选项中,只有1个符合题意)1、关于施工企业返修义务的说法,正确的是( )A.施工企业仅对施工中出现质量问题的建设工程负责返修B.施工企业仅对竣工验收不合格的工程负责返修C.非施工企业原因造成的质量问题,相应的损失和返修费用由责任方承担D.对于非施工企业原因造成的质量问题,施工企业不承担返修的义务2、根据《建设工程安全生产管理集例》,不属于施工总承包单位应承担的生产责任的是( )A.统一组织编制建设工程生产安全应急救援预案B.负责向有关部门上报施工生产安全事故C.自行完成建设工程主体结构的施工D.施工总承包单位与分包单位间约定责任与法定责任相抵触时,以约定责任为准3、下列建筑施工企业安全生产许可证违法行为中,应当承担“吊销安全生产许可证”法律责任的违法行为是( )A.取得安全生产许可证后,发生较大安全事故的B.转让安全生产许可证的C.未取得安全生产许可证擅自进行生产的D.安全生产许可证有效期满未办理延期手续,继续从事建筑施工活动的4、对债务人危害其债权实现的不当行为的撤销权自债权人知道或应当知道撤销事由之日起( )年内行使。
A.5B.2D.15、某开发商在未取得建设工程施工许可证情况下,就组织对相关项目进行施工,在工程检查过程中,建设行政主管部门作出了责令停工并处以罚款的处罚决定,开发商不服,为此向法院提起诉讼,则该行政处罚决定在诉讼期间( )A.停止执行B.与法院协商处理执行与否C.请求政府部门决定D.不停止执行6、在仲裁程序中,当事人对仲裁协议的效力有异议的,应当在( )提出。
广西计算机联考一级笔试模拟试题及答案 (4)
![广西计算机联考一级笔试模拟试题及答案 (4)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d3dfc48abceb19e8b8f6ba13.png)
全国高校计算机等级考试(广西考区)一级笔试模拟题卷5Win7+office2010考试类别:【7】试卷种类:【A】考生注意: ①本次考试类别为[7],试卷种类为[A],请考生务必将答题卡上的试卷种类栏中的[A]方格和考试类别栏中的[7]方格涂黑。
②本次考试全部为选择题,每题下都有四个备选答案, 但只有一个是正确的或是最佳的答案。
第一部分必答模块必答模块1:基础知识(每项1.5分,14项,共21分)一、微机内部是以 1 形式来传送、存储和加工处理数据的。
冯·诺伊曼提出的计算机工作原理,采用了 2 。
1.A.二进制 B.八进制 C.十进制 D.十六进制2.A.机器语言和十六进制 B.ASCII编码和指令系统C.程序控制工作方式 D.CPU和内存储器二、一个完整的计算机系统包括 3 两大部分。
计算机硬件系统的五大部分包括运算器、 4 、存储器、输入设备、输出设备。
3.A.主机和外部设备B.硬件系统和软件系统C.硬件系统和操作系统 D.指令系统和系统软件4.A.显示器 B.控制器 C.磁盘驱动器 D.鼠标三、以下算式中,相减结果得到十进制数为0的是 5 。
5.A.(4)10 -(111)2 B.(5)10 -(111)2 C.(6)10 -(111)2 D.(7)10 -(111)2四、软件系统分为 6 两大类。
下列各组软件中,都属于应用软件的是 7 。
6.A.系统软件和应用软件 B.操作系统和计算机语言C.程序和数据 D. Windows XP和Windows 77.A.图书管理软件、Windows XP、C/C++ B.Photoshop、Flash、QQC.Access、UNIX、QQ D.Windows 7、office2003、视频播放器软件五、微型计算机的主机由CPU与 8 组成。
2014广西计算机联考一级笔试模拟试题及答案(win7+office2010) (2)
![2014广西计算机联考一级笔试模拟试题及答案(win7+office2010) (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/550d6d12a76e58fafbb00307.png)
全国高校计算机等级考试(广西考区)一级笔试模拟题卷1Win7+office2010考试类别:【7】试卷种类:【A】考生注意: ①本次考试类别为[7],试卷种类为[A],请考生务必将答题卡上的试卷种类栏中的[A]方格和考试类别栏中的[7]方格涂黑。
②本次考试全部为选择题,每题下都有四个备选答案, 但只有一个是正确的或是最佳的答案。
第一部分必答模块必答模块1:基础知识(每项1.5分,14项,共21分)一、现代计算机在性能等方面发展迅速,但是 1 并没有发生变化。
计算机采用了两项重要的技术 2 ,因而能高效,自动地连续进行数据处理。
1.A.耗电量 B.体积 C.运算速度 D.基本工作原理2.A.二进制和存储程序控制 B.半导体器件和机器语言C.引入了CPU和内存储器 D.ASCII编码和高级语言二、计算机内部的数据不采用十进制表示的原因是 3 。
设a为二进制数101,b为十进制数15,则a+b为十进制 4 。
3.A.运算法则麻烦 B.运算数度慢C.容易与八进制、十六进制混淆 D.在计算机电路上实现相对困难4.A.16 B.18 C.20 D.112011三、计算机术语“CAD”的含义是 5 。
在微型计算机中,应用最广泛的字符编码是 6 。
5.A.计算机辅助教学 B.计算机辅助设计 C.计算机辅助分析 D.计算机辅助制造6.A.国标码 C.补码 B.反码、文字的编码标准 D.ASCII码四、CPU中配置高速缓存(Cache)后,能够提高 7 。
RAM的特点是 8 。
广西计算机联考一级笔试模拟试题及答案 (3)
![广西计算机联考一级笔试模拟试题及答案 (3)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/73ccd9c98bd63186bcebbc13.png)
全国高校计算机等级考试(广西考区)一级笔试模拟题卷4Win7+office2010考试类别:【7】试卷种类:【A】考生注意: ①本次考试试卷种类为[A],请考生务必将答题卡上的试卷种类栏中的[A]方格涂黑。
1. A. 布尔 B.冯.诺依曼 C.巴贝奇 D.图灵2. A. 晶体管电路 B.集成电路C. 大规模和超大规模集成电路D.电子管电路二、计算机系统由_3_组成。
硬件系统包括运算器、 4 、存储器、输入和输出设备。
3. A. 硬件系统和软件系统 B.硬件系统和程序C. 主机、显示器、鼠标、和键盘D.系统软件和应用软件4. A. 显示器 B. 磁盘驱动器 C.控制器 D.鼠标器三、下列存储器中, 5 是利用磁存储原理来存储数据的。
下列有关存储器读写速度快慢排列顺序正确的是 6 。
5. A. CMOS B.光盘 C.DVD光盘 D.硬盘6. A.RAM >Cache >硬盘>光盘 B.Cache > RAM > 硬盘> 光盘C.Cache > 硬盘> RAM > 光盘D.RAM > 硬盘> 光盘>Cache四、计算机硬件能够直接识别和执行的语言是7 。
C/C++属于8 。
7. A. 机器语言 B.汇编语言 C.高级语言 D.低级语言8. A. 机器语言 B.汇编语言 C.高级语言 D.低级语言五、在计算机使用过程中,关于“死机”现象的解释是9 。
A.排风管道应采用非金属管道B.排风设备不应设置在地下室内C.排风设备应设置在室外D.排风管道应暗设在竖井内【答案】 B2、下列哪种天窗的采光均匀度最差?( )A.平天窗B.锯齿形天窗C.矩形天窗D.梯形天窗【答案】 C3、应急柴油发电机的进风口面积一般应如何确定?( )A.应大于柴油发电机散热器的面积B.应大于柴油发电机散热器面积的1.5倍C.应大于柴油发电机散热器面积的1.8倍D.应大于柴油发电机散热器面积的1.2倍【答案】 C4、自动喷水灭火系统的水质无需达到()。
A.生活饮用水标准B.无污染C.无悬浮物D.无腐蚀【答案】 A5、室内消火栓口距地面安装高度宜为( )m,其出水方向宜向下或与设置消火栓的墙面成( )角。
A.1.1,90°B.1.2,4°C.1.0,75°D.0.9,45°【答案】 A6、对于建筑节能来讲,为增强北方建筑的保温性能,下列措施中哪个不合理?( )A.采用双层窗B.增加窗的气密性C.增加实体墙厚度D.增强热桥保温【答案】 C7、关于地漏水封深度,以下正确的是()。
A.水封深度不得小于30mmB.水封深度不得小于40mmC.水封深度不得小于50mmD.水封深度不得小于60mm【答案】 C8、当光投射到漫反射表面的照度相同时,下列哪个反射比的亮度最高?( )A.70B.60C.50D.40【答案】 A9、对于自然通风的房间,外围护结构的隔热设计主要控制其()。
A.外表面温度值B.内表面温度值C.室内空气温度D.室内空气湿度【答案】 B10、某建筑高度为12m.楼层数为3层的民用建筑中,面积超过100㎡,且设有固定外窗的地上会议室设置机械排烟系统时,其机械补风系统的风量不宜小于排烟量的( )A.50%B.40%C.30%D.20%【答案】 A11、长度大于( )的配电装置室应设两个出口,并宜布置在配电室的两端。
2023年企业人力资源管理师之一级人力资源管理师题库综合试卷A卷附答案单选题(共40题)1、关于劳工问题,错误的说法是( )。
A.劳工问题的发展有其自身规律B.劳工问题是群体性、社会性的现象C.只有部分劳动关系运行中出现的矛盾会构成劳工问题D.经济社会发展水平的差异不会影响人们对劳工问题的主观价值判断【答案】 D2、()不是期望理论中人的动机的决定因素。
A.成就B.效价C.期望D.工具【答案】 A3、一个人在工作中很细心,在生活中常常也很细心,这体现了个性的()。
A.独特性B.一致性C.稳定性D.特征性【答案】 B4、建立工作态度指标的主要目的是()。
