
1调卷令certiorari 2遵循先例:stare decisis 3法系legal family 4大陆法civil law管辖权jurisdiction 地区法院District court 巡回法院circuit court 治安法庭Justice court社会主义法socialist law 众议院House of representative 行使exercise1司法审查judicial review 起诉资格standing 事实上的损害injury in fact行政协定executive decision共同决议common decision 分权separation of powers制衡checks and balances 成熟原则ripeness 招标bids 宪法constitution1刑法criminal law 轻微违法misdemeanor 报税单bill of entry 主观上的过错mental fault 非预谋杀人manslaughter 抢劫robbery 加重的aggravate 绑架kidnapping 盗劫larceny伪证罪perjury1the county is the subdivision 2the doctrine ---the maxim 3the federal entity4the enforcement of a claim5statutes or codes 6tradition custom,and precedent 7commom people ,versus legislation8stare decisis , Latin9legal relationships /legal concept 10judicial branch /judicial dictatorships 1in the precess of a court ascertaining2than to statutory interpretation3dose not have the ''prolixity"/dose not provide a ready solution4congress though its "power of the purse" /power as commander -in- chief5c hecks and balances provided for in the constitution6and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures7has no standing to challenge 8the policy of elimination of racial discriminationIn places of accommodation/and ending the badges of servitude1it is punishable by sanctions 2Most crimes or identified in statutes3punished through imposition penalities 4violation of a misdemeanor5which were committed before that /enactment of the law6grand a criminal prosecution7as well as its substantive law8crimes classified as felonies include murder9 authorized federal jurisdiction10one can be held criminally liable 1 it is to tell the defendant that2In US jurisprudence, however 3the right to trial by grand jury/protection against government tyranny 4 The prosecution at trial has the duty 5against arbitrary imposition of the capital punishment 6in an entirely different punishment/prosecution and conviction7 privilege against self-incrimination8a common assumption abou t the nature of criminality 9"unreasonable" government searches and seizures is stated10criminal procedure is "adversarial" 1 single issue of law 2dismissed or a defense was lost3state a claim generally 4adequately represent the interests5"fairness hearing" 6(the "plaintiff")to file suit in 7violatio n criminal law8applying substantive law to real disputes 9 on part is entitled to judgment10common law remedy/ equitable remedies。

练习题一:请解释以下法律术语的含义:1. Tort2. Plaintiff3. Defendant4. Liability5. Jurisdiction答案一:1. Tort:指的是民事侵权行为,即一方在未经对方同意的情况下,通过自己的行为或不作为,侵犯了对方的合法权益,给对方造成了损害。
2. Plaintiff:原告,指的是在民事诉讼中提起诉讼的一方,即受到侵权行为损害的一方。
3. Defendant:被告,指的是在民事诉讼中被控告的一方,即被指控犯有侵权行为的一方。
4. Liability:责任,指的是法律上的义务或责任。
5. Jurisdiction:管辖权,指的是法院对案件的审理权限。
练习题二:请将以下英文法律名词翻译成中文:1. Contract2. Arbitration3. Injunction4. Intellectual property5. Negligence答案二:1. 合同2. 仲裁3. 禁令4. 知识产权5. 过失练习题三:请解释以下法律原则的含义:1. Presumption of innocence2. Due process3. Burden of proof4. Reasonable doubt5. Double jeopardy答案三:1. Presumption of innocence:无罪推定,指的是在刑事诉讼中,被告在未被证明有罪之前,应被认定为无罪。

法律英语练习题答案1. 选择题:Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in legal English?A. 被告B. 原告C. 证人D. 律师答案:B. 原告2. 填空题:In legal English, "contract" refers to an agreement with a legal binding force, which is usually established by the mutual consent of the parties involved. The term "contract" can also be referred to as a(n) ______.答案:agreement3. 判断题:The term "tort" in legal English refers to a civil wrong that can be compensated by monetary damages.- True- False答案:True4. 简答题:What is the difference between "statute" and "common law" in legal English?答案:In legal English, "statute" refers to a law enactedby a legislative body, whereas "common law" refers to the body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals.5. 翻译题:请将以下句子翻译成英文。

