



今天我们要介绍的法律英语内容可能是与各位读者的生活最为息息相关的——侵权行为法(Tort Law)的内容。



(一)历史渊源The history of Anglo-American tort law can be traced back to the action for trespass to property or tothe person.英美侵权行为法的历史可追溯到侵害财产权或者侵害人身权之诉。

Trespass to property or to the person,可以说是侵权法上最重要也是最基本的概念,它告诉我们侵权法的基本分类:对人身(tort against person)和对财产(tort against property)的侵犯这两类。


在转入正题之前,笔者觉得有义务向大家介绍一下几个容易混淆的法律名词:Crime & Tort相信大家都能理解crime (犯罪)和tort(侵权)同属于wrong (不法行为)一个大类之下,但它们的区别如何呢?请看例句的解释——A crime is an act so reprehensible that it is considered a wrong against society and state as a whole, aswell as against the individual victim.犯罪是一种不仅危害受害者个人而且危害整个国家和社会的应受严厉谴责的行为。

Simply stated, a tort is a wrong. It is a private wrong (civil as opposed to criminal) resulting from abreach of a legal duty derived from society's expectations regarding proper and improper interpersonalconduct.A tort is any socially unreasonable conduct, which is not contractual, for which a court will grantmonetary damages or an equitable remedy to compensate an individual for his/her injury. The rights andduties involved in a tort case may arise from either statute or common law.A crime is an offense against the public, and criminal law does not seek to compensate the victim. Tortincludes both deliberate wrongs (intentional torts) and inadvertent or accidental wrongs (negligent torts),as well as wrongs for which the offender is held liable regardless of motivation or ability to prevent the injury(strict liability). Tort law is perhaps the broadest and most volatile area of civil law.简单来讲,侵权就是不法行为。

Tort Law侵权法英文版

Tort Law侵权法英文版

侵权责任法Tort Liability Law第一章一般规定General Provisions第一条为保护民事主体的合法权益,明确侵权责任,预防并制裁侵权行为,促进社会和谐稳定,制定本法。

In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of civil subjects, clarify the tort lability, prevent and punishtortious conduct, and promote the social harmony and stability, this Law is formulated.第二条侵害民事权益,应当依照本法承担侵权责任。


Those who infringe upon civil rights and interests shall be subject to the tort liability according to this Law.“Civil rights and interests” in this Law include the right to life, right to health, right to name, right to reputation, right to honor, right to portrait, right of privacy, marital autonomy, guardianship, ownership, usufruct, security interest, copyright, patent right, exclusive right to use a trademark, right to discover, equities, right of succession, and other personal and property rights and interests.第三条被侵权人有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。

法律英语——Law of Torts

法律英语——Law of Torts






















法律英语专题:侵权法(tort law)资料讲解

法律英语专题:侵权法(tort law)资料讲解
The plaintiff must have a reasonable apprehension of such contact.
Actual fear on the plaintiff’s part is not required.
swinging a baseball bat at someone holding a rock and threatening to throw
torts against the person
assault battery false imprisonment intentional infliction of emotional distress
property torts
trespass to land trespass to chattels (personal property) conversion
dignitary torts
defamation invasion of privacy
Torts Against the Person
an intentional act that causes an apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact
法律英语专题:侵权法(tort law)
to deter others from committing the same act
US tort law
Tort law in the U. S. is largely common law.


was riding, causing him to fall and be injured mixing something offensive in food that he knows another will eat—the other does in fact eat the offensive matter
Tort Law
a civil wrong which unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm
★It does not include breach of contract or trust. (A civil wrong can be a tort, breach of contract or breach of trust.)
Many judges utilize the Restatement of Torts (2nd) as an influential guide.
The Restatement is an influential treatise issued by the American Law Institute, which summarizes the general principles of common law United States tort law.
With the tort of assault, a perceived threat by the victim is paramount.
*A defendant who throws a rock at a sleeping victim and misses can only be guilty of the attempted battery assault, since the victim would not be aware of the possible harm.

Tort 侵权-法律英语术语

Tort 侵权-法律英语术语

Tort 侵权-法律英语术语Tort 侵权-法律英语术语由整理。

1.In tort law the duty is imposed by the law.在侵权法中,责任是由法律规定的。

2.Some jurisdictions have established this tort to providea remedy for malicious deeds.有些司法管辖区规定了此种侵权行为,目的是对恶意行为受害人提供救济。

3.Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable.此种侵权行为为要承担共同和连带责任。

4.The law of tort provides rules of conduct that regulate how members of society interact and remedies if the rules are breached and damage is suffered.侵权行为法提供行为规则,规范社会成员的相互交往以及在该规则被违反和损害发生是,如何进行救济。