A.判断企业分工是否科学B.考查相关指令是否正确C.侧面分析工作环境是否良好D.考评员工的努力程度和认真程度【答案】 D5、(2016年11月)经营者持股数额一般以企业员工平均持股数的()为宜。
A.3-10倍B.5-15倍C.15-20倍D.20-50倍【答案】 B6、在解决问题的过程中,()由问题的中心指向四面八方。
A.发散思维B.收敛思维C.逻辑思维D.联想思维【答案】 A7、下列不属于绩效管理系统评估模型中评价值的是( )。
A.绩效管理系统总体评价值B.绩效管理系统一级指标评价值C.绩效管理系统二级指标评价值D.绩效管理系统三级指标评价值【答案】 D8、团队绩效考评指标体系中,()一般不占权重A.主要指标B.整体指标C.辅助指标D.否决指标【答案】 D9、()是最完美的人力资源培训体系,是最有效的学习型组织实施手段,更是企业规模与实力的有力证明A.咨询型模式B.持续发展型模式C.阿什里德模式D.企业大学模式【答案】 D10、(2015年11月)绩效考评结果一般不作为()环节的决策依据。
A.培训开发B.薪酬分配C.人员调配D.工作分析【答案】 D11、 ()模式是按照以下公式来核定经营者的效益年薪:效益年薪=增值年薪+奖励年薪。
A.OB.SC.WHD.WX【答案】 B12、员工绩效考核一般程序的最后一步是()。
青少年软件编程(Scratch)等级考试试卷(一级A卷)分数:100.00 题数:38一、单选题(共25题,每题2分,共50分)1. 以下哪段程序可以实现小猫向左移动?(C )A、B、C、D、2. 小猫给公园设计了如下的平面图,它想把黑色的路变成棕色,请问需要点击几次油漆桶按钮?(A )A、3B、9C、1D、103. 默认的小猫有两个造型(分别为造型1和造型2)。
在运行下面的程序后,没有看到造型的切换,下面哪一项可以修复这个问题?(&nbs; )A、编辑小猫的造型B、删除小猫的第一个造型:造型1C、修改为D、修改为4.下面哪个区域是“舞台”?(B)A、AB、BC、CD、D5. 下面地图中每格的长度是50步长,小猫要想拿到苹果,下面哪组程序可以实现?( A)A、B、C、D、6. 以下哪个可以实现小猫向上移动?( A )A、B、C、D、7. 下面地图中每格的长度是50步长,小猫要想拿到苹果,下面哪组程序可以实现?( B )A、B、C、D、8. 以下哪个按钮可以实现造型水平翻转功能?( A )A、B、C、D、9. 关于造型的说法正确的是?(C)A、角色中有且只有一个造型B、角色中必须有多个造型C、角色中至少有一个造型D、角色中可以没有造型10. 在下面图形基础上,只能移动一根火柴棍,不能变成下面哪个选项的图形?( A)A、B、C、D、11. 以下哪组积木块可以实现播放4次声音“喵”?( A)A、B、C、D、12. 如果将声音的音量设定为最大,那么音量的最大值是?( D )A、240B、180C、255D、10013.从背景库中选择一个背景,应该点击下面哪一个按钮?( A)A、B、C、D、14. 地图中每格的长度是50步长,小猫要想拿到苹果,下面哪组程序可以实现?( A)A、B、C、D、15. 在菜单栏中以下哪个可以实现语言的切换?(A)A、B、C、D、16. 舞台背景与角色相比,哪个模块是没有的?(A )A、运动模块B、外观模块C、声音模块D、事件模块17. 下图为造型的编辑界面,以下哪个可以实现变形功能?( B )A、B、C、D、18. 找规律填数17,12,15,14,13,(),( A)。
14. 在Excel系统的工作表中,当前单元格只能是()。
A.单元格指针选定的一个 B.选中的一行 C.选中的区域 D.选中的一列
19. 局域网操作系统中最重要与最基础的网络服务功能是()。
A.通信服务 B.信息服务 C.网络管理服务 D.文件服务
20. 计算机病毒是一段人为制造的程序,若在一台计算机的()该程序,则说明该计算机系统已被感染上病毒。
19. 与电视会议比较起来,利用计算机网络召开电子会议具有许多优点,比如,能够利用计算机存储设备记录会议内容,便于存档和进一步处理。
20. 软件研制部门采用设计病毒来惩罚非法拷贝软件行为的作法是不妥的,也是法律不允许的。
1. (33.125)10 = ( )2
2. 若某汉字的国标码是5031H,则该汉字的机内码是( )。
3. 若不压缩,保存一幅1024×768的24位真彩色位图需要的存储空间是( )。
4. 按照16×16点阵存放国标码GB2312-80中一级汉字的汉字库,所占的存储空间大约为( )KB。
A、计算机的运算速度 B、计算机的可靠性 C、计算机的可运行性 D、计算机的可扩充性
7. 为解决某一特定问题而设计的指令序列称为( )。程序 D、系统
8. 在各类计算机操作系统中,分时系统是一种( )。D 难:2
A、单用户批处理操作系统 B、多用户批处理操作系统 C、单用户交互式操作系统 D、多用户交互式操作系统
1.A.布尔B.冯.诺依曼c.巴贝奇D.图灵2 .A.晶体管电路B.集成电路c.大规模和超大规模集成电路D.电子管电路二、计算机系统由__3____ 组成。
硬件系统包括运算器、__4___ 、存储器、输入和输出设各3.A.硬件系统和软件系统B.硬件系统和程序c.主机、显示器、鼠标和键盘D.系统软件和应用软件4.A.显示器B.磁盘驱动器c.控制器D.鼠标器三、下列存储器中,_5___ 是利用磁存储原理来存储数据的。
5.A.CM0S B.光盘c.DvD光盘D.硬盘6.A.RAM>cache>硬盘>光盘B.cache>RAM>硬盘>光盘c.cache>硬盘>RAM>光盘D.RAM>硬盘>光盘>cache四、计算机硬件能够直接识别和执行的语言是__7___。
7.A.机器语言B.汇编语言c.高级语言D.低级语言8.A.机器语言B.汇编语言c.高级语言D.低级语言五、在计算机使用过程中,关于“死机”现象的解释是__9___ 。
(A)硬盘存储器(B)光盘存储器(C)内存储器 (D)优盘存储器3. Visual FoxPro和SQL Server等数据库管理系统所采用的数据模型是()。
(A)解释(B)汇编(C)编译(D)翻译7 .IPv4协议中,其IP地址由()两部分组成。
(A)内码(B)汉字库(C)ASCII码(D)外码10.在软件生命周期中,能准确地确定软件系统需要做什么和具备哪些功能的阶段是()(A)计划阶段(B)详细阶段(C)开发阶段(D)维护阶段11.国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的开放系统胡连参考模型(OSI /RM)有七个层次。
2018年11月1日至11月5日为招标文件的发售期,共有A、B、C、D、E、F 六家投标单位购买了招标文件。
全国国际商务英语培训认证考试(一级)笔试模拟试题(1)CHINA NATIONAL BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE TEST(Level One)试卷册(120分钟)_____________________________________________________________________________________注意事项一、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题卡和答题纸上。
三、选择题的答案一定要涂写在答题卡上;听力理解(LISTENING)部分第一节(Section A)以及翻译和写作(TRANSLATING & WRITING )部分的答案要写在答题纸上,凡是写在试卷册上的一律不给分。
正确方法如下:[A] [B] [C] [D]五、如需改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的方法重新填涂。
————————————————————————————————---------------------Part I LISTENING (25 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear five short sentences.Each sentence will be spoken twice. At the end of each sentence, there will be a pause. During the pause, you are required to fill in thecorresponding blank according to what you’ve heard. Then write your answer on the AnswerSheet.Example: You’ll hear:You’ll read: Mr. White will be back before ____________.From the sentence we learn that Mr. White will be back before 5:00. Therefore you should write 5: 00 in the corresponding blank on Your Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin.1. The speaker works for __________ Company in Seoul, South Korea.2. The man’s phone number is ________________________________.3. The discount for buying 450 units is _______________________ %.4. The date of conference is ______________________________ May.5. The predicted sales for every month next year is ________________ Units.