If the foreign joint venturer causes any losses by deception the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall payc o m p e n s a t i o n f o r t h e l o s s through e s.修改提示:复数考不周;用不。
答案(修改要点): causes any losses → causes any loss(es) 造成一或多失都当,不能用复数形式。
pay compensation for the losses → pay compensation therefor (therefor=for that/them)2:人民法院、人民察院和公安机关理刑事案件,当分工,互相配合,互相制,以保准确有效地行法律。
原文: The people ’s courts, people ’s procuratorates and public security organs shall, in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts andcheck each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law.修改提示:“分工”,理解:重点在“ ”,而非“分工”,即分工程中各其; respective比own更妥当、准确;原来的文中,and theyshall ⋯比,更重的是,使 to ensure ⋯割断了与 divide their functions 的系。

练习题1What is the difference between litigation and arbitration?答案Litigation involves a lawsuit in a court of law, where a judge or a jury decides the outcome of the dispute. Arbitration, on the other hand, is a process in which two parties agree to have a neutral third party hear their dispute and render a decision. The decision is binding and may not be appealed.练习题2What is a contract?答案A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or moreparties that creates obligations that are enforceable by law. Each party in a contract agrees to perform certn obligations in exchange for some form of consideration.练习题3What is a tort?A tort is a civil wrong that causes harm or injury to another person or property. Examples of torts include negligence, defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.练习题4What is intellectual property?答案Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, and names used in commerce. The law protects intellectual property through patents, trademarks, and copyrights.练习题5What is a trademark?答案A trademark is a symbol, word, phrase, or design that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one party from those of another. Trademarks are protected by law and can be registered with the government.练习题6What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?A felony is a serious crime that is punishable by imprisonment in a state or federal prison for more than a year. Examples of felonies include murder, robbery, and drug trafficking. A misdemeanor, on the other hand, is a less serious crime that is punishable by a fine or imprisonment in a local jl for up to a year. Examples of misdemeanors include traffic violations, disorderly conduct, and petty theft.以上是本文的6道法律英语练习题及答案,希望对您的法律英语学习有所帮助。

法律英语翻译练习与答案HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】练习1:外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。
If the foreign joint venturer causes any losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall pay c o m p e n s a t i o n f o r t h e l o s s e s.修改提示:单复数考虑不周;用语不够简洁。
答案(修改要点):causes any losses →causes any loss(es) 造成一项或多项损失时都应当赔偿,不能仅用复数形式。
pay compensation for the losses →pay compensation therefor(therefor=for that/them)练习2:人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关办理刑事案件,应当分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,以保证准确有效地执行法律。
原译文:The people’s courts, people’s procuratorates and public security organs shall, in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law.修改提示:“分工负责”,应理解为:侧重点在“负责”,而非“分工”,即分工过程中各负其责;respective 比own 更为妥当、准确;原来的译文中,and theyshall …比较啰嗦,更严重的问题是,使to ensure …割断了与divide their functions 的联系。

