共同遵守的行为规范[1]。
中西社交礼仪的差异主要表现在以下几个方面:1.1.1 见面打招呼的方式不同中国人在与比较亲密的人打招呼时,一般会问对方“上课吗?”“去哪儿啊?”“干啥去呀?”“吃了吗?”,但是并不需要对方做出回答。
1.1.2 宴请方式与用餐礼仪不同中国人在邀请朋友来家里做客时比较随意,一般会提前一两天邀请对方,以口头或者电话信息的形式通知,吃饭的时间也可以根据双方的意愿调整,安排较灵活。
! 梁璐茜
礼仪是一种文化 ! 是人与人之间的交流规则 " 礼 仪是由风俗或 传 统 逐 渐 演 变 ! 再 经 过 专 门 规 定 而 形 成 的一种行为规范 " 它既是一种语言 ! 也是一种工具 " 而 语言是文化的 载 体 和 折 射 镜 ! 是 文 化 的 组 成 部 分 ! 同 时也是我们日常沟通的主要工具 " 文化是一个社会全 部物质文明和精神文明的总和 " 所以礼仪与文化有着 极密切的关系 " 由于中国和以英美为代表的西方国家 之间的文化背 景 不 同 ! 所 以 中 西 两 种 语 言 在 文 化 上 有 着很大的差异 " 在 跨 文 化 交 际 日 益 盛 行 的 的 今 天 ! 了 解中西方社交 礼 仪 的 差 异 以 及 产 生 的 差 异 的 原 因 ! 有 利于减少中西跨文化交际中社交礼仪冲突的发生 " 因 此 ! 本文对产生差异的原因进行了探究 ! 并详细介绍了 中西社交礼仪在诸多方面的差异 " #% 社交礼仪差异产生的原因 "#" 受环境因素的影响 在中西方日常礼仪差异方面 ! 环境起着重要的作 用 " 英国人见面经常谈论天气 # 而中国人总是问 $ 你吃 了吗 % &" 这反映了两国人民处于不同的自然环境中 !所 关心的事物不同 " 中国有句古话 ’民以食为天 &!这说明 我们把吃看得与天一样重要 " 中国人是很重视 ’ 吃 & 是 因为我们这个民族在过去几千年里面对的是恶劣的自 然环境 ! 生产力水 平 较 低 下 ! 人 们 总 是 吃 不 饱 ! 所 以 才 会有一种独特的把吃看得重于一切的文化 " 这是出于 生存的需要 " 而在英国 ! 人们之所以关心天气 ! 是因为 那里的天气经常变幻无常 !属于海洋性气候 " "$% 受价值取向的影响 中国文化是集体价值取向型 " 中国的核心价值是 儒家思想 " 中国人特别注重家庭的伦理以及每个人在 家庭中的位置 ! 在这种环境中成长起来的年轻人都会
2014 届中美在跨文化交际中商务礼仪的对比研究A Comparative Study of Sino-US Business Etiquette inCross-Cultural Communication学院:英语学院专业:英语班级:英语1017班学号:0307101734学生姓名:经玲玲指导教师:沈妍斐日期:摘要随着中国经济的快速发展,国际间的贸易往来日趋频繁。
关键词:商务礼仪;跨文化交际;差异AbstractWith the rapid development of China’s economy, international trade has become increasingly frequent. As an important link in international business communication, business etiquette plays a vital role in smooth negotiation of the international business activities. This paper is mainly about the Sino-US business etiquette in the cross-cultural communication, to point out the differences of business etiquette between China and the United States and to explore the causes of the differences, to perfect business negotiation etiquette study. The study of the application of negotiation etiquette in the international business negotiation is made in order to improve international business negotiation and enhance businessm en’s comprehensive ability to use English.In international business negotiations to understand the different culture, be familiar with the business activities of the cultural differences, understand and master the necessary etiquette and manners, so as to establish a good personal image and corporate image, promote the success of business negotiation, company and even the whole country's international competitiveness.Key words: business etiquette; cross-cultural communication; differenceTable of Contents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1 Introduction (1)2 Manifestations of Differences in Business Etiquette (1)2.1 Different meeting etiquette (1)2.1.1 Title (1)2.1.2 Communicative language (2)2.1.3 Greetings (2)2.2 Different dining etiquette (3)2.2.1 Seating arrangements (3)2.2.2 Diet atmosphere (3)2.2.3 Dinner manners (4)2.3 Different social etiquette (5)2.3.1 Concept of time (5)2.3.2 Social distance (5)3. Analysis From the Cultural Dimension (6)3.1 Concept of time (6)3.2 Concept of space (6)3.3 Concept of value (7)3.4 Nonverbal habits (7)4. Strategies (7)4.1 From the perspective of China (7)4.2 From the perspective of the United States (8)5. Conclusion (8)References (9)摘要、abstract粗体Reference 四号字体1. IntroductionSince China has been a large international country, there are more and more international trade and economic cooperation. International business communication inevitably happens through the whole process of business activities. Business etiquette is a very critical aspect that nonverbal communication is applied, and it is used on all kinds of business occasions. Sometimes one mistake could lead to the failure of business. Although the writer has listed many applications of business etiquette, the readers could keep on improving their business communicational skills by practicing and observing daily business etiquette. Most of the studies focus on the language itself and the differences between two kinds of culture. However, how to use business etiquette properly depends on various situations, which is often neglected by the researchers. This thesis is supposed to probe into the cultural differences between China and western countries and explore the features, functions and classifications of business etiquette. Moreover, since business etiquette has been drawing more and more attention these years, this thesis will give some new ideas applied business etiquette. Because culture influences etiquette, the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are vastly different from culture to culture. With such different cultural backgrounds between China and America, the business etiquette of the two countries is different beyond question. The significance of writing this research is to help us to understand some new theories or principles in culture and the business etiquette. And then we can choose the correct way we can choose to do in the trade activities. Finally, the cooperation between our China and the United States will be more successful.2. Manifestations of differences in business etiquette2.1 Different meeting etiquetteDifferent meeting etiquette can be analyzed in title, communicative language, and greetings, which are illustrated as follows.2.1.1 TitleIn general, Chinese and English address forms in business activity are noticeably different in the following aspects.First, in English, the “Dr.”and “Prof.” are highly honored and