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will bespoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you arerequired to read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read: A. She will post it later. B. She could not contact the man. . C. She’s not sure if the computer is fixed. D. She can’t send it right now.From the conversation we learn that the woman cannot send the new catalogue immediately. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Now the test will begin.6. A. Making an appointment. B. Fixing a clock.C. Discussing a price.D. Going to a shop.7. A. Who’s calling, please? B. Hang up, please.C. Wait a minute.D. You’ve dialed the wrong number.8. A. Mathematics. B. Banking. C. Credit. D. Computers.9. A. The typist has already typed it. B. He completed the typing himself.C. He’ll need her help.D. He wants the woman to type more carefully.10. A. The meeting was cancelled. B. The meeting was put off.C. The meeting was held last Wednesday.D. The meeting was overcrowded.11. A. In a travel agency. B. In an airport. C. In a bank. D. In a government office.12. A. A tour guide. B. A hotel receptionist. C. A real estate agent. D. A hotel guest.13. A. Customer and supplier. B. Lawyer and client.C. Boss and employee.D. Shop assistant and customer.14. A. Thursdays and Fridays. B. Tuesdays and Fridays.C. Tuesdays and Thursdays.D. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.15. A. He is worried. B. He is happy. C. he feels confident. D. He feels tired. Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear two recordings. At the end of each recording, some questions will be asked about what was said. You will hear the recordings and the questions only once. Aftereach question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you are required to read the fourchoices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Task 116. A. How to use the software his store sells. B. Customer at his store.C. People working in his store.D. His job responsibilities.17. A. They are good at bargaining. B. They often report to the head office in Sydney.C. They are good at dealing with customers.D. They are happy.18. A. Sending complaints. B. Supervising staff.C. Submitting payroll information.D. Reporting to the head office.Task 219. A. They are talking about the company’s decision to move away.B. They are talking about the customers in Kenton.C. They are talking about their old office in Kenton.D. They are talking about a meeting in Kenton.20. A. The Public Relations Department. B. The Finance Department.C. The Sales Department.D. The Customer Service Department.Part II READING (55 minutes) Section ADirections:Choose the best answer for each sentence from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21. Organizations which aim at high market ______ generally have long product lines.A. segmentB. profitC. shareD. mix22. As a manager, you should make sure your subordinates know your ____ and how you are going toachieve them.A. examplesB. objectivesC. recordsD. relationship23. Remember this special offer ______ on May 1st. Don’t miss it.A. expiresB. completesC. finishesD. goes24. The company keep a careful eye on the ______ of their new cosmetic products.A. launchB. produceC. issueD. announce25. Could you please send me the latest catalogue and make sure that I am on your ______ list for futuremail shots?A. catalogueB. dialogueC. mailingD. guest26. Could you ______ the line a moment, please?A. takeB. holdC. catchD. extend27. Unfortunately Ms. Zhong is not able to ______ the appointment with you on Wednesday, as arrangedbefore.A. runB. keepC. makeD. manage28. ______ refers to knowing that there is little risk of losing one’s job.A. BureaucracyB. PromotionC. Job safetyD. Job security29. Draft(s) drawn ______ the credit must be negotiated in China on or before May 12, 2007 after whichdate this credit expires.A. atB. inC. withD. under30. The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to ______ shipment.A. quickenB. fastenC. speed upD. put upSection BDirections:Read