《法律英语》课后“汉翻英”答案 (完整版)Lesson One1)Common law is the law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals.2) Equity is a type of law that developed in parallel with common law since the end of the 14th century, which applies to civil cases and is one of the sources of the common-law system.3) In the U.S., one of the functions of the federal courts is to interpret federal statutes and the constitution.4) The civil-law system mainly prevails in continental Europe as well as other countries and regions heavily influenced by continental European countries.5) Before the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure was promulgated in 1938, the federal courts of the United States procedurally separated law and equity. Lesson Two1) Private law regulates the relationship between individuals whiles public law concerns the relationship between person (including natural persons and artificial persons) and the state.2) Codification is not the essential difference between the civil-law system and the common-law system.3) In many civil-law jurisdictions, precedents are not considered as binding.4) Domestic law is different from international law in that domestic law refers to the laws within a given state which regulates the acts of individuals and other legal entities within its jurisdiction.5) Substantial law refers to laws that define and recognize rights and obligations as well as duties and responsibilities while procedural law refers to laws that provides for the mechanism for the realization or performance of rights and duties as well as duties and responsibilities.Lesson Three1) In some countries alcoholic beverages are prohibited from being sold to children.2) Since the 1980s, China has set up and improved the employment service system, which includes employment introduction, employment training, unemployment insurance and employment services.3) Various forms of resistance to desegregation were prevailing in those years.4) It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.5) Just as individuals in a democratic country have equal voting rights regardless of whether they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, all countries in the General Assembly have the same voting rights.Lesson Four1) A crime is an act which may lead to the imposition of punishment.2) Some reports accused BP of criminal negligence in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.3) Modern U.S. criminal law provides that there must be clear definition for all the constituting elements of each and every crime.4) Generally those who provide assistance to people in their criminal act are punishable as accessories or accomplices.5) Failure to act may be punished where the person is under a duty to act. Lesson Five1) Parties to a contract shall fully perform their obligations in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.2) A contract is an agreement between parties which creates, modifies or terminates a civil relationship. A contract established in accordance with law is protected by law.3) A citizen or a legal person shall bear civil liabilities for his failure to fulfill his contractual or other obligations.4) No modification or revocation of a contract may prejudice the parties’claims for damages.5) For a party’s non-performance or his performance unfaithful to the contractual stipulations, the other party to a contract is entitled to demand specific performance or other remedies, and also, compensation for the resulted losses.Lesson Seven1) One who is at fault for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person shall be subject to the tort liability.2) Where a defective product causes any harm to another person, the manufacturer shall assume the tort liability.3) One who shall assume the tort liability for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person, whether at fault or not, as provided for by law, shall be subject to the legal provisions in the tort law.4) Where a tort endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the victim of the tort may require the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability such as cessation of infringement, removal of obstruction and elimination ofdanger.5) A network user or network service provider who infringes upon the civil right or interest of another person through network shall assume the tort liability.Lesson Seventeen1) Before the judgment what is to be done is to dispose of the case, while after the judgment is rendered, all that remains to be done is to enforce it.2) If the matter involved in the appeal is of great importance, it ought to be submitted for review.3) There are exemptions from jury service for members of the legal profession, the police force, etc.4) Judges often require that the parties agree upon a schedule of issues so as to accelerate the trial process.5) In the High Court an official shorthand note is, unless the judge otherwise directs, taken of any evidence given orally in Court and of the summing up by the judge. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, a transcript can be made available.Lesson Eighteen1) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.2) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator.3) Where no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration.4) Each party may also directly apply for arbitration to the Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.5) Traditionally, our contracts did not contain provisions for arbitration in a third country.。

大学法律英语教材答案IntroductionThe study of law in an international context requires a strong foundation in legal English. This article aims to provide answers to the exercises and questions found in the university-level legal English textbook. By providing accurate and comprehensive answers, this article serves as a valuable resource for students studying law and legal English.Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Legal English1. Definition and Nature of LawAnswer: Law can be defined as a system of rules and regulations that govern society, established by governmental or institutional bodies. It serves to maintain order, provide justice, and protect individual rights.2. Legal SystemsAnswer: There are various legal systems, including common law, civil law, and religious/religious-based law. Common law systems, such as those in the United Kingdom and United States, rely heavily on precedents and case law. Civil law systems, like those in continental Europe, are based on codified laws. Religious law systems, such as Sharia law, are derived from religious texts.Chapter 2: Legal English Vocabulary1. Legal Terms and DefinitionsAnswer: Legal terms often have specific meanings within the legal context. For example, "tort" refers to a civil wrong that causes harm or injury, while "plaintiff" refers to the party who initiates a lawsuit. Understanding and correctly using legal vocabulary is essential for effective communication in the legal field.Chapter 3: Legal Writing1. Structure and Organization of Legal DocumentsAnswer: Legal documents typically follow a specific structure, including headings, subheadings, and numbered paragraphs. The organization is crucial to ensure clarity and ease of understanding.2. Contract DraftingAnswer: Contract drafting involves the creation of legally binding agreements between parties. It requires precision and attention to detail to ensure that all terms and conditions are clearly stated and mutually understood.Chapter 4: Legal Research and Citation1. Legal ResearchAnswer: Legal research involves finding and analyzing legal sources such as statutes, regulations, and court cases. It is vital to support arguments and make informed decisions in legal practice.2. Citation StylesAnswer: Different citation styles, such as the Bluebook for American legal studies and the OSCOLA style for British legal studies, providestandards for citing legal authorities and sources. Accurate citation is crucial to uphold academic integrity and enable readers to locate the referenced materials.Chapter 5: Legal English in Practice1. Legal CorrespondenceAnswer: Legal correspondence includes letters, emails, and memoranda exchanged between legal professionals. These communications must be clear, concise, and professional, reflecting the specific legal context.2. Negotiation and MediationAnswer: Negotiation and mediation involve resolving disputes outside of court. Effective legal English communication skills are crucial during these processes to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.ConclusionMastering legal English is essential for students studying law in an international context. By providing accurate answers to exercises and questions in the university-level legal English textbook, this article offers a valuable resource for enhancing legal language skills.。

