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The traffic sign control needs to gain the scene volume of traffic information for the real-time control. Along with the image processing and video technique in vehicles automatic monitor aspect more and more applications, this article proposed one new traffic signal timing optimization method:based on CMOS of image sensor technology, the USB camera takes the scene photography and obtains the length of the vehicles that waiting for passing through image processing technology to optimize the real-time control of the signal lights.
针对交通信号配时的特点,设计了 S3C2410 为核心的嵌入式交通信号控制机 的电路,包括电源电路、USB 接口电路、各存储设备电路、调试必须的通信接口 电路。充分考虑到图像处理的实时性和准确性,采用剪裁的实用的 Linux2.4 内核, 制作根文件系统,开发应用程序,构建软硬件协作的嵌入式系统。
本次设计仅以简单的 2 相路口实验模拟实现优化配时,模拟实验表明该方法 应用方便可靠,可以有效改善交叉路口的通行能力,为优化城市交通控制提供了 一种参考方法。
交通信号控制器对交叉路口信号灯实时控制需要获取现场的交通量信息。基 于图象处理和视频技术在车辆自动监测方面越来越多的应用,本文提出了一种新 的交通信号配时优化方法:基于 CMOS 图像传感器技术的 USB 摄像头现场拍摄 图像,通过对图像处理提取城市交叉路口的车辆排队长度,据此进行信号优化实 时控制。
南京师范大学 硕士学位论文 智能交通灯控制系统的设计 姓名:袁丽丽 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电气工程;电工理论与新技术 指导教师:孙冀 2009-05-09
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
随着现代社会对交通运输的日趋依赖,交通系统的控制越来越受到普遍的重 视。而采用先进的信息技术、通信技术和控制技术等高新技术开发的智能交通系 统可以大幅度提高交通网络的运行效率,是解决交通拥挤问题的最经济最有效的 办法。在交叉路口的交通信号控制中,如何科学有效地根据对交叉路口交通流特 征和排队延误规律,设计出较为先进的交通信号配时方案以提高交叉路口的控制 效率,成为了当前城市交通控制系统的重要课题之一。
This topic takes the Intelligence Transport Sign Control System in the city crossroad as its research object. The results prove that this approach is convenient and reliable and effectively improve the traffic capacity of intersections and provides a referential approach for the optimization of urban traffic control. Keywords: Intelligence Traffic Sign Control System;S3C2410;Queue Length;Signal Timing Parameters Optimization
In view of traffic signal timing characteristic, this paper designs a traffic signal controller that S3C2410 was the kernel of the hardware system, which include power circuit, memory device circuit, communication interface circuit, and the USB interface circuit. Considered the real-time image processing and the accuracy, this system choose Linux2.4 as the embedded system.
It becomes more and more important that how to control transport system with modernization society developing. Intelligence Transport System (ITS) can improve traffic efficiency greatly as it use Information Technology, Communication Technology and Control Technology. The time-delaying problem of traffic can be solved with ITS very efficient and economical. In traffic sign control of crossroad, it is an important problem in urban transport system that how to design advanced scheme of traffic sign to improve control efficiency according to traffic character and queue rule of crossroad.