the following passage. Fill each gap with the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center.A 31 is perhaps one of the strongest sign of customer loyalty, because making a referral goes beyond being satisfied. A customer who makes a referral is putting his own reputation on the 32 -- and takes this risk only if he is loyal. Fred Reichheld, a leader beyond the subject of customer loyalty, 33 this in his latest book, The One Number You Need To Grow. Reichheld 34 that customer loyalty can be measured by asking customers a single question: How likely would you be to remember our company to a friend? By analyzing the 35 , Reichheld believes it is possible to predict how fast a firm will grow compared with its 36 .Let’s take this notion a step 37 and look at referrals to customers loyalty programs themselves. Not only do customers refer people to companies, they also refer people to loyalty programs. Eighty-two percent of Americans 38 in customer loyalty programs have referred friends and families to their favorite loyalty programs, according to the “2004/2005 Customer Loyalty Research Report” by marketing 39 firm Parago. High income earners (with household incomes more than $125, 000) tend to be most 40 in referrals: More than 90 percent of high income members refer one or more people to a program: 64 percent of high income members.31. A. suggestion B. recommendation C. question D. complaint32. A. product B. company C. line D. business33. A. points B. says C. approves D. echoes34. A. agrees B. disagrees C. argues D. proves35. A. answers B. sayings C. remarks D. responses36. A. competitors B. staff C. customers D. responses37. A. back B. further C. farther D. next38. A. proposing B. participating C. relating D. comparing39. A. advising B. advisor C. consulate D. consulting40. A. slow B. passive C. unwilling D. activeSection CDirections:Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B, and C, and mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Dear Sir or Madam:I’m writing to complain about the way I was treated on the 4 p.m. bus from Swindon to Wotton Bassett. I had to take the bus home. For several days, my age was questioned by the bus driver.As I was embarrassed at the driver making a scene (吵闹), the first time, I paid the £1.05, instead of just 70p. When I got off I asked for my 35p back and was told to go to the bus station with proof of my age.The next day I asked once again for a child single from Blagrove to Wotton Bassett, and the male driver asked my date of birth, and then for proof. Is everyone expected to carry a birth certificate or passport around because of arrogant bus drivers? I gave the driver 70p which was the only money I had on me. I told the driver this and he stopped the bus.The other passengers were clearly frustrated and told him not to be so stupid. One of the adults knew me and tried to tell him that I was only 14 and at school but he ignored her. Luckily another passenger gave the driver the extra 35 p so that he’d drive on.How does someone like this get a job dealing with the public when he acts like this? I understand that Stagecoach is short of drivers but I think this particular driver is just going to make customers feel threatened and reluctant to travel with him.I’m sure there are other people who must have complained about his attitude and something should be done about him.I’d like my money refunded and would hope that in the future the drivers would believe what they are told.Yours faithfully(Miss) Emma Harrow41. The writer was unhappy about the bus service by the 4 p.m. bus from Swindon to Wotton Bassett.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.42. The bus driver had some doubts about the writer’s age and believed she was an adult.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.43. As a girl of 14, the writer believed she should pay only 35p for a child single from Blagrove to WottonBassett.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.44. The other passengers were annoyed by the driver’s behavior and they were on the girl’s side.