法律英语教程齐筠课后答案Unit One Legal SystemListeningI. c a d a bII. statutes, constitutions, cite, interpreted, civil, cases, liability, created, modified, repealedText A.Building up your vocabularyI. Match the items in the following two columnsA-civil law b-code c-validity d-jurisdiction e-clusterf-decree g-codification h-statute i-parliament j-legislatureII. Fill in the blanks:1. subdivision2. maxim3. federal4. enforcement5. statutes6. precedent7. Legislation8.Stare decisis9. legal ,legal 10. judicial , judicialClozeDocuments lawsuit trial attorneys advisors,Clients juries alternative practice representationTranslation1. 根据美国宪法,联邦政府分为⾏政、⽴法和司法三⼤部门,每个部门都被认为是独⽴的,并且能够相互制衡。
2. 通常有三类案件可以到达最⾼法院,即:牵涉到诉讼当事⼈分属不同的州的案件,牵涉到解释联邦法案的案件和解释美国宪法的案件。
3. ⼤律师事务所的律师平均收⼊最⾼;他们常常代理那些最有钱且最有社会地位的当事⼈;⽽且同⾼层次的法官和政府官员有着密切的联系。

题目:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:"The crime of theft occurs when a person dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it. In order to establish theft, it must be proven that there was an act of appropriation, that the property belonged to another, andthat the appropriation was dishonest. The intention to permanently deprive the owner of the property is an essential element of theft."1. What is the definition of theft?2. What are the three elements that must be proven to establish theft?解析:1. The definition of theft is when a person dishonestly takes someone else's property with the intention ofpermanently depriving them of it.2. The three elements that must be proven to establish theft are:a. There was an act of appropriation - this means that the person took or used someone else's property without their permission.b. The property belonged to another - this means that the property was owned by someone other than the person who took it.c. The appropriation was dishonest - this means that the person took the property knowing that it did not belong to them and without the owner's consent.In addition to these three elements, the intention to permanently deprive the owner of the property is also essential for a theft offense. This means that the person who committed the theft had the intention of keeping the property for themselves and not returning it to the owner.To better understand this definition and its elements, let's consider a hypothetical scenario. Suppose John saw a valuable watch left unattended on a park bench. He took the watch and kept it for himself without trying to find the owner or return it. In this scenario, John committed theft because he dishonestly appropriated property (the watch) that belonged to another person with the intention of permanently depriving them of it. This example demonstrates all threeelements of theft, as well as the intention to permanently deprive the owner.In conclusion, theft is a crime that involves dishonestly taking someone else's property with the intention of permanently depriving them of it. To establish theft, three elements must be proven: an act of appropriation, ownership by another person, and dishonesty. The intention to permanently deprive the owner is also essential. By understanding these elements, legal professionals can effectively analyze and apply the law in cases involving theft.。
法律英语翻译 答案1

1. 法官不仅对诉讼当事人,而且对国家和人民都负有高度的责任。
2. 作为法官,必须公平、勤勉、专注、心平气和、彬彬有礼、富有修养,不但能够迅速查明事实,运用法律,解决争议,还能为当事人、证人、陪审员及其他出庭人员考虑周到。
3. 法官在判案时,不能为个人的盛名而忧虑,也不能被自己的感情和利益所左右。
1. Judges owe very high duties not only to litigants but also to the State and the people. ( to bear a high responsibility to sb. for sth./ to have an obligation to )2. As a judge, one must be impartial, hard-working, attentive, courteous, prompt in ascertaining the fact, applying the law, resolving the disputes and considerate of litigants, witnesses, jurors and others in attendance upon the court.3. When a judge is deciding a case, he cannot be apprehensive of his personal popularity and be swayed by his own feelings and interests.4. As a lawyer, one must be compassionate, civil, sensitive to human weaknesses, and courageous to defend for those unpopular cases.5. The National People’s Congress authorizes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to exercise a high degree of autonomy and enjoy executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication, in accordance with the provisions of this law.。