frequently used. But in China, most professional titles can be used as address terms. What is more, position titles in Chinese are far more widely accepted and employed in China than in the west. In China, when people meet in business occasions, they would first select position titles to show the highest respect and politeness, otherwise it would be regarded as rudeness. The position titles in Chinese are various. They can be employed alone, such as“局长”, or with surname added before, such as“李局长”. If a person has other position titles or professional titles, the higher rank position titles would be the first selection. However, in English, one never hears English speakers address others as Bureau Director Johnson,Manager Tom, and Principal Smith. Only a few position titles would be used such as “President”“Dean” “Judge” “Governor”“Mayor”. At last, western people in business are more pragmatic in addressing others by position titles. For example, they will address vice-general manager instead of “General Manager”which is more accustomed to Chinese.2.1.2 Communicative languageIn China, modesty is a virtue, and low-key is an attitude, but in the U.S. People always want to compliment each other to make a positive evaluation and a positive response to his praise. These different compliments are connected with the two countries’ different culture. Chinese are so shy and modest, so when others give compliments to him or her, the person would say, “no, no, I am not so good. You are overstating the point”, if an American is complimenting you and you give them this response, they will think you are different from others and cannot be understood easily. Americans like to say “t hank you” all the time, even among their family members. They think it is a good way to express their own gratitude to others. A good case in point is that a foreigner came to China to pay a visit to his friend. When he saw his friend’s wife, he said, “Your wife is very beautiful.” But his friend answered with humility, “w here, where.” The foreigner was totally at a loss, and answered with puzzlement, “e verywhere.” When it comes to westerners, some Chinese people will hold the idea that they are too narcissistic and self-confident, at the same time, the westerners will be very surprised on hearing them denying the praises and their own achievements, in fact, the self-deprecating way of Chinese people will create a false sense for foreigners who do not understand the traditional cultural practices of China. However, Westerners do not have such habits, when they are praised, they always feel very happy and say thank you to symbolize praise accepted. For example, when a person says, “Your hairstyle looks gorgeous!” to another man, the man will say, “Thank you very much.”2.1.3 GreetingsYou should extend enthusiasm and hospitality to all guests. When people are showing the way to guests, the proper way is to walk on the left side of them. People in charge of reception should walk side by side with guests, avoiding lagging behind, while other escorts should walk behind guests and main escorts. After accompanying visitors to the door, you’d better look after them for a while until you cannot see them, and close the door gently if it is necessary. Otherwise, it is very impolite to slam the door, which will possibly destroy all the affection you have nursed carefully during the visit.Firstly, English greeting often indicate the time of the day, while Chinese greetings have no such indication. For exa mple, in English “g ood morning”is often used from early morning to lunchtime and it can be used in formal informational occasion. But “Good morning” in English cannot correspond with “您好” in Chinese which does not indicate the same time. “您早” in Chinese is often used in a very short time from earlymorning to breakfast. Therefore, it will cause unpleasantness if you greet Chinese people with “您早” after 10 o’clock in the morning because he/she will think this is an ironical remark. Another distinction is that English greetings usually ask general questions about someone’s work, life and health, but some Chinese greetings sound more specific and are often considered as a preliminary remark to a request for information instead of greetings by westerners. The Chinese people often use “你吃过饭了吗?”(“Have you had your meal?”) “干什么去?”(“Where are you going?”) to greet acquaintance. But these kinds of greetings often confuse the foreigners because they don’t know these are the common way used by Chinese people to express their concern for friends. On the other hand, the western people often discuss about the weather when they meet each other. They often say, “It’s a fine day, isn’t it?”