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.45. The driver will lose his job because a lot of people have complained about his attitude.A. True.B. False.C. Not mentioned.Section DDirections:Look at the tables and charts below. For each table or charts, there are four statements describing it. Choose the best statement from the four choices marked A, B, C and D to matchit. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.46. Favorite movie between teenagers aged 12 — 18.ScienceFiction, 8%Romance, 14%A. Teenagers prefer foreign movie than science fiction.B. The most popular movie among teenagers is comedy.C. Teenagers like horror movie least.D. Action movie is the most popular type of movie among teenagers.A. American refined copper imported from Mainland China increased to $157 billion in 2003.B. American airplanes exported to Mainland China increased by $2.2 billion in 2003.C. Compared with 1999, America exported less still to Mainland China in 2003.D. Compared with 1999, all the American exports to Mainland China increased except grain in 2003. 48. Annual average number of new files opened per trustee, Canada, 1992—2003100130160190199219931994199519961997199819992000200120012003A. The year 2003 sees the biggest amount of new files opened per trustee.B. There is a decrease in new files opening from 1996-1999.C. There are more new files opened in the year 2002 than in the year 2001.D. More new files are opened means Canadians are getting richer.$591,000$200,000$413,000$596,00049. A. The west part of Canada spends the most amount of money on the language program.B. The less developed region tends to spent less money on the language program.C. The capital region spends the most amount of money on the language program because people therehave stronger drive to learn languages than people in other regions.D. The east part of Canada spends more than twice of the money on the language program than thecentral part.50. Average Daily Traffic for IR 270NORTH –OUTERBELT WIDERNING PROJECTS COMPLETED-(1965-2005)50,000100,000150,000200,000196519701975198019851990199520002005A. There is a sharper increase between the years 1990 to 1995 than between the years 1980 to 1990.B. In general, there is an increasing trend in average daily traffic from the year 1965 to the year 2005.C. The increase in people ’s income led to an increase in average daily traffic.D. The project was completed in 2005.Section EDirections :Read the following two passages. Choose the best answer for each statement or question fromthe four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line throw the center.Passage OneMost products must be contained before they can be moved from one place to another. To function successfully, the package must contain the product. This containment function of packaging makes a huge contribution to protecting the environment. Faulty packaging (or under packaging) can lead to spillages and result in major losses and serious damage.Packaging plays a vital role in protecting products as they go from the manufacturer to the consumer. Packaging is designed to ensure that the product reaches the consumer in good condition. The product is protected:● during tra nsport and distribution;● from climatic effects (heat and cold, moisture, vapour, drying atmospheres);● from hazardous substances and contaminants;● from infestation.Packaging can also provide supplementary product protection. This may be achieved by forms of cushioning such as shredded papers, sheets of corrugated paperboard (瓦楞纸板), foamed plastic or wrappings. Thermoformed plastic trays (for biscuits) or inner paperboard partitions (in a carton of wine) protect fragile goods. Structures that resist damage can also be created by tightly enclosing products in shrinkable or stretchable films or in tighter and smaller bundles of paperboard and corrugate.Packaging serves as a shield against infection by contamination. Improved standards of public health and processing sanitation (卫生设备) have contributed to the reduction of infection around the world. Food quality and safety are guaranteed by tamper proof packaging. Child proof closures on household chemicals/ detergents, pharmaceuticals and care products are devices developed by the