法律英语试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in legal English?A. 被告B. 原告C. 证人D. 律师答案:B2. The term "due diligence" in legal context typically refers to:A. 尽职调查B. 尽责调查C. 尽职尽责调查D. 尽职尽责尽责调查答案:A3. In legal English, "contract" is often used to refer to:A. 合同B. 契约C. 协议D. 协议书答案:A4. The phrase "in consideration of" is commonly used in legal documents to mean:A. 鉴于B. 考虑到C. 由于D. 因为答案:B5. Which of the following is not a type of intellectual property?A. 商标B. 专利C. 版权D. 商业秘密答案:D6. The term "tort" in legal English refers to:A. 侵权行为B. 犯罪行为C. 合同违约D. 民事纠纷答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in legal English means:A. 管辖权B. 审判权C. 执行权D. 立法权答案:A8. The abbreviation "LLC" stands for:A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Limited Legal CompanyC. Legal Liability CompanyD. Legal Limited Company答案:A9. "Probate" in legal English refers to the process of:A. 遗嘱认证B. 遗嘱执行C. 遗嘱公证D. 遗嘱登记答案:A10. "Statute" in legal English is used to denote:A. 法规B. 法律C. 法令D. 条例答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The legal term for a formal written statement submitted toa court is a(n) _____________.答案:brief2. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a contract.答案:agreement3. The process of challenging the validity of a will is known as _____________.答案:contest4. A(n) _____________ is a legal professional who represents clients in court.答案:attorney5. The term _____________ refers to the legal principle that no one may profit from their own wrongdoing.答案:unclean hands6. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that grants a person the authority to act on behalf of another.答案:power of attorney7. The legal term for a formal written request to a court is a(n) _____________.答案:petition8. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that provides evidence of a debt.答案:promissory note9. The legal term for a formal written order from a court is a(n) _____________.答案:decree10. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale of real estate.答案:deed三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "lien" in legal English refers to a legal claim on property to secure the payment of a debt. (对/错)答案:对2. "Negligence" in legal English means the failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another. (对/错)答案:对3. "Indemnity" in legal English refers to the right to be compensated for a loss or damage suffered. (对/错)答案:对4. A "writ" is a legal document issued by a court that ordersa person to do or refrain from doing a specific act. (对/错) 答案:对5. "Affidavit" in legal English is a written statement of facts voluntarily made by a person under oath. (对/错)答案:对6. "Misdemeanor" in legal English refers to a less serious crime than a felony. (对/错)答案:对7. "Arbitration" is a form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party makes a binding decision. (对/错) 答案:对8. "Eminent domain" refers to the power of the government to take private property for public use without compensation. (对/错)答案:错9. "Venue" in legal English refers to the geographical location where a legal action is brought. (对/错)答案:对10. "Custody" in。

法律英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题,满分20分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. PlaintiffB. DefendantC. LitigationD. Negotiation答案:D2. In legal English, "due process" refers to:A. A fair and just legal procedureB. A quick legal procedureC. A legal procedure without any delayD. A legal procedure with minimal paperwork答案:A3. The term "precedent" in law means:A. A previous case that sets a legal principleB. A document that records a legal decisionC. A legal principle that is not bindingD. A case that is not relevant to current legal issues 答案:A4. Which of the following is not a type of contract?A. Sales contractB. Employment contractC. Marriage contractD. Insurance contract答案:C5. "Tort" in legal English refers to:A. A civil wrongB. A criminal actC. A legal documentD. A legal remedy答案:A6. "Probate" is the legal process of:A. Dividing an estate after deathB. Filing a lawsuitC. Registering a trademarkD. Drafting a will答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in law refers to:A. The authority to make legal decisionsB. The location of a courtC. The type of law being appliedD. The legal profession答案:A8. "Affidavit" is a legal document that:A. Is signed by a judgeB. Is a sworn statement of factsC. Is a request for a court orderD. Is a legal opinion答案:B9. "Statute" is a type of law that is:A. Created by judgesB. Passed by a legislative bodyC. Based on common lawD. Enforced by the executive branch答案:B10. "Moot" in legal context means:A. Unimportant or irrelevantB. A legal argumentC. A type of lawsuitD. A legal document答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共5题,满分10分)1. A legal dispute that is not resolved by negotiation or mediation may proceed to ________.答案:litigation2. The ________ of a contract is the formal agreement between parties.答案:execution3. A ________ is a person who has been granted the authorityto act on behalf of another.答案:agent4. The ________ is the highest court in many legal systems.答案:supreme court5. A ________ is a legal document that outlines the terms ofa contract.答案:deed三、阅读理解题(每题3分,共3题,满分9分)阅读以下段落,并回答问题。