“What is the weather like today?” Or“Do you think it will rain/snow?” And Chinese people are not accustomed to this kind of greetings. In short, in order to avoid misunderstanding, we can use the Chinese way to greet Chinese people and use the English way to greet English people.2.2 Different Dining Etiquette2.2.1 Seating ArrangementsSeating arrangement is a very important part of business etiquette, which is often considered as whether you treat business partner properly or politely. On formal business occasions, especially on international business occasions, inappropriate seating arrangements will have serious influence on business communication.1) In a vehicleThere is a strict system of etiquettes when taking seats in vehicles, especially in cars. Even in the same car, way of taking seats differs according to the status of the driver. For example, if a professional driver is driving the car, the seat next to the driver is presumed to be “Retinue Seat”, always taken by retinue, secretaries, and bodyguards. However, if leaders or hosts drive in person, the seat next to him is superior to other seats and regarded as the seat taken by the main guest.2) In a meetingMost of the tables used in a formal business meeting are horizontal tables. Horizontal tables mean bar- or ellipse-shaped tables that are placed horizontally in the meeting room. Visiting party sit facing the door while host party is in front of the door. The host and main guests sit face to face in the middle of all the seats, and others take seats in an order from right to left, from high to low in accordance with their positions. As for domestic talks, assistants should sit on the left side of their hosts. However, interpreters often take seats on the left side of the host in international negotiation.2.2.2 Diet atmosphereChinese people like the lively atmosphere diet, but Americans are pursuit of elegance, quiet atmosphere. Chinese people like to get together with others at the table and they will say “干杯” in Chinese and hope all of others can stand up and hit the cup.Chinese people attach great importance to the collectivism so that they are accustomed to drinking a lot and letting others drink a lot, too. Chinese like to show their hospitality to their guests, so when they are having a dinner around a table, the Chinese host intends to pour the wine and serve the dishes again and again in case those guests cannot eat happily or not contented with their dishes. But this kind of behavior will annoy Americans because they think that they are loaded with so much food. Instead, in American’s mind, they prefer the “Help yourself, please”. Therefore, Americans like to be quite during the whole dining process. They like the gentle ways of eating and they hate others to be noisy.2.2.3 Dinner mannersThe purpose of dining with business partners is not merely to eat or drink, but to extend the business meeting during the dinner. Even when business is not being discussed, a great deal of business can be done by extending the depth of a relationship, by communicating equally and respectively, and by repairing any overt hostility that may have come out during a meeting (王忠伟,蒲岸华,李洪娜,胡迎春, 2007: 21). Business people go to restaurants and bars, where inhibitions are reduced and friendships are formed. In many cultures, business is not talked about during the dinner, while in the United States, it is not considered rude to deal with specifics of business. Time and place of dining also vary with different cultures. In some parts of the world the main meal is at noon while in other countries it is in the evening. In some cultures, business meals are eaten in private homes while in other cultures they are usually eaten at restaurants.The manner of eating differs widely. One noticeable difference between the settings on Chinese dinner table and a western one is that in the west you will have your own plate of food, while in China all the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares (Hudson, R.A 67). In western eating style, people cut the meat with the knife held in the right hand and the fork in the left, then place the knife on the plate, shift the fork to the right hand. Chinese use chopsticks especially for eating rice but use a spoon to drink soup. They appreciate foreigners’ attempting to use chopsticks and are often willing to demonstrate the correct usage. Chinese dinner usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, which are to be followed by the main courses of hot meat, and vegetable dishes. Soup will then be served, which is followed by dessert, noodles or dumplings. Chinese food enjoys a high reputation in the world due to its exquisite taste and charming appearance. In the United States, a formal lunch usually consists of two or three courses, and a formal dinner consists of three to seven courses. Drinking is always involved in many social entertainments. Most of the rest of the world still enjoys a tipple during lunch and at after-hours meetings in connection with business. In China alcohol is a part of Chinese folklore and has a long history. Chinese hospitality requires that people toast each other and drink heartily. Formal toast is still the norm in China that the host usually proposes a toast with "Gan bei" (bottoms up). Most Chinese like eating spicy food andanimal organs. Some people eat dogs and cats in northern part of China. Chinese like to sit during the dinner to show sincerity. Strong white liquor and beer are the most common spirits. They rarely eat animal organs or feet and most of them dislike eating spicy food and never eat dogs and cats.2.3 Different Social Etiquette2.3.1 Concept of timeTime talks. In most Western cultures, punctuality communicates respect and tardiness can be an insult. A late message, whether term paper, business report, or press release, is likely to have undesirable consequences. In other cultures, however, timeliness is an insult. Time communicates role relationships and status. The “boss” may walk right into the subordinate office, while the