5.The law of tort aims to compensate those who have suffered as a result of a tort.侵权行为法的目的在于补偿被侵害人。

6.Tort law is a branch of civil law that is connected with civil wrongs, but not contract actions.侵权法属于民法的一部分,其与民事过错相关,与合同行为无关。

7.Tort liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property.过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵权之间的因果关系为前提。



《侵权责任法》英语一、单词1. Tort [tɔːt]- 释义:侵权行为(不包括违约等行为的民事过错)。

- 用法:常与“liability”(责任)搭配使用,如“tort liability”(侵权责任)。

- 双语例句:A tort is a civil wrong for which the law provides a remedy.(侵权行为是一种民事过错,法律为此提供救济。

)2. Liability [ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti]- 释义:责任;债务;倾向。

- 用法:可用于表达法律上的各种责任,如“tort liability”(侵权责任),“limited liability”(有限责任)。

- 双语例句:Thepany denies any liability for the accident.(公司否认对事故负有任何责任。

)3. Compensation [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn]- 释义:补偿;赔偿金;报酬。

- 用法:在侵权法中,常表示对受害人的赔偿,如pensation for damages”(损害赔偿)。

- 双语例句:The victim is entitled to receivepensation for his injuries.(受害人有权就其受伤获得赔偿。

)4. Damages [ˈdæmɪdʒɪz]- 释义:损害赔偿金;损害;损失。

- 用法:通常复数形式使用,如“claim damages”(要求损害赔偿)。

- 双语例句:The court awarded him substantial damages.(法院判给他巨额损害赔偿金。

)5. Negligence [ˈneɡlɪdʒəns]- 释义:疏忽;过失;粗心大意。

- 用法:是侵权责任的一个重要概念,如“negligence liability”(过失责任)。

- 双语例句:The accident was caused by his negligence.(事故是由他的疏忽造成的。



tortlawpassage美国侵权法概论@1、An overview of tort lawGood morning,everyone. Today let us talk about tort law. And through our speech so that you have a general understanding of tort law. In China, our tort law promulgated in 2009,the tort law is a new things.Generally speaking, tort law is a civil areas and tort is the law of civil wrongs. Tort law usually provides people with the rights to compensation when another person harms their legally protected interests.Its general characteristics are:(1)Tort is a certain civil legal consequences that between Infringer and the infringed party(2) infringement of a crime against a civil statutory right of the main or absolute power,mainly referring to property rights,personal rights and intellectual property rights,the claims can not be a tort of infringement of the object;A tort is to harm other people's civil rights and interests,such as personal rights, property rights are civil rights;other than the legitimate interests of the civil rights,such as the reputation of the deceased, name,etc(3)tort perpetrator consciously behavior,unilateral implementation of wrongdoing by the infringe statutory civil rights and obligations, tort is a legal fact.Now ,lets my teammate give us an introduction about the s cope of the T ort Liability Act@2、The scope of the Tort Liability ActGood morning everyone,now I will tell your something about Scope of the T ort Liability Act.First ,I will tall you what is Tort Liability,tort liability is tortfeasor against civil rights and interests of others Infringement of civil rights and interests shall bear the civil legal consequences.It belongs to one of civil liability.Tort liability applicable to a wide range ,such as The right to life, the right to health,the right to a name,the right of reputation ,PortraitFor Example:marital autonomy means citizens have the right to freedom of marriage,and that the citizens in accordance with the law according to their own will,voluntarily married or divorced own right,free from interference by others.Male and female citizens of their own marriage or divorce,comply with the conditions of the law, there is complete freedom to express their true meaning,anyone can not use the right to replace them to make a decision,or force them to make a decision against their will;Not only parents the right to interfere in the freedom of their children's marriage or divorce, and that their children have no right to interfere with the freedom oftheir parents divorce,remarriage and widowhood party freedom.Personal rights associated with personal or an inalienable right to direct property content,also known as personal non-property rights.Personal rights and property rights constitute the two major categories of basic civil rights in civil law.The two major categories of personal rights, including the right of personality and the right to identity,personality rights,including the right to life, physical power, the right to health,the right to a name,the name of rights,the right of reputation, honor and image rights.The right to an identity, including parental rights,spouse rights,the right of kinship.@3The principle of Tort LiabilityUnder civil law principle,the principle of attribution of tort have three principles:namely:the principle of fault liability,liability without fault principle and the principle of equitable responsibility.Fault liability principle,refers to the fault of the perpetrator is to accept the principle of attribution of civil liability Elements,general tort for fault liability principle,the principle as a principle of our tort law generally attributable status.liability without fault principle in case law,not whether the perpetrator should bear the Civil Responsibility of the judge in the presence of fault of the perpetrator,usually limit the scope of the principle of responsibility applies only to special provisions in thelaw situation,the"Civil Law"and"personal damages to explain" expressly provided.The principle of equitable responsibility in the law does not provide for the principle of liability without fault,apply the principle of fault liability of the unconscionability of the victim, according to the principle of fairness between the parties assigned damage assumed responsibility principle.The implementation of the principle of fault liability under civil law for the general tort and implement who advocate who is the burden of proof;special tort,product liability,liability for damage of the highly dangerous job,environmental pollution damages the animals cause damage responsibility,the responsibility of guardianship,the implementation of the principle of liability without fault;cause damage to buildings, etc.,and the ground construction cause damage to the implementation of the principle of presumption of fault.In thecase of the parties no fault of the law did not require the implementation of no-fault liability for damage caused applicable, based on the concept of social equity,the principle of equitable responsibility.Ok,next welcome to my teammate.thank you@4 The Concurrence between tort liability and libility for breach of contractHello,everyone,just now,my teammates had told something about the Overview,scope,and principle of Tort Liability.now I will tell your The Concurrence between tort liability and libility for breach of contract.The Concurrence between tort liability and libility for breach The Concurrence between tort liability and libility for breach means the behavior of a person for a violation include a double feature of infringement and breach the law on tort liability at the same time. knowing what kind of law should apply phenomenon is becoming important.Being in real life, due to the diversity and complexity of wrongdoing, tort liability and liability for breach of competition and cooperation is inevitable.For example, the civil medical liability.Medical tort is the responsibility of behavior by medical institutions due to the fault of the medical institutions and their medical staff, resulting in compromised patients in treatment activities. medical malpractice tort liability is assumed by the medical institutions due to their infringement and adverse consequences. Medical liability for breach of contract party shall bear civil liability for breach of contractual obligations. Medical institutions should bear the liability for breach of medical behavior as a contractual relationship; When we focus only onthe results ofthe patient's actual damages, medical institutions should bear tort liability for their actions. Liability for breach of contract and tort liability are two basic types of civil liability, due to the multiplicity of the complexity of the civil relations, the nature of the civil offense, these two types of responsibility often occurred competing.In China, it is generally applicable in practice is to request the right to freedom of competing. allowing the parties to free choice of the right of claim of damages for infringement and breach of the right to claim damages.Ok,that is all,thank you for your listen.Question:1/What is tort? If a dog bite you,can you say tort?2/The principle of Tort Liability have three main category,how do you distinguish them?3/Do you know the he Concurrence between tort liability and liability for breach of contract?。