Exercise I略Exercise II1. D2. A3. C4. B5. D6. A7. C8. B9. B 10. AExercise III1. exception2. supersede3. torts4. precedent5. statutory6. reasoning7. equity 8. codification 9. opinions 10. pluralisticExercise IV1. The main sources of law in the United Kingdom are common law, statute law, law emanating from the European Union and international law, etc.2. Common law refers to the legal rules which have evolvedover many centuries from judges’ decisions in court cases.3. A judgment consists of two parts: the ratio decidendi and obiter dicta. The ratio decidendi means the reason for the decision. This is the principle of law on which the decision is made and can become a binding precedent.4. The common law includes both civil and criminal law. The former refers to the law of contract and tort. The latter refers to the law of crime。

法律英语课后答案法律英语核心教程(1-3单元)练习答案Unit 1 Introduction to LawText IComprehensionQuestions about the text1. T2. F3. T4. T5. T6. T7. T 8. T 9. T 10. TVocabularya. 5b. 12c. 2d. 1e. 9f. 4g. 18h. 16i. 14j. 13k. 20 l. 11 m. 6 n. 3 o. 17 p. 7 q. 15 r. 8 s. 10 t. 19 EXERCISESBlank filling1. sanctions2. coercion3. enacts ,enforce 4. induced 5. implemented 6.evicted7. litigation 8. legitimate 9. penal 10. embodies 11. justify 12. adjudicateGrammarA. Articles1. A2. B3. B4. C5. D6. C7. A8. A9. D 10. BB. Numerals1. 历史已经进入了90年代。
2. 阅读文章的长度逐渐加大,前几单元每篇文章大约500字,后几单元文章的长度已增加到前面的三倍。
3. 第二部分的三个章节需要重写。
4. 那座城市距这里大约16到20英里。
5. 他比你有男子汉气概得多。
C. Partial translation1. annulled the economic sanctions2. make restitution3. the shopkeeper was innocent4. conjure up a picture5. Lu Xun couldn’t help conjuring up6. Stop complaining about him7. she decided to make a complaint in the court of law8. regardless of past setbacks and failures9. by contrast with Harry’s10. in that it helps us to rectify our mistakesCloze1 can2 any3 whenever4 which5 more6 that7 may8 will 9those 10 exceptTranslation1.双方或多方之间存在争议,或者当事人为各自已实施的行为或打算实施的行为的后果寻求指导时,就有必要把法律应用到各种具体的事实情形之中。

法律英语试题答案1调卷令certiorari 2遵循先例:stare decisis 3法系legal family 4大陆法civil law管辖权jurisdiction 地区法院District court 巡回法院circuit court 治安法庭Justice court社会主义法socialist law 众议院House of representative 行使exercise1司法审查judicial review 起诉资格standing 事实上的损害injury in fact行政协定executive decision共同决议common decision 分权separation of powers制衡checks and balances 成熟原则ripeness 招标bids 宪法constitution1刑法criminal law 轻微违法misdemeanor 报税单bill of entry 主观上的过错mental fault 非预谋杀人manslaughter 抢劫robbery 加重的aggravate 绑架kidnapping 盗劫larceny伪证罪perjury1the county is the subdivision 2the doctrine ---the maxim 3the federal entity4the enforcement of a claim5statutes or codes 6tradition custom,and precedent 7commom people ,versus legislation8stare decisis , Latin9legal relationships /legal concept 10judicial branch /judicial dictatorships 1in the precess of a court ascertaining2than to statutory interpretation3dose not have the ''prolixity"/dose not provide a ready solution4congress though its "power of the purse" /power as commander -in- chief5c hecks and balances provided for in the constitution6and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures7has no standing to challenge 8the policy of elimination of racial discriminationIn places of accommodation/and ending the badges of servitude1it is punishable by sanctions 2Most crimes or identified in statutes3punished through imposition penalities 4violation of a misdemeanor5which were committed before that /enactment of the law 6grand a criminal prosecution7as well as its substantive law 8crimes classified as felonies include murder9 authorized federal jurisdiction10one can be held criminally liable 1 it is to tell the defendant that2In US jurisprudence, however 3the right to trial by grand jury/protection against government tyranny 4 The prosecution at trial has the duty 5against arbitrary imposition of the capital punishment 6in an entirely different punishment/prosecution and conviction7 privilege against self-incrimination8a common assumption abou t the nature of criminality 9"unreasonable" government searches and seizures is stated10criminal procedure is "adversarial" 1 single issue of law 2dismissed or a defense was lost3state a claim generally 4adequately represent the interests 5"fairness hearing" 6(the "plaintiff")to file suit in 7violatio n criminal law8applying substantive law to real disputes 9 on part is entitled to judgment10common law remedy/ equitable remedies。