subordinate knocks before entry the boss's office. Studies have verified that the lower the status of the visitor is, the longer he or she waits before getting into the office. The element of time can also communicate alarm.All cultures take their own time system for granted and believe other cultures operate with the same time frame. Thus misunderstanding is inevitable. In the United States, people have all learned that the boss can arrive late for a meeting without anyone raising an eyebrow, if the secretary is late, he or she may receive a reprimand in the form of a stern glance. However, for the Chinese, respect is a key value. Chinese usually show this value by arriving earlier for business as demonstration of respect for someone whom they do not know.2.3.2 Social distanceChinese culture is mainly a collective one. As for the Chinese personal distance, there is no mature resea rching result. The Chinese think that Americans’ far personal distance means unfriendliness. In addition, while conversing with the opposite sex, the personal distance between Chinese is bigger than that of Americans. As with other forms of nonverbal communicate feelings and emotions, physical contact vanes communication, the use of touch to from culture to culture. In the United States it is generally avoided in conversation among ordinary friends or acquaintances. Merely touching someone may cause an unpleasantly reaction. If one touches another person accidentally, he/she utters an apology such as “Sorry”, “Oh, I'm sorry”, “Excuse me” etc. The traditional Chinese use the seating arrangement or show their respect to the most powerful or the eldest people.Culture influences even the manner and the meaning in seating arrangements. For example, Americans, when in groups, tend to talk with those opposite them rather than those seated or standing beside them. This pattern also influences how they select leaders when in groups: in most instances, the people seating at the head of the table is chosen. In America, leaders usually are accustomed to being somewhat removed physically from the rest of the group and consequently choose the chairs at the end the table. In China, seating arrangements take on different meanings. The Chinese often experiencealienation and uneasiness when they face someone directly or sit on the opposite sides of a desk or a table from someone; it makes them feel as if they were on trial. In addition, Americans' seating arrangement on a dinner party is different from Chinese. The main difference is: Chinese usually seat the most honorable guests at the most conspicuous places while English people or the Americans usually arrange them in the seats closest to the host; in a party, the husband and the wife often sit together, while Americans often try to separate them. Americans often avoid seating two males or females together, while Chinese try to seat people of the same sex together.3. Analysis From the Cultural Dimension3.1 Concept of timeDifferent concept of time in the behavior of business etiquette is mainly reflected in the following three aspects. The Chinese people like to arrange a time more casually, less emphasizing on reservation. However, Americans pay special attention to make an appointment. They arrange general business activities, and they carried out arrangements at least two weeks in advance to arrange an appointment. If you encounter a particularly important thing, you need at least two months before to make an appointment. Westerners’ concept of time is linked with the concept of money. In the U.S, if people want to pay a visit to someone, they have to give a prior notice or make an agreement with the other side, and explain the purpose of visit. Besides, the appointed time and place should be agreed upon before proceeding. In contrast, Chinese people are more used to the flexibility and arbitrariness of time. Sometimes, an appointment may be just a temporary decision that it is even made just half an hour earlier, and the appointed time is also not too strict, a few minutes late is a very common situation. Moreover, the excuses for late are diverse, like the traffic jam or some emergencies so that people can do noting about it. Generally speaking, Chinese people are not as strict as the Westerners on the concept of time, they always take that for granted and do not feel anything improper, but Westerners often feel unaccustomed to it.3.2 Concept of spaceDifferent concept of space in the behavior of business etiquette is mainly reflected in the use of space business establishments. In China, the general manager’s office is in the center of all the offices, but in the United States, the president of the company’s gene ral offices are generally located on the top floor of the building’s edge, followed by the contact distance business partners. The spatial distance from Chinese people and their business partners is related to the social class and status. Nowadays, hand shaking has become a custom to show hospitality and friendliness in many countries. Sometimes the gestures or facial expression cannot help with communication; some people would like to use the touching behavior. They hope to touch others in order to cause their attention and make sure whether others are listening to him or not, although there is a so-called the sense of distance in different counties. They would