packaging industry to protect against misuse.Food products are subject to biological spoilage caused by the normal enzyme(酶)-induced ageing and by microbiological decomposition caused by bacteria, yeasts (酵母) and moulds. Packaging assists inthe preservation of foods and can reduce the rate of spoilage and decomposition. Packaging therefore contributes to food safety, quality and nutrition. Packaging technology has made major contributions to advancing food science and food safety and reduction of food spoilage.A package must protect what it sells and sell what it protects. Modern methods of consumer marketing would fail were it not for the messages communicated on the package. It is not only the primary package that must communicate. Warehouses and distribution centers would be less efficient if secondary and tertiary packages lacked labels or carried incomplete details. When international trade is involved and different languages are spoken, the use of unambiguous, readily understood symbols on the distribution package is essential.Packaging protects the interests of consumers. The information contained on the package tells the consumer what the product is and how to use it. Such information includes: product brand names and descriptions; manufacturer’s name and address; quantity; use-by dates; directions fro use; storage and disposal; and cautionary or emergency information. Food packaging lists: ingredients; new weight of the contents and the number of servings; methods of preparation; recipes and serving ideas; and often the nutritional benefits of the contents. Much of this information is required by law.The printed codes on packages (including bar codes) help ensure the control of the flow of products to the consumer during bulk-distribution. Information includes: quantity, price, inventory levels, lot numbers, distribution routes, size, elapsed time since packaging, color, and merchandising and premium data.The information provided on packaging allows the consumer to make informed decisions on the product’s purchase and use.51. The main idea of this passage may be expressed as __________.A. the roles of packagingB. the types of packagingC. the importance of packagingD. the development of packaging52. According to the passage, the container of the product may prevent the product from __________.A. improving the efficiencyB. reducing the costC. polluting the environmentD. making the delivery fast53. Packaging plays great roles in the following things EXCEPT __________.A. ensuring the quality of foodB. guaranteeing the safety of foodC. providing the variety of foodD. reducing the spoilage of food54. A package sells what it protects because __________.A. packaging will influence consumers’ decisions with the information it offersB. different languages are printed on the packages of productsC. all packages contain complete symbols about the productD. the printed code offers much convenience for the sellers to sell the products55. Which function of packaging is not discussed in the passage?A. Communication function.B. Protection function.C. Containment function.D. Distribution function.Passage TwoYou may still be using paper invoice s and doing so for various reasons. Perhaps you’re unsure of the viability of electronic invoicing? Or maybe you don't trust cyberspace? It may be that you're intimidated by the changeover or feel that it will take too much time and effort? The fact is paperless invoicing is easy, convenient and inexpensive. With electronic invoices, it's estimated that a company can save 80% of the cost associated with paper billing. Additionally, those companies purchasing products are able to save money by paying via the Net without any late fees and saving money on postage, stationery and envelopes.Labor costs are lessened on both sides of the exchange.However, of the 18 billion invoices generated each year in Europe, most are still submitted on paper. For EU member nations, there has been a problem of incorporating Value Added Tax (VA T) rates into an e-invoice that crosses national borders. If you're trading within the UK, this is not a problem, but when conducting business outside