《法律英语文本教程》答案Unit OnePart I Reading and UnderstandingExercises I1.C2.D3.B4.C5. B6.B7.A8.CExercises II1.I2.E3.B4.F5.J6.A7.C8.G9.D 10.HExercises III1.索赔法院 courts of appeals 海关法院 tax courts 军事上诉法院2. 刑事法院 circuit courts civil courts 未成年人法院遗嘱检验法庭3.联邦贸易委员会证券交易委员会核管制委员会 Interstate CommerceCommission 联邦电讯委员会Exercises IV1.D2.J3.A4. E5.H6.F7.B8.G9.I 10.CExercises V1. gave top priority to2. take an appeal to a higher court3. vests the president with the power to declare war4. no jurisdiction over5. In compliance with6. 我相信证人的证词。
7. 请将你的合同文本作相应的修正。
8. 几乎所有的成员都同意这项提议。
9. 成文法阻止高等法院复查这样一个裁决。
10. 对别国事物的这种干涉开了一个先例,我们希望其他国家不要模仿。
Part II Practice of Legal Terms1. 单位犯罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员判处刑罚。
2. 人民法院审判案件,除本法另有规定的以外,一律公开进行。
3. 有必要查证这些说法的真实性或虚假性。
Part III Case Discussion杰克逊诉运动城公司一个未成年职业拳击手签订了一个协议,规定无论输、赢或平都有2000美元的报酬。

