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Unit 1 Legal Studies
1. Law is regarded as a set of fixed principles…ignorance of which excuses no one, not even the less knowledgeable or less affluent members of society.
2. Law begins only when a coercive apparatus comes into existence to maintain control through enforcement of social norms.
3. The control group need not be agents of a political entity.
4. Law as social engineering. Under this concept law is regarded as a means of social control which seeks to balance various competing conflicting interests and values within a society.
5. to maintain the status quo in certain aspects of society.
6. to facilitate orderly change
7. to facilitate planning and the realization of reasonable expectations
8. Courts will not turn to case decision for law if a statute is directly in point..
9. A person or a body whom legislation power is delegated cannot, as can Parliament, make law about anything.
10. Most delegated legislation is published as statutory instrument.
Reading1 note p16
Ⅳ. Phrase Translation
1. 各种相互冲突的利益 various competing conflicting interests
2. 实体法和程序法 substantive law and procedural law
3. 公法和私法 public law and private law
4. 法律的功能 function of law
5. 法的渊源 sources of law
6. 社会规范的总和 the sum of social norms
7. 国家强制力 compulsory state power
8. 刑事司法体系 criminal justice system
9. 防止不规范 prevent non-conformity
10. 维持现状 maintain status quo

Ⅴ. Sentence Translation
1. 在普通法系的国家中,法律不仅包括宪法和成文法,在一些司法管辖中,判例法也可能成为有约束力的法律的一部分
In the Common Law counties, law not only includes constitution and statutes, in some jurisdictions, case law may also become part of the body of law having binding effect.
2. 文明社会中法律最根本的目的是维护秩序。
The fundamental purpose of law in a civilized society is to maintain order.
3. 法

Law is dependent on a coercive apparatus which maintains control through enforcement of social norms.
4. 有时法律被划分为实体法和程序法、实体法被直接用于解决纠纷,而程序法规定法庭处理案件的程序。程序法也可能影响案件的结果。
Sometimes law is classified into substantive law and procedural law. Substantive law is used to directly resolve the disputes, and procedural law provides for the procedure by which the court handles a case. Procedural law may also affect the outcome of a lawsuit.
5. 大陆法系国家已把它们的法律编纂成法典,因此,在这些国家,法的主要渊源是成文法而不是判例。
The Civil Law counties have codified their laws, therefore, the main source of law in those countries is to be found in the statutes rather than in the case.
Unit 2 Constitution
1 The Sixteenth Amendment gives congress the power to collect a national income tax without apportioning it among the states.
2 until the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment Congress could not directly tax the people of the United States unless it was proportioned to the population of each state.
3 “Constitution ,and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all treaties made or shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land”
4 The Constitution was interpreted, in 1819,as giving the Supreme Court the power to invalidate any state actions that interfere with the Constitution and the laws and treaties passed pursuant to it
5 “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by ti to the states ,are reserved to the states respectively ,or to the people.
6 Specific provisions of the Constitution protect the rights of the individual from interference by the state governments.
1 民众主权 popular sovereignty
2 三权分立 separation of powers
3 制衡原则 checks and balances
4 参议院 Senate
5 众议院 House of Representatives
6 权利法案 the Bill of Right
7 正当程序法

due process of law
8 立法、行政、司法部门 legislative branch , executive branch and judicial branch
9 联邦政府 federal government
10 共同权力 concurrent power
1. 这意味着任何一个州,任何一个政府机构,任何人,任何政府官员,甚至总统和国会都无权制定或执行违背宪法的法律或法令。
This means that no state, no branch of government ,no person ,no elected official —not even the president or Congress — can make a law or enforce condition that goes against the Constitution
2. 美国宪法起草于1787年夏天宾夕法尼亚州的费城所举行的一次会议上。在此次会议上,最初的13个州中的12个州派出了代表团,每个代表团有一票投票权。
The Constitution of the United States was drawn up at a convention held in the summer of 1787 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ,at which 12 of the original 13 states were represented ,each by a delegation having a single vote.
3. 条例1第9条规定禁止国会的某些行为。例如,在第十六条修正案通过以前,国会不能直接向美国人民征税,除非按照各州的人口比例分摊。
Section 9 of ArticleⅠprohibits Congress from taking certain actions .For example, until the passage of the 16th Amendment Congress could not directly tax the people of the United States unless it was proportioned to the population of each state,
4. 宪法第十条修正案规定热河未经宪法授权给联邦政府,亦不禁止州政府拥有的权利,均保留给各州及美国民众。
The tenth Amendment specifically states that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States ,are reserved to the States respectively ,or to the people.
5. 宪法第十四条修正案规定,非经正当法律程序,任何州不得剥夺任何公民的权利和豁免权。
The fourteenth Amendment prohibits the states from abridging “the rights and immunities “ of any citizen without due process of law
1…and thus their names are forever attached to the landmark Supreme Court case
2….issue a writ of mandamus against persons holding office
Unit 3 Legal System
1. Courts of limited jurisdiction 有限管辖权法院
Courts of general jurisdiction 一般管辖权法院
2. Subject matter jurisdiction 对事管辖权,指法院受理某种案件的权力
3. Diversity jurisdiction 多元管辖
4. Each Circuit Court consists of several judges who ordinarily sit in panels of three for each case. 每个巡回法院由若干法官组成,每个案件通常由三个法官组成的合议庭审理。
5. The Ten Commandments of the Bible.圣经十诫
6. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi and the Code of the Twelve Tables of early Rome.
