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Monkeys surprise us 猴子和人比赛打游戏,谁“更胜一筹”?

Humans are the most intelligent (聪明的) animals on Earth. We have mental abilities that other animals don’t have. But sometimes, our way of thinking can become an obstacle (障碍).

Julia Watzek, a graduate student in psychology at Georgia State University, US, recently did some research on the problem-solving

abilities of both monkeys and humans. She and her team tested their ability to

change their strategies (策略) by having them play a simple game.

In this game, each player was shown four squares on a computer screen: one

striped square (有条纹的正方形), one spotted (有斑点的) square and two blank

squares. While being trained to play the game, they learned that clicking (点击) the

striped square and then the spotted square would cause a blue triangle (三角形) to

pop up in one of the blank squares. Clicking on the blue triangle would give them a

reward –human players would hear a “woop!” sound and monkey players would

receive a snack.

But partway through the game, the researchers introduced a shortcut (捷径). Suddenly, the blue triangle

started appearing at the start of gameplay, alongside the striped and spotted squares. If a player c licked on the

blue triangle, they’d receive their reward right away.

Remarkably, about 70 percent of the monkeys figured out this shortcut immediately. Humans, on the othe r hand, were slow to figure it out. Only 1 out of 56 human players figured out the shortcut right away.

Watzek’s conclusion was that humans tend to (倾向于) get “stuck in their ways” when it comes to strategi c thinking. Things such as standardized testing and formal schooling might cause humans to use the same strateg y

over and over, even when it doesn’t work very well.

1. How did Watzek and her team do their research?

A. They studied several kinds of animals.

B. They let humans design games for monkeys.

C. They asked humans and monkeys to play a game.

D. They asked humans to play games with monkeys.

2. What does “pop up” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. appear

B. jump

C. change color

D. become larger

3. According to the training, in what order should players click the screens to get a reward?

a. Click the striped square.

b. Click the spotted square .

c. Click the blank square.

d. Click the blue triangl


A. abc

B. abd

C. acd

D. bcd

4. According to Watzek, the research shows us that _____.

A. monkeys’ way of thinking works best for playing games

B. humans tend to use the same strategy repeatedly

C. 70 percent of the monkeys are smarter than humans

D. humans are not good at solving simple problems


Students learn how to do CPR. 中国公众的急救意识有待提高。

On Nov 27, some sad news shocked many people in China. Godfrey Gao (高以翔), a Chinese-Canadian actor, died from cardiac arrest (心脏骤停) while shooting a sports reality show at 1:30 am in Ningbo. He was only 35.

The show’s producer, Zhejiang Satellite TV, said medical staff began performing first

aid (急救) right away before he was taken to the hospital. But netizens doubt whether first

aid could’ve helped to save Gao’s life.

In fact, 550,000 people in China suffer from sudden cardiac arrest every year,

according to the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases. Only about 1 percent are