The plaintiff must have a reasonable apprehension of such contact.
Actual fear on the plaintiff’s part is not required.
swinging a baseball bat at someone holding a rock and threatening to throw
Categories of torts
intentional torts
negligence strict liability torts
Intentional Torts
பைடு நூலகம்
An intentional tort is a tort resulting from an intentional act on the part of the tortfeasor.
(优选)法律英语专题侵权法 课件
a civil wrong which unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm
★It does not include breach of contract or trust. (A civil wrong can be a tort, breach of contract or breach of trust.)
dignitary torts
defamation invasion of privacy
Torts Against the Person



Definition of tort侵权的定义Categories of tort侵权行为的分类Intentional torts故意侵权Meaning of intent意向书的含义The main intentional torts主要的故意侵权Defenses to intentional torts故意侵权的抗辩Cases for in-class discussionNegligent tort *过失侵权*Meaning of negligence疏忽的含义Components of a negligent tort: Duty of care 疏忽侵权的组件:注意义务Defenses to negligent torts过失侵权行为的抗辩Cases for in-class discussionStrict liability *严格责任*Meaning of strict liability严格责任的含义The main torts where strict liability applies 主要侵权,严格责任的适用范围Limitations on strict liability 严格法律责任的限制Cases for in-class discussionGeneral IntroductionThe definition of tort侵权的定义A civil wrong wherein one person's conduct causes a compensable injury to the person, property, or a recognized interest of another, in violation of a duty imposed by law.一个人的行为引起了一种损害他人的人身,财产,公共利益,或违反法律所规定的义务的可赔偿的民事错误。


torts against the person
assault battery false imprisonment intentional infliction of emotional distress
property torts
trespass to land trespass to chattels (personal property) conversion
US tort law
Tort law in the U. S. is largely common law.
Courts have the power to shape and change the elements of claims and defenses of existing torts and the power to create new torts.
it at someone pointing a gun at someone pointing a realistic toy gun at someone
Criminal assault and tortious assault
Criminal assault can occur even when no threat is perceived by the victim.
Statutes have been passed in attempts to ‘reform’ the tort system.
Most of them have related to procedural matters and amounts and categories of damages.