native environments, electronic invoices can be problematic. Over the past few years, after the EU issued the "E-Invoice Directive" (known as Directive 2001/115/EC) in January 2004, member nations have worked to help solve this problem. However, with legislation varying from country to country there are still difficulties in making e-invoices VA T compliant. All invoices must be V AT compliant as per the laws of the land of supply. Despite these challenges on the import/export front, you can still readily cut down on paperwork by submitting e-invoices within the UK.Another problem you may face has to do with a lack of standardization in using electronic invoicing, whether dealing within the UK or outside of its boundaries. There are numerous standards that are available to businesses, including those that start with the purchaser and those that are initiated by the supplier. In order to use an e-invoice system, you'll need to determine what type of structure best meets your billing needs.Even when you have decided to use electronic invoicing, there will be a period of training and adjustment whether your operation is small, medium or large. No matter how simple the system, you'll find that employees will be confused at times. This is especially true if your former system has been used for a long period of time. Also, even in this cyber-age, many of us still find comfort in having paper in our hands.In actual use of electronic invoicing, make sure that there is a sound system of back-ups in place. The fear that information might be lost is perhaps one of the biggest reasons for people clinging to the paper invoice. However, paper can be lost too, and unlike electronically generated bills once misplaced or thrown out, they are difficult to recreate. Paper invoices also take up a lot of room that can be used for office, storage or sales space.56. Paperless invoicing ___________.A. costs more than paper billingB. costs more laborC. saves money on postage, stationery and envelopesD. may result in late fees57. Electronic invoices can be problematic when __________.A. trading within the UKB. conducting business with foreign countriesC. doing business within native environmentsD. traveling across national borders58. A period of training and adjustment is necessary in order to use electronic invoicing because _______.A. the system is so complicatedB. the option is too largeC. employees are not good at using computersD. employees have problems in using the system59. What should be done to ensure a sound use of paperless invoicing?A. Structuring new standards for each business.B. Employing more professional employees.C. Adjusting computer systems.D. Having a sound system of back-up.60. The biggest reason why some people are against the electronic invoice is that __________.A. it is more expensive than the paper invoiceB. it is too difficult to learnC. the information of the electronic invoice may be more likely to be lostD. it’s difficult to recreate the electronic invoice once they are misplacedPart III TRANSLATING & WRITING (40 minutes) Section ADirections:Translate the following passage into Chinese and write the Chinese version on the Answer Sheet.61. Thank you for your enquiry. We have a stock of 1, 000 of DP122 which we are selling off at US$20each. We can offer a quantity discount of up to 10% and are prepared to give 15% discount for an offer to buy the complete stock. Our product price will increase by 10% across the board next month.Section BDirections:Write a memo of no less than 100 words according to the given information and write it on the Answer Sheet.62. After Tony Dooly, the manager in charge of equipment repair and maintenance of DEF Companyreceives a call from Pat Baker, the sales representative of ABC Company, he says to you, “I’d like to collect suggestions from all staff on the laptops which were bought from ABC Company.” He adds that two engineers from ABC Company will come to your company and ask you to write a memo under his name, telling the staff when they have to email their suggestions to you and what the engineer will do。
河北省普通高等学校2012年计算机知识和应用能力等级考试一级操作试题A卷请考生仔细阅读下列说明后再进行操作说明:★本试卷考试时间100 分钟,卷面分数100 分。