法律英语课后练习题含答案1. 填空题1.The plntiff has to _____________ the burden ofproof.Answer: bear2.The _______________ of the court is final andbinding.Answer: judgement3.The _______________ holds the power to make laws. Answer: legislature4.The _______________ is the legal document thatoutlines the terms of an agreement.Answer: contract5.The _______________ is responsible for theprosecution in a criminal case.Answer: prosecutor6.A _______________ is a person who is accused of acrime.Answer: defendant7.The _______________ is a court order that prohibitsa certn action.Answer: injunction8.The _______________ is the legal process ofresolving a dispute between parties outside of court. Answer: arbitration9.The _______________ is a legal principle thatstates that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty.Answer: presumption10.The _______________ is the process ofselecting a jury for a trial.Answer: voir dire2. 选择题1.Which of the following is not a type of law?A. Criminal lawB. Civil lawC. Natural lawD. International lawAnswer: C2.Which type of law involves disputes betweenindividuals or organizations?A. Criminal lawB. Civil lawC. Constitutional lawD. Administrative lawAnswer: B3.Which of the following is not a right protected bythe First Amendment of the United States Constitution?A. Freedom of speechB. Freedom of religionC. Right to bear armsD. Freedom of the pressAnswer: C4.Which branch of government is responsible forinterpreting the law?A. Executive branchB. Legislative branchC. Judicial branchD. Administrative branchAnswer: C5.What is the purpose of the Miranda warning?A. To inform defendants of their right to remn silent and their right to an attorneyB. To inform defendants of the charges agnst themC. To inform defendants of their sentencing optionsD. To inform defendants of their right to a speedy trialAnswer: A3. 简答题1.What is the difference between civil law andcriminal law?Answer: Civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, while criminal law deals with crimes committed agnst society.2.What is a contract?Answer: A contract is a legal document that outlines the terms of an agreement between two or more parties.3.What is the role of a prosecutor in a criminaltrial?Answer: The prosecutor is responsible for presenting the case agnst the defendant in a criminal trial and trying to prove that the defendant is guilty.4.What is the purpose of an injunction?Answer: An injunction is a court order that prohibits a certn action, usually in order to prevent harm to an individual or organization.5.What is the presumption of innocence?Answer: The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that states that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty.。
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Section I Blank FillingRead the following business letter and fill in each blank with appropriate word available in the glossary given below and mark the corresponding number on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points).To whom it may :With regards to the involved, We, SEC Co., LTD, as the consignee [收货人] under the captioned [所列] contract of carriage and/or legitimate [合法的,正当的] holder of the captioned Bill of Lading,do certify that we have agreed to assign and transferred to SVT Co., LTD ( referred to asSVT) all ourrights, title [权利] and interest rendered in the captioned cargo which suffered damage/loss during the voyage, and all our rights in the captioned insurance policy [保险单]. SVT has the rights to claim against all concerned parties for the cargo damage/loss, and the insurer(s) who have obligation to pay the proceeds [款项], and has the right to receive the insurance proceeds and/or anypayment of compensation.on the 1st day of Dec,2008.1. executed2. concern3. said4. rendered5. hereinafter6. issues7. liable8. relevant9. hereby 10. wherefromSection II Monomial Choice QuestionsDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word for each underlined blank and mark A, B, C or D onthe ANSWER SHEET (20 points)1. Please find enclosed a copy of circular [n.函件、通知] no. No. IT-G (2)-6/2005 dated 16.11.2005(amended up to 18.11.2005) issued by this department on the aforesaid subject.[A] hereof [B] hereby[C] herewith [D] hereto2. The plaintiff lost the case as there was no evidence in support of his complaints.[A]adequate [B]enough[C]sufficient [D]full3. Some contractual provisions protect information contained in the contract as confidential.[A]specific [B]typical[C]particular [D]unique4. In case the minor’s age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium [保险费] thus incurredshall beby the Seller.[A]made [B]rendered[C]donated [D]borne5. anything to the contrary herein,Licensee [被许可人] shall not manufacture,sell or dispose ofany articles covered by this license after its expiration.[A]although [B]except[C]notwithstanding [D]despite6. The Seller shall not be liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of thegoods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure [不可抗力] incidents.[A]regarded [B]held. [C]considered [D]thought7. There are two forms of the right of silence, one is right, the other is implied.[A]obvious [B]distinct[C]outspoken [D]express8. The jury was that the defendant was guilty and therefore reached a unanimous verdict.[A]assured [B]convinced[C]ensured [D]affirmed9. In its most general sense, the of law involves giving legal advice to clients [当事人,客户] , drafting legal documents for clients, and representing clients in legal negotiations and court proceedings[诉讼]such as lawsuits, and is applied to the professional services of a lawyer or attorney at law, barrister[大律师,出庭律师], solicitor[小律师,事务律师], or civil law notary[民事公证人].[A]conduct [B]engage[C]exercise [D]practice10. When a promise is entirely with the promisor [要约人], it is said to be illusory [虚幻的,随意的,不确定的] and, therefore, lacking consideration and unenforceable.[A]choice [B]optional[C]selective [D]alternativeSection III Translation from English into ChineseDirections:Read the following passages. Translate them into Chinese. Write your answers on ANSWERSHEET (30 points).Passage 1In witness whereof the Company has duly signed and executed this Agreement by its officers authorizedon its behalf.Passage 2In case of any discrepancy in the meaning of wording between the English text and the Chinese text, theChinese text shall prevail.Passage 3All quotations (报价) are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated.Passage 4This Agreement shall be deemed to be made under and shall be construed [解释] in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China without regard to principles of conflicts of law.Passage 5The waiver [弃权] by either party of a breach by the other party of any provision of this agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent [后来的] breach. No waiver, modification or amendment of any of the terms of this agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed bythe contract parties.Passage 6If any terms hereof or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be determined to be null and void, ineffectual, invalid or unenforceable by any competent[有权限的]tribunal [裁判机构], the remaining terms hereof or the application of such term to Persons or circumstances other than to thosewhich were determined to be invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby and shall continue infull force and effect.Section IV Translation from Chinese into EnglishDirections:Read the following two passages. Translate them into English. Write your answers on ANSWERSHEET (40 points).1.仲裁费用,除本合同另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。