With the tort of assault, a perceived threat by the victim is paramount.
*A defendant who throws a rock at a sleeping victim and misses can only be guilty of the attempted battery assault, since the victim would not be aware of the possible harm.
The plaintiff must have a reasonable apprehension of such contact.
Actual fear on the plaintiff’s part is not required.
swinging a baseball bat at someone holding a rock and threatening to throw
There must be an accompanying act.
The defendant must have the apparent ability to carry out the contact.
Actual ability to carry out the contact is not necessary.
Many judges utilize the Restatement of Torts (2nd) as an influential guide.
The Restatement is an influential treatise issued by the American Law Institute, which summarizes the general principles of common law United States tort law.

Unit 9.Law of Tort 法律英语

Unit  9.Law of Tort 法律英语

法律英语专题:侵权法(tort law)

法律英语专题:侵权法(tort law)
False Imprisonment
actual confinement awareness of the confinement by the
person so confined no reasonable means of escape
False arrest
‘False arrest’ occurs when someone arrests another individual without the legal authority to do so, which becomes false imprisonment the moment he or she is taken into custody.
Many judges utilize the Restatement of Torts (2nd) as an influential guide.
The Restatement is an influential treatise issued by the American Law Institute, which summarizes the general principles of common law United States tort law.
dignitary torts
defamation invasion of privacy
Torts Against the Person
an intentional act that causes an apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact
it at someone pointing a gun at someone pointing a realistic toy gun at someone

法律英语 TORT

法律英语 TORT

source of law
判例为主,各州侵权法之间略有差异,判例的汇编、解释可参考 《侵权法重述》(Restatement of the Law of Torts)
各州和联邦也有为解决特别侵权问题而制定的成文法,比如1946 年的《联邦侵权索赔法》(Federal Tort Claims Act)
殴打与威吓 Battery&Assault Assault:日常中作“袭击”,军事领域特指“突击”,在法律英 语中译为“威吓”,即“故意引发他人因合理的警觉到即将发生的 Battery行为而产生的恐惧”。威吓是殴打的前兆,是原告基于合理 判断,对即将到来的“殴打”行为的恐惧和警觉(apprehension)。 Assault is the tort of acting intentionally and voluntarily causing the reasonable apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact. There must be some act short of actually striking the other person. Actual ability to carry out the apprehended contact is not necessary: an assault can take place with a toy gun, fsent is not a defense, it is an element and therefore P has the burden to show he did not expressly or impliedly consent for implied consent a reasonable person std is used (would a reasonable person have interpreted P’s actions to mean the contact was consented) consent can be inferred from social custom (playing tag) Attention: 1.后果不是构成要件,例如强吻原告也可以构成“殴打”。 2.一并保护人格权与人身权,因此原告身体的范围泛化到与原告人身相联系的任 何物品,例如强夺他人戴头上之帽亦构成“殴打”。 3.冒犯性不是当事人的心理状态,而是由陪审团通过被告的行为对其所表现出的 意图进行客观的认定。
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dignitary torts
defamation invasion of privacy
Torts Against the Person
an intentional act that causes an apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact
★Apprehension is not the same as fear— here it means awareness that an injury or offensive contact is imminent.
The act must be overssault.
Purpose of tort law
to provide relief to the injured party through the award of damages for the injuries incurred during a tortious act
to deter others from committing the same act
There must be an accompanying act.
The defendant must have the apparent ability to carry out the contact.
Actual ability to carry out the contact is not necessary.
With the tort of assault, a perceived threat by the victim is paramount.
*A defendant who throws a rock at a sleeping victim and misses can only be guilty of the attempted battery assault, since the victim would not be aware of the possible harm.
Tort Law
a civil wrong which unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm
★It does not include breach of contract or trust. (A civil wrong can be a tort, breach of contract or breach of trust.)
Statutes have been passed in attempts to ‘reform’ the tort system.
Most of them have related to procedural matters and amounts and categories of damages.
The plaintiff must have a reasonable apprehension of such contact.
Actual fear on the plaintiff’s part is not required.
swinging a baseball bat at someone holding a rock and threatening to throw
US tort law
Tort law in the U. S. is largely common law.
Courts have the power to shape and change the elements of claims and defenses of existing torts and the power to create new torts.
torts against the person
assault battery false imprisonment intentional infliction of emotional distress
property torts
trespass to land trespass to chattels (personal property) conversion
Categories of torts
intentional torts
negligence strict liability torts
Intentional Torts
An intentional tort is a tort resulting from an intentional act on the part of the tortfeasor.
Many judges utilize the Restatement of Torts (2nd) as an influential guide.
The Restatement is an influential treatise issued by the American Law Institute, which summarizes the general principles of common law United States tort law.
it at someone pointing a gun at someone pointing a realistic toy gun at someone
Criminal assault and tortious assault
Criminal assault can occur even when no threat is perceived by the victim.