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右键,新建,文件夹(2)在User_A文件夹下建立一个名为“考试成绩统计.xls ”的Excel 文件。
右键,新建,Excel工作表(3)在Winkt 文件夹范围内查找“game.exe ”文件,并在User_A文件夹下建立它的决捷方式,名称为“MyGame”。
搜索,右键->复制,到User_A文件夹下,右键->粘贴快捷方式,重命名(4)在Winkt 文件夹范围内查找所有扩展名为“.bmp ”的文件,并将其复制到User_A 文件夹下。
搜索,*.bmp,复制,粘贴到User_A文件夹下(5)在Winkt 文件夹范围内查找“个人总结.doc ”文件,将其设置为仅有“只读”、“隐藏”属性。
搜索,右键,属性二、字、表、图混排操作(共20 分)( 1 )编辑、排版打开Wordkt 文件夹下的WordA.doc 文件,按如下要求进行编辑、排版:A.基本编辑将正文所有的“策略”替换为红色的“策略”编辑,查找,查找文本框中输入“策略”,替换,替换文本框中输入“策略”点击“高级”,选中替换文本框,点击“格式”,选择“字体”选项,“字体颜色”选“红色”,点击“全部替换”,关闭。
2023年企业人力资源管理师之一级人力资源管理师题库检测试卷A卷附答案单选题(共60题)1、 ()不是影响集体谈判双方坚持点的主要因素。
A.宏观经济状况B.工会会员人数C.劳动力市场供求状况D.企业货币工资支付能力【答案】 B2、日本型企业集团的母公司的职能不包括( )。
A.安排集团外的投资B.决定集团成员的生产计划C.保持成员公司之间的协调D.决定成员公司领导层的人事问题【答案】 B3、泰勒等管理学家所提倡的()为现代人力资源管理理论的发展奠定了坚实的基础。
A.科学管理原理B.科学管理模式C.科学管理原则D.科学管理方法【答案】 A4、劳动者因履行劳动力派遣合同产生劳动争议而起诉,争议内容涉及接受单位的,被告应为()。
A.派遺单位B.接受单位C.派遭单位和接受单位D.派遭单位或接受单位【答案】 C5、梅奥(George Elton Mayo。
1880w1949)以著名的霍桑试验(Hawthorne Experiment)为基础。
开创性地探索了员工在企业生产中的人群关系,系统研究了作为( )的员工及其社会需要的满足问题。
A.“社会人”B.“自然人”C.“行为人”D.“思想人”【答案】 A6、采用()薪酬策略的企业更容易吸引高素质的求职者。
A.跟随型B.领先型C.滞后型D.混合型【答案】 B7、员工流动率属于平衡计分卡中的()指标。
A.财务B.客户C.内部流程D.学习和成长【答案】 D8、(2018年5月)新产品销售额在总销售额中所占的比例,是平衡计分卡中()方面的指标A.财务B.客户C.内部流程D.学习和成长【答案】 C9、投射技术只能有限地用于()的选拔。
A.基层工人B.初级管理人员C.中级管理人员D.高级管理人员【答案】 D10、(2017年5月) ISO10015 关注的焦点是()A.人B.课程C.费用D.培训效果【答案】 A11、(2016年11月)()认为对员工与企业形成的有形或无形契约进行管理会提高组织效益。
一级环保与安全教育测试题(60分钟完成,满分100分,普通工种70分为合格,特殊工种75分合格)单位:姓名:工种:分数:一、公共题(共80分)(一)单选题(从备选答案中选取正确的答案序号填入,每题2分,共20分)1、文船重工垃圾盛装容器标颜色标准中生活垃圾斗是什么颜色的( )。
A.红色B.黄色C.蓝色D.绿色2、非防爆的台扇、手电筒、行灯、电炉、电热杯等,( )带入防爆场所使用。
A、经班级长批准,可以B、严禁C、准许D、根据实际们情况确定是否可以3、安全带的正确挂扣应该是( )。
A、同一水平B、低挂高用C、高挂低用4、我公司文船厂区的火警电话是( ),急救电话号码是( )。
A、110B、119C、120D、408E、9995、在容器、双层底及狭小舱室作业,必须执行( )人监护制度。
A、单B、双C、多6、发现触电者,抢救措施首先是( )。
A、使触电者脱离电源B、对触电者进行抢救C、报警D、送医院请医生进行救治7、离基准面( )米及以上作业为高处作业,高处作业必须系挂安全带。
A、1B、2C、3D、48、夏天,高温场所作业为防止中暑,应多饮( )最好。
A、纯净水B、汽水C、含盐清凉饮料9、我公司厂区主干道机动车辆限速( )公里/小时。
A、10B、20C、30D、4010、氧气瓶和乙炔瓶与明火的距离不得小于( )米。
全国高校计算机等级考试(广西考区)一级笔试试题2009年12月26日闭卷考试考试时间:60分钟^ ▲考试类别:[,]试卷种类:[A]考生注意:①本次考试类别为[7],试卷种类为[A],请考生务必将答题卡上的试卷种类栏中的[A]方格和考试类别栏中的[7]方格涂黑。
第一卷必做模块必做模块一基础知识(14项,每项1J 5分,共21分)一、现代计算机采用了“ 1 ”原理,以此原理为基础的各类计算机统称为 2 机。
1.A.进位计数制 B. 体系结构 C. 数字化方式表示数据 D . 程序控制2.A. 布尔B.巴贝奇C冯·诺依曼 D. 图灵二、十进制数63转换成二进制数是1 。
3.A . 1100ll B . 111111 C . 111010 D.1ll0ll三、CAD是计算机的应用领域之一,其含义是 4 。
计算机的发展一般根据计算机采用的物理器件划分为四个阶段,第二代计算机采用的物理器件是 5 。
4.A.计算机辅助决定 B. 计算机辅助设计C. 计算机辅助制造 D. 计算机辅助教学5. A.晶体管B.电子管C.集成电路 D. 大规模集成电路四、关于计算机硬件组成的说法,不正确的是 6 。
微型计算机系统由7 组成。
6. A. 计算机硬件系统由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入/输出五大部分组成B.当关闭计算机电源后,内存中的程序和数据就消失C. 软盘和硬盘上的数据均可由cPu直接存取D. 软盘和硬盘驱动器既属于输入设备,又属于输出设备7. A. 硬件系统和软件系统 B. 硬件系统和程序C. 主机、显示器、鼠标和键盘D. 系统软件和应用软件五、计算机的内存储器比外存储器8 。
一级笔试试题1(A卷)一.单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共45分)1.气象预报是计算机的一项应用,按计算机应用的分类,它属于(A )。
A .集成电路 B.晶体管C.电子管D.超大规模集成电路3.计算机系统中,西文字符的标准ASCI码由(B)位二进制数组成。
A.1000100B.000101C.1000111D.10010105.4个二进制位可以表示(C )种不同的状态。
A.4B.8C.16D.326.在24*24点阵字库中,储存一个汉字的字模信息需要占用(C )个字节的储存空间。
A.2*16B.3*3C.3*24D.24*247.计算机软件是指所使用(D )的集合。
A.各种程序B.有关文档资料C.各种指令D.数据、程序和文档资料8.以“程序储存和程序控制”为基础的计算机体系结构是由(B )提出的。
A.布尔B.冯·诺依曼C.帕斯尔D.图灵9.获取指令、决定指令的执行顺序,向相应硬件部件发出控制信息,这是(B )的基本功能。
A.EEROMB.EPROMC.RAMD.ROM11.1在计算机运行中突然断电,以下(A )中的信息将会丢失。
A. B.C. D.13.影响个人计算机系统功能的因素除了软件外,还有(D)。
A.CPU的时钟频率B.内存容量C.CPU所能提供的指令集D.以上都对14.不是衡量微机硬件性能指标的是(C )。
A.字长B.运算速度C.操作系统D.内存容量15.机器指令是由二进制代码表示的,它能被计算机(D )执行。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(A)硬盘存储器(B)光盘存储器(C)内存储器 (D)优盘存储器3. Visual FoxPro和SQL Server等数据库管理系统所采用的数据模型是()。
(A)解释(B)汇编(C)编译(D)翻译7 .IPv4协议中,其IP地址由()两部分组成。
(A)HUB (B)网桥(C)路由器(D)交换器14.中央处理器由()组成。
(A)程序语言处理程序、操作系统、数据库管理系统(B)文字处理程序、编辑程序、UNIX操作系统(C)财务处理软件、金融软件、Microsoft Office 2010(D)Word2010、Photoshop、Windows716.在存储一个汉字内码的两个字节中,每个字节的最高位是()。
(A)1和1 (B)1和0(C)0和1 (D)0和017.操作系统中,文件管理不具备文件的()功能。
(A)LAN (B)MAN(C)WAN (D)Internet 20.“剪切”的功能是把选定内容移到()。
(A) (B) (D) 23.能直接与CPU交换信息的存储器是()。
(A)Windows (B)WPS(C)OFFICE (D)Visual FoxPro 25.以下正确的电子邮箱地址是()。
(A) (B).COM(C)LXY@. (D)LXY@26.PowerPoint演示文稿在放映时能呈现多种动态效果,这些效果()。
5.慕课(MOOC,Massive Online Open Course ,即大规模在线开放课程)是一个网络学习平台。
5.显示分辨率为1280×1024,显示颜色为32位,则需要显示缓冲区的大小为()KB.(要求计算出最终结果)6.Windows中,要复制当前文件夹中已经选中的对象,可使用组合键Ctrl+( )来完成。