like to use the hand shaking to showtheir friendliness and the hug to show greeting between two sides. If one side have a touch on the body of another part unintentionally, he or she will always apology by saying “sorry” or “oh, I' m sorry”. Consequently, speakers usually do not stand too close to others unless the opposite side shows appreciation and asks for more closure. So when touching others, it is important to remember the distance between them, otherwise, hatred or anger will be caused by touching others (万玉兰. 1998, 43).3.3 Concept of valueIndividualism is regarded as the basic orientation of Western culture. Broadly speaking, the Westerners express strong interest in them. Each individual is unique and free. They prefer to regard themselves as independent and separate from others. And the expressions such as “self-confidence, self-interests and self-esteem” are popular forms to be seen. Children want to be far from the influence of their family and relatives. Almost every America believes that only God can help him or her. In this culture, each person is eager to become a person who has the right to own his or her private business, who has the freedom to express his or her thoughts and opinions, and who has the right to do what he or she wants. It is sure that individual identity and individual rights are given more attention by every Westerner. Chinese culture puts emphasis on social relationships as opposed to Western culture emphasizing on individuals. Obviously, it is greatly affected by the thoughts of Confucianism, which guide Chinese people to do something properly. “Ran”, the most important principle underlying almost all aspects of the people’s life in the Chinese context, deals with relationship, which is the most important characteristic in the collectivist societies. Obviously, relationship must be the predominant value in China. As a matter of fact, every person, ever since he or she was born, was placed into complex and orderly warps and woofs of hierarchical relationships. Though people’s social status may be unequal, they are equally essential in making the whole society operate.3.4 Nonverbal habitsWhen Chinese people talk with others, sometimes they will hand over their mouths to prevent the saliva, but Americans will think they are telling the lies mistakenly, Chinese people believe that a lady bends her little finger when she holds a cup is very elegant, but Americans hold the idea that it is an act of pretending to be elegant or she doesn’t want to touch things with fingers at all. However, some body languages are unique in the American culture, like the Americans are likely to move their rings when they are in the mood of anxiety and nervousness, but Chinese do not share this behavior.4. Strategies4.1 From the Perspective of ChinaAs the saying goes: “Do in Rome as the Romans do”. So when we go to another country or interact with foreigners, we should respect their culture. We cannot ask them to change their customs, religion, habits and so on. If possible, we can set up an English corner where foreigners get together and we share the culture with each other. Sincetoday’s world is globalized, we need to encompass different cultures to avoid the cultural conflicts. For instance, our country has established the “Confucius College” in the western countries to spread our culture to the whole world. Thus, it is very convenient for foreigners to get a good command of Chinese culture. Our Chinese students choose to study abroad to expand their knowledge as well. Before the initial contact with the United States, many business partners should understand the other’s culture, business etiquette, manners and timely adjust their behavior to create a relaxed business environment and make the business between the two countries proceed smoothly and successfully.4.2 From the Perspective of the United StatesUnited States is a powerful country, so that it is necessary for the country to learn as much as mutely-culture to strengthen the power. In terms of Chinese traditional cultures, the U.S needs to get to know the values of Chinese, the patter thoughts of China and their corresponding customs or habits. It grows quickly, and the Sino-US business cooperation is increasingly close. In order to reduce the conflicts, people should know the differences well in cultures and business etiquettes between China and America. Different Chinese and Western cultures lead to different business etiquette on their performance. Another point is, a s the preventative of the western culture,t he United States also has its own cultural background, which is different from other Western countries.5. ConclusionNowadays, all the people around the world see that China becomes a strong and rich country. It grows quickly, and the Sino-US business cooperation is increasingly close. In order to reduce the conflicts, people should know the differences well in cultures and business etiquettes between China and America. In a different cultural environment, everyone is not the same business perspective, the perspective of thinking is not the same, and so the approach to the problem is also not the same. So we have more reason to study this in depth. We must find out the effects of different cultural environment caused by human activity. 不是研究的必要性,是本研究得出